Compares Jesus to ISIS and doesn’t like hearing about Europe’s Christian roots

SEE: http://www.infowars.com/pope-francis-declares-himself-the-anti-christ/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
In a shocking interview, Pope Francis likened Jesus Christ to ISIS and said Muslim migrants must breed with Europeans to counter “declining birth rates”.
The Pope says that ISIS’ conquest of the Middle East is just like Jesus sending out his disciples.
I must have missed that bible chapter where Jesus’ disciples behead people, force them into sex slavery and make them pay a tax on pain of death if they refuse to convert.

Raymond Ibrahim: Pope Francis’ Jihad 

on Christianity

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/05/raymond-ibrahim-pope-francis-jihad-on-christianityrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The man known as the pope and the vicar of Christ – but who in light of what follows is probably best referred to by his real name, Jorge Mario Bergoglio – recently gave an interview demonstrating why “so many people think he is the anti-Christ.”
The more salient features follow:
Christ as Warmonger
In classic relativistic fashion, Jorge claims:
It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.
Only someone who is ignorant of or hostile to Christianity can make such a claim.  To state the obvious: yes, both Christianity and Islam seek to win converts.  However, Jesus’s call to his disciples to “go forth and make disciples of all nations” in Matthew’s Gospel was understood and practiced peacefully.  Disciples preached; people converted.  No violence, no coercion.  In fact, it was Christians – chief among them disciples and evangelists – who were persecuted and killed simply for preaching Christ, first by the pagan Roman empire and later (and still) by Islam.
Conversely, Muhammad said, “I have been sent with the sword between my hands to ensure that no one but Allah is worshipped – Allah who put my livelihood under the shadow of my spear and who inflicts humiliation and scorn on those who disobey my commandments (The Al Qaeda Reader, p.12).”  The Koran is replete with commands to do violence on those who refuse to submit to Islam – and yes, in ways that far transcend comparison with Old Testament violence.
Unlike the spread of Christianity, Islam spread through the sword.  This is a simple, historic fact, acknowledged by more sober European leaders: the overwhelming majority of territory that today constitutes the “Muslim world” was seized from non-Muslims by great violence and bloodshed.  Two thirds of Christendom – the Mideast and North Africa – was to be swallowed up by Islam a century after its founding.  Even Rome was sacked and the Vatican defiled by Arab raiders in the name of Islam in the year 846.
The making of martyrs is the only similarity that Christianity and Islam share when it comes to how they spread: while Christians were martyred for their faith, Muslims martyred whoever refused their faith.
Dislike for “Christian Roots” of Europe (or Dislike for Truth)
According to Jorge:
[W]hen I hear talk of the Christian roots of Europe, I sometimes dread the tone, which can seem triumphalist or even vengeful. It then takes on colonialist overtones.
One expects such ahistorical multicultural drivel from a clueless atheist – not the pope.  A quick education for Jorge: the “Christian roots of Europe” are a fact.  For centuries, after the aforementioned Islamic conquests of the Middle East, the original heartland of Christianity, Europe became the heart and standard-bearer of the Christian faith.  That’s why it was called “Christendom.”  How can the supposed vicar, or representative, of Christ “dread” this fact, denouncing it as “triumphalist or even vengeful”?
Christianity as a Welcome Doormat
Apparently for Jorge, Europeans may express their Christian roots and faith – but only by being “welcome” doormats:
Yes, Europe has Christian roots and it is Christianity’s responsibility to water those roots. But this must be done in a spirit of service as in the washing of the feet. Christianity’s duty to Europe is one of service. … Christianity’s contribution to a culture is that of Christ in the washing of the feet.
So according to the head of the Catholic Church, the entire purpose and message of Christianity is the “washing of feet” – or, in this context, taking in millions of Muslim migrants, many of whom are openly hostile to Christianity.
Yes, Christ served and washed his disciples’ feet and preached mercy and compassion – but that was hardly the sole or even primary purpose of his mission.  He offered an entire worldview founded on profound theological assertions.  When people erred by profaning the temple, he didn’t “turn the other cheek” (let alone wash their feet).  He whipped them.  He didn’t preach naivety – “open your doors to those who have a long history of subjugating and still seek to subjugate you” – but rather taught his followers to be “wise as serpents.”  He spoke of everlasting hell and torments – indeed, more so than anyone else in the entire Bible.  That’s why all Christian denominations have traditionally held that being Christian far transcends “the washing of feet.”
But for Jorge, the only aspects of Christianity to be expressed are those that benefit Muslim migrants, some of whom hate and persecute Christians in Europe.
The Muslim World’s Problems: Our Fault and Responsibility
When asked if Europe has the capacity to continue accepting so many migrants, Jorge said “the deeper question is why there are so many migrants now.”  Like a true apologist for Islam, he went on to cite anything and everything – arms manufacturers, hunger, and, parroting the Obama administration, unemployment – as causes for upheavals in the Middle East, while ignoring the elephant in the room: Islamic culture, which engenders dysfunctional, intolerant, violent, authoritarian, and tribal societies.
Simply look to the birthplace of Islam, where Islamic law is strictly upheld: Saudi Arabia is wealthier than most Western nations and has none of the problems cited by Jorge, yet it too is barbaric, corrupt, backwards, and hostile to all who do not profess Islam.  Why?
In the same Gospel of Matthew that Jorge disingenuously cited to conflate the mission of Jesus’s disciples with the mission of Muhammad’s jihadis, Christ declares, “Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.”
If ever there was a person whom this admonition seems to pertain to – a man who holds the authoritative office of “representative of Christ,” but who empowers the historic (and ongoing) enemy of Christianity, while urging Europeans to suppress their Christian heritage and express their faith exclusively by the “washing of feet,” that is, by meekly lying down before Muslims – surely Jorge Mario Bergoglio fits the bill.

Published on May 21, 2016
Alex Jones goes off on Salon’s Facebook page showing leftist news organization’s resident pedophile, Todd Nickerson, explaining how he masturbated over a 5-year-old girl while romanticized video footage of a child is used to illustrate his sick fantasy. http://www.infowars.com/salon-romanti…

Pope Francis Converts To Islam!



SEE: http://www.newswithviews.com/Chumley/cheryl145.htm
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

In July 2015, the Obama administration released proposed rules aimed at diversifying white neighborhoods and putting a stop to so-called “segregated living patterns” around the nation. In April 2016, the Obama administration sent out a stern warning to landlords around the country, telling them they couldn’t automatically turn away convicted felons because doing so could be perceived as racial discrimination – the logic being too many blacks and minorities are unfairly imprisoned as it is.
And now?
As Paul Sperry with the New York Post found, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro is setting in motion a means to divert Section 8 housing funding to rich areas – read, predominantly Caucasian – and give financially strapped homeowner hopefuls “mobility counselors” who can help find them the McMansions of their dreams. As Sperry noted – this, even as a “similar program tested a few years ago in Dallas has been blamed for shifting violent crime to affluent neighborhoods.”
From a macro-perspective, these recent regulatory moves demonstrate exactly why the government and housing don’t mix – the larger the federal role, the littler the individual freedom. Once government comes in, unfettered free markets go out, and in all matters of real estate, it’d be worthwhile to apply Ronald Reagan’s famous quip: the government is not the solution to the problem; the government is the problem. Developers, renters, landlords and buyers ought to make the decision on what to build and what and where to buy, not the bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.
But from a micro-perspective, the issue becomes even cloudier – and darker.
What’s going on at HUD is simply a reflection of President Obama’s own biases, and his personal crusade to right what he perceives as a wrong – the failure of white America to justly treat black America.
We saw this in Obama’s first presidency when he called out a white Cambridge police officer for “acting stupidly” during the arrest of a black Harvard University professor for disorderly conduct, and likening the event to America’s “long history” of “disproportionately” stopping “African Americans and Latinos” for law enforcement matters — despite admitting in the same breath he didn’t know “all the facts” of the event.
We saw this in Obama’s second presidency when he furthered the Black Lives Matter mantra — which was based on a lie about how a white Ferguson, Missouri, police officer ultimately shot and killed a black teenage suspect — to the point of ordering his Justice Department to investigate and oversee police departments around the nation, all the while saying the “African American community is not just making this up” about discriminatory cops.
Now we’re seeing that same attitude played at HUD – and it goes something like this: Suburbs are white because the white powers-who-be purposely keep out blacks and other minorities. And it’s going to take Obama and the federal government to level the playing field and bring about a socially just resolution.
Or, as Rush Limbaugh just put it, in his apt analysis: It’s all about the control.
“This is more regulation from Housing and Urban Development – faceless, nameless bureaucrats, bringing inner city dwellers into your suburban neighborhood,” Limbaugh said, during a recent radio broadcast. “It’s already been established by government’s own studies to be disastrous … but that’s not going to stop them from doing it anyway, because that’s the objective, when you get right down to it. They don’t care. They don’t care about the circumstances of people. They care about having power over people.”
Forget the notion of a home being a homeowner’s castle. Forget the idea of private property rights being sacrosanct, and once they’re not, doors to tyranny crack open. Forget the Constitution and the failure of that sacred text to contain any authorities for HUD and the executive to assume these housing market authorities – or for HUD to exist, for that matter. This is free market America, Obama style, and what that means for the average homeowner, home renter, developer, mortgagor and landlord is this: Social justice trumps all. And while all Americans have rights, some Americans have a little bit more rights than others.


SEE: http://www.newswithviews.com/Roth/laurie505.htm; 
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Now the Napalm bomb is falling on schools and kids all across the country with the latest directive from Obama. As usual, hiding behind the curtain of minority rights, making it sound like a heart felt desperate cause, Obama has ordered all public schools to allow anyone of any sex, transgender or whatever they think of themselves, to waltz into any boys or girls bathroom. The Transgender and mystery sex person also gets to pick whatever shower they want - boys or girls. Forget the rights, safety and comfort zone of 99% of the other kids in the school. They don’t matter – just the minority manipulated needs of the ‘mystery sex’ student.
Obama means business with this directive. He has threatened all kinds of lawsuits and to pull Government funds if the schools don’t submit and obey.
Parents, I know we all want to be compassionate and open to people of difference. That is most cool, but I know my 7th grade boy would feel more than a tinge horrified taking a shower after P.E. class next to a student with breasts hanging out and mail private parts.
Thankfully for my boy, I yanked him out of public school at the beginning of this year due to extreme bullying he was experiencing. He was also having related physical problems with Asthma. I can just imagine throwing him back into the public school system now where he can be abused some more by being forced to display himself naked in a shower room with a transgender student staring at him. I think not.
Obama went way too far starting the first year of his UN Constitutional and anti God rule as President, but now, he is directly assaulting the safety of all our children in the public school system. Just when a kid thought there might be a moment to himself in the bathroom, he is wrong. Now, everyone else gets to be in there also. Our girls will just have to face it that privacy in the shower room will be no more. They must find a way to relax with the transgender student showering next to them talking about Mr. Frank in science class.
How many of you ladies would purposely walk into a men’s shower after a work out at a YMCA, undress and stand along side the boys soaping up and spraying down?
No one No one No one and No one.
We have watched Obama turn our fine military into a sized down, compromised, LGTB sexual playground. There seem to be legal and military rights for all the sexual wonder bread crowd and complete annihilation of Christian and speech rights. Chaplains praying in Jesus name now get written up, threatened or fired. Soldiers are not to have any real or personal beliefs that marriage is to be between a man and a woman. More than one solder has been demoted or fired daring to have a conservative or Christian opinion.
What now folks
Obama has just opened a Pandora’s box. I predict a tsunami of lawsuits coming from Obama to schools. School leaders and parents all across the country no doubt will start forming class action lawsuits back at the Obama administration. I predict thousands of kids will be yanked from public schools by their horrified parents because of what Obama has shamefully done now.
All parents must fight to protect their kids from pedophiles and other perverts on line, among strangers and friends at school. Now however, Obama has brought this very real danger right into our living rooms - no bathrooms of our schools and homes.
It is time to focus our national horror and rage into countless lawsuits against Obama and his administration. Demand your school leaders rise up and protect our children by not allowing this to happen to our schools. Forget blackmail and funding issues. It is time to trust God, protect the rights and safety of our children and stand up and battle.
It is really very simple in businesses and schools. If officials everywhere are freaking out now over transgender rights, then they should do this. Direct a transgender or sexual mystery person to a private bathroom in a school, not the main one. The same idea should be implemented at department stores. Send them to a private bathroom somewhere in the store, not the public bathroom or public shower.
Obama has no interest in honoring and protecting the rights and safety of our kids - only the illegal alien, Muslim children and sexually unique variety. All others can disappear and shut up.
It is time yet again for our nation to stand in every way possible against Obama and this UN Constitutional, un Christian, un fair, immoral and stupid ruling demanding Transgender rights in any bathroom and any shower.
Well Mr. President….’Or else’ can go both ways. Our nation is going to rise up boldly against you and your vicious assault on our children and public schools.



Francis claims ISIS similar to Jesus sending his disciples to all nations

SEE: http://www.infowars.com/pope-francis-likens-jesus-to-isis-says-muslims-migrants-must-breed-with-europeans/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
In a shocking interview, Pope Francis likened Jesus Christ to ISIS and said Muslim migrants must breed with Europeans to counter “declining birth rates.”
“Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam,” he told French newspaper La Croix. “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam, however, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”
The Pope also said he “dreaded” hearing about the “Christian roots of Europe” because, to him, they take on “colonialist overtones” and he called on European nations to “integrate” Muslim migrants into the continent.
“This integration is all the more necessary today since, as a result of a selfish search for well-being, Europe is experiencing the grave problem of a declining birth rate,” he stated. “A demographic emptiness is developing.”
His opinions are stunningly similar to those of top Iman Sheikh Muhammad Ayed, who said Muslims should exploit the migrant crisis to breed with Europeans and “conquer their countries.”
“Europe has become old and decrepit and needs human reinforcement… they are not motivated by compassion for the Levant, its people and its refugees… soon, we will trample them underfoot, Allah willing,” he stated. “Throughout Europe, all the hearts are enthused with hatred toward Muslims. They wish that we were dead, but they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in our midst.”
“We will give them fertility! We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries!”
Pope Francis also promoted socialism during the interview.
“A completely free market does not work,” he claimed. “Markets in themselves are good but they also require a fulcrum, a third party, or a state to monitor and balance them.”
“In other words, [what is needed is] a social market economy.”
It’s been estimated that in the 20th century alone, socialism and communism resulted in the deaths of at least 130 million people.

Pope Francis Likes Jesus To ISIS, Says Muslims Must Breed With Europeans

Published on May 18, 2016
Alex Jones Discusses the new Papal orders to change Christianity and breed with Muslims, also how the new world order is uncloaking to reveal its true identity.

Pope Francis likened Jesus Christ to ISIS

Published on May 19, 2016
In a shocking interview, Pope Francis likened Jesus Christ to ISIS and said Muslim migrants must breed with Europeans to counter “declining birth rates.”
“Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam,” he told French newspaper La Croix. “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam, however, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”
The Pope also said he “dreaded” hearing about the “Christian roots of Europe” because, to him, they take on “colonialist overtones” and he called on European nations to “integrate” Muslim migrants into the continent.

“This integration is all the more necessary today since, as a result of a selfish search for well-being, Europe is experiencing the grave problem of a declining birth rate,” he stated. “A demographic emptiness is developing.”
His opinions are stunningly similar to those of top Iman Sheikh Muhammad Ayed, who said Muslims should exploit the migrant crisis to breed with Europeans and “conquer their countries.”
“Europe has become old and decrepit and needs human reinforcement… they are not motivated by compassion for the Levant, its people and its refugees… soon, we will trample them underfoot, Allah willing,” he stated. “Throughout Europe, all the hearts are enthused with hatred toward Muslims. They wish that we were dead, but they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in our midst.”
“We will give them fertility! We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries!”
Pope Francis also promoted socialism during the interview.
“A completely free market does not work,” he claimed. “Markets in themselves are good but they also require a fulcrum, a third party, or a state to monitor and balance them.”
“In other words, [what is needed is] a social market economy.”
It’s been estimated that in the 20th century alone, socialism and communism resulted in the deaths of at least 130 million people.


