republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Roma Downey, who has never renounced her extensive New Age involvement, is now firmly entrenched and aligned with contemporary Christian leadership. Because Christian leaders and day-to-day believers have given Roma Downey a get-out-of-the-new-age free pass, Lighthouse Trails is releasing a second Roma Downey booklet. This booklet emphasizes the danger of Downey’s most recent book, Box of Butterflies, which has been incrementally and dangerously endorsed by a wide variety of Christian leaders (listed in the booklet). In addition, a number of Christian leaders such as Rick Warren, Greg Laurie, and John MacArthur will be speaking at an event in 2019 called Proclaim 19, and Roma Downey is also one of the speakers. While some say this is no problem for this mixture of speakers at a Christian event and is only a faulty premise of guilt by association, we believe such actions by Christian leaders only give the New Age/New Spirituality further admittance into the church. Of course, many disagree with our calling out and challenging Christian leaders on such matters.
NEW BOOKLET: Butterfly Illusions: The New Age Implications of Roma Downey’s Box of Butterflies & the Christian Leaders Who Were Fooled by Greg Reid is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off retail. Our Booklets are designed to give away to others or for your own personal use. Below is the content of the booklet. To order copies of Butterfly Illusions, click here.
Butterfly Illusions by Gregory ReidButterfly Illusions: The New Age Implications of Roma Downey’s Box of Butterflies & the Christian Leaders Who Were Fooled
By Gregory Reid
The illusion of separation is just that, an illusion.1—Roma Downey, Box of Butterflies
The illusion is that we are separate, distanced from our Earth, Moon and Stars, yet in reality we are one.2—New Age writer Grace Gabriella Puskas
But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. (Isaiah 59:2)
I had just given my life to Jesus, and I was excited to share Him with others. I went out one night with a group from our Bible study to pass out literature and tell people about the Lord and what He had done in my life.
“Jesus loves you!” I said to one man as I handed him a paper.
“I’m a Buddhist,” he replied.
“That’s cool,” I replied. “All paths lead to God.” “Jesus loves you,” I told a lady.
“What, am I going to go to Hell if I don’t believe?” she answered.
“No,” I replied, “There is no Hell. Heaven and Hell are here on earth!”
As good intentioned as I was, I was not sharing the God of the Scriptures but rather the lies I had learned from studying the occult.
One of our team members told our house leader, Dave, about my unbiblical ideas. Dave was prepared to talk with me. When I met with him, he said, “Greg, I hear you don’t believe in Hell. Can you read this verse for me?” He had his Bible opened and was pointing to a verse. “Read this,” he said. “‘He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned,’ Mark 16:16. So?”
“I also hear you believe all paths lead to God.”
“So what?” I replied testily.
“Read this,” Dave said, pointing to another verse.
“‘I am the way the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me’ John 14:6.” On it went until I finally snapped at him. “What’s your point, Dave?”
“My point is, you either believe all of this Word or none of it. You either believe everything Jesus said is true, or you’re saying He’s a liar. He said He was the only way to God. Understand?”
I did. And I was furious. I had spent four years studying spiritual teachers—Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery, Jeanne Dixon, Paramahansa Yogananda, and others. Everything I learned and accepted as true, I learned from them—reincarnation, communicating with departed loved ones, that all paths lead to God, that there is no Hell, that Jesus was just a great teacher—a Christ among many Christs of whom we all were Christs—and now this man was telling me it was all a lie.
The battle for my soul had begun. It had only been a month since I had given my life to Jesus Christ. Now I was told that I could either believe the Bible or believe my long-held New Age teachings, but not both. I would either believe all paths led to God or Jesus was the only way. I could believe in reincarnation or that “it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). I took it all to God and studied the Scriptures. It became clear that what Jesus and the Bible said were nearly a hundred percent in opposition to everything I believed.
I was devastated. All I had believed was threatened. The Word of God overwhelmingly contradicted my New Age worldview. I was sick with the conflict. I can’t remember the specific turning point, but in one moment, I realized I had been utterly lied to by Satan and that everything I learned was a lie. I knew I couldn’t walk with Jesus and hold on to the lies. Jesus had saved me out of the utter darkness I had grown up in—including the confusion all these “beliefs” really led to. I chose to follow Him. “Jesus, I believe Your Word,” I prayed. And in one moment, my New Age worldview crumbled into an ash heap. Instead of feeling sad or lost—I felt free. A tremendous weight lifted off me. From that moment on, the Bible began to make sense for the first time.
