The ultimate Calvinistic paradox 

(hidden in classical Roman Catholic Church Mystagogy)

How do you reconcile the paradox of a loving God who wants all people to be saved, because He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but sovereignly chose not to save the majority of people, because it is his good pleasure to send them to hell? You don’t, because it is a mystery hidden in the secret counsel of God.
By the by, this infamous and mysterious paradox is one of the shameless seeds of unrighteousness that has come from the Roman Catholic Church, and very quickly found a niche in Reformed Theology in the writings of John Calvin..

Famous Preacher Becomes De facto Pacifist! – Don Boys, Ph.D.

“Reverend Piper’s article is about un-Godly Christian pacifism where the soul-saving words of Jesus Christ have been perverted into suicidal agitprop which enables the triumph of evil.” (BY RONALD R. CHERRY)

Acts 7:22-24-“And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds. 

And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel. 

And seeing one of them suffer wrong, he defended him, and avenged him that was oppressed, and smote the Egyptian”

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 John Piper is a well-respected, almost revered, preacher especially in Reformed groups; but recently he ran off the rails resulting in a minor train wreck. He discussed “Guns and Martyrdom” using the 1956 killing of five dedicated missionaries deep in the Amazon rain forest of Ecuador as basis for his blog. There is no doubt that that Ecuadorian event had a major impact on the world. The missionaries had guns yet only shot into the air not at the savages who were throwing deadly spears. All five men died in the piranha and crocodile infested Curaray River as it carried their innocent blood downstream into the jungle.
Dr. Piper reasons that the young men knew they were ready for Heaven but the savages were not so they basically committed suicide rather than take lives. But John is assuming that what the brave men did was the right thing to do; moreover that it was precedent-setting for all Christians to follow. That is two major leaps of logic.
Now I must add that there is no doubt God used that event to impress many hundreds of Christian workers to commit to missions. One of the widows and a sister of one of the men even went back to that heathen tribe and lived among them. Many in the tribe trusted Christ and two of the killers baptized the child of one of the missionaries in the river where the father died! After the son’s training, he ministered to the tribe who killed his father.
Their deaths impacted my life as a college student. And maybe what they did was God’s will; however, there is another side to this issue. Had the missionaries protected themselves and served another 30 years they might have reached multitudes more for Christ.
Whatever was “right” in that tragedy, it is no precedent for us today. We don’t decide “right” by human experiences. Lifetime principles are decided by the Bible.
Piper concluded that if someone breaks into his house the thief is “probably not ready for Heaven” so John would not use a gun to protect himself and his family! He ended his blog with, “I hope you don’t use your economic stimulus check to buy a gun.” No doubt he is sincere but he is also senile! His explanation doesn’t explain his position.
The threat of being killed will deter many criminals. Criminals gravitate to “No gun Zones” and our homes should not be such. If a criminal is “not ready for Heaven” he had better not be found in our home. Piper is a Calvinist so why is there a problem shooting an intruder “not ready for Heaven?” I thought the elect were going to Heaven whether they wanted to or not.
Moreover, if you have children ten or twelve years old, can you be sure they are “ready for Heaven”? By not shooting the criminal, he may rape and shoot your children who “are not ready for Heaven”! You have sent your own child to Hell by such vapid thinking.

Piper obviously has placed the possible salvation of a rapist at a higher premium over everything, even the lives of family members. Therefore, to be consistent, he should demand the state do the same. No villain, no serial killer, or terrorist should be executed. That means anarchy. God commands government to execute criminals without regard for their souls. After all, society is at risk.
He said, “No, I am not a pacifist. I am not a pacifist principally, and I’m not a pacifist actively.” He believes hunting is permissible and cops should use billy clubs and guns to capture or kill bad guys. He believes in the military to counter aggression but he is confused as to personal protection. A homeowner should not kill an intruder; however the state can kill with impunity. He has fallen into the trap that many shallow thinkers have fallen into: the state can be trusted but individuals cannot be. He is really saying, “The state is the final authority. I bow to the state and submit to it.”
When asked if he would use a gun to protect his daughter, he answered, “probably.” Probably! John, your daughter and wife are going to be raped, maybe killed! Probably! When you took a wife you accepted responsibility to pamper, provide, and protect her.
He then asked whether he should shoot the bad guy in the chest, head, or leg. Or throw the gun at the bad guy. He opined, “And I believe that fathers should protect their children, even using force. But if they can avoid killing somebody, of course they should avoid killing somebody. And having a gun is a good way not to avoid killing somebody.” That is the epitome of fuzzy thinking.
Since each Christian is the temple of the Holy Spirit, it is unwise to value the life of a law breaker over one’s own life for the dubious prospect of the thief trusting Christ in the future. The odds are unlikely since most people choose to not trust Him. That means the practical pacifist sacrificed the life of his family and his own life without accomplishing anything other than feeding the morticians or maybe purchasing them a new hearse. It also may mean that the killer will kill others who “are not ready for Heaven.” Moreover, there is no guarantee that the criminal will get saved after the pacifist has spared his life at the expense of his own!
Piper said, “We don’t need guns in our houses.” He is wrong. It is irresponsible not to have a gun. A gun is like a parachute: if you don’t have one when needed, you won’t need it again. Moreover, I would rather have a parachute and not need it than not have one when I need it. Same with a gun.
He finally said, “Those who live by the gun will die by the gun.” But those who permit the bad guys to have guns and refuse to arm themselves may die by the gun carried by the thief or rapist who can’t even spell pacifist. But they can fire a gun!
Although Jesus tells his followers in Luke 22:36 to go buy a sword, Piper argues that Jesus did not intend for his apostles to have swords in order to use them to “violently defend against persecution.” Maybe they intended to use the swords to cut their meat, to open envelopes, and to trim their nails!
Piper and those like him can choose whatever they please but they must give account for their actions. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord and I will protect them with the help of two good friends: Smith and Wesson.
(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)
(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives; ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis, wrote columns for USA Today for eight years; authored 15 books and hundreds of columns and articles for Internet and print media publications; defended his beliefs on hundreds of talk shows. These columns go to newspapers, magazines, television, and radio stations and may be used without change from title through the end tag. His web sites are and Contact Don for an interview or talk show.)
To let someone murder when it is in your power to stop them is completely contrary to our moral sentiments. The problem is not that Jesus appears to be telling us to lie down and let evil overtake us. I don’t think that Jesus is telling us never to respond to evil with force (such as in self-defense) or always to literally turn the other cheek when we are slapped. While it is sometimes appropriate even for individuals to use self-defense, it is never appropriate for individuals to seek to punish others.

John Piper on Guns: 

Suicidal, Arminian, Pacifist, and Statist

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
A video of John Piper’s opinions on gun ownership and gun control is making its rounds online.
His statements are fraught with manifold errors, all of which deserve disentanglement:
1. Piper follows the modern evangelical praise for Jim Eliot and his comrades who gained “End of the Spear” fame through their so-called martyrdom at the hands, and spears, of savages. I am not one to derogate the deaths of those men, to denigrate the grief and suffering endured by their families, or to downplay the salvation of the tribe following their deaths – but it is simply wrong to praise them. Their deaths were instances of sinful suicide, improperly valuing the natives’ salvation and improperly subordinating their family’s (and their own) well-being. The tribe’s salvation was another instance of God’s providentially sifting good out of evil, not of His utilizing an instrument characteristically productive of salvation.
Probably, Piper would likewise mimic modern evangelicals in their comparison of the death of Eliot and his men to the crucifixion of our Savior, seeing the latter as providing moral justification for the former. If Jesus underwent the worst sufferings for the sake of the vilest sinners (not only those who directly slew Him, but even the “worst of sinners” in different times and places), then shouldn’t we do the same for our enemies in need of the gospel? Shouldn’t we likewise accept persecution and pray to the Father, “Forgive them; for they know not what they do”?
But this is specious moral reasoning. The mission of Christ was very specific and for an immense moral objective: the glorification of God in the salvation of the elect. Taking away the sin of the world is a moral end which justifies a greater degree of endured violence than lesser moral ends, such as the contingent, uncertain salvation of a single intruder. While acting for the salvation of others is a worthy and noble purpose, it is not the same purpose as procuring the salvation of the church, and therefore fewer means are morally permissible in fulfilling that purpose. Jesus’s suicide (if it can properly be called that) was morally justified by the solemnity and loftiness of His moral objective, but the same cannot necessarily be said of just any suicide done for the purpose of a particular person’s salvation. The value of preserving one’s own is a high end that frankly trumps the concern we ought to have for the salvation of a violent, albeit unbelieving, interloper.
2. Piper’s intolerably high concern for human salvation gives him a false view not merely on the practical-ethical concern of violently resisting violence, but also on the doctrinal-theological topic of salvation itself: in particular, the error of Arminianism. The Arminian view of salvation includes the disposition of God to universally redeem all of humanity, which disposition is constrained by a logically necessary restriction on God’s power, namely, the inability of God to move the human will. While a disposition in God to universally redeem all of humanity is within the stream of Reformed orthodoxy – though many Calvinists reject it outright – all Calvinists understand God’s intention in salvation to be “constrained,” not by any restriction of power, but by a free concern for His own glory. God wishes to glorify Himself in the gracious salvation of the elect and the just damnation of the reprobate; thus He decrees for both to occur. But in Arminianism, God is understood to have a predominant disposition to save humanity, that is, a disposition to save humanity all-things-considered (whereas the few Calvinists who believe in a universal-salvific love within God understand it as all-other-things-being-equal). This predominant salvific disposition in God entails that He would be unwilling to foreordain the just damnation of any sinner, even if He were capable of doing so. Hence on Arminianism, God is characterized by a supreme, primal concern for human salvation, deeming it an incommensurable good, and subordinating any concern He might have for the display of His justice. Arminianism is thus humanistic, placing a value upon human well-being far beyond moral boundaries.
This view of God is manifested in, or at the very least implied by, Piper’s idolatrously high concern for the salvation of violent attackers. He has no use for deadly violence, whether deterrent or retributive, insofar as it is used against unbelievers – and thus he shows himself to value human salvation more than any possible purpose for deadly violence! Capital punishment, even for the most heinous of crimes, is off-limits. All war, even for the justest of reasons, is off-limits. Defending his wife and daughters from the most monstrous of rapist-murderers is off-limits.  Can a more dangerous connection between aberrant theology and distorted ethics be found? But if he consistently accepts a Reformed view of the divine will and the divine justice, not seeing God’s own creation, providence, and justice as motivated by a paramount concern for human salvation, then his impious premium placed upon human salvation will abate until reaching permissible proportions. As it stands now, Piper might profess to value the glory of God over human salvation,1 but he clearly does not value any demonstration of just violence – a central means by which God is temporally and eternally glorified – over human salvation in any circumstance. This is practical Arminianism. Anyone who values his own family’s safety below the salvation of a violent intruder values human salvation too highly and, ironically, “is worse than an infidel.”
3. Piper claims not to be a pacifist, since he opposes only deadly violence, not all violence entirely. But such an idea is frankly absurd, as any permission of just violence must, to be consistent, permit some degree of violence to the death. Imagine Piper’s dream world, where the righteous do not utilize lethal violence, but only sufficient violence to achieve their objectives. Armed men come to arrest a convicted (and unbelieving) thief to take him to trial, and the thief resists. Should the men then inform him, “If you resist enough, not to worry, we won’t kill you”? Such a principle would constitute unbarred license for wicked men to overtake all of society! Should we expect God’s infinitely just and wise design of human society to include such an absurdity? Or should we instead concede that deadly violence is not sinful in every conceivable circumstance, and that deadly violence must be permissible if any violence is at all? Piper’s argumentation is implicitly pacifist, his protestations notwithstanding.
4. Near the end of his answer (around 4:15), Piper makes a rather sensible statement, arguing that we should not kill an attacker if we can avoid it. I agree with this statement, but its danger lies in what is unrevealed. First, he neglects to mention what his principled position is: specifically, that we can always avoid killing an attacker. He holds that opting for individual and corporate Christian suicide is morally preferable to slaying a belligerent unbeliever, and he thus denies that any circumstances can morally legitimize such a slaying. When he states that we should not kill people “if we can avoid it,” he is thus positing a useless qualification; he does not intend to convey that there are any situations where we can’t avoid it. For him, killing is always avoidable, so why would he state its avoidability as if it were a contingent condition?
Second, in the heat of the moment, great uncertainty looms over a number of contingencies: what the intruder intends to accomplish, how violent he is willing to be, how much a specific injury would harm him or slow him down, how much time one has to stop him, and so on. Due to these contingencies, and due to the high value of one’s own family, the benefit of the doubt should heavily lean towards the use of deadly violence. If there is an intruder in one’s home, then deadly force is almost certainly morally justified. Contrary to Piper, the immense uncertainty of the situation does not detract from, but precisely establishes, the moral propriety of slaying the interloper. This is why the Mosaic law exonerates a homeowner for killing a thief in the night but not in the day (Exodus 22:2-3), because the uncertainties in the event differ so largely between the two. Piper would have to pretend that fathers are given a huge list of alternatives from which they casually select their course of action, only some of which result in the intruder’s death. But the reality is that killing the invader is usually the safest option; the gravity and rapidity of the situation rarely permit lethal force to be evaluated as “avoidable.”
5. In principle, it is manifestly false that we ought to value salvation so highly as to passively murder our own families. But besides this revolting mistake in principle, Piper also makes a considerable mistake in fact. He has no idea whether a homeowner’s death will cause a greater chance of increased human salvation than otherwise. Certainly, the invader himself will have a greater chance of salvation than if he were killed on the spot, but other humans can be affected by the life or death of the parties involved. For example, it could very well be that, were the homeowner to survive the invasion, he would proceed to lead many other souls to salvation, souls which in God’s providence would not have been converted by a different means. Alternatively, it could be that the invader, if not killed that night, would go on to kill a number of other unconverted people, thus obliterating their chances of salvation.2 Or, to return to the example of Jim Eliot, the savages who speared his men, in witnessing their nonresistance, could have righteously interpreted their foreign religion as promoting weakness, cowardice, and a denial of healthy self-love, rejecting it on those grounds. (Similarly, it might have been that if Eliot’s men defended themselves, the remaining savages would have converted only due to the moral fortitude displayed in the men’s self-defense, and not otherwise.) We simply do not know how aggregate human salvation will be affected by our actions, so Piper is in error when he believes he is promoting human salvation in refusing to defend his family from an interloper.
6. While Piper professes a principled resistance to all deadly violence against unbelievers – again, because human salvation is an incommensurable good – he affirms an inconsistent double standard when applying the principle to the realm of civil government. He states his belief in deadly violence for cops and for the military, as if it were an obvious (and even pseudo-manly) fact that those guys should “take out” the bad guys; but he does not apprehend, or perhaps does not admit, his underlying statist presuppositions. The chief premise undergirding  “liberal” gun control propaganda is the moral superiority of the government over the populace, that the government can responsibly use arms but not civilians. Piper extends this statist sewage by maintaining not merely that the state alone should be equipped with weapons, but further that the state alone can permissibly use deadly violence. Civilians are forbidden in all circumstances from killing others, but not the state. This demands further reflection: if Piper holds that human salvation is such a momentous moral good that deadly violence is always forbidden, and if he simultaneously holds that the police and military are permitted to use deadly violence, then what is the conclusion? If he does not admit to contradiction, then no inference can remain except that the state is god. The disparate moral standards cannot otherwise be explained. The state is permitted to send people to hell, but civilians cannot use deadly force in even the direst of circumstances. “‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ saith the State.”
John Piper’s guidance on gun ownership is not biblical or Reformed; neither is it safe. May his false teachings be discarded, even spurned. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.


  1. Undoubtedly he does. Evidence for this would be a book Piper has authored, God’s Passion for His Glory, which is an introduction to and commentary on Jonathan Edwards’s The End for Which God Created the World. Edwards’s answer is, of course, God’s supreme concern for His own glory. That Piper could write such a piece and still retain these insidious practical errors which contradict the doctrine displays both his opaqueness and the abundant mercy of God in restraining errant consistency. 
  2. I of course am not implying that any of these parties’ salvation would be “left to chance” or uncertain from God’s point of view, but it is still important to note that God employs means in salvation, and thus that various counter factuals can be true or false (e.g. “If X were true, then he would not be converted”). Consider, for instance, Matthew 11:23.


Rebuttal of a Christian Pacifist
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and 
research purposes:

Reverend John Piper recently wrote an essay advocating Christian pacifism in the face of mortal threats to life and limb. The following is a detailed rebuttal.

“As chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary, I want to send a different message to our students, and to the readers of Desiring God, than Jerry Falwell, Jr. sent to the students of Liberty University in a campus chapel service on December 4… The apostle Paul called Christians not to avenge ourselves, but to leave it to the wrath of God, and instead to return good for evil.” Reverend John Piper

“Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’ To the contrary, ‘if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12: 17-21

It is not possible, nor does it depend on us, to live peaceably with Sharia-loving totalitarian Muslim jihadists, or with totalitarian Marxists or Fascists, because totalitarian control of the great mass of people by a small self-serving oligarchy, religious or secular, requires destruction of the people’s God-given unalienable rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. We did not overcome the disgusting evils of Nazi Germany and Soviet Communism by providing them with food and drink because the evil spoken of by the Apostle Paul was of a lesser order, i.e.: social enemies rather than totalitarian mortal enemies. It is not evil to oppose, resist and destroy evil, and will not be confused with repaying evil for evil in the minds of right-minded American Christians.

Reverend Jerry Falwell, Jr. has not called for Christians to arm themselves in order to enact vengeance against Muslim jihadists, or other murderers, rather he has expressed the intuitive, natural, God-given human instinct for self-defense and survival. Reverend John Piper has thus constructed a non-existent straw man, named it Jerry Falwell, Jr., and then attempted to rhetorically take him down.

“And then he [the Apostle Paul] said that God gave the sword (the gun) into the hand of governmental rulers to express that wrath in the pursuit of justice in this world…” Reverend John Piper

“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.” Romans 13: 1-4

Unlike the tyrannies of ancient times, and unlike modern Fascist or Marxist Dictatorships or Islamo-Fascist Dictatorships, as stated in our Declaration of Independence, the United States was founded on the God-given, natural, unalienable, equal rights of His created people. The Apostle Paul correctly tells us to obey good government, i.e.: government which secures the people’s natural rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but it is self-evident from both ancient and modern history that many governments become tyrannical and evil as they destroy the people’s God-given human rights, and thus their God-given human dignity and value. Evil tyrannical governments are a terror to good conduct, are not instituted by God – as with Pharaoh of Exodus, and become God’s enemy – not God’s servant. Notice that the Apostle Paul qualified government as an institution which is not a fearful terror to the people, and a Godly servant to the people’s good, thus we are not subject to evil rulers (evil governing authorities) which become an un-Godly fearful terror to their people, and a servant primarily of their own good to the detriment of the people’s good. Resistance to evil tyrannical government will not incur God’s judgment, rather the opposite, evil tyrannical government will incur God’s judgment.

“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God… I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” Thomas Jefferson

“Any claim that in a democracy the citizens are the government, and therefore may assume the role of the sword-bearing ruler in Romans 13, is elevating political extrapolation over biblical revelation. When Paul says, ‘[The ruler] does not bear the sword in vain’ (Romans 13:4), he does not mean that Christians citizens should all carry swords so the enemy doesn’t get any bright ideas.” Reverend John Piper

First of all the United States is not a Democracy because our Founding Fathers understood that democratic majorities tend to become tyrannical oppressors of minorities, so our nation was created as a Declarational/Constitutional Republic whose laws (Constitution) secure all the people’s God-given unalienable human rights (Declaration). The American Republic, properly administered, does in fact deliver power to the people who, through their amendable Constitution, are the government. Therefore We the People do assume the role of sword-bearing ruler as in Romans 13, thus bringing just political power into compliance with Biblical revelation.

“The Constitution of most of our states, and of the United States, assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed and that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property, and freedom of press.” Thomas Jefferson

“The people – the people – are the rightful masters of both congresses, and courts – not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow the menwho pervert it.” Abraham Lincoln

It is irrational, and I would add immoral, to assert that our American Government has an obligation to wield the sword in defense of its people, but not the people themselves.

“It is strangely absurd to suppose that a million of human beings, collected together, are not under the same moral laws which bind each of them separately.” Thomas Jefferson

“The apostle Peter teaches us that Christians will often find themselves in societies where we should expect and accept unjust mistreatment without retaliation… Peter’s aim for Christians as “sojourners and exiles” on the earth is not that we put our hope in the self-protecting rights of the second amendment, but in the revelation of Jesus Christ in glory (1 Peter 1:713;4:135:1). His aim is that we suffer well and show that our treasure is in heaven, not in self-preservation.” Reverend John Piper

“This is a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly.” 1 Peter 2:19

Yes, of course, if we suffer injustice and sorrow because of our Christian faith we will be rewarded in Heaven, but that is not the same as passively allowing others, particularly those people comprising an evil government, to physically maim or kill us our families or our neighbors without exercising self-defense for self-preservation. We should rejoice if we must suffer or die as Christians, but we are not commanded by the Apostle Peter that we must suffer and die, or to passively allow the suffering and death of our children or neighbors at the hands of evil people such as murderers, Islamic Jihadists, other terrorists or evil government. Peter’s aim is not that we should suffer well, but that we should suffer well if there is no way out – as always occurs under tyrannical governments devoid of a second amendment. The cure for suffering unjustly, whenever possible, is the overthrow of injustice and the establishment of justice, just as it occurred in our American Revolution.

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that Governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.” Thomas Jefferson

“Jesus promised that violent hostility will come; and the whole tenor of his counsel was how to handle it with suffering and testimony, not with armed defense… If we teach our students that they should carry guns, and then challenge them, ‘Let’s teach them a lesson if they ever show up here,’ do we really think that when the opportunity to lay down their lives comes, they will do what Jim Elliott and his friends did in Ecuador, and refuse to fire their pistols at their killers, while the spears plunged through their chests? Reverend John Piper

“But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons. You will be brought before kings and rulers for My name’s sake. But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony… You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, relatives and friends; and they will put some of you to death. And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But not a hair of your head shall be lost. By your patience possess your souls.” Luke 21: 12-19

Jesus was warning the twelve Apostles in Luke 21 that they would be persecuted and that some would be put to death for speaking His gospel, and that they should make the best of their opportunities to speak, and be prepared for the worst, but Jesus’ last word on the subject follows in Luke 22 where he instructed the Apostles to buy swords for self-defense.

“When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?” So they said, “Nothing.” Then He said to them, “But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.” Luke 22: 35-36

Reverend Piper expects the Christian students at Liberty University to lay down their lives when the time comes, i.e.: when a Muslim Jihadist or other terrorist starts shooting, stabbing or bombing, rather than exercise self-defense, and he has perverted the Word of God in so doing.

“Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus. So Jesus said to Peter, ‘Put your sword into the sheath.'” John 18: 10-11

“But Jesus said to him [Peter], “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.” Matthew 26: 52

Jesus did not admonish Peter to get rid of his sword after cutting off the ear of a solder sent to arrest Jesus. He told Peter to re-sheathe his sword, which means Jesus told Peter to keep his sword for its proper use of self-defense. Peter’s mistake was to use the sword in an act of aggression when Jesus was arrested by the legal authorities; Peter was not using it in self-defense while someone was trying to murder him or Jesus. The legal officers who arrested Jesus carried swords too, but they did not strike Peter or Jesus with their swords, so it was Peter who used the sword in a wrong way, and Jesus called him on it, but Jesus did not tell Peter to get rid of his sword. Those who live by the sword through aggression often die violently, and justly so, but those who use the sword only in self-defense are known as our courageous heroes.

“When Jesus told the apostles to buy a sword, he was not telling them to use it to escape the very thing he promised they should endure to the death… I do not think that Jesus meant in verse 36 that his disciples were to henceforth be an armed band of preachers ready to use violence to defend themselves from persecution.” Reverend John Piper

Jesus knew that after his time on earth was done the Apostles and other followers would be placed in harm’s way, and Jesus did not want them to die at the hands of their enemies prior to an effective spreading the His Gospel. Luke 22, 35-36 is the Christian 2nd amendment. Jesus expected His Apostles to carry swords in self-defense so they could carry out their God-ordained mission. I believe likewise that Jesus does not want us to die at the hands of the enemies of our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness today prior to our own God-ordained mission to live and love, labor creatively and to speak the Gospel of Christ in our own day. Jesus was Himself a pacifist, but, despite the assertions of Reverend Piper, Jesus did not order us to be pacifists.

“I think I can say with complete confidence that the identification of Christian security with concealed weapons will cause no one to ask a reason for the hope that is in us. They will know perfectly well where our hope is. It’s in our pocket.” Reverend John Piper

As Christians we have hope in eternal life thanks to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but that is no reason to abandon hope for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness in this world. Our hope for the former is in Jesus, and for the latter in our love of life, family and neighbors, in our creative labor, and in our God-given ability and responsibility to defend these precious gifts from God.

“Christians are freed to rejoice in persecution because our hearts have been so changed that we are more satisfied in the hope of heaven than in the hope of self-defense. This is the root of turning the other cheek and loving the enemy… A natural instinct is to boil this issue down to the question, “Can I shoot my wife’s assailant?… This instinct is understandable. But it seems to me that the New Testament resists this kind of ethical reduction, and does not satisfy our demand for a yes or no on that question.” Reverend John Piper

“You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away.” Matthew 5: 38-42

“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” Matthew 5: 44-45

When Jesus instructed us to not resist an evil person and turn the other cheek, it is clear from the text that He was referencing social conflict, not life-threatening mortal conflict. Some Christians may be called to self-sacrificing pacifism – OK by me for them, but the vast majority of us are called to physically defend our own lives, and the lives of our families and neighbors. As Christians we are obliged to love our enemy, yet at the same time we are obliged to hate and if necessary destroy evil as it confronts us.

“The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil.” Proverbs 8:13

“Hate what is evil…” Romans 12:9

It is one thing for a Christian clergyman to advocate self-sacrificing pacifism for himself in the face of mortal danger, but quite another to advocate or force pacifism on others against their natural God-given will to live. No one on Earth has the authority to tolerate, through pacifism, maiming injury or death to their own family or neighbor at the hands of murderers, terrorists, Muslim jihadists or tyrannical government; that is not only cowardly and un-Christian, it is evil. As Christians we are under Divine obligation to provide, not only food and shelter for our families, without which physical harm would ensue, but also to provide safety from violent physical harm. Both the New and Old Testaments provide us with a resounding “yes” to the question posed by Reverend Piper: “Can I shoot my wife’s assailant?”

“But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” 1 Timothy 5:8

Neither shalt thou stand idly by the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD.”Leviticus 19:16

As Christians we are obliged by God to physically and courageously defend our families and thereby eschew the cowardice of un-Godly pacifism. Do not allow the Christian church to be perverted into the pacifist suicide cult advocated by Reverend Piper.

“The early church, as we see her in Acts, expected and endured persecution without armed resistance, but rather with joyful suffering, prayer, and the word of God… In all the dangers Paul faced in the book of Acts, there is not a hint that he ever planned to carry or use a weapon for his defense against his adversaries. He was willing to appeal to the authorities in Philippi (Acts 16:37) and Jerusalem (Acts 22:25). But he never used a weapon to defend himself against persecution.” Reverend John Piper

“When they had called in the apostles, they beat them and charged them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name.”Acts 5: 40-41

There is more than a hint that the Apostle Paul carried a sword for self-defense since Jesus, setting a precedent, commanded the other twelve Apostles to do so the night before His crucifixion. Unlike Peter who cut off the ear of a solder sent to arrest Jesus, we have no indication that Paul, after his conversion, used his sword unjustly outside of self-defense.

Early Christians were mostly helpless and disarmed subjects of a totalitarian Roman Emperor, not free men and women living in a Constitutional Republic dedicated to securing the people’s life, liberty and creative pursuit of happiness, so we should not use the example of early Christian martyrs as a blueprint for present day America. These early Christians were unable to avoid persecution; they were defenseless serfs born with Roman saddles on their backs, but we are not. The injustice, persecution and tyranny of old Rome, and of Medieval Kings, has been overthrown by our Founding Fathers. As Americans we now have the protection of our Declaration, Constitution and Bill of Rights by the grace of God.

“All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of God.” Thomas Jefferson

“This article is about the people whom the Bible calls “refugees and exiles” on earth; namely, Christians. It’s about the fact that our weapons are not material, but spiritual… It is an argument that the overwhelming focus and thrust of the New Testament is that Christians are sent into the world… “as lambs in the midst of wolves”… And that exhorting the lambs to carry concealed weapons with which to shoot the wolves does not advance the counter-cultural, self-sacrificing, soul-saving cause of Christ.” Reverend John Piper

Reverend Piper’s article is about un-Godly Christian pacifism where the soul-saving words of Jesus Christ have been perverted into suicidal agitprop which enables the triumph of evil.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke


Are You Opposed to People Owning Guns?

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The following is an edited transcript of the audio.
Are you opposed to people owning guns?
(This question stems from the last lines of a blog post John Piper wrote titled “Guns and Martyrdom.”)
The context of my comment was that the missionaries in 1956 who were martyred in Ecuador—Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Roger Youdarian, and Peter Fleming—were all speared to death, but they had guns. (This came out through research, and I saw it in a documentary.) And they shot their guns in the air as the spears were going through their chests. They could’ve saved their lives by just shooting horizontally, but they didn’t. They shot in the air because they decided earlier that they were ready to go to heaven but these natives were not. So why would they kill them rather than being killed themselves?
In relation to that, our Supreme Court just declared that the Second Amendment right to bear arms includes not just the right of a militia to bear arms, but the right of a person to have a firearm in his house.
And as I contemplated those two events—the missionaries’ decision and new decision of the Supreme Court—I thought, “If somebody enters my house as a thief, he probably is not ready to go to heaven either.” So then I just ended the blog with, “I hope you don’t use your economic stimulus check to buy a gun.”
I’ve never had one. I’ve never owned a firearm. I had a pellet rifle when I was little and I killed squirrels. But I’m sort of ashamed of the way I killed squirrels, because I didn’t eat them or do anything with them. I just felt it was cool, and I don’t think that’s a very wholesome thing.
No, I am not a pacifist. I am not a pacifist principally, and I’m not a pacifist actively.
Somebody wrote and asked me, “Would you protect your daughter if you had a gun?” I wrote back a one-word answer, “Probably,” and what I meant by it was that the circumstances are so unpredictable. What would you do? Shoot the guy in the head? Or shoot him in the chest? How about the leg? Or just throw the gun at him, or hit him over the head with it? Of course I’m going to protect my daughter! But I’m not aiming to kill anybody, especially an intruder who doesn’t know Christ and would go straight to hell, probably. Why would I want to do that if I could avoid it?
So no, I’m not a pacifist. I believe there should be a militia, and I believe in policemen with billy clubs and guns who should take out guys who are killing people. And I believe in a military to protect a land from aggression. And I believe that fathers should protect their children, even using force. But if they can avoid killing somebody, of course they should avoid killing somebody. And having a gun is a good way not to avoid killing somebody.
We don’t need guns in our houses.
And I’m not against hunters. Don’t get on my case about that, saying that Piper doesn’t believe that you can have bows and arrows and rifles, etc.
And I’m not going to get in your face if you have a gun lying in your drawer. I just think it’s not very wise.
Those who live by the gun will die by the gun.
Thumb author john piper

John Piper (@JohnPiper) is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is author of more than 50 books.

A Biblical Response to John Piper’s Denial of the Right to Bear Arms

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
John Piper has posted a response to Jerry Falwell, Jr’s. call for Christians to arm themselves and his provision for students to carry arms on the Liberty University campus. Piper’s position as outlined is about as close as one can come to individual pacifism without saying so. His response unfortunately ignores much of the context of the New Testament passages it cites, and ignores the Old Testament entirely. As such, I not only view it as unbiblical and disagree with it strongly, I think it would be dangerous and unloving for Christians to accept in society.
At the outset, Piper gives a qualification to illustrate he does not intend to give a comprehensive argument against self-defense in general, but he quickly undermines that qualification, and with each successive point, his position grows progressively absolute. He writes, “My main concern in this article is with the appeal to students that stirs them up to have the mindset: Let’s all get guns and teach them a lesson if they come here.” He wants to narrow the argument: “The issue is not primarily about when and if a Christian may ever use force in self-defense, or the defense of one’s family or friends. There are significant situational ambiguities in the answer to that question.”
While he never addresses these “significant situational ambiguities,” he keeps mentioning them while at the same time making broad, general statements like this: “The concern is the forging of a disposition in Christians to use lethal force, not as policemen or soldiers, but as ordinary Christians in relation to harmful adversaries.” That’s a very broad position which entails that unless they are agents of the civil government, Christians ought not to use lethal force at all. Thus, while he says he wants to leave that issue to the side because of its ambiguities, he immediately posits a policy which answers it in the negatively definitively.
Dr. Piper continues in this vein through the entire piece. And I think he feels his own inconsistency here, for he immediately sets up the contrary position as a straw man: “Does it accord with the New Testament to encourage the attitude that says, ‘I have the power to kill you in my pocket, so don’t mess with me’? My answer is, No.”
Simply put, nobody argues for this. This is not the position of Christian leaders who are trained and informed on the biblical view of defense. Not even Falwell, Jr.’s borderline-intemperate remarks are well represented by such an extreme position. To represent the pro-self-defense position this way is irresponsible on Dr. Piper’s part.
Piper then follows with nine considerations which he believes backs up his position, and one of these is broken into seven parts. I will not take the time to address them all at length, but only those couple that I believe are most central to his position. (Some of my more comprehensive biblical arguments can be found here and elsewhere.)
Piper’s primary argument is that Romans 12:17–13:4 prohibits private Christian individuals from engaging in vengeance. The power of the sword, the text says, it clearly left only to the civil government. And even though in a Republic like ours the people are the government, Paul did not envision “that Christians citizens should all carry swords so the enemy doesn’t get any bright ideas.”
While it is true that Paul (and Jesus, Matthew 5:38­–39) instruct against personal vengeance, and that the power of the sword belongs to civil government, this does not mean that God’s people are absolutely forbidden in any and all circumstances from self-defense of their lives or property, or especially the defense of the lives of loved ones and neighbors?
It is here that Piper’s problem resides most clearly in his understanding and use of Scripture. By abstracting passages like these not only from their historical context, but virtually any context, he absolutizes them to teach that citizens must always be passive before thieves, robbers, rapists, and murderers, and by extension terrorists, invaders, and tyrannical governments.
But is this how we handle Scripture?
No. First, Piper does not deal anywhere with clear Old Testament passages that instruct in both principle and practice that God’s people have the right even of lethal self-defense. Readers ought to be familiar with Exodus 22:2: “If the thief is caught while breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there will be no blood guiltiness on his account.”
The principle is that when an attacker attacks in a lethal situation, that attacker may legitimately be met with up to lethal force. The “no vengeance” principle is here overridden by exigency. It was for this reason that Jesus told Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane to put away his drawn sword. It was not, as Piper alleges, because we are pilgrims who have no right to use swords. It was because Jesus was intimately familiar with the Old Testament principle: the moment you reveal yourself in public as a lethal threat, you make yourself a target for a lethal force defense. This is exactly why Jesus said what He did: “all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Matt. 26:52).
Likewise, when King Ahasuerus granted the captive Jews the right to defend themselves against attackers it included the right “to assemble and to defend their lives, to destroy, to kill and to annihilate the entire army of any people or province which might attack them, including children and women, and to plunder their spoil” (Esther 8:11).
The Jews knew that the Scriptures allowed them the right of self-defense already, but they knew spoiling the attacker was across the line. So when the time came, they openly defended themselves: “the Jews struck all their enemies with the sword, killing and destroying” (Esther 9:5); but note: “they did not lay their hands on the plunder” (Esther 9:10).
This law and example are clear, and they are not rescinded by New Testament teachings. Indeed, while Christian pietists like Piper may be tempted to say the “No vengeance” principle is a New Testament principle which does away with the Old, the truth is just the opposite. To establish that principle in Romans 12:19–20, Paul quotes two Old Testament passages: “Vengeance is mine, I will repay” is quoted directly from Deuteronomy 32:35 (the Old Testament law!). The following statement about loving your enemy is taken directly from Proverbs 25:21–22, which is itself based again upon Old Testament law (Exodus 23:4–5).
So it will not suffice to argue that the “No vengeance” principle is a New Testament improvement upon the Old. That principle is itself an Old Testament principle.
But this means we must realize it is perfectly reconcilable with the rest of the Old Testament law which, despite including the principle against personal vengeance, also make allowances for self-defense and lethal force when appropriate. The two principles are not at odds; they are perfectly in accord as they apply in different situations and contexts.
Thus, it is here where Piper’s view of Scripture seems to be molded and shaped by pietism and an unacceptable neglect of the Old Testament which together would leave Christian families defenseless before violent attackers. This reflects the kind of New Testament-only heresy which creates the pietist-humanist alliance—a capitulation and neglect on the part of Christian leaders which leaves social issues to the whims of Bible-hating liberals who are all too eager to accept the gift. I won’t stand for it. Read the Old Testament basis for your New Testament principles, and then accept that that basis demands the balance of the Old Testament as well except where explicitly replaced.
But Piper is shockingly consistent with his New Testament-only position of defenselessness, and it is here that his argument get most troubling. He argues that one retort to his position will boil down to, “Can I shoot my wife’s assailant.” What should be a no-brainer biblically speaking, Piper calls an “instinct” and offers seven points on his way to answering “No.”
I was shocked and appalled that Piper is so anti-gun and anti-defense that he expects Christians to stand by watching their wife or children being assaulted, raped, or murdered before their very eyes without reacting in defense. He doesn’t like to accept that his answer is “No,” and even says there is no direct answer, but then again immediately makes it clear: “there is no direct dealing with the situation of using lethal force to save family and friend, except in regards to police and military.”
This is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Why would the God of the Old Testament give clear guidelines for self-defense in such cases, but suddenly in the New Testament retract them and give that right only to a handful of government agents who can’t get to the scene any more quickly than an average of 10 minutes? What love is this?
People let’s be clear. Police, for what good they do, do not protect you from criminals, rapists, and murderers. Police more often than not show up late and write reports about what happened before they got there. Your wife’s best hope at this moment is a gun in her husband’s hand. That would be the most Christ-honoring item that could be on the scene.
I am shocked and saddened as I read Piper’s defense of this position. When viewing his wife being raped, he would contemplate within himself: “Our primary aim in life is to show that Christ is more precious than life. So when presented with this threat to my wife or daughter or friend, my heart should incline toward doing good in a way that would accomplish this great aim. There are hundreds of variables in every crisis that might affect how that happens.”
NO. There is only one variable in this situation: the angle at which you shoot the rapist in the head.
There is one principle at play here, and it is another Old Testament principle repeated nine times in the New Testament: love your neighbor as yourself. How is it showing Christ’s love if we allow someone’s to be raped or murdered before us and do nothing? There are no variables here. The love of neighbor compels every person to protect innocent life and to level criminals who have made themselves a lethal threat.
If Paul said that a person who merely doesn’t provide for their family is worse than an infidel and has denied the faith (1 Tim. 5:8), what in the world do you think He would say of a guy who sat contemplating pious platitudes while his family was beaten and slaughtered before him?
Piper continues applying his principle: “I live in the inner city of Minneapolis, and I would personally counsel a Christian not to have a firearm available for such circumstances.”
I would counsel Christians to listen to someone who has not made the love of Christ a meaningless abstraction. Arm yourself Christian. Love your neighbor as yourself.
In closing, Piper hits upon a theme he mentions several times. He argues that we are pilgrims in this world, and that Jesus told us to expect “violent hostility.” We should just remember that we are lambs among wolves, and that our lot is not to shoot the wolves but resign ourselves to be devoured.
Let’s just say that this was part of the truth when the disciples were facing a persecuting government where armed resistance would have been not only futile but would have been met with government force as sedition. But as I have made clear here and here and elsewhere, the “pilgrim” motif of the New Testament was a temporary phenomenon for that generation until the persecuting authorities of the unbelieving Jewish culture were destroyed. The writer of Hebrews makes it clear that the disciples had arrived at the Zion that Abraham sought, and it was not something they should wait to expect until after they died.
Even if it were the case that we are still in a “pilgrim” situation, it would still not invalidate the abiding aspects of the love commanded the Old Testament consistent with self-defense. Christians have the right to self-defense, home-defense, and the defense of relatives and neighbors.
To say otherwise is to neglect too much of the Bible, and indeed that’s what Piper’s article actually does: it neglects the context of what it quotes and neglects the Old Testament entirely. For that reason, and for demanding Christians stand idly by while criminals attack and murder people, even family, and indeed even to check introspectively one’s heart even before calling the police for help (!)—Piper’s position is dangerous to society.
Further, it is indicative of those who categorically reject the Old Testament as informative of the New. It is symptomatic of pietistic (closet) Christianity, and those “two-kingdoms” types who say the Bible has nothing to say to the public square. It’s time to abandon all of those positions and adopt a robust biblical worldview that puts the love of God and love of neighbor into practical action in the ways Scripture commands and illustrates—and that includes the right to bear arms and the right to self-defense.
Like I said, we have not dealt all we could with Piper’s comments, but these hit the core of why his position is unbiblical. It is divorced from the context of Scripture and denies what the Bible teaches regarding something as central and foundational as loving your neighbor. His views are pietistic. Where the Bible speaks to such areas of life, he ignores it, and subverts the principles by transforming them into issues only of abstract love of the individual contemplating him own heart in the prayer closet. I say we let the Bible speak to all of life like it does, and then apply it wherever it speaks. And be well armed and trained in arms while doing so. (And find a seminary or college that will allow you to do so.)

John Piper and Gun Control: A Critique

Guns, Self Defense and the Christian:
Amish, Mennonites & Quakers
Take The Unbiblical Pacifist View

Wretched Radio with Todd Friel – John Piper, Beth Moore, and Lectio Divina at Passion 2012










Evangelical Theologian Wayne Grudem Endorses Marco Rubio

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Republican U.S. presidential candidate Senator Marco Rubio speaks during the Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas, Nevada December 15, 2015.
Evangelical theologian Wayne Grudem endorsed Republican presidential candidate Senator Marco Rubio.
Grudem, professor of theology and biblical studies at Phoenix Seminary, directed The Christian Post to a statement he issued last week in support of Fla. Sen. Rubio, calling him “a reliable, thoughtful, articulate conservative who seems to me more knowledgeable than any other candidate on the important issues facing the nation.”
“Rubio is a winsome, likable candidate who has the best chance of soundly defeating Hillary Clinton. He is equally fluent in Spanish and English, which will be a huge asset with Hispanic voters in the general election,” stated Grudem.
“He does not come across as harsh but as reasonable and thoughtful in his defense of conservative positions. And his own words about his personal faith seem to me, as an Evangelical, to indicate a genuine belief in Christ as his own Savior and Lord.”
Grudem’s endorsement comes as he was tapped by the Rubio campaign to be part of an advisory board on religious liberty issues.
Joining Grudem on the advisory board are Rick Warren, pastor at Saddleback Church; Thomas S. Kidd, professor of history at Baylor University; and the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference.
In an earlier interview with CP, Rev. Rodriguez explained that his involvement did not necessarily mean that he will endorse Rubio for president.
“My participation as an advisor on religious liberty issues to Senator Marco Rubio does not in any way, form, or shape indicate a de facto endorsement of his candidacy,” said Rodriguez.
“The NHCLC will never endorse any political candidate for any political party. Samuel Rodriguez the citizen, not as president of the NHCLC, but Samuel Rodriguez American citizen will be endorsing a candidate for the general election but not during the primaries.”
Regarding his involvement with the advisory board, Grudem told CP that he decided to become involved because of his belief that religious liberty is an important current issue.
“I think the issue of protecting religious liberty is crucial in our nation at this time,” explained Grudem to CP.
“Sen. Rubio understands and shares the concerns of evangelical Christians on this matter, and I appreciate the opportunity to give some input to his campaign on this issue.”
Grudem’s comments come as Republican and Democrat candidates ready for the Iowa causes, which will take place Feb. 1 in a heavily Evangelical state.
According to a Real Clear Politics average of polls, among GOP hopefuls Rubio is in third place, trailing behind Senator Ted Cruz and billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump.

The Southern Baptist Convention and the Charismatic Movement

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Though a few churches and individual missionaries have been put out of the Southern Baptist Convention for charismatic doctrine and practice in the past, many others remain, and the number is increasing. 
Christianity Today, May 16, 1986, Pastor Don LeMaster of the West Lauderdale Baptist Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, estimated that five percent of SBC congregations were openly charismatic at that time. That number has doubtless increased. Charisma magazine, March 1999, contained a report entitled “Shaking Southern Baptist Tradition,” which gave many examples of charismatic Southern Baptist congregations. 

In 1995, two professors at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, told Baptist Press that Southern Baptists shouldn’t fear the charismatic movement. “We shouldn’t feel defensive or threatened by an alternative experience, perspective or insights about the Holy Spirit,” said William Hendricks, director of Southern’s doctoral studies program. Churches should not be making a big issue of the movement, he added, because “you could be fighting what is a legitimate experience of the Spirit.” Tim Weber, professor of church history, agreed: “Most charismatics take the Bible as seriously as Southern Baptists, although they read it differently,” he said. The professors also said Southern Baptists shouldn’t divide charismatics into a separate “camp,” since their influence has touched the 15 million-member Southern Baptist Convention. … The professors believe the time has arrived for a more reasoned approach to charismatics and dialogue with them (
Charisma, April 1995, p. 79).
Three of the men that are associated with the charismatic move within the SBC are Jack Taylor, Ron Phillips, and Gary Folds, all of whom accepted the unscriptural nonsense that occurred at the Toronto Airport Church in Ontario and/or at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida. This “revival” took the form of uncontrollable laughter, falling on the floor, barking like a dog and roaring like a lion, electric shocks, weird shaking, and other bizarre experiences. 

Jack Taylor is a former vice president of the Southern Baptist Convention. Taylor was converted to the “Toronto Blessing” when he visited there in 1994. Since then he has spoken frequently on the radical Trinity Broadcasting Network and similar Charismatic forums. He founded Dimension Ministries and is busy influencing Southern Baptists and others with his unscriptural doctrines.

Ron Phillips is pastor of Central Baptist Church of Hixson, Tennessee. His annual Fresh Oil & New Wine Conference, which features speakers such as Rodney Howard-Browne, the “Holy Ghost Bartender,” draws hundreds of Southern Baptist pastors and church members. The church uses the charismatic rock-style music and is experiencing charismatic phenomenon. Another Southern Baptist pastor, Dwain Miller of Second Baptist Church in El Dorado, Arkansas, has prophesied to Phillips that God would use him “to bring renewal to the SBC’s 41,000 churches.” He is referring to a charismatic “renewal,” which is always accompanied by unscriptural ecumenical fervor and downplaying of Bible doctrine. In April 2006, Phillips told the 
Tennessean newspaper that he first experienced speaking in tongues when he was sleeping. He said his wife woke him up and said, “What in the world are you saying?” He concluded that it was a gift from God to encourage him (“Some Baptists Believe Gift of Tongues Remain,” The Tennessean, March 26). He says that he continues to speak in tongues in his “private prayers.” Of course, there is not a hint of something like this in the New Testament Scriptures. In 2008 Phillips counted 500 churches in his charismatic network (“Charismatic Southern Baptist Churches,” Baptist Standard, Oct. 30, 2008). 

Gary Folds is pastor of the First Baptist Church in Belle Glade, Florida. He has written a book promoting the Toronto “Blessing” entitled 
Bull in a China Shop: A Baptist Pastor Runs into God at Toronto. He describes being “slain” in the Spirit and other such things. Following is how he described the meetings he attended: “Some people would simply lay on the floor as though they were sleeping … Others would writhe in what appeared to be anguish, pain, or possibly agony. Some would twitch, while others shook, and some would even have convulsive-type jerking. Many would cry, while an even greater number would laugh … Many of them would laugh for an hour or longer. One night I saw people laugh for almost two and a half hours.” 

James Robison is another example of SBC charismatics. The once fiery evangelist used to lift his voice against sin and apostasy, but those days are over. In 1979, he had some sort of charismatic experience. That same year he spoke at an Assembly of God church. By 1981, he had completely gone over to the ecumenical Charismatic-Roman Catholic line. That was the year he first invited a Roman Catholic to speak at his Bible conference. Robison was so comfortable with the ecumenical program by 1987 that he joined hands with 20,000 Roman Catholics, including hundreds of priests and nuns, at New Orleans ‘87. At this meeting, Robison made the following amazing statement: “I tell you what, one of the finest representatives of morality in this earth right now is the Pope. People who know it really believe he is a born again man.” I was at this meeting with press credentials and personally recorded the message from which this excerpt is taken. Robison remains affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and has influenced many Southern Baptists in the charismatic direction.

Another example is evangelist Bill Sharples. He resigned a Southern Baptist pastorate after accepting the tongues-speaking movement, but 25% of his meetings are in SBC churches. He claims that 15 to 20 percent of Southern Baptists that he meets are open to the Charismatic movement. 

Billy Graham is another Southern Baptist who has recommended tongues and charismatic signs and wonders. In his 1978 book, 
The Holy Spirit, he “endorsed laying on of hands, divine healing and tongues.” He said: “As we approach the end of the age I believe we will see a dramatic recurrence of signs and wonders, which will demonstrate the power of God to a skeptical world.” Graham even promoted the false charismatic prophet Oral Roberts. Graham spoke at the dedication ceremony of Oral Roberts University in 1962. Later that year Graham joined Oral Roberts as a speaker at the July 1962 convention of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International in Seattle, Washington. Graham invited Roberts to the World Congress on Evangelism in 1966 and recommended him to influential Evangelical leaders. 

Pat Robertson is another example. In the late 1950s he became involved in the Pentecostal movement and began “speaking in tongues.” He established the Christian Broadcasting Network in 1960, and that same year was ordained by the Freemason Street Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia, a Southern Baptist congregation. A few years later he formed the “700 Club,” which spread ecumenical and charismatic doctrine far and wide. He still claims to be affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Speaking at Celebration 2000 in St. Louis, Missouri, Robertson testified that though he is a Baptist, he sees the need for Roman Catholic charismatics to visit Baptist churches in order to teach the Baptists how to dance and worship God.

Another charismatic Southern Baptist is Pastor Wallace Henley, Crossroads Baptist Church, Houston, Texas. His church practices tongues speaking, and he supports the “revival” at the Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida, where the pastor gets so “drunk in the spirit” that he cannot lead the congregation. Henley claims that those who are opposed to the charismatic movement are “pharisaical” and “mean-spirited.” 

In November 2005 the Southern Baptist Foreign Mission Board voted to forbid missionaries to speak in tongues, but Jerry Rankin, the head of the board, said that he has spoken in a “private prayer language” for 30 years. What confusion!

Speaking at a chapel service on August 29, 2006, Dwight McKissic, a trustee of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, told the students that he speaks in tongues in his “private prayer life” (“Southwestern Trustee’s Sermon on Tongues Prompts Response,” Baptist Press, Aug. 30, 2006). McKissic, who is the pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church, an SBC congregation in Arlington, Texas, said he has prayed in tongues since 1981. The first time, he says, was when he was a seminary student. He recalls, “Strange sounds begin to come out of my mouth” (“Southern Baptists Debate Tongues,”, October 07, 2006). 

Missionary David Rogers, son of the late Adrian Rogers, SAID HE WORKS WITH MANY MISSIONARIES WHO PRACTICE PRIVATE TONGUES. 

Charles Carroll, SBC missionary to Singapore who was dismissed by the Southern Baptist International Mission Board in 1995 because of his charismatic activities, testified that many 
Southern Baptists living overseas are charismatic, but most remain “in the closet” for fear of being fired (“Baptist Missionaries in the Closet,” 
Charisma, March 1999, p. 72). 

In May 2015, the Southern Baptist International Mission Board reversed its former policy, approving a new one accepting missionaries who speak in “tongues” so long as they don’t become “disruptive” by placing “persistent emphasis on any specific gift of the Spirit as normative for all” (“FAQs on Missionary Appointment Qualifications,” IMB Policy 200-1, 

Thus, this is not a small issue. Rankin and those supporting his position are trying to distinguish between public tongues and private, saying that while they are opposed to public “tongues” they believe there is a private form of tongues that one can use to edify oneself. 

In fact, the tongues of Acts are the tongues of 1 Corinthians 14. Biblical tongues were real languages that a believer was enabled to speak supernaturally. Biblical tongues were a sign to the nation Israel that God was going to send the gospel to every nation and create a new spiritual body composed of both Jews and Gentiles (1 Cor. 14:20-22, quoting Isaiah 28:11-13). Each time tongues were spoken in the book of Acts (Acts 2, 10, 19) Jews were present. As the prophet Isaiah foretold, the Jews rejected the sign and were judged by God. The purpose of tongues speaking ceased even before the events recorded in the book of Acts were completed. The last mention of tongues is in Acts 19. The sign, having been fulfilled, ceased. When John Chrysostom wrote in the 4th century about the sign gifts of 1 Corinthians 12-14, he said: “This whole place is very obscure: but the obscurity is produced by our ignorance of the facts referred to, and BY THEIR CESSATION, being such as then used to occur but now no longer take place” (“Homilies on 1 Corinthians,” Vol. XII, 
The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Hom. 29:2). 

There is no “private prayer language” in the New Testament. It is the recent invention of Pentecostals and charismatics who, having realized that they cannot speak in real tongues that can be interpreted (one of the absolute biblical requirements), were forced either to renounce their experience or to create some sort of cockeyed defense for it. There is not one example of a prayer in the Bible that is uttered in unintelligible mutterings that “bypass the intellect.” Jesus Christ did not pray that way and neither did the apostles. I have heard charismatics speak in their “private prayer language” in churches and conferences in many parts of the world. Larry Lea’s “private prayer language” at Indianapolis ’90 went something like this: “Bubblyida bubblyida hallelujah bubblyida hallabubbly shallabubblyida kolabubblyida glooooory hallelujah bubblyida.” I wrote that down as he was saying it and later checked it against the tape. Nancy Kellar, a Roman Catholic nun who was on the executive committee of St. Louis 2000, spoke in “tongues” that went like this: “Shananaa leea, shananaa higha, shananaa nanaa, shananaa leea…” repeated over and over. 

Friends, this is not any sort of biblical language; it is childish nonsense, but it is neither innocent nor lacking in spiritual danger. The Bible warns repeatedly and forcefully about the danger of spiritual deception, and those who empty their minds through the practice of a “private prayer language” are in danger that the devil will fill them. Being “sober and vigilant” is the opposite of emptying one’s mind, of “moving outside of the box,” of “letting go and letting God.” 

The depth of which the SBC has drunk of the charismatic spirit was evident in December 2015 when SBC President Ronnie Floyd spoke at International House of Prayer’s OneThing 2015 ( IHOP was founded in 1999 by Mike Bickle (b. 1955). He was joined by men such as Bob Jones, John Paul Jackson, Paul Cain, David Parker, and Francis Frangipane, who were promoted as prophets of a latter-day miracle revival movement. Bickle’s emphasis is a Latter Rain signs and wonders ministry in preparation for Christ’s return. IHOP hosts 24/7 prayer meetings which are mystical contemporary worship “encounters” powered by rock music. They are weird charismatic free-for-alls. IHOP’s 24/7 prayer sessions have been described as “frenetic … euphoric worship … mesmeric, musical worship, repeating the same phrases over and over” (“Love and Death in the House of Prayer”). I can confirm this from my visit in October 2014 to an IHOP conference. IHOP’s 24/7 “prayer” is not about thoughtful, biblical prayer or quiet, thoughtful meditation on Scripture. It is about charismatic mysticism whereby God is allegedly “encountered” in and beyond prayer and Scripture. It is about “experiencing” God. It is about bringing in the kingdom of God through signs and wonders. This is why IHOP is attracted to Roman Catholic contemplative prayer, as evidenced by the fact that their bookstore features dozens of contemplative titles. Contemplative prayer has the same mystical objective as IHOP’s 24/7 prayer: an 
experience with God and direct revelation from God beyond Scripture. But when you go beyond Scripture, you go beyond the God of Scripture, and you open yourself to angels of darkness masquerading as angels of light. This is why charismatic worship and contemplative prayer lead to association with Rome, the heart and soul of apostasy, and ultimately to universalism, pantheism, panentheism, and idolatry, as we have documented in our book Contemplative Mysticism. IHOP is so deceived that it believes it will literally direct God’s judgments on earth during the Tribulation. For more on this see “The International House of Prayer” at

The 2008 Southern Baptist Hymnal contains many songs written by charismatics and published by charismatic music companies such as Integrity, Maranatha, and Hillsong. About 75 of the top 100 contemporary worship songs are included. For example, songs by David Ruis, Paul Baloche, Jack Hayford and Darlene Zschech are included. These popular worship leaders are extreme charismatic ecumenists and contemporary Christian rockers. 

David Ruis was a worship leader at the Toronto Airport Church where people rolled on the floor, barked like dogs, roared like lions, laughed hysterically, and got “drunk in the spirit” during their “revivals.” Ruis’s song “Break Dividing Walls” calls for unscriptural ecumenical unity between all denominations.

Paul Baloche was worship leader at the charismatic Community Christian Fellowship of Lindale, Texas. Their 2002 Leadership Summit featured Ricky Paris of Vision Ministries International, who calls himself an apostle and is said to give “apostolic covering” to Vision Church of Austin, Texas. Baloche’s 
Offering of Worship album was recorded at Regent University in Virginia Beach, which was founded by the radical charismatic ecumenist Pat Robertson. As far back as 1985, Robertson said that he “worked for harmony and reconciliation between Protestants and Catholics” (Christian News, July 22, 1985). Some of the Regent professors are Roman Catholic and Regent’s Center for Law and Justice has a Roman Catholic executive director. According toFrontline magazine, May-June 2000, a Catholic mass is held on Regent’s campus every week.

Jack Hayford, author of the song “Majesty” (which teaches the Pentecostal kingdom-now theology) and many other very popular worship songs, is pastor of Church-on-the-Way Foursquare Church, a Pentecostal denominational founded by the female pastor Aimee Semple McPherson. Paul and Jan Crouch, of the Trinity Broadcasting Network are members of Hayford’s church. Speaking at the St. Louis 2000 conference, Hayford told how his daughter approached him one day and expressed concern that her “tongues speaking” was mere gibberish. He encouraged her that the believer must first learn to speak in “baby tongues” before he speaks in “adult tongues.” (I attended this conference with press credentials and heard Hayford say this.) To the contrary, biblical tongues-speaking is not something that can be learned; it is supernatural gift and there is not one example in the New Testament of someone learning how to speak in tongues. Hayford claims that in 1969, as he approached a large Catholic church in Southern California, God spoke to him and instructed him not to judge Roman Catholicism. He says he heard a message from God saying, “Why would I not be happy with a place where every morning the testimony of the blood of my Son is raised from the altar?” (“The Pentecostal Gold Standard,” 
Christianity Today, July 2005). Based upon this “personal revelation,” Hayford adopted a neutral approach to Catholicism, yet the atonement of Jesus Christ is NOT glorified on Roman Catholic altars. The Catholic mass is an open denial of the doctrine of the once-for-all atonement that we find in the book of Hebrews. Note what the Second Vatican Council said about the mass: “For in it Christ perpetuates in an unbloody manner the sacrifice offered on the cross, offering himself to the Father for the world’s salvation through the ministry of priests” (The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, “Instruction on the Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery,” Intro., C 1, 2, p. 108). This is only a small part of Rome’s wicked heresies, and it is impossible that God would encourage Jack Hayford to look upon the Roman Catholic Church in any sort of positive, non-judgmental manner. Hayford has acted on this “personal revelation” by yoking up with Roman Catholic leaders in conferences throughout the world. For example, he joined hands with thousands of Roman Catholics, including hundreds of Catholic priests and nuns, at the North American Congress on the Holy Spirit & World Evangelization in St. Louis in 2000. This is evidence of spiritual blindness of the highest degree.

Darlene Zschech and her Hillsong worship band performed for the Catholic Youth Day in Sydney, with the pope present. The lyrics to Zschech’s “Holy Spirit Rain Down” (which is included in the new Baptist Hymnal) begin: “Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down/ Oh, Comforter and Friend/ How we need Your touch again/ Holy Spirit, rain down, rain down.” Where in Scripture are we instructed to pray to the Holy Spirit? To the contrary, the Lord Jesus Christ taught us to pray to the Father (Mat. 6:9). The charismatic movement is not in submission to the Word of God and does not care one way or the other that there is no Scriptural support for this type of prayer, but shame on Baptists who follow in these presumptuous and disobedient footsteps. 

Zschech’s song “I Believe the Presence” from her 
Shout to the Lord album preaches false Pentecostal latter rain theology. The lyrics say: “I believe the promise about the visions and the dreams/ That the Holy Spirit will be poured out/ And His power will be seen/ Well the time is now/ The place is here/ And His people have come in faith/ There’s a mighty sound/ And a touch of fire/ When we’ve gathered in one place” (“I Believe the Presence” from Shout to the Lord).

Shame on Lifeway for giving charismatics a powerful forum to influence Baptist churches, and shame on the Southern Baptist Convention for allowing Lifeway to do these things. 

Because the SBC refuses to deal with this error consistently, the leaven will spread. The Bible warns that “a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” This is true for sin (1 Cor. 5:6) as well as for false doctrine (Gal. 5:9).

(For more about the charismatic movement see 
The Pentecostal-Charismatic Movements: History and Doctrine, available from Way of Life Literature.)


Tim Keller

“Wait…Jesus said what?

Luke 21:16-19  And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.  (17)  And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake.  (18)  But there shall not an hair of your head perish.  (19)  In your patience possess ye your souls.

I believe I first heard Tim Keller  reference this passage.  It was an “aha” moment for me in understanding the mind of God concerning bad things that happen to believers.”
(Friday Church News Notes, October 30, 2015,, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from “Redefining Sin” by E.S. Williams, “In his book Every Good Endeavour (2012), Tim Keller, founder of The Gospel Coalition and prominent New Calvinist, expresses his disappointment that Christians are not more involved with popular culture. He writes: ‘Christians’ reaction to popular culture in the last eighty years has been some form of disengagement. … Why this disengagement with our culture? One reason is a ‘thin’ or legalistic view of sin, where sin is seen as a series of discrete acts of noncompliance with God’s regulations. You pursue Christian growth largely by seeking environments where you are less likely to do these sinful actions. … This view of sin comports with a lack of understanding of the thoroughness and richness of Christ’s gracious work for us. … If we have a thin view of sin, we will feel safe if we remove from our view anything that could tempt us to commit actions of overt sexual immorality, profanity, dishonesty, or violence’ (Keller, Every Good Endeavor, pp. 192, 193). … He says that Christians, who hold such a view of sin, are ‘legalists’ who withdraw from the popular culture of the world in order to avoid situations that could tempt them to commit ‘thin sins’, like overt acts of sexual immorality, profanity, dishonesty, or violence. … Here we should note the biblical definition of sin. The Bible describes sin as breaking God’s law (1 John 3:4). It is also defined as rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7), which separates the sinner from God (Isaiah 59.2). Sin is an offense to God’s holy character, and all sin is primarily sin against God. … Keller’s assessment is completely wrong, for it is those who hold what he calls a ‘thin view’ of sin who have been convicted of their sin and rebellion against God’s holy law and understand that their only hope of salvation is God’s grace revealed in the Cross of Christ. Hence their prayer: ‘Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to thy Cross I cling’. Born again Christians, who have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and stand in God’s grace for their salvation, are those who delight in God’s moral law and seek to obey it with all their heart, and do all they can to comply with what Keller calls ‘God’s regulations’. [This is the true grace of God, Titus 2:11-15.] … Keller’s ‘thick view’ of sin encourages Christians to engage with worldly culture …  But Scripture makes no distinction between thick and thin sin. It teaches that sin comes from the lusts and desires of the human heart that is desperately wicked (James 1:14-15). Keller’s classification of sin into thin and thick is entirely without scriptural authority and purely a figment of his foolish imagination; it is profoundly heretical, for it presents a false and misleading view of sin that downplays the wickedness of disobedience to God’s moral law, suggesting that Christians should engage with the world in order to overcome what Keller calls ‘the compulsive drive of their heart to produce idols’. … Scripture warns that friendship with the world is enmity with God (James 4:4). Christians must not conform to the pattern of the world (Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 5:11; 1 John 2:15-17). … God commands his people to be separate from the things of the world (2 Corinthians 6:17).”

(Friday Church News Notes, October 30, 2015,, 866-295-4143) – Many of America’s most popular “evangelical” preachers are infatuated with Catholicism, as we have frequently documented. Consider Tim Keller, pastor of the Redeemer megachurch in New York City, head of the Redeemer City to City church planting network, and co-founder with D.A. Carson of The Gospel Coalition (council members include John Piper, Alistar Begg, Mark Dever, Moody Church pastor Erwin Lutzer, and Southern Baptists Russell Moore and Al Mohler). Keller has a huge influence by his writings via books and blogs, his books reaching the top 10 of the New York Times bestseller list even in an apostate age. His love for Catholicism is evident in his book The Reason for God (2012), in which he quotes and refers to Catholic theologians and philosophers frequently, passionately, and non-critically. He includes Roman Catholics and Greek Orthodox within his definition of true Christians. Referring to the Apostles, Nicene, Chalcedonian, and Athanasian creeds, he says, “For our purposes, I’ll define Christianity as the body of believers who assent to these great ecumenical creeds” (p. 117). In The Reason for God, Keller quotes Catholic philosopher Peter Kreeft, Catholic writer Mary Flannery O’Conner, Catholic mystic Simone Weil, Polish Catholic poet Czeslaw Milosz, and Catholic Archbishop Oscar Romero, whose doctrine Keller calls “orthodox” (p. 66). He also quotes from Malcolm Muggeridge, J.R.R. Tolkien, and G.K. Chesterton. Not one of these people hold to the one true gospel of grace alone without works. All of them trust in baptism and Rome’s sacraments for salvation. Not surprisingly, Keller promotes Catholic contemplative prayer. In 2009, his church taught “The Way of the Monk,” encouraging Catholic monastic practices such as lectio divinia, centering prayer, “silence,” the “prayer rope,” and the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. In his lecture series What Is Meditation? Keller promotes the contemplative prayer techniques of four Catholic “saints”: Loyola, Francis de Sales, John of the Cross, and Teresa of Avila. He says, “The best things that have been written are by Catholics during the Counter Reformation. Great stuff!” This lecture series was promoted on The Gospel Coalition website. (For more about this see Evangelicals and Contemplative Prayer, available as a free eBook and in print from Way of Life Literature.)



John 16: 1-3-“These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.
And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.”



Matthew 23:37-“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!”




Matthew 6:24-“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
Matthew 18:15-“Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.”
Ephesians 4:26-27-“Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.
Titus 1:7-“For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not self willed, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre.”
Rom 12:19-“Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.”

Psalm 37:8-“Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.”

Proverbs 15:18-“A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.”

Proverbs 15:18 – A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention


Psalms 37:8 – Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.
3 Criteria of Righteous Anger
One of the most common, ongoing struggles we face in our sanctification as believers is the area of anger. And one of the most common ways we mismanage our anger is by failing to distinguish between righteous and sinful anger, and response. This failure is sometimes due to our conscious choice to not face our sin honestly, but it also can be the result of the blindness that stems from our own pride. And not one of us is exempt from this battle!
  1. Righteous Anger Reacts against Actual Sin. Righteous anger arises from an accurate perception of true evil, from sin as defined biblically, i.e., as a violation of God’s Word (Rom 3:23; 1 Jn 3:4). Righteous anger does not result from merely being inconvenienced or from violations of personal preference or human tradition.
  2. Righteous Anger Focuses on God and His Kingdom, Rights, and Concerns, Not on Me and My Kingdom, Rights and Concerns. In Scripture, God-centered motives, not self-centered motives, drive righteous anger. Righteous anger focuses on how people offend God and his name, not me and my name. It terminates on God more than me. In other words, accurately viewing something as offensive is not enough. We must view it primarily as offending God.
  3. Righteous Anger Is Accompanied by Other Godly Qualities and Expresses Itself in Godly Ways.Righteous anger remains self-controlled. It keeps its head without cursing, screaming, raging, or flying off the handle. Nor does it spiral downward in self-pity or despair. It does not ignore people, snub people, or withdraw from people.













We do not prohibit secret society members such as Freemasons to join our church, but they cannot hold leadership positions.  I do openly speak by name on the “why’s” of not belonging to such societies.”


Proverbs 6:14&19-“Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord. A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Romans 16:17-“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.”




EXCERPT; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

“THURSDAY, JULY 23, 2015

Wait…Jesus said what?

Luke 21:16-19  And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.  (17)  And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake.  (18)  But there shall not an hair of your head perish.  (19)  In your patience possess ye your souls.

I believe I first heard Tim Keller  reference this passage.  It was an “aha” moment for me in understanding the mind of God concerning bad things that happen to believers.

The context is Jesus revealing to his disciples what would happen as they stood for Him.  I have not studied in depth the eschatological timing of the paragraph, but it seems prophetic to the last times – perhaps the beginning of the Tribulation.”

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

1) Does your church maintain that it is incompatible for Christians to have
membership in a Christian church and concurrently have membership or
affiliation with secret societies such as the Freemasons? 

2) Does your church practice discipline, and would you remove a member or deny membership
to a person involved with the Freemasons and/or other secret society?

We do not prohibit secret society members such as Freemasons to join our
church, but they cannot hold leadership positions.  I do openly speak by
name on the “why’s” of not belonging to such societies.

3) Do you subscribe to any church growth movement, emergent philosophy,
contemplative or ecumenical philosophy, and/or “Purpose Driven” concepts of
Rick Warren?

Our church was birthed out of a core group that stood against the Seeker
Sensitive movement and was “removed” from their church.  We are strongly
opposed to a “marketing” concept of church philosophy that makes man and not
the Lord the center of purpose and worship.  We are extremely traditional
and conservative, yet healthy, excited, and “alive” in our fellowship.

We stand against “emergent” quest for relevance.  God’s Word is always
relevant – we need not fit into our culture or seek to to win the lost.  We
have seen 3 “unchurched” adults saved in the last 3 weeks.  We are
non-ecumentical and I’m not sure what contemptlative is.  Chances are, we
are non-that as well 🙂  Our “Purpose-Driven” is the glory of God as
exampled in the early church in Acts.  We strive very hard to mirror the
illustration of Acts 2,3.

4) Do you have any problem with David Barton yoking with Glenn Beck, a
Mormon, in “common faith” events like Beck’s “Divine Destiny” at the Kennedy
Center or his “Restoring Honor” rally on the mall?

I have been with Barton at a leadership invitational in Washington – I don’t
believe believers should yoke together with unbelievers or false-christians
such as Beck on spiritual ground (evangelism, church, faith.)  I am not as
“strict” over political issues, but would struggle on a one-by-one decision
on that myself.

5) Do you allow your church members to be Bereans and to actively and
continually “test the spirits”. Is “testing the spirits” judgmental and

You will have to define what you mean by “test the spirits” – you could mean
anything from the Charismatic Movement to Being discerning in things that
are excellent.

6) Do you subscribe to decisional regeneration, abandonment theology, a
fatalistic/defeatist theology, process theology, theistic evolution, and/or
a Keswick theology of passivism?

I choose not to answer each of these in this venue. Though I am always
engaged in fighting wrong theology, I am not familiar with some of these. I
do not chase or study out “rabbit trail theologies”.  I am a Fundamental,
Creationist, conservative, Biblical-literalist, dispensational,
pre-millennial, Bob Jones University Graduate pastor.  This should answer
some of these questions.  I am certainly opposed to theistic evolution.

7) Do you consider yourself “called” to pastor Lighthouse in the sense that
you have a “divine calling” and therefore unaccountable to board members,
elders, deacons, including the congregation? Do you believe that pastors
should never be questioned on anything they preach?

I am certainly “called” by Christ who gave gifts to the church in Ephesians
6.  He is the Shepherd of the flock, the Pastor is the undershepherd of the
local assembly.  As Acts 6, our Deacons function to minister to the
spiritual and physical needs of the congregation.  Our deacons are trusted
advisors to the Pastor.  I listen closely to each one of them and run every
large decisions through them.  If there is opposition, I nearly always heed
their advice.  Our budget and major church decisions are brought to the
congregation for vote.  This is not a “kangaroo vote”, but a serious voice
of the Holy Spirit through the membership.

I do believe the Lord leads the church through the under-shepherd.  I am
very open to questions and welcome Biblical confrontation of “intreaty” I
Tim. 5:1 in the presence of witnesses.

8) Do you micro-manage the church and want control over everything said,
decided and done?

This and other questions seem to be specific and out of place questions in
response to hurts you have encountered before.  I don’t mind answering them,
but they are definitely responsive and should be experienced rather than
asked.  —- having said that, I am a Pastor of 18 years and have a record
of mentoring men and “growing them” into leadership.  My father was a
business man and I learned management at an early age.  I do not
micro-manage, but rather our 4 staff members and 40+ ministry leaders
function under management flow charts that clearly define responsibility and
the authority to manage their own ministries and lay staffs.

But….though I have said all this –  The buck does stop with the Pastor.  I
manage my Assistant Pastors and they have ministry leaders under them that
they manage.

9) Have you sponsored, participated in, or encouraged ecumenical gatherings?

NO.  We are an independent Baptist Church and I closely fellowship with only
doctrinally fundamental believers.

10) Do you or church members practice or condone Catholic prayer methods
such as “lectio divina”, walking labyrinths, chanting, prayer beads
(rosaries), silencing the mind, mantras, etc.?

I think you read more than I do – I don’t know any fundamental Baptists that
participate in any of this.

11) Do you expose and name false teachers, prophets, evangelists, and their
materials, writings and media?


12) Is the Catholic faith a Christian faith or a heathen cult like the
Mormon religion?

Catholicism is “C” option.  It is a heretical distortion and redefinition of
true Christianity.  It is damning in everyway and extremely deceptive in
logic and practice.  I have just completed a many-month active debate with a
University of DE professor who is also a Catholic Apologist.  He began
blogging against my sermons and critiquing nearly everything I preached
publicly.  He, unlike most Catholics knows his stuff very well, but trust
the interpretations of the Early Church Fathers more than comparing
Scripture with Scripture in the Epistles.  Catholicism is not salvation by
grace, though their apologists would certainly argue so.

***********And now, for my Questions:

1.  Do you have a history of moving through several churches in a short

2.  Have you left a church angry and at odds with the Leadership (Pastor)?
(we do not accept anyone who is not right with their former Pastor unless it
is clearly a doctrinal issue)

3.  Have you been faithful in local church ministry? (serving in the local
church – Christ’s organization for N.T. times)

4.  Do you believe in the authority of local church leadership over you as
in “obey them that have the rule…submit for they watch for your souls….”

5.  Are you Fundamental in your doctrine – do you hold to the classic
fundamentals of the faith as outlined by R.A. Torrey and others through the

6.  Do you believe and practice evangelism of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

7.  Are you Armenian in your gospel view, reformed, or some balance?

8.  Do you seek a church that spends time on issues, or one that preaches
expositorally with systematic theology like Lighthouse?

9.  Are you looking for a church where you can receive attention, or a
church to give all glory to the Lord and to faithfully minister as a servant
without recognition or position?

Hope this answers some of your questions – I do understand your desire to
protect yourself, and I think the greatest way to do this is either begin
visiting to see for yourself, or listening to my sermons on our website.
Romans is the current series we are on.  I understand a lot of people are
burnt in even “fundamental” churches, but there is also a danger in being
overly “cautious”.  When/if you visit Lighthouse, ask the people what they
think of their church.  I know you will find joy.  The Lord has been very
good to our congregation and allowed people to greatly grow spiritually
under consistent Bible teaching and preaching.  Beyond this, we are a
“ministry” church, not a group of pew sitters.  We actively engage in loving
each other and getting involved into each other’s lives.  LBC is not a place
for someone who just wants to punch their card that they attended church.
We also engage in the poor with food and the gospel.  We also have great
care for the hurting among us such as “addicts”, unemployed, cancer
patients, etc.  We are hands on in every way.  Our Deacons each have “caring
groups” of the membership that they minister to in very compassionate ways.
This is something very important to me as well.  I love people.  My family
loves to be with people.  God has graciously given Amy and I 5 children that
are a blessing to us.  We desire to pour ourselves out in service to our
Worthy Savior and to help everyone we can with the gifts that He has
entrusted to us.

May the Lord guide your decisions, but I encourage you strongly to not
neglect the most necessary fellowship of other believers within the confines
of “Christ’s N.T. local church”.

Pastor Tobe Witmer
Lighthouse Baptist Church
Newark, De

1) Does your church maintain that it is incompatible for Christians to have
membership in a Christian church and concurrently have membership or
affiliation with secret societies such as the Freemasons?
2) Does your church practice discipline, and would you remove a member or
deny membership to a person involved with the Freemasons and/or other secret
3) Do you subscribe to any church growth movement, emergent philosophy,
contemplative or ecumenical philosophy, and/or “Purpose Driven” concepts of
Rick Warren?
4) Do you have any problem with David Barton yoking with Glenn Beck, a
Mormon, in “common faith” events like Beck’s “Divine Destiny” at the Kennedy
Center or his “Restoring Honor” rally on the mall?
5) Do you allow your church members to be Bereans and to actively and
continually “test the spirits”. Is “testing the spirits” judgmental and
6) Do you subscribe to decisional regeneration, abandonment theology, a
fatalistic/defeatist theology, process theology, theistic evolution, and/or
a Keswick theology of passivism?
7) Do you consider yourself “called” to pastor Lighthouse in the sense that
you have a “divine calling” and therefore unaccountable to board members,
elders, deacons, including the congregation? Do you believe that pastors
should never be questioned on anything they preach?
8) Do you micro-manage the church and want control over everything said,
decided and done?
9) Have you sponsored, participated in, or encouraged ecumenical gatherings?
10) Do you or church members practice or condone Catholic prayer methods
such as “lectio divina”, walking labyrinths, chanting, prayer beads
(rosaries), silencing the mind, mantras, etc.?
11) Do you expose and name false teachers, prophets, evangelists, and their
materials, writings and media?
12) Is the Catholic faith a Christian faith or a heathen cult like the
Mormon religion?

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

"The pastor is to provide gentle leadership of the church entrusted to him by God. He 
should feed the flock, taking the oversight with a willing 'unLording' spirit." 
"watching for heresy and false teaching"

Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following  symptoms:
  • Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
  • Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
  • Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
  • Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
  • Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Narcissists Who Cry: The Other Side of the Ego

Many of you have been in a relationship or been a friend with someone who was an extreme narcissist. These types of relationships are filled with drama unless you totally please the narcissist, which is impossible. The typical extreme narcissists are full of themselves and are overtly pompous.
A narcissist is a completely self-absorbed person. There can be no other gods in an extreme narcissist’s world, regardless if they say they believe in God or not. In practical terms, a narcissist is God in his/her own imagination. Ego rules supremely in the narcissist’s life.
Ultimately, the extreme narcissist feels he/she is most special and, therefore, entitled. To the extreme narcissist, people are actually things to use.
Because extreme narcissists are incredibly adept at the game of manipulation, they will always find a way to turn the tables on you. They will try to make you responsible and feel guilty for not helping them or taking their side and cause.
The moment they see that you don’t “fully” cooperate and act with extreme concern for them, serving and pampering them, they will eliminate you from their list of “loving” folks. They may even badmouth you and gossip or slander you as being selfish and uncaring. 
Don’t be pulled into their web of emotional manipulation. Stay away from extreme narcissists.
“American “Christian” vindictiveness and viciousness is drawn out and put on parade through biblical acts of obedience taken by others. This one might seem counterintuitive at first. Why would those cheering on the persecution of obedient Christians desire for their own vindictiveness and viciousness to be drawn out and made plain for all to see?
Well, the short answer is: They wouldn’t.
But God is sovereign, and this “drawing out” and parading about of certain “Christians” and the false Christianity driving them is one of the reasons why this happens. All of this ultimately glorifies Him and all of this ultimately works to the benefit of His true people (see: Romans 8:28).”


“Last month, Gene was found guilty in Chesterfield County Court of soliciting a prostitute. To this day, he continues to maintain that he is innocent of any illicit activity, though he has humbly acknowledged a significant lapse in judgement regarding his conduct throughout the situation.”
“very much in need of an extended sabbatical from 
the normal work of pastoral ministry.”
“We don’t hide stuff.” 
Kings Way Community
14111 Sovereign Grace Drive
Midlothian, VA 23114
(804) 379-2551
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Gene Emerson, former regional leader in SGM and senior pastor of KingsWay Community Church in Midlothian, VA, was arrested on May 29 for the solicitation of prostitution in Chesterfield County, VA.    He was arraigned on June 9.  He was found guilty and sentenced on July 9.  He is a close friend of C.J. Mahaney’s and known for carrying out vengeful assignments given him by Mahaney. 
From the time of his arrest to the present, Emerson has sought to deceive everyone around him, including his dear wife and family, with a myriad of lies.  That is not surprising.  He has a history of deceit well known to former and current Sovereign Grace leaders like Mahaney, Dave Harvey, Bob Kauflin and Mickey Connolly who have actively covered up for him since 2007.  These men and others share responsibility for Emerson’s further apostasy because they were not willing to deal with his abusive and corrupt character in the past.  This is a simple case of sowing and reaping for Emerson and leaders in SGM.   
Now everything is crashing down around Emerson because the evidence is coming out.  For 3½ months he has sought to deceive people by claiming he stumbled upon a prostitute in his pursuit of a massage because he was under stress from work.  That is nothing but a wretched excuse and cover.  He has also insisted he is innocent of all legal wrong doing and blamed the police for setting him up and making an unlawful arrest.  
Emerson was intent on having sex with a prostitute and there is reason to believe this was not the first time he sought out a prostitute.  The evidence suggests he was familiar with how to set up an appointment and follow through with his intentions in my opinion.  More will come out in the days to come. 
Over the past two weeks, I have been in contact with the Chesterfield County Police Department.  If Gene comes to repentance, he will return to them and ask forgiveness for maligning their methods, which were entirely in keeping with the law.  The undercover operation was carried out with skilled professionalism. 
I planned to finish a thorough post on this whole matter for the weekend.  That won’t be possible now.  Things have come up.  I will resume my work next week.  In the meantime, however, I’ve included remarks I posted over the past week. 
Brent Detwiler says: August 17, 2015 at 12:58 pm
Gene Emerson’s claim that he is innocent is a lie.  That should not surprise anyone.  I hope to post this weekend.  Please remember Jenny in your prayers.  Thanks! 
Brent Detwiler says: August 20, 2015 at 6:09 pm 
Over the past week and a half, I have interacted with Detective N. Necolettos and his supervising officer over Vice and Narcotics, Lieutenant J. Profita, regarding Gene Emerson’s deceitful misrepresentation to Kingsway Community Church that he was purportedly entrapped by the vice squad for the solicitation of prostitution.  Nothing could be further from the truth as is clear from this arrest report and other evidence including a video of his words and actions.  Emerson was intent on having sex with a prostitute that was an undercover police woman.  The operation was carried out with the highest legal integrity.  The Chesterfield County Police Department is not a hole in the wall operation.  It employs over 600 men and women.  It is a first rate force.
Emerson has now fabricated a story that he stumbled onto this operation in pursuit of a simple massage.  He attempted to use this lie with Detective Necolettos and he is doing the same with the people of Kingsway Community Church. 
Last Sunday, Matthew Williams, interim sr. pastor, told the church, “And in light of his claim of innocence, we support his [Gene’s] right to consider taking further legal action.”  I can assure you, the Chesterfield County Police Department does not fear a lawsuit from Mr. Emerson.  Gene is not innocent and he will not be taking any further legal action.  In my opinion, this is all part of his attempt to deceive and cover up.  It is an empty boast. 
On Monday, I posted here: “Gene Emerson’s claim that he is innocent is a lie.  That should not surprise anyone.”  It should not surprise anyone because there is a history of deceit and treachery by Gene clearly laid in my documents [e.g. in The Untold Story] and other writings.  Matthew Williams claims Gene is a man of integrity but he knows better.  I have provided him all the evidence in the past. 
The people of Kingsway Community Church have been misled for many years.  Sovereign Grace Ministries is verifiably corrupt now.  I hope my old friends in the church will finally take action, demand all evidence from Gene and his lawyer, talk to the police, have the church attorney file a FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] for the video and/or audio, publicly rebuke Gene (1 Tim 5:20) for his continuing and audacious deceit, deal with Gene’s sins against others in the past, find new pastors, and leave Sovereign Grace Ministries.  In other words, put Jesus Christ first and return to him as you first love before he entirely shuts down the church in righteous judgement.  This is a merciful appeal. 
Brent Detwiler says: August 21, 2015 at 8:33 am 
Five months ago, I posted “Hush Fund Set Up by Top SGM Leaders to Meet the Demands of a SGM Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused.”
Here is the introduction. 
“Two years ago a “hush fund” masquerading as a benevolence fund was deceptively set up by Mark Prater (Executive Director for SGM), Paul Buckley (Chairman of the SGM Board), and Tommy Hill (Director of Finance & Administration for SGM) in order to surreptitiously meet the demands of a SGM pastor whose son was sexually abused by the son of another SGM pastor in the same church. 
“The fund came about because the father of the victim was thinking about joining the sex abuse lawsuit against SGM if SGM did not agree to reforms and if he did not receive restitution monies from SGM for harms done. Insurance lawyers told SGM leaders they would lose their liability coverage if payouts were made thereby arguably admitting fault. Instead, SGM lawyer Chip Grange suggested a plan whereby monies be raised for the victim’s family as “a collection and private gift to help him avoid eviction.” This plan was approved by C.J. Mahaney and the SGM Board of Directors and implemented by Mark Prater. 
“As a result many SGM pastors who knew the pastor and father of the victim were contacted and asked to give benevolence to the family. Prater, Buckley, Hill and the Board deceived these pastors into giving personal and church monies to a benevolence fund that effectively functioned as a hush fund. The pastors had no idea what was really going on behind the scenes. They were intentionally deceived in the matter. 
“People inside and outside of SGM must come to grips with the corruption that characterizes the leadership of SGM starting with C.J. Mahaney. He was the President of SGM when this hush fund was set up. No one should be supporting or following any of these men. As I’ve demonstrated countless times, you cannot believe anything they tell you. 
“What follows is a presentation of hard evidence starting with the initial letter from the pastor who was the father of the victim (henceforth referred to as Pastor-Father of Victim) to Tommy Hill requesting reform and asking for $35,000 in restitution from SGM.” 
Please read the entire post and send it to anyone you know in SGM or Kingsway Community Church.  It serves as yet another poignant example of the systemic corruption that exists among former and current top SGM leaders (i.e. C.J. Mahaney, Dave Harvey, Mickey Connolly, Mark Prater, Paul Buckley, Tommy Hill).
By the way, I’ve always sent my posts to former and current pastors in SGM since July 2011 when I sent them the original documents.  That includes this one about the hush fund.  Matthew Williams knows SGM is corrupt and yet he has chosen to remain and be a staunch defender.  He cannot claim ignorance when it comes to all the abuse, hypocrisy, lying, and deceit that exists in the denomination.  Like all remaining pastors, he has intentionally set aside thousands of pages of evidence.  Kingsway should have left SGM long ago.  Instead, they have promoted it.
And let’ not forget the victims of sexual abuse.  Keep in mind top leaders at Covenant Life Church and SGM conspired to cover up the abuse of children.  The Nathaniel Morales trial in May 2014 provided definitive proof.  It doesn’t get any worse.  But further, these same leaders (e.g. Mark Mitchell and Mark Prater) told CLC and SGM respectively that all the victims and some family members were liars.  That absolutely nothing they said about the conspiracy to cover up crimes was true and much that they said about being sexual abused was made up.  I will cover this in the months to come.
This has become standard operating procedure.  Slander those who call SGM to account (including law enforcement), cover up the evidence and refuse to allow for a truly independent investigation.  It is like Gene Emerson blaming the Chesterfield County police for his sex crime.
The day Gene Emerson was arrested for solicitation, Mickey Connolly (Regional Leader over Kingsway and Board of Director for SGM) and Matthew Williams should have required he step down and take a leave of absence until they and others could thoroughly investigate.  That means telling the church and setting up a meeting with the police as soon as possible especially since Gene claimed he was innocent and the police were guilty of wrong doing.  That is so basic!  You don’t accept as true the version of events put forward by someone who has just been arrested!
Furthermore, Mickey and Matthew should have required Gene to hand over all evidence and documentation that came into the possession of his lawyer at the time it came into possession.  That is so basic!  If he refused, they should have gone to the courthouse and obtained a copy of the arrest report.  That is so basic.  Then they should have filed a FOIA request via the church lawyer for the video/audio of his arrest.  That is so basic.
Instead, Matthew put the police in a bad light and Gene in a good light before the entire church.  And keep in mind, Mickey Connolly was managing everything that was said and done from the time he became aware of Gene’s arrest.  Matthew was not acting independently.  He was following Mickey’s lead and direction.  As a result, Matthew (and Mickey) put Gene forward as a man of humility and integrity who was now suffering affliction like Christ and needed to be comforted and accepted, not judged.
Last Sunday [Aug 16], Matthew also highly commended Gene for not leaving the church.  I thought to myself, when the truth comes out Matthew will be forced to confront Gene in no uncertain terms.  That means holding Gene accountable to come before the entire church and confess not only his intent to solicit but also all the associated lies he has been telling the past three months.  I doubt that will happen but maybe he will be the first.  I hope so.
Since the landmark confrontation of C.J. Mahaney in August 2004 (see Response Regarding Friendship & Doctrine), no one has been holding SGM leaders accountable.  The last 11 years they have been free to sin with impunity.  No one has obeyed 1 Timothy 5:19-21.  No one has been held to the qualifications of 1 Tim 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.  Not C.J. Mahaney, Dave Harvey, Mark Prater, Paul Buckley, Mickey Connolly or Gene Emerson to mention a few.  All of these men would have been removed from ministry if they were submitted to the authority of Scripture.  In SGM, you are free to lie, be a hypocrite, abuse others, cover-up your sin and remain in ministry.  This apostasy from Christ and his Word is ever so great!
Of course, the Lord is not indifferent to this kind of corruption and pride.  His opposition continues.  The exposing of Gene Emerson is just one more example of his sovereign power.
Brent Detwiler says: August 21, 2015 at 12:34 pm 
The video [of Gene’s solicitation of the undercover police woman] is far worse than the [partial summary] report [by the police]. 
Brent Detwiler says: August 21, 2015 at 12:47 pm 
There is a Lieutenant from the VA State Patrol who is an usher and member in Kingsway Community Church.   He has been encouraged by other law enforcement personnel to file a FOIA request for the video. 
In addition, I was told by law enforcement that the lawyer for the church should be asked by the church, who has a vested interest, to file a FOIA. 
The video will have to be edited from what I understand in order to protect the identity of the undercover officer.  Most, if not all of the audio, should be available. 
Brent Detwiler says: August 21, 2015 at 1:44 pm 
I have not seen it [the video of Gene’s arrest] but have knowledge of it [from the police].  I can’t verify all the details above.  I hope it becomes public soon.  I hope those that view it will comment.  Of course, this is exactly what Mickey Connolly and Matthew Williams should do.  Get the video.  Report on the video.  But since they can’t be trusted – members must do it for them or demand it of them.  Mickey and Matthew should also press Gene for the truth.  But again, they can’t be trusted to be open, honest and transparent if Gene is open, honest and transparent with them.  That’s why the video/audio is important. It doesn’t lie.  Neither does the arrest report we already possess. 
Matthew should tell the church this Sunday that he is going to get the video and show the video to any member who is interested.  Those who don’t want to see it (which I understand) can be provided a report that contains details.  This will vindicate the police who have been maligned and serve as a witness against Gene’s sins.  Most importantly, this reverences the holiness of God and the righteousness of Christ which we are to seek first (Matt 6:33). 
I hope Gene is restored but his repeated “Lord almighty please forgive me” and “Jesus please forgive me” mentioned in the arrest record are not expressions of godly sorrow.  They reflect worldly sorrow in religious speech (2 Cor 7:8-11).  If Gene was truly repentant, he would not have sought to cover up his crime at the time of his arrest nor his sin for the last three months. 
Gene was once a dear friend.  Foremost, I hope he is restored to Christ.  That is his fundamental problem.  Then to Liz, his children, Kingsway, all the churches he oversaw in SGM like Living Faith Church, and those he abused, mistreated and slandered over the years.  That can’t happen unless he humbles himself.  Gene’s primary problem, like C.J.’s, has been the love of reputation.  That has been taken away.  Now, I hope he is left with Jesus.  He can still enjoy the rest of his days serving the Lord with family and friend though never in ministry as a pastor. 

KingsWay Pastor Convicted 

of Solicitation of Prostitution

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Awhile back, it was announced that Gene Emerson, senior pastor at KingsWay Community Church in Midlothian, Virginia, would be taking a sabbatical due to burnout. More recently, Matthew Williams explained that Mr. Emerson would actually be stepping down due to the fact that he had been convicted of soliciting a prostitute. Mr. Williams made the following remarks about the situation:
Last month, Gene was found guilty in Chesterfield County Court of soliciting a prostitute. To this day, he continues to maintain that he is innocent of any illicit activity, though he has humbly acknowledged a significant lapse in judgement regarding his conduct throughout the situation. While we respect the courts as an authority established by God, we know they are not perfect. And in light of his claim of innocence, we support his right to consider taking further legal action.
 Gene's Resignation
(If Troubled, Have Coffee With Another Pastor To "Process" All This)
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
This morning we made the difficult announcement that Gene Emerson has chosen to resign his position as senior pastor of Kingsway Community Church. The following contains a portion of what Matthew Williams shared today by way of explanation. An audio recording of Matthew's entire message is available here
Gene has faithfully shepherded our church for over 26 years. I grew up under his pastoral leadership and for the last 8 years have had the privilege of laboring alongside him as a member of our pastoral team. During that time, I have known him to be a trustworthy man who loves God, loves people, and walks with integrity in his public and private life. He is one of my closest friends and what I’m about to share has not changed my affection and gratitude for him in the slightest bit.
Last month, Gene was found guilty in Chesterfield County Court of soliciting a prostitute. To this day, he continues to maintain that he is innocent of any illicit activity, though he has humbly acknowledged a significant lapse in judgement regarding his conduct throughout the situation. While we respect the courts as an authority established by God, we know they are not perfect. And in light of his claim of innocence, we support his right to consider taking further legal action.
However, God’s Word is clear in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 that the elders of local church must be “above reproach” and “well thought of by outsiders.” Regardless of whether he should or should not have been be found guilty, the court’s current decision has damaged his public reputation to the point where he is no longer qualified to serve as a pastor. For the good of the church, he has agreed to resign.
Our entire eldership, including Gene, is convinced that this is the right thing to do. And as we have talked with other leaders both inside and outside our church, they too have confirmed that this is the right thing to do. Upholding the glory of God by protecting the reputation of the gospel and the reputation of our church is simply too important to do otherwise.
My heart is grieving for my friend. I never dreamed that I would have walk through a situation like this with Gene. I love this man. He has been a father in the faith to me as I know he has for many of you. So let me make two things very clear. First, as a church, we are not going to stop loving this man. We don’t love one another because we’re perfect. We love one another because we’re brothers and sisters in Christ. Second, we are not going to shame him or avoid him even as his public role changes. He remains a member in good standing and both Gene and his wife Liz have communicated that there is nowhere they would rather be than at Kingsway.
Situations like this are among the most difficult a church can ever face. It’s difficult to hear news like this without having your trust shaken. All I ask is that you give us an opportunity to prove ourselves trustworthy in the way we handle this process, especially if you’re new to Kingsway.
Every church, if you stay long enough, goes through hard times. What matters is not whether hard times come, but whether a church walks through them with integrity, humility, and a tenacious trust in the Lord that never abandons our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the gospel. That’s what Gene has faithfully done here for the last 26 years of his ministry and that's exactly what Josh, Chris, and I are going to continue to do.
I also want to invite you, whether you're a member, a regular attender, or a first-time visitor to sign up for what we’re calling “Coffee With A Pastor.” We’ve set aside several evenings over the next few weeks where you can join a group of no more than 10 other people to ask questions, express concerns, and understand how we’re processing the situation. We don’t have answers to every question, but we’ll tell you as much as we know. We are committed to leading with humility and transparency. 
In light of Gene’s resignation, I have agreed to serve as an interim lead pastor. We don't want to rush the process of identifying Gene's replacement and are going to take the next 6 months to prayerfully determine who should assume his position. I never wanted to step into his role under these circumstances, but I know that God has called me and empowered me for such a time as this. I love you and because I love you I am not going to stop leading you. There is no where else I would rather be than here, as painful as it is. You’re my family.
And when times get tough, a family pulls together. If you’re a dad, if you’re a pastor, if you’re a leader, you don’t run. You don’t take the easy road. You link arms, you look to Jesus, and you keep on loving people. That’s what I’m going to do. And for the glory of God and the good of this church, I challenge every one of you to do that with me. 
God isn't done with us, Kingsway. Our Father is merciful, our hope is certain, and our mission is clear. He’s going to comfort us in our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
Posted by Matthew (interim senior pastor)

Another Day, Another SGM Sex Scandal – KingsWay Pastor Resigns Due to ‘Lapse in Judgment’

Below you will find two screen shots of the court document for Gene Emerson's case.  As you can see, the charge was Solicitation of Prostitution, and the final disposition was Guilty.  The offense date and the arrest date was May 29, 2015, with Emerson being arraigned on June 9, 2015.  He was found guilty one month later and received a sixty days suspended sentence, along with a fine and court costs.  There is some question as to whether the complaintant is male or female.
pdf file - Chesterfield Coounty
Pdf file - Chesterfield County
The KingsWay congregation appears to have been kept totally in the dark until the shocking announcement last Sunday. 
Matthew (interim senior pastor) emphasized that when it comes to Gene Emerson, he will NOT:
– Avoid him
– Judge or shame him
This clearly shows the double standard that exists in churches affiliated with Sovereign Grace Ministries.  How many horror stories have we heard where SGMers have been both shamed and shunned?  
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The Virginia Uniform Summons given to Gene Emerson at the time of his arrest for soliciting a prostitute can be found here.  The Judge’s order to be tested for HIV and hepatitis C can be found here.  These documents are available to the public as a matter of record.  I have blacked out Emerson’s social security number. 
Below are some additional links and explanations. 
Detective N. Necolettos of the Chesterfield County Police Department arrested Emerson on May 29, advised him of his Miranda rights, and gave him a summons to appear in court for a hearing on June 9.  
Necolettos is also referred to as the Complainant in the online case information.  He is male.  He was not the undercover agent (i.e. decoy) propositioned by Emerson.   
Emerson’s online case information can be found here.  Enter Chesterfield General District Court under Court.  Enter Eugene D. Emerson under Traffic/Criminal and Name Search. 
The arrest occurred at 3 pm on Friday, May 29 in Room 505 of the La Quinta Motel on 1301 Huguenot Road in Midlothian, VA. 
He was arraigned on June 9 but his trial was “continued” (postponed) until July 9.  On that day, he appeared before Judge Keith Nelson Hurley with his prostitution-solicitation attorney, Debra D. Corcoran.  Her website is here and says in part:   
“It is not uncommon for law enforcement to use undercover officers to pose as prostitutes in order to catch potential solicitors, or “johns.”  There is much controversy surrounding these practices as they may be considered entrapment based on circumstances.  With a seasoned Richmond solicitation attorney from our firm, you can stand up for yourself in court with decisive evidence and a strong case representing your rights.” 
In the left hand column of the summons, you will notice the Judge marked “guilty” under “the accused pleaded.”  You will also notice that Detective Necolettos added a note, “Alford.”  That stands for an Alford plea.  See here.  It means Emerson did not admit guilt but he did admit the court had enough evidence to find him guilty for the solicitation of prostitution.  
Emerson did not come clean before Judge Hurley.  He lied.  He also used this legal tactic so he could tell Kingsway Community Church on August 8 that he was innocent of all criminal wrong doing while accusing the police of wrong doing.      
Matthew Williams, interim lead pastor, reinforced Emerson’s deception.  He put out this written statement on August 9.  He added the word “illegal” in his verbal announcement to the church on the same day.    
“Last month, Gene was found guilty in Chesterfield County Court of soliciting a prostitute.  To this day, he continues to maintain that he is innocent of any [illegal or] illicit activity, though he has humbly acknowledged a significant lapse in judgement regarding his conduct throughout the situation.  While we respect the courts as an authority established by God, we know they are not perfect.  And in light of his claim of innocence, we support his right to consider taking further legal action.” 
The “Alford plea” meant nothing to the Judge because the evidence was overwhelming.  He found Emerson “guilty as charged” and then imposed the following sentence.  Emerson could have been fined $2,500 and jailed for 12 months if given the maximum sentence.
1.  A fine of $150.00 
2.  A “jail sentence of 60 days with 60 days suspended conditioned upon being of good behavior and keeping the peace.”  That means if Emerson is rearrested and found guilty for solicitation or other crimes while on probation, the suspended 60 days in jail can be imposed upon him retroactively.  Additional sentences would also follow.  
3.  Probation for 3 years.  The online case information says there is no probation but that information is incorrect according to a Clerk of the Court.  This summons, signed by the Judge Hurley, is the official document of record.  Emerson does not have a probation officer.  He was released on his own recognizance. 
4.  HIV and hepatitis C testing for obvious reasons.   
Emerson was also fingerprinted and paid $121.57 in court fees.  
You will also noticed a reference to “Appeal Bond $” of “500- P/R” on the bottom center of the page.  If Emerson had appealed his sentence, which he did not, and then failed to show up for the appeal since he was released on his own recognizance, he would have been charged $500.  P/R stands for personal recognizance.  




