Letter From German Nurse on Muslim Invaders

Published on Oct 30, 2015
A riveting account from a nurse in Bavaria Germany you won’t hear from the Mainstream media on the invasion going on in Europe by Muslims, who have no intention of assimilating to the culture of the host countries they are invading.

German Citizens Panic, ‘This Is Our Future’ As Muslims March Through City of Hannover

Young Muslims Perform Mock IS Slave Auction in Essen

Published on Oct 23, 2015
Dozens of Muslim activists gathered at Willy Brandt square in Essen to protest against the so-called Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), on Friday. The protesters, dressed like IS militants, were leading a column of women protesters fully covered and chained together. The video shows the group consisting of actors who performed the scene of women slave auction.

Muslim Invaders Demand Obama-Style Freebies

Published on Nov 2, 2015
Alex Jones breaks down how the Islamic “migrants” are being used to destroy Europe and how many of them are nothing but radical soldiers who will then be used as a way to cause chaos when the time is right. 




“He’s broken all other promises, why would this be any different?”
below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
US officials have confirmed today that special forces soldiers will be deployed on the ground in Syria, despite the fact that Obama promised he wouldn’t deploys ‘boots on the ground’.
A senior administration official told the BBC that there will be “fewer than 50” forces deployed in the region to “train, advise and assist” vetted opposition forces.
According to the official, this does not mark a change US strategy, but rather an “intensification” of the campaign in Syria.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest also said that the decision was made by Obama in order to provide additional support for Syrian rebels fighting against the government there.
“There are now moderate opposition forces that are 45 miles (72km) outside Raqqa,” Earnest said. “The president is prepared to intensify the elements that have shown promise.”
He said: “This is an intensification of a strategy he discussed a year ago.”
Something else Obama discussed previously was his decision to not “pursue an open ended action like Iraq or Afghanistan.” He also promised not to send in ‘boots on the ground’ in Syria or pursue an open ended air campaign.
Turns out that was all BULLSHIT… again.


Arizona AG: Parents Can’t Exempt Kids From Common Core Tests

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Parents cannot opt their kids out of Common Core-mandated testing in the state of Arizona, according to the state’s attorney general.
Attorney General Mark Brnovich issued this edict in response to a request from the state superintendent of education, Diane Douglas, to clarify whether parents were within their rights under state law to keep their kids from taking the statewide assessment test, known in Arizona as AZMerit.
The AZMerit test — a battery of standardized exams that has come under significant fire in the Grand Canyon State for its futility — is administered annually to the state’s 1.1 million public and charter school students.
Last year, there was a movement among many parents concerned about the potential for data mining and other controversial uses of such tests to boycott them, keeping their kids home from school and the announced test administration days.
One of these groups, OptOutAZ, reported on several significant problems with the statewide assessment tests (and the company that created them) in an information sheet provided for parents who were considering opting their children out of the exams.
For example, OptOutAZ revealed that the test is not unique to Arizona, as had been reported by the state government, but in reality the test
was created by the company AIR (American Institutes for Research) — the same company that created Utah’s and Florida’s Common Core assessments. AIR is a partner of Smarter Balanced who is one of two testing consortia that received $330 million from the U.S. Department of Education to create and administer Common Core tests. So far, the sample test questions are the exact same as Utah’s and Florida’s.
Furthermore, and perhaps most shocking of all, the parental rights advocacy group informed parents that the data obtained by AIR on the AZMerit tests would be stored on databases that are shared with the U.S. Department of Labor. 
Also, AIR, the group claims, was recently the victim of a “data breach.” That's hardly reassuring to parents concerned for the safety of their children and their families' private information that could be revealed in answers to questions on the tests, answers inncocently provided by children simply doing what they are told they must do.
All of this should give pause to parents in Arizona with children in public and charter schools. 
Regardless of these troubling revelations, the state attorney general says parents have no right to exempt their children from taking the tests.
In a five-page legal opinion published by the Arizona Republic, Brnovich cited state law and case law in support of his statement that parents of children in kindergarten through 12th grade are not legally allowed to opt their kids out of those tests.
"Our conclusion remains the same: parents do not have a legal right to withdraw their children from state-mandated assessments in Arizona's public schools," Brnovic declares.
Brnovich goes on in the letter to point the finger at the state legislature, claiming that lawmakers did not include the right to opt out of assessment tests in the “Parents’ Bill of Rights” enacted in 2010. “The legislature could have included a parental right to exempt a child from statewide assessments, but did not.”
He goes on to explain that the state legislature “limited the authority of parents who choose public education.”
Remarkably, Brnovic cites federal case law in support of his statement that parents have a right to choose where their children are educated, but not how.
Finally, apparently in response to last year’s demonstration of parental repugnance to the statewide assessment tests, Brnovic orders that if students are in school the day the tests are administered, they may not refuse to take them.
As for superintendent Douglas’s response to the attorney general’s legal opinion, the Arizona Republic reports that “Sally Stewart, a spokeswoman for Douglas, responded with a one-line e-mail: ‘We will seek legislation in the next session and ask the federal government for flexibility.’”
Parents of public and charter schools in Arizona are encouraged to contact their state legislators and demand that the unalienable rights of parents be protected and that bureaucrats not be empowered to revoke those rights, forcing students to submit to tests that have been shown to be springboards for greater federal intrusion into the classroom.


SPLC Unhinged: Almost Everyone Is a “Conspiracy Theorist”

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Quick, do something! There are John Birch Society types ready to spread “conspiracy theories” from the “margins” into the “mainstream,” and they seem to be hiding under practically every bed in America! At least that’s the impression given in a new “intelligence report” by the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization whose slanderous vitriol against conservatives and Christians was recently implicated in federal court in a recentterrorism case. In its report the SPLC reputedly aims to expose false conspiracy theories that are being churned out by right-wing radicals. But, ironically, while expressing outrage over “conspiracy theories” on the “right,” the SPLC report sounded like an expanded version of Hillary Clinton’s bizarre conspiracy theory about a “vast right-wing conspiracy.” To hear the SPLC tell it, practically everyone in America to the right of Obama is participating in a giant conspiracy to spread conspiracy theories. For what purpose is never explained, although apparently it is all very bad for “democracy.”
Though the SPLC clings to a mantle of respectability given to it for claiming to right wrongs, the mainstream American Family Association has labeled the SPLC an “anti-Christian hate group.” Meawhile civil rights attorney and Southern Center for Human Rights President Stephen Bright, echoing investigations and a federal judge, blasted SPLC founder Morris Dees as a “con man and fraud” who exploits naive poor people to enrich himself. In keeping with critics’ accusations against the SPLC, the intelligence report reads like it’s based on either a fevered imagination or blatant deception, driven by hate against those with whom it disagrees. So far, though, the report has been largely ignored.  
The controversial outfit, sounding almost unhinged, railed against parents concerned about the Obama-backed Common Core education scheme, Americans alarmed about Obama’s gun-control scheming, alternative media, talk radio, cable television, politicians who give voice to the concerns of their constituents, and much more. 
But the group’s efforts to demonize broad swaths of the American public — essentially anyone less enamored with Big Government than the Obama administration is now in the SPLC’s cross-hairs — has led to its loss of influence over public opinion. After labeling mainstream Christian groups supporting traditional marriage as “hate groups,” the SPLC took a major blow. It was also exposed working with the federal government to generally demonize Christians and Jews. Then it attacked presidential candidate Ben Carson over alleged “extremism” for supporting the biblical definition of marriage, sparking outrage across the political spectrum. And the paranoid hysteria is starting to take its toll. Indeed, while the group’s every utterance once sparked a cascade of “news” stories in the establishment press, virtually nothing has been reported on the latest ramblings, except by the SPLC and critics eager to ridicule the group.   
Infowars, for example, with web traffic levels that dwarf much of the establishment media, seized upon the SPLC’s attack against parents who are concerned about Common Core to poke fun at the leftist group. The SPLC labeled Infowars chief Alex Jones, who is one of the top 10 radio talk-show hosts in America, a “hyperventilating conspiracy theorist” for opposing Common Core. The online alternative-media giant, in an article by Kit Daniels, pointed out that most opposition to Common Core is based on its well-documented bad academics, terrible standards, outrageous “math” schemes, and more — not “conspiracy theories.”
The SPLC consistently appears to have trouble with basic terminology, labeling ideas with which it disagrees as “conspiracy theories,” despite the fact that most of the non-theoretical criticism it rails against contains no trace of allegations of “conspiracy.” In a press release about its report, for instance, the SPLC accused Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) of embracing a “conspiracy theory” when he blasted Common Core as a “dangerous new curriculum.” But aside from the fact that Paul’s statement is not a theory and does not allege a conspiracy, Common Core financier Bill Gates famously agreed that Common Core is driving an entirely new curriculum. “We’ll know we’ve succeeded when the curriculum and the tests are aligned to these [Common Core] standards,” Gates told the National Conference of State Legislatures about his agenda. (Gates was not labeled a conspiracy theorist by the SPLC.)    
The SPLC also abuses basic political terminology — perhaps deliberately trying to dupe the press and law enforcement with its claims. For instance, the SPLC report constantly refers to what it dubs the “radical right,” the “far-right,” the “ultra-conservatives,” and more. Yet, when trying to make the “radical right” individuals appear sinister, it compares them to commonly despised radical leftists, such as the National Socialists (Nazis). Interestingly, the reviled leftist groups the SPLC uses for comparison actually favored government intervention in all facets of life, loving Big Government and collectivism almost as much as the SPLC does. The primary difference between the SPLC and the National Socialists surrounds their views on race, but aside from that, a dangerous and deadly anti-liberty ideology of statist and collectivist extremism permeates both to the core.      
In fact, if political ideologies were grouped using a legitimate, useful, and traditional political spectrum, National Socialists (Nazis), International Socialists, communists, Marxists, Leninists, fascists, Maoists, and the SPLC and its fellow travelers would all occupy the far left of the political spectrum, which represents ideologies in favor of statism in various forms. On the far-right of the spectrum would be anarchism, an ideology in favor of no government at all. In between — the moderate middle — would include most of the conservative and libertarian groups the SPLC constantly seeks to falsely demonize in the eyes of its supporters, donors, and, more importantly, authorities.  
Supporting the view that the SPLC supports overarching government control can be found in the very first paragraphs of the report. It argues, essentially, that politicians and media figures expressing the concerns of their constituents is somehow bad for “democracy”: “Outlandish conspiracy theories may be great for the movies, but they’re highly destructive to our democracy — particularly when mainstream politicians and trusted media figures promote unfounded beliefs that trade knowledge for ignorance and reason for suspicion,” said Mark Potok, editor at the SPLC, in a press release.
And in calling out supposed conservative ignorance, the SPLC highlighted its own failings. Aside from the fact that most of the statement makes no sense, the American government was founded as a constitutional republic in which the rule of law — not the rule of men, as in democracy — would protect the God-given rights of individuals.   
Also, ironically, on the SPLC’s list of 10 “conspiracy theories” — most of which are neither conspiracies nor theories — is at least one that the SPLC itself was forced to acknowledge had credence. In talking about conservatives’ worry that leftists wish to impose martial law to bring about their agenda, the SPLC said, “But there is a real seed from which martial law conspiracy theories, common to both some segments of the far left and especially to the radical right, have grown…. Martial law has been declared in the United States about a dozen times, the most recent after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. More to the point, frightening contingency plans for imposing martial law really have been drawn up.” Then it points specifically to Readiness Exercise 1984, or Rex84, “a plan to suspend the Constitution in the event of crises,” and a FEMA chief’s discussion of interning 20 million Americans in the event of unrest.
On “internment camps,” the SPLC again outdoes itself. It pretends that anyone concerned about the internment of Americans is a “conspiracy theorist.” Yet, it has happened before in U.S. history, and as the SPLC admits in the same piece, was contemplated by top federal officials even in recent decades. The SPLC also notes that indefinitely interning Americans for their views in camps was recently touted on television by retired general and former Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark. As U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia recently pointed out, “You are kidding yourself if you think the same thing [internment of Americans in internment camps] will not happen again.”
According to the SPLC, that comment should condemn Scalia to part of the vast right-wing conspiracy, rather than simply making a comment that should be obvious to astute observers based on current trends and history. Though perhaps tangential, it is true nonetheless that Obama famously launched his political career in the home of communist terrorist Bill Ayers, whose Castro-backed, cop-killing terror group Weather Underground hoped to intern and exterminate tens of millions of “counter-revolutionary” Americans, according to FBI agent Larry Grathwohl, who infiltrated the terror group. (The SPLC lauds Ayers on its “Teaching Tolerance” website aimed at children and schools, though Ayers’ only regret about being a terrorist was not planting more bombs.)
About other “conspiracy theories,” too, the SPLC either reveals its own ignorance or passes off deliberate lies. On the prospect of North American political integration into a European Union-style body based on NAFTA, for instance, the SPLC claims: “There is, of course, no such union or plan to merge the three nations into a borderless mass that uses a single currency, the ‘Amero.’” In the real world, official U.S. embassy documents leaked by WikiLeaks confirmed that such a plan has been underway for almost a decade at least. Indeed, the document even uses the term “monetary union,” as in, the process used to foist a single currency on Europe. Perhaps the SPLC merely needs better researchers.
Highlighting the wrongness of the SPLC’s caims, the late architect of the plot, Robert Pastor at the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, credited The John Birch Society’s educational efforts with quashing his North American integration agenda.       
The SPLC doubles down on every other issue it highlights. For example, on the Federal Reserve, the outfit blasts critics of the Fed who deride the fact that it virtually caters to the rich and politically connected, yet the SPLC fails to explain how the debt-based fiat monetary system or the privately owned Federal Reserve actually work for the good of the people. On guns, it demonizes fears of a gun-grab as a “conspiracy theory,” even as Obama and Hillary Clinton openly tout Australia’s gun-confiscation program as a potential model for America. The SPLC also claims there is no anti-Christian “homosexual agenda” in the same sentence as it outlines its own distorted view of the homosexual agenda — and then suggests that all who oppose this agenda, which would have included Obama (at least based on his public statements) just a few years ago, are part of a vast “anti-gay agenda” conspiracy. Seriously.
In typical SPLC fashion, the most vitriol was reserved for The John Birch Society, the constitutionalist organization that has chapters in all 50 states and works to educate Americans about politics, economics, and culture. It is the parent organization of The New American. The SPLC wrote,“Name a right-wing conspiracy theory of the last 60 years and chances are the John Birch Society was sitting near the front of the bandwagon,” suggesting that it believes the JBS is an integral part of the vast right-wing conspiracy to promote conspiracy theories. In the real world, the JBS deals with truth and education, and has been consistently proven accurate since it was founded in 1958. The SPLC classifies the society as a “Patriot” group, with the word patriot, in SPLC-speak, meaning something negative.   
In an e-mail to The New American, JBS CEO Art Thompson responded to the SPLC’s attacks:
It is interesting that the SPLC mentions us nine times. It appears that we are the biggest burr under their saddle. The SPLC makes its living and has grown rich by demonizing anything that opposes the march toward socialism in America. They throw in some rather unsavory organizations with responsible organizations and individuals to tar brush all opposition with an image of extremism. Yet the extreme opinions of the SPLC linked to the now-radical Justice Department are helping destroy the American system of local police in favor of a national police. The linkage between the SPLC and the Obama administration has helped create a climate of division in our country when what is needed is neighborliness and harmony in our communities.
Basically everyone appears to be part of the SPLC’s imaginary conspiracy to spread “conspiracy theories” from the “margins to the mainstream.” Here is a partial list of the “right-wing” forces demonized in the SPLC’s latest manifesto: Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Alaskan politician Sarah Palin, former Fox News host Glenn Beck, “Politicians from around the country and all levels of government, pundits, a large number of Christian Right and anti-LGBT groups,” historian David Barton, Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly, the American Principles Project, conservative commentator Michelle Malkin, U.S. Representative Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), American Policy Center founder Tom DeWeese, U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), the Republican National Committee, the Constitution Party, former U.S. diplomat and conservative activist Alan Keyes, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), U.S. Representative Virgil Goode (R-Va.), former Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas), Representative Walter Jones (R-N.C.), former Representative Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), late Conservative Caucus founder Howard Phillips, WND investigative journalist and best-selling author Jerome Corsi, Media Research Center chief Brent Bozell, Bay Buchanan of Team America, Joan Hueter with the American Council for Immigration Reform, Reverend William Owens with the Coalition of African American Pastors, Ronald D. Ray with the Coalition of American Veterans, Chris Simcox with the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, Elizabeth Ridenour of the National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools, prominent Jewish attorney David Yerushalmi, anti-sharia activist Pamela Geller, former Texas GOP chief Cathie Adams, the National Rifle Association, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, conservative pundit Ann Coulter, Fox News contributor and former Clinton operative Dick Morris, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, newsman Gary Franchi, American automaker Henry Ford, author and internationally renowned lecturer G. Edward Griffin, The 700 Club host Pat Robertson, Christian Action Network chief Martin Mawyer, Faith2Action founder Janet Porter, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, Trail Life USA chief John Stemberger, conservative radio host Janet Mefferd, anti-jihad author Andrew McCarthy, WorldNetDaily, Fox News host Sean Hannity, and even ABC News for good measure.
As the SPLC self-destructs and leaves what remains of its credibility in tatters, Americans might find it illuminating to read its report, then research each of the “conspiracy theories” highlighted by the SPLC. Of course, the outfit often throws in “straw man” arguments to “debunk,” instead of addressing actual concerns of conservatives. But wading through the propaganda and discovering the truth is hardly difficult — and would be a very useful exercise for most Americans.
The fact is that, while the SPLC may not want readers to believe it, history has been strongly influenced by groups of individuals working together for nefarious purposes — the very definition of conspiracy. Just this month, the Obama administration charged former United Nations General Assembly President John Ashe and various Chinese communists with a criminal “conspiracy.” Yet, the SPLC did not identify the Obama Justice Department as a right-wing conspiracy theorist. Anyone who does not acknowledge that conspiracies abound either has no understanding of history and current events, or is trying to play you for a fool.  
There is indeed a real danger to American values and constitutional government from groups such as  the SPLC and its allies — including the increasingly lawless Obama administration, which is now partnering with the radical group to target Christians, conservatives, dissidents, and others the SPLC hates. Numerous other outfits are participating in the assault on U.S. sovereignty and liberty, as this magazine has documented extensively over a period of decades. But if enough Americans were educated on the facts, Congress could defund the agenda, leaving the marginalized SPLC to spew its hatred and paranoid conspiracy theories harmlessly until its giant endowment runs dry or it runs out of tinfoil. 
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Letter To The University of Minnesota From Attorney Jerald Finney Regarding Street Preaching