Pope Francis: Spreading the Gospel
no different than ISIS jihad

Published on May 18, 2016
Pope Francis: Spreading the Gospel no different than ISIS jihad

(TRUNEWS) Pope Francis said in an interview with France’s La Croix that Jesus’ call to spread the Gospel was no different than the jihad being waged by radical Islamists.
As part of the discussion published Tuesday, the pope told La Croix:
“I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam. It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”

Read more at http://www.trunews.com/pope-francis-s…

Published on May 19, 2016
The Pope says that ISIS’ conquest of the Middle East is just like Jesus sending out his disciples.

I must have missed that bible chapter where Jesus’ disciples behead people, force them into sex slavery and make them pay a tax on pain of death if they refuse to convert.


Hugh Fitzgerald: Pope Francis: Islam and Christianity Share “the Idea of Conquest”

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/05/hugh-fitzgerald-pope-francis-islam-and-christianity-share-the-idea-of-conquestrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Pope Francis continues to astonish. He has just said, in an interview with the French Catholic paper La Croix, that “the idea of conquest is inherent to the soul of Islam.” As far as his understanding of Islam goes, this is a marked improvement over his disturbing statement, back in November 2013, that the “Koran is a book of peace” and “Islam is a peaceful religion.” Now he at last recognizes – how could he not, after yet another year of Muslim bombs and bloodletting all over the place? – that Islam has something to do with “conquest,” that is, spreading Islam by conquering non-Muslim lands. He must have been doing some reading, possibly even learning more about the life and works of that prophet and warlord, Muhammad.
But then, remembering to act as advocate for Islam, he immediately supplies a preposterous Tu Quoque against Christianity (and thus against himself), claiming that “it is also possible to interpret the objective of Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.” The “same idea of conquest”? What is the similarity between peaceful missionaries armed only with the Bible, sent out to persuade the pagans, and the armed might of Muslim Arab armies waging Jihad, with a religious mandate to subdue by force the Infidels, and then to present them with a stark choice: to be killed, to be at once converted (no complicated theological discussions needed), or to endure the dismal and deliberately humiliating condition of dhimmi, with its many social, economic, and political disabilities? The sleight-of-word that would treat the two ways of spreading the respective faiths, as both involving “conquest,” is bizarre. The Pope does not say outright that the objectives are the same; with pusillanimity aforethought, he says “it is possible to interpret the objective[s] in terms of the same idea of conquest.” But the “objective” of Muslims conducting Jihad is to subjugate and impose; the “objective” of those Christian disciples sent out to spread the Gospel was to persuade.
The Pope also demonstrates a desire to rescue Islam from suspicion: “Today, I don’t think that there is a fear of Islam as such but of ISIS and its war of conquest, which is partly drawn from Islam.” On what basis does he make this claim? Pope Francis claims there is fear only of ISIS, and not of Islam “as such.” But when non-Muslims are polled in France, in Germany, in Great Britain, in Italy, in Poland, in Denmark, in Sweden, as to whether they fear Islam, or are suspicious of Muslims, the answer increasingly is Yes, despite the frantic efforts of members of the media and political elites (and now Pope Francis) to substitute ISIS for Islam. Europeans are coming to understand that ISIS is merely Islam on stilts, a version that attempts to mimic the behavior and beliefs of the earliest Muslims. And why does Pope Francis claim that ISIS’ war of conquest is “partly drawn from Islam”? It is based entirely on Islam; had there been other, non-Islamic sources for ISIS’ ideology and its acts, you can be sure the Pope would have identified them.
The Pope says nothing about where the current “conquest” by Muslims is most in evidence – Europe itself — and by what means. He fails to discuss the duty of Jihad in Islam, or how Jihad can be conducted using whatever instruments are available and effective. In Western Europe, the most effective instrument at this point is not combat, qitaal, but the seemingly inexorable growth in Muslim numbers. Conquest need not be by force of arms; demography will do. Far from expressing any alarm over this amazing Muslim invasion of Europe, the Pope repeatedly has discussed the duty he thinks Europeans have to take in more and more of these Muslim migrants. And he is careful to minimize differences (between Islam and Christianity) where they are great, and exaggerate differences (between Islam and ISIS), where they are small. Both his heart, and his rhetoric, are in the wrong place.
Then there is the Pope’s duty to not misrepresent the past. It appears that he is willing to pass over in silence the role of Christianity in Europe’s history, in order – so he must think — to win temporary favor from Muslims in the present, and attain that famous interfaith dialogue on which he keeps placing his hopes. When asked why he never refers to the “Christian roots” of Europe, Pope Francis said he “sometimes dreads the tone [of those who mention those roots], which can seem triumphalist or even vengeful.” This objection is difficult to comprehend. The Pope refuses to make a simple statement of fact, which even the most convinced atheist could not deny; indeed, the Pope does not deny the “Christian roots” of Europe. Instead, he just won’t mention it, in his tender solicitousness for Muslim sensibilities, and his worry that because some people at some time have mentioned Europe’s “Christian roots” in a tone he describes as “triumphalist or even vengeful,” then he, Pope Francis, should refrain from mentioning those “Christian roots,” because he just might, you see, remind people of those who in the past have sounded “triumphalist or even vengeful.” And then, to complete the absurdity, he alludes to the Original Sin of White Western Christianity, Colonialism. Mention of “Christian roots” takes on, he claims, “colonialist overtones.” How? The “Christian roots” of Europe antedate colonialism by some 1600 years. The Pope, in a straightforward and sober tone, should be able to acknowledge those “Christian roots” of Europe without worrying about non-existent “colonialist overtones.” Don’t expect this Pope, by the way, ever to dare to recognize that the most successful example of colonialism in world history is that of Islam itself, where the colonized are taught to despise or forget their own pre-Islamic histories.
Is it really too much for the Pope to describe the differences between conducting Jihad and spreading the Gospel? Is it beyond him to proclaim the role of Christianity in Europe’s history, without sounding “triumphalist or even vengeful” or smuggling in “colonialist overtones”? If he doesn’t feel up to it, why not cut to the chase and try another solution: hand over the Papacy to the ghost of the islamo-christian Arab Edward Said? What better way to win the trust of Muslims, so that the “dialogue” the Pope keeps hoping for can at long last begin? Or, taking a different tack, in an I-have-a-dream mode, why should Pope Francis not reverse course and ask for some history lessons from his predecessor, and put that dialogue-chasing on permanent hold?


SEE: http://christiannews.net/2016/05/19/obama-admin-demands-hospitals-accommodate-transgenders-or-lose-funding/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
WASHINGTON — On the same day that the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Education threatened to revoke funding for public schools that do not allow students to use the restroom and locker room that correlates with their “gender identity,” the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) also released guidelines requiring federally-funded hospitals that may require hospital systems to perform sex change operations or similarly lose funding.
The rules pertain to language in the Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as Obamacare, and affects all hospitals that accept Medicare or Medicaid, as well as those directly funded by HHS. (Read in full here.)
The government asserts that the rules build upon the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Education Amendments of 1972, which the Obama administration has interpreted in recent months as applying to “gender identity.”
“Section 1557 builds on prior federal civil rights laws to prohibit sex discrimination in health care,” the document reads. “The final rule requires that women be treated equally with men in the health care they receive and also prohibits the denial of health care or health coverage based on an individual’s sex, including discrimination based on pregnancy, gender identity, and sex stereotyping.”
“The final rule also requires covered health programs and activities to treat individuals consistent with their gender identity,” it notes.
The department provide the examples that “a covered entity may not deny, based on an individual’s identification as a transgender male, treatment for ovarian cancer where the treatment is medically indicated” and if “an issuer or state Medicaid agency denies a claim for coverage for a hysterectomy that a patient’s provider says is medically necessary to treat gender dysphoria,” the case will be investigated.
The site Modern Healthcare also outlines that the rules could require that hospitals provide sex change operations and other treatments related to switching one’s gender identity.
“The rule does not explicitly require insurers to cover gender-transition treatments such as surgery. But insurers could face questions if they deny medically necessary services related to gender transition for a man who identifies as a woman, or a woman who identifies as a man,” it explains.
HHS says that in such cases, “[i]n evaluating whether it is discriminatory to deny or limit a request for coverage for a particular service for an individual seeking the service as part of transition-related care, … OCR will start by inquiring whether and to what extent coverage is available when the same service is not related to gender transition.”
“[T]ransgender people can now enter bathrooms or hospital wards consistent with their gender identity,” Modern Healthcare also notes. There are questions surrounding whether males who identify as females will be placed in shared rooms with female patients.
“While the final rule does not resolve whether discrimination on the basis of an individual’s sexual orientation status alone is a form of sex discrimination under Section 1557, the rule makes clear that OCR will evaluate complaints that allege sex discrimination related to an individual’s sexual orientation to determine if they involve the sorts of stereotyping that can be addressed under Section 1557,” a summary of the rules additionally explains.
“HHS supports prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination as a matter of policy and will continue to monitor legal developments on this issue,” the document outlines.
The Obama administration states that the rules do not include exemptions for religious entities, but also “does not displace existing protections for religious freedom and conscience.”
Hospitals might lose federal funding if they refuse to comply.
“Where noncompliance or threatened noncompliance cannot be corrected by informal means, available enforcement mechanisms include suspension of, termination of, or refusal to grant or continue federal financial assistance; referral to the Department of Justice with a recommendation to bring proceedings to enforce any rights of the United States; and any other means authorized by law,” the rule outlines.
A lawsuit might also be filed against the infringing entity in an effort to force compliance.
Faith-based organizations have expressed concern over being forced to provide sex change operations and other similar treatments, which they believe infringes on the rights of religious hospitals, such as Roman Catholic or Baptist hospital systems.
“This intolerant and unjust rule, in turn, threatens to force health care providers to participate in and perform services that substantially violate their consciences,” David Christensen, vice president of government affairs for the Washington-based Family Research Council, said in a statement.
“This is Orwellian,” Ken Klukowski with the First Liberty Institute also stated. “But beyond that, it is an unconstitutional assault on the First Amendment that the Obama administration is forcing their rejection of biological fact onto people whose faith teaches that ‘man’ and ‘woman’ refer to what they have meant for thousands of years, and that God purposefully created them that way.”


Sykes Pryor II-compressed

Trump Lists Judge Calling Abortion a ‘Right’ & Prosecutor of ‘Ten Commandments’ Judge for SCOTUS

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

NEW YORK — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has released his complete list of potential nominees for the United States Supreme Court should he win the presidency, which includes an appeals judge who has referred to abortion as a woman’s “right,” and a judge who once prosecuted Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore while serving as attorney general.
“Today Donald J. Trump released the much-anticipated list of people he would consider as potential replacements for Justice Scalia at the United States Supreme Court,” his campaign said in a press release Wednesday afternoon. “This list was compiled, first and foremost, based on constitutional principles, with input from highly respected conservatives and Republican Party leadership.”
The list contained 11 potential nominees, including Steven Colloton, Allison Eid, Thomas Lee, William Pryor, Diane Sykes, and Don Willett.
As previously reported, Skyes wrote the majority opinion in a 2013 case that barred the state of Indiana from defunding Planned Parenthood. She was nominated to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals by then-President George W. Bush.
“The defunding law excludes Planned Parenthood from Medicaid for a reason unrelated to its fitness to provide medical services, violating its patients’ statutory right to obtain medical care from the qualified provider of their choice,” Sykes wrote.
She then stressed the court’s belief in the “right” to abortion, and advised that the state must be careful to not indirectly limit access to abortion while simultaneously withholding taxpayer funds from known abortion providers.
“It is settled law that the government’s refusal to subsidize abortion does not impermissibly burden a woman’s right to obtain an abortion,” Sykes stated. “If a ban on public funding for abortion does not directly violate the abortion right, then Indiana’s ban on other forms of public subsidy for abortion providers cannot be an unconstitutional condition that indirectly violates the right.”
Trump has stated in the past that his sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, who serves on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, would make a “phenomenal” Supreme Court justice. Barry has issued pro-abortion rulings, stating regarding a New Jersey law that “a woman’s constitutional right to obtain an abortion would be impermissibly chilled.”
“I think she’d be phenomenal,” Trump told Bloomberg in August. “I think she’d be one of the best. But frankly, we’d have to rule that out.”
Her name was not included on Wednesday’s list.
Pryor and Moore
However, he did select Bill Pryor, the former attorney general of Alabama, who prosecuted Roy Moore in 2003 over his refusal to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of the Alabama Supreme Court. Pryor’s comments to Moore during his trial focused more on Moore’s refusal to stop acknowledging God as chief justice.
“[Y]our understanding is that the federal court ordered that you could not acknowledge God; isn’t that right?” Pryor asked. “And if you resume your duties as chief justice after this proceeding, you will continue to acknowledge God as you have testified that you would today?”
“That’s right,” Moore replied.
“No matter what any other official says?” Pryor asked.
“Absolutely,” Moore stated. “Let me clarify that. Without an acknowledgment of God, I cannot do my duties. I must acknowledge God. It says so in the Constitution of Alabama. It says so in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. It says so in everything I have read.”
“The only point I am trying to clarify, Mr. Chief Justice, is not why, but only that, in fact, if you do resume your duties as chief justice, you will continue to do that without regard to what any other official says; isn’t that right?” Pryor asked.
As Moore continued to stand his ground, he was ordered by Pryor to be “removed from his position of Supreme Court justice of Alabama.” Moore was re-elected to serve as chief justice in 2012.
As previously reported, Trump had mentioned both Sykes and Pryor in February as potential nominees following the sudden death of Antonin Scalia.
“We could have a Diane Sykes or a Bill Pryor,” he said. “We have some fantastic people.”
Some have noted that Trump’s selection of Willett is also interesting as Willett has repeatedly criticized and mocked Trump on Twitter.
“Can’t wait till Trump rips off his face Mission Impossible-style & reveals a laughing Ruth Bader Ginsburg,” he wrote in August of last year.


Fanning Credit Monic King-compressed
“He is the highest ranking openly gay member of the Department of Defense. He was a member of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund from 2004 to 2007. He favors the adoption by the U.S. military of a policy prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. He has said: “I personally like to see these things in writing and codified.” He has expressed a preference for the establishment of such a policy by the Department of Defense rather than the Obama administration: “My view about government is you should always use those resources that are available to you first before you move up to the next level, so I think there are a number of things we can do inside this building for the Department of Defense”. He supports allowing openly transgender persons to serve in the military as well.
SEE: http://christiannews.net/2016/05/18/u-s-senate-unanimously-confirms-nations-first-openly-homosexual-army-secretary/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate has confirmed the nomination of Eric Fanning to serve as Army secretary—a move that homosexual groups note make him the nation’s first openly homosexual secretary of the Army.
“I’m honored by today’s Senate confirmation and thrilled to return to lead the total Army team,” he said in a statement on Tuesday.
Fanning had previously served as special assistant to Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work. He also served as the undersecretary of the Air Force from 2013 to 2015, and for a time was the acting secretary of the Air Force.
Barack Obama had nominated Fanning for the post last September, but Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts placed a hold on the matter out of concern over whether the Obama administration would move detainees from Guantanamo Bay to Ft. Leavenworth.
As he reportedly received assurances last week that the move would not occur as there was not time left to do so, a vote on Fanning moved forward.
“I believe that because of last week, in a private meeting with Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work, I received the assurances I needed to hear to release my hold on Mr. Fanning,” Roberts told the Senate on Tuesday.
“I look forward to voting for Mr. Fanning, who has always had my support for this position,” he stated. “My hold was never about his courage, character or capability, but rather about our nation’s security if the detainees were moved to Ft. Leavenworth.”
The vote to confirm Fanning was unanimous, with some noting his homosexuality in praising the confirmation, such as Sen. Dan Sullivan, R-Alaska, who Tweeted that the approval was “an historic moment for #LGBT service members.”
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, also Tweeted, “Congratulations to Eric Fanning on historic appointment as the first openly gay @SECARMY.”
Homosexual advocacy groups applauded the confirmation in focusing on Fanning’s sexuality, with Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin remarking in a statement, “Eric Fanning’s historic confirmation today as Secretary of the U.S. Army is a demonstration of the continued progress towards fairness and equality in our nation’s armed forces.”
As previously reported, homosexuality was outlawed in early America as a number of states passed sodomy laws under their criminal statutes, banning sexual activity between those of the same gender due to biblical prohibitions against it.
“By 1791, when the original 13 states ratified the Bill of Rights, they all treated sodomy as a criminal offense,” chronicles on the matter state.
In 1778, General George Washington ordered Lieutenant Frederick Gotthold Enslin to be drummed out of the camp for “attempting to commit sodomy” with a male soldier.
His March 14th proclamation stated, “His Excellency, the Commander in Chief, approves the sentence, and with abhorrence and detestation of such infamous crimes, orders Lieut. Enslin to be drummed out of camp tomorrow morning by all the drummers and fifers in the Army never to return; the drummers and fifers to attend on the Grand Parade at guard mounting for that purpose.”

