republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 OAK RIDGE, Tenn. — A chapter of one of the 
nation’s most conspicuous professing atheist groups has lodged a 
complaint after being notified by concerned parents that a music teacher
 at a Tennessee elementary school played Handel’s “Hallelujah Chorus” 
during the morning announcements.

The East Tennessee chapter of the Freedom From Religion
Foundation (FFRF) recently emailed Linden Elementary School Principal
Roger Ward to ask that the song not be used again.

“While this music may be beautiful and even inspirational
for Christians, it is not acceptable for broadcasting to the entire
student body at Linden Elementary,” wrote Aleta Ledendecker. “In
consideration of all the possible choices of music, this piece with its
distinctly religious content can be interpreted as proselytizing. Such
actions are clearly prohibited by the First Amendment of the U.S.


“Please see that the music director makes appropriate
choices for broadcasting to your student body beginning immediately,”
she continued. “Furthermore, please reply with a report of the actions
you have taken to assure that there will be no future music choices with
even a hint of religious overtones.”

However, the school says that the teacher only used the song
because the class was studying George Frederic Handel that week, and
only 20-30 seconds of the composition was aired. A different composer is
studied each week.

“The passage was selected to correspond with the school’s
overall music curriculum that, for that particular week, featured the
musical works of George Handel,” an unidentified school district
representative told conservative commentator Todd Starnes.

“The criticisms articulated by Ms. Ledendecker appear to
have been based upon insufficient information taken entirely out of
context, incorrect assumptions about the school’s music curriculum and a
fundamental misunderstanding of the First Amendment’s relationship with
historically sacred classical music compositions being taught in a
public school music curriculum,” they said.

The attorney for the district has since responded to FFRF to state that the teacher had not done anything inappropriate.

Ledendecker has acknowledged that she is unsure “if there
actually is a legal issue at this time.” She has submitted a records
request to review the school curriculum further.

“This is the litmus test I use: If I were a Christian parent
walking in the school, and I heard over the PA system during morning
announcements music with the words ‘Praise Allah. Allah is the king on
high. Bow down to Allah,’ how would I feel as a Christian parent with
that being broadcast to all the children in the schools? If I would find
that somewhat unsettling, then it is equally unsettling for secular
parents,” she told the Oak Ridger.

As previously reported, in 1828, just 52 years after the
nation’s founding, Noah Webster, known as the Father of American
Scholarship and Education, wrote, “In my view, the Christian religion is
the most important and one of the first things in which all children,
under a free government, ought to be instructed. … No truth is more
evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of
any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 The freedom of speech is under severe attack all over the world, and the 
controversy that has erupted in Canada over Christine Douglass-Williams, a 
board member with the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, writing for Jihad 
Watch, is ongoing. The Canadian Press reported: “With concerns about the post 
circulating among her fellow board members, it came to the attention of 
Heritage Minister Melanie Joly, whose department is responsible for the 
foundation.” So I sent this letter to Joly:
 Honorable Minister Joly:

I am writing in support of Christine Douglass-Williams, a member of
the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, who I understand has come under
scrutiny for writing for my web publication, Jihad Watch.
The Canadian Press has identified as questionable one specific piece
that Ms. Douglass-Williams published at Jihad Watch (among other
places), in which she refers to deceptive Islamic supremacists. However,
neither the Canadian Press nor anyone else has offered any evidence for
why what Ms. Douglass-Williams wrote was wrong or hateful.
In the piece, she referred to Muslims who posture as moderate when
they actually aren’t. Do such people actually exist? Consider the imam
Fawaz Damra, who according to contemporary media reports was known in the Cleveland area
“as a voice of moderate, mainstream Islam.” He “was often seen at
public events with politicians and leaders of other faiths, including
several prayer services after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.”
Meanwhile, he was “disparaging Jews in Arabic as ‘pigs and monkeys’ and
raising money for the killing of Jews by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.”
This is just one example of many that confirm the correctness of Ms.
Douglass-Williams’ observations. Yet despite the reasonableness of her
statement, the Canadian Press reports that “there are concerns that
Douglass-Williams’s views are a hindrance to her work with the
foundation and an affront to its legally defined mandate, which is to
help eliminate racism and racial discrimination in Canada.”
There is in reality no racial issue involved here. Jihad terror and
the deceptions of some terror-aligned leaders is not race. Islamic
jihadists are people of all races. Ms. Douglass-Williams, in standing
against jihad terror and Sharia oppression, is not only not jeopardizing
the work of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, but enhancing it,
but standing against the spread of an ideology that is frankly and
unapologetically supremacist and violent, and set against the survival
of Canadian pluralist principles.
Meanwhile, I am deeply concerned that Ms. Douglass-Williams is being
smeared by association with me and Jihad Watch. I have been writing
against jihad terror and Sharia-justified denial of human rights for
many years, and I’ve found over the years that one tactic that the
allies of jihad terror and Sharia supremacist groups frequently resort
to in Canada, the U.S., and Western Europe is to smear those who expose
their activities as “hatemongers,” “racists,” and “bigots.” But a false
charge does not become true for being often repeated. I invite you to
read any of my 17 published books (which I am happy to send you free of
charge), thousands of articles, and 45,000+ posts at Jihad Watch, and am
confident that you find not a trace of “hatred,” “racism,” or “bigotry”
in them. All my work has been and is in defense of the freedom of
speech, the freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of all
people before the law. More to the point, I invite you to read all of
Ms. Douglass-Williams’ published writings at Jihad Watch, and you will
see that there is no reason for anyone who is concerned about racism and
about preserving pluralistic societies to be concerned.
If I can answer any questions or be of any possible service to you in
your further consideration of this or any other matter, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
Kindest regards
Robert Spencer
director, Jihad Watch