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Jerald c. Finney
Mail: P.O. Box 1346 ; Austin TX 78767
Office : 700 Lavaca, Suite 1400, Austin TX
Phone (512) 785-8445 (C) ; 512-808-5529 (O) ; 512-385-0761 (H)
Website : « Separation of Church and State Law » (
E-Mail to the following:
David Wilske
Patrol Lieutenant for the University of Minnesota Police Department
511 Washington Ave. SE
Suite No. 1
Minneapolis MN 55455
Janeé Harteau
Chief of Police
350 South 5 th Street
Room 130
Minneapolis, MN 55415-1389
Fax: 612-673-2613
Inspector Katherine Waite
Commander of the 2nd Precinct
1911 Central Avenue N.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55418
(612) 673-5702
Fax (612) 370-3885
Mayor Betsy Hodges
350 S. 5th St., Room 331
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: (612) 673-2100
City Attorney (Called but the answerer could not give me the name of the city attorney-gave me the e-mail address below)
City Hall, Room 210
350 S. 5th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55415
(612) 673-2010
Ward 2 – Cam Gordon
350 S. 5th St., Room 307
Minneapolis, MN 55415
(612) 673-2202
RE:  Advance notice concerning protected speech within the jurisdiction of UMPD by the men of the OPBC Street Preaching Ministry in a sincere effort to avoid the need for federal civil rights lawsuit.
Dear Lieutenant Wilske:
I am writing this letter as a member of Old Paths Baptist Church (“”OPBC”) in Northfield Minnesota. I am in the process of moving to Faribault, Minnesota from Austin Texas where I practice law.
You and I have talked about this matter. As you know, I am addressing this matter in advance to avoid the eventuality that your peace officers have not been properly educated in dealing with situations where citizens are exercising their right to freedom of speech as guaranteed by the United States Constitution, the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and by the Anoka City Code. You may have already educated your peace officers since our discussions began; but, as I have pointed out and provided to you the link to the online video of the incident, at least one of your officers has violated the civil rights of the peaceful speech activities of the men of OPBC street preaching ministry.
Some members of OPBC will, from time to time, be exercising their First Amendment speech rights in Dinkeytown, as they have done in the past. In their past activity, the police officer did not understand the law and therefore violated the rights of the street preachers. As I have pointed out to you, the federal courts, all the way to the top, have for a long time laid out the law in these matters. Now, a case which is precisely on point was just handed down by the United States Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. You can go to the following article for all the details of concerning this matter, including a link to the video of the offending officer in action, as well as a link to the opinion in the October 28, 2015 Sixth Circuit case.
On October 28, 2015, the U.S. Sixth Circuit restated and strengthened First Amendment protection of speech in the public forum in a case where “Bible Believers” involved in street preaching to Muslims displayed a pigs head, amongst other direct speech. The Sixth Circuit stressed that the First Amendment “envelops all manner of speech, even when that speech is loathsome in its intolerance, designed to cause offense, and, as a result of such offense, arouses violent retaliation.” Attorney Robert Muise of the American Freedom Law Center, who argued the case on behalf of the Bible Believers, applauded the decision, saying it was  “solidly on the side of free speech.” “If this went the other way, it would incentivize  violence as a legitimate response to free speech, and that is wrong in our country,” Muise said.  “Any freedom-loving American enjoys protections of the First Amendment.”The Sixth Circuit said, “(The ruling)  affirms the rule of law that when a violent mob is responding violently to protected speech, the police’s duty is to protect the speaker and not join that mob that is intent in suppressing the speech,” Muise said. “Today, the First Amendment was the victor.” Click here to go directly to the opinion. Article: Anti-Muslim Slurs Get Legal Protection (102915).
 The defendants in the above mentioned case were: WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN; BENNY N. NAPOLEON, in his official capacity as Sheriff, Wayne County Sheriff’s Office; DENNIS RICHARDSON, individually and in his official capacity as Deputy Chief, Wayne County Sheriff’s Office; MIKE JAAFAR, individually and in his official capacity as Deputy Chief, Wayne County Sheriff’s Office.
The case now goes back to a federal judge in Detroit, who will decide what damages the “Bible Believers” are entitled to.
That case should make clear the duty of peace officers in America to protect the speaker and the speech in the public forum. As well, the case points out the limits of the speech activity and actions of the speakers and much more.
As we have discussed before the above mentioned ruling, speech in the public forum is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Constitution of the state of Minnesota, and by your City Code. The people of Old Paths Baptist Church were well aware of what the Supreme Court has ruled concerning speech in the public forum. For example, on the “Separation of Church and State Law” website you will find the tract Street Preaching in America – Is it Legal? ( ). Some of the members, especially the leaders, have copies of and have studied that tract and other materials. I believe you may find the tract useful in that it covers the hierarchy of the relevant law from the highest to the lowest. For that tract, the lowest law was the Northfield, Minnesota Code of City Ordinances and Charter.
The members of the OPBC street preaching ministry (and all the members) have now been forwarded the links to the above mentioned case and a brief summary of it. The case is linked to in several places on the “Separation of Church and State Law” website; e.g. see .
I discussed this with Pastor Jason Cooley. He tried to call you, but you were unavailable. After several attempts, he told me to take care of it since he is very busy with several projects (preachers 3 times a week, does 2 online broadcasts each week, street preaches, has family responsibilities, etc.).
Accordingly, in order to attempt to prevent the necessity of Civil Rights suit in federal court, I am sending this notification to you and other city officials given in the heading. The law makes clear that it is the job of peace officers to protect public speakers and speech engaged in First Amendment protected activities. Should another police officer behave as did the officer in the video, the only remedy will be costly (to the defendants, including the taxpayers of the county, the officers involved, and the officials who should have educated and supervised those officers or who should have made sure that the officers were properly educated and supervised). The men of the OPBC Street Preaching Ministry sincerely hope that court action not be called for since they would rather spend their time communicating the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ instead of fighting a battle which has already been fought and won.
I am sure that City Attorney Tony Palumbo is aware of the law in these matters. I would also hope that Chief Philip Johanson is as well. My concern is that all of the officials of the city as well as all law enforcement personnel and especially those who will be working the “Grand Day Parade” know the law and are prepared to enforce it. Their job is to protect all citizens, including those citizens involved in protected speech. They cannot properly do their job without knowing the law.
The men of OPBC have already had to confront other cities and towns for violation of the First Amendment. You may find some of their triumphant trials and tribulations as well as the latest law at:
So far, every city and town where a problem has arisen concerning the public speech by the men of OPBC has now educated their law enforcement personnel and no lawsuit has been necessary. Here in Austin, Texas, peace officers are well educated in the law. I was involved in a street preaching ministry here for 19 years and the police always protected us because they have been educated in the relevant law since all kinds of activists regularly communicate (speech, signs, symbols, tracts, etc.) in the public forum. They protected us and informed disruptive citizens of the law of free speech in America. On one occasion, a man who assaulted me was detained by the police. He lied and said I assaulted him. The police told me what he said but also said that they saw the whole thing and said I could file charges. I told them that I did not wish to do so. I could tell you numerous other stories of the great job the police in Austin, Texas do in upholding the law and protecting those who speak in the public forum.
The men of OPBC always endeavor to settle matters peaceably and according to the law. They do not wish to try to respectfully educate peace officers (sometimes very rude and obnoxious peace officers – see some of the encounters linked to on the website pages above) who are not acting according to the law. They do not wish to spend time in filing and executing lawsuits against offending officials (individual peace officers, county and city attorneys, mayors, city council members, and the cities in general) for matters which are well settled in the law. They have no desire to cost those people and the tax paying citizens unnecessary expense. I am sure you would rather use the city taxpayer money for other matters. Even more important, I am sure you wish to properly honor the law and to protect innocent persons who are peaceably exercising their rights under that law. In the event a lawsuit is necessary, OPBC has already contacted lawyers who will be ready and able to go to court in Minnesota.
Several cameras will be in use by the people of OPBC so that should false charges or accusations be made, or should lawsuit(s) be necessary, the facts will be protected from lies or misunderstandings.
Please educate your police officers and other city officials who may be involved in the Parade Day events as to law concerning speech in the public forum in America. OPBC desires to have a good working relationship with the officials and all citizens of Anoka.
Again, on the above webpages, you will find other legal resources, positive and negative encounters with police officers linked to on Youtube, etc. which may help you as you look at this matter.
Very truly yours,
Jerald C. Finney

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Faribault Police Tell Preachers Leave or be Arrested

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Liquor Store Calls Cops on Street Preacher

Cops Called -Preachers Know their Rights

Get Off My Sidewalk-A First Amendment Lesson


Google and YouTube engaging in wholesale censorship of content they don’t want the public to see

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

(NaturalNews) “Take your pills and don’t ask questions. Drink the sweet wine of entertainment we have given you. Don’t think for yourself: just believe. The truth will no longer be published unless we allow it to be.”
Google, and its popular video sharing platform YouTube, are quickly becoming purveyors of propaganda, censoring material that could expose and question the status quo. These popular internet platforms are following in the footsteps of oppressive government regimes that punish whistle blowers and go after anyone who asks questions, seeks answers and reports on the most atrocious abuses of the day.
Recent “changes” at YouTube now allow their technocratic management to remove monetization from videos they don’t want people to hear or see. Independent media source, All News Pipeline, has had to appeal eight videos that were stripped of monetization for censorship reasons.
We are Change also revealed how they were being censored in March 2015. “In the last few days we noticed our YouTube numbers take a massive down turn while the majority of our new videos and top videos have been demonetized with no explanation at all. We looked at our website and social media numbers and they were better than ever but for some reason — our YouTube channel took a massive hit.”

YouTube censoring controversial content they don’t want people to see or hear

Tom Lupshu of the Bunker Report has published a video commentary explaining how YouTube first started removing monetization from his videos. His truthful, down-to-earth videos, which are great learning tools, have even been deleted by YouTube.
Upon further investigation, YouTube’s policy change openly admits that videos will be taken down if they contain “controversial or sensitive subjects and events including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters, and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown.”
This means that videos will be taken down if they expose human rights violations, democide or any other government and corporate abuses. In other words, Google andYouTube are quickly becoming propaganda arms for those in power. These platforms will not allow people to question and speak out against atrocities like organ harvesting and trafficking, how governments have historically used gun control to make the population compliant and defenseless, or how children have been used and killed in medical experiments.
This kind of suppression will also control what people are allowed to write and communicate about on the Internet. People who fundamentally believe that marriage is defined by the union of one man and one woman may be flagged for committing hate speech, since they are not being “tolerant” of various sexual lifestyles.

TPP deal takes censorship to a whole new level

Many avid truth tellers are becoming increasingly concerned that this kind of censorship might become international law under the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
OpenMedia’s digital rights specialist Meghan Sali reports, “Internet users around the world should be very concerned about this ultra-secret pact. What we’re talking about here is global Internet censorship. It will criminalize our online activities, censor the Web, and cost everyday users money. This deal would never pass with the whole world watching — that’s why they’ve negotiated it in total secrecy.”
Leaked TPP documents reveal that “Internet Service Providers could be required to ‘police’ user activity, take down Internet content, and cut people off from Internet access for common user-generated content.”

Despite all efforts to suppress freedom of information, the independent media is rising

As Google and YouTube turn into oppressive propaganda arms to benefit those in power, truth tellers are not backing down.
As the TPP deal threatens to destroy freedom of speech and freedom of the press around the world, solutions are rising up.
For instance, has become the search engine of choice for the independent media, prioritizing freedom of thought, freedom of expression and freedom of the press., on the other hand, makes it easier for people to access the independent media, highlighting the stories that the mainstream media twists, ignores and censors.


Tim Keller

“Wait…Jesus said what?

Luke 21:16-19  And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.  (17)  And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake.  (18)  But there shall not an hair of your head perish.  (19)  In your patience possess ye your souls.

I believe I first heard Tim Keller  reference this passage.  It was an “aha” moment for me in understanding the mind of God concerning bad things that happen to believers.”
(Friday Church News Notes, October 30, 2015,, 866-295-4143) – The following is excerpted from “Redefining Sin” by E.S. Williams, “In his book Every Good Endeavour (2012), Tim Keller, founder of The Gospel Coalition and prominent New Calvinist, expresses his disappointment that Christians are not more involved with popular culture. He writes: ‘Christians’ reaction to popular culture in the last eighty years has been some form of disengagement. … Why this disengagement with our culture? One reason is a ‘thin’ or legalistic view of sin, where sin is seen as a series of discrete acts of noncompliance with God’s regulations. You pursue Christian growth largely by seeking environments where you are less likely to do these sinful actions. … This view of sin comports with a lack of understanding of the thoroughness and richness of Christ’s gracious work for us. … If we have a thin view of sin, we will feel safe if we remove from our view anything that could tempt us to commit actions of overt sexual immorality, profanity, dishonesty, or violence’ (Keller, Every Good Endeavor, pp. 192, 193). … He says that Christians, who hold such a view of sin, are ‘legalists’ who withdraw from the popular culture of the world in order to avoid situations that could tempt them to commit ‘thin sins’, like overt acts of sexual immorality, profanity, dishonesty, or violence. … Here we should note the biblical definition of sin. The Bible describes sin as breaking God’s law (1 John 3:4). It is also defined as rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7), which separates the sinner from God (Isaiah 59.2). Sin is an offense to God’s holy character, and all sin is primarily sin against God. … Keller’s assessment is completely wrong, for it is those who hold what he calls a ‘thin view’ of sin who have been convicted of their sin and rebellion against God’s holy law and understand that their only hope of salvation is God’s grace revealed in the Cross of Christ. Hence their prayer: ‘Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to thy Cross I cling’. Born again Christians, who have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and stand in God’s grace for their salvation, are those who delight in God’s moral law and seek to obey it with all their heart, and do all they can to comply with what Keller calls ‘God’s regulations’. [This is the true grace of God, Titus 2:11-15.] … Keller’s ‘thick view’ of sin encourages Christians to engage with worldly culture …  But Scripture makes no distinction between thick and thin sin. It teaches that sin comes from the lusts and desires of the human heart that is desperately wicked (James 1:14-15). Keller’s classification of sin into thin and thick is entirely without scriptural authority and purely a figment of his foolish imagination; it is profoundly heretical, for it presents a false and misleading view of sin that downplays the wickedness of disobedience to God’s moral law, suggesting that Christians should engage with the world in order to overcome what Keller calls ‘the compulsive drive of their heart to produce idols’. … Scripture warns that friendship with the world is enmity with God (James 4:4). Christians must not conform to the pattern of the world (Romans 12:1-2; Ephesians 5:11; 1 John 2:15-17). … God commands his people to be separate from the things of the world (2 Corinthians 6:17).”

(Friday Church News Notes, October 30, 2015,, 866-295-4143) – Many of America’s most popular “evangelical” preachers are infatuated with Catholicism, as we have frequently documented. Consider Tim Keller, pastor of the Redeemer megachurch in New York City, head of the Redeemer City to City church planting network, and co-founder with D.A. Carson of The Gospel Coalition (council members include John Piper, Alistar Begg, Mark Dever, Moody Church pastor Erwin Lutzer, and Southern Baptists Russell Moore and Al Mohler). Keller has a huge influence by his writings via books and blogs, his books reaching the top 10 of the New York Times bestseller list even in an apostate age. His love for Catholicism is evident in his book The Reason for God (2012), in which he quotes and refers to Catholic theologians and philosophers frequently, passionately, and non-critically. He includes Roman Catholics and Greek Orthodox within his definition of true Christians. Referring to the Apostles, Nicene, Chalcedonian, and Athanasian creeds, he says, “For our purposes, I’ll define Christianity as the body of believers who assent to these great ecumenical creeds” (p. 117). In The Reason for God, Keller quotes Catholic philosopher Peter Kreeft, Catholic writer Mary Flannery O’Conner, Catholic mystic Simone Weil, Polish Catholic poet Czeslaw Milosz, and Catholic Archbishop Oscar Romero, whose doctrine Keller calls “orthodox” (p. 66). He also quotes from Malcolm Muggeridge, J.R.R. Tolkien, and G.K. Chesterton. Not one of these people hold to the one true gospel of grace alone without works. All of them trust in baptism and Rome’s sacraments for salvation. Not surprisingly, Keller promotes Catholic contemplative prayer. In 2009, his church taught “The Way of the Monk,” encouraging Catholic monastic practices such as lectio divinia, centering prayer, “silence,” the “prayer rope,” and the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. In his lecture series What Is Meditation? Keller promotes the contemplative prayer techniques of four Catholic “saints”: Loyola, Francis de Sales, John of the Cross, and Teresa of Avila. He says, “The best things that have been written are by Catholics during the Counter Reformation. Great stuff!” This lecture series was promoted on The Gospel Coalition website. (For more about this see Evangelicals and Contemplative Prayer, available as a free eBook and in print from Way of Life Literature.)





“Powers was raised as an Episcopalian but spent much of her early adult life as an atheist. In her mid-30s, she became an evangelical Christian. The process of conversion began when she dated a religious Christian man, who introduced her to the Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and the teachings of its pastor, Tim Keller, and culminated in an experience in 2006 when, during a trip to Taiwan, she believes that she had an epiphany of Jesus Christ. She has called her conversion “a bit of a mind bender” due to her political beliefs and former atheism, and prefers the term “orthodox Christian” over “evangelical” to describe herself, given the cultural baggage around the latter term. She has said that the biggest impact her new-found faith had on her political beliefs was that she came to “view everyone as God’s child and that means everyone deserves grace and respect.” On October 10, 2015, Powers was received into the Catholic Church.
Powers has worked in New York State Democratic politics for many years. She was a staff member of the New York State Democratic Committee, the press secretary for the Andrew Cuomo for Governor campaign, and communications director on the mayoral campaign of C. Virginia FieldsPowers supports universal health care, believing to be a moral imperative to supply health care to all Americans. Thus, she initially supported Obama’s health care reform but later became critical of its implementation. She lamented that the laws resulted in a doubling of costs: “if I want to keep the same health insurance, it’s going to cost twice as much.” She later opined: “A lot of people who have really been screwed over by the law [and] are left without insurance or with extremely expensive insurance”, and agreed with a Ron Fournier headline in National Review, “Why I’m getting tired of defending Obamacare.”
She opposed the “don’t ask, don’t tell” on homosexuals serving in the military, supports civil unions for same-sex couples, and sees marriage strictly as a religious institution.
Powers opposed the the Fairness Doctrine, and a constitutional amendment to ban flag burning. She also supports comprehensive immigration reform and providing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants and favors gun control. She also supports closing Guantanamo Bay and transferring its prisoners to federal prisons.
Powers opposed the Iraq war and supports the right of countries to choose their own governments free of outside influence.[citation needed] However, in 2011 she criticized Americans’ lack of concern about the Muslim Brotherhood rising to power in Egypt as “naivete”. Her concern partly derived From her then-husband Marty Makary being of Coptic origin.
Powers opposes the death penalty and supports the pro-life movement. She opposes elective late-term abortions and has called for abortion provider Planned Parenthood to be shut down. In a 2011 piece in The Daily Beast, she argued that access to birth control does not prevent abortions. She later retracted her piece as based on faulty data.”

Fox News’ Contributor Kirsten Powers Exits Evangelicalism to Embrace Catholicism

for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Fox News’ Contributor Kirsten Powers Exits Evangelicalism to Embrace Catholicism

Kirsten Powers, Fox News’ pundit, happily announced on October 9, 2015 to “The Five” on “One More Thing” that the next day she would become Catholic.  Immediately, Powers was “high fived” by Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Eric Bolling.

Exactly why was this announcement so news worthy?  Well, for starters Kirsten, once an Episcopalian and later an atheist, had shared a “conversion story” about nine years ago.  At the time well-known Presbyterian Pastor Tim Keller of Redeemer Church in New York City had played a role in unveiling her eyes to the truth that God existed.  Further time at Redeemer had her calling herself an “orthodox Christian,” and sharing her story with Christianity Today.  One wonders was there anything Keller shared about his own affinity with Catholicism as found, for example, in his book Reason for God  that gave Kirsten the impression Catholics are surely true Christians?  Dr. E.S. Williams in his article “Keller’s Affinity with Rome” would support this.  Read more here:

In an article, “Fox News’s* Kirsten Powers Announces: ‘I’m Becoming Catholic,'” Catholic Deacon
Greg Kandra of the Diocese of Brooklyn writes that during a 2006 trip to Taiwan Powers felt she had had a visitation from Jesus.  Kandra further writes, “She has called her conversion a ‘a bit of a mind bender’ due to her political beliefs and former atheism, and prefers the term ‘orthodox Christian’ over ‘evangelical’ to describe herself due to the ‘cultural baggage’ around the word ‘evangelical.’  She has said that the biggest impact her new found faith had on her political beliefs was that she came to ‘view everyone as God’s child and that means everyone deserves grace and respect.'”  However, I would point out, that the Bible does not say everyone is God’s child. puts it this way, “The Bible is clear that all people are God’s creation (Colossians 1:16) and that God loves the entire world (John 3:16), but only those who are born again are children of God (John 1:12, 11:52, Romans 8:16; I John 3:1-10).”
* Kandra’s error.  

In another piece, “Kirsten Powers Awakens to the Beauty and Depth and Riches of the Catholic Faith,” Rick Rice wrote of Msgr. Charles Pope’s* article that told of Kirsten’s beautiful conversion story to Evangelicalism.  Rice noted that Msgr. Pope, at the time, prayed that Kirsten would to know that Jesus is Lord and the lover of her soul.  Of the Msgr. Pope piece Rice quotes, “But Father, but Father… ‘She did not become Catholic.'”  However,  Msgr. Pope wrote, “Well, all I know is that she is on a journey.  And the Lord has surely led some of the best Catholics through the Evangelical denominations to the Catholic Church.**  … In fact some of the greatest converts to the Catholic Church bring many gifts from their time as Evangelicals …  At a personal level, I would love for Ms. Powers to find herself in full union with the Catholic Church. …”  Rice went on, “Well Msgr. Pope, that one day has apparently arrived: Welcome Ms. Powers to the faith that challenges and enriches.”  Rice ended by saying to Powers, “May God use you ma’am to bring others to His embrace.”

*  Msgr. Charles Pope is pastor of the Holy Comforter- St. Cyprian Church that is part of the Arch- diocese of Washington, D.C.  Pope has also led Bible Studies in both Congress and the White House.

**  This could certainly refer to former Presbyterian Scott Hahn who converted to Catholicism some years back, and has become a best selling Catholic teacher, author, and speaker.  

In still another “Home to Rome” article: “Fox News’ Kirsten Powers: Welcome Home to the Catholic Church” from Catholic News Live, Kate O’Hare writes “Deo Gratias!  Welcome Home!”  O’Hare also mentions Kirsten’s tweet note of gratitude to Father Jonathan Morris for being instrumental in leading her into Catholicism.  O’Hare also adds, ” … maybe we can get her to tag-team with Father Morris and plant seeds to change the heart and mind of fallen-away Catholic Greg Gutfield of ‘The Five.'”  As Powers has proven it may be a long and winding road, but there’s no greater joy then finally crossing the Tiber.  Come on in Greg, the water’s fine.”

Dear reader, this is why Kirsten, a well-known writer and contributor, is such a prize convert for her opinions and thoughts influence many.  For us as Evangelicals, it is time to awaken and to understand that the Catholic Church teaches another gospel.  And rather than praising the Catholic Church and seeking common ground, we need to be planting our own seeds of the true gospel as found in Romans 3:24-26, and 28 where Scripture declares we are justified freely, and by faith without or apart from the deeds of the law!

While at Fox, Powers would have much contact with the large number of Catholic contributors.  And as Kirsten twittered about her conversations over dinner at Del Friscas, a ritzy Manhattan restaurant, with Fox’s resident Catholic “evangelist” –the ever charismatic Father Jonathan Morris who had swayed her to make her decision.  This same Morris, you may recall, was on evangelist James Robison’s program where Robison spoke of Evangelicals and Catholics joining together.  Morris was also on “Hannity” (9-24-15) along with Dr. Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church, Dallas as they discussed their positive reaction to Pope Francis’ visit.

Certainly, it seems Powers knows of, and has met Jeffress. One might ask did she hear Jeffress’ clear affirmation of the pope declaring Francis “a humble Christ follower” for whom he had much respect?  Did she hear him state that he had more in common with his Catholic friends than his liberal Baptist friends?  Did she hear him say he differed with the pope only on secondary issues?  If Powers didn’t, hundreds of others did!

A second prominent priest, Father Roger J. Landry of the Holy Family Catholic Church, an attache to the United Nations and a permanent observer of the Holy See to the United Nations also heavily influenced her to convert.  On Kirsten’s October 11 Twitter to Landry Kirsten wrote: “Day 1 as a Catholic: awesome!  Wld not be here w/out the brilliant, kind, sacrificial, thoughtful, @ Fr.RogerLandry.”

And it was Landry’s homily about which Kirsten tweeted, “Happy to share the phenomenal homily from my baptismal Mass by Fr. Roger Landry “The Continual Conversion…”  The homily: “The Continual Conversion Asked of the Rich Young Man and of Us, October 10, 2015”  (Mass of the Reception into Full Communion with the Catholic Church) was given at Manhattan’s Holy Family Church whose building was dedicated in 1965 by His Eminence Francis Cardinal Spellman to serve the needs of the UN.  The church, by the way, is located just one block from the United Nations.

Holy Family was designed by architect George J. Sole to reflect the contemporary, post-Vatican II Church to fit into the United Nations neighborhood.  Its art and design reflect “a spirit of ecumenism and multi-nationalism.”  To the left of the main altar stands a large Byzantine icon–“Our Lady of Peace.”  Its eastern church style and subject matter, says the parish history, reflects the themes of universality and peace.

Just prior to her conversion Power’s twittered her awe with the Pope on his recent papal visit by saying she was waiting for “Papa Francesca;” and later by writing she “was at the Pontifex Mass in DC.”  

Yes, Kirsten was, as Bob Smietana of Christianity Today wrote in a Gleanings News piece, “Pope Francis’ Latest Convert: Kirsten Powers.”  Smietana said, “Fox News’ highly reluctant Jesus follower
has found a new church.”  Smietana also noted, “Powers gave few details about her decision to become Catholic.  She did thank Father Jonathan Morris, pastor of Mt. Carmel Church of the Bronx, on Twitter.”

How many like Kirsten have received, and are receiving confusing messages about Catholicism from pastors such as Keller, Jeffress, and a host of others.  In light of this, may we be ever ready to share the gospel that in order to reach heaven one must be born again, not join a church or do good works.  For as Acts 4:12 says: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.”  May we avail ourselves of every opportunity to share the hope that is within us with truth, and love.  And may we stand true to the faith that Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth, and the life; and that it is through Christ alone that we find salvation.