I’ve never regretted that decision or failed to be thankful for the person that dared to tell me the truth.
It’s been years since I stepped out of the world of New Age and occult thought. It took time to be healed from the knots of lies I had believed. The clarity of the simple truth of God’s Word was a miracle to me.
I could not have imagined that, not too many years later, the very doctrines of death from which I was delivered had begun to seep into the very highest levels of the church. Before then, I underwent solid spiritual education and preparation through the Word of God and godly teachers such as Dr. Walter Martin who sharpened my discernment and helped me teach and train believers concerning spiritual warfare, the last days, and spiritual deception. I also had three encounters that showed me how deception could easily slip into Christian circles.
The first involved a “Christian” counselor a friend had recommended. Warning lights immediately went off as she began speaking of “The Christ Spirit,” the “divine within,” and using other New Age words I had once used myself. I broke off the meeting when she and her associate tried to lead us into a guided visualization meditation! I was shocked that my friend had recommended her as a Christian counselor.
The second incident was at a conference I had been invited to by a well-known Christian author. That weekend, her “spiritual father” taught, and from the moment he began to speak, I knew he was a New Age teacher, speaking about “God, whoever you conceive him or her to be, . . . the Bible, which contains the words of God . . .” and saying that Jesus swore and was married. Sadly, my attempt to reason with the writer who had invited me cost me the friendship.
The third incident involved a woman who asked me to explain why I thought Edgar Cayce was wrong. I explained that he practiced the occult. “But he healed people!” she protested.
“He was an occultist,” I answered.
“But he quoted out of the Bible and loved Jesus!” I then explained biblically and specifically why he was teaching the occult. She realized she had been deceived. It was revealed that the wife of one of her church’s elders was having an “invitation only” ladies’ Bible study where she taught Edgar Cayce and promoted other New Age concepts like reincarnation. She had also laid hands on and prayed for nearly every pastor in our city.
I thought these encounters I had witnessed were rare and that most Christians wouldn’t fall for such things. But somewhere in the late 1990s, New Age teachings—sometimes in very subtle forms—began gaining a foothold in the church, from “Christian Yoga” to Buddhist/Hindu-modeled meditation in the guise of “contemplative prayer.” It was the beginning of what soon became a flood of New Age-tinged, infused, or themed books and teachings right in the center of the church, from The Shack to Rob Bell’s Velvet Elvis and more. I challenged these things scripturally, and I was often opposed for trying to expose the New Age and occult roots of these teachings.
In 2013, Roma Downey, star of the acclaimed TV series Touched by an Angel, and her husband Mark Burnett burst onto the Christian scene with their well-produced television series, The Bible, followed shortly thereafter with the movie, Son of God.
When I first heard, I assumed that Roma had departed from the New Age message that was so strongly evident in the series she co-starred in with her spiritual mother Della Reese. (Della was pastor of a large New Age/New Spiritualty church in California. She was totally committed to New Age principles.) Immediately, Mark and Roma were widely embraced by the Christian world and media. Even though I knew how deeply committed Roma had been to New Age precepts, I was cautiously hopeful she had turned away from them. I began to research, hoping to find a testimony that would confirm she had broken with New Age teaching and become a true follower of Jesus Christ and His Word.
Instead, I found that Roma had graduated from John Roger’s University of Santa Monica—one of the most well-known New Age schools in the world—in 2010, and by 2011 was working with her husband on The Bible series.3 Roma was using all the right words about Jesus, but I feared she might be talking about another Jesus, one in complete affinity with New Age thought. Roma, a committed Catholic since childhood, said she had always loved Jesus yet had no conflict participating in a televised séance with well-known psychic John Edward who “channeled” her deceased mother.4
It was almost a certainty that Roma was still a committed New Age believer. Around the time of the release of Son of God, I was miraculously given an opportunity to personally hand Roma a copy of The Light that was Dark by Warren B. Smith, the testimony of how he and his wife were delivered out of the New Age and A Course in Miracles. I prayed that Roma would read it and turn away from the New Age and somehow communicate that in an upcoming interview, book, or article.

