SEE: https://pulpitandpen.org/2019/01/16/ed-stetzer-sticks-up-for-pro-choice-students-calls-pro-life-speaker-too-provocative/;  republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Wheaton College is so theologically messed up that it has handed over the Billy Graham Center to Ed Stetzer, who has subsequently trotted in the Mystichicks (Moore, Voskamp, Caine) to disciple and teach the students. Ed Stetzer has been on the wrong side (and the money-making side) of every evangelical controversy in the last fifteen years. And most recently, Stetzer is defending pro-choice Wheaton students who melted like snowflakes over a pro-life speaker giving them the facts on abortion.
In an article at Christianity Astray, Stetzer begins by clarifying that Wheaton’s official position is pro-life. This is called being website orthodox, referring people to a statement, confession, or hyperlink, that supposedly proves your orthodoxy. This is Stetzer’s way of defending pro-choice students and their pro-choice point of view while saying to anyone questioning the decision, “We are all pro-life here, so there’s nothing to see, Citizen…move along.”
Of course, Stetzer’s proposition that Wheaton faculty are all pro-life because they abide by a document on Wheaton’s website somewhere is spurious. Remember the hijab-wearing Muslim professor who claimed that Muslims and Christians worshipped the same God? Yeah, that was at Wheaton. So I think it’s safe to assume that their “our college officially believes this, so that’s all there is to it,” stops at hijab-wearing Muslim professors. You’ll have to forgive us for being incredulous.
For those who don’t know, Ryan Bomberger was recently asked to speak at Wheaton on the topic of abortion and race at the request of the College Republicans. His talk was entitled, Black Lives Matter In and Out of the Womb.” It’s here that you can cue the outrage, and as you can imagine among Generation Snowflake, it went over like a lead balloon.
The weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth could be heard all the way from Stetzer’s Beth Moore lined office.. The Student Government Association, with the help of two staff members (Peter Hansen and Crystal Cartwright) of the Office of Student Activities, sent out an email denouncing Bombgarner. It was signed by students, Lauren Rowley (Student Body President), Tyler Waaler (Student Body Vice President) and Sammie Shields (EVP of Community Diversity), and the letter claimed that his comments “made many students, staff and faculty of color feel unheard, underrepresented and unsafe on our campus.”
Bomberger, by the way, is black. So then, the news media picked up the story because it’s pretty hilarious that someone considerably more “black” than Kyle J. Howard would make students of color feel “underrepresented.” To which all God’s people said under their breath, idiots.
Who comes to the rescue but Ed Stetzer?
Rushing in on his gallant white surfboard upon which he rides all the major waves of culture, Stetzer claimed that Bomberger’s message wasn’t the problem but something (he doesn’t know what) that he said afterward must have been the problem and that he must have been “provocative.”
But Stetzer is not defending the pro-choice position. No, sir. He’s pro-life because that’s the official position of Wheaton College. He’s only defending the snowflake students swooning on the fainting couches in their safe spaces because the pro-life speaker gave them emotional boo-boos.
Of the pro-life speaker, Stetzer wrote…
If disagreement is unsafe, then Wheaton is unsafe. If you don’t like people challenging your ideas when you are intentionally provocative, this is not the place to come and speak.
What a Judas Priest, that guy.
He continued…
You see, we debate ideas here at Wheaton, and our students felt that some of Bomberger’s comments after the talk were unhelpful and dismissive, not about abortion, but about other issues of concern to them.
Honestly, I would not have used the charged word “safe” that the students used in that email, but it does convey the kind of place we want Wheaton to be—a safe place to debate ideas and a safe place for people of color.
It doesn’t really sound like ideas are debated at Wheaton. It sounds like they’re raising a generation of fragile crybabies, whose professors stick binkies in their mouths instead of making them grow up and deal with facts like black babies being slaughtered at enormously disproportionate rates.


SEE: https://pulpitandpen.org/2019/01/18/chinese-rewrite-bible-to-make-it-more-communist/;  republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
[Lifesite News] BEIJING, January 18, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – As it arrests Christian pastors, vandalizes or destroys Christians churches, and demands control over Christian leaders, the Chinese government is also altering Christian scriptures to suit its tastes.
In 2018, the Communist Chinese government embarked on a five-year plan to make Christianity more compatible to what it sees as authentic Chinese and socialist values. Stephen Mosher, author of Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream Is the New Threat to World Order, told LifeSiteNews that altering the Bible is part of this plan.
“It is part of a larger effort in China to sinicize all religions, at the same time bringing them into line with Communist ideology,” Mosher said by email.
“So far, it is (1) no longer possible to buy a copy of the Bible online [in China], (2) existing copies of the Bible are being confiscated whenever the authorities come across them, and (3) there are new versions of all sacred texts – Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, etc. – that reinforce Communist ideology in the making,” he continued.
Bob Fu, a Chinese Evangelical pastor, testified at the U.S. House of Representatives last year that one of the ways China hopes to make Christianity more “Chinese” is to retranslate the Old Testament and write new commentaries on the New Testament.
“The plan made it clear that ‘Sinicization of Christianity’ means to change ‘Christianity in China’ into ‘Chinese Christianity,’” Fu told members of the House Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations last September.
The scheme emphasizes that “the heart and soul of Christianity’s Sinicization is to Sincize the Christian theology” and wants even to “re-translate the Bible or re-write biblical commentaries.”
Fu said a retranslation would involve a summary of the Old Testament with Buddhist scripture and Confucian teachings.
The pastor told The Christian Post that there are official guidelines “that the new Bible should not look westernized and [should look] Chinese and reflect Chinese ethics of Confucianism and socialism.”
“The Old Testament will be messed up. The New Testament will have new commentaries to interpret it.”
To continue reading, click here
[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Dorothy Cummings McLean and first published at LifeSiteNews. This HT is not an endorsement of LifeSiteNews]
EXCERPT: The plan, finalized at a meeting this March, proposes “cultivating and implementing the socialist core values” and will be supervised by the national religious affairs bureau. “Every province, autonomous region and municipality’s TSPM and CCC seminaries and churches will cooperate with it,” according to Fu.”

AND: https://bitterwinter.org/you-shall-have-no-god-before-marx/

China Rewrites Bible

Propaganda materials
Propaganda materials declaring the Communist Party members cannot believe in religion, issued by a school in northeastern China.

A public institution demands its Party members sign their names after watching a “Party micro-lecture,” to make sure that all have been acquainted with the atheist propaganda.
Communist Party members must be unyielding Marxist atheists
Propaganda material distributed to teachers in a school of northeastern China quotes Xi Jinping’s call for party members “to be unyielding Marxist atheists, strictly abide by regulations of the Party Constitution, strengthen their conviction and ideals, keep the Party’s goal firmly in mind, and not seek for values and beliefs from religions.”


SEE: http://the-trumpet-online.com/lgbtq-crowd-really-want/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Well, the zealots of the LGBTQ crowd have demanded that Karen Pence, wife of Vice President Pence, resign from her job as art teacher at a Virginia Christian school. It seems the school has a policy of not accepting students or hiring teachers unless they adhere to the biblical position that homosexuality is evil. (Gasp! how dare they!) If the Pence family caves to the bullies on the disgusting left, then they will have demonstrated that they are weak, wobbly, and wimpy Christians.
What do the homosexuals want? They want compliance with their irrational, irresponsible, and immoral demands: Everyone must march to their tune even if the music and the march are obnoxious.
Pastor Justin Hoke, spiritual leader of Trinity Bible Presbyterian Church in Weed, California, is standing in the unemployment line after he declared on his church sign on December 3, “Bruce Jenner is still a man. Homosexuality is still a sin. The culture may change. The Bible does not.” The sign said it all. It could not be more factual and the fact that it is true does not mean it is hateful. Truth is not hate, maybe uncomfortable but not hateful. But the LGBTQ activists came down hard on the pastor and even some of his church leaders refused to stand with him.
All radical leftists talk about tolerance, fairness, equal rights, freedom of expression, freedom of religion but that is only applicable if everyone drinks the purple Kool Aid by accepting their radical agenda. Are all radical leftists hypocrites or are all hypocrites radical leftists?
What in the world do homosexuals really want? They want acceptance even respectability and no criticism. It seems they want special treatment, not equal rights; and their death rate indicates they will receive “rites,” not rights if they continue on a dead-end street. 
More than 60% of America’s AIDS cases and over 50% of syphilis cases (and other STDs) come from the homosexual crowd. Moreover, the stats indicate that they live twenty-four years fewer than normal people because of some of the dumb, dangerous, and deadly things they do.
Homosexuality is wrong today, was wrong yesterday and will be wrong tomorrow no matter what any court or authority might decide. However, stating that fact can be dangerous for its advocate.
Author George Orwell wrote, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” And it seems that is where we are today. The exertions of academia, media, Hollywood, Congress, and the courts have accomplished a remarkable feat: incredibly, they have transformed our nation in twenty-five years by being disingenuous, deceptive, and dishonest. The permissive crowd has convinced most people to believe right is now wrong and wrong is now right. Decent living is now considered unnecessary and perversion is no longer repugnant, reprehensible, and repulsive, but is thought (by non-thinkers) to be courageous, even commendable.
It seems “we have come a long way baby,” in recent few years but we’ve gone in the wrong direction. Many stalwart Americans are standing athwart the gasping, heaving body of American culture saying, “You are wrong. Perversion is immoral and it will destroy those who practice it and it will destroy this nation.” Our lives should be directed by good judgment, common sense, and God’s commandments.
Same-sex “marriage” zealots tell us that such “marriages” are a matter of fairness but it is a matter of right and wrong. Same-sex “marriages” are also an oxymoron. They talk of “marriage” but two people of the same gender yoking is not marriage and saying so does not make it so. If every court in America and every politician says same-sex “marriage” is normal and desirable, it is still not so. A falsehood is still a falsehood if everyone affirms it and the truth is still the truth if everyone rejects it!
The cousin of Chief Justice Roberts who is an admitted lesbian declared that homosexuality should be legal because “society is becoming more accepting of the humanity of same-sex couples and the simple truth that we deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and equality under the law.” Must I lecture Chief Justice Roberts’ cousin that right and wrong are not decided by society’s constantly changing values—or by any court? It should be remembered that some cultures slaughtered children while others ate their enemies. In other ancient cultures, children were sacrificed to pagan gods. My comparison is not accidental. Homosexuality has always been considered an unspeakable crime against nature and against a holy God!
It is inconceivable that homosexuals, with a straight face, demand respect and recognition and reception of their lifestyle! Informed people are mindful that they do extremely disgusting, dangerous, and deadly things. And they demand respect. What chutzpah! Or as the British say, “What cheek.” But, it seems homosexuals are without shame.
I introduced a bill in the Indiana House of Representatives in 1977 to restore sodomy as a felony as it had been since Indiana became a state. My opposition came out of the arts, universities, and closets to protest my bill. A professor from Indiana University irrationally characterized the biblical characters David and Jonathan as lovers and stated that homosexuals only want to be left alone. He ranted that the new law would be tyrannical and repressive; however, what it would have done is restrict homosexuals from cruising in the parks and having abnormal sex with strangers in public bathrooms, among other things. It would also have made some university professors unlawful, uncomfortable, and unemployed.
I informed him and my fellow committee members that homosexuals did not just want to be left alone but they wanted the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval on their immoral actions. I said, “They want the public to accept and respect their lifestyle but that will not happen as long as sincere, dedicated, and informed Christians are still alive.”
I also abhor the tidal wave of fornication that has deluged America but at least fornication is not aberrant or abnormal. Homosexual activists have hijacked our culture. I was wrong in my prediction. Many Christian leaders have caved to the LGBTQ under the cover of “love.” It’s really palpable cowardice.
All principled people have always realized that truth always trumps love.
Many Evangelicals have raised the white flag in this battle as they refuse to stand on biblical truth and they use reason to commit treason against Christ. The cowards, compromisers, and charlatans speak of “love” while they strangle unpleasant truth. And even if we in opposition are filled with hate, it is better to have truth in hate than error in love.
Besides, unpleasant, uncomfortable, and unpopular truth is not always hate speech.
Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available; to get your copy. An eBook edition is also available.
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Double Standard Revealed in Media Attack 

on Karen Pence’s Christianity

The media sunk to a new low when they attacked second lady Karen Pence this week for her decision to teach art at a Christian school in Virginia. CNN’s chief national correspondent John King even questioned whether or not Pence should receive taxpayer-funded security protection or government housing because she is working for a Christian school.

The War on Christianity is Coming to You


Des milliers de Gilets Jaunes toujours très mobilisés se sont donné rendez-vous à l’esplanade des Invalides pour entamer une grande marche dans la capitale et revenir au point de départ. Un hommage aux victimes a été rendu.
A Paris, le samedi 19 janvier 2018.


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2019/01/palestinian-authority-spends-six-times-more-on-jihad-terrorists-than-it-does-on-its-own-needyrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
So if there really are any “Palestinians” who are starving, it isn’t Israel’s doing.
“PA spends 6 times more on terrorists than on its own needy,” by Maurice Hirsch, Palestinian Media Watch, January 17, 2019 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
In its 2017 budget, the Palestinian Authority allocated 550 million shekels to pay salaries to terrorist prisoners and released terrorist prisoners. The salaries paid to these recipients, among them murderers, ranged from 1,400 shekels/month to 12,000 shekels/month. The beneficiaries of these payments are no more than a few tens of thousands of Palestinians.
In contrast, the PA spent only 605 million to provide financial assistance to needy Palestinian families. According to the PA budget, the 118,000 needy families received payments ranging between 750 to 1,800 shekels/quarter.
Of the 605 million shekel expenditure, 515 million shekels was funded by the international community (165 million shekels by the European Union, and 350 million shekels by the World Bank). As such, the PA contributed only 90 million shekels of the 604 million shekel expenditure.
In other words, while the PA spent 550 million shekels of its budget a year to incentivize and reward terrorists no more the a few tens of thousands of terrorists, it spends only 90 million shekels to support its needy population. In comparison, the amount it spent on the needy equals only 16% of the amount the PA prefers to spend on rewards for terror and murder!…


Americans nationwide are calling upon Texas governor Greg Abbott to keep his promise to a teenager who died of cancer in August, who asked Abbott as his dying wish to work to outlaw abortion in the Lone Star State.
“For my wish, I wanted to talk to you and discuss a bill of abolition,” 16-year-old Jeremiah Thomas, who was diagnosed with osteoblastic osteosarcoma, told Abbott on the phone last June from his hospital room at McLane Children’s Hospital. “[W]e want you to treat abortion like an act of murder that should be punished by law.”
“I know that it must be difficult standing against a whole federal beast that forces abortion on us, but I think that we … could end abortion here and now,” he said.
Abbott’s response made Thomas smile. He noted that the Texas Republican party platform expresses a desire to abolish abortion, and that lawmakers planned on putting forward a bill that would make abortion illegal in the state.
“Your wish is on the Republican party platform and it’s what we’re going to be pursuing this next legislative session—that’s to outlaw abortion altogether in the state of Texas,” he told Thomas, the recording of which was posted to social media. “And so, your wish has been granted.”
The legislation referenced by Abbott is that of Rep. Tony Tinderholt, R-Arlington, who similarly presented a bill in 2017 to abolish abortion, but it was stalled by the speaker of the House. Tinderholt has re-filed his bill for the 2019 legislative season.
Tinderholt told reporters upon first filing the measure that the bill is in response to language in the Texas Republican Party platform, which was passed in May 2016, calling for the complete abolition of abortion in the state.
“We call upon the Texas legislature to enact legislation stopping the murder of unborn children; and to ignore and refuse to enforce any and all federal statutes, regulations, executive orders, and court rulings, which would deprive an unborn child of the right to life,” the platform text reads.
Now that the Abolition of Abortion in Texas Act, House Bill 948, has again been put forward and the legislature is back in session, a campaign has been launched to hold Abbott to his promise.
Matt Trewhella, pastor of Mercy Seat Christian Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, leader of a ministry that serves to be a voice for preborn children and author of “The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates,” told Christian News Network that the time is right to press Abbott to take a stand for the preborn.
“This whole thing that the GOP politicians and pro-life, pro-family groups have been doing for years of trying to regulate the murder of the preborn needs to stop,” he stated. “Rather they need to say, ‘State magistrates, do your duty and stop this murder in our state.’”
“Gov. Abbott can use his influence behind the scenes regarding this bill of interposition and abolition of the murder of the preborn,” Trewhella explained. “We’re hoping that he will use his influence behind the scenes so that the bill does get a full hearing before the legislature, and we’re hopeful that it will pass and that he will sign it.”


Trewhella outlined that today’s civil leaders must return to the concept of interposition—that is, to stand in the gap whenever those of greater power issue decrees that are evil and conflict with the law of God.
“Western civilization has always stood upon the needed premise that divine law trumps human law [and] that unjust laws are no laws at all,” he stated, adding that the Supreme Court ruling of Roe v. Wade is “not even a law,” but an opinion.
Trewhella further pointed to the words of the words of Thomas Jefferson, who wrote a letter to William Jarvis in 1820 to express concern about the inordinate weight of authority and infallibility presumed to belong to the nation’s judges.
“You seem … to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed and one which would place us under the despotism of an Oligarchy,” Jefferson wrote. “… The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal knowing that, to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party it’s members would become despots. It has more wisely made all the departments co-equal and co-sovereign within themselves.”
Trewhella explained that such is why the founders created multiple levels and branches of government, so that “if any one branch began to play the tyrant, even if it was the Supreme Court itself, all of the branches would interpose against the tyrant in order to reign in their tyranny.”
He lamented that no civil magistrates seem to be taking a stand in modern times.
“Do we think we can fill the nation with innocent blood and escape the righteous judgment of God?” Trewhella asked. “The interposition of the just magistrate or magistrates may possibly abate the just judgment of God, but none has come forth—not one governor, not one attorney general, not one legislature, not one mayor, not one city council.”
“46 years now of brutal bloodshed of the most helpless, and all these lesser magistrates have done is quibble and falsely lament how they must obey the Supreme Court. And such thinking as that stands in utter contradiction to Scripture and utter contradiction to the whole history of western civilization,” he added.


While it is not known where Gov. Abbott stands in regard to interposition and his view of the Supreme Court, other Republican governors who identify as pro-life have rejected challenges to Roe because they feel that the effort is futile.
As previously reported, in 2016, then-Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin, a Republican who identified herself as “the most pro-life governor in the nation,” vetoed a bill that would have outlawed abortion in the state, opining that the issue of abortion has to be dealt with in the nation’s highest court, and that the legislation would not “accomplish that re-examination.”
“In fact, the most direct path to a re-examination of the United States Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v. Wade is the appointment of a conservative, pro-life justice to the United States Supreme Court,” she remarked in her veto message.
And while it would not have outlawed abortion altogether, Republican Ohio Gov. John Kasich has now twice vetoed a bill that would ban abortion whenever a heartbeat is detected, stating that such a law would not hold up in court and the state would end up paying thousands in legal fees to Planned Parenthood. He similarly expressed the mindset that he felt bound to the Supreme Court.

Kasich Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

“As governor, I have worked hard to strengthen Ohio’s protections for the sanctity of human life, and I have a deep respect for my fellow members of the pro-life community and their ongoing efforts in defense of unborn life,” Kasich wrote in his veto explanation. “However, the central provision of H.B. 258, that an abortion cannot be performed if a heartbeat has been detected in the unborn child, is contrary to the Supreme Court rulings on abortion.”
“This is why we need to call upon [Gov. Abbott] to be different,” Trewhella said. “The GOP politicians and the pro-life, pro-family groups have been following the Roe paradigm for 46 years now. In other words, [they are] acting like they have to obey the Roe v. Wade issued by the court in 1973. And so everything they do goes back to the court, and the court is the tyrant that started this bloodshed.”
“What we’re saying here is, and what Rep. Tinderholt’s bill does—it says, we’re going to ignore the Roe v. Wade opinion, we are going to ignore the Supreme Court, we are not going to obey this evil that they have foisted upon the land,” he outlined. “And this is what our founders expected to happen, because our founders established a true federalism.”
When laws are challenged in court, it is the job of the state attorney general’s office to defend those statutes and the position of the governor. The office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has already made statements that have raised concern.
As previously reported, in 2017, as the State of Texas had been sued surrounding a law that required aborted babies to either be buried or cremated—which could have shut down a number of abortion facilities that were not able to comply, whether financially or due to a lack of business cooperation—Assistant Attorney General John Langley surprisingly told U.S. District Judge Sam Sparks in court that “fetal tissue is not human remains” under Texas law.
“So it’s the official doctrine of the state that fetal tissue is not human remains?” Sparks inquired. “So you’re bringing dignity to non-human remains?”
“[Texas cremation law] deals with human bodies—bodies that have been born, lived and died. Fetal remains are categorized as pathological waste. It’s not a human body. It hasn’t been born,” Langley later stated. “It’s the state’s best effort to try to make the best of this situation.”
Paxton, who reportedly attends Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, also said in a statement in September following an adverse court ruling, “We established during a weeklong trial in July that the law is constitutional and does not impact the abortion procedure or the availability of abortion in Texas.”
It is remarks like these, Trewhella said, that heighten the need to call upon Abbott and his administration to stand unwaveringly this time around. He noted that it is the duty of the people to encourage Abbott to do what is right, and then to support him when he does so.
“The role of the people regarding the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate is to prod their magistrates to do right when evil is trying to be done by the superior civil authority, and then to rally around their magistrate—to give them everything personally, publicly, of their prayers—to stand with them in their interposition,” Trewhella stated.
When asked how he could provide insight into why Christians need to get involved in issues such as these, he explained that the Body of Christ must live in sync with the heart of God, and must be motivated to act out of a burden for those things that hurt and offend a holy God, rather than coasting along with the rest of cultural Christianity.
“When you read history and you read the prophets of the Holy Scripture, you see that luxury is often an enemy of the souls of men. Luxury and ease tends of un-man them and destroy nations. And we, as Christian people, are not immune to the luxury and ease of this nation,” Trewhella said. “And so, we have to spend time in God’s Word and with each other talking about the things of Him in order to be built up in the faith, in order to stay on the straight and narrow path, and to do those things that are dear to His heart.”
“When it comes to the helpless and the shedding of innocent blood, we need to speak out so that bloodshed is brought to an end in our nation,” he exhorted.
A website has been launched surrounding the effort, called JeremiahsWish.org, where visitors may also sign a petition to Gov. Abbott. Supporters nationwide are additionally uploading videos to social media that kindly call for Abbott to keep his promise to Thomas.
“I join Jeremiah’s wish to see abortion ended in Texas,” the petition reads. “Please keep your promise to pursue the complete outlaw of abortion this legislative session by making it an emergency item. I promise to stand with you to protect the preborn children of Texas.”

Feminists Get Pop Quiz: 

Learn Abortion is Leading Cause of Death in US

Report by Kaitlin Bennett of Infowars


SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2019/01/what-the-irs-can-and-should-do-to-rein-in-islamic-and-palestinian-propaganda-at-universities;  republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Universities today are not institutions of higher learning, but indoctrination centers for far-Left propaganda. Leonard Getz, a retired IRS official, here explains how the IRS can and should put a stop to this.
“How the IRS Can Rein In Radical Islam and Anti-Israel Propaganda Courses at Universities,” by Leonard Getz and Cliff Rieders, PJ Media, January 18, 2019:
In its Fall 2018 catalogue, Tufts University’s Colonialism Studies and Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies departments offered the course “Colonizing Palestine” which “will address crucial questions relating to this embattled nation, the Israeli state which illegally occupies Palestine, and the broader global forces that impinge on Palestinians and Israelis.” Several Jewish organizations, news outlets, and students quickly reacted to the course’s stated premise, characterizing it as “political propaganda masquerading as an academic class.”
One student wrote: “This language is not merely inflammatory — it positions a one-sided narrative as truth from the outset of the semester.” A student group pointed out that the course violates the school’s presidential guidelines. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) responded, demanding that Tufts University “must ensure that classes examining the complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict are not one sided platforms for propaganda that demonize Israel & empower anti-Israel activists.”
The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA) noted: “In addition to the title of the course suggesting a distorted account of the Palestinian-Israel conflict, the course professor, Thomas Abowd is an outspoken activist against Israel. He is on the advisory board for the Boston branch of Jewish Voice for Peace — an extremist pro-BDS [Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions] organization that has hosted and honored the terrorist Rasmea Odeah.”
The Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) painted a broader picture: “[T]his class is a paramount example of what has been occurring in the field of Middle East Studies over the last quarter of a century, where the truth — and a good solid education — is being sacrificed on the altar of mere political propaganda.”
The concerns expressed had no impact on the school’s policy. Indeed, the Tufts administration merely responded: “We will not let these spurious attacks derail inquiry at our university.”
No one mentioned, and the university does not seem concerned, that this course and many courses like it put the university’s tax-exempt status in jeopardy.
Educational facilities such as Tufts and all other universities are required to adhere to specific tax-exempt status clauses embedded in the Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) and Treasury Regulations 1.501(c)(3)-1(d)(3). Under the regulation, an organization may be educational even if it advocates a particular position or viewpoint, so long as it presents a sufficiently full and fair exposition of the pertinent facts as to permit an individual or the public to form an independent opinion or conclusion.
In 1986, the IRS developed the “methodology test” to supplement the regulation’s “full and fair exposition” standard — Revenue Procedure 86-43. The test assists in determining whether the method used by an educational organization to communicate a particular viewpoint or position is educational. Under the test, a method is not educational if it fails to provide a “factual foundation” for the position or viewpoint or “a development from the relevant facts that would materially aid a listener or reader in a learning process.”
The IRS identified four factors that would lead to the conclusion the method of instruction is not educational:
  • a significant portion of the group’s communications consists of the presentation of viewpoints or positions that are unsupported by facts;
  • facts that purport to support the viewpoints or positions are distorted;
  • the group’s presentations make substantial use of inflammatory and disparaging terms and express conclusions based more on strong emotional feelings rather than objective evaluation; and
  • the presentation’s approach is not aimed at developing the audience’s understanding of the subject matter because it does not consider their background or training.
The presence of any one of these factors indicates the organization’s method of communicating its views does not meet the criteria to be “educational” and therefore subject to having their tax-exempt status revoked.
So far, two cases applying the methodology test have gone to court. In Nationalist Movement v. Comm’r, 102 T.C. 558, *4 (April 11, 1994) the Tax Court held for the government, finding that this group did not qualify as educational when its newsletters were filled with inflammatory language and unsupported conclusions. The court also rejected the argument that the methodology test was overly vague. Further, the court did not find the test’s purpose or effect to be the suppression of “disfavored ideas.”
In National Association for the Legal Support of Alternative Schools v. Comm’r, 71 T.C. 118 (1978) the court held that a group that advocated for the use of alternative schools met the “full and fair exposition” test when it (1) made publicly available copies of all the briefs, including those of the opposing parties in relevant legal actions; (2) encouraged those with different viewpoints to submit articles to its newsletter; and (3) provided information on a subject that was useful and beneficial to the public.
A review of several universities’ approach to Israel and Middle East studies indicate a failure to meet the IRS criteria of being an educational facility.
In Commentary’s July/August 2018 issue, Boston College’s Sociology Course 3367, “Human Rights and Social Justice in Israel & Palestine” is extensively discussed in the Ardie Goldman article “My Time Among the Propagandists”. Like Tufts’ Professor Abowd, this class is taught by Associate Professor Eve Spangler, who also promotes the BDS movement and is a speaker for the campus’ Students for Justice in Palestine. Goldman observed the students’ hostility and “presumed to have been the product of a combination of sources: the bias of their classroom lectures, the partisan readings they had been assigned, and the politically skewed experiences of their tour up to that point.” Like Tufts, the course description raises serious issues as to whether the university is promoting a prohibited political agenda. While it purports to “prepare students to better understand the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in a “human rights framework” it invokes terms as “apartheid,” “genocide,” and “ethnic cleansing,” attributing these negative precepts to the state of Israel; “ … students will be “bearing witness’ … to the sufferings and resilience of occupied communities and the courage and wisdom of dissidents,” a barely veiled reference to Palestinians Arabs living under Israeli authority.
Is the charged and partisan language educational, or does it fail the IRS criteria for use of inflammatory and disparaging terms, and express conclusions based on strong emotional feelings rather than objective evaluation?
The course description also indicates an unacceptable bias. “[N]arratives often trump facts … For this class, we will not be interested in the often described and seemingly contradictory land claims found in the Old Testament and the Quran.” In fact, there are no contradictory land claims between the Old Testament and the Quran. The Old Testament — the Bible/Torah — claims the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people, while the Quran never claims the land of Israel belongs to Muslims.
Goldman observes: “Conflicting facts were dismissed, even ridiculed. Anecdotes that described coexistence between local Jews and Arabs were ignored because they didn’t fit the recognized paradigm. Such tours target the heart, not the mind.” A strong case could be made that Sanger’s class and the tour violate criteria 1, 2, and 3 of Rev Proc 86-43, putting Boston College in the crosshairs of the IRS.
Let us review the Ethnic Studies Department at the University of California, Berkeley. In September 2015 that department sponsored a talk by Omar Barghouti, a co-founder of the anti-Israel BDS campaign. According to U of C Student Adah Forer: “A double standard is evident, as multiple departments refused to host Professor Alan Dershowitz but have hosted anti-Israel speakers in the past, thus taking away from the academic integrity they supposedly stand for.” It is also in violation of its tax-exempt status as an educational institution.
Like many universities in this country, UC Berkeley’s Middle East Studies program is subsidized by Saudi Arabia. According to an article by Giulio Meotti, “Islam Buys Out Western Academia (June 2011)”: “Riyadh spent one hundred billion dollars to spread Wahhabism, the most anti-Semitic and extremist version of Islam … 5 million dollars were donated to the Center for Middle East Studies at Berkeley, 20 million dollars were donated to the Middle East Studies Center at the University of Arkansas.”
On April 14, 2017, Prof. Phyllis Chesler, the world’s foremost expert on honor killings, was disinvited from an honor killings conference at the University of Arkansas by three professors from The King Fahd Center of Middle East Studies because she wrote for “right wing publications.” Disinviting Ms. Chesler was a violation of Revenue Procedure 86-43. (To its credit, University of Arkansas suspended the director of the Center for disinviting her.)
The Alavi Foundation, a private, Iranian-American not-for profit organization, has provided since 1973 over $50 million to clinics and universities including Harvard, Columbia, Princeton, Rutgers University, Bard College, the University of Virginia, Brandeis University, Catholic University of America, and Sacred Heart University to promote the study of Persian culture and civilization. Hamid Azimi, communications director for the Iranian-American Community of Northern California, said the Alavi Foundation is just one part of Iran’s “propaganda machine” in the United States. In June 2017, a Manhattan jury found that the Alavi Foundation was controlled by the Tehran regime, a violation of U.S. sanctions against Iran.
“Did this foundation attempt to subvert American academic institutions?” asked Congressman Dan Donovan (R-NY), on August 1, 2017. “We need to investigate this, and universities have to do a better job of vetting their donors.” “This is all about Iran laundering their policies through academe,” said Michael Rubin, an Iran expert at the American Enterprise Institute think tank.
Consider the teachings of the following university professors
Rutgers Professor Hooshang Amirahmadi: “Unfortunately, a large part of the problems between Iran and the US are not based in reality, but are based on myths. The problem of terrorism is a true myth. Iran has not been involved in any terrorist organization. Neither Hezbollah nor Hamas are terrorist organizations.” If this viewpoint is not based on facts it is a violation of Rev. Proc 86-43, subjecting Rutgers to losing its tax-exempt status.
Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidi admonished Washington, D.C. for its “hysteria about suicide bombers,” “worries that Jews will ‘Infest’ the Trump Administration,” and insists that “Jerusalem is and has to be seen as the capital of Palestine, of a Palestinian-Arab state.” During 2015 and 2016, 93% of Israel-related events sponsored by the Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia University, directed by Khalidi, included anti-Israel, pro-BDS speakers” — more than double any other U.S. school. These teaching are violations of Rev. Proc 86-43, i.e., viewpoints unsupported by facts and which are inflammatory and disparaging.
Georgetown University’s H.R.H. Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding received $20M from Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (recently arrested for financial corruption). The past director of this program, John Esposito, taught that “Islamist violence is beyond the bounds of approved research … Islamist movements are movements of democratic reform.” The Investigative Project on Terrorism found Esposito allied with a series of people directly involved in terrorist and extremist movements, including convicted terrorist Sami Al-Arian, an acknowledged member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. The late Muslim American Society Imam W. Deen Mohammed did not mince words when he said, referring to the bin Talal Center, “these donations are not intended to fund objective scholarship, they’re meant to forward the Wahabi School of thought.”
Georgetown’s violations are not restricted to the classroom. It is open to the world via its online “The Bridge Initiative” dedicated to the exposing and disposing of “Islamophobia.” On the surface this sounds like a worthwhile endeavor. It sets out to “examine attitudes and behaviors towards Muslims; dissect public discourses on Islam; and uncover the operational mechanisms of engineered Islamophobia in an effort to raise public awareness and enrich public discourse on this pernicious form of prejudice.” The Bridge Initiative sets the stage for the view that any criticism of anything Islam is Islamophobic. Its premise is that, “in recent decades, anti-Islam and anti-Muslim bigotry and discrimination has increased exponentially in the United States and Europe, with national and global consequences. Pseudo-scholars and polemicists peddle their writing online, are viewed by many as credible and reliable voices, and therefore strongly impact popular culture. … As a result, Americans — the majority of whom look to the Internet for information and answers on pressing questions — miss credible empirical information and are bombarded with pseudo-scholarship that fosters prejudice and fear.”
Consider the article on the Bridge Initiative website written by Brooklyn College, “Prof Moustafa Bayoumi on Being Muslim and American During the War on Terror” posted on May 8, 2017, written by Bridge Initiative Team. He explains that Islamophobia existed long before 9/11, but that afterward the government started using it for political purposes. This is stated without any examples or proof of how the government is using Islamophobia for political purposes. Thus, it is a violation of Rev Proc 86-43.
The piece “As Islamophobia Surges, Anti-Muslim Speakers Exploit Fears”, posted on June 29, 2016, and also written by Bridge Initiative Team, states: “In the decade-and-a-half since 9/11, anti-Muslim speakers, bloggers and activists like Robert Spencer and Brigitte Gabriel have become a dime a dozen. “
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and has led seminars on Islam and jihad for the United States Central Command, the United States Army Command, and the Joint Terrorism Task Force. He is the author of numerous books, including Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam is Subverting America Without Guns or Bombs.
Brigitte Gabriel is founder and chairman of ACT for America, a large national security grassroots organization in the United States. She has addressed the United Nations, the Australian prime minister, members of British Parliament/House of Commons, members of the United States Congress, the Pentagon, the Joint Forces Staff College, the U.S. Special Operations Command, The U.S. Asymmetric Warfare group, and the FBI. In 2016, she was knighted by the Knights of Malta in Europe for her international work on fighting terrorism and standing up for Western Judeo-Christian values. Others knighted include Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, Nelson Mandela, and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. She has said: “Moderate Muslims must organize and engage those enlightened, educated and westernized Muslims in the community to begin a dialogue to discuss the possibility of reform in Islam.”
Is it a fact that Robert Spencer and Brigitte Gabriel are anti-Muslim, or are they being unfairly labeled by the Bridge Initiative because they speak out against radical Islam? Is it presenting a sufficiently full and fair exposition of the pertinent facts to permit an individual or the public to form an independent opinion or conclusion about Robert Spencer and Brigitte Gabriel? Or is the Bridge Initiative espousing a disparaging opinion and trying to spin it as a fact, rendering Georgetown University in violation of its tax-exempt status?
While the Bridge Initiative does acknowledge that “rational criticism of Islam or Muslims based on factual evidence is not intrinsically Islamophobia,” a browser would be hard-pressed to find any examples of this on its website. Nor would one find any consideration of the view that Americans are not Islamophobic, but concerned and wary of the lack of Muslim recognition and condemnation of radical elements in Islam responsible for worldwide terrorism.
In the Bridge Initiative world, any criticism of Islam is Islamophobic — including, and especially, of the Muslim Brotherhood. It heaps praise on this organization, touting it as a “force for democratization and stability in the Middle East.” It criticizes “Ted Cruz’s Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Bill” (posted on January 18, 2017, and written by Bridge Initiative Team), declaring: “The basis for Cruz’s bill is one solitary document: a memo from the early 1990s supposedly written by a leading figure of the Muslim Brotherhood, which details a plan to subvert Western civilization. Cruz’s guide on this matter, Frank Gaffney, is the leader of the Center for Security Policy — a recognized anti-Muslim hate group. Their claims about the memo have been debunked.”
What does the Bridge Initiative mean by “recognized?” It means recognized only by the left-leaning Southern Poverty Law Center. The article omits that important fact. And how was it “debunked?” It was “debunked” in an earlier article by the Bridge Initiative Team themselves, and no one else.