Learn to Discern Granny Verse: I Peter 3:15

“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.”

For More Information:

Pope Francis and the Thomas Merton Connection–A Light House Trails Booklet

My Journey Out of Catholicism by David Dombrowski–A Light House Trails Booklet

The Catholic Mary and Her Eucharistic Christ by Roger Oakland–A Light House Trails Booklet



An Eyewitness Account by Lanette Irwin
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Participants lined up nearly a quarter mile to hear speakers
at the World Parliament of Religions on opening day.

The 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions was held October 15-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah. They estimated over fourteen thousand people attended this New Age (now called “interfaith”) convention at the cost of $500/person. This convention was well advertised for over a year. 

Many booths from differing faiths, political interfaith organizations, and seminaries were anxiously handing out their free literature and books to attendee’s as they walked through. 

As we made our way through the halls we saw Buddhist/ Hindu shrines and rooms filled with chanters. Tables were selling their t-shirts, books, sandalwood meditation beads, jewelry and pictures of the Dali Lama.

We were subjected to a constant hum of a drum and high pitched sounds ringing throughout the building, with signs hanging overhead that read “The earth is one we are one with the earth.” 

Environmental issues were a big topic because they believe we are part of the earth, and if the earth is sick we cannot heal the world. 

There were Indians dressed in their headdresses and clothing, seiks, Buddhist monks, Catholic priests, Jewish rabbis and, yes, Christians alike, jamming through halls to attend sessions. Media with their cameras conducted interviews, spiritual dancers in the background chanted, while late speakers were running up escalators to indoctrinate the masses. Most of the participants and speakers were women. 

Many of us have read books, or articles about the New Age movement; however, the focus of the New Age has mostly been covert via networking, infiltration, and spiritual indoctrination, especially so far as their goal of uniting the world under a one world religion and one world government.

The Parliament of the World’s Religions has an agenda and they are now very open about it. It is now an outright attack on the Christian church and the Word of God. They have decided they cannot have unity at all cost so they are trying something else: changing the doctrine of the simple Gospel of Jesus and Who He is. I was handed a booklet titled Global Ethic: A Call to our Guiding Institutions that stated: “The Parliament of the world’s religion seeks to promote interreligious harmony, rather than unity.” (p.1) 

They are not afraid to say that “an orthodox Bible believing Christian does not fit in our world nor will they be tolerated.” It was in our face. This Parliament is a sort of coming out of the closet for them, as was the Parliament’s in the past such as the one in 2009. 

One of the signs that hung in the hall said,“Choose being kind over being right and you’ll be right every time.” Still another displayed, “We are as much alive as we keep the earth alive.” So the truth of the Word is not on their agenda. It is seen as unorthodox and mean-spirited. For example, note the phrase in blue below:

I attended several sessions to get a grasp on the coming agenda of attacks on the Bible-believing church. I attended these sessions reluctantly, biting my tongue, but I noticed several phrases repeated over and over – to the point I stopped attending the third day as I could recite the chant by heart! 

The Christian view of “salvation” has the inclusion/exclusion message of “we are in – they are not.” The interfaith movement cites this as an evil. In other words, to say Salvation is by Christ alone, and there is a Hell and there is a Heaven is not accepting of other faiths. It is exclusive, unaccepting of other religions, especially because they believe “God accepts all, God is in all.” The Christian orthodox view of Heaven and Hell will no longer be tolerated as they says it divides humanity.

This was the topic discussed by Rev. Kristen Largen, editor of A Journal of Theologyand dean and professor of systematic theology at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. She cited her new book about to come out, What Christians Can Learn from Buddhism: Rethinking Salvation.

“We must not have a you aren’t/we are mentality,”she believes. We must rethink this concept of salvation, which is seen as unloving, not really biblical. When advocating her 2013 book Finding God among Our Neighbors: An Interfaith Systematic Theology the review says that “she confronts Christian misconceptions and problematic issues of other traditions.” So our ideas that other religions such as Hindu or Islam is labeled a “misconception.” But I noticed that she cited Scripture to support her false beliefs and opinions. She said, “There is no definitive doctrine established by the Christian church that mandates one specific explanation of how Jesus saves.” (This is complete heresy!) 

Rev. Largen went on to say that “there are many different theories about that and the church endorses all of them.” She said, “The doctrine of the trinity has been established but not the doctrine of salvation…. We must rethink, reimagine the doctrine of salvation and it is quite consistent with the Christian tradition of salvation not a violation of it.” She said,“Salvation has three aspects 1. A person in need 2. A problematic situation 3. A solution to that situation, and one who provides it. Beyond this, much is up for grabs.” She ended up with saying that “the doctrine of the church is calledapokatastasis, better known as the doctrine of universal salvation; that everyone is saved, regardless.” In short, universalism. As a side note she did mention Emergent leader Rob Bell’s book Love Wins, another who more or less teaches the Bible is not relevant for today’s society and also redefines Salvation and Hell. 

Another session I attended called “Religious Extremism: Effective Responses From Mainstream Religious Communities” with three scholars: Shanta Premawardhana, president of SCUPE; Dr. George Zachariah, co-presenter; and Salih Sayigan, Department of Theology, Georgetown University, who admits he is Christian and said,“Every religion has extremes, but exclusiveness leads to violence when we say you get to go to Heaven and you end in Hell then we have a problem when you exclude you sow seeds of extremism. When you say this is God’s way you create a political environment.” Next, Sayigan gave another example:“Excluding gays from your board your church that is exclusion.” And if you believe you have absolute truth this is said to create blind allegiance. 

These three said, as had the other speakers, that“we are all members of the same family, we all belong to God.” A Hindu stood up from the audience dressed in his orange clothes, looking so timid and shy, but went into a rage yelling about evil Christians leaving pamphlets on the temple steps. He said, “Christians told me I was worshiping demons! How dare they!” The speakers nodded their heads, agreeing this was wrong and unacceptable. They then went on to redefine Jihad as they see it. The real Jihad is “a good dad, a good husband.” In essence, as long as there are those who define and have a theology based on the old patriarchal “Christian” perspective, the earth cannot heal and the violence will continue. We as Christians are now responsible for all evil in the world. They believe this. 

Building a New Age/New World Order

I attended a session on Saturday, called “Roman Catholic Theology and Practice of Interreligious Dialog.” They advocated their journal, Journal of Interreligious Insight. Again I heard the same rhetoric of exclusion/inclusion and noticed that “compassion” was the key buzz word. One young man stood up and angrily said, “I get tired of Christians citing from the Bible. I will not go to Heaven if I don’t see the Gospel as they see it.” Some girl in a weak voice cited a Scripture about Heaven, several clapped, and the young man sat down next to her, smiling. She was praised for her insight by the panel of speakers! I guess he felt relieved he got to say his peace, and of course the speakers agreed. 

In essence they believe the old patriarchy is not for today. Our values must change if we are going to heal. New values are the child of the older patriarchy. For example, fairness is good but we need a new fairness. They admit there will be a backlash for which they are ready to defend. 

Walking the labyrinth at the Parliament

The following is an example of books the emergent interfaith movement are reading: 

Thriving in the Crosscurrent:
Clarity and Hope in a Time of Cultural Sea Change 
by Jim Kenney 
Posted by: DailyOM 

The 21st century is experiencing a rare global revolution. Are you prepared to ride the new cultural wave? Thriving in the Crosscurrent says that despite the overwhelming doomsday speak, it’s not the end of the world, but the birthing pains of a new one! Like two massive ocean waves colliding, one on the ascent and the other falling, societal paradigms are on the brink of a world-wide transformation! With the use of this two-wave sea change model, a tool for evaluating human cultural evolution, thriving in the Crosscurrent demonstrates the causes of our impending revolution and shares an optimistic forecast through the turbulence. 

With in-depth scholarly research, cultural expert Jim Kenney offers detailed descriptions of the groups that make up our current global consciousness. From “yeasayers” such as Catalysts, Actives, and Creatives to “naysayers”, including Militants, Buccaneers and Unexamined Lifers, this book explores the current and emerging beliefs of society. Kenney makes known what is required for the yeasayers to be effective. “The good news” Kenney states, “it’s a smaller percentage than you might think.”  [Excerpt]

Well I guess as Christians we are the small percentage! 

In her bookChristianity After Religion: The End of Church and the Birth of a New Spiritual Awakening, Diana Butler Bass is endorsed by Brian D. McLaren, Emergent church leader and author of Naked Spirituality. She began a diatribe on why Christianity has failed, why people are leaving the church, and the unfortunate circumstances of people getting hurt. She says there have been great awakenings throughout history and suggest we are in another but, “Conventional comforting Christianity has failed. It does not work. For the churches that insist on preaching it, the jig is up. We cannot go back, and we should not want to.” She explains, “Lot’s wife turned into salt when she looked back… and Jesus reminded his followers that no man puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62).”(p. 37) 

Here is another telling statement from Butler Bass: “A new phenomenon seems to be developing in the west – the possibility of multireligious identity. In the same way that some people are biracial or multiracial, others are describing themselves as multireligious.” (p. 60) 

Butler Bass suggests that Robert Wright is more correct when he suggests that God is currently undergoing an “evolution.” (p. 63) She goes on another diatribe that we have misunderstood the Scriptures and who God really is: “Finding one’s self in God is also to find God in one’s self…. The glory of God is the human person fully alive.” What does she recommend for reading? The New Agers’ favorite Bible, of course, The Message(Eugene Peterson). She also says to practice faith, prayer, yoga, meditation. (p. 188-189) 

Butler Bass describes her anticipated new spiritual awakening this way: “I think the awakening might be a little like graduation… faithful people who have – willingly or unwillingly – left the old world for a new one…. The old religious world is failing, but the Spirit is stirring anew…. I imagine Christians carrying high the cross all different varieties with their bibles, prayer books, icons, rosary beads, Jews the Torah, Muslims the Qur’an, Buddhists with their Dharma wheel Is. 2:2-4.”(p. 268)

Example of the books being promoted at the Parliament

Sunday, the 18th session was called “Focus on Climate Change.” It was moderated by Al Gore’s daughter Karenna Gore Schiff. Brian McLaren, author of A New Kind of Christianity and a dozen more interfaith type books, spoke about saving the environment: “We must transform the world and to do what religion has to, to deploy vast numbers of contemplative activists. We are all sister and brothers. The reason there is hate and racism and war is because the human race has not united. The reason that there are so many religions is because everybody’s egos are in the way. If we love God we will love creation. Religion needs to be schools of love.” 

The propaganda pushed at these sessions was love, love, love, but not for the Word of God. Peace, peace, peace, but only after divisive “Christians are put in their place,” wherever that may be. Dialog, dialog, dialog; however, dialog is seen as divisive if you are a dogmatic Bible believing old patriarchal Christian. 

So how are they going to bring about this change of doctrine and ring in the new? Well, of course they call it social action. But it is reallycircles of change, self-help groups, community social action groups, youth groups, college prayer groups, play groups for the kids, drug rehabs, online groups, you name it.

A book titledMoving Toward the Millionth Circleby Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., is promoted by New Age leaderMarianne Williamson (A Course in Miracles) on the back jacket cover:“The metaphoric circle is the tipping point into a post-patriarchal era, based on the premise that when a critical number of people change their perceptions and behavior, a new era can begin.” 

The words tipping point are another buzz term they use for winning! (She sure does not know the Lord God because He works in small numbers and wins every time!) 

There is a chapter on the great awakening in Butler Bass’s book Christianity after Religion. To paraphrase what she said: “Tuesday night we met in a college dorm calling it Bible study, but it was really church…. We read Call to Commitment. We wanted to be like the book said, combining our newly discovered understanding of ancient Christian theology, practice and liturgy, with our new passions for global community, the environment, and gender equality. Such experiments popped up all over campus….” 

They declared in unison these thoughts: “Earth cannot be changed for the better unless the consciousness of individuals is changed. We pledge to work for such transformation in individual and collective consciousness, for the awakening of our spiritual powers through reflection, meditation, prayer, or positive thinking, for a conversion of the heart.” (p. 14, Karl-Josef Kuschel, Global Ethic: The Declaration of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, edited by Hans Küng) 

The common theme throughout the conference was Muslims uniting with Jews, Catholics and Christians at all cost. Drop doctrine, drop all differences to join together for the common core of one world religion, and government – and everyone must be engaged in some sort of service to be accountable in healing the earth.  

Love is pushed in all directions and is the end-all statement at all cost. Marianne Williamson’s book A Return to Love: Reflections of a Course in Miracles (which has sold over three million copies, by the way) is like the textbook for their interfaith movement. In so many articles and leaflets I have read “love” even if it means leaving your faith! Love becomes your highest priority. For all intents and purposes I will call them the “Love Bombers.” It draws the desperate into their web of deceit. 

Another doctrine was evident. These people are “feeling oriented.” Everything is based on their feelings: if it feels good, it is God. If it sounds good, it is God. Experiences are held as gospel truth. Their intuition is truth and reality. 

The Compassion Games 2015 are linked to the Parliament

Besides the “Love” word we heard the word “compassion” riddled throughout the sessions and over-used in their materials. While these words are not bad words they have become re-defined within the doctrines of this emerging interfaith movement. Unfortunately many mainline churches are pounding the same drumbeat for ecumenical doctrines, and finding fellowship with the world to be very palatable. 

Faith traditions united for a program at the Salt Lake Mormon Tabernacle. Here is a report by Marjorie Cortez, posted Oct 18th, 2015 @ 10:30pm:“But Parliament takes it a step further because of the wide array of faiths represented. You have people who could be in contention with each other who are not. We all seem now to realize as we’re here that we are one humanity and we do believe in one God….”

Several booths at the Parliament

This conference left me sad as I noticed babies, and pregnant new mommies, having chants spoken over their bellies. Old people, hobbling or being wheeled in chairs to the next event, were promised karma and the next life. I never felt so helpless, but I realized this is what the Lord meant the Way is narrow and few will find it. Christians are now seen as mean and unknowledgable, even while warning those to get out of the fire. 

May the Lord Himself stifle their efforts and open the ears of those in our path for Jesus Christ. We need to witness now more than ever before, now before the door shuts and their time has run out.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
(1 John 1:9)

Photos at the event were taken by the author. 

Meet the amazing lineup of Nobel Peace Laureates, Religious Leaders, Global Thinkers, and interfaith activists who are saying yes to reclaiming the heart of our humanity at the 2015 Parliament! 
2015 Parliament Speakers Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity Bring Global Wisdom and Practice to 3 Critical Issues: 
  • Climate Change & Care for Creation,
  • Income Inequity & Wasteful Consumption,
  • and War, Violence & Hate Speech.
 The 2015 Parliament’s world-class speakers comprise:
  • Nobel Peace Laureates including Costa Rica’s two-time President, the Spiritual Leader of Tibetan Buddhism, and a mother who helped put an end to sectarian violence in a war-torn Northern Ireland;
  • A Lakota nation tribal leader who is a global defender of sacred sites;
  • The United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom;
  • Top religious scholars, writers, speakers and activists achieving compassion, peace, justice and sustainability;
  • News media icons pointing global attention to issues like racial and interreligious relations, income equality, immigration, and the human rights and dignity of women, children, and all oppessed peoples.
  • Religious and spiritual luminaries strengthening the interfaith movement for our future
Embedded Image



Songs for Peace

Published on Oct 21, 2015
“May the prayers sung and spoken and offered in silence by nearly 10,000 people from 80 nations and 50 faiths ripple infinitely outward in service to peace, tolerance and understanding.”




SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
An online petition has been launched over revelations that the popular evangelical-owned fast food restaurant Chick-fil-A has been listed as a sponsor of a “faith-based” homosexual film and arts festival.
Level Ground began as a student-organized event in 2013, and was touted as the “world’s first faith-based LGBT film festival.” It has since expanded to six cities across the country and includes not only film, but music, theater, visual arts, comedy, and various workshops with the goal of “elevating the public discourse around the otherwise polarizing topics of gender identity and human sexuality.”
“The Level Ground Festival draws a unique audience that reflects the full spectrum of religious (and non-religious) beliefs, gender identities, and sexual orientations,” the festival website outlines. “All denominations, theologies, beliefs, races, and ages are welcome.”
Earlier this month, the Level Ground Festival opened in Nashville, being sponsored by the pro-homosexual Gracepointe Church and Vanderbilt Divinity School, among others. The event featured panel talks that included former Contemporary Christian artist Jennifer Knapp, who came out as a lesbian in 2005 and went on to found a homosexual advocacy group, as well as folk musician Derek Webb, known for his song “I Repent” and his former role in the Christian group Caedmon’s Call.
Other attendees included Melissa Greene, formerly of the group Avalon and worship leader at Gracepointe, and Karen Swallow Prior of Virginia’s Liberty University.
But Level Ground has general sponsors as well, which the group has posted on its website. Included on the page among Whole Foods, Hilton Pasadena, and Stone Brewing Company is the popular fast-food restaurant Chick-fil-A.
On Friday, a concerned Chick-fil-A patron launched a petition to bring the sponsorship to the attention of the company’s leadership.
“Per our research and findings, Chick-fil-A is a sponsor of ‘Level Ground’ … [a]nd upon further inquiry, your sponsorship of this organization supports pro-gay organizations … and many other groups that promote an agenda which is contrary to Chick-fil-A’s corporate stance on Christian values regarding marriage and stewardship,” the petition reads.
“In light of these findings, we ask that Chick-fil-A issues an official response regarding this sponsorship, along with any statement your team feels is necessary to clarify Chick-fil-A’s corporate stance regarding previously stated Christian values on marriage and stewardship,” it says.
As previously reported, Chick-fil-A came under fire in 2012 from homosexual advocates after President Dan Cathy spoke in favor of Biblical marriage.
“We are very much supporting of the family—the Biblical definition of the family unit,” he told the Baptist Press. “We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives,” he said. “We give God thanks for that.”
According to the Washington Post, Cathy had also stated on a radio broadcast that he believed that the promotion of homosexual “marriage” was evoking the wrath of God upon America.
“As it relates to society in general, I think we’re inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage,’” he opined. “And I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to try to redefine what marriage is about.”
After the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a key part of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), Cathy Tweeted, “Sad day for our nation. [The] founding fathers would be ashamed of our generation to abandon wisdom of the ages re: cornerstone of strong societies.” He later deleted the post.
Following uproar about the matter, including assertions that the company donates to organizations that oppose same-sex “marriage,” Chick-fil-A issued a statement outlining that it had never sought to donate to groups that speak against homosexuality, and that “[g]oing forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena.”
“For many months now, Chick-fil-A’s corporate giving has been mischaracterized,” the fast food chain wrote in a separate news release. “Our intent is not to support political or social agendas.”
Christian News Network reached out to Chick-fil-A for comment and explanation regarding its sponsorship of Level Ground, but a response was not received as of press time.


The Health Liberty Revolution to Save our Children, by Barbara Loe Fisher

Published on Oct 28, 2015
NVIC’s President Barbara Loe Fisher spoke at the CDC Truth and Transparency Rally on October 24, 2015. In her speech she spoke of the history of vaccine injury, the creation of the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) and its failure to provide vaccine injured Americans with a no-fault non-adversarial mechanism for vaccine injury compensation and the betrayal by the U.S. Supreme Court of making the VICP the sole remedy for vaccine injury compensation. Learn more at


Planned Parenthood TX Abortion Apprentice Taught Partial-Birth Abortion to “Strive For” Intact Heads

Published on Oct 27, 2015

Dr. Amna Dermish, Planned Parenthood Late-Term Abortion Doctor in Austin, TX, Taught by PPFA Senior Director of Medical Services Dr. Deborah Nucatola to Use Partial-Birth Abortions For Intact Fetuses

Contact: Peter Robbio,, 703.683.5004

AUSTIN, Oct. 27–The eleventh video release from The Center for Medical Progress in the ongoing Planned Parenthood baby parts scandal shows the abortion doctor for Planned Parenthood in Austin, TX, Dr. Amna Dermish, describing a partial-birth abortion procedure to terminate living, late-term fetuses which she hopes will yield intact fetal heads for brain harvesting.

Dr. Dermish admits she was trained by the Senior Director of Medical Services at Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Dr. Deborah Nucatola. Nucatola described a partial-birth abortion technique to harvest fetal organs in the first Planned Parenthood video released July 14 by CMP.

“My aim is usually to get the specimens out pretty intact,” says Dermish, speaking to actors posing as a fetal tissue procurement company. Dermish admits that she will sometimes use ultrasound guidance to convert a 2nd-trimester fetus to a feet-first breech presentation: “Especially the 20-weekers are a lot harder versus the 18-weekers, so at that point I’ll switch to breech.”

“That’s what Deb [Nucatola] was telling us, was it really makes a difference for tissue collection at PPLA,” says one of the actors, referencing Nucatola’s technique for organ harvesting. “It’s really nice when it’s, yeah–I trained with her,” replies Dermish.

In reply to a question about harvesting fetal brain, Dermish notes, “I haven’t been able to do that yet,” but exclaims with laughter, “This will give me something to strive for!”

Dermish does not use the chemical digoxin to kill the fetus before 20 weeks, so her feet-first, intact extraction abortions are done on living fetuses. Using ultrasound guidance to manipulate the fetus from vertex to breech orientation before extracting the yet-living fetus is a hallmark of the illegal partial-birth abortion procedure (18 U.S.C. 1531).

Dermish also affirms a fetal body part price of $50 or $60 per specimen. The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2).

The state of Texas recently moved to disbar Planned Parenthood from taxpayer funding on account of Medicaid fraud and abortion-related crimes. Governor Greg Abbott recently said in an interview that the state of Texas is now in possession of “hard evidence” that Planned Parenthood is engaged in “violations of federal and state law concerning abortion procedures.”

“Less than 4 miles away from the Texas state capitol, Planned Parenthood routinely practices barbaric partial-birth abortions on living, late-term fetuses,” notes CMP Project Lead David Daleiden. “Planned Parenthood’s crimes are not just the result of local bad actors, but are tolerated and even encouraged at the highest levels of the national organization. State-level criminal investigations must press charges, and Congress’ new select committee must pursue a deep and comprehensive accounting of Planned Parenthood’s atrocities against humanity.”


See the video at:…

FULL FOOTAGE: Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Dr. Amna Dermish

Abortionist Wants To Burn Aborted Fetuses As Fuel

Published on Oct 28, 2015
As the Planned Parenthood aborted body parts saga rumbles on, fresh footage has emerged of an abortionist working at a separate institution suggesting that it would be wonderful to be able to burn aborted fetuses as fuel.…




SEE: below in full unedited for informational, 

educational, and research purposes:
An eleventh undercover video was released Tuesday by the Center For Medical Progress, again capturing officials at Planned Parenthood admitting to selling aborted body parts, and laughing about it.
This time an abortion doctor for Planned Parenthood in Austin, Texas. discusses harvesting the “intact” heads of late term aborted babies for research.
“My aim is usually to get the specimens out pretty intact,” the doctor, Amna Dermish, tells the actors posing as potential fetal tissue buyers.
Dermish also admits that she sometimes alters the abortion procedure in an effort to preserve the fetus for harvesting.
She states that she sometimes ultrasound guidance to convert a 2nd-trimester fetus to a feet-first breech presentation: “Especially the 20-weekers are a lot harder versus the 18-weekers, so at that point I’ll switch to breech.” Dermish states.
The use of the technique means that the fetus is in many cases still living when extracted. It is identical to partial-birth abortion procedures, which were banned by Congress years ago.
When asked by the reporters about harvesting fetal brains, Dermish laughs and tells them “I haven’t been able to do that yet… This will give me something to strive for!”
Dermish also discusses the value of fetal body parts, affirming the reporter’s declaration that the usual price is $50 or $60 per specimen. Again, it is illegal to buy or sell human fetal tissue.
Dermish also describes the brutal technicalities of carrying out the abortion while attempting to keep the fetus intact in order to sell it on to researchers.
“It was trunk intact, so usually what I do, if it’s a breech presentation, I’ll remove the extremities first, the lower extremities, and then go for the spine and sort of bring it down that way,” Dermish notes.
“I always try to keep the trunk intact,” she continues. “Always trying to aim for the spine to bring it down. It just makes the procedure easier.”
“One of our POC persons is really into organ development,” she adds, noting “She’ll pull out kidneys, and heart and like heart we frequently see at nine weeks and she always looks for it… just for fun.”
Again laughing about the gory procedure for some bizarre reason, the Whole Woman’s Health official with Dermish states “It’s cute.”
Pro-life advocates reacted to the latest video with horror.
“Less than 4 miles away from the Texas state capitol, Planned Parenthood routinely practices barbaric partial-birth abortions on living, late-term fetuses,” CMP head David Daleiden said of the video.
“Planned Parenthood’s crimes are not just the result of local bad actors, but are tolerated and even encouraged at the highest levels of the national organization. State-level criminal investigations must press charges, and Congress’ new select committee must pursue a deep and comprehensive accounting of Planned Parenthood’s atrocities against humanity.” Daleiden added.
Also commenting on the new video, Representative Marsha Blackburn, who is leading the panel investigating Planned Parenthood, expressed disbelief and disgust.
“Is this how babies should be treated? To be harvested for their heads?” said Blackburn. “As a grandmother, each video absolutely breaks my heart. But we now have a select panel that will examine the sale of baby body parts. As I’ve said before, this is going to be an information based, fact-finding endeavor to bring all the facts into the light of day as we work to protect the dignity of human life.”


IN 2015?

Greta Lambastes Melissa Harris Perry for ‘Hard Work’ Slave Remark ‘Completely Ridiculous’

Melissa Harris Perry is a Cancer on Freedom

Published on Oct 27, 2015
Alex Jones analyzes yet another clip of MSNBC host Melissa Harris Perry using psy-op techniques to try and brainwash the public into being afraid of language in the ongoing war on freedom.

Melissa Harris Perry:
This Country Is No Place For Young Black Men





Boehner Cuts Deal With White House; 

National Debt to Reach $20 Trillion

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

After working privately over the past several weeks with members of the White House staff, as well as with Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), and Harry Reid (D-Nev.), House Speaker John Boehner succeeded late Monday night in cobbling together a deal that gives everyone in Washington what they want but leaves the bill for the taxpayer. By the time the dust settles, the deal will cause the country’s national debt to reach $20 trillion within the next 18 months, if not sooner.
Doing an end run around usual House procedures, Boehner went over the heads of numerous committee chairmen to deal directly with the White House. In essence, the deal emasculates the “sequester” cuts built into law in 2011, gives President Obama a blank check to fund his government through the end of his second term, expands military spending, and keeps the Social Security disability program solvent for another six years.
The total increased spending is more than $100 billion, with promises that, as usual, it won’t cost the taxpayer anything because the increased spending will be “offset by savings” elsewhere in the government's gargantuan budget, spread out over the next decade. Lip service was given in the deal that the increased government spending will be funded by selling some oil from the government’s strategic reserves and holding radio spectrum auctions, along with making some modest changes in the healthcare law. The deal also mentions possible savings through changes in crop insurance benefits and spending money seized from criminals by the Justice Department.
The deal is expected to pass the House on Wednesday, just in time for the House to vote in a new speaker on Thursday, widely expected to be establishment Republican Paul Ryan. This leaves Ryan with a “clean barn,” as Boehner expressed it: “I don’t want to leave [Ryan] a dirty barn. I want to clean the barn up a little bit before [he] gets here.”
Voices of dissent were heard across the Potomac. Complaining about Boehner’s unilateral dealings without consulting committee chairman per House rules, Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-Ga.) expressed his outrage: “He [Boehner] threw the committee chairmen under the bus.” Representative Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.) said, “I can’t vote for something where we spend the money today and save it 10 years from now. That, to me, is crazy.” This was echoed by Representative Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.) who said this is “a two-year budget deal that raises the debt ceiling for basically the entire term of this presidency.”
The deal solves a number of pressing issues while ignoring the runaway spending. The debt limit was expected to be reached by November 3, and the government was expected to run out of money no later than December 11. It takes off the table any chance of a government shutdown, and kicks the can past the November 2016 elections for the following Congress to deal with. It removes embarrassing questions that Republicans running for office would face next fall from their constituents. It gives the Republican warhawks more Pentagon spending ($50 billion), and it gives the Democrat liberals more welfare spending ($50 billion), with another few billion for unspecified military purposes.
Heritage Action and the Club for Growth, in a joint statement of disgust, said the deal “was brokered by a lame-duck Speaker and a lame-duck President [and] represents the very worst of Washington: a last-minute deal that increases spending and debt [while calling it] fiscal responsibility.”
More crudely but perhaps more accurately, Boehner’s efforts to “clean the barn” before leaving office were characterized by Heritage Action’s CEO, Michael Needham:
In Washington, “cleaning the barn” is apparently synonymous with shoveling manure on the American people. John Boehner is clearly a rogue agent, negotiating on behalf of well-connected special interests [but] not the voters who gave him the gavel.
The deal, to be voted on on Wednesday, will require every Democrat in the House and an estimated 90 to 100 Republicans to pass. Then it moves on to the Senate where McConnell is busy lining up support for the bill. From there, it goes to the president’s desk for signing. All just in time for new House Speaker Paul Ryan to inherit a nice clean and tidy barn.
At the start of Bill Clinton’s administration, the country’s national debt stood at just over $4 trillion, a staggering sum beyond comprehending. Under Clinton it grew to $5.7 trillion, and then it nearly doubled under “conservative” George W. Bush to $10.6 trillion. Now, seven years later, the national debt is $18.7 trillion, soon to reach $20 trillion. Establishment Republicans get what they want: more military spending. Establishment Democrats get what they want: more welfare spending. What does the taxpayer get? The bill.
That’s how the establishment does business in Washington. 



