Rather Expose Them Christian News Blog



“[N]othing short of criminal activity on the part of the federal government…”

in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Last month, the Sheahan family was facing eviction threats from the U.S. federal government for refusing a $5.2 million buyout to vacate their 400-acre mine near Area 51 that has been in their family since the late 1800s. And it’s now official: a federal judge’s pen officially took the land and handed it over to the United States Air Force.
The family resisted the initial offer saying the property is worth far more because of the rich ore it contains but also the buildings, mining equipment, and the unique history of the property, which still holds the remains of past family members. An agreement has yet to be worked out as to where the bones will go.
A News Channel 8 report states the family has asked for a jury trial to determine what the Air Force will have to pay for the contents of the property. Though the USAF valued the acreage at only $1.5 million, they offered nearly five times as much to the family. The report states that “the issues will be limited” in a jury trial as to what financial responsibility belongs to the Air Force.
“This has been, like I said, a 60-plus year nothing short of criminal activity on the part of the federal government, the AEC, Black Ops, CIA and you can go on and on,” said Joe Sheahan.
For now, the family will continue its efforts to receive  a proper valuation of their property; one that has survived nuclear blast testing in the ’50s and ’60s, as well as building damage from a jettisoned engine from an aircraft.
“There’s nothing fair, there’s nothing anything remotely close to that involved in this process,” Sheahan said. “But there never has been either, so it’s nothing new. But we would like to change it at least to get our stuff out and be paid the value.”
Watch: The Groom Mine Family spoke to Infowars last month about how the federal government was trying to force them off their land which has been in their family since the 1870’s. During the interview, family members describe bombing raids, 50 caliber machine gun assaults and open air nuclear testing all done by our federal government in order to scare the Sheahans off their working mine:


Says it is the “duty” of the West to “respect” migrants who undermine its culture and social mores
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/newsletter-content/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Peter Sutherland, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration, told the UN News Center it is not only the responsibility of Europe but also the United States and Canada to accept illegal immigration.
“Proximity doesn’t define responsibility,” he said.
Sutherland said it is “not merely a moral but a legal obligation (under the UN 1951 Refugee Convention)” to accept millions of “economic migrants” he said are “also deserving not merely of respect, and due regard to their rights, but also a constructive engagement in regard to migration more generally.”
In other words, it is the duty of Europeans and North Americans to open their borders and respect people who may not respect their cultural norms and not only do not intend to assimilate but, as the European example demonstrates, undermine legal and cultural norms in favor of Sharia law and often violent intolerance for other religions and customs.
He said opposition to massive illegal migration and concerns about the undermining of cultural norms, the destruction of social cohesion and threats to national sovereignty are “racist and xenophobic, and (ought) to be condemned.”
In June, following a meeting with Pope Francis, the boss of Goldman-Sachs International and Bilderberg attendee Sutherland told RTÉ radio 240,000 immigrants flooding into Europe each year is not an economic burden on countries such as Germany and the United Kingdom.
“Governments have to lead by giving the positive news that migrants are good for a community, economically and every other way rather than constantly expressing them as a burden because they are not really a burden,” Sutherland said. “Within a very short period of time they contribute positively to the community in which they live.”
The experience in Europe, Britain and North America betrays Sutherland’s remarks on assimilation and contribution.
“Muslim immigration to the Western world has not had much to do with the West as a ‘land of opportunity’ or a place where one has personal and individual freedoms unfettered by politics or government. Rather, it too frequently represents a threat to these grand traditions, this because there is often no intention to ‘assimilate,’” writes Daniel Gallington for Human Events.
The practice of Islam is inconsistent with the cultural and social mores of the West. “Muslim integration into Western cultures — especially ours — requires the abandonment of laws, rules and practices inconsistent with living in free societies.”

















“I’m overwhelmed by the opportunity to serve as BJU’s president,” said Pettit. “For decades, I’ve 
appreciated the ministry of BJU and the Jones family to me and my family. I truly desire to honor 
BJU’s heritage and continue—by God’s grace—to fulfill its mission. I particularly want to emphasize
the primacy of the local church, encourage relational discipleship among our students, faculty and 
staff, and continue the emphasis on academic excellence and living a godly life.”


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
November 11, 2014 (Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org😉 


he following report is by Don Jasmin, The Fundamentalist Journal, August-September 2014, djfbmhosea46@charter.net. 
I thank the Lord for Dr. Jasmin’s spiritual discernment and his willingness to speak out for the truth’s sake. It appears to me that the vast majority of Bible-believing preachers today are perfectly content to watch the battle from the sidelines. 

If this were our report, we go further in warning about Bob Jones University, including the error of fundamentalist interdenominationalism. (See the free eBook 
In Essentials Unity, available from www.wayoflife.org.)


By Don Jasmin

On July 7, 2014, Dr. Steve Pettit, the new President of Bob Jones University was interviewed live in a town-hall format by Marshall Franklin, a BJU “Executive Vice-President,” concerning his goals and plans for BJU, an interview which the F. D. editor watched and took extensive notes. The following article is a personal analysis of this interview. 

1. CONVERSATIONAL TONE: Dr. Pettit maintains an excellent “conversational” speech tone rapport with his audiences. He possesses the personal demeanor of a congenial likable gentleman, who also has a unique sense of humor in his public remarks.

2. GENUINE SPIRITUAL BURDEN FOR STUDENTS: The new BJU President obviously has a genuine burden for the spiritual life of BJU students. He desires to “make the chapel program the highlight of the day” for students, a noble goal. [During his seven years as a BJU student, the daily chapel program was truly the “highlight” of the now F.D. editor’s day! Yours truly could hardly wait to get to his seat for those daily chapel sessions!] 
3. EMPHASIZES PREACHING: Dr. Pettit states that there is “no virtue in bad preaching.” He desires the best quality in the BJU pulpit and sincerely believes that students “need the old Bob Jones Sr. type sermons,” perhaps as much as any trait in the daily chapel sessions. 

4. DESIRE FOR REVIVAL: The BJU evangelist-president believes there is a great need to pray for revival. 


The “BJU Bruins” athletic sign/symbol dominated the background for the town-hall program, located directly in the center of the backdrop. When questioned about inter-collegiate athletics, Dr. Pettit stated that it was “not a problem,” that it was a “wonderful thing” and that he was “for it.” He was glad that inter-collegiate sports has been “added” to the BJU program. It should and will received a lot of attention. 

[Fundamentalist Journal Ed: For 85 years, BJU successfully operated an “intramural” [in house] sports program only. Inter-collegiate sports has proven to be the 
spiritual death for every Christian college that has ever utilized it!!] 


Dr. Pettit approves it. He noted that BJU has been accredited for 10 years by TRACS, a religious national accrediting association. He also stated that BJU is preparing to submit an application to the regional secular SACS, for which two years’ work will go into the process. 

Fundamentalist Journal Ed: Several decades ago, Dr. Bob Jones III wrote a booklet entitled 
Taking the Higher Ground: The Accreditation Issues from the Bible Point of View. In that booklet he unapologetically declared: “The compromises implicit in an unholy accreditation alliance may not appear at first, but it is evident that no man can serve two masters (p.4)….Regional accreditation is a sellout to the gods of the secular educational world (p.6).” Question: Who has changed? BJU or the Bible? It’s not the Scripture! 


Dr. Pettit stated that he “understands” the Bible text “issue carefully,” since he has studied it for 35 years. Both BJU and he take the same stand “as what I was taught” at BJU. Dr. Pettit says he “holds [the] right position” on the Bible. According to Dr. Pettit, the “use or non-use of the KJV should be a 
non-issue” to Bible-believers. 

Fundamentalist Journal Ed: BJU adheres to the apostate critical text composed by Bible-denying liberals! The KJV is not a “non- issue” for discerning obedient perceptive Bible-believing Christians, it is a 
vital issue that correctly places professing Christians into two contrasting theological camps: The traditional Received Text—the text received by Bible churches down through the centuries, based upon 98.5 % of extant manuscripts, versus the Critical Text, the text concocted and promoted by apostate liberals based upon 1.5% of the manuscripts. 

An Important Omission 

In his answers, Dr. Pettit stated that at BJU there are three Bible texts that are sold and used: the KJV-NKJV and NASV. However, Dr. Pettit made an important omission: He failed to state that BJU sells the English Standard Version [ESV], 91.5% of which is word-for-word nothing less than the old liberal Revised Standard Version [RSV]. He also failed to mention that as of 2013, there were 20 shelve rows of ESV for sale at the campus book store [F.D. editor’s count], a number that is “inching” close to the number of KJV shelve rows! 

Dr. Pettit somewhat reluctantly noted that BJU has about 2850 students enrolled in the undergraduate and graduate divisions for 2014. This writer believes that this decreasing enrollment can be partly attributed to the fact that BJU has lost much of its former KJV Biblicist Fundamentalist constituency due to its defective Bible text stance. 


When queried about BJU’s stance on the vital music issue, Dr. Pettit simply claimed that BJU took a “centrist” stance on music, a middle “balanced” stand, on which he 
never elucidated or made any qualifying remarks.

Another Notable Omission 

When given the opportunity to delineate BJU’s position on the essential music issue, Dr. Pettit simply claimed a “centrist” policy for BJU, never once clarifying what the term “centrist” might mean from a musical viewpoint. Here was a golden opportunity for the BJU president to state the university’s bold clear outspoken opposition to Contemporary Christian Music [CCM-religious rock!] and Dr. Pettit totally forfeited this choice to make a plain statement. CCM music is the music that is rapidly destroying the inner character of Bible-believing churches, yet the new BJU president did 
not make any statement of any kind about CCM’s destructive traits. 

Dr. Pettit’s silence here actually speaks volumes, since one of his closest friends, Dr. Fred Coleman., the “Department Head” [Dean] of BJU’s music division, recently produced a hymnbook that contains 30 hymns by Charismatic heretics whose associations include ecumenical R.C. and New-Age connections! Sadly, that hymnal was 
published by Dr. Pettit’s own publishing company, Heart Publications! 


When asked about BJU’s changes in dress codes, Dr. Pettit readily admitted that BJU had made some changes, but claimed that those “changes in dress code” are “just like [the] changes in your local church,” and that BJU was “doing pretty good” in that regard. 

This writer readily admits that most local churches have made changes—gradual changes—over several decades in clothing apparel codes, but that these changes for the most part are 
for the worsenot the better! Apparel standards have dropped, and these lowering 

As he visits the BJU campus each year, this writer can readily note the gradually lowering apparel standards there. 


Dr. Pettit rightly stated the importance of students knowing the importance of local churches to student’s lives, declaring that of the three most important influences on BJU student lives: (a) Bible classes (b) other classes and (c) local churches; that local churches played the most influential part in the students’ lives. 

He said he strongly supports the former BJU President’s choice to permit dorm students to attend local churches on Sunday morning. He said that he recently met with 52 pastors from Greenville, SC area churches and that it was his desire to work with “like minded” churches, However, he never defined what he meant by that term. 

The BJU President said that 17% of S.C. students at BJU come from just 10 Greenville, SC area churches, a fact in which he seemed greatly delighted. QUESTION: Are these 10 churches the same pro-BJU churches that have adopted the ESV and are now also utilizing pro-CCM/CCM music in their services and special music? [While he doesn’t possess exact statistics, there are about 10 Greenville area pro BJU churches that have done just that!] 

A Conflicting Dilemma? 

When Dr. Pettit was questioned about changes at Northland International University [NIU]. Dr. Pettit indicated that he had worked for nearly 30 years for the Northland Camp & Conference Center, 20 years as the evangelist and 9 years as the full-time camp director. He then declared that he would “not [say] one negative thing about a place I love,” but then said he was “uncomfortable with changes” taking place there. Ed: You can’t have it both ways! 


Since BJU was built by Dr. Bob Jones Sr. on an intensely evangelistic soul-winning foundation and the corresponding militant defense of the faith, this writer was surprised that 
not even one time were either of these two dual Biblical emphases mentioned, suggested or even inferred by Dr. Pettit. Staunch BJU advocates might claim this was due to lack of time during the one-hour session, but this writer does not concur with that argument. 


Old-line BJU grads who had hoped for a return to the Bob Jones Sr. type ministry at BJU will be gravely disappointed. In this writer’s view, Dr. Pettit is going to continue to pursue the same policies and practices that have been taking BJU down the wrong road for several decades. If you are looking for a Fundamentalist school to endorse and support, this writer suggests that you find a Baptist Bible institute or Baptist College that is owned and operated under a Baptist, N. T. local church auspices. 


A local Greenville, SC newspaper contained a large picture and accompanying article of a high school senior, along with his family, with the article title that the young man “signs with BJU Bruins” to play “intercollegiate” basketball there while he majors in “Sports Management” at BJU. 

Fundamentalist Journal Ed: The public newspaper pictures from BJU all feature intercollegiate athletics. Where are the newspaper pictures for young men who sign up as “preacher boys” at BJU? 
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research 
(Friday Church News Notes, December 14, 2012, www.wayoflife.orgfbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) – I recently learned that Hymns Modern and Ancient, published by Heart Publications, a ministry of Steve Pettit Evangelistic Association, contains 29 songs by Keith Getty. The compiler, Fred Coleman, heads up Bob Jones University’s Department of Church Music. He writes positively of the Oxford Movement, which was a subtle and very dangerous back-to-Rome movement within the Church of England in the late 19th century. This shows a frightful lack of spiritual discernment on Coleman’s part, but to recommend both the Oxford Movement and contemporary worship is consistent, because they represent the same spirit, as we have documented in the video presentation “The Foreign Spirit of Contemporary Worship Music,” which is available as a DVD or a free eVideo download from Way of Life.Earlier this year we reported that Majesty Music’s Rejoice Hymns, features about 10 songs by Getty/Townend, as well as ones by David Clydesdale, Scott Wesley Brown, Steve Amerson, Bob Kilpatrick, and Chris Christensen, all of whom are out-and-out Christian rockers and radical ecumenists who are using music to build the end-time, one-world church. The inclusion of a contemporary song or two in a hymnbook in itself is not evidence of compromise. We all make mistakes and we are all learners. Exceptions aren’t rules, but the commitment to building bridges to contemporary worship on the part of many prominent music people among fundamental Baptists is quickly becoming the rule.
When people are informed of how dangerous contemporary worship music is and how that even the most “conservative” contemporary “hymn writers” are using their music as an ecumenical bridge to connect “traditional” churches with “the broader church,” as Getty/Townend have admitted, and instead of repenting of using it, they become the defensive and justify their actions, THAT IS CLEAR EVIDENCE OF COMPROMISE. 
Justifying the use of contemporary worship is a loud warning that a ministry is heading in the wrong direction, yea, a most dangerous directionIf you justify it, you are justifying the end-time apostasy that ALL of the mainstream contemporary worship musicians represent. You are justifying the breakdown in biblical separatism.
If you justify it, you will use more and more of it, and you will give your family and church an appetite for it, and you will build bridges to that extremely dangerous world: bridges over which your church will eventually walk. Those who are justifying the use of contemporary worship music are playing with fire. (See 
The Directory of Contemporary Worship Musicians, a free eBook available from Way of Life for documentation — www.wayoflife.org/free_ebooks/
http://www.wayoflife.org/database/sacred_music_sources.html; QUOTE:
“The philosophy of music is changing rapidly among fundamental Baptist and other fundamentalist churches. It is becoming popular to “adapt” contemporary praise songs by selecting ones with Scriptural lyrics and toning down the rhythm. This is being done by Majesty Music, Soundforth, Bob Jones University and its president Steve Pettit, and West Coast Baptist College, for example. They excuse the practice in various ways, such as likening the use of contemporary praise to the use of a Lutheran or Methodist hymn, but it is a different thing altogether. While I have never heard of a fundamental Baptist church becoming Lutheran or Methodist by singing old hymns, many are moving rapidly in the direction of the contemporary philosophy by using contemporary music.” 


Friday, February 6, 2015




“Anthems are an expression of identity and create a way for communities to show support for a cause, belief, a heritage, or even a sports team,” says Cantus tenor Aaron Humble. “If you have once sung a song in a group, that music forever after will conjure the emotions of that moment for you: pride, identity, unity.”


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

HOMOSEXUALS PERFORM AT BOB JONES UNIVERSITY (Friday Church News Notes, February 6, 2015,www.wayoflife.orgfbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) 
The following was sent to me by Pastor Steve Rogers of Grace Baptist Church, Oxford, Pennsylvania; http://www.gracebaptistpa.org/;

“The music drift continues in ‘fundamentalism’ as Bob Jones University, under new head Steve Pettit, hosted the men’s music group Cantus for their Artist Series, Jan. 27, 2015. I called the school because I have friends and family that attend BJU, but no one would talk to me and my call has not been returned. Cantus’ web site contains information about the performers. Tenor Zachary Colby says the person he most admires is Oprah Winfrey. Tenor Blake Morgan said that his idea of a great evening is ‘sunsets and craft beer’ and he is ‘a huge fan of vocal jazz.’ Tenor Aaron Humble is a homosexual who commutes from Minneapolis, where he works, to Seattle, where his ‘husband’ lives with their two cats. Tenor Shahzore Shah lives in Saint Paul with his ‘husband,” and his most admired living person is Thich Nhat Hanh, a Zen Buddhist master.” 

CONCLUDING NOTE FROM BRO. CLOUD: Someone wrote to Pastor Rogers with the following comment: “It is common knowledge that BJU has always had secular artist groups in as part of their Artist Series. This is hardly a ‘drift’ as it has been going on for decades. The University has a liberal arts philosophy that exposes the students to various classical expressions of art and culture. Whether you agree with it or not, it is nothing new and unsaved classical performers have always come to the campus for these events. … I believe the leadership also uses it as an opportunity to give the gospel to these accomplished performers.” In response to that I would say that I truly doubt that BJU has had open homosexuals with “husbands” as performers before. Therefore, this probably does represent a further drift and a sad milestone for the school. And though the “art” thing might explain their action, it doesn’t justify it before God. Sharing the gospel (assuming they do that) does not justify bringing unbelievers and mockers of God’s holy laws on campus to entertain Bible students. “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Ephesians 5:11). 
Our research supports the above by these links:
I got married in December but shortly there after my husband had to move to Seattle for his job.” “Lately, I’ve been pretty impressed with Pope Francis.”
“Shahzore lives in Highland Park, Saint Paul with his husband, Daniel.”
“Which living figure do you most admire?
Thich Nhat Hanh – Zen Buddhist master of our time, philosopher, teacher and prolific writer on mindful living.”



Meet Cantus! 

The following article is similar to the accusations, charges and demands made by pastor Witmer recently to this blog:

SEE: http://www.wayoflife.org/index_files/pastor_demands_I_remove_his_people.htmlrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

“Pastor Demands That I Remove His People from My Mailing List”

October 22, 2015 (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org; for instructions about subscribing and unsubscribing or changing addresses, see the information paragraph at the end of the article) 
Recently I received the following email from a pastor:
“There are church members here that have developed a critical mindset from various sources, including your website and subscription to your emails with Way of Life. I respectfully ask that you take members of —— Baptist Church from ———- off your subscription list without bashing me and by keeping out of this local New Testament issue. ——— and ———– do not need critical influence because they are babes in Christ and their Pastor (that’s me), sees spiritually fit for you to take your emails off their sending list. If you do not then I will take this further. This is not up for debate! God hates discord and that is final. Thank you for respecting the authority of this local N. T. Church.”

Feed the Flock

Hello, Pastor ——–.

I am sorry to hear from you under these circumstances. 
It would not be ethical for me to remove the names. These men subscribed of their own free will, and it is up to them to unsubscribe. To remove them on your request would be like going to the post office and demanding that a stop be placed on someone else’s mail without their knowledge and approval.
As for a critical mindset, if the church members you mentioned have a truly critical mindset and are causing carnal divisions in the church and are not showing proper respect to the pastor, they did not learn that from me and I would reprove them for such a thing. I warn about that frequently. See my reports such as “Keys to Fruitful Church Membership,” “I Am Not Your Pastor,” “A Critical Eye,” and “The Pastor’s Authority and the Church Member’s Responsibility.” All of these are freely available at the Way of Life web site.

But testing things by the Word of God is not a “critical mindset.” No preacher is above being proved by God’s Word and being reproved by God’s Word if he is found to be in error. Jack Hyles, one of the most influential independent Baptist preachers, believed that he was above such “criticism” and demanded unquestioning loyalty, and that type of thinking has spread widely among some pastors, but he was wrong and he doubtless knows that now. 

As for protecting the church from error, you certainly have that responsibility, and I understand this very well. 

I was a pastor in Tennessee in the 1970s, and since 1979 I have held a position similar to a pastor as a missionary church planter. 

The pastor has the authority and responsibility to build up his people in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God and to protect them from error.
But the way he protects the sheep from error is not to bully them and demand unquestioning submission to his authority and to treat their challenges as carnal divisiveness. That is the way of an emperor, not a pastor (1 Peter 5:1-3). The way that a biblical pastor protects the sheep is to train them in the truth so they have good spiritual discernment. This is how the pastor “shuts the mouths” of heretics (Titus. 1:9-11). 
If one of our church members starts reading Reformed theology or something else that I consider to be in error, I am not going to contact the preacher or the author and demand that he remove our church members from his mailing list or try to force him to stop publishing his material. 

I am first going to make the effort to find out exactly what is being taught by reading the material or listening to the sermons for myself. I am not going to depend on second-hand information or what someone else says about that preacher or author. 

Then I am going to teach that church member why I believe that particular author is wrong and why he should not follow him, and if I believe that the wrong doctrine is dangerous, I am going to urge him to stop listening to it.

The pastor has the authority and responsibility to do this. 

He does not, though, have the authority to keep his people from hearing other preachers that speak the truth, even if he doesn’t appreciate who they are. 

That is what Diotrophes was guilty of, and the apostle John described his sin in very strong terms (3 John 9-11). Diotrophes tried to forbid his people to hear the truth spoken by other preachers. It wasn’t a matter of protecting them from heresy; it was an issue of maintaining 
his authority over people’s lives. 

In my long experience, most pastors that get upset at me for supposedly interfering in their “local church affairs” and for supposedly stirring up their people “to criticism” have 
not made the effort to carefully and prayerfully read what I had said (or to watch the music videos, etc.) and have not proven that I am actually in error. Often the problem has to do with something I have said about one of their preacher heroes like Jack Hyles or Paul Chappell or Clarence Sexton or whoever. They react knee-jerk fashion without carefully checking out what I have said and why I am concerned, and they automatically charge me with causing division. 

The truth causes division, just as surely as error does. The prophets of old caused great discord and division. Jesus caused tremendous discord among the Jews, and He continues to cause discord in this sin-cursed, error-afflicted world. He said He did not come to bring peace but division (Lk. 12:51). Paul stirred up discord throughout his ministry. 

God does not hate “discord” that is the product of truth. 

If I have spoken the truth about the compromise of some well-known preacher, or if I have spoken the truth about the music issue or the evangelism issue or whatever issue it might be, and that truth causes division among some independent Baptists, that is not sin. It only exposes the fact that there are a lot of independent Baptist compromisers and heretics.

It would be a good thing and not a bad thing, a godly thing and not a carnal thing, for independent Baptists who are faithful to the truth of God’s Word to divide from those who are following pragmatic human thinking rather than God’s Word and who are compromising the truth by moving in a worldly, contemporary path, etc. 

The real problem lies in the fact that so many independent Baptists are men followers more than Christ followers and are committed to many errors that they have learned from their misguided heroes. Instead of testing everything by God’s Word as a true Berean (Acts 17:11), they test things by their tradition (all the while giving lip service to being Biblicists). 

It is frightful that so many independent Baptist preachers are so shockingly ignorant of these fundamental and basic biblical truths.

In Christ, 
Brother Cloud


SEE: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2015/newsletter20151019.htmrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Pope Francis and the Thomas Merton Connection by Ray Yungen is our newest Lighthouse Trails BookletTract. The Booklet Tract is 14 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off retail. Our Booklet Tracts are designed to give away to others or for your own personal use.  Below is the content of the booklet. To order copies of Pope Francis and the Thomas Merton Connection, click here.