Eric Fanning: First Openly Gay
U.S. Military Leader Sworn In

Barack Hussein Obama Accelerates His ’Emasculation Jihad’ On The U.S. Military

Barack Obama has nominated an openly sodomite man to be Secretary of the Army.



SEE: http://christiannews.net/2016/05/17/obama-appoints-man-who-identifies-as-woman-to-faith-based-neighborhood-partnerships-council/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
WASHINGTON — Barack Obama has appointed a man who identifies as a woman to serve on his Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.
The man, who goes by the name Barbara Satin, is a veteran of the United States Air Force and formerly served on the United Church of Christ’s executive council. He was behind the denomination’s decision to affirm transgendered persons in the ministry.
Satin was raised by his mother after his father died just over a year after Satin was born. He went on to marry a woman and the two had three children together.
“At age 54, Barbara took early retirement and then began to explore more fully her transgender identity,” Satin’s biography outlines. “With the support of her children and a knowledgeable therapist, Barbara came to understand that her transgender identity was how God had made her and rather than being a curse it could be a blessing in her life.”
“As a way to more fully explore her identity, she moved out of the family home to live full-time as Barbara,” it says.
He left his Roman Catholic upbringing for the United Church of Christ since Roman Catholicism does not affirm the transgender lifestyle.
Satin is now involved with a number of homosexual and transgender advocacy groups, and was invited to the White House earlier this year to speak to the Obama administration about housing issues for seniors who identify as homosexual or transgender. Currently, Satin serves as the Assistant Faith Work Director for the National LGBTQ Task Force.
On Thursday, Obama announced his intent to nominate 11 individuals to various administrative posts. Satin was included in the list as a member of the Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.
“Given the current political climate, I believe it’s important that a voice of faith representing the transgender and gender non-conforming community—as well as a person of my years, nearly 82—be present and heard in these vital conversations,” Satin said in a statement released by the United Church of Christ.
Included in the nominations for the council were Naseem Kourosh, the human rights officer at the U.S. Bahá’í Office of Public Affairs, and Manjit Singh, the co-founder and chairman of the board of directors of the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund.
Thomas Reese, S.J., a senior analyst for the National Catholic Reporter, and Dr. John Ruskay, the executive vice president-emeritus of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, were both appointed to serve on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.
“These fine public servants bring a depth of experience and tremendous dedication to their important roles. I look forward to working with them,” Obama said in a statement.
However, not all those who have struggled with gender identity believe that it is right to support and affirm a person’s desire to live as those of the opposite sex.
As previously reported, Walt Heyer, a 75-year-old man who obtained a sex change operation in the 1980’s to live as a woman for eight years before reverting back to his biological gender, now leads a ministry in which he shares his story with the world of how Christ redeemed his life and gave him hope.
“Nobody’s ever born a transgender,” he told the Daily Mail last January. “They’re manufactured as a result of something, a developmental childhood issue that has yet to be determined for many people.”
“All of them have some level of depression, and we’re not treating them,” Heyer lamented. “We’re just cutting off body parts and giving them a new name and a new gender.”
“God designed man; He designed women,” he also said in a video recorded last year. “God will redeem the lives of people who struggle with gender identity issues just like I did. He redeemed my life, and I’ve been free from it as a result of that.”

Obama Appoints Mentally Sick Transgender Man to Lead Presidential Council

Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah has appointed a member of the United Church of Christ’s Executive Council and a transgender leader in the denomination to server on his Faith-based Neighborhood Partnerships.

SEE: http://freedomoutpost.com/obama-appoints-mentally-sick-transgender-man-to-lead-presidential-council/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God. –Deuteronomy 22:5
Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah has appointed a member of the United Church of Christ’s Executive Council and a transgender leader in the denomination to server on his Faith-based Neighborhood Partnerships.
Seventy-nine-year-old Barbara Satin (I have no idea what his real name is) is currently serving as Assistant Faith Work Director for The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and celebrating the opening of Spirit on Lake, a new, 46 unit affordable rental project for LGBT seniors in Minneapolis in which she has been a major participant.
The main problem is that Satin is a man who dresses like a woman, which is an abomination before the Creator, you know, the One who gives right to men, but not the right to commit abominations?
The White House appointed Satin, along with ten other individuals on May 12, to the advisory council.
“These fine public servants bring a depth of experience and tremendous dedication to their important roles,” said Obama. “I look forward to working with them.” 
“Given the current political climate, I believe it’s important that a voice of faith representing the transgender and gender non-conforming community—as well as a person of my years, nearly 82—be present and heard in these vital conversations,” said Satin.
And America tolerates this depravity! Satin needs repentance, not an advisory position, but I don’t blame Barack Obama for that. Instead, I blame the United Church of Christ for its lack of loving discipline towards Barbara. They have allowed this person to wander into sin without any loving restraints to call him to repentance and allow him to stay in good standing in the body of Christ rather than a stern and sharp rebuke of his sin towards the Creator.


The Doctrine of LGBTQ-ee-ii-ee-ii-oo and The United Methodist Church

SEE: http://pulpitandpen.org/2016/05/16/the-doctrine-of-lgbtq-ee-ii-ee-ii-oo-and-the-united-methodist-church/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
It’s happening already, as you know. The orthodox church, while being bombarded with anti-biblical efforts of enemy-inspired ecumenism, will continue to be challenged to succumb to cultural pressures in the name of love, tolerance, and co-existence.
In a post-modern world where relativism is the rule, where spiritualism and emotionalism are the mechanisms for a mystical relationship with the divine, and where absolute truth can, under no circumstances, be asserted, the church will be ground zero for sin-embracing hordes following the idol of tolerance.  But we know that idol’s name.
Before even the dust is settled from the evil conquest of the American government’s wrongful redefinition of marriage, now closely followed by this “let me use the potty I choose” nonsense, the church remains the desired target. Don’t fail to recognize that.
States have been given the marching orders of government-dictated marriage tolerance. Schools have been given directives about how to let a 2nd-grade little boy who self-identifies as a little girl use the bathroom of choice. Churches are next, of course, because they are the ultimate goal of the enemy. He can’t challenge God’s Word in a godless culture. That’s got to happen in pews and pulpits.
For the authentic believer, for those in the true church, what’s going on in the world should not be a surprise. How can unbelievers be expected to do anything other than follow the desires of their fallen flesh? It should not go unnoticed that, when the Apostle Paul gives his list of provocations for “the wrath of God being revealed from heaven” in Romans 1, sexual immorality secures the preeminent position.
“Women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature,” and “men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another.” God “gave them up” which is His divine judgment on sin, particularly on the sin that directly challenges the fundamental institution of marriage that the Lord established long before governments came on the scene.
Far from seemingly simplistic ecclesiastic debates over women as deacons, or women as pastors, the epic battle over the LGBTQ agenda within the church is coming to the forefront. It’s one thing that the government might just seek to administer bathroom rules for your local church, but it’s quite another when churches discover the enemy working from within.  And the enemy’s looking for more than mere restroom rights.  He’s looking for an unfettered embrace.  He’s looking for an Eve to answer again as the first one did to his question “Hath God said.”
But that’s what’s happening and is going to happen with more and more frequency, and with greater ferocity. Frankly, you can’t preach a man-centered, “its-all-about-you” gospel, offer eternal absolution on the basis of a prayer repeated or an aisle walked, and not, eventually, realize your church is stuffed to the stained-glass windows with false converts. False converts, by the way, still follow the desires of the flesh, including homosexual and transgender desires.
Consider the mission of the Reconciling Ministries Network. Their mission statement reads “Reconciling Ministries Network mobilizes United Methodists of all sexual orientations and gender identities to transform our Church and world into the full expression of Christ’s inclusive love.”
Well, that sounds all kum-ba-yah-esque, doesn’t it? If you recall that little verse, “for the wages of sin is death,” you realize that when God gives folks up to their sin, it’s a death sentence of divine judgment. However, when a “ministry” bases its mission on sin, it’s evidence of a serpent in the sanctuary. It’s proof that we’re not in Eden anymore.
According to an article in Christian News, “Over 100 United Methodist clergy came out as homosexual or transgender this week in a letter publicly addressed to the denomination in an effort to draw attention to the issue ahead of the General Conference and to seek acceptance despite policies that prohibit practicing homosexuals from serving in the ministry.” The letter cited was issued by Reconciling Ministries Network which seeks nothing less than a redefinition of doctrine so that they may be reconciled, accepted, and tolerated with the church – not with God. I guess they believe He’s already adjusted His Word to accommodate their sin.
The article further states that “over 500 homosexual and transgender clergy spanning various denominations signed a separate letter expressing support for the United Methodist leaders who came out in their correspondence.” (When it comes to sin, there is no “power in numbers,” because, after all, it’s a wide path that leads to destruction.  Oh yeah, and God is sovereign.)
Despite the enemy-induced, culturally-supported, and potentially soon-to-be government directed doctrine of tolerance, (You can just see it coming, can’t you?) the United Methodist Church Book of Discipline rightly states that “the practice of homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching,” and that “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” may not be ordained into the clergy within the denomination.
So far, the UMC seems to be sticking with their correct Biblical convictions. John Lemperis, the Director of the United Methodist Action Program of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, says, “Even liberal Biblical scholars now agree that the Old and New Testaments are very clear in their moral disapproval of homosexual practice.” “If Jesus is truly Lord,” Lemperis says, “then no area of our lives can be off-limits to Him.”
Lemperis is right, of course, but the enemy cares nothing for the nobility of Scriptural convictions. We can see something of his modus operandi by how the issue for the UMC isn’t being dictated by an over-reaching government. It’s being driven by an enemy in their midst.
These times, though, are nothing new. Just as Paul wrote in the first century, when rampant sexual immorality brought forth the wrathful judgment of our righteous God, so too in our times ought the church’s response be as Paul commanded then. “Purge the evil person from among you.” 1 Corinthians 5:13
If the government continues its overreaching tendencies into realms over which it has no authority, true believers ought not fret. We have a sovereign God and a King of Kings who still managed to build His church despite the terrorizing, hateful, and persecuting world around it. In fact, as ecclesiastic history shows, it seems He relished building it with a vigor when it seemed most unlikely to blossom.   Persecution became a divine catalyst.  But, then, that’s the power of the Gospel.
To be loving is to share the Gospel with these lost souls. When souls are truly saved by God through that Gospel, they too will discover how incredibly, and eternally, wonderful it is to belong to a God who is so righteously divisive, so inflexibly intolerant, … and so truly loving.


