1 Timothy 2:5-“For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”
Prayer Pope
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

PHILADELPHIA — During his final remarks at the Festival of Families in Philadelphia, the Roman Catholic pontiff Jorge Bergoglio, known as “Pope Francis,” led the thousands in attendance in a prayer to Mary and Joseph out of his belief that the former earthly parents of Christ serve as protectors of families in the present.
“Before the final blessing, let’s pray a prayer to Mary and also an invocation to Saint Joseph, so that they can protect our families and they can help us to believe that it’s worth the struggle and the fight for the good of the family,” he said at the conclusion of the event, which included song and dance from various musical celebrities, as well as speeches from Catholic families from around the world.
Francis then led the crowd in the “Hail Mary,” who recited the common prayer with him.
“Hail Mary, full of grace, our Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus,” he prayed. “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”
The Roman Catholic leader immediately followed the prayer with an invocation to Joseph.
“Saint Joseph, pray for us. Saint Joseph, pray for us. Saint Joseph, pray for us,” he repeated three times. “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”
The event also featured a reading by Gianna Emanuela Molla, the daughter of Gianna Beretta Molla, who was canonized as a saint following her death in 2004 and was proclaimed to be the “patron saint” of the World Meeting of Families. According to reports, “women pray to St. Gianna to intercede in difficult pregnancies or with fertility issues, or to solve family crises.”
But Mike Gendron of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries in Plano, Texas, a former Roman Catholic who now leads an evangelistic ministry to reach Catholics, told Christian News Network that the practice of praying to any deceased person is unbiblical.
“The pope would do well to study the truth of God’s word so that he will stop deceiving people. For him to ask people to pray to Mary and Joseph, who are physically dead, is an abomination to the Lord,” he said, pointing to Deuteronomy 18:11-12, which forbids communicating with the dead.
Gendron outlined that it is furthermore not necessary to ask any deceased person to pray for them when the Scriptures outline that men must pray to the Father in the name of Jesus.
“Nowhere in Scripture do we see any God-fearing man praying to anyone other than God,” he explained. “The Lord Jesus taught us how to pray in Mat. 6:6-7. He said, ‘[P]ray to your Father … and when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words.”
“Paul also made it clear how to pray when he wrote to the Church. He said, “[B]y prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God,” Gendron continued, pointing to Philippians 4:6.
He said that he hopes the pontiff will place truth over tradition.
“Francis would do well to heed the warning of Peter, whom he thinks was the first pope. Peter said, the Lord is against those who do evil—which would include consulting the dead—but His ears are open to the prayers of the righteous,” Gendron stated.





Oregon School Shooter Asks Victims If They Are Christians – Shoots Them In The Head If They Say Yes

SEE: http://the-trumpet-online.com/oregon-school-shooter-asks-victims-if-they-are-christians-shoots-them-in-the-head-if-they-say-yes/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Myspace Chris Harper-Mercer, 26 gunman in the Umpqua Community College in Oregon
Chris Harper-Mercer

A gunman singled out Christians for slaughter during a rampage at an Oregon college Thursday, leaving at least nine innocent people dead and several more wounded, survivors and authorities said.
“The shooter was lining people up and asking if they were Christian,” tweeted“@bodhilooney,” who said her grandmother was inside the Umpqua Community College classroom that was the scene of the carnage.
If they said yes, then they were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs.”
Gunman Chris Harper-Mercer’s disdain for religion was evident in online profile, as the madman became a member of a “doesn’t like organized religion” group on an Internet dating site.
During the rampage, student Kort­ney Moore, 18, said she was attending Writing 115 class at the Roseburg college’s Snyder Hall when a bullet pierced a window, the southwestern Oregon city’s News-Review newspaper reported.
She saw her teacher get shot in the head and said the gunman asked people to state their religion before he opened fire.
Harper-Mercer, 26, was killed in a shootout with police outside one of the classrooms, said Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin.
“There was an exchange of gunfire,” he said. “The shooter threat was neutralized.
Although police put the death toll at 10 — including Harper-Mercer — with seven people injured, Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum had said 13 people died.
In other developments:
  • The killer was carrying four guns — including three pistols and a rifle — during the attack, a source told CNN.
  •  An anonymous user wrote in an ominous post on the online bulletin board 4chan Wednesday night: “Some of you guys are alright. Don’t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest. happening thread will be posted tomorrow morning. so long space robots,” the post concluded.
Online profiles linked to Harper-Mercer showed that the deranged man had a fascination with terror tactics of the Irish Republican Party and bought Nazi memorabilia. He also wrote a blog post that mentioned Virginia shooter Vester Lee Flanagan, according to CBS news.
“Seems like the more people you kill, the more you’re in the limelight,” he wrote.
A former president of the college said that the school has only one unarmed security officer and that the community decided against armed guards last year.
“I suspect this is going to start a discussion across the country about how community colleges prepare themselves for events like this,” Joe Olson told CBS News.
President Obama issued a plea for greater gun control and bemoaned that America is “the only advanced country on Earth who sees these kind of mass shooting every few months.”
“Each time we see one of these mass shootings, our thoughts and prayers are not enough,” he said Thursday evening. “It’s not enough. It does not capture the heartache, the grief and anger we should feel, and it does nothing to prevent this carnage from being inflicted in America.”
This attacks brings the total number of mass shootings in the country to 294 this year, according to the Mass Shooting Tracker. The web site defines mass shootings as incidents in which four or more people are killed or injured by gunfire. Witnesses described a chaotic scene inside Snyder Hall.
People were scrambling “like ants” when the gunman opened fire at around 10:38 a.m., according to Brady Winder, a 23-year-old student from Portland.
“People [were] screaming, ‘Get out!’ ” he told The News-Review, adding he saw a girl frantically swimming across a creek to escape.
Student Hannah Miles was also sitting in a classroom next door when she heard a pop that sounded like a yardstick slapping on a chalkboard.

