republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman digs into the 
"Deep State" operating within the federal bureaucracy. These operatives, 
especially in the Senior Executive Service, are working to undermine the 
U.S. Constitution, persecute enemies, wage war on Trump, and continue 
America's decline into statism and globalism. They love Hillary Clinton and 
total federal power. And they have powerful tools at their disposal to destroy 
those who stand in their way.


 “Tony Robbins’ conferences are drenched in the symbols of a Christian church but with the obvious exclusion of Jesus.”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

Trusting experts blindly is not well-advised. Don’t blindly accept everything I say, either!”1– Anthony Robbins
Standing at six feet, seven inches, Anthony “Tony” Robbins is an imposing figure. His overly large hands and feet, the result of a medical condition, make him appear somewhat awkward. But as he takes the stage, it is clear he is a confident individual, speaking clearly and with conviction. Robbins talks of harnessing personal power, our innate ability to do nearly everything we would like to do, and offers eager audiences around the world simple steps for achieving unparalleled success. A bestselling author and popular motivational speaker, Tony Robbins began his rise to fame while still in his twenties. His first book, Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement2 (1986), further propelled his success, as did Awaken the Giant Within (1991). Grabbing media attention by including firewalking in his seminars, Robbins soon turned his speaking engagements into a media empire, adding motion picture appearances to his portfolio as well.3 In addition, NBC announced early in 2009 a new television series, Breakthrough with Tony Robbins, while his seemingly endless speaking schedule takes him from his private Namale Resort in Fiji to Canada, Rome, Singapore, the United States, and elsewhere. Conference titles include “Date with Destiny,” “Life Mastery,” “Wealth Mastery,” “Leadership Mastery,” and “Unleash the Power Within.” Robbins also is well represented online, where he has more than a million followers on microblogging site Twitter4 as well as his own website,, where a variety of related products and services are sold.
Nevertheless, Robbins has faced his share of controversy. In 2001 his fifteen-year marriage ended in divorce, with Robbins remarrying later that same year. Some critics pointed to his divorce as an example of the failure of his teachings, noting, for instance, that at the time of the divorce Robbins was leading workshops on the subject of healthy relationships.
Another controversy involved accusations by financial “guru” Wade Cook, who claimed that Robbins used material from Cook’s book Wall Street Money Machine, including specific terms and phrases, without permission. Cook filed a lawsuit and, in 1998, was awarded more than $650,000 in damages.
The National Council against Health Fraud, a private health agency, has also questioned some of the health and dietary advice offered by Robbins including dubious breathing techniques, “misinformation” about combining foods, and more, noting, “Robbins reveals his ignorance about physiology as he misinforms readers about how the body rids itself of metabolic wastes.”5
What is the substance behind the teachings that draw throngs of adoring crowds to Anthony Robbins’s events? Are his ideas compatible with biblical theology? Are they logical and coherent? The remainder of this article will address two key foundations of his ideas (pain/pleasure and neurolinguistic techniques), as well as his views of truth, theism, and his firewalking practices.
The two foundational concepts that form the basis of the ideas of Anthony Robbins are his views on pain and pleasure and his ideas in relation to neurology. We’ll begin our assessment of his teachings by exploring his views of pain and pleasure.
Robbins is quite clear about his belief that success in life is determined by our views of pain and pleasure. Indeed, changing our perspective of pain and pleasure, according to Robbins, is key to succeeding in life. Calling it “the force that shapes your life,”6 Robbins explains, “There is undoubtedly a single driving force behind all human behavior. This force impacts every facet of our lives, from our relationships to our finances to our bodies and brains. What is this force that is controlling you even now and will continue to do so for the rest of your life? PAIN and PLEASURE! Everything you and I do, we do either out of our need to avoid pain or our desire to gain pleasure” (emphases in original).7 He adds, “The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you can do that, you’re in control of your life. If you don’t, life controls you.”8
Are these claims true? Is everything we do motivated by pain and pleasure? Robbins offers Donald Trump and Mother Teresa as examples of being motivated by pain and pleasure. Despite their obvious differences in goals— with Trump seeking accumulation of wealth and worldly success, and Mother Teresa having sought to help the poor—Robbins claims they are both, in fact, motivated by pain and pleasure.9 However, Robbins fails to factor into his assessment that in the case of a Christian living biblically, motivations are not based on responses to pain or pleasure but are instead rooted in God’s love. As a result, multitudes of Christians have endured pain and hardship for the sake of Christ, rather than avoiding pain in order to seek pleasure. The gospel of Christ has a way of turning our attempts at interpreting human behavior upside down.
Robbins’s descriptions of pain and pleasure actually have much in common with hedonism. Hedonism, as used here, does not refer to the casual term associated with an exclusive emphasis on pleasure through self-indulgence or even debauchery. Rather, as classically defined in philosophy, hedonism is broadly concerned with maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain. In a sense, this form of hedonism is eudaemonistic, meaning that it views happiness, in this case resulting from pleasure, as the highest good. Pleasure in hedonistic thinking is always good, while pain is always bad.
What may be termed psychological hedonism places the emphasis on human motivations in seeking pleasure, with some forms indicating that our foundational drive is to seek pleasure. Ethical hedonism, however, while it may involve elements of psychological hedonism, is more concerned with pleasure seeking as being morally right.
Hedonism has been criticized for various reasons. One interesting critique is known as “the hedonistic paradox, which may be put as follows. Many of the deepest and best pleasures of life (of love, of child rearing, of work) seem to come most often to those who are engaging in an activity for reasons other than pleasure seeking. Hence, not only is it dubious that we always in fact seek (or value only) pleasure, but also dubious that the best way to achieve pleasure is to seek it.”10 In other words, at times significant pleasures in life involve pain, but we do not avoid these pains, and, in fact, often pursue them.
Within the Christian worldview, Christ is our highest good and our best pursuit, not our own pleasure. Christ told his followers not to focus on themselves, but to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him (Matt. 16:24Mark 8:34Luke 9:23). “Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matt. 10:39). This hardly sounds self-centered or in line with the avoidance of pain and the seeking of pleasure. Christ did not promise “success,” as the world defines it, but hardship that is worth enduring.
Combined with his views of pain and pleasure, Robbins’s other key belief has its roots in neurolinguistic programming (NLP). Although he now prefers the term neuroassociative conditioning (NAC), for all intents and purposes the terms are synonymous.11 According to Robbins, it is not enough merely to understand his perspective on pain and pleasure: “If you and I want to change our behavior, there is only one effective way to do it: we must link unbearable and immediate sensations of pain to our old behavior, and incredible and immediate sensations of pleasure to a new one.”12 The intent is to be able to create nearly instant change in any area of life, thus creating a changed “state,” as Robbins calls it. Consequently, a problem that may normally take much time and effort to address, such as a phobia, can supposedly be cured rapidly by applying Robbins’s NLP-inspired techniques. Robbins, in fact, claims that “all changes are created in a moment,”13 misquoting 1 Corinthians 15:51–52 in the process (“Behold, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye …”).14