for informational, educational and research purposes:
The court ruling refutes Planned Parenthood’s own talking points about how 
the CMP videos were “highly edited.”
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the state of Texas can strip taxpayer 
subsidies from Planned Parenthood, primarily based on evidence found in undercover 
videos of the abortion provider’s involvement in harvesting and selling aborted baby 
body parts for profit. The undercover videos in question were first released in 2015 by 
David Daleiden, founder and project lead at the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), 
and scrutinized by Planned Parenthood and members of the media as “deceptively 
edited.” “Planned Parenthood for years has been smearing us trying to say the videos 
were not accurate or somehow misleading,” Daleiden said in an interview with Federalist 
contributor DC McAllister. “The Fifth Circuit explicitly found in their ruling last night that 
the Center for Medical Progress’ videos are authentic…and could be relied upon by Texas 
and by others as the regulatory and other enforcement proceedings.”
Embedded video
The court ruling directly refutes Planned Parenthood’s own talking points about how the 
CMP videos were “highly edited,” and “falsely portray[ing] Planned Parenthood’s 
participation in tissue donation programs.”
“The video camera doesn’t lie: CMP’s undercover video series caught Planned 
Parenthood’s top leaders openly admitting to selling baby body parts for profit in 
violation of federal law,” said the Center for Medical Progress in a statement. “Now it 
is time for the Department of Justice to do its job and hold Planned Parenthood 
accountable to the law.”

Feminists Get Pop Quiz: Learn Abortion 

is Leading Cause of Death in US


Brooklyn Girl with Hateful, Islamist Views

“Despite having a wife in the spotlight, Sarsour’s husband, Maher Judeh (a.k.a., Maher Abo Tamer) believes that Muslim women should censor themselves on social media, saying “they can socialize on Facebook with friends but to an extent [sic].”  Judeh works as a cashier at a deli/convenience store in Brooklyn. The deli is known for selling alcohol to minors.”
“In the past, Judeh has expresses a fondness for Fatah. He praised Palestinian Authority police officer Amjad Sukkari “Abu Omar” as a hero. Sukkari carried out a shooting attack at a checkpoint in Israel. He mourned the death of the brothers (and Hamas “master terrorists”) Adel and Imad Awadallah. Judeh has also spoken of the founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), George Habash, in glowing terms.  Habash has been describes by some as the “godfather of Middle East terrorism.”  Judeh at one point in time was allegedly facing deportation.”
“Sarsour is seen as a rising star in the Democratic Party.  However, when she’s not busy with narcissistic self-promotion, she spews hatred.” 
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Every day more secrets are revealed about the Muslim Brotherhood and the State of Qatar, which stands behind the Muslim Brotherhood and supports it financially and morally through several tools and institutions, both inside Arab countries and in the West, especially in the United States of America, under the cover of the charities and NGO organizations located in those countries.
Linda Sarsour is an Arab American of Palestinian origin and executive director of the New York-based Arab American Society, an association that is administratively linked to the Qatar Foundation International and ideologically follows the Muslim Brotherhood and Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi – a terror promoter — who strongly supports the terrorist Hamas movement and the Qatari government, which is allied with adherents of political Islam. The Qatar Foundation International is closely linked to the Qatari government. Former US Treasury Department analyst Jonathan Schanzer describes the institution  as “an ATM for the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliated groups, the spiritual father of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, as well as funding Hamas and terror groups in Syria.” Schanzer stressed that Qatar’s neighbors from Arab countries were “nauseated” by Qatar’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Qatar Foundation and the Emir of Qatar established the Al-Qaradawi Research Center in honor of Qaradawi. The purpose of the Center was to promote Al-Qaradawi’s ideas on the basis that he was a pioneer of moderate Islamic thought for Muslims today. In January 2012, the Qatar Foundation (QF) opened a center for Islamic legislation and advocacy. Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of the Brotherhood’s founder Hassan al-Banna and the son of Brotherhood leader Saeed Ramadan, was appointed as the director of research of  the center.
At the same time, the Qatar Foundation has strong ties to the International Institute of Islamic Thought, an affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States that was investigated on terror finance issues after the 9/11 attacks. The deputy director of the Qatar Foundation for Islamic Legislation and Advocacy was Jasser Odeh. At the same time, he taught and lectured at the International Institute of Islamic Thought, as he mentioned in his own profile. The Muslim Brotherhood in the United States described the International Institute of Islamic Thought as one of “our organizations and institutions owned by our friends” in a secret memo issued in 1991. The memo states that the purpose of its network in the United States is “a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destructing Western civilization from within.”
Now we come back to Linda Sarsour, who also has suspicious personal relationships. In 2004, Sarsour told the press that the US authorities questioned her and her Palestinian husband Maher Judeh, who was threatened with deportation after living in the United States for seven years. In the same interview, Sarsour mentioned that one of her cousins spent 25 years in prison in Israel, and that a family friend was sentenced to 99 years in prison. She added that her unmarried brother was also serving a 12-month sentence for being a member of Hamas.
The New York Police Department opened an investigation into the relationships of the Arab-American Association, headed by Linda Sarsour, and tried to obtain information about its board members. It found that its chairman was Dr. Ahmed Jaber, head of the Dawood mosque, known as the Islamic Mission in America. Sarsour is constantly trying to portray law enforcement officials and the government as unfair to Muslims, and her claims and fears of terrorist plots are in fact government conspiracies, according to Sarsour.
For example, Sarsour said that New York police detectives fabricated terror cases so they could get funding for the New York Police Department. The government stopped an al-Qaeda plot to destroy an aircraft using an explosive device hidden in a person’s underwear: Sarsour claimed the attacker was actually a CIA agent. In an interview, Sarsour said that “fear of Islam” is merely a manifestation of American persecution of minorities, and the United States remains a democratic state with an authoritarian element. Sarsour is known to launch fierce attacks on Muslim Brotherhood opponents, including Muslim dissidents themselves, so the Qatar-affiliated Brotherhood put its money in the right place when it decided to invest in her organization.
Sarsour was honored as one of the “Extraordinary Brooklyn Women,” and has sparked controversy because of her closeness to Bill de Blasio, the mayor of New York. The newspapers added that in the past, if you wanted to become mayor of New York, you had to campaign to get closer to the Jews and get their votes, but now in a clear shift, you need to race not only to get the support of Muslims, but the voices of those with ties to Hamas, as is the case Linda Sarsour. Sarsour has also been charged with anti-Semitism because of her public pride that she has relatives who have been convicted of belonging to the terrorist Hamas movement.
Linda’s brother, Jameel Sarsour, is accused of belonging to the terrorist group Hamas and being on the terrorist list of the United States government, under the category of a “specialized international terrorist” by the US Treasury Department. It is strange that Jamil Sarsour lives freely in the U.S. although the government has given him this terrorist label. The FBI agents who investigated him, including FBI agent Robert Wright and retired FBI agent John Vincent, are very angry about it.
Despite this, Sarsour was a familiar face in the Obama White House. The Obama administration opened the White House to adherents of political Islam; they attended hundreds of meetings at the White House. Court documents and other records have confirmed that many of these visitors belong to groups that act as fronts for the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and other Islamic organizations. These investigations were based on a comprehensive analysis of records of visitors to the White House. These meetings were conducted with groups such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other groups linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. In 2013, White House officials received a delegation from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which is now banned in Egypt and many Arab states as a terror group. It seeks to impose Sharia by force. They visited the White House. And Sarsour confirmed that she was  invited to at least seven White House meetings between 2010 and 2014.
Obama is gone from the White House, but Sarsour’s continuing influence on the Left is a bad omen for America, a sign of what will happen in the future.


In a Time of Universal Deceit, 
Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

Liberty is dying in America, and I (the director of Killing Europe) expose in the new movie Killing Free Speech how the U.S. is going down the same self-destructive road as Europe. The film exposes the radical left’s actions to silence free speech and the mainstream media’s efforts to shut down any point of view impeding an open-border agenda. From Antifa violence in the streets to CAIR-imposed censorship, to hijab-wearing teachers teaching Islamic values in our schools. The film features embattled Border Patrol agents and shocking undercover footage of the far-left extremist groups operating in America. Killing Free Speech reveals their tactics and lays bare the open-borders agenda on the radical left.
“NBPC 1613 wants the public to know the truth about what is going on at the border so that they can make informed decisions as to what is truly needed to secure the borders effectively, humanely and safely. Killing Free Speech gave us a voice and an opportunity to speak the truth and it is a powerful testament to the men and women of the Border Patrol who risk their lives every day.”
Terence L. Shigg National Border Patrol Council Local 1613 President
Monday, October 15, 2018 was the date of the first screening of Killing Free Speech. It was previewed at the National Border Patrol Council Local 1613. The film was such a hit with the border patrol agents that they planned to have the Texas Border Patrol set up a screening as well. However, when select media outlets learned of the screenings, they wrote scorching articles accusing the border patrol union of “endorsing extremist video featuring white nationalists.”
This was, of course, fake news. Must conservatives featured in the documentary are in fact members of minority communities in this country. Terence Shigg, National Border Patrol Council Local 1613 President, is himself African American, and as Terence points out, “Nowhere in the article do the journalists actually identify what white nationalist appear in the movie.”
Ironically, the articles proves the film right about the mainstream media, but sadly, the articles worked to their intention. Border Patrol National was put under so much pressure that any additional screenings were off the table, and for the time being, the media was able to silence the Border Patrol.
This brings us to the government shutdown and the border wall. Why is the mainstream media misrepresenting what is going on at the border? Why do journalists discredit the Border Patrol for endorsing films that give them a voice? And is the Democratic Party against the border wall so much so that they are willing to shut down the government?
“The reality is that border patrol agents are saying ‘We want this wall, we need this wall, it will work.’ I don’t think that the mainstream media want to accept the fact that a border wall will advance security, because, quite frankly, I don’t think they believe in border security”
Joshua Border Patrol Agent, San Diego Border
In light of the media smear campaign of his movie and the government shutdown, I put out the following statement: “I have decided put my movie out for free viewing to the public until the Border Patrol get what they need to secure our border and we get the wall.”
Full Statement From National Border Patrol Council
The National Border Patrol Council Local 1613 got involved with this project because we are concerned that the current narrative being pushed by the majority of media outlets is biased and negative in regards to Border Patrol Agents. NBPC 1613 has worked tirelessly to get the truth out about what our agents do into the public forum but it is a daunting task when our message does not fit the agenda for most media outlets. Free speech is a movie that falls in line with what we as a council, as Border Patrol Agents and as Law Enforcement Officers have seen as the slow decay of the right and the ability to speak truth to power.  NBPC 1613 wants the public to know the truth about what is going on at the border so that they can make informed decisions as to what is truly needed to secure the borders effectively, humanely and safely.
Killing Free Speech gave us a voice and an opportunity to speak the truth and it is a powerful testament to the men and women of the Border Patrol who risk their lives every day.
Terence L. Shigg National Border Patrol Council Local 1613 President



Old Stone Church in Cleveland, Ohio opened up their doors to Planned Parenthood at the conclusion of the 2019 Women’s March, but did not want to welcome pro-life activists concerned by the Church’s decision.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Thousands of angry feminists gathered in major cities across America today to celebrate the mass murder of the unborn and yell at the sky about President Trump for the annual Women’s March.
One such march took place in Cleveland, Ohio. A group of women spoke at a podium in Public Square before hundreds of liberals marched together down the streets.
The march’s final destination was at Old Stone Church, a rather odd host for an infanticide rally. The Presbyterian church founded in 1819 allowed the women to utilize their church to host the remainder of their speakers, and even let Planned Parenthood set up a table to hand out information and collect memberships.
Rev. Mark Eldred of Old Stone welcomed the rally with open arms, but was incensed by pro-life activists that questioned the Church’s motives. Eldred kicked out the pro-lifers, and eerily told reporter Kaitlin Bennett that he was okay with his church being an arm in their propaganda to kill baby’s.
Watch the crazy scene above.