Box of Butterflies

In 2018, Roma Downey came out with a new book, Box of Butterflies. As I read the book, I was dismayed to see she had not rejected her New Age views at all. Box of Butterflies is filled with New Age precepts. Page after page has quotes from a mix of Christian, mystic, Buddhist, Muslim, and New Age leaders interspersed with her own Christian-sounding but New Age beliefs.
Box of Butterflies would fit in any New Age/New Spirituality/self-help bookstore section with no objection nor contradiction as to its contents, simply because there is nothing in Box of Butterflies that contradicts or, in fact, is not accepted and taught in the New Age/New Spirituality circles. Nothing. In many ways, the book is little different than many Christian self-help, possibility-thinking books that fill today’s Christian bookstores. The poison is always in the mixture.
Here is the problem. Roma Downey is not known in Christian circles as a “New Age” author but as one of us. Mark and Roma are accepted as believers—loving Hollywood luminaries who brought new life to religious films through The Bibleseries and Son of God. They have been given carte blanche into church leadership, pastoral circles, Christian media, and places of influence without question because their presentation, products, and faith appear to be the genuine. Their sincerity is so real that one is reticent to ask the most crucial question: Who is the Jesus of whom they speak? Jesus Himself said clearly there would be false Christs in the last days (Matthew 24:24). Is the Jesus they love the Jesus of the Word of God?
It is not unusual that New Age devotees accept all religions, believe in reincarnation, accept all religious books as equally valuable, do not believe in Hell, and can say with all sincerity, “I love Jesus with all my heart.” But the Jesus that New Agers love is a “Christ” who is one of many “ascended masters,” allows everyone into Heaven, and accepts everyone whether they believe in the blood sacrifice of Jesus as an atonement for their sins or not. This is the New Age world Roma has come from and, from all indications, never left.
Box of Butterflies has received endorsements from some of the most well-known and respected leaders and pastors in the evangelical world. This requires that we look carefully at what exactly they have endorsed. So many Christian leaders have endorsed Roma unreservedly that unsuspecting Christians have been given complete liberty to pursue Roma’s world and will suspect nothing as they take their first step into the world of New Age/New Spirituality that Roma lives by and promotes. With Box of Butterflies, the doors to the New Age have been thrown wide open.
The New Age/New Spirituality movement has a very clear and exacting agenda. The movement, in fact, is a very old movement that began with the Tower of Babel (see Genesis 11) where all people united in a multireligious occult community. It has continued through the teachings of Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and more recently, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Marianne Williamson (author of A Return to Love), Rhonda Byrne (author of The Secret), Eckhart Tolle, and a plethora of others. This movement has always had vanguards who wrote and spoke to further the vision for a New Age in which all religions are one. Their belief is that we must unite the world under one banner that includes all people, all religions, all governments. It includes the need to absorb the church by slowly removing “old and outdated teachings” such as the Cross, sin, and Hell, replacing them with the idea that we must be one family under whatever “God” each person worships to save the world and bring peace. Their teachers and influencers are many and vast, from Oprah Winfrey to the late John Roger and his New Age university from which Roma graduated.