Everyone in her classroom fled as more gunfire erupted.

Student Brandy Winter posted on Facebook, “I ran to the edge of the campus, down a hill and waited. From talking with a student in the classroom where it happened, almost every person in the room was shot by a man with four guns.’’
Another student, Luke Rogers, said he saw blood in a classroom as he was evacuated from the building.
“As we passed by the classroom, on the ground there were drops of blood,” the first-year Umpqua student told CNN. “We didn’t see any bodies. We saw books on the ground.”
One witness told The New York Times that she heard gunshots coming from outside her classroom.
She said a middle-aged woman then tried to close the door and prevent the shooter from getting inside, but she was shot by several rounds in the stomach.

The gunman “was just out there, hanging outside the door,” Cassandra Welding told the Times “and she slumped over and I knew something wasn’t right. And they’re like, ‘She got shot, she got shot.’ And everyone is panicking.”

Douglas County Fire Marshal Ray Shoulfer said victims were found in “multiple classrooms,” according to CNN.
In a national address, Obama lamented that mass shootings have become routine in America.
“I hope and pray that I don’t have to come out again during my tenure as president to offer my condolences to families in these circumstances,” he said. “But based on my experience as president, I can’t guarantee that, and that’s terrible to say, and it can change.”

13 Killed In Oregon Mass Murder Zone


‘Each time this happens, 
I am going to bring this up’
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/in-12-minute-speech-to-america-about-mass-shooting-obama-refers-to-himself-28-times/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Less than six hours after the mass shooting today in Roseburg, Ore., President Obama called a press conference to demand new gun laws, a move he predicted would spur critics to accuse him of politicizing the issue.
If they don’t accuse him of that, they might accuse him of making the tragedy about himself.
During today’s 12-minute address, President Obama referred to himself 28 times. (For those counting at home, that’s almost three times per minute.)
Note that in arriving at this calculation, we included mentions of “we” when he was clearly including himself as part of the plural pronoun; the many uses of “we” in referring to America at large were not included.

