See these news reports:

Michael Savage Interviews Audrey Hudson

Armed Feds Raid Reporters Home

Confiscate Confidential Documents:

Conservative Journalist Audrey Hudson: 

Feds Raided My Home, Took My Notes 

‘Clearly Intimidation’


From Lighthouse Trails Research is another article about Charles Stanley’s “In Touch” magazine promoting Catholic, ecumenical, interfaith and contemplative ministries and organizations. Complete article reprinted in full unedited below.
See:  http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2013/newsletters20131028.htm.

“Charles Stanley’s In Touch Magazine has been the subject of several Lighthouse Trails articles because of the magazine’s continued propensity toward contemplative/emergent people. Just this past summer, our most recent article, “Sad News About Charles Stanley’sIn Touch Magazine,” reported how the August 2013 issue of In Touch featured Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove of the “New Monasticism” emerging church movement. Now in the November 2013 issue, In Touch magazine is featuring an article about an ecumenical interfaith organization that is largely Catholic influenced and was, in fact, the very organization where Henri Nouwen spent the last decade of his life. What’s the big deal about that? some may ask. Well, it is a big deal when you stop and consider the implications. Charles Stanley is seen as the quintessential evangelical Bible teacher by millions. He is trusted, respected, and looked to for understanding of the biblical Gospel. So when his organization starts down a path that promotes contemplative spirituality, the emerging church, and yes, Roman Catholicism – there is a big problem.
In the November 2013 issue is an article written by Benjamin Dolson titled “Our Table.” It is a story about L’Arche, an organization that began in the 60s to offer an alternative living style for intellectually-handicapped people. The work itself is certainly not what we contest as it has removed needy people out of institutions and into a more viable living situation. We are not here to condemn the work being done at the L’Arche communities from a humanitarian point of view. But why does an evangelical ministry feel the need to continually point its followers to organizations or people that do not line up with the biblical Gospel. As Lighthouse Trails has documented scripturally for several years, the contemplative prayer movement and Roman Catholicism are presenting a different “Gospel” than the one the Bible presents. The Roman Catholic “Gospel” is a justification by works gospel, and the contemplative prayer (i.e., Spiritual Formation) “Gospel” is one that has panentheistic and interspiritual roots.  And we should mention that the Catholic church is utilizing the contemplative prayer movement to draw in converts to Catholicism (as Ray Yungen explains in his article “Contemplative Spirituality – the Source of the Catholic Church’s Expansion“).
For those who may not realize just how Catholic L’Arche is, here is a statement posted on the L’Arche international website:

L’Arche was founded in a village in France in the Roman Catholic tradition. Generally the communities reflect the predominant faith tradition or traditions of the local population. Thus, with the foundations of the communities of Daybreak in Canada and Asha Niketan in India, the Federation became first ecumenical and then interfaith. Most communities today consider themselves as Christian, some are ecumenical, some identify as Anglican or Protestant, and the majority are Catholic in their practice. The four communities in India and the project in Bangladesh have an interfaith character. All communities of the Federation welcome people of any or no faith and seek to respect and support members in their particular faith choice.1(emphasis added)

Translated, that last sentence means that L’Arche will help people of all religious beliefs to further develop that particular belief system in their own lives.
In a book written by L’Arche founder, Jean Vanier, titled Essential Writings (Modern Spiritual Masters series), it describes how he read Thomas Merton and practiced and was influenced by the spiritual exercises of Jesuit founder St. Ignatius.
While we do not condemn the people at L’Arche for their work with needy people, why is In Touch, a ministry that is supposed to be representing biblical Christianity, pointing its followers to this interfaith and ecumenical organization that has a strong Catholic background? 
As you may recall, Lighthouse Trails editors spoke with editors at In Touch this past summer but to no avail. We were told we were on a “witch-hunt” and that the information we provided was “not helpful.”
So, where does this leave untold numbers of Christians who read In Touch, of which some have contacted us expressing their concerns?  On the In Touch Ministries website, it reads:

The award-winning In Touch magazine has inspired and motivated readers for more than 25 years with resources to invigorate their faith including daily devotionals, in-depth Bible studies, insightful teaching from Dr. Stanley, and much more.

We don’t see how lifting up contemplative spirituality and Roman Catholic-prone organizations is going to “invigorate” Christian biblical faith. It is interesting to note that in the Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove article as well as this recent one on L’Arche, the emphasis in both articles is about helping the needy. We do not dispute and actually wholeheartedly believe that part of the Christian walk includes reaching out to the poor, hurting, and needy. This is a natural response for those who live and abide in Christ. But that is not the Gospel message. The Gospel is not about what we do (good works), but rather it is about what Jesus Christ has done for sinful man through his death on the Cross. The contemplative prayer movement traditionally teaches that man is already divine and contemplative prayer can help him find that divine self. Like contemplative icon Richard Rohr says, we are all the “immaculate conception[s]”  (i.e., sinless/divine – Rohr, Falling Upward, p. ix). In addition, leaders in the emerging church say that when the Reformation took place five hundred years ago, the reformation moved us too far away from the Catholic church. We need to come back together as one universal church, they say. If this were true, that would mean that all the believers who died standing against the Catholic church died in vain (read John Foxe’s story about a woman who died for such a cause.)
Breaking down the barriers between Catholicism and Protestantism opens up hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Protestants to interact with Catholic spiritual directors. Organizations such as Promise Keepers, while inspiring certain legitimate commitments (e.g. loving your wife and children), include a promise to tear down denominational walls, which specifically include the Roman Catholic Church. These Catholic spiritual directors have led people into the contemplative “silence.” This is exactly what happened to Ruth Haley Barton, a Protestant who was experiencing turmoil in her life. She went to a Catholic contemplative nun who directed her into the contemplative life. Today, Barton is a major figure in teaching contemplative prayer to pastors and church leaders.
There is an interesting sidebar in the In Touch article on L’Arche. It reads:

Communities of faith, of God’s reign, bring together into oneness those who by culture and by education are far apart. This is the body of Christ. This is the church.

What this is suggesting is an all-inclusive “community” (that certainly is the expanse of humanity), but if we say that the body of Christ is an all-inclusive church, then we are saying that there is no distinguishing between the various belief systems and religions.
Benjamin Dolson, the author of In Touch’s article, “Our Table,” is an editor for a group called The Burnside Writer’s Collective, a group of writers that promotes “social justice” and the emerging church. Their website features figures such as Jim Wallis and Shane Claiborne who promote a liberal social justice “Christianity.”  In our article “They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus: How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years, we document how some of these emergents are part of an effort to keep conservative Christians from voting – at all.  Is this just guilt by association that one of the In Touch contributing writers belongs to this group? We don’t think so. Jonathan Wilson-Grove (featured more than once in In Touch) falls in this category too. With all these articles in In Touch magazine featuring emergent names, it’s hard not to wonder if there is an underlying political agenda by In Touch editors.
While any hidden political agenda is only a guess at this point, one thing is for sure, In Touch editors are drawn to the contemplative/emergent persuasion as is much of current evangelical Christianity. There has been a subtle paradigm shift over the last twenty years, and this is something that is going to eventually change the message coming out of Charles Stanley’s In Touch ministry. Once he is passed or steps down (he is 81), as in the case of so many other ministries where the founder does not adequately equip his ministry to spot and remove spiritual deception, In Touch ministries could potentially become a leader for the emerging church movement.

In reading our article here, some may feel we are being too nit-picky and critical. After all, In Touch is talking about helping the needy. But if that reasoning is legitimate, then basically, as Christians, we are to embrace an anything-goes mentality (i.e.,  the church should embrace all “faith communities” without any protection over the Christian message of redemption). But the Bible so clearly and so frequently warns of beliefs that are contrary to the truth of Scripture. In writing this article about In Touch and L’Arch ecumenical interfaith communities, we are reminded of something Henri Nouwen said in the last book he ever wrote. We’ve quoted it often over the years because it shows very succinctly the “fruit” of contemplative mysticism, which Nouwen fully adhered to and practiced:

Today I personally believe that while Jesus came to open the door to God’s house, all human beings can walk through that door, whether they know about Jesus or not. Today I see it as my call to help every person claim his or her own way to God. —From Sabbatical Journey, page 51, 1998 Hardcover Edition

It boils down to this: Christian organizations like In Touch Ministries have been presenting themselves to their readers and supporters for many years as having a solid biblical message. Yet now, many of them appear to be changing course. Isn’t it only right and fair for them to come forward and tell their followers that they are no longer adhering just to biblical Christianity?
Does Charles Stanley know what has happened to his magazine? some may ask. We have no idea as he has remained absolutely silent on the situation. We’ve sent books, made phone calls, and we know there are LT readers who have contacted his ministry. But to date, we have never heard of any response. At least Focus on the Family has come right out and admitted that they see nothing wrong with the contemplative tradition. With  In Touch, we will just have to keep putting pieces of the puzzle together until a complete picture can be seen.”