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Nineteen Eighty-Four is famous for the term ‘doublespeak’ —
a powerful form of propaganda that deliberately obscures, disguises, or
reverses the meaning of words. In the book, the government destroys the
very purpose of language by insisting that ‘War is Peace. Freedom is
Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.’”

Nowadays the Orwellian line is “Islam is a religion of peace.” And then there’s “hate speech is not free speech.”

“Orwell’s point in 1984 was that the very kind of
technocratic progressivism which Hillary Clinton praises as the solution
to all social ills is itself the deep and abiding threat.”

Yes, and it’s coming down fast, and unless large numbers of people
wake up quickly to what is happening, it will very soon be upon us.

“Has Hillary Lost Her Grip on Reality? ‘Rely on Big Brother’ Was NOT the Message of Orwell’s 1984,” by Tyler O’Neil, PJ Media, September 13, 2017:

In her new book What Happened, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took a shot at literary interpretation — and twisted George Orwell’s book 1984 to mean the exact opposite of what it really means.

“Attempting to define reality
is a core feature of authoritarianism,” Clinton wrote. “This is what the
Soviets did when they erased political dissidents from historical
photos. This is what happens in George Orwell’s classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, when a torturer holds up four fingers and delivers electric shocks until his prisoner sees five fingers as ordered.”

So far, so good. Then Clinton
draws the exact wrong message from Orwell’s classic. “The goal is to
make you question logic and reason and to sow mistrust toward exactly
the people we need to rely on: our leaders, the press, experts who seek
to guide public policy based on evidence, ourselves,” she bizarrely
But Clinton wasn’t done. “For Trump, as with so much he does, it’s about simple dominance,” she concluded.
Writer and lecturer James Heartfield noted that Clinton’s interpretation is a “bizarre misreading.”
One Twitter user cleverly pointed out how Clinton’s own interpretation of 1984 uses “doublespeak” to subvert the very message of the classic work.
This literary analysis of
Clinton’s paragraph hit the nail on the head. The former secretary of
State started out by correctly explaining Orwell’s point —
authoritarianism does indeed try to redefine reality.
Nineteen Eighty-Four
is famous for the term “doublespeak” — a powerful form of propaganda
that deliberately obscures, disguises, or reverses the meaning of words.
In the book, the government destroys the very purpose of language by
insisting that “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is
Both the Left and the Right
have pushed narratives that dismiss and demonize the other side, but
Clinton’s use of propaganda here was rather obvious. Again, she wrote,
“The goal is to make you question logic and reason and to sow mistrust
toward exactly the people we need to rely on: our leaders, the press,
experts who seek to guide public policy based on evidence, ourselves.”
In 1984, every single
one of those groups besides “ourselves” is in on the propaganda game.
The political leaders are controlling the narrative, erasing history and
even words from existence. The press is an arm of the state, pushing
the big government’s propaganda (sound familiar?). A powerful group of
“experts” use their position to oppress the people, and Orwell reveals
this system directly, as the main character works in the administration.
Orwell’s point in 1984
was that the very kind of technocratic progressivism which Hillary
Clinton praises as the solution to all social ills is itself the deep
and abiding threat.
Since the late 1890s onward, progressivism has
placed tremendous faith in scientific “experts” to reshape society, and
the governing administrative state is a direct result of this movement.
Clinton, as leader of the party
of big government, is infamous for pushing the all-consuming liberal
narrative of political correctness, which brooks no opposition or
question. She unequivocally embraced “intersectionality” during the
campaign, championing “oppressed” groups which actually exert political
power and dismissing those who would dare to disagree as “deplorables.”…
This is why Hillary Clinton’s
misreading of Orwell is so dangerous. So many liberals see themselves as
being on the side of the angels, and they cannot come to grips with the
fact that millions of Americans disagree with them, for rational
reasons that have nothing to do with racism or “hate.”


“Allowing government to censor speech of unpopular groups will lead to suppression of views not approved by government”

“Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States and the
primary author of the Declaration of Independence, repeatedly affirmed
the rights of conscience as embodied in the First Amendment’s protection
of speech, religion, and peaceful assembly. To quote him:

“No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience.”

What was Jefferson referring to as “conscience”? Prior to the
American Revolution, particularly in the early 1700s and late 1600s,
Americans were forced to support churches not of their choosing. In some
colonies, ministers of non-approved denominations were imprisoned and
even hanged. From the memory of this intolerance came insistence upon a
Bill of Rights being included in the newly ratified Constitution.”