SBC’s Floyd: Doctrine of Unity Demands 
Decree Against Dissenters
SEE: http://pulpitandpen.org/2016/05/18/sbcs-floyd-doctrine-of-unity-demands-decree-against-dissenters/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
In what might be appropriately compared to that time back in the 16th century when a certain pope, riled by the outrageous Biblical truths being spouted by an up-start academic German monk, issued a papal cease and desist order, Ronnie Floyd, President of the Southern Baptist Convention, has written a perhaps kinder, gentler entreaty with the same goals.  Silence the detractors for the sake of power … err … unity!
Floyd, soon to complete his second and final term at the helm of the SBC, wrote yet another blogged diatribe about his hallowed doctrine of unity.  It’s over on the Baptist Press, in case you want to read it.  Be aware that Floyd’s plea isn’t theologically rooted either in the doctrine of the unity of the Trinity, nor, even, the doctrine of the unity of the church. Floyd touts the doctrine of denominational unity, a tenet unfounded, as you know, in actual Scripture.
“Unity demands we accept one another in love.”  
That’s how he starts.  Well, umm, actually Ronnie, the overwhelming impact of Christ’s grace in saving me, giving me a new heart, and generating fruit of the Spirit in my life is what prompts me to love my perhaps otherwise unlovable neighbor. Unity has nothing to do with it.  In fact, “unity” is never on my mind as either a concern or a motive for my Christian love. Then again, I’m not enthroned over a denomination that seems to be looking up as the drain drags the clog further down.
Floyd needs unity, wants unity, craves unity because he thinks the magical potion of “come together, kum-ba-ya-ism” will be a tourniquet for the massive bloodletting of members from the ranks.  That wound of bloodletting has only widened under Floyd, by the way.
In his blog, Floyd goes on to blindly pass right over the actual reason the bloodletting continues.  The hemorrhaging is being catalyzed by the perpetual proclamation of little more than a prosperity gospel from pulpits, the so overly-contextualized Gospel that it’s surprising that the name Jesus even remains in it, and the self-righteous SBC presumption that we will do a job Jesus reserved for Himself – namely, build the church.
“Southern Baptists are no longer in a battle for the Bible, but in a battle with one another.  The very soul of our convention is at stake.”
Ooohhh, that sounds so foreboding.  The soul of the convention is at stake.
“The soul of the convention?”  Gimme a break.  Believe it or don’t – and apparently Ronnie “don’t” –  Jesus is incredibly more interested that His Gospel – the real one, not the one contextualized to nearly obscuring the divine – be proclaimed, in its’ fullness, to souls that He may just save.  Those are the souls matter.
But Floyd is absolutely mistaken that we aren’t any longer “in a battle for the Bible.”  That’s the error.  And it’s an error of … well … Biblical proportions.
IT IS ALWAYS ABOUT THE WORD, Ronnie.  Always.  Just pretend that your life as a believer is always in an “Eden” moment, because in some way, by some means, the enemy is incessantly attacking that Word … and your obedience to it.
In the sense that the SBC did, indeed, stand firm on our convictions regarding Scripture he is correct.  The results precipitated the “conservative resurgence” which swept through affiliated Baptist colleges and seminaries, insuring professorial compliance with our Statement of Faith, particularly on Scripture.
Yet Ronnie Floyd would have you, and me, rest on the laurels of a “been there, conquered that” battle as if the war itself were over.  That war rages on.  We know that because Jesus hasn’t returned yet.  So the Word is still being attacked and the battles yet continue.
Floyd’s assumptive statement about that “battle” being over leads to his complaint that now we are “in a battle with one another.”  Hopefully, those battlers unnamed by Floyd are battling against his claim that the battle over the Bible is won.  It assuredly is not. While he does name the foes in this unity-threatening battle, he defines it with a sense of ultimate, potential demise.  “The very soul of our convention is at stake.”
But here’s the problem.  Floyd, like so much of the SBC, disregards Scripture. While affirming its authority, infallibility, and inerrancy, he, and so many SBC pastors and leaders, deny its sufficiency.
We give it lip service but you can look at the very things we do that deny the sufficiency of Scripture to see that the enemy is winning that battle.  When you plant 1,000 new churches and lose a quarter million members in a single year, explain to me how that momentous victory in the battle for the Bible works out.  It doesn’t.
If we believed in the sufficiency of Scripture, we would actually trust Christ when He said, “I will build my church.”  Instead, scour the SBC web world and you will find enough church plant models and church growth procedures to shoot out of Floyd’s baptistry confetti cannons for a month of Sundays.  We have presumed to do Jesus’ job because we just don’t think He’ll do it right, I suppose.
It’s a simple formula you find in Scripture.  We share the Gospel.  God saves whom He will through its proclamation … all to accomplish the words of Jesus, “I will build my church.”
Instead, we skip right past the Gospel.  We fold it, spindle it, mutilate it, contextualize it and THEN – and only THEN – we engage the culture with THAT “gospel,” which is not the Gospel.  It’s a man-made, user-friendly appeal to join our family, or get in our club, or become a member.   We’ll do it our way, though “our way” is failing dramatically.  (Thank you all the same but the Gospel ain’t an order down at the BK.)
Floyd proceeds to lay out an agenda for his doctrine of unity .  Among his unity-inducing points is this comment:
”A runaway, unaccountable church lay leader, pastor, or a leader in our convention poses a major threat to unity among us. ”
SILENCE THE DISSENTER!  So let it be written.  So let it be done.  I’m thinkin’ Pope Leo felt the same way about that Luther fella.   Whaddya think?
Who is Floyd talking about here?  Anyone who challenges him?  Anyone who speaks up? (kinda like in this very article you’re reading) Floyd doesn’t state whom he’s referring to, but anyone anywhere in the denomination that threatens its unity is suggestively being called anathema.
But it’s evidence that Floyd and others worship the idol of unity, rather than trust the One True God. In calling out dissenters, those “unaccountable” voices Floyd bemoans, he’s engaging in nothing less than a reverse form of disunity. By attacking those who speak up, Floyd himself engages in defiant acts of disunity he himself bemoans. (Sounds kinda medievally popish.)
Nowhere in Scripture are we told that we must achieve, attempt, or ensure the unity of the church.  While the unity of the SBC may be, and probably ought to be, regularly, healthily assailed with “examine yourself” critiques, denominational unity is not a Scriptural goal.  Obedience to Scripture, and thus to God, is the goal.
As a denomination, we should be focused on the singular mission Christ gave all believers. And, that mission is NOT to build the church or the denomination.   It is to proclaim the Gospel.  This is why member churches are cooperating, isn’t it?  (Instead, during Floyd’s tenure, the SBC had to yank nearly 1000 folks from mission fields. But I don’t think I’m supposed to mention that, FYI.)
I learned this little secret from Scripture … Jesus ensured the unity of His church – the true church –back there when He prayed for it in John 17.  We don’t need to fret over it.  It’s a done deal.
Of course, Jesus was not praying for unity within the SBC because truly that is of little import to Him.  We would, instead, do well to serve Him well which means “do all that I have commanded.”  But the SBC is bleeding members like a stuck pig and … trusting Jesus just ain’t working!  We’re losing members!  (We’re losing members because of a watered down Gospel proclamation, not because of a lack of unity.)
We aren’t obeying.  We aren’t trusting Jesus. We aren’t trusting the Word.  We are trusting in – as Paul says in 1 Corinthians – the “wisdom of the world” to fix our woes with such things church planting models, church growth mechanisms, and a myriad of multiplication maneuvers.  All things founded in the world’s wisdom.  And that wisdom is folly to God, as you know and as you can see within the SBC.
The Gospel alone is the power of God for salvation. If lost souls being saved is our true desire – rather than back-slapping church growth statistics – then it’s the Gospel we must proclaim.
This is the downgrade folks.  A return to the primacy of, and obedience to, the sufficiency of Scripture is the fix for it because the disregard of those very things ARE the downgrade.  (Toss in a well-needed dose of Biblically commanded discernment and things might begin looking rather hunky-dory.)
As for “dividers” in the church, let’s define from Scripture who they are.
I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught;avoid them. Romans 16:17
Dividers are those teaching contrary doctrine. It may be properly exegeted to also include those in pulpits and ecclesiastic leadership who simply teach NO doctrine.  Of note, Floyd, who has shown an eagerness to hold hands with those of blatantly unbiblical beliefs, thinks, though, that someone raising their voice in concern is a dissenter, a divider.
Based on his own behavior when compared to Scripture, though, Floyd is actually the divider, because rather than “exposing them,” Floyd holds hands with heresy. Rather than “avoiding” true dividers, Floyd bemoans those who just may be, simply like Luther, begging, pleading, and praying for a return of the denomination to the Word of God and strict obedience to its commands.  Such voices can only be considered divisive if you don’t agree to the sufficiency of Scripture and wish to obey it.
Methinks Floyd has identified the wrong foes, and aligned himself, and the SBC, with the wrong “friends.” Scripture is sufficient. It’s been sufficient for Christ’s purposes for two millennia. The SBC ought to repent, believe, and obey.
The Kingdom of God is, indeed, at hand … but the SBC is wandering aimlessly in a doctrine-free desert with a leader exuding pride over winning a “battle for the Bible.” It’s not enough to affirm a bold statement about Scripture in the BF&M.  That’s not the victory we need.  The one we need comes only from  “trust and obey.”


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Citing concerns about about a possible economic crisis and a desire for monetary stability, the State of Tennessee is now officially on record supporting the establishment of a depository facility to house gold and other precious metals for Tennesseans. In a remarkable example of bi-partisanship on serious issues, the resolution passed unanimously in both the state House and Senate before being signed by the governor. But more work remains, according to pro-Constitution and sound money activists supporting the efforts.
Analysts and supporters said the measure was an important step on the road to restoring honest money and a stable monetary system based on gold and silver in Tennessee and beyond. As the Federal Reserve banking cartel continues to debase the U.S. dollar and enrich its cronies at the expense of everyday Americans, other states are also exploring and pursuing similar efforts — and in some cases even more ambitious ones, such as a law in Texas establishing a gold-backed bank that lawmakers said would challenge the Federal Reserve's monopoly on currency.
The measure in Tennessee, House Joint Resolution 516, puts the state on record in official support of “the safekeeping and storage of gold and precious metal bullion and coins in a Tennessee bullion depository or other such similar facility.” The resolution also supports the security that such an institution would provide.
According to the measure, the “unpredictable national economy” has led to efforts to achieve “increased monetary stability and liquidity and greater financial security in the event of a national or international financial crisis.” However, despite successful efforts in other states to expand and facilitate commerce in precious metals, the Tennessee resolution does not specifically call for or facilitate the use of precious metals as currency or legal tender.
Still, HJR 516 does acknowledge that concerns about America's economic health have spurred Tennesseans to acquire gold, silver, and other assets that cannot be quietly confiscated via inflation at the whims of central bankers. “In response to the state of our national economy, individuals and entities have purchased gold and other precious metals in the form of bullion and coins in order to achieve the desired financial security and stability,” explains the measure.
Because citizens have been buying up gold and other precious metals, being able to ensure the  “security and safekeeping” of their assets is “paramount to their utilization as investments in the event of an economic crisis,” the final measure declared, implicitly suggesting that the commodities would be used as money in the event of serious turmoil. As such, Tennessee lawmakers decided to support the establishment of an institution in the state to help citizens protect their gold and other precious metals.
HJR 516 was introduced by Tennessee Rep. Bud Hulsey, a Republican and retired lawman from Kingsport, in late January. The bipartisan measure was passed overwhelmingly in March, with 95 votes in favor and none opposed. The next month, it passed unanimously in the Tennessee Senate, with zero “nay” votes and 26 senators in favor of the resolution. On April 27, Gov. Bill Haslam, a Republican, signed it.
Despite its national significance, the media missed the story. However, in a series of articles on its webpage, the non-partisan Tenth Amendment Center, a national group that works to rein in Washington, D.C., and restore the proper constitutional balance between federal and state power, celebrated the measure. After the governor signed it, TAC Communications Director Mike Maharrey said the resolution is “setting the stage for the creation of a state bullion depository, an important first step toward establishing gold and silver as money in the state.”
However, more work remains to be done, he said. “As the next step, a bill to establish a depository should be introduced and passed during the next legislative session,” continued Maharrey, who is also an author of a book on restoring liberty. “There appears to be no barriers to getting this done. Now it’s up to activists in Tennessee to keep the pressure on and ensure the legislators and governor follow through.”
Separately, Maharrey called for state efforts to nullify the Federal Reserve's monopoly on legal tender currency. He also pushed for state adherence to Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits states from making anything but gold and silver into legal tender. “Creation of a Tennessee Gold Depository would take a step toward that constitutional requirement, ignored for decades in every state,” he continued. “Such a tactic would undermine the monopoly the Federal Reserve System by introducing competition into the monetary system.”
Making gold and silver more easy to use as currency, he added, could bring about important benefits to Tennessee and its people. And there is a bill in Tennessee that would move the state in that direction. However, while HJR 516 passed by massive margins, another piece of legislation that would actually help expand the use of gold and silver in commerce has not yet been approved. Introduced in January by Senator Frank Niceley, Senate Bill 1610 (SB1610) would exempt gold and silver bullion from sales tax. Numerous other states have taken similar action to help expand the use of precious metals in commerce.
It is not the first time lawmakers in the Volunteer State have considered the issue of monetary stability and how Tennessee might prepare for potential crises down the line. In fact, just five years ago, the legislature, joining other states pursuing similar efforts, considered whether the state might adopt an alternative currency in case the Federal Reserve System broke down. In response to questions from attorney Joe Wolverton of The New American, Tennessee State Senator Bill Ketron (R-Murfreesboro), the sponsor of the resolution, offered his thoughts on why it was wise to consider the future.  
“We now owe China in the trillions and Japan is second. What would happen if there was another cataclysmic event? I'm not Chicken Little saying the sky is falling, but prudent businesses are always prepared for the worst-case scenario,” Senator Ketron explained. “The present monetary and banking systems of the United States, centered around the Federal Reserve System, have come under ever-increasing strain during the last several years, and will be exposed to ever-increasing and predictably debilitating strain in the years to come.”
Senator Ketron also pointed out correctly that many widely recognized experts have predicted the “inevitable destruction of the Federal Reserve System’s currency through hyperinflation in the foreseeable future.” And in the event of an economic calamity, if the state is not prepared, its finances and economy could be thrown into chaos, with serious implications for the lives, health, and prosperity of Tennesseans. But by adopting a potential alternative sound currency, the state would be able to avoid, or at least mitigate, many of the problems that would inevitably accompany a breakdown of the Federal Reserve and its increasingly discredited fiat (unbacked) currency.    
Lawmakers in Tennessee are hardly the only ones thinking ahead to the future — and projecting the lines. After all, the out-of-control central bank has now been thoroughly exposed showering trillions on its cronies around the world and bailing out mega-banks with debt-based currency conjured into existence out of thin air. As The New American has documented extensively, numerous states, including UtahNew Hampshire,Oklahoma, VirginiaArizona, and others, have also adopted or considered measures in recent years related to creating, legalizing, or expanding the use of sound-currency alternatives such as gold and silver.
In Texas, state officials are currently taking bids from companies to build a gold-backed bank and depository institution for the state and its citizens, as well as for anyone who would like to store their precious metals there or use the bank's services. According to Texas Representative Giovanni Capriglione, who authored and sponsored the law that was adopted last year, the bank will allow depositors to bypass the Federal Reserve System and its fiat currency in banking and commerce — all while enjoying the safety and stability that Texas and hard assets can provide.  
In an interview with the popular TruNews radio program, the state lawmaker explained that the bank would be much safer and more reliable than traditional banks, for a number of reasons. “We set up a system of depository agents so you can have any corporation, any group, basically start a depository agent, and they can send and receive through this depository system, outside of the Federal Reserve System,” Capriglione explained. The bank has garnered interest from around the world, he added.   
Of course, Tennessee's latest resolution, state laws making gold and silver legal tender, and even Texas' gold bank are only small steps on the road toward eventually restoring sound currency in the United States. But as the economy continues to deteriorate, notwithstanding the bogus claims of the federal government and the banking cartel styling itself the “Federal Reserve” about an alleged “recovery,” those actions can help point the way for other states looking to restore economic sanity.
The “Fed,” as the central bank is known, has almost destroyed the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar, and the U.S. economy along with it, all to benefit the establishment, the mega-banks, and their cronies. But as states across America are proving right now, that does not have to be the end of the story.
Related articles:


SEE: http://www.newswithviews.com/baldwin/baldwin909.htm
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