Some time ago, Ken Silva of www.apprising.org, before he became ill, claims to have coined the phrase “Slowly Becoming Catholic” when referring to the Southern Baptist Convention. That phrase might appropriately fit all the many and varied instances of the S.B.C. and its adoption of Catholic contemplative mysticism, lectio divina, gushing over the Pope, or Billy and Franklin Graham and other Southern Baptist affiliated pastors and churches aligning with Catholics in ministry endeavors.
    It doesn’t fit quite so well when referring to the SBC’s equally frequent and varied ecumenical ministry endeavors, accords, conferences, and public displays of “common ground” with apostate, heretical denominations, and downright pagan religions such as the Mormons.
    Then you have the associations with the alleged sexually abusing Sovereign Grace Ministries and C.J. Mahaney; and other continuationist neo-reformed personalities such as Wayne Grudem, John Piper, Mark Dever, Tim Keller, et al.
    Add to that the commonplace fatalist and defeatist disengagement from the culture and politics justified by a unique eschatalogical interpretation of the biblical “end times”. Such is like wearing a traditional, conservative Christian dull gray suit of clothes to cover the naked liberalism infecting the SBC so as to portray a form of pseudo-conservatism which was long ago lost. So, while SBC pastors and leaders try to portray conservatism, they will tell you it is useless to vote for any political party or to actively engage the culture. The exception would be of course their affinity for contemporary rock worship styles and music, since their Arminianism requires them to become like the world to attract the unregenerate and unchurched hordes wanting to be fawned over and entertained by irreverent worship experiences devoid of the biblical gospel of repentance and grace. As with the Catholics, the SBC goes for salvation by grace and works.
    As the SBC tries to hasten Christ’s return by disengagement, they will also demonstrate by their overeating, pot bellies, and double chins, that poor health will also get you to heaven quicker than someone in trim shape and good health who may wait in vain. That way, you can avoid the consequences of a spiritually degenerating nation, and not have to even waste years waiting for Christ’s return.


For example, this recently from pastor Ralph Ovadal of Pilgrims Covenant Church, Monroe, Wisconsin at www.pccmonroe.org:

Dear Friends,

I am providing here a link to an article which was posted at Deseret News October 21, 2013. It is a report of Dr. Albert Mohler’s relationship with LDS officials and his recent speaking engagement at the Mormon Brigham Young University. I believe in civil and religious liberty. I believe Christians should stand against the persecution of anyone. But Al Mohler is playing right into the hands of the devil when he cultivates friendships with LDS officials, speaks of respect for them, and gives speeches at BYU when the word of God forbids it, for instance: James 4:4; 2 Cor. 6:14-17; Eph. 5:11. The Mormons are thrilled to have this very influential evangelical desensitize other evangelicals to the utter wickedness of Mormonism, regardless of any statements he makes about differences in doctrine. Mohler’s actions empty his mild clarification of credibility and effect. So, the LDS officials, and the devil, give such statements from their good friend a wink and a nod, knowing the greater good which is being accomplished for Mormonism and the corruption of evangelicals. I mean, the LDS newspaper Deseret even includes his quotes in its story! Say, Al, I would just mention here that the Scriptures nowhere tell ministers to have fellowship with and cultivate working friendships with the leaders of false religions masquerading as Christian. No, quite the opposite is true.
By the way, the organization Standing Together exists for the purpose of breaking down walls between the LDS and Christianity. So, thanks, Al. Thanks for this. Thanks also for signing the Manhattan Declaration. Thanks for muddying the waters concerning the sin of homosexuality . . . and so forth. I suppose a big thank-you is also due to Dr. John MacArthur who is once again having his dear friend Al Mohler, along with other New Calvinists such as Mark Dever, speak at the 2014 Shepherds’ Conference. Oh, the wretched irony but growing commonplace nature of it! Unfaithful shepherds preaching at “The Shepherds’ Conference”!
Ralph Ovadal


American Family Association’s “Rightly Concerned” webpage:
Wall Street Journal article referenced below:
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 8:06 PM
By Bryan Fischer
Follow me on Twitter: @BryanJFischer, on Facebook at “Focal Point” 
In this week’s Wall Street Journal, Neil King, Jr. offers a frankly disturbing profile of Russell Moore, the new head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). 
The tone is set by the title of the piece, “Evangelical Leader Preaches Pullback From Politics, Culture Wars.” Since one man’s “pullback” is another’s “full scale retreat,” social conservatives have a right to raise questions about the new course Moore is setting for the SBC. 
Conservative Catholics are already expressing alarm at Pope Francis’s rebuke of the Church for being “obsessed” with issues such as the sanctity of human life and the sanctity of marriage. If the SBC were also to abandon the field of cultural conflict, as Moore seems determined to do, the two largest organized religious bodies in the United States will have ceded the field and the contest to our adversaries in the battle over societal values. 
The Journal notes that Richard Land, whom Moore has replaced as head of the ERLC, unhesitatingly spoke of a “radical homosexual agenda.” Moore instead warns conservatives that gays and lesbians are not part of an “evil conspiracy.” 
While most homosexuals aren’t in some kind of sinister partnership with nefarious forces, the same cannot be said of homosexual activists. Wikipedia lists no less than 72 groups in the United States alone whose mission is to normalize the “infamous crime against nature,” to demand special rights on the basis of aberrant sexual behavior, to radically redefine marriage and the family, and to demonize pro-family organizations as “hate groups” for disagreeing with them. 
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) are in fact part of an evil conspiracy to celebrate behavior that according to Romans 1 is “contrary to nature,” consists of “shameless acts” and causes participants to “receiv(e)…in themselves the due penalty for their error.” 
Yet Moore says that marriage shouldn’t be seen as a “‘culture war’ political issue.” When bakers, florists and photographers are being punished by government, when members of the military are being court-martialed for supporting natural marriage and told told that pro-family groups are threats to national security, and when the SPLC hate map is used by a shooter to take a gun into the offices of the Family Research Council, that’s about as cultural and political as it gets. Someone must stand in the gap and fight for the First Amendment rights of these victims, especially their fundamental right to the free exercise of religion. 
We cannot and must not surrender when our most deeply cherished values and the Constitution itself are being shredded. This is no time for the sunshine soldier and the summer patriot. 
According to the Journal, Moore says we must ,“tone down the rhetoric and pull back from the political fray,” largely because of what he calls the “visceral recoil” to conservative positions on social issues among younger evangelicals.
But this is to allow the least mature, least experienced, and least wise among us to shape our message to the culture. Moore in this instance seems prepared to follow rather than lead, to go with the flow rather than swim against the current. But leaders do not follow public opinion, they shape it, especially when the issues are matters of biblical morality. 
Moore warns that we must not be “co-opted” by the political process. But this seems to be what has happened to him. Even the Journal says he “is responding to this (cultural) drift.” He appears to have been co-opted by the slide of young evangelicals into moral relativism and by the Republican Party elites who want the GOP, in the Journal’s words, “to back off hot-button cultural issues.” Moore’s softer, gentler Christianity will give him a place in their inner circle. But it is more important to stand for the right principle than to sit at the right table. 
Moore seems to have forgotten that Christ has not called us to be nice but to be good. Nice people never confront evil, but good people do. 
At one point, Moore says “Christianity thrives when it is clearest about what distinguishes it from the outside culture.” I could not agree more. But the clearest distinction we can draw between our values and the values of secular society are precisely on the issues of life, marriage and family. 
The one value Moore seems to be prepared to fight for in the public arena is amnesty for those who are criminal trespassers on sovereign U.S. soil. That hardly seems to reflect the biblical and American value of respect for the rule of law.
Ralph Reed says the conservative movement has experienced “a tough defeat” and now must adopt a “shift of tactics.” Someone needs to tell Mr. Reed and Mr. Moore that surrender is not a tactic. 
(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)

“Rick Warren prays for new Pope”: 


“Southern Baptists pay tribute to the Pope”:

“Evangelical Leader Preaches Pullback From Politics, Culture Wars”:

“Russell Moore: From Moral Majority to ‘Prophetic Minority'”:

Russell Moore– claims WSJ headline on his article ‘awfully misleading’

“Southern Baptist Convention’s Moore: Christians Can’t Be Political ‘Mascots'”:
Ex-Mormons: Lynn and Michael Wilder and their family:

Finding Our Way Out of the Mormon Church: 

“Thought the Mormon church was just another ‘Christian’ option”:

“Former Brigham Young University Professor Tells of Mormon Family’s Conversion to Christianity”:

“Free Indeed: The Testimony of Lynn Wilder”:

Unveiling Grace, Book Trailer – Lynn K. Wilder:

Lynn Wilder reveals the inner working of the Mormon Church :

Unveiling Grace: Full Presentation:

Lynn Wilder Interview (uncut):

Michael Wilder Interview (uncut):


Pennsylvania State Representative Rick Saccone has introduced House Bill 1728 and the press release is reprinted below in full unedited from

Saccone Bill Would Educate Students on ‘In God We Trust’ Origins
HARRISBURG – Many people are unaware that the practice of placing the national motto of the United States, “In God We Trust,” on America’s coins began nearly 150 years ago in Pennsylvania. This lack of awareness could change if a measure sponsored by Rep. Rick Saccone (R-Allegheny/Washington) passes the Legislature and is signed into law.

House Bill 1728 would direct school districts in the Commonwealth to display “In God We Trust” in all public school buildings.  The purpose, according to Saccone, would be to promote patriotism through the display of the national motto and to educate children about an important but overlooked part of Pennsylvania’s heritage.

“James Pollock was a towering figure in Pennsylvania history, first serving in Congress and then becoming an extraordinarily influential governor in the 19th Century,” said Saccone.  “Later, while serving as director of the United States Mint in Philadelphia, Pollock introduced the words ‘In God We Trust’ to our coins.  They’ve been an important part of American culture and identity ever since.”