After writing this booklet at my publisher’s headquarters in Montana, I learned that the Parliament of the World Religions was taking place in Salt Lake City, Utah that same week. I decided to head down there, and with a media pass, was able to enter the conference. What I experienced at the conference has confirmed to me that Pope Francis is without question an ardent interspiritualist on the same page as Thomas Merton.—Ray Yungen

Pope Francis and the Thomas Merton Connection
pope francisBy Ray Yungen
In 2013, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina was elected Pope Francis the First. This new pope immediately began causing ripples in the Catholic Church with his statements on certain issues. He also caused many to take notice of his unpapal lifestyle such as living in a guesthouse with twelve others rather than living in the papal apartments like previous popes. He projects a down-to-earth image that denotes compassion and trust. He has been called the people’s pope, someone who is your friend, someone you can trust. But there are certain things about Pope Francis’ coming on the scene that are being ignored by the media and most people.
The first of these are the unusual circumstances that surrounded his election to the papacy. Pope Benedict resigned from his position as Pope. He is the first Catholic pope to do this since the 1400s. Popes do not resign but rather continue to be popes until they die. There was no obvious reason for Pope Benedict to resign. There was no scandal, nor no immediate health issue. (Two years into Pope Francis’ reign, Benedict is still alive.)
The second is the number of books about Pope Francis that have been released since he came on the scene. Previous popes had perhaps one or two books about them or by them. But books by or about Pope Francis are extremely prolific. You see them everywhere. Many of these books use descriptions such as revolution and hope.
The cover story in Christianity Today’s December 2014 issue proclaims: “Why Everyone is Flocking to Francis.” CT has its own idea of why “everyone” is drawn to the Pope. But if I am correct in my conclusions about contemplative spirituality and its outcome, then what is happening here is an occurrence that will affect the lives of millions of people, both Catholic and non-Catholic.
In his speech to the U.S. Congress on September 24th, 2015, Pope Francis praised four Americans he admired.1 One in particular stood out from the perspective of the spiritual future of the world—the Catholic monk, Thomas Merton. If you have been reading Lighthouse Trails literature for any length of time, you will know this reference by the pope is quite sobering and very significant. It is this situation that this booklet will be discussing.
Who is Thomas Merton? (1915-1968)
What Martin Luther King was to the civil rights movement and what Henry Ford was to the automobile, Thomas Merton is to contemplative prayer. Although this prayer movement existed centuries before he came along, Merton, a Trappist monk of the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky, took it out of its monastic setting and made it available to, and popular with, the masses. I personally have been researching Thomas Merton and the contemplative prayer movement for over 20 years, and for me, hands down, Thomas Merton has influenced the Christian mystical movement more than any person of recent decades.
Merton penned one of the most classic descriptions of contemplative spirituality I have ever come across. He explained:

It is a glorious destiny to be a member of the human race . . . now I realize what we all are. . . . If only they [people] could all see themselves as they really are . . . I suppose the big problem would be thatwe would fall down and worship each other. . . . At the center of our being is a point of nothingness which is untouched by sin and by illusions, a point of pure truth. . . . This little point . . . is the pureglory of God in us. It is in everybody. 2 (emphasis mine)

This panentheistic (i.e., God in everyone) view is similar to the occultic definition of the higher self.
In order to understand Merton’s connection to mystical occultism, we need first to understand a sect of the Muslim world—the Sufis, who are the mystics of Islam. They chant the name of Allah as a mantra, go into meditative trances, and experience God in everything. A prominent Catholic audiotape company promotes a series of cassettes Merton did on Sufism. It explains:

Merton loved and shared a deep spiritual kinship with the Sufis, the spiritual teachers and mystics of Islam. Here he shares their profound spirituality.3

To further show Merton’s “spiritual kinship” with Sufism, in a letter to a Sufi Master, Merton disclosed, “My prayer tends very much to what you call fana.”4 So what is fana? The Dictionary of Mysticism and the Occult defines it as “the act of merging with the Divine Oneness”5 (meaning all is one and all is God).
Merton saw the Sufi concept of fana as being a catalyst for Muslim unity with Christianity despite the obvious doctrinal differences. In a dialogue with a Sufi leader, Merton asked about the Muslim concept of salvation. The master wrote back stating:

Islam inculcates individual responsibility for one’s actions and does not subscribe to the doctrine of atonement or the theory of redemption.6 (emphasis added)

To Merton, of course, this meant little because he believed that fana and contemplation were the same thing. He responded:

Personally, in matters where dogmatic beliefs [the atonement]differ, I think that controversy is of little value because it takes us away from the spiritual realities into the realm of words and ideas . . . in words there are apt to be infinite complexities and subtleties which are beyond resolution. . . . But much more important is the sharing of the experience of divine light . . . It is here that the area of fruitful dialogue exists between Christianity and Islam.7 (emphasis mine)

Merton himself underlined that point when he told a group of contemplative women:

I’m deeply impregnated with Sufism.8

And he elaborated elsewhere:

Asia, Zen, Islam, etc., all these things come together in my life. It would be madness for me to attempt to create a monastic life for myself by excluding all these. I would be less a monk.9 (emphasis mine)

When we evaluate Merton’s mystical worldview, it clearly resonates with what technically would be considered traditional New Age thought. This is an inescapable fact!
Merton’s mystical experiences ultimately made him a kindred spirit and co-mystic with those in Eastern religions because his insights were identical to their insights. At an interfaith conference in Thailand, he stated:

I believe that by openness to Buddhism, to Hinduism, and to these great Asian [mystical] traditions, we stand a wonderful chance of learning more about the potentiality of our own Christian traditions.10

Please understand that contemplative prayer alone was the catalyst for such theological views. One of Merton’s biographers made this very clear when he explained:

If one wants to understand Merton’s going to the East it is important to understand that it was his rootedness in his own faith tradition [Catholicism] that gave him the spiritual equipment [contemplative prayer] he needed to grasp the way of wisdom that is proper to the East.11

This was the ripe fruit of the Desert Fathers, the ancient monks who borrowed mystical methods from Eastern religion, which altered their understanding of God. This is what one gets from contemplative prayer. There is no other way to put it. It does not take being a scholar to see the logic in this.
Contemplative Prayer and The Expansion of the Catholic Church
The most obvious integration of this movement can be found in Roman Catholicism. Michael Leach, former president of the Catholic Book Publishers Association, made this incredibly candid assertion:

[M]any people also believe that the spiritual principles underlying the New Age movement will soon be incorporated—or rather reincorporated—into the mainstream of Catholic belief. In fact, it’s happening in the United States right now.12

Incorporating it is! And it is assimilating primarily through the contemplative prayer movement.
Contemplative leader Basil Pennington, openly acknowledging its growing size, said, “We are part of an immensely large community … ‘We are Legion.’”13 Backing him up, a major Catholic resource company stated, “Contemplative prayer has once again become commonplace in the Christian community.”14
William Shannon (a mysticism proponent and a sympathetic biographer of Thomas Merton) went so far as to say “contemplative spirituality has now widely replaced old-style Catholicism.”15 This is not to say the Mass or any of the sacraments have been abandoned, but the underlying spiritual ideology of many in the Catholic church is now contemplative in its orientation.
One of my personal experiences with the saturation of mysticism in the Catholic church was in a phone conversation I had with the head nun at a local retreat center who told me the same message Shannon conveys. She made it clear The Cloud of Unknowing (an ancient primer on contemplative prayer) is now the basis for nearly all Catholic spirituality, and contemplative prayer is now becoming widespread all over the world.
I had always been confused as to the real nature of this advance in the Catholic church. Was this just the work of a few mavericks and renegades, or did the church hierarchy sanction this practice? My concerns were affirmed when I read in an interview that the mystical prayer movement not only had the approval of the highest echelons of Catholicism but also was, in fact, the source of its expansion. Speaking of a meeting between the late Pope Paul VI and members of the Catholic Trappist Monastic Order in the 1970s, Thomas Keating, disclosed the following:

The Pontiff declared that unless the Church rediscovered the contemplative tradition, renewal couldn’t take place. He specifically called upon the monastics, because they lived the contemplative life, to help the laity and those in other religious orders bring that dimension into their lives as well.16

Just look at the official catechism of the Catholic church to see contemplative prayer officially endorsed and promoted to the faithful by the powers that be. The catechism firmly states: “Contemplative prayer is hearing the word of God … Contemplative prayer is silence.”17
The Merton Paradigm
A 2013 article from the UK news source The Telegraph states:

[Pope] Francis is a Jesuit and his long, arduous formation as a priest was founded on the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius.18

The Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) reaffirmed the pope’s “Ignatian spirituality,” stating that:

All Jesuits share the experience of a rigorous spiritual formation process marked by a transformative experience with the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. To think that the leader of the Catholic Church is one who follows in the tradition of Ignatius, whose life has been devoted to finding God in all things, and who is committed to the service of faith and the promotion of justice, fills me with great hope. This is a great day for the Jesuits and the worldwide Church.19

Harvey D. Egan, S.J., Professor Emeritus of Systematic and Mystical Theology at Boston College explains the following about St. Ignatius of Loyola:

Ignatius of Loyola . . . is one of the Christian tradition’s profoundest mystics and perhaps its greatest mystagogue [one who teaches mystical doctrines].20

Today, the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius incorporate contemplative prayer practices. Considering that Ignatian spirituality compliments much of Thomas Merton’s spiritual outlook, it is not surprising that a Jesuit pope would say the following words to the U.S. Congress:

[Thomas Merton] remains a source of spiritual inspiration and a guide for many people. . . . Merton was above all a man of prayer, a thinker who challenged the certitudes of his time and opened new horizonsfor souls and for the Church.21 (emphasis added)

The problem is that Merton did indeed open new horizons, but not in a good way. The horizons he opened were to “spiritual realities” that were at odds with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Rather, it reflected an interspiritual perception and even beyond that into the realm of the occult. In the book The Aquarian Conspiracy, the following information shows just how far Merton had crossed the line into realms that were spiritually dangerous.

In 1967, Barbara Marx Hubbard, a futurist moved by Teilhard’s vision evolving human consciousness, invited a thousand people from around the world . . . to form “a human front” to those who shared a belief in the possibility of transcendent consciousness. Hundreds responded, including . . . Thomas Merton.22

Even though Marx Hubbard was an outright occultist, Merton still was on board with her. There didn’t seem to be any hesitancy on his part to embrace what she referred to as transcendent consciousness. In a nutshell,transcendent consciousness is the very essence of the teaching of all the world’s mystical traditions that God is inall that exists. But consider the implications of such a belief: If God were in everything, including all people, as Merton and Hubbard believed, then there would be no need for Jesus to die for the sins of the world to reconcile man to God because man would already be divine.
The account that best illustrates what outcome this could have for Christianity is the story of Sue Monk Kidd who was a Southern Baptist Sunday school teacher in a small town in South Carolina. She would have been seen as an average Christian wife and mother. She gives a revealing description of her spiritual transformation in her book God’s Joyful Surprise: Finding Yourself Loved sharing how she suffered a deep hollowness and spiritual hunger for many years even though she was very active in her church. She sums up her feelings:
Maybe we sense we’re disconnected from God somehow. He becomes superfluous to the business at hand. He lives on the periphery so long we begin to think that is where He belongs. Anything else seems unsophisticated or fanatical.23
Ironically, a Sunday school co-worker handed her a book by Thomas Merton, telling her she needed to read it. Once Monk Kidd read it, her life changed dramatically.
In her third book, The Dance of the Dissident Daughter, not too many years after she wrote her first two books (which by the way were widely accepted in Christian circles, including a back cover endorsement by Moody Monthly magazine), there had been a dramatic change in her spiritual life as you can see in this narrative she wrote:

The minister was preaching. He was holding up a Bible.  It was open, perched atop his raised hand as if a blackbird had landed there. He was saying that the Bible was the sole and ultimate authority of the Christian’s life. The sole and ultimate authority.
I remember a feeling rising up from a place about two inches below my navel. It was a passionate, determined feeling, and it spread out from the core of me like a current so that my skin vibrated with it. If feelings could be translated into English, this feeling would have roughly been the word no!
It was the purest inner knowing I had experienced, and it was shouting in me no, no, no! The ultimate authority of my life is not the Bible; it is not confined between the covers of a book. It is not something written by men and frozen in time. It is not from a source outside myself. My ultimate authority is the divine voice in my own soul. Period.24

Now Sue Monk Kidd worships the “Goddess Sophia” rather than Jesus Christ:

We also need Goddess consciousness to reveal earth’s holiness. . . . Matter becomes inspirited; it breathes divinity. Earth becomes alive and sacred. . . . Goddess offers us the holiness of everything.25

During his speech to the US Congress, Pope Francis said that Thomas Merton sowed peace in the “contemplative style.” But actually, Merton did something far different than sow peace; he sowed the actual belief systems of other religions as these two quotes below illustrate:

The God [Merton] knew in prayer was the same experience that Buddhists describe in their enlightenment.26

In other words, Merton found Buddhist enlightenment in contemplative prayer. Merton’s view that God is in every person is summed up in this statement:

During a conference on contemplative prayer, the question was put to Thomas Merton: “How can we best help people to attain union with God?” His answer was very clear: “We must tell them that they are already united with God. Contemplative prayer is nothing other than ‘coming into consciousness’ of what is already there.”27

Even influential Catholic leaders recognize this and refer to Merton as being a “lapsed monk” who “went ‘wandering in the East, seeking consolation, apparently, of non-Christian, Eastern spirituality.’”28
These new horizons by Thomas Merton that Pope Francis has found to be exemplar are going to lead to an even greater slide into interspirituality within Catholicism and even evangelical Christianity. In essence, those who are flocking to Pope Francis, as Christianity Today stated, are inadvertently flocking to Thomas Merton.
After writing this booklet at my publisher’s headquarters in Montana, I learned that the Parliament of the World Religions was taking place in Salt Lake City, Utah that same week. I decided to head down there, and with a media pass, was able to enter the conference. What I experienced at the conference has confirmed to me that Pope Francis is without question an ardent interspiritualist and on the same page as Thomas Merton. In one document I read (a letter written to all the conference participants by Archbishop Carlo Maria Bigano Vatican Ambassador to the U.S.), the Archbishop stated:

United to all of you in a bond of spiritual communion and in hope of increasing unity among all people of faith, the Holy Father offers his blessing and prayers as a pledge of strength and God.29 (emphasis added)

“Spiritual communion” is not referring to human kindness and respect to all people. This “spiritual communion” is where doctrines and beliefs are set aside, and a unity is established just as Thomas Merton suggested to the Sufi master (see page 5).
At the conference, I heard terms (in connection with the Pope, the Catholic Church, and all the world’s religions) such as “oneness,” “dialogue of fraternity,” and “he [Pope Francis] is a buddha” (said by a Buddhist monk); and the general consensus was that anyone who was not in favor of such a unity was spiritually wayward.
When Thomas Merton told the Sufi master that doctrine takes us away from the “spiritual realities” (a mystical state of oneness), he said “much more important is the sharing of the experience of divine light.” In other words, beliefs must be set aside, and in their place is a unity that can be reached through mysticism. All of the world’s major religions have a practice that offers this mystical state.
Just as Merton saw “fana” (Islamic mystical state) as one of the paths to spiritual unity, Pope Francis sees the various religions as one family. He is bringing Thomas Merton’s ideas of unity to the table of global unity among all humanity. Thomas Merton’s “contemplative style” (that Pope Francis referenced to Congress) saw no contradiction between Christianity and Buddhism; and Merton said he wanted to be the best Buddhist he could possibly be.30 When Pope Francis praised Thomas Merton (knowing full well the implications of this), he gave a green light for everyone to embrace interspirituality. And where there is interspirituality, there is no place for the Cross of Jesus Christ.
To order copies of Pope Francis and the Thomas Merton Connection, click here.
1. Pope Francis’ speech to the U.S. Congress in September 2015: http://time.com/4048176/pope-francis-us-visit-congress-transcript.
2. Thomas Merton, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander (Garden City, NY: Doubleday Publishers, 1989), pp. 157-158.
3. Credence Cassettes magazine, Winter/Lent, 1998, p. 24.
4. M. Basil Pennington, Thomas Merton, My Brother (Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 1996), p. 115, citing from The Hidden Ground of Love), pp. 63-64.
5. Nevill Drury, The Dictionary of Mysticism and the Occult (San        Francisco, CA: Harper & Row, 1985), p. 85.
6. Rob Baker and Gray Henry, Editors, Merton and Sufism (Louisville, KY: Fons Vitae, 1999), p. 109.
7. Ibid., p. 110.
8. Ibid., p. 69.
9. Ibid., p. 41.
10. William Shannon, Silent Lamp, The Thomas Merton Story (New York, NY: Crossroad Publishing Company, 1992), p. 276.
11. Ibid., p. 281.
12. Michael Leach (America, May 2, 1992), p. 384.
13. M. Basil Pennington, Centered Living: The Way of Centering Prayer (New York, NY: Doubleday Publishing, Image Book edition, September 1988), p. 10.
14. Sheed & Ward Catalog, Winter/Lent, 1978, p. 12.
15. William Shannon, Seeds of Peace (New York, NY: Crossroad Publishing, 1996), p. 25.
16. Anne A. Simpson, “Resting in God” (Common Boundary magazine, Sept./Oct. 1997, http://www.livingrosaries.org/interview.htm), p. 25.
17. Catechism of the Catholic Church (Urbi et Orbi Communications, 1994), p. 652.
18. Charles More, “A New Pope, a New Primate and a New Life for Christianity” (The Telegraph, March 15, 2013, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/9932996/A-new-Pope-a-new-Primate-anda-new-life-for-Christianity.html).
19. From the AJCU website stated by John Hurley, JD (president Canisius College), “Statements on Pope Francis’ Election from Presidents of AJCU and Jesuit Institutions” (March 14, 2013 http://web.archive.org/web/20150325025014/http://www.ajcunet.edu/news-detail?TN=NEWS-20130314084452).
20. Harvey D. Egan, Soundings in the Christian Mystical Tradition (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2010), p. 227.
21. Pope Francis’ speech to the U.S. Congress in September 2015: http://time.com/4048176/pope-francis-us-visit-congress-transcript.
22. Marilyn Ferguson, The Aquarian Conspiracy (Los Angeles, CA: J.P. Archer, 1980),  p. 57.
23. Sue Monk Kidd, God’s Joyful Surprise (San Francisco, CA: Harper, 1987), p. 56.
24. Sue Monk Kidd, The Dance of the Dissident Daughter (San Francisco, CA: HarperCollins, 1996), p. 76.
25. Ibid., pp. 162-163.
26. Brian C. Taylor, Setting the Gospel Free (New York, NY: Continuum Publishing, 1996), p. 76.
27. Brennan Manning, The Signature of Jesus (Sisters, OR: Multnomah, 1996, Revised Edition), p. 211.
28. Deborah Halter, “Whose Orthodoxy Is It? (National Catholic Reporter, March 11, 2005, http://natcath.org/NCR_Online/archives2/2005a/031105/031105a.php).
29. Can be read at: https://cadeioparliament.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/message-to-pwr.pdf.
30. David Steindl-Rast, “Recollection of Thomas Merton’s Last Days in the West” (Monastic Studies, 7:10, 1969).

To order copies of Pope Francis and the Thomas Merton Connection, click here.


SEE: http://apprising.org/2008/08/28/who-is-thomas-merton/

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

As we prepare to discuss the Contemplative Mystic Thomas Merton we will be entering the very Temple of the Contemplative Spirituality Movement (CSM) itself to touch one of its most “anointed” Buddhas. Those who teach Contemplative Spirituality Mysticism such as Richard Foster, the Quaker mystic who is listed among the “living spiritual teachers” at the Spirituality & Practice website, hold the late Merton in extremely high regard. Regardless, in this article I will show you that Merton taught a “social conversion,” which was a clear rejection of the historic orthodox Christian theology and the absolute necessity for mankind to be born again/regenerated. Merton’s teachings about Contemplative/Centering Prayer (i.e. transcendental meditation) for the inward conversion of man was right in line with the same foolish social gospel preached in liberal theology. And now through so-called “Christian” mysticism this falsehood has been reimagined by Guru Brian McLaren and others in the Emergent Church as their own warped and toxic myth of the Kingdom of God.
Spiritual Director Thomas Merton
A wise man attacks the city of the mighty and pulls down the stronghold in which they trust (Proverbs 21:20).
In the CSM you will much talk about Spiritual Formation (SF) from men like Richard Foster, the Guru of Contemplation, and his faithful sidekick Dallas Willard. One of the main ideas they promote is the need for a Spiritual Director in one’s life. First we turn to a book called Spiritual Direction & Meditationby Thomas Merton, the man Foster says shared “priceless wisdom for all Christians who long to go deeper in the spiritual life.” In it Merton explains the origin for this supposed requirement of “spiritual direction.” As he does you will see where this whole messed up mysticism immediately went off-track. Merton tells us the:
original, primitive meaning of spiritual direction suggests a particular need connected with a special ascetic task, a peculiar vocation for which a professional formation is required. In other words, spiritual direction is a monastic concept. It is a practice which wasunnecessary until men withdrew from the Christian community in order to live as solitaries in the desert. For the ordinary member in the primitive Christian community there was no particular need of personal direction in the professional sense. The bishop, the living and visible representative of the apostle who had founded the local Church, spoke for Christ and the apostles, and, helped by the presbyters, took care of all the spiritual needs of his flock (11, emphasis mine).
In reading the above one must take into account that as a Roman Catholic monk Merton’s view of Church history is badly skewed. However, even with that we can see the whole of this so-called “Christian” mysticism, with its “spiritual formation” and “spiritual directors” teaching their contemplative spirituality began as a rebellion against Biblical authority and the outline for Church leadership in the pastoral epistles. We’ll return to this “monastic concept” later but for now we can see Merton admits that “men withdrew from the Christian community in order to live as solitaries in the desert.” This is where mysticism would enter into their religious life as the eastern “Desert Fathers” began seeking “common ground” with Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus in their worship. There they turned their back on their brothers and sisters in local churches in favor of seeking individual religious experience apart from the prescribed method of worshipping God in this Age of Grace laid out in the New Testament.
As we return to begin looking more specifically at Thomas Merton I want to mention that in his excellent series Mysticism Gary Gilley points out just how deeply Guru Richard Foster is influenced by the mystic monk Thomas Merton. Just a quick aside for those who wonder why I use the title Guru so often with these “spiritual directors” in the Emergent Church like Foster and McLaren; if you are going to assign each other titles from apostate Rome and involve yourselves in trying to teach practices of Eastern mysticism, then a Guru is what you are. Gilley is right when he says of Foster:
Foster cites and/or quotes Merton on at least nine separate occasions in Celebration of Discipline, yet Merton was not a Christian as far as we can tell. He was a twentieth-century Roman Catholic who had so immersed himself in Buddhism that he claimed he saw no contradiction between Buddhism and Christianity and intended to become as good a Buddhist as he could.
But despite his doctrinal views and New Age leanings Foster considers Merton’sContemplative Prayer, “A must book,” and says of Merton, “[He] has perhaps done more than any other twentieth-century figure to make the life of prayer widely known and understood.” Merton wrote, “If only [people] could see themselves as they really are. If only we could see each other that way all the time. There would be no more war, no more hatred, no more cruelty, no more greed…. I suppose the big problem would be that we would fall down and worship each other.”
Merton’s Message
The above quote from Merton comes from his Conjectures Of A Guilty Bystander (CGB) which was first published in 1966 and is a good representation of where his contemplative spirituality ultimately led him. On the back cover we’re told that as he neared “the end of his life” the Mystic Monk “played a significant role in introducing Eastern religions to the West.” Now let’s look at the above quote once again, but this time in its broader context. Beginning on page 156 of CGB Merton is describing an experience he has one day while watching people “in the center of the shopping district.” Merton tells the reader he “was suddenly overwhelmed with the realization that I loved all those people,…even though we were total strangers.” As he continues on describing this epiphany Merton says he comes to understand that the solitary life of a monk creates “the illusion that by making vows we become a different species of being” as it were.
In the following we will catch a glimpse of the universalism which underlies the more liberal vein of theology within apostate Roman Catholicism as Merton says of the monastic life that:
though “out of the world” we are in the same world as everybody else, the world of the bomb, the world of race hatred, the world of technology, the world of mass media, big business, revolution, and all the rest. We take a different attitude to all these things, for we belong to God. Yet so does everybody else belong to God. We just happen to make a profession out of this consciousness (157, emphasis mine).
As one continues to read there is no question Merton is writing in praise of his fellow mankind and downplaying our sinful nature. In fact he even says it “is a glorious destiny to be a member of the human race,” even though it “makes many terrible mistakes.” This love of man is a common theme in the writings I’ve studied by those who are longtime practitioners of Contemplative/Centering Prayer. And with this misapplied love comes an anthropocentric understanding of God. Rather than focusing on how we’ve caused God such grief by these “terrible mistakes,” which are the results of a fallen nature that can only be cured by the Cross of Christ, instead Merton turns things backward when he says:
yet, with all that, God Himself gloried in becoming a member of the human race. A member of the human race! To think that such a commonplace realization should suddenly seem like news that one holds the winning ticket in a cosmic sweepstake. I have the immense joy of being man, a member of a race in which God Himself became incarnate. As if the sorrows and stupidities of the human condition could overwhelm me, and now I realize we all are. And if only everybody could realize this! But it cannot be explained. There is no way of telling people they are all walking around shining like the sun (157).
Now we have the context for the earlier quote and it is beyond question that Merton is literally gushing about what he sees as mankind’s innate goodness. This becomes even clearer as the late mystic comes to believe that his “solitude” really “is not just my own.” This says Merton “is because I am one with them…and when I am alone they are not ‘they’ but my own self.” And what follows is an unmistakable denial of the doctrine of original sin:
Then it was as if I suddenly saw the secret beauty of their hearts, the depths of their hearts where neither sin nor desire nor self-knowledge can reach, the core of their reality, the person that each one is in God’s eyes. If only they could see themselves as they really are. If only we could see each other that way all the time. There would be no more war, no more hatred, no more cruelty, no more greed….I suppose the big problem would be that we would fall down and worship each other. But this cannot be seen, only believed and “understood” by a peculiar gift.
Again, that expression, le point vierge, (I cannot translate it) comes in here. At the center of our being is a point of nothingness which is untouched by sin and by illusion, a point of pure truth, a point or spark which belongs entirely to God, which is never at our disposal, from which God disposes of our lives, which is inaccessible to the fantasies of our mind or the brutalities of our own will. This little point of nothingness and of absolute poverty is the pure glory of God in us. It is so to speak His name written is us, as our poverty, as our indigence, as our dependence, as our sonship. It is like a pure diamond, blazing with the invisible light of heaven. It is in everybody, and if we could see it we would see these billion points of light coming together in the face and blaze of a sun that would all the darkness and cruelty of life vanish completely….I have no program for this seeing. It is only given. But the gate of heaven is everywhere (158).
Clear Contextual Evidence Of The Human Potential Movement
I’ve purposely chosen to include this much of the text of Merton’s book to annihilate the argument that my conclusions have been formed by taking the Mystic Monk out of context. It is beyond question that he is talking about an inner quality of goodness at “the center of our being.” Further he tells us this “point of nothingness” is itself “untouched by sin,” and in line with ancient Gnosticism this divine spark “belongs to God,” and this “point” of deity within mankind “is the pure glory of God in us.” And finally doctrine in agreement with the “Inner Light” of the Quakers comes emerging as Merton tells us this “little point of nothingness” is “in everybody” and is “blazing with the invisible light of heaven.” Men and women, this is a uniform testimony from those I have read who practice contemplative spirituality. So it’s little wonder that in the back of his own booklet Meditative Prayer under “Further Study In Meditation” Guru Foster would call Merton the Mystic Monk’s book Contemplative Prayer, “A powerful analysis of the central nature of contemplative prayer. A must book.”
On Slice Of Laodicea I once posted the abbreviated quote from Merton’s CGB as an example of an anthropocentric denial of original sin and an improper view of mankind’s true nature. And then underneath I placed the following from Christ Jesus the Lord:
What comes out of a person is what defiles him. For from withinout of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person (Mark 7:20-23).
While this would certainly appear to be a flat contradiction by mankind’s Creator Himself of Merton’s mystic teachings above there were quite a few who were unable see that these statements are mutually exclusive and therefore diametrically opposed. Whatever equivocation we’d like to use about Merton his statement stands in its context. He is unquestionably talking about an innate goodness in mankind. Whereas Jesus says in no uncertain terms there is not. This is as old as Genesis 8:21 where He had already said: “I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth.” And we also consider this from the inspired Apostle Paul – ”I know thatnothing good lives in me (Romans 7:18). So the sad story is that sin proceeds out of the heart of man, and every intention of man’s heart is evil, and nothing good is inherent in mankind that would make him worthy of God’s saving him despite what Norman Vincent Peale and his clone Robert Schueller and one of his disciples smilin’ Joel Osteen say to the contrary.
For Men Shall Be Lovers Of Their Own Selves
If you actually read what myself and others have written on Thomas Merton you would know that by the time his life was over he was for all intents and purposes a Buddhist and his theology ended up as panentheistic as the other mystics before him. I documented Merton’s disgusting recounting of his spiritual experience at Polonnaruwa in Thomas Merton And The Buddhas. The information that follows now is from my article Contemplative Prayer And Meditation and was itself literally taken from Merton’s Message at The Thomas Merton Foundation. They are in a much better position to know what this heretic taught than any of us. For the Lord’s sake isn’t it time we finally see what is so blatantly obvious? This simply has no place in Christian theology:
He takes people into deep places within themselves… At the core of Thomas Merton’s spiritual writings is the search for the “true self” and our need for relationship withGod, other people and all of creation… He concludes that we must discover God as the center of our being to which all things tend…
Merton’s interests were prophetic,…he foresaw…the source of the problem [we face] is that man “has become alienated from his inner self which is the image of God.” [The solution] requires a social conversion,… The first step in this turning is a transformation of consciousness and Thomas Merton is a preeminent guide to us in this first step…[and] a spiritual master whose influence crosses generations and religious affiliations.
And as I have previously pointed out, of course it would cross “religious affiliations” because there is no mention of the inherent sin nature of man, or the need for being regenerated, or of the Cross of Christ as the only real solution for sin. What we have just read from a Site sympathetic to Merton could be agreed to by virtually anyone from any spiritual background, and this is precisely my point. It is exactly this same message of New Age spirituality that comes through the “transformation of consciousness” to all those who practice this transcendental meditation long enough to anger God until He finally abandons them to their reprobate mind. (see–Romans 1:18-32)
Men and women, God is not the center of mankind’s being and His image in man was shattered at the Fall. The absolute Truth is that apart from Christ one cannot even begin to restore this imago Dei. This is an appeal for you to see these things taught by demons for what they actually are…the worship of mankind and a major step toward the fulfillment of Satan’s blasphemous boast frozen in time for us by God the Holy Spirit in Isaiah 14:14 – “I will make myself like the Most High.”


