Melinda Gates Promised 

Not to Push Abortion

Now Promotes Planned Parenthood

Excerpt from above:
“Even if these organizations’ focus at the event was contraception, they were joined by late-term abortion provider LeRoy Carhart and Princeton ethicist Peter Singer.  Whatever Mrs. Gates’ personal beliefs may be, it is clear that those with whom she shares the stage, her celebrity, and her funding believe abortion to be an inherent component of “reproductive health,” and have few qualms about population control, if any.”

Melinda Gates to speak at pro-abortion conference:

“Almost a year after Melinda Gates stressed that her organization supported contraceptives, not abortions, at the Summit on Family Planning in London, she will speak at the Women Deliver conference alongside a late-term abortionist and a pro-infanticide philosopher, according to the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM).”

Gates Foundation Repeatedly Breaks Promise Not to Support Abortion:

“Yet this week the Gates Foundation is hosting an international conference in Ethiopia on the campaign and a significant number of workshops focus on abortion.”

“On the agenda for the family planning conference in Ethiopia are sessions titled “Efforts to Implement Policies that Expand Access to Safe Abortion,” “Access to Safe Abortions,” “Abortion and Quality of Care,” and “Abortion: Before and After.” These feature representatives of the world’s top abortion providers — Ipas, Planned Parenthood, and Marie Stopes — as well as other pro-abortion groups.”
“Abortion is also the topic of two of the five poster exhibits and several “topical roundtables,” including an Ipas-chaired discussion promoting the World Health Organization’s problematic guidelines on how to do abortions.”
“In addition to prominent participation by Ipas, PP, and UNFPA, speakers included infamous abortionist Dr. Leroy Carhart and notorious Princeton ethicist Peter Singer.” 

Bill Gates: Population Reduction Using Vaccinations: