VIDEO: Robert Spencer Poisoned in Iceland
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Last Thursday, I gave a lecture on the jihad threat at the Grand
Hotel in Reykjavik, Iceland. Shortly thereafter, a young Icelandic
Leftist registered his disapproval of what I said by poisoning me.

It happened after the event, when my security chief, the organizers
of the event, and Jihad Watch writer Christine Williams, who had also
been invited to speak, went with me to a local restaurant to celebrate
the success of the evening.

At this crowded Reykjavik establishment, I was quickly recognized. A
young Icelander called me by name, shook my hand, and said he was a big
fan. Shortly after that, another citizen of that famously genteel and
courteous land also called me by name, shook my hand, and said “F**k
We took that marvelous Icelandic greeting as a cue to leave. But the
damage had already been done. About fifteen minutes later, when I got
back in my hotel room, I began to feel numbness in my face, hands, and
feet. I began trembling and vomiting. My heart was racing dangerously. I
spent the night in a Reykjavik hospital.
What had happened quickly became clear, and was soon confirmed by a
hospital test: one of these local Icelanders who had approached me
(probably the one who said he was a big fan, as he was much closer to me
than the “F**k you” guy) had dropped drugs into my drink. I wasn’t and
am not on any other medication, and so there wasn’t any other
explanation of how these things had gotten into my bloodstream.
For several days thereafter I was ill, but I did get to Reykjavik’s
police station and gave them a bigger case than they have seen in good
awhile. The police official with whom I spoke took immediate steps to
identify and locate the principal suspects and obtain the restaurant’s
surveillance video.
Iceland is a small country. Everyone knows everyone else. And so as
it happened, I was quickly able to discover the identity, phone number,
and Facebook page of the primary suspect, the young man who claimed he
was a “big fan.” I don’t intend to call him.  Icelandic police will be
contacting him soon enough, if they haven’t done so already.
However, I did look at his Facebook page, and as I expected, I saw
nothing that might indicate that he really was a “big fan” of my work,
or that he held any views out of the mainstream — which is, courtesy of
Iceland’s political and media elites, dominated entirely by the Left.
The most likely scenario is that this young man, or whoever drugged
me, heard that a notorious “racist” was coming to Reykjavik, by chance
saw me in the restaurant, and decided to teach me a lesson with some of
the illegal drugs that are as plentiful in Reykjavik as they are
anywhere else.
I should have seen it coming. After all, my visit had triggered a
firestorm of abuse in the Icelandic press, all based on American Leftist
talking points. Every story about my visit had the same elements: the
notice that the SPLC claims that I purvey “hate speech,” which is a
subjective judgment used to shut down dissent from the establishment
line; the fact that I am banned from Britain, with no mention of the key
detail that I was banned for saying that Islam has doctrines of violence (which is like being banned for saying water is wet) and for the crime of supporting Israel; and the false claim
that I incited the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik to kill (in
reality, I’m no more responsible for Breivik’s murders than the Beatles
are for Charles Manson’s). After the event, one article even featured a
big photo of Breivik, but quoted nary a thing I said that evening.
Not a single Icelandic media outlet that ran a story about my coming
or about the event itself contacted me for comment, much less for
rebuttal to the charges they made against me. One TV station did air an
interview with me in which the interviewer refused to believe that I did
not feel responsible for the Breivik murders, and asked me about them
again and again.
After the event, articles in the Icelandic press included quotes from
the 50 protesters, but none included even a single quotation or
description of anything we had actually said. None quoted any of the 500
brave Icelanders who braved the hatred of the politically correct
elites to come to the Grand Hotel to hear me and Ms. Williams – a
staggeringly large number in a country of 300,000 people.
It’s clear: jihad and Islamization are not subjects that Icelandic
politicians and media opinion-makers want Icelanders to discuss.
That’s all the more reason why it must be discussed.
But meanwhile, I learned my lesson. The lesson I learned was that
media demonization of those who dissent from the Leftist line is direct
incitement to violence. By portraying me and others who raise legitimate
questions about jihad terror and Sharia oppression as racist, bigoted
Islamophobes, without allowing us a fair hearing, the media in Iceland
and elsewhere in the West is actively endangering those who dare to
dissent. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the Council on
American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Center for American Progress and
the rest who devote so much money, time and attention to demonizing
“Islamophobes” are painting huge targets on our backs.
Of course, they think they’re doing something noble. Not only does
the Left fill those whom it brainwashes with hate, but it does so while
portraying its enemies as the hatemongers, such that violent Leftists
such as the young man who drugged me feel righteous even as they
victimize and brutalize conservatives.
There is no doubt about it: I’m certain that whoever poisoned me in
Iceland went away feeling happy over what he had done. If he told anyone
what he did, I’m sure he was hailed as a hero. I’m also aware that many
who read this will be thrilled at the fact that I became seriously ill.
That in itself is a sign of how degenerate and evil the Left has
All over the West, as Leftist students riot and physically menace
conservative speakers and Leftist spokesmen indulge in the most
hysterical rhetoric to defame their foes, politicians cower in fear and
decline to discuss these issues, only ensuring that the problems I
identified when I spoke in Reykjavik will continue to grow in Iceland
and elsewhere.
As they were rising to power in Germany, the Nazis indoctrinated
their young followers with the same message: those who oppose us are
evil. Those who brutalize them are doing a great thing. The Left’s
demonization of its opponents today will lead to exactly the same thing.
It already has for me, in beautiful Reykjavik.

Spencer said that about 15 minutes later, when he returned to his
hotel room, “I began to feel numbness in my face, hands and feet. I
began trembling and vomiting. My heart was racing dangerously. I spent
the night in a Reykjavik hospital.”

The doctor states in his one-page report, dated May 12, that Spencer tested “positive for amphetamine and MDMA.”

MDMA, commonly known as “ecstasy,” typically causes an increase in heart rate.

Spencer told WND that the doctor “tried to downplay what happened,” but the report makes it clear he was drugged.

“When he spoke to me, he mentioned only Ritalin, and seemed skeptical when I told him I had never taken Ritalin.”

Spencer said the doctor didn’t mention MDMA to him, although it ended up in the report.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 FATIMA, Portugal — Jorge Bergoglio, the Roman 
Catholic leader known as Pope Francis, has “sainted” two of three 
Portuguese shepherds who purportedly saw an apparition of Mary a century
 ago and are credited with two miracles following their death. The 
occasion, which is widely accepted among Catholics worldwide, is 
rejected by evangelicals, who note numerous conflicts with biblical 

According to reports, an estimated 500,000 people flocked to the
Fatima Sanctuary Complex on Saturday, where the children are buried.
Some crawled the final few yards on their hands and knees.

“According to the belief and experience of many pilgrims—if not of
all, Fatima is more than anything this mantle of light that protects us,
here as in almost no other place on earth. We need but take refuge
under the protection of the virgin Mary and to ask her, as the Salve
Regina teaches: ‘Show unto us … Jesus,’” Bergoglio declared.

“With Mary’s protection, may we be for our world sentinels of the
dawn, contemplating the true face of Jesus the Saviour,” he said.

The canonization took place exactly one hundred years to the day that
Roman Catholics believe that Mary appeared to three shepherd
children—Jacinta and Francisco Marto, ages 9 and 7, and their cousin
Lucia—telling them to return to the location on the thirteenth of each
month for the next six months, where she would deliver various messages.

“Will you take us to Heaven?” Lucia asked.

“Yes, I shall take Jacinta and Francisco soon, but you will remain a
little longer, since Jesus wishes you to make me known and loved on
earth. He wishes also for you to establish devotion in the world to my
immaculate heart,” Mary replied, according to Catholic legend.

Some of the children during the purported visitations asked for healing for certain acquaintences who were ill.

“Some I will cure during the year. Pray, pray very much. Make
sacrifices for sinners. Many souls go to Hell because no one is willing
to help them with sacrifice,” Mary replied.

Identifying herself as “the lady of the rosary,” she also asked that a
chapel be built in her name and that the children continually pray the
rosary to help end World War I.

“I want a chapel built here in my honor. I want you to continue
saying the rosary every day. The war will end soon, and the soldiers
will return to their homes,” Mary said.

The Marto siblings died while still children during the flu pandemic,
but their cousin lived to be 97. Lucia provided an account of the
incident to the Vatican, and locals built a chapel and a statue to Mary
at the location, which later also became the site of an elaborate

The children’s bodies were exhumed and moved to the basilica, and
Roman Catholics began making regular pilgrimage to the location.

In the Roman Catholic religion, in order for a person to be sainted,
they must be credited with bringing about two miracles after their death
through their intercession, with the exception of just one miracle for
those who are martyred for their faith.

In 2000, John Paul II issued a decree stating that the Marto siblings
were jointly responsible for a miracle, and “beatified” the deceased
children. A woman who watched the service on television then
claimed that she prayed to Jacinto and Francisco for healing of her
child’s diabetes, and he was cured.

In March, Bergoglio signed a decree recognizing the purported second
miracle required for canonization, and then traveled to Portugal to
declare the Martos as “saints” on Saturday in front of half a million
followers. He also prayed before the children’s tombs and offered a
golden rose at the feet of the Marian statue.

“Hail holy queen, blessed virgin of Fatima, lady of immaculate
heart, our refuge and our way to God!” he declared, according to a
transcript from Vatican Radio.

GendronHowever, not all believe that the Marian apparition was of God or that the canonization process is biblical.

“It is heartbreaking to see hundreds of thousands of Catholics being
deceived by great signs and wonders that our Lord warned us about
(Matthew 24:24),” Mike Gendron of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries told
Christian News Network on Monday.

“The Bible warns us that these last days will marked by the activity
of Satan, who will use signs and false wonders to deceive the world (2
Thessalonians 2:9). Our only protection against deception is to test
everything with the supreme authority of God’s Word (Act. 17:11).”

He said that it could not have been Mary who appeared to the children.

“We know it was not Mary who appeared to the Fatima children because
the apparition proclaimed a different gospel,” Gendron explained. “One
of the messages the ‘counterfeit Mary’ gave was, ‘Many souls go to Hell
because there is no one to make sacrifices for them.’ Other messages
that were given to the children called for Catholics to do penance and
obey the law for salvation, which is contrary to the gospel.”

The former longtime Roman Catholic who now encourages adherents to
compare Catholic doctrine with Scripture also noted the absurdity of
crediting the deceased with miracles.

“The unbiblical tradition of canonizing dead Catholics who are
credited with two miracles began in the 12th century with Pope Innocent
III. The number of miracles that were required fluctuated over the years
from two to six until the 1917 Code of Canon Law provided a loophole.
If miracles were lacking, the pope could dispense the requirement,” he

“Yet, the word ‘saint’ appears 229 times in the New Testament and not
once does it refer to the deceased who had been been credited with
miracles, but rather the living faithful who been sanctified by the
truth of God’s Word,” Gendron said.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

President Donald Trump gave a powerful commencement speech to
graduating students at Liberty University this weekend highlighting,
among other important topics, America’s Christian heritage and the
God-given rights of the American people. Blasting Big Government,
insiders, the “broken system,” and the establishment behind it all,
along with the establishment’s efforts to lord over the lives of
Americans using the coercive power of the state, Trump urged the sea of
Christian graduates to fight back as they go out into the world as
future leaders. He also promised to defend religious liberty and
America’s heritage of freedom — described as a gift from God — as long
as he remains in office.

Throughout the May 13 commencement speech, Trump invoked God the
Creator, Christ, the Gospel, faith, and the Bible more than two-dozen
times. It was a thoroughly Americanist speech and perfectly appropriate
for the setting, an evangelical Christian university in Lynchburg,
Virginia, that is considered the largest of its kind in the world.
Despite some reservations about Trump expressed by a number of prominent
Christian voices, Liberty University leaders including its president,
Jerry Falwell, Jr., supported Trump, as did countless Christian voters
who were considered crucial to Trump’s historic electoral victory over
the entire establishment. The president gratefully and playfully
acknowledged that support and the key role it played in securing the
White House.  

Trump’s speech was infused from top to bottom with tributes to faith
and God the Creator, whom Trump credited for freedom and America’s
greatness. “America has always been the land of dreams because America
is a nation of true believers,” Trump told the more than 7,000 attendees
and the countless others who watched the speech online. “When the
pilgrims landed at Plymouth they prayed. When the founders wrote the
Declaration of Independence, they invoked our Creator four times,
because in America we don’t worship government, we worship God.” That
catchy line blasting statism as idolatry made headlines across America,
even in the anti-Trump establishment media often ridiculed by Trump for
being purveyors of “fake news.”

The president went on to cite multiple examples showing that America
has always been a Christian nation with its faith in God. “That is why
our elected officials put their hands on the Bible and say, ´So help me
God,´ as they take the oath of office. It is why our currency proudly
declares, ´In God We Trust,´ and it’s why we proudly proclaim that we
are one nation under God every time we say the pledge of allegiance.” In
fact, the whole story of America is “the story of an adventure that
began with deep faith, big dreams and humble beginnings,” the president

Trump also called for unity and highlighted the fact that all
Americans were made by the same God. “We must always remember that we
share one home and one glorious destiny whether we are brown, black or
white,” he said. “We all bleed the same red blood of patriots. We all
salute the same great American flag, and we are all made by the same
almighty God. As long as you remember what you have learned here at
Liberty, as long as you have pride in your beliefs, courage in your
convictions and faith in your God, then you will not fail.”

Especially in recent years, millions of Americans have become
increasingly pessimistic about the future, with more than a few
conservatives and Christians suggesting that America, like Rome, was an
empire in irreversible decline. Trump rejected that view, sounding
optimistic about the future — provided Americans keep their faith where
it belongs. “And as long as America remains true to its values, loyal to
its citizens, and devoted to its Creator, then our best days are yet to
come, I can promise you that,” he said, echoing an increasingly common
theme among his supporters, millions of whom, rightly or wrongly, viewed
his election as some sort divine intervention. “America is beginning a
new chapter.”

With many Christians feeling under assault by Washington, D.C., during Obama’s reign
— government mandated everything from providing birth-control by
religious organizations to participation in homosexual “weddings” by
Christians — Trump vowed to protect religious freedom, as well. “As long
as I am your president, no one is ever going to stop you from
practicing your faith or from preaching what’s in your heart,” he said.
“We will always stand up for the right of all Americans to pray to God
and to follow His teachings…. America is better when people put their
faith into action.”

Continuing with that theme, Trump painted a picture of an
out-of-control establishment at war with traditional American values
such as Christianity and limited government. “A small group of failed
voices who think they know everything and understand everyone want to
tell everybody else how to live and what to do and how to think,” he
said. “But you aren’t going to let other people tell you what you
believe, especially when you know that you’re right.”

In a dramatic contrast to other commencement speeches by statist Big
Government mongers at other colleges and universities, Trump highlighted
the value of Christian charity, voluntary giving, and more, as opposed
to constant reliance on government. “And those of you graduating here
today, who have given half a million hours of charity last year alone,
unbelievable amount of work and charity and few universities or colleges
can claim anything even close, we don’t need a lecture from Washington
on how to lead our lives,” Trump said. “I’m standing here looking at the
next generation of American leaders.”

Taking aim at the establishment “Insiders,” the president expressed
pride in being an outsider, and called on the Christian graduates in
front of him to embrace it, too. “The more people tell you it’s not
possible, that it can’t be done, the more you should be absolutely
determined to prove them wrong,” Trump declared, saying the word
“impossible” should be treated as nothing more than motivation. “Relish
the opportunity to be an outsider. Embrace that label — being an
outsider is fine, embrace the label — because it’s the outsiders who
change the world and who make a real and lasting difference.”

Trump also called on graduates to take action in replacing the
establishment’s corrupt and broken system with legitimate government —
no matter how much the establishment whines and complains about it. “The
more that a broken system tells you that you’re wrong, the more certain
you should be that you must keep pushing ahead, you must keep pushing
forward,” the president explained. “And you will have the faith to
replace a broken establishment with a government that serves and
protects the people.”

He praised the thousands of Christian students graduating assembled
there, in particular. “Liberty University is a place where they really
have true champions and you have a simple creed that you live by: To be,
really, champions for Christ,” Trump declared. “Whether you’re called
to be a missionary overseas, to shepherd a church or to be a leader in
your community, you are living witness of the gospel message of faith,
hope and love.” The comments were met enthusiastically, with countless
graduates and families quoted in media reports praising Trump and his

Trump paid a special tribute to veterans and those who serve in the
U.S. Armed Forces. “We’re also deeply honored to be joined by some of
the nearly 6000 service members, military veterans and military spouses
who are receiving their diplomas today,” he said. “Will you please
stand. Please stand. Wow. That’s great. Thank you very much, great job.
We’re profoundly grateful to every single one of you who sacrificed to
keep us safe and protect God’s precious gift of freedom. It is truly a
testament to this university and to the values that you embrace that
your graduating class includes so many patriots who have served our
country in uniform.”