Doctrinal Affirmations

As an outreach ministry of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and the TEDS faculty, we subscribe to the doctrinal standards of the Evangelical Free Church of America (the parent denomination of TEDS and the Henry Center). The Henry Center’s identity reflects that of the Trinity faculty; it includes Calvinists and Arminians, Lutherans and Anabaptists, egalitarians and complementarians, and much more. It includes North Americans, but it also gladly affirms and is indebted to the work of scholars and ministers from all around the world. We are all committed to God’s glorious gospel, and we are happy to partner with other evangelical ministries (including those with other doctrinal stances) in order to advance the kingdom.



From the beginning of his academic career Henry aspired to lead Protestant fundamentalism to a greater intellectual and social engagement with the larger American culture. As such, with Ockenga and Graham, he is one of the most significant leaders of evangelicalism of the post-World War II era. In fact, Henry’s book The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism (1947) is often seen as a kind of “neo-evangelical manifesto” marking the nascent movement’s break with separatist fundamentalists. Henry also demonstrated his leadership of the neo-evangelical movement through his presidency of the Evangelical Theological Society (1967-70) and the American Theological Society (1979-80), as well as his organizing role in the Berlin (1966) and Lausanne (1974) World Conferences on Evangelism.
Henry’s many books, the most famous of which is the six-volume God, Revelation, and Authority (1976-83), consistently reiterate the themes of biblical theism, objective revelation in propositional form, the authority and inerrancy of the Scriptures, and the rational apologetic defense of Christianity.
Paradoxically, Henry has been attacked throughout his career by separatist fundamentalists for urging a more united evangelical witness, while being criticized by liberal evangelicals for his insistence on biblical inerrancy. Despite this carping, the historical significance of the person Time magazine once called in 1977, “the leading theologian” of American evangelicalism is incontestable.
Robert H. Krapohl (University Librarian)

Alistair Begg’s January 2015 Letter:;

EXCERPT:If only it were possible to capture and keep those moments of family fun and Christmas fellowship. The photos on my phone stir the memory and deepen the longings. C. S. Lewis wrestled with these notions and pointed out that, when we consider our deepest longings, they can never be satisfied in this lifetime.” 

Alistair Begg’s April 2014 Letter:

EXCERPT: In his book Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis explains that Jesus has not left open to us the option of sidestepping Him as just another great moral teacher.” 
(COMMENT: This is taken well out of context, since Lewis was a false convert to “Christianity”, remained an occultist, Taoist, and heretic as evidenced by the vast majority of his works.)

Letter from Alistair Begg-June 2013:

EXCERPT:It is this truth that C. S. Lewis emphasizes at the end of The Silver Chair when Jill suggests to Aslan that she must quench her thirst from another stream. The lion responds, “There is no other stream” (Acts 4:12).” 
(COMMENT: This is Begg’s support for his stand against salvation by works. The actual quote from the Bible reads: “ Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”)


“Trusting in Your Decision 

-vs- Looking for Fruits of Salvation”, 

by Alistair Begg


Alistair Begg Sermon – The Peril of Spiritual Apostasy:



Published on Dec 9, 2013

C.S. Lewis had a big imagination, and a high regard for the occult. Combined, these make for a dangerous blend of Theosophy, pagan myths, and an unbiblical worldview. This video compares his views to the Holy Bible. Sadly, they do not match up. 1John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Laurance Justice-C.S. Lewis is a false teacher:

Published on Nov 28, 2012

This is a very well documented expose on the false teachings of C.S. Lewis, given by Laurence Justice. C.S. Lewis is very much loved by many, but people seem to fail to recognize his universalism and ecumenical stance he took and the fact that he had a very shallow and heretical way in which he viewed the scriptures.

Keith Getty and Alistair Begg Joking Around; (Both are C.S. Lewis admirers):

Uploaded on May 16, 2008

Keith Getty and Alistair Begg on stage together at Parkside Church’s Basics 2008 Pastors Conference, having fun and a few laughs.

Alistair Begg – Biola University Chapel (Heavily Into Spiritual Formation & Contemplative Mysticism-SEE OUR POSTS UNDER “BIOLA”)



The following article by Matt Slick is very good, but mistakenly calls Rick Warren a “Protestant”, which Baptists are not, meaning they never took part in the Reformation. He is well known as a Southern Baptist, which denomination currently has a very large percentage of Neo-Calvinist emerging church types. Ken Silva (deceased) of coined the phrase “Slowly Becoming Catholic” for the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention). 

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

“Rick Warren’s Comments on Roman Catholicism”

In a video published by the Catholic news service1 senior pastor Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, failed to properly assess the critical differences between biblical theology and Roman Catholic theology regarding the doctrine of salvation and added credibility to the Catholic Church. In the video, he appealed to sentiment and not scripture and said, “the most important thing is if you love Jesus, we’re on the same team.” His statement is, of course, problematic.
Following is a full transcript of the two minute video. I’ve underlined comments that I’ll be addressing after the quote.
“We have far more in common than what divides us. When you talk about Pentecostals, charismatics, evangelicals, uh, fundamentalists, Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, on and on and on and on.
    “Well they would all say we believe in the trinity, we believe in the Bible, we believe in the resurrection, we believe salvation is through Jesus Christ. These are the big issues. Sometimes Protestants think that Catholics worship Mary like she’s another god. But that’s not exactly catholic doctrine. There’s the understanding, and, and people say well what are the saints all about? Why are you praying to the saints? And when you understand what they mean by what they’re saying there’s a whole lot more commonality. Now there’s still real differences, no doubt about that. But the most important thing is if you love Jesus, we’re on the same team.
    “The unity that I think we would see realistically is not a structural unity but a unity of mission. And so, when it comes to the family we are co-workers in the field on this for the protection of what we call the sanctity of life, the sanctity of sex, and the sanctity of marriage. So there’s a great commonality and there’s no division on any of those three.
    “Many times people have been beaten down for taking a Biblical stance. And they start to feel, “well maybe I’m, I’m out here all by yourself.” No you’re not.
    “The church is growing in Latin America. The church is growing in Asia. The church is growing in Africa. It’s not growing in North America or Europe. But it is growing everywhere else, so we kind of have this feeling that maybe we’re not, uh, uh, as- as influential; but we’re far more influential than people realize.” (emphasis added)

Catholic Bible

First of all, Pastor Rick Warren says both the Catholics and the Protestants believe in the Bible.  However, there is a significant difference between the Bible of the Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church which has added seven books: TobitJudith1 and2 MaccabeesWisdom of SolomonSirach (also known as Ecclesiasticus), and Baruch. The Jews never recognized these books as being inspired of God, and neither Jesus or the apostles ever quoted from them. In addition, there are numerous problems in the apocryphal books such as the teaching of salvation by works (Tobit 4:1112:9), the offering of money for the sins of the dead (2 Maccabees 12:43), etc.

Catholic Salvation

Second, Rev. Warren implies that both Protestants and Catholics have the same view of salvation when he says that both, “…believe salvation is through Jesus Christ.” Though it’s technically correct to say that Catholics believe in salvation through Jesus Christ, they reject justification by faith alone in Christ alone. Instead, they teach that good works of various kinds are necessary for salvation. Such teaching clearly contradicts biblical theology. Please consider the following Scripture references before we get into official Catholic theology regarding salvation.
  • “Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law,” (Rom. 3:28). 
  • “But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness,”(Rom. 4:5).
  • “But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace,” (Rom. 11:6).
  • “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast,” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
  • “For as many as are of the works of the Law are under a curse; for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law, to perform them,” (Galatians 3:10).
  • “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all,” (James 2:10).
As you can see, justification is by faith alone without works (Rom. 3:284:5), and the two verses listed in Galatians 3:10 and James 2:10 clearly reject any hope of salvation through faith plus any of our works (See also Gal. 5:1-5). The above verses contradict Roman Catholic theology. Please consider the following quotes from official Roman Catholic sources.
  • “…the mission of teaching all peoples, and of preaching the Gospel to every creature, so that all men may attain salvation through faith, Baptism and the observance of the Commandments,” (Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 2068).
  • “The specific precepts of the natural law, because their observance, demanded by the creator, is necessary for salvation,” (CCC 2036).  “The Decalogue contains a privileged expression of the natural law. It is made known to us by divine revelation and by human reason,” (CCC 2080).
  • In Roman Catholicism that which is necessary for salvation includes the church (CCC 846), baptism (CCC 1257), penance (CCC 980), sacraments (CCC 1129), service and witness to the faith (CCC 1816), keeping the ten commandments (CCC 2036 and 2070), and detachment from riches (CCC 2556).
  • “If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that nothing else is required to co-operate in order to the obtaining the grace of Justification, and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will; let him be anathema” (Council of Trent, Canons on Justification, Canon 9).
As a Protestant, Pastor Rick Warren should be able to properly teach biblical theology and refute error. This is one of the requirements of being an elder (Titus 1:5-9), and since he is a pastor he is an elder (1 Timothy 5:17). He has failed the biblical requirement found in Titus 1:9, “holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.” Therefore, he is disqualified from being a pastor since he failed the test of elder regarding being able to “exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.”

Catholic Mary

Rick Warren said, “Sometimes Protestants think that Catholics worship Mary like she’s another god. But that’s not exactly catholic doctrine.” We could talk a great deal about the differences between the biblical view of Mary and the Roman Catholic one, but without going into great depth I will simply provide a few references from Catholic sources regarding the person and work of Mary. You decide for yourself if a kind of worship and adoration is given to her that should be given only to God.
  • Mary is the all holy one:  “By asking Mary to pray for us, we acknowledge ourselves to be poor sinners and we address ourselves to the ‘Mother of Mercy,’ the All-Holy One,” (CCC 2677).
  • Devotion to Mary:  “The liturgical feasts dedicated to the Mother of God and Marian prayer, such as the rosary, an “epitome of the whole Gospel,” express this devotion to the Virgin Mary,” (CCC. 971).
  • Pray to Mary:  “Mary is the perfect Orans (pray-er), a figure of the Church. When we pray to her, we are adhering with her to the plan of the Father,” (CCC 2679).
  • Mary is worshipped:  “…when she [Mary] is the subject of preaching and worship she prompts the faithful to come to her Son…” (Vatican Council II, p. 420). See quote in Context
  • No Better way than to look to Mary:  “After speaking of the Church, her origin, mission, and destiny, we can find no better way to conclude than by looking to Mary,” (CCC 972).
  • “so no man goeth to Christ but by His Mother,” (Vatican Website:  Encyclical of Pope Leo 13th on the Rosary, Octobri Mense, Pope Leo 13th, 1903-1914).
  • Mary brings us the gifts of Eternal Life:  Mary, “…by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation…(CCC par. 969).
  • Mary made atonement for the sins of man “…Mary, by her spiritual entering into the sacrifice of her divine son for men, made atonement for the sins of man and (de congruon) merited the application of the redemptive grace of Christ.  In this manner she cooperates in the subjective redemption of mankind.”  (Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, Ott, page 213).
Obviously, the qualities and works attributed to Mary by the Roman Catholic Church far exceed what is revealed to us in Scripture. In fact, the Bible says not to exceed what is written (1 Corinthians 4:6). But, through Catholic tradition a whole host of unbiblical teachings concerning her have been proclaimed.

If you love Jesus, we’re on the same team

Warren said, “if you love Jesus, we’re on the same team.” If it’s true that whoever loves Jesus is on the same team, then true love for him should manifest itself in dedication and obedience to his word as revealed in Scripture. It’s one thing to say that a group of people loves Jesus. It’s another thing to demonstrate that it is true. When we see the many unbiblical teachings of the Catholic Church listed above (and there are many more), how could anyone say that they truly love Jesus? Sure, there are Catholics who love the real Christ, the one who died on the cross for our sins. That is not the problem. The problem is the Roman Catholic Church’s false teachings concerning Mary and salvation.
Pastor Rick Warren has not only failed to recognize the problems in these serious areas, but he has lent his credibility as a Protestant pastor in support of the Roman Catholic Church. This should never be done by any Protestant pastor who takes the Bible seriously. I must conclude that Mr. Warren does not take the word of God seriously, and/or he does not understand the damnable teachings of Roman Catholicism regarding salvation. Rick Warren needs to repent.



(Friday Church News Notes, August 29, 2014,, 866-295-4143) – Mark Driscoll, founder and senior pastor of the Mars Hill multi-campus church in Seattle, and one of the most influential of the “New Calvinist” leaders, has stepped down for at least six weeks while the church’s elders consider charges lodged against him in recent months. He is under fire from elders in his own church as well as many influential “evangelical” leaders. He was recently removed from of the Acts 29 church-planting network that he co-founded and has been stricken from previously scheduled speaking engagements. James MacDonald and Paul Tripp resigned as board members from Driscoll’s Resurgence Conference. LifeWay has removed his books from their stores. Charges include engaging in a pattern of abusive and intimidating conduct as a leader, plagiarism, inflating book sales to get on bestselling lists, and comments he made anonymously on a blog 14 years ago which were “abusive” to feminists and homosexuals. We find this entire episode puzzling. There must be more to it than is being stated publicly. Driscoll gained a large following in a very feminized city by exuding a “man’s man” image. There’s nothing new about his crude vocabulary and his “attacks” on the feminization and homosexualization of men today. The charge of plagiarizing was dismissed by his publisher Thomas Nelson. The inflation of book sales was done by hiring an ad agency to purchase copies of the books, a standard practice which some of his evangelical critics have probably engaged in. He has apologized publicly and effusively for these things. There must be more to the matter than meets the eye presently. What we want to know is why haven’t his current accusers issued a warning about such things as his X-rated sex sermons, his heresy that apostolic sign gifts have not ceased, his mocking of the biblical Rapture, his vicious slander of biblical fundamentalists, his social-justice, kingdom-building gospel, his New Years’ Eve champagne dance parties and other aspects of his “cultural liberalism,” which is nothing more than old-fashioned worldliness, his rejection of biblical separatism, and his rock & roll “worship.” The answer to this question is that his “evangelical” detractors are as guilty of these things as Driscoll is. Since Driscoll is such an influential figure, I have visited the main campus of his multi-campus church for research, and Mars Hill’s contemporary music is as raunchy as any I have heard. The building is darkened, the band cranks up, and the cool, youthful Seattle crowd gets in the “spirit.” It is a worldly atmosphere from top to bottom. The experience is mystical and powerful, but not godly and not scriptural. There is definitely more to this unfolding story than meets the eye. We give a lot of information about Driscoll in the book What Is the Emerging Church? E.S. Williams has recently published The New Calvinists: Changing the Gospel features chapters on Tim Keller, John Piper, and Mark Driscoll. Williams, a member of Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, England, is a medical doctor, and his books The Dark Side of Christian Counselling and Christ or Therapy? are highly recommended. 

Driscoll to Step Down From Megachurch 

Over Allegations of Spiritual Abuse

An Update From Pastor Mark (Is It All About Him???):

Published on Aug 24, 2014

Pastor Mark shares an update with the church. View the statement here:…


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Janet Mefferd interviewed Susan Burke on her show today.  Ms. Burke is the lead attorney for the Victims-Plaintiffs in the civil lawsuit against C.J. Mahaney, Covenant Life Church, Sovereign Grace Ministries, and others. 
Anyone interested in the truth will take this interview to heart. There is no question of a conspiracy to cover up sexual abuse.
Please pray for the Maryland Court of Special Appeals who hears the appeal on Monday. Let’s hope they overturn the decision of the lower court that dismissed the case in May 2013 based upon the statute of limitations.
Regardless of their decision, however, Mahaney, CLC and SGM are guilty of an evil conspiracy per the evidence. They did not report Nathaniel Morales (and others) who was a known serial predator. He went on to abuse for 20 years.  
Two weeks ago in his first trial, Morales was found guilty on all five counts with a maximum sentence of 85 years. The follwoing week in his second trial, Morales was found guilty on two counts for another 25 years. 
The evangelical and Reformed Church must act. This is no time for silence. Leaders everywhere should speak out and demand an accounting of Mahaney, et al. regardless of the criminal or civil proceedings.  
The same is true for the SGM Leadership Team which is led by Executive Director, Mark Prater.  These men have covered up for Mahaney.  They must finally come clean and call him to account for past actions and his role in the conspiracy. 
The Church does not have the power to incarcerate but it does have the authority to discipline. Will the pastors of Sovereign Grace Ministries exercise church discipline or refuse to follow their own polity? Will Mickey Connolly, the Regional Leader over Mahaney’s church in Louisville and close friend, continue to shield Mahaney?    
The same is true for the pastoral staff at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville.  Will Bob Kauflin, Jeff Purswell, Brian Chesemore (son-in-law) and Gary Ricucci (alleged co-conspirator) continue to enable Mahaney and refuse to discipline him?
Or will noted evangelical leaders in The Gospel Coalition and Together for the Gospel continue to defend Mahaney?  
God forbid all these things!
This is a very serious matter.  We must work together to make sure pastors throughout America report the suspicion of sexual abuse.
This did not happen as a rule in Sovereign Grace Ministries for 30 years.  As a result, there are scores of victims and there has been an extensive attempt to cover this up.  Those are the facts.
Please listen to this 13 minute interview during minutes 7:08-19:42 on audio recording.

Janet Mefferd Interviews Tullian Tchividjian:

Published on May 21, 2014
Tullian Tchividjian talks with Janet Mefferd about his departure from The Gospel Coalition and his thoughts on the Sovereign Grace Ministries child sex-abuse scandal.

Janet Mefferd Discusses Joshua Harris’ Response 

to Nathaniel Morales Verdict:

On Sunday, May 18, Covenant Life Church Pastor Joshua Harris spoke to his congregation about the recent criminal conviction of Nathaniel Morales, a former CLC youth leader found guilty of sexually abusing three boys. Harris also spoke about offering to take an administrative leave and even said he was willing to resign entirely so the church could deal with the fallout from the scandal amid the looming Sovereign Grace Ministries sexual-abuse class-action lawsuit, set for an appeals hearing on June 9, 2014. Janet offers her thoughts on Harris’ remarks and the latest developments in what she calls American Evangelicalism’s biggest sex scandal to date.


Sunday Evening, May 4 at 6pm
Lord of Rings Concert
“We travel to ‘Middle Earth’ and beyond”, 
“in an exciting evening of music from the ‘Lord of the Rings’ movie trilogy. There will be readings from the books and we will enjoy music presented by regional professional musicians. With full orchestra we will explore how music tells us many stories and ultimately points us to the greatest story.

From Wikipedia at
“Tolkien included neither any explicit religion nor cult in his work. Rather the themes, moral philosophy, and cosmology of the Lord of the Rings reflect his Catholic worldview. In one of his letters Tolkien states, “The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and Catholic work; unconsciously so at first, but consciously in the revision. That is why I have not put in, or have cut out, practically all references to anything like ‘religion’, to cults or practices, in the imaginary world. For the religious element is absorbed into the story and the symbolism.””

The Lord of the Rings and the Catholic Faith:

Uploaded on Oct 27, 2011

J.R.R. Tolkien’s books have a strong Catholic theme. This video shows examples of similarities between the Catholic faith and The Lord of the Rings.


Republished October 3, 2005 (updated November 20, 2002, first published February 5, 2002) (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143, – 

The first in the planned trilogy of
 The Lord of the Rings movies, Fellowship of the Ring, was released in December 19, 2001, and it made more than $260 million in the first few weeks. The second in the series, The Two Towers, is scheduled for release in December of this year, and the third, The Return of the King, is scheduled for release in December of 2003. 

In spite of the PG-13 rating and occultic imagery, these movies and their literary counterparts are being praised by some professing Christians. 
The Lord of the Rings movies are based on the books by J.R. Tolkien. The movie edition of the trilogy was filmed at a cost of $300 million, but as we have seen, that amount was almost fully recovered a mere two months after the release of the first episode; and the second and third parts of the trilogy are yet to appear. The television rights to the trilogy were purchased by WB network for $160 million. Christianity Today ran a positive review of the books and the movie entitled “Lord of the Megaplex.” Focus on the Family praised Tolkien’s fantasies and promotes the book “Finding God in the Lord of the Rings” by Kurt Bruner and Jim Ware (Tyndale House). The glowing advertisement at the Focus on the Family web site calls fantasy a “vehicle for truth” and says: “In Finding God in the Lord of the Rings, Kurt Bruner and Jim Ware examine the ‘story behind’ the stories — the inspirational themes of hope, redemption and faith that Tolkien wove into his classic tales.” World magazine’s review is titled “Powerful Rings” and claims that the “movie version of Tolkien’s book speaks to today’s culture.” There is no warning in these reviews about Tolkien’s occultic imagery. 

Is the 
Lord of the Rings harmless fantasy or perhaps even a wholesome Christian allegory? We think not. I read The Hobbit and the three volumes of The Lord of the Rings in 1971 when I was in Vietnam with the U.S. Army. I was not saved at the time, and, in fact, I was very antagonistic to the Christian faith. Had the books contained even a hint of Bible truth, I can assure you that I would not have read them at that particular point in my life. I had forgotten many of the details of the books, so I refreshed my memory recently by going through them again. They are filled with occultic imagery, such as witches, goblins, warlocks, wizards, fairies, and such things; and though these are strongly and unconditionally condemned in the Bible, they are often portrayed as good and desirable by Tolkien. Many of the heroes of the Lord of the Rings, in fact, are wizards and witches. The books were published in inexpensive paperback editions in the late 1960s, and they became very popular with that generation of drug headed hippies. 

The author of the 
Lord of the Rings, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, was born in South Africa in 1892, but his family moved to Britain when he was about 3 years old. When Tolkien was eight years old, his mother converted to Roman Catholicism, and he remained a Catholic throughout his life. In his last interview, two years before his death, he unhesitatingly testified, “I’m a devout Roman Catholic.” J.R. Tolkien married his childhood sweetheart, Edith, and they had four children. He wrote them letters each year as if from Santa Claus, and a selection of these was published in 1976 as “The Father Christmas Letters.” One of Tolkien’s sons became a Catholic priest. Tolkien was an advisor for the translation of the Roman Catholic Jerusalem Bible.

As a professor of literature at Oxford University, Tolkien specialized in Old and Middle English and loved ancient pagan mythology. His first fantasy novel,
The Hobbit, appeared in 1937, and The Lord of the Rings, in 1954-55. Several others were published later, some posthumously. 

One of Tolkien’s drinking buddies was the famous C.S. Lewis. They and some other Oxford associates formed a group called the “Inklings” and met regularly at an Oxford pub to drink beer and regale about literary and other matters. Tolkien, in fact, is credited with influencing Lewis to become a Christian of sorts. Like Tolkien, though, Lewis did not accept the Bible as the infallible Word of God and he picked and chose what he would believe about the New Testament apostolic faith, rejecting such things as the substitutionary blood atonement of Christ. And like Tolkien, C.S. Lewis loved at least some things about Catholicism. He believed in purgatory, confessed his sins to a priest, and had the last rites performed by a Catholic priest (
C.S. Lewis: A Biography, pp. 198, 301).

J.R. Tolkien died in 1973 at age 81, two years after his wife, and they are buried in the Roman Catholic section of the Wolvercote cemetery in the suburbs of Oxford. 
The setting for Tolkien’s 
The Lord of the Rings is in “Middle Earth” and the hero is a little creature (a hobbit) named Frodo Baggins who accidentally becomes possessor of a magical ring that is the lost and greatly desired treasure of the “Dark Lord Sauron.” The story line revolves around Frodo’s action-filled journey to take the ring to the Cracks of Doom where it can be destroyed. OCCULTISM
Though the aforementioned reviewers would have us believe that Tolkien’s books contain simple allegories of good vs. evil, Tolkien portrays wizards and witches and wizardry as both good and evil. For example, a wizard named Gandalf is portrayed as a good person who convinces Bilbo Baggins in 
The Hobbit to take a journey to recover stolen treasure. The books depict the calling up of the dead to assist the living, which is plainly condemned in the Scriptures. Though not as overtly and sympathetically occultic as the Harry Potter series, Tolkien’s fantasies are unscriptural and present a very dangerous message. 


In his last interview in 1971, Tolkien stated that he did not intend The Lord of the Rings as a Christian allegory and that Christ is not depicted in his fantasy novels. When asked about the efforts of the trilogy’s hero, Frodo, to struggle on and destroy the ring, Tolkien said, “But that seems I suppose more like an allegory of the human race. I’ve always been impressed that we’re here surviving because of the indomitable courage of quite small people against impossible odds: jungles, volcanoes, wild beasts… they struggle on, almost blindly in a way” (Interview by Dennis Gerrolt; it was first broadcast in January 1971 on BBC Radio 4 program “Now Read On…”). That doesn’t sound like the gospel to me. When Gerrolt asked Tolkien, “Is the book to be considered as an allegory?” the author replied, “No. I dislike allegory whenever I smell it.”

Thus, the author of 
The Lord of the Rings denied the very thing that some Christians today are claiming, that these fantasies are an allegory of Christ’s victory over the devil. 

Tolkien’s books created the vast and spiritually dangerous fantasy role-playing games that are so influential today. 
Dungeons and Dragons, which appeared in the early 1970s, was based on Tolkien’s fantasy novels. One fantasy-game web site makes this interesting observation: “The whole fantasy adventure genre of books came into play when J.R. Tolkien wrote his The Lord of the Rings books. From his vivid imagination and creative thinking he created the fantasy adventure genre. Tolkien probably got his ideas from ancient religions. Peoples of different civilizations were writing epics way before Tolkien was even born. They wrote epics about people with superior strength, about gods that punished people and, travels to the underworld. Tolkien is accredited to being the man who started it all but if traced back even further you’ll see that he wasn’t the one that created it, just the one that pushed it forth.” 

This secular writer better understands what Tolkien’s books are about than the aforementioned Christian publications. Tolkien certainly did get his ideas from pagan religions, and the message promoted in his fantasy books is strictly pagan.

Tolkien has even influenced many rock and rollers. The song “Misty Mountain Hop” by the demonic hard rock group Led Zeppelin was inspired by Tolkien’s writings. Marc Bolan, of the rock group Tyrannasaurus Rex, created a musical and visual style influenced by Tolkien. The heavy metal rock group Iluvatar named themselves after a fictional god from Tolkien’s work 
The Silmarillion. Others could be mentioned. 

The world knows its own; and when the demonic world of fantasy role-playing and the morally filthy world of rock and roll love something, you can be sure it is not godly and it is not the truth.





Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith 

Interview with Janet Mefferd 

RE: Mark Driscoll Scandals:

Published on Mar 16, 2014

Chris Rosebrough (@PirateChristian) interviews Janet Mefferd regarding the ethical scandal of Mark Driscoll’s deceptive tactics to game the system in order to achieve New York Times Best Selling Author status and what it says about Christians and the Church.



Janet Mefferd Interviews Mark Driscoll:

Published on Dec 4, 2013

Here is the evidence of the Plagiarism.……
This Interview was deleted today. Mark is confronted on charges of Plagiarism. Janet’s Blog is now down, and all of her tweets relating were deleted. Don’t be bullied by a wolf. You need to know about PMD’s tyranny.

NoCo 90 – Episode 43 – 

What Janet Mefferd Should Have Asked Mark Driscoll:



Pilgrims Covenant Church <>

Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 5:31 PM

Will the Steward Be Found Faithful? 
The following is the closing portion of a sermon preached on February 9, 2014 by Pastor Ralph Ovadal. The text of the sermon is 1 Corinthians 4:2: “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.”By way of illustration, in this last part of his sermon, Pastor Ovadal provided a good deal of documentation concerning the grossly corrupted nature of Reformation Heritage Books, Dr. Joel Beeke, editorial director.
“Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” Our specific application today is a minister’s responsibility to spiritually nourish the Lord’s people with wholesome, healthful, safe spiritual food—that is, right preaching and teaching. And without doubt, this includes guarding the household of faith from unwholesome, unhealthy, dangerous spiritual food, including that preached and taught by unfaithful and even false ministers and teachers. Now, most certainly, that includes written teaching. I have spoken of the disobedience and danger of ministers who are sound in their preaching and teaching but who are keeping preaching and ministry fellowship with unsound ministers and teachers. I want to briefly focus now on that which is so often entirely overlooked. As a minister of Christ, I would be an unfaithful steward of the household of faith if in any way I promoted, recommended, or justified a book written by an obviously unfaithful minister or teacher, let alone if I urged the Lord’s people to read such a book by such a person, let alone if I even disseminated for free or for a price such a book.
In the context of our text and by way of application, I call your attention, as we have done in several articles, to Reformation Heritage Books (RHB). But why this particular Christian book publisher and distributor, Reformation Heritage Books? Because the editorial director of RHB is an extremely influential, knowledgeable, gifted minister of Christ: Reformed, evangelical, highly esteemed by many Christians as a faithful pastor cleaving to the old paths in the midst of a great falling away, a faithful steward of the household of faith. And so, multitudes of Christians trust this minister to nourish the body of Christ with only wholesome, healthful, safe spiritual food. And the stated mission of Reformation Heritage Books is, quote, “to glorify God and strengthen His Church through the publication and distribution of Puritan and Reformed literature.”Certainly when a minister of the reputation, experience, knowledge, gifts, and stature of Pastor Joel Beeke assures the Lord’s people of that purpose, most will be confident that the books they purchase from RHB will be written by faithful men and that not only these books will contain healthful, wholesome spiritual nourishment for their souls but also, with that being the case, certainly other books and sermons of such individuals will be Christ-honoring, worthwhile, and trustworthy. Am I wrong to state that conclusion? Can someone tell me how I could be wrong? It is a simple matter and ought to be beyond controversy.
The title of a regular RHB-printed publication featuring some but far, far from all of their books is Pick Up and Read. Now, what is this but an urging of Christians to spiritually feed their souls, to pick up and read the teachings of the men, and women, whose books are sold by RHB—that is, their teachings in those books, and of course by extension, then will not many also take it to mean their teachings available elsewhere? Pick up and read these books which “glorify God and strengthen His Church.” Yes, such books—portioned out under the oversight and management and encouragement of one of the stewards of the household of faith, a minister reputed to be of the stuff of the Puritans and revered by many—such books must be filled will healthy, wholesome, nutritious spiritual food for the soul. Such is not the case at all.
This is a very serious thing, to urge Christians to read particular authors who are represented as sound, faithful Christian ministers and teachers. This is a portioning out of spiritual food to the household of faith. As a minister of Christ, I cannot, I must not, if I would be faithful, recommend to you or any Christian or anyone at all books written by ministers or teachers who are not faithful and sound in their teaching and in their practice. To do so would be to sin against Christ and His church; to do so would be to confuse, compromise, and corrupt the Lord’s own blood-bought church. To do so would make me an unfaithful steward of the household of God, an unfaithful shepherd of the blood-bought flock of Christ.
Now, in an article published by Rev. Ivan Foster and me in June of 2012 and then in another one in January of 2013, we warned about the deeply corrupted nature of Reformation Heritage Books, that is, with regard to the books being promoted and sold. We gave examples; and all but several of those books are still being marketed by RHB, with many others of a similar nature being added. As you will see, RHB has only become more dangerously corrupted as to the books offered, not less.
Having once again raised this matter, by way of sermon illustration and warning, integrity demands that I provide evidence which justifies the warning I have once again raised in the context of our text, “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” With that in mind, bear with me as I run through some of the authors RHB promotes and whose works RHB offers. I will also mention some of the ministers and teachers RHB has posted endorsements from, that is, for particular books. RHB has chosen to post these endorsements as encouragements for Christians to buy certain books.
Why would a ministry post endorsements for books which it markets? I know ministry and market seem to be oxymorons. In truth, I am not sure if RHB is a ministry or a for-profit business; but that is not the issue today. Why would a Christian book publisher/distributor—and RHB is both—post endorsements for books from particular ministers and teachers? Isn’t the message that these proven, able, faithful, trustworthy men endorse this Christian book; so you ought to consider buying it and can feel confident you will feed your soul on safe, wholesome spiritual food? So, endorsements, especially these posted with the approval of a minister such as Joel Beeke, are no small thing.
Let’s run through some of the unfaithful ministers and teachers whose teachings, that is, in books, RHB promotes and sells. This is by no means an exhaustive list. I do not have time to say much about any of them, just a few words here and there. Some names you will know instantly; others you may not. Some are simply but deeply compromised, others very corrupt in word and practice, others outright apostates. Some are personally nice individuals and well-meaning. Others are no doubt followers of their father the devil. None are teachers the Lord’s people should learn from and be influenced by.
I do also want to mention that a great number of RHB authors are Manhattan Declaration signatories. By that, I mean these are high-profile individuals whose names were already affixed to that grossly ecumenical, Christ-dishonoring document when it was made public and available for others to sign or, in the case of several, affixed soon after. Simply put, the authors of the Manhattan Declaration—Chuck Colson, Timothy George, and Roman Catholic Robert George—recruited these key signatories because of the great influence they have in drawing many others to follow their example. In some cases, I will mention if an individual was a signatory of the MD; in some cases, I may not. And as for the sum total of those I do mention, it is not by any means the total of the MD signers whose books are sold by RHB, or for that matter, whose endorsements are posted on the web site of RHB.
Every bit of the documentation I am about to share was checked and rechecked and current as of this past week, which began February 2, 2014. Charismatics, women teachers, New Calvinists, ecumenists, Refo500 personalities, Romanists, and apostate Protestants—where do we begin?
Reformation Heritage Books offers a book by Fuller Theological Seminary graduate and woman teacher Joanne Jung, assistant professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Biola University. BIOLA, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, is, simply put, a fountain of apostasy and has been for a long, long time. The school and its professors teach and are involved in all manner of unscriptural, anti-scriptural activities from Romish contemplative practices, including through Biola’s Institute of Spiritual Formation, to gross ecumenical events.
RHB carries multiple books written by woman teacher Nancy Leigh DeMoss, whose teaching platform includes a daily Christian radio broadcast. RHB also has posted multiple endorsements from DeMoss.
RHB offers multiple books by Nancy Guthrie and has posted multiple endorsements from her. A bio for Guthrie posted at RHB tells us, “Nancy Guthrie teaches the Bible at conferences around the country.” A RHB endorsement for the Guthrie book The Wisdom of God: Seeing Jesus in the Psalms and Wisdom Books (A 10-Week Bible Study) includes this: “I love Nancy’s infectious passion for teaching the Old Testament in a relevant, practical, spiritual, and Christ-centered way.” That endorsement was by David Murray, a professor at Dr. Beeke’s Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.
RHB markets multiple books written by Elyse Fitzpatrick and makes use of multiple endorsements from her. Fitzpatrick is a Bible teacher and the author of fifteen books, such as Comforts from Romans: Celebrating the Gospel One Day at a Time and Because He Loves Me: How Christ Transforms Our Daily Life.
Kathleen Nielson’s teachings, in the form of multiple books by her, are available from RHB, including the series Living Word Bible Studies; and RHB makes use of multiple endorsements by Nielson.
By the way, Joann Ford Watson is the compiler of six books of eighteenth-century woman Bible teacher Anne Dutton’s writings, which are available from RHB. RHB informs us, “Joann Ford Watson is the H.R. Gill Family Professor of Theology at Ashland Theological Seminary . . . She is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church, USA . . . She has worked in Calcutta with Mother Theresa’s order, the Missionaries of Charity.”
Another woman Bible teacher whose writings are offered by RHB is ecumenical, Manhattan Declaration signatory Joni Eareckson Tada, whose deep theological compromise and errors I outlined earlier in this message. In fact, RHB carries multiple books with contributions from Eareckson Tada and has posted multiple endorsements from her on the RHB site.
Should the Lord’s people be directed to women teachers, including in some cases apostates, for spiritual nourishment?
Turning now to unsound, unfaithful men ministers and teachers, RHB sells about two dozen books written by charismatic, contemplative John Piper who is increasingly showing the fruit of an out-and-out apostate. RHB also sells multiple books which have contributions from Piper; and RHB makes use of multiple endorsements from Piper, including an endorsement for Dr. Joel Beeke’s Meet the Puritans. Presumably, Dr. Beeke solicited John Piper for that endorsement for the book which is published and sold by RHB. But then again, other endorsements for the book include J.I. Packer, R.C. Sproul, Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, and several other New Calvinists. But soliciting such ministers for endorsements for books he has written is not out of the ordinary for Dr. Beeke. We could give other similar examples.
Christians can order from RHB the book With Calvin in the Theater of God: The Glory of Christ and Everyday Life, which is described thus: “Stemming from the Desiring God 2009 National Conference [a John Piper conference], this volume includes chapters by Julius Kim, Douglas Wilson, Marvin Olasky, Mark Talbot, Sam Storms, and John Piper.” Now, I could not recommend that bunch of teachers. But for the sake of time, I will just mention that Rev. Wilson is the pastor of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho. He is a leader of the Federal Vision movement with its heresy. Wilson holds Roman Catholics to be Christian brethren. His YouTube site also includes videos in which he boasts of drinking beer and of his beer bottle collection. In fact, in one video, Wilson tells Christians to thank the Lord for the beer brand they drink. Should members of the household of faith be encouraged to nourish their souls on this man’s teachings?
I might also mention that Marvin Olasky is a Manhattan Declaration signer and that RHB also sells a book authored by Olasky and makes use of multiple endorsements from him.
You just heard the name Sam Storms mentioned. RHB also markets two books authored by the deeply charismatic New Calvinist Sam Storms and carries multiple endorsements from him.
Another charismatic New Calvinist RHB offers teachings from is C.J. Mahaney, in fact, marketing multiple books written by him and making use of multiple endorsements from him.
Piper, Storms, Mahaney are not the only charismatic New Calvinist ministers whose teachings—that is, in books they have written—are disseminated by RHB. Manhattan Declaration signatory Wayne Grudem is another charismatic RHB promotes by selling a number of his books and using multiple endorsements from him.
Joshua Harris is another one. I might just mention that Harris’s church was a sponsor of the 2011 Summer of Mercy pro-life event which included a Roman Catholic exorcism ritual, not in Harris’s church but at another site. During the multi-day Summer of Mercy, a Roman Catholic priest spoke in Josh Harris’s church. We did quite an in-depth report on that event in our “The Ripening Corruption of New Calvinism: The Next Generation” Heart of the Matter program. RHB offers the body of Christ multiple books written by Joshua Harris and makes use of multiple endorsements from him.
Those are charismatic teachers whose books RHB disseminates to the Lord’s blood-bought flock. What do you think: will a minister who directs the household of faith to be spiritually fed by such men as I have named, and will name, be found faithful by the Lord?
RHB carries and sells multiple books written by New Calvinist Thabiti Anyabwile, a minister who fervently promotes so-called holy hip hop, or rap music. RHB also carries many books containing contributions from Anyabwile and makes use of multiple endorsements from him. Obviously, Anyabwile is far from the only rap promoter or New Calvinist author whose books RHB sells; but you might remember that Anyabwile recently charged with racism some Reformed ministers who spoke against rap music. He is that aggressive in promoting what the Reformed rappers call “lyrical preaching.”
Multiple books written Dr. Albert Mohler are available and promoted by RHB, also books with contributions from him; and many endorsements from Dr. Mohler are also posted on the RHB web site. Of course, as I mentioned earlier in this message, among his other errors in teaching and practice, Dr. Mohler is a Manhattan Declaration signatory and currently involved in the Standing Together movement with Mormons.
RHB sells about a dozen books authored by J.I. Packer of Evangelicals and Catholics Together and also a Manhattan Declaration signer. RHB also offers a couple dozen more edited by or with contributions from him, and RHB makes use of scores of endorsements from him.
How about Timothy George: is he a man Christians should be taught and spiritually nourished by? Is George a teacher who glorifies God and whose teachings strengthen the Lord’s church, per RHB’s stated purpose? Southern Baptist Timothy George is the dean and professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School and theological advisor for Christianity Today, chairman of the board of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, and currently the chair of the Doctrine and Christian Unity Commission of the Baptist World Alliance. Suffice it to say, none of that is good! Timothy George, who likes to speak of Mary as the “Mother of God,” has been very active in the International Baptist-Roman Catholic Dialogue and the Evangelicals and Catholics Together movement and documents. He also joined with the late Chuck Colson and Romanist Robert George to author the Manhattan Declaration. Yet RHB uses multiple endorsements from George. Now, going back to what I shared earlier about endorsements for books, does this not send the clear message that RHB considers Timothy George to be a proven, able, faithful, trustworthy teacher of the Lord’s people? Does our Good Shepherd lead us to spiritual pastures infected with the noxious teachings of the likes of Timothy George? Keep that question in mind, and substitute in other teachers and ministers I will go on to name.
Among other books Christians are urged to pick up and read by RHB—Pastor Joel Beeke, editorial director—are two books containing contributions by New Calvinist, Manhattan Declaration signatory, and theistic evolutionist Timothy Keller. RHB also makes use of multiple endorsements from Keller, who is very active in teaching and promoting theistic evolution.
I keep mentioning Manhattan Declaration signatories whose books RHB sells and whose endorsements RHB makes use of. Let me list a few more without even mentioning any other errors in teaching or practice, for instance, promoting rap and CCM or ecumenical associations.
Erwin Lutzer: one book with contribution from him sold by RHB, one endorsement from him posted by RHB
Russell Moore: one book authored by him and two more with contributions from him sold at RHB, multiple endorsements from him posted by RHB
Randy Alcorn: multiple books with contributions from him sold by RHB, multiple endorsements from him posted by RHB
Bryan Chapell: multiple books by him sold by RHB, multiple endorsements from him posted by RHB
Ligon Duncan: multiple books authored by him and multiple books with contributions from him sold by RHB, multiple endorsements from him posted by RHB
William Edgar: one book with contribution from him sold by RHB, multiple endorsements from him posted at RHB
Peter Lillback: multiple books by him sold at RHB, multiple endorsements from him posted by RHB
John Woodbridge: one book with contribution from him sold at RHB, one endorsement from him posted at RHB
You are all familiar with the lewd-talking, beer-drinking, rock-and-roll Pastor Mark Driscoll, Mars Hill Church and the Acts 29 Network of churches he founded and continues to be so active with. Let me just run through endorsements posted from and books written by individuals from Mars Hill and the Acts 29 Network—that is, books sold by RHB and endorsements posted by RHB.
Mark Driscoll: one endorsement from him posted at RHB
Darrin Patrick (vice president of the Acts 29 Network): one book with contribution from him sold by RHB, multiple endorsements from him posted at RHB
Justin Buzzard (part of the Acts 29 Network): one book by him sold by RHB, one endorsement from him posted at RHB
Mike Wilkerson (a pastor at Mars Hill): one book by him offered by RHB
Trisha Wilkerson (wife of Pastor Mike Wilkerson and herself a counselor and women’s leader at Mars Hill): one book by her available at RHB
RHB makes use of multiple endorsements from Christianity Today, which is certainly not a publication any faithful minister would encourage the Lord’s people to read!
Among books RHB urges the body of Christ to “pick up and read” are two by the late and very much apostate John Stott. RHB also makes use of multiple endorsements from him. A children’s biography of John Stott is also sold by RHB. This is what RHB says about the author: “Julia Cameron is Director of Publishing for The Lausanne Movement. She lives in Oxford.” The Lausanne Movement is something Christians need to be warned to stay clear of. RHB also makes use of endorsements from two other individuals from the Lausanne Movement.
Now, there are a number of professors of Roman Catholic universities—identified on the RHB web site as such—whose books RHB disseminates to the body of Christ. I am not saying all are Roman Catholics, but all teach in Romanist universities. These include:
Maarten Wisse (KU Leuven): RHB sells one book co-authored by him.
Mark Noll (University of Notre Dame): RHB offers multiple books with contributions from him and has posted multiple endorsements from him on the RHB site.
George Marsden (University of Notre Dame): RHB sells multiple books authored by him and has posted multiple endorsements from him on the RHB site.
Randall C. Zachman (University of Notre Dame): RHB offers multiple books by him and has posted one endorsement from him on the RHB site.
Let me give you a few examples where RHB also endorses and spreads among the Lord’s people the teachings and the influence of Roman Catholics from the past—that is, through book sales. RHB offers Pages from Church History. The description of this book on the RHB web site is as follows: “Introduces the entire sweep of church history through classics by Polycarp, Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, a Kempis, Luther, Calvin, Bunyan, Edwards, the Wesleys, Carey, and Bonhoeffer.” I am sure you noticed the Romanists in that list as well as the modernist Bonhoeffer. And apparently, all on the list belong to the same church of Christ!
RHB sells the book Shapers of Christian Orthodoxy: Engaging with Early and Medieval Theologians. This book contains a series of essays by various authors, edited by Bradley G. Green. Here is an excerpt from the RHB promotion: “These essays examine eight key theologians, from Irenaeus to Aquinas, and suggest how to view and appropriate their insights” (emphasis added). On the web site for InterVarsity Press, which publishes this book, it lists the following as the theologians examined: Irenaeus, Tertullian, Origen, Athanasius, the Cappadocians, Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas. Without getting into a discussion on each of the theologians listed, it should be enough to point out that Origen was a rank heretic while Thomas Aquinas was a thirteenth-century Roman Catholic priest, and among the claims to fame of that great Doctor of Popery is being the father of modern-day Liberation Theology. In his History of Protestantism, the faithful J.A. Wylie likened the writings of Aquinas to a polluted fountain.
The book Soul Recreation: The Contemplative-Mystical Piety of Puritanism is offered by RHB. This book is said to provide “a distinctively Protestant foundation for recovering the contemplative life while recognizing the significant contributions of the Western Catholic tradition.” This book is written by Tom Schwanda, a professor of Wheaton College, hardly a bastion of faithful Christianity! It contains teaching favorable to theRoman Catholic Desert Fathers, Ignatius of Loyola, Thomas Merton—all Romanists—emerging church leader Richard Foster.
RHB promotes for sale the book The Medieval Church, declaring that it “introduces the reader to the fascinating interplay of authority and dissent, the birth and development of doctrinal beliefs, the spirituality of the common person, and the enduring allure of Christian mysticism” (emphasis added).
The book The Trials of Theology is sold by RHB. The description of it on the RHB web site encourages students of theology to study the “wisdom” it contains, the teachings of, among others, C.S. Lewis and Dietrich Bonheoffer.
RHB offers multiple books written by Dr. Herman Selderhuis, the director of Refo500 and president of the Refo500 Reformation Research Consortium (RefoRC). RHB also makes use of multiple endorsements from Selderhuis. RHB sells an official Refo500 book edited by Selderhuis and Karla Apperloo-Boersma, project leader of Refo500. The title page of that book which, by the way, was just published in 2013 states, “edited on behalf of Refo500”; the back cover has the Refo500 logo and again states that it is edited on behalf of Refo500.
I need to draw this presentation of documentation to a close. I will just mention that RHB sells multiple books from each of the following New Calvinists whom I have not yet mentioned and also makes use of multiple endorsements from each: Tim Challies, Mark Dever, Paul Washer, and Derek Thomas.
Let me also just share, with little comment, a few more names of individuals whose endorsements—in some cases, multiple endorsements—RHB has chosen to use on the RHB web site to market books. A number of these are also Manhattan Declaration signatories: new evangelical Tony Evans; charismatic Matt Chandler; the infamous apostate Richard Mouw; Jim Daly from Focus on the Family; Ravi Zacharias; Joel Belz; Chuck Colson; Gary Bauer; and Adrian Warnock, a leader at the horribly corrupt Jubilee Church, London, which is part of the equally corrupt Newfrontiers and has the Alpha Course: apostasy sums up those organizations. And going on, RHB also posts endorsements from the disgusting Liz Curtis Higgs, woman teacher and author of Bad Girls of the Bible; rock star Alice Cooper; Roman Catholic Francis J. Beckwith; and Jerome Neyrey, professor at the University of Notre Dame. And we could go on ad nauseam with the list of compromised; in some cases, badly corrupted; in some cases, outright apostate RHB apparently believes are sound and faithful enough to the word of God to use endorsements from or, even worse yet, peddle their books to the body of Christ.
“Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” Our specific application today is a minister’s responsibility to spiritually nourish the Lord’s people with wholesome, healthful, safe spiritual food—that is, right preaching and teaching—and without doubt, this includes guarding the household of faith from unwholesome, unhealthy, dangerous spiritual food, including that preached and taught by unfaithful and even false ministers and teachers.
These are such corrupt, confusing times. A minister can preach and teach all that I have this morning; and so long as he avoids practical examples, that is, so long as he avoids “naming names” or at least certain names by way of example and warning, he will receive commendation as a faithful man and able preacher. But once make a needful, particular application and warning, things suddenly change. Scripture no longer applies, and facts are no more facts. So we must give examples in a message such as this one, in an age such as this one, if we are to do good for the Lord’s people and be faithful to our Master.
Those are some of the unfaithful, unsound, compromised, and in some cases, even apostate authors whose books RHB offers the body of Christ as being healthful, wholesome spiritual nourishment for their souls and to supposedly “glorify God and strengthen His Church.” When the minister presiding over, guiding, and acting as editorial director of such a Christian book publisher/distributor has the reputation and gifts and influence that Pastor Beeke has, this is a very serious matter and worthy of the concern of all ministers concerned for the honor of Christ and the spiritual good of His church, including generations following us.
But, if things go as they usually do in this time of deep spiritual downgrade, there will be a concerted effort to discredit the sound documentation I have presented and kill the message of concern and warning by killing the credibility of the messenger with various subjective charges, such as slanderer, talebearer, divider of the brethren. Yet ministers issuing such well documented warnings such as what I have sounded today, as a portion of my sermon and an application of my text, have a right to ask that question our Master put to the religious rulers of His day, who by the hand of one of their officers struck Him in the face: “If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: but if well, why smitest thou me?” Yes, if I have spoken evil today, if I have wrested the Scriptures or presented falsehoods or aired anything but plain, accurate, verifiable facts, bear witness of this. Show me where and how I have wrested and misapplied the word of God or presented falsehoods. Bear witness of the evil in an honest, forthright manner open to the judgment of sincere men.
But, if I have properly taught and rightly applied the word of God and the facts I have presented are accurate and true, then should you not rather acknowledge the truth and act accordingly, instead of verbally smiting the minister who shared it out of duty and love? But, do what you will, I have done what duty requires, and that is what counts to me. In other times—and today, in other places—ministers have laid down their lives in defense of the Lord’s truth and His flock. Amen.

This sermon by Pastor Ovadal can be heard in its entirety at


 The Vision Forum Staff and Families at the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas

David Cloud of Way of Life, has released a thoroughly researched article reprinted below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, and research purposes. It is excellent, and well worth your time reading.
Also see:
National Center for Family Integrated Churches:
Family Integrated Church Directory:
Vision Forum:
Rethinking Vision Forum:


A Warning About Doug Phillips, 

Vision Forum, and the Integrated Church

14, 2014 (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O.
Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143,

Vision Forum has shut down because of the immorality and shady dealings of its founder —

a report entitled “Doug Phillips’ Mentor and Spiritual Father Speaks
Out,” December 19, 2013,, Pastor Robert
Gifford testifies as to Vision Forum founder Doug Phillips’ error,
deception, and infidelity. Phillips had claimed Pastor Gifford as his

Following are some excerpts to this report, followed by my own warning about Vision Forum and Integrated Church.“I
grieve over the way Doug Phillips has misrepresented me. But that
doesn’t bother me the most. God will vindicate me. What bothers me the
most is how Doug has defamed the testimony of our Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. It breaks my heart the way he’s discredited and maligned the
Word of God. He twisted the Word of God for his own advantage. I also
grieve that so many people have been harmed by Doug’s teachings that I
think it’s necessary for me to speak out. Doug has a dual personality.
He’s been leading a secret life. It’s like the movie
Catch Me If You Can.”

was supposedly Doug’s spiritual father, but he invited this man, John
Thompson, to come and instruct me about marriage and family. Doug knew
I’d been teaching what the Word has to say about marriage and family for
years. I had over a hundred messages I’d given on marriage and family.
Doug orchestrated this whole evening so that Thompson could indoctrinate
me in Patriarchy. We sat around the table while everyone listened  to
this man lecture me. After he got done Doug had us all move into the
living room where the men all sat down on the couches. My wife sat next
to me; but I noticed all the other women stood behind their husbands,
including Beall. It was very strange. They just stood there the whole
time behind their husbands. I thought we were going to have a nice
conversation. But it wasn’t a conversation, and it was very
uncomfortable. This guy Thompson took over and started asking me
questions. The last thing he asked me was, ‘If you were in a grocery
store and your children started to act rebellious, how would you
respond?’ So I said, ‘I don’t go shopping. My wife shops. Honey, what
would you do?’ So my wife starts to answer and this Thompson guy cuts
her off and says, ‘Excuse me! I’m speaking to the men!’ At this point I
really had to hold myself back. Doug just sat there the whole time and
said nothing. It was obvious that Doug set this whole thing up. At this
point we got up and left.”

Doug left Virginia to move to San Antonio to start Vision Forum, I
warned him to stay away from John Thompson and Patriarchy. I told him
‘It’s a tyrannical way to lead the family. It’s not biblical’.”

think men like Doug get into Patriarchy because they’re weak insecure
men. So they gather a bunch of other men around them to figure out how
to make their wives do what they want. They don’t know how to lead their wives. All they know how to do is force
them. A man is supposed to lead his wife lovingly, sacrificially.
unreservedly. It’s clear from Ephesians 5. The Bible calls the wife a
‘helpmeet’. What that means is that she’s a counselor. She’s supposed to
give counsel to her husband, and the husband is supposed to listen to
her. I’ve taught this for years. We men have blind spots. We need godly
women to give us counsel. She’s a counterbalance to us.”

was going around behind my back in my church telling people that Sunday
school was evil. I confronted him about it and he lied and said he
hadn’t. But I confronted him with the fact that ten families had come to
me and told me he’d told them that Sunday school was sin. He told me,
‘I never said that. You’re misrepresenting me’. Doug was very divisive
of the church. Several families left because of him, but I was able to
prevent a church split. But that’s only because I put a stop to what he
was trying to do behind my back. I kept catching him doing dishonest
things like that where I’d confront him for something and he’d lie about
it. It happened four times in a row.”

“It’s not a sin for a
woman to work outside the home. In fact there are times where it may be
necessary for a woman to work outside the home to show her love for her
husband and to complement him. This idea that a woman has to remain
within the four walls of the home is nowhere found in Scripture.”

has misrepresented me in the worst sense. He’s made me out to be a
Dominionist. He’s put it in print. He’s said it many times. It’s libel.
Dominionism is completely contrary to everything I taught. I think that
much of Doug’s views of Dominionism came from the Shepherding movement.
There’s a lot of similarities. He also teaches the same thing the
Muslims teach which is you take over the world by having lots of babies.
You establish an army through your children. It’s important to
understand this. If you look at Doug through all his advertisements, the
Vision Forum, he’s got his kids on the covers dressed in armor. This is
what they’re doing. They’re forming armies through their families. I’m
just the absolute opposite of all that.”

“Doug and his brother
Brad came to my home and told me, ‘Pastor Gifford, we believe that the
qualifications for membership in the church are wrong. We believe that
only home schoolers should be members of the church’. I told them, ‘Do
you realize what kind of elitist attitude you have? Do you realize what
you’re doing? This is totally anti-biblical. This is the problem that
the early Jewish converts had when they thought only they could be
members of the church and the Gentiles had to be excluded. What you have
is an elitist mentality, and it’s going to turn into a cult if you’re
not careful’. It was over that issue that Doug left my church and moved
to Texas to start Vision Forum and his own church.”

“All the
these issues cause me great heartache, but nothing is so dreadful to me
as Doug’s infidelity. In his pride Doug came to believe that he could
live like a king with no accountability to anyone, even to God. The
result is always immorality. Doug was taught in word and deed to live a
pure and holy life that honored our triune God and His Word. He’s
‘turned from the holy commandment delivered unto him’ (1 Thes 4:1-8) to a
system of belief and practice that justifies immorality. May the grace
and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ quicken Doug and bring him to a place
of true repentance and faith.”

previous quotes are from “Doug Phillips’ Mentor and Spiritual Father
Speaks Out” by T.W. Easton, December 19, 2013,

By David Cloud
November 29, 2011

am writing about the Integrated Church Movement and Vision Forum in one
report, because they are so closely tied together. While the Integrated
Church Movement is larger than Vision Forum, Vision Forum is probably
the most influential part of it.
The Integrated Church Movement (ICM), also called the Family Integrated Church, is defined as follows:“The
family-integrated model jettisons all age-graded ministries. Those who
adhere to this model view each family unit (single or married, with or
without children) as one ‘block’ that comprises the local church. That
is, they view the church as a family of families. They view the church’s
purpose as equipping the parents, primarily the fathers, to evangelize
and disciple their children” (Terry Delany, “Three Perspectives on
Family Ministry,” March 18, 2009).

It is not an organization but a philosophy, and there are many varieties of Family Integrated churches.
There are many biblically-sound things that are emphasized by the Integrated Church movement.

emphasizes building godly families and it resists the cultural way of
parents abdicating their responsibilities to government schools and
church programs.

It urges fathers to take their rightful place as committed and involved leaders and instructors.

It emphasizes separation from the world’s philosophies and ways.

exposes the danger of the typical segregated church ministry that
follows the world’s pattern by putting young people together too much to
be influenced by their peers and does not emphasize enough parental
responsibility in training, perhaps even detracting from that

The Integrated Church material has many helpful statements on these particular issues. THE DANGERS
But there are also some serious dangers represented by the Integrated Church movement.
1. The Integrated Church has often led to the downplaying of the importance of the biblical church.
is not always true, but it is often true. Vision Forum warns about
“nomadic families that flit from church to church, or renegades who
refuse to place themselves under the accountability of a local church,”
and adds, “God requires His people to be under biblical local churches
with biblical preaching, biblical church government, biblical
ordinances, and biblical discipline.”

This warning is an admission that this is a problem.

fact, the movement is rife with this error. Many have replaced a
biblical church with “home church” where the fathers are the pastors.
Others have tried to start “churches” with a few home-schooling families
though they aren’t qualified and divinely called to the task.

Integrated Church movement has turned the church into a “family of
families,” but the church is much more than a “family of families.” The
apostle Paul wasn’t married, and he emphasized the importance of the
unmarried condition (1 Corinthians 7:7-8, 25-35). The church’s main task
is the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:48; Acts
1:8), and when the gospel is preached effectively, the result is the
salvation of single people and those from all sorts of broken families.
If the emphasis is on the ideal family, on the church being “a family of
families,” a great many are left out.

We see this in our church
planting work in South Asia. One of our churches is eight years old,
and a high percentage of the members are either unmarried young people
or are men and women representing broken homes. Several of the women
have unsaved husbands. Some of the husbands abuse them and try to hinder
their faith in Christ; at least one is an abusive drunkard. The wife of
one of the male church members left him after he came to Christ. We
have only a handful of families so far that are composed of both husband
and wife that are saved and are trying to raise their children right.
In many cases the wives can’t read and the parents have only the
slightest clue of how to raise their children for Christ, though we are
trying to train them. If our emphasis were on “a family of families,” we
would be a very discouraged group.

Our goal is definitely to
produce godly Christian families, but our church is not a family of
families. It is a church! We are busy teaching the people how to build
godly homes and discipline their children biblically, but it is very
slow and somewhat discouraging work, because it is all brand new to
them. The Hindu culture knows nothing about such things. Most of our
church members had never even seen a Bible until they heard the gospel
through our evangelistic ministries. The vast majority are first
generation Christians, saved out of endless generations of pagan

What we need are New Testament churches that seek to
build strong families and that do not hinder the families by such
worldly things as entertainment-focused youth departments. To that
degree we agree with the Family Integrated philosophy, but only to that
degree, because that is as far as the Bible allows us to go.2. The Integrated Church lacks understanding about the danger of New Evangelicalism.
Integrated Church is largely an evangelical movement rather than a
fundamentalist one. Popular speakers at their conferences include Ken
Ham of Answers in Genesis and other New Evangelicals. You will find
frequent positive references to evangelical leaders. There is little or
no call for ecclesiastical separation.

This is no light matter,
as the Bible emphasizes the doctrine of separation from false doctrine
and compromise (e.g., Romans 16:17; 2 Cor. 6:14-17; 2 Thess. 3:6; 1
Timothy 6:1-5; 2 Timothy 3:5; Titus 3:10). (See “New Evangelicalism: Its
History, Characteristics, and Fruit,” which is available from Way of
Life Literature in book and e-book formats.)3. The Integrated Church neglects the Great Commission.
you look through Integrated Church literature and web sites, there is
little emphasis on the Great Commission and preaching the gospel to the
ends of the earth. I am not saying there is nothing at all, but there is
far more emphasis on the family and other things. Their conferences are
not missions conferences or evangelism conferences but family and
dominionist/reconstructionist conferences (emphasizing the building of
the kingdom of God in the here and now). Preaching the gospel to the
ends of the earth is not even mentioned in Vision Forum’s mission

There are exceptions such as Antioch Community Church
in Elon, North Carolina, which lists the following as two of their
distinctives: “commitment to local and world missions” and “planting
other churches.”

This church appears to be the exception rather than the rule.

family is not an end in itself. The objective of both family and church
should be the fulfillment of the Lord’s Great Commission, which He
emphasized greatly after He rose from the dead and before He ascended to
Heaven (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:44-48; John 20:21; Acts

The book of Acts models the working out of the Great
Commission rather than the Family Integrated Church model. Though we
believe in a strong emphasis on godly families, this should not be an
end in itself. Paul, a single man who could not model the strong family
emphasis, preached the gospel and started churches. Paul took the young
Timothy away from his family and discipled him apart from his father and
mother and grandmother, and there is no evidence that Timothy ever
married. 4. The Integrated Church is legalistic, having gone beyond the Bible in making rules about family and church.
Integrated Church tends to be very legalistic. There is much liberty
within the biblical model for both the family and the church, and it is
legalistic to make laws that go beyond the biblical bounds.

example, there is the teaching that the church must always be “family
integrated.” A lecture published by Vision Forum says, “The biblical
example is that entire families are present for corporate worship.
Age-segregated worship is rooted in evolutionary humanism, not biblical
Christianity” (Doug Phillips, “The Role of Children in the Meeting of
the Church,” 2002, Family Renewal Audio Library).

The Bible says
nothing about this one way or the other. Segregation of the ages has
its dangers, but there certainly can be a time and place to teach
children and young people separately from the adults. This is not
contrary to any Scripture. A segregated ministry has some dangers that
we need to consider and avoid, but it’s not a heresy. As the pillar and
ground of the truth and possessing the Lord’s commission to “teach them
to observe all things whatsoever I have taught you,” the church has the
authority to teach children and young people as certainly as the home
has (1 Timothy 3:16; Matthew 28:19); and the church has the right to
decide how to accomplish this in a practical sense. I believe there is a
great benefit in having Bible classes for children and youth. The Bible
nowhere says that they must always be with their parents. That is to
make a law out of the Bible’s silence.

Sunday School is neither a
pillar of the faith nor a heresy. It is simply a tool. The Sunday
School movement began in England as a way of evangelizing children from
poor families and did not meet in the church or even during normal
church times. It was held in various places in the community on Sunday
afternoons. The typical Sunday School today is part evangelistic and
part discipleship. Each church must determine how it will fulfill
Christ’s command to preach the gospel to every creature and disciple
those who believe, and the Sunday School can be a helpful tool if it is
conducted properly. Having or not having a Sunday School doesn’t
determine whether a church is biblical.

If mom and dad want to
keep their children with them at all times in church, and if they don’t
want their children to participate in youth activities, that is their
prerogative before the Lord, but to go beyond this and make such things a
law for everyone is to go beyond Scripture.

Another example of
the legalism of the Integrated Church movement is its teaching that
daughters must remain under the father’s roof until marriage. The
following is a review of a Vision Forum book and DVD by a fundamentalist
home schooling mother that investigated their materials:“The
two items I have reviewed are the book ‘So Much More,’ a book to
daughters about how to have ‘vision’ for the kingdom of God. And the DVD
‘The Return of the Daughters,’ a documentary on the whole idea of
daughters staying under their father’s roof until marriage. On the
surface these items seemed to be very God-honoring. Yet, I had an
unsettled feeling that something just wasn’t quite right. On the DVD, it
seemed very touching to want to ‘protect’ your daughters in the way
they suggest. What Christian father wouldn’t want to do the best for his
daughter? Being a home school father, my husband wanted to have an open
heart to what the Lord may be leading him to in the future. We spent
all these years training her to be a keeper at home and as she becomes
an adult, we do not want to just ‘throw her to the wolves.’ This is
exactly what the DVD suggests you are doing if you don’t keep your
daughter at home until marriage. … The book had much material that
seemed on the surface to be great. It mentioned modest dress, Christian
femininity, etc. Yet, it warned daughters against an independent spirit
and self-sufficiency to the point of calling working for anyone other
than your dad, selfish and Marxist. It also mentioned if daughters did
not have families that agreed with this vision, they should find a
family that would adopt them into their families so they could fulfill
this role. The whole idea was the family should not be split up at
church and if you wanted to be a visionary daughter you better find a
family in one of their Integrated churches so you could be a part. It
was such nonsense as I have led ‘bus kids’ to Christ in junior church
and have wondered how they would have fit in at church without any
families to adopt them. There were so many other glaring flaws, often
times they used Scripture quotes that were intended to be commands for
our relationship to Christ, and they twisted it to be for our
relationship to earthly fathers.”

teach that young women cannot leave their father’s roof unless they are
married is going far beyond Scripture and putting man-made yokes on
God’s people. Though we agree that we are not to follow the dictates and
ways of today’s feministic-influenced society (Psalm 1:1; Rom. 12:3)
and children are to obey their parents in the Lord (Ephesians 6:1), this
does not mean that we have to submit to man-made laws that go beyond
this. The Bible is our sole authority for faith and practice.

a young woman to be treated as a child? For a young woman to go to a
godly Bible College and even to become a single missionary within the
ministry restrictions of the New Testament Scripture (e.g., 1 Timothy
2:12) is not unscriptural. My wife was saved as a teenager when she was
living in home broken by divorce. Her father and step father were
unbelievers so she had no earthly father to help her spirituality. She
faithfully attended the best church in her area, and after she graduated
from high school she attended a godly Bible College, worked in a
church, and was called to be a missionary. Before we were married, she
worked as a nurse at a missionary hospital, and I do not believe that
she was disobeying the Bible. A single woman can operate under the
authority of the church as surely as she can under the authority of a
father. Consider Phebe (Romans 16:1-2). She was sent by Paul on a
ministry journey to Rome and Paul instructed the church at Rome to
assist her, yet no father or husband is mentioned.

To instruct
young women to leave their own fathers and put themselves under another
father, because her own father is not following the Integrated Church
model, is actually rebellion to God’s Word. Where does the Bible teach
this? The Bible says, “Children obey your parents in the Lord for this
is right” (Eph. 6:1). It doesn’t say, “Daughters obey your father in the
Lord unless he refuses to follow the Integrated Church philosophy.”

Beware of Integrated Church legalism.5. The Integrated Church will bring you into association with heresy.
I have been examining the Integrated Church Movement, I have found many
heresies that make this a dangerous movement. These are in addition to
the errors that we have mentioned under the previous four points.
There is the heresy that salvation is by endurance.

Consider the following statement at a Family Integrated Church web site:“While
the dedication and discipline and athletic prowess is commendable, I
fear that it may be at the expense of the child’s salvation. I know that
on earth it isn’t fancy, it isn’t glorious, millions of people won’t be
shouting your or your child’s name, but I want to encourage you, as a
father, to daily drill the Christian fundamentals with your children.
There are no medals or crowns or tiaras or sashes. But this is an
endurance race and if we remain steadfast until the end, we will receive
the crown of salvation that will last for eternity” (Richard Boureston,
“Will Your Child Throw a 100mph Fastball in Hell?” Walk of Faith
Church, Orange County’s Family Integrated Church,

That is works salvation, and it is a heresy of the first order.
There is the heresy of dominionism.