Francis Scott Key first made “In God We Trust” a statement of American patriotism when he included it in a stanza of the Star Spangled Banner in 1814, but it was Pollock who forever seared the motto into the nation’s conscience.  The 150th anniversary of Pollock’s action will be celebrated in his hometown of Milton in Northumberland County early next year.

“In God We Trust” originally appeared on two-cent pieces and later was applied to other coins.  Its placement on America’s money was somewhat sporadic until 1956, when President Dwight Eisenhower signed into law an act officially declaring it the motto of the United States and ordering the phrase to be placed on all coins and bills.

“‘In God We Trust’ is so woven into the American fabric that it is impossible to hear the phrase without stirring feelings of pride and allegiance to our country,” said Saccone.  “Our youth need to hear the story of our heritage and learn from positive role models in a time of decaying values.  The story of our national motto is a positive story and one that is uniquely Pennsylvanian.”

For more information, please visit www.RepSaccone.com

Representative Rick Saccone
39th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact:  Ryan Travis, 717.260.6335
RepSaccone.com / Facebook.com/RepSaccone


1 Timothy 6:10 
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, 
for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, 
and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” 
Catholic Melinda Gates:

Graduate of Catholic Ursuline Academy in Dallas
“Nuns that taught me were incredibly progressive”

“Let’s put birth control back on the agenda”:


No Controversy? Depo Provera

Carcinogen Cancer Causing Facts 

for Melinda Gates

Partners with Abortion Providers


Gates Foundation Giving A Fortune Away

The New Headquarters in Seattle, Washington


But Why should Bill and Melinda Gates and the Gates Foundation be trusted with their millions invested in Common Core, when their population control initiatives in Africa and Asia have had ill effects especially on women, despite Melinda’s sales job.

The New American reported in 2010:

“Global ObamaCare and World Population Control”

“The Gates connection to the GHI is so extensive that it is probably not an exaggeration to say the Obama Global Health Initiative represents the successful transfer of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s global health policies into official U.S. policy, with the costs also being transferred to the U.S. taxpayers.”

“If we go over to the Global Health Council (GHC), a major advocacy group for GHI, we find that it is heavily funded by the Gates Foundation and has a large representation of Gates’ folks directing it.  The GHC’s board of directors includes Julio Frenk and William Foege, both fellows at the Gates Foundation, and Valerie Nkamgang Bemo, a senior program officer of the Foundation.”

The New American also reported in 2010:
 http://thenewamerican.com/usnews/health-care/item/1707-global-obamacare–the-%E2%80%9Cgood-club%E2%80%9D-billionaires, in:

“Global ObamaCare & the “Good Club” Billionaires” that:

“The Secret “Good Club”
What Clinton and Obama do not mention is that the Obama Global Health Initiative is not Obama’s initiative at all, but merely his continuation and expansion of the UN’s global population-control program, which is a priority concern for some of the world’s wealthiest elites who want to see the planet’s human population drastically reduced. The real initiators of Obama’s GHI (Global Health Initiative) are Bill Gates, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, David Rockefeller, the World Economic Forum, and similar population-control elitists.”
“The Gates connection to the GHI is so extensive that it is probably not an exaggeration to say that the Obama Global Health Initiative represents the successful transfer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s global health policies into official U.S. policy, with the costs also being transferred — to the U.S. taxpayers.”
“The Malthusian fanatics of the Good Club and their fellow billionaire population-control elitists may claim to want “independence” from government, but what they really want is independence from public scrutiny, accountability, and oversight, while at the same time enjoying public financing and government implementation of their programs.” 

The latest article from the New American is:

“Gates Foundation Pushing Dangerous Contraceptives on Black Populations”

“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is taking fire from leaders of Black organizations and human rights advocates for funding and promoting a new form of the controversial contraceptive Depo Provera, particularly aimed at women in Africa and developing countries.” 
“Depo Provera (made by the Pfizer Corporation), the most deadly contraceptive (according to the FDA), is being marketed with malice and forethought at our precious women and girls of African descent world wide,” said Dr. Randy Short, a spokesman for the Washington, D.C.-based Rebecca Project for Human Rights, in a scathing statement earlier this year exposing the Gates-Depo Provera scheme.”

Randy Short’s Facebook statement republished here from: 
  • Below is a message written to me from Dr. Randy Short, M.Div. and “The Rebecca Project For Human Rights” informing me of this pressing issue. I’m personally am not a big fan of pharmaceutical drugs but this seems to be particularly menacing to women worldwide and in particular to communities of color:

    Depo Provera (made by the Pfizer Corporation) the most deadly contraceptive (according to the FDA) is being marketed with malice and forethought at our precious women and girls of African descent world wide. Many nations have outlawed it, but it continues to be used in the USA, the Caribbean, Oceania, Latin America, and Africa. Please read the attachment. It is a powerful document, and there are links within the document to defend all that I wish to tell you. The use of Depo Provera contributes to and in several cases causes life threatening diseases and medical problems: cervical cancer, breast cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, stroke, heart attack, sterility, miscarriages, HIV/AIDS, Chlamydia, and other STIs/STDs. There is a report the Outsourcing of Tuskegee, and you must read it. I am willing to have document mailed to you. Please share this with others an active conspiracy is at play to suppress this information. One of the NAACP National Board of Directors member Karen Boykin Towns is a Pfizer Executive responsible for marketing this poison in 90 nations. In spite of the fact that Depo Provera and its cousin contraceptive Norplant have been outlawed in Europe, India, and Canada and Pfizer has lost several multi-million dollar suits, Planned Parenthood, major American insurance companies, USAID, and other population control interests have made it the contraceptive drug of choice in the Diaspora. In the USA, 84% of te Depo Provera is used by Black women. Wherever there are high rates of HIV/AIDS in Africa, the use of Depo Provera is universal. As recently as 2010, human experimentation on African women was done illegally with Depo Provera in Ghana. The USAID sends more Depo Provera to Africa than any other drug, and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation recently raised $2.6 billion dollars to buy Depo Provera to be able to “give” it to 100 million African women. 

    Just yesterday, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation got into trouble in Niger with some vaccination project being done on 180,000 African women. The Gates know that the drug is deadly. Mr. Gates’ father was a ardent eugenicist. Please help protect our women. Finally, I need to say that Depo Provera was test on Black women from 1967 to 1993 before given FDA approval, and in 2004 the FDA Black Box listed it as a carcinogen. 


    Dr. Randy Short, M.Div. 


    Dr. Randy Short, M.Div.
    Kwame Fosu
    Policy Director
    Rebecca Project for Human Rights
    2029 P Street, NW, Suite 301
    Washington, DC 20036
    202-265-3906 work/ 202-406-0911 cell

    SEE ALSO: 


    Sec. Hillary Clinton Defends 

    Reproductive Rights and Family Planning, 

    That Includes Abortion:

    Uploaded on Apr 23, 2009 on YouTube:

    Sec. Hillary Clinton responds to a question about the role of U.S. government supporting access to safe abortion, contraception, maternal health care and education abroad with a vigorous defense of reproductive rights and family planning.


(book by Collin Hansen), 
(coined by KEN SILVA OF:



    Among those following the egotistical, narcissistic, and controlling mega-church pastor, Steven Furtick, of North Carolina’s “Elevation Church” and its multi-site campuses, are the following:
http://www.wcnc.com/news/iteam/I-Team-How-a-pastor-paid-for-his-multi-million-dollar-home-228870731.html. (WITH PICTURE OF NEW MANSION AND VIDEO).
http://groupsects.wordpress.com/2013/10/25/steven-furticks-graceland/. (WITH VIDEOS).
http://apprising.org/2012/01/25/we-can-work-it-out-is-steven-furtick-qualified-to-have-this-conversation/. (WITH VIDEO OF FURTICK GUSHING OVER T.D. JAKES, WORD OF FAITH MODALIST).

Of special interest for those abused and/or defrauded by churches and pastors is the Trinity Foundation of Ole Anthony:
http://trinityfi.org/2013/10/24/mega-pastor-steven-furtick-faces-examination-2/, and

Confidentality Agreement for church members and volunteers of Elevation Church to sign:

Construction of Elevation pastor’s home at 
433 Lochaven Road, Waxhaw, N.C.
Deed titled in name of

Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/2013/10/23/3054618/elevation-church-pastor-building.html#storylink=cpy

Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith and Furtick’s “narcissistic eisegesis”:


From the New American:

Common Core: Teaching Kids What — Not How — to Think:

Published on Oct 24, 2013 on YouTube:
In this video about the Obama administration-backed Common Core education standards, veteran educator Mary Black highlights troubling elements including the teaching styles and the standards, saying they could lead to potentially disastrous effects for future generations of Americans and the nation itself.


Jerry Moran, U.S. Senator of Kansas has written on his website the following report reprinted here in its entirety unedited.
See: http://www.moran.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/news-releases?ID=2bf77dee-cd0b-44dd-a779-8e9183c571a5.

Oct 15 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) led a bipartisan group of 50 U.S. Senators, including Senators Joe Manchin (D-W.V.) and Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), in reiterating to President Obama that the Senate overwhelmingly opposes the ratification of the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) and will not be bound by its obligations.
“The Administration’s recent signing of the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty was a direct dismissal of the bipartisan Senate majority that rejects this treaty,” Sen. Moran said. “Throughout this process, it has been disturbing to watch the Administration reverse U.S. policies, abandon its own ‘red line’ negotiation principles, admit publicly the treaty’s dangerous ambiguity, and hastily review the final treaty text. Today I join my colleagues in upholding the fundamental individual rights of Americans by reiterating our rejection of the ATT. The Senate will overwhelmingly oppose ratification, and will not be bound by the treaty.”
“Under no circumstances should this country surrender our gun rights to the control of the United Nations,” Senator Manchin said. “While we can work toward improving the regulation of the international trade of weapons, I am very concerned that the rights of law-abiding Americans would be violated by entering into this agreement. I strongly oppose any treaty that infringes on our Second Amendment rights.”
“The Senate spoke out against the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty this past March when 53 Senators voted for my amendment to the Senate budget resolution to block U.S. involvement in the treaty,” Sen. Inhofe said. “Despite clear opposition, the Obama Administration proceeded in misleading the U.N. and making the United States a signatory nation of this treaty. It is time that the Administration puts this failed effort to rest once and for all and instead focus on the serious economic and national security problems that threaten our country.”
In the letter to the president, the Senators outline six reasons why they will not give advice and consent to the treaty and are therefore not bound to uphold the treaty’s object and purpose.
“We urge you to notify the treaty depository that the U.S. does not intend to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty, and is therefore not bound by its obligations,” the 50 Senators wrote to President Obama.
The six reasons for opposing ratification of the ATT include:
  1. The treaty failed to achieve consensus, and was adopted by majority vote in the U.N. General Assembly. This violates the red line drawn by the Obama Administration;
  2. The treaty allows amendments by a three-quarters majority vote, circumventing the power and duty of the U.S. Senate to provide its advice and consent on treaty commitments before they are assumed by the United States;
  3. The treaty includes only a weak non-binding reference to the lawful ownership, use of, and trade in firearms, and recognizes none of these activities, much less individual self-defense, as fundamental individual rights. This poses a threat to the Second Amendment;
  4. The State Department has acknowledged that the treaty is “ambiguous.” By becoming party to the treaty, the U.S. would therefore be accepting commitments that are inherently unclear;
  5. The criteria at the heart of the treaty are vague and easily politicized. They violate the right of the American people, under the Constitution, to freely govern themselves. The language restricts the ability of the United States to conduct its own foreign policy and allows foreign sources of authority to impose judgment or control upon the United States; and
  6. The State Department has acknowledged that the treaty includes language that could hinder the United States from fulfilling its strategic, legal and moral commitments to provide arms to key allies such as the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the State of Israel.
The letter is signed by a bipartisan group of 50 U.S. Senators including: Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Joe Manchin III (D-W. Va.), James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), John Boozman (R-Ark.), Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), Jeffrey Chiesa (R-N.J.), Daniel Coats (R-Ind.), Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Kay Hagan (D-N.C.), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Dean Heller (R-Nev.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.), Mike Johanns (R-Neb.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Mary Landrieu (D-La.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), John McCain (R-Ariz.), Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), Jim Risch (R-Ind.), Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Tim Scott (R-S.C.), Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), John Thune (R-S.D.), Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), David Vitter (R-La.) and Roger Wicker (R-Miss.).
Over the past two years, Sen. Moran has led multiple Senate efforts to express concerns to the Administration about the ATT including:
  • In May 2012, Sen. Moran spoke on the U.S. Senate Floor about S. 2205, the Second Amendment Sovereignty Act, which he introduced to prohibit funding to negotiate a U.N. ATT that restricts the Second Amendment rights of U.S. citizens;
  • In July 2012, Sen. Moran drafted a letter signed by 50 of his Senate colleagues and wrote an op-ed notifying the Administration that there was strong enough opposition to block the ATT from Senate passage; and
  • In March 2013, Sen. Moran introduced S. Con. Res. 7, a concurrent resolution sponsored by 35 of his Senate colleagues, which outlines specific criteria that must be met for U.N. ATT to be ratified by the U.S. Senate and recognized as customary international law. S. Con. Res. 7 has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association, Heritage Action, and the Endowment for Middle East Truth.
Please click here to view the letter to the president, or find the full text below:
 Dear President Obama:
We write to express our concern and regret at your decision to sign the United Nations’ Arms Trade Treaty. For the following reasons, we cannot give our advice and consent to this treaty:
First, the treaty was adopted by a procedure which violates a red line laid down by your own administration. In October 2009, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that the U.S. supported the negotiation of the treaty only by “the rule of consensus decision-making.” But in April 2013, after the treaty failed to achieve consensus, it was adopted by majority vote in the U.N. General Assembly. We fear that this reversal has done grave damage to the diplomatic credibility of the United States.
Second, the treaty allows amendments by a three-quarters majority vote. As the treaty is amended, it will become a source of political and legal pressure on the U.S. to comply in practice with amendments it was unwilling to accept. This would circumvent the power and duty of the Senate to provide its advice and consent on treaty commitments before they are assumed by the United States.
Third, the treaty includes only a weak non-binding reference to the lawful ownership and use of, and trade in firearms, and recognizes none of these activities, much less individual self-defense, as fundamental individual rights. It encourages governments to collect the identities of individual end users of imported firearms at the national level, which would constitute the core of a national gun registry, and it creates a national “responsibility” to “prevent . . . [the] diversion” of firearms, which could be used to justify the imposition of controls within the U.S. that would pose a threat to the Second Amendment and infringe on the rights protected therein.
Fourth, the State Department has acknowledged that the treaty is “ambiguous.” By becoming party to the treaty, the U.S. would therefore be accepting commitments that are inherently unclear. The Senate cannot effectively provide advice on an ambiguous treaty, and it should never provide its consent to such a treaty.
Fifth, the criteria at the heart of the treaty are vague and easily politicized. They will restrict the ability of the U.S. to conduct our own foreign policy, and will steadily subject the U.S. to the influence of internationally-defined norms, a process that would impinge on our national sovereignty.  We believe that treaties which allow foreign sources of authority to impose judgment or control upon the US, as this one does, violate the right of the American people, under the Constitution, to freely govern themselves.
Sixth, the State Department has acknowledged that “specific . . .  country concerns, including Taiwan, China, and the Middle East, create challenges for establishing [treaty] criteria that can be applied without exception and fit U.S. national security interests. These concerns would make Senate ratification difficult.” We are indeed deeply concerned that the treaty criteria as established could hinder the United States in fulfilling its strategic, legal, and moral commitments to provide arms to key allies such as the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the State of Israel. 
We urge you to notify the treaty depository that the U.S. does not intend to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty, and is therefore not bound by its obligations. As members of the Senate, we pledge to oppose the ratification of this treaty, and we give notice that we do not regard the U.S. as bound to uphold its object and purpose.
We appreciate your consideration on this issue and look forward to your response.



Lawsuit: Colo. Agency Illegally Funneled $14M to Abortion Provider:

See: The New American article: 

Colorado officials illegally funneled $14 million to Planned Parenthood, alleges new lawsuit

See: Life Site News article: 
See: Alliance Defending Freedom webpage by Michael J. Norton, married to Jane Norton:



The Beginning and End blog has published an overview of the un-Christian and non-Christian practices and scandals at the City Harvest Church in Singapore pastored by Kong Hee and his pop star wife Sun Ho here:
 We have reprinted it below in full unedited for educational and informational purposes. We have previously posted about this matter here:
Here is the Beginning and End posted article:

City Harvest Church Accused of Embezzling Over $40 Million To Fund Pastor’s Wife’s Hip Hop Career

Name it and claim it herest | False Prophets Exosed

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” – 1 John 2:15.
In one of the worst allegations of church misconduct of all time, Kong Hee, the Pastor, and five other leaders at City Harvest Church in Singapore have been accused of misusing over $40 million dollars in church funds to fund the hip hop career of the pastor’s wife, Sun Ho and later cover those illicit transactions in order to avoid prosecution. The City Harvest case, along with all of the surrounding news that has since come out about the church is the perfect example of the unbiblical Prosperity Gospel run amok and the compromise that is taking place in much of the Christian church all over the world – as pastors abandon sound biblical doctrine, in favor of “me-centered”, prosperity-focused teaching filled with Biblical error.
The Scandal
City Harvest Kong Hee Crossover Project Scandal | Prosperity Gospel Heresy False Prophets

Pastor Kong Hee and Sun Ho arrive for trial.
After a two year investigation by Singapore’s Commissioner of Charities and the Commercial Affairs Department of the Singapore police, Pastor Kong Hee and other church leaders were arrested for secretly using church funds in a series of complex transactions (in which the church purchased bonds in sham companies that were owned by City Harvest itself, thus diverting “investment funds” back into the hands of the pastor and leadership) that were supposed to go a building fund, to finance the hip hop career of the pastor’s wife, Sun Ho, who goes by the stage name of “Geisha.”
According to reports:
The prosecution alleges that the six leaders, all members of the church’s management board, have misappropriated more than Sg$50 million (nearly US $40 million) of church funds and have committed criminal breach of trust.
As reported by the Wall Street Journal, according to the Commissioner of Charities  “[The] funds were used with the purported intention to finance Ho Yeow Sun’s secular music career to connect with people,” the Commissioner of Charities said in a statement released Tuesday. “There was a concerted effort to conceal this movement of funds from its stakeholders.”
AFP reports that  Prosecutors at the start of the trial Wednesday said the accused channeled money allotted for the church’s building into buying sham bond investments in church-linked companies so they could finance Ho’s secular music career.
They allegedly falsified church accounts to make it appear the bonds were redeemed, in a practice the prosecutors called “round-tripping”.
“These transactions were thus designed to throw the auditors off the scent of the bogus bonds,” said Deputy Public Prosecutor Mavis Chionh.
Sun Ho herself is not on trial, the Brisbane Times says, and early this week she was reinstated by Singapore’s Commissioner of Charities as City Harvest’s executive director after a review found she had not contributed to mismanagement of the church.” (source).
The Crossover Project
City Harvest Kong Hee Crossover Project Scandal | Prosperity Gospel Heresy False Prophets

City Harvest’s Crossover Project was focused on making Sun Ho a global pop star.
But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. – 2 Peter 2:1-3.
At the center of this scandal is The Crossover Project – City Harvest’s attempt to spread the Gospel to the secular world through the use of pop music – specifically, the pop music of Sun Ho, the pastor’s wife. So from the onset, the foundation of this project was unbiblical. Christians are not commanded to spread the Gospel through pop culture, but to use the Word of God, the Bible to convert souls to believe in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. Romans Chapter 1 says: “ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth..” The power to change a person’s heart to have saving faith in Jesus Christ is from God and His Word, not man-made efforts to use hip hop music that is not even mentioning God, Jesus or the Gospel.
City Harvest Kong Hee Crossover Project Scandal | Prosperity Gospel Heresy False Prophets Wolf in Sheep Clothing

The pastor’s wife, here at the Grammy Awards, had a multi-million dollar budget (from church funds) for her hip hop career.
Despite this obvious conflict with Scripture, the leadership of City Harvest maintains that they received the command to carry out this project directly from The Lord. As stated on their own documentary on the Crossover Project, which is still viewable on their church website;
“In 2002, City Harvest Church received a mandate from God to reach the secular world through music…It was necessary to extend the influence of Sun into certain cities through the power of pop culture and pop music.” (source).
According to the church leadership, the plan was for Sun Ho to perform her secular pop music in a certain city, and then Pastor Kong Hee would preach at a local church in the same area. Soon that church would arrange another concert with Sun Ho as the headliner and this was supposed to share the Gospel.
Not only was this plan completely ungodly, the music of Sun Ho, aka Geisha, was completely sinful and sexually-charged. Here is a video for her song “China Wine”.
[Warning: This video contains a great deal of provocative dancing, skimpy clothing and one inappropriate word]
The Bible says: “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” (James 4:4). This video is immersed in worldliness and sinful rebellion. How is the Gospel being spread or the church promoted by a pastor’s wife dressing provocatively and dancing around in a hip hop reggae video? Rather than promoting the Gospel, the Crossover Project was more an attempt to launch Sun Ho the Geisha’s secular music career.
In an interview in 2007, Sun Ho made it clear that she was interested in full on secular music style:
You’ve done a lot with Asian MTV. Are you planning to do music videos for MTV in the United States?
Sun Ho: “I can’t wait for that! I keep asking, “When are we going to shoot for MTV?” Recently I watched Justin Timberlake and I watched Christina Aguilera, and Beyonce’s. I would have to say that it’s different from what we do in Asia. I keep telling Tas (her manager) “Tas, you’ve gotta prepare me for that! I have to be more sexy!!” (Laughs)
I want to work with the choreographer to come up with “China Wine” dance steps and stuff. Seriously, I can’t wait to grow in America and I can’t wait for people to see me and [tell me] how they feel about my music. I feel like this is the only way an artist can grow” (source).
Kong Hee Stolen Millions in Singapore | Sun Ho City Harvest China Wine video Scandal

Thousands of churchgoers at City Harvest were told this was promoting the Gospel.
The Bible says of women in the church: “The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” (Titus 2:3-5). What spirit is leading Sun Ho, as an elder woman in the church and the pastor’s wife, to make videos like these and aspire for the world? It is not a spirit of God.
At trial, prosecutors presented evidence Sun Ho The Geisha was given a $10M marketing budget that was “in line with Shakira’s marketing budget and less than the budget for Beyonce”. (source). All of this was paid for with church funds given by the congregation each week.
China wine video CHC Sun Ho Geisha False Prophets | Prosperity Gospel Name it and claim it heresy

Church leaders stated at trial that Sun Ho’s career was the focal point of City Harvest.
In one of the many sites devoted to exposing this church, former members testify that not only was the Crossover Project acknowledged by the church, churchgoers were pressured to buy Geisha’s albums on a weekly basis:
I initially attended it [City Harvest Church] with my folks. We enjoyed the sermon and the clear teachings of the pastor and his fellow leaders. But things went downhill one Sunday morning when a leader took to the stage to plug Ho Yeow Sun’s new album. The horrifying thing was how he chirpily used hard sell tactics to move the units.
We were asked to buy more than one copy and pass them to our friends. If one were to buy 6 copies or some absurd number, that would entitle one to a free poster or t-shirt (something along those lines). What was most upsetting at that time, was the fact that he was using the pulpit to push the sales of the pastor’s wife who was more interested in cutting pop albums than say attending church service. The posters from her new album were also plastered along the entrance and lobby of the building. There were no images of Jesus. No, instead, this singer’s face, the pastor’s wife, was all over the building. If that does not trigger alarm bells in the average church-goer, what will? That was the last week we attended CHC. (source).
All the while, Pastor Kong Hee fully endorsed his wife’s career, performances and lavish lifestyle. As part of the effort to “spread the Gospel” Sun Ho, aka Geisha, moved to Hollywood Hills, California where she lived in a rented mansion for $28,000 per month, in a neighborhood that boasts Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as residents. How can any church, much less one with tens of thousands of members, stand for this? How can they tolerate such clearly outrageous behavior from their leadership? This is the danger of the spiritual apostasy – the departure from Biblical preaching, to man-made, entertainment-focused heresy, that is sweeping through much of the Church today.
China wine video Sun Ho Geisha False Prophets | Prosperity Gospel Name it and claim it heresy

Sun Ho lived the life of a rock star.
The lifestyle of the Pastor Kong Hee and his wife are precisely what Scripture warns against:
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. – 1 John 2:15-17.
The Lord Jesus Christ said: “… Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” (Luke 12:15). All throughout the Bible Christians are told not to covet and lust for the material wealth of this world. City Harvest has not only lusted for the world, it has flaunted it in the form of their Pastor’s wife living the life of a Hollywood superstar.
Unfortunately for Sun Ho, aka Geisha, the superstar career she envisioned as a crossover star in America never materialized. After suffering massive losses from production costs, the signing of high-profile co-producers and singers, her debut American album incurred a $14M loss, which the church paid off in a single transaction. The congregation was told that monies were being used for a “building fund.”  were used to purchase bonds from a company called Xtron. Prosecutors allege that Xtron was a sham company and presented compelling evidence: they have the financial records of a $14M transfer to Xtron productions, the company that managed Ho. Serina Wee, the Chief Financial officer for City Harvest church, and one of the six accused leaders in the trial, sent the money.
In all, prosecutors allege that $23M of church funds were used to finance Ho’s career and albums. Another $20M was used to try and cover the transactions.
In their defense, lawyers for City Harvest Church said that the Crossover Project was the most important effort the church was making and that keeping finances discreet was necessary to its success. They claim that the Pastors and leaders at City Harvest did not want the public to know that Sun Ho’s career was being funded by a church so they would not be turned off before hearing her music and strong Christian testimony.
The Horrible Side of False Doctrine
City Harvest CHC Kong Hee Crossover Project Scandal | Prosperity Gospel Heresy False Prophets