Trump’s hopeful, pro-liberty, pro-Christianity, anti-establishment
remarks represented a remarkable contrast with other commencement
speeches delivered this weekend by radical left-wing politicians and
anti-God zealots at secular, government-run universities increasingly
infamous for hostility to God and liberty. Indeed, from former President
Bill Clinton and radical leftist U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren to
failed Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and even washed-up
comedians, there was a loud chorus of critics urging graduates at other
schools across America to expand government, assault liberty, and
sideline moral values.      

While Trump’s speech was made at a Christian university to a
Christian audience, the president has used similar language in other
speeches aimed at the entire American public. In his inaugural address, for example,
Trump quoted the Bible and acknowledged God the Creator as the true
source of America’s protection. In that historic speech, the president
also put the self-appointed globalist establishment on notice that the
American people were back in charge.

But even assuming Trump is entirely sincere, he cannot beat back the
establishment and protect liberty on his own. Christians, patriots, and
conservatives across America must join together to ensure that those
timeless American values Trump highlighted are preserved and protected.

Related articles:

President Trump Cites Bible in Unity Call; Touts “America First”

Reclaiming Religion in America

Trump vs. the Establishment

‘Tis the Season in Which We Celebrate America’s Christian Heritage

“Us-versus-them” Obama Again Slams Christianity

A Review of “Resurrecting the Idea of a Christian Society”

Michael Savage: “West Will Collapse” Without Christian Revival

Is “Trumpism” Really “Bircherism”?

Trump Victory Proves “Mainstream” Media Is Globalist Fringe


Turkey accused of cracking down on critics abroad



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 The New York Times reported that
 Gulenists have been hunted and in hiding as a result of Turkish 
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s aggressive campaign against them, 
despite their insistence that they are not involved in plotting against 
him and the implausibility of the charges themselves. Erdogan is now 
reportedly expanding his jihadist thuggery and reach, as his AKP Party 
is said to be using tactics similar to those
 of the Islamic Republic of Iran to silence his critics abroad. All the 
while, Western authorities remain passive in the face of this increasing
 aggression from jihadists of all sides.

“Report: Turkey adopts extrajudicial tactics to crack down on critics abroad”, Turkish Minute (thanks to The Religion of Peace), May 14, 2017:

A new report by the Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF)
shows that Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) government has
adopted a thuggish new tactic in persecuting its critics and opponents
abroad by orchestrating abductions, enforced disappearances and
extrajudicial renditions in addition to the profiling and harassment of
Turkish expatriates by government institutions and clandestine groups.
The report, which was released by SCF on Saturday, was drawn from a
case study on Malaysia where three Turkish citizens who are followers of
faith-based Gülen movement, which is accused by Turkey of being behind a
failed coup last summer, were detained and handed over to Turkish
authorities over their alleged ties to the Islamic State in Iraq and the
Levant (ISIL).
“The Malaysian example showed how Turkish President [Recep Tayyip]
Erdoğan can drag other leaders in his crime syndicate that trumps
international human rights law. Corrupt and authoritarian regimes appear
to be aiding and abetting Erdoğan’s posse in his illegal manhunt in
exchange for political deals and economic incentives,” said SCF
President Abdullah Bozkurt in the report.
According to Bozkurt, these three people who were turned over to
Turkey on false charges will be subjected to torture, abuse and inhuman
treatment for simply belonging to the Gülen movement. “[The] Malaysian
government will be held accountable for enabling Erdoğan’s crimes
against humanity in the future,” he added.
“Although critics from all walks of life including Kurds and Alevis
were targeted in general in this stigmatizing effort by the Turkish
government, members of [a] civic group called the Hizmet (Gülen)
movement, which is inspired by US-based Turkish Muslim cleric Fethullah
Gülen, have borne the brunt of this major campaign of witch-hunt,” the
report said.
According to earlier reports by SCF, Turkish embassies, government
agencies including intelligence services and nongovernmental
organizations affiliated with the AKP government have all been involved
in the profiling and harassment of members of the Gülen movement.
The report also said the Malaysian example represents an extreme case
where law-abiding and peaceful people who participated in Gülen’s
advocacy of interfaith dialogue efforts were unlawfully detained and
abused before being extradited to Turkey.