Robbins, however, does not like the term “programming” in NLP, finding it misleading: “It suggests that you could come to me, I would program you, and then everything would be fine.”15 Not wanting to repeat the same “mistake” made by other motivational teachers, resulting in minimizing personal responsibility and placing all the success on the technique itself (as well as the teacher), Robbins opted to drop the term “programming”: “As a result of this new perspective, I decided to change the metaphor for what I do. I stopped using the word ‘programming’ because while I continue to use many NLP techniques, I believe it’s inaccurate. A better metaphor for long-term change is conditioning” (emphasis in original).16
How can NAC help change behavior and thus lead to success? NAC is primarily concerned with perceived links between neurology, language, body language, and resulting behavior. Prior to dropping the term “programming” in favor of “conditioning,” Robbins defined NLP as follows: “NLP is the study of how language, both verbal and nonverbal, affects our nervous system. Our ability to do anything in life is based upon our ability to direct our own nervous system.”17 Modeling, a technique of NLP and NAC, is important. By emulating or modeling someone successful, claims Robbins, we begin to condition ourselves to succeed.18 Changing “states” is also significant, with the goal being to foster empowering sates rather than disempowering states.
There are a number of questions one might ask about NAC. Is it true that, as quoted earlier, “there is only one effective way to” change our behavior and that way is via the techniques of NAC? Certainly there are other ways to change behavior. Robbins’s hyperbole aside, what he probably is suggesting is that the fastest and best way involves the techniques he offers. But there are a number of competing theories of human behavior. To state that his method is the best is somewhat naïve given the history of human psychology and the fact that techniques such as NLP, which inspired NAC, have only been around some thirty years.
Moreover, for the Christian, changing behavior is not about reprogramming or reconditioning our neurology via language, but about reliance on Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit. Scripturally speaking, we can do everything through Christ and the strength he provides (Phil. 4:13). Robbins’s approach also leaves out the concept of human sin and depravity. If indeed we are sinful, fallen beings, then much of what we think we want to succeed at in life is probably skewed by this deleterious condition, meaning that much of the time, influenced by sin, most of us don’t really know what is best for us. Robbins leaves this out of his technique entirely.
In addition, the concepts promoted by Robbins are essentially presented as quick fixes for some deep issues. Can we just snap our mental fingers, as Robbins claims, and instantly change our behavior? Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence, which appears to be seriously lacking in reference to neurolinguistic/neuroassociative techniques. Furthermore, there are some “states” that we are better off not changing instantly. For instance, God may wish to use pain, guilt, remorse, and other circumstances in order to help us mature as individuals, lead us to Him, and, in the long run, make us better people rather than desiring us immediately to vanquish such feelings.
Finally, the neurolinguistic/neuroassociative techniques Robbins presents are suspect. As Stephen Barrett, longtime critic of questionable alternative medicine practices, has written, “Scientific studies have demonstrated no correlation between eye movements and visual imagery, reported thoughts, or language choices. A National Research Council committee has found no significant evidence that NLP’s theories are sound or that its practices are effective.”19
In addition to pleasure-pain theory and neurology, Robbins also makes comments that touch on the philosophical. Specifically, some of his remarks addressing belief systems relate to truth and epistemology (knowledge). In Awaken the Giant Within, Robbins writes, “The question is: which one of these beliefs is the true belief? The answer is that it doesn’t matter which one is true. What matters is which one is most empowering.”20 In other words, at least as far as Robbins’s template for success is concerned, truth is irrelevant. Followed to its logical conclusions, then, if someone finds pantheism empowering, then that’s just fine. If another individual finds atheism empowering, then that’s fine, too.
This sort of approach to truth results in logical contra dictions. The pantheist claims that everything is divine, while the atheist denies that anything divine exists. Yet within the epistemological framework that Robbins has established, such contradictions don’t really matter. While this sort of ideology may help Robbins reach broader audiences with his message, allowing him to avoid criticizing or excluding his audience’s beliefs or traditions, it is epistemologically untenable.
How then do we fit truth into the ideas Robbins presents? He adds, “We can all find someone to back up our belief and make us feel more solid about it. This is how human beings are able to rationalize. The key question, again, is whether this belief is strengthening or weakening us, empowering or disempowering us on a daily basis.”21
There are a number of problems with such a perspective. Who is to say whether a particular belief is empowering, disempowering, strengthening, weakening or not? The ideology lacks a foundation, not only in the area of knowledge, but also in the area of ethics.
Moreover, what if a terrorist were to adopt the advice offered by Robbins? The implication is that the belief system of the terrorist, regardless of whether it is true, is acceptable to follow to its conclusions so long as the terrorist “feels” empowered. Granted, Robbins nowhere endorses terrorism, but the concern here is the rational implications and consequences of ideas. Given what Robbins has said about truth, belief systems, and empowerment, there is nothing to stop a terrorist from being empowered to continue to terrorize.
Another consequence of Robbins’s view of truth is the question and significance of truth itself. Robbins summarily casts truth aside in favor of empowerment. Rather than seeking to understand the nature of truth and seeking to determine whether a particular truth claim corresponds to reality or not, Robbins simply casts the matter aside and moves on. But truth is not so easily ignored. Robbins’s view of truth is only valid if truth actually does not matter. Truth, however, does matter, particularly in relation to explanations of reality. Indeed, the consequences of the truth or falsity of worldviews such as theism, atheism, and pantheism are metaphysically monumental. To ignore truth claims of this magnitude and simply say, “Whatever works for you is fine,” is to cast aside human intellect in favor of what may very well be temporal pleasures that could result in dire eternal consequences.
From a Christian point of view, Robbins’s ideas in the area of truth could very well lead people eternally astray. The truth claim, “Jesus is Lord,” is either true or it is not. Whether it is “empowering” or not is irrelevant to the question regarding its truth or falsity.
This leads to another question regarding Robbins. Is he a theist?
Before addressing this question, it will be beneficial to offer a brief definition of theism. In its most rudimentary sense, theism holds that a personal God exists. Traditionally, theists also tend to hold that this personal God created the universe, sustains it, is involved in it, and is a loving being. By definition, theism rules out competing worldviews such as atheism that denies that God exists, pantheism that denies that anything else exists besides God, and deism that affirms that God exists but denies that He is actively present in His creation or in human affairs.
Robbins does appear to be a theist, but a sort of “soft” theist who avoids getting into specifics. For instance, Robbins refers to “God” on occasion, as well as to a “Creator,” and acknowledges the power of prayer, but not in any detail. Given his views on truth, as addressed earlier, it would seem that if indeed Robbins is a theist he is of the mindset that theism is not supremely important in one’s worldview. If it were, Robbins would not be so cavalier about the question of truth.
Given the underpinnings of his teachings, asking whether Robbins is a Christian seems an odd inquiry. However, given the soft theism mentioned by Robbins, it is perhaps a valid one. While no one is in a position to judge the salvation of another person, we are in a position to judge teachings. Although there appears to be an undercurrent of theism in what Robbins believes, it is indeed vague. Moreover, his teachings are clearly at odds with biblical Christianity.
In addition, while Robbins quotes from a variety of sources, including the Bible, he also cites Buddhism, other religions and religious figures, and, on a number of occasions, American transcendentalist writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman. Merely quoting such sources does not suggest explicit endorsement of everything they believed, but, when taken as a whole, the citation of non-Christian sources does not bode well for the exclusive claims of Christ and Christianity.
For instance, when Robbins praises A Course in Miracles,22 a book that is overtly at odds with the Christian message, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to fit such citations into the framework of theism, much less Christian theism.
Given the lack of emphasis on truth and the variety of citations from contradictory religious sources, Robbins appears to be a religious pluralist. This means that he is not concerned with the truth or falsity of any particular religion, but instead seems to view all religions as valid so long as they “empower” and “strengthen” the adherent.
Robbins’s primary emphasis, however, comes across as sympathetic to Eastern religious ideas. Specific phrases and ideas are also reminiscent of “New Age” spirituality such as when he writes, “Your reality is the reality you create.”23 One of his Twitter posts quotes Taoist philosopher Lao-tzu: “There are many paths to enlightenment. Be sure to take one with a heart.”24
Ron Rhodes has written of Robbins: “In his books he approvingly cites Eastern and New Age types like Marianne Williamson, Bernie Siegel, Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil, Confucius, Mahatma Gandhi, Emmet Fox, and A Course in Miracles. Other New Age indicators involve his use of Native American chants, and his idea that mystical secrets locked in the right side of the brain can be unleashed using his techniques.”
Robbins’s religious eclecticism is also, as Rhodes observes, “in keeping with his New Age leanings. On a number of occasions, he acknowledges many ‘great teachers’—including Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius, and Lao-Tzu.”25
More than any other teaching or practice, firewalking is what initially drew the media to Tony Robbins. Does Robbins still promote firewalking? Yes. During his “Unleash the Power Within” conferences, for instance, attendees walk barefoot across a bed of hot coals that is some twelve feet long (taking about five or six steps to complete).
The term firewalking is itself a misnomer in that one does not walk across literal flames, but hot coals. Critics are quick to point out that walking across hot coals without getting burned is not a matter of positive mental thinking or religious mysticism, but merely physics. Just as placing your hand inside a hot oven will not burn you while touching metal in the oven will indeed burn, the solution to safe firewalking has to do with heat conductivity and thermal conduction. There’s also the factor of time. Firewalking over ten or twelve feet is literally over within a matter of just a few seconds or less — hardly enough time for hot coals to burn through the soles of the feet of the average person.26
Robbins, however, does not present the firewalking experience as religious. Using his techniques, if someone is in the proper mental state, then firewalking becomes a metaphor about being able to accomplish the seemingly impossible. For Robbins, overcoming fear through positive action is the purpose of the firewalk. Robbins explains: “The firewalk has fascinated the media to the point I fear its message is getting lost. The point is not to walk on fire.…Instead, the firewalk is an experience in personal power and a metaphor for possibilities, an opportunity for people to produce results they previously had thought impossible.…When I conduct a firewalk, it’s not part of any religious experience in the conventional sense. But it is an experience in belief. It teaches people in the most visceral sense that they can change, they can grow, they can stretch themselves, they can do things they never thought possible, that their greatest fears and limitations are self-imposed.”27
For the Christian, firewalking for religious or motivational reasons is unnecessary. Our source of motivational ability is not within our own fallen nature, but in Christ.
Tony Robbins comes across as an amiable, caring, and sincere individual. His Twitter posts, for instance, often convey joy, encouragement, and a delight in life. In addition, he is not a hoarder of his wealth, having established a variety of venues to offer philanthropic assistance in various forms. Neverthe less, good intentions, no matter how sincere, are not enough to outweigh serious logical and theological deficiencies. The foundational principles underlying his philosophy are on shaky ground, to say the least. The purpose here, however, has not been to attack Robbins as an individual, but to assess his ideas. As he himself has said, “Don’t blindly accept everything I say, either!”28
Unlike human potential thinking that is often deeply self-centered, Christianity calls followers to be Christ-centered and other-centered. This does not mean neglecting ourselves, but rather placing ourselves in the proper context of God’s will. With God and others as our primary focus, we can begin to become the kind of people God wants us to become—not self-centered individuals seeking wealth and other forms of worldly power, but instead humble individuals seeking to share the love of Christ. There is nothing wrong with success, per se, so long as one remains Christ-centered and pursues success with godly intentions and within godly parameters, but wealth and an easy life are not guaranteed for the Christian. Instead, we are told we will face hardships and endure suffering for the name of Christ.
Our power is limited, but God’s power is not. We are flawed, fallen, depraved beings in desperate need of radical redemption that is Savior-centered, not self-centered. Being made in God’s image, we have the capacity for creativity and greatness, but we are also in dire circumstances that only Christ can save us from. The real giant within is not unbounded human potential, but our capacity to sin. What is the solution to our serious problem? It is not in us, but in Christ. As Paul wrote, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God— through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Rom. 7:24–25).
1 Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! (New York: Free Press, 1991), 90.
2 Anthony Robbins, Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement (New York: Free Press, 1986).
3 His image appeared briefly in the film Men in Black (1997), he shared a scene with actor Jack Black in Shallow Hal (2001), and he is featured in The Singularity Is Near (2009).
4 As of August 2009.
5 William T. Jarvis, “Anthony Robbins,” available at The NCAHF, co-founded by Dr. Stephen Barrett of, is a private organization “that focuses upon health misinformation, fraud, and quackery as public health problems” (
6 Awaken the Giant Within, 52.
7 Ibid., 53.
8 Ibid., 54.
9 Ibid., 55–56.
10 James A. Montmarquet, in The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, 2nd edition, gen. ed. Robert Audi (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999), s.v. “hedonism.”
11 Robbins prefers to spell it “Neuro-Associative Conditioning,” complete with a trademark symbol, perhaps to differentiate his approach from that of NLP and provide marketing branding as well.
12 Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within, 123.
13 Ibid., 108.
14 Ibid., 107. Robbins leaves off the “1” in 1 Corinthians and also fails to note that the passage encompasses verses 51 and 52 (he lists only verse 51). More significantly, he fails to grasp the meaning of the passage in context—Christians receiving imperishable and glorified bodies, not neurolinguistic changes of states. Robbins misquotes the Bible on several occasions (see, e.g., Ron Rhodes, “Anthony Robbins and the Quest for Unlimited Power,” SCP Journal (Summer/Fall 1998): 56–58).
15 Ibid., 111.
16 Ibid., 111–112.
17 Robbins, Unlimited Power, 26.
18 Ibid., 29.
19 Stephen Barrett, “Mental Help: Procedures to Avoid,” available at As evidence supporting his critique of NLP, Barrett references Daniel Druckman and John A. Swets, eds., Enhancing Human Performance (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1988).
20 Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within, 79.
21 Ibid.
22 Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within, 264.
23 Robbins, Unlimited Power, 67.
24 June 16, 2009;
25 Rhodes, 55. Deepak Chopra, a monistic pantheist, is also a featured speaker at Robbins events such as “Life Mastery.”
26 See, for instance, a physics-oriented explanation of firewalking offered by The Skeptic’s Dictionary at
27 Robbins, Unlimited Power, 14–15.
28 Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within, 90.

“I Am Not Your Guru”: Tony Robbins and the Gospel

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
I am a Netflix docuphile. I have a particular penchant for war docos (World War II in Colour), geopolitical docos (Icarus) and biographical docos (Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru). The latter doco intrigued me more than the others. I found myself analysing it from a deep theological perspective. Tony Robbins’ conferences are drenched in the symbols of a Christian church but with the obvious exclusion of Jesus. I was particularly fascinated by the documentary as I had been musing on a recent Facebook post about Franklin Graham’s evangelistic tour of Australia. The sentiment of the post was that Graham’s political stance in the US does not align with a significant proportion of Christians in Australia and his stadium tours will be more like stones missing the line of cans on a fence. Sadly, I too sense that Graham’s tours will be underwhelming in the Australian milieu. If Tony Robbins was the keynote speaker, organisers would be adding additional dates to the tour.
One attendee sells her car, house and furniture simply to touch the cloak of America’s #1 Leadership Psychologist. They come and sit at the feet of him who brings good news anticipating that Robbins holds the elusive key to the Kingdom of Better.
Tony Robbins is tall with a square chin and a thick but chiselled physique. His deep, raspy voice is authoritative and penetrating to any listener. He has charisma and curious pre-show rituals. He resides in a stunning mansion that sits peacefully on the shores of Palm Beach, Florida. He is the epitome of success. Consequently, he has no trouble drawing a crowd to his conferences hosted in a nearby luxury resort. Even the US$8000 for premium seating at his six day Date with Destiny conference is no barrier; one attendee, straining at the finger nails on life’s ledge of despair, sells her car, house and furniture simply to “touch the cloak” of America’s #1 Leadership Psychologist.
It is clear that the crowds come in search of “better”. Believing that life should be more satisfying, more fulfilling, they try to articulate what “better” ought to be: “a more confident me”; “a healthier version of me”; “a ‘deeper connection with the universe through my feminised male partner’ me”. They have searched tirelessly for “better” but it was not where they expected to find it. They tried to be “better” but they fell short of it. They attempted to capture “better” in other people but were hurt, burnt, and disappointed by them. Finally, they come and sit at the feet of him who brings good news anticipating that Robbins holds the elusive key to the Kingdom of Better.
Not only is Robbins their archetype of “better” but also their saviour from their “sins”, their mediator into the presence of “better”. He is the evangelist for “better”. The prophetic voice for “better”. For “better” is their god but they have failed to attain the standard of their god. Their sins of fear, rejection and abuse have prevented them from accessing the Kingdom of Better. Robbins, sometimes aggressively, sometimes winsomely, but always confidently, taps into the brokenness of the human condition often attributing one’s current state of existence and self-imposed limitations to their impoverished relationship with others. For example, 19 year old Sienna takes the microphone to share her frustrations. She wants a better diet because “my body and health deserve better”. She is losing respect for herself which causes her to eat. Robbins is not convinced by this superficial goal. He digs deeper. “Why are you doing all this for? What is life about?” Sienna’s clichéd response, “It’s about finding love and happiness.” Robbins, still not satisfied, seeks justification, “What do you have to do to hit the target of love and happiness?” Sienna draws some ideas from her quiver, “Do something for others and do something that scares me. I need to give love to those who don’t have it. I have to receive love. I have to be worthy of it and be responsible for their happiness.” Robbins shoots his own arrow and shatters her worldview by interrogating her love for her father, “Who did you have to be for your father?” Hesitating, Sienna admits, “Ignorant to his drug abuse.”
Robbins, perceiving that her current relationship is founded on impure motives, commands a divorced woman to call her current boyfriend immediately and break up with him.
Robbins addresses the crowd, “She loves him and hates that she loves him so much.” The love she expected from her father was not enough for her and she has translated this unfulfilled expectation as rejection. Robbins highlights her symptoms, “Rejection breeds obsession.” Sienna’s divorced mother sits alongside in the conference and is soon drawn into the intervention. With some expletives to add emphasis, Robbins holds her responsible for her daughter’s skewed view of her father. “His drug addiction is not simply caused by your hate for him but he has hated himself more.” Robbins analyses their broken relationship before the crowd, not a dry eye in the house. At the end of the intervention he confronts the deeper issues by asking how they will take decisive action. This could be construed as, Robbins calling them to “Repent, for the Kingdom of Better is here.”
Their redemption is in taking immediate action through submission to the words of Robbins, sometimes in the very midst of a speechless crowd. In one instance, Robbins, perceiving that her current relationship is founded on impure motives, commands another divorced woman to call her current boyfriend immediately and break up with him. The crowd is obviously stunned, mesmerised and completely aligned with his authoritative words. Robbins liberates her from her shame. She can now live to her full potential; although, we find out later in the documentary that she rekindles the relationship with her boyfriend—sometimes the expectations of a messiah don’t meet our own expectations.
I watched, enawed by the grip Robbins had on his audience. He was their shepherd, they were his sheep. They heard his voice, they followed. I have been reflecting on it for days, trying to piece together the reasons for their attraction to Robbins. He is the hero in their narrative. He is the answer to their existential questions.
Humanity longs for deep fulfilment. They want purpose in a meaningless world. They want peace in a chaotic world. The want prosperity in an impoverished world. Despite the atheists’ denial of the metaphysical, humans are even willing to consider a divine authority if it means they can experience the “better”. Robbins, for a hefty price tag, offers this to his followers. He is the new evangelist. The minister of this age. At his conferences, people gather (like a church), sing together (like a church), lay hands on one another (like a church), are confronted by the message (like a church) and meet in small groups (like church Bible studies). All characteristic features of the Christian church but without the gospel of Jesus Christ.
All characteristic features of the Christian church but without the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This secular age is built on scepticism (nay, denial) of religion but has resulted in people still seeking a church to attend. They want a leader and a community. They want to be confronted with a truth. They are tired of the perfunctory offerings in a relativistic society. The world is screaming their version of the truth but no one is interested in or has the answers to their questions. So they turn to the one who is paid to listen. At one time it would have been the church minister, trusted in all matters of a pastoral nature. Now the minister of the new church is the charismatic and direct-speaking psychologist. We live in the age of the psychologist.
In times such as these, the gospel must continue to be forthcoming. Moreover, the preaching of the gospel must be aimed fair and square at the deeper issues in our parishioners’ hearts and minds. The Kingdom of God is not slightly better than this world. It is the superlative. It is the ultimate. When Jesus performed signs and miracles, free of charge on the streets and in homes, it gave humanity a glimpse of the ultimate. He witnessed the pain that sin had caused in people’s lives and gave society’s outcasts (Lk.5:1-20Jn.4:-42; 5:2-9) through to society’s elite (Matt.8:5-13Lk.5:21ff) the taste of true liberation. The experience of true joy. The sense of true identity. For he knew that the depth of their turmoil could not be resolved with superficial goals. God himself needed to show and give what life was intended be.
Yet, he was not simply a highly sought after miracle worker. Jesus intimately knew the entanglement of sin as he took it to the cross (2 Cor 5:21). His death reveals the end goal of sin, the depth of grief sin causes as it wages war on every human being. It drives a wedge between us that results in separation, divorce, abandonment, violence and war. It muddles our minds to the point of fear and despair. It afflicts the body with illnesses and fatal diseases. It drenches us in shame and guilt. That is because sin divorces us from the life giving relationship with our Creator. Therefore, the suffering of Christ is the most amazing gift to a world craving for life. Jesus recognises the disaster and destruction of sin, he empathises with our condition, he wants justice and he reveals his astonishing love by doing something about it. Consequently, the message of the cross cannot simply coach us into “better”, it needs to sink deeply into every crevice of our lives. It must speak directly into our personal narratives as the only true resolution.
I’ll be brash. If the post-sermon chat over fruit cake and lower-end speciality espresso based coffee is anything to go by, one may be forgiven to think that the preacher’s three key points each Sunday is the unusual weather patterns for Spring, the referee’s free kick to the full forward and the arduous commute to work on Monday. Our congregations need their longings of “better” to be saturated in the gospel. They need to be so thrilled and mesmerised by the gospel that they view Jesus than more than a kind bloke or that the Kingdom is just a bit better than our current situation. I believe this comes through listening to the individuals inside and outside of our churches, analysing the deeper torrent of their stories in order to diagnose their true condition. Then the gospel can be aimed to the proximal end of the heart.
The true hero in our narrative triumphantly conquers Satan, sin and death—the very cause and effect of our plight. We need not linger on our sins which Satan uses to pickle us in guilt. Jesus’ resurrection is the evidence that he has cancelled our record of debt and has renewed life through our union with him (Col.2:13ff). If that weren’t enough, he grants us the Holy Spirit who guarantees our inheritance (Eph.1:13-14). An US$8000 premium seat to Tony Robbins may result in a temporary experience of happiness, but the free gift of Jesus Christ does result in an eternity of true joy and satisfaction.


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
USA – -( No, no, no. Hell, no!
That’s my response to the latest trial balloon floated by the White House to join with Silicon Valley on a creepy program monitoring Americans’ “neurobehavioral signs” to (purportedly) prevent gun violence.
President Donald Trump’s old friend, former NBC head Bob Wright, has been pushing an Orwellian surveillance scheme called “Safe Home” — “Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by Helping Overcome Mental Extremes” — that would cost taxpayers between $40 million and $60 million. The Washington Post, owned by Amazon billionaire founder Jeff Bezos, reports that the plan could incorporate “Apple Watches, Fitbits, Amazon Echo and Google Home,” as well as ” fMRIs, tractography and image analysis.”
Here’s the big lie: Wright’s group promises that privacy will be “safeguarded,” profiling “avoided” and data protection capabilities a “cornerstone of this effort.”

There’s so much bullcrap packed in that statement it should be banned as a global warming pollutant.

Anything involving Google should trigger automatic danger warnings of invasive data mining. We do not need the federal government partnering with Google to red-flag citizens. We need the federal government to red-flag Google.
Let me remind you that Google has already admitted to data mining children’s emails without consent and in violation of the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act. This school year, untold thousands, if not millions, of children were required to sign on to Google email and Chrome in order to access homework, schedules and classroom discussions — without obtaining parental consent. Thanks to “1-to-1” programs forcing students across the country to use laptops and tablets when paper and pencil would suffice, iPads loaded with Google for Education are metastasizing in tech-crazed, fad-addled school districts oblivious to privacy concerns.
At my high school sophomore son’s school, every student was told to download an app called “E-Hallpass,” which is seamlessly connected to their Google login, to track how much time students spend in the bathroom. It’s all in the name of “safety,” of course. And there’s no opportunity for parents to provide their preemptive feedback or consent.
Minnesota educator Jennifer Dahlgren told me this week: “Too many schools use Google docs and sheets to store and share (private) student information, as well as using Google as their secure email! I have brought this up in staff meetings as a concern and no one else seems bothered. Not good!”
Just last week, the Federal Trade Commission approved a settlement with Google/YouTubeover its violation of the federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. YouTube had been stealthily mining data of unsuspecting YouTube users under the age of 13. It will reportedly pay a pittance for this massive child abuse — somewhere between $150 million to $200 million, which amounts to just a few months’ of YouTube ad revenue. In other words: a hill of beans.
Earlier this summer, Google agreed to a $13 million settlement over its Street View program, whose roaming cars in more than 30 countries secretly collected emails, passwords and other personal data from Wi-Fi networks. The Wall Street Journal reported on how the company’s dishonest dismissal of the breach as a “mistake” was exposed by investigators who found that “Google engineers built software and embedded it into Street View vehicles to intentionally intercept the data from 2007 to 2010.”

It’s not just Google. Under the cloak of “science,” Big Tech and Big Government are on the cusp of instituting a mental health social credit score system incorporating dubious predictive analytics.

Who defines “mental health” risk factors? There is no consensus on how much mental health predicts violence. And don’t forget: The mental health profession is filled with partisan zealots who think all Trump voters [and gun owners] are dangerous. Camera-hogging psychiatrists and psychologists clog left-wing news shows recklessly and fecklessly pretending to “diagnose” the president himself through their own unhinged political lenses.
Mental health data mining in schools is already happening. The Pioneer Institute reported that federal, state and local governments splurged on more than $30 billion in 2018 to implement social-emotional learning monitoring in K-12 public schools. I’ve reported on Google apps previously such as ClassDojo (which collects intimate behavioral data and long-term psychological profiles encompassing family information, personal messages, photographs, and voice notes) and on federally funded TS Gold testing (which monitors “developmental domains including social-emotional, physical, language and cognitive development”). Students are rated and recorded on their ability to do things like “respond to emotional cues,” “interact cooperatively” and “cooperate and share ideas and materials in socially acceptable ways.”
Who defines “socially acceptable?” Liberal educators, who are mindlessly addicting our kids to Silicon Valley technology and brainwashing them to conform or be excluded?
The last thing Washington should be doing is handing over yet another set of keys to Silicon Valley spies with a voracious appetite for our private information — and our children’s precious minds.
Do you want to make children safer? De-platform Google and the other data-mining predators from public schools now. It’s insanity to let them roam free.

Michelle MalkinMichelle Malkin

About: Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin is host of “Michelle Malkin Investigates” on As well as the author of “Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of American Tinkerpreneurs” and “Sold Out: How High-Tech Billionaires & Bipartisan Beltway Crapweasels Are Screwing America…” . Her email address is


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
(Friday Church News Notes, June 14, 2019,, 866-295-4143) - Jerusalem’s annual gay pride parade was held on June 6, with an estimated 10,000-15,000 in attendance. To counter ultra-Orthodox protests, the police had a massive presence, posting officers every 10 to 20 meters along the parade route and stationing helicopters and drones overhead. Israel’s first homosexual justice minister, Amir Ohana, appointed hours earlier by Benjamin Netanyahu, joined the parade. The city government refused chief rabbi Aryeh Stern’s request to remove rainbow flags, instead ordering the removal of protest posters that read, “Father and Mother = Family. The courage to be normal.” No wonder the Bible calls Jerusalem “Sodom” in Revelation 11:8. Meanwhile, over in Israel’s second largest city, Tel Aviv’s 21st annual pride parade is scheduled for today, June 14, in the midst of a month long homosexual festival that is one of the biggest in the world. Some 200,000 are expected to march in the parade. Tel Aviv’s Hilton Beach was recently voted “one of the best gay beaches in the world” (“Pride Comes to Tel Aviv for the 21st Time,” Jerusalem Post, June 5, 2019). The city’s LGBTQ community center is funded by the government with workers receiving city salaries. It is obvious that the present return of Israel to her land is not the fulfillment of the prophecies of the New Covenant. For “then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall loathe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations” (Ezekiel 36:24-31). The present return is for the purpose of preparing for the fulfillment of Daniel’s 70th Week (Daniel 9:27), when Israel will rebuild the temple and make a covenant with the Antichrist which will lead to the return of Israel’s true Christ, Jesus, and the establishment of His kingdom.

(Friday Church News Notes, June 14, 2019,, 866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “Bombshell book alleges,” CBSNews, Feb. 15, 2019: “A gay French writer has lifted the lid on what he calls one of the world’s largest gay communities, the Vatican, estimating that most of its prelates are homosexually inclined and attributing much of the current crisis in the Catholic Church to an internal struggle. In the explosive book, In the Closet of the Vatican, author Frederic Martel describes a gay subculture at the Vatican and calls out the hypocrisy of Catholic bishops and cardinals who in public denounce homosexuality but in private lead double lives. Aside from the subject matter, the book is astonishing for the access Martel had to the inner sanctum of the Holy See. Martel writes that he spent four years researching it in 30 countries, including weeks at a time living inside the Vatican walls. He says the doors were opened by a key Vatican gatekeeper and friend of Pope Francis who was the subject of the pontiff’s famous remark about gay priests, ‘Who am I to judge?’ ... Martel says he conducted nearly 1,500 in-person interviews with 41 cardinals, 52 bishops or monsignors, and 45 Vatican and foreign ambassadors, many of whom are quoted at length and in on-the-record interviews that he says were recorded. Martel said he was assisted by 80 researchers, translators, fixers and local journalists, as well as a team of 15 lawyers. The 555-page book is being published simultaneously in eight languages in 20 countries, many bearing the title ‘Sodom.’”

(Friday Church News Notes, June 14, 2019,, 866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “Trump Becomes First,” Christian Headlines, June 5, 2019: “President Trump ruffled feathers on both sides of the political aisle when he tweeted his support for LGBT Pride Month. On Friday afternoon, the president tweeted, ‘As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. My administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invite all nations to join us in this effort!’ ... President Trump pledged on the campaign trail to focus on LGBT issues, showing himself to be the most friendly towards LGBT issues of any of the Republican candidates. In February, he appointed Ric Grenell, the US Ambassador to Germany, to lead the Administration’s efforts to encourage other countries to decriminalize homosexuality. ... American Family Association President Tim Wildmon said, ‘Homosexuality is not something the president should celebrate. It’s unnatural, unhealthy and immoral behavior. We hope he will continue to stand firm against the so-called Equality Act (H.R. 5) and any legislation that threatens religious freedom. Such legislation will use the full force of the federal government to punish Americans who don’t embrace the LGBT political agenda.’”

(Friday Church News Notes, June 14, 2019,, 866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “China: Social Credit System,” Breitbart, May 14, 2019: “China’s state-run newspaper Global Times revealed in a column defending the nation’s authoritarian ‘social credit system’ Monday that the communist regime had blacklisted 13.49 million Chinese citizens for being ‘untrustworthy.’ The article did not specify what these individuals did to find themselves on the list, though the regime has revealed the system assigns a numerical score to every Chinese citizen based on how much the Communist Party approves of his or her behavior. Anything from jaywalking and walking a dog without a leash to criticizing the government on the internet to more serious, violent, and corrupt crimes can hurt a person’s score. The consequences of a low credit score vary, but most commonly appear to be travel restrictions at the moment. China is set to complete the implementation of the system in the country in 2020. As the date approaches, the government’s propaganda arms have escalated its promotion as necessary to live in a civilized society. ... ‘As of March, 13.49 million individuals have been classified as untrustworthy and rejected access to 20.47 million plane tickets and 5.71 million high-speed train tickets for being dishonest,’ the Global Times reported, citing the government’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). Among the new examples the newspaper highlights as dishonest behavior are failing to pay municipal parking fees, ‘eating on the train,’ and changing jobs with ‘malicious intent.’ ... In addition to limited access to travel, another punishment the Chinese government rolled out in March was the use of an embarrassing ringtone to alert individuals of a low-credit person in their midst. The ringtone would tell those around a person with low credit to be ‘careful in their business dealings’ with them. In the system, all public behavior, the Global Times explained Monday, will be divided into ‘administrative affairs, commercial activities, social behavior, and the judicial system’ once the system is complete. No action will be too small to impact the score. ... Using the nominally private corporation ZTE, China sold a version of its credit system to socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. The system would reportedly work through the already established ‘Fatherland Card, a ration card used to distribute food and medicine to Maduro’s supporters. Anyone who indicated opposition to the regime put their food supply at risk. With ZTE technology, the ‘Fatherland Card’ can track the purchases and real-time locations of any Venezuelan.”

 (Friday Church News Notes, June 14, 2019,,, 866-295-4143) - The following is excerpted from “Poll: Church Membership Dropped,” Brown’s Newsletter, April 2019: “Church membership has plummeted in the last two decades by nearly twenty percent. Across the United States, now, only fifty percent of U.S. adults belong to a church and or a religious institution. Further, demographically, the drop was recorded highest among Democrats and Hispanics. Throughout the twentieth century, church and/or religious membership hovered around seventy percent, with the last recording of such in 1999. Meanwhile, the number of persons with no religious affiliation jumped from eight percent to nineteen percent. The new Gallup findings underscore [a] generational dynamic. Among Americans 65 and older, church membership in 2016-2018 averaged 64% percent, compared to 41% among those aged 18-29.”


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
 And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of 
Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, 
and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the 
sight of the Lord. (2 Chronicles 33:6)
“Softening Up” For Occult Revival—Hermetic Magic & Hegel’s Dialectic Process
Why would our country, so richly blessed by God, embrace the occult? What caused this drastic change in values? How could it have happened so seemingly fast?!
Actually, the entire Western world had already been “softened up” by the 1960s when the rising rebellion against God erupted into public view. The century-old pursuit of social solidarity based on Georg Hegel’s occult philosophy and consensus process had been an effective tool for change. 
Hegel’s 19th century pattern for “group thinking” denied God’s absolute truths and trained people to adapt to “continual change” and group consensus. By the year 2000, it had been embraced by schools, corporations, community organizations, mainline churches, and political structures throughout America. Through the global media, people around the world have caught Hegel’s vision of spiritual synthesis—an enticing blend of spiritual illusions and practices that appeal to our capricious human nature.
Hegel studied alchemy, Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), and theosophy, which were all influenced by the heretical teachings of Gnosticism. He “read widely on Mesmerism, psychic phenomena, dowsing, precognition, and sorcery. He publicly associated himself with known occultists . . . and aligned himself, informally, with ‘Hermetic’ societies such as the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians” and embraced their symbolic systems of sacred circles, mystical triangles and astrological signs.1
Considering Hegel’s occult connections, it’s not surprising that his teachings would undermine biblical faith and all opposing facts. Nor is it strange that the postmodern (or some now say pseudo-modern) generation has been, by and large, inoculated and indoctrinated against genuine Christianity. After all, Hegel’s revolutionary dialectic process was the center-piece and hallmark of Soviet brainwashing. It effectively purged God’s unchanging truths and filled the vacuum with evolving “truths” and enticing dreams.
While Communist leaders embraced Hegel’s process, they ignored his occult beliefs. In contrast, the Western world began to restore those pagan roots long before revolutionary baby-boomers began proclaiming and shouting out their demands for sensual freedom and earth-centered spirituality. In other words, the ’60s didn’t initiate this radical change; the turmoil of the ’60s was the result of the psycho-social program of “re-learning” which had begun to transform America decades earlier. 
As the old moral and spiritual boundaries were torn down, the mainstream media preached tolerance and acceptance of all kinds of forbidden thrills. Before long, occult secrets emerged from their centuries-old closets and claimed their place in mainstream entertainment. 
We who trust God need to recognize our enemy, resist his tempting strategies, and know the truths that counter these deadly deceptions. The very safety of our children depends on it.
There’s no arguing it, children in public schools are learning Yoga. According to Yoga instructor, Mark Blanchard, of Progressive Power Yoga, he taught children at Colfax Elementary School in California. On his blog, he wrote: “I will be introducing Yoga to all of the kids at the school as I donate a full Yoga program.”2 Blanchard has been featured in many magazines such as Family Circle and Seventeen and has trained many actors and actresses (like Jennifer Lopez and Drew Barrymore).3 Blanchard plans to “bring Progressive Power Yoga to as many places as [he] can around the states (as well as the globe).”4
Part of Blanchard’s plans include working with Mini Yogis Yoga for Kids. On the Mini Yogis website, they list not only Blanchard’s company but many other organizations as well, many of which are schools like Happy Land Preschool in Culver City and St. Monica’s Elementary School in Santa Monica5 (both in California).
Yoga for kids is on the rise, and if your child attends public school, you may want to check to see if teachers there are teaching him or her Yoga. A program called YogaEd provides Yoga classes under the heading of “health/wellness” programs for schools. These programs take place in several states including California, Colorado, New York, Washington and Washington, D.C.6
In an article titled “Yoga Causes Controversy in Public Schools,” veteran apologist Dave Hunt is referenced and quoted:

Dave Hunt, who has traveled to India to study yoga’s roots and interview gurus, called the practice “a vital part of the largest missionary program in the world” for Hinduism. The Bend, [Oregon] author of Yoga and the Body of Christ: What Position Should Christians Hold? said that, like other religions, the practice has no place in public schools.

“It’s pretty simple: Yoga is a religious practice in Hinduism. It’s the way to reach enlightenment. To bring it to the west and bill it as a scientific practice for fitness is dishonest,” said Hunt.7

Parents whose children are in Christian schools may need to be concerned too. More and more churches and Christian organizations are opening their doors to the practice of Yoga. And the biggest Christian publisher, Thomas Nelson, published a book titled Yoga for Christiansin 2006. It’s just a matter of time before kids in Christian schools will be learning Yoga and the “art” of meditation.
It is tragic to know that countless public school children are being taught practices that are rooted in Eastern mysticism and will learn how to say “Namaste” (the god in me greets the god in you) before they learn they can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ without going into altered states of consciousness through meditation. And it is equally tragic that many Christians will not even be able to help them because they are learning similar practices through their own “Spiritual Formation” (i.e, contemplative spirituality) programs in their churches.
Meditation in the Classroom
Across North America, public school classrooms are opening their doors to welcome mystical meditation.
An article in The Capitol Times titled “Kid Contemplatives: UW Neuroscientist’s Project Aims to Give Middle-Schoolers Tools of ‘Mindfulness’ and Meditation” tells about a pilot project done with middle school students that studied the effects of “contemplation in the classroom.”8 The article states:

Middle school students are being targeted because early adolescence is a time of heightened vulnerability due to body and brain changes. . . .

Centering prayer, meditation, breath work, chanting, sitting in silence, extended concentration on an object and focusing on positive thoughts and images are examples of contemplative exercises that can be taught.9

Neuroscientist Richard Davidson, who was the chair for the project, wants to use his research in meditative practices by studying the brains of Buddhist monks, in the classroom. Davidson, named by Time magazine as one of the world’s 100 most influential people in 2006, and others like him are making inroads into meditation becoming the norm in schoolroom settings.
In The Capitol Times article, contemplative activist and Catholic priest Thomas Keating is quoted as saying that meditation in the classroom is “not a religious issue” and that “sitting in silence for twenty minutes, twice a day, ‘gradually introduces us to our deeper self.’”10 But the article contradicts Keating’s view that meditation is not religious:

Like Buddhist meditation, centering prayer for Christians is an age-old religious practice that has experienced a revival in contemporary times.11

And as this article reveals, children are being targeted with meditation:

“Most people without a special (contemplative) practice tend to be pushed around by external events,” Keating contends. In classrooms, “the younger the child, the easier it is” to teach contemplation because young participants typically aren’t impeded by as much emotional baggage.12

As one researcher of the New Age explains:

The field of education presents an ideal setting for transformation. In virtually every area of education and instruction, from kindergarten to universities, from weekend workshops to family counseling sessions, the Ancient Wisdom is being taught either up front or covertly. This is largely happening because teachers, principals, and other administrators in particular have become involved in metaphysics.13

While not every public school has introduced meditation in their classrooms yet, more and more schools are implementing Yoga and other forms of Eastern-style meditation practices into students’ lives.
Children truly are being bombarded by New Age spirituality at every turn, and it is happening on a level that is nothing short of epidemic. Unless parents take a pro-active approach to vigilantly protect their children from this onslaught, there is little chance they will escape from being affected and drawn into this global-wide spiritual deception.