SEE: http://apprising.org/2006/05/30/thomas-merton-and-the-buddhas/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God. (Exodus 20:4-5, KJV)
It is simply beyond question that the Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism which Living Spiritual Teacher and Quaker mystic Richard Foster is teaching your pastors is heavily influenced by the late Roman Catholic Trappist monk Thomas Merton.
In his book A Time of Departing Ray Yungen offers this bit of personal testimony in an encounter with Guru Foster: “I attended a local seminar where Richard Foster was speaking. At the end of the meeting, I approached him. Wanting to know more about Foster’s beliefs, I asked, ‘What do you think about the current contemplative prayer movement?’ Foster emphatically told me, ‘Thomas Merton tried to awaken God’s people!’ ”
The Unholy Ground Of Idolatry
What you are about to see is an account from Thomas Merton’s own journal concerning his “total integration” as he observed the huge Buddha statues at Polonnaruwa. This event happened during the tour of Asia he was on in 1968 when he was accidentally electrocuted. As a matter of fact, in the series “Merton Center Occasional Papers” from Merton.org, the website of “The Thomas Merton Center [which] is the official repository of Merton’s artistic estate,” ITMS President Dr. Paul M. Pearson tells us:
In his Asian Journal Merton refered to himself as a pilgrim – “I have left my monastery to come here not just as a research scholar or even as an author. I come as a pilgrim…to drink from ancient sources of monastic vision and experience.” (3)
I now take the following section from the book Thomas Merton: My Brother by the late Spiritual Master M. Basil Pennington who was a fellow Trappist monk and a close friend of Merton’s. It will be presented without comment, but as you read I ask you to consider that Merton’s own account of awe while he stood before these pagan idols is coming from someone many evangelicals today consider to be a Christian.”
Pennington writes: “At Polonnaruwa,…Merton was able to enter into the sanctuary with the solitariness he wanted. The pilgrim took off his shoes and let the dampness of the living earth speak to him. At this point it is not only best but necessary to let Merton speak for himself”:
I am able to approach the Buddhas barefoot and undisturbed, my feet in wet grass, wet sand. Then the silence of the extraordinary faces. The great smiles. Huge and yet subtle. Filled with every possibility, questioning nothing, knowing everything, rejecting nothing, the peace not of emotional resignation but of Madhyamika [the “Middle Path” school of Buddhism], of sunyata [“emptiness, the Void” – a basic concept in Buddhism], that has seen through every question without trying to discredit anyone or anything – without refutation – without establishing some argument. For the doctrinaire, the mind that needs well established positions, such peace, such silence, can be frightening.
I was knocked over with a rush of relief and thankfulness at the obvious clarity of the figures, the clarity and fluidity of shape and line, the design of the monumental bodies composed into the rock shape and landscape, figure rock and tree. And the sweep of bare rock slopping away on the other side of the hollow, where you can go back and see different aspects of the figures. Looking at these figures I was suddenly, almost forcibly, jerked clean out of the habitual, half-tied vision of things, and an inner clearness, clarity, as if exploding from the rocks themselves, became evident and obvious. The queer evidence of the reclining figure, the smile, the sad smile of Ananda standing with arms folded (much more “imperitive” than Da Vinchi’s Mona Lisa because completely simple and straightforward).
The thing about all this is that there is no puzzle, no problem and really no “mystery.” All problems are resolved and everything is clear, simply because what matters is clear. The rock, all matter, all life is charged with dharmakaya… everything is emptiness and everything is compassion. I don’t know when in my life I have ever had such a sense of beauty and spiritual validity running together in one aesthetic illumination. Surely, with Mahabalipuram and Polonnaruwa my Asian pilgrimage had become clear and had purified itself. I mean, I know and have seen what I was obscurely looking for. I don’t know what else remains, but I have now seen and have pierced through the surface and have got beyond the shadow and the disguise.
Basil Pennington then adds, “here through the aesthetic experience that Merton entered into and sought to express the mystical experience…quiet, isolation, simplicity and freshness. There is a wholeness. Merton said he could not express it adequately. He might have added, as did his Cistercian Fathers in speaking of such moments of total integration, that those who have experienced it know what he was talking about, and those who have not should seek the experience so that they will know.”
“Merton did not return to this experience in the few journal entries that would follow. As I have said, a week later he would be dead.” (171,172,173).

Thomas Merton from “Who Cares About The Saints?” with Fr. James Martin, S.J. (Jesuit priest)



John 14:6-“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

To Lighthouse Trails: 
I’ve been noticing a new trend – adult coloring books. The little research I have done links these books with Buddhism. Do you have any information on this new trend?
I just stay away from things like this, but the reason I’m asking is because my 13 year old daughter was introduced to them at Sunday School today. Thankfully I had already warned her about these books, so she knew enough to bring it to my attention. I would like to warn this Sunday School teacher . . .  who is already using these books at her school to calm the “bad” kids down.
As far as I’m concerned it’s just another way for the evil one to come into the church. I am really afraid for people; no one seems to question anything these days.
Thanks for any insight that you can give.
Our Comments:
Much of this idea has been propagated by Sybil MacBeth’s Praying in Color book series.While there is certainly nothing harmful about adults coloring, in and of itself, the idea behind MacBeth’s praying through coloring does have a contemplative spirituality premise. On MacBeth’s website, she gives 8 reasons to color while praying:

1) You want to pray but words escape you.
2) Sitting still and staying focused in prayer are a challenge.
3) Your body wants to be part of your prayer.
4) You want to just hang out with God but don’t know how.
5) Listening to God feels like an impossible task .
6) Your mind wanders and your body complains.
7) You want a visual, concrete way to pray.
8) You Need a new way to pray.

In Sybil MacBeth’s book, Praying in Color: Drawing a New Path to God, the book is endorsed on the back cover by emergent writer Phyllis Tickle (a colleague of Brian McLaren). In that book, MacBeth speaks frequently about the contemplative practice called lectio divina, a meditative practice. With Tickle’s endorsement and the promotion of contemplative practices, we must question what MacBeth’s “new path” to God is. A look at the endnotes in the book may provide an answer to that question. She cites Thomas Merton (panentheistic contemplative Catholic monk), Parker Palmer (New Age sympathizer), and Tony Jones (contemplative emergent leader).
In a 2015 Religious News Service article titled “Coloring books for grown-ups: Calming — but a spiritual practice?,” it states:

Alison Gary used to go to church on Sunday mornings, but lately she’s embraced a different ritual: staying home and coloring with her 6-year-old daughter, Emerson. . . . “Emerson and I color almost every Sunday morning,” Gary said, while her husband, a yoga teacher, cooks and listens to music. “I let my mind let go, and I feel more connected to the world, more centered. . . . Gary is not the only grown-up rediscovering the contemplative joys of what once was considered a childish pastime. . . . Many books feature circular mandalas and Zen patterns, as well as mystical peacocks. . . . While adult coloring is mostly being marketed as a balm for the stress of modern life, many fans, like Gary, also describe it in spiritual terms.
Which raises the obvious question: Can coloring seriously be considered a spiritual practice? Some may scoff, but “it can become more than just coloring, if you want it to,” said Sybil MacBeth, author of the 2007 book “Praying in Color.” . . . MacBeth shares techniques to “incorporate the intention of prayer into coloring,” by doodling names of people or events, and intercessory requests such as healing and peace. MacBeth, a “dancer, doodler and former community college math professor” married to a retired Episcopal priest, believes coloring and doodling can be powerful prayer practices — a revelation she stumbled upon by accident. (source)

Praying in color or adult coloring books is another deceptive scheme of the enemy to get people to enter the dangerous contemplative silence that is rooted in New Age style meditation.

Sybil MacBeth: I Get Still By Moving

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Sybil MacBeth is a dancer, a doodler, and a former community college mathematics professor. When she moved to Memphis in 2004, author Phyllis Tickle nudged Sybil to write about her prayer frustrations and the visual and active prayer practice she developed as the result of them. She now combines her experience in the mathematics classroom with her lifelong love of prayer to offer workshops that engage differing learning styles. As the author of Praying in Color Drawing a New Path to God, she has lead over 100 workshops and retreats. 
“I use this prayer involving art as a form of meditation to get still. I write the word ‘God’ or ‘Holy Spirit’ on a piece of paper. I start drawing and it invites my body into the prayer. I like to move and I’ve discovered that I get still by moving … even if it’s just moving my hand along the paper. It helps me get still on the inside because the body is no longer a distraction.” ~Sybil MacBeth
Sybil is also the author of Praying in Color Kids’ Edition. Her latest book is a Praying in Black and White: A Hands-On Practice for Men, a collaborative effort with her Episcopal priest husband, Andy MacBeth.Praying in Color has been translated into Korean, Spanish, and Italian.
She encourages others to embrace their creativity by saying, “Sometimes your boundaries are your freedom. Use the boundary as a starting off point. Choose to only draw circles. Or restrict your doodle to circles and lines and see what happens. That way you don’t have this whole big paper staring at you — those restrictions can allow you to be free.”
Sybil uses the arts as a pathway for building community and deepening her relationship with God. She is a life-long dancer. Sybil studied ballet and modern dance and performed with various regional dance groups. She currently dances with an improv dance group.
She commented, “Sometimes you become an expert by being a chronic novice — always willing to learn and willing to continue to grow.”
Sybil’s experience includes:
  • Artist-in-Residence Memphis Theological Seminary 2010-2011.
  • Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Tidewater Community College in Virginia Beach from 1991 to 2004.
  • Graduated from Randolph-Macon College with a B.S. in Mathematics and College of William and Mary with an. M.S. in Mathematics.
She lives in Memphis, TN with her husband, Andy, an Episcopal priest.  Sybil is the mother of two adult sons.
Find out more about Sybil, her books and workshops at www.prayingincolor.com.

Religion Book Review: Praying in Color:
“Drawing a New Path to God”



“I Could Tell You About Phyllis Tickle…But I Won’t.”

SEE: http://prayingincolor.com/i-could-tell-you-about-phyllis-tickle-but-i-wont; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

“I could tell you about ______________, but I won’t.” *
  • I could tell you about emailing Phyllis to tell her about our potential move to Memphis in 2004 and her generous three-page response with the history of the city… but I won’t.
  • I could tell you about how I showed my notebook of doodled prayers to Phyllis at our first lunch together in Memphis and she said, “You’re going to write a book.”
  • I could tell you about not having had a mentor at age 15 or 25 or 35…or until 55 when Phyllis became one for me.
  • I could tell you about how Phyllis mothered me through the process of writing Praying in Color.
  • I could tell you about the instructions she gave me to get rid of the Imposter Syndrome when I felt like a loser and thought I had no business writing a book.
  • I could tell you about my husband Andy and me going to the Farm at Lucy (her home) for 4:30pm dinners so she could be in bed by 7pm.
  • I could tell you about how her husband Sam kicked her out of the kitchen when he retired saying, “I never liked your cooking anyway,” and cooked the meals from then on.
  • I could tell you about eating Sam’s weird concoctions of squash and tomatoes and okra from their garden on the Farm.
  • I could tell you about the hundreds of books on the shelves in Lucy that have dedications and acknowledgments to Phyllis Tickle written in them.
  • I could tell you about how every time I look at my dining room table I picture Phyllis and Sam seated there for a dozen Christmas, Easter, and Birthday dinners.
  • I could tell you about substituting portobello mushrooms for ground lamb in a classic moussaka recipe so vegetarian Phyllis could eat it.
  • I could tell you about how she would read any manuscript sent to her and respond to every email and text.
  • I could tell you about our visit with Phyllis in late April at the Farm and the strawberries, glasses of sparkling water and wine, and goodbye kisses that (unknown to us at the time) would be our last ones with her.Phyllis Last Visit Collage Resized
  • I could tell you about how she emailed Andy and me the following day to say she hadn’t wanted to ruin our visit with the news that she had only four months to live.
  • I could tell you about our shock at the news because she looked so vital and radiant when we saw her.
  • I could tell you about a woman who was unafraid to die because she had done that in her 20’s and had seen the Light.
  • I could tell you about the first ever unanswered text and prayer I sent to Phyllis on September 19.
  • I could tell you about how infinitely grateful I am that she shared herself and her wisdom with so many of us in her four-score and one years.
  • I could tell you about how different my life would be without Phyllis Tickle in it.
  • I could tell you about how I am less afraid to die knowing that Sam and Phyllis have preceded me into the Kingdom of Heaven… but I won’t.
* For about 15 years I have been an InterPlayer. InterPlay, founded by Cynthia Winton-Henry and Phil Porter, is a set of playful practices and structures/forms that build community and reunite us with the wisdom of our bodies and our stories. One of those forms is called “I could tell you about…but I won’t.” It’s a great way to tell a story or relay information and not bore the listener with too many details.

“The Great Emergence” by Phyllis Tickle


SEE: http://apprising.org/2008/09/30/who-is-phyllis-tickle/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. (2 Timothy 4:3-4, NASB)
Phyllis, Will You Please Tickle Our Ears…
In “The Great Emergence: A Reformation Every 500 Years” Roger Oakland of Understanding the Timestells us, “Phyllis Tickle is a best-selling author and the founding editor of the religion department atPublishers Weekly. She is also a friend of the emerging church.” Ah, but these days who isn’t, eh.
From the Lighthouse… also points out:
In the fall of 2008, Baker Books (through their partnership with Emergent Village-Emersion Books) will release Tickle’s book called The Great Emergence. The following description of the book confirms Tickle’s allegiance to emerging spirituality:
[I]ntended to provide a practical, positive vision of the church as it steps into the future. Tickle says the book will discuss the development of the emerging church, what she calls the “Great Emergence,” placing it among the other great phenomena in the history of Christianity, including the Great Schism and the Great Reformation. “Every 500 years,” Tickle said, “the empowered structures of institutionalized Christianity, whatever they may be, become an intolerable carapace that must be shattered so that renewal and growth may occur. Now is such a time.”2
In a PBS interview, Tickle referred to this “[e]very 500 years” theory and said, “the church has a giant rummage sale.” She said, “Christianity is in the midst of a new reformation that will radically remake the faith.”3 At the Joint Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) where Tickle and McLaren shared a platform, one participant noted that, “[Tickle said] Brian McLaren is to this new reformation what Martin Luther was to the Protestant Reformation.”4 (source)
You know, as fast as evangelicalism is apostatizing before our eyes Tickle might just be right after all about the awful impact of Emergence Christianity Swami Brian McLaren; though what McLaren’s likely to bring about would be better stated in emergence-ese: De-reformation. But this would all seem to explain why at the Emergent Village website in a post called “Phyllis Tickle To Write Book For Baker/Emersion” we’re informed that:
Phyllis Tickle, founding editor of the religion department at Publishers Weekly, will write a book on emerging Christianity for Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group. The book, whose current working title is The Great Emergence, will be the seventh in Baker’s ēmersion series, a partnership between Baker Books and Emergent Village, intended to provide a practical, positive vision of the church as it steps into the future. (Online source)
And in that same post quasi-universalist Emergent Church pastor Doug Pagitt also lavishes his high praise for Tickle and her book The Great Emergence (TGE):
“Phyllis Tickle is the best friend the emergent movement could ever have,” said Doug Pagitt, series editor for ēmersion. “She’s a keen observer of the American church scene. She’s also gracious and wise. Her books, from The Divine Hours to her memoirs, are essential reading. We look forward to the release of The Great Emergence with much anticipation.” (ibid.)
Over at his website Pagitt then encouraged us “to attend The Great Emergence Event December 5-6 in Memphis. It is going to be an excellent event”. As we follow the link to The Great Emergence Event(TGEE) we’re enlightened:
‘The Great Emergence’ refers to a monumental phenomenon in our world, and this book asks three questions about it. Or looked at the other way around, this book is about a monumental phenomenon considered from the perspective of three very basic questions: What is this thing? How did it come to be? Where is it going?”
So begins Phyllis Tickle’s extraordinary new book, The Great Emergence: How Christianity Is Changing and Why. In this much-anticipated book, Tickle brings her encyclopedic knowledge of American religion to bear on the current shifts in the Christian landscape. Paired with her Southern wit and charm, The Great Emergence promises to be the bellwether book in emerging Christianity.
The Great Emergence National Event is a unique and freshly designed event built on innovative adult learning techniques including interaction, participation, and inspiring content on the current state of and future possibilities for Christianity. Around the four main sessions with Phyllis Tickle, participants will also enjoy the daily office—thrice daily times of prayer—based on Phyllis Tickle’s bestselling book, The Divine Hours, in the majestic and historic Cathedral of St. Mary in Memphis, Tennessee, which will be bedecked with Advent greenery. (Online source)
So quite obviously there’s no little excitement around Emerging Church circles about Phyllis Tickle, as well as her aforementioned book, poised as they are to tell these fickle folk what they want to hear. Please keep in mind this piece is not designed to be exhaustive, but rather, is simply pointing you to some information in order to introduce you to Tickle. For more detailed coverage of Phyllis Tickle, who is essentially the Empress of Emergence, Apprising Ministries refers you to “See also” below.
But here you can see for yourselves that not a few of Tickle’s associations are, at best, rather questionable. We’ve already noted that Emerging Church Pastor Doug Pagitt lavishes his high praise for Tickle and her book TGE. In Christianity 21: Emerging Voices Of A Pseudo-Christian Faith you’ll see that Tickle is among the 21 women “voices” that Pagitt, and his “theologian in residence” Tony Jones excitedly inform us are going to be revealing “the way the Christianity will be changing in coming days”.
Then at her website we read the following endorsement from an apostate Episcopal “Bishop and Primate”:
“Phyllis Tickle offers a creative and provocative overview of multiple social and cultural changes in our era, their relation to previous major paradigm shifts, and their particular impact on North American Christianity. This is an immensely important contribution to the current conversation about new and emerging forms of Christianity in a post-modern environment—and a delight to read!”
—The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori,
Presiding Bishop and Primate,
The Episcopal Church (Online source)
Scratching The Surface Of Tickle’s Quite Questionable Spiritual Associations
Next, in Tickle’s “About” section we’re informed that Phyllis Tickle is:
founding editor of the Religion Department of PUBLISHERS WEEKLY, the international journal of the book industry, is frequently quoted in sources like USA TODAY, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, NY TIMES, as well as in electronic media like PBS, NPR, THE HALLMARK CHANNEL, etc., Tickle is an authority on religion in America and a much sought after lecturer on the subject… Tickle is currently a Senior Fellow of Cathedral College of the Washington National Cathedral. A founding member of The Canterbury Roundtable, she serves now, as she has in the past, on a number of advisory and corporate boards. A lay eucharistic minister and lector in the Episcopal Church,… (Online source)
We note first that Tickle’s “currently a Senior Fellow of Cathedral College of the Washington National Cathedral” (WNC). The WNC website gives us some background concerning its “interfaith” message:
Washington National Cathedral is a church for national purposes called to embody God’s love and to welcome people of all faiths and perspectives. A unique blend of the spiritual and the civic, this Episcopal Cathedral is a voice for generous-spirited Christianity and a catalyst for reconciliation and interfaith dialogue to promote respect and understanding. We invite all people to share in our commitment to create a more hopeful and just world. (Online source)
Following the link to the Cathedral College (CC) we see that CC is indeed an extention of that spiritual blackhole of postliberal theology aka “Progressive Christianity” known as WNC:
For almost 80 years, the Cathedral College has served as the pre-eminent center of continuing education dedicated to strengthening and sustaining those called to ministries of proclamation. (Online source)
The what of this “proclamation” is our concern. The WNC website also gives us the lowdown on their sacred circles, labyrinth, and Center for Prayer and Pilgrimage; where, but of course, we can learn more about “Prayer and Contemplation,” which is referring to Contemplative/Centering Prayer:
The Center for Prayer and Pilgrimage invites you to explore its diverse offerings of spiritual growth through communities gathered in prayer, devotional practices, and reflection. Except as noted, gatherings meet in the center, located on the crypt level of the Cathedral and accessible through the Visitor’s Center or Resurrection Chapel.
Benedictine Life and Prayer
Mondays, 6 pm in the CCPP

Explore the principles of living a balanced life, and learn more about the ecumenical cathedral-based Community of Reconciliation. Each gathering concludes with Centering Prayer.
Centering Prayer
Tuesdays, 6–7 pm; Wednesdays, 8–8:30 am

Open your entire being to God’s presence during this time of silent prayer as you move beyond thoughts, words and emotions into a quiet communion with the Divine. The Tuesday sessions include a time for teaching and discussion.
Christian Meditation: Silence, Stillness, Simplicity
Fourth Saturdays, 10–11 am

Experience a rhythm of contemplative prayer that includes a reading from one of the great contemplatives, a period of silent meditation, and time for sharing and reflection.
(Online source)
Frankly, there’s just too much spiritual chicanery going on in the Cathedral of Compromise for me to even share here. Returning more specifically to Phyllis Tickle we find even more questionable associations under the “RELATED ACTIVITIES/CURRENT” of her resume. Not the least of which was her being part of “Board of Advisors, The Mary Baker Eddy Library, emerita”. For those who may not know Mary Baker Eddy was the founder of the non-Christian cult of Christian Science, which was neither Christian nor science striking out on both accounts.
As one trained in counter-cult evangelism I would have to say that this is certainly a rather odd association for a Christian and one which is certainly not in line with 2 Corinthians 6:14-15. So being charitable my guess is Tickle also, at least, adheres to the postliberal/progressive theology spewed at WNC. This would also seem to be further confirmed from one other thing found in the RELATED ACTIVITIES/CURRENT section of Tickle’s resume. Without a doubt her involvement on the “Editorial Board” at Explore Faith (EF) is a smoking gun of spurious spirituality.
From the “About Us” section website of EF we meet the rest of this Editorial Board and among them we see a champion of the postliberal “Progessive Christianity” scholar Marcus Borg, whom some tout as aLiving Spiritual Teacher. In the AM post Marcus Borg Vs. Jesus you’ll clearly see by his own words that he has about as much affinity with the genuine Christian faith as I do with Buddhism. And as we check out who’s listed among their “Saints, Prophets and Spiritual Guides” we have very serious reason to question just what kind of “faith” it is that we’re exploring here:
On the following pages, explorefaith.org offers a subjective look at some of the spiritual teachers who have shaped our lives. These essays are by no means comprehensive. Numerous Web Sites catalogue different saints and spiritual guides in great detail (and we will provide links to a few of the best).
Our coverage is intended to show what these people can mean to us now, how they can help us envision new realties in which a relationship with God is the core from which all thoughts and actions spread. Here our explorefaith writers have mused about the spiritual teachers in their lives who continue to give them guidance and help them discover new avenues of devotion deep within. It is our hope that their essays may kindle thoughts of those spiritual teachers who have molded your life, and perhaps spur you to explore a few you might not have known. (Online source)
Men and women, the “spiritual teachers” listed there who supposedly “can help us envision new realities” literally reads like a who’s who of unregenerate pagans such as Guru Ram Dass, Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hahn, the Sufi Muslim Rumi, and heretical so-called “Christian” mystics like Catherine of SienaTeresa of Avila and Thomas Merton. This is in line with the following stupid statement from another darling of Emergence—Rob Bell—which we covered in Through Rob Bell “The Great Enlightened Ones” Tell Us Man Has Divine Greatness:
It’s interesting how many traditions (pause) When you read the great enlightened ones; meditation, centering prayer, reflection—in every tradition you can find the mystics—and what’s always at the heart of the spiritual lives, the everyday lives of the great ones was always a period of time.
Whether it’s prayers, chanting, meditation, reflection, study—whatever you call it—what is it essentially; it’s taking time to breathe. Because when you’ve been breathing, (slight pause) in a proper sort of way, you’re far better equipped to handle what life throws your way. (I will say it again, and again, and again, 5:41-6:23)
So as we now think back to where we began with this article, we remember Doug Pagitt telling us that “Phyllis Tickle is the best friend the emergent movement could ever have”; and also, Tony Jones and his pastor Pagitt telling us Tickle is among those “most important voices for the future” that will supposedly “shape the future of our faith.” Well, I find myself wondering: Just what kind of faith is it that Phyllis Tickle has these folks and their Emergent/ing/ence Church (same spiritual sewer) so excited about; because it most certainly isn’t the historic orthodox Christian faith.
See also:





Adelynrood is a conference and retreat center in the woods of Byfield, MA north of Boston. It was started about a hundred years ago by the Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross. The “companions” are a group of women all around the world who commit their individual lives (wherever they live) to a Rule of Intercessory Prayer, Thanksgiving and Simplicity of Life. Their prayer goals include “the Unity of all God’s People, God’s Mission in the World, and Social Justice.”
Our Children – The Primary Target 
of the New Age One-World Religion
http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2015/newsletter20151019.htmrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, 
and research purposes:

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the Future!1—Adolph Hitler

The traditional Christian family has been a continual obstacle to the globalist vision of solidarity. . . . the United Nations and its mental health gurus have fought hard to eradicate those old “poisonous certainties” that stood in their way. . . . The results can be disastrous. Students trained to scorn God’s guidelines and conform to the crowd are . . . soon driven by evolving new notions that undermine all truth and certainty. 2—Carl Teichrib (research journalist)

 A counterfeit hope surges through our society today: We can do it! We can re-create the earth and complete the evolutionary process. When we eliminate national and spiritual barriers, we will be one. By becoming a part of the “cosmic” stream of consciousness around the world, we can become a superrace, the true global family of God.
The seeds of this utopian dream were sown by John Dewey. Nurtured by the warm friendship between humanist NEA and UNESCO, one-worldism sank its roots deep into every level of public education. The late Dr. Robert Muller, former Under-Secretary of the United Nation’s Economic and Social Council, unmasked the movement’s spiritual nature in his book on global education, New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality:

 On a universal scale, humankind is seeking no less than its reunion with the “divine,” its transcendence into ever higher forms of life. Hindus call our earth Brahma, or God, for they rightly see no difference between our earth and the divine. This ancient simple truth is slowly dawning again upon humanity . . . as we are about to enter our cosmic age and to become what we were always meant to be: the planet of God.3

 To “evolving” New Agers, the end goal of global oneness justifies any questionable ways or means. It is not surprising then to find classrooms teaching steps and carrying out curricula that work toward fulfilling this lofty vision. The formula that substitutes counterfeit values for God’s wisdom can also change the world: crush the old; then out of the ashes will rise a new earth—a world free from guilt, fear, oppression, and poverty. The time is ripe to buy the lie.
This transformation has vastly accelerated as millions around the globe await the New Age/New Spirituality world of harmony, love, and oneness—a world of evolved god-men all following the wisdom of Self. Discernment Research Group at the Herescope blog explains the crucial role that education (the transformation of it) plays in bringing this new world to the forefront:

 Education is a key vehicle to implement Robert Muller’s “vision” for a New Age. . . . [Muller’s] education curriculum served as a spiritual and political model, based on the metaphysical beliefs of Theosophy, for education reform in the United States and around the world. Muller’s spiritual framework was particularly appealing to globalists and futurists, many of whom were the architects of the transformation of education.4

A New World Religion
To inspire a consciousness explosion, many New Age leaders are determined to win a critical mass of minds. Children will be the prime target of the “missionary” efforts, and schools their greatest battlefield.
William Bennett exposes this ominous blend of public school curriculum, New Age spirituality, and cosmic dreams:

 Another legacy from the Age of Aquarius that has been enshrined in too many of our social studies curricula is a disturbing anti-rational bias. Curriculum guides for . . . global education are shot through with calls for “raised consciousness,” for students and teachers to view themselves “as passengers on a small cosmic spaceship,” for classroom activities involving “intuiting,” “imaging,” or “visioning” a “preferred future.”
 Two proponents of such curricula have offered a candid caution: “These exercises may seem dangerous to your logical thought patterns. For best results, suspend your judging skills and prepare to accept ideas that seem silly and/or impractical.” Well, if we’re going to give up critical judgment, we’d better give up the game of education altogether.5

While “raised consciousness” and “visioning” sound too mystical for admission into many schools, a new form of religious education does not. Teaching about the major world religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity, the curricula emphasize the universal “truths” and historical values of each. That sounds fair and innocuous, until we remember that New Age globalism calls for a one-world religion—a persuasive union of all supposed paths to eternal life. Since biblical Christianity doesn’t fit the formula, some of these courses have—in the hands of “progressive” teachers—become a platform for criticizing Christian exclusiveness and promoting Eastern meditation. Speaking to many of the world’s religious and political leaders, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Runcie, articulated this New Age formula for spiritual oneness in a global community. Notice the apologetic and compromising version of “Christianity”:

 Behind [this resurgence of religions] lies a widespread pessimism about the future of humankind, and unsatisfied longing for alternative paths to salvation.
All the centuries that the Spirit of God had been working in Christians, He must also have been working in Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, and all the others. . . . This will mean that some claims about the exclusiveness of the Church will have to be renounced.6

 In April of 1988, representatives of Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism met with political leaders from over forty nations to “solve” the world’s problems. This Global Conference of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival was sponsored by the Temple of Understanding, a global interfaith organization, which was founded with the support of such dignitaries as the Dalai Lama, Indian Prime Minister Nehru, Eleanor Roosevelt, Popes John XXIII and Paul VI. The Temple is an inveritable “hotbed of international dialogue and outright promotion of Eastern mysticism,” working in a “consultive status” with the United Nations and offering interfaith programs for youth. Guest speakers have included such New Age advocates as Donald Keys, David Spangler, and Benjamin Creme (who has heralded the coming of Lord Maitreya, “The Christ,” for many years).7

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. (Matthew 24:24)

 Just to show you what really lies behind the New Age plan for a coming “Christ,” listen to Benjamin Creme describe this “Messiah”:

 In the esoteric tradition, the Christ is not the name of an individual but of an Office in the Hierarchy. The present holder of that Office, the Lord Maitreya, has held it for 2,600 years, and manifested in Palestine through His Disciple, Jesus, by the occult method of overshadowing, the most frequent form used for the manifestation of Avatars. He has never left the world, but for 2,000 years has waited and planned for this immediate future time, training His Disciples, and preparing Himself for the awesome task which awaits Him. He has made it known that this time, He Himself will come.8

 The Bible tells us that one day, a man will come on the scene who will proclaim himself to be God and will demand that all of humanity worship him. Children throughout the world are being conditioned to accept him even now.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4)

The “Sin of Separateness”
Because unity is essential for creating a critical mass, many New Age leaders join in condemning the hindering influence of the church. Their objection? Its “negative energy” blocks the envisioned, long-anticipated evolutionary breakthrough. As you have seen, this belief has filtered into the classroom.
Thus, anyone who follows God becomes guilty of the only sins in the New Age: unbelief and separateness. Christians who refuse to share the global vision and join the evolutionary march will reap persecution as Scripture indicates (e.g., 2 Timothy 3:12). For Satan, the counterfeit angel of light, hates all who shine the true light of Christ into the world. The New Age book Spiritual Politics lays out the plan for the “Age of Aquarius” where all are united and all believe they are God. Unity among all humanity will be essential and non-negotiable, they believe, for this global unification and divinity realized to take place:

According to Ageless Wisdom, there really is only one sin—separateness. In the early years of World War II, Alice Bailey noted that we will achieve peace in the world only after we first create unity. . . . The persistence of war is more likely to spring from rampant nationalism, ethnocentrism, and intolerant religious fundamentalism–all extreme and separative attitudes.9

 God is not surprised at this diabolical deception. Long ago, He warned us that the Antichrist would one day rule the world and persecute Christians:

 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. (Revelation 13:7-8)

Meanwhile, God calls us to remain separate. As His holy people, we cannot join the forces of the Antichrist:

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? . . . And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate. (2 Corinthians 6:14-17)

 Since our children belong to God, He takes care of them. If they have to share in some of the persecution, He will be with them to protect, shield, and render unto them spiritual compensations that far exceed their physical suffering. Let Him encourage your family with these words:

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. . . . fear not, neither be dismayed. (Deuteronomy 31:6, 8)

 While world leaders seek “helpful” religions that serve their purposes, our gracious, almighty, and omnipotent Lord watches over those who have wholly put their trust in Him. Refusing to compromise, they walk the narrow road—but never alone. Their Shepherd walks with them no matter how rocky the road or lonely the miles.
Like His faithful pilgrims through the ages, they know Whom to thank whether their days are filled with sunshine or rain, and freedom or restraints. Trusting His love and His faithfulness, they praise Him for His strength through life’s storms and for peace amidst problems. For He has promised never to leave them. So “in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Romans 8:37).

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Our children are not immune to the world’s messages. They hear the same tempting voices, the same “positive affirmations” that others hear and follow. Concerned about their spiritual safety, our Shepherd reminds them:

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. (Romans 12:2-3)

 Unless we help our children build a mental framework and filter based on biblical truth, the world’s philosophies will squeeze them into its mold. Therefore, it is essential that they see God as the only ultimate source of wisdom, power, and triumph.

 The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. (Psalm 18:2-3)

(Extract from Berit Kjos’ new release, How to Protect Your Child From the New Age & Spiritual Deception – chapter 7.)
1. Adolf Hitler speech at the Reichsparteitag, 1935 (can listen on www.youtube.com).
2. Carl Teichrib, “Education for a New World” (Kjos Ministries website, http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/forcing-change/12/8-education.htm).
3. Robert Muller, New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality (New York, NY: Doubleday and Co., 1982), p. 49.
4. “Muller’s Plan for a World Spiritual Renaissance & Education” (Herescope Blog, Discernment Research Group, October 30, 2005, https://ratherexposethem.org/2005/10/mullers-plan-for-world-spiritual.html).
5. Raymond English, Teaching International Politics in High School (University Press of America, 1989), p. 9, citing William Bennett.
6. “An Emerging Coalition: Political and Religious Leaders Come Together,” A Special Report (North Bay, ON: The Omega Letter, November 1988), p. 2, citing Robert Runcie.
7. Ibid., p. 3.
8. Warren B. Smith, False Christ Coming: Does Anybody Care? (Magalia, CA: Mountain Stream Press, 2011), p. 47, quoting Benjamin Creme in The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom (North Hollywood, CA: The Tara Press, 1980), p. 30.
9. Corinne McLaughlin and Gordon Davidson, Spiritual Politics (New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 1994), p. 147.


T.D. Jakes

Enlarged October 20, 2015 (first published September 11, 2001) (David Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org)


Thomas D. Jakes, known popularly as T.D., is a Church of God in Christ motivational speaker and pastor of the Potter’s House, a megachurch in Dallas, Texas. His book Woman, Thou Art Loosed has sold millions of copies. He has been nominated for a Grammy for his music and has his own line of Hallmark greeting cards. 
This dynamic speaker grew up in Charleston, West Virginia, and was raised Baptist but switched to Pentecostal after “speaking in tongues” at a storefront Apostolic church. He was married in 1980 and has twin sons. His far-flung itinerant preaching ministry was based for many years in West Virginia, but in 1996 he moved to Texas and founded the Potter’s House, purchasing property formerly belong to W.V. Grant’s Eagle’s Nest Family Church for $3.2 million. 

For the 25th anniversary of Jake’s ministry in 2001, 
Time magazine featured him on its cover and called him “America’s Best Preacher.” The Time article absolutely resonated in praise for Jakes: “He is a virtuoso, a prodigy. The only thing more exhilarating than the style of T.D. Jakes’ sermons is their rigor and compassion…It’s Oprah-in-a-pulpit.” The article observe that Jake’s “enthusiasts can adopt an awed tone not unlike acolytes of bebop jazz in the ‘50s or grunge in the early 1990s.” 

Such praise from a worldly magazine that regularly mocks things pertaining to Jesus Christ and challenges the authority of the Bible sends up strong warning signals for Bible believers, because Jesus Christ said, “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets” (Luke 6:26). When this wicked world loves a preacher, something is wrong! 

In Jakes’ case, it is not too difficult to understand his popularity. He preaches a positive, self-esteem-building message. 

Jakes holds the positive-only, avoid-controversy, judge-not New Evangelical philosophy. Like New Evangelicals in general, Jakes says many good things. He can encourage discouraged women to trust in God. He can challenge selfish fathers to be the committed family men they ought to be. He can bring interesting and challenging things out of his Scripture texts. He preaches many good things. A major problem with T.D. Jakes and every other New Evangelical is not the error that he teaches but the truth that he neglects. There are so many biblical truths that he will never deal with, such as separation and sacrifice. His preaching against sin and error is in generalities. 

In an interview with 
Charisma magazine, December 16, 1996, Jakes was asked what he believes about women as pastors. He replied: “I try to avoid setting myself up as a judge to tell anybody what God did or did not call them to do. There are many women who are celebrated as ministers: Marilyn Hickey, Joyce Meyer, Jackie McCullough, Dr. Iona Locke, Ernestine Reems and Iverna Tompkins. Many women are making a contribution to the body of Christ.” Thus, in regard to the hard issues, T.D. Jakes is a fence-straddler. In spite of the clear teaching of the Word of God, in spite of the fact that the apostle Paul solemnly forbade women to preach or usurp authority over men (1 Tim 2:12), Jakes refuses to judge whether it is right or wrong for a woman to be a pastor. He refuses to enter into controversy and risk destroying his popularity. Instead of basing his answer on the Word of God, he bases it on pragmatism. He points to women who appear to be successful in the ministry. In other words, if it works, it must be right.

Jakes is ecumenical. He has often spoken at Promise Keepers and other ecumenical forums, and he supported the heretic Robert Schuller. 

Jakes appears with and supports the most radical of today’s charismatics, including Paul and Jan Crouch and Trinity Broadcasting Network. This is the network that has helped popularize such unscriptural practices and dangerous phenomena as hysterical laughing, spirit slaying, Christian rock & roll, healing in the atonement, and evangelical Catholicism. 

Jakes himself practices the unscriptural and dangerous “spirit slaying,” whereby people are knocked to the floor, allegedly by the Holy Spirit.

In August 1995, Jakes appeared at Oral Roberts University with a lineup of some of the biggest names in the Word-faith movement, including R.W. Schambach, Lester Sumrall, and T.L. Osborn. One of Jakes’ fellow speakers at that conference was Rodney Howard-Browne, who blasphemously calls himself the “Holy Ghost bartender” because of the strange drunkenness that has manifested during his meetings. 

Jakes believes in the prosperity gospel. Like many of the Trinity Broadcasting Network preachers, Jakes falsely claims that Jesus was rich and that God wants us to be rich, too. He and his wife live in a $1.7 million mansion. When raising funds for the Trinity Broadcasting Network, Jakes uses the unscriptural prosperity gospel message that has worked so well for many of the Pentecostals. He told the TBN audience that if they give to TBN, God will give them prosperity in everything, money, marriage, romance, etc.

I saw Jakes preaching on the television in 2001, and right in the midst of his preaching he began babbling away in mutterings he called “tongues.” In direct disobedience to the Bible, there was not even an attempt to interpret the “tongues.” 

Jakes admits that he formerly preached “Jesus Only” or “Oneness” theology, which rejects the doctrine of the Trinity. But he still faces two ways on this important issue. In a conversation in the Elephant Room, held at First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, January 2012, Jakes said on one hand that he has moved away from a Oneness view to embrace the Trinity as “one God, three Persons.” But he hastened to say that he still “prefers” the term “manifestations,” believes that men on both sides of the issue are “saying the same thing,” and fellowships with those on all sides. He issued no repentance for the fact that by his own admission he preached Oneness heresy for years. In fact, he is still at least sympathetic to Oneness theology, still defends its unscriptural terminology (by the misuse of 1 Timothy 3:16, for example), still falsely claims that this doctrine is an issue of “seeing through a glass darkly” and thus no one has the issue right, and refuses to obey the Bible by separating from heretics. 

In fact, he’s not sure there are any heretics, and he’s far too busy promoting unity to worry much about them, even if they exist.
In a 2015 interview with the Huffington Post, Jakes not only fudged about the issue of homosexuality, he also questioned the divine inspiration of Paul’s epistles, which is a fundamental error. Instead of plainly stating what the Bible teaches about homosexuality, Jakes described his views as “evolved and evolving.” To justify evolution in doctrinal and moral thinking, he used the example of the apostle Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 11, saying, “Paul spends a lot of time wrestling back and forth, trying to understand should a woman wear a head covering, should you cut your hair. I mean, they grappled back then and we’re grappling now because we’re humans and we are flawed and we’re not God” (“T.D. Jakes Comes Out for ‘Gay Rights’ and ‘LGBT Churches,” Christian News Network
, Aug. 7, 2015). This is a frightful and terrible error on the part of a supposed Bible-believing pastor. Paul was not “grappling” with anything that he wrote in 1 Corinthians 11. He was writing under divine inspiration, which is why he prefaced the chapter by commending the church for keeping his teaching (1 Cor. 11:1-2). Yes, the preacher is human and not God, but the preacher has the infallible Word of God in the canon of Scripture, and he has the Spirit of God as his Interpreter, and he is solemnly commissioned to preach God’s Word without question and compromise, in season and out of season (2 Tim. 4:1-2). God has spoken on the issue of homosexuality. There is no more for a preacher to say than what God has already said. 

America’s preachers are her fundamental problem. America doesn’t fear God today because America’s preachers don’t preach the fear of God. Like T.D. Jakes, they are too busy building megachurches by preaching smooth things (e.g., motivational psychology). 

“Therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts concerning the prophets; Behold, I will feed them with wormwood, and make them drink the water of gall: for from the prophets of Jerusalem is profaneness gone forth into all the land. … But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings” (Jeremiah 23:15, 22).
SEE KEN SILVA’S APPRISING: http://apprising.org/category/td-jakes/ 

Oprah and Bishop T.D. Jakes Satanic False Prophets EXPOSED !!!

T. D. Jakes EXPOSED says there are Many Paths to God


Super hero turns “socialist”
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/new-villains-in-captain-america-comic-are-opponents-of-illegal-immigration/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Captain America started out by taking on Nazis and defending freedom, now, however, Marvel has him siding with Democrats in Washington and beating up on conservatives who quote the US Constitution.
A video by the MacIver Institute boils the development down into a minute long analysis:
Essentially, a new black “liberal” Captain America decides that he cannot remain apolitical and states “”I have a side. That’s right. I have opinions. Strongly held beliefs, even,” while staring over the Capitol building.
He decides to cut ties with SHIELD (US intelligence) and go into business for himself, setting his own agenda.
“If I really believed I could make a difference — if I really believed I could change some minds. Do some good — then wasn’t I obligated to try?” the new Captain America states.
After he announces his intentions to the public, wanting to “focus on trying to bring folks together,” the media brand him “Anti-American”.
Then Captain America heads to the southern border to beat up some evil right wingers who are “threatening” innocent illegal immigrants who just want to be left alone.
The evil Commander makes some evil statements about building a wall and not wanting illegal immigrants to bring crime and disease into America.
“By invading this sovereign land, you defy the laws of God, nature, and the United States Constitution!”the evildoers declare.
“Therefore, I hereby apprehend you by the power vested in me by the aforementioned God, nature, et cetera, et cetera,” the Supreme bad guy adds.
“Until the mighty wall is built, you come here for employment that is rightfully ours! And if denied it, you seek welfare paid for by our tax dollars!” the crazy evil villain shouts at the innocent immigrants.
The gun-toting red eyed villains in hoods, dubbed the ‘Sons of the Serpent’ refer to the hero as ‘Captain Socialism’, while attempting to apprehend the group of illegal aliens crossing the desert from Mexico into Arizona.
The new Captain America tells the villains to stop picking on unarmed women and children, and to pack up and go home.
The ending of the stand off is not revealed as Steve Rogers, the original Captain America, arrives and orders the new Captain America, Sam Wilson to stand down.
Are the creators of this Captain America just blatantly using the character and Marvel as a vehicle for a leftist political agenda? Or will the original Captain America point out how batshit crazy Sam Williams is acting?
It seems that the former is the case, given the portrayal of the “villains,” and the fact that the comic’s writer, Nick Spencer, has made abundantly clear his political leanings on social media:

New Captain America Now Battles Conservatives

Published on Oct 16, 2015
Captain America started out by taking on Nazis and defending freedom, now, however, Marvel has him siding with Democrats in Washington and beating up on conservatives who quote the US Constitution.

New Captain America Goes Liberal, Battles Tea Party!

Published on Oct 17, 2015
Captain America started out by taking on Nazis and defending freedom, now, however, Marvel has him siding with Democrats in Washington and beating up on conservatives who quote the US Constitution. http://www.infowars.com/new-villains-…
** http://www.infowars.com/the-villain-o…
** http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/03/0…


Alex Jones Works For The ‘Red Skull’
In Captain America Comic

Published on Oct 17, 2015
Alex breaks down how Marvel put him in Uncanny Avengers #4 as an ignorant redneck that needs to be put down, according to the Red Skull. http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/03/0…


Second Ebola nurse now crashing into critical condition after CDC-controlled media falsely proclaimed her ‘cured’ by toxic pharmaceuticals

in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
(NaturalNews) Remember the Ebola outbreak of 2014 when nurses infected with Ebola were proclaimed “cured” through the intervention of pharmaceutical medicine? Like everything else the MSM broadcast about Ebola, we now know it was all a sinister fabrication.
Texas nurse Nina Pham was widely celebrated as a hero by the mainstream media for her role in treating an infected Ebola patient that started an outbreak in a Dallas hospital. What the media didn’t tell you is that Nina Pham was nearly killed by the Ebola “treatment” medicines administered by the hospital. “Nina Pham, the first known case of an individual contracting Ebola within the U.S., is now suing the parent corporation of her former employer, which she says violated her personal privacy and left her chronically ill by exploiting and neglecting her during the outbreak,” Natural News reported earlier this year.
“The 26-year-old nurse says she now suffers from constant nightmares, body aches and insomnia due to the experimental medications that were forced upon her while in isolation.”
Pharmaceutical interventions, in other words, caused serious organ damage to nurse Pham, and that damage is permanent. Naturally, the CDC-controlled media exploited Pham for P.R. purposes, but once the news had passed, they left her permanently damaged and abandoned by the system.

A second nurse is also in serious health trouble due to toxic Ebola treatments

Now reported in The Independent (UK): “A British nurse who was apparently cured of Ebola earlier this year is now in a critical condition, doctors have said, with experts expressing astonishment at the deterioration of her condition.”
Pauline Cafferkey was admitted to the specialist treatment isolation unit at Royal Free Hospital in London on 9 October. She had been treated for Ebola at the same hospital earlier this year, and was discharged in good health in January.
None of us here at Natural News are surprised, of course. We’ve long known thateverything the medical establishment says about Ebola is a deliberate lie, and that includes pharmaceutical Ebola “treatment” promises.
“The exact nature of Ms Cafferkey’s illness is not known, but experts have expressed shock at the severity of her condition,” reports The Independent.
Here’s what’s really going on: In exactly the same way that AIDS drugs destroy the human immune system and cause symptoms of AIDS, Ebola drugs also destroy the patient’s body and cause critical organ failure.
This fundamental truth about the toxicity of Big Pharma’s deadly drugs willnever be admitted in the pharma-controlled press.

Same system that pushes toxic pharmaceutical treatments viciously attacks colloidal silver

As you ponder all this, keep in mind that all holistic treatments for Ebola were viciously and aggressively attacked by governments and the media during the Ebola outbreak. Those who offered colloidal silver treatments or products were threatened by U.S. regulators and mocked by the media… even though colloidal silver is a non-toxic treatment that cannot cause the kind of organ failure we’re witnessing from pharmaceutical interventions.
Non-profits such as Dr. Rima Laibow’s Natural Solutions Foundation were even viciously threatened by the IRS after Dr. Laibow began talking about colloidal silver as a non-toxic treatment option. (No doubt the CDC pressured the IRS to target the NSF in the same way the IRS targets liberty-oriented non-profits.)
“The IRS sent us a warning letter saying that by sharing US Department of Defense Threat Reduction Agency declassified research on the impact of our particular Nano Silver 10 PPM on the ability of the Ebola virus to cause disease we had miraculously turned the substance into a drug,” Dr. Laibow told Natural News. “We responded to them in detail (26 pages, if I recall properly) and they sent back another letter backing off a bit but demanding changes in our site.”
Meanwhile, companies that sold high-grade medicinal essential oils such as doTerra were threatened by government regulators with being put out of business if they didn’t police their independent distributors who were sharing the true news that many essential oils can kill Ebola.
The medical system, government and media essentially invoked an all-out WAR on natural medicine while claiming their own pharmaceuticals were the only safe treatments for Ebola. Now we see just what a farce those claims really were. Much like chemotherapy, the “treatment” for Ebola may be just as deadly as Ebola itself.
Meanwhile, all the truly SAFE treatments like colloidal silver have been intentionally disparaged, marginalized and pushed to the fringes of alternative medicine. It’s no coincidence that colloidal silver can’t be patented and is universally available for mere pennies, thereby threatening the more important aspect of Big Pharma’s disease pandemic schemes: PROFITS!
Here at Natural News, our prayers go out to Pauline Cafferkey with the hope that she won’t end up as yet another needless victim of Big Pharma’s toxic treatments and the mainstream media’s outrageous lies that misled medical staff into falsely believing that pharmaceutical treatments for Ebola are safe.

Ebola Relapses: Zombie Virus That Won’t Die

Published on Oct 20, 2015
9 months after being cleared of Ebola, a British nurse relapsed and nearly died a couple of days ago. What we were told about Ebola has now been shown to be rubbish.

And after being lied to for decades about the UN Agenda called the War on Drugs, a UN committee was set to reverse policy, honestly accessing the disaster. The report however was stopped. But Richard Branson has gone public with the details. 

How the CDC Lied About Ebola

Published on Oct 20, 2015
As scientists & the medical establishment express amazement that Ebola would resurface in survivors months later and be re-transmissible, a caller points out that it is a virus. Like herpes and other viruses, we now know that Ebola can be brought under control but remain contagious and may surface later.