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
 Ruby is 16. She’s almost totally paralyzed. Well, the only limb that
 works is this one… my left arm. I still go out and I see friends and 
stuff. It’s just more of a pain and with the fatigue it’s harder. Nobody
 knows exactly what why Ruby has developed this serious neurological 
damage after a healthy and active life. But it all started after she had
 her first of three injections of the HPV human papillomavirus 
vaccine—injections that are given in the hope that they’ll prevent 
cervical cancer. But is there proof that the HPV vaccine does prevent 
cervical cancer? And is there any proof that HPV actually causes it?

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

In July, Attorney General Jeff Sessions told the National District
Attorneys Association in Minneapolis that he was not only opposed to the
national effort to rein in civil asset forfeiture (CAF), but that he
was issuing a new directive to increase the number of police seizures of cash and property from individuals not convicted of any crime.

But earlier this week, Sessions was dealt a strong rebuke from the
U.S. House of Representatives. In a voice vote, indicating overwhelming
support, the House approved an amendment to the Make America Secure and
Prosperous Appropriations Act by Representative Justin Amash (R-Mich.)
that will, if likewise passed by the Senate, nix Sessions’ plan.

Under CAF, a person does not have to be convicted of any crime before
his or her property can be taken. It is used by both federal government
officials and local law-enforcement officers to seize property that
they simply suspect has been used in wrongdoing — without even having to charge the person with any crime. In cases of criminal
asset forfeiture, however, the accused is afforded all the
constitutional and statutory procedural safeguards available under
criminal law. With criminal forfeiture, the accused must actually be
found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt before property is forfeited.

Civil asset forfeiture is an assault upon the very concept of private
property and the legal position that an accused person is innocent
until found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Writing in National Review, Tiana Lowe called civil asset forfeiture “essentially government-sanctioned stealing from citizens.”

Sessions had reinstated the Equitable Sharing Program of the
Department of Justice, which allowed state and local police agencies to
take assets of persons not convicted of any crime, give them to the
federal government, and be rewarded with part of the “take” in return.
This allowed law-enforcement agencies in states that have limited CAF to
continue the practice anyway, despite state law.

Amash’s effort drew strong bipartisan support, from Democrats such as
Pramila Jayapal of Washington State, a staunch progressive, and from
Republicans such as Mark Sanford of South Carolina, a committed

In what Lowe called “one of the few conservative legacies of the
Obama Administration,” the Justice Department under Eric Holder had
actually reined in the so-called Equitable Sharing scheme.
“Unfortunately, these restrictions were revoked in June of this year,”
Amash lamented. “My amendment would restore them by prohibiting the use
of funds to do adoptive forfeitures that were banned under the 2015

Representative Don Byer (D-Va.) supported Amash’s amendment,
declaring, “Civil asset forfeiture without limits presents one of the
strongest threats to our civil, property, and constitutional rights. It
creates a perverse incentive to seek profits over justice.”

CAF has become so common now that in 2014 federal law-enforcement officers actually seized more property of citizens than did burglars.
A few years ago, a Michigan woman who was suspected of not complying
with the state’s medical marijuana law lost tools, a bicycle, and even
her daughter’s birthday money to civil asset forfeiture.

Sessions told the district attorneys in July that he wanted them to
get tough on drug offenders, because “drug offenses are not nonviolent
crimes, as most of you all know.”

This is typical of CAF supporters: the contention that they are
fighting illegal drugs, and that those who oppose CAF are just favoring
drug kingpins over law enforcement. The drug problem is so severe, they
argue, that law enforcement simply must have the “tools” to combat the
drug lords. But it is unfair to charge those who wish to rein in CAF
abuse as favoring criminals, just as it would be unfair to charge those
who argue for due process for accused murderers as supporting homicide.

Doing wrong to “do right” is still wrong. Even in horrific murder,
rape, and armed robbery cases, the accused is still afforded the due
process of law. One provision of the English Bill of Rights, adopted in
1689, was crystal clear: “Forfeitures before conviction are void.”

The late Congressman Henry Hyde contended that CAF also violated the
Eighth Amendment, which prohibits “excessive fines.” He wrote, “There is
no proportionality between the crimes alleged and the punishments
imposed” in most cases, citing examples of entire hotels being seized
simply because a single room was used, without the knowledge of the
owners, for a drug transaction.

One would think that Sessions would respect the English Bill of
Rights, due process of law, private property, and the prohibition of
“excessive fines.” But if none of that matters to him, he should at
least heed the Seventh Commandment: “Thou shalt not steal.”

Amash has struck a blow for liberty in this case; however, it remains
to be seen if the Senate will attempt to remove his commonsense
amendment. CAF without conviction of a crime needs to be completely
abolished. As Lowe wrote in her National Review article, “The
party of small government and individual liberty must act as such and
condemn the Justice Department’s foray back into the murky, abusive, and
authoritarian waters of asset forfeiture.”