Vatican Video Joined-compressed (1)

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
ROME — In his first-ever video declaring his “prayer intentions,” the Roman Catholic leader Jorge Bergoglio, also known as Pope Francis, called for dialogue and collaboration among those of the various world religions on Tuesday, asserting that they are simply “seeking or meeting God in different ways.”
“Most of the planet’s inhabitants declare themselves believers,” he states in the production released on the Feast of Epiphany. “This should lead to dialogue among religions. We should not stop praying for it and collaborating with those who think differently.”
The video then features clips of those from different world religions declaring belief in their various deities.
“I have confidence in Buddha,” a female lama announces.
“I believe in God,” a rabbi affirms.
“I believe in Jesus Christ,” a priest states.
“I believe in Allah,” an Islamic leader declares.
Francis contends that all the religions of the world simply represent mankind’s diversity in seeking God. He says that despite the differing beliefs, everyone is a child of the same God.
“Many think differently, feel differently, seeking God or meeting God in different ways,” he states. “In this crowd, in this range of religions, there is only one certainty that we have for all: we are all children of God.”
The video then provides footage of the pontiff meeting with and embracing those of various religions, including Buddhists, Islamists and Orthodox Jews. It again cuts to representatives of the world’s religions, who now declare the same statement: “I believe in love.”
“I hope you will spread my prayer request this month: that sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce fruits of peace and justice,” Francis states. “I have confidence in your prayers.”


But not everyone is supportive of the Vatican’s call for unity and common ground. Mike Gendron of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries of Plano, Texas told Christian News Network that the pontiff’s assertions that all mankind is meeting with the same God in different ways, and that all are children of the same God, are flawed.
“Tragically, those who do not know the Bible or who refuse to submit to it as the supreme authority for truth, will be deceived by the pope’s latest pronouncement,” he stated.
“The Word of God reveals that the human race is made up of people who are either children of God or children of the devil (1 John 3:10),” Gendron explained. “The Lord Jesus soundly rebuked the religious leaders of His day for refusing to believe the truth of His Word (John 8:440-43). Jesus told them that their father was the devil, who is the father of lies (John 8:44).”
“This remains true today,” he continued. “The god of this world has created a variety of religions to blind all of his children from the light of the Gospel and the glory of Christ (2 Cor. 4:4).”
Gendron said that in one sense—although not deliberately—Francis is correct as all are children of the darkness by nature, but man only becomes a child of God when he is reborn in Christ.
“Everyone is a child of the ‘god of this world’ until they exchange their religion for a relationship with the one true God through Jesus Christ,” he outlined. “Those who receive Jesus by believing in His name become children of God (John 1:12-13).”
Gendron, a former Roman Catholic, also opined that the pontiff’s ecumenicism is fulfilling prophesy about the formulation of a one world religion.
“As the pope continues to accelerate his ecumenical agenda to rebuild the religious tower of Babel, he will be fulfilling Bible prophecy. All the religions of the world already share a ‘works-righteousness’ salvation and they all are already united by a common spiritual bond,” he said.
“As we see the prophetic one-world religion forming, we know the children of the true God will have no part of it because they have been sanctified by the truth and sealed with the Holy Spirit (2 Thes. 2:13),” Gendron stated.


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
WASHINGTON — Barack Obama vetoed a bill on Friday that would have defunded the abortion giant Planned Parenthood, as well as repealed key parts of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
“Rather than fighting old political battles by once again voting to repeal basic protections that provide security for the middle class, members of Congress should be working together to grow the economy, strengthen middle-class families, and create new jobs,” he wrote. “Because of the harm this bill would cause to the health and financial security of millions of Americans, it has earned my veto.”
As previously reported, the House voted 240-181 in favor of the legislation on Wednesday, and last month, the Senate voted 52 to 47.
“It’s up to the president to decide if he wants to side with the people whose health care costs have skyrocketed out of control, or the abortion industrial complex whose profits have skyrocketed out of control,” Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., told reporters at a press conference following the passage of what is known as the reconciliation bill. “Congress is holding President Obama accountable.”
Wednesday’s votes were mainly along party lines, with three Republicans voting against the bill, and one Democrat voting for it. Republican Reps. John Katko and Richard Hanna, both of New York, and Rep. Bob Dold of Illinois all voted against the measure, while Collin Peterson was the sole Democrat supporting the effort.
Most expected Obama to veto the measure, but still issued statements denouncing his actions on Friday.
“President Obama’s gall is stunning,” said Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn. “He spent this week discussing the need to ‘protect innocent people’ and ‘save more lives’ yet he callously vetoed a bill to protect the most innocent and vulnerable among us from the heinous abuses of Planned Parenthood.”
“The president has chosen to continue funding for the abortion giant that helped get him elected rather than expand health care choices for women,” also remarked Casey Mattox of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). “All he has done is kill an historic bill that would have redirected existing funding from the scandal-plagued Planned Parenthood to thousands of better, low-cost community health care providers that serve women and families far more comprehensively.”
“It is past time to end the government’s immoral partnership with Planned Parenthood that has been forced upon the American people,” he said. 
As previously reported, Planned Parenthood outlined in its annual report released at the end of December that the organization performed 323,999 abortions nationwide during the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
The organization received $553 million in taxpayer funding/grants in 2014, up from $528 million the year prior, which equated to 43 percent of its total income. $48 million of Planned Parenthood’s income was used for sex education, and $39 million was used for public policy, or to influence state and federal law, up from $33 million in 2013. Despite its expenditures, it still garnered a $61 million dollar profit.
Planned Parenthood was founded in 1921 by Margaret Sanger, which was originally known as the American Birth Control League. She later changed the name as some found it offensive.
“We are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates of an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all,” Sanger once said, who was reportedly a staunch advocate of eugenics. “The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
Sanger was also the publisher of the newspaper “The Woman Rebel,” which she subtitled “No Gods, no masters.”




