republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The 50,000 member Golden Lampstand Church was detonated with dynamite and demolished by the Chinese government.

On the heels of once again being named one of the worst persecutors of Christians on the planet, the Chinese government used dynamite to blow up and then destroy an evangelical megachurch in one of the neediest regions of the country. The brazen persecution of Christians who do not abide by government-controlled religion is just one example of the inhumane treatment of Christians in many countries today.

A History of Persecution

Bible verses on persecution and suffering | Communist persecution of Christians

Despite being in a low-income area, church members donated $3 million to build the Golden Lampstand Church.

“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” – 2 Timothy 3:12.

According to reports:

of the largest evangelical churches in China was completely demolished
in a shocking government campaign on January 9th. Golden Lampstand
Church in Shanxi Province has been around for nearly a decade with
50,000 congregants. But it wasn’t registered with the Chinese
“It’s an unregistered church, but it was completely paid for by many of the Christians there,” reports Anthony Rhodes with Voice of the Martyrs Canada.
“The church has a history of being persecuted by government officials
and state police in that area…. Previously, there were harassments and
some of their leaders were arrested and interrogated.”

last Tuesday, officers of the People’s Armed Police went to the Golden
Lampstand Church and announced because it was an unregistered church
building, it would be demolished.

“They actually cleared
the church of the congregants and put dynamite in the church and blew
the church up. They actually blew up the building and completely
destroyed the church. There’s video footage of this happening, and then
you see many of the workers cleaning up the rubble and bulldozing what
was left of this church.” (source).

As Beginning And End previously reported in our article “Christian Persecution And Genocide ‘Worse Than Any Time In History’”, China was named on Open Doors USA World Watch List, which details the 50 worst nations on the world where Christians are persecuted. Its Communist regime forces all churches to register with the government – who can then monitor, regulate and even instruct pastors on what to preach. On a whim, the government can order a church to remove any crosses displayed on its building and a pastor who resists is met with arrest and imprisonment. Poor Christians families are cut off from government assistance if their churches are in violation of any arbitrary government rule.

Pray for China’s Underground Church Movement

Worst places in the world to be Christian | Bible verses on persecution

Believers worship at an underground church service. Pray for their faith in the face of persecution.

This oppression has helped spawn an underground church movement – where believers risk their freedom, jobs and lives to worship in unregistered churches. The underground church movement has exploded with an estimated 60 million Christians attending nationwide.  These believers live out their faith in Jesus Christ despite knowing that at any moment, an unregistered church can be raised by government authorities and all Christians arrested.  Continue to pray for believers in China to maintain their faith under this oppressive regime and for the light of the gospel to continue to shine in the hearts of those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from
their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil,
for the Son of man’s sake.  Rejoice ye in
that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven:
for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.” – Luke 6:22-23.

The Golden Lampstand Church in China’s Shanxi province has been
demolished sparking fears of a campaign against Christians. The Golden
Lampstand Church is the second church to be demolished in less than a

Report by Sarah Duffy.