The Barack Obama Justice and Education departments have declared that all public schools be required to institute gender-neutral bathrooms where boys can freely enter girls’ bathrooms and vice versa. Failure to comply threatens federal funding. But putting boys in girls’ bathrooms is NOT where the proclamation stops.
Writing for National Review, David French reports, “You may not have realized it yet, but the Obama administration just destroyed the traditional American public school. Without an act of Congress, without a ruling from the Supreme Court, and without even going through the motions of the regulatory rule-making process, the administration issued a letter drafting every single public educational institution in the country to implement the extreme edge of the sexual revolution.
“The Department of Justice and the Department of Education have declared that they now ‘interpret’ federal law to not only support the fantastical notion that boys can become girls but also to impose new legal requirements that impact every aspect of school life. The administration’s letter sweeps far beyond bathrooms–imposing a new speech code on school employees and even students, opening girls’ showers to boys, requiring schools to allow boys to sleep in girls’ rooms on overnight field trips, requiring boys to room with girls even in single-sex dorms, and putting boys on girls’ sports teams.”
See the report here.
Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant called the directive “outrageous” and directed his State’s education department to disregard the order. Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick called the order “blackmail” and also said, “This will be the end of public education. People will pull their kids out, homeschooling will explode, private schools will increase.” Both he and Texas Governor Greg Abbott have denounced the proclamation and have promised to fight it. Also saying they would fight the order are governors Asa Hutchinson (Arkansas) and Gary Herbert (Utah).
But for the most part, Republicans have been totally silent. In typical fashion, the GOP is too busy trying to not offend the media. And are we to take it that Democrats really want their sons and daughters going to the bathroom and taking showers with the opposite sex? Of course, Obama’s two daughters attend private schools that will not be affected by this perverse proclamation.
But even more disgusting is the fact that the vast majority of pastors and churches have said absolutely nothing. They are too busy trying to not offend the IRS and trying to figure out how to out-Hollywood Hollywood in order to draw bigger and bigger crowds.
The big question is: are the moms and dads of America’s public school children going to stand for this perversity that is going to directly affect their children? Are they really going to sit back and give their sons and daughters over to the government-mandated corruption of the innocence and moral purity of our nation’s schoolchildren? Lt. Gov. Patrick predicts the implementation of this order will be the “end of public education.” But will it? Will the parents of America actually resist this blatant attempt to invade not only the bathrooms and showers but also the moral conscience of their children? Or will they passively allow their children to be subjected to this grotesque and overt attempt to destroy their moral conscience?
If this order is allowed to be fully implemented, this nation is toast. In the entire history of the world, no nation has ever survived once it has given itself–and especially its children–over to universal moral corruption. Ever. And giving our children over to moral corruption is exactly what Obama’s proclamation does.
David French also correctly wrote, “First, the very act of teaching biology and human physiology will be hate speech unless it’s modified to conform to the new transgender ‘facts.’ Teachers will have to take great pains to note that chromosomes, reproductive organs, hormonal systems, and any other physical marker of sex is irrelevant to this thing called ‘gender,’ which, ‘factually,’ is a mere state of mind.
“Second, any statements of dissent–from teachers or students–will be treated as both ‘anti-science’ and ‘discriminatory,’ contributing to a ‘hostile environment’ that schools are legally bound to prohibit. This prohibition will go well beyond the use of pronouns and into discussions of what it means to be male and female. The argument that a ‘girl’ with a penis remains a boy will be treated exactly the same as an argument that blacks are inferior to whites or Arabs inferior to Jews.
“Third, public schools will now be even further opposed, doctrinally and legally, to orthodox Christianity. Christian parents who send their children to public schools need to be aware of the new ‘facts.’ They will be taught not only that their churches are factually wrong in their assessments of sex and gender but that they are actually bigoted and hateful–comparable to white supremacists.
“Fourth, the administration’s actions set a key political precedent. Federal funding–long seen as a boon to local schools–is now clearly and unmistakably an instrument of national control. The federal education bureaucracy is stocked with energetic and creative progressives, and last week’s letter represents just one more step in an ongoing effort to turn money into mandates.”
See the report here.
“Turn[ing] money into mandates” seems to be the crux of the issue. In the same way that the federal government threatens to withhold funding from schools that refuse to implement this act of corrupting the morals of our nation’s schoolchildren, it threatens (through the IRS-created 501c3 tax-exempt status for churches) to withhold tax exemption from churches that dare to speak out on this or any other “political” issue.
Truly, for the sake of waking our pastors and churches out of their coma and getting them involved again in the fight to preserve the liberties and way of life of our nation, it would be better if churches were NOT tax-exempt at all. Let them start paying taxes and see how quickly and aggressively they would again engage the salient issues of our day. Again, in the same way that the federal government threatens to withhold funding for schools that will not comply, it threatens to withhold tax exemption from churches that speak out against compliance. Which is worse? School leaders and church leaders alike are groveling before the federal government for the scraps from the king’s table.
In addition to the immorality of Obama’s proclamation, constitutional attorneys Bill Olson and Herb Titus filed an amicus brief on May 10 in a Gloucester, Virginia, case that now falls under the Obama proclamation dated three days later. Here is a summary written by Olson and Titus:
“The Obama Administration has done it again. In an effort to strip school children of their modesty and morals, Obama has issued new instructions governing use of rest rooms, locker rooms, and showers in every government-funded school in the country. And, in predictably lawless fashion, Obama has violated not one, but two federal laws. First, he took a 1972 law, Title IX, which was designed to prevent sex discrimination in education, and says that as of today, the word ‘sex’ in the statute does not mean the ‘sex’ you were born with. It means whatever ‘gender’ you feel like on a given day. And, if that was not bad enough, the manner in which the Obama Administration acted was to legislate by letter, not just usurping legislative power, but Obama violating another federal law–the Administrative Procedures Act.
“Purporting to act according to what are known as official ‘good guidance’ practices, the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice and the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education issued a transgender ‘good guidance’ letter, dated May 13, 2016. Such a ‘good guidance’ letter can only be issued if it does not add requirements to applicable law, but provides information and examples to inform recipients about how the Departments evaluate whether covered agencies are complying with their legal obligations.
“However, like a newly enacted statute or promulgation of a new regulation, the May 13 good guidance letter includes list of new terms, never previously adopted by Congress or the Administration. Not only that, but the letter contains rules governing the interpretation of those new legal terms. For example, the letter defines ‘gender identity’ to be ‘an individual’s internal sense of gender,’ but then forbids the use of any objective standard–such as ‘medical diagnosis or treatment’–to verify any individual claim. One’s gender identity is, thus, established solely by a person’s subjective claim. And that claim can change from day to day.
“Additionally, the good guidance letter indicates that the rules governing ‘sex segregated activities and facilities’ are not the same. As for restroom and locker use, ‘transgender students must have access to such facilities consistent with their gender identity,’ but with respect to ‘athletics,’ gender identity is not the sole determinant of access. That is, for athletics, a boy who feels he should be a ‘transgender girl’ could be excluded from the girls’ basketball team, but not put out of the girls’ locker room.
“None of these examples merely ‘provides information and examples’ of existing regulations–which is all that guidance letters may do lawfully. This letter presents brand new interpretations of the word ‘sex’ and new applications of new terms. And, they are binding.”
See the report here.
I repeat what I said earlier: if this order is allowed to be fully implemented, this nation is toast. In the entire history of the world, no nation has ever survived once it has given itself–and especially its children–over to universal moral corruption. And giving our children over to moral corruption is exactly what Obama’s proclamation does.
William Wilberforce, the famed British statesman who was primarily responsible for ending the slave trade in Great Britain, astutely observed, “It is a truth attested by the history of all ages and countries, and established on the authority of the ablest writers, both ancient and modern . . . that the religion and morality of a country, especially of every free community, are inseparably connected with its preservation and welfare; that their flourishing or declining state is the sure indication of its tending to prosperity or decay. It has even been expressly laid down, that a people grossly corrupt are incapable of liberty.”
Sam Adams, The Father of The American Revolution, rightly said, “Public liberty will not long survive the total extinction of morals.”
This is not a conservative or liberal issue. And at its core, it is not even a religious issue. This is an issue about the most fundamental duty that responsible adults have in a civilized society: the responsibility to safeguard their posterity. Failure at this level would mean that this country no longer has the will or reason to survive.




Socialism: Bernie Sanders’ Wife Bankrupts College, Forcing Its Closure



Bernie pushes “free college” while his wife bankrupts school

SEE: http://www.infowars.com/socialism-bernie-sanders-wife-bankrupts-college-forcing-its-closure/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Burlington College, which took on heavy debt during the tenure of Bernie Sanders’ wife, is closing down.
The closure of the liberal arts college in Vermont was blamed directly on Jane Sanders, who bankrupted the school as president from 2004 to 2011.
“Founded in 1972 as an informal gathering of students, Burlington College grew into a small, regionally accredited liberal arts college, but financial strain and academic probation created by an ambitious but ill-fated expansion under then-President Jane Sanders onto a new campus on prime waterfront land led to the school’s demise,” the Burlington Free Press reported.
Dean of Operations and Advancement Coralee Holm said it was impossible to pay back the debt from Sanders’ land deal.
“I believe the vision was enrollment would grow, which it did, but not at the level that would have allowed us to manage the financial debt we had incurred,” she said. “So here we are.”
Well, isn’t that hilarious: after Bernie Sanders spends his entire presidential campaign pushing “free college” for everyone by increasing the national debt, his wife bankrupts a college into oblivion through deficit spending.
“When a socialist runs a program, this is what happens when they can no longer steal money from the ‘greedy capitalists’ as they call them,” news commentator E.T. Williams said. “This is what happens when you put socialists in charge, just look at Venezuela.”
“Bernie keeps telling you how wonderful socialism is, but socialism only works if you run it alongside capitalism and steal from capitalists.”
Economics professor William L. Anderson echoed a similar sentiment.
“In Sanders’ world, entrepreneurs are parasites and employers are oppressors who seek to harm their employees, and wealth is defined by how much governments have in their treasuries,” he said. “If I could put the economics of Bernie Sanders into a nutshell, it would be this: Burden private enterprise with one directive after another, and then demonize it when it ultimately falls down under the awful weight of taxes, higher costs, and mandates.”
“While many people believe that instituting the Sanders economic agenda would help turn the USA into another Sweden or Denmark, the more likely outcome would be turning this country into another Venezuela.”

“Crushing” Debt Forces Closure of College Jane Sanders Used to Head

Published on May 16, 2016
Burlington College, the private liberal arts school formerly led by Jane Sanders, announced Monday that it will be closing its doors by the end of the month due to the “crushing weight of debt” incurred. The current interim president, Carol Moore, said at a press conference Monday the college had recently lost a line of credit. Moore said the loss, combined with heavy debts related to a land purchase made under Sanders’ leadership, left the college with no other option to continue. Under her tenure, the college had purchased a $10 million 33-acre property and began plans to expand its programs.


SEE: http://www.newswithviews.com/Bradlee/dean278.htmrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

“And they had the American people believing that they were the victims….”
Have Americans now become so demoralized that they do not even realize the severity of those who are transgressing the law and what it is that they are clearly attempting to promote? (Jeremiah 5:21) They are making our innocent the prey to sexual predators. This is what Target stores are now attracting.
Friends, I have spoken thousands of times, from public high schools to colleges to tea parties, television, and radio across the country. If anyone were to even suggest the things that Target and the President of the United States are attempting to advocate by force, it would not be long before that person was thrown into a prison cell for a long time.
The Obama administration has threatened North Carolina to either accept a “Gender Neutral Bathroom bill” led by a known sodomite pedophile named Chad Severance, or federal funds will be cut from that state. What does that suggest America? Mask off!
In the state of Minnesota, according to Statute 609.342 Subdivision 11, a person in sexual contact with a person under 13 years of age may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 30 years or to a payment of not more than $40,000 or both. How is it that both Target and the Obama administration are advocating that which is clearly illegal? This is not about people using the bathroom. It’s about targeting the innocent.
This should all be called for what it is “The Pedophilia Enabling Act” which is criminal from the beginning to the end.
Michael Swift’s Homosexual Manifesto, which was printed in Gay Community News in February 1987 was also entered into the congressional records. Here’s what he wrote.
“We will unmask the powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals. You will be shocked and frightened when you find that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your senators, your mayors, your generals, your athletes, your film stars, your television personalities, your civic leaders, your priests are not the safe, familiar, bourgeois, heterosexual figures you assumed them to be. We are everywhere; we have infiltrated your ranks” (Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:24-27).
America, why is it that the Brian Cornell, the CEO for Target, is not being held accountable for the said crimes that have taken place in Target stores across the country with his companies policies? A little common sense comes into play here. Is he not the one that gave a green light for sexual predators to prey on the innocent? That is what is happening.
Speaking of sexual predators in Target stores, check out these criminals who have been caught committing their crimes.
A Kentucky man has been charged with the sexual assault of an 11- year-old girl at a Target store.
Surveillance camera images of the suspect leading the girl through the store have been broadcast nationally.
Allen D. Coates, 37, of Irvington, Kentucky, was arrested Wednesday afternoon in the downtown area of Louisville, where he is being held at the Metro Corrections Facility…
Allen D. Coates, 37, of Irvington, Kentucky, was arrested Wednesday afternoon in the downtown area of Louisville, where he is being held at the Metro Corrections Facility…
The girl was assaulted July 12 at knife point after she and her mother separated in the store to do individual shopping, authorities say.
Surveillance video from inside the store shows a man wearing a gray, sleeveless T-shirt, baseball cap and shorts roaming the aisles. Just before the sexual assault, he can be seen holding the girl’s hand and leading her through the store.
Comment: Now he’ll be able to loiter outside bathrooms and fitting rooms and wait for 11-year-olds shopping by themselves to answer a call of nature or try on a blouse.
A Jefferson man arrested on Friday after police said he followed and then touched a 12-year-old girl and a 13-year-old girl in separate incidents could face “multiple” child sexual assault charges, a prosecutor said in court Tuesday…
[T]he officer making the stop for speeding recognized Cooper as the suspect from video that was distributed about the incidents at Target and West Towne Mall…
[T]he girl said that a man approached her and a friend in the shoe section of the Target store, then followed them before he “purposefully” veered into the girl and brushed against her upper thigh and lower buttock area.
Comment: Now let’s imagine that the perpetrator does not have to accost her in the shoe section but can follow her without any questions asked into a bathroom or a fitting room. What father in his right mind is going to allow his teenage daughter to shop at Target ever again?
On Tuesday, St. Louis City Police confirmed that they are investigating the sexual assault of a 13-year-old female inside the Target store on Hampton Avenue in south St. Louis Monday night. Police say the suspect walked past the victim, squeezed her buttocks, then walked away. The girl told a relative and police were called. St. Louis Police are not commenting on whether or not their case could be connected to the Alverson or Mehlville cases.
Comment: All this man will have to do now is wait outside a Target bathroom of fitting room until your 13-year-old daughter enters, then follow her right on in.
South Bend police are looking for a man who performed a sexual act Monday afternoon at a Target department store at 1400 E. Ireland Road, according to our news partner ABC57.
A 16-year-old girl was shopping at the department store when a man approached her from behind and performed a sexual act on himself at about 2 p.m., police said. The man got away, and police are still looking for him.
Comment: Now that men can simply follow a 16-year-old into a dressing room, commit the sexual act while the victim is putting her clothes back on, how many more of these incidents are we going to read about?
San Leandro police say they have a person in custody for allegedly assaulting two young girls inside two different stores on Monday night.
Police arrested the suspect, a 20-year-old parking attendant, a couple of hours later at his place of work on the Peninsula.
Investigators are convinced, he is the man shown in the store surveillance videos, first at a Walmart, then at a Target store Monday. It was in those two store where he allegedly groped two young victims within 15 minutes of each other.
“I do know that people in this, from my training and my experience, that these people that have this desire to offend against children, will do so pretty much at all costs,” said McManus.
The suspect has been arrested on two counts of felony lewd and lascivious with a child. Police say he does have a criminal record, but not for any similar offenses.
Comment: If they will offend against young girls “pretty much at all costs,” the last thing they need is for Target to help them by providing private areas where the assaults can occur.
Sandy authorities have arrested the suspect accused of sexually assaulting a girl at a Target store in Sandy.
Sandy Sgt. Dean Carriger said 47-year-old James Scot Fullmer was arrested Wednesday. He turned himself in after he learned police were looking for him. Fullmer is booked into the Salt Lake County Jail on felony forcible sexual abuse charges. Officials said a man approached an underage girl who was shopping with a friend Aug. 7. Sandy officers said the suspect briefly talked to the girl and then sexually assaulted her.
A jogger and Target security officers helped Folsom police track down and arrest a man wanted in connection with sexual battery and an attempted rape Saturday.
Police arrested Timothy Ortiz, 25, at the Target store on Blue Ravine Road after security officers reported he was following women in the store and masturbating.
Comment: Why would a deviant now need to follow women through the store when he can wait for them inside the women’s bathroom or a fitting room where there are no cameras?
Authorities in Hanford say a man has confessed to placing a hidden camera inside a restroom of a local Target store. The suspect was identified as Eugenio Rodriguez, 32, of Hanford.
Hanford police responded to the store on North 12th Avenue on Wednesday after an employee found the camera in the family restroom. They say the camera was concealed with toilet tissue and had a red light illuminating before the employee turned it off. Officers say the camera didn’t record anything but it did stream live video…
A criminal case was sent to the DA’s office charging Rodriguez with using a concealed camera to view a person’s body in a private room.
Comment: You think Target has a problem with video voyeurism now? Just wait until perpetrators have unimpeded access to fitting rooms and restrooms where they can install their hidden cameras in ever more creative and hard to detect ways.
A Six Mile man accused of taking pictures and video of people using the restroom at Target has been arrested, according to Anderson police.
According to the incident report, police were called to the store on Thursday where one victim said the suspect had a cellphone positioned under the stall to capture video of men at the urinals.
Comment: Now that video voyeurs have the same unrestricted access to your daughter’s restroom and fitting room, you’ll be reading about more incidents just like this. It might be best to keep your daughter out of Target altogether.
Athens-Clarke County police have arrested a 26-year-old man for being a peeping Tom in the women’s room at a Target.
Police say Luis Mesqueda Hernandez was caught on security cameras sneaking into the women’s bathroom at the store Sunday afternoon and using his cell phone to take photos of a woman. The store’s security officers detained Hernandez until police arrived.
The woman told police she did not notice Hernandez was in the bathroom.
There are more than two dozen such stories like those above that have occurred in Target.
When the American people long to have their country back and start holding the guilty parties accountable to the laws that have been transgressed and violated, then, and only then, will she begin to understand what liberty is all about. Protest is good America, but justice is better (Proverbs 20:8; Isaiah 26:9; Psalm 97; Jeremiah 9:24).

