SEE: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2015/newsletter20151130.htmrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Letter to the Editor: Alone and Dismayed By Condition of Churches in a Midwest Town

Dear Lighthouse Trails Editors:
I live in the Midwest, and one would think that the apostate church has not infiltrated us here.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  My husband and I have stopped attending church due to previous churches attended now being mega seeker sensitive.  Recently we decided to try two churches.
The first church is a non-denominational.  I felt the Lord was leading me to attend Sunday school, which I did.  The pastor led the class, and it was during the time of the Pope’s visit.  The pastor stated, “The people are attracted to his anointing.”  Another lady stated, “It is a good thing he is not running for public office, or he would be easily elected.”  She spoke highly of him. This was also during the time of the “blood moon.” This church was watching John Hagee’s series concerning the Blood Moons on Wednesday nights.  They were starting a series of studying a book written by Bill Johnson of Bethel Church of Redding, California.  Needless to say, we did not return. I know a couple who attended the same Sunday we did, and they continue to attend because they “like the music.”
We tried another church.  I again attended Sunday school, and they do not study the Bible like I do.  Very basic, milk instead of meat.  The church has a new pastor who invited my husband and I to lunch.  He shared his love of Andy Stanley’s books and said he had plans to “grow the Church” and “if anyone disagrees with my methods, they can leave.”  His preaching is very “feeling’ focused. He is a former banker who became a pastor later in life.  He clearly is using the techniques learned in the business world to woo the people. During his sermon, he stated, “Sometimes I even use the Message Bible for my sermons.” I was amazed at the people’s response.  Many laughed, and one man mockingly stated, “blasphemy” as he laughed.  A cold chill ran down my spine as I looked at these people, some whom clearly love the Lord but are being led astray.
A friend and her husband attend an ELCA Lutheran church and have been asked to leave because of their views against homosexuality—they believe in the biblical view of homosexuality being a sin.  The leaders of that church say, “the Bible got it wrong.”  They also do not believe in what they call “decision theology”—people responding to altar calls and making a conscious decision for Christ; they believe people are saved because of their church attendance.
The pastor of another ELCA church resigned due to pressure to perform gay marriages.
A fellowship here that is aligned with Bill Johnson’s Bethel Church has grown into a church, and it is growing each Sunday.
A church here has started a Yoga class. I sent her [the teacher] the booklet on “Christian Yoga” along with a letter. No response, and the class continues.
I am saying all this to say that if anyone would have told me I would see this in my town ten years ago, I would have not believed it; now I find myself at a loss for words when I watch the falling away before my eyes.
It is lonely here when you seek to walk in truth.  Words fail me as I see that the church is not a safe place. Also, I see that people are not checking if what is being preached is God’s Word, man’s word, feelings, or just plain dangerous to their faith.  As Christ said to Peter, I pray that your faith fail not.
Thank you for your contending for the Faith.
Blessings to you all.


Reply to a Pastor about a Family That Left His Church

SEE: http://www.wayoflife.org/index_files/reply_to_a_pastor_about_family_that_left.htmlrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:


Several weeks ago I received the following communication from a pastor in Florida:
“A few weeks ago a family started coming to my church and told me the reason they left their former church was because of the music standards falling. I am not a proponent of one leaving their church but I do understand that standards are very important and many are falling by the wayside. I feel that I am very conservative in music, dress, preaching, preachers,  etc so I figured that maybe this family would find a place to settle down. After a few weeks of them coming and saying how much they enjoyed everything we had a 3 day meeting with an evangelist we have used for years. 

“All of a sudden this family flew the coop! They won’t answer the phone or return a call so I said oh well, easy come easy go! Today I received a letter explaining that they would not be back because the evangelist sang ‘he touched me’ which he says was written by Bill Gaither. I don’t know and don’t really care;  it’s not a song that I will defend or detract. As far as Bill Gaither is concerned I’ve never knowingly listened to him or his group, and never will, I don’t listen to long haired hippies sing. I have gone over the song in my head and cannot find anything blatantly wrong with it other than it’s a little vague. 