Prosperity Preachers Copeland, Duplantis 

Defend Use of Private Jets to Avoid 

Flying With ‘Bunch of Demons’

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Prosperity preachers Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis defended their ownership of private jets this past week, stating that they couldn’t accommodate their schedule any other way and that they wouldn’t want to ride commercial with a “bunch of demons.”
The discussion aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of Copeland’s “Believer’s Voice of Victory” as Duplantis shared a story of how God told him on a flight home that his faith was “stagnating.”
“As I was going home, the Lord–real quickly–He said, ‘Jesse, do you like your plane?’” Duplantis explained. “I thought, ‘That’s an odd statement.’ I said, ‘Well, certainly, Lord. He said, ‘Do you really like it?’ And I thought, ‘Well, yes, Lord.’ And He said, ‘So that’s it? … You gonna let your faith stagnate?’”
Duplantis said that he then unbuckled his seat belt, stood up and said, “Lord, I don’t think I’m letting my faith stagnate,” but God responded, “So, this is all I could ever do?”
Copeland then chimed in and explained that it would be difficult to talk to God on a commercial airplane, as other passengers would say, “What the [expletive] is he doing?”
“When I was flying for Oral Roberts, … my boss on the airplane, he said, ‘Now Kenneth, this is a sanctuary. It protects the anointing on brother Roberts. And he said, ‘You keep your mouth shut. You don’t talk to him unless he talks.’”
“Now Oral used to fly airlines,” Copeland continued. “But even back then it got to the place where it was agitating his spirit—people coming up to him, he had become famous, and they wanted him to pray for them and all that. You can’t manage that today [in] this dope-filled world, and get in a long tube with a bunch of demons. And it’s deadly.”
While he said that he didn’t want to fly with a “bunch of demons,” moments later, Copeland contended that he needed a private jet to help reach the lost.
“We’re in soul business here. We’ve got a dying world around us. We’ve got a dying nation around us,” Copeland proclaimed. “We can’t even get there on the airlines.”
Duplantis then explained that he had recently traveled to a number of cities for events across the nation, and that in showing his schedule to a Delta pilot, he was told that the pilot couldn’t fly his route commercial.
“When God tells you your faith’s stagnating, you better start listening,” he said. “[God] said this: ‘You’re in cruise control. You’re moving, but no longer by your power.’”
As previously reported, prosperity preacher Creflo Dollar, a friend to Copeland and Duplantis, generated controversy last year in his effort to raise $65 million dollars to purchase a private jet.
“If I want to believe God for a $65 million plane, you cannot stop me. You cannot stop me from dreaming,” he said during a message in which he addressed those who took issue with his endeavor.
Dollar had asked for 200,000 people to donate $300 dollars each so that he could purchase a new G650 airplane. The Gulfstream G650 is a top-end business jet that can carry up to 18 passengers and is stated to fly faster than other large cabin aircraft.
“The plane is not so Creflo Dollar can get on by himself and fly,” public relations representative Juda Englemayer told the Christian Post. “They take a ministry team of 10 to 15 people with them. They take thousands of pounds of food and provisions with them when they go around the world. If he’s coming to the New York church, he’ll hop on a Delta flight. If he’s taking 12 people plus 100,000 pounds of food, it’s not that simple.”
But as word broke about the project, some still expressed dismay as to why Dollar, who leads a 30,000-member megachurch and lives in a million dollar home, needs such an expensive aircraft, which is reportedly sought out by billionaires. David Graham, Global Express aircraft captain with Advanced Air Management, told the publication that Engelmayer’s claims don’t add up.
“[The aircraft] cannot carry 12 people and 100,000# of food and supplies,” he said. “Creflo is a crook and scammin’ his church in the name of the Lord.”



“Jim Rigby is pastor of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Austin, Texas. Jim works on issues of racial, gender and economic justice. Jim was named “Texas Public Citizen of the Year” by the National Association of Social Workers. He is also a student of world religions.”



The Eight Points of Progressive Christianity

By calling ourselves progressive, we mean we are Christians who….
1.  Believe that following the path and teachings of Jesus can lead to an awareness and experience of the Sacred and the Oneness and Unity of all life;
2.  Affirm that the teachings of Jesus provide but one of many ways to experience the Sacredness and Oneness of life, and that we can draw from diverse sources of wisdom in our spiritual journey;
3.  Seek community that is inclusive of ALL people, including but not limited to:
  • Conventional Christians and questioning skeptics,
  • Believers and agnostics,
  • Women and men,
  • Those of all sexual orientations and gender identities,
  • Those of all classes and abilities:
 4.  Know that the way we behave towards one another is the fullest expression of what we believe;
5.  Find grace in the search for understanding and believe there is more value in questioning than in absolutes;
6.  Strive for peace and justice among all people;
7.  Strive to protect and restore the integrity of our Earth;
8.  Commit to a path of life-long learning, compassion, and selfless love.
“The 8 Points” (2011 version), The Center for Progressive Christianity

‘I’ll Try to Keep Down My Screams of Agony’: Resurrection-Denying ‘Pastor’ 

Mocks Being Hellbound

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
AUSTIN, Texas — A false teacher and minister in Texas who says that He doesn’t believe in the literal resurrection of Christ recently mocked the gospel and those who told him that he is subsequently not a Christian, making fun of having an eternal destiny in Hell.
“Apparently, because I don’t believe in a literal resurrection, I’m not really Christian,” Jim Rigby of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Austin, Texas wrote on social media on Dec. 25. “This unfortunately also means I won’t be going to Heaven with many of you.”
He had explained in a post two days prior, “I don’t literally believe the cadaver of Jesus got up again, but I do believe the resurrection actually happened when the disciples began to see ‘Christ’ in each other, and in everyone else as well.”
Rigby said that he asked one individual who took him to task for his unbelief why “instead of being a one time magic trick, the resurrection might not be understood as a poem about the whole life process.”
He stated that during the discussion, he was told that he does not understand the gospel, and thus provided mockery of the message.
“God loves us very much, but mindless obedience is VERY important to God. So God decided to barbecue us eternally for the mistakes of our ancestors,” Rigby wrote. “But God has a son named Jesus who asked God to abuse Him instead. And so God killed Jesus in our place. And we call this story the ‘good news.’”
“All that matters is that we admit that we are worthless trash, but that Jesus likes us anyway. Oh, and we have to LITERALLY believe Jesus’ corpse got up. … So, anyway, if you believe the ‘good news,’ your physical cadaver will get up too. Hopefully someone will remember where you are buried and come dig you up,” he scoffed.
Rigby, who supports homosexuality and evolutionary beliefs, proceeded to joke about being in Hell, “me to eternal torment with Gandhi and Socrates; you to an eternity sitting in worship services with televangelists and ethical monsters who happened to believe in the literal resurrection.”
“[P]lease go on and have a good time in heaven without me,” Rigby wrote. “I’ll try to keep down my screams of agony.”
Some supported the Presbyterian minister following his comments.
“Thanks for sharing this. Brilliant. I look forward to being in the wok of woe with all you other fools,” one commenter wrote.
But others expressed sadness at Rigby’s statements.
“What part of this author’s beliefs make him identify as ‘Christian?’” one man wrote. “And seriously, why take eternal suffering so lightly, as if in jest? Hard to separate the sadness, mockery and sarcasm in this bitter piece.”
1 Corinthians 15:12-16 reads, “Now if Christ be preached that He rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ: whom He raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not. For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.”