Top Twenty Sexual Crimes Committed 

at Target Stores


2 Timothy 3:6-7-“For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
2 Timothy 3:13-“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”
Galatians 1:6-8-“I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”
Acts 20:28-30“Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.”
2 Tim 4:3-4“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”


Dr. Bradley Nelson (Author, Teacher, Chiropractor, Medical Intuitive, Energy Healer) and Tammy Ward



http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2016/newsletter20160516.htmrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

“Are you looking for reliable, Christ-centered information and healing that is safe, affordable and that really does work? Are you sick & tired of being sick & tired? Are you a healer or are you searching for effective healing that is Christ-centered? You have found your tribe.”
So says Tammy Anderson Ward, President of Hope Haven Events, who presents the “Christ-Centered Energy Healing Conferences.” If Christ-centered energy healing sounds like an oxymoron, that’s because it is. And all one needs to do is cruise around on the website to see that the nature of these conferences is blatantly New Age. But we’ll get to that in a little bit. The group is reaching out to a broad audience and is being billed as “the world’s largest Christ-centered energy healing conference;” but what caught the attention of Lighthouse Trails and author Ray Yungen more than anything is that they are reaching out to homeschool kids and parents, a traditionally conservative segment of the population. It’s understandable that Tammy Anderson Ward is trying to reach homeschool families, she is a homeschool mom who has eight children, and we don’t doubt that she loves her children very much and seems to be a person of good will. But when you hear what these events are promoting, we think you will agree that this should NOT be called “Christ Centered.” In the video below, Tammy Anderson Ward explains how her family got involved with energy healing. (If you cannot view this video below, click here.)

What is energy healing? For those of you reading this who have been reading material from Lighthouse Trails for some time, you know that energy healing is supernatural in nature and is generally connected with an occultic worldview. In Ray Yungen’s booklet titled The Truth About Energy Healing, he explains how energy healing is tied in with the chakras, which are said to be “energy centers” or “spinning balls of psychic energy.” The chakras are the basis for energy healing. The energy healer places his or her hands on or over (touch is not necessary) the patient, and this energy is transferred from the practitioner to the patient. It is believed by energy healers that the chi energy connects everything together. This may sound like science fiction or something completely surreal, but after years of study and research, Ray Yungen has come to the conclusion that this transferred energy is demonic because of the underlying belief that God is in all things and man is divine. There are many theologians in the church who would agree with his assessment.
Evangelical Christianity has always presented healing in a religious sense (i.e., we pray to God and ask Him to heal with His power, not a power within ourselves that we learn to manipulate and utilize). New Age healing is always presented in a therapeutic context. In other words, it’s something you tap into or learn to do (which explains the need for conferences – you have to go there and learn to do it). Some may be thinking right now that perhaps Tammy Anderson Ward is merely calling her techniques energy healing but does not bring chakras into the picture. A study of speakers she invites to her conferences throws that assumption out the window. On the Christ Centered Energy Healing store site, there is a section selling products from past conferences. Here are some of the titles: Chakras and the Armor of GodChakras: Know Your Energy CentersThe Spirit of the ChakrasAre Chi and Chakras for Christians? (no doubt, this speaker says yes), and Energy Healing: Dance to Heal Your Chakras. If you feel like you have just been read a list of New Age titles, we hope this news article we are writing will deeply concern you.
From Christ Centered Energy Healing website; used in accordance with the US Fair Use Act for the purpose of critique and review[/caption] This past March, Hope Haven held a “Christ Centered Energy Healing” conference in Mesa, Arizona. Some of the seminars that were offered were: Creating Health: The New Era, Healing Games to Play With Your Children, Crystal Connections: Another of Heaven’s Tools, Group Energy Healing, The Peace & Power of BE-ing Present, and Sailing into the 5th Dimension, Gracefully. By the way, the 5th dimension is referring to the altered state of consciousness reached during deep meditation. Sheena Davis, one of the presenters at March’s conference, taught a workshop called Healing Methods for everyone. The website describes the class:

In the following YouTube video, you can learn more about Reiki (one of the more popular forms of energy healing): (If you cannot view this video below, click here.)
Vital Recommended Resources     



Episode 111-Tammy Ward, Hope Haven Events

Published on Nov 2, 2015
Tammy is the Founder and President of Hope Haven Events. Hope Haven Events hosts conferences, retreats, trainings, specialty camps and other events to help “empower the individual, strengthen the family and connect community.” She is a homeschooling mother to 8 awesome kids and is a highly sought after, intuitive healer, presenter and mentor. To learn more about Tammy, go to theluminousmind.net

Winter Home School Conference 2015 Indoctrinates Naive Youth Into Apostasy

Winter Homeschool Conference January 30, 2016;
Destructive Anti-Christian Charlatan New Age Practitioners Spreading Anti-Biblical Philosophies

Homeschool Mother & Daughter Retreat 2015


Applied to Teach “Vibrations” at Hope Haven
There are many other manipulative techniques used by false teachers in the Christian Church, here are a few of them:
1- Lying by omission is when you leave out some of the truth to present your truth, this is also known as propaganda.
2- Laying a guilt trip is a favorite tactic used by most professional, yet false teachers in the Christian Church today. The manipulator suggests to the audience, that already is in a state of agreeableness (who typically want to please and be accepted) that they are selfish, do not care, or are spoiled. The result is usually one where the person feels bad or unworthy, leading to self doubt. Ultimately the victim will wind up in a position of submission to the teacher, thus allowing this control to continue.
3- Note that the submission is now towards a man (usually employing these tactics for power and financial control) who does not submit to others.
4- Subtle but effective shaming or put-downs are utilized to intensify the fear of ones actions as not being acceptable; the self doubt continues or grows to the point where there is now a dependency on the teacher. This technique is widely used especially when the leader is questioned on his authority or doctrines, and when money is required. At this point the subject can be led to accept control by other means.
5- Seduction is a favorite tool of the false teachers in the Christian Church, who are professional manipulators. They use their voice, stance, confidence and image to grab the attention of a crowd and keep it. With almost a magical charm they can allure or captivate the audience with a hypnotic like manipulation of the truth. This tool can be very profitable in dealing with inter personal relationships; the seducer becomes like a drug dealer. He has what you think you need. After the magic of charm has taken hold of an individual or group, flattery can be put into practice to lower their defenses. This will usually allow the manipulator to gain trust and possibly even loyalty, which is the goal.
6- The victim mentality method is used for pity, sympathy or concern about himself personally or his organization. False teachers in the Christian Church make claims that the ministry is in trouble, and without immediate financial contributions many will suffer. People do not like to see or hear of sufferings, and if they are made to feel responsible, it is usually fairly easy to get them to cooperate.
7- The ultimate and end game of this manipulation, is one in which the false teachers in the Christian Church are seen as having the role of being God’s ordained teachers, or prophets. Once they have obtained this cult like status, people no longer even think for themselves. As well they sometimes violently protect the belief system and the leader(s) that they unwittingly worship.




Renovaré National Conference in Houston, Texas

“About the School of Spiritual Direction”

QUOTE: Led by myself and two colleagues, the course offers a newly developed model of spiritual direction that draws on both the age-old wisdom of the church and more recent perspectives. I call it the Passion/Wisdom Model of Spiritual Direction, and I see it as offering the opportunity for our interior worlds and supernatural reality to meet.”

Certificate in Spiritual Direction:
The Ministry of Healing ($40)

QUOTE: This certificate will be awarded through NewWay Ministries, intentionally non-accredited by a recognized accrediting agency, and will serve as indication that those receiving the certificate have completed all required training and are prepared not for professional counseling (for therapeutic, psychological work) nor for vocational ministry, (though certificate holders may be equipped for vocational Christian ministry), but rather for organic, relational opportunities to engage in conversations that matter, that further the purposes of God in people’s lives.”

SoulCare Experience Curriculum

Spiritual Formation Leader, Larry Crabb, Says “The greatest need in modern civilization is the development of communities.”
http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2016/newsletter20160516.htmrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Larry Crabb’s recent remarks perfectly illustrate the “fruit” of contemplative spirituality – a move away from the Gospel and personal salvation through Jesus Christ and a move toward an emerging, ecumenical all-paths-lead-to-God kind of mentality. Where did Christ or the disciples ever say man’s greatest need in in the development of communities?

The Greatest Need In Modern Civilization | Larry Crabb’s New Way Ministries Blog

“The crisis of care in modern culture, especially in the Western church, will not be resolved by training more therapists….It will be worsened by moralists who never reach deeply into the hearts of people in their efforts to impose their standards of behavior on others, even when those standards are biblical.
The greatest need in modern civilization is the development of communities—true communities where the heart of God is home, where the humble and wise learn to shepherd those on the path behind them, where trusting strugglers lock arms with others as together they journey on.” – Dr. Larry Crabb, Connecting, Introduction pg xvi-xvii

Quotes by Larry Crabb:

I’ve practiced centering prayer. I’ve contemplatively prayed. I’ve prayed liturgically . . . I’ve benefited from each, and I still do. In ways you’ll see, elements of each style are still with me.Larry Crabb in The Papa Prayer, p.9
I’m glad that as a conservative evangelical who still believes in biblical inerrancy and penal substitution, I’ve gotten over my Catholic phobia, and I’ve been studying contemplative prayer, practicing lectio divina, valuing monastic retreats, and worshipping through ancient liturgy. I appreciate Bernard of Clairvaux’s provocative insights. I’m drawn to Brother Lawrence’s profoundly simple ways to practice God’s presence. I’m intrigued and enticed by Julian of Norwich’s mysterious appearings of Jesus.—Larry CrabbReal Church, p. 41

Quote by Roger Oakland:

This togetherness/community mindset is the same message that [occultist] Alice Baileyreferred to as “right human relations” and the same one the emerging church hopes to convey to the people of the world. A personal, individual relationship with Christ is considered self-centered,6 because it doesn’t focus on the global, common good. Communal spirituality is seen as the only path to the world’s survival. Listen to today’s new reformation thinkers:
“The church is only an anticipation of the full, promised community of the whole world … the church itself is not a goal of God’s creation.”—Walter Brueggemann, An Emergent Manifesto of Hope, p. 311.
“The Church, in all its expressions—Catholic, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Protestant and many others—has 2.3 billion followers.… Let’s use the grassroots network that is already on the ground. It’s time to lay aside our prejudices and work together”—Rick Warren,“The Power of Parishioners” (Forbes magazine, May 7, 2007, http://www.forbes.com).
“We are emerging into a new era of Christian faith as a “living color” global community. … It is immediately clear that this kind of emergence must lead to a convergence … a kind of relationship that has never before existed.”—Brian McLaren, An Emergent Manifesto of Hope, p. 149.
Unfortunately, the “global community” so often spoken of in the emerging church camp is disguised language for a world-wide religious body that incorporates all belief systems. As [New Age leader] Neale Donald Walsch said, it’s a “global movement … which makes no one else wrong for the way in which they are doing it.” (from Faith Undone)

Quote by Lighthouse Trails and Ray Yungen:

Perhaps one of the most sure-tell indicators of where Larry Crabb’s spiritual sympathies lie . . .  can be found in a book Crabb wrote the foreword to. The book, Sacred Companions(written by David Benner), heartily recommends a plethora of contemplative mystics: Thomas Keating, Henri Nouwen, Basil Pennington, Richard Foster, John of the Cross, Gerald May, John Main, Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr, Alan Jones and several others. Many of these are panentheistic (God is in all), universalist (all are saved), and interspiritual (all paths lead to God). Ray Yungen talked about Benner’s book in the first edition of A Time of Departing. Yungen stated: “[C]ontemplative prayer stands on the threshold of exploding worldwide. Dr. Larry Crabb . . . has written the foreword to a book [Spiritual Companions] that expounds on the future of spiritual direction in the evangelical church. . . . It is safe to assume then that we are looking at a contemplative approach. With that in mind, Dr. Crabb predicted [in Sacred Companions]: ‘The spiritual climate is ripe. Jesus seekers across the world are being prepared to abandon the old way of the written code for the new way of the Spirit.’” (ATOD, 1st ed., p. 137)
Christianity Today article, “Got Your Spiritual Director Yet?,” confirmed two things, one that spiritual direction is contemplative, and two that it is on its way to becoming an integral part of evangelical Christianity. The article explains that popular Christian author Larry Crabb changed his views and went from psychology thinking to “spiritual direction.”

Related Information:
Trusted Evangelical Leaders Endorse The Papa Prayer by Larry Crabb!
The Moody Church of Chicago Welcomes Contemplative Advocate Larry Crabb As Guest Speaker
Chuck Swindoll’s Book “So You Want to Be Like Christ? (Eight Essential Disciplines to Get Your There)—A Fiasco of No Discernment Pointing to the “Silence”