New Obama Terror Czar Will Target Conservatives, Christians

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

The Obama administration's increasingly controversial Justice Department, in partnership with the ultra-leftist Southern Poverty Law Center, announced the creation of a new czar position to focus on “domestic terrorism” — especially the alleged threat from Christians and Americans with “anti-government” views. While ostensibly created to serve as a coordination office overseeing domestic terror cases, critics and analysts are sounding the alarm, warning that the administration is plotting to go after its political opponents with the full force of the federal government.
The impetus for the Obama DOJ's new focus on conservatives, libertarians, Christians, and others appears to be the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), widely viewed as an “anti-Christian hate group” and strongly criticized even by mainstream voices on the Left. Civil rights attorney and Southern Center for Human Rights President Stephen Bright, citing investigations and even a federal judge, lambasted SPLC founder Morris Dees as a “con man and fraud” who takes advantage of “naive, well-meaning people.”
Ironically, the SPLC was implicated in an actual domestic terrorism case, one of the few, just over two years ago. The attack involved a deranged homosexual activist, relying on the far-left group's “hate” propaganda, who tried to massacre employees of the Family Research Council, a pro-family group falsely characterized as a “hate group” by the SPLC. “We’ve been pushing for something like this for quite a few years,” declared SPLC mouthpiece Mark Potok about the new domestic terror czar. “We feel like it’s very much a step forward, although we’ll have to see how it plays out.”
The announcement of the new domestic extremism czar position was made at George Washington University by Obama's Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Carlin, a Harvard lawyer. “We need to make sure we have the mechanisms in place so that we can continue to remain just as focused on the domestic terrorism threat while addressing the international terrorism threat,” Carlin said in a question-and-answer session after his speech, which was co-hosted by the SPLC. “The new DT [Domestic Terror] Counsel will not only help ensure that DT cases are properly coordinated by will also play a key role in our headquarters-level efforts to identify trends to help shape our strategy, and to analyze legal gaps or enhancements required to ensure we can combat these threats.”
What bureaucrat might fill the position was not immediately clear. But when it comes to what the Obama administration is looking for, Carlin offered more details. “Homegrown violent extremists can be motivated by any viewpoint on the full spectrum of hate — anti-government views, racism, bigotry, anarchy and other despicable beliefs,” Carlin explained, without explaining how being opposed to government was hateful or why people's views should concern the federal government. “When it comes to hate and intolerance, no single ideology governs.” But if Carlin's views on what constitutes “hate” and “anti-government” views are anything like the SPLC's, Americans should expect Obama's new terror czar to step up its escalating anti-constitutional attacks and intimidation against Christian groups, forces that stand for traditional (or biblical) marriage, pro-family organizations, pro-life groups, constitutionalist organizations, and more.
The SPLC specializes in smearing conservatives and Christians by, among other tactics, sandwiching peaceful activists between National Socialists (Nazis) and Ku Klux Klan groups. The group refers to the John Birch Society, for example, the parent organization of this magazine, as “Chief among the Patriot groups,” with the word patriot, in SPLC-speak, used to connote something negative, namely "anti-government," though the JBS is not anti-government in the slightest, only anti-lawless or -tyrannical government. The SPLC also demonizes as “hate groups” everything from mainstream pro-family organizations to voices that criticize radical Islamism. On top of that, the SPLC has been widely ridiculed for wildly inflating its lists of both “hate” groups and “patriot” groups, even listing defunct websites run by a single person or the “Granny Warriors” as targets in its outlandish propaganda materials.
But critics say it is the SPLC and its allies, in fact, that deserve more scrutiny — and not just because the group's hate propaganda inspired terrorist Floyd Corkins to buy a gun and try to murder as many innocent employees of a mainstream pro-family group as possible, and then shove Chi-fil-A sandwiches in his victims' mouths. In fact, the SPLC's views are so radical that the mainstream American Family Association, with millions of supporters, labels it an “anti-Christian hate group,” and numerous prominent voices on the Left have denounced the SPLC as well.While the SPLC's ramblings are occasionally taken seriously by anti-Christian bigots in government and the establishement media, most conservative and libertarian organizations and individuals consider it a badge of honor to be slandered by the SPLC. Still, its methodology has long been the subject of ridicule, and it has become increasingly marginalized as an extremist group among sensible Americans.  
Despite the stench of the SPLC's reputation — even prominent leftists have blasted the outfit and its founder as money-grubbing scam artists that bilk and terrorize donors while demonizing those whose views it disagrees with — Carlin had nothing but praise for the outfit. Groups like the SPLC, which has long been openly associated with communists, terrorists, and other radicals, “dedicate themselves to examining what the threat is, observing it, and reporting on it,” Carlin claimed, apparently with a straight face. Of course, in reality, the opposite is true, as even other arms of the Obama administration and growing swaths of the establishment media have slowly started to realize. “I can say, based on our briefings, that as I said in my opening remarks, we very much think that the domestic terrorism threat is a real and present threat that demands to be addressed in new, creative ways,” Carlin continued, adding that the “Southern Poverty Law Center and other groups in this space are very important.”
Ironically, Carlin also discredited much of his argument about anti-government activists by touting a debunked “study” claiming that alleged “right-wing extremists,” apparently hiding under every bed, have become a bigger threat to America than Islamic terrorists — many of whom have been armed and openly supported by the Obama administration, prompting even retired U.S. generals to argue that Obama had “switched sides” in the terror war. The propaganda “study” in question, produced by the statist George Soros-funded New America Foundation (no link to this magazine), has been widely ridiculed as a pathetic attempt at propaganda on par with Obama administration efforts to demonize conservatives, libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, veterans, pro-life activists, liberty lovers, and more as potential terrorists and extremists in various official reports.
A report on “right-wing extremism” produced by Obama's Department of Homeland Security warning of veterans and conservatives was eventually withdrawn after it went public. The DHS was subjected to merciless ridicule once the sources, many of which were known hoax websites, emerged. But other, similar propaganda continues to be pumped out, at taxpayer expense. And the New America report, while not directly affiliated with the administration, has been blasted for major flaws that provide evidence of deliberate manipulation to achieve the desired result — demonizing political opponents.    
recent article on Obama's new czar hunting right-wing extremists by Leo Hohmann at WND, for example, pointed out that the New America study cited a mentally ill, drug-abusing, anti-Christian terrorist motivated by National Socialism as an example of “right-wing terrorism.” Other alleged examples of “right-wing terrorism” included a 2004 bank robbery, an armed home robbery in 2009, and a few non-political shootings of police. In all, the “study” managed to find or invent 48 victims of “right-wing terrorism” since the September 11 attacks killed 3,000 Americans. When it comes to Islamist terrorism, though, the “study” failed to include everything from Chattanooga shooter Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez's recent attack that killed five U.S. servicemen to John Muhammad's Washington, D.C., shooting spree that left 10 dead back in 2002. Despite being debunked, the pseudo-study was regurgitated by Carlin and some leftist media outlets without noting its obvious flaws.  
Critics, though, are already warning that Obama's new domestic terror czar is no joke. Bryan Fischer, writing on the pro-family One News Now site, blasted the president's “abiding hostility to people of Christian faith” — as exemplified most recently by the new terror czar position and Obama's apparent belief that Christians are a threat to national security. “If you are a sincerely devoted follower of Jesus Christ, your president believes you are a potential domestic terrorist,” Fischer wrote, pointing to Obama's new domestic terror czar job and the statements made by Carlin and the SPLC. “And where, pray tell, does this threat come from? From the Muslim Brotherhood, which has a stated goal of exterminating Western civilization and sabotaging our miserable house from within? Nope. From ISIS, which is actively recruiting jihadists in all 50 states? Nope. Jihadists who are sneaking into the United States disguised as Syrian refugees? Nope.”
Blasting the “thoroughly discredited” SPLC, “which is so blatantly and maliciously biased against Christians that other parts of Obama's administration – the FBI, the Pentagon, and the U.S. Army – are getting as far away from the SPLC as they can,” Fischer said Obama and his “minions” consider the Family Research Council and the American Family Association to be the “real threat.”  He also noted that the SPLC's “intelligence project director,” who teamed up with the DOJ, had admitted to a reporter that the SPLC classifies groups “on the basis of ideology.” “In other words, the SPLC will vilify groups because of what they believe, not because of what they do or because they have demonstrated any propensity toward violence,” Fischer noted, citing the SPLC operative's own admission that the groups demonized by the SPLC are not targeted based on whether they are violent or not, but “on the basis of ideology.”  
“Do we disagree with the homosexual lobby about homosexuality? Of course. Do we hate them? Absolutely not. Do we advocate violence against them? Never have, never will. We are simply determined to tell the moral, spiritual, and physical truth about non-normative sexual behavior,” Fischer continued, blasting the SPLC's attacks on pro-family groups based on the far-left outfit's own subjective hatred of what those groups say. “Bottom line: disagreement is not hatred, and the truth is not hate speech. Somebody needs to tell that to the president.” Of course, Obama already knows that, yet has demonstrated repeatedly his disdain for Christians — especially those who “bitterly” cling to their guns and Bibles.
In its final year in office, the Obama administration seems to be becoming a caricature of itself — an angry, petulant, paranoid, anti-American spectacle that would almost appear to be a comedy act if the implications for liberty and constitutional government were not so extreme.
Unsurprisingly, the new domestic terror czar announcement, and especially its links to the radical SPLC, has sparked a firestorm of outrage. However, the American people overwhelmingly elected Republicans to Congress so they could stop Obama and his “fundamental transformation” of America. A good place to start would be to examine the DOJ and its latest  antics. If they are unconstitutional, or chill free speech in any way, they should be defunded immediately. If lawmakers find that the Justice Department is playing politics and demonizing, spying on, or threatening peaceful Americans for their political or religious views, Congress should start holding those responsible for the scheming accountable. Without congressional action, though, Americans can expect even more attacks on middle America in the coming months as Obama's “fundamental transformation” reaches its climax.  
Related articles:

Published on Oct 18, 2015
The Domestic Terrorism Counsel (DTC) will serve as the main point of contact for US attorney offices across the country, but also work at the headquarters to identify trends across cases, shape strategy, and “analyze legal gaps or enhancements” needed to combat threats, Carlin explained. Assistant Attorney-General John Carlin, head of the Department of Justice’s (DoJ) National Security division, announced the creation of the new post at an event co-sponsored by the George Washington University and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) on Wednesday. Carlin’s announcement has prompted concerns that the US government may be using the cover of combating terrorism to go after political opponents. The Obama administration has been suspicious of veterans, gun owners and tea-party activists for years, Tom Fitton, president of the conservative Judicial Watch foundation, told WND.


Published on Oct 18, 2015
We analyze the collapsing campaign of Hillary Clinton, who recently said that repealing the Second Amendment is “worth considering” and how she’s faking a Southern accent to local crowds. Although not a saint himself, former House speaker Newt Gingrich says she’s lying through her campaign, and that’s true.

Hillary Clinton says that banning all guns is
“worth considering”


Hillary Proves She’s a Gun Grabber

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Alex Jones plays a clip where Hillary Clinton damns herself with her own words and proves once and for all that she is a gun grabber who wants nothing more than disarm everyone except the people who answer directly to her.


Isaiah 5:21-“Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!”

Romans 1:21-32-“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things.
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”



“The Jesuit University of New York Celebrates Pope Francis’ Visit”

SEE: http://news.fordham.edu/faith-and-service/the-jesuit-university-of-new-york-celebrates-pope-francis-visit/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

BELOW: See a gallery of images from the visit.Millions of eyes were on New York City last week as Pope Francis arrived for the second leg of his three-city visit to the United States. During his brief time in Manhattan the pontiff addressed a wide variety of audiences, ranging from United Nations representatives to third-graders in Harlem.

At Fordham, students from all three campuses gathered to listen to, discuss, and commemorate the historic visit from the first Jesuit pope.

A live viewing at the Lincoln Center campus of the pope’s address to Congress

Papal flags flew and “Pope2Congress” bingo cards were distributed on Sept 24, as members of the Fordham community gathered around televisions on all three campuses to watch Pope Francis address a joint session of the U.S. Congress.
Students watch the live stream of the pope's address to the U.S. Congress on Sept. 24. Photo by Patrick Verel

Students watched the live stream of the pope’s address to the U.S. Congress on Sept. 24 on the Lowenstein plaza.
Photo by Patrick Verel
In addition to the lobby in the McGinley Center and Room 228 at the Westchester campus, the address—the first ever for a pope—was broadcast in the plaza-level lobby at the Lincoln Center campus.
The address, in which the pope challenged U.S. leaders on issues such immigration, global climate change, and income inequality, drew both a mix of curious onlookers who lingered at the top of the escalators upon seeing the crowd, and those who listened intently to the hour-long address.
Jamie Saltamachia, FCRH ‘14, GSS ’15, assistant director of the Dorothy Day Center for Service and Justice, was excited that the pope was speaking directly to leaders whose constituents, in many cases, are poor.
“He’s really made an impact on a lot of people and really opened a lot of eyes,” she said.
“People who may have lost their faith years ago are starting to come back to the church, because he is so open minded and has a strong sense of social justice.”
Katie Svejkoski, a first-year English graduate student from St. Louis, said she was pleasantly surprised that Francis called for the abolishment of the death penalty, and was thrilled that he praised Dorothy Day.

Joseph M. McShane, SJ, president of Fordham, was in Washington, D.C. and New York City for the papal events. Read his reflections on the events here.“She’s a fabulous lady, and around here she gets lots of credit because we have the Dorothy Day Center But I don’t know that she gets credit in enough areas of the Catholic world or in America in general,” she said.

John J. Shea, S.J. director for Campus Ministry at Lincoln Center, said he found the pope to be very strong in what he wanted to say without being political. And while he was particularly impressed that Francis grouped Thomas Merton with Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and Dorothy Day as Americans worthy of emulation, he said it was amazing just to see a pope in such a setting.
“We live in interesting times. A pope would never have been invited when I was a boy in high school, when John F. Kennedy was trying to get elected, because they thought the pope would try to run America,” he said.
“Today we see that 30 percent of Congress is Roman Catholic, including the speaker of the house, as are the vice president and more than half of the Supreme Court. It’s all amazing.”

Procession through Central Park

The pope’s second day in New York began with an address to the United Nations, followed by a solemn visit the 9/11 Memorial and Museum in downtown Manhattan. Later that afternoon, the pontiff spoke to elementary school students at Our Lady Queen of Angels School in Harlem before greeting the multitude in Central Park.
At Central Park, where 80,000 New Yorkers won tickets in a lottery to the papal procession, some members of the Fordham community waited in line for nearly three hours to get into the park, as several lines snaked between 60th and 69th streets.
Pope Francis processes through Central Park on Sept. 25. Photo by Janet Sassi

Many watched through cell phones as Pope Francis processed through Central Park on Sept. 25 before some 80,000 people.
Photo by Janet Sassi
Once in the park, Maddy Cunningham, DSW, professor of social work at the Graduate School of Social Service, made a decision to watch the procession rather than try to photograph the pope with her phone as he passed by in his Popemobile.
“I just wanted to see him with my own eyes, to experience the moment,” said Cunningham, who still remembers seeing Pope Paul VI in a procession on Queens Boulevard as a child in 1965. “I am glad I didn’t even try to film [because]he was turned to our side, and he was waving. I now have that image in my mind’s eye.”
Noreen Rafferty, an assistant director in the office of marketing and communications, videotaped the moment when “all the hands went up.”
“It was unbelievable,” she said. “There were so many nationalities—Italian, Irish, Filipino, Puerto Rican. He’s got to come again.”

The Papal Mass at Madison Square Garden

From Central Park, Pope Francis journeyed south to Madison Square Garden, where he celebrated Mass Friday evening with more than 20,000 people.
Despite a three-hour wait and a line that stretched 20 city blocks, the atmosphere outside the arena was one of excitement and conviviality. Strangers befriended one another as they inched closer to the entrance. A group of nuns sang hymns to pass the time. One man broke from the line and ducked into a Duane Reade, returning with a case of water for the wearying pilgrims.
A group of Sisters of Life ordered a pizza after hours of waiting in line to enter Madison Square Garden for the Papal Mass. Photo by Joanna Mercuri

A group of Sisters of Life ordered dinner after waiting in line for hours to enter Madison Square Garden.
Photo by Joanna Mercuri
“I was thirsty, and I figured everyone else was, too,” he said as he distributed water bottles down the line.
At 6 p.m. sharp, musicians from St. Patrick’s Cathedral Choir and the New York Archdiocesan Festival Chorale began the processional hymn, and Pope Francis processed into the arena accompanied by bishops, priests, deacons, and seminarians from throughout New York State.
The 90-minute Mass was as international as the crowd itself, with the liturgy alternating between Spanish and English and prayers being offered in Gaelic, Mandarin, French, and Italian. In his homily, Pope Francis spoke in Spanish about the role of faith in cities. Big cities encompass the diversity of life, with their many cultures, languages, cuisines, traditions, and histories. Negotiating this diversity is not always easy, though, the pontiff said. Tragically, our most vibrant cities tend to hide “second-class citizens.”
“Beneath the roar of traffic, beneath the ‘rapid pace of change,’ so many faces pass by unnoticed because they have no ‘right’ to be there, no right to be part of the city,” Pope Francis said from an ambo built especially for the Mass by young men from Lincoln Hall Boys’ Haven.
“They are the foreigners, the children who go without schooling, those deprived of medical insurance, the homeless, the forgotten elderly. These people stand at the edges of our great avenues, in our streets, in deafening anonymity. They become part of an urban landscape which is more and more taken for granted, in our eyes, and especially in our hearts.”
The remedy to our “isolation and lack of concern for the lives of others” is faith, the pope said. We must heed the words of the prophet Isaiah by “learning to see” God within the city, and then go out to meet others “where they really are, not where we think they should be.”
“The people who walk, breath, and live in the midst of smog, have seen a great light, have experienced a breath of fresh air,” Pope Francis said. This light imbues us with a “liberating” hope—“A hope which is unafraid of involvement… which makes us see, even in the midst of smog, the presence of God as he continues to walk the streets of our city.”
The altar and ambo were constructed specifically for the event by three young men—Frank Corazao, Byron Duran, and Mauricio Agudelo—from Lincoln Hall Boys’ Haven in upstate New York. The pope’s chair was built by Fausto Hernandez, Hector Rojas, and Francisco Santamaria, who are day laborers, in conjunction with Don Bosco Workers, Inc. in Port Chester, NY. Photo by Joanna Mercuri

The altar and ambo were constructed by three young men—Frank Corazao, Byron Duran, and Mauricio Agudelo—from Lincoln Hall Boys’ Haven in upstate New York. The pope’s chair was built by Fausto Hernandez, Hector Rojas, and Francisco Santamaria, who are day laborers, in conjunction with Don Bosco Workers, Inc. in Port Chester, NY.
Photo by Joanna Mercuri
As the Mass drew to a close, Archbishop of New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan offered words of welcome and gratitude to the Holy Father on behalf of New Yorkers.
“Every day and at every Mass, we pray for Francis our pope—and now you here you are!” Cardinal Dolan said, prompting an eruption of cheering and applause throughout the arena—the single display of ebullience amid an otherwise reverent liturgy.
“It is so dazzlingly evident this evening that the Church is our family. Thank you, Holy Father, for visiting us, your family.”
The pope offered a final blessing and before departing, delivered his familiar farewell.
“And please, I ask you—don’t forget to pray for me,” he said.

Fordham Day of Service

On Sept. 26, students and other members of the Fordham community participated in a day of service with Habitat for Humanity-Westchester in honor of the pope’s visit, said Carol Gibney, assistant director of campus ministry. More students showed up than had signed up, she said.
The students worked on refurbishing the Pope Francis house in Yonkers as well as on some other projects in the surrounding area—cleaning an abandoned lot, planting flowers, and laying a brick walkway.
Fordham students volunteer with Habitat for Humanity on Sept. 26 to refurbish the Pope Francis House in Yonkers. Photo courtesy of Carol Gibney

Fordham students volunteered with Habitat for Humanity on Sept. 26 to refurbish the Pope Francis House in Yonkers. They went on to clean up and plant mums in an abandoned lot in a neglected neighborhood nearby.
Photo courtesy of Carol Gibney
“The area we worked in is one of those communities that are often plagued with violence, crime, and poverty,” said Gibney. “It is one of those communities often forgotten or discarded as ‘worthless’” that Pope Francis spoke about on his U.S. trip.
Once the South Yonkers house is completed in December, it will become the home of U.S. Army Sgt. Michael Velazquez, 24, and his family of six.
“It was a great day for our students as the idea of being men and women for others, particularly by helping to build a house for an Iraqi veteran, a house that is named after the first Jesuit Pope!”
(Patrick Verel and Janet Sassi contributed to this report. Various photographs were submitted by members of the Fordham community.)

“Papal Reflections-Joseph M. McShane, SJ, President of Fordham”

in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 | The White House, Washington, D.C.
I rose at 5 and was on line by 6:10. Although the ceremony did not begin till 9:15, the time flew by. How and why?
FRom the White House Lawn

From the White House Lawn.
The crowd was remarkably upbeat. In addition, I ran into many people whom I knew (which was quite a surprise).
The crowd was diverse and spirited—and very, very gracious. Not a cross word was said by anyone in spite of the long wait. When the President and the Pope finally appeared, the already-high spirits of the crowd really soared. The talks were brief but substantive. The President and the Pope are clearly very fond of one another.
I was deeply impressed with the talks that both President Obama and Pope Francis gave. I was even more impressed, however, by the images that will remain with me forever: the images of two principled men of prayer and peace standing side by side before the whole world, the image of two Americans bearing the weight of the world’s sorrows and hopes on their shoulders, the images of a remarkably diverse and hopeful crowd on the lawn of America’s house, the unforgettable sight of the sun rising on a beautiful early fall day over the City of Washington. Most of all, however, I came away with the sense that the President and the Pope have forged a close friendship, a friendship that gives hope to the whole world.
One of the most interesting encounters I had was with a woman who approached me at the end of the Pope’s remarks and asked me if he had blessed the crowd.
Thursday, September 24, 2015 | St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, N.Y.
Reflections on this evening’s Vespers Service at the Cathedral. Father Scirghi [Thomas Scirghi, SJ, associate
St. Patrick's Cathedral

St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
professor of theology and rector of the Jesuit community at Fordham] and I made our way to the Cathedral via Metro North. After making our way through the rather rigorous security check point, we were ushered into the Cathedral and found our way to our seats which were behind a massive pillar on the North Aisle. Alas.
During the three hours before the Pope’s arrival, we were treated to a concert, a lecture on the history of the Papacy, a short presentation on the history of the Cathedral, and the recitation of the rosary.
The recitation of the rosary ended at 6:25, at which time the television monitors in the Cathedral were turned on to keep us up to speed on the Pope’s procession down Fifth Avenue. As you might imagine, the mood in the Cathedral became electric as the Pope got closer. Finally, the great bronze doors at the Fifth Avenue entrance to the Cathedral swung open, the organ swelled, the choir began to sing the anthems that signaled the Pope’s entrance.
Then, something rather strange happened: although the congregation initially burst into thunderous applause when the Pope began to make his way up the main aisle, the applause soon became muted. I was taken aback by the sudden change in the volume of the applause until I realized that people had taken out their cellphones to snap pictures of the Pope as he passed by.
When he reached the sanctuary, the applause swelled again. Then, the mood changed markedly as the Pope disappeared to vest for Vespers. Ah, the Catholic liturgical decorum reigned as the Pope led us through the opening rites of Vespers.
The Pope began his homily with a heartfelt prayer for the Muslim pilgrims who had died earlier that week in Saudi Arabia. 
In the body of his homily, he addressed himself to the priests and religious in the congregation. (As he did in St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington yesterday, he offered his support to the bishops and the American Church for the pain that they (and we) had suffered as a result of the abuse scandals of the past decade.) The high point of his homily, however, was the praise that he heaped on the religious women whose hard work had built the American Church.
Pope Francis

Pope Francis (courtesy of Antonio Spadaro, SJ, editor-in-chief of La Civiltà Cattolica.)the body of his homily, he addressed himself to the priests and religious in the congregation. (As he did in St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington yesterday, he offered his support to the bishops and the American Church for the pain that they (and we) had suffered as a result of the abuse scandals of the past decade.) The high point of his homily, however, was the praise that he heaped on the religious women whose hard work had built the American Church.
He was interrupted three times with thunderous applause when he spoke to and about the nuns. As I looked around the Cathedral, I could not help but be struck by the affection that the whole congregation had for these heroic women. I was also deeply moved to see many of the nuns around me crying for joy at the Pope’s words and the applause with which his words were greeted.
Following the conclusion of the Vesper Service, the Pope made his way slowly through the Cathedral, reaching out to the infirm, the young, and the many religious women in the congregation. Then he climbed into his Fiat and sped away.
The congestion dispersed quickly, but with great joy. For my part, I would have to say that I was deeply moved by his miraculous pastoral touch and the obvious love that he had/has for the Church, and the equally obvious love that the entire congregation had for him.
It was an experience of the Church at her best: inclusive, joyful, eager to embrace and transform the world in imitation of the Lord Himself.
Friday, September 25, 2015 | The United Nations, New York, N.Y.
Pope Paul VI was the first Pope to visit the United States and the first to address the General Assembly of the
Inside the UNited Nations

Inside the United Nations
L. to R. Joseph M. McShane, SJ, president of Fordham; Monsignor Hilary Franco, a member of the Papal Nuncio’s staff at the UN; and Antonio Spadaro, SJ, editor-in- chief of La Civiltà Cattolica.
United Nations. He did so on Oct. 4, 1965, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. I remember that day quite clearly for a number of reasons. First, my father (who was the SAC of New York for the State Department of the United States) served as the federal coordinator of security for the Pope’s visit. Second, I was honored to attend the Pope’s Mass in Yankee Stadium. Third, Paul VI’s address to the General Assembly captivated the world (and continues to be one that I find myself returning to quite often.) Finally, it was an unbelievably cold day, which made the pilgrimage to Yankee Stadium a particularly challenging one.
I guess that it was because my memories of that first papal visit to the United States and that first papal address to the General Assembly of the United Nations are so rich that I looked forward to today with such eager longing.
I rose at 4:45 and caught the 6:00 train to Grand Central. (I noticed that there was only one person awake in Campbell/Conley/Salice ‎at the time that I boarded the train for Manhattan.) When I arrived at the rendezvous spot to which I had been directed by the Nuncio’s staff, I was escorted to the United Nations and whisked through security. (The ease with which I made it through security is probably due to the fact that I was with Cardinal Turkson from both Ghana and the Roman Curia.)
After just a few minutes, I was led into the Assembly Chamber where I found myself in remarkable company:
Actor Daniel Craig awaits the Pope at the United Nations