Roma’s Associations and Influencers

There’s an old expression: Tell me who you’re with, and I’ll tell you who you are. The people we affiliate with, the writers and teachers we recommend tell us a great deal about who we are.
We must put that test to some of those Roma quotes in Box of Butterflies. After we examine them, I’ll leave every Christian believer including pastors and leaders with the question: Are you comfortable recommending this book, knowing these things?
Let’s now look at some of those quoted in Box of Butterflies, who they are, what they say in this book, and what they believe.
Thomas Merton Box of Butterflies gives three quotes by the Catholic mystic Thomas Merton, one of which states:
May we . . . not neglect the silence that is printed in the centre of our being. It will not fail us.5
For those not familiar with Merton, the following quotes from some of his writings and speeches illustrate his spiritual propensities:
I came with the notion of perhaps saying something for monks and to monks of all religions. . . . My dear brothers, we are already one. But we imagine that we are not. And what we have to recover is our original unity.6 (emphasis added)
If only they [people] could all see themselves as they really are . . . I suppose the big problem would be that we would fall down and worship each other. . . . At the center of our being is a point of nothingness which is untouched by sin and by illusions, a point of pure truth. . . . This little point . . . is the pure glory of God in us. It is in everybody.7
I see no contradiction between Buddhism and Christianity. . . . I intend to become as good a Buddhist as I can.8
It is not difficult to see, when examining the teachings of Thomas Merton, that he clung to panentheistic (God in all) and interspiritual (all paths lead to God) views that contradict the Word of God.
Henri Nouwen Roma quotes Henri Nouwen several times in her book. Here is a small sampling from Nouwen’s books that illustrate his spirituality:
The God who dwells in our inner sanctuary is also the God who dwells in the inner sanctuary of each human being.9 (emphasis added)
[O]ur souls are those sacred centers where all is one . . . It is in the heart of God that we can come to the full realization of the unity of all that is.10 (emphasis added)
Today I personally believe that while Jesus came to open the door to God’s house, all human beings can walk through that door, whether they know about Jesus or not. Today I see it as my call to help every person claim his or her own way to God.11
David Richo David Richo, also quoted in Box of Butterflies, is a psychotherapist who uses Buddhist and other mystical practices with his clients. He is the author of several books promoting the New Age, such as Everything Ablaze: Meditating on the Mystical Vision of Teilhard de Chardin (Chardin is considered broadly to be the “father” of the New Age movement). Any Christian with even the least amount of biblical discernment would never favorably quote Richo.
Rabindranath Tagore Rabindranath Tagore was a Hindu and the author of the book Sadhana: The Realization of Life, which touts panentheistic beliefs. In Box of Butterflies, Roma quotes him as saying:
Death is not extinguishing the light; it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.12
Tagore is speaking of all people, no matter what their beliefs are or where they put their faith. Contrary to his belief stated above, death is followed by darkness for those who reject Jesus. In his book, Sadhana, Tagore says, “death is not the reality.”13 But for the lost unbeliever, death is not only the reality, it is the place of eternal separation from God. The spiritual teachings of Tagore do not belong in a box of butterflies (butterflies symbolizing life and hope) but are rather in the remains of dead empty cocoons where there is no life at all. Obviously, by Roma quoting him, she is gleaning from his teachings and passing them on to unaware Christians.
Robert Holden One of the most concerning persons quoted in Box of Butterflies is Robert Holden, a New Age motivational speaker and author. Roma gives Holden an entire page in her book. A few lines are:
The belief that happiness has to be deserved has led to centuries of pain, guilt, and deception. So firmly have we clung to this single, illusory belief that we’ve almost forgotten the real truth about happiness. . . . Happiness is natural, happiness is a birthright, happiness is free, happiness is a choice, happiness is within, and happiness is being.14
Holden’s website states:
Robert Holden Ph.D.’s innovative work on psychology and spirituality has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, a PBS show called Shift Happens! and in two major BBC documentaries. . . .
Robert is the author of Happiness NOW!; Shift Happens!; Authentic Success; Be Happy; Loveability; . . . 365 Daily Meditations from A Course in Miracles; and Life Loves You, co-written with Louise Hay [the founder of Hay House, the largest New Age publishing house.]15
There is nothing in Robert Holden’s writings to even suggest he believes in or follows the Jesus Christ of the Bible but everything to show he is a devoted New Age teacher. For those reading this who are not familiar with A Course in Miracles(essentially the New Age “Bible”), the following section by former New Age follower and Course devotee Warren B. Smith explains:
A Course in Miracles . . . claims it is new revelation that was supposedly delivered by Jesus Himself to . . . Helen Schucman [who] claimed she heard an inner voice saying, “This is a course in miracles. Please take notes.” So, for seven years she took down the notes. It was a whole new philosophy about life. It was a whole new religion, if you will. . . .
The Jesus of A Course in Miracles . . . says the following things, and they are not true. “The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself.” And, “The journey to the cross should be the last useless journey.”
Another thing the Jesus of A Course of Miracles said was, “Do not make the pathetic error of clinging to the Old Rugged Cross.” These things I know now are total blasphemy to believers in Christ, but somebody who doesn’t know what happened on the cross wouldn’t know that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and to defeat the Devil.
Then, there was a most interesting statement this New Age Jesus claimed, “There is no sin. There is no evil. There is no Devil.” Okay, with that you have pretty much turned the Bible upside down, and all in the name of what? Love. It’s all done in the name of love.
The one spectacular heresy that this New Age Jesus said that is really significant, especially today, is that when this Jesus was asked, “Are you Christ?” He responded, “Yes, and along with you.”16
With such quotes, affiliations, and sympathies that Roma has exhibited in Box of Butterflies, there cannot be any doubt as to her affinity with the New Age. She obviously is very familiar with who Robert Holden is and that he teaches from A Course in Miracles. Roma would not quote him if she did not believe what he says. Again, tell me who you’re with, and I will tell you who you are.