“Democratic State Rep. Amanda Bouldin took to her Facebook page Tuesday to accuse Republicans of sexism in their legislation to prohibit women from exposing their nipples or breasts in public, with the exception of breastfeeding.”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
CONCORD, N.H. — A Democratic member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives has filed a bill that would repeal a 40-year-old state law that allows for the recitation of The Lord’s Prayer in public elementary schools.
Rep. Amanda Bouldin, who represents the Manchester area, recently filed House Bill 289, with eight co-sponsors—all Democratic.
It repeals the 1975 statute Section 194:15-a, which is stated to be dormant in that no schools in the state are currently known to engage in the practice of reciting The Lord’s Prayer in class.
“As an affirmation of the freedom of religion in this country, a school district may authorize the recitation of the traditional Lord’s prayer in public elementary schools. Pupil participation in the recitation of the prayer shall be voluntary. Pupils shall be reminded that this Lord’s prayer is the prayer our pilgrim fathers recited when they came to this country in their search for freedom,” the law reads.
“Pupils shall be informed that these exercises are not meant to influence an individual’s personal religious beliefs in any manner. The exercises shall be conducted so that pupils shall learn of our great freedoms, which freedoms include the freedom of religion and are symbolized by the recitation of the Lord’s prayer,” it states.
However, due to an advisory opinion some time ago from the New Hampshire Supreme Court—at the request of legislators—that deemed the statute to be unconstitutional, Bouldin believes that the law needs to go. She told local television station WMUR that the Lord’s Prayer statute “continues to live in our RSAs today sort of as a hidden virus.”
“Our own Supreme Court has declared it [unconstitutional] and no teacher would want to take advantage of this opportunity because they would be worried about the liability and constitutionality of teaching prayer in public schools,” she also told the New Hampshire Union-Leader.
Bouldin’s bill simply reads, “In the year of our Lord two thousand nineteen; An act relative to the recitation of The Lord’s Prayer in public elementary schools. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened … RSA 194:15-a, relative to recitation of the Lord’s prayer in elementary schools, is repealed.”
The House Education Committee heard arguments both for and against the repeal on Wednesday.
“As an educator of elementary-age children, I know how impressionable they can be and how they look to their teacher for guidance,” remarked Rep. Joshua Query, D-Manchester. “Allowing teachers to lead their class in this prayer can be confusing and intimidating to those children of different faiths.”
“Yeah, under the current laws today it would be considered unconstitutional, [but] that doesn’t make it right,” declared Josh Moore of Merrimack. “And it doesn’t make it relative to what the framers actually believed in.”
Shannon McGinley of the group Cornerstone called Bouldin’s proposal “a clear rejection of the law’s framework within which mere recitation of the Lord’s Prayer is permitted within historical context for the purpose of teaching students about what the law calls ‘our great freedoms.’”
“Ruling out recitation of the Lord’s Prayer is one thing; airbrushing it out of American history is another,” she said, according to the Union-Leader.
As previously reported, in 1828, just 41 years after the signing of the U.S. Constitution, Noah Webster, known as the Father of American Scholarship and Education, wrote, “In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed. … No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”
He also wrote in his publication “Letters to a Young Man Commencing His Education”:
“Let it then be the first study of your early years to learn in what consists real worth or dignity of character. To ascertain this important point, consider the character and attributes of the Supreme Being. As God is the only perfect being in the universe, His character, consisting of all that is good and great, must be the model of all human excellence, and His laws must of course be the only rules of conduct by which His rational creatures can reach any portion of like excellence.”
According to the office of the chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives, the first prayer of the Continental Congress was presented on Sept. 7, 1774 by Jacob Duche of Christ Church of Philadelphia, and was delivered in the name of Jesus.
“O Lord our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of kings, and Lord of lords, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth and reignest with power supreme and uncontrolled over all the kingdoms, empires and governments,” he prayed, “look down in mercy, we beseech Thee, on these our American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection, desiring to be henceforth dependent only on Thee.”


ABOVE: Democrat Representative Ivory Thigpen
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

U.S.A. – An Extreme Risk Protection Order Bill (ERPO) has been submitted in the gun friendly state of South Carolina. This unconstitutional Red Flag Bill has been submitted by Democrat Representative Ivory Thigpen under H3275, entitled “Seizure of Firearms and Ammunition from a Person Posing a Risk of Imminent Personal Injury to Self or Others”. You can read this bill HERE: https://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess123_2019-2020/bills/3275.htm
There are already 13 states that have passed these laws that have only one intended goal: to circumvent the 2nd Amendment and confiscate guns from people who are considered guilty until proven innocent.

Red flag laws are a threat to every law-abiding gun owner across the nation.

These ERPO or RED FLAG laws do absolutely nothing to target criminals, illegally owned guns, or issues with mental health. Most important, red flag laws will do nothing to save lives! However, what red flag laws will do is violate an individual's rights, such as:
  • 1st Amendment Right to Free Speech, as a comment or even your social media can be used against you. All one needs is to have someone say they fear what a gun owner MIGHT do and they can seek an ERPO from a “judge”.
  • 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear Arms, obviously as their firearms are seized without cause.
  • 4th Amendment Right to Protection from Unreasonable Searches and Seizures goes out the window.
  • 6th Amendment Right to a Speedy and Public Trial is lost as you aren’t made aware of the ERPO claim until the police show up to take your guns.
    • You also aren’t afforded your 6th Amendment Right to an Impartial Jury as the complainant goes to a judge and the order is issued…without a jury.
    • The 6th Amendment also guarantees your Right to Confront Your Accuser and to have Assistance of Counsel. You don’t get to know who filed the claim, never mind have your lawyer present!
  • The 8th Amendment affords the Right to be free from Cruel and Unusual Punishments. Being jailed and having your firearms taken away, not because you have been found guilty of a crime, but simply because you own them lawfully and someone’s feeling were hurt.

Extreme Risk Protection Orders violate every facet of Due Process and are egregiously unconstitutional laws.

South Carolina residents need to make their voices heard NOW! Contact your representatives and tell them NOT to pass H3275! You can locate your South Carolina State Legislators, and their contact information, using this link: https://www.scstatehouse.gov
If you are not sure on how to contact your legislators, you can watch this video that will explain the entire process to you. It is not difficult at all! Remember to be respectful and tell them that you will remember how they vote when their term is up for vote. Also, follow up the calls with emails and reach out to them on their social media accounts.
About Jared J. Yanis & Guns & GadgetsJared J Yanis
With over 20 years of experience in the law enforcement field, I have learned the numerous channels used by those who would love to see our 2nd Amendment rights stripped. Because of this, I am often able to bring you the news on new bills submitted at the local, state and federal levels that look to carry out those attacks. If you are new to the channel or want to stay up to date with the constant infringements on our Constitutional Right to Bear Arms, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/GunsGadgets


Dems face backlash for appointing Omar 

to House Foreign Affairs Committee

Republican conference chairwoman Liz Cheney is calling for congresswoman
Ilhan Omar to step down from her assignment to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. One America’s Kara McKinney explains why.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
This shows the extent to which open anti-Semitism has become mainstream and normalized on the Left today. In fact, it is likely that Omar’s paranoid hatred of Israel, rooted in Islamic anti-Semitism, made her a good candidate for this position in the eyes of Democrat leaders, who have been following a consistent anti-Israel line for years.
“House Democrats reward an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist with a place on the Foreign Affairs Committee,” by Tiana Lowe, Washington Examiner, January 17, 2019:
Lost in the incomprehensible word salad of the freewheeling, Trumpian, and mathematically illiterate performance of Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., on CNN today was the more ominous fact that the Democratic Party rewarded her, an anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist, with a place on the prestigious House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Omar, who replaced accused domestic abuser Keith Ellison in Congress, is no run-of-the-mill Democrat. She openly supports the boycott, divest, and sanction movement against Israel. She cozied up to Farrakhan fan Linda Sarsour on the day she entered Congress. But most damning is a tweet from 2012, in which she invokes a classic anti-Semitic trope.
“Israel has hypnotized the world,” wrote Omar in the now hotly contested tweet. “May Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. #Gaza #Palestine #Israel.”
Omar has conducted two interviews in the last 24 hours, in which she was given opportunities to explain the tweet. To Christiane Amanpour, Omar called the language “unfortunate,” claiming that they were “the only words” she could think of to describe Israel’s 2012 airstrike offensive in Gaza. To Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto, she said, “I don’t know how my comments could be offensive to Jewish-Americans.”
I could think of a few ways. For one thing, painting Israel as a nefarious Jewish cabal spreading its tentacles around the globe doesn’t do much to curb the idea that emphatic critics of Israel simply opposed the government and not the people. But more significantly, Omar had seven years to think of an answer, an explanation, or even straight-up lie about a political evolution in order to save face. The best she could come up with was little more than a shrug.
Even worse is that Democrats aren’t just refusing to condemn her for this — they are also giving her a prestigious committee seat that could have gone to someone who hates Jews a lot less….
_______________________________________________________________ SEE ALSO:

Robert Spencer: Democrats Again Show Their Anti-semitism with Placement of Ilhan Omar On Foreign Affairs Committee

