Published on Nov 5, 2016
On this unprecedented LIVE Saturday, Nov. 5 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, we go over the code words in leaked Podesta emails which may link Hillary Clinton to child rape trafficking. Large pedophile rings run the major governments, at least large sections of it, and the crimes are so huge that major British newspapers even admitted they could bring down the entire government. Is this finally the downfall of the Clintons? 
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes; except for sources in the original article/post.
Anonymous just posted the first in a series of exposes on Hillary and Bill Clinton’s involvement in a massive child trafficking and pedophile sex ring. I have run the whole thing below (scroll down):
Read it all — this is not a post you can skim.
The Clinton investigation is now connected to a massive child trafficking and pedophile sex ring operating within Washington, D.C. Over the next few days, and this November 5th, we will be referencing evidence and exposing the Clinton foundations for multiple incidences of child trafficking and sex scandals.
Hillary Clinton is being investigated by the FBI for involvement in an elite Washington pedophile ring, according to veteran State Department official Steve Pieczenik.

Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, his relationship with Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew and other famous names, and their connection to a high-level sex scandal is exposed by Conchita and Cristina Sarnoff.

Anthony Weiner Talking to FBI about underage Sex Island (Lolita)
The FBI wants to know everything about the Lolita Island that Jeffrey Epstein owns. Lucky for them Anthony Weiner knows a lot about the Underage sex Island that Bill Clinton would visit and Weiner is ready to Talk.
Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura’s NGO. Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti.
“The children were sent to the SOS Children’s Village orphanage in Croix-des-Bouquets, a suburb of Port-au-Prince, and it became clear that most (if not all) of them were not orphans.[12] NLCR missionaries maintained that they were told that the children were orphaned. In turn, people in Calebasse and SOS Children’s Villages accused the missionaries of lying about their intentions.[9][12] ,Although the children’s relatives were told that they would be able to visit them and eventually take them back, the NLCR’s mission statement clearly outlined plans for adoption.”
“So, how was Hillary Clinton part of this, and where’s the child sex trafficking? Mostly in the fevered imaginations of the excitable internet detectives of r/The_Donald, who decided that since Clinton discussed the case in emails with Huma Abedin and other aides, she was going out of her way to help the child abductors escape justice. This leaves out one tiny detail: as secretary of State, Clinton’s job was to help American citizens arrested in other countries. Huma emailed her articles about the case, and from there, Reddit decided that can only mean they’re all child traffickers trading children all over the world for sex slaves, and probably hitching rides on Jeffrey Epstein’s sex plane, too.”
Wikileaks 28 ‘The DOJ-FBI–Huma Special’ is out and the TREASON of Hillary Clinton has never been more evident or quantifiable, and now the 650,000 emails on Huma and Anthony Weiner’s computer allegedly implicate Bill and Hillary in what is being described as a pedophile ring, and the CNN-CIA mockingbird media is IGNORING all of it. If Hillary Clinton is “elected” OR “selected” and placed in the White House as the felon she clearly is, we will be facing a Constitutional crisis like never before seen.
As news emerges that FBI agents have uncovered a child sex ring connected to the Clinton Foundation, internet sleuths have discovered evidence of pedophile “code words” being used in emails from John Podesta released by WikiLeaks.  Numerous emails from the Chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign incongruously refer to food items such as pasta, cheese pizza, ice cream – which 4chan users say is a code language used by child sex ring participants: RELATED CONTENT WikiLeaks Dumps More Podesta Emails, Bringing Total To Over 11,000 WikiLeaks: Podesta Camp Openly Support Imprisoned Pedophile For anyone who hasn’t been paying attention, the elite are heavily into pedophilia and satanism because these are ways for them to (1) prove they are sociopathic enough to be trusted with great crimes, and (2) prove that they can trust each other, despite being sociopaths.  They all have the dirt on each other.  (4) Satanic ritual abuse is used to create controllable split personalities, like in the Manchurian Candidate.  (5) Lucius needs his Loosh.“hotdog” = boy “pizza” = girl “cheese” = little girl “pasta” = little boy “ice cream” = male prostitute “walnut” = person of colour “map” = semen “sauce” = orgyExamples: #podestaemails #sexring ?”Do you think I’ll do better … Continue reading