Forum is devoted to dominion theology, and Vision Forum has a vast
influence throughout the Integrated Church movement. They to impart a
“family vision for cultural reformation.”

One of their DVD presentations is entitled “Training Dominion-Oriented Daughters.”

Vision Forum’s movie God’s Next Army
presents the goal of training young people to enter the halls of
government and become national leaders for kingdom reconstructionism.

Forum is associated with Patrick Henry College, an institute of higher
learning for home schoolers that is devoted to a theocratic agenda of
“the transformation of American society” through preparing “Christian
men and women who will lead our nation and shape our culture.”

Henry College, which has associations with Vision Forum, was founded by
Michael P. Farris, who is also the head of the Home School Legal
Defense Fund (HSLDA) and the founder of Joshua Generation Ministries.
The latter is devoted to training young people 11-19 to “become a force
in the civic and political arenas” to banish pluralism from America, a
dominionist, kingdom-now agenda.

Gary Demar’s American Vision
organization is another reconstructionist outfit that has influence
among home schoolers and integrationist churches. American Vision’s
objective is to “restore America to its Biblical Foundation–from
Genesis to Revelation.” The vision is of “an America that recognizes the
sovereignty of God over all of life and where Christians are engaged in
every facet of society.”

This fails to recognize that America
was never built solidly upon the Bible. It was always built on a mixture
of Bible and humanistic philosophy. Some of the founding fathers were
Bible-believing Christians, while some were not. In fact, some of the
chief of America’s founders were unbelieving rationalists who despised
doctrines such supernatural revelation and Christ’s atonement. These
included Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. There is no pattern in
the New Testament for a “Christian nation.” There is a pattern for the
church and the home and for civil government but not for a Christian
nation. The kingdom of God will only work in this world at a level
beyond the churches when God Himself comes to sit on the throne. There
is no kingdom without a king!

In his book Ruler of the Nations, Demar describes the dominionist philosophy as follows:“All
government requires a reference point. If God is to be pleased by men,
the Bible must become the foundation of all their governments, including
civil government. This means that Biblical law must be made the
foundation of all righteous judgment in every government: personal (self
government), ecclesiastical, familial, and civil.”

we look to the book of Acts and the New Testament Epistles we look in
vain for a dominionist agenda. The apostles and preachers in the early
churches didn’t have an objective of “bringing the Roman Empire back to
God” or establishing the kingdom of God within the Roman Empire. Rather,
they fulfilled the Commission given by Christ to preach the gospel to
the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). They preached the gospel, discipled
the brethren, established churches, lived holy lives as light in a dark
world, considered themselves pilgrims in a strange land, citizens of a
heavenly country, and waited on the imminent return of Christ (1 Thess.
There is the heresy of Calvinistic sovereign election.

Vision Forum is founded upon and permeated with Reformed Calvinistic theology. The statement of faith includes the following:

who were chosen in Christ from eternity past are born again by the Holy
Spirit, respond from their new hearts with repentance and faith in
Jesus, are justified on the basis of the shed blood of Christ, become
children of God, and are indwelt, sanctified, and sealed by the Holy
Spirit until they are glorified at Christ’s return.”

Vision Forum books include the following: John
Calvin: Man of the Millennium, The Story of the English Puritans, The
World’s Greatest Reformation History Library, The Geneva Bible Calvin
Legacy Edition, Children’s Stories of the Reformation, Stories of the
Covenanters in Scotland, Reformation Heroes, Famous Women of the
Reformed Church, Puritan Fathers Classics Library, Gill’s Body of
Doctrinal Divinity
(hyper, hyper Calvinism). They even sell a statue of John Calvin. There is the heresy of Replacement Theology and the misuse of the Law of Moses.

heresy replaces Israel with the Church. It is for this reason that the
Family Integrated Church movement brings so many things from the Old
Testament directly into New Testament church, which is a gross error.
The Apostle Paul taught that the Law of Moses is not the Christian’s law
(2 Corinthians 3:6-18). In 2 Corinthians 3:6, the “letter that killeth”
is the Law of Moses. (This verse is frequently taken out of context by
New Evangelicals and ecumenists and liberals to support the heresy that
the Bible should not be interpreted literally or that it should not be
obeyed in all points.) Those who hold to Replacement Theology teach that
the “moral code” of the Law of Moses is enforce in the Church, but Paul
was specifically talking about the “moral code” in 2 Corinthians 3. He
was talking about the Law that “was written and engraven in stones”
(verse 7). That is the Ten Commandments! Yet he calls this Law “the
ministration of death” (verse 7) and “the ministration of condemnation”
(verse 9). This is because the Law of Moses requires perfect obedience
in ALL points (Deuteronomy 27:26; Galatians 3:10; James 2:10), and
sinful, fallen man cannot live up to it. Thus, the purpose of the Law of
Moses was to show us God’s holy character and righteous demands and
man’s fallen condition in order to lead men to safety in Christ (Romans
3:19-24; Galatians 3:24). Once a man places his faith in Christ, he is
no longer under the Law of Moses (Galatians 3:25; Romans 7:1-4). Paul
said the Law of Moses, specifically the Ten Commandments written and
engraven in stones, is done away for the believer (2 Cor. 3:11). The New
Testament believer has a different, an even higher law, and that is the
“law of the Spirit” (Romans 8:2). The believer’s law is to be conformed
to the image of Christ by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit (2
Corinthians 3:18). The Christian’s law is also called “the law of
liberty” (Jam. 1:25), because while the instruction of the New Testament
faith is a requirement that God places before His people, it is a law
of liberty because we obey God out of gratitude for His grace in Christ,
and we do not have to fear eternal condemnation.There is the heresy of denying the imminency of the return of Christ.

Integrated Church movement largely denies an imminent Rapture, but the
doctrine of the pre-tribulational Rapture is both Scriptural and
important. (See “The Pre-Tribulation Rapture” at the Way of Life web
site.) It is not a peripheral doctrine. Christ, Paul, James, and Peter
taught that the Lord’s return is imminent and is to be expected at any
time (Mat. 24:44; Phil. 4:5; Jam. 5:8-9; 1 Pet. 4:7). The early
Christians lived in expectation of Christ’s return and the literal
fulfillment of the prophecies. “For they themselves shew of us what
manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from
idols to serve the living and true God; And to wait for his Son from
heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us
from the wrath to come” (1 Thessalonians 1:9-10). The doctrine of a
pre-tribulational Rapture is a great motivator for purifying one’s
personal Christian life. It encourages the believer in trials and
persecutions (1 Thessalonians 4:17-18). It keeps the church’s focus on
the Great Commission. D.L. Moody had it right when he said: “I look upon
this world as a wrecked vessel. God has given me a lifeboat and said to
me, ‘Moody, save all you can.’” The pre-tribulational Rapture motivates
us to be busy in the Lord’s work (1 Cor. 15:58). It motivates us to
live obedient lives (1 Jn. 3:1-3; 1 Th. 5:4-7). It motivates us to
separate from evil (Tit. 2:13-14). It keeps believers on the outlook for
heresy and apostasy (2 Timothy 4:3-4; 1 John 2:24-28). There is the heresy of modern textual criticism.

writings, videos, and web sites promoting the Integrated Church are
filled with quotations from the modern versions, including the English
Revised Version and the New International Version. There is a complete
capitulation to the heresy of modern textual criticism and the
smorgasbord approach to the Bible version issue. (See the following
articles at the Way of Life Literature web site: “Textual Criticism Is
Drawn from the Wells of Infidelity,” “Modern Textual Criticism’s Role in
the Breakdown of Society,” and “The Ungodly Fruit of Modern Textual
Criticism.” For a more extensive study, see the books “Modern Textual
Criticism’s Hall of Shame” and “Faith vs. the Modern Bible Versions,”
which are available in print and eBooks editions at the Way of Life web
Integrated Church movement has some good points, but the good is
wrapped in a theological package that contains many dangers for
Bible-believing Christians.



Corban University Signs 

Unique Partnership Agreement 

With Apostate Mars Hill Church

“”I am enthusiastic and optimistic about Corban University’s partnership with Mars Hill Church,” said Sheldon C. Nord, president of Corban University. “It is consistent with our strong desire to be ‘Christian thought leaders'”

Corban University President’s Greeting:

VIDEO published on Jul 24, 2013 on YouTube: – Corban University President Dr. Sheldon C. Nord and his wife, Jamie, talk about why Corban is special to them and their vision for Corban’s future.

Dr Sheldon C Nord Inauguration Address:

VIDEO published on Oct 6, 2013: – Corban University President Dr. Sheldon C. Nord delivers his inaugural address during the University’s inauguration ceremony held Oct. 5, 2013.
“It’s a whole other thing to keep such a university Christian in 2013.”
“We will leverage current partnerships to expand and enhance opportunities for students and faculty, and to create new partnerships where training and education are needed.”

From Lighthouse Trails Research is their latest update about the descent of another “Christian” university into deeper involvement in contemplative mysticism and spiritual formation which can never be biblical.
See:, reprinted in full below for educational, informational and research purposes:

Corban University (formerly Western Baptist College), a Former Non-Contemplative College, Teams Up with Mark Driscoll

Corban University of Salem, Oregon used to be called Western Baptist College. It used to be a Christian college that did not promote contemplative spirituality or the emerging church, and it used to be on the Lighthouse Trails “good” Christian colleges list (colleges that don’t promote Spiritual Formation). But that was then, and today is a new day for Corban University.

Mars Hill
Lighthouse Trails has watched the slow but steady change at Corban for the last several years, hoping it would not begin to fully engage in the Spiritual Formation movement. But a recent headline about Corban caught the attention of Lighthouse Trails editors who were compelled to respond. The headlines of that article read: “Corban University Signs Unique Partnership Agreement With Mars Hill Church.” In that article, it states:
Starting in the fall of 2014, Corban University of Salem, Ore. and Mars Hill Church will offer a 24-credit Bible certificate at the Mars Hill Bellevue, Wash. location. Classes are slated to begin in the fall of 2014.
The curriculum will include Bible and Theology Foundation, Ministry Skills Foundation, Introduction to Bible, Introduction to Theology, Christian Worldview and Apologetics, Biblical Spiritual Formation, Gospels, Bible Study Methods.
“We are anticipating a great, ongoing relationship with Mars Hill Church, pending approval of the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities,” said Corban Provost Matt Lucas.
The article talks about the huge influence that Mars Hill (home to Mark Driscoll)  has with “15 locations in five different states, reaching millions around the world.” Mark Driscoll has been the topic of several LT articles because of his promotion of contemplative spirituality and other emerging beliefs (see our research links and video below documenting Driscoll’s mockery of biblical eschatology related to the last days and the Lord’s return).
Lighthouse Trails first became involved with Corban University (then Western Baptist) in 2002, when it was discovered that a summer youth theater day camp being held at Corban was introducing children attending the camp to visualization techniques. An editor at Lighthouse Trails arranged a meeting with three Corban professors to explain the concerns (it so happened that one of the LT editor’s children was attending that camp). At that time, the concerns by Lighthouse Trails were dismissed by the professors as erroneous. The LT editor took that opportunity to warn Corban professors that if they did not take a pro-active stand against the contemplative prayer movement and the emerging church and make sure all of their instructors understood the dangers, in time, the school would become an adherent to these heretical teachings.
Shortly after  A Time of Departing by Ray Yungen was released in the fall of 2002, Corban professor Dr. Robert Wright invited Ray to address his World Religions & Cults class. From that point on, Dr. Wright became a strong advocate for Yungen’s and Lighthouse Trails’ message and had Ray return on several subsequent years. At one point, Dr. Wright wrote an article about the emerging church, which LT carries to this day on the research site. In that article Dr. Wright called Ray Yungen a “competent researcher” of the New Age and mysticism and that “[t]he methods of contemplative prayer are the same as those used in Eastern religion.” Dr. Wright said that some ”very popular authors in the evangelical church have latched on to contemplative prayer as a way to go deeper with God.” And then he names Richard Foster and Brennan Manning. Of contemplative prayer, Dr. Wright stated:
[T]he purpose of contemplative prayer is to enter an altered state of consciousness in order to find one’s true self, thus finding God. This true self relates to the belief that man is basically good. Christian proponents of contemplative prayer teach that all human beings have a divine center and that all, not just born again believers, should practice contemplative prayer.
Unfortunately, Lighthouse Trails began to notice that not all the faculty at Corban held to the same convictions that Dr. Wright did. For instance in 2007, in Corban Magazine in an article titled “Understanding the Emerging Church Movement,” a book co-authored by contemplative author J.P. Moreland, was recommended (see page 11).  The Corban article made several comments that indicated some at Corban did have a good understanding of the emerging church movement. One comment, made by Corban professor Sam Baker, echoed contemplative J.P. Moreland. Baker stated: “The extreme of rationalism is that we worship the Bible instead of the God of the Bible.” J.P. Moreland, in a Christianity Today article, says that Christians are too committed to the Bible: “In the actual practices of the Evangelical community in North America, there is an over-commitment to Scripture in a way that is false, irrational, and harmful to the cause of Christ.”
Also in that Corban article, Sam Baker suggests we must be careful not to “throw the baby out with the bath water” when it comes to the emerging church. In regard to “mystical ancient rites,” Baker said that “some people have found these practices to be beneficial to their faith.” He says that if the practices produce good results, then they have “merit.” However, as Lighthouse Trails has often pointed out, just because one’s intent is “good” does not legitimize practices that are clearly Hinduistic and New Age in nature. Baker says that the emerging church has “stirred believers’ interest in meditation.”
The following year after the Corban Magazine article came out, Lighthouse Trails learned that Corban had invited an emergent speaker, Dan Merchant (Lord Save Us From Your Followers) to speak. In a December 2008 LT article titled “Concerns Over ‘Lord Save Us From Your Followers’ Author Speaking at Corban College,”  it stated:
In Corban’s Winter 2008 magazine the following is stated: “Dr. Kent Kersey [Corban campus pastor] brought Dan Merchant and his documentary, Lord Save Us From Your Followers, to campus as a conversation-starter. The film takes a critical look at American Christianity.” A Corban news article titled “Lord, Save Us From Your Followers’ gets ‘followers’ thinking”explains that Merchant spoke at Corban’s chapel service and later answered questions students had. “Campus Pastor Kent Kersey hoped the film would ’cause discussions.’ He deemed the event successful, therefore, because many classrooms have been abuzz since Merchant’s presentation, not to mention the informal conversations taking place.” The article said that Kersey believed “the message of the movie paralleled the maxim of St. Francis of Assisi, Preach the Gospel.” On Kersey’s blog, he says Merchant’s message is “compelling” and perhaps through it God is trying to say something to Christians.
However, the gospel Dan Merchant is promoting may be a “different gospel” and “another Jesus” (II Cor. 11:4) than that of the Bible. In the last chapter of the book Lord Save Us From Your Followers titled “The sea refuses NO RIVER,” Merchant refers to the people he interviewed over the course of the last few years. They represent many different religious, sexual, and political persuasions, including atheists and practicing homosexuals. Calling them “wonderful children of God,” he adds: “I know we’re both children of God. If they don’t know it shouldn’t change anything for me and I know it doesn’t change anything for God.”
Back in 2008, if you typed the term “Spiritual Formation” into the Corban search engine, nothing would come up. Today, the term comes up around 30 times. One of the reasons is that when Corban became a university, they developed a Masters degree programwith a concentration in Spiritual Formation. It’s in other places too, like the Major in Student and Family Ministry where TH463 Biblical Spiritual Formation is one of the courses. (Incidentally, there is no such thing as “Biblical” Spiritual Formation. Spiritual Formation is a term that is tied in with contemplative spirituality – just ask Richard Foster, a pioneer of the Spiritual Formation movement, if Spiritual Formation can exclude contemplative).
And today, a look at the Fall 2013 Corban textbook list is disheartening to say the least.  Professor Kersey is using Phyllis Tickle’s The Great Emergence, John Franke’sBarth for Arm Chair Theologians (Barth’s ideas are highly favored by the emerging church) and Marcus Borg’s The Heart of Christianity in TH413. You can’t get more emergent than Tickle and Borg. Borg actually denies basic tenets of the Christian faith such as the virgin birth and the deity of Christ. Tickle thinks Brian McLaren could be thenext Luther. Professor Kersey also uses textbooks by John Piper, a contemplative advocate. At least one other course, IS202, is using a Piper book as well.
We did thankfully notice in the Fall 2013 textbook list that Dr. Wright is still using A Time of Departing in his World Religions & Cults Class at Corban. However, all of the books being used that are pro-contemplative, pro-emerging in other classes at Corban by other professors send a message loud and clear to Corban students that contemplative/emerging is OK. Another example is the Senior Seminar course where Professor Gilbert is using Dan Allender’s book Leading With a Limp. Allender resonates with Brian McLaren (McLaren is listed in the acknowledgements in Leading With a Limp). Gilbert also uses a book by Allender in the Group Dynamics course (To Be Told: God Invites You to Coauthor Your Future).
Corban professors may defend themselves and say they are just using these books to take the good from them and leave out the bad (following Baker’s injunction not to “throw out the baby with the bathwater”). But why do students have to be immersed in heresy to spot it? Wouldn’t reading the Word and biblically solid books do a better job? Why is it that after a decade Ray Yungen’s book is still confined to just one professor’s class? We know for a fact that a high percentage of Corban students are attending an extremely contemplative/emerging church in Salem, Oregon. These students are getting it from every direction. Do their parents, who are paying high dollars to get their children a Christian college education, realize what their kids are being exposed to at church and at college? Most of them, probably not.
The Corban Music Department has been affected by contemplative/emerging spirituality too. In MU403, a book by Constance Cherry titled The Worship Architect: A Blueprint for Designing Culturally Relevant and Biblically Faithful Services is being used as the textbook. Cherry is one of the faculty at the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies (that should be called the Institute for EMERGING Worship Studies). The lateRobert Webber was a foundational figure in building momentum for the emerging church.
We could give many other examples to show that contemplative/emerging has taken root at Corban University. A few more are: Biblical Leadership in Education using Phil Yancey’s book, The Jesus I Never Knew; BA593 using Peter Drucker’s The Effective Executive; Professor Baker in CM333 using contemplative Mark DeVries’ Sustainable Youth Ministry; CM641 using Bill Hybels Axiom; and CM501 using textbooks by contemplative Bruce Demarest (Seasons of the Soul and Four Views on Christian Spirituality).
Finally, we’ll look at a Corban class called Servant Leadership (a term largely used in the emerging church to liken Jesus to a good model or servant to follow rather than to a Savior from sin). In that particular class, a book titled The Servant: A Simple Story by James C. Hunter is the textbook. We could say many things about this book, but we’ll just point to the acknowledgements page where Hunter thanks emergent Tony Campolo and New Ager M. Scott Peck for their “skills in articulating some of the great truths of life” and “Simon, monk and archabbey librarian, St. Meinrad Monastery, St. Meinrad, Indiana for sharing “the ropes” of monastic life” with him. We find it astounding that Hunter’s book is the best Corban could do to teach students how to be good leaders. A book that thanks a Catholic Benedictine monastic monk, an emergent leader, and a New Ager for truths about life!
Lighthouse Trails editors find it nothing short of a tragedy that Corban has ended up in the contemplative minefield of Christian colleges. Now that they are partnering with Mark Driscoll, the descent into apostasy will no doubt be hastened more than ever.
Research Articles on Mark Driscoll (see video below):

Mark Driscoll Mocks Discernment Ministries 

& Denigrates Eschatology:



1 John 2:15-“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

1 John 4:5-“They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them.”
Ecclesiastes 11:9-“Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, And let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth; Walk in the ways of your heart, And in the sight of your eyes; But know that for all these God will bring you into judgment.”

Deuteronomy 8:6– “Therefore you shall keep the commandments of the LORD your God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him.”
Proverbs 3:7-“Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil.”
Job 22:2-“Can a man be profitable to God, Though he who is wise may be profitable to himself?”

Job 9:4-“God is wise in heart and mighty in strength. Who has hardened himself against Him and prospered?”

Isaiah 5:21-“Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!”

Proverbs 26:12-“Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.”

Proverbs 12:15-“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But he who heeds counsel is wise.”






Revelation 3:17-“Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’ — and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked —.”

    We previously posted about Willowdale Chapel’s “Shine Like Stars” initiative at: Because Willowdale is “missional” minded as an “emerging church”, its pastor trained at Rick Warren’s Saddleback church, and its affinity for Tim Keller’s Redeemer Church in New York City, with its Catholic contemplative leaning, neo-reformed, savvy, cutting edge high income young professional adherents, we were not surprised that Willowdale wasn’t content to just coast along on its “merits”.
    Now, we discover that Willowdale is continuing down the unbiblical path of putting on a good face to garner the approval and admiration of the unregenerate world, calling it the “cultural mandate”, which by itself is not found anywhere in the Bible, nor is it a command of God or Jesus Christ, but rather a convenient man-made invention to impress the money classes which call Willowdale their church home, and those in the upper social strata in the surrounding neighborhoods. This is an easy sell to folks who already live their “Christian” lives parading their success and wealth in sundry ways so as to impress and influence the lesser classes of Chester County, Pennsylvania, surrounding areas, workplaces, and vacation retreats. A veneer of nominal Christianity suits them just fine, hiding the secular humanist core.
    This so-called “cultural mandate” fits perfectly with Tim Keller’s “Faith & Work” and “Ei” initiatives,, described as follows:

“The Entrepreneurship Initiative (EI) was created to encourage and support entrepreneurs within our congregation who have a bold vision to start a new arts, for-profit, or not-for-profit venture that fosters shalom and brings about gospel-centered renewal to New York City and beyond. The initiative is now expanding as a movement beyond Redeemer, as churches in other cities join our Ei Forum and develop ways to serve entrepreneurs in their communities.”

On the steering committee for Ei is:


Before joining the Center for Faith & Work, Calvin worked in the finance industry for seventeen years. Most recently, he was a director in the investment banking group of Burnham Securities. He also gained investment advisory experience at Chase Manhattan and Sanford C. Berstein & Co., where he managed relationships with high net worth individuals. Calvin holds a B.A. from the University of Buffalo and an M.B.A. from NYU Stern School of Business. Calvin serves on the advisory board of Hope for New York and on the College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s Advisory Council at the University of Buffalo. 
Calvin Chin
Director, Entrepreneurship Initiative
Calvin directs the Entrepreneurship Initiative (Ei), an innovative ministry that supports the growth of entrepreneurs, their ventures and their stakeholders, to help bring about human flourishing to New York City and beyond. Under his leadership, Ei has been featured in several publications for its work, including Duke Divinity’s Faith & Leadership (“Block by Block”). Prior to joining CFW in 2007, Calvin worked in the finance industry for seventeen years. Most recently, he was a director in the investment banking group of Burnham Securities. He also gained investment advisory experience at Chase Manhattan and Sanford C. Bernstein & Co., where he managed relationships with high net worth individuals.
Calvin was born and bred in New York City. He holds a B.A. from the University of Buffalo and an M.B.A. from NYU Stern School of Business. Calvin serves on the advisory board of Hope for New York and on the Dean’s Advisory Council of the College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Buffalo. He is also an adjunct professor of corporate finance at The King’s College. Calvin lives with his wife, Amy, and two daughters in Westchester

Calvin Chin
Before joining the Center for Faith & Work, Calvin worked in the finance industry for seventeen years. Most recently, he was a director in the investment banking group of Burnham Securities. He also gained investment advisory experience at Chase Manhattan and Sanford C. Bernstein & Co., where he managed relationships with high net worth individuals. Calvin holds a B.A. from the University of Buffalo and an M.B.A. from NYU Stern School of Business. Calvin serves on the advisory board of Hope for New York and on the College of Arts & Sciences Dean’s Advisory Council at the University of Buffalo.

Chin was interviewed and introduced at Willowdale on November 17, 2013 as the Former Director of the Entrepreneurship Initiative at Redeemer Presbyterian Church, NY” in this audio:, wherein Chin maligns the traditional biblical concentration on gospel preaching and salvation.

Chin was also interviewed here:

May 24, 2013 @ 1:35 pm

The Great Purpose of Entrepreneurship

Calvin Chin is interviewed by Darrin Grove about the Entrepreneurship Initiative and entrepreneurs.
From Gotham Institute are these two PDFs, which purport to say:
“What does the gospel say about renewing culture through starting new ventures?”
“2012 Ei Forum: Re-Imagine Power”:
“Ei Forum: Creation and Creativity”:
Serving Leaders (Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation) gave a glowing report of Calvin Chin’s visit:
“The Great Purpose of Entrepreneurship with Calvin Chin” 
reprinted below in full unedited for educational purposes. Bold and red type are ours for emphasis:
Serving Leaders was pleased to welcome Calvin Chin, Director of the Entrepreneurship Initiative at the Center for Faith & Work, Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City to Pittsburgh on May 16th at our Breakfast on the Great Purpose of Entrepreneurship. As we prepared for Calvin’s visit, we asked him to consider some questions about the work of Redeemer and its Center for Faith & Work. Here are a few thoughtful insights from Calvin:
How does a Center for Faith & Work help to realize the Redeemer Vision?
Redeemer was founded on a vision of “The Gospel Changes Everything!” It changes individuals, communities, and the world so that we have different values, intentions, and results.
Redeemer has done this by teaching us to live out the gospel in real and tangible ways—Jeremiah 29:7—so that our lives that are fully integrated, spiritually and practically.
In New York City, the identity people take from their work is much more pronounced than the rest of the country. Tim Keller tackled that first by preaching from the pulpit about the importance of cultural renewal and that work we do in the marketplace is part of cultural renewal and we must recognize that work is good but because of the fall is broken and distorted. The traditional thinking of the Christian is that work (toil and labor) is just something to do while we wait for Christ to come back or until we die and go to heaven. But this is unbiblical thinking—work is what most of us do for a large part of our waking hours and it is a vital part of renewing culture.
Also, we know that work is extremely important but it cannot be the thing we rest our worth and hope on; it is very easy to make work an idol. So even before the Center for Faith & Work was created in 2002, there were ad-hoc programs early on to help people see how God cares about their work and how their work is part of worship. The Bible supports the importance of work but as a mandate God gave us rather than the foundation we rest our hope in.
The CFW’s tag line is to Equip, Connect, and Mobilize.
  • Equip – theologically and practically,
  • Connect – people in the marketplace who feel isolated or ineffective and need touch points with other believers to remind them of their mission
  • Mobilize – by being equipped and having community inside and outside of the church community, they can be the best possible worker, boss, manager or partner as they go about influencing in their role.
Why would a church make a decision to invest in entrepreneurs?
After CFW started showing some real traction in starting great conversations about why we work so hard and what is work’s purpose in our lives and the biblical narrative of redemption, we realized something profound and deeply rooted in the Gospel. While the gospel can transform people into excellent employees and senior corporate leaders, institutions are harder to change because, as Mike Novak shared, they are living organisms with fallen people running the show and carrying out legacy practices. An intentionally integrated Christian is limited in the change they can affect even if they rise to become CEO and are in positions of significant influence.
We believe that Entrepreneurs by nature are missional! Entrepreneurs can create and run new ventures and from day one they can infuse the gospel in to its mission and practice. From the vision, to the products and services, to the organizational culture and values and to the way they engage themselves. Biblically, entrepreneurs embody the creative spirit of God. Entrepreneurs want to solve problems, meet unmet needs, or do things better or in a new way, they are all about rearranging the particulars into something new that creates value and opportunity. They are true missionaries in the marketplace trying to make Jesus Christ real and tangible to their neighbors.
What sets gospel centered entrepreneurship apart?
Gospel centered entrepreneurship is about the end result and the motivation – why we are doing it and where does it lead? Similarly, with your job and career – why are you doing it matters as much as how you are doing it. If the gospel is the center and foundation of every little thing you do then you will be will energized, emboldened, and supported—regardless  of the outcome.
Gospel centered entrepreneurship also points toward the redemptive love of Christ in that being involved in an entrepreneurial venture is a spiritual and physical sacrifice. The big uncertainty in entrepreneurship is always –will it fail or succeed.  Someone who has the gospel as the center of their life and their venture will be able to deal with the journey and outcome in a much more loving and joyful way. Meaning, they can let go and take comfort in how God’s spirit used them to glorify Him and the other way around.
To listen to the entire interview of Calvin, conducted by Darrin Grove on May 16th click here to get the podcast.
For more information about The Ei and the Center for Faith and Work and Redeemer go
had an excellent article about all this:

A little bit of faith in Tech New York

Are New York City religions contributing to the city’s booming start-up scene? Can Manhattan’s Silicon Alley rival Silicon Valley for faith-inspired enterprise?

“Katherine Leary Alsdorf, founder of Redeemer’s Faith and Work initiative, cut her teeth in tech as a CEO in Silicon Valley during the great crisis of the dotcom bust in 2001. She has a pretty good idea about the challenge of joining the inner toughness that it takes to be an entrepreneur with the values of doing good to society.” “Under former Silicon Valley executive Alsdorf’s leadership, Redeemer has promoted a vision for cultural renewal in the workplace. One practical way that they are pursuing this vision is through their Entrepreneurship Initiative (EI), a network of social entrepreneurs. The effort includes workshops, conferences, mentoring and relationship-building.” At the center of EI is the belief that a business can reflect the truth and beauty of Christ by providing great services, products and honor to its customers.” 
EI Director Calvin Chin points to Restore NYC, a non-profit providing rehabilitation to women rescued from sex trafficking, Inheritance of Hope, a non-profit serving children with a terminally-ill parent, and Tegu, a toy manufacturer with overseas operations and American investors, as examples of the successful ventures EI has supported. “This is just a starter,” Chin said. “We’d want people to gush over the product, service or experience.””

Willowdale Chapel’s Shine Like Stars Vision:
Constellation Learn & Launch Community” at:
is described as, quote:
“Constellation “LLC” (Launch & Learn Community) is an ad hoc gathering of everyone interested in the idea. It’s people who want to catch a vision for restoration in all areas of life and culture. It’s anyone who wants to dream about what could happen as we align and unleash our gospel-inspired passions and talents.”
“In the coming months we will be privileged to host some of the most innovative thinkers and entrepreneurs in the country. They’ll share their stories and experiences, while also interacting with our vision. The goal is to stir our imagination; fuel our passion; and create momentum toward the launch of a new organization in the fall of 2014. And even beyond this, our aim is to help you think about your gifts and calling.”
The line up of guest speakers being invited to Willowdale Chapel for “alignment” purposes is as follows:
ANDY CROUCH on “Culture Making”, December 15, 2013

Andy Crouch is one of the leading voices on Christian engagement with culture. He is the Executive Editor of Christianity Today.
Ken Silva of says of Crouch’s glorifying of heretic Rob Bell at: 
“Please keep in mind here that Rob Bell happens to be the pastor that writer Andy Crouch chose to use as he opens his 2004 CT article on the Emergent Church. Crouch tells us:
The Bells started questioning their assumptions about the Bible itself–discovering the Bible as a human product,” as Rob puts it, rather than the product of divine fiat. “The Bible is still in the center for us,” Rob says, “but it’s a different kind of center. We want to embrace mystery, rather than conquer it.”
“I grew up thinking that we’ve figured out the Bible,” Kristen says, “that we knew what it means. Now I have no idea what most of it means. And yet I feel like life is big again–like life used to be black and white, and now it’s in color…”
The Bells, who flourished at evangelical institutions from Wheaton to Fuller Theological Seminary to Grand Rapids’s Calvary Church before starting Mars Hill,…[felt] that very world, as the Bells tell it, became constricting–in Kristen’s phrase, “black and white…”
And how did the Bells find their way out of the black-and-white world where they had been so successful and so dissatisfied? “Our lifeboat,” Kristen says, “was A New Kind of Christian [by Brian McLaren].” (Online source, emphasis mine).”
David Cloud of Way Of Life says this about Crouch at:
“Andy Crouch calls the emerging church “post-evangelicalism.” 
He says: “The emerging movement is a protest against much of evangelicalism as currently practiced. It is post-evangelical in the way that neo-evangelicalism (in the 1950s) was post-fundamentalist. It would not be unfair to call it postmodern evangelicalism” (“The Emergent Mystique,” Christianity Today, Nov. 2004).”
CATHERINE HOKE ROHR on “Social Sector”, January 26,2014

Catherine Hoke (Rohr) is founder and CEO of Defy Ventures, a non-profit that offers entrepreneurial training and mentorship to people with criminal backgrounds. 
LISA SLAYTON on “Backbone Org”, February 23, 2014

Lisa Slayton is the president of the Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation (PLF) and Serving Leaders guiding the mission to raise up Christ-centered leaders who work for the transformation of the city and culture.
KEVIN PALAU on “Collective Impact”, March 16, 2014

Kevin Palau is the President of the Luis Palau Association. Kevin was so savvy that he built a bridge, and lasting friendship, with the now former mayor of Portland, who is openly gay. 
See our previous post about Luis Palau at: 

where we headed the post with this:


JOANNA TAFT on “Arts Sector”, April 27, 2014

Joanna Taft is the founder and Executive Director of the Harrison Center for the Arts in Indianapolis which is a leader in grassroots cultural development in the arts. 




Wayne Grudem on the 

Solution to Global Poverty“:

1) Did he get clues from Roman Catholic papal pronouncements?
2) Are the 79 prescriptions derived from communist/collectivist/socialist ideologies, or the Bible, or both?
3) If Rick Warren did the introduction to this book, what does that say about Grudem?
4) Is Grudem blending Scripture with Catholic dogma, neo-reformed theology, charismatic, pentecostal, word of faith dominionism, and socialist redistribution of wealth?
5) Is Grudem establishing a one world government and one world apostate ecumenical church?


Streamed live on Dec 4, 2013 and on YouTube:
Why do some societies thrive and others perpetually struggle? How can we alleviate poverty most effectively and help underdeveloped nations grow strong and self-sufficient? Dr. Wayne Grudem will address these questions as he discusses his new book, The Poverty of Nations. In this important new work, Dr. Grudem, a theologian, partners with economist Dr. Barry Asmus to find a “sustainable solution” to global poverty. At a time when there is so much need and also so much misinformation about how to help the poor, join us for a presentation that will bring clarity and practical help to people who so desperately need it.