https://www.jihadwatch.org/2019/01/robert-spencer-democrats-again- show-their-antisemitism-with-placement-of-ilhan-omar-on-foreign-affairs- committee;  
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
My latest in the Geller Report:
The Washington Examiner reported Thursday that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), whose open hatred of Jews should have rendered her unelectable to Congress, has instead been rewarded with a plum appointment to the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
This shows the extent to which open anti-Semitism has become mainstream and normalized on the Left today. In fact, it is likely that Omar’s paranoid hatred of Israel, rooted in Islamic anti-Semitism, made her a good candidate for this position in the eyes of Democrat leaders, who have been following a consistent anti-Israel line for years.
“Israel has hypnotized the world,” Omar wrote in a now-infamous weet. “May Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. #Gaza #Palestine #Israel.”
Trying to explain that tweet, Omar only made matters worse. She told Christiane Amanpour that while her language was “unfortunate,” those were “the only words” she could find to do justice to how she felt about Israel’s defensive action in Gaza in 2012. Then she told Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto: “I don’t know how my comments could be offensive to Jewish-Americans.”
The hijabed (and therefore pro-Sharia) Omar was less delicate when she fired back online at a man who challenged the tweet: “Drawing attention to the apartheid Israeli regime is far from hating Jews. You are a hateful sad man, I pray to Allah you get the help you need and find happiness.”
All this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding Ilhan Omar. Adam Kredo reported in the Washington Free Beacon last August that while she was serving in the Minnesota state House, Omar “once voted against a state bill to stop insurance payments to those convicted of terror acts, adding more fuel to accusations the candidate represents a fringe, anti-Israel section of the Democratic Party. Omar, a Muslim Somali-American who has come under fire for her harsh criticism of Israel, was one of just two lawmakers in 2017 who voted against a Minnesota bill to deny life insurance payments to any person convicted of aiding or committing terror acts, according to official vote tallies.”
Omar does indeed represent an “anti-Israel section of the Democratic Party,” it is by no stretch of the imagination a “fringe,” at least not anymore. It is mainstream in the Democratic Party, and not just mainstream, either: it’s the future.
There is corruption as well. David Steinberg of PJ Media has done extraordinary work in shedding light on aspects of Omar’s record that the establishment media has steadfastly ignored. Steinberg reports that Omar has “faced allegations — soon backed by a remarkable amount of evidence — that she had married her own brother in 2009, and was still legally his wife. They officially divorced in December 2017. The motivation for the marriage remains unclear. However, the totality of the evidence points to possible immigration fraud and student loan fraud.”
What’s more, she swore to apparent falsehoods in court. Steinberg also noted in last August that “Minnesota’s largest newspapers — along with every other mainstream outlet in the country — just whiffed on covering this: Signed, notarized court documents and time-stamped photos showing the Democratic frontrunner for Minnesota’s highest-profile House seat appearing to commit perjury. The common newsroom explanation, often valid, for having passed on a particular story — ‘we couldn’t independently verify it’ — simply does not apply here. The evidence…against Minnesota state Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-60B) consists of nothing but certified court filings and archived social media posts.”
But Leftists rarely have to answer for their corruption, and so in the new Democrat House, Omar is being rewarded rather than censured and investigated. She and her fellow Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib will also enjoy establishment media accolades as they pursue their hard-Left, anti-American, anti-Israel agenda. Their presence in the House of Representatives may be evidence of “diversity,” but it is also a disquieting sign of the continued dominance of identity politics, and the increasing balkanization of the American body politic. Forthrightly pro-America, pro-Israel candidates would stand little to no chance in either of their districts. And that is indicative of a much larger problem.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Kudos to Mark Krikorian and the Center for Immigration Studies for doing this. I wish them all success. If I can ever find a lawyer willing to do it, which has proven so far to be harder than I thought it would be, I will sue the SPLC myself. Their “hate group” designation for me and Jihad Watch is as defamatory as it is for the CIS, and has resulted in donations to Jihad Watch not being accepted by MasterCard and Visa, and in my being dropped from Patreon and GoFundMe. It has also resulted in my being shadow banned on Twitter and Facebook, and routinely vilified in the establishment media. The idea that opposing jihad mass murder and Sharia oppression of women, non-Muslims and others is “hate” is absurd, and the fact that so many people take it for granted is testimony to the deep pockets of the SPLC and the power of propaganda. I’ll challenge them on it legally as soon as I possibly can, although of course the SPLC and I are in a race: will they get me completely de-platformed and completely silenced before I am able to challenge their smears in court? We shall see.
“Southern Poverty Law Center Slapped with Racketeering Suit Over ‘False Hate Group Designation,’” by Matt Naham, Law & Crime, January 16, 2019:
The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has filed a lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), claiming that SPLC operators Richard Cohen and Heidi Beirich have violated the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) by “falsely designating CIS as a hate group.”
CIS describes itself as “an independent, non-partisan, non-profit, research organization” that “pursue[s[ a single mission – providing immigration policymakers, the academic community, news media, and concerned citizens with reliable information about the social, economic, environmental, security, and fiscal consequences of legal and illegal immigration into the United States.”
The SPLC, on the other hand, describes itself on its website as “dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and to seeking justice for the most vulnerable members of our society. Using litigation, education, and other forms of advocacy, the SPLC works toward the day when the ideals of equal justice and equal opportunity will be a reality.”
If you go to the SPLC website, the CIS mission is presented as being the “go-to think tank for the anti-immigrant movement” and racism:
The Center for Immigration Studies, like the rest of the organized anti-immigrant movement we see in America today, was founded by John Tanton, a Michigan ophthalmologist turned population control alarmist whose racist beliefs stirred him to create a network of organizations with a simple agenda: heavily restricting the immigration levels to the United States in order to maintain a white majority. As Tanton himself wrote in 1993, “I’ve come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that.”
“CIS’s much-touted tagline is ‘low immigration, pro-immigrant,’ but the organization has a decades-long history of circulating racist writers, while also associating with white nationalists,” SPLC continues.
Now CIS has responded to SPLC’s statements by filing a lawsuit.
CIS executive director Mark Krikorian said that SPLC has no right to “label us a hate group.”
“SPLC and its leaders have every right to oppose our work on immigration, but they do not have the right to label us a hate group and suggest we are racists,” Krikorian said. “The Center for Immigration Studies is fighting back against the SPLC smear campaign and its attempt to stifle debate through intimidation and name-calling.”
Krikorian et al. allege that SPLC damaged CIS by a “conspiracy to falsely call it a hate group.” The damages listed included termination from the AmazonSmile Program, which CIS said occurred because of SPLC’s “hate group designation.” CIS says that has cost the organization “at least $10,000 in donations to date and damages are ongoing.”
CIS argued that “Hatewatch” blog posts violated the wire fraud statute.


MAY 12: Lactatia attends the 4th Annual RuPaul's DragCon at Los Angeles Convention Center on May 12, 2018 in Los Angeles, California.

SEE: https://christiannews.net/2019/01/18/concerns-raised-after-10-year-old-drag-child-photographed-with-naked-adult-drag-queen/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Concerns are being raised after a photograph has surfaced of a 10-year-old “drag child” posing next to an adult “drag queen” who is completely naked, except for a pair of high heels and a small covering over his reproductive organs.
The Daily Wire first brought the matter to light as it shared a screenshot of the image, which had been posted to the “Queen Lactatia” Instagram page, run by the boy’s mother.
According to the outlet, the snapshot was the work of photographer Jonathan Frederick Turton, and was one of a variety of portraits for Huck Magazine, which published an article on the child on Jan. 7. That particular photograph was not included with the report.
Turton interviewed the Canadian boy, Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden, and his mother, Jessica Mélançon, about the child’s life as a drag queen under the alias “Lactatia.”
“Drag is an adult arena and that’s where people question our judgement,” Mélançon acknowledged. “So we have to censor things. He knows there are adult aspects of drag that he’s not allowed to apply to his show.”
“We would never try to overtly sexualise our child. But if he wears something that makes him feel beautiful, what right do I have to stop him wearing that dress because it might cause people to think things they shouldn’t be thinking?” she asked. “It’s a circular problem.”
As previously reported, Mélançon-Golden made headlines in 2017 when he was featured in a video posted by “LGBT in the City,” in which he remarked that that if children want to be drag queens and their parents won’t allow it, they need new parents.
“Anyone can do what they want in life,” he stated. “It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. If you want to be a drag queen and your parents don’t let you, you need new parents. If you want to be a drag queen and your friends don’t let you, you need new friends.”
Mélançon-Golden had appeared at Montreal’s “Werq the World Tour,” where “drag queen” Bianca Del Rio told the child that he was “[expletive] adorable,” among other profanities.
The naked man in the photo with Mélançon-Golden that was posted to Instagram earlier this month by the child’s mother is reportedly Paul Jason Dardo, who goes by the drag name Violet Chachki. Dardo, who identifies as “gender fluid,” is known for being the winner of the seventh season of the television show “RuPaul’s Drag Race.”
The drag child photo is not the first time that he has faced backlash for posing inappropriately.
“In 2013, Dardo was photographed for ‘Legendary Children.’ The project focused on Atlanta’s drag scene and was exhibited at Gallery 1526. Two photos that featured their penis and gaff (an undergarment used to conceal male genitals when in drag) were covered up after complaints,” Wikipedia notes.
Likewise, concerns have been expressed surrounding the photo of Dardo with Mélançon-Golden.
“There is a big difference between childhood and adulthood activity. Common sense and morality has gone into the toilet,” one commenter wrote.
“Children don’t do this on their own. They are coached and scripted. How sick that adults would exploit a child in this abusive way,” another stated.
“If the guy down the street had those pictures on his phone, he would be prosecuted—and rightly so—for child porn. Everyone involved should be,” a third opined.
“As it was in the days of Lot (Noah) so shall it be … in the day when the Son of man is revealed,” another wrote, referring to the words of Christ in Matthew 24 regarding the end of the age. “You ain’t seen nothing yet, as they say; come, Lord Jesus.”

The 9-Year-Old Drag Queen Taking the World by Storm

Nemis Quinn Mélançon Golden, stage name Lactatia, started dressing in drag a year ago and has made many public appearances since. Nemis says dressing in drag makes him feel accepted and happy, and his mum Jessica fully supports his passion.
Broadcast on 26/09/2017


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Various sporting events are divided into men’s and women’s categories for good reason: male athletes enjoy a significant advantage in nearly every contest of physical strength, speed or endurance. The transgender movement that seeks to classify gender and/or sex as an identity that be simply asserted or changed at-will now threatens completely to destroy women’s sports.
One by one, women’s records are being broken and competitions dominated by an influx of transgendered athletes who were born male but are now allowed to compete as women. Handball, cycling, MMA, Crossfit, weight lifting, wrestling and sprinting are just a few of the latest sports that have had their women and girl competitors pushed aside by men and boys who decided that they now identify as women and want to compete as such.
Despite the trend toward seeing gender as a social construct and biological sex just another lifestyle choice, the truth is far different. According to Dr. Paul Hruz, an associate professor of pediatrics, endocrinology, and diabetes, athletes who were born male and later try to change their sex through testosterone lowering medical procedures can never truly compete as female athletes. These biological males who face women in competition are what he calls “feminized males rather than true females.”
 He went on to explain that modifying adult hormone levels is insufficient to level the playing field, “It’s really important to know that whereas hormones play a role in athletic performance, by giving a male estrogen and suppressing their normal testosterone, there are many aspects of fundamental biology that don’t change.”
 Olympic rules allow for an athlete to compete as a female if their testosterone levels have remained below a certain threshold for the year prior to the competition, despite the clear advantages imparted by prior years of masculine muscle, lung, and bone development. Dr. Hruz called into question this philosophy that bases gender solely on short term hormone levels, and the results in athletic competition now support the concerns he is raising.
 The trendy new sport of Crossfit will likely chose to tackle this issue in a way similar to the International Olympic Committee, by looking at a year-long history of hormone levels. Previously, athletes were required to compete as the sex of their birth.
 Clearly the previous system was imperfect as well, because under the old rules, a transgender athlete who was born female but who took testosterone injections that increased her muscle mass, endurance to male-like levels would have been required to compete as a woman.
 Crossfit founder Greg Glassman issued a statement pledging his full support for transgender athletes, “CrossFit believes in the potential, capacity, and dignity of every athlete. We are proud of our LGBT community, including our transgender athletes, and we want you here with us.”
 As a study in unintended (or not) consequences, in a few short years the women’s division of the Crossfit games may be essentially the “transgender division”, dominated by feminized males who easily out-compete the women of Crossfit.
 The world of cycling saw a round of controversy recently in the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) Masters Track Cycling World Championships when philosophy professor Rachel McKinnon took first place in the women’s 35-39 age bracket despite being biologically male.
 McKinnon, “identifies as a woman” despite his obviously masculine build and an ugly Twitter feud followed the race in which McKinnon referred to other racers as “transphobic bigots” for not accepting this win. McKinnon goes so far as to deny entirely the performance advantages of male athletes.
 To end the controversy, silver medalist Carolien van Herrikhuyzen apologized publicly for openly questioning the fairness of allowing biological males who feel like women to compete alongside actual women. Instead, she pledged to work behind the scenes for a rule change in future cycling competitions.
 Youth sprinting is in a similar predicament with male high school students now competing as girls and, as a result, sweeping the top spots in the 100- and 200-meter dash, along with setting new “girls” records. In Connecticut, Terry Miller dominated both the 100- and 200-meter dash with records in both events during a June 4th State Competition. Miller competed as a boy during the winter track season but now identifies as a girl, so is allowed to run against other girls.
 The second place finisher, Andraya Yearwood, couldn’t complain too much though because she too was born and grew up as a boy. Yearwood took first in the previous year’s Class M meet in both the 100- and 200-meter races. Several parents have already started petitions to have the rules amended to prohibit such unfair competition, but Connecticut is far from the only state seeing boys now dominate girls track and wrestling.
In the world of weight lifting, the difference between men and women could hardly be clearer. This didn’t stop New Zealand lifter Laurel Hubbard, who previously competed as a man, to decide to become a woman and then enter the women’s division.
 Hubbard took the first place in the over-90kg division at the Australian International in Melbourne and at the same time set new women’s national records in both the snatch and the clean & jerk. Again, Olympic Weighting New Zealand is following the precedent set by the Olympic Games. Hubbard has plans to compete next summer Olympic games, to the likely dismay of female athletes from around the world.
 One of the most notable examples of transgendered athletes enjoying an unfair advantage occurred in the MMA fight between transgendered Fallon Fox who defeated Tamikka Brents by TKO in the first round of their fight. Brents, one of the top professional female MMA fighters in her weight class, was clearly outmatched not by technique or experience but by raw power.
 Fox broke an orbital bone in her skull and caused a concussion. In an interview following the fight, an injured and defeated Brents told reporters, “I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because [he] was born a man or not, because I’m not a doctor. I can only say, I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life, and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right.”
 Apart from the power of strikes that have the capacity to literally break bones, the difference in grip strength in grappling is another considerable advantage. As Brents explained, “His grip was different. I could usually move around in the clinch against…females but couldn’t move at all in Fox’s clinch.”
 The rise of transgenderism could very well signal the fall of female sports competitions as biological males use their superior size, speed, strength and bone structure to outmatch naturally disadvantaged women. In an ironic turn of political correctness gone awry, divisions within sports that were meant to level competition, dividing men from women, are instead manipulated now to shut women out of competition.
 For all the women who have dreams of excelling on the field, court, track or in the ring, those aspirations must now include besting not just women but also men in their sports.
(Publisher’s comment: This has to be one of the saddest articles we have ever posted on TOL.  No wonder God said through the Apostle Paul Rom 1:26  For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Rom 1:27  And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28  And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
32  Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
You will notice that Paul said, “God gave them up unto vile affections”, and “God gave them over to a reprobate mind…”
When you consider that the U.S. is Trillions in debt it is the height of foolishness for government to finance sports at these Colleges and Universities which for the most part are sitting on untold millions in endowments and could finance their own sports programs.  They are also only feeders for the Pro sports programs at no cost to them.  Statistics have also shown that women’s sports have been a breeding ground for lesbianism.  And now this.  God being God, it may be that it is His judgment on this entire wicked enterprise.  We have just seen the tip of the iceberg recently with all of the sexcapades going on in women’s gymnastics and men’s sports in the area of exploiting young girls and boys for the gratification of coaches.  There is an old familiar scripture that has been quoted for 2,000 years that is still true, Gal 6:7 – “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
Another axiom is true also, “God’s judgments are sometimes exceedingly slow, but they also grind exceedingly fine.”)
Websites Links
 Trans Athletes Are Fighting For Equality in Sports with Athlete Ally | NowThis
 Athlete Ally is an organization that’s making sure trans athletes 
are welcome in sports.
 Transgender Sports Domination & The Betrayal of Women
 Transgender Teens Dominating Track Team: Is It Fair?
Two transgender high school students took home first and second places
in the 100-meter dash at a girls state track meet in Connecticut.


