Terry and Judith Crist, Lead Pastors Phoenix
(Friday Church News Notes, May 12, 2017, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Hillsong publishes the most influential contemporary Christian music
today, and Hillsong is also at the forefront of building a “one world
church” through ecumenical unity. Recently the
senior pastor of Hillsong Phoenix made the following statement via
video: “I’m Dr. Terry Crist, the senior pastor of City of Grace
[Hillsong Phoenix], and the Chair for the [Arizona] Governor’s Council
of Faith and Community Partnership. And I want to congratulate Dr. Gary
Kinnaman, Joe Tuscany, [Catholic] Bishop [Thomas] Olmsted, and
[Catholic] Bishop [Eduardo] Nevares for their extraordinary work in
bringing together Catholics and evangelicals. Something powerful happens
when we rally around
the person of Jesus. Our church is a member of a global family of
churches called Hillsong. Our primary church is located in Sydney,
Australia … And it’s been beautiful to see over the last few years how
that Catholics around the world have lifted the songs of our church and
have begun singing them universally. Songs like ‘Shout to the Lord,’
‘Mighty to Save.’ … So many times we focus on what divides us instead
of the Man who unites us. Jesus is that God-man who calls us all to
Himself, and
when we respond to that something transcendent happens, something that
unites us, so much deeper than just mere agreement. And out of that
unity comes a shared mission”
Only an apostate would say that Jesus is pleased with unity of a mixed
multitude Christianity composed of those who hold different doctrines
and even different gospels.
The Scripture boldly warns about the danger
of false gospels, false christs, and
false spirits (2 Corinthians 11:1-15). This again affirms the warning
that using contemporary worship music builds dangerous bridges to the
“broader church” or the “one-world church.” This is plainly forbidden by
Scripture (e.g., Romans 16:17; 1 Corinthians 15:33;
2 Timothy 3:5). It is so very sad that so many Baptist pastors are ill
informed on this issue and even sadder that they are not willing to
become properly educated. Instead they are busy justifying their
compromise and denigrating and
blacklisting the few remaining voices of warning. These are not wise and
good shepherds of God’s flocks. Please join me in praying daily and
fervently for pastors to be raised up who are called of God, qualified,
passionate for Christ and truth, men of scriptural vision, prayer
warriors, men who will lead the churches in serious discipleship rather
than entertainment, who will lead churches to be strong in God’s Word,
strong in prayer, wise and careful in evangelism, men who will seek to
strong homes that can effectually discipline the children and disciple
the youth.