Obama Ignores Shootings
In Heavy Gun Restricted Chicago

Obama Exploits Anti-Christian Terrorism 

to Push Gun Control

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Using deeply misleading rhetoric, Obama wasted no time in exploiting the tragic Oregon terrorist attack on Christian students, disarmed in yet another infamous “gun-free zone,” to push for even more unconstitutional restrictions on the rights of Americans to keep and bear arms. In a speech that was regurgitated by establishment media outlets across America, Obama claimed that the United States was “the only advanced country on Earth that sees these kinds of mass shootings every few months.” In the real world, if population size is taken into account, America is not even close to the top when considering the number of fatalities in mass shootings per capita — with multiple nations having ultra-strict gun control ranking far higher than the United States. Indeed, even among the three-dozen advanced OECD countries, America does not even rank in the top five, official data show.  
As has become typical, though, Obama did not even wait for the blood of the massacred victims to dry before shamelessly politicizing and exploiting the tragedy. In a 12-minute speech delivered less than six hours after the slaughter, Obama, mentioning himself more than two dozen times, said the American people's thoughts and prayers “are not enough.” “It does not capture the heartache and grief and anger that we should feel,” he said. “And it does nothing to prevent this carnage from being inflicted someplace else in America — next week, or a couple of months from now.” Meanwhile, Second Amendment activists have been making a far-more sensible argument, lambasting “gun-free zones” as magnets for mass-murderers that politicians cling to despite the well-documented deadly effects of disarming potential victims.
“We don't yet know why this individual did what he did,” Obama said, though he would have known that the murderer was motivated by anti-Christian hatred if he had waited for the facts before pitching more attacks on the rights of Americans. “And it's fair to say that anybody who does this has a sickness in their minds, regardless of what they think their motivations may be. But we are not the only country on Earth that has people with mental illnesses or want to do harm to other people. We are the only advanced country on Earth that sees these kinds of mass shootings every few months.” Perhaps still reeling from being called out about his last false statement on the subject, Obama appears to have added an additional caveat ("every few months"), but the claim was still extremely misleading.  
After a National Socialist murdered nine Christians at a church in South Carolina, Obama used even bolder falsehoods to push his narrative. “But let’s be clear: At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,” he claimed, falsely, at the time. Of course, that was not just false — it was blatantly false. The statement came just months after mass-shootings in Paris massacred some 20 people with illegal AK-47s purchased easily on the black market. All of the victims were disarmed and defenseless thanks to strict French gun control. It also followed a massacre in Norway, another “advanced” nation with ultra-draconian infringements on the right to keep and bear arms, that left more than 70 children dead.
In fact, a brief look at the official data reveals that Obama's careful use of language was deliberately calculated to deceive gullible citizens. According to the Rampage Shooting Index, which used OECD data from 2009 to 2013, the United States was not even in the top five when it comes to rampage shooting fatalities per capita, or in fatal rampage shootings per capita. All five of the top nations' gun laws were classified as “restrictive,” while the United States was classified as permissive. In first place, by a huge margin, was Norway, which places extreme restrictions on firearms, at 15.3 fatalities per million citizens and 0.2 fatal shooting rampages per million citizens. By contrast, the United States, which was in sixth place out of three dozen nations, featured 0.72 fatalities per million citizens and 0.12 fatal shooting rampages per million citizens.
In second place on the index was Finland, followed by Slovakia, and then Israel — all three of which impose ultra-strict gun control. Indeed, if Europe is taken as a whole, and if non-firearms related mass-killings are taken into account, Americans are far safer from mass-murderers than Europeans. One key difference, though, is that Americans can generally defend themselves with guns if needed, while Europeans have largely been disarmed and left defenseless by their rulers. And if mass shootings in the United States committed in so-called gun-free zones were excluded from the total, America would have virtually none, making it among the safest places in the world. Even the United Kingdom, which bans gun ownership and was touted in Obama's latest speech, has mass-shootings, with one a few years ago claiming a dozen lives.
When compared with other nations that essentially ban private ownership of firearms, America is in fact an oasis of safety. Consider Honduras, for example, which has around 90 intentional homicides per 100,000 people annually, along with some of the strictest gun control on the planet. In Venezuela, where the United Nations helped the socialist regime disarm law-abiding citizens, there are more than 50 murders per 100,000 people. The United States, by contrast, has less than five per 100,000. Even Mexico, relatively advanced despite a near-total gun ban, has a murder rate that is around 500 percent higher than that of America. Similar trends can be observed around the world, and within the United States itself. Notably absent from Obama's anti-Second Amendment ramblings, for instance, was any  mention of the fact that murder rates in the United States have been plunging like a rock as guns in public continue to proliferate — with the most pro-gun states leading the way.      
Obama, though, who famously ridiculed and demonized Christians for bitterly clinging to their guns and religion, appears to be uninterested in facts. Indeed, despite having to brazenly twist the truth to launch attacks on the constitutionally protected rights he swore to uphold, Obama vowed to keep hammering away until Americans agree to surrender their liberties. “And each time this happens I'm going to bring this up,” he pledged after proudly boasting that he was politicizing a tragedy. “Each time this happens I am going to say that we can actually do something about it, but we're going to have to change our laws.” It was not immediately clear how Obama thought changing laws would prevent somebody willing to violate laws against murder from violating gun-control schemes.
But he vowed to keep politicizing tragedies until Americans submit to his agenda anyway. “And, of course, what’s also routine is that somebody, somewhere will comment and say, Obama politicized this issue,” he said in the speech. “Well, this is something we should politicize.” He also asked Americans to lobby in favor of more infringements on their own individual rights, calling for a “change of politics on this issue.” Congress, governors, and state legislatures should all jump on-board his anti-gun rights bandwagon, too, Obama insisted. In a stunning display of audacity, Obama even called on God to give Americans the “strength” and “courage” to accept “change” — specifically, more unconstitutional violations of their God-given rights.   
Responding to Obama's shameless exploitation of massacred Christians to push assaults on gun rights, though, the non-profit Gun Owners of America instead demanded an end to existing infringements on the right to keep and bear arms that demonstrably contribute to mass shootings. “This is a very tragic day, and all Americans are mourning with the residents of Oregon,” said GOA Director of Communications Erich Pratt in a statement. “But we find it offensive to hear the White House use a tragedy like this, and instantly turn it into a political opportunity. The President spoke to the nation today, saying it’s proper for him to politicize this tragedy. He called for more ‘common sense’ gun control, which is insane, given that the criminally-minded don't obey the law.”
Pointing to Obama's listing of previous massacres in his latest speech — all of which occurred in “gun-free zones,” or victim-disarmament zones, as critics call them — Pratt said enough was enough. “Mr. President, you just identified the problem,” he explained. “Every public mass shooting since 1950, except for two, has occurred in a Gun Free Zone. This shooting is no different. And that is why GOA agrees with the 86% of police who say that these types of incidents would be prevented if the potential victims were not disarmed.” Pratt said that, apparently, policymakers have not learned the lesson from a 2012 mass shooting in Oregon during which a gun owner put a stop to the rampage by violating a no-gun policy. “Let's repeal Gun Free Zones,” Pratt concluded.
Ironically, perhaps, Obama's constant exploitation of tragedy and his predictable attacks on the Second Amendment appear to be having the opposite effect in the public consciousness. Consider a recent Rasmussen poll revealing that just one third of Americans even support any federal gun-control to begin with, a drastic decline from late last year. Support for gun rights, the number of guns, and opposition to gun control are soaring all across America and across all demographics. As more and more victims are massacred in areas where those victims have been forcibly left defenseless by politicians, whether it be in Europe or in domestic “gun-free zones,” those trends are likely to accelerate — regardless of Obama's deceptive deception on the issue.
Related articles:
Oregon Shooter Sought Christians to Kill
SEE: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/21689-oregon-shooter-sought-christians-to-killrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“Oregon Shooting: Umpqua Community College Gunman Talked Religion,” NBC News claims in the headline for a story about Thursday’s shooting in Roseburg, Oregon. Of course the headline is misleading, to say the least. The gunman, 26-year-old Chris Harper-Mercer, didn’t bring a Bible to Umpqua Community College; he brought three handguns and a semi-automatic rifle. He didn’t talk about his religious beliefs; he asked who was Christian and shot in the head those who said they were while shooting others in the legs. Yet, if the only thing we knew about the tragic event was the NBC News headline, we could be forgiven for concluding that the gunman was a religous zealot as opposed to an anti-Christian hater.
As reported by numerous survivors of the murderous rampage, Harper-Mercer sought out Christians in order to murder them. Bodhi Looney, the grandson of a woman who escaped injury in the mayhem but who witnessed the shooter barking orders to his unarmed victims, relayed what she saw on his Twitter account:
The shooter was lining up people and asking if they were Christian. If they said yes, then there were shot in the head. If they said no, or didn’t answer, they were shot in the legs.
Stacy Boylan, the father of a student who was wounded in the attack, told reporters what she saw:
He shot the professor, point blank, one shot, killed him — took him right out of it.
And then, this man … start[ed] asking people, one by one, what their religion was. “Are you a Christian?” he would ask them. And “If you’re a Christian, stand up!”
And they would stand up, and he said: “Good, because you’re a Christian, you’re going to see God in just about one second.”
And then he shot and killed them.
On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold sought out, attacked and murdered Christians at Columbine High School, near Denver, Colorado. Cassie Bernall was reading in the library when one of the murderers pointed his gun at her and asked if she believed in God. She replied, “Yes, I believe in God.” The shooter asked her “Why?” and then, before she could answer, he shot her dead.
Rachel Scott, a Columbine student whose ambition was to become a missionary to Africa, along with student John Tomlin who had just returned from a missionary trip to Mexico on a church project, were also targeted by the shooters for their faith, and were murdered.
On the Sunday before she was murdered, Bernall wrote these words in her diary:
Now I have given up on everything else. I have found it to be the only way to really know Christ and to experience the mighty power that brought Him back to life again and to find out what it means to suffer and to die with Him.
So, whatever it takes, I will be one who lives in the fresh newness of life of those who are alive from the dead.