“In 2012, Griffin was selected to succeed Joe Solmonese as president of the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBT advocacy and political lobbying organization in the United States. His appointment was well received by many in the LGBT community, including Cleve JonesR. Clarke Cooper, and Transgender Law Center executive director Masen Davis. Griffin assumed his new role on June 11, 2012.
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
A prominent homosexual advocacy group is calling upon the U.S. Department of Education to release the names of religious schools that it believes are “using faith as a guise for discrimination” by seeking exemptions from a federal law that has recently been interpreted to pertain to homosexuality and transgenderism.
“There is an alarming and growing trend of schools quietly seeking the right to discriminate against LGBT students, and not disclosing that information publicly,” said Human Rights Campaign (HRC) President Chad Griffin in a statement. “We believe that religious liberty is a bedrock principle of our nation, however faith should never be used as a guise for discrimination.”
The group is referring to Christian colleges and universities nationwide that have requested an exemption from Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits educational institutions from discriminating against a person based on their gender. Although the law has been most known as being applied to women, the Department of Education recently told various schools that Title IX also applies to transgender students.
But Title IX also contains a provision allowing religious schools to request an exemption from the law if  “application of the law would conflict with specific tenets of the religion.” HRC notes in a new report that 56 schools nationwide have requested an exemption, especially in recent years, with 23 seeking an exemption surrounding their convictions about homosexuality and 33 seeking an exemption surrounding transgender issues.
Schools who do not seek an exemption may be required to allow male students who identify as female to use the girls’ restroom and vice versa, or may be mandated to permit male students who identify as female to share dorm space with the girls and vice versa.
HRC provided the example of a George Fox University student named Jayce, a female who identifies as male.
“Jayce, a transgender male student, was denied a request to live in male housing with his friends,” it outlined. “George Fox had argued that accommodating transgender students would be incompatible with their interpretation of the Bible. Jayce questioned the school’s rationale: ‘I’m living with a bunch of young women … It’s not a good recipe for promoting the kind of behavior that a Christian university expects from its students.’”
The group also told the story of Southwestern Christian University student Christian Minard, who was expelled after the school learned that she had “married” her same-sex partner.
“Southwestern Christian required students to sign a ‘lifestyle covenant’ prohibiting, among other things, ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender (LGBT) behavior or acts,’” it explained.
HRC believes that it is discrimination for religious schools to refuse to allow transgender students to use the restroom or dorm of their choice, or to prohibit students from engaging in homosexual behavior. It wants the Department of Education to release the names of the educational institutions that have requested an exemption from Title IX and to require schools to post information on their website about the scope of the exemption granted.
“Prospective students and their parents deserve greater transparency, and we urge the Department of Education to take action by helping to increase accountability and to ensure that no student unknowingly enrolls in a school that intends to discriminate against them,” Griffin said.
But some institutions say that the exemptions are extremely important as Christian schools must be permitted to live out their faith lest they violate their entire purpose and mission as a Bible-based organization.
“If we were unable to choose faculty members who both live out and have a traditional view of Christian sexual morality, then that really damages our ability to pursue our mission as an institution,” Hunter Baker, a fellow for religious liberty at Union University, told the Daily Caller. “You’re making it illegal for us to insist on a Christian life and worldview.”



New Year’s Eve Muslim sex assaults: 

Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Finland

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Welcome to Multicultural Europe. “A friend was grabbed by one of the men and put into a headlock. Her face was in his jacket. He cuddled her and licked her face. She then said that she had no strength to free herself, she was completely at his mercy.”
The headline of this story says Sweden, but it appears to have confused Sweden with Switzerland. “New Year’s Eve sex assaults also reported in Finland, Sweden and Austria,”, January 8, 2016:
WOMEN in other European cities were the targets of sex attacks on New Year’s Eve, similar to a spate of apparently co-ordinated sexual assaults on women in Germany.
Police in the western German city of Cologne said they had received 120 criminal complaints by Thursday and quoted witnesses as saying that groups of 20-30 young men “who appeared to be of Arab origin” had surrounded victims, assaulted them and in several cases robbed them on New Year’s Eve.
Similarly Finnish police have revealed an unusually high level of sexual harassment in Helsinki on New Year’s Eve and said they had been tipped off about plans by groups of asylum seekers to sexually harass women.
Swiss police said several women were allegedly robbed and sexually assaulted in Zurich on New Year’s Eve, adding the attack method appeared “a little bit similar” to that used in a spate of assaults in Germany.
And it has now emerged that similar sex attacks were carried out in Austria, but police didn’t publicise the incidents “to protect the privacy of the victims”.
The incidents only came to light after several females came forward to complain to local media.
One identified as Sabrina S (not her real name) told Austrian newspaper Osterreich that she and her friends were attacked by a group of 10-15 men while walking home from a new club in the historic district of Salzburg.
“A friend was grabbed by one of the men and put into a headlock. Her face was in his jacket. He cuddled her and licked her face. She then said that she had no strength to free herself, she was completely at his mercy,” Sabrina said.
It was only after she managed to hit and kick the attacker that her group was able to flee. She claimed to be aware of many other incidents after posting a warning on Facebook.
“Some wrote me that they were greatly distressed at the state bridge, the Makartsteg or the railway station. A girl has even reported it to have been abducted almost New Year’s Eve at the Town Hall by a group,” Sabrina said.
Helsinki deputy police chief Ilkka Koskimaki told AFP: “There hasn’t been this kind of harassment on previous New Year’s Eves or other occasions for that matter … This is a completely new phenomenon in Helsinki.”
Security guards hired to patrol the city on New Year’s Eve told police there had been “widespread sexual harassment” at a central square where around 20,000 people had gathered for celebrations.
Three sexual assaults allegedly took place at Helsinki’s central railway station on New Year’s Eve, where around 1000 mostly Iraqi asylum seekers had converged.
“Police have … received information about three cases of sexual assault, of which two have been filed as complaints,” Helsinki police said in a statement.
“The suspects were asylum seekers. The three were caught and taken into custody on the spot,” Koskimaki told AFP.
Police said they had increased their preparedness “to an exceptional level” in Helsinki for New Year’s Eve after being tipped off about possible problems.
“Ahead of New Year’s Eve, the police caught wind of information that asylum seekers in the capital region possibly had similar plans to what the men gathered in Cologne’s railway station have been reported to have had,” police said in a statement.
Koskimaki said police did not see a link between the Cologne and Helsinki incidents.
Shortly before New Year’s Eve, Finnish police also arrested six Iraqis at an asylum residency centre in Kirkkonummi, around 30km west of Helsinki, suspected of “publicly inciting criminal behaviour”. They were released on January 2.
According to Koskimaki, the arrests were linked to the information police received in the run-up to New Year’s Eve.
In November, Finnish authorities said around 10 asylum seekers were suspected of rapes, among the more than 1000 rapes reported to police in 2015.
In Zurich, six women reported being surrounded by “several dark-skinned men”, who had robbed, groped and molested them, police said, adding that this was an unusually high number for Switzerland….