Three Points of Focus in Box of Butterflies

When we take Box of Butterflies as a whole, we can see three themes that run through the book.
I. Possibility Thinking Throughout the book, with Roma’s quotes, references, and statements, the message is: There is nothing really wrong with you; you just need to wake up to who you are, remember you are in God (and God is in you), and accept that you are full of power, love, and possibility just the way you are and who you always have been (“I pray this book is a moment of remembering for you. A remembering of who you really are.”17) This is a theme echoed by the Muslim poet Rumi whom Roma also quotes, “My soul is from elsewhere. I’m sure of that, and I intend to end up there.”18
The “Gospel” of possibility thinking presented in Box of Butterflies is a contradiction to the biblical view of man that we are born into sin, that we are born into a broken world, and that we need a Redeemer to save and deliver us from our sin. If we really “remembered who we are,” we would remember that without Him, we are in spiritual darkness. Scripture tells us we need to turn from that old dark lifeless existence (repent), come to the Cross, and be born again into new life. Roma’s book expresses the overall New Age teaching of accepting the inherent goodness in all people and in yourself.
Man’s heart is sinful, and he is separated from God because of it. It is only in trusting in the Lord Jesus and His sacrifice on the Cross for our sins and being born anew that we can truly “remember who we are” with an accurate assessment. Outside of that provision God gave mankind for salvation, there is nothing within us that can save our souls from eternal separation from God. If you believe the Word of God, then you realize that the idea that we are inherently good and just need to “remember who we are” is a deception meant to keep us from recognizing that “All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). This foundational biblical belief is nowhere to be found in Box of Butterflies. But the opposite view is.