Oregon School Shooting: 

Another “Gun Free Zone” Tragedy

in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Preliminary information is that on the morning of Thursday, October 1, a shooter at Roseburg, Oregon’s Umpqua Community College murdered at least 10 people, and more than 20 others were wounded, several seriously. The shooter reportedly died in a shootout with police
It’s known that the school is a “gun free zone,” with this posted on the college’s website:
Possession, use, or threatened use of firearms (including but not limited to BB guns, air guns, water pistols, and paint guns) ammunition, explosives, dangerous chemicals, or any other objects as weapons on college property, except as expressly authorized by law or college regulations, is prohibited.
Possession of knives with a blade longer than 4” is prohibited.
Brandishing weapons is prohibited.
Misuse of personal defensive weapons — e.g., pepper spray, etc. is prohibited. The owner is responsible and accountable for any misuse of these devices.
It should be noted that, in addition to declaring itself a “gun-free zone” — turning the 3,300-student campus into what nationally respected Second Amendment author and firearms trainer Massad Ayooba called a “hunting preserve for psychopaths” — the school had but a single security officer patrolling the campus, and he was unarmed.
Yet, despite the fact that a shooter again hit a location that advertises the lack of the ability of people there to defend themselves, anti-gunners soon began using the massacre as a platform to blame guns, instead of the shooter. Jenna Yuille, whose mother was killed in the Clackamas Town Center shooting in Portland, Oregon, in December 2012, is such a gun control advocate and a fellow at the Everytown Survivor Network. She released the following statement after the shooting at Umpqua Community College:
Once again here in Oregon, our community has been torn apart by a tragic and senseless act of gun violence. My thoughts are with the students, faculty and families of those killed and injured at Umpqua Community College today. What they are going through and feeling right now is all too familiar to me. While we still have much to learn about the details surrounding this horrific act, it is clear we cannot, as a nation, sit idly by without taking meaningful action to end gun violence in America.
The New American will publish more about the tragedy as details emerge.

Oregon Shooter Had Firearms 

Despite State’s Latest Gun Law

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

When Eugene, Oregon’s Mayor Kitty Piercy announced that Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety would be spending tens of thousands of dollars on television ads to urge Oregonians to comply with the new background check law that became effective on August 9, she said, “Background checks are good for public safety. Closing this loophole makes it harder for criminals to get guns.”
Tell that to the families of victims at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg. The shooter, whose name appears elsewhere on the media, brought with him three handguns and a semi-automatic rifle to the college on Thursday morning and, unimpeded by victims who had been disarmed by college rules, took his time to shoot upwards of 20 students — at least 10 people are reported dead. Like sheep, the student/targets just held their breaths while the shooter calmly reloaded and continued his rampage. A few narrowly escaped during the melee, allowing observers to learn of the attack in its gory and horrific details.
The new law now requires background checks between private individuals in the state, not just from gun dealers or at gun shows. Those checks are intended to flag felons and individuals with a history of severe mental illness.
The shooter was among five students listed in the 2009 graduating class at Switzer Learning Center, a school that focuses on students with emotional disturbances, autism spectrum disorders, and behavioral problems. Evidence continues to surface showing that the shooter had anti-social and anti-organized religion tendencies and a distinctly dour outlook on the world.
Nevertheless, the shooter was able to obtain three handguns and a semi-automatic rifle to terrorize and kill those students. Where would any law have prevented him from obtaining those weapons?
As noted by NBC News, “It is not clear where or when the shooter in Thursday’s attack obtained his weapon or whether the new law would have had any impact. Gun control advocates said the new measure would prevent criminals and the mentally ill from buying guns.”
A Justice Department survey of more than 18,000 state and federal convicts is helpful in answering that question:
 • 39.6 percent of criminals obtained a gun from a friend or family member
• 39.2 percent of criminals obtained a gun on the street or from an illegal source
• 0.7 percent of criminals purchased a gun at a gun show
• 1 percent of criminals purchased a gun at a flea market
• 3.8 percent of criminals purchased a gun from a pawn shop
• 8.3 percent of criminals actually bought their guns from retail outlets
In other words, almost four out of five firearms obtained by those convicts were obtained outside the reach of the new law, or any gun control law, for that matter.
For answers to neutralizing deranged shooters like the one who terrorized Umpqua Community College on Thursday, one must look elsewhere. 

What You Won’t Hear About the Oregon Shooting;
Obama Ignores Chicago Shootings;
Never Called For Religious Tolerance

Published on Oct 3, 2015
Before he spoke, officials confirmed that the shooter targeted his victims based on their religion, yet the president never called for religious tolerance.

Oregon Shooter Identified
….asked about religion
…Obama silent on Chicago’s weekly mass shootings
…prevented from assisting
….lockdown procedures were a deathtrap
http://www.infowars.com/former-securi… he spoke, officials confirmed that the shooter targeted his victims based on their religion, yet the president never called for religious tolerance.