Actor Daniel Craig awaits the Pope at the United Nations.
Daniel (007) Craig, Bill and Melinda Gates, Mayor de Blasio, Commissioner Bratton, Cardinals Dolan, Turkson, and Parolin‎, two Apostolic Nuncios, the editor-in-chief of the Pope’s newspaper, and the Pope’s press secretary (both of the last two are Jesuits)—and what we were told was the largest of the leaders of states ever to attend the opening session of this General Assembly.
From the moment that the Pope first stepped foot on the UN campus, the television monitors on either side of the speaker’s podium kept us apprised of his progress toward the chamber. When he was finally escorted into the chamber, the entire crowd erupted into applause. (I noticed that the often-photographed Daniel Craig turned into an eager photographer as he snapped picture after picture of the Pope as he made his way to the front of the chamber. James Bond was not the only one taken with the Pope. Far from it. Heads of State whipped out their cellphones to capture the moment forever. And the press corps dropped all pretense of being blasé. They cheered, snapped, and stood on their tip toes with the abandon of Yankee fans—in a good year.)
When he was introduced and began to speak, Francis captivated everyone—from the most seasoned diplomat to the most fervent believer to the most wary critic. His address championed the poor and marginalized, pled for a complete ban on nuclear weapons, and wove together the themes that he wrote of so eloquently in Laudato Si. He was simply extraordinary in all he said. For my part, I was thrilled that he spoke about Paul VI’s visit to the UN 50 years ago, and even more thrilled that he made Paul’s words his own.
Then, it was over. The crowd rose to applaud him. (He was typically quite humble in acknowledging the adulation of the crowd.) And once again, cell phones were whipped out and put to good use to record the event for posterity. (I snapped more than a few myself.)
Friday, September 25, 2015 | Madison Square Garden, New York, N.Y.
Mass in The Garden | A Home Run on a Basketball Court
The scene inside Madison Square Garden

The scene inside Madison Square Garden.
It took hours and something akin to the patience of Job to get into the Garden. (The lines ran all the way south to 23rd Street, down 23rd to 8th Avenue and all the way back up 8th to MSG, perched atop Penn Station.) Every bag, wallet, and belt worn or carried by the 20,000 worshipers was hand-checked.
Once inside, however, the mood of the congregation changed dramatically—and with good reason. The Garden had been transformed from arena to a peculiarly urban cathedral (New-York-style), with subdued lighting and liturgical furniture hand-crafted by local artisans. (The Garden didn’t disappear entirely, however: the concession stands remained open until an hour before Mass began, and the Archdiocese filled the three-to-four-hour period before Mass with a rich mixture of catechesis, entertainment by top-draw performers, and a bilingual recitation of the rosary.)
The long wait came to a close when the Pope arrived ahead of schedule. Once he arrived, he took two turns around the court in an indoor Popemobile. As you might imagine, the crowd roared when they spotted him. Once again, however, the initial applause and cheering eerily ended as people whipped out their cellphones to snap pictures of the Pope as he circled the floor.
Then, he disappeared and the mood turned liturgical-solemn. At least for a while. The opening hymn was properly festive; the readings were proclaimed with a quiet grace. And then Francis walked to the lectern to deliver his homily. He drew the congregation in with a combination of wisdom, humility, and a few savvy nods to the City and its moods and challenges and its quirky joys. The congregation fell under his pastoral spell and roared its loving approval as he preached. (He slyly looked up from his text. And he smiled. And that smile conquered the crowd.) Fortified by the crowd’s enthusiasm, the 78-year-old Pope grew stronger and more animated the longer he preached. Then came his capstone: the Pope assured the congregation that God lived in our City—with all of its challenges, its smogs and fogs, its joys, sorrows and moods (dark and light). That was all it took. The crowd very nearly swooned. They roared their loving approval of both the (papal) preacher and his consoling/challenging message. And the sedate urban cathedral once again became an arena—an arena of grace. What can I say? The soccer fan Pope from Argentina hit a home run on a basketball court (the world’s most famous basketball court at that).
As the Mass continued, the arena once again became New York’s new cathedral. With a nod to the universal
The scene inside Madison Square Garden

The scene inside Madison Square Garden.
nature of the Church, the Eucharistic prayer was said in Latin, and the Lord’s Prayer was chanted in Latin. A happy chaos reigned at the Kiss of Peace. Twenty thousand souls received Communion. Hymns both ancient and modern were sung with gusto or solemn decorum.
After Communion, Cardinal Dolan rose to thank the Pope for the graces of his visit. The crowd, however, was not going to let the Cardinal speak for them. They interrupted his address with a series of raucous (hey, it was a New York crowd) standing ovations. (I don’t think it would be wide of the mark to say that they were delirious with joy. And they were determined to let their Father in faith know just how much they loved him. It was also clear that they simply didn’t want their moment of grace to end, and that they simply didn’t want to let Francis go.) As for the Pope, it was clear that he was touched and energized by the loving rapport that he had established with his New York flock.
All good things, however, must come to an end. Before he dismissed the congregation, the Pope departed from the solemn cadences of the Roman Rite and looked directly at his brothers and sisters (or were they his sons and daughters) and asked all of them (us) to pray for him.
At that moment, we were all transported back to the scene that unfolded in St. Peter’s Square on the evening on which he was introduced to the world—and asked the vast crowd that had gathered when the white smoke appeared over the Sistine Chapel to pray for him. He need not worry. All who were in the urban cathedral known as MSG will pray for him, the Pope who hit a home run on a basketball court (and the most famous basketball court in the world at that).
I would imagine that the Knicks and the Rangers are jealous tonight. A soccer fan stole the spotlight in their home. And New York embraced a new star. And basked in the love of a Father who called his sons and daughters to live with a new sense of purpose.
EXCERPT: In 2009, the former Community Service Program assumed its current name of the Dorothy Day Center for Service and Justice. This name change was prompted by expansion in the scope of work the office was doing both within the University and the community. To better express its goals and mission, the program renamed itself in honor of Dorothy Day, one of American Catholicism’s foremost social justice leaders.” 


EXCERPTS: Day was a radical Catholic socialist/communist who advocated the Catholic economic theory of distributism. (SEE:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorothy_Day). 

Vatican Insider Reveals Pope is A Communist, as well as Thomas Merton & Dorothy Day:

Dorothy Day and Thomas Merton Praised by Pope Francis During His Speech Before Congress 


Statement Calling for Constitutional Resistance to Obergefell v. Hodges 

SEE: https://americanprinciplesproject.org/founding-principles/statement-calling-for-constitutional-resistance-to-obergefell-v-hodges/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
We are scholars and informed citizens deeply concerned by the edict of the Supreme Court of the United States in Obergefell v. Hodges wherein the Court decreed, by the narrowest of margins, that every state in the country must redefine marriage to include same-sex relationships.
The Court’s majority opinion eschewed reliance on the text, logic, structure, or original understanding of the Constitution, as well as the Court’s own interpretative doctrines and precedents, and supplied no compelling reasoning to show why it is unjustified for the laws of the states to sustain marriage as it has been understood for millennia as the union of husband and wife.
The opinion for the Court substituted for traditional—and sound—methods of constitutional interpretation a new and ill-defined jurisprudence of identity—one that abused the moral concept of human dignity.
The four dissenting justices are right to reject the majority opinion in unsparing terms.   
Justice Scalia refers to it as “a naked judicial claim to legislative….power; a claim fundamentally at odds with our system of government.”   
Justice Thomas says the opinion “exalts judges at the expense of the People from whom they derive their authority” as it perverts the meaning of liberty into an entitlement to government action.  
Justice Alito calls attention to the well-established doctrine that the “liberty” guaranteed by the due process clause protects only those rights “that are deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition,” and that it is “beyond dispute that the right to same-sex marriage is not among those rights.” He further points to the opinion’s tendency to reduce the purpose of marriage to “the happiness of persons who choose to marry.” He warns it will be used to “vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy” and is yet another example of the “Court’s abuse of its authority.”   
Chief Justice Roberts says “the Constitution leaves no doubt” that the majority’s “pretentious” opinion is incorrect. It even attempts to “sully those on the other side of the debate” in an “entirely gratuitous” manner.   
If Obergefell is accepted as binding law, the consequences will be grave. Of the results that can be predicted with confidence, four stand out: 
First, society will be harmed by being denied the right to hold out as normative, and particularly desirable, the only type of human relationship that every society must cultivate for its perpetuation. This compelling interest is strengthened by the fact that there is strong evidence to support what common sense suggests, namely, that children fare best when raised by their married mother and father who are both responsible for bringing them into the world and who provide maternal and paternal influences and care.  
Second, individuals and organizations holding to the historic and natural understanding of marriage as a conjugal union—the covenantal partnership of one man and one woman—will be vilified, legally targeted, and denied constitutional rights in order to pressure them to conform to the new orthodoxy.   
Third, the new jurisprudence of dignity is unlimited in principle and will encourage additional claims to redefine marriage and other long-established institutions.
Fourth, the right of all Americans to engage in democratic deliberation, and ultimately self-government, will be decisively undermined. 
Any decision that brings about such evils would be questionable. One lacking anything remotely resembling a warrant in the text, logic, structure, or original understanding of the Constitution must be judged anti-constitutional and illegitimate. Obergefell should be declared to be such, and treated as such, by the other branches of government and by citizens of the United States.
In 1788, James Madison wrote, “The several departments being perfectly co-ordinate by the terms of their common commission, neither of them, it is evident, can pretend to an exclusive or superior right of settling the boundaries between their respective powers.”   
In 1857, Abraham Lincoln said, “Judicial decisions are of greater or less authority as precedents, according to circumstances. That this should be so, accords both with common sense, and the customary understanding of the legal profession.” If a decision “had been made by the unanimous concurrence of the judges, and without any apparent partisan bias, and in accordance with legal public expectation, and with the steady practice of the departments throughout our history, and had been in no part, based on assumed historical facts which are not really true; or, if wanting in some of these, it had been before the court more than once, and had there been affirmed and re-affirmed through a course of years, it then might be, perhaps would be, factious, nay, even revolutionary, to not acquiesce in it as a precedent.” If, however, a decision is “wanting in all these claims to the public confidence,” it is “not factious” to resist it.   
Obergefell is wanting in all these claims to the public confidence. It cannot therefore be taken to have settled the law of the United States.   
We stand with James Madison and Abraham Lincoln in recognizing that the Constitution is not whatever a majority of Supreme Court justices say it is. 
We remind all officeholders in the United States that they are pledged to uphold the Constitution of the United States, not the will of five members of the Supreme Court.  
We call on all federal and state officeholders: 
To refuse to accept Obergefell as binding precedent for all but the specific plaintiffs in that case.
To recognize the authority of states to define marriage, and the right of federal and state officeholders to act in accordance with those definitions.
To pledge full and mutual legal and political assistance to anyone who refuses to followObergefell for constitutionally protected reasons.
To open forthwith a broad and honest conversation on the means by which Americans may constitutionally resist and overturn the judicial usurpations evident in Obergefell.
We emphasize that the course of action we are here advocating is neither extreme nor disrespectful of the rule of law. Lincoln regarded the claim of supremacy for the Supreme Court in matters of constitutional interpretation as incompatible with the republican principles of the Constitution. Our position is summed up in Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address: 
I do not forget the position assumed by some that constitutional questions are to be decided by the Supreme Court, nor do I deny that such decisions must be binding in any case upon the parties to a suit as to the object of that suit, while they are also entitled to very high respect and consideration in all parallel cases by other departments of the government. And while it is obviously possible that such decision may be erroneous in any given case, still the evil effect following it, being limited to that particular case, with the chance that it may be overruled and never become a precedent for other cases, can better be borne than could the evils of a different practice. At the same time, the candid citizen must confess that if the policy of the government upon vital questions affecting the whole people is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court, the instant they are made in ordinary litigation between parties in personal actions, the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned their government into the hands of that eminent tribunal.
The proper understanding and definition of marriage is self-evidently a vital question affecting the whole people. To treat as “settled” and “the law of the land” the decision of five Supreme Court justices who, by their own admission, can find no warrant for their ruling in the text, logic, structure, or original understanding of the Constitution, would indeed be to resign our government into the hands of that eminent tribunal. That is something that no citizen or statesman who wishes to sustain the great experiment in ordered liberty bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers should be willing to do. 
(Institutional affiliations are for identification purposes only)
Bradley C. S. Watson, Philip M. McKenna Chair in American and Western Political Thought and Professor of Politics, Saint Vincent College
John C. Eastman, Henry Salvatori Professor of Law & Community Service, Dale E. Fowler School of Law at Chapman University
George W. Dent, Jr., Professor of Law, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence, Princeton University, Founder of American Principles Project
Matthew J. Franck, Director, William E. and Carol G. Simon Center for Religion and the Constitution, Witherspoon Institute
Daniel J. Mahoney, Augustine Chair in Distinguished Scholarship, Assumption College
Stephen H. Balch, Director, Institute for the Study of Western Civilization, Texas Tech University
Mickey G. Craig, William & Berniece Grewcock Professor of Politics, Hillsdale College
Paul Moreno, William and Berniece Chair in US Constitutional History, Hillsdale College
Lucas E. Morel, Class of 1960 Professor of Ethics and Politics, Washington and Lee University
Joseph M. Knippenberg, Professor of Politics, Oglethorpe University
Susan Hanssen, Associate Professor of History, University of Dallas
Wm. Barclay Allen, Dean Emeritus, Michigan State University
Daniel C. Palm, Professor of Politics and International Relations, Azusa Pacific University
Lynn D. Wardle, Bruce C. Hafen Professor of Law, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University
Scott FitzGibbon, Professor of Law, Boston College Law School
Stephen Casey, Casey Law Office, P.C.
James C. Phillips, J.D.
Joshua W. Schulz, Associate Professor of Philosophy, DeSales University
John S. Baker, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Law, Louisiana State University Law Center
Ralph A. Rossum, Salvatori Professor of American Constitutionalism, Claremont McKenna College
Walter Schumm, Professor of Family Studies, Kansas State University
Anne Hendershott, Director of the Veritas Center for Ethics in Public Life, Franciscan University of Steubenville 
Gerard V. Bradley, Professor of Law, University of Notre Dame
Christopher Wolfe, Professor of Politics, University of Dallas
Michael D. Breidenbach, Assistant Professor of History, Ave Maria University
Robert Koons, Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin
Stephen M. Krason, Professor of Political Science and Legal Studies, Franciscan University of Steubenville; President, Society of Catholic Social Scientists
Micah J. Watson, William-Spoelhof Teacher-Chair in Political Science, Calvin College
Daniel Robinson, Fellow, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford
David Novak, J. Richard and Dorothy Shiff Chair of Jewish Studies and Professor of Religion and Philosophy, University of Toronto
Adam J. MacLeod, Associate Professor of Law, Thomas Goode Jones School of Law, Faulkner University
Robert Lowry Clinton, Emeritus Professor of Political Science, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Colleen Sheehan, Professor of Political Science, Villanova University
Peter W. Wood, President, National Association of Scholars
Michael M. Uhlmann, Professor of Politics and Policy, Claremont Graduate University
John Agresto, Former president of St. John’s College, Santa Fe, and the American University of Iraq
Mark T. Mitchell, Professor of Government, Patrick Henry College
Carol M. Swain, Professor of Political Science and Law, Vanderbilt University
Nathan Schlueter, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Hillsdale College
J. Daryl Charles, Affiliated Scholar, John Jay Institute
Ted McAllister, Edward L. Gaylord Chair and Associate Professor of Public Policy, Pepperdine University
David R. Upham, Associate Professor of Politics, University of Dallas
Thomas D’Andrea, Fellow, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge; Director, Institute for the Study of Philosophy, Politics, and Religion
Daniel Mark, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Villanova University
Hadley P. Arkes, Edward N. Ney Professor of Jurisprudence  Emeritus, Amherst College; Director, James Wilson Institute on Naturals Right and the American Founding 
Philip Bess, Professor of Architecture, University of Notre Dame
Jeffery J. Ventrella, Senior Counsel and Senior Vice-President of Student Training and Development, Alliance Defending Freedom
Teresa S. Collett, Professor of Law, University of St. Thomas School of Law
Jay Bergman, Professor of History, Central Connecticut State University
Robert L. McFarland, Associate Dean of External Affairs and Associate Professor of Law, Thomas Goode Jones School of Law, Faulkner University
Carson Holloway, Associate Professor Political Science, University of Nebraska, Omaha
Gary D. Glenn, Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, Northern Illinois University
Paul A. Rahe, Charles O. Lee and Louise K. Lee Chair in Western Heritage, Hillsdale College
Angelo Codevilla, Professor Emeritus, Boston University
Bradley P. Jacob, Associate Professor of Law, Regent University School of Law
Raymond B. Marcin, Professor of Law Emeritus, The Catholic University of America
Matthew Spalding, Associate Vice President and Dean, Allen P. Kirby Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship, Hillsdale College
James A. Davids, Associate Professor of Law, Regent University School of Law
Ken Masugi, Senior Fellow, Claremont Institute
Edward J. Erler, Professor of Political Science Emeritus, California State University, San Bernardino
James W. (Jim) Richardson, Board of Directors, Christian Legal Society
Robert F. Sasseen, President and Professor of Politics Emeritus, University of Dallas
Lynne Marie Kohm, John Brown McCarty Professor of Family Law and Associate Dean of Faculty Development and External Affairs, Regent University School of Law
Steven D. Smith, Warren Distinguished Professor of Law, University of San Diego



Documents show astounding cost to Americans of President’s jaunts
in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Obama Spent $4.4 Million Tax Dollars On Golf And Private Fundraisers In Two Months
Documents obtained by the political watchdog Judicial Watch this week show that in just two months the President spent close to $4.5 million on golfing and fundraising trips.
The records were obtained from the U.S. Department of the Air Force as part of of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
They reveal that Obama’s February and March golf vacations and fundraisers came to a whopping $4,436,245.50 in travel expenses ALONE.
The security costs of the trips to Palm Springs and Palm City, as well as fundraising trips to Chicago and LA, have not yet been revealed by the Secret Service.
According to Judicial Watch, the documents show:
  • Obama’s February 14, 2015, golf outing to Palm Springs required a five-hour flight, costing taxpayers a total of $1,031,685.
  • Transportation for Obama’s February 19 day trip to Chicago cost taxpayers $619,011.00.
  • Transportation for Obama’s March 2015 fundraising trip to Los Angeles cost taxpayers $1,980,835.20.
  • Obama’s March 28, 2015, golf outing to Palm city required a 3.9-hour flight, costing taxpayers $804,870.30.

The report notes that in Palm Springs Obama spent the whole weekend at the luxurious Sunnylands country club, while the trip to LA was mostly about appearing on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” and raking in up to $33,400 per couple for attendance to a private DNC fundraiser.
The two golf outings alone cost taxpayers $1,836,555 in travel expenses. Obama played a total of five rounds of golf, equating to a cost of $20,406 per hole. The two fundraising trips totaled $2.59 million.
“Taxpayers should be outraged that Barack Obama’s wastes 4.4 million of their precious tax dollars on golf vacations and political fundraising,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
“And to make matters worse, the Secret Service has simply refused to respond to our requests for documents about the security costs of these controversial trips. The Obama travel scandal is about abuse of office, abuse of the taxpayer, and contempt for the rule of law.” Fitton urged.
Last year, in the same two months, Obama spent nearly $3 million for flight expenses alone to play golf in Palm Springs and Key Largo.
The Obamas have spent tens of millions in tax dollars to vacation around 40 times in the past six years. To date, the known travel expenses of the Obamas and Vice President Joe Biden exceed $61million, according to Judicial Watch.




2 Corinthians 6:14-18-“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”
Ephesians 5:5-11-“For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” 




“Us-versus-them” Obama 

Again Slams Christianity

SEE: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/item/21774-us-versus-them-obama-again-slams-christianityrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Some have mockingly called Barack Obama “Dear Reader” for his reliance on a Teleprompter. But considering that while speaking extemporaneously he has uttered comments such as Middle American voters “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them” and women shouldn’t be “punished with a baby,” his recourse to such technology is no mystery. And now we learn that, again, when the Telee’s away Obama’s tongue will play.
The latest revelatory comment was made during a conversation the president had with Pulitzer Prize-winning author Marilynne Robinson for a New York Review of Books piece published Monday. While discussing Gilead, the author’s book about a 1950s Iowa pastor, Obama asked, “How do you reconcile the idea of faith being really important to you and you caring a lot about taking faith seriously with the fact that, at least in our democracy and our civic discourse, it seems as if folks who take religion the most seriously sometimes are also those who are suspicious of those not like them?” The president also said, “Sometimes Christian interpretation seems to posit an ‘us versus them [mindset].’”
Perhaps Obama got this impression attending Trinity United Church of Christ for 20 years and listening to the man he called his mentor, friend, and uncle — Jeremiah Wright — call our nation the “US of KKKA” and spew venom such as “God d*** America!”? Then again, many critics would aver that Obama was merely projecting.
After all, there was that 2010 Univision radio interview in which the president stated that Hispanic voters needed to say, “We’re gonna punish our enemies.” Even worse, though, was a speech Obama gave to a mainly black audience at Hampton University in Virginia on June 5, 2007. As Dr. Thomas Sowell reported in 2012:
In his speech — delivered in a ghetto-style accent that Obama doesn’t use anywhere except when he is addressing a black audience — he charged the federal government with not showing the same concern for the people of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina hit as they had shown for the people of New York after the 9/11 attacks, or the people of Florida after hurricane Andrew hit.
Departing from his prepared remarks, he mentioned the Stafford Act, which requires communities receiving federal disaster relief to contribute 10 percent as much as the federal government does.
Senator Obama, as he was then, pointed out that this requirement was waived in the case of New York and Florida because the people there were considered to be “part of the American family.” But the people in New Orleans — predominantly black — “they don’t care about as much,” according to Barack Obama.
Except that none of this was true. As Sowell explained, “Less than two weeks earlier, on May 24, 2007, the United States Senate had in fact voted 80-14 to waive the Stafford Act requirement for New Orleans, as it had waived that requirement for New York and Florida. More federal money was spent rebuilding New Orleans than was spent in New York after 9/11 and in Florida after hurricane Andrew, combined.”
Us versus them?
Yet there’s a kicker, too — and it’s a shocker. As Sowell pointed out, Obama could claim to not have been present in church during even one instance when Wright used hateful rhetoric. But the U.S. Senate actually takes attendance.
And Obama was present for the May 24, 2007 Stafford Act vote.
In other words, either Obama had a serious case of amnesia, or, as Sowell suggests, he was engaging in demagoguery, dividing people, and rubbing resentments “raw” in the name of political power and “fundamental change.” Sowell certainly has drawn his conclusion — he dubbed the president “Phony in Chief.”
Transitioning from how Obama talks to “us” to how he treats “them,” quite telling is a story related by economist and gun-rights advocate Dr. John Lott on Mark Levin’s October 2 radio show. Speaking about the time he and Obama were both in the University of Chicago’s employ, Lott mentioned that Obama didn’t attend the gatherings at which the staff exchanged ideas; he seemed wholly uninterested in what others had to say. The one exception, however, was an instance when he showed up and asked a fairly unintelligible question. Lott then saw Obama after the event and, trying to make friends and conversation, said (I’m paraphrasing), “You know, your question was interesting, but I think more people would have understood it if…” Lott never got to finish.
Because Obama, cold as ice, just turned his back.
Lott reports that when he would occasionally see Obama in the street at future times and extend a greeting, the reaction was the same. For the sin of having disagreed with president-to-be, Lott was dead to him.
Us versus them?
Perhaps Barack Obama has a religion all his own.
SEE ALSO: http://www.charismanews.com/culture/52654-obama-calls-out-serious-christians-for-us-versus-them-mentalityrepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

“Obama Calls Out ‘Serious’ Christians for 

‘Us Versus Them’ Mentality”

Christians in the United States have an “us versus them” mentality and are inherently suspicious, or so Barack Obama ponders in a new interview.  
The president sat down with Gilead author Marilynne Robinson in a roles-reversed interview in which Obama asked the questions. Robinson’s novel delves into the spiritual battles facing America through the eyes of a Midwestern pastor.  
In light of attacks on religious freedom across the country as well as the murder of Christians in Oregon, the president asked the author about a believer’s role in democracy: “But you’ve struggled with the fact that here in the United States, sometimes Christian interpretation (of democracy) seems to posit an ‘us versus them,'” Obama says.
“How do you reconcile the idea of faith being really important to you and you caring a lot about taking faith seriously with the fact that, at least in our democracy and our civic discourse, it seems as if folks who take religion the most seriously sometimes are also those who are suspicious of those not like them?” 
But inherent Christian values are under fire, even in the land of the free: Gay couples sue private businesses for refusing products so frequently lawmakers scramble to protect religious rights.  
Doctors lose their jobs for speaking out, and atheist groups harass schools and teachers into bowing to an anti-God agenda. 
According to Robinson, though, those who take their faith seriously should be ready to encounter difficulty.  
“I mean, when people are turning in on themselves—and God knows, arming themselves and so on—against the imagined other, they’re not taking their Christianity seriously,” Robinson says. “I don’t know—I mean, this has happened over and over again in the history of Christianity, there’s no question about that, or other religions, as we know. But Christianity is profoundly counterintuitive—’Love thy neighbor as thyself’—which I think properly understood means your neighbor is as worthy of love as you are, not that you’re actually going to be capable of this sort of superhuman feat. But you’re supposed to run against the grain. It’s supposed to be difficult. It’s supposed to be a challenge.” 
For Robinson, it appears as if vocal Christianity has no place in the public square.  
“Well, I believe that people are images of God,” she tells Obama. “There’s no alternative that is theologically respectable to treating people in terms of that understanding. What can I say? It seems to me as if democracy is the logical, the inevitable consequence of this kind of religious humanism at its highest level. And it (applies) to everyone. It’s the human image. It’s not any loyalty or tradition or anything else; it’s being human that enlists the respect, the love of God being implied in it.” 
But according to Emory University Law Professor John Witte, Christianity and democracy complement and challenge each other.  
“Christianity provides democracy with a system of beliefs that integrates its concerns for liberty and responsibility, individuality and community,” Witte writes. “Democracy’s commitment to religious freedom opens new opportunities to Christianity and challenges the church to extend its mission and ministry. Democracy’s commitment to religious equality forces Christianity to stand on its own feet and on an equal footing with all other religions.”
But is it really “equal footing” when Christian persecution is largely ignored, and when it’s brought to the spotlight, the president himself calls them “suspicious”? 