The First Commandment reads: “You shall have no other gods before me, says the Lord.”
“Xi Jinping opposes this statement,” one official said. “Who dares not to cooperate? If anyone doesn’t agree, they are fighting against the country.”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

“You shall have no other gods before me.” It is No. 1 on the list of Ten Commandments God gave to His people.
Anyone who follows and worships Christ knows that its placement at the top is significant–a fact Chinese leader Xi Jinping and his regime are well aware of, based on a recent report from Bitter Winter, a website focusing on religious liberty and human rights issues in China.
The website reported that authorities in Luoning county in Henan Province (where China’s underground house church movement started) ordered a registered church to alter the list of the Ten Commandments hanging on the wall during a worship service. The website talked to church members in attendance who shared their accounts.
Reportedly on November 1, about 30 officials from the central “patrol inspection team” for religious supervision and from Luoyang city and Luoning county United Front Work Department arrived at the church in Dongcun village during a worship service to conduct an inspection.
An official inspecting the church stopped in front of the pulpit and pointed to the first of the Ten Commandments displayed on the wall: 
“You shall have no other gods before me.”
“This must be removed,” he said. After saying that, the government officials immediately wiped off the commandment.
The church’s leader and believers strongly opposed the removal of  the commandment. One believer reportedly said, “This isn’t appropriate. They’re falsifying the words of God! It’s resisting the Lord!”
“Xi Jinping opposes this statement,” an official said. “Who dares not to cooperate? If anyone doesn’t agree, they are fighting against the country.”
The official also warned the church: “This is a national policy. You should have a clear understanding of the situation. Don’t go against the government.”
Believers took down the Ten Commandments sign that day. Later, personnel from the county’s United Front Work Department took a photo of it and reported the incident to their superiors.
One church member recalled, “Back in August, the church’s cross was forcibly dismantled by the government. Now, the Ten Commandments have been converted into the ‘Nine Commandments.’ In China, practicing your faith is difficult.” Another said, “They are trying to corrupt our faith and make us betray God.”


The removal of crosses and this incident, in addition to arrests of more than 100 believers and last month’s closures of the Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu and the Rongguili Church in the port city of Guangzhou–both prominent underground house churches in China–continues to signal significant change for China’s Christians and churches in 2019.
Not since China’s Cultural Revolution led by Mao Zedong has the church in China seen this level of persecution. Last year, the state banned sales of the Bible, introduced a new version of the Bible revised by the Chinese Communist Party and required that “core socialist values” be taught as doctrine in all churches.
“The situation in China is likely to continue to escalate as the Chinese Communist Party increases its power and focuses on Chinese nationalism,” says Open Doors CEO David Curry.
“There will be even more pressure on the Body of Christ in China,” Curry continued. ”The government is trying to force out unregistered churches. Those churches that are registered, they approve sermons, these kinds of things, slowly turning up the heat and making it a ‘Chinese’ church, not a church of Jesus.” 
Since assuming office in late 2012, Xi Jinping continues to increase his power. In October 2017’s meeting of the Communist Party Congress, he was granted another term, and the party put his policies into the Chinese constitution, granting it the same level of authority in the country as former Chinese leader Mao Zedong. “Xi Jinping Thought” has now been introduced as a guiding force for China. The New York Times reported the action “sent a clear signal to officials throughout China that questioning Mr. Xi and his policies would be ideological heresy.”
In the lead up to the Congress, World Watch List (the Open Doors research unit) analyst Thomas Muller said the elevation of Xi’s thought fits into a pattern of increasing restrictions on religion.
“The preferred line of thinking is emphasized by introducing President Xi Jinping’s own brand of ‘political thought’ into the Party constitution, tying ideology closer to the budding personality cult around him,” Muller explains. “Fitting into this pattern is a book recently published by the Central Party School, demanding that all students learn from President Xi’s experiences as a teenager during the Cultural Revolution.
As the emphasis on Communist ideology and the personality cult emerging around President Xi gets stronger, the authorities will correspondingly act more strongly against all other ‘ideologies’ not fitting into this system, including the Christian religion.”


In November 2017, The Washington Post  ran a chilling report (Nov. 14, 2017) from southeastern China: Thousands of villagers were told that Jesus can’t help them with illness or poverty, and only Xi Jinping can, so they should remove religious images and replace them with pictures of Xi.
Another report in the South China Morning Post quotes Qi Yan, chairman of the Huangjinbu people’s congress: “Many rural people are ignorant. They think God is their savior … After our cadres’ work, they’ll realize their mistakes and think: We should no longer rely on Jesus, but on the party for help.
The increasing cult of personality around Xi (he’s even been referred to in the press as “Great Leader”–terminology not used since Mao Zedong’s rule) and the emphasis on poverty eradication by the Communist Party has led to China may positioning itself and its leaders against Christianity.


The church in China needs our prayers and encouragement to stand strong. Conversely, we can also learn from these stalwart Christians like Early Rain Covenant Church Pastor Wang Yi who are now risking their lives to stand up against what Yi called “the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of the church, the deprivation of human faith and the freedom of conscience.”
God has given the global Body of Christ the privilege and responsibility to get on our knees and join in fervent prayer around the church in China.
Recently, one of our indigenous ministry partners who works to equip church leaders in China offered this insight: “The situation on the ground [in China] is always changing. Don’t be too quick to jump to conclusions about what China needs. Pray for wisdom for the leaders. Pray with us.” She shared specific prayer needs for church leaders and churches in China:

  • Fortitude. Pray with Chinese Christians and church leaders for the fortitude to withstand increasing pressure and violent acts of persecution.
  • Empowerment. Pray that God would empower His church in China to reach the next generation.
  • Wisdom. Pray that leaders in China’s churches would have the wisdom to know how to handle the pressure they are coming under.
  • Workers for the harvest. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send workers to plant and nurture seeds that will ultimately bring forth an abundance of Kingdom fruit.
  • Protection. Pray that God will protect the rights and abilities of His people in China to worship Him.
  • Supernatural intervention in the hearts of leaders. Pray that Xi Jinping and other Party officials will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and put their trust in Jesus.
  • Courage for believers. Pray that given the choice between religious displays and poverty rations, believers will have wisdom and courage.


 Thousands of Christians in an impoverished Chinese village were told to replace their posters of Jesus Christ and other religious imagery with photographs of Chinese President Xi Jinping -- or lose their quota from the poverty-relief fund.
 Worship ‘Xi Jinping’, not Jesus Christ
 China issues Diktat for Christians to replace images of Jesus Christ with President Xi Jinping. Government services denied for people who continue to have images of Jesus Christ in their homes.
 China Demands Posters Of Jesus Be Removed & Replaced With Photos Of President Xi Jinping
 The Communist rule in China is demanding that posters, pictures, or anything pertaining to Jesus Christ be removed and replaced with photos of Chinest President Xi Jinping as Christian persecution is rising. 

How China uses intimidation, negotiation to bring Christians under its control

One Nation Under Xi? 

This is why Christian Persecution in China is Escalating


The Urgent Need to Address Rising Religious Persecution in China




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
This past November, the Islamic Center of Boca Raton (ICBR)
held its 20th Anniversary celebration, and with it came a number of
Muslim extremist faces from the past. Honored was ICBR co-founder and
former web designer for Hamas, Syed Ahmad. Attending, along with Ahmad,
who should have been barred from entering the US, were his fellow
co-founders, who were and are no less dangerous. It was a reunion of

The notice found on ICBR’s website read: “Please join
us for a special event to honor Br. Syed Khawer Ahmad a founding member
of ICBR who relocated to UK in 2001. We will also take this opportunity
to celebrate ICBR 20th Anniversary with the presence of all 5 founding
members including Imam Ibrahim Dremali.”

ICBR was established
by those involved in the Muslim Student Organization at Florida Atlantic
University (MSO at FAU), including then-MSO advisor Khalid Hamza. The
three founding directors of the ICBR corporation were FAU graduate Syed
Ahmad, travel agency owner Khalid Qureshi, and FAU professor Bassem
Alhalabi. The founding imam was Ibrahim Dremali.
Of the founders, only Alhalabi is still active in ICBR. He is the President of the mosque.

Prior to arriving at FAU, Alhalabi was located in Tampa at the
University of South Florida (USF), working as an assistant to USF
professor Sami al-Arian. This, while al-Arian was actively creating an
American infrastructure for Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). In May
2006, al-Arian would plead guilty to providing services to PIJ. Alhalabi
co-authored publications with al-Arian and, when applying to FAU, he
used al-Arian as a reference.
In June 2003, the US Department
of Commerce charged Alhalabi with illegally shipping a $13,000
military-grade thermal imaging device to Syria, a state sponsor of
terrorism. Alhalabi has, as well, been arrested for assault.

As the ICBR notice mentioned, Syed Ahmad relocated to the UK. Today,
he is a Senior Product Manager for Spectralink Corporation, and he is
the owner and director of Experticom. Previous to that, he worked for
the UK division of Panasonic from June 2002 to March 2013.
Around the time that he co-founded ICBR, Ahmad designed the first website for the Islamic Association,
al-Jamia al-Islamiya, the Gaza-based parent organization of Hamas.
site contains a letter asking for funds for children’s schools and
camps, signed by then-Director of the Islamic Association, Hamas leader
Ahmad Bahar.
Bahar has since called for the annihilation of Jews and Americans, stating “Kill them all, without leaving a single one.” Ahmad also did the site for the Islamic Association’s Gaza Quranic education affiliate, Dar al-Quran al-Karim.

Ahmad was the webmaster for the official website of the Islamic Circle
of North America’s South East Region (ICNA-SE), while the site’s
homepage featured prominent links to the main websites for Hamas, Hezbollah and the Taliban
and called on its web viewers to provide “material support” to groups
affiliated with Al-Qaeda.
And he was the webmaster for
free-jerusalem.com, a site that mourned the killing of and featured
numerous photographs of the former spiritual leader and founder of
Hamas, Ahmed Yassin.