Oregon Shooter Identified
….asked about religion
…Obama silent on Chicago’s weekly mass shootings
…prevented from assisting
….lockdown procedures were a deathtrap

Armed Vet Was Prevented From Stopping Oregon Shooter



2 Timothy 3:1-7-“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”


The False Jesus of Roman Catholicism
is a Victim in the Mass

Calling a Philadelphia Police Lieutenant to Repent

Published on Sep 28, 2015

For 2 1/2 days, we preached the gospel, using the Half-Mile Hailer, without any hindrances from the police. There was a continual police presence within mere yards from our location. Our interaction with officers of the Philadelphia Police Department were so positive throughout the weekend that it was cause for rejoicing and giving thanks to the Lord.

The Philadelphia Police Department should be commended for their professionalism and real kindness during an event that saw the city inundated with as many as one million visitors. The men and women of the department served their community and its visitors extremely well. As a retired deputy sheriff, I was proud of them.

However, unfortunately, there were a few bad apples among an other very professional and honorable force. A case in point was a plain-clothed lieutenant that served as part of a unit designated to monitor free speech exercise in the city.

Our first encounter with the lieutenant was when he approached us and told us that we had to turn down our amplifier. He wore nothing visible to indicate he was a police officer. So, at that point, I thought he was just a civilian serving with the city.

I explained to the lieutenant that we had been at this particular corner for more than two days, surrounded by police officers, never once having anyone tell us to turn down our amplifier. He was unmoved and insisted we turn it down.

I explained to the lieutenant that unless he could show me, with a noise decibel reader, that we were in violation of a specific noise ordinance we would not turn down the amplifier. He said he could get such a device if I wanted him to. I encouraged him to do so.

The lieutenant walked away and took to his phone. It would appear that the lieutenant knew or learned he did not have the authority to order us to turn down the amplifier, because he did not address us again about the issue.

However, from that point forward, the lieutenant took keen interest in our activities, as if he were waiting for us to “slip up” (make a mistake) so he could take action.

Setting up this video with so much context is important.

What you are about to see is me having a brief exchange with a very angry Roman Catholic woman. As I walked at a discreet distance behind the woman to continue our conversation, the lieutenant began to follow me. After my encounter with the woman, I asked the lieutenant why he followed me. He denied following me.

And the lieutenant’s lie is what led to me declaring the law of God to him, warning him of God’s pending wrath against his sin, and encouraging him to really listen to the gospel preaching he despised.


There Will be More Hope for Sodom than Vatican City or Philadelphia

People Lost in Papal Idolatry

Published on Oct 1, 2015

Lost people acting according to their sinful nature (Romans 3:10-18).

Jeff Rose, founder of JeremiahCry Ministries (http://www.jeremiahcry.com) and organizer of the “No Hope in the Pope) outreach in Philadelphia, preaches a powerful message to vast number of people–most of whom had just seen Pope Francis (an anti-Christ).

There is No Salvation in the Wafer, Cup, or Pope
“They Love the Pope, But Hate the Word of God”

Published on Oct 1, 2015
Pastor Chuck O’Neal (http://www.beavertongracebible.org) lovingly, passionately, and firmly calls a large crowd of Roman Catholics to repent of the idolatry of the Mass and to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

This video was shot during the JeremiahCry Ministries “No Hope in the Pope” outreach in Philadelphia, PA.




Officers attend rapid response training sessions at Dickinson Residence Hall complex

SEE: http://www.udel.edu/udaily/2016/jul/ALERRT_training071415.htmlrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
10:56 a.m., July 14, 2015–Police officers from throughout the state of Delaware are attending specialized training sessions at the University of Delaware’s Dickinson Residence Hall Complex in west Newark over the next several weeks.
Signs are posted in the area to inform the community about the reason for the police presence at the complex. Officers are participating in FBI Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT), which has become the national standard in active shooter response training for first responders. 
A new group of 20 to 25 officers attends every two days. Sessions meet from 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Mondays through Thursdays, and the training will continue through Aug. 27.
The University closed Dickinson as a student residential complex at the end of the 2015 spring semester. 
Anyone with questions should contact University of Delaware Police at 302-831-2222.
20-25 OFFICERS???

Published on Feb 10, 2015
Since 2002, the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT)™ Program at Texas State University has been used to train law enforcement officers across the nation in how to rapidly respond to dangerous active threat situations. Over the years we’ve seen response times shorten and the capabilities of law enforcement increase. As a result of increased public awareness, many citizens have asked what individuals can do protect themselves and reduce the dangers faced during one of these events. Avoid | Deny | Defend™ has been developed as an easy to remember method for individuals to follow. As we’ve seen that hiding and hoping isn’t a very effective strategy.

For more information visit:
Avoid Deny Defend Website: http://AvoidDenyDefend.org
ALERRT Website: http://ALERRT.org



www.proclaimingthegospel.orgrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Beware of False Prophets in White Robes

As we watched the non-stop coverage of the pope’s visit to America last month, many of the scenes appeared to be apocalyptic. We saw multitudes of people flocking to get a glimpse of a mortal man who was unknown just three years ago. The national excitement for this false prophet was overwhelming as gullible people hung on his every word. It was heartbreaking to see such adoration given to a deceiver who holds people captive in his false religious system. Warnings from the true head of the church were ignored. The Lord Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Mat. 7:15). Jesus said, “I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not receive me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive him” (John 5:43). Clearly, the pope did not come in the Father’s name, but he arrogantly wears the title reserved for the one and only “Holy Father” (John 17:11). Tragically, most Catholics do not know the Word of God, and their ignorance makes them easy prey for the worst kind of deception.
Pope Francis did not mention Jesus Christ a single time in his entire address to Congress, yet he claims to be the Vicar of Christ and the Head of Christ’s Church. Knowing that the Lord Jesus is the very foundation of the Christian faith, the pope’s omission speaks volumes about his worldly agenda. In a message the next day at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, the pope did mention Jesus, but in a deceptively misleading way. He said, “We need to remember that we are followers of Jesus… and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.” 

Where is the outrage among Roman Catholics? When will they awake from their stupor and run from this blasphemer? The life of Christ was anything but a failure at the cross. His death, which satisfied divine justice for the sins of His people, was according to the predetermined plan of God (Acts 2:23). When the sinless Savior accomplished everything necessary to save His people, He cried out in victory, “It is finished!” (John 19:30). The good shepherd laid down His life for the sheep (John10:11). No one took the Lord’s life; He laid it down on His own accord (John10:18). How dare the pope say the life of Jesus ended in failure! The pope, and all other false prophets, are described by Jesus as thieves who come to steal and kill and destroy the sheep (John 10:10). The pope knows the difference between success and failure. No one has been more successful in directing people towards the wide road to destruction with his perverted gospel.  

By the authority of God’s Word, we know the pope is under divine condemnation for preaching a gospel contrary to the Gospel of God. The apostle Paul warned us: “There are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed” (Gal. 1:6-9). Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, for the glory of God alone. The pope’s distorted gospel deceives people into believing salvation is by baptism, sacraments, good works, law-keeping, and the Mass. Paul warned us: “For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:13-15). 

We know the “father of lies” does his deceptive work through religious leaders, and the pope is the most influential false teacher in the world today. He continues to shut the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces and will not allow them to enter because of his false and fatal gospel (Mat. 23:15). He must be exposed as a pawn of the devil. Some may think I am unloving and harsh for saying this, but the truth must be told for the sake of those who are being deceived. The Lord Jesus pronounced many “woes” on false teachers who lead people to hell 

(Mat. 23). It was tragic to see such a lack of discernment as multitudes praised and adored the most influential false prophet in the world.

The counterfeit head of the church also showed his true colors when he did not refer to even one Scripture from God’s Word during his-hour long speech before Congress. Instead, he encouraged people to follow the “Golden Rule.” The next day, in his message to bishops of the Catholic Church, the pope said, “Our mission as bishops is first and foremost to solidify unity.” In other words, the bishops’ primary goal is not to proclaim the Gospel, but  to unite all people under the power and influence of the papacy. True Christians must contend against Rome’s ecumenical agenda and silence the ignorance of foolish people (1 Pet. 2:15).

I have great compassion for the precious Catholic souls who are where I was for many years of my life — believing I was in the one true church but destined for the eternal fires of hell. The nature of deception is such that people do not know they are deceived until they are confronted with the truth. It is my prayer that Roman Catholics will start abiding in God’s Word. Only then will they come to know the truth that will set them free from religious deception (John 8:31-32). We have an excellentGospel tract shows how their religion nullifies, opposes and rejects the Gospel.

Pope’s Deception Countered by Biblical Truth in Interviews with Mike Gendron on Christian Radio

Mike was interviewed on six different radio and TV programs during and after the pope’s visit to America. You can hear some of his comments and interviews by clicking on the following links:
Crosstalk on VCY America with Jim Schneider
Worldview Weekend Radio with Brannon Howse

Evangelical Pastors See Pope as Brother in Christ

Almost two-thirds of evangelical pastors view Pope Francis as a genuine Christian and their brother in Christ. More than one-third say they value the pope’s view on theology. Those are among the findings of a study of 1,000 Protestant pastors, released by LifeWay Research.

Ed Stetzer, executive director of LifeWay Research, said, “The forerunners of most Protestant pastors — from Luther, to Wesley, to Spurgeon — certainly did not see the pope as their brother in Christ. Within a few centuries, the pope has gone from anti-Christ to ‘brother in Christ’ for a lot of Protestants.”

One evangelical pastor said the disagreement between Protestants and Catholics over religious authority and salvation fades as piety trumps doctrine. Rick Warren was impressed with the humble quality of Francis’ ministry and subsequently described him as “our new pope.” Luis Palau, whose friendship with Francis reaches back to his years in Argentina, also points to the pope’s “personal lifestyle” as a reason why evangelicals hold him in such high regard. Charismatic leaders, including Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland, have also enjoyed papal audiences. Timothy George, Dean of Beeson Divinity School, has called the pope “Our Francis, too.” 

The pope’s charismatic spirituality was confirmed when several Catholic and evangelical leaders met to discuss the ministry of Pope Francis. They received a letter from the pope in which he said, “The year 2017 marks the 50th year since the sovereign irruption of the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Church, known today as the Charismatic Renewal, which was birthed ecumenically.” The pope invited those who have been born again to celebrate together in St. Peter’s Square and to pray for a new Pentecost for the Church and for the world. Read more.

Mike’s Comment: The LifeWay poll indicates how many pastors are denying the exclusivity of the Gospel. Those who believe Pope Francis is a genuine Christian and a brother-in-Christ, either do not know the Gospel of grace or they do not know the false and fatal gospel of Catholicism. There is also a third possibility. They know the truth, but chose not to contend for the faith because they are man pleasers, not God pleasers. 