Finland: “Unprecedented” sexual harassment by Muslim migrants on New Year’s Eve

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“This phenomenon is new in Finnish sexual crime history. We have never before had this kind of sexual harrassment happening at New Year’s Eve.” Get used to it. Welcome to the New Europe. Helsinki, Zurich, and Cologne: are you starting to see a pattern?
“Unprecedented sex harassment in Helsinki at New Year, Finnish police report,” by Richard Orange, Telegraph, January 8, 2016:
Asylum seekers who met in central Helsinki to celebrate New Years’s Eve “had similar plans” to commit sexual assault and other crimes as those who targeted women in the Germany city of Cologne, Finnish Police have reported.
Three Iraqi asylum seekers have been arrested for committing sexual assaults during the celebrations in the city’s Senate Square, where some 20,000 had gathered.
Security personnel reported “widespead sexual harrassment” during the celebrations, police added, with women complaining that asylum seekers had groped their breasts and kissed them without permission.
“This phenomenon is new in Finnish sexual crime history,” Ilkka Koskimaki, the deputy chief of police in Helsinki, told the Telegraph. ”We have never before had this kind of sexual harrassment happening at New Year’s Eve.”
He said that the police had received tip-offs from staff at the asylum reception centres.
“Our information from these reception centres were that disturbances or other crimes would happen in the city centre. We were prepared for fights and sexual harrassment and thefts.”
He said that police had established a “very massive presence” to control the estimated 1,000 Iraqi asylum seekers who had gathered in the tunnels surrounding the central railway station by 11pm, many of whom appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Mr Koskimaki said that sexual assults [sic] in parks and on the streets had been unknown in Finland before a record 32,000 asylum seekers arrived in 2015, making the 14 cases last year “big news in the city”.
“We had unfortunately some very brutal cases in autumn,” he said. “I don’t know so well other cultures, but I have recognised that the thinking of some of them is very different. Some of them maybe think that it is allowed to be aggressive and touch ladies on the street.”…
If those ladies are Infidels, yes.
Cologne note I want sex I will kill

Cologne: Muslim arrested with German and Arabic translations: “I want to have sex with you,” “I’ll kill you” — is released

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
He was released for lack of evidence. Of course! Carrying around a paper with phrases like that on it is something any earnest young immigrant would do, no?
“Cologne sex attacks: City’s police chief ‘sacked’ over violence,” by Justin Huggler, Telegraph, January 8, 2016
The police chief of Cologne has been sacked amid a backlash over a wave of sexual assaults on women in the city centre on New Year’s Eve, it has been reported.
The city’s authorities have been heavily criticised for their handling of the violence. They have drawn particular outrage for initially claiming there was no evidence that asylum seekers were involved in the violence, only for it to emerge that they had in fact detained several on the night.
The police chief Wolfgang Albers, 60, had so far resisted calls to resign. But he was informed by the state interior minister Ralf Jaeger that he would be given early retirement, a state government source told Reuters.
Earlier, police arrested two men “of an immigrant background” in connection with the sex attacks. One of the men was carrying a note in German and Arabic with translations of phrases including “Beautiful breasts”, “I want to have sex with you” and “I’ll kill you”, according to police.
They have since been released for lack of evidence….


Italy: Gun-wielding Muslims shoot pistol in air, ask teens if they believe in Allah

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Europe’s glorious multiculturalism in full flower. “The teens responded that they don’t believe in anything.” That’s why they will be conquered and subjugated.
“Gun-wielding Arabs ask teens if they ‘believe in Allah,’” ANSA, January 8, 2016 (thanks to Insubria):
(ANSA) – Modena, January 8 – Five teenagers were reportedly threatened by Arabs from the Maghreb who lined them up, shot a pistol into the air, and asked them whether they believe in Allah or are Christians.
The teens responded that they don’t believe in anything, and the men left.
It is not clear whether or not the gun was real.
Oh, well, if it was shooting blanks, they must have been moderate.
Carabinieri police are investigating the incident that took place in the town of Vignola in Modena province.



Cologne Mayor to Victims of Migrant Sex Assaults: You Asked For It

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
In FrontPage, I explain how feminism is dying on multiculturalism’s sacrificial altar:
On New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany, around 1,000 Muslim migrants congregated by the city’s main train station, where they sexually assaulted numerous women and gleefully defied police; one officer recounted that the attackers showed a lack of respect for the police “like I have never experienced in my 29 years of public service.” An attacker crowed,  “I’m a Syrian! You have to treat me kindly! Mrs. Merkel invited me.” In response, Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker has vowed to make sure that women change their behavior, so that they don’t provoke the poor dears to sexual assault again.
That’s right. As hard as it may seem to believe, Reker blamed the victims, and declared that corrective measures would be taken. She said: “The women and young girls have to be more protected in the future so these things don’t happen again.” She didn’t mean protected by police. “This means,” Reker continued, “they should go out and have fun, but they need to be better prepared, especially with the Cologne carnival coming up. For this, we will publish online guidelines that these young women can read through to prepare themselves.”
Reker’s words recalled a hadith in which Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, said to a Muslim woman: “‘O Asma, when a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her parts of body except this and this,’ and he pointed to her face and hands.” (Sunan Abu Dawud 4092) The idea behind a woman covering everything except her face and hands is rooted in the assumption that if a man is tempted by her, it’s her fault. She can therefore try to quell that temptation by removing its impetus and covering up. If she fails to do so, or if she covers up and is attacked anyway, the fault lies entirely with her, and her family can cleanse itself of the dishonor she has brought upon them by putting her to death.
There is no room in this web of assumptions, which is all too common in the Islamic world, for the idea that if a man rapes or sexually assaults a woman, he bears the guilt. The guilt is all on his victim.
And now, Henriette Reker has shown us yet again that when multiculturalism and feminism come into conflict, multiculturalism always wins – at least when it comes to Islam. Feminists have been telling the world for decades that it is outrageous and wrong to say that a rape victim was “asking for it” because of the way she was dressed. But now, Reker has said essentially just that: if only the women in Cologne had been properly “prepared,” you see, if only they had access to the “guidelines” she is cooking up, then all would have been well. Reker said nothing about getting Muslim migrants “prepared” for life in Germany, and has made no announcement about issuing any “guidelines” for them about how to keep themselves from molesting women.
No, for Reker, as for Islamic supremacists everywhere, the responsibility to prevent sexual assault lies solely with them women. What, then, will her “guidelines” direct the non-Muslim women of Cologne to do? If she is consistent, they will tell women to buy a niqab. Buy a burqa. Or at very least to “dress modestly.” The “guidelines” will remind women that if they get attacked by migrants, it’s their own fault, as they should have been more careful.
And so Cologne’s Mayor slips without any evident hesitation into the Sharia mindset that it is entirely the woman’s responsibility to avoid tempting men, and entirely her fault if she is attacked.
The rape of captive non-Muslim women is sanctioned in Islamic tradition. One of Muhammad’s followers recounted:
We went out with Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) on the expedition to the Bi’l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them…(Sahih Muslim 3371)
There is no indication that they thought it necessary to obtain the consent of the women involved. They were just chattel. So also now, apparently, are the women of Cologne – and if they’re not “prepared,” so much the worse for them.