Dr. Wayne Grudem is Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix Seminary in Phoenix, Arizona. He received a B.A. from Harvard University, an M.Div. and a D.D. from Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia, and a Ph.D. (in New Testament) from the University of Cambridge, England. He has published twenty books, including his newest book, The Poverty of Nations: A Sustainable Solution, which was published in August, 2013. He was also the General Editor for the 2.1 million-word ESV Study Bible (Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Book of the Year and World magazine book of the year, 2009).

He is a past president of the Evangelical Theological Society, a co-founder and past president of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, and a member of the Translation Oversight Committee for the English Standard Version of the Bible. He and his wife Margaret have been married since 1969 and have three adult sons.




Published on Nov 21, 2013 on YouTube:
Janet’s interview with Mars Hill Church (Seattle, Washington) Pastor Mark Driscoll gets heated as they discuss his book, “A Call to Resurgence.” They discuss why he showed up outside John MacArthur’s “Strange Fire” conference to distribute his books, which were “confiscated” (sort of) by security. 

Mark Driscoll at the Strange Fire Conference:

Driscoll really gets annoyed when Mefferd points out alleged plagiarism (by not giving sources) in his book, and abruptly hangs up on Mefferd. From the obvious tone of Driscoll in this interview, Mefferd joins the ranks of former elders and others at his church who have not “gotten with the program” and that Driscoll decides “get thrown under the bus”, to use his phraseology. 


Janet Discusses the Mark Driscoll Interview 

with Listeners: (Some call to complain about 

her treatment of a “national pastor”):



Mark Driscoll on his use of language;

defends sexual promiscuity 
of his church followers: 
Driscoll:  Repenting of his sin of abstinence from alcohol?
“After I entered the ministry as a man of legal drinking age, the drum was again repeatedly beaten for me by well-meaning older pastors.  So I never drank alcohol until I was thirty years of age.  About that time, I was studying the Scriptures for a sermon about Jesus’ first miracle of turning water into wine, as reported in John’s gospel, a miracle that Jesus performed when he was about my age.  My Bible study convicted me of my sin of abstinence from alcohol So in repentance I drank a hard cider over lunch with our worship pastor.”  (Radical Reformission, p.146)
Driscoll is clear on alcohol:  If abstinence is a “sin,” then beer-brewing lessons at church for the men of the church is a logical end result of such thinking.  But in light of Driscoll’s admitted problems with “cussing,” “anger,” “stealing,” etc., is it logical to think that he and the men of his church will be faithful in avoiding drunkenness by always drinking in “moderation?”  Below, Driscoll rightly identifies the problems associated with drinking too much alcohol.  However, because “self control” will always be a serious problem for sinful humanity, why would any responsible Christian pastor/leader entice the people of God toward such destructive, addictive behavior as alcohol, especially with its long, devastating history?  One failure at “moderation,” and any of the below Biblical examples of drunkenness (with the right circumstances) can become an unwanted personal reality.    
“Biblical Problems Caused by Drunkenness
·   Incest (Gen. 19:32-35)
·   Violence (Prov. 4:17)
·   Adultery (Rev. 17:2)
·   Mockery and brawling (Prov. 20:1)
·   Poverty (Prov. 21:17)
·   Late night and early morning drinking (Isa. 5:11-12)
·   Hallucinations (Isa. 28:7)
·   Legendary antics (Isa. 5:22)
·   Murder (2 Sam. 11:13-15)
·   Gluttony and poverty (Prov. 23:20-21)
·   Vomiting (Jer. 25:27; 48:26; Isa. 19:14)
·   Staggering (Jer. 25:27; Ps. 107:27; Job 12:25)
·   Madness (Jer. 51:7)
·   Loudness combined with laughter and then prolonged sleep (Jer. 51:39)
·   Nakedness (Hab. 2:15; Lam. 4:21)
·   Sloth (Joel 1:5)
·   Escapism (Hos. 4:11)
·   Depression (Luke 24:34)
·   Staying up to party all night (1 Thess. 5:7)” 
(Radical Reformission, p.148.  Reprinted as it appeared.)

The Mars Hill intern/student local pub!! They have couches and it’s a very cool atmosphere inside. Mars Hill members frequent this establishment to discuss theology over good beer! Now THAT’S, Reformed!!…


(book by Collin Hansen), 
(coined by KEN SILVA OF:



    Among those following the egotistical, narcissistic, and controlling mega-church pastor, Steven Furtick, of North Carolina’s “Elevation Church” and its multi-site campuses, are the following: (WITH PICTURE OF NEW MANSION AND VIDEO). (WITH VIDEOS). (WITH VIDEO OF FURTICK GUSHING OVER T.D. JAKES, WORD OF FAITH MODALIST).

Of special interest for those abused and/or defrauded by churches and pastors is the Trinity Foundation of Ole Anthony:, and

Confidentality Agreement for church members and volunteers of Elevation Church to sign:

Construction of Elevation pastor’s home at 
433 Lochaven Road, Waxhaw, N.C.
Deed titled in name of

Read more here:

Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith and Furtick’s “narcissistic eisegesis”:



Here is Brent Detwiler’s response reprinted in full, unedited, from:

SGM Council of Elders Commends C.J. Mahaney & Condemns Brent Detwiler
Friday, August 9, 2013 at 3:02PM
Brent Detwiler
The Council of Elders is the national governing body for Sovereign Grace Ministries.  It is comprised of one representative elder from each church unless a church has more than 500 adult members.  In such a case, they are granted two voting elders.  50 of the 62 representative elders passed the following statement while 12 abstained or voted against it.  Two years ago, there were 107 churches in Sovereign Grace Ministries.  Many have left the denomination. 
Following is the Council of Elders Statement Posted on the SGM Website.
 It can also be read directly here.
“August 5, 2013 
The Sovereign Grace Council of Elders held their inaugural meeting May 23-25, 2013, in Orlando, Florida.  In addition to approving a motion to form a Strategy Committee for International Missions and confirming Mark Prater as the first Executive Director, the Council of Elders also approved, by a supermajority, the following statement to be sent to every Sovereign Grace church and posted on the Sovereign Grace Ministries website.  
As the Sovereign Grace Council of Elders, representing the elderships that govern local churches, we believe that Brent Detwiler has repeatedly and grievously slandered our churches and our leaders.[1]  We denounce as sinful and unbiblical his determined effort to accuse our brethren.[2]  Consequently, we urge our brothers and sisters in Christ to avoid giving audience to Brent Detwiler’s unbiblical speech until such a time that he repents of this ungodly pattern.  Such harmful speech is ruinous to the church of God.  
Furthermore, in contradiction to Brent Detwiler’s ongoing statements, we vigorously reiterate our support of C.J. Mahaney as a qualified minister of the gospel.[3]  While we wholeheartedly support our reformation in polity, we also publicly declare our gratefulness for C.J.’s many years of service and commend his ongoing ministry of the gospel.[4]
[1] This belief is based on the numerous public statements Brent has made accusing leaders of Sovereign Grace churches of lying, deception, hypocrisy, conspiracy, abuse, etc. without due process nor sufficient information and at times blatantly contrary to the facts.
[2] See Exodus 23:1Proverbs 11:9,1320:1926:201 Corinthians 13:7Ephesians 4:29-321 Timothy 5:19Titus 3:1-3James 4:11-12, and 1 Peter 2:1.
[3] Per Interim Board announcement on the review panels dated January 25, 2012 and Preliminary Panel Report dated July 27, 2011.
[4] C.J. serves as a pastor at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville but does not hold a staff position with Sovereign Grace Ministries, Inc.”
This statement comes as no surprise.  Though posted on Monday, I’ve know about it for the past three months.  Mike Pierson, senior pastor of Providence Church of Pittsburgh, recently explained to his church why the lengthy delay. 
“I told you a while back that I was at the Council Elders meeting [as an observer], which is the national gathering…and this is all brand new as far as motions being made and things being voted on.  And I told you…that a motion was brought by somebody and the motion had to do with making proclamations about the documents that Brent Detwiler had put out and also making affirmations about C.J. Mahaney and his continued call and gifting for ministry.  And I told you that I would not have voted for that.  I would have liked to been able to speak up and would not have voted for that but the motion did carry.  There was some discussion.  The motion carried.  It happened.  And so I kind of left there scratching my head, thinking…it just didn’t work the way I thought it should work.  It just was quick.  It didn’t seem to take dissenting opinion into consideration.  It just happened fast.  Well, I just recently found out there’s been a lot has happened since then…. So some pastors who had dissenting opinions about that looked at the Book of Church Order, saw there was recourse in the Book of Church Order, to ask for a Special Session of the Council of Elders…to reconsider that decision [so] a special session can be called where that is re-opened for discussion and a new decision can potentially be made.  That has happened…. Soon a special session will be reconvened.”
C.J. Mahaney, Mark Prater who is the Executive Director for SGM, and others were behind the effort to rush through the approval at the inaugural meeting on May 23-25 in order to coincide with the release of supportive statements by Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever from Together for the Gospel on May 23 and by Don Carson, Kevin DeYoung, Justin Taylor from The Gospel Coalition on May 24.  It was all part of a carefully planned and orchestrated public relations push.  It backfired.  
A Little History for New Readers 
Before I proceed, let me provide a little history for those less acquainted with me and the scandals surrounding Sovereign Grace Ministries. 
I was converted to Christ under the preaching of Bill Bright and Billy Graham just after I graduated from high school in 1972.  During my college years, I led a campus ministry.  Later, I graduated from seminary in 1979 and entered into full time ministry.  I was one of the four men that started Sovereign Grace Ministries in 1982.  I served on the Board of Directors for 25 years until I resigned in 2007.  For the majority of those years, I was the number 2 leader after C.J. Mahaney.  He was a dear and close friend. 
In 2000, the other Board Members and I began to formally address serious and long standing patterns of sin in C.J.’s life.  For the next ten years, I attempted to help C.J. in private.  Those efforts failed.  
In July 2011, it became necessary to send out four lengthy documents to all the pastors in Sovereign Grace Ministries because of C.J.’s continuing pride, deceit, lording, and hypocrisy.  I never imagined having to take such a drastic step.  It was out of love for him and the good of Sovereign Grace Ministries.  I’ve always sought its reform, not its demise. 
At the time, Joshua Harris wrote me the following note. 
July 1, 2011 
Your documents have helped me to face issues that I have not wanted to face.  I told CJ and Dave [Harvey] and Jeff [Purswell] that I have played a part in failing to challenge CJ.  If I had been more courageous 7 years ago he might not be at this same place.  I feel that I have failed many people.  And so I feel a great weight of regret and I know the Lord is disciplining me in this process too.  
In August 2004, eight of C.J.’s closest friends met with him for five hours during which time we sought to address his heart on critical issues of character (see Response Regarding Friendship & Doctrine, pp. 16-30).  I led the meeting.  Immediately following the meeting, C.J. shut down the disciplinary process and silenced most of the men who initially spoke out.  That included Joshua and that is why he says “If I had been more courageous 7 years ago he [C.J.] might not be at this same place [today].”  
Ten days after Joshua sent me the note above, he preached a message to Covenant Life Church entitled “The Father’s Discipline.”  What follows are excerpts from this extremely powerful message.  He spoke like a prophet and without fear or hesitation.  He shared openly and honestly.  He put the blame for problems in SGM on himself and other leaders.  It was a prophetic word to the whole movement.  C.J. despised it.  He immediately left the church without counsel from the pastors and never returned.  He remains profoundly offended.   
The entire message can be heard at Covenant Life Church’s website.  Here are some excerpts. 
“We are walking through what is without any exaggeration the most difficult challenge that we have faced as a church.  Last week C.J. Mahaney, a man who help to found this church and led it for 27 years, a man who is a father in the faith to many of us, a dear friend, a beloved teacher of the gospel, who has served as the President of our network of churches called Sovereign Grace.  Last week C.J. stepped down from his role as President because of accusations that were being brought to him from several different men, one in particular, accusations of hypocrisy, coercion, deceit, sinful judgment and unentreatability.  
“The primary person bringing these accusations is a man named Brent Detwiler who helped to found Sovereign Grace and served closely with C.J. for many years on the leadership team.  In years past, Brent has preached here at CLC and is a friend to many.  Brent has compiled three documents, totaling over 600 pages of emails and meeting notes and his own reflections in bringing these accusations to C.J. of his sin.  And he sent these to C.J., one at a time over the past 16 months and when efforts at a process of mediation could not be agreed upon the three documents were sent to all the pastors of Sovereign Grace, and subsequently someone posted them on the internet this past week.  In just a few days they have been down loaded and read by thousands of people and many, many, more people will be reading them in the coming days. 
“The accusations and the details that are shared in these documents not only accused C.J. but they also, understandably so, call into question the judgment and the integrity of the leaders around C.J. including myself.  People are asking, ‘What did people know and when did they know it?  What did C.J. actually do?  Is Brent’s interpretation of all these events true and why didn’t the men around C.J. do more to challenge him and help him? 
“In the midst of a crisis like this one, the temptation for a leader like me is to stand before the people that I’ve been called to lead and say two things.  It is not as bad as it seems.  And it’s not your leaders’ fault.  But I can’t say that because it wouldn’t be true.  It is as bad as it seems.  And it is the fault of your leaders.  And we desperately need the help of God and the wisdom and the accountability of the people who have looked to our leadership to sort through this mess.  
“Our focus does not need to be on our perceived enemies.  I believe God would have your leaders humbly acknowledge that it is our sin and our failure and our faulty structures that have brought this trouble.  I don’t believe that these events are an accident.  I believe they are the loving discipline of our heavenly Father.  And no matter whose fault this is, this is what we cannot get around.  This is what is unavoidable.  We cannot get around the fact that our church and our entire denomination is being publicly spanked.  We are being humiliated.  We are being brought low.  God is getting our attention.  And the word of God tells us in Hebrews 12 that he is treating us as sons. 
“And so I just want to ask you a question.  How could God discipline a whole church?  How could God discipline a whole denomination?  What possible set of circumstances could he create that would force entire family of churches to recognize, to acknowledge, to turn away from deeply entrenched and flawed patterns of leadership and practice and church government?  What could God possibly do to get an entire movement to do that? 
“Well let me just propose a scenario for you.  He could allow a chorus of critics on the internet to point out the most glaring failures and inconsistencies of that movement in an unrelenting way.  He could allow the issues that they didn’t want to deal with, or have the nerve to change, to be aired in public.  He could allow a breakdown in a relationship and the stubbornness of leaders to culminate in a set of circumstances so that all the mistakes and all the relational sins at the top levels of leadership would be written down and posted on the internet for the entire world to read.  Do you think that would work?  
“God, and God alone, has brought this unthinkable sequence of events about.  There are no accidents in his universe.  He disciplines those he loves and it hurts and that’s the point.  And that leads us to point number four.  And that is, that we must be trained by it.  God disciplines because he loves, it hurts, and we must be trained by it.  We must be trained by it. 
“There is so much joy in becoming more like our Lord and more pleasing to him.  When we let go of those weights and those sins that we are carrying we are not going to be sad, we are going to be joyful.  It is going to be better.  Do you see that promise that God is holding out for us?  But we have to allow the discipline to train us.  You see there is a response involved on our part.  There is a response involved on our part.  It is to those who are trained by it.  We can either choose to be trained by the discipline or we can resist it.  
“Please pray for me.  Please pray for all the people that are involved that we would be trained by this discipline.  Not that we would just get through it.  Not that any one person would be preserved, or not preserved in a position, but that the Lord would train us through this discipline.  That we would receive and benefit from everything that he wants to teach us no matter how painful it is for anyone through the process.  That we would not short circuit or try to run away from this process.” (Joshua Harris, The Father’s Discipline, July 10, 2011)    
In response to my sending out The Documents in July 2011, C.J. had Dave Harvey, his number 2 man, post the following five resolutions on the SGM website.  It created a firestorm of protest from members throughout Sovereign Grace churches.     
1.  That Brent Detwiler’s refusal to participate in mediation with C.J. Mahaney—unless Mahaney first agrees (a) to publish an extensive written response to each of Detwiler’s accusations and (b) to make a public confession prior to any mediation or impartial evaluation of his charges—is unjust and constitutes a denial of biblically grounded due process for a qualified minister of the gospel (Matthew 18:15-171 Timothy 5:19-20Proverbs 25:9).
2.  That Brent Detwiler’s distribution of written accusations against C.J. Mahaney to all Sovereign Grace pastors constitutes the public slander of Mahaney’s reputation.
3.  That the board of Sovereign Grace Ministries has reviewed Brent Detwiler’s documents accusing C.J. Mahaney of sinful practices in the conduct of his ministry and finds no reason at this time to deem him unfit for ministry.  However, the board will reevaluate Mahaney’s fitness after receiving formal evaluation of the accusations lodged against him (see below).  The board acknowledges that sins have been committed but also recognizes and appreciates Mahaney’s eagerness to confess sins, pursue reconciliation with Detwiler, and pursue personal holiness and growth as a minister.
4.  That C.J. Mahaney is a qualified minister of the gospel and this board approves his pastoral and teaching ministry in Sovereign Grace and the wider body of Christ.
5.  That Sovereign Grace Ministries will engage a process of evaluation regarding C.J. Mahaney’s fitness for ministry. 
These resolutions contained numerous lies and misrepresentations.  For example, SGM never engaged the process of evaluation they promised.  Furthermore, C.J. had every opportunity to defend himself but he refused to do so because of his guilt, not his humility.  These resolutions also gave evidence to the heavy handed way in which C.J. and his agents deal with people who bring correction.  I wrote a 20 page response in which I addressed all of the issues in these five resolutions.  Here is a short excerpt. 
The Five Resolutions – July 13, 2011
Friday, January 13, 2012 at 8:36 AM
Brent Detwiler 
Six months ago today, Dave Harvey and the Sovereign Grace Board of Directors reacted to my sending out of The Documents to the SGM pastors with five resolutions.  Those resolutions drew immediate fire from many quarters for being arrogant and heavy-handed.  
Two days later, Dave was forced to write, ”When people are tempted to think that you are (and I’ll pull from our vast supply of quotes here) ‘gaming the system,’ engaging in ‘cronyism,’ ‘going to war,’ behaving with ‘hubris,’ ‘presumptuous and self-serving,’ and, well you get the idea—you’ve got the burden of ensuring they know you get the point.”  
The critics were right.  The descriptions were true.  In the days to follow, Dave tried to spin his way out of trouble (see An Honest Take on a Difficult Week, July 15, 2011; Listening, July 18, 2011).  A firestorm began.    
The initial reaction of the SGM Board embodied and revealed the most serious issues I’ve raised with C.J., Dave, et al. over the past seven years.  Their response was a near perfect illustration of what is wrong and needs to change in SGM.  That change is not possible without new leadership.  
No Reformation of Leadership Culture
Sovereign Grace Ministries has reformed some of its polity but it has not reformed its abusive leadership culture.  Those who could have provided “new leadership” have left the denomination.  If fact, the vast majority of C.J.’s close friends from the past 30 years have been forced to separate from him.  That includes Joshua Harris and the 17 other pastors at Covenant Life Church.  It also includes every SGM Board Member from 1982-2011 except two.  
Moreover, there has been a massive exodus of godly people out of Sovereign Grace churches over the past five years and it only continues.  SGM has tried to blame me, others, and blogs critical of SGM for all of their problems; but people by the tens of thousands have seen and experienced the systemic problems that exist in the ministry, which now includes the largest sex abuse conspiracy in the history of American Evangelicalism. 
In spite of this, the newly convened Council of Elders remains unfazed and dogged.  They press on with the same pride, deceit, lording and hypocrisy that characterized the SGM Board of Directors under C.J.’s control the past two years.  SGM leadership has not changed.  The Council of Elders have now played the slander card just like the Board of Directors did in July 2011 after I sent out The Documents
“As the Sovereign Grace Council of Elders, representing the elderships that govern local churches, we believe that Brent Detwiler has repeatedly and grievously slandered our churches and our leaders.  We denounce as sinful and unbiblical his determined effort to accuse our brethren.  Consequently, we urge our brothers and sisters in Christ to avoid giving audience to Brent Detwiler’s unbiblical speech until such a time that he repents of this ungodly pattern.  Such harmful speech is ruinous to the church of God.” 
The charge of slander is the only weapon in SGM’s arsenal.  They have never allowed me to present charges and they have never being willing to defend themselves.  Their  only defense has been to label me a slanderer, tell people I am motivated by vengeance, and threatened people with church discipline if they read my material. (see for example, Ten Common Cult-Like Characteristics Evident in Mickey Connolly’s Leadership)    
The same kind of accusations were made by distinguished leaders like Dr. Albert Mohler and Dr. Ligon Duncan on C.J.’s behalf after I sent out The Documents.  
“I always have had only the highest estimation of C.J. Mahaney as a man and a minister.  That continues absolutely unchanged.  There is nothing in this current situation which would leave me to have even the slightest pause of confidence in him.  There is nothing disqualifying in terms of anything that is disclosed in [the documents].  It’s just evidence we knew all along, that C.J. is human but a deeply committed Christian and a visionary Christian leader.   Detwiler has an obvious vendetta against C.J.” (Albert Mohler, The Courier-Journal, July 12, 2011) 
“If you have been confused or discouraged by things you have read on the internet concerning my friend C.J. Mahaney and his leave of absence from the board and presidency of Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM), I would encourage you to…ignore the assaults of wounded people on attack websites and blogs… C.J. knows of my complete love and respect for him… It would have been very easy for the leadership of SGM to ignore and dismiss these charges, because so many of them are so evidently self-serving and spurious accusations.” (Ligon Duncan, “A Word About C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Ministries,” July 12, 2011) 
Such accusations are not true.  I’ve worked for the reform of SGM, not its demise.  So have many others and their plight has been the same as mine.  1 Corinthians 13:7 has been my guide.  Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.  I’ve needed to expose wrongdoing because there has been no repentance and pursue the truth (i.e., justice) for those harmed including the victims of physical and sexual abuse.  Love motivates such pursuits and rejoices when they are achieved.     
Dr. Mohler can say “Detwiler has an obvious vendetta against C.J.”  Dr. Duncan can say “I would encourage you to…ignore the assaults of wounded people on attack websites and blogs…because so many of them are so evidently self-serving and spurious accusations.”  But here is what C.J. said about the same documents before they were sent to the SGM pastors.  
From: C.J. Mahaney
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 12:35 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
I think you are accurate in pointing out that I have overlooked statements you have made where you invited correction and disagreement.  Please forgive me for doing so…. Thank you for this correction and thank you for inviting my correction and your openness to discuss all sides of our past interactions.  I appreciate this evidence of humility in your life. 
Brent, let me conclude by thanking you for sending me these documents.  I am deriving much benefit from reading them and reviewing them with others.  
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 8:09 AM
To: C. J. Mahaney
Subject: Overlooking Statements 
Thanks for your note C.J. and willingness to review my documents with others.  I’m not sure forgiveness is necessary for overlooking my statements but it is certainly granted.  I’m glad to hear you’re finding the documents of some benefit.  Grace to you as you continue to seek the Lord.     
From: C.J. Mahaney
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 12:18 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: FW: Overlooking Statements 
Thanks for your gracious response.  I’m not finding the documents to be of some benefit, I’m finding them to be of significant benefit.
This assessment changed when I sent out The Documents.  Overnight they went from “documents…of significant benefit” to “spurious accusations” condemned as “slander.”  Dave Harvey even referred to them as a “sad tale” in a secret letter to the SGM pastors (see The Mona Lisa of Spin by Master Harvey).  This represents an accurate portrayal of how C.J. and SGM operate when protecting their image.  
Here is an actual example of how I wrote and what I wrote from the third document.  
Concluding Remarks
June 8, 2011
Proverbs 28:13
He who conceals his sins does not prosper,
but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.
I have labored with the hope that this document, in addition to the previous two, will serve your soul, Sovereign Grace Ministries, and most of all the gospel.  I remain grateful for the many years I was blessed by God to serve in your company and the company of so many people I love and respect.  What follows is an expression of my love for you, my former friends, and the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. 
I’ve found no joy in writing a Response Regarding Friendship and Doctrine (RRF&D), A Final Appeal (AFA), and now Concluding Remarks (CR).  I believe the Lord led me, and enabled me to write, but it has not been a pleasant task.  In particular, I have not enjoyed making my case in such detail.  I wish it were unnecessary but general appeals to you for repentance have never been effectual.      
In fact, it is only in the face of overwhelming evidence, godly pressure from peers, and impending consequences; that one gains your attention and then with difficulty.  RRF&D and AFA followed 10 years of correction.   
C.J., I am genuinely grateful to the Triune God for the fruits of pride you’ve acknowledged, the changes you’ve made and the input you’re received from others.  But I also remain deeply concerned because you and the Board of Directors are unaffected on so many important fronts.  That is alarming.  So here is my last attempt to focus your attention.  I hope you find it redemptive…
An Appeal for Justice 
SGM has never faced the facts.  They have never dealt with the evidence against them.  They have never given an accounting for their actions.  Furthermore, they have never allowed me to present my charges.  And most importantly, they have never defended themselves against my charges before a Court of Appeals.    
The Council of Elders says, 
“We believe that Brent Detwiler has repeatedly and grievously slandered our churches and our leaders…. This belief is based on the numerous public statements Brent has made accusing leaders of Sovereign Grace churches of lying, deception, hypocrisy, conspiracy, abuse, etc. without due process nor sufficient information and at times blatantly contrary to the facts.”
They are welcome to accuse me of slander but they must prove it.  In over 3,000 pages of hard evidence, I have documented my charges of “lying, deception, hypocrisy, conspiracy, abuse, etc.”  I say to the Council of Elders, “Set up an open hearing!  I am glad for you to show me where I have presented insufficient information or information contrary the facts.”  That has always been my position and posture of heart.  
Yet, time after time, C.J. Mahaney and his inner circle have been unwilling to do so.  They have cowered from such an arrangement and this is well known to everyone who has followed the events of the past two years.  Here are but two examples of my repeated efforts to be heard and tried.  
Example 1 
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 8:45 AM
To: SGM Board
Cc: Ken Sande; Ted Kober; Edgar Keinath; Bryce Thomas; CLC Pastors
Subject: Suggested Proposal for Just, Impartial and Thorough Evaluation of C.J. and SGM 
I formally request the following proposal be adopted by the SGM Board.  If any parts of this proposal are unacceptable, please provide the reasons why and offer alternatives.  
1.  Ken Sande serves as facilitator for the evaluation process.
2.  Ken selects three judges or lawyers and two pastors who are evangelical believers and highly respected with little or no knowledge of SGM to serve as the evaluators.
3.  This five man panel will hear evidence for and against C.J. and SGM.  They will post a summary of the evidence and give their legal/pastoral opinion as to C.J.’s fitness and the fitness of other leaders like Dave [Harvey], Steve [Shank] Bob [Kauflin] and Gene [Emerson].  They are also welcome to post their assessment of me.
4.  C.J. and I will negotiate the terms and conditions with Ken for this thorough going evaluation of SGM and its agents.
5.  If necessary, Ken will serve outside of his official capacity as President of Peacemakers if the terms and conditions of the agreement do not meet, or differ with, the specifications of Peacemakers and thereby prevent his official involvement.  In such case, he will act as a qualified believer.     
When I received no response from the SGM Board to this “Proposal for a Just, Impartial and Thorough Evaluation of C.J. and SGM,” I asked them to put it up for a vote by the all the SGM pastors. 
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 12:49 PM
To: SGM Board
Cc: Ted Kober; Edgar Keinath; Ken Sande; CLC Pastors
Subject: FW: Personal Appeal to C.J. 
To the SGM Board, 
At no time have you commented on my proposal.  I see absolutely no reason to reject it if you are genuinely interested in reconciliation and an impartial evaluation of SGM.  I have a serious request to make of you.  Put this proposal before all the pastors of SGM (not just sr. pastors) for a vote.  Let the majority decide.  I am confident the leaders in SGM would welcome such a proposal if presented fairly.  
I am also very willing to stand before all the SGM pastors and answer any questions they have for me.  Furthermore, I’d like to invite all the SGM pastors to the hearing described so they can hear the evidence and evaluate for themselves.  
Two weeks later, I wrote the Board of Directors again and copied all the pastors in SGM.  My request for a vote and a hearing were flatly denied by the Board. 
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 9:42 AM
To: Aron Osborne; C. J. Mahaney; Craig Cabaniss; Dave Harvey; Jeff Purswell; John Loftness; Mark Prater; Mickey Connolly; Pete Greasley; Rick Gamache; Steve Shank
Cc: Ted Kober; Edgar Keinath; Bryce Thomas; Ken Sande; Tommy Hill; Andrew Mahr; Bob Kauflin; Tony Reinke; Adam Malcolm; Ben Wikner; Bob Schickler; Braden Greer; Corby Megorden; Dave Brewer; Don DeVries; Eric Sheffer; Eric Simmons; Grant Layman; Greg Somerville; Issac Hydoski; Jamie Leach; Joe Lee; Jon Smith; Joshua Harris; Kenneth Maresco; Mark Mitchell; Matt Maka; Robin Boisvert; SGM Pastors
Subject: A Second Appeal
Importance: High 
I’ve not heard back from you.  Have you reconsidered?  Have you changed your mind?  Will you allow for a hearing?  Will you permit me to make my case?  Or will you reject this pleading?  Will you deny this appeal? 
I’d also like to ask again that you put my request to a vote of all SGM pastors as an expression of humility and accountability.  Let them vote anonymously.  Let their perspective count.  Let them provide you counsel.    
Example 2 
Six months later I tried again.  This request was also denied.  These efforts at justice are thoroughly recorded in My Appeal to the SGM Pastors for a Church Court in Order to Avoid a Civil Court.  Here are two piece of correspondence found in that treatment.  
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2012 6:05 PM
To: Aron Osborne; C. J. Mahaney; Craig Cabaniss; Dave Harvey; Jeff Purswell; Mark Prater; Mickey Connolly; Pete Greasley; Rick Gamache; Steve Shank; Andrew Mahr; Bob Kauflin; Gary Ricucci; Tommy Hill; Al Pino; Ian McConnell; John Loftness; Ken Mellinger; Paul Buckley; Phil Sasser; Brian Brookins; Mark Alderton; Ron Boomsma; Steve Teter; Warren Boettcher
Cc: Adam Malcolm; Ben Wikner; Bob Schickler; Braden Greer; Corby Megorden; Dave Brewer; Don DeVries; Eric Sheffer; Eric Simmons; Grant Layman; Issac Hydoski; Jamie Leach; Joe Lee; Jon Smith; Joshua Harris; Kenneth Maresco; Mark Mitchell; Matt Maka; Robin Boisvert; Bryce Thomas; Edgar Keinath; Ken Sande; Ted Kober; Chip Grange
Subject: RE: Sovereign Grace Relocation Announcement 
I have sent the SGM Board and the CLC [Covenant Life Church] pastors everything I’ve ever written over the last two years.  That’s because I don’t hide my words and I’ve welcomed their feedback.  I’ve repeatedly asked C.J., Dave and the Board to correct any inaccuracies.  I’ve written them for specific clarifications.  I’ve asked them countless questions.  I’ve confronted their lies and deceit.  In short, I’ve done my best to walk in the light and interact with them.  The offer stands.  I want any factual errors I am guilty of corrected with evidence.  If those factual errors prove I have judged anyone; I will repent, ask your forgiveness and write a public retraction.  I’ve done this before.  I’ll do it as many times as necessary.  I’ve only wanted the truth.  That is why I have pursued input from the Board and CLC.  
Someday soon, I hope the Board will fulfill its promise and allow me to share my charges against C.J. and others in a just setting with honorable men.  Someday soon I also hope they will grant my request to defend against my wrongful termination in July 2009.  To date, they have forbid me from expressing my grievances in both cases even though I was promised the opportunity to do so.  I also want to defend against the libelous report written by Mark Prater, Warren Boettcher and Ron Boomsma in December 2011. 
April 23, 2012 
To All SGM Pastors
Urgent.  Please read immediately. 
On July 6-7, 2011, I sent you Response Regarding Friendship and DoctrineA Final AppealConcluding Remarks, and The Untold Story.  This became necessary for eight reasons.
1.  C.J.’s deceitful explanation for his leave of absence.
2.  The favoritism shown C.J. by the Sovereign Grace Board.
3.  The failure of the Covenant Life Pastors to enforce 1 Timothy 5:19-21.
4.  Making me out to be the only witness against C.J.
5.  The necessity of telling the Church (Matthew 18:15-17).
6.  The denial of sin problems in Sovereign Grace Ministries.
7.  The deceit of Dave Harvey and the Sovereign Grace Board.
8.  The need to speak against evil. 
      I am appealing to you again.  The interim Board comprised of Dave Harvey, Jeff Purswell, John Loftness, Mickey Connolly, Craig Cabaniss, Steve Shank, Mark Prater, Pete Greasley, Aron Osborne, and Rick Gamache, have denied me justice since they took office on July 13, 2011.  My charges against C.J. and other agents of SGM have not been given a hearing.  I’ve been given no remedy for my grievances. 
      Therefore, I ask each one of you to intercede on my behalf and petition the new Board to agree this week to the use an outside church court as outlined below.  I beg your immediate assistance!  This request does not differ from what was originally and repeatedly promised to me by C.J., Dave, Jeff and Joshua from July 2010 to July 2011.  In reality, I am simply asking you to hold them accountable to their word so additional action need not be taken…  
      The Most Troubling Phrase of All 
      The Council of Elders claims I’ve accused their leaders without due process.  This is the most deceitful and disturbing comment of all.  It is pure spin and contrary to all the facts.  These leaders know I’ve repeatedly asked C.J. Mahaney and those accused to defend themselves.  
      SGM has not been denied due process.  The truth be told, they have fled, loathed, and despised due process.  Due process means they have to provide answers to hard questions.  Due process means they have to be open and honest.  Due process means they have to refute evidence.  Due process means objective judges are present to adjudicate.  SGM fears due process more than anything in this world!  
      In this act of great hypocrisy, the Council of Elders condemns me for slander without presenting evidence or allowing any defense.  This is a brazen denial of due process and an egregious violation of the polity they proudly espouse, but don’t follow, in their Book of Church Order.  See Rules of Discipline, pp. 55-74.   
      This can be corrected.  I’ll fly to Louisville, Kentucky tomorrow and meet with C.J. so we can begin to arrange for a Church Court.  I am not being pompous.  I am serious.  Ken Sande can preside.  John Piper and Wayne Grudem can assist.  It barely matters.  The evidence will convince the most ardent supporter of C.J. that there are very serious problems in his life and SGM.  Let me state again in no uncertain terms.  Put me on trial but let it be an open trial!  I will gladly appear and I won’t bring any lawyers.  
      Council of Elders put forth your evidence to show where I have slandered, failed to put forward sufficient information, and blatantly put forward charges contrary to the facts.  This is not a dare.  I have invited such examinations for over three years.  I am serious about this offer.    
      And then allow for reciprocity!  Let the facts speak and let me demonstrate that I am the one who has been denied due process and by malicious means.  You have never allowed me to make my case by presenting evidence, calling witnesses, or cross examining false witnesses though all this was promised me.  Instead, you have shielded  the accused and them off the hook when they have grievously transgressed God’s holy law (see for example, Get Out of Jail Free Card for C.J. – No Adjudication Hearing). 
      At this open Church Court let’s review what I have written in The Ethical Demise of Sovereign Grace Ministries (Part 1) and The Ethical Demise of Sovereign Grace Ministries (Part 2).  That is only right and fair.  You may accuse me but you must back up your accusation. 
      The Sex Abuse Conspiracy 
      It is one thing when SGM leaders cover up their sins.  It is another thing when they cover up their crimes.  The Council of Elders points out that I have accused SGM leaders like C.J. Mahaney, John Loftness and Gary Ricucci of a conspiracy to commit and cover up sex crimes.  That is correct and so have 11 victims of physical and sexual abuse.  I am in good company.  
      A 46 page civil lawsuit called the Second Amended Class Action Complaint and Jury Demand was filed against Sovereign Grace Ministries and others on May 14, 2013.  Most of the counts in the lawsuit were dismissed due to a statute of limitations in Maryland.  None of it substantive merits were addressed or ruled upon by the Judge.
      The case is being appealed and with good reason.  More states are removing the statute of limitations applied to civil courts because they now realize it can take victims traumatized by sex offenders a long time before they come forward and take action.  Thankfully, there is no statute of limitations for sex crimes in criminal courts.  Criminal investigations are underway.
      At the heart of the lawsuit is the charge of a massive cover up that was carried out while C.J. was senior pastor of Covenant Life Church and President of Sovereign Grace Ministries.  For example.        
      “This lawsuit seeks damages for all persons who were harmed and continue to be harmed by an ongoing conspiracy formed in Maryland and implemented across the nation in the SGM “family” of churches.  This conspiracy has existed for decades, and resulted in numerous children being sexually assaulted on church and school property and by church and school employees and volunteers.  Participants in the conspiracy include Defendants Mahaney, Loftness, Tomczak, Layman, Ricucci, Gallo, Ecelbarger, Mullery, D. Hinders, and V. Hinders.  These men conspired, and continue to conspire, to permit sexual deviants to have unfettered access to children for purposes of predation, and to obstruct justice by covering up ongoing and past predation.” (Complaint 1, p. 1) 
      “From 1982 to the present, the individual Defendants participated in a conspiracy to permit sexual deviants to have unfettered access to children for purposes of predation, and to obstruct justice from occurring with respect to past and ongoing predation.  Defendants covered up ongoing sexual and physical abuse of minors and repeatedly and routinely violated the mandatory reporting laws designed to keep children safe from sexual predation.” (Complaint 29, p. 8) 
      The word “conspiracy” appears 48 times and the word “cover up” appears 17 times in The Second Amended Complaint.  The allegation of an extensive conspiracy appears throughout the document. 
      Nevertheless, the SGM Board of Directors (now called the Executive Committee), has categorically denied there is any evidence whatsoever of a conspiracy!  They have dismissed every allegation of fact by 11 Plaintiffs.  Here are their denials which were posted on the SGM website.     
      Our careful review of the allegations to date has not produced any evidence of any cover-up or conspiracy.  
      Let us reiterate that our review of the allegations has not produced any evidence of any cover-up or conspiracy by SGM.  
      I have written about the conspiracy at some length though more work needs to be done.  There is no question of a massive cover up.  These reckless statements by the SGM Board of Directors fly in the face of all the evidence.  Wittingly or unwittingly, they are part of the conspiracy too.  Such pronouncements are absurd.  Read the following posts in evidence thereof.
      Let me present but one example of the conspiracy as alleged in the lawsuit.  “Loftness” is John Loftness, the former Chairman of the SGM Board.  “Griney” is Stephen Griney, a former teacher at Covenant Life School.  “Ricucci” is Gary Ricucci, the current Director of Students at the SGM Pastors College and brother in law of C.J. Mahaney.  All of these men worked for C.J. and were close friends of C.J. 
      “During the 1985/1986 school year, Defendant Loftness, Griney and Defendant Ricucci brought Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas into an empty room with two other girls.  Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas recognized the girls, one of whom was Plaintiff Thompson.  (The other is not being named here to protect her privacy.)  Defendants directed the girls to strip off their underwear, and lay across desks. Defendant Loftness beat Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas on her bare buttocks.  Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas heard the unnamed girl crying, and saw Griney hitting her on her bare buttocks.  Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas turned over her shoulder to look for Plaintiff Thompson, and realized Defendant Ricucci had taken her out of the room.  Defendant Loftness continued to beat Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas’ bare buttocks, and then he inserted his fingers into her vagina.” (Complaint 90, pp. 20-21)
      None of this means anything to the SGM Board of Directors/Executive Committee.  It is dismissed by them as pure fiction. 
      No Self-Examination by the Council of Elders
      When the Council of Elders met for the first time in May, they had no idea it might be a good time to humble themselves in light of God’s opposition!  There was no willingness to examine the past or present.  There was no self-suspicion or self-examination. 
      Instead they took the occasion to exalt themselves by putting forth a statement that denies lying, deception, hypocrisy, conspiracy, and abuse by it leaders and especially by C.J. Mahaney.  In my opinion, and let me quote them, “Such harmful speech is ruinous to the church of God.”
      Tragically the 50 representative elders have failed to be trained by discipline over the last two years.  They continue to lead SGM down the path of pride that has brought about its demise.  They have taking lightly the discipline of God and “run away from this process.”    
      “Please pray for all the people that are involved that we would be trained by this discipline.  Not that we would just get through it.  Not that any one person would be preserved, or not preserved in a position, but that the Lord would train us through this discipline.  That we would receive and benefit from everything that he wants to teach us no matter how painful it is for anyone through the process.  That we would not short circuit or try to run away from this process.” (Joshua Harris, The Father’s Discipline, July 10, 2011)   
      What Will It Profit a Man
      C.J. Mahaney has pronounced spiritual gifts and a magnanimous personality but he has  craved the praise of men and pretended humility.  We addressed this issues with him in August, 2004 and on many other occasions.  These root issues led to lying, deceit and abuse in order to preserve his reputation and position.   
      Dave Harvey replaced me as the number 2 leader in SGM in November 2007 when I resigned because I no longer trusted C.J.   Dave was made interim President of SGM in July 2011 when C.J. took a “leave of absence” after I sent out The Documents.  Dave just left SGM in June.  Here’s one of the reasons for his departure – a falling out with C.J. because he was not willing to categorically commend C.J. and condemn me.  
      From: Brent Detwiler
      Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 9:48 AM
      To: Dave Harvey
      Subject: Falling Out with C.J.
      Importance: High
      Hello Dave,
      I’ve been told about the break down in your relationship with C.J. because he feels you did not defend him adequately and did not denounce me, Larry Tomczak, etc. more harshly.  This comes as no surprise.  You need to bring this to the immediate attention of the entire Board to whom you and C.J. are now accountable.  Be honest with them.  Don’t cover up for C.J.  Put an end to the enablement.  You must tell the Board about this mistreatment of you.  Dave, you know full well that nothing has changed with C.J.  Your assessment and my assessment from 2004 are as relevant today.
      “To correct CJ, or to challenge his own self-perception, was to experience a reaction through e-mails, consistent disagreement (without seeking to sufficiently understand), a lack of sufficient follow-up and occasionally, relational withdrawal.  Along with this, CJ was poor in volunteering areas of sin, temptation or weakness in himself.” (Dave Harvey, Nov 11, 2004) 
      “[C.J.] can become resentful, distrustful or withdraw when he feels misunderstood, judged, or sinned against by others.  Can judge or prematurely come to conclusions about others based on limited or incomplete information.  When correcting or disagreeing can communicate his assessment or perspective too strongly or categorically.  Can lack gentleness and not perceive the unhelpful effect of his words, actions or decisions upon an individual.  Can be difficult to correct and help because he often disagrees with or has a different perspective on illustrations.    Infrequently makes us aware of specific sins or the correction others are bringing to him.” (Brent Detwiler, April, 2004)  
      I have little hope you and C.J. will be transparent with the Board.  I imagine this will be glossed over and made to sound like a trifle when it is serious.  Please turn the corner on a new lease in life by doing what is right.
      In April of this year, C.J. “transitioned” from his role as President but not before he positioned Mark Prater to become the Executive Director for Sovereign Grace Ministries.  C.J. knew Mark would get him the universal commendation and condemnation he has craved for a long time.  It is all so sad!  
      “Furthermore, in contradiction to Brent Detwiler’s ongoing statements, we vigorously reiterate our support of C.J. Mahaney as a qualified minister of the gospel.  While we wholeheartedly support our reformation in polity, we also publicly declare our gratefulness for C.J.’s many years of service and commend his ongoing ministry of the gospel.”
      A Modern Day Object Lesson for the Evangelical Church
      It doesn’t matter what the Council of Elders says about me.  I will continue to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and God’s people by presenting the truth about Sovereign Grace Ministry as fairly and accurately as I can.  I have no choice in the matter.  My life is not my own.    
      In his providence, God has ordained every circumstance surrounding SGM for the good of his Church at large.  Once greatly exalted, Sovereign Grace Ministries has been brought low.  This is not due to slander or owing to the devil.  It is an expression of God’s opposition in the face of unrepentant pride. 
      Jesus was not slandering the religious leaders of his day when he exposed their hypocrisy.  He was simply speaking the truth. 
      Matt 23:27-28 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like  whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people’s bones and  all uncleanness. So you also  outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of  hypocrisy and lawlessness. 
      Sovereign Grace Ministries is in grave trouble.  This edict is a desperate attempt to salvage the vestiges of what little remains.  Please pray for C.J. that he will sincerely repent (see C.J.’s Foxhole Conversion).  Pray for the Council of Elders that they will pursue truth and justice.  Pray for national leaders who enable C.J. and refuse to examine the evidence.   
      Pray also for law enforcement.  Widespread crimes have been committed and a great effort is being made to conceal them.  Last of all, pray for the victims of physical and sexual abuse in SGM.  There are 11 Plaintiffs in the lawsuit but many more victims.  The massive conspiracy to commit and cover up these horrors must be exposed by the power of God. 
      What is happening in SGM is a modern day example of God’s discipline on a national level.  SGM was a rising star and C.J. was its chief luminary.  Both are disgraced and necessarily so.  Pride always goes before the fall. 
      The evangelical Church of Jesus Christ must take note.  God is dealing with Christian celebrities motivated by the love of reputation.  These men have too much power and too little accountability.  There is a great need for courageous Boards of Directors and Pastoral Associates willing to honestly confront the pride, deceit, lording and hypocrisy they observe in such men.  Such an expression of love may be costly. 
      To our shame, C.J. was permitted to play above the rules.  He was enabled in his sin because friends feared his wrath and coveted his approval.  Staying on C.J.’s good side was the key to advancement in SGM.  Crossing C.J. cost you everything.  Too often the same personal ambition motivating C.J., motivated us.  We wanted to stay in his good graces and ride his coattails to greatness.
      We cannot treat well known Christian leaders with favoritism.  They must be judged impartiality and held to the Word of God they so effectively preach.  Spiritual gifting is vital for the ministry.  Right doctrine is crucial.  But Christian character ultimately qualifies a man for ministry.  We must remember the truth of 1 Timothy 5:24.  The sins of some men are conspicuous, going before them to judgment, but the sins of others appear later.
      The sins of SGM were not obvious to the Reformed world but they have now appeared and God’s judgment has followed.  Let it be a lesson to all.