“What Separation Of Church And State?”

by Chuck Baldwin
SEE: http://chuckbaldwinlive.com/Articles/tabid/109/ID/3371/What-Separation-Of-Church-And-State.aspxrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
For the first time in U.S. history, the leader of a major religion was invited to speak before a joint session of Congress. (No. Queen Elizabeth II doesn’t count.) Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals–along with the national news media–are all praising the pontiff’s congressional appearance.
But wait just a doggone minute! How is the pope’s speech before Congress NOT a violation of the separation of church and state?  Everything he talked about was both political and religious based. His left-wing theology permeated what can only be regarded as a blatantly political sermon. Where are all of the folks who demand that Christian pastors not get involved in politics? Furthermore, why is no one threatening the Catholic Church with the loss of its 501c3 tax exempt nonprofit organization status? The Internal Revenue Code is pretty plain about pastors of 501c3 churches (of which, the Catholic Church is the largest) being forbidden from engaging in political activity during their official duties. And when Pope Francis spoke before Congress, did he appear in the attire of a private person? No! He spoke in full papal regalia–meaning, he appeared before Congress in the official capacity as a religious head.
“The Vatican is a state,” you say. In that case, the hypocrisy of Pope Francis to lecture the United States about tearing down our borders and allowing illegal aliens to pour in at will is as obvious and odious as it can possibly be. Before he lectures us about how we should accept any and all illegals into our country, he should set the example and tear down the forty-foot wall surrounding the Vatican City State.
Then there is his pet socialist (yes, Pope Francis is a longtime socialist and Marxist) talking point regarding how rotten America is because of our material success. BARF! Why is no one willing to point out to the pontiff that the Roman Catholic Church is the richest corporation in the entire world? As if he needs any reminder. No corporation is even a close second. Without a doubt, the Catholic Church is the biggest hoarder of wealth on the planet.
But not only is Pope Francis a Marxist/socialist, he is also a globalist. His remarks regarding globalism could have been written by Henry Kissinger. Who knows? Maybe they were.
The history of this pope is one of a lifetime of involvement in Marxist, globalist activities. I strongly recommend readers to take a look at this report:
When I watch–and listen to–Pope Francis, it reminds of Piers Morgan.
With all due respect to my British friends, when I watch–and listen to–Piers Morgan, I want to fight the War for Independence all over again. And with all due respect to my Catholic friends, when I watch–and listen to–Pope Francis, I want to fight the Reformation wars all over again.
Thankfully, not all Roman Catholics are enamored with this pope. No more than I am enamored with many of our evangelical “popes” such as Joel Osteen and John Hagee.
It constantly amazes me how so many people are so willing to live their entire lives, and predicate the principles of their lives, with ideological, sociological, and theological biases–biases that have nothing to do with truth and everything to do with the advancement of private parochial agendas. And liberals and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats, Christians and secularists are equally culpable.
When President Bill Clinton lied to the American people, liberals and Democrats looked the other way and defended him in every way possible. And when President G.W. Bush lied to the American people, conservatives and Republicans looked the other way and defended him in every way possible.
Too many Catholics defend the pope regardless of his Marxist, socialist ideals. Too many evangelicals defend their denominational leaders regardless of their Marxist, socialist ideals. Even though they claim to reject globalism, too many secular libertarians refuse to deal with the way Bernie Sanders sidesteps the perpetual exploration into global hegemony by Democrat leaders in Washington, D.C. And even though they claim to detest and oppose terrorism, too many religious conservatives refuse to deal with the way that Benjamin Netanyahu and the State of Israel are up to their eyeballs in the sponsorship of all kinds of terrorism–including giving assistance to ISIS and terrorizing the Palestinian people.
Too many people are in a “protected” class, while those sharing alternative ideologies are marked for isolation, persecution, incarceration, or annihilation.
Public schools around the country are making prayer rooms available for Muslim students to pray in during school hours. Colleges and university campuses across the country provide prayer rooms, foot baths in bathrooms, and holy days for Muslim students. And no federal judge suggests that such conduct violates the SCOTUS rulings banning prayer in public schools. No school principal or college president or dean is put in jail. No mayor or city councilman of a “sanctuary” city that openly defies federal immigration laws is thrown in jail. But a Christian clerk in a Kentucky county is sent to jail by a federal judge for refusing to sign her name on a same-sex “marriage” license.
Liberals ignore the injustices and crimes against humanity by Sunni Muslims in Saudi Arabia and Turkey, while conservatives ignore the injustices and crimes against humanity by Talmudic Jews in Israel. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson ignore black-on-black crime, while Franklin Graham ignores police abuse. Conservatives ignore Ben Carson’s biggest big-government scheme of all the presidential candidates so far: government-mandated vaccinations, while liberals ignore the crimes of the biggest criminal in the field: Hillary Clinton.
But, inviting the pope to speak before a joint session of Congress has to take the all-time prize for hypocrisy and for the most glaring double standard of the entire media and political worlds.
Our founding documents (Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights) were written to protect us all from despots from both the left and the right, from both secular and religious zealots. As human beings created in the likeness of our Creator, we all have the same intrinsic, Natural rights. The purpose of government is to protect those Natural rights.
Now, all rules are off. There are no safeguards and no protections. Nothing is secure and nothing is sacred. The rule of law has been replaced with the rule of whatever one can get by with. Nothing is wrong, only politically incorrect. The Rights of Man have been replaced with the rule of government.
This isn’t America anymore.
For the first time in U.S. history, congressional leaders from both parties invited the head of a major religious institution (Pope Francis) to use the U.S. Capitol building to promote a blatantly leftist, globalist agenda IN THE NAME OF RELIGION. This one cannot be blamed on Barack Obama. He has no control of Capitol Hill. This was the collaboration of John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, and Harry Reid.
So, pardon me while I laugh the next time someone accuses the pastor of a small church on Main Street, USA of violating the separation of church and state when he delivers a message supporting the right to life of unborn babies or traditional marriage or the lawful right of self-defense.
Pastors who relate Biblical principles to our country’s political affairs have NEVER violated the “separation of church and state.” Had Colonial preachers adhered to the modern interpretation of Thomas Jefferson’s personal letter to the Danbury, Connecticut, Baptists (from whence the phrase “wall of separation between church and state” has been taken–but which appears in NO official U.S. document), we would still be a Crown colony of England.
But after this week, we can all say, “Separation of church and state? What separation of church and state?”


THE PAPACY’S FEARFUL LIES(Friday Church News Notes, October 2, 2015, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) – Pope Francis heads up an institution founded on lies, so it is little surprise that his messages during the recent trip to America were filled with the same. Rome’s lies include the papacy itself, the priesthood, the sacraments, Mariolatry, purgatory, and “holy relics.” There is not a hint in Scripture that Peter had “supremacy” over the apostles or that he was otherwise any kind of “pope.” It was a wretched lie from its inception. For hundreds of years, the popes used forgeries such as the Donation of Constantine, a shameless lie claiming that Constantine gave the bishop of Rome supremacy “over all the churches of God in the whole earth,” granting him a crown, and donating to him “the city of Rome, and all the provinces, places and cities of Italy and the western regions.” Pope Hadrian I (778) used this lie in his dealings with Charlemagne. It was used by other popes until it was publicly exposed as a lie during the Reformation. Then there were the Decretals of Isidore, used by Pope Francis’ brother in scarlet, Nicholas I, to claim that popes “hold the place of God on earth.” These ancient lies have never been renounced by the papacy. By holding the office, regardless of how “humbly,” Francis agrees with its foundational lies, so it is no surprise that his messages are filled with more lies. Consider his message at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, September 25. First, there was his whitewash of the Catholic Church’s “clergy sex abuse scandal.” Addressing his fellow priests, he said: “[Y]ou suffered greatly … by having to bear the shame of some of your brothers who harmed and scandalized the Church in the most vulnerable of her members.” The “some” actually amounts to thousands of priests who used their positions of trust to commit filthy acts with children, mostly boys. A 2004 study by John Jay College found 11,757 allegations of sexual abuse involving 5,148 priests, and the report only pertained to about half of the priests in the U.S. By then, the Catholic Church had already spent $1 billion settling lawsuits and providing “treatment” for its filthy priests, and the report observed that “the end is nowhere in sight.” The pope also lied in his address at St. Patrick’s by addressing Muslims as “brothers and sisters.” Muhammad blasphemously denied that Jesus is the Son of God who died for man’s sins. The Quran says, “Warn those who say, ‘Allah has fathered a son.’ They do not have any proof about that and neither did their fathers. It is a terrible thing that comes from their mouths. They say nothing but lies” (Surah 18:4). Instead of calling Muhammad and his people brothers and sisters, the pope should rather state that the “proof” Muhammad demanded is the virgin birth, sinless and unique life, vicarious atonement, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, all based on amazing prophecies written down before He was born. If Jesus Christ is not the Son of God, there is no such thing as evidence. But then, the pope doesn’t believe the gospel of salvation by the free grace of Christ without works, so he has no truth with which to confront any false religion. Another lie that the pope spoke at St. Patrick’s was the lie that Mary hears and answers prayer. He said, “Let us commend to our Lady the work we have been entrusted to do.” Its vain protestations aside, Rome’s doctrine of Mary is a blasphemous usurpation of Christ as sole Saviour and Mediator, and this fact alone should impel every Bible-believing Christian to renounce the papacy in no uncertain terms. The very fact that plain speaking about the Roman Catholic Church is so rare among “evangelical” Protestants and Baptists is irrefutable proof of end-time apostasy and of the rapid building of the one-world “church.”
IS ROME THE HARLOT OF REVELATION 17? (Friday Church News Notes, October 2, 2015, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) – For a thousand years and more, Baptists, Protestants, and fundamentalists identified Rome with the Harlot of Revelation 17. At the end of the NINTH CENTURY, “Tergandus, Bishop of Treves, called the Pope antichrist, yea, a wolf, and Rome, Babylon” (Martyrs Mirror, 5th English edition, p. 240). In THE ELEVENTH CENTURY, Berenger of Tours denounced Rome’s dogmas and maintained that the Roman Church was the See of Satan (George Faber, The History of the Ancient Vallenses and Albigenses, 1838, p. 159). THE WALDENSIANS, throughout most of their long history, identified the pope as the Antichrist. The Waldensian treatise titled the Noble Lesson, dated 1100 AD, stated: “Antichrist, the predicted murderer of the Saints, hath already appeared in his true character, seated monarchally in the seven-hilled city.” In the 13th CENTURY, the BOHEMIAN BRETHREN held that “the Church of Rome is not the Church of Jesus Christ, but an assembly of wicked men, and the whore that sits upon the beast in the Revelation. … They declare the pope to be the head and ringleader of all errors” (Peter Allix, Ancient Churches of Piedmont, pp. 242-259). English Bible translator WILLIAM TYNDALE identified the pope as the Antichrist in his treatise The Practice of Prelates and in the preface to the 1534 edition of his New Testament. All of theREFORMATION leaders considered the pope the antichrist, including John Huss, Martin Luther, John Calvin, and and their successors. The religious harlot of Revelation 17 is aligned with the antichrist (compare Rev. 17:3 – Rev. 13:1), and like the antichrist it has two aspects: historic and prophetic. In 1 John 2:18, the apostle said, “Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.” Though she does not fulfill this prophecy in its finality, every feature of the religious Harlot of Revelation 17 is found in the Roman Catholic Church. She has ridden through history upon the back of kings, is clothed in gorgeous robes of scarlet and purple and decked in expensive attire. She sits on seven hills, is full of abominations, and has a golden cup. She is drunk with the blood of the martyrs, and the inhabitants of the world are indeed drunk with the wine of her fornication, referring to the multitudes that blindly follow Rome’s doctrines of devils.

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