Despite the false doctrine and scandals, many of City Harvest congregations remain supportive of Pastor Kong Hee and Sun Ho.
I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. – 2 Timothy 4:1-4.
Lost in this is that not only are thousands of churchgoers and fans of City Harvest church being wrongly fleeced of their money, they are also in danger of eternity in hell and the lake of fire by listening to the numerous false doctrines being preached at City Harvest.
City Harvest built itself into a mega-church on the basis of the Prosperity Gospel, the heretical, false doctrine that claims that Christians are entitled to all sorts of riches and earthly prosperity, provided they give an initial “seed” to their pastor. It essentially teaches that Christians must pay for the blessings they want in life but like a Ponzi scheme, will receive a major return on their investment in the end. And they are the epitome of everything that is wrong with this doctrine that has led so many churches astray: Pastors who live rock star, lavish lifestyles as “proof” of their “anointing”, then proclaim that they are “prophets” and thus their teachings and decisions should not be questioned,  constant pressure to give money as “tithes and offerings” to secure blessings and “favor” from God and very little actual Biblical preaching that puts the focus on our sin, need for forgiveness and ultimate salvation in Jesus Christ.
In the clip below, Kong Hee, in one of his many pleas for money from his congregation, shamelessly pressures his followers to give money by saying that their prayers will be ineffective without it:
Notice what Hee says from the opening moments: “What we give every week is the measure of the value you place on your Lord and your Savior Jesus Christ.”
Nowhere in Scripture are we told this. At no point in Scripture did Jesus ever ask anyone for money and yet he healed the blind, the lame and raised people from the dead. He spent His earthly ministry with His disciples and they never gave him “seed offerings” or paid Him for His teachings. Yet this is the deceptive, Satanic manipulation of the Prosperity Gospel. It is premised on fooling churchgoers into believing that their money is the key to blessings from God and a true measure of how much faith they have in God. The Bible says nothing of the sort. For a true, Bible-believing, born again Christian, blessings come from faith in Jesus Christ.
The ultimate blessing any person can receive is the forgiveness of their sins and eternal life. And that comes from belief in the heart, not money or doing an action. The Lord Jesus Christ made it clear repeatedly in Scriptures:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, thatwhosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. –John 3:16-18.
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. – John 3:36.
And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day. – John 6:40.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. – John 6:47.
Time and time again, it is faith, belief in the heart, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who died for your sins and took your punishment so that you may live eternally and be forgiven, is what saves a person. Not performing any action, like giving money.
Now that Jesus is raised from the dead, He went up to glory, sitting at the right hand of God The Father in Heaven. And He serves as the High Priest and advocate for all who believe in Him. He provides the forgiveness for our sins before The Father by the testimony of His shed blood on the cross. So when a person becomes a Christian, they are viewed as “righteous” and free of sin in God’s eyes, because the righteous, sinless life Christ lived is “imputed” or transferred to the believer. Thus a Christian can pray directly to God and worship directly to Him:
Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. – Hebrews 4:14-16.
A Christian can pray and worship God at any time of any day as they feel. But Kong Hee says that raising one’s hands and praising God has no meaning if “the tithe is held back.” Once again, the false prophet takes everything back to money. This is to pressure the church and his television audience to give.
In the clip below, Pastor Kong Hee misuses John chapter 12 to preach that Jesus claimed to be rich:
Here is the passage in question:
Then Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead. There they made him a supper; and Martha served: but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table with him. Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment. Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, which should betray him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor?
This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein. Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this. For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always. –  John  12:1-8.
This is a beautiful moment in the history of the Christian faith. Mary took a very expensive ointment to anoint the feet of Jesus and worshiped Him. Judas’ motivations were clear – he wanted the ointment sold so he could skim some of the proceeds for himself. But the reason that Jesus rebukes Judas and allows this worship is in verse 7: “Then said Jesus, Let her alone: against the day of my burying hath she kept this.”
This event took place six days before Jesus would be crucified on the cross. Jesus was once again reminding His disciples that He was going to die. The death on the cross of Jesus Christ was the perfect sacrifice that provided atonement for the sins of the world. It was the fulfillment of the hundreds of Messianic prophecies. The ultimate plan of salvation of God was about to come to completion and this ointment, which was normally used to embalm the dead in ancient times, was a gesture that Jesus used to signify His own coming death.
So in verse 8, when Christ says, “For the poor always ye have with you; but me ye have not always” it was a somber reminder that these would be the final days and hours in which the disciples would have their Lord among them. Jesus Christ, though fully God, was fully man. He cried, He felt pain, He hungered and He loved His disciples. And soon it was time to depart from them, while the poor of Judea would still be there in the following week.
Yet Kong Hee takes this passage and twists it wildly to infer that Jesus was trying to say, “Me? I’m rich!” and distinguish Himself from poor people. Hee then gets to his real point – twisting the Scriptures further to say what Jesus meant was “if you really want to worship me, it has to be at the right time..” and proceeds to make a push for offerings for a building fund, “while prices are low..we are in a recession, for the marketplace..” This is not Biblical teaching. It is a false Gospel premised on money and earthly riches. 1 Timothy chapter 6 exposes such false teachers saying:
Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth,supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. But godliness with contentment is great gain. – 1 Timothy 6:5-6.
Prosperity Gospel preachers repeatedly preach that “gain” i.e., making money and amassing luxury items and wealth, is a sign of “God’s favor” or “anointing.” The Bible very clearly says this is corrupt thinking and “destitute of truth.” And that true gain is living for Jesus and being content with whatever status one has in life.
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.- 1 Timothy 6:7-11.
City Harvest Kong Hee Crossover Project Scandal | Prosperity Gospel Heresy False Prophets

Rather than fleeing the false teachings at City Harvest, thousands are flocking for more.
The leadership at City Harvest Church fell to temptation to copy pop culture and make millions of dollars in the secular music world. Kong Hee has clearly erred from the faith and their many tens of thousands of followers have suffered because they are not hearing the true, Biblical Gospel. Notice the final warning in the passage is to “flee” from this type of preaching. Christians are not to sit in churches that preach false doctrine and hope for change to occur or “give it time.” The bible instructs us to remove ourselves from these sinful doctrines as quickly as possible.
God Speaks Directly To Kong Hee And Apologizes For The Trial?
CHC God apologized to Kong Hee | Sun Ho Geisha scandal Kill Bill video Illuminati

The “prophet” Kong Hee claimed God spoke to him directly about the trial.
As if the preaching of City Harvest Church could not get any more heretical, Kong Hee, who like many Prosperity Gospel/Word of Faith preachers, claims to be a “modern day prophet”, claimed in the clip below, given in the summer of 2013, that he spoke to God directly and that The Lord apologized for Kong Hee being arrested and put on trial.
YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0jgx6cUfjw.
Notice there was no repentance. Pastor Kong Hee issues no apology whatsoever. Comparing himself to Jesus Christ on the cross, Kong Hee claims that God told him it was necessary for him to be arrested and put on trial for the Church to be the ministry to move a generation. In other words, everything that City Harvest has done, including the Crossover Project and the China Wine video, are in essence, endorsed by God. Many false teachers use this tactic of claiming to have “direct conversations” with The Lord as a way to compel their followers to believe whatever they say. If the pastor has the anointing, as proven by his mansions, luxury cars and private jets, then certainly he or she should be able to speak to God as well – so goes the thinking.
What is most disturbing about the clip is the applause Hee receives for his clear lies. Despite the massive investigation and media attention, City Harvest is still packing full houses in their stadium for their Sunday performances. Many City Harvest churchgoers line up in the early morning hours at the court house on a daily basis to show support for their heroes, Pastor Kong Hee and his leadership team.
Pray For This Church
City Harvest CHC Kong Hee Crossover Project Scandal | Prosperity Gospel Heresy False Prophets

“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it..” – Psalm 127:1.
Pray for the congregation at City Harvest and the many TV viewers of their broadcasts to flee from these false teachings and believe in the Biblical Gospel. Pray for their eyes to be opened to true Biblical teaching and to put their hope and faith in Christ for eternal riches, not material wealth today and Ponzi schemes. And pray for Pastor Kong Hee, Sun Ho and the leadership at City Harvest to repent for their numerous false doctrines and step down from preaching. The beauty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that while we were all deep in sinful rebellion and immersed in the world, Jesus Christ died for us. So that anyone can be forgiven if they put their faith and trust in the Jesus Christ of the Bible, (not the made up fictional Jesus or God that false teachers speak to directly). There is true forgiveness and eternal life in Jesus Christ. There are true eternal riches and happiness in Heaven. And it does not cost one dollar to receive it. It only takes faith.


We are reprinting for educational and informational purposes the entire article of Gina Miller, unedited from http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/miller/131021 below:

Gina Miller

Gina Miller, a native of Texas and current resident of the Mississippi Gulf Coast, is a conservative Christian political writer and radio/television voice professional. Contact her through Facebook.

October 21, 2013

Common Core would make any communist regime proud

By Gina Miller

Let’s just jump right in here to the crux of the Common Core “State” Standards with an excerpt from the paper, “History of Education in Communist Countries,” by Hae Yoon Jeong, 2009, Korean Minjok Leadership Academy:

The communist revolutions in the 20th century had their goal at creating total revolutions and establishing a new society different from the capitalist society. This new society required people with new loyalties, new motivations, and new concepts of individual and group life. Education was acknowledged to have a strategic role in achieving this revolution and development. Specifically, education was used to produce ardent revolutionaries ready to rebel against the old society and establish a new order and also to bring up a new generation of dexterous laborers to take up the various tasks of development and modernization.

… Marxist-Leninist philosophy was the basis of the Communist education system. It emphasized the role of schools and youth organizations in educating students by indoctrination. For this the Communist societies paid a lot of attention to schooling. There had been great confidence that schools would be a major instrument for building the “New Communist Man.” Such a person would work diligently, would have a clear insight into the dynamics of social change, would understand and be skilled in modern technology, and follow the tenets of Marxism-Leninism.

According to Communist educational philosophy, a good, modern education is one that is polytechnic. Central to such an education is teaching about production and providing labor training and work experience to youngsters while they are in secondary and higher education. Marxist interpretations of the duty of the school include the job of teaching young people the leading role of material conditions of production in shaping social and political events(2). Young people should be given an understanding and some experience of the way production processes are organized; the social consequences of different ways of organizing production; and the importance of technological change.

Marxism-Leninism also stresses atheist education and anti-religious propaganda in the schools. The main approach taken is to emphasize the superior quality of the answers which science, as opposed to religion, can give to the basic questions of human existence.

All authoritarian regimes must necessarily commandeer their country’s education system. They must own and mold the minds of the children to make the kids into pliable, group-thinking serfs of the state – “good citizens.” Freedom of thought and wealth of real knowledge are anathema to communist leaders.

For those who are paying attention, it is quite clear that the United States of America has been taken over by hardcore communists, which is the culmination of a hundred years of communist termites chewing away at the foundations of our once-free Republic. Naturally, they don’t call themselves communists, but they are doing the very things communists do. I need not give you, educated reader, the laundry list of anti-freedom, anti-American lawlessness that has poured forth from Barack Obama (or whatever his name is), his administration and Congress, all of which has dragged America toward tyrannical, centralized control of our nation, which is the definition of communism.

Centralized control of America’s education system is of paramount importance to these lawless degenerates. The problem they face here in the United States is that our nation, from its founding, has forbidden the federal government from dictating education standards and curriculum to the states. The communist central planners have found a way around this. It’s called theCommon Core “State” Standards. As with all communist programs, the name is misleading. In fact, it’s a damnable lie. The Common Core is not a set of state-created standards. To the contrary, they were developed by a leftist, Washington-based think tank, Achieve, endorsed by two Washington-based trade groups, and funded, in part, with millions of dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, among others, like the Sandler Foundation (of Herb and Marion Sandler, hard Left allies of George Soros, ACORN, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Center for American Progress, MoveOn.org, and of course, so many more).

Pushers of the Common Core have been very careful to create the illusion that this is a state-led effort. To this end, they partnered with Washington’s National Governors Association (which does not represent all the states) and Washington’s Council of Chief State School Officers. Neither of these groups was tasked by any state or state board of education to create the new standards. In fact, state legislators, teachers and parents were left out of their development.

Common Core proponents also claim that the standards are voluntary, which is also misleading. In 2009, the Obama administration created a funding carrot for the states, Race to the Top grants, as well as waivers for provisions of No Child Left Behind. States could applies for these, but in order to qualify for the grants and waivers, states were required to adopt the Common Core standards and related national tests, sight unseen, because the standards were not even presented until 2010. Currently 45 states and the District of Columbia have taken the bribes and adopted Common Core, but a number of them are now working to get rid of it.

At present, the standards, which you can read online, only cover math and English language “arts.” Naturally, the communists were not going to go overboard by initially including history, science and social studies in their standards, subjects that would reveal the leftist ideological agenda behind the standards. But science standards are on the way, and the rest will follow (as will nationalized curriculum based on the Common Core).

From a Concerned Women for America pamphlet:

Proponents claim that the Common Core standards are “rigorous,” “evidenced-based,” and will make students “college-ready.” (8) However, curriculum experts believe the Common Core standards are below average and only prepare students for a community college rather than a four-year university. (9)

Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Professor Emerita at the University of Arkansas served on the Common Core Validation Committee and refused to sign off on the English language arts standards. She cited poor quality, empty skill sets, the de-emphasis on literature and low reading levels. She is concerned that the reading level that will assume students “college ready” will be seventh grade level. (10)

Equally disturbing is the prominence of nonfiction “informational texts” such as technical manuals, government documents, brochures and menus rather than highly regarded classic literature.

Dr. James Milgram of Stanford University, the only mathematician on the Common Core Validation Committee, refused to sign off on the math standards. Dr. Milgram maintains that the math standards will, by eighth grade, leave American students two years behind their peers in high performing countries. (11) [Endnotes available at source link]

But the quality of the standards is not really the point, is it? No. This is about central command and control of our nation’s education system, about ripping the authority from states, local communities and most importantly parents, none of whom have any say whatsoever in what the standards entail, nor can they change them at all.

It is also about tracking and data-mining our kids from cradle to career to grave (Obamacare tracking also covers cradle to kindergarten and beyond, of course). Oh, yes! Tied to the adoption of the standards, states are required – in violation of privacy laws – to collect information on all students – detailed, invasive information – to be shared with the federal government and other “interested” third parties.

From the Concerned Women pamphlet:

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in a June 8, 2009, speech, “Hopefully, someday, we can track children from preschool to high school and from high school to college and college to career.” (5) This should send a chill down the spine of every parent.

States that chose to take federal money via the 2009 Stimulus bill had to agree to build expensive high-tech systems to track student performance and other personal data.

Further, in January 2012, the United States Department of Education, without Congressional approval, changed the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act to allow the transmission of students’ personally identifiable information “to any governmental or private entity designated by the Department and others as an ‘authorized representative,’ for the purpose of evaluating an education program.” (6)

This National Education Data Model recommends collecting data such as academic performance, disciplinary history, family income, religious affiliation, health history, etc. – over 400 data points in all (7) – without parental consent!

There is much more that can be said about the Common Core, like the ghastly price tag of it, which we can only guess at this point – a massively high price that will be borne by the states. There is also a whole book that could be written on the leftist revolutionaries who are behind the creation of the Common Core, and the billions, even trillions, of dollars that companies stand to make off of it – companies involved in its funding and development and the public relations push for it.

I have only touched on the surface of the communist education endgame of Common Core. Thankfully, millions of Americans are learning about this poison pill and are fighting back against it. It is essential that we learn all we can about the Common Core and that we tell our friends and family and let our state representatives and governors know that we want no part of this illegal federal takeover of our children’s education.

You will find a wealth of informational resources on the Internet to help you understand and combat the Common Core. I also highly recommend anexcellent video series by Jane Robbins of the American Principles Project. The video is in five short parts that will give you a clear overview of the treacherous Common Core. Learn it, and fight it.

© Gina Miller


Lighthouse Trails Research reviews Rick Warren’s New Age plan:
See: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2013/newsletters20131021.htm:

Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan Accelerates – Tells Followers to Practice 
4-7-8 Hinduistic Meditation

“Many people have unwittingly become New Agers by simply seeking to improve their

 physical and mental health through meditation.” –  Ray Yungen
Two and a half years ago, Lighthouse Trails first reported on Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan
health program. That initial article titled “Rick Warren’s New Health and Wellness Initiative 
Could Have Profound Repercussions on Many,”  said that Rick Warren was launching a
“Decade of Destiny,” that would include focusing on health issues. Our article pointed out
that the three doctors, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Daniel Amen, and Dr. Mark Hyman, whom Rick
Warren had partnered with to help develop the Daniel Plan, were all strong advocates of
eastern meditation and the philosophies that go with that. Consider the following three
statements, one for each of the Daniel Plan doctors:

1. Dr. Amen is a proponent of tantric sex (the combining of sexual activity with

 mystical practices), which is probably the most extreme form of meditation.

2. In Dr. Hymen’s book, The Ultramind Solution, Hyman emphasizes meditation,

 saying that it doesn’t matter what religion one has to benefit from it (p. 322). Dr. Hyman
suggests that “Mindful meditation is a powerful well-researched tool, developed by
Buddhists” (p. 384).

3.  In January 2010, Dr. Oz brought a Reiki master onto his show to demonstrate

 Reiki and then ended the show saying,  “try Reiki” as the #1 “Oz’s Order.”

It would make sense that Dr. Oz would tell his viewers to try Reiki – his wife is a Reiki
practitioner. If one needs more evidence to understand what these three doctors believe
in and teach, see the article links below under Related Material. After seeing the evidence,
there can really be no doubt that Dr. Hymen, Dr. Amen, and Dr. Oz each have a strongly
devoted affinity to the practice of entering altered states of consciousness through
meditation in order to attain to what is known as the “higher self” (i.e., the divinity within
every person). So a fair question to ask is just how much of this New Age spirituality has
rubbed off onto Rick Warren and the Daniel Plan? Well, we think quite a bit has. We would
like to offer a convincing example. On September 26th, on the Daniel Plan website (owned 
and operated by Saddleback Church), an article titled “How to Manage Your Stress in 76 
Seconds”was posted. The information below should be read and watched with discernment
and in no wise is an endorsement from Lighthouse Trails. On the contrary, the practice we
refer to below, if practiced, could potentially lead to dangerous Kundalini experiences. But
we find it necessary to post this information because this is the direction that much of the
church is heading right now. Our urgency to warn outweighs our hesitation to post this.
People’s lives and souls are at stake.
The Saddleback article on September 26th is written by Dr. Joel Kahn, who tells readers to
practice a technique called the 4-7-8 relaxation breathing sequence. First giving the usual
instruction for meditation to sit up straight, Kahn then proceeds to give the steps for this
breathing exercise with a sequence of breath in for 4 seconds, hold the breath for 7 seconds,
and exhale for 8 seconds. The rest of Kahn’s article tells readers of the benefits of doing this
relaxation exercise. But let’s take a look at a video by another advocate of the exact same
method – the 4-7-8 sequence –  that gives more detail and explanation. As we stated a
minute ago, because this is the direction the church at large is heading through the
contemplative prayer (i.e., spiritual formation) movement (and the Daniel Plan movement),
we are compelled to show this with the hope it will unveil the true nature of this and other
forms of meditation.

Daniel Plan

A photo from Dr. Joel Kahn’s website

The video below is by a man named Dr. Andrew Weil, a highly respected meditation
proponent. He received his medical degree from Harvard University and is the Director of
the Center for Integrative Medicine of the College of Medicine, University of Arizona. Dr.
Weil is not a fringe personality. (If you cannot see this video below, click here. Our report
continues below this video with some vital information.

 How interesting that Dr. Weil, clearly an “expert” in the field of meditation, admits that all
breathing techniques (including those used in Yoga) come from India (i.e., Hinduism).
Lighthouse Trails has been trying to tell Christian leaders that for 11 years now! And
contemplative prayer is in the same category as “breath” prayers, and both are spiritually
dangerous. Ray Yungen elaborates:

When we compare meditation techniques used in stress reduction with the type of

 meditation used in New Age spirituality, it is easy to see these practices as basically the
same. Both methods use either the breathing technique or mantra exercises to still the mind.
Unknown to most people, a blank mind in a meditative state is all that is necessary for
contact with a spirit guide.