Philadelphia Mayor: Shooting of cop in name of Islam had “nothing to do with being a Muslim or following the Islamic faith”

Edward Archer said he shot Philadelphia Police Officer Jesse Hartnett because “police bend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the Quran.” But Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney wants you to know that the shooting had “nothing to do with being a Muslim or following the Islamic faith.” I called this earlier today, writing here at Jihad Watch: “Not to worry. Obama and the Mayor of Philadelphia will find some way to explain that this has nothing to do with Islam.” And here we are.
Kenney’s predecessor was named Nutter. And there is still a Nutter in the Philadelphia mayor’s office. He should be calling for an inquiry into where Archer learned about Islam, where he went to mosque, and what in Islam gave him this idea. Instead, the utterly predictable denial.
“Mayor Kenney On Officer Shooting: ‘It Has Nothing To Do With Being Muslim,’” CBS, January 8, 2016:
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — During a police press conference Friday afternoon, Mayor Jim Kenney stated that he believes the shooting of a Philadelphia police officer has “nothing to do with being a Muslim,” despite the suspect claiming he did it in the name of Islam.
Mayor Kenney said, “In no way shape or form does anyone in this room believe that Islam or the teaching of Islam has anything to do with what you’ve seen on the screen.”
Philadelphia Police Officer Jesse Hartnett was shot several times late Thursday.
Authorities say the suspect gave a full confession to the shooting.
Commissioner Richard Ross said, “According to him, police bend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the Quran.”
Mayor Kenney said of the shooting, “It is abhorrent. It is terrible and it does not represent the religion or any of its teachings.”
He continued, “This is a criminal with a stolen gun who tried to kill one of our officers. It has nothing to do with being a Muslim or following the Islamic faith.”
Police sources say the suspect is 30-year-old Edward Archer, of Yeadon.


Governor Greg Abbott released the following statement in response to President Obama’s executive actions imposing gun control measures across the country.
“The Bill of Rights was added as a specific safeguard to prevent the federal government from denying Americans those guaranteed rights,” said Governor Abbott. “Today, the President trampled the purpose and substance of the Bill of Rights by unilaterally imposing Second Amendment restrictions. After failing to pass gun control measures through Congress, the President is yet again resorting to unilateral executive action in place of the democratic process. Despite the President’s latest attempt to undermine our liberty, Texas will take every action to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.”
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Texas Governor Greg Abbott made good on his promise to challenge President Obama’s gun control initiatives Friday, calling for a Constitutional Convention of US states to create several new amendments aimed at reasserting states’ rights.
Among nine proposed amendments, “The Texas Plan” aims to prohibit Congress from regulating activity that occurs wholly within one state. Another amendment requires Congress to balance its budget, and another allows a two-thirds majority of states to override a US Supreme Court decision.
“Congress is unable to control itself. So the people must impose control,” Governor Abbott said during a speech before the Texas Public Policy Foundation.
Abbott explained that federal lawmakers were out of step with the “Constitutional principles” our Founders put in place, and urged other states to join Texas in helping to “fix the cracks in our Constitution.”
“The increasingly frequent departures from Constitutional principles are destroying the Rule of Law foundation on which this country was built,”Abbott said, specifically citing President Obama’s recent executive authorizations infringing on the Second Amendment.
“We are succumbing to the caprice of man that our Founders fought to escape. The cure to these problems will not come from Washington D.C. Instead, the states must lead the way. To do that I am adding another item to the agenda next session. I want legislation authorizing Texas to join other states in calling for a Convention of States to fix the cracks in our Constitution.”
Abbott’s declaration and 92-page proposal follows an appearance by the president in a televised town hall-style meeting hosted by CNN, in which the Commander-in-Chief attempted to convince Americans that executive orders infringing on the Second Amendment were a good idea.
Responding to the announcement, Abbott – a strong advocate for gun rights – promised, “Texas will take every action to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.”
“The Bill of Rights was added as a specific safeguard to prevent the federal government from denying Americans those guaranteed rights,” Abbott said in a press release Tuesday. “Today, the President trampled the purpose and substance of the Bill of Rights by unilaterally imposing Second Amendment restrictions.”
The outspoken Republican governor made his intent to disobey executive orders imposed by the president clear over the weekend in a pointed tweet, challenging Obama to “Come and take it.”

Governor Abbott Unveils Texas Plan, 

Offers Constitutional Amendments 

To Restore The Rule Of Law

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Governor Greg Abbott today delivered the keynote address at the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Annual Policy Orientation where he unveiled his Texas Plan to restore the Rule of Law and return the Constitution to its intended purpose. In his plan, Governor Abbott offers nine constitutional amendments to rein in the federal government and restore the balance of power between the States and the United States. The Governor proposes achieving the constitutional amendments through a Convention Of States.
“The increasingly frequent departures from Constitutional principles are destroying the Rule of Law foundation on which this country was built,” said Governor Abbott. “We are succumbing to the caprice of man that our Founders fought to escape. The cure to these problems will not come from Washington D.C. Instead, the states must lead the way. To do that I am adding another item to the agenda next session. I want legislation authorizing Texas to join other states in calling for a Convention of States to fix the cracks in our Constitution.”
Governor Abbott went on to explain that dysfunction in Washington, D.C. stems largely from the federal government’s refusal to follow the Constitution. Congress routinely violates its enumerated powers, while taxing and spending its way from one financial crisis to another. The President exceeds his executive powers to impose heavy-handed regulations. And the Supreme Court imposes its policy views under the guise of judicial interpretation. Governor Abbott urged action by Texas – and other states – to restore the Rule of Law in America.
Governor Abbott offered the following constitutional amendments:
  1. Prohibit Congress from regulating activity that occurs wholly within one State.
  2. Require Congress to balance its budget.
  3. Prohibit administrative agencies—and the unelected bureaucrats that staff them—from creating federal law.
  4. Prohibit administrative agencies—and the unelected bureaucrats that staff them—from preempting state law.
  5. Allow a two-thirds majority of the States to override a U.S. Supreme Court decision.
  6. Require a seven-justice super-majority vote for U.S. Supreme Court decisions that invalidate a democratically enacted law.
  7. Restore the balance of power between the federal and state governments by limiting the former to the powers expressly delegated to it in the Constitution.
  8. Give state officials the power to sue in federal court when federal officials overstep their bounds.
  9. Allow a two-thirds majority of the States to override a federal law or regulation.