Keller Fulgenzi-compressed
SEE: http://christiannews.net/2016/05/16/tim-keller-staff-member-says-homosexuality-isnt-sin-part-church-plant-behind-transgender-restroom-plan/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
NEW YORK — A staff member at New York’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church, led by popular megachurch pastor and author Tim Keller, and who handles sermon orders for Keller, identifies as a progressive who doesn’t believe homosexuality is sinful and is part of a so-called church plant whose leader recently made recommendations to do away with male/female-separated restrooms nationwide.
In addition to his leadership of Redeemer Presbyterian, which sees up to 5,000 in attendance each week, Keller is known for his best-selling books “The Reason for God” and “The Prodigal God,” as well as “The Meaning of Marriage” and “Counterfeit Gods.”
He is also the vice president and co-founder of the Gospel Coalition, a network of reformed congregations that “educates current and next-generation Christian leaders by advocating gospel-centered principles and practices that glorify the Savior.”
Additionally, Keller is known for his “City to City” effort, which seeks to plant new churches in cities worldwide. He is credited with helping to establish over 250 congregations over the past decade.
Casey Fulgenzi, formerly of Tennessee, serves as the manager of social media for Redeemer Presbyterian Church, as well as the assistant manager for Keller’s resource site Gospel in Life, where he handles the orders for Keller’s sermons. His name is included on the staff page of the Redeemer website. Fulgenzi has worked for Keller since 2014.
Fulgenzi was first involved with Forefront Church, which has dual locations in Manhattan and Brooklyn, and remains an active supporter.
The congregation is affiliated with the Convergence Initiative, “a collective of Post-Evangelical, Progressive Evangelical, Non-Denominational and Free-Church tradition churches, organizations, leaders and networks,” as well as the Open Network, both of which are homosexual-affirming and have hosted conferences featuring Rob Bell. Fulgenzi himself had his photo taken with the controversial Bell in 2013 (pictured above).
As previously reported, the Open Network recently posted an article by Forefront Manhattan leader Ryan Phipps, who posted a “solution” to the transgender restroom use debate that would eliminate male and female restrooms altogether and replace them with one “human” multi-stall restroom.
“We have dressing rooms in just about every major clothing store that are not gender segregated. Why can’t we have bathrooms be the very same?” Phipps wrote in regard to the issue. “We mustn’t cling to antiquated ways of reasoning and separation that have long reached their time. We should think, dream, and pray about how we can be more ‘whole’ in our treatment of people.”
Fulgenzi shared Phipp’s article, stating that he was “laying down the truth.”
Fulgenzi’s wife, Lindsey Luff, a secular musician who he describes as a “bada**,” sings with Forefront Brooklyn’s worship leader Ben Grace at various venues throughout the city and beyond.
Fulgenzi is himself supportive of those who identify as homosexual and transgender, posting on his social media pages, for example, Macklemore’s “One Love” video and notating his visit to Big Gay Ice Cream in New York City, as well as other mentions regarding his views on homosexuality—that he understands the Christian objection to the lifestyle, but “I think it’s not accurate.”
“How does homosexuality effect (sic) you and other Christians? I guarantee it doesn’t directly or even indirectly effect Christians as much as greed, gluttony, theft, rape, racism, or even foul language,” he wrote during one discussion. “Yet, for what topic (aside from abortion) do Christians break out the biggest soapbox? Why? Why not focus on all of those other things that actually impact your everyday life and millions of others in a negative way?”
“Who said you had to ‘express your views’ to someone who is gay in the first place? Jesus? Nope. The gay person? Nope. Do you think they’ll listen? Nope. Why should they?” he later contended.
In February, Fulgenzi, who identifies as progressive, wrote that he will “happily vote for either [Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders] when the time comes.” He had shared an article last September on “The Christian Case for Bernie Sanders.”
“He’s Jewish, but his character, words and actions are more Christ like than any of the Christian candidates,” Fulgenzi wrote on April 16 in sharing that he went to hear Sanders speak at a local church. “We deserve that in our next president, whether he or she be Muslim, Atheist, Christian or Jewish.”
Keller himself has raised concerns for some of his comments about homosexuality, such as when he stated during the Veritas Forum at Columbus University, “[H]eterosexuality does not get you to Heaven, I happen to know this, so how in the world can homosexuality send you to Hell?”
“[W]hat sends to Hell is self-righteousness, thinking you can be your own savior and lord. What sends you to Heaven is getting a connection with Christ because you realize that you are a sinner and you need intervention from outside,” he said.
“That’s why it is very misleading even to say homosexuality is a sin because …. yes, of course, homosexuality is a sin, because greed is a sin, because all kinds of things are sins, but what most Christians mean when they say that and certainly what non-Christians think they hear when they hear that, is that if you are gay you are going to Hell for being gay. It is just not true, absolutely not true.”
Keller has also suggested that he supports at least some form of theistic evolution, writing in his essay “Creation, Evolution, and Christian Laypeople” for Biologos, “[I]f ‘evolution’ remains at the level of scientific biological hypothesis, it would seem that there is little reason for conflict between the implications of Christian belief in the Creator and the scientific explorations of the way which—at the level of biology—God has gone about His creating processes.”
Andi Brindley, Keller’s assistant at Redeemer Presbyterian Church, did not return calls for comment, nor could any of the elders be reached.
Ryan PhippsRyan PhippsRyan PhippsSEE ALSO:
Justin Lee, founder of the Gay Christian Network in Raleigh, North Carolina. Lee told the audience at Forefront Church in Brooklyn Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015, that due to space limitations on his company credit card, it simply reads "The Gay Christian" under his name.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
DALLAS, Texas — The Republican party of Texas has approved language for its platform expressing support for the total abolition of abortion.
“We call upon the Texas legislature to enact legislation stopping the murder of unborn children; and to ignore and refuse to enforce any and all federal statutes, regulations, executive orders, and court rulings, which would deprive an unborn child of the right to life,” it reads.
The text was approved last week during the Texas GOP’s bi-annual convention at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas. The complete platform was voted upon by delegates on Friday, and the results were announced on Saturday. There were over 20 planks, or issues, that were put forward for consideration as statements to represent the position of the party and its delegates.
Various abortion abolitionists spoke before the Temporary Platform Committee of the Republican Party of Texas in urging the approval of the language, which was later accepted as a legislative priority.
“All innocent human life must be respected and safeguarded from fertilization to natural death; therefore, the unborn, the aged, and the physically or mentally challenged have a fundamental individual right to life, which cannot be infringed,” the abortion plank reads. “We are resolute in our support of the reversal of Roe v. Wade.”
As a remedy, it urges the party and the Texas legislature “to assist in educating the public regarding alternatives to abortion, especially adoption.”
The platform also expresses support for the complete defunding of Planned Parenthood in the state, the elimination of lawsuits over “wrongful birth,” the prohibition of the manufacturing and sale of abortifacients, and the end of liability and malpractice insurance coverage for abortionists.
In addition to abortion, the GOP approved other pro-life measures, such as calling for the reformation of existing law that allows for the overriding of a patient’s desire to continue to receive medical care.
“We also support the passage of legislation to amend the Advance Directive Act by requiring hospitals intending or threatening to withdraw life-sustaining treatment against the patient’s wishes or their advance directive to continue all treatment and care for such patients pending transfer to another facility,” the platform reads.
As previously reported, concerns over the law had been highlighted last year after the family of Christopher Dunn, 46, was informed by officials at Houston Methodist Hospital that its bioethics committee believed that life-sustaining treatment should be discontinued. Dunn’s mother fought the decision, and hired an attorney to help intervene. Dunn later died from what was believed to be cancer, but his mother vowed to continue fighting to have the law altered.
The Texas Advance Directives Act (TADA) of 1999 states that “[i]f the patient or the person responsible for the health care decisions of the patient is requesting life-sustaining treatment that the attending physician has decided and the review process has affirmed is inappropriate treatment,” the patient will be kept alive for 10 days, and on the 11th day, doctors are permitted to discontinue treatment, unless the patient is transferred to another doctor or facility.





EXCERPT: “Whereas the rise of hateful and anti-Muslim speech, violence, and cultural ignorance plays into the false narrative spread by terrorist groups of Western hatred of Islam, and can encourage certain individuals to react in extreme and violent ways:”
Don, Megan and Hillary • <a style="font-size:0.8em;" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/117301827@N08/19312159558/" target="_blank">View on Flickr</a>

Don Beyer
SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2016/05/democrats-introduce-bill-to-oppose-trumps-proposed-muslim-immigration-banrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“Beyer said the legislation is an attempt to ‘appeal to hope rather than fear.’” In our pusillanimous and puerile age, “fear” is not just a weakness of character, but a moral flaw: if you fear being beheaded or blown up by Islamic jihadists, you’re an evil person. And to be sure, fear is never to be encouraged or given into, but its opposite is not hope, it’s courage and resoluteness.
Beyer is not offering courage or resoluteness. He is proposing a ban on using someone’s religion as a reason for blocking them from entering the country based on the politically correct fiction that Islamic jihad terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, and that therefore to be concerned about jihad terrorists entering the country along with peaceful Muslim refugees is simply a manifestation of bigotry, racism and “Islamophobia.”
What Beyer is offering is “hope” and a rejection of “fear.” We should “hope” that there will be no jihadis among the immigrants. We should “hope” that there will not be another jihad attack a la San Bernardino perpetrated by another refugee like Tashfeen Malik, the San Bernardino jihad murderer who had passed five separate background checks from five separate U.S. government agencies. We should “hope” that the Islamic State will not make good on its threat to send jihadis into Europe and North America among the refugees. We should “hope” that we can continue to pursue self-destructive and suicidal policies without suffering any negative consequences.
To reject all of Beyer’s “hopes” would be, in his view, to succumb to “fear,” and remember: fear is morally wrong.
“Democrats Introduce Bill That Would Oppose Trump’s Proposed Immigration Ban on Eve of His Capitol Hill Visit,” by Margaret Chadbourn, ABC News, May 11, 2016:
A group of Democrats on Capitol Hill are using Donald Trump’s visit to Washington this week to highlight their opposition to the presumptive Republican nominee’s immigration policies, including his past calls to ban Muslims from coming to the United States.
On Wednesday, they introduced legislation, which is just one paragraph, that would restrict the United States from using someone’s religion as a reason for blocking them from entering the country. The new bill, known as the Freedom of Religion Act, would do so by keeping religious tests out of the immigration process.
“It’s very narrow in scope. We’re not going to discriminate when it comes to immigration based on religion,” Rep. Don Beyer, D-Virginia, who authored the bill, told ABC News.
Following the December shootings in San Bernardino, California, Trump called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” His comments were condemned by Democrats and Republican congressional leaders, but he has not backed down on this stance.
Beyer said the legislation is an attempt to “appeal to hope rather than fear.”
The bill has little chance of advancing in the Republican-controlled House, but Democrats say that’s not the point. “At the very least, having the bill out there gives encouragement out there to Americans that Donald Trump’s ideas are not ruling the day on this issue,” Beyer said. “We’re pushing back with a strong, clear voice.”
Trump will hold high-profile meetings in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, including with House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, who is so far withholding his support for Trump, saying he wants learn more about how the candidate will unite the party after a divisive primary.
Democrats don’t want to let his visit go to waste and are trying leverage the attention surrounding the trip to score some political points.
“We didn’t plan it based on his visit but I think it is a coincidence is a fortuitous one,” Beyer said….

“What Beyer is offering is “hope” and a rejection of “fear.” We should “hope” that there will be no jihadis among the immigrants. We should “hope” that there will not be another jihad attack a la San Bernardino perpetrated by another refugee like Tashfeen Malik, the San Bernardino jihad murderer who had passed five separate background checks from five separate U.S. government agencies. We should “hope” that the Islamic State will not make good on its threat to send jihadis into Europe and North America among the refugees. We should “hope” that we can continue to pursue self-destructive and suicidal policies without suffering any negative consequences.”

Officials Visit Virginia Mosque in Solidarity

Published on Dec 4, 2015
Northern Virginia congressman Don Beyer and other elected officials attended prayer services at a northern Virginia mosque as a show of solidarity with the region’s Muslim population. 

Congressman Don Beyer speaks at Dar Al-Hijrah



Invasive security procedures, lack of staff 

blamed for delays

SEE: http://www.infowars.com/wtf-tsa-viral-video-shows-unbelievable-length-of-security-line/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

A viral video posted on YouTube shows the unbelievable length of a TSA security line at Chicago’s Midway International Airport.
Entitled “TSA are you f***ing kidding me?,” the man filming the clip states, “OK here’s the start, let’s see how long this thing is.”
He then proceeds to walk all the way down the line, which snakes all around the terminal building.
“This is still just the beginning….we’re just getting started,” he comments.
The line stretches right back to the train terminal.
“Are you f**king kidding me TSA? What the f**k?” asks the man.
Travelers posted images of the line on social media, with some complaining that it took them nearly two hours to get through the checkpoint.
James Asher blamed the TSA’s insistence on people removing their belts and shoes for the delays.
Last week, the TSA announced that poor staffing would lead to more travel delays this summer.
“This is going to be a rough summer; there is no doubt about it,” Gary Rasicot, TSA chief of operations, told the New York Times. “We are probably not at the staffing level we would like to be to address the volume. This is why we are talking about people getting to the airport a little earlier than planned.”
Many will see the video as more evidence that airports need to ditch the TSA altogether and hire more efficient, less invasive private screeners.
The New York the Port Authority issued an ultimatum earlier this week in a letter that stated, “We can no longer tolerate the continuing inadequacy of TSA passenger screening services. The long waits are prompting complaints from passengers, terminal operators, and airlines alike.”
Security expert and former FBI agent Manny Gomez is calling for JFK, LaGuardia, and Newark Liberty airports to take on private screeners.
“Privatizing it would hold the people that are selected to be the screeners more accountable. It would cost the federal government infinitely less, and it would make the process a lot more streamlined and seamless,” Gomez told ABC7.

Video Shows Unbelievable Length Of Security Lines

Witness: TSA Caught Holding America Hostage

Eyewitness Speaks Out About TSA

Published on May 16, 2016
Infowars producer tells all about the TSA breakdown in Chicago O’Hare.How the public was used as pawns in a wage war against your rights.