An example of this is found in John Randolph Price, founder of the Quartus

 Foundation and initiate of the December 31 World Healing Day Meditation. Price became
involved in New Age metaphysics through just such a meditative encounter. He reveals:

“Back when I was in the business world, the American Management Association put

 out a little book on meditation, which indicated that meditation was a way to attain peace
of mind and reduce stress in a corporate environment. So I decided I’d try it . . . I
discovered how to come into a new sphere of consciousness. Consciousness actually shifts,
and you move into a realm you may not have even known existed.”1

As one meditation teacher explains:
“It is more than a stress reducer. It is the vehicle all religions use to impart the

 esoteric knowledge of their own mystical tradition.”2

Thus, many people have unwittingly become New Agers by simply seeking to

 improve their physical and mental health through meditation. Two examples on this issue
are comments made by two authors who honor the higher self view of man, Joan
Borysenko and Ann Wise. Borysenko, a medical doctor, revealed:

“I originally took up secular meditation for its medical benefits and in time discovered

 its deeper psychological and spiritual benefits.”3 

Ann Wise, who works in the corporate field to improve decision-making abilities for

 business people, makes an identical observation:

“Those who initially participate in this work purely for enhancements to their

 productivity in the corporate world are often startled and pleased by what one VP called
“the value and inevitable focus on spirituality that evolved from the work.” . . . I often find
that individuals who began brainwave training [meditation] for a specific, objective purpose
also become quickly interested and involved in seeking higher levels of spiritual
consciousness.”4 (from A Time of Departing, pp. 98-100) 
What this means is that the people at Saddleback and the people who are participating in
the Daniel Plan have been introduced to a meditation practice that can potentially turn them
into New Agers! And remember, in the New Age, there is no room for the Cross at Calvary
because the higher self takes the place of a need for a Savior.
Incidentally, some people may think that the term “spirituality” means Christianity, but that
is not it. When the term spirituality is used, it is referring to the idea that God is in everyone
(ie., the higher self).

Dr. Amen, Dr. Hymen, Rick Warren, and Dr. Oz

September 26 2013 isn’t the first time the Daniel Plan website brought in the 4-7-8
meditation technique. It was introduced to the Daniel Plan onOctober 14th 2012,
One more thing you should know – on December 3rd, Rick Warren’s new book, The Daniel 
Plan, will be released. The co-authors of this book are Dr. Hymen and Dr. Amen. As we
stated earlier, Dr. Amen is an advocate of tantric sex; and Dr. Hymen is connected to a
shamanic organization called Four Winds (“where modern science meets ancient wisdom“).
By all appearances and logic, it looks like Rick Warren is going full speed toward the New
Age/New Spirituality with the throttle fully engaged.
Related Material and Documentation:
Emanuel Swedenborg’s Occultic Beliefs Influence Rick Warren’s Health Advisor and Now 
the Christian Church

A Visit to Rick Warren’s Health Seminar – The Unfolding of a Global New Age Plan

Rick Warren Speaks Out Against Those Warning the Church of Meditation

Saddleback’s Response to Criticism Over Daniel Plan – An Unscriptural Paradox!

Changing Science, Changing Mind – Healthcare More Than You Bargained For

NEW PRINT BOOKLET TRACT: Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan – The New Age/Eastern 
Meditation Doctors Behind the Saddleback Health


From Lighthouse Trails Research:

Biola Conference Welcomes Ruth Haley Barton as it Continues Heartily
Down Contemplative Path

On October 16th, Biola University hosted its Torrey Conference 2013, and contemplative
teacher Ruth Haley Barton was scheduled to be a featured speaker at the event. This does
not come as a great surprise to the editors at Lighthouse Trails because Biola has been
going down the contemplative path for quite sometime. But because there are still so many
who do not know there is a crisis happening at Christian colleges and seminaries,
Lighthouse Trails continues issuing the warnings. And there are Christian parents who are
paying large amounts of money to send their children to these schools, thinking their
children are going to be drawn closer to the Lord and the truth of His Word. But for most
kids going to Christian colleges today, they are going to be handed a college diploma that
has been obtained through the filter of contemplative spirituality. Such is definitely the case
with Biola University.
It was just earlier this year that we brought to our readers attention the Assemblies of God
invitation of Ruth Haley Barton to the AG General Council conference. We wrote articles
explaining the spirituality that Barton embraces and passes on to thousands of Christian
pastors and church leaders. Sadly, our warnings fell on the deaf ears of AG leaders, and
Barton’s invitation remained intact. In fact, AG General Superintendent Dr. George Wood
defended the invitation publically and expressed his relaxed views about contemplative
spirituality. You can read the coverage we did on that situation by clicking here.
One of the main points we want to get across – something we have worked very hard at
explaining clearly over the years – is that contemplative prayer is essentially the same
mystical practice that takes place in occultism, the New Age, and eastern meditation. While
intent may be different (contemplatives say they want to reach God), the methods are
virtually the same, and the results are identical. In this particular article, “Lighthouse Trails 
Statement to Assemblies of God Response Regarding Invitation of Ruth Haley Barton,” we
answer these important questions: 1. WHAT IS THE CONNECTION BETWEEN
As for Ruth Haley Barton, we have given ample evidence to prove that she is a bi-product,
if you will, of the spirituality of contemplative panentheistic mystics Thomas Keating, Richard
Rohr, and Tilden Edwards. And the fact that she is now being welcomed so readily by
evangelical denominations (Southern Baptist, Assemblies of God, Wesleyan, etc.) shows just
how integrated contemplative spirituality has become in the evangelical and Protestant
As we stated earlier in this article, we are not surprised that Biola has invited Ruth Haley
Barton to the Torrey Conference. We first wrote about Biola University’s contemplative
leanings in 2006 in an article titled “The Shape of Things to Come: Biola University 
Embraces Contemplative Spirituality.” And in that article, we pointed out that Biola had
invited Barton to speak at an event. In that 2006 article, we stated “Biola University, the
traditional virtual bedrock of conservative Christian higher education, has opened itself to
influences that would have its founders turning over in their graves.”
Incidentally, Biola is also engaging with contemplative author Adele Ahlberg Calhoun as you
can see from this Biola page that has two videos of  talks at Biola by Calhoun.  Calhoun’s
book, Spiritual Disciplines Handbook, shows her strong propensities toward a number of
eastern style mysticism advocates such as David Steindl-Rast, Thomas Keating, Basil
Pennington, and Tilden Edwards (Shalem Institute). You can read our review of Calhoun’s
book here.
Biola has also welcomed the teachings of the recently late contemplative pioneer Dallas
Willard (see Biola video here) and has resonated with and encouraged the teachings of Peter
Drucker (see video here).  Others who have spoken at Biola are meditation proponent Ken
Blanchard (here), emerging church teacher Shane Claiborne (here), and lectio divina
instructor, Joanne Jung (here) to name just a few.
If you know someone who is attending Biola University, please deliver to them a sober
warning about what he or she could encounter while attending Biola. To see the Lighthouse
Trails list of contemplative colleges, click here.
Related Articles:
Biola’s New Gay and Lesbian Student Group – A “Fruit” of Their Contemplative Propensities?
Book Warning: Kingdom Triangle by Biola Professor J.P. Moreland
Biola Magazine Managing Editor Admits Biola Promotes Contemplative Spirituality


The Culture News Blog has reported that the NJ Supreme Court has bypassed the people of the state and decided to permit gay marriages:
See: https://ratherexposethem.org/2013/10/supreme-court-mandates-gay-marriage-in.html.

Same Sex Marriage Now Legal in New Jersey:

“Garden State Equality” Plans To Override Governor Christie’s Veto:

Same-Sex Couples Prepare to Marry in New Jersey:


Contemplative Spirituality Concerns


Published on Oct 16, 2013
Chris Lawson, Spiritual Research Network.

PART ONE (Minute 00:01) Introduction: A biblical warning and brief statement about various genres of mystical and occult oriented Contemplative Spirituality “centering-prayer” literature that are infiltrating churches and Christian communities.

PART TWO (Minute 09:35)Considering biblical “separation” from false teachers and false teachings (Romans 16, v.17-19), as opposed to gleaning from “Christian mystics” and experiential practices that are virtually identical to the occult training of the Hindus.

PART 3 (Minute 30:33)Fr Thomas Keating is the Modern Day Pioneer of the international Contemplative Outreach Ltd. “centering-prayer” movement. As such, he seeks to “integrate” Christian spirituality with the occult “Serpent Power” of Hinduism, otherwise known as Kundalini energy. According to Hindu and Buddhist occultists, “Kundalini-shakti” lies coiled at the base of the spine, awaiting arousal via centering prayer/occult meditation.

PART 4 (Minute 48:46)Contemplative Spirituality’s dangerous Christian Mysticism/occult hybrid form of “Centering Prayer” is inextricably tied to Interfaith (Interreligious) Dialogue, Ecumenism, and the ever-increasing “Global Oneness” New Spirituality/New Gospel of the New Age movement.

Full Length “Video 3”: Part 1-4 (1hr.18min.)

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