Texas Governor Calls for Constitutional Convention to Give Power Back to States

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
AUSTIN, Texas — The governor of Texas has proposed a Constitutional Convention of States that would amend the U.S. Constitution in an effort to take back states’ rights and override federal decisions with a majority vote.
In an address on Friday, Gov. Greg Abbott, introduced what he called “The Texas Plan,” which seeks to strengthen founder’s original intent of the Tenth Amendment, which declares, “the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
“These increasingly frequent departures from Constitutional principles are destroying the rule of law foundation on which this country was built,” he stated. “We are succumbing to the caprice of man that our founders fought to escape. The cure to these problems will not come from Washington D.C. They must come from the states.”
Abbott, a Roman Catholic, said that the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judicial branch have been abusing their powers for years.
“The irony for our generation is that the threat to our Republic doesn’t come just from foreign enemies, it comes, in part, from our very own leaders,” he stated.
The Constitutional Convention of States would be created under the authority of Article V of the U.S. Constitution, which states in part, “The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof…”
Abbott’s plan seeks to make seek to make nine amendments to the U.S. Constitution, which include allowing a two-thirds majority of the states to overturn a U.S. Supreme Court opinion, requiring a seven-justice “super majority” in the Supreme Court for decisions that would overturn a vote by the people, permitting a two-thirds majority of the states to override a federal law or regulation, and ensuring that the federal government does not step outside of the powers expressly delegated by the Constitution.
“[T]he entire structure of the Constitution was premised on the idea that the States would be stronger than the national government,” he wrote in a 70-page outline of the plan. “[T]he States must step up and lead; and thanks to the Founders’ prescience, the Constitution itself provides the path forward.”
If formed, the convention would be the first since 1787.

Alex Jones & Texas Governor Challenge Obama On Gun Control

Published on Jan 11, 2016
Texas Governor Greg Abbott made good on his promise to challenge President Obama’s gun control initiatives Friday, calling for a Constitutional Convention of US states to create several new amendments aimed at reasserting states’ rights.…












Raymond Ibrahim: Muslim Persecution of Christians, November 2015

As Muslim jihadis, mobs and regimes terrorized Christians and others throughout the world of Islam, in the West, institutions—from governments to grade schools—empowered and praised Islam, often at the expense of Christians.

On November 2, a group of Muslims stormed the Church of our Lady of Carmen, in the town of Rincon de la Victoria, Spain, and smashed wooden statues of the Virgin Mary and Jesus on the cross. The month before, a Moroccan man was arrested in the same town after trying to destroy another statue of the Virgin Mary while screaming “Allahu Akbar!”