TSA Clowns with Security Theatre


Common Core: The Rise of Fed Ed
SEE: http://www.thenewamerican.com/culture/education/item/23146-common-core-the-rise-of-fed-edrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
In late 2014, ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber offered up his refreshingly honest and shockingly venal explanation about how the ill-conceived healthcare program became law. The MIT economist, who previously made news by admitting that there are no subsidies in ObamaCare for federal insurance exchanges, went on to suggest that “the stupidity of the American voter” necessitated concealing from the public the true costs of the program. He praised governmental “lack of transparency” as “key” to passing the legislation. And yet for all its inherent obfuscation and deception — who can forget Nancy Pelosi’s declaration that the bill had to be passed before we could find out what was in it — ObamaCare was a model of transparency compared to the creation of Common Core.
Unlike the Affordable Care Act, Common Core was never featured on C-SPAN or in national media prior to its adoption. There were no hearings before Congress, no Supreme Court decisions or town hall meetings, and definitely no consultations with parents and local school boards, the primary stakeholders in our increasingly ineffective public schools.
The fact that something as transformative as Common Core could be conceived, funded, and implemented long before the overwhelming majority of politicians, educators, academics, and families had any idea about its origins, its creators, its financing, or even its ambitions (educational and otherwise), is sobering indeed. And it defies credulity to suggest — as the supporters of Common Core do at every turn — that the initiative was some multifaceted, organic movement driven by teachers and constructed by the states. No, the federal government is the only entity in American life capable of driving educational reform at this level, of bringing together the necessary financial resources, regulatory pressures, coercive policies, no-bid contracts, and crony-capitalist coordination required to wrench control of education from the states and centralize it in Washington, D.C.
The fact that a huge majority of states adopted Common Core “voluntarily” as a consequence of taking federal Race to the Top grant money — much of it doled out from “stimulus funds” gathered, we were told, to bail out the flagging economy — underscores the central role played by the feds in the farce that is the standards. Because of Race to the Top, many states accepted the standards before they were even completed, and no participating state had the ability to change or edit the standards after the fact. And if the standards are state and not federal in origin, why are states unable to walk away from them without facing threats of legal and financial penalties from the feds?
In effect, the states sold control of education to the federal government for a one-time infusion of taxpayer dollars amounting — in most cases — to between five and nine percent of the states’ education budgets for one year. If it makes you feel any better, America, for once the feds did not grossly overpay for what they purchased. The impending costs to our children and grandchildren are staggering, however, in terms of lower educational achievement and opportunity, diminished preparation for college, reduced career readiness, less earning power, and reduced freedoms.
Although Common Core is many things depending on the lens through which you view it — a Trojan horse for data gathering, a sociological experiment, a huge expansion of the failed one-size-fits-all concept of education, an excuse for more useless standardized testing, an exercise in social justice at the expense of traditional education — none of these things are consonant with liberty, self-government, or even genuine educational success. Collectively, Common Core represents the final push to federalize public education in America: We have now entered the brave new world of FedEd.
FedEd: The Long Game Played to Perfection
Of course, the impulse behind Common Core is not new, nor is FedEd the consequence of recent developments (a list that includes Goals 2000 and No Child Left Behind, among earlier iterations). The push toward FedEd has intensified since the creation of the federal Department of Education in the late 1970s. Once public education fell under the umbrella of yet another unaccountable Beltway bureaucracy, it was just a matter of time until the feds bought, bribed, coerced, and threatened their way to greater and greater centralization and control. For over four decades, the process has proceeded apace, with standardized testing a key tool in the battle to strip away local control of schools. The bigger, more complex, and extensive the tests, the more impossible it is for states — let alone local school districts — to conform without massive federal help. And the more behemoth the exams, the less relevance they possess for the children who must take them. A vicious circle perpetuates a needless and cynical cycle of failure: The mandating of ever-broader tests designed to facilitate data gathering and centralization of control at the Department of Education (but which have no impact on actual student performance) forces states to depend more on federal dollars, leaving local districts and individual schools at the mercy of money-starved state governments and a federal bureaucracy happy to trade dollars for control.
So much has been written about the actual standards, their expense, novelty, lack of rigor, ideological spin, and untested methods, that I will focus on only those aspects of the scheme that reflect most directly on the rise of FedEd. There are two principal reasons to be worried about Common Core, and both have catastrophic consequences for the future education of America’s children: First, the “standards” represent the most serious consolidation of federal power over educational freedom in our nation’s history. Second, the federal government — in conjunction with textbook publishers, testing corporations, and independent corporate meddlers such as Bill Gates — is using this increased access and control to further politicize how America’s children are being taught and evaluated. One thing is absolutely clear: The standards cannot be viewed in a vacuum; they are inseparable from the pedagogy, the curriculum, the textbooks, the worksheets, and, importantly, those tests that form the roots that sustain this noxious weed.
Proponents of the standards insist they are merely benchmarks, simple guideposts that teachers can follow (in an infinite variety of ways, they tell us) to improve student learning. But this is nonsense. The only way we have to measure the standards is the tests. As both Common Core architect David Coleman and Common Core financier-in-chief Bill Gates have asserted: When the standards are aligned to the tests, the curriculumwill line up as well, and the teachers will have no choice but to teach to the tests. Given that the only real way to measure the effectiveness of Common Core is the exams, it is beyond obvious that whoever controls the tests controls what happens in the classroom. And despite six years and counting for the Common Core era, that alignment between tests and standards did not begin in earnest for most states until spring 2015. This long postponement of the tests was by design: The engineers of Common Core knew exactly how arbitrary, stressful, and transformative the tests would be, and therefore delayed them until the elaborate and expensive infrastructure was set firmly in place (and well-nigh impossible to remove).
Given this carefully orchestrated timeline, it is not surprising that some teachers and school administrators claim not to have experienced the worst aspects of the Common Core scheme: Because of the methodical implementation schedule, we are only now entering the phase when the real aims and ambitions of those who created Common Core begin to surface. And once again, this directly parallels the route taken by the planners of Obama­Care, who postponed the costliest and most egregious regulatory aspects of the healthcare law until 2016 — the final year of Obama’s two-term presidency.
Initially, the standards were sold on the seemingly benign premise that students in every classroom in every state should be learning the same thing at the same time every day. Wouldn’t it be nice if a child whose family moves from Arizona to Maine could walk into his new classroom and pick up exactly where he left off, without missing a beat? But the statistical actuality of such transfers is so staggeringly small that even hardcore advocates almost never make the argument anymore. But look past the utilitarian feint and consider the premise: An education system so hyper-regulated and cookie-cutter mass-produced could only be managed, monitored, and made compliant by a massive federal machine that must — by definition — eliminate any meaningful control of education at state and local levels. How can state and local school boards — let alone individual moms and dads — have any meaningful say in what goes on in the classroom under such a paradigm?
And does anyone actually believe that tens of millions of kids from radically different geographies; diverse cultural, ethnic, and economic demographics; and myriad family circumstances will be held to higherstandards when the endgame is parity, not excellence (or even competency)? It does not require the convoluted processes of Common Core math to recognize that when the educational mandate for upwards of 60 million American schoolchildren is uniformity, not achievement, the new educational regimen will ultimately lower overall expectations, not enhance them, and inhibit if not repress high-achieving students. As with all such unworkably complex schemes for standardization, the ultimate result inevitably settles at the lowest common denominator, not the highest.
And what parent can take seriously the argument that our children are all ultimately the same child when it comes to educational outcomes? That despite the differences in aptitudes, attitudes, resources, intellectual curiosity, self-discipline, and family support, we are better off forcing all children into the same educational mold, rather than allowing them to find their own levels through actual achievement and ability?
For decades, whenever the federal government took over things they had no business meddling in — such as education and healthcare — they gave their unconstitutional power grabs benign titles designed to camouflage their true intent: “No Child Left Behind,” after all, stranded millions of school kids in the ditch of low achievement; and did anyone actually believe that the Affordable Care Act would be in any way affordable? But with Common Core, the name and the intent are finally the same. The purpose of FedEd is to standardize education, to level it off, to squash student excellence on the grounds that not all kids can be — or wish to be — excellent, to view learning first as an exercise in social justice, not content mastery or skill building.
Testing, Testing 1-2-3, Houston, We Have a Problem
A neglected but extremely dangerous consequence of the new FedEd regime is the implicit and explicit threats posed to private and home schools by such centralization. Far too few people realize that immediately after overseeing the creation of the standards, David Coleman became the ninth president of the College Board, the organization that designs the SAT exams used in the college application proc­ess, and that manages all the Advanced Placement (AP) courses that high-school students take to earn college credit. That Coleman could orchestrate the Common Core Standards, and then be allowed to oversee the entity that creates the SATs, is alarming, all the more so given the fact that he has no formal training in education. All of this amounts to an end run around constitutional principles and representative government, as unelected, unaccountable, unqualified, and largely unknown factotums — from Bill Gates to David Coleman to Sir Michael Barber (chief education advisor for Pearson Publishing) — transform American education off the grid and without any input or oversight from Congress or the people.
It is inconceivable that Coleman and those driving FedEd would standardize and collectivize public-school children, only to allow outs for those in Common Core-free private schools or those who elect to homeschool. Simply aligning the exams that students take as part of the college admission process — or suggesting future alignment — has been enough to drive many private schools to adopt Common Core without any other pressure being brought to bear. Roughly 70 percent of Roman Catholic diocese schools have already “adopted” or “adapted” Common Core, for instance, and a main reason for the switch is the testing: both the national standardized tests used to gauge public-school performance and the threat that both the SATs and the ACTs will eventually align with Common Core methodology.
And by controlling the Advanced Placement Exams, Coleman’s College Board now has another tool to shape curriculum in the classroom. The first AP course revised under Coleman was Advanced Placement U.S. History (APUSH), and the new tests jettison fact-based history and civics in favor of “constructing historical narratives,” all of them dealing with the presumed racism, sexism, imperialism, and homophobia that drove American expansionism, military supremacy, and economic success. The tests no longer measure quantifiable knowledge about American history — from dates to places to facts to people — but instead require students to write highly tendentious essays conforming to the progressive assumptions that drive the course. The great popularity of AP courses — which provide college credits for high school-based courses — means that schools are scurrying to change the way they teach American history so as to prepare their students for the politicized exams.
Many non-Catholic Christian schools have also begun the process of alignment, recognizing that non-Common Core textbooks are increasingly hard to find, and that sooner or later their students may run into Common Core tests. This amounts to a type of educational extortion, where federal oversight of the exams, combined with the collusion of textbook companies to print only Common Core materials, causes Christian schools to align out of fear, not sound pedagogy or curriculum.
This unforced alignment of Christian schools is especially dangerous: Reacting out of fear about what mighthappen, these schools jump on the Common Core bandwagon, all but guaranteeing that what they initially feared will happen, as the market for non-Common Core books shrinks even further, and more and more private and parochial students gravitate to Common Core-aligned tests. When did our Christian schools decide that worldly success — as measured by statist educrats and informed by secular pedagogical approaches — was more in line with faith-based education than character formation and the classical educational models that have a proven track record of success? And why would parents continue to pay expensive private-school tuition for an education that merely replicates the secular, progressive, and ultimately anti-Christian assumptions and methods of the public schools?
For homeschool parents — many of whom opted out of public schools precisely because of bureaucratic overreach and the growing recognition that government schools seek to supersede parental authority — the move to greater federal involvement is justifiably seen as ominous. Seeing the shock, hurt, and confusion of public-school parents, who were never consulted about the Common Core takeover, and whose schools were transformed without their input, is a dramatic reminder to the homeschool community that a federal government that values progressive ideology over sound and developmentally appropriate pedagogy will not, in the long run, continue to allow educational alternatives that deviate from the collectivist status quo. As usual, homeschool families must care deeply about the hijacking of public education, and indeed must actively fight such takeovers on behalf of too many public-school parents who are still in the dark about the dangers that face them. In the long run, the only way to guarantee the freedom to educate at home is to help prevent public education from fully becoming government education. On the plus side, homeschool families have burgeoned since the turn of the century. Nevertheless, according to one source nearly 40 percent of available homeschool curricula has aligned or begun the process of adapting to Common Core methodologies, and many parents are hesitant to homeschool over fears that a non-Common Core education — even a superior one — may be a hindrance to college enrollment once FedEd consolidates its gains.
Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory
People skeptical about the federal origins of Common Core — or who refuse to believe, despite four decades of evidence, that the purpose of all this constant reform is FedEd — often wonder why the feds didn’t just appropriate education the way they appropriated healthcare. The answer is simple: legally, they could not. Unlike unconstitutional healthcare edicts, written to skirt the law, that cruised to implementation, new federal decrees to federalize education faced high hurdles.Besides the 10th Amendment to the Constitution, which leaves such decisions to the states, three federal statutes from 1965 prohibit the creation of national standards or national curriculum. This is the reason Common Core has such shadowy and corporate origins, tacitly underwritten with government input, money, and support. Nevertheless, as we demonstrated above, only the federal government has the power and resources — both financially and punitively — to wedge the standards into the schools and keep them there: The federal Race to the Top program was the engine that drove that wedge.
If indeed Common Core is the coalescing development in the ascendancy of FedEd since the creation of the Department of Education, it stands to reason that both political parties contributed to its rise, defense, and continued endurance, even as both parties inside the Beltway benefit financially and in terms of control. This explains why, despite Republican control of the House, Senate, and the majority of governorships and state legislatures, no real progress has been made in removing Common Core at the state level. Between 2012 and 2014, when anti-Common Core activism was most vibrant, candidates for Republican offices in all 50 states vied to be the on the right side of the issue, promising to push back on the intrusive standards if elected. American voters installed them in record numbers and even won back the U.S. Senate, but predictably the zeal for real educational reform passed as quickly as election-night celebrations, dissipating like bubbles in a champagne flute.
So feckless are Republicans on the issue that none of the 46 states that originally accepted Common Core has successfully removed it, and those that boast of having banished it — such as Indiana or Florida — simply rebranded the standards as “Indiana College and Career Academic Standards” and the “Next Generation Sunshine State Standards,” respectively. Even the four states that in theory never accepted Common Core — Alaska, Nebraska, Texas, and Virginia — all have Common Core textbooks, assignments, and test preparation in their schools. Texas was most adamant in refusing Common Core, even though — unbeknownst to the legislature — an early prototype of Common Core named C-Scope was already loose in Lone Star schools. And then there are Republican demagogues such as Jeb Bush, who zealously defended Common Core in the face of mounting evidence of its false promises and untested methods. John Kasich too mocks those who oppose, bleating the same discredited talking points about the standards being “state led” and “academically rigorous.”
Make no mistake: Common Core is a progressive idea, crafted by progressive activists, implemented by progressive bureaucrats, and designed to benefit progressive educrats. But it is shielded, defended, funded, and now — for the first time — protected under the law, courtesy of the Republican-controlled Congress. In December 2015, as the country turned its attention to the coming holidays, both chambers voted into law the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) by a combined vote of 444 to 76. President Obama signed the bill into law on December 10. Anti-Common Core activist Emmett McGroarty correctly characterizes the bill as “a disaster that would cement, not overturn, the odious progressive-education philosophies of the Obama Administration.” Besides setting in stone Common Core, the bill retroactively legalizes — or at least provides legislative cover for — the questionably legal means by which Common Core was created and implemented.
Among other dangerous precedents, the bill legitimizes and mandates certain types of intrusive data gathering on American students, props up the national standardized test regime, green lights the imposition of psychosocial evaluative techniques in classrooms, and sets legal standing for FedEd by sanctioning all sorts of federal interventionism in American public education. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan gave his caucusjust two days to study the nearly 1,100-page bill, a dense revision of the failed No Child Left Behind bill. Ryan muscled the ESSA into law before anyone had the opportunity to digest it, let alone consider long-term ramifications.
How bad is the ESSA? Bad enough that Arne Duncan — Obama’s secretary of education from 2008 through 2015 — shared his elation after the bill’s passage in an interview with Politico Pro:
I’m stunned at how much better it ended up than either [House or Senate] bill going into conference. I had a Democratic congressman say to me that it’s a miracle — he’s literally never seen anything like it…. If you look at the substance of what is there … embedded in the law are the values that we’ve promoted and proposed forever. The core of our agenda from Day One, that’s all in there…. For the first time in our nation’s history, that’s the letter of the law.
“The core of our agenda”: This is what Republicans ceded to the feds, and for the first time in America’s history, they have an unshakable foothold from which to scale even higher peaks of control.
Duncan’s rambling interview sheds deeper light on the Republican betrayal of America’s families by the likes of Ryan, Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), and Representative John Kline (R-Minn.). Speaking of their secret negotiations prior to the vote, Duncan reveals: “We had many, many conversations behind the scenes…. And I said for us [the progressives] to support it, they’d [Alexander and Kline] have to shed their far, far right [those opposing Common Core]…. I honestly didn’t know if they’d have the political courage to do that. But they both said they would and they did. I give them tremendous credit for that.” Duncan had further kind words for the “courage” of Ryan: “About a month before [Senate passage of the bill], I ran into Speaker Ryan and we just talked briefly. I asked if he was going to back this, whether he’s willing to take on the far right. I just asked him straight up. And he said, ‘Absolutely. We’re going to back this.’ And, he did. That’s when I thought it had a real shot.”
Fool Me Once, Shame on Me. Fool Me Twice, Run for Congress!
As depressing as all of that sounds, it does provide an opportunity for a rare moment of clarity. Those who oppose FedEd must recognize that when it comes to issues of states’ rights and individual liberties, there are not two distinct political parties. While there are good people in politics fighting these issues — including some on the Democrat side of the aisle — the real struggle is between Beltway bureaucrats and the rest of us. Call them Republicrats or Democans if you prefer, but they constitute the Beltway plutocracy that seek to advance their own power at the expense of the citizenry. Coming full circle, we remember that the same president and Congress that gave us ObamaCare are the same bunch that exempted themselves from the legislation. It is true for Common Core as well: Obama’s kids will not suffer under Common Core, nor will the Bush children or the Clinton grandbaby. For them, it is, and was, swanky private schools, without a hint of common core.
The good news is that no educational development in the last 50 years has roused as much concern about the practices and policies of public education as Common Core. People are paying attention again, and parents are slowly awakening from a long slumber of complacency induced by the opiate of “free education” (pay no attention to those property taxes) and eight hours a day of “free day care.” Such soporific blandishments ring hollow when our kids come home from school wagging their fingers about climate change and nattering about white privilege. Beyond the wake-up call, Common Core has also convinced more and more parents to homeschool. For many reasons, homeschool is booming, and parents are increasingly recognizing the benefits of keeping the kids home. Academia is paying attention as well, with universities and colleges dedicating resources to recruit homeschool students. The more vibrant and viable homeschool remains, the harder it will be for the federal government to move against it.
We find ourselves as a nation in the grip of FedEd because we forgot what our Founding Fathers understood so well. When the federal government is in charge of educating our kids, they will do so for their benefit, not for the benefit of the parents or local communities. All it takes to reverse the process is for parents to realize that they are the primary educators of their children and embrace the responsibility. As in so many things, the more passive the citizenry, the more control will be imposed by government. We must stand up for our kids and take charge of their education: Practically, morally, and biblically, it just makes sense.
Dr. Duke Pesta is academic director at FreedomProject Academy.






California Democrat says New York billionaire a “here today, gone tomorrow” candidate

SEE: http://www.infowars.com/nancy-pelosi-i-guarantee-trump-will-not-be-president/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
According to Rep. Nancy Pelosi, she can “guarantee” that Donald Trump will not defeat Hillary Clinton to become president of the United States.
The California Democrat made the bold prediction during an appearance on the ‘Recode’ podcast.
Host Kara Swisher pointed out that Trump had beaten the odds so far to become the presumptive Republican nominee, but Pelosi refused to even entertain the idea that the New York billionaire would have a shot at the Oval Office.
“Donald Trump is not going to be President of the United States,” said Pelosi. “Take it to the bank, I guarantee it.”
She went on to assert that Trump was a “here today, gone tomorrow” presidential candidate.
Pelosi made it clear that she was firmly backing Hillary by constantly using the words, “our next president, whoever she may be.”
The former Speaker of the House then claimed that if comparisons were made between what Trump says about Mexicans, Muslims and women and Republican members of the House, their rhetoric is the same.
Pelosi asserted that Trump’s rise in popularity was because Republicans have spread fear about “the empowerment of women, the empowerment of minorities,” agreeing with Swisher that this tapped into “white male anger”.
The left was very confident from the beginning that Donald Trump would have no chance at securing the Republican nomination, even outright laughing at people like Ann Coulter who suggested he would be victorious.
With polls showing Hillary’s lead over Trump in sharp decline, it will be worth revisiting Pelosi’s “guarantee” in November.

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