      C.S. Lewis has been one of the favorite darlings of liberal new evangelicals and the “neo-reformed”, such as John Piper, who is so enthralled with Lewis that he dedicates an entire conference to Lewis and in addition offers an e-book “Alive to Wonder:Celebrating the Influence of C.S. Lewis”,
      Piper gushes with effusive undiscerning admiration for Lewis at:
      “C.S. Lewis’s profound influence on so many people was not owing to his aberrations from evangelical doctrine. Aberrations there were. But that was not the spring of his influence. It was in spite of that. So the quest to understand the depth and extent of his influence promises riches even for those of us who prize the doctrines where he was weakest.” “Some people are influential because they attract attention with their avant-garde, unorthodox views. C.S. Lewis boasted of being an “intellectual dinosaur,” not avant-garde.”

      However, consider the less than Christian aspects of Lewis as described at these links:
      Gary Gilley from Southern View Chapel: 
      David Cloud of Way of Life:
      Was C.S. Lewis a strong Bible believer? By no means, as even Christianity Today admits. “Clive Staples Lewis was anything but a classic evangelical, socially or theologically. He smoked cigarettes and a pipe, and he regularly visited pubs to drink beer with friends. Though he shared basic Christian beliefs with evangelicals, he didn’t subscribe to biblical inerrancy or penal substitution. He believed in purgatory and baptismal regeneration” (“C.S. Lewis Superstar,”Christianity Today, Dec. 2005).” “Lewis believed in prayers for the dead.” “Lewis lived for 30 years with Janie Moore, a woman 25 years his senior to whom he was not married. The relationship with the married woman began when Lewis was still a student at Oxford. Moore was separated from her husband. Lewis confessed to his brother Arthur that he was in love with Mrs. Moore, the mother of one of his friends who was killed in World War I. The relationship was definitely sexual in nature.” “Lewis never gave up his unholy fascination with paganism.” “Lewis claimed that followers of pagan religions can be saved without personal faith in Jesus Christ.” As for faith in the blood of Christ, Lewis said that it is not an essential part of Christianity.” 

      Wretched Radio: 

      “Beware of C.S. Lewis’ HERESIES”:

      Contending for Truth by Dr. Scott Johnson:

      J.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, The Inklings, Narnia & the Golden Dawn-Part 1

      “In this teaching we will start out by first discussing many of the occult details and facts regarding both J.R. Tolkien’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ books/movies and then C.S. Lewis’s ‘Narnia’ books/movies.

      During the 1930′s to 1940′s both Tolkien and Lewis were part of an informal literary discussion group associated with the ‘University of Oxford’ & known as the “Inklings”. C. S. Lewis called Charles Williams (Fellow “Inkling”, specialist in Tarot and Kabbalah & a man whose mind was steeped in occult rituals and demonic forces) ‘his dearest friend.’ This close friendship made a large impact on Lewis and his writings. C. S. Lewis wrote of Williams poems: ‘They seem to me… for their profound wisdom, to be among the two or three most valuable books of verse produced in the century.’ Charles Williams was also a member of the ‘Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn’.
      There are many that assert that both Tolkien and Lewis were closet members of the Golden Dawn. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a amalgamation of 
      Freemasonry (Babylonian mystery religions), 
      Theosophy (An Satanic/occult religious philosophy combined with metaphysics, started by a high level witch named H. P. Blavatsky), 
      Eliphas Levi’s Teachings (A high level black magic occultist), 
      Enochian Magic (an elaborate system of advanced, 
      Satanic, ceremonial magic), 
      The Kabbalah (The highest level of Jewish witchcraft) and 
      Medieval Grimoire (a manual of black magic for invoking spirits and demons). 
      Regarding the Order of the Golden Dawn, among its first initiates was a coroner who allegedly performed necromantic rites, while another early member was black magician Aleister Crowley, the self styled Great Beast/666.”
      There is no PDF for this Teaching.
      For extensive information about the “Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn” and its satanic influence on contemporary musicians, see: 

      Contending for Truth by Dr. Scott Johnson:
      32 page PDF treatise: 
      “C.S. Lewis Warning: In His Own Words”.

      Wikipedia profile of Lewis:

      Take Heed Ministries of Northern Ireland:

      J. Beard of Rapidnet:

      Ralph Ovadal of Pilgrims Covenant Church, Monroe, Wisconsin on Sermon Audio:, titled:

      “Evangelicals & C.S. Lewis, Vatican’s Power, Putin & Orthodox Church”


      The SGM Council of Elders Issue Statement Commending C.J. Mahaney & Condemning Brent Detwiler
      Monday, August 5, 2013 at 7:52PM
      Brent Detwiler
      The SGM Council of Elders posted a statement on their website today that commends C.J. Mahaney and condemns me.  It comes as no surprise.  I’ve know about it for the past three months.  I am preparing a response that I will post on Friday, Aug 9.  I don’t want to rush a response.  This is another defining moment.
      This is the disgusting statement in its entirety from the elders of Sovereign Grace Ministries. If anyone needs to repent, its not Brent Detwiler. All this while criminal charges are still being investigated and an appeal made in the civil suit.

      The Sovereign Grace Council of Elders held their inaugural meeting May 23-25, 2013, in Orlando, Florida. In addition to approving a motion to form a Strategy Committee for International Missions and confirming Mark Prater as the first Executive Director, the Council of Elders also approved, by a supermajority, the following statement to be sent to every Sovereign Grace church and posted on the Sovereign Grace Ministries website. 
      As the Sovereign Grace Council of Elders, representing the elderships that govern local churches, we believe that Brent Detwiler has repeatedly and grievously slandered our churches and our leaders.[1]  We denounce as sinful and unbiblical his determined effort to accuse our brethren.[2]  Consequently, we urge our brothers and sisters in Christ to avoid giving audience to Brent Detwiler’s unbiblical speech until such a time that he repents of this ungodly pattern. Such harmful speech is ruinous to the church of God. 
      Furthermore, in contradiction to Brent Detwiler’s ongoing statements, we vigorously reiterate our support of C.J. Mahaney as a qualified minister of the gospel.[3] While we wholeheartedly support our reformation in polity, we also publicly declare our gratefulness for C.J.’s many years of service and commend his ongoing ministry of the gospel.[4] 
      [1] This belief is based on the numerous public statements Brent has made accusing leaders of Sovereign Grace churches of lying, deception, hypocrisy, conspiracy, abuse, etc. without due process nor sufficient information and at times blatantly contrary to the facts.
      [3] Per Interim Board announcement on the review panels dated January 25, 2012 andPreliminary Panel Report dated July 27, 2011.
      [4] C.J. serves as a pastor at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville but does not hold a staff position with Sovereign Grace Ministries, Inc.


      About a year ago, Mark Driscoll of Seattle, Washington’s Mars Hill Church, a “Reformed Charismatic”, delivered was has been described as an offensive sermon because of its pornographic descriptions. At least Phillip Johnson of Team Pyro called it 
      “Pornographic Divination”., with transcript:

      Todd Friel of Wretched Radio reveals that Driscoll believes that cessationism is like atheism. Driscoll believes in continued revelation to him personally in dreams and visions:

      The Christian Post reports that Driscoll believes that cessationism is wrong:
      More recently, Mark Driscoll on

      “Common questions about the gift of tongues”:

      There is a parallel here with Wayne Grudem’s continuationism. See our previous posts:
      Ex Catholics For Christ, recommends 
      John MacArthur’s book, “Charismatic Chaos”:

      Also see their full article: “Are Tongues And Healings For Today?”:

      Are Healing and Tongues for Today? (1 Corinthians 12) John MacArthur:

      Published on Apr 23, 2013
      A thorough examination will yield the truth that spiritual gifts fill two major purposes: the permanent gifts edify the church and the temporary gifts are signs to confirm the Word of God. God will continue to give the permanent gifts to believers for the duration of the church age, and those gifts are to be ministered by His people at all times in the life of the church. Those gifts include first the speaking or verbal gifts—prophecy, knowledge, wisdom, teaching, and exhortation, and, second, the serving or nonverbal gifts—leadership, helps, giving, mercy, faith, and discernment. The temporary sign gifts were limited to the apostolic age and therefore ceased after that time. Those gifts included miracles, healing, languages, and the interpretation of languages. The purpose of temporary sign gifts was to authenticate the apostolic message as the Word of God, until the time when the Scriptures, His written Word, were completed and became self–authenticating…

      John MacArthur on the charismatic movement. 

      “The reason the Church is in the mess it’s in today”:

      The Modern Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit – John MacArthur:

      Why Confront the Charismatic Movement – John MacArthur:

      John Piper: 

      Have You Ever Seen a Vision or Spoken In Tongues?

      What Is Speaking in Tongues By John Piper: A Middle of the Road:


      Brent Detwiler, offers a list of manifestations of hard heartedness in the SGM lawsuit by Matt Redmond:

      Posted: 03 Jun 2013 07:33 AM PDT
      What Kind of Hard Heart?
      Saturday, June 1, 2013
      Matt Redmond

      “His heart is hard as a stone, hard as the lower millstone.” – Job 41:24

      What kind of hard heart are we witnessing in the SGM abuse scandal?

      What kind of hard heart sides easily with a wealthy pastor against those who suffered at the hands of sexual abusers under his watch and then does so in the name of the One Who had no place to lay his head?

      What kind of hard heart winks at a pastor who demanded an accountability of pastors and then ran from it to a church outside of his network of churches?

      What kind of hard heart says we must not believe the accuser against the sexual abuser till all the evidence is put forward?

      What kind of hard heart publicly says a pastor has not even been accused of wrongdoing when the truth is the very opposite for all those who are curious enough to see?

      What kind of hard heart wants the statute of limitations to be in effect and not hear the evidence from 11 plaintiffs presented?

      What kind of hard heart needs it to happen to them or their own children before they speak out?

      What kind of hard heart says, “we will not go to the civil authorities for the sake of the abused” and then is relieved when the civil authorities dismiss a case in favor of the alleged abuser?

      What kind of hard heart goes and preaches in the pulpit of the accused and seeks no audience with the accusers?

      What kind of hard heart refuses to listen and then says those who would cry out for justice and help are divisive and gossips?

      What kind of hard heart could read the Second Amended Complaint and not think the leader of such an organization should step out of the limelight?

      What kind of heart is so hardened it would publicly insult the blogs that have given a voice to the sexually abused while publicly embracing one who is accused of conspiring to cover up and silence the abused?

      What kind of hard heart are we witnessing?


      Posted By Kevin DeYoung On May 24, 2013 @ 7:00 am In Uncategorized | Comments Disabled
      A Statement from Don Carson, Kevin DeYoung, and Justin Taylor
      Over the past several months we have remained publicly silent about the civil lawsuit filed against Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM), which alleged a conspiracy to cover up sexual abuse.
      Many have asked why we have not spoken publicly. Is this a conspiracy of silence, a way to whitewash accusations against a friend? Is it a way to stand with the powerful and to make a mockery of the weak? Is it simple cowardice? Why hasn’t more been said?
      What We Did Not Intend to Communicate
      We recognize that to some, our not speaking up feels like a betrayal, especially to those who have personally experienced abuse. Understandably, people want to hear that Christians categorically deplore and despise sexual abuse. We recognize that on this painful subject inaction can be hurtful and perceived as uncaring.
      It needs to be said in no uncertain terms that the actual acts alleged in the lawsuit are utterly evil—an offense against a holy God and an act of hatred against innocent children. They are horrifying and revolting. Apart from repentance, they are damning. There is no excuse, at any time or in any place or for any reason, for the use of children for sexual pleasure. Pastors who learn of such abuses should contact the appropriate authorities immediately, institute church discipline, and apply the whole counsel of God (including both law and gospel). Every church should have a clear child protection policy, and in every situation of abuse the victims must be assured that they are notresponsible for the crimes committed against them. Furthermore, pastors are responsible to obey all mandatory reporting laws, alerting law-enforcement officials and fully cooperating with all investigations. This is not an alternative to church discipline and gospel counsel, but a necessary and complementary role of divinely instituted civil authorities.
      A Theory of Conspiracy
      Over the past several months we often weighed the idea of writing a statement like this. Every time we concluded that caution was the better course. It is generally unwise to make public comments concerning a civil case that is being considered for trial or currently under deliberation. But now that most of the complaints filed in the SGM Ministries civil lawsuit have been dismissed, it seems an appropriate time to explain our silence and some of our thinking behind it.
      We have not read the ruling of dismissal from the judge because, to our knowledge, it has not been made public. We do not know whether the plaintiffs’ attorney will file further charges. The legal back and forth may continue for some time. But we have read the explanation offered by the plaintiffs’ attorney regarding the statute of limitations in a civil suit:

      We (the victims and the lawyers) all knew about the statute issue at the outset. But fighting for justice means doing so even against known obstacles. We had a conspiracy theory to overcome the statute but the Court rejected it. . . .

      This is a revealing comment, as it indicates the legal strategy behind the civil suit. (And note that this was a civil suit, not a criminal complaint. While they certainly believe crimes were committed, this lawsuit itself was only seeking monetary damages.)
      The plaintiffs’ counsel in the Sovereign Grace case knew that it could not proceed solely based on the allegations of abuse, given the statute of limitations. (Some of the alleged abuses occurred 25-30 years ago.) The statute of limitations is not a “legal technicality” but rather an important feature of our judicial system. The plaintiffs’ counsel therefore alleged a wide-ranging theory of conspiracy, hoping that this would overcome the legal requirements regarding the time between when the alleged crimes took place and the filing of the civil lawsuit. This is apparently what the judge dismissed, determining that it would not even proceed to a trial. If you listen carefully to the attorneys’ explanations of the case on radio programs and other venues, they essentially acknowledged that they had no proof of a conspiracy. As the motion to dismiss points out, although C.J. Mahaney is named as an individual defendant, “the sole allegation against him in the Complaint is that he founded Sovereign Grace Ministries (“SGM”) and is currently its President. . . . He is not specifically identified or alleged to have performed any other act or omission throughout the 143-paragraph Complaint.”
      So the entire legal strategy was dependent on a theory of conspiracy that was more hearsay than anything like reasonable demonstration of culpability. As to the specific matter of C.J. participating in some massive cover-up, the legal evidence was so paltry (more like non-existent) that the judge did not think a trial was even warranted.
      Would it have served anyone to take to the blogosphere to express our legal opinion about the conspiracy allegations before the case was decided, much less before it even went to trial? Would it have changed anyone’s mind? Would it have helped the case itself in any way? We deemed it wiser to let an impartial judge rule on whether the case should be considered, making a determination based on all the facts available.
      Another reason we have remained silent is because we have detailed charges from one side, but essentially no defense from the other side. Scripture warns us about what often happens in such a situation: “The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him” (Prov. 18:17). Can anyone say with certainty who is innocent and who is guilty in these multiple allegations spanning several decades? This is why we have courts, and why the Bible calls us to prudence. If we must denounce and separate from everyone or every ministry facing serious allegations, any one of us could be publicly ruined in a matter of days by nothing more than accusations. High-profile Christians are sometimes targeted not because they are guilty, but because they are well known. While those who are shown to be guilty should be exposed with rigor and with tears, surely as brothers and sisters in Christ we must understand how much gain there is for those who hate the gospel when Christian leaders are unfairly attacked and diminished. We agree with the Heidelberg Catechism that obeying the ninth commandment requires more than telling the truth; it means we do not “join in condemning anyone without a hearing or without a just cause.” Instead, “I should do what I can to guard and advance my neighbor’s good name” (Q/A 112).
      Please do not hear us saying that we assume all of the plaintiffs are lying. We do not assume all the defendants are innocent, or that they are all guilty. We are not privy to the sort of information necessary to make that determination. Where the allegations are accurate, we have nothing but the deepest sympathy for the victims, desiring that legal justice might prevail and that they might know the Lord’s healing and vindication. And where allegations may be false or misconstrued, we sympathize with those whose reputations have been unfairly tarnished with no public recourse. This is a tangled mess. It is enormously complicated, with multiple allegations at multiple levels over multiple years, with multiple amendments. Which is why if a case were to go to trial, it would involve hundreds of hours of evidence and deliberation by an impartial judge and jury seeking to discern the truth and to bring justice to bear. Discerning the full truth is not always a simple matter, and it does not seem to us that blog posts and tweets are the best medium to serve the cause of truth. In hindsight we still believe restraint has been the wiser path.
      The Face of the Lawsuit
      There are two other facts that may be germane to this discussion: (1) some have tried to make C.J. Mahaney the “face” of the SGM lawsuit, and (2) we are friends with C.J.
      Reports on the lawsuit from Christianity Today and World Magazine (among others) explicitly and repeatedly drew attention to C. J., connecting the suit to recent changes within SGM. He has also been the object of libel and even a Javert-like obsession by some. One of the so-called discernment blogs—often trafficking more in speculation and gossip than edifying discernment—reprinted a comment from a woman who issued this ominous wish, “I hope [this lawsuit] ruins the entire organization [of SGM] and every single perpetrator and co-conspirator financially, mentally and physically.”
      We are not ashamed to call C.J. a friend. Our relationship with C.J. is like that with any good friend—full of laughter and sober reflection, encouragement and mutual correction. He has regularly invited—even pursued—correction, and we have given him our perspective when it is warranted. While the admission of friendship may render this entire statement tainted in the eyes of some, we hope most Christians will understand that while friends should never cover for each others’ sins, neither do friends quickly accept the accusations of others when they run counter to everything they have come to see and know about their friend. We are grateful for C.J.’s friendship and his fruitful ministry of the gospel over many decades.
      We are not in a place to adjudicate all the charges leveled against Sovereign Grace Ministries or the specific individuals named in the lawsuit. The purpose of this statement is not to render a verdict on the charges, nor in any way to trivialize the sins alleged. We realize some will construe this post as confirmation of their worst suspicions, but we trust most of our brothers and sisters will be able to consider our explanation with an open heart and a fair mind. Our silence was not decided upon lightly; neither was our decision to break this silence. Our prayer is that one day—and please, Lord, soon—all who face injustice of any kind will see the Lord bring forth his righteousness as the light, and his justice as the noonday (Ps. 37:6).

      Article printed from Kevin DeYoung:

      URL to article:


      Statement from Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, and Albert Mohler, at:, in support of C.J. Mahaney:

      May 23, 2013
      We are friends who have been brought together for the gospel. Over the last several months, we have wanted to speak publicly to the issues that have related to our friend C. J. Mahaney. A Maryland judge’s recent action to dismiss a lawsuit against Sovereign Grace Ministries offers us the first opportunity, and responsibility, to speak to this issue. We could not speak to the issues involved so long as they were raised only in the context of an action in the civil courts. We have never made a public comment with regard to claims and counter-claims in a civil lawsuit, and we will not violate that principle now.
      Claims presented in a civil lawsuit seeking financial compensation are beyond the ability of the public to render judgment. Often, such claims are even beyond the ability of a court to deliberate. To comment on such claims is irresponsible, since no one apart from the court and the parties directly involved has any ability to evaluate the claims presented. If the filing of civil litigation against a Christian ministry or leader is in itself reason for separation and a rush to judgment, no ministry or minister is safe from destruction at any time. Furthermore, the effort to try such a case in the court of public opinion prior to any decision rendered by an authorized court is likewise irresponsible.
      We have stood beside our friend, C. J. Mahaney, and we can speak to his personal integrity. We can make no judgment as to the truthfulness of the horrifying charges of sexual abuse made against some individuals who have been connected, in some way, to Sovereign Grace Ministries and its churches. Our hearts must go out to anyone, and especially to any child, who suffers abuse at the hand of anyone. In such a case the legal authorities must use the full power of the law to investigate and to prosecute any perpetrator of such crimes. We must take any responsible action to protect the vulnerable, and we must act immediately to inform legal authorities of any charge or claim of sexual abuse, and do so without delay. Our first response must be to call the police, to act to protect the child or young person, and then to proceed to biblical church discipline when the facts demand such a response.
      If a Christian leader is accused of any wrongdoing, those to whom he is accountable must investigate the charges and then deal responsibly with the evidence. If a criminal accusation is made, Christians have a fundamental duty to inform law enforcement officials. This does not, however, preclude or mitigate the church’s responsibility for biblical church discipline.
      A Christian leader, charged with any credible, serious, and direct wrongdoing, would usually be well advised to step down from public ministry. No such accusation of direct wrongdoing was ever made against C. J. Mahaney. Instead, he was charged with founding a ministry and for teaching doctrines and principles that are held to be true by vast millions of American evangelicals. For this reason, we, along with many others, refused to step away from C. J. in any way. We do not regret that decision. We are profoundly thankful for C. J. as friend, and we are equally thankful for the vast influence for good he has been among so many Gospel-minded people.
      Our heart goes out to anyone who has ever suffered abuse of any kind. Our emphatic encouragement would be for anyone who has ever suffered such abuse or knows of anyone made vulnerable to such abuse to contact law enforcement officials without delay. We must then allow the law enforcement agencies and the courts to do their proper work. When criminal charges are filed, the public is then presented with evidence upon which it can draw a responsible judgment. On matters of protecting the vulnerable, Christians know what judgment must be made. We side with the victims.
      Our hope and prayer is that Christ’s healing and health will come to all parties involved in this matter and that justice and righteousness will prevail for all. May every true victim of any injustice be vindicated. May every doer of wrong be exposed. And may all of us speak no further than we can responsibly speak.
      Those who minister in the name of the Lord Christ bear an inescapable duty to live and to minister in a way that is above reproach. Those who teach, reminds James, will face a stricter judgment. [James 3:1] May everything we do, everything we teach, and all that we are be measured against that standard.
      Together for the Gospel,
      Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, Albert Mohler

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