U.S. President Barack Obama described the idea of giving preference to persecuted Christian refugees as “shameful”— even though helping persecuted refugees is what America has always been doing and much of what it is about.  “That’s not American.  That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion,” Obama admonished.  Unfortunately for the president, statistics were soon released indicating that “the current [refugee] system overwhelmingly favors Muslim refugees. Of the 2,184 Syrian refugees admitted to the United States so far, only 53 are Christians while 2,098 are Muslim.” So, although Christians are 10% of Syria’s population—and possibly the most persecuted group—only 2% of the refugees entering America are Christian.
Adding to the confusion, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush falsely claimed that Syrian President Bashar Assad  “executes Christians.”  In reality, not only have Christian minorities long been protected under the secular regime of Assad — himself a member of a religious minority — but many Christian refugees who fled the jihad in Iraq went to Assad’s Syria for sanctuary.
Accordingly, the head of the Syrian Catholic Church, Mar Ignace Youssif III Youan, in a November interview, accused Western governments of “perpetuat[ing] the endless conflict in Syria” and of having “betrayed the Christians of the East. We explained from the beginning that our situation was different from that of other nations in the region, they were not listened to. And now we mourn deaths over the past five years….It’s a shame that the West has abandoned Christians to this situation.”
Less than a week after jihadis murdered 130 people in Paris, Hillary Clinton asserted that Muslims “have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.”
The same pro-Islamist, anti-Christian spirit floated through some Western schools.  In the United Kingdom, Pupils at Oldknow Academy were reportedly led in “anti-Christian chants” in assemblies which were “like a rally” with a “plainly divisive” attitude.”  According to theBirmingham Mail, Asif Khan, a Muslim teacher, led pupils, shouting, “We don’t believe in Christmas, do we?” and “Jesus wasn’t born in Bethlehem, was he?”  Children were also asked to shout: “Do we send Christmas cards? No!” and “Do we celebrate Christmas? No!” Khan denies the claims.
However, Ann Connor, an education advisor contracted to work for Department for Education who had earlier visited the school, said, “I found the school to be extraordinary. There was an element of fear.”  A female staff member was said to be “frightened of Mr. Khan.” And a parent complained of the “increasing Islamic ethos in the school.”
In the United States, a seventh-grade teacher at Spring View Middle School in Huntington Beach, California, deviated from the district’s official curriculum and had students sing “This Is My Fight Song.”  Lyrics from the song included, “Islam … Allah’s on the way.  They will preach them loud tonight. Can you hear their voice this time?  This is their fight song. Spread Islam now song. Prove that they’re right song.”
Parents only found out about the song after some students accidentally brought the pamphlet home. “I believe that by singing the song,” one of the angry parents said, “the children feel comfortable that maybe Allah is the only god and maybe that they should start following him.  I’m not OK with that.” The school responded by sending an apology to parents and said it would continue looking into the incident.
Meanwhile, in the Islamic world, it was business as usual. November’s roundup of Muslim persecution of Christians around the world includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Muslim Slaughter of Christians and Savagery
Libya: Two Christians were killed by gunshot wounds to their heads.  The bodies of Wasfy Bakhit Gad Mikhail, 37, and his brother Fahmy, 27, were found on November 13 near Al Khums.  On their bodies were black gloves with Islamic phrases.  Like many other Christians killed in Libya—including the 21 who were slaughtered earlier this year by the Islamic State—the brothers were working as laborers and sending their earnings back home to support their families. “They were targeted and killed because they are Christians,” said Father Sulaiman Botros.  “They kept the faith and refused to deny the Lord Jesus Christ. They are our church’s martyrs.”
Egypt: Marwa Ahmed, a 26-year-old former Muslim woman, was killed by her family for converting to Christianity and marrying a Christian.  Three years ago she fled her hometown and moved to Alexandria with her new husband, where she gave birth to a boy and girl.  But when her uncle and cousins learned that she was back visiting Taymiyya, they tracked her down and kidnapped her.  According to the report, her uncle then forced her younger sister to “kill her to ‘punish’ her for her conversion [to Christianity].” Other reports say that the uncle killed Marwa himself.
Yet another  Christian soldier was killed in his (Muslim majority) unit.  Bishoy Nata‘i Bushri Kamal, 21, was found dead at his military station in Cairo.  The army told his family that he had committed suicide by hanging.  However, the boy’s uncle, Sami Bushri, said: “We completely reject this [assertion that he had committed suicide].”  The uncle added that Bishoy had recently gotten into a quarrel with a certain “Mustafa,” a fellow soldier.  Injuries were  found on Kamal’s abdomen, face and back —all of which indicate that he was tortured, then murdered. (See here for five more examples of Egyptian Christian soldiers found dead, followed by military claims of suicide or some other “accident,” and rejection of these claims by their families. They all point to conflicts with Muslim soldiers in the unit (including attempts to force the Christians to convert to Islam).
Yemen: Two Muslim converts to Christianity, in two separate incidents, were murdered  on charges of leaving Islam In Taiz, an al-Qaeda member shot a Christian man 15 to 20 times. The second Christian, shot once in his home, was killed either by another Islamic jihadi group or by members of his own family. A colleague of the second convert said that Muslims were harassing and threatening the man: “A lot of people didn’t like that he was a convert…  I think it is because of his faith; there is no other reason [to kill him].”  Authorities, as usual, made no arrests in the killings.
United Kingdom:  Former Muslim, Nissar Hussain, 49, was struck 13 times with a pickaxe and repeatedly punched and kicked when two hooded men attacked him as he left his house in West Yorkshire.  He suffered a shattered kneecap and a broken hand (video of attack here).  According to the “apostate,” he became a target after he converted to Christianity in 1996 and his family appeared in a documentary exposing the mistreatment of Muslim converts in 2008.  Since then, Muslim residents drove his family from a previous home and have attacked them  in the streets. “Our lives have been jeopardized,” Hussain said. “We have been forced to live under a climate of fear, this is not England….  I grew up in in [sic] to a free decent country accepting British values and the British rule of law….  I think multiculturalism has failed, I think David Cameron’s Big Society has failed and I think there is two laws, one for them and one for us.”
Bangladesh: On November 18, three men attacked Fr. Piero Parolari, a 64-year-old missionary who had been working at St. Vincent Hospital since 1985. “They wanted to kill him,” said a colleague.  “Three thugs were on the motorcycle. One shot him in the neck, but only grazed it, whilst another threw a knife (perhaps a Chinese knife) at the carotid artery. The cut did most of the damage. Fr. Parolari lost a lot of blood.”  The priest fell and hit his head, had bruises on his eyes and body, and three broken ribs.  Last reported he was suffering from respiratory problems and fluids had to be drained from his lungs.
In a separate incident, on November 5, four Catholic families narrowly escaped death when a group of Muslims burned down their homes on the accusation of witchcraft.  A Muslim mob tried to lock them inside their houses before setting them on fire.  “For more than a year, Muslim youths from a neighboring village accused us of practicing witchcraft and told us to leave the village. They abused us in public and threw bricks at our houses,” said Ramni Das, 57, who lost two homes in the attack. “They wanted to kill us by burning us alive, but we managed to escape. We have lost everything.”
Kenya: A Muslim exposed as a secret Christian escaped his Muslim in-laws who tried to stab him and seized his wife and children.  Hassan Ali said that on the evening of November 11, Muslim neighbors and in-laws, armed with knives, knocked on his door. He said that Muslims in the area may have become suspicious of his break from Islam since he had stopped attending the mosque.  “I heard people talking outside my house and mentioning my name… I knew I was in trouble when they started questioning my wife about her faith. I then escaped through the window.”  Her relatives then seized the woman and their two children, a 7-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl, and took them to her parents’ home.  According to a source, “The parents are telling Ali’s wife that the children should start going to a madrassa, an Islamic elementary school….  Ali’s wife is facing pressure from her parents to recant the Christian faith, and she is emotionally troubled.” Ali said it will be “very difficult” to return to his house or see his family again. “What is worrying me at the moment is that communication between my wife and me has now been disconnected.  I cannot reach her again. I know my wife and my two children, Hussein and Mariam, will be Islamized. This is making me to have sleepless nights.”