“My biggest issue is that he says in his letter that I need to come to you so that I can learn about music. Now while I am no academic I do study and pray and think about issues like this and I see that this family will almost certainly be going the ‘home church’ route due to their stringent following of what they have read and seen on your website. 

“Please don’t misunderstand me, I agree with most of what I’ve seen, but if it is driving families away from the local church something is wrong! 

“I know that Bill Gaither is no good,  as well as many other songwriters but does that mean that God cannot use them? If so why did God use Baalam? Did he not prophesy of Christ? Was his prophecy invalid because of his own failure; I think not. I believe this is the reason why we can use hymns by the Wesleys, Luther, Faber, and others, because they were simply the instruments an omnipotent God chose to use. This same man told me about Stuart Townend, who I would not probably have a lot to do with, but did he not write a hymn with more truth than even Amazing Grace? 

“I am not here to defend him either! I know as a pastor that sometimes what we say has unintended consequences so we must be very careful in all that we say either to encourage or to discourage. I think that we go too far in our discouraging and some will feel as if they are the only ones who have it right.  

“These dear people have two children who are no longer in church while living in the Bible belt because of one song that a man sang! I believe it is far more important to be in church than to divide over something as trivial as that,  but that is the end result from what I can see of all the purifying of all things musical. Again I appreciate the information but we must be careful of the unintended consequences.”

Hello, Pastor. 

Thank you for taking the time to write about that situation.  

Since I don’t know you, your church, or the family in question, there is not much I can do other than offer a couple of general comments:

1. If this family doesn’t honor the local church properly, and if they go “the home church route,” it is not because of me and my teaching. You would not charge me with such a thing if you would read my book “
The House Church” or my report “I Am Not Your Pastor” or my free eBook “Keys to Fruitful Church Membership.” I have been a strong supporter of the local church since I was saved 40+ years ago. I am a pioneer Baptist church planter in South Asia, where my wife and I live. The church is the pillar and ground of the truth. I teach people that the church is so important that if they can’t find a good one within commuting distance, they should find a way to relocate. I have never given any encouragement to perpetual church hoppers. 

2. I assume that this family found your church in the first place through my church directory. Since you filled out the questionnaire and listed on our directory (that’s the only way a church can be listed), that family doubtless assumed you would be likeminded with us on the matter of music. We consider the music issue to be so important that there are five questions on our questionnaire about it, as follows:  

* Do you use contemporary praise music in any aspect of your church life (youth meetings, worship services, etc.)? 
* Are you opposed to the practice that is being popularized by churches such as Lancaster Baptist Church in Lancaster, California, in “adapting” contemporary praise music by toning down the rhythm? 
* Are you opposed to using songs by worldly one-world church ecumenists such as Stuart Townend, Don Moen, Chris Tomlin, Hillsong, Darlene Zschech, Jack Hayford, Graham Kendrick, Casting Crowns, MercyMe, etc.? 
* Are you totally committed to traditional sacred music? 
* Do you reject contemporary Southern Gospel? 

Being likeminded with us on the matter of music would mean that you are 100% opposed to contemporary Christian music, that you are well-informed as to its nature and danger, and that you make no excuses for and have no sympathy with those who are using it. I must say that I don’t discern that from your e-mail.

3. I can’t be blamed for any lack of wisdom on the part of people who read my writings, no more than you can be blamed for lack of wisdom on the part of your church members. I would not leave a church just because of a couple of questionable songs, and I would not counsel anyone to leave a church for such a reason. Exceptions don’t make rules. What I look for in a church is that the pastor and the music people are properly educated in the music issue, that they understand what contemporary music is and why it is spiritually dangerous, that they are educating the church members in this issue, and that they are committed unhesitatingly and publicly to keeping contemporary music out. 