Obama Asks Novelist About ‘Suspicious’ Christians with ‘Us Versus Them’ Mentality

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
DES MOINES, Iowa — Following release of interview footage with Barack Obama and Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Marilynne Robinson, some are expressing concern about Obama’s remarks regarding those of the Christian faith.
“Tell me a little bit about how your interest in Christianity converges with your concerns about democracy,” Obama asked Robinson, being the interviewer.
“Well, I believe that people are images of God. There’s no alternative that is theologically respectable to treating people in terms of that understanding,” the novelist replied. “It seems to me as if democracy is the logical, the inevitable consequence of this kind of religious humanism at its highest level. And it [applies] to everyone. It’s the human image. It’s not any loyalty or tradition or anything else; it’s being human that enlists the respect, the love of God being implied in it.”
Obama then cited some of Robinson’s concerns about Christians.
“But you’ve struggled with the fact that here in the United States, sometimes Christian interpretation seems to posit an ‘us versus them,’ and those are sometimes the loudest voices,” he said. “But sometimes I think you also get frustrated with kind of the wishy-washy, more liberal versions where anything goes.”
The president then asks a question regarding his view that those who take religion seriously are “suspicious” of those with different beliefs.
“How do you reconcile the idea of faith being really important to you and you caring a lot about taking faith seriously with the fact that, at least in our democracy and our civic discourse, it seems as if folks who take religion the most seriously sometimes are also those who are suspicious of those not like them?” Obama asked.
“Well, I don’t know how seriously they do take their Christianity, because if you take something seriously, you’re ready to encounter difficulty, run the risk, whatever. I mean, when people are turning in on themselves—and God knows, arming themselves and so on—against the imagined other, they’re not taking their Christianity seriously,” Robinson replied.
Some note that Obama has made critical statements about Christians on a number of occasions during his presidency, including a comment during a prayer breakfast in April.
“I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I am supposed to love. And I have to say that sometimes when I listen to less than loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned,” he said.
“Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Obama also stated in February.
“The Crusades were a defense against Islamic aggression and takeover of [Catholic]-held lands. These were bloody wars that went on for centuries, but not because the [Catholics] liked war—but because the Islamic aggressors would not stop waging war, much like they do today,” Martin Mawyer of Christian Action Network wrote in response at that time.
“Did Obama mention the Islamic aggression during the Crusades during Ramadan? Did he ever take the opportunity at a Muslim holiday or gathering to chide the Muslims for getting up on their ‘high horse; about their religion?” he asked. “Of course not. He only tells it like (he thinks) it is when there is a Christian gathering, and only in strident anti-Christian tones.”




Documents show astounding cost to Americans of President’s jaunts
in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Obama Spent $4.4 Million Tax Dollars On Golf And Private Fundraisers In Two Months
Documents obtained by the political watchdog Judicial Watch this week show that in just two months the President spent close to $4.5 million on golfing and fundraising trips.
The records were obtained from the U.S. Department of the Air Force as part of of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
They reveal that Obama’s February and March golf vacations and fundraisers came to a whopping $4,436,245.50 in travel expenses ALONE.
The security costs of the trips to Palm Springs and Palm City, as well as fundraising trips to Chicago and LA, have not yet been revealed by the Secret Service.
According to Judicial Watch, the documents show:
  • Obama’s February 14, 2015, golf outing to Palm Springs required a five-hour flight, costing taxpayers a total of $1,031,685.
  • Transportation for Obama’s February 19 day trip to Chicago cost taxpayers $619,011.00.
  • Transportation for Obama’s March 2015 fundraising trip to Los Angeles cost taxpayers $1,980,835.20.
  • Obama’s March 28, 2015, golf outing to Palm city required a 3.9-hour flight, costing taxpayers $804,870.30.

The report notes that in Palm Springs Obama spent the whole weekend at the luxurious Sunnylands country club, while the trip to LA was mostly about appearing on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” and raking in up to $33,400 per couple for attendance to a private DNC fundraiser.
The two golf outings alone cost taxpayers $1,836,555 in travel expenses. Obama played a total of five rounds of golf, equating to a cost of $20,406 per hole. The two fundraising trips totaled $2.59 million.
“Taxpayers should be outraged that Barack Obama’s wastes 4.4 million of their precious tax dollars on golf vacations and political fundraising,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
“And to make matters worse, the Secret Service has simply refused to respond to our requests for documents about the security costs of these controversial trips. The Obama travel scandal is about abuse of office, abuse of the taxpayer, and contempt for the rule of law.” Fitton urged.
Last year, in the same two months, Obama spent nearly $3 million for flight expenses alone to play golf in Palm Springs and Key Largo.
The Obamas have spent tens of millions in tax dollars to vacation around 40 times in the past six years. To date, the known travel expenses of the Obamas and Vice President Joe Biden exceed $61million, according to Judicial Watch.

New Obama Terror Czar Will Target Conservatives, Christians

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

The Obama administration's increasingly controversial Justice Department, in partnership with the ultra-leftist Southern Poverty Law Center, announced the creation of a new czar position to focus on “domestic terrorism” — especially the alleged threat from Christians and Americans with “anti-government” views. While ostensibly created to serve as a coordination office overseeing domestic terror cases, critics and analysts are sounding the alarm, warning that the administration is plotting to go after its political opponents with the full force of the federal government.
The impetus for the Obama DOJ's new focus on conservatives, libertarians, Christians, and others appears to be the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), widely viewed as an “anti-Christian hate group” and strongly criticized even by mainstream voices on the Left. Civil rights attorney and Southern Center for Human Rights President Stephen Bright, citing investigations and even a federal judge, lambasted SPLC founder Morris Dees as a “con man and fraud” who takes advantage of “naive, well-meaning people.”
Ironically, the SPLC was implicated in an actual domestic terrorism case, one of the few, just over two years ago. The attack involved a deranged homosexual activist, relying on the far-left group's “hate” propaganda, who tried to massacre employees of the Family Research Council, a pro-family group falsely characterized as a “hate group” by the SPLC. “We’ve been pushing for something like this for quite a few years,” declared SPLC mouthpiece Mark Potok about the new domestic terror czar. “We feel like it’s very much a step forward, although we’ll have to see how it plays out.”
The announcement of the new domestic extremism czar position was made at George Washington University by Obama's Assistant Attorney General for National Security John Carlin, a Harvard lawyer. “We need to make sure we have the mechanisms in place so that we can continue to remain just as focused on the domestic terrorism threat while addressing the international terrorism threat,” Carlin said in a question-and-answer session after his speech, which was co-hosted by the SPLC. “The new DT [Domestic Terror] Counsel will not only help ensure that DT cases are properly coordinated by will also play a key role in our headquarters-level efforts to identify trends to help shape our strategy, and to analyze legal gaps or enhancements required to ensure we can combat these threats.”
What bureaucrat might fill the position was not immediately clear. But when it comes to what the Obama administration is looking for, Carlin offered more details. “Homegrown violent extremists can be motivated by any viewpoint on the full spectrum of hate — anti-government views, racism, bigotry, anarchy and other despicable beliefs,” Carlin explained, without explaining how being opposed to government was hateful or why people's views should concern the federal government. “When it comes to hate and intolerance, no single ideology governs.” But if Carlin's views on what constitutes “hate” and “anti-government” views are anything like the SPLC's, Americans should expect Obama's new terror czar to step up its escalating anti-constitutional attacks and intimidation against Christian groups, forces that stand for traditional (or biblical) marriage, pro-family organizations, pro-life groups, constitutionalist organizations, and more.
The SPLC specializes in smearing conservatives and Christians by, among other tactics, sandwiching peaceful activists between National Socialists (Nazis) and Ku Klux Klan groups. The group refers to the John Birch Society, for example, the parent organization of this magazine, as “Chief among the Patriot groups,” with the word patriot, in SPLC-speak, used to connote something negative, namely "anti-government," though the JBS is not anti-government in the slightest, only anti-lawless or -tyrannical government. The SPLC also demonizes as “hate groups” everything from mainstream pro-family organizations to voices that criticize radical Islamism. On top of that, the SPLC has been widely ridiculed for wildly inflating its lists of both “hate” groups and “patriot” groups, even listing defunct websites run by a single person or the “Granny Warriors” as targets in its outlandish propaganda materials.
But critics say it is the SPLC and its allies, in fact, that deserve more scrutiny — and not just because the group's hate propaganda inspired terrorist Floyd Corkins to buy a gun and try to murder as many innocent employees of a mainstream pro-family group as possible, and then shove Chi-fil-A sandwiches in his victims' mouths. In fact, the SPLC's views are so radical that the mainstream American Family Association, with millions of supporters, labels it an “anti-Christian hate group,” and numerous prominent voices on the Left have denounced the SPLC as well.While the SPLC's ramblings are occasionally taken seriously by anti-Christian bigots in government and the establishement media, most conservative and libertarian organizations and individuals consider it a badge of honor to be slandered by the SPLC. Still, its methodology has long been the subject of ridicule, and it has become increasingly marginalized as an extremist group among sensible Americans.  
Despite the stench of the SPLC's reputation — even prominent leftists have blasted the outfit and its founder as money-grubbing scam artists that bilk and terrorize donors while demonizing those whose views it disagrees with — Carlin had nothing but praise for the outfit. Groups like the SPLC, which has long been openly associated with communists, terrorists, and other radicals, “dedicate themselves to examining what the threat is, observing it, and reporting on it,” Carlin claimed, apparently with a straight face. Of course, in reality, the opposite is true, as even other arms of the Obama administration and growing swaths of the establishment media have slowly started to realize. “I can say, based on our briefings, that as I said in my opening remarks, we very much think that the domestic terrorism threat is a real and present threat that demands to be addressed in new, creative ways,” Carlin continued, adding that the “Southern Poverty Law Center and other groups in this space are very important.”
Ironically, Carlin also discredited much of his argument about anti-government activists by touting a debunked “study” claiming that alleged “right-wing extremists,” apparently hiding under every bed, have become a bigger threat to America than Islamic terrorists — many of whom have been armed and openly supported by the Obama administration, prompting even retired U.S. generals to argue that Obama had “switched sides” in the terror war. The propaganda “study” in question, produced by the statist George Soros-funded New America Foundation (no link to this magazine), has been widely ridiculed as a pathetic attempt at propaganda on par with Obama administration efforts to demonize conservatives, libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, veterans, pro-life activists, liberty lovers, and more as potential terrorists and extremists in various official reports.
A report on “right-wing extremism” produced by Obama's Department of Homeland Security warning of veterans and conservatives was eventually withdrawn after it went public. The DHS was subjected to merciless ridicule once the sources, many of which were known hoax websites, emerged. But other, similar propaganda continues to be pumped out, at taxpayer expense. And the New America report, while not directly affiliated with the administration, has been blasted for major flaws that provide evidence of deliberate manipulation to achieve the desired result — demonizing political opponents.    
recent article on Obama's new czar hunting right-wing extremists by Leo Hohmann at WND, for example, pointed out that the New America study cited a mentally ill, drug-abusing, anti-Christian terrorist motivated by National Socialism as an example of “right-wing terrorism.” Other alleged examples of “right-wing terrorism” included a 2004 bank robbery, an armed home robbery in 2009, and a few non-political shootings of police. In all, the “study” managed to find or invent 48 victims of “right-wing terrorism” since the September 11 attacks killed 3,000 Americans. When it comes to Islamist terrorism, though, the “study” failed to include everything from Chattanooga shooter Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez's recent attack that killed five U.S. servicemen to John Muhammad's Washington, D.C., shooting spree that left 10 dead back in 2002. Despite being debunked, the pseudo-study was regurgitated by Carlin and some leftist media outlets without noting its obvious flaws.  
Critics, though, are already warning that Obama's new domestic terror czar is no joke. Bryan Fischer, writing on the pro-family One News Now site, blasted the president's “abiding hostility to people of Christian faith” — as exemplified most recently by the new terror czar position and Obama's apparent belief that Christians are a threat to national security. “If you are a sincerely devoted follower of Jesus Christ, your president believes you are a potential domestic terrorist,” Fischer wrote, pointing to Obama's new domestic terror czar job and the statements made by Carlin and the SPLC. “And where, pray tell, does this threat come from? From the Muslim Brotherhood, which has a stated goal of exterminating Western civilization and sabotaging our miserable house from within? Nope. From ISIS, which is actively recruiting jihadists in all 50 states? Nope. Jihadists who are sneaking into the United States disguised as Syrian refugees? Nope.”
Blasting the “thoroughly discredited” SPLC, “which is so blatantly and maliciously biased against Christians that other parts of Obama's administration – the FBI, the Pentagon, and the U.S. Army – are getting as far away from the SPLC as they can,” Fischer said Obama and his “minions” consider the Family Research Council and the American Family Association to be the “real threat.”  He also noted that the SPLC's “intelligence project director,” who teamed up with the DOJ, had admitted to a reporter that the SPLC classifies groups “on the basis of ideology.” “In other words, the SPLC will vilify groups because of what they believe, not because of what they do or because they have demonstrated any propensity toward violence,” Fischer noted, citing the SPLC operative's own admission that the groups demonized by the SPLC are not targeted based on whether they are violent or not, but “on the basis of ideology.”  
“Do we disagree with the homosexual lobby about homosexuality? Of course. Do we hate them? Absolutely not. Do we advocate violence against them? Never have, never will. We are simply determined to tell the moral, spiritual, and physical truth about non-normative sexual behavior,” Fischer continued, blasting the SPLC's attacks on pro-family groups based on the far-left outfit's own subjective hatred of what those groups say. “Bottom line: disagreement is not hatred, and the truth is not hate speech. Somebody needs to tell that to the president.” Of course, Obama already knows that, yet has demonstrated repeatedly his disdain for Christians — especially those who “bitterly” cling to their guns and Bibles.
In its final year in office, the Obama administration seems to be becoming a caricature of itself — an angry, petulant, paranoid, anti-American spectacle that would almost appear to be a comedy act if the implications for liberty and constitutional government were not so extreme.
Unsurprisingly, the new domestic terror czar announcement, and especially its links to the radical SPLC, has sparked a firestorm of outrage. However, the American people overwhelmingly elected Republicans to Congress so they could stop Obama and his “fundamental transformation” of America. A good place to start would be to examine the DOJ and its latest  antics. If they are unconstitutional, or chill free speech in any way, they should be defunded immediately. If lawmakers find that the Justice Department is playing politics and demonizing, spying on, or threatening peaceful Americans for their political or religious views, Congress should start holding those responsible for the scheming accountable. Without congressional action, though, Americans can expect even more attacks on middle America in the coming months as Obama's “fundamental transformation” reaches its climax.  
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SEE: http://the-trumpet-online.com/the-fool-hath-said-in-his-heart-there-is-no-god-scientists-agree/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

The Fool Hath Said In His Heart There Is No God – Scientists Agree?

(NaturalNews) In a stunning development with horrific implications, scientists whose work was published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience were able to achieve “magnetic lobotomies” that deactivate higher brain function without using surgery, radiation, fluoridated water or mercury-laced vaccines.
Experimental subjects who underwent the magnetic brain interventions — which targeted the frontal lobe cognitive functions associated with higher intelligence — suddenly lost their belief in God as well as concerns about illegal immigration, according to press reports.
“Belief in God was reduced almost by a third, while participants became 28.5 per cent less bothered by immigration numbers,” says the UK’s Daily Express. “The scientists targeted the posterior medial frontal cortex, a brain region a few inches up from the forehead that is associated with detecting and responding to problems.”

Cognitively retarded brains approve of illegal immigration and don’t believe in God

The experiment shows that high-powered magnetic interventions can achieve “magnetic lobotomies” that effectively cause temporary mental retardationby shutting down regions of the frontal cortex associated with higher reasoning and intelligence.
Once experimental subjects were mentally retarded by the deactivation of their brain regions, they became more open to illegal immigration. This is a direct demonstration, of course, that people who support illegal immigration demonstrate a shocking degree of mental retardation while lacking higher brain function. (A person really does have to be mentally retarded to fail to understand the function of national borders and the value of an orderly, legal immigration process.)
Similarly, people who do not believe in a Creator, a God or a higher power in the universe reflect the same limited thinking as these “brain deactivated” experimental subjects. An understanding of the universal creative forces that brought our universe to life, it seems,requires higher brain functioning. Any cognitively suppressed person suffering from partial brain shutdown, meanwhile, can be an atheist. Understanding the divine, however, requires the higher cognitive ability to think abstractly and recognize the many unseen forces behind life and creation.
It takes no brain power at all to be an atheist, of course. None of Earth’s lower life forms have any belief in (or recognition of) the divine. Both atheists and magnetically lobotomized test subjects share the same spiritual foundation as a dog or a snail. Richard Dawkins, take note: If your brain actually worked better, you would recognize the existence of a creative, divine force in the universe and wouldn’t happen to share the same mental retardation of these magnetically lobotomized test subjects.

Ominous brain alteration might be mandated by evil governments in the same way as vaccines

Here’s where all this gets even more frightening. Many governments of the world — especially the U.S. government — are dominated by Christian-hating totalitarians who quite literally perceive belief in God (or national borders) as a kind of “mental illness” to be eradicated like a pandemic.
It’s not at all far-fetched to predict that governments might one day mandate magnetic brain “therapy” among those who believe in God in order to “treat” their so-called “delusion” of believing in the divine.
Those who profess belief in God can simply be labeled “mentally ill” by the government, then marched into Obamacare-funded “treatment centers” that are actually magnetic lobotomy mills. (If you don’t think this could ever happen, you don’t know much about the modern-day industry of psychiatry and electroshock therapy.)
Once a person emerges with their frontal lobe magnetically fried, they will “fit in” with the Obama administration and the hoards of brain-damaged Democrats who now typify mentally ill America.
That person will then be proclaimed “cured” by the government. God-hating scientists like Dawkins will declare treatment victims to be “set free from the God delusion” and finally able to lead a “normal” life.

Brain-damaging “treatment” might be mandated just like vaccines

California has already mandated risky vaccinations with SB277, wholly violating human rights and the foundations of medical ethics by forcing treatments upon people against their will. It’s not much of a leap to imagine a totalitarian leftist government demanding that all right-wingers be “treated” by shutting off their brains, creating the kind of “cognitive equality” that leftists incessantly demand.
This also helps explain why those on the political left are incapable of contemplating mathematics and economics. National debt numbers mean nothing to them, so endless government spending on endless entitlements is seen by the political left as just “money from nothing” without consequence or limit. (And don’t even get me started on the ridiculous, demented lunacy of “gun free zone” signs posted outside schools.)
Truly, the only way to ever see the world from the leftist point of view is to damage your brain and deactivate higher thought functions. Once that’s accomplished, you’ll no doubt approve of illegal immigration, an expansion of all entitlements, massive increases in government debt spending and a totalitarian society where government keeps you safe from your own free will… [I]f you’re that brain damaged, you might even vote for Hillary Clinton.


Published on Oct 16, 2015
Are conservatives in the Catholic church who want to focus on traditional concerns of life and family plotting against the Pope? The Pope is being used to sell as a moral issue, a political agenda centered on “climate change”. Yet 3 new scandals erupted just this week in the Vatican & Rome.

Meanwhile, the lead meteorologist in France has warned of the manipulative hysteria being cultivated around “climate change”, that the public are “hostage to a planetary scandal over climate change — a war machine whose aim is to keep us in fear.” In response, the French government took him off the air.



What’s Really Behind Mandatory Vaccines?
Published on Oct 17, 2015
Council for Vaccine Safety founder, Brandy Vaughn, joins the show to discuss what’s really behind the push for mandatory vaccinations. The pharmaceutical industry is set to make billions off of mandatory childhood vaccinations, and now both boys and girls will be pressured to take the highly controversial gardasil shot.


Trump Calls Sanders A Maniac Following Democrat Debate & Hillary a Follower

Published on Oct 14, 2015
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has a new target for his barbs: Democratic contender Bernie Sanders. Trump went after the senator while speaking in front of about 5,000 people at a rally in Virginia Wednesday evening. (Oct. 15)



 Published on Oct 15, 2015
Alex Jones breaks down the globalist plan to federalize and globalize the police under U.N. control.

SPLC Minions Plot Police Takeover

Published on Oct 15, 2015
Alex Jones plays a video clip of an SPLC crony describing their plan to takeover the police and who their main enemies are.



SPLC says it places groups — including conservative, Christian groups — on its “Hate List” based on their beliefs
ORIGINALLY BY  Lauretta Brown AT:
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

(CNSNews.com) – John Carlin, the assistant attorney general for national security, announced Wednesday that the Justice Department is creating the new position of domestic terrorism counsel to combat the “real and present threat” of domestic extremism. Carlin praised groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center “that dedicate themselves to examining what the threat is, observing it, and reporting on it,” adding that the work of the SPLC was “very important.” The SPLC says it places groups -- including conservative, Christian groups -- on its "Hate List" based on their beliefs, not their propensity for violence.
"Homegrown violent extremists can be motivated by any viewpoint on the full spectrum of hate — anti-government views, racism, bigotry, anarchy and other despicable beliefs," Carlin told a gathering at George Washington University. The discussion was co-hosted by SPLC. "When it comes to hate and intolerance, no single ideology governs."
Carlin was asked about the value of SPLC’s work in helping DOJ deal with the threat of domestic terrorist extremism.
“I can say, based on our briefings, that as I said in my opening remarks, we very much think that the domestic terrorism threat is a real and present threat that demands to be addressed in new, creative ways,” he replied emphasizing that “Southern Poverty Law Center and other groups in this space are very important.”
The SPLC’s website features a “hate map” that lists the conservative. Christian Family Research Council (FRC) as a “hate group” because of its defense of traditional marriage. The “hate map” was cited by convicted domestic terrorist Floyd Lee Corkins in his decision to attack the FRC in 2012 when he shot and wounded a security guard before being subdued.
“We recognize that, over the past few years, more people have died in this country in attacks by domestic extremists than in attacks associated with international terrorist groups,” Carlin said in his remarks.
SPLC’s Intelligence Project Director Heidi Beirich participated with Carlin in Wednesday's discussion of domestic terrorism.
CNSNews.com asked Beirich about their designation of the Family Research Council as a hate group.
“I think there’s a common misunderstanding about the way you get on our Hate List. We post groups on the basis of ideology, not whether they’re violent or not,” she replied.
 “Of course some of the groups are particularly violent, the Skinheads, Neo-Nazis, and what not,” she continued.  “Others are simply pushing propaganda that we consider hateful. For example, there’s an organization called American Renaissance, it puts out reams and reams of information about why black people are inferior, it lies basically, so black people are dumber, they’re psychopathic, they’re more violent. “In the same way groups like the Family Research Council and the American Family Association do that but what they’re putting out is anti-gay material so gay people are pedophiles, or molesters, or whatever the case may be, and that’s why they’re on the list and that’s the direct analogy.”
“Look our list is, we’re a nonprofit, we put out a list every year, we have relationships with people in federal law enforcement, but we’re a completely separate entity and we put our material out to the entire public, right?” Beirich replied when CNSNews.com asked how these listings might affect SPLC aiding in domestic terrorism investigations.
“So it’s there to be seen, so it’s not like we’re somehow, the Southern Poverty Law Center’s controlling domestic terrorism investigations. It’s clearly not the case. It’s public information, it’s our opinion that it’s hateful, and that’s basically it,” she concluded.
The new Domestic Terrorism Counsel will serve as the main point of contact for U.S. Attorney offices nationwide and will work to identify trends across cases, help shape strategy and analyze legal gaps that need to be closed, the Associated Press reported. Also See: Conservatives to DOJ, FBI: Stop Advancing Southern Poverty Law Center’s Anti-Christian Agenda


Protecting Rights: Loyal Americans Targeted by the SPLC
Uploaded on Oct 28, 2011
Bill Jasper presents how Americans are targeted by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Brought to you by Liberty News Network - a project of The John Birch Society


Given past history, DOJ's "domestic terrorism counsel" will politically persecute libertarians and conservatives
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

The Justice Department has created a “domestic terrorism” division after previously labeling libertarians and conservatives as “domestic extremists.”
The DOJ announced it will appoint a “domestic terrorism counsel” to focus on who the Obama administration and the controversial Southern Poverty Law Center considers “extremists.”
“Looking back over the past few years, it is clear that domestic terrorists and homegrown violent extremists remain a real and present danger to the United States,” the DOJ’s John Carlin said on Wednesday.
“Militia members most commonly associated with third-party political groups,” a 2009 Missouri Information Analysis Center report stated. “It is not uncommon for militia members to display Constitutional Party, Campaign for Liberty or libertarian material.”
“These members are usually supporters of former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr.”
Even more concerning, the MIAC report encouraged law enforcement to scrutinize Americans who oppose abortion, illegal immigration and the rapid growth of the government, all of which are views shared by a plurality of Donald Trump supporters.
“The MIAC report is particularly pernicious because it indoctrinates Missouri law enforcement in the belief that people who oppose confiscatory taxation, believe in the well-documented existence of a New World Order and world government (a Google search of this phrase will pull up numerous references made by scores of establishment political leaders), and are opposed to the obvious expansion of the federal government at the expense of the states as violent extremists who are gunning for the police,” Kurt Nimmo pointed out. “It specifically targets supporters of mainstream political candidates and encourages police officers to consider them dangerous terrorists.”
The report was compiled with input from the leftist SPLC which routinely smears well-known libertarian and conservative organizations by falsely conflating them with racist, extremist groups.
“The SPLC, the well-heeled propaganda machine that smears conservatives for cash, is an integral part of the ongoing leftist effort to demonize and destroy legitimate conservative voices,” journalistRobert Spencer wrote, adding, “The SPLC turns a blind eye to the real hate that comes from the left and Islamic supremacists, and offers with its hate group listings not only an incitement to violence, but a handy tool that lazy, leftist mainstream media journalists use to try to intimidate people away from supporting … human rights.”
It’s been reported that the SPLC has made over $150 million in the past 20 years from advising law enforcement on conservative and libertarian “extremism.”
Local law enforcement officials have used SPLC reports to “justify” the deployment of former military equipment such as grenade launchers and MRAPs for domestic police use.
“I mean, we’ve got a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons, lots of ammunition,” a Washington state sheriff’s deputy proclaimed when asked why his department used a MRAP.
And last week, a Georgia grand jury formally charged 15 Confederate flag supporters on terror charges.
“Douglas County District Attorney Brian Fortner said members of the ‘Respect the Flag’ group violated the state’s Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act and made terroristic threats when their caravan of vehicles bearing the rebel flag drove past a neighborhood party,” Fox News reported.
Similarly, the Justice Dept. has been pressuring banks to refuse service to businesses the DOJ is targeting politically, such as gun stores, in a program entitled Operation Choke Point.
Under the program, the DOJ is attempting to shut down various legal businesses, including firearm dealers, dating services, purveyors of drug paraphernalia and pornography distributors, by coercing financial institutions to close the bank and merchant accounts associated with these businesses.
And back in April the National Guard performed “civil unrest” drills in Richmond, Calif., which featured role players screaming right-wing rhetoric.
“Why in the course of a drill for a dirty bomb, would an actor claim to be a sovereign citizen?” Keith Johnson asked, who filmed the footage. “The San Francisco Bay Area is not known for its sovereign citizen militia population and hearing this shouted during a mock terrorist scenario was disturbing.”