 Turkish President Declared Caliph 
Of The Muslim World 
 Published on Dec 29, 2015

he wrote for Yeni Safak, the pro-Erdogan main newspaper under the
control of Erdogan in Istanbul. In his article regarding the new
presidential system which Erdogan wants to establish, Karaman
desperately defended Erdogan and declared what we were saying all along
they will do; that Erdogan will soon become the Caliph for all Muslims.
The following is a presentation of the exciting part in an article
Hayrettin Karaman wrote: “During the debate on the presidential
system, here is what everyone must do so while taking into account the
direction of the world’s national interest and the future of the country
and not focus on the party or a particular person. What this
[presidential system] looks like is the Islamic caliphate system in
terms of its mechanism. In this system the people choose the leader,
the Prince, and then all will pledge the Bay’ah [allegiance] and then
the chosen president appoints the high government bureaucracy and he
cannot interfere in the judiciary where the Committee will audit
legislation independent of the president. ” Hayrettin Karaman…

 Who Will Lead The Global Caliphate? 
Erdogan Or Gulen 
 Published on Apr 18, 2017

opponents question Erdogan’s “victory” in a referendum increasing his
power, he goes on the offensive against his adversary, in exile in the
US, accusing 17 individuals in the US of aiding Fethullah Gulen.

David Knight of Infowars reports:
 Nine injured as Erdoğan’s bodyguards violently attack Kurdish protesters in DC

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

According to witnesses, a brawl erupted when Erdoğan’s
security detail attacked protesters carrying the flag of the Kurdish PYD
party outside the residence.

This is a sign of what is to come. When Islamic supremacists are
emboldened, their violence increases. Erdoğan has become emboldened
recently — even more so since emerging victorious in a referendum that
significantly broadened his powers:

The Turkish republic has always been flawed, but it
always contained the aspiration that – against the backdrop of the
principles to which successive constitutions claimed fidelity – it could
become a democracy. Erdoğan’s new Turkey closes off that prospect.

The jihadist dictator Erdoğan is bent on expanding his powers both inside and outside Turkey. Erdoğan’s temper recently flared against Europe when several European governments refused “to allow his ministers to rally Turkish expatriates.” He also declared
that “Europe is collapsing…Europe will pay for what they have done in
humiliating and oppressing Turks”; and in response to a European
headscarf ban in the workplace, he accused Europe of starting “a clash between the cross and the crescent.”

Now he is so bold as to allow his thugs to behave violently on American soil.

“’Erdoğan’s bodyguards’ in violent clash with protesters in Washington DC”, Guardian, May 17, 2017:

Nine people were hurt and two arrests were made during an
altercation at the Turkish ambassador’s residence in the US capital
during a visit by Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

According to witnesses, a brawl erupted when Erdoğan’s security
detail attacked protesters carrying the flag of the Kurdish PYD party
outside the residence. A local NBC television affiliate reported Erdoğan
was inside the building at the time.

Metropolitan Police Department spokesman Dustin Sternbeck said the
altercation broke out between two groups but he didn’t elaborate on the
circumstances. He said two people were arrested, including one who was
charged with assaulting a police officer.

“All of the sudden they just ran towards us,” Yazidi Kurd
demonstrator Lucy Usoyan told ABC, adding that she was attacked by a
pro-Erdoğan supporter.

“Someone was beating me in the head nonstop, and I thought, ‘Okay, I’m on the ground already, what is the purpose to beat me?’”

The altercation came the same day that Erdoğan met Donald Trump at the White House. The State Department declined to comment.

Earlier Trump and Erdoğan had stood side by side at the White House
and promised to strengthen strained ties despite the Turkish leader’s
stern warning about Washington’s arming of a Kurdish militia.

Fresh from securing his grip on Turkey with a referendum to enhance his powers,
Erdoğan came to the Oval Office with complaints about US support for
Kurdish fighters and what Ankara says is Washington’s harbouring of the
mastermind of a failed coup.

But both leaders also tried to put a brave face on their differences and
to renew a key alliance between Nato’s leading power and its biggest
Muslim member, partners in the fight against the Islamic State group in
Syria and Iraq.

“It is absolutely unacceptable to take the YPG-PYD into consideration
as partners in the region, and it’s going against a global agreement we
reached,” Erdoğan said, referring to the Kurdish Peoples’ Protection
Units (YPG) in Syria.

“In the same way, we should never allow those groups who want to
change the ethnic or religious structures in the region to use terrorism
as a pretext,” he added…..