Four Practical and Biblical Ways to Help Protect Your Children From Mystical New Age “Thrills”

# One: Help Your Children Put on the Armor of God

Make sure your children know the Scriptures behind each part of the armor of God, so that their faith and understanding will be based on God’s Word. Then pray through the pieces of the armor, simplifying each part to fit the ages of your children. Talk about the opposite viewpoints and how they are contrary to God’s Word and when followed, lead to spiritual deception: the Belt of TRUTH, the Breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS, the Sandals of the preparation of the GOSPEL, the Shield of FAITH, the Helmet of SALVATION, and the Sword of the SPIRIT, His WORD. 
Belt of TRUTH: His almightiness, love, wisdom, and holiness. (Deuteronomy 4:39; Psalm 18:1-3) Opposite: Pantheistic, monistic, polytheistic gods and goddesses.
Breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS: Jesus Christ and His blood, which cleanses us from sin. The cross which frees us from bondage to selfish nature. Opposite: Confidence in the natural goodness, connectedness, and sacredness of all life.
Sandals of the preparation of the GOSPEL of peace: Our peace with God comes from being justified by faith through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1). Opposite: Peace through occult practices and union with a cosmic force or nature spirits.
Shield of FAITH: Our continual trust in God, His Word, and His promises. Opposite: Trust in Self, inner wisdom, dreams, visions, gods, goddesses, cosmic force, coincidences, etc.
Sword of the Spirit, His WORD: The power of God’s Word to counter deception and triumph over spiritual foes. Opposite: The power of thoughts, words, and affirmations to change reality and direct spiritual forces.

Step Two: Monitor Your Child’s School & Organizations—You CAN Do Something

In a public elementary school in Aspen, Colorado, Christian parents protested when they learned that the school was going to start teaching the students Yoga. The parents argued that:

[Y]oga’s Hindu roots conflicted with Christian teachings and that using it in school might violate the separation of church and state.14

In Encinitas, California, parents went to school district trustees when they learned that a Yoga program was coming to the school. They explained to officials that by bringing in Yoga, they were introducing the children to Hinduism:

“Yoga practices and poses are not merely exercise; they’re religious practices,” said Marsha Qualls, who has a student at Olivenhain Pioneer Elementary School, calling the techniques “a kind of prayer.”15

Because of these concerned parents, school officials decided to at least wait on the Yoga program until further investigation. The point here is that you can do something to protect your children. Whether your children are in public or private school, keep an eye on new programs coming into the school, and when you find out about New Age/New Spirituality based programs, speak up.

Step Three: Teach Your Children About the Spiritual Anchor in a Time of Change

Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. (1 John 2:24)

In a busy world, which has so many demands that can rob us of our quiet times with God in His Word, we run the risk of not knowing His will, understanding His truths, or delighting in His promises. Instead, we can become like ships without anchors, drifting along with changing currents. Like the captain of the Titanic, we can become blind to danger and presumptuous in our quest for success.
The world no longer needs the lonely lighthouse that once led ships through dark nights and coastal reefs. Nor does it want God’s absolute truths. To many, the Bible seems as obsolete as that old lighthouse—and far more dangerous to their vision of global peace.

But to those who know Him, His Word shines far brighter than any man-made beacon—lighting our path, keeping us safe, and fixing our hearts on the goal ahead. The Bible says it well, “Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil” (Hebrews 6:19).

What, then, can we do to anchor our children in His unchanging Word? Consider these suggestions:

Pray. For Jesus said, “without me ye can do nothing” (John 15:5).
Understand the nature and tactics of Satan.

Do a Bible study on verses that contrast the New Age version of man (that man is divine and equal to God) and the Bible’s description of man (that his heart is sinful, and he needs a Savior).
Memorize some of God’s important promises.
Help your children understand what it means to put on God’s armor.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

Step Four: Use This Test For “Christian” Media

Today, we are faced with new challenges in protecting our kids from the media available to them. It used to be that we only had to worry about books and movies from the secular media, but now we need to also weigh the things children and teens are exposed to by Christian publishers and film producers.
Media labeled as “Christian” can be even more dangerous for children in two ways: First of all, heretofore when we purchased Christian media, we would expect that these materials could be trusted, but by the day, this is becoming less the case. Secondly, the deception is more subtle. Former New Age follower Warren B. Smith often points out that what makes deception most effective is when you have what is false mixed into a lot of truth.
Oftentimes, you may see the Bible quoted extensively with small portions of false doctrine injected into it; or Bible stories may be utilized where subtle twists are injected into the story that parallels the true account yet alters its meaning and significance.
As parents, teachers, or guardians, the responsibility is now more squarely on our shoulders to review even Christian media presented to our children. Below is a list of things to look for in previewing a “Christian” movie or book. You can use this checklist when you are trying to decide whether something is suitable or not for your child. If your child is age appropriate, go over these points with him or her.
1) What does it tell you about God?
2) Is God’s holy Word used out of context?
3) What does it teach about the invisible forces of evil?
4) Does it demonstrate faith? (What kind? In whom or what?)
5) Might the imagined scenes stir interest in occultic powers?
6) Do the heroes in the story use magic?
7) What does it teach about life and death?
8) Is there a Christ-like person in the story?
9) Why would it be called “redemptive”?
10) What does it teach about good and evil, right and wrong?
Berit Kjos is the founder of Kjos Ministries. You can visit her website at for an archive of years of research and writing. She is also a Lighthouse Trails author with several booklets and her book How to Protect Your Child From the New Age & Spiritual Deception.
1. Glenn Alexander Magee, Hegel, and the Hermetic Tradition (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2001), pp. 1-3. This Hermetic Tradition originated in Egypt. According to the Gnostic Society, “The Hermetic tradition is usually understood as a form of ‘pagan Gnosticism,’ developing in Egypt during the same historical period that saw the flowering of the Christian Gnostic tradition.” (From: 2. Mark Blanchard, “Family Yoga Practice” (November 4, 2006,
4.Mark Blanchard, “Family Yoga Practice,” op. cit.
5. Mini Yogis: Yoga for Kids:
6.Yoga Ed. in Action:
7.“Yoga Causes Controversy in Public Schools” (Associated Press, January 28, 2007,
8.“Kid Contemplatives: UW Neuroscientist’s Project Aims to Give Middle-Schoolers Tools of ‘Mindfulness’ and Meditation” (Capital Times,November 9, 2007, 
10. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.
13. Ray Yungen, For Many Shall Come in My Name (Eureka, MT: Lighthouse Trails),p. 66.
14. “Yoga Causes Controversy in Public Schools” (Associated Press,
15. Gail Williams, “Christian Parents Group to Sue School Over Yoga Classes” (Examiner, December 19, 2012,
(photo from; used with permission)


Christine Blasey Ford Ran Mass “Hypnotic Inductions” of Psychiatric Subjects as Part of Mind Control Research


Funded by foundation linked to ‘computational psychosomatics’ neuro-hijacking

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

In another stunning bombshell about the hoax accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, we’ve now learned and confirmed that Christine Blasey Ford co-authored a science paper that involves her carrying out mass “hypnotic inductions” of psychiatric subjects as part of a mind control program that cites methods to “create artificial situations.”
Internet sleuths are turning up an extraordinary collection of evidence that increasingly points to Christine Blasey Ford being involved in mind control programs at Stanford, which some claim are run by the CIA. We have confirmed that Stanford University, where Ford works, runs a “CIA undergraduate internship program” which is described in full at this recruitment page for the CIA. The Stanford recruitment page for the CIA explains, “You will be given the opportunity to work with highly-skilled professionals and see first-hand the role the CIA plays in supporting US officials who make our country’s foreign policy.”
We can also now confirm that Ford is listed as a co-author of a study that carried out mass hypnosis and mind control on psychiatric subjects under the banner of “psychoeducation,” covered in more detail below.
A university professor named Margot Cleveland first tweeted the discovery, which is now spreading rapidly across the ‘net:

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BREAKING: This is HUGE (waiting for permission to h/t): One of Christine Ford Blasey’s research articles in 2008 included a study in which participants were TAUGHT SELF-HYPNOSIS & noted hypnosis is used to retrieve important memories “AND CREATE ARTIFICAL SITUATIONS.”
Christine Blasey Ford confirmed to be a co-author of the mind control study
The study was published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology. The study title, abstract and authors can be confirmed at this link.
Interestingly, the study was funded by the Mental Insight Foundation (see detailed financial records, below) and was overseen by Dr. Lisa Butler of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine. You can confirm these facts at this link.
The full text of the research paper describes methods to “create artificial situations.” Here’s some of the actual language from the paper, which can be viewed in full at this link from
…assist in the retrieval of important memories,and create arti?cial situations that would permit the client to express ego-dystonic emotions in a safe manner.
[Subjects] were given the Hypnotic Induction Pro?le (HIP; H. Spiegel & Spiegel, 2004) to evaluate their level of hypnotizability and were asked to complete a baseline packet of psychosocial questionnaires assessing life events, general functioning, satisfaction with life, and aspects of mood (including symptom levels), personality, health, social support, traumatic experience, and spirituality.
Therapist-led groups met once a week in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine to participate in an intervention that included either meditation and yoga exercises or group therapy with formal hypnotic inductions.
From this published paper, co-authored by Christine Blasey Ford, we know she is intimately familiar with mass hypnosis, self-hypnosis and mind alteration processes, all of which are being deployed in this staged “false flag” assault on Brett Kavanaugh. Through carefully crafted leaks, cover-ups and media narratives, almost half the nation has already been mass hypnotized into believing that an innocent man is a deranged serial rapist. Such is the power of CIA mind control, deployed on a nationwide scale. (It also underscores the realization that the entire purpose of the establishment media is not to inform people but to influence minds.)
The Mental Insight Foundation also funded a study on “Interoception” and “neuroimaging” to control the mind through biological intervention
If you venture even deeper down this rabbit hole, you find that the same Mental Insight Foundation that funded the mass hypnosis / mind control study on which Christine Ford work also helped fund another study called “Interoception and Mental Health: A Roadmap.”
This study, completed in June of this year (2018), is available at this ScienceDirect link.
The abstract for this study describes the key focus of the research:

Interoception refers to the process by which the nervous system senses, interprets, and integrates signals originating from within the body, providing a moment-by-moment mapping of the body’s internal landscape across conscious and unconscious levels.
In essence, this research seeks to find ways to control the mind through biological interventions by exploiting the “roadmap” of biology / neuro links. When the full map of how the mind interprets internal biological is understood, it allows a kind of reverse engineering of the mind through interventions in the human subject. If this sounds familiar, recall the recent revelations about the projections of inner voices through sub-audible frequencies that can essentially “plant” voices or even emotional moods into the minds of targeted subjects.
It is well known that U.S. embassy workers in Cuba were recently attacked by secret “sonic weapons” that were widely reported in the media. As The Guardian reports, the level of mind control achieved through such biological interventions can cause targeted subjects to be unable to recall specific words that would otherwise be in their vocabulary. The Guardian says:
At least some of the incidents were confined to certain rooms with laser-like specificity, and some victims now have problems recalling specific words…
The blaring, grinding noise jolted the American diplomat from his bed in a Havana hotel. He moved just a few feet, and there was silence. He climbed back into bed. Inexplicably, the agonizing sound hit him again. It was as if he’d walked through some invisible wall cutting straight through his room.
Soon came the hearing loss, and the speech problems, symptoms both similar and altogether different from others among at least 21 US victims in an astonishing international mystery still unfolding in Cuba.
Some felt vibrations, and heard sounds – loud ringing or a high-pitch chirping similar to crickets or cicadas.
Other symptoms have included brain swelling, dizziness, nausea, severe headaches, balance problems and tinnitus, or prolonged ringing in the ears.
Getting back to Christine Blasey Ford’s work on interoception / neuroimaging, the paper funded by the Mental Insight Foundation openly admits that the neuroimaging “roadmap” can alter decisions, behavior and even consciousness. It explains, “Recent years have witnessed a surge of interest on the topic of interoception due in part to findings highlighting its integral role in emotional experience, self-regulation, decision making, and consciousness. Importantly, interoception is not limited to conscious perception or even unique to the human species.”
Some other interesting text from the study:
While interoception research to date has typically focused on single organ systems, an expanded approach that assesses multiple interoceptive organ systems and/or elements is needed. Examples include targeting numerous interoceptive features simultaneously and employing different tasks that converge on the same feature (e.g., combining top-down assessments of interoceptive attention with bottom-up perturbation approaches in the same individual)…
…a host of novel tools are capable of inhibiting, stimulating, or modulating the activity of interoceptive brain networks. Noninvasive methods include the application of transcranial magnetic stimulation (77), transcranial direct and alternating current stimulation (78), low-intensity focused ultrasound (79), temporally interfering electric fields (80), transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (81), presentation of information during different phases of visceral rhythms (e.g., cardiac systole vs. diastole) (82), and assessment of corticocardiac signaling (83).
Take a closer look at these diagrams found in the research, which details methods of “changing the world through exteroactions” and “changing the body through interoactions” in order to create “combined percept of the body in the world.”
“Computational psychosomatics”
The study openly discusses altering behavior and beliefs through the application of neurotechnology “inference-control loops” that “hijack” human anatomy to control minds. In essence, they are modeling the neurology of a human being in terms of firmware / software / hardware, then hacking the system to install their own desired beliefs and behaviors. They even call it “computational psychosomatics,” and they talk about using torture techniques to force the neurological maps out into the open, saying, “the degree of tolerance to being enclosed in a small dark chamber for 10 minutes might provide behavioral evidence verifying tolerance to triggers of interoceptive dysregulation.”
In the language of the science authors:
Eliciting surprise-minimizing (homeostasis-restoring) actions changes the bodily state and thus interosensations. This means that inference and control of bodily states form a closed loop. Inference–control loops that minimize interoceptive surprise can be cast as hierarchical Bayesian models (HBMs). Anatomically, HBMs are plausible candidates given that interoceptive circuitry is structured hierarchically 45, 94. Under general assumptions, HBMs employ a small set of computational quantities—predictions, prediction errors, and precisions 37, 95. These quantities can support surprise minimization in two ways: by adjusting beliefs (probability distributions) throughout the hierarchy [predictive coding (95)] or engaging actions that fulfill beliefs about bodily states [active inference (96)]
Additional details about the Mental Insight Foundation
We are not alleging any nefarious, unethical or illegal activities on the part of the Mental Insight Foundation. However, to help other internet researchers follow the many leads now uncovered in all this, we’re publishing public information about this foundation that’s readily available in online public tax documents.
The Mental Insight Foundation took in a whopping $18+ million in 2015, according to tax records. Its address is 538 BROADWAY STE A, SONOMA, CA 95476-6602, which appears to be a single family house.
That address is the exact same address listed by Virginia Hubbell Associates, a small firm that says it offers “consulting services for family foundations.” Its client list, found here, includes not only the Mental Insight Foundation but also:
Codding Enterprises
Levi Strauss Foundation
McKesson Foundation
Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.
The Public Affairs Council
Sparkletts/Alhambra Water Company
Science Alliance
Most of the clients appear to be genuinely helpful organizations for society, but they’re probably worth a second look from internet researchers. Notably, the Levi Strauss company recently came out in favor of destroying the Second Amendment by pushing gun control.
What’s especially interesting is that Virginia Hubbell Associates was paid $341,375 in just one year for “foundation management” services, according to this form 990-PF for 2015.
“Statement 11” of the document lists the officers, directors, trustees and key employees of the Mental Insight Foundation. Notably, they are all paid nothing except for the treasurer. In other words, most of the directors are paid nothing, but the management consultant is paid $341K. We are not alleging any unscrupulous activities among these individuals. They are public officers of a public foundation, listed in a public document. These individuals are:
David Herskovits of Brooklyn, NY
Robert P. Bunje of Foster City, CA
Isabelle Kimpton of Incline Village, NV
Graham Kimpton of Fairfax, CA
Barry Bunshoft of San Francisco, CA
Len Dell’Amico of Fairfax, CA
Jennifer Catherine Egan of Brooklyn, NY
Laura Kimpton of Vineburg, CA
Kay Kimpton Walker of San Francisco, CA
If you’re noticing a lot of “Kimpton” names in this list, that’s probably because one of the primary sources of income for the Mental Insight Foundation is the Kimpton Hotel Group, LLC, which generated $2.3 million in revenue for the foundation in 2015. There’s nothing illegal about that. It’s just an interesting note.
The foundation donated money to the following groups. We’re not alleging anything nefarious in this list, by the way. Rather, these are leads for other internet researchers to follow. Many of the groups this foundation donates to appear to be related to offering support for veterans, the homeless and integrative medicine:
Hoffman Institute, San Anselmo, CA
Amazon Watch, San Francisco, CA
Center for Mind Body Medicine, Washington, DC
Institute for Integrative Health, Baltimore, MD
Jericho Project, Brisbane, CA
Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Woodacre, CA
More research under way… check back for more stories each morning and evening.
Is The FBI Investigation A Set Up Of Judge Kavanaugh