DOJ Plots American Coup!
Published on Oct 16, 2015
The Justice Department has created a “domestic terrorism” division after previously labeling libertarians and conservatives as “domestic extremists.” http://www.infowars.com/doj-creates-d... ** http://www.infowars.com/secret-state-... **SHOCKING STORY http://www.infowars.com/state-departm...

Deadly Move That Will Usher The World Into Madness Has Just Arrived-“Global Citizenship"


Published on Oct 15, 2015
President Obama’s questionable sanity is now not just being noticed by mental health professionals or political activist and Presidential nominee Lyndon Larouche or best selling author and former U.S. State Department official Steve Piecenik. Now an entire country has voiced it’s concern. “John Schindler, a security expert and whistleblower who now writes for The Daily Beast, has claimed that a senior EU official from an undisclosed country also inquired about impeachment proceedings, saying that the nation believes Obama is not fit for office.” Schindler tweeted out the revelation Monday “Had a senior EU diplomat, old friend, ask me today, How does your impeachment work? My government believes Obama is quite mentally unwell.”

In fact the submissive domesticated Obama supporters at this point have to be suffering varying degrees of psychosis. You would have to be delusional to ignore Obama’s shrouded upbringing by communist muslims. His former identity as Barry Soetero, an Indonesian foreign exchange student with confidential college records that rose to prominence traversing marxist/socialist circles catapulted into the political landscape due to funds provided by unknown foreign backers and NWO strategist George Soros.

Obama has now shown almost all of the cards in his hand after decimating the U.S. military, aiding and abetting the assault of the U.S. constitution, increasing our national debt, creating a healthcare tax to destroy the middle class, engaging in divide and conquer leadership and overseeing the policies and trade deals that serve as a trojan horse for an emerging global Corporacratic Government.

You would have to be mentally ill to oppose prosperity. Humanity has an unlimited potential. Massively overshadowing the potential of the NWO beast’s technocratic eugenics plan. Our sovereign individual national identities have to be maintained and developed. It is only through this method of human innovation that all of our greatest and sanest achievements have been attained.

IS BARACK OBAMA ACTUALLY TRYING TO START WORLD WAR III? – http://www.infowars.com/is-barack-oba…

OBAMA: ‘AMERICANS’ SUSPICION OF GOVERNMENT IS PARALYZING’ – http://www.infowars.com/obama-america…

Is Obama Mentally Ill? Experts Weigh In

Published on Oct 15, 2015
Former NSA analyst says senior European official asked him how US President could be impeached.

Read more:


Socialist Sanders Wants to Give You “Free” Everything
by Increasing Taxes on the “Rich” 0.1% Who He Claims Owns 90% of the Wealth of the U.S.



SEE: http://christiannews.net/2015/10/08/florida-senate-candidate-admits-to-sacrificing-goat-drinking-blood-in-pagan-ritual/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
ORLANDO, Fla. — A U.S. Senate candidate in Florida is raising eyebrows after he admitted to sacrificing a goat and drinking its blood two years ago as part of a pagan ritual.
Augustus Sol Invictus, 32, is a candidate for Marco Rubio’s seat under the Libertarian Party and also works as an attorney.
His moniker means “majestic unconquered sun,” similar to the sun god that was worshiped in the Roman empire in the first few hundred years following Christ’s death and resurrection. However, reports state that he chose the name in following Thelema, a philosophy created by Satanist Alestair Crowley. Invictus’ real name is not known.
This week, Invictus admitted to reporters that in 2013, he walked to the Mojave Desert from Orlando and spent a week there fasting. After his return, he killed a goat and drank its blood to give thanks for surviving the journey.
“I did sacrifice a goat. I know that’s probably a quibble in the mind of most Americans,” Invictus told the Associated Press. “I sacrificed an animal to the god of the wilderness. … Yes, I drank the goat’s blood.”
The Daily Beast also notes that in a letter he wrote he wrote that year, Invictus renounced his U.S. citizenship, his part in the Roman Catholic Church, his legal license, and all of his physical possessions.
“To those who believe that this great renunciation is evidence of mental illness rather than the initiation of a spiritual journey: If my example stirs nothing in you, if you can see no further than the confines of what your secular humanism & its hallowed psychiatry allow, then there is nothing I can say to you that would wake you from your slumber,” he wrote. “You are less than the beast in man. You are fungi. Would to God that you pass quickly from this Earth.”
He said that he was going to the desert to prepare for a civil war.
“I have prophesied for years that I was born for a Great War; that if I did not witness the coming of the Second American Civil War I would begin it myself. Mark well: That day is fast coming upon you. On the New Moon of May, I shall disappear into the Wilderness. I will return bearing Revolution, or I will not return at all,” Invictus wrote.
The Senate candidate told reporters that he doesn’t “go on [his] lunch break and start hacking chickens to death,” but is an avowed pagan.
If elected, he said that he wants to tackle issues such as immigration, the federal budget and U.S. intervention in foreign countries. Libertarian Party Chairman Adrian Wyllie resigned last Thursday due to disagreements with Invictus’ candidacy. Invictus has remarked that Wyllie’s vocal opposition has been just to “smear” his campaign.
“In response to Invictus’ campaign, the now former chairman Adrian Wyllie of the Libertarian Party of Florida resigned from his position, calling Invictus a “violent Fascist and Neo-Nazi” whose ideology was incompatible with libertarianism and saying he did not want to be part of the same party. The chairman also accused Invictus of wanting to start a second civil war in America, and of supporting eugenics. Invictus responded by admitting he once wrote a paper advocating eugenics but has since changed his mind.
In 2013 Invictus said that he expected and might start a “Second American Civil War“, and he has issued a call for “total insurrection”, saying to his followers:
“I do not want you to vote, so much as I want you to wake up. I want you to drop out and tune in. I want you to take LSD and practice sorcery. I want you to listen to trap music and black metal, to learn the law and to break it deliberately, to find your own religion. I want you to learn the use of firearms and subject yourselves to rigorous physical training. I want you to treat your bodies as Holy Temples and to take your girlfriend to a strip club so you can seduce a dancer in the back room. I want you to worship Nature and dance naked in the moonlight ‘round the fire, screaming in ecstatic joy. I want you to revolt. Raise Hell. Break your limitations. Renounce your life and go into the Wilderness, that God may speak to you of things to come.”


and research purposes:

Threat of youth suicide drives radical, body-disfiguring “sex reassignment” surgeries on minor children–should this be legal?

Emily Pascal as a teenage girl, before her transgender "sex reassignment" surgeries to become like a man.

Defying Nature: Emily Pascal as a teenage girl, before undergoing her transgender “sex reassignment” surgeries to appear like the male she thinks she is. Paschal, 17, now identifies as “Emmet” (see video below) after having her healthy breasts surgically removed. Both Pascal’s parents and the medical professionals at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago cite her potential suicide as a key reason for pursuing the body-disfiguring operations as a minor.

 “We don’t offer anything that would have any long-lasting negative or irreversible effect unless this is truly a kid who’s older, who can make a wise decision, whose family is supportive.”– Dr. Scott Leibowitz, child and adolescent psychiatrist with Lurie Children’s Hospital’s Gender and Sex Development program

Folks, I am stunned at what passes for science and medical care these days.Emily Paschal, a 17-year-old girl from Gurnee, Illinois featured in these WYCC (PBS-Chicago) video segments, had her healthy adolescent breasts surgically removed as part of her “transitioning” process to become her male persona, “Emmet.” Her parents allowed the radical surgery in the name of helping their daughter become like the transgender “male” she thinks she is. They were assisted by Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, in a program led by an open homosexual, Dr. Robert Garofalowho heads up the hospital’s “Gender and Sex Development Program.”
Last month I was interviewed by WYCC for this “In the Loop” segment,  ”Raising a Transgender Teen,” without knowing the specifics of the Emily-”Emmet” Pascal story. WYCC is the lesser known of two PBS TV stations in Chicago, and this program aired September 24, 2015. WYCC used only a tiny portion of my interview, which is a shame because the reporter who interviewed me–not “In the Loop” host Barbara Pinto, who narrates the piece–was very fair and asked no “gotcha” questions. Note: I am identified here with “Center For Morality,” which will be a project of Americans For Truth as we transition to our new home in the Washington, D.C. area.
How tragic it is that the threat of suicide drives this entire process whereby panic-stricken parents–working with doctors who double as de facto LGBTQ activists–allow their child’s confused feelings to guide and rationalize the pursuit of permanent body-disfiguring operations.  Speaking of rationalizations: what would feminists say about Emily’s (“Emmet’s’) father Dirk Paschal recalling her leadership skills as a girl in the neighborhood as evidence that she was really a “boy.” Can’t girls be leaders?
The bottom line here is that doctors have become activists and pop-culture philosophers in pushing these extreme experimental “solutions” on vulnerable youth and their vulnerable parents–even though, as Dr. Garofalo admits (see 3:18 mark), the doctors are far from having all the answers. Most importantly, as he acknowledges, some kids overcome their sense of “gender nonconformity”–so why rush the operations and puberty-blocking drug “treatements”? And will we all one day as taxpaying Americans be subsidizing these horrific procedures through Obama-care? I question whether these radical “transgender” surgeries should even be legal for minors. More coming on this. – Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH
Some highlights of the video are transcribed after the videos and the page jump:

Raising A Transgender Teen

Here is a second “bonus” video produced by WYCC with an extended interview with Emily (“Emmet”) Paschal’s parents:

Growing up transgender Bonus Clip. 09/24/15

Partial Transcription of WYCC program, “Raising a Transgender Teen”:
:40 — Faither, Dirk Paschal: “As a little, he [his daughter Emily] didn’t present as a little girl. He was the leader in the neighborhood and made up the games and all the kids followed. And he didn’t take much guff from anyone, either….So perhaps he acted like a boy more than we ever wanted to believe.”
1:54 – Dr. Robert Garofalo, Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago: “I think there’s a misconception sometimes out there that a program such as ours is intervening medically..–or God forbid, surgically–in young children. That’s not what this program does and not what programs across the country like it across the country do.
2:17 — Dr. Garofalo continues: “Our job is to sort of tell people what we know about the science, tell people what we know…about the options, and then have them as families make a decision that’s in their best interest.”
2:28 — WYCC “In the Loop” reporter Barbara Pinto: “Those decisions particularly for children and adolescents can become complex and controversial. Some of those options include drugs that temporarily block puberty and for older teens, hormones that cause more permanent changes. Estrogen to bring on female puberty, and testosterone to bring on male puberty. Like all drugs, there are side-effects, including increased risks of cancers and heart disease. But there are few studies on long-term use of these drugs among people who are transgender. The studies that have been done indicate much higher rates of suicide in the transgender community–41 percent compared to less than 5 percent in the general population. They also are more likely to suffer from higher instances of depression and substance abuse. And gender is complex in childhood.”
3:18 – Dr. Garofalo: “A certain percentage of young people…who present as gender non-conforming as children may not persist as gender non-conforming when they’re adolescents or adults. Nobody really knows the exact percentage, and nobody really knows what are the factors that are going to contribute to … what might cause someone to persist or not to persist.”
3:34 – Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH [Center For Morality]: “Our hearts go out to the parents. We know these are very difficult issues. But radical gender surgeries are often not the answer. We see studies which show that adults who go through sex reassignment surgeries are often still depressed, still suicidal–after going through these body-disfiguring operations.”
4:18 -Dr. Scott Leibowitz [child and adolescent psychiatrist with Lurie’s Gender and Sex Development program]: “We don’t offer anything that would have any long-lasting negative or irreversible effect unless this is truly a kid who’s older, who can make a wise decision, whose family is supportive….”
4:38 – [Dr. Leibowitz continues]: “I would argue that we can’t be worried about some theoretical cancer that might be happening in 20 years if we don’t have a child or an adolescent at all–if they commit suicide.”
WYCC reporter Pinto: “That is why the Paschals had little doubt about moving ahead with medical intervention.”
4:55 — Ann Paschal [Emily/”Emmet’s”) mother: “It was truly a life or death situation for us so it was something we just felt we needed to do.”
5:08 – WYCC’s Pinto: “With the help of his health care team at Lurie to get insurance to cover the $12,000 cost, Emmet recently had ‘top surgery’–essentially a double-mastectomy to remove breast tissue. And he’s started on daily doses of testosterone to bring on male puberty. He’s also legally his name from Emily to Emmet.
Emily/”Emmet” Paschal: “I feel more correct. I feel like I’m starting to fit, like the puzzle is coming together.” …




Meet Dr. Rob Garofalo, Division Head,
Adolescent Medicine at Lurie Children’s

Published on Jul 30, 2013
Dr. Rob Garofalo is the Division Head of Adolescent Medicine at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. Dr. Garofalo’s special interests include ​adolescent HIV/AIDS issues; sexually transmitted diseases; gay, lesbian, transgendered youth issues.




Rev. Harry F. Knox | President/CEO

harry_knox headshotRev. Harry Knox is President and CEO of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice in Washington, DC, people of faith working for women’s access to health care and self-determination.  Prior to taking the helm at RCRC, Harry was the founding director of the Human Rights Campaign’s Religion and Faith Program, the first Program Director at Freedom to Marry, and Executive Director of Georgia Equality.  He has pastored churches in Georgia and Texas, and has held positions with the American Cancer Society and Equality Florida. Harry was appointed by President Obama in February 2009 to the President’s first Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships.  He is the recipient of the 2000 Cordle Award for Promotion of God’s Diversity, Lancaster Theological Seminary’s 2005 Robert V. Moss Medal for Excellence in Ministry, and the 2014 James T. Molloy Medal for Distinguished Alumni Service of the United States Senate Youth Program Alumni Association.  He is married to retired civil rights attorney C. Michael Bozeman.
Pro-Abortion United Methodist Minister Laura Young
Pro-Abortion United Methodist Minister Laura Young

United Methodist Minister: 

Abortion Clinic Shows “a Reverence for Life” 

by Killing Babies

No, I did not make that quote up. It flowed from the lips of the Reverend Laura Young, explaining to thinkprogress.org why she and others from the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice are blessing Preterm, a local abortion clinic in Cleveland, Ohio.
And, no, I did not make up “blessing” either.
Who is the Rev. Young? I did a quick check in the Columbus DispatchFrom one story I learned
This year, Young, a United Methodist minister in the West Ohio Conference, was assigned by Bishop Gregory Palmer to serve as executive director of the Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. The coalition, which had gone about two years without a director, had fallen largely quiet. Young aims to change that.
Calling herself a “progressive theological thinker and a feminist,” Young said goals include encouraging clergy members to testify at legislative hearings on anti-abortion bills and advocating for organizations that provide women’s health care, including abortions and contraception.
The story, by JoAnne Viviano, concludes with Rev. Young pining for the good old days, “Before the Roe v. Wade decision,” when “clergy members were ‘on the front lines.”
“Clergy have not been vigilant,” Young said. “People of faith have not been vigilant. So these rights and this access has eroded.”
So “vigilant” means, for example, lobbying in Ohio against a measure to protect unborn babies capable of feeling excruciating pain as they torn apart limb from limb. And against measures to protect unborn babies from losing their lives because they are diagnosed with Down syndrome, or involving parents in the abortion decisions of their minor daughters or requiring that abortionists (many of whom parachute in a few days a month) have admitting privileges at a local hospital when they botch an abortion.
But “vigilant” also means straightening out the “misguided faith” she sees at Preterm. Of course the “misguided faith” is most decidedly not ending the lives of God’s children, but rather is the province of those who peacefully tell women as they enter Preterm that there is a better way.
Rev Young insists they are hurling hate and judgment which leads women to later question their decision.
“Is that loving God? she tells Alex Zielinski rhetorically. “Is that loving your neighbor as yourself?”
But she is just getting started. “There is a reverence for life that happens in this clinic,” Rev. Young pronounced. “And the decision to get an abortion is often a really, really, spiritual decision. Even if someone personally wouldn’t get an abortion, they should at least understand this.”
Who is the “neighbor” closest to the pregnant woman? Her baby.
Is using steel tools to tear apart a well-developed unborn child by brute force an act of love?
Is God honored, let alone loved, when His children are killed because they are girls rather boys, “imperfect,” “unwanted,” or because their arrival is not penciled in on the day planner?
Would it be a “spiritual decision” if a woman (or a man) decided that birth is an arbitrary line of moral and legal demarcation and thus it is okay to kill the child a day later, or a week later, or a year later?
In what universe is this a satisfactory answer: “I wouldn’t personally murder my newborn, but I can at least understand how someone else would”?
Enough of this nonsense.
LifeNews.com Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of National Right to Life News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared in at National Right to Life News Today —- an online column on pro-life issues.

SEE: http://the-trumpet-online.com/thank-god-for-abortion-providers-episcopal-and-methodist-clergy-bless-abortion-clinic/republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:


Some ordained ministers are throwing their support behind abortion providers. Last week, for example, clergy for Episcopal and Methodist churches were among religious leaders who gathered in Cleveland to bless an abortion clinic.

“I’m here today standing alongside my fellow clergymen and clergywomen to say: thank God for abortion providers,” said Rev. Harry Knox, president and CEO of Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) which supports abortion rights and what it refers to as “abortion care.”
Knox, who is in a same-sex marriage, was the founding director of the Human Rights Campaign’s Religion and Faith Program, the first program director at Freedom to Marry, and executive director of Georgia Equality.
The Very Rev. Tracey Lind, dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, blessed the abortion clinic, saying, “Bless this building. May its walls stand strong against the onslaught of shame thrown at it. May it be a beacon of hope for those who need its services.”
The blessing event outside the Preterm abortion clinic was arranged by Rev. Laura Young, a United Methodist minister who is executive director of RCRC’s Ohio chapter, reports the Columbus Dispatch. Young calls herself a “progressive theological thinker and a feminist,” and says her goals include urging more clergy members to advocate for organizations that provide abortions and contraception.
At the abortion clinic, clergy members held up signs that read, “Pro-Faith, Pro-Family, Pro-Choice.”
Chrisse France, executive director of Preterm said, “At a time when abortion care providers are under attack, we are so thankful to be surrounded by the faith community as they share their powerful voices in saying no to the shame and stigma.”
12000 Shaker Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44120.1922 
216.991.4000 or Toll Free 877.PRETERM (773.8376)
“At Preterm, we honor the faith and spirituality that our patients bring to their pregnancy decisions and abortion experience. Our Reflection Room, created as sacred space, is available for prayer and contemplation. It is stocked with books from several faith traditions. We also have collections of prayers, reflections, and rituals that our staff and our patients have found or created to provide comfort and meaning during this time. Our patient advocates are here to help every woman find the spiritual resources she needs to make her decision and to heal, including referrals to local pro-choice clergy.
People of many religions and faith traditions agree that a woman is a moral agent able and responsible for making decisions about sexuality, pregnancy, and childbearing according to her own conscience and her own relationship with her god or divine power. Historically, many clergy members helped women obtain abortions when laws made that difficult, and they worked to ensure safe, legal abortion for all women. Many major denominations and faith traditions have adopted clear statements in support of reproductive rights.”
FROM: http://www.preterm.org/about-preterm/who-we-are-history.htmrepublished below in full unedited for informational, 
educational, and research purposes:
“Preterm opened its doors on March 15, 1974, a little more than a year after Roe v. Wade legalized abortion throughout the U.S. We offered abortion counseling and procedures through 10 weeks, for a fee of $160. We performed three abortions the first day. Our offices on Carnegie Ave. were designed to be homey and comfortable, decked out in golds and browns rather than clinical white.
The founders and original staff were committed women’s health activists who had previously worked with Cleveland Women’s Counseling (CWC). CWC provided health & birth control information, abortion counseling, and referrals to out-of-state clinics they had visited and approved. After Roe, this core group became concerned that no existing agency would step up to provide supportive abortion services in Cleveland, so they decided to do it themselves. In partnership with the Preterm Institute, a Boston nonprofit, they began to plan a clinic that would confirm the dignity of women and guarantee their freedom to make choices about their lives.
It was their vision that Preterm Cleveland would be:
  • A model built on health, not sickness
  • A place where women would receive affirmation and support, from both staff and each other
  • A facility in which participating physicians could take pride
  • A place where counseling would support and educate each patient
  • A service that would be nonprofit, tax exempt, and inexpensive
  • A center that would be ethical, caring and humane both for the patients and for the staff.
The clinic has been guided by these values ever since.
Under the leadership of original executive director Carolyn Buhl and her successor, Chrisse France, who took over in 1999, Preterm has continued to provide the highest quality abortion care, to participate in important studies to advance the field, and to educate and advocate for reproductive health and freedom.
Some of the highlights of our history include:
  • 1974 Preterm successfully joined the ACLU and NOW as plaintiff against the State Auditor in order to force payment for abortion services for women on Medicaid.
  • 1975 Research conducted with Preterm patients was written up by Dr. Sam Lane and Dr. John Wilson (CSU Psychology department) in “Conceptualizing the Abortion Decision and Moral Reasoning: Implications for Counseling.”
  • 1976 Preterm and the ACLU successfully fought the first attempted Ohio parental consent law.
  • 1983 After the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the law requiring that second trimester abortions be performed in a hospital, Preterm began offering abortion services through 16 weeks; shortly thereafter through 17.5 weeks.
  • 1989 Human chains kept clinic doors open and more than 100 people were arrested during the summer of “Operation Rescue.”
  • 1992 Faced with losing our longtime lease, Preterm embarked on a major capital campaign and eventually purchased a derelict building on Shaker Blvd. (where we moved in 1994).
  • 1995 & 1998 Preterm participated in clinical trials of RU486 & mifepristone, “the abortion pill.”
  • 1997 Preterm established the Gerson-Britton endowment to guarantee funding for medically indigent patients.
  • 2004 Preterm acted as a Cleveland co-sponsor of the March for Women’s Lives in Washington, DC. Ten buses from Cleveland, including half of Preterm’s staff, attended. 
  • 2006 “In Their Shoes,” dramatic readings from the journals kept in Preterm waiting rooms, performed by Dobama Theatre actors, premiered at a June fundraising event.
  • 2007 Preterm launched a three-year “Act Boldly, Live Gently” plan to transform the clinic into an energy efficient, sustainable healthcare facility. 
  • 2009 To further assist women in need of pregnancy options, Preterm began offering open adoption services in partnership with the Spence-Chapin agency in New York.
  • 2010 will be another big year … We are submitting application for LEED-EB (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Existing Buildings) certification, participating in important studies and education initiatives, and sponsoring an abortion speak-out to combat stigma, all while continuing to provide compassionate, high-quality abortion services.”


Autopsy Report Reveals Abortion Patient’s Hemorrhage Not Detected in Time

Pro-life Groups demand that Cuyahoga County Prosecutor launch criminal investigation of Cleveland’s Preterm abortion facility.
“Then there’s Preterm abortionist Lisa Perriera (pictured above), quoted by NPR. Perriera was at the epicenter of Wilson’s abortion catastrophe. According to the EMT report, she applied a pediatric mask to Wilson. I’ve been in my share of codes, and I can’t imagine this sort of glaring error ever happening. Click to enlarge:
Yes, it was her. From the DHHS investigator’s notes (click to enlarge)…
What else could she say? Incompetent. Also note the second yellow highlighted section in the EMT report: “EMS unable to utilize backboard or intubate pt in the building due to the elevator being so small that EMS had to sit the pt up on the cot and ventilate pt in a sitting position.” That’s exactly why there should be abortion clinic regulations. Precious minutes were lost as EMTs had to scramble to reposition Wilson on the gurney and then delay intubation. This wasn’t the first time Preterm’s elevator gave EMTs problems. The Preterm employee on this 2012 call gave the 911 operator a heads up that the elevator to their 3rd floor office was down (at 0:22), so EMTs had to carry a 300 pound bleeding post-abortive mother (at 2:35) down two flights of stairs. But Ludden quoted NARAL Ohio’s (located in the same building as Preterm, on the 4th floor) Kellie Copeland’s lament about the “relentless barrage of restrictions [that] has left providers feeling besieged.” Poor things.”


(Friday Church News Notes, October 16, 2015,www.wayoflife.orgfbns@wayoflife.org866-295-4143) – 

Last week, 15 wrongheaded Protestant “ministers” and Jewish rabbis in Cleveland, Ohio, blessed the Preterm abortion clinic. “The Very Rev.” Tracey Lind, Dean of Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, offered the following prayer: “Bless this building. May its walls stand strong against the onslaught of shame thrown at it. May it be a beacon of hope for those who need its services” (“Clergy Bless Preterm Clinic,” Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, RCRC, Oct. 8, 2015). This was addressed to the God of non-judgmentalism who is OK with the murder of unborn children and is only concerned about the feelings of women. “Rev.” Laura Young, a United Methodist minister who describes herself as a “progressive theological thinker and a feminist,” says, “It breaks my heart to know women are sitting in pews across the country feeling shamed, believing they’re cursed for making this decision. That’s a question I get a lot on the phone. ‘Am I going to hell?’ When God instead is there to support women through it all” (“Clergy Bless Preterm Clinic,” RCRC). TheColumbus Dispatch added this comment by Young: “As people of faith, we know that God’s love is constant when a woman is deciding to have an abortion. God’s love is with her the entire time” (“Clergy group blesses Cleveland abortion clinic,” Columbus Dispatch, Oct. 8, 2015). God’s love is unfathomable and is evident by the Son of God’s atoning sacrifice on Calvary, but the thrice-holy God requires repentance of sin, and He does not overlook the murder of children. There are two parties involved in an abortion, the mother and the child. If there were no child, there would be no “mother.” That this narcissistic generation thinks preeminently of one party, which is self, is a major sign of the times. “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy” (2 Timothy 3:1-2).

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