Domestic unrest may occur if Merkel’s 
open border policy isn’t checked
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research 

A letter obtained by German newspaper Die Welt written by top security experts warns that the middle class in Germany is becoming “radicalized” in response to the migrant influx and that domestic unrest may occur as a result.
“The high influx of people from other parts of the world will lead to instability of our country,” a security official told the newspaper, adding that the middle class is becoming, “radicalized because they mostly do not want this immigration and it is forced by the political elite.”
The official notes that tension is so fraught over the situation that some Germans may even resort to breaking the law to express their grievances.
“The German security authorities are not and will not be able to fend off these imported vulnerabilities and the reactions they trigger among the German population,” states the letter.
The security experts warn that the integration of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants is simply not possible and that Angela Merkel’s policy will cause Islamist extremism and anti-Semitism to soar.
The letter is unsigned but has been “circulated among high-ranking security officials in the federal government,” according to the report.
Former President of the German Secret Service (BND) August Hanning has issued a ten point plan in order to resolve the crisis.
The plan includes rejecting immigrants who arrive from a safe country of origin, as well as the “strict application of the national and supranational law” to regain control of Germany’s borders.
“The absorption capacities in Germany are exhausted until further notice and Germany can take no additional migrants,” asserts Hanning.
Meanwhile, a similar backlash in Austria has led to a surge in firearms sales, with citizens fearing attacks by Muslim invaders.
“A Czech TV report confirms that long guns – shotguns and rifles – have been flying off the shelves in Austria, and Austrians who haven’t already purchased a gun may not have a chance to get one for some time. They’re all sold out,” writes WND’s Leo Hohmann.

Muslim Invasion Update: Austrian Citizens Are Buying Guns

In Austria, there has been a rapid increase in the sales of weapons to private individuals. All long guns are currently completely sold out. Those arming themselves are primarily 
women. Austrians have begun to arm themselves with projectile weapons. If anyone wants to buy a long gun in Austria right now, too bad for them. All of them are currently sold out. This is reported by the Austrian outlet ‘Tiroler Tageszeitung’. It provides accessible 
information regarding the purchasers, which shows that all the stock is sold out.
“We cannot complain about lack of demand” says Stephan Mayer, a gun merchant.
He further claims this is the case for the last three weeks. The huge demand has its roots in fears generated by by social changes. “People want to protect themselves,” says Mayer. 
”Nonetheless, the most common purchasers of arms are primarily Austrian women They are buying tear [pepper] sprays, which are much in demand,” says Mayer.
He claims that guns are truly in great demand, and more potential customers are entering 
the market than ever before.
Till not too long ago, the major customers of gun shops were mainly sport shooters or 
rangers. But the most common customers now are people who are worried about their 
personal safety, yet who had never had any involvement with weapons prior to this.
The Austrian Minister of Interior must be informed by the potential gun owner of the reason why they wish to have a permit to own a gun. On internet pages, there also appeared 
those who give this as a reason. Projectile weapons in categories C and D, that is rifles and shotguns, may be purchased by every adult Austrian, if he submits a request with the 
reason [to own the gun]. These may be for hunting, sport shooting or self defense.
Migration, in all of human history, comes with many worries, says Viennese sociologist 
Girtler. Some people see the main cause of danger in these foreigners, who have this 
aggression in their blood. Girtler stated that this fear is unfounded. According to this 
sociologists, no such claims should ever be published about migrants or any groups.
The Austrian journalist Wittinger (?) commented on the situation as follows: if the local 
residents are buying weapons because they want to use them to protect themselves against hunger and terror from the migrants, then something is very wrong here. Shotguns will 
not, after all, solve any immediate problems, quite the contrary. This article is published on the main page of SKA.
Islamists are sending this message: ”We will cut the heads off unbelieving dogs even in 
Europe. Look forward to it, it’s coming soon!” German security authorities, including the 
Federal Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maiziere, are again on full alert. One of about 
500 of their jihadis who are fighting in the Middle East addressed his co-residents back 
home in a video, in which, in German, he urges the slitting the throats of unbelievers back home, in their country. That is, in Germany.
This is accordingly a new quality of propaganda, and threats which must be prevented. 
Overall, the Ministry of Interior stated that Germany is in the crosshairs of Islamic terrorists, but that he does not have any indications of specific threats, informs the server of the 
Czech portal of with a link to German media.
Islamic State-trained Jihadists are now, as European citizens, returning, or they are trying 
to infiltrate into Europe as immigrants. More and more the whole thing is turning into the 
situation that we will experience the much-touted Arab Spring from very close up – right 
here, at home.
What’s more, many European states are alienating part of their own populace with 
unfortunate social and multicultural politics, merciless removal of children, unfair seizures, 
and trading on traditional European values and with policies which are usually less friendly 
towards conservative and traditional native inhabitants and leans towards that portion of 
inhabitants who have little trouble with globalization and nonchalant liberalization, removal of traditions, and Islamisation. Yet we will not be able to rely on it that portion of 
[population] once the Arab Spring comes here. And that will probably be, as they say, 
closing the barn after the cows are gone…



Many 'now wish they had a 2nd Amendment'

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Austrians are arming themselves at record rates in an effort to defend their households against feared attacks from Muslim invaders.
Tens of thousands of Muslim “refugees” have poured into Austria from Hungary and Slovenia in recent months on their way to Germany and Sweden, two wealthy European countries
that have laid out the welcome mat for migrants. More than a million will end up in Germany alone by the end of this year, according to estimates from the German government.
Obtaining a working firearm and ammunition in Germany, Britain, Denmark and the
Netherlands is practically impossible for the average citizen. Germany, for instance, requires a psychological evaluation, the purchase of liability insurance and verifiable compliance
with strict firearms storage and safety rules. And self-defense is not even a valid reason to
purchase a gun in these countries.
The laws in Austria, while still strict, are a bit less overbearing.
A Czech TV report confirms that long guns – shotguns and rifles – have been flying off the
shelves in Austria, and Austrians who haven’t already purchased a gun may not have a
chance to get one for some time. They’re all sold out.
And those arming themselves are primarily women.
“If anyone wants to buy a long gun in Austria right now, too bad for them,” the Czech
newscaster says. “All of them are currently sold out.”
He cites the Austrian news outlet Trioler Tageszeitung as the source of his report.
“We cannot complain about lack of demand,” Stephen Mayer, a gun merchant, told Trioler
He claims the stock has been sold out for the last three weeks and that demand is being
fueled by fears generated by social changes.
“People want to protect themselves,” Mayer said. “Nonetheless, the most common purchasers of arms are primarily Austrian women.”
They are also buying pepper sprays, which Mayer said are in big demand among those who can’t get a gun.
Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, said he
recently returned from a gun rights event in Europe, where he sensed a change in attitude
toward firearms.
“I just returned from a gun rights meeting in Belgium, and I can attest that all over Europe people now want the means to defend themselves,” Gottlieb told WND. “Self-defense is no
longer a dirty word. In countries like Austria, where it is still legal to own a firearm, gun
sales are at record levels. I can tell you first-hand that people in Europe now wish they had a Second Amendment.”
More potential new customers are entering the market than ever before, according to the
Czech report.
Until the refugees started flooding Europe, it was mostly hunters and sport shooters who
purchased firearms. Now, people are seeking weapons for self-defense because they are
worried about their personal safety. Most have never used a gun before.
So-called "projectile weapons" are available in Austria under two classifications, C and D,
which are rifles and shotguns. Every adult Austrian is legally able to apply for a weapons
permit but must disclose to the government their reason for wanting to own a gun.
The Czech station cited an interview with a sociologist and an Austrian journalist, both of
whom said the weapons purchases were based on unfounded fears about foreign migrants.
'Something is very wrong here'
The Viennese sociologist, identified only as Mr. Gertler, said no such fears about migrants
should ever be published by any Austrian news outlet.
A journalist named Wittinger said "something is very wrong here" if Austrians are buying
guns to protect themselves against migrants.
"Shotguns will not, after all, solve any immediate problems, quite the contrary," he said.
The Czech TV station then reported that Islamists are promising: "We will cut the heads off unbelieving dogs even in Europe."
"Look forward to it, it's coming soon!" the Czech newscaster said.
ISIS-trained jihadists are now returning as European citizens or they are trying to infiltrate as migrants. In one propaganda video an ISIS operative informs his comrades back home
in Germany to slit the throats of unbelievers in Germany, Czech TV reports.
"Overall, the ministry of interior stated that Germany is in the cross-hairs of Islamic
terrorists but that he does not have any indications of specific threats," he said.
Bracing for another Islamic invasion
The Czech site reflects awareness of a major event in Western history, said Larry Pratt,
executive director of Gun Owners of America.
"Polish King John Sobieski defeated the Muslim invaders at the gates of Vienna in 1683.
Another Muslim invasion is underway and Austrians are alarmed, hence their run on gun
stores," Pratt told WND. "Women are right to be concerned in view of the Muslim view of
women that they are good for raping and little else."
The Czech TV report cited the Arab Spring as the root cause for the flood of Muslim
migrants into Europe.
"More and more, the whole thing is turning into the situation that we will experience the
much-touted Arab spring from very close up – right here at home," the reporter said.
"What's more, many European are alienating large part of their own populace with
unfortunate social and multicultural politics, merciless removal of children, unfair seizures
and trading on traditional European values and with policies which are usually less friendly
toward conservative and traditional native inhabitants and leans toward that portion of
inhabitants who have little trouble with globalization and nonchalant liberalization, removal of traditions and Islamization. Yet we will not be able to rely on it, that portion of
(population) once the Arab Spring comes here. And that will probably be, as they say,
closing the barn after the cows are gone."

Women Arm Themselves as Army of Rapist Migrants Invade Europe
Published on Oct 28, 2015
Sealing the Hungarian border will not stem the tide of Muslim migrants as long as Germany & Sweden offer the incentive of open borders and the open coffers of the welfare state. With crime, especially rape, soaring from the migrants, women in Austria are arming themselves with firearms and the German government fears a backlash from citizens who have been “radicalized”, awakened to the betrayal by their own governments.

Europeans Wish They Had A Second Amendment
Published on Oct 28, 2015
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." This is the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. Adopted on December 15,1791. The law was based on the 1689 English Bill Of Rights, traced back to John Locke, enlightenment philosopher and the Father of Classical Liberalism. Sir William Blackstone, 18th Century judge and politician, described this right as an auxiliary right, supporting the natural rights of self-defense, resistance to oppression, and the civic duty to act in concert in defense of the state. How is it that these basic human rights aren’t recognized in the 21st Century? World Net Daily reports “Obtaining a working firearm and ammunition in Germany, Britain, Denmark and the Netherlands is practically impossible for the average citizen. Germany, for instance, requires a psychological evaluation, the purchase of liability insurance and verifiable compliance with strict firearms storage and safety rules. And self-defense is not even a valid reason to purchase a gun in these countries.” But in Austria, guns are flying off of the shelves, and the majority of buyers are women. Women fearing for their lives and the the very real danger of being raped. European women are being terrorized.  New World Order pawn Angela Merkel of Germany has led Europe on a collision course with an inevitable destiny, where Europe is handed over to the fleeing masses streaming into small European towns from Africa and the Middle East. In Africa and The Middle East birth rates are exploding, while Europe’s birth rates diminish. We aren’t witnessing a compassionate migration. What we are observing and experiencing world wide is a coordinated shift away from developed countries operated by Republics where human rights and freedom are encouraged. To a third world hell pit of shariah caliphates naively controlled by a small elitist totalitarian monarchy. For all the bleeding hearts out there. Ask yourselves, why would the leaders of these nations open their countries to waves of immigrants, while reducing the welfare of their own citizens to a living hell, where even the right to defend yourself is null and void?

In Response to Massive Influx of Refugees, 
Europeans Seek More Guns

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
As The New American has reported in multiple articles, European nations are frantically trying to accommodate the thousands of immigrants fleeing to Europe from the ongoing civil war in Syria. This massive influx, which has been described as an “invasion,” has prompted many Europeans to arm themselves, fearful that the migrants will cause a rise in violent crime, according to a report published by WorldNetDaily (WND) on October 26.
However, notes the report, citing Czech and Austrian sources, obtaining a firearm in Europe can be difficult to nearly impossible, depending on gun laws in each individual country. A Czech television reporter spoke mostly about the situation in neighboring Austria, which is in the main path of migrants traveling from Greece to their most popular destination — Germany. 
The Czech reporter stated that long guns such as shotguns and rifles have been selling out in Austria, and those who haven’t already purchased one may not have an opportunity to obtain one for some time. “If anyone wants to buy a long gun in Austria right now, too bad for them,” noted the Czech newscaster. “All of them are currently sold out.”
The reporter, who cited Tiroler Tageszeitung — a newspaper published in Innsbruck, Austria, as his source, also noted that most of those buying firearms in Austria are women.
The Austrian newspaper quoted Stephen Mayer, a gun merchant, who was optimistic about the strong sales: “We cannot complain about lack of demand,” he asserted. Mayer said his stock has been sold out for the last three weeks and expressed his belief that the demand is being fueled by fears generated by social changes related to the massive influx of migrants from the Middle East.
Mayer said many women are buying pepper sprays, which are a popular alternative among those who can’t acquire a gun.
WND also quoted Alan Gottlieb, executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, who told the web publication that he recently attended a gun rights event in Europe, where he detected a change in attitude toward firearms. He explained:
I just returned from a gun rights meeting in Belgium, and I can attest that all over Europe people now want the means to defend themselves. Self-defense is no longer a dirty word. In countries like Austria, where it is still legal to own a firearm, gun sales are at record levels. I can tell you first-hand that people in Europe now wish they had a Second Amendment.
Back in September, at an emergency EU summit held in Brussels, heads of government from the European Union approved a plan to distribute 120,000 migrants fleeing turmoil in the Middle East across Europe. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker had asked EU members to accept 160,000 migrants. Hungary, Romania, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia voted against the measure. Those nations are directly along the major route used by migrants entering Europe through Turkey and destined for Germany and other Western European nations.
Just two days before Juncker asked the EU to accept the large number of migrants, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban criticized efforts by EU leaders to impose immigration quotas before the continent’s borders are made secure. Orban stated:
As long as we can’t defend Europe’s outer borders, it is not worth talking about how many people we can take in.... The quota system wants to treat the effects before it treats the causes of immigration. The main reason for this is because [the EU] cannot control its outer borders.
In response to the massive flow of migrants, Hungary built a 110-mile-long fence along its border with Serbia.
Germany has taken in more than half a million of these refugees from the Middle East, but finally reached it limits and blocked train traffic from Salzburg, Austria, to stem the tide. Germany’s Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière announced the change in policy on September 13.
While Orban blamed the massive refugee flow on the EU’s inability to control its borders, which is most certainly a factor, former U.S. Representative (R-Texas) and presidential candidate Ron Paul went to the original source of the crisis in an article reposted by The New American on September 6, noting that “there is very little attention given to the events that led [the refugees] to leave their countries.” Paul stated, in part:
The reason so many are fleeing places like Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and Iraq is that US and European interventionist foreign policy has left these countries destabilized with no hopes of economic recovery. This mass migration from the Middle East and beyond is a direct result of the neocon foreign policy of regime change, invasion, and pushing “democracy” at the barrel of a gun.
Going back to the fears generated among Europeans by the large numbers of refugees from the Middle East, it appears that such fears are well grounded. The U.K.’s Daily Mail reported last May: “Islamic State terrorists who are hell-bent on committing atrocities in Britain are being smuggled into Europe by posing as refugees trying to cross the Mediterranean.”
The Daily Mail cited as its source a Libyan security advisor, Abdul Basit Haroun, who used to live in Britain. Haroun said during a BBC Radio 5 Live Investigates program: 
[Terrorists] use the boats for their people who they want to send to Europe as the European police don’t know who is from IS and who is a normal refugee. The boat owners have a list of who to take but some people come suddenly and they’re told, “Take them with you.”…
They are for IS — 100 per cent.
A Reuters report in September quoted a statement from Gyorgy Bakondi, a security advisor to Hungary’s Prime Minister Orban, as saying that 20 Hungarian police officers had been at the Roszke-Horgos border crossing with Serbia as 1,500 migrants attempted to break through the country’s border fence. “Police also captured an identified terrorist,” said Bakondi.
Whether the hundreds of thousands of migrants include among their numbers terrorists — or simply garden variety criminals — Europeans who fear their presence in their midst certainly wish they had something akin to the Second Amendment, which safeguards Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. Gun laws vary across Europe, with some nations such as France, Germany, and the United Kingdom having strict gun regulations, and others such as the Czech Republic and Serbia allowing for greater access to arms.
Related articles:



Low income families evicted to make way 
for asylum seekers
for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Migrants are being housed at a 4 star hotel in Germany while Germans themselves are being told to leave their homes to make way for asylum seekers.
The sheer number of asylum seekers making their way to the Saxony-Anhalt region has resulted in an accommodation crisis, with the Maritim Hotel in Halle now being used to house at least 80 migrants who began arriving last week.
The 4 star hotel boasts an indoor swimming pool, sauna and fitness room and is located just a 10 minute walk from Halle’s historic old town.
According to one report, the relief agency behind the relocation of the migrants is concerned that some of the refugees are simply leaving the hotel and not returning, while others are complaining about the lack of activities, with games evenings and film screenings not being sufficient to keep them entertained.
Staff members are also said to be annoyed at the fact that the migrants are constantly breaking hotel rules. The refugees are not subjected to passport checks until they arrive at the hotel. Taxpayers are footing the bill for a permanent presence of ten police cars and 30 officers.
With more migrants expected to arrive, the Maritim’s page confirms that the hotel isn’t taking any reservations at the moment. While authorities assert that the situation is only temporary, others speculate that the hotel could become a permanent migrant center, with numerous staff members who have worked there for 25 years losing their jobs.
While the migrants are enjoying all the comforts of a 4 star hotel, low income Germans are being ordered to leave their homes. As the Telegraph reported, Germans are beginning to receive notices of eviction to make way for asylum seekers.
As we reported last week, a regional governor told residents of a municipality in Germany that if they didn’t embrace the arrival of hundreds of new migrants, they should leave.

Germany: Migrants not fleeing danger “must leave our country” – Merkel

Published on Sep 4, 2015
German Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke about the refugee crisis effecting Germany during a visit to Essen, Friday, to support the mayoral candidate for the Christian Democrat Union Party (CDU/CSU) Thomas Kufan.

Speaking at the city’s Burgplatz square, Merkel stated that “those who are really fleeing from war, necessesity, oppression and violence can remain permamently with us,” adding that “those that can not prove that they are here for these reasons, we must say that you must leave our country.”


Swedish Church Removes Crosses To Make Muslim Migrants Feel Welcome


Collapse: Sweden Raped And Robbed By Immigrants

Published on Oct 21, 2015
Once dubbed the “Great Humanitarian Power” by its ex-prime minister, Fredrik Reinfeldt
Sweden is on the edge of a brutal collapse due to a wave of entitled immigrants raping Sweden’s women at a rate of53.2% and bleeding the economy of the country dry.

Sweden’s third largest city, Malmö, experienced ethnic violence between groups of immigrants. The gangs, described as “youths” by the Swedish media, used guns, bombs and hand grenades to mark their turf.

In August the Swedish Migration Board, Migrationsverket, recorded almost as many reports of threats and violence in asylum accommodation as throughout the whole of 2014, according to the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter.
“In Sweden, which does not usually report the nationality of rapists, a just released study by Swedish Police revealed that Muslim men, who constitute only 2 percent of the population are responsible for 77.6 percent of rapes, giving once peaceful Sweden the highest rape rate in Europe and the second highest in the world, next to South Africa.”

Following the arson attacks, the government decide to keep the location of refugee centers secret. Immigrants are being housed in former royal mansions and Sweden is building housing for the chaotic violent army taking over and raping their own country into collapse.

Muslim Migrants Turn Sweden Into
Rape Capitol of Europe

Published on Oct 26, 2015
David Knight breaks down how the hordes of “immigrants” are really nothing short of an invading army under the control of the New World Order and are being used to collapse and destroy the world’s economy and how they have turned the once peaceful country of Sweden into the rape capitol of Europe and almost the world.



SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Washington (CNN) The Justice Department notified members of Congress on Friday that it is closing its two-year investigation into whether the IRS improperly targeted the tea party and other conservative groups.
There will be no charges against former IRS official Lois Lerner or anyone else at the agency, the Justice Department said in a letter.
The probe found “substantial evidence of mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia leading to the belief by many tax-exempt applicants that the IRS targeted them based on their political viewpoints. But poor management is not a crime,” Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik said in the letter.
The IRS scandal exploded in May 2013 when Lerner answered a planted question at an American Bar Association event and apologized for inappropriately scrutinizing some groups applying for a tax exemption. Her response fueled a full-on scandal within hours that shook the Obama administration. Congressional hearings were held within weeks and the interim leader of the IRS was forced from office.
The IRS mishandled the processing of tax-exempt applications in a manner that disproportionately impacted applicants affiliated with the tea party and similar groups, leaving the appearance that the IRS’s conduct was motivated by political, discriminatory, corrupt, or other inappropriate motives.
IRS probed for ‘potential criminal activity’ 01:06
The IRS, which has a broad mandate ranging from tax collection to the implementation of key Obamacare provisions, has struggled to recover from the scandal. Obama nominated John Koskinen, a well-known turnaround manager, to run the agency.
Kadzik found “no evidence” to support a criminal prosecution.
“We found no evidence that any IRS official acted based on political, discriminatory, corrupt, or other inappropriate motives that would support a criminal prosecution,” Kadzik said. “We also found no evidence that any official involved in the handling of tax-exempt applications or IRS leadership attempted to obstruct justice. Based on the evidence developed in this investigation and the recommendation of experienced career prosecutors and supervising attorneys at the department, we are closing our investigation and will not seek any criminal charges.”
Democrats welcomed the announcement.
“Today, the Justice Department confirmed the same conclusions we had years ago,” Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, said in a statement. “Over the past five years, Republicans in the House of Representatives have squandered literally tens of millions of dollars going down all kinds of investigative rabbit holes — IRS, Planned Parenthood, Benghazi — with absolutely no evidence of illegal activity.”
But former House Oversight Committee chairman Darrell Issa, R-California, said the DOJ’s decision gives the impression that “government officials are above the law.”
“The Justice Department’s decision to close the IRS targeting investigation without a single charge or prosecution is a low point of accountability in an administration that is better known for punishing whistleblowers than the abuse and misconduct they expose,” Issa said in a statement. “After stating that their investigation confirms that tea party and conservative groups were improperly targeted, they dismiss it merely as a byproduct of gross mismanagement and incompetence — ignoring volumes of evidence in the public record and efforts to obstruct legitimate inquires.”
And Rep. Paul Ryan, the chairman of the tax-writing Ways and Means committee and the likely successor to outgoing House Speaker John Boehner, called the DOJ’s announcement “predictable” and said his committee will continue its investigation into the IRS’s actions.
“Through these investigations we have uncovered serious and unprecedented actions taken by the most senior IRS official in charge of the non-profit unit, Lois Lerner, to deprive conservative organizations of their constitutional rights,” Ryan said in a statement. “Despite the DOJ closing its investigation, the Ways and Means Committee will continue to find answers and hold the IRS accountable for its actions.”

Lois Lerner will not face charges in DOJ investigation

Justice Department Declares Lois Lerner Innocent in IRS Targeting Scandal

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research 

On Friday, in a letter to the chairman and the ranking member of the House Committee on the Judiciary, Peter Kadzik, the assistant attorney general of the Justice Department, let Lois Lerner (shown) off the hook:
We took special care to evaluate whether Ms. Lerner had criminal culpability.
The need for scrutiny of Ms. Lerner in particular was heightened by the discovery and publication of emails from her official IRS account that expressed her personal political views and, in one case, hostility towards conservative radio personalities.
We therefore specifically considered whether Ms. Lerner’s personal political views influenced her decisions, leadership, action, or failure to take action with respect to tax-exempt applications, or any other matter.
We found no such evidence.
Lerner, and others, were guilty of all manner of malfeasance, delays, obfuscation, stalling, dithering, and borderline obstruction, according to Kadzik, but nothing his department can prosecute her for. There were “mistakes” and “ill-advised selection criteria” used in targeting specific conservative groups seeking tax exemption, along with “delays” and “oversight and leadership lapses by senior managers and senior executive officials in Washington, D.C.” There was “substantial evidence of mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia,” but nothing, according to Kadzik, warranting criminal prosecution. After all, wrote Kadzik, “poor management is not a crime.”
Invoking claims of plausible deniability, Kadzik blamed the targeting on “IRS employees’ failure to give adequate attention to the applications at issue … caused by competing demands on their time and an unwillingness to be held accountable for difficult decisions over sensitive matters,” adding: “We did not uncover any evidence that any of these employees were motivated by intentional viewpoint discrimination.”
This is called the “Washington two-step” — a whitewash of the first order — which adroitly sidestepped issues such as Lerner’s claim of innocence before the investigating committee and then pleading the Fifth Amendment for all those alleged charges she claimed she was innocent of. Little was mentioned of the convenient crash of her computer server, and less of the backup tapes that were destroyed before they could come to light under a subpoena from the committee.
The Justice Department spent two and a half years in its investigation, it said, interviewing more than 100 IRS employees and reading more than one million pages of documents. And yet it could not provide a scintilla of evidence showing a deliberate vendetta by the IRS against conservative groups springing up following attacks on precious freedoms by the Obama administration. Representative Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), poised to become speaker of the house, called the conclusion by the DOJ “deeply disappointing,” saying that “the American people deserve better than this” and adding that “the Ways and Means Committee will continue to find answers and hold the IRS accountable for its actions.”
Mark Meckler, a Tea Party leader and president of Citizens for Self-Governance, which sued the IRS over the delays, called the conclusion “a whitewash and miscarriage of justice at the highest levels of law enforcement.”
Nothing was said in Kadzik’s letter about Lerner’s participation in the Washington two-step: her deliberately planting a question at a meeting of the American Bar Association in May 2013, giving her a chance to apologize for the mounting rage over targeting, and blaming the festering incident on “front line people” in the IRS’s Cincinnati office. Evidence surfaced later, however, that Lerner knew about the targeting as far back as June 2011.
Nothing was said about her being placed on administrative leave in June 2013, nor her hasty retirement from the IRS in September. Nor was anything said about her Contempt of Congress citation in May 2014, following her Fifth Amendment pleading.
Nothing was said about the “BOLO” list — the “Be On the Look Out” list — of conservative groups to be targeted for special scrutiny, referencing such words as “Tea Party, “Patriots,” and “9/12 Project” to draw attention to, and delay of, applications from these groups for tax exempt status.
Nothing was said about the highly intrusive questions the IRS demanded of conservative groups, some of which were impossible to answer, and others of which were highly offensive. Documentation demands included “any contracts or training material” the groups might have exchanged with the Koch foundations, what books its members were reading, what they had posted on social networking websites, names of donors and how much contributed, and whether or not they were considering running for public office.
The Coalition for Life of Iowa, for example, was asked to “explain how all of your activities, including the prayer meetings outside of Planned Parenthood offices, are considered educational.… Please explain in detail the activities at these prayer meetings.… Please provide the percentage of time your group spends on prayer groups as compared with other activities of [your] organization.”
Nothing was said by Kadzik about the report from the inspector general released in May 2013, which concluded:
The IRS used inappropriate criteria that identified for review Tea Party and other organizations applying for tax-exempt status based upon their names or policy positions instead of indications of potential political campaign intervention.
Ineffective management: 1) allowed inappropriate criteria to be developed and stay in place for more than 18 months, 2) resulted in substantial delays in processing certain applications, and 3) allowed unnecessary information requests to be issued.
Nor was anything said about the arrogance of IRS employees, their defiance of their supervisors, and their insensitivity to the impropriety of their behaviors uncovered by the inspector general.
Questions abound. When Speaker of the House John Boehner learned of the IG’s report, he said: “My question isn’t about who’s going to resign. My question is who’s going to jail over this scandal?” Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) said: “We should not only fire the head of the IRS … but we’ve got to go down the line and find every single person who had anything to do with this and make sure that they are removed from the IRS and the word goes out that this is unacceptable.”
Only a few answers have trickled in. Aside from Lerner’s retirement, Steven Miller, acting commissioner of the IRS, resigned in May 2013, while Joseph Grant, commissioner of the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division, retired in June 2013. No one has been fired, and now, thanks to the extensive whitewash by the Justice Department, no one will be charged with criminal misconduct.
Other questions remain, such as how well does the system designed by the Founders to pit one interest group against another — the system of checks and balances — work when each competing branch of government has been taken over by groups and interests that are inimical to freedom?
It’s safe to say that, based upon Kadzik’s letter, future targeting of dissident groups can now be engaged in without concern about or worry over sanctions, discipline, or jail time. The Department of Justice has now, with its letter, given carte blanche to any government agency, including the IRS, to “go after” any group perceived to threaten the establishment, without fear of reprisal. They’ve been given a green light.


Court Ruling Paves Way For Mass Confiscation of Firearms in America


in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
(INTELLIHUB) — In a ruling that directly paves the way for mass confiscation of firearms in America, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in a much-anticipated decision, has upheld the constitutionality of the New York SAFE Act of 2013.
Shockingly, the court ruled that nearly all of the most drastic gun control law in the history of the United States did not violate the Second Amendment and is therefore constitutional.
That’s right, a law passed in the wake of Sandy Hook that included and paved the way for confiscation of millions of legally purchased firearms has been ruled “constitutional” with proponents already calling for a similar law to be enacted at the federal level.
As an article published by the American Thinker noted, “If the SAFE Act is upheld by the Supreme Court, nothing prevents Congress from summarily outlawing tens of millions of firearms overnight. Once those firearms become contraband, the government may confiscate and destroy them without compensating the owner (just as the government confiscates and destroys illegal drugs).
“The Second Circuit’s decision leaves the Second Amendment in its gravest peril ever.  Second Amendment rights are now hanging by a one-vote margin in the same Supreme Court that upheld Obamacare and declared a national right to gay marriage.
Constitutional conservatives and Second Amendment supporters ought to be terrified over the prospect of Justice Scalia having a heart attack during a Hillary Clinton presidency.” (and as we know Clinton is calling for mass confiscation herself)


In the weeks since the most recent mass shooting in the country, literally dozens of mainstream publications have promoted Australia as the country to look towards when considering new gun control laws in America.
“Despite the fact that for years gun control groups and anti-gun liberals have claimed that they only want “common sense” gun control, news outlets such as Salon and Slate are once again openly praising Australia’s controversial 1996 gun control law, a law that included a mandatory gun buy back program under the threat of government force.
After the Oregon school shooting, highly trafficked liberal news outlet Slate republished an article praising Australia’s gun control law that was originally released in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre.
In the weeks since the recent shooting the article has become the top read report on the site as well as linked by dozens of other liberal news outlets. (emphasis mine)
On April 28, 1996, a gunman opened fire on tourists in a seaside resort in Port Arthur, Tasmania. By the time he was finished, he had killed 35 people and wounded 23 more. It was the worst mass murder in Australia’s history.
Twelve days later, Australia’s government did something remarkable. Led by newly elected conservative Prime Minister John Howard, it announced a bipartisan deal with state and local governments to enact sweeping gun-control measures. A decade and a half hence, the results of these policy changes are clear: They worked really, really well.
At the heart of the push was a massive buyback of more than 600,000 semi-automatic shotguns and rifles, or about one-fifth of all firearms in circulation in Australia.
The country’s new gun laws prohibited private sales, required that all weapons be individually registered to their owners, and required that gun buyers present a “genuine reason” for needing each weapon at the time of the purchase. (Self-defense did not count.) In the wake of the tragedy, polls showed public support for these measures at upwards of 90 percent.
Like most other articles praising Australia’s gun laws, the author of the Slate article completely leaves out the fact that the buyback program was mandatory which means that anyone that refused to go along with the program was subject to government raids and or violence.”


Another recent article published in the mainstream press, this time by CNN, dreamed of disarming all Americans whiling calling for banning all guns “once and for all”.
The article, written by liberal poet and Middlebury College professor Jay Parini, was a perfect example of how on one hand gun control advocates and their media allies tell the public that they only want “common sense” reform while on the other they are pushing for a full-scale ban.
Parini gets to the crux of his and the many who share his views on the lefts agenda which is the confiscation of millions of legally owned firearms under the threat of government attack and subsequent outlawing of all handguns and rifles.
Let me dream for a moment: I would much prefer to live in a country where only hunters who pass appropriately strict tests for mental competence and a knowledge of gun safety can still acquire rifles that are appropriate for hunting.
Handguns and assault rifles would be banned, period.
Banned. Period. There you have it folks, CNN letting a hard left authoritarian use their platform to “dream” about disarming America. It gets worse.
So let’s get rid of guns in this country, once and for all, making it a felony to possess a handgun or assault rifle. Over a period of years, illegal guns will gradually disappear. Guns don’t kill people, as they say.
People who acquire guns — legally or illegally — do. And we should make it extremely difficult for them to get their hands on these weapons.


Not only are the mainstream media and gun control advocates pushing for a mass confiscation plan in the United States, they are also making it clear that they have no problem with gun owners being shot which would be a likely and obvious outcome if the government decided to outlaw millions of firearms overnight.
Just days ago, author and Coppin State University writing teacher D. Watkins published an article on the prominent hard left news outlet that called for all gun owners to be shot if they wanted to use their 2nd Amendment right.
“Starting out the article with the writers dreams of charging five thousand dollars per bullet, Watkins then makes his position on gun ownership in America startlingly clear.” (emphasis mine)
Rock was definitely on point, $5000 bullets would be great but I’d take it a step further––I believe that being shot should be requirement for gun ownership in America. It’s very simple. You need to have gun, like taking selfies with pistols, can’t live with out it? Then take a bullet and you will be granted the right to purchase the firearm of your choice.
If we could successfully implement this rule, I guarantee the mass shootings will stop. Watching cable news now in days makes me physically ill.
Week in and week out we are forced to learn about another coward, who can’t stand to deal with the same rejection that most of us face–– so they strap themselves with guns and then cock and spray at innocent people. Heartbroken survivors and family member images go viral, as our elected officials remain clueless.
So there you have it. A court has upheld a New York law that paves the way for mass confiscation in America while at the same time the mainstream media is pushing this plan for confiscation and making it clear that if gun owners have to be shot to achieve this agenda then so be it.
The one question that remains is whether or not the American people will stand by as their 2nd Amendment right is openly destroyed right before their very eyes.
This article originally appeared on


Texas Health investigators raid Planned Parenthood in San Antonio

Texas Planned Parenthood Raided By Authorities

Published on Oct 22, 2015
Three days after the state told the healthcare provider it planned to terminate its Medicaid contracts, Texas investigators arrived without warning at Planned Parenthood facilities on Thursday and demanded documents.

At a news conference in Austin, Ken Lambrecht, the chief executive of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, said that the appearance of state officials at offices in San Antonio, Dallas and Houston was “a politically motivated … fishing expedition” for information including unnecessary details such as the home addresses of employees and their salaries.

The organisation said it was given 24 hours to turn over thousands of pages by the Texas Office of Inspector General, a division of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission.…

Texas Raids Several Planned Parenthood Facilities

Published on Oct 22, 2015
Planned Parenthood reports that Texas officials raided several of their facilities on today. The move comes days after the state’s Republicans leaders barred the women’s health group from receiving state Medicaid money. Texas, the most populous Republican-controlled U.S. state, said it would launch a probe of Planned Parenthood after the release of videos in July by anti-abortion activist group Center for Medical Progress in which a Planned Parenthood official is seen talking about transactions involving fetal tissue. Texas Governor Greg Abbott said this week “the gruesome harvesting of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood will not be allowed,” but so far the state has released no evidence of illegal activity by the group.…

Lee Ann McAdoo of Infowars Interviews 
Ex Abortion Administrator Abby Johnson



Homosexual Men ‘Divorce’ to Become Threesome, Now Plan to Use Sisters as Surrogates

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

NOVA SCOTIA — Two homosexual men recently “divorced” under Canadian law so that they could include a third man in their relationship, and now plan to have their sisters serve as surrogates to bear their children.
“We just want to say that love is love. It should be multiplied not divided,” Adam Grant told the Daily Mail. “It shouldn’t matter if you’re in a three-way or a four-way relationship.”
Grant and his partner Shayne Curran met Sebastian Tran at a nightclub in 2012, after “tying the knot” the year prior. A year later, they agreed to be open to seeing others.
“Adam and I wanted to have a little more fun so we decided to experiment with multiple partners,” Curran stated. “We never intended it to be anything serious, we certainly never planning on taking on a full-time third partner by any means. It was just bit of sexual experimentation.”
When they met Tran, they both had feelings for him, so in discussing how they could include the man in their relationship, they decided to divorce in order to become a threesome.
While polygamy is not legal in Canada, the men state that they have attorneys that can work up paperwork declaring that the three are bound to each other “in the eyes of the law.”
“If anything, Sebastian only enhanced our relationship,” Curran said.
Now, in order to have children, the men state that their sisters have agreed to become surrogates. Some have also offered to donate their eggs.
“I have two sisters who have both offered to carry our children for us as surrogates and are willing to donate their eggs as well. My sisters actually argue over which one them will carry our baby first,” Curran stated. “Sebastian’s sister will probably donate her eggs too so we can keep it in the family. We want to mix our genes enough so that our kids are as genetically close to us as possible.”
As previously reported, earlier this year, photos of three Thailand men who symbolically “married” each other went viral, garnering societal support for the concept of same-sex “throuples” worldwide, but also generating remarks from Christians about the confirmation of the slippery slope that has long been predicted.
“Love occurs unconditionally and is not limited to only two people,” one of the men, only identified as Art, wrote on Facebook. “Love brings peace to the world.”
Following the report, Dr. Michael Brown noted that the situation demonstrates how mankind has made up its own rules along the way in an attempt to legitimize and justify what a particular person wants. Since homosexuals have stated that marriage should be defined as the union of two people who have feelings for each other, regardless of gender, where does the rule about two people come from?
“If a gay activist says, ‘But marriage is the loving, long-term commitment of two people,’ the answer is simple: ‘Says who? That’s just your new definition. Where did you get the idea it was two people if not from its historic, natural meaning?’” Brown explained. “And so, if I’m ‘bigoted’ because I don’t recognize same-sex ‘marriage,’ then gay activists (and their allies) are just as ‘bigoted’ if they don’t recognize three men (or women) ‘marrying.’
He stated that these developments are demonstrating the domino effect that results when the world rebels against God and His Master design for mankind.
“Those who have taken down the fence of marriage as God intended it have opened up a Pandora’s Box of possibilities,” Brown said, “none of them good.”


“We want to change it so that they just can’t come pounding on your door and saying, ‘If you don’t let me in, you know who we are; we’re going to take your kid away,'” Chris Zimmer tells the Washington Times. “They need to start telling people what their rights are. If they want to act like cops, they can abide by the law like the police.” 
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
BELVIDERE, N. J. — A homeschooling family in New Jersey has filed a $60 million dollar lawsuit against the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency for intruding into their home and asking them personal and detailed questions about their lives and their son’s education.
According to reports, the incident occurred this past January as social worker Michelle Marchese arrived at the home of Chris and Nicole Zimmer and sought entry following an anonymous complaint over “improper homeschooling.” At first, Mr. Zimmer refused entry and called the police, but when they were given an ultimatum and told by police that the social worker had a right to investigate, he left Marchese in out of fear that the government would take his son.
“I wouldn’t let her in the house, but then she told me I had ten minutes or else,” he told
For the next two hours, Marchese questioned their 15-year-old son Chris on everything from whether the Zimmers fought or did drugs or beat him. Marchese asked the parents for their son’s homeschooling test scores and curriculum, as well as his medical records, and inquired about the guns in the household, seeking to inspect them and see how easy it would be to break into the locked cabinet.
“She took it upon herself to try to pry open the door with her fingers, but it was locked … Then she said, ‘You need to show me the guns; open the safe,’” Mr. Zimmer outlined to “I knew what my rights were, but I was trying to cooperate with her.”
“If they had come with a complaint of neglect and abuse, come in and ask us, but to question us about home schooling [is concerning],” Mrs. Zimmer told reporters. “For us it was a good choice, and I will always advocate for home schooling.”
The social worker then left and the Zimmers never saw her again, but received a letter in the mail asserting that the couple was not cooperative and so the case closed.
“We were unable to complete our assessment as it pertains to a referral made to our agency on 1/07/15, as you were unwilling to cooperate with the CWS referral process,” the letter read. “Therefore, DCP&P will not be providing services to your child and your family at this time. … Thank you for your cooperation during our recent contacts.”
The couple, however, said that they didn’t need the state’s “services,” and as they remained distraught about the matter, they filed a lawsuit against the department and Marchese.
“We want to change it so that they just can’t come pounding on your door and saying, ‘If you don’t let me in, you know who we are; we’re going to take your kid away,’” Mr. Zimmer told the Washington Post. “They need to start telling people what their rights are. If they want to act like cops, they can abide by the law like the police.”
The state replied to the suit asserting that the department “was simply fulfilling its duty by following up” on a complaint and that “a parent’s right to familial integrity ‘does not include a right to remain free from child abuse investigations.’”
The Zimmers countered the argument through their attorney, contending that “there is a constitutional fundamental right to be free from child abuse investigations where there is ‘no reasonable and articulable evidence giving rise to a reasonable suspicion that a child has been abused or is in imminent danger of abuse.’”
The couple states that if they win the lawsuit, they will donate the funds in order to help other families who are being wrongfully harassed by the government.


Published on Oct 21, 2015
GHENT, NY– In the wake of the Umpqua Community College shooting, Oath Keepers will form college student groups on college campuses across the U.S. to teach the students to fight back. As part of its new S.T.O.P (Students Taking Over Protection) program, Oath Keepers military, police, and first-responder instructors will teach the students to fight back with empty hands, improvised weapons, knives, and firearms, and will teach them effective combat mindset and awareness techniques and strategies so the students can be their own “first-responders” and take out an active shooter.

‘Oath Keepers’ to form college chapters to stop students from ‘cooperating in their own murders’

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

In the wake of the deadly massacre at an Oregon community college, the controversial Oath Keepers militia group revealed a new plan last week to prevent school shootings, announcing its intention to form college and high school chapters to train students to “fight back.”
In an Oct. 9 statement posted on the group’s website, Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and media director Jason Van Tatenhove wrote that the “obvious answer to school shootings on college and high school campuses is that the students must stop submitting and cooperating in their own murders. They must fight back, and we will show them how.”
The school chapters will be set up as part of the Oath Keepers’ S.T.O.P. (Students Taking Over Protection Program), according to the statement.
“Oath Keepers military, police and first-responder instructors will teach the students to fight back with empty hands, improvised weapons, knives, and firearms, and will teach them effective combat mindset and awareness techniques and strategies so the students can be their own “first-responders” and take out an active shooter,” the statement reads.
Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Van Tatenhove argued that the students murdered at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, died because they were “conditioned” to be “passive, submissive and non-violent.”
They warned that this “conditioning” makes children “submissive” not only to mass shootings, but also to “government violence, abuse, and oppression.”
In an interview with Red List News, the two went into more detail, with Mr. Van Tatenhove warning that anti-bullying programs in schools, specifically, are “brainwashing children” into being “docile.”
“Whether it’s an active shooter that kills them, or later on a death camp somewhere down the road because they’ve been conditioned never to fight back,” he warned, “it only leads to death.”
The two wrote that the group will form its first student chapter at Umpqua Community College, where the group’s local chapter leader, Rob Price, is an alumni. There are also several Oath Keeper members who are currently students at the college.
The group was formed by Mr. Rhodes, a former U.S. Army paratrooper and Yale Law School graduate, in 2004 and now claims more than 30,000 members, mostly former military, police and first responders.
The Southern Poverty Law Center describes the Oath Keepers as a “fiercely anti-government, militaristic group.”






“China has notoriously killed female infants for population control, you utter moron,” 
James Woods tells Sanders
Published on Oct 21, 2015
Bernie Sanders praised Cuba’s Fidel Castro in 1985 TV interview | Daily Mail Online…
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
After Bernie Sanders praised China for providing 14 weeks of taxpayer-paid maternity leave, both Hollywood actor James Woods and Democratic pundit Kirsten Powers pointed out the communist regime also kills infants for population control.
And they’re right. Due to China’s “one child” policy, Chinese authorities hunt down women pregnant with their second child and inject them with poison to force premature labor which kills the baby.
During one such procedure in 2012, Shandong officials pulled the crying baby out of its mother and left it to die in a bucket.
A similar abortion back in 2009 killed both the mother and her nine-month-old fetus.
“According to a doctor from the hospital where she died, the Birth Control Office staff kidnapped the unnamed mother and took her to the local hospital to force her to have an abortion,” Epoch Times reported. “Because of her advanced maternal age, her pregnancy was not permitted under the local policy.”
“The doctor said the woman fought with all her strength attempting to protect the unborn baby.”
And the doctor added that the baby was “completely healthy and able to live if born naturally.”
Yet Sanders thinks we should take advice from China on human rights.
Other Twitter users also blasted the socialist presidential candidate:

Bernie Sanders is a Hardcore Socialist Moron

Published on Oct 21, 2015
Alex Jones mocks Bernie Sanders for not having even the slightest understanding of how the real world actually works and calls him out for his utterly ridiculous and dangerous beliefs.

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