Ibrahim Dremali is currently located in Fort Worth, Texas, where he
and his latest wife, convert Annie Lin, run the Dremali Foundation.
From March 2000 to September 2001, Dremali was listed as one of eight local contacts for ICNA-SE,
on the same web page as the aforementioned links to terrorist groups.
In October 2000, Dremali spoke at a rally where Israeli flags were
burned and the crowd shouted, “With jihad we’ll claim our land, Zionist
blood will wet the sand.” Dremali told the audience “not to be sad for
those who were martyred and to not be afraid to die for what they
believe in.”
In August 2002, Dremali was a character witness
at a hearing for Adham Hassoun, an al-Qaeda operative who would later be
convicted of providing material support to terrorist groups. Hassoun
had been a fundraiser for the Global Relief Foundation (GRF), a
terrorist charity that was shut down by the US government in December
2001. ICBR gave close to $17,000 to GRF, and in January 2000, ICBR received $600,000 from GRF as seed money towards the construction of a new 27,000-square-foot ICBR mosque.
In an April 2006 article in the Des Moines Register,
Dremali claimed that his name had been added to a federal ‘no-fly’
list. In October 2010, Dremali and his then-wife, Safaa Eissa, were
arrested by federal immigration agents on charges of engaging in
fraudulent marriages to others to gain US citizenship. The woman who
Dremali was accused of marrying, Lamyaa Hashim (aka Um Ahmad), was the
President of a now-defunct Hamas-related charity, the Health Resource Center for Palestine (HRCP), of which Sayed Ahmad was Secretary/Treasurer.
From October 1999 through September 2001, ICBR published a violently anti-Semitic essay on its website, titled ‘Why can’t the Jews and Muslims live together in peace?’
It described Jews as “people of treachery and betrayal” and “enemies.”
It quoted the ‘Prophet’ Muhammad, saying a “Day of Judgement” will come
when Muslims will “fight the Jews and kill them.” Dremali claimed that
the website article was the result of hackers. It was a lie, as the ICBR
website contained much material from the same place the offending
article originated from, the site Islam Q&A.
The imam who
replaced Dremali at ICBR, Muneer Arafat, was arrested, in November 2002,
by INS and FBI agents in Sarasota, Florida for overstaying his visa.
Prior to Sarasota, Arafat lived in Saint Louis, where he became
acquainted with Sami al-Arian and where he roomed with al-Qaeda
operative Ziyad Khaleel, the man who delivered the satellite phone that
was used by Osama bin Laden to plan the 1998 bombings of US embassies in
Kenya and Tanzania. In June 2005, while giving courtroom testimony
about al-Arian, Arafat stated under oath that he himself was a member of
Palestinian Islamic Jihad and that he was in favor of “destroying
The terrorist links of those who established ICBR are
widely documented, as are their criminal activities. Yet, despite this,
ICBR recently was allowed to purchase another 91 acres of land for
$4.91 million. Concerning the purchase, ICBR President Bassem Alhalabi
belligerently stated, “The Muslim community is part of this community,
part of the fabric of this society. We’re not going anywhere.”

The Islamic Center of Boca Raton started as a terror hotbed and remains
one to this day. It should have been shut down years ago.

Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.



 Alex Jones' Official Statement on Roku Ban and Sandy Hook
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
 Alex Jones issues an official statement on his recent Roku 
banning and explains how the media is attempting to tie 
Sandy Hook to this latest ban.
Jones clears the record after hundreds of media outlets simultaneously released articles about the removal, but most of them got the story completely wrong.
 In a Washington Post article about the ban they claim, “Roku even heard from lawyers representing the families of Sandy Hook victims, who say they continue to be threatened and harassed thanks to the Infowars-spread conspiracy theory that the 2012 massacre that killed 27 people, including 20 children, didn’t happen.”
WAPO continued, saying, “What might have been the final push, however, came from the lawyers representing the families of the Sandy Hook victims who are suing Jones. Last week, a Connecticut judge ruled those families can review Infowars’ internal marketing and financial documents. The families accuse Infowars of profiting from paranoia to sell more products to Jones’s followers, according to the complaint.”
“There is no amount of anticipated revenue that could possibly justify Roku’s calculated decision,” attorney Josh Koskoff said in a statement to the media. Mark Bankston, another lawyer for Sandy Hook families, described Roku as “indifferent to the suffering caused by Mr. Jones’s continued onslaught of cruelty and reckless lies,” they continued.
The move by Roku is only the latest in attacks against pro-Trump outlets, specifically Infowars who leads the charge in the information war against the global elite.

Also watch: Roku’s Ban On Alex Jones Is A Window Into Future Authoritarian Censorship

Creator Of Banned Infowars ROKU App 

Joins Alex Jones Live

 John, the creator of the now banned Infowars Roku app, joins Alex Jones live over the John, the creator of the now banned Infowars Roku app, joins Alex Jones live over the phone to detail how the events unfolded that led to his top trending news application to be

 was removed from the leftist appeasing content provider known as Roku.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

I received this email from YouTube over the weekend. At first I
thought it was another malicious copyright or flagging strike, but no,
this one turns out to be different. Here’s the text (my highlights):

Regarding your account: Brian London
We have received a legal complaint regarding your video from the government. After review, the following video: Robert Spencer on Fox and Friends has been blocked from view on the following YouTube country site(s): Pakistan
YouTube blocks content where necessary to comply with local laws. Please review our help center article on legal complaints.
YouTube email

This bit catches my eye: “We have received a legal complaint regarding your video from the government.”


Oh…. let me read on, this is from THE GOVERNMENT of Pakistan! Strange
how it just reads “The Government” at the beginning though.

What we have here is Google/YouTube enforcing the censorship laws of
an Islamic State (Pakistan) even though those laws should not apply to
me or to Google. Google have chosen to be good Dhimmis, respecting the laws of superior Muslims.

The video itself, which I’ll embed below, is one of the very first
clips I put on YouTube in 2006. I taped it off Fox News and it is Robert
Spencer of JihadWatch and the most remarkable thing about it is how
consistent Robert has been through the years. And right. He even talks
about an Islamic State, long before what came to be known as ISIS or The
Islamic State emerged in the ruins of Iraq and Syria.
Of course Robert doesn’t get booked on Fox and Friends these days: I guess the influence of Pakistan extends beyond YouTube.


 “Imran Khan. The cricket captain is
now Pakistan’s Prime Minister and a poster boy for his nation’s barbaric
blasphemy laws”

Do Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws Trump America’s 1st Amendment?

The new globalization of Sharia
SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/272566/do-pakistans-blasphemy-laws-trump-americas-1st-jules-gomes; 

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The religious police who patrol the precincts of Twitter
recently slapped Jamie Glazov, the editor of Frontpagemag.com and the
author of Jihadist Psychopath: How He Is Charming, Seducing, and Devouring Us, with anti-free speech blasphemy codes. The social media giant threatened Glazov with the Section 37 of PECA-2016, Section 295 B and Section 295 C of the Pakistan penal code.

Jihad Watch‘s Robert Spencer has documented
how Twitter, along with other leading social media venues, is enforcing
Sharia compliance. In the new world of Western dhimmitude, Twitter,
acting on behalf of the Pakistan government, is informing American
citizens that they could be imprisoned or hanged for insulting Islam.

This new global imposition of Islamic blasphemy law is the handiwork
of a leftist playboy on a Muslim prayer mat. This figure of utter
incongruity, loved by liberal Westerners, was once a world-class
cricketer and Pakistan’s most successful cricket captain—and cricket, a
sport foreign to Americans, is the quintessential sport of the
As a cricket-loving boy growing up in Bombay, my
walls were plastered with posters of Imran Khan. The cricket captain is
now Pakistan’s Prime Minister and a poster boy for his nation’s barbaric
blasphemy laws
– search no further for a striking study in cognitive

Oxford-educated Imran Khan, dressed in a mink coat
and Mao cap, is equally fluent in the double-speak of radical Islam to
his in-house audience and moderate Islam as a mode of public relations
discourse. Since his time at Oxford University, Khan also learned to
speak the progressive tongue of the social justice warrior tribes.

Khan’s carefully cultivated and calibrated image of incongruity is
directed at reinforcing and expanding Islamic hegemony over the West. In
the last few days, while the Western politicians were fast asleep like
Rip van Winkle and the media were dancing like witches around John
McCain’s coffin, Khan nuked free speech in Europe and at the United
Nations. And nobody said a mumblin’ word.

In June 2018, Geert
Wilders, Dutch Member of Parliament, invited artists to submit cartoons
of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. He offered a prize of £7,700
($10,000) for the winner. The competition was due to be held in
November. Wilders received over 200 entries.
Pakistan, the
powder keg of Asia, erupted with outrage. Tehreek-e-Labbaik, the main
political party organising the protests, called for jihad against the
West. Its leader, Khadim Rizvi, had earlier said
he would order a nuclear strike against the Netherlands (if he came to
power in the elections) were the cartoon contest to go ahead.
The elections went ahead. Imran Khan was elected prime minister. The
useful idiots walking European corridors of power all thought that Imran
Khan was “our man” because he was a Western-educated “moderate Muslim”
who was three times divorced and married to a sex bomb like Jemima
Instead, Khan turned the volume of Islamic fundamentalism to a full fortissimo and resoundingly affirmed
that he’d defend Pakistan’s blasphemy laws to the hilt if his party won
the elections.
At the end of August 2018, Pakistan’s senate passed a
resolution condemning the competition and Khan turned his firepower on
the West vowing to take the matter to the UN General Assembly in
Khan is asking Islamic countries to create laws against blasphemy
similar to those against Holocaust denial in European countries. He said:
“Our government will raise the matter in the Organisation of Islamic
Cooperation (OIC) and ask the Muslim countries to come up with a
collective policy that could then be brought up at international
Another Pakistani cricketer, Khalid Latif, has joined
Khan’s chorus of “death to free speech” and “death to the West.”
who was banned from cricket for five years for his role in match fixing
during Pakistan Super League 2017, has placed a three-million-rupees bounty on the head of Geert Wilders.
To top it all, Pakistani pop star Rabi Pirzada, who dresses like a
Westerner in modern clothing and pretends to be a “moderate Muslim,” has
used her verified Twitter account to call for cartoonists who draw the
Prophet Mohammed to be “hanged immediately.” This prima donna in Pakistan’s opera buffa claims that drawing Islam’s founder is “the worst act of terrorism.”
Pirzada’s tweets are a compendium of contradictions. She parrots the
mantra of “Islam is peace” and tweets, “We never did never will do such a
barbaric act ever (sic). In islam (sic) we are not allowed to kill
innocent people, women or children.” But it’s fine to bump off Wilders
because he isn’t innocent. “But that doesn’t mean we can let any dog bark on our Prophet…” is how Pirzada justifies killing blasphemers.
And Twitter never says a mumblin’ word to the threats of violence issued in the name of the religion of peace.
Geert Wilders cancelled
the cartoon contest “to avoid the risk of victims of Islamic violence.”
While Wilders has stuck out his neck for free speech and continues to
do so, what is staggering beyond belief is the pusillanimous
acquiescence of the West to the fatwas of religious fanatics in a
backward nation stuck in seventh-century Arabia.

Instead of
the civilized West civilizing Pakistan, backward and barbaric Pakistani
hotheads led by a turncoat Prime Minister are de-civilizing the
freedom-loving Western world. Islam sentences apostates to death. But
apostates are Muslims, to begin with. With blasphemy, Islam sentences
even non-Muslims to death, thus declaring its rule over everyone who is
not a Muslim. This is an outrage against the most basic tenets of
liberty and justice and free speech.

By not standing up to
Imran Khan and his bloodthirsty hate-mongers and by acquiescing to
Islam’s blasphemy laws, we in the West are submitting to the religion of
Islam and to the rulings of its four schools of law (within Sunni
practice)—all of which prescribe the death penalty for blasphemy.

If only we could look in the mirror, we will see an even more striking
study in incongruity—our cowardly, spineless selves. By and large, we
in Western Europe have rejected religion—i.e. Christianity, the religion
of our heritage and culture. Paradoxically, we have capitulated to the
authority of another religion “Islam”—which does not mean “peace” but

Khan’s strategy is perilously clear for all who
have eyes to see. And it just isn’t cricket, it just isn’t fair, it’s
just isn’t sportsmanlike.  

Our response is pathetically obvious for
Pakistan and the rest of the Islamic world to see. It is a response of
silent submission. And that is just what Islam means: submission.

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