4. Along this line, it appears by your comments in the email that you could benefit by pursuing better education in this important matter. None of the arguments you used get to the heart of the issue of contemporary music. For example, you cite the use of hymns by Wesley and Luther, but contemporary worship hymns are of an entirely different character. The people who are writing the contemporary hymns represent and promote the end-time, one-world “church.” Practically all of them (including Stuart Townend and the Gettys) are in fellowship with Rome. I have never known of a Baptist church that has become Lutheran by using Luther’s hymns, but I have known of dozens that have become contemporary by using contemporary hymns. 

Could it be that this family discerned that you are dangerously uneducated in this issue and that you aren’t open to being educated? I don’t know. I’m just throwing that out as a possibility. As I said, I don’t know any of the parties concerned, and I only have your side of the matter. It appears from your email that you are rather flippant about potential dangers in music (e.g., “I don’t know and don’t really care”). You should get better educated about music for your family’s sake and your church people’s sake and for the next generation’s sake. One reason I care so deeply about the music issue and its effect on churches is because of my grandkids and the fact that I desire that there be sound Bible-believing churches when they are grown. We are witnessing a wholesale collapse of biblical separatism among fundamental Baptist churches. For example, Highland Park Baptist Church, where I was educated in the 1970s, is a full-blown contemporary church today, and music was at the heart and soul of that change. I have documented many examples of this in my free eBook 
The Collapse of Biblical Separatism

I will be glad to send you a gift copy of my new book 
Baptist Music Wars, with the two video presentations that accompany it. This contains research that you won’t find anywhere else. All you have to do is promise me that that you will read the book and watch the two videos carefully with an open and prayerful heart. 

I have prayed for you and wish you the best in God’s will. From my perspective, the greatest need of the hour is for godly, biblically-qualified, well-informed, courageous church leaders, and no one can make such a man but God. As Dr. Lee Roberson used to say, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” 

David Cloud

The pastor never replied to my offer.

Two Types of Terrorism

FROM MIKE GENDRON OF http://www.proclaimingthegospel.org/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

While the world is focused on the deadly terrorists attacks by radical Muslim jihadists, there is another terrorist attack that has been going on much longer and is much more dangerous because of its ETERNAL consequences. As we mourn over the loss of physical life and grieve with those who lost loved ones, we realize these tragedies are occurring far too often and in far too many places. It is good to know that some governments have finally declared war on ISIS and are pooling their resources to destroy them before they destroy us.

Wouldn’t it be nice if the Body of Christ could unite against the spiritual terrorists that are attacking the Gospel of Jesus Christ?There are far too many of them in our churches that are leading people down the broad road to destruction. These terrorists are destroying spiritual lives with their perversions of the Gospel and they get away with it because they disguise themselves as servants of righteousness (2 Cor. 11:15). As deceitful workers, they raise doubts about God’s Word, undermine its authority and deceive people with a false and fatal gospel. The only defense against such deadly activity is to expose their evil deeds of darkness (Eph. 5:11). They need to be identified by name so that gullible people will not be caught in their web of deception. Unmasking terrorists is critical for the glory and honor of our Savior and the sanctity of His Church..
Tragically, the evangelical church seems oblivious, unconcerned and indifferent to Satan’s army of terrorists who have infiltrated the church with the objective of destroying lives. There is a war going on inside the church that is being ignored because the enemy is disguised as an angel of light and clothes himself in sheep’s clothing. As we look as the recent history of the church, we see the great destruction that has been caused by the fiery darts of spiritual terrorists. Satan has planted these terrorist with little or no resistance. The terrorists who are hidden in the church are much more dangerous than the terrorists who are hidden in the neighborhoods of the world because those terrorists can only cause physical death. The terrorists in the church can cause eternal spiritual death with their damnable lies. More than ever we need to contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 3). Our armor and strategy to defend the Body of Christ against spiritual terrorism is found in Ephesians 6:10-20. All of us need to be faithful soldiers for Christ.