Central Nigeria: Hausa-Fulani Muslim herdsmen regularly commit atrocities against Christians that should be described as “ethnic/religious cleansing,” according to a report by the Nigeria Conflict Security Analysis Network. Despite the media narrative that Hausa violence is a result of environmental degradation and migration, the herdsmen are reportedly motivated by an Islamic agenda that seeks to cleanse the land of Christians no less than the more notorious jihadi organization, Boko Haram.  Data from the report finds that in just a year-and-a-half (December 2013 to July 2015), the Muslim herdsmen slaughtered 1,484 Christians (532 men, 507 women, and 445 children), injured 2,388 Christians (1,069 men, 817 women, and 502 children), and burned or destroyed 171 churches and 314 houses and 39 shops and businesses of Christians. Nigeria Conflict Security Analysis Network concludes that “for many people the atrocities committed by the Hausa-Fulani Muslim herdsmen can be, at best, described as ethnic cleansing, and at worst, as genocide. This is because, from the evidence presented, there is a deliberate and calculated infliction of physical destruction, targeted at particular religious [Christian] and ethnic groups. Such destruction is supported and driven by a religious supremacist ideology to ensure Islam dominates all aspects of life in Taraba State.”
Central African Republic: Thousands of people have been killed since 2013 when Muslim Seleka seized power in the Christian-majority country. After months of killings, raping, and looting by armed Seleka, Christian “anti-balaka militias emerged and were likely responsible for killing three Muslims. In retaliation, Muslims torched a church and slaughtered over 30 men and women and torched their homes in Christian-majority parts of Bangui, the capital.  According to a local contact, “The people have lost everything, and have nowhere to lay their head. They have become wanderers and vagabonds in their own country…  [T]he objective continues to be to impoverish the Christians by burning all their homes and property…  The threat of sudden death is on everyone’s mind, given what is going on in CAR [Central African Republic] far from the media cameras.  We are defenceless, our very lives exposed, and only God can save us.”
Muslim Attacks on Christian Churches
Spain: On November 2, a group of Muslims stormed the Church of our Lady of Carmen in the town of Rincon de la Victoria.  They smashed wooden statues of the Virgin Mary and Jesus on the cross during the attack.   A spokesman for the Diocese of Malaga said the attack was not representative of all Muslims and that the diocese was committed to maintaining “respect and fraternity between different religious groups.” The month before, a Moroccan man was arrested in the same town after trying to destroy another statue of the Virgin Mary while screaming “Allahu Akbar!”
Iraq: The Islamic State reportedly detonated the convent belonging to the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena on the morning of November 5. The explosion of the convent also caused considerable damage to adjacent buildings.  According to the Assyrian Monitor for Human Rights and other media, this latest attack by the “caliphate” occurred in Tel Keppe—“Hill of Stones”—one of the largest historically Assyrian Christian towns in northern Iraq,  about 8 miles from Mosul.
Egypt: On November 12, three gunmen opened fire on an Evangelical church by the Giza pyramids near Cairo. Separately, in the city of Rashid, a retired Muslim judge is attempting to destroy a church. Judge Mohamed Mostafa Kamel Tirana and his two sons claim that they purchased the church building in 1990 and say that it was their family’s ancestral home. However, he registered the purchase of the building in 2008—18 years after the alleged purchase.  The lawyer acting for the church leaders says the building has been registered as a church since 1948 in the city’s real estate authority, the Property Taxes office and the 1946 Cadastral map. “His [the Muslim judge’s] purpose of taking over the church is demolishing its building and rebuild[ing] big shopping malls on its land,” said church leader Luka Asaad Awad.  Last September 2, the judge managed to infiltrate the church and tried to demolish the building from inside. “We beg President Abdel Fatah El-Sisi to intervene and protect the church and stop the demolition of it,” said the church leader.
Kenya:  Muslims burned down two Christian churches, Faith Victory Church and Holistic Church, on the outskirts of Tiribe town.  Prior to these arson attacks, church leaders received threatening messages from Muslims, including calls to “stop converting our people to Christianity, and if not you will soon regret changing our people to Christianity.”  Christians have been since worshipping in tents, some of which have been flooded by strong rains—five people were swept away by a heavy downpour.
Indonesia: More than 1,000 Christian churches have been shut down in the Muslim majority nation since 2006, when the “religious harmony” law was passed, according to areport. The law requires minority religious groups to secure 60 signatures of local residents of another faith, and a written recommendation from local authorities—which, as Christian leaders indicate, is often impossible—before obtaining permits to build houses of worship.
Iraq:  Parliament passed a law that will force Christian children to become Muslim if their father converts to Islam or if their Christian mother marries a Muslim.  Assyrian Christians, Yazidis, Mandeans, Kakai and Bahai leaders vigorously fought the law and their representatives walked out of the parliament session in protest after it was passed. They had requested adding: “Minors will keep their current religion until the completion of 18 years of age, then they have the right to choose their religion” — but the clause was rejected.
Iran: Fourteen Christians, among them converts from Islam, were arrested after agents from the Ministry of Intelligence raided a private house-church meeting.  Most of the group had previously been members of the Emmanuel Protestant Church in Tehran, which Iranian authorities had forced to close in 2012. According to Christian Solidarity, “We are extremely concerned at the arrests of these 14 Christians and the fact that their whereabouts remain unknown, which gives rise to concerns regarding their wellbeing. These people had merely gathered peacefully and had not partaken in any illegal activities. It is unacceptable that the Iranian authorities continue to harass the Christian community without cause.”
Uzbekistan: On Sunday, November 8 in Tashkent, the nation’s capital, twelve Protestant Christians holding a worship meeting in a private home were detained and some beaten after eight plain-clothed anti-terrorism officers stormed their morning meeting.  A large quantity of Christian literature—approximately 100 books—was also confiscated.  Two Christians were handcuffed and another was “hit and kicked” on the head and in the abdomen by an armed officer.  The Christians were then taken to the police station where they were held for nine hours. During that time, they were forbidden to use the toilet facilities and denied water. Some of the Christians detained had infant children with them and were not allowed to feed them until they had written statements against Sarvar Zhuliyev, in whose home they had met.  Christian parents were forced to write statements declaring that Sarvar Zhuliyev had “taught them the faith of Jesus Christ.” Some of the children were also interrogated by police and forced to write statements.  Problems began when the head teacher of a school in the capital’s Yashnobod District told police that two pupils were speaking about their Christian faith with other pupils.
Turkey:  A survey revealed that “Eighty percent of minorities in Turkey say they cannot express themselves openly on social media, while 35 percent said they are subject to hate speech on the same platform.”   The survey was conducted among 746 Turkish citizens who are members of the Greek, Armenian, Syriac, and Jewish communities.  Over one-third of respondents also said they were subject to defamation, humiliation, obscenity or threats due to their minority identity on social media.
Pakistani Dhimmitude
  • Sana John, a 13-year-old Christian girl, was kidnapped and converted to Islam by force in Haji Pura, near Silakot.  On November 9, Muslim men stopped the girl while she was returning home from school and seized her. The Christian family was threatened not to file a complaint.  According to her father, “In Pakistan there is no justice for the poor and, above all, no one cares for Christians, no one has heard my cry. The police do not pursue the culprits, no one is doing anything for us.”
  • A few days later, a Muslim family kidnapped, beat and left naked on the streets an 8-year-old Christian girl, as a way to “punish” her uncle for pursuing a relationship with a female member of the Muslim family. The Muslims kidnapped the Christian girl, named Parwasha, on her way home from school, after which she was stripped naked and beaten.  When the girl ran home to her family, they went to local police, only to find that the Muslim family had already filed a complaint against the entire Christian family for “shaming” the Muslim family.
  • Another 8-year-old girl, Sara Bibi, was scolded, beaten and locked in a school bathroom by her Muslim head teacher for using the same toilet as Muslims. Headmistress of the school, Zahida Rana, locked Sara in the bathroom and then shouted at her: “You are a Christian, an infidel. How dare you use the same toilet as Muslim girls?”  Despite vigorously pleading her innocence Sara was beaten and only released from the toilet 3 hours later at the end of the school day.  The girl has since been expelled from the school.
  • A Christian activist, Aslam Masih, was shot in the legs by four Muslims in Lahore. The episode, says Christian lawyer Sardar Mushtaq Gill, “is a clear sign of intimidation towards our work.” Before shooting, the criminals asked him to withdraw a complaint that the police had registered. When he refused they opened fire.
  • A group of masked men set fire to a Christian broadcasting outlet, Gawahi TV, in Karachi. The building collapsed. Gawahi television was established in February 2013 in a joint collaboration between Catholic and Protestant communities, to “spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people of all religions who live in Pakistan.” As reported by the television website, about 12 million people watched it regularly.  Despite many threats and many requests for security, police did not comply.