II. Universalism and “Separation”

From Box of Butterflies:
Define yourself radically as one beloved by God . . . every other identity is an illusion.19—John Eagan, a Jesuit who practiced Ignatian exercises
I am sorry, God, for forgetting the truth. That you are my Father, and I am your child. That we all belong to one family.20 —Roma Downey (emphasis added)
There are people in the world who really get it. Who embody the great possibility that dwells within each one of us. The potential we all have to love, to speak truth, to connect no matter our differences. To understand that we are all one, that we all belong to each other, that we are all one big, beautiful family of God.21 Roma (emphasis added)
Tucked carefully within the pages of Box of Butterflies is the language of universalism—that we are all part of God’s family; whether Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, we are all one.
It goes much deeper, however. As in the first quotes in this booklet, Roma says something that absolutely defines her beliefs in New Age thought when she states:
The illusion of separation is just that, an illusion. . . . If we are all God’s children, it means that we are all one family. . . . We are all the family of God. We forget. We get caught up in separation. . . . We all belong to each other.22 (emphasis added)
The “illusion of separation” is a teaching that humans are not, and never have been, separated from God, or each other, and that to believe there is a separation between God and man is an “illusion.”
We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.23—Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist (emphasis added)
But why do most of us have this mentality? . . . The illusion of separation is what causes this. On the surface . . . we all appear separated. But this is the base level of who we are. When you start to peel away the surface of the ego, brain, and assorted vehicles (physical, astral, and mental), you will find that we exist within the network of the Universal Mind or All That Is. . . . But we forget.24
This “illusion of separation” that Roma has placed in her book is a core principle of New Age thought. Typing that phrase into a search engine will bring up hundreds of New Age and occult websites. What’s more, this “illusion of separation” teaching is now being introduced into the church through others and now through Roma Downey; and Christian leadership is giving this New Age belief a pass.
Let’s read the words of two more New Age teachers on the matter:
A sense of separation from God is the only lack you really need to correct.25—A Course in Miracles
You are to destroy the illusion of separation.26—Neale Donald Walsch, Friendship with God
This “illusion of separation” is becoming so prevalent in the church that former New Age follower Warren Smith wrote a booklet titled Oneness vs. Separation Heresy: Now in the Church solely devoted to this teaching. To really understand how detrimental this “illusion of separation” heresy is, read his booklet as it offers numerous quotes by both New Agers and Christian leaders alike.
We are separated from our Creator God through sin. If separation is an illusion, as Roma states, then there was no reason for Jesus to die on the Cross. He died because sin separated us from God, and the only way to save us was through Jesus shedding His blood for us. To reject that this blood sacrifice on the Cross is the only way to be reconciled to the Father is to deny the very heart of the Gospel and the reason Jesus came to the earth and gave His life.

III. The Butterfly Effect

The butterfly is the vehicle through which Roma brings her message in the book. For Roma, she sees the butterfly as a symbol of many things: hopefulness, life, God speaking to her, etc. But much more is going on here. Through her use of the butterfly metaphor, Roma’s views on death, Heaven, and our departed loved ones are revealed. It begins with a story of Roma at her mother’s grave when she and her father witness a passing butterfly:
“Would you look at that little butterfly. That could be your mother’s spirit right there!” her father says, a story she repeated in 2018 on a CBN interview.27 This is not just a touching story or analogy. Roma believes her mom uses butterflies to speak to her from beyond the grave:
These gifts, these simple moments that show that He is here and that your loved ones are still surrounding you,are the ones that lift my heart and give me strength. They show me that the veil between this world and the next is just that, a thin veil. We are closer than we think, though we may feel so far. Separation is just an illusion.28 (emphasis added)
Roma wraps up her book with the death/butterfly theme with a story of how she won a prize in a contest, and it turned out a woman who made jewelry had a “unique” piece and felt Roma should have it. It was a butterfly. Roma said, “Tears sprang to my eyes. Immediately, I knew it was from my mom. That it was a message from her. I’m still here, Roma. All these years later, I’m still right here. . . . That ring was a gift from my dear mother. It was meant for me.”29 (Her grief is so palpable on these pages, it is painful to even address it.)
Those moments were so validating to me. I then understood that my mother is still reaching out to me. That I will see her again. That I will be reunited with the loving energy of my mom and dad.30
At this point, I realize that bleeding through nearly every page of the book is a grieving little girl who never got over the death of her parents. A recurring theme of grief and the afterlife are tied in with some dangerous misleading conclusions about it all.
While my heart is saddened for Roma’s pain, I am deeply troubled that unsuspecting readers may take cues from her and seek their own communication or “signs” from departed loved ones. While very likely well intentioned and sincere, Roma is actually bringing potentially millions into harm’s way by promoting ideas and practices that do not align with the God of the Bible.

The Heart of the Matter

The Bible is very clear on the following points: 1) all paths do not lead to God, 2) salvation is only through Jesus Christ, 3) Hell and judgment are real, and 4) there is a coming tribulation in which Satan will try to unite the whole world against God and against His Christ ending with the visible return of the real Jesus to judge the living and the dead.
The Bible also says that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” As someone who was once steeped in the occult and the New Age, my heart is grieved for Roma and her husband Mark as well as for those who are being led down that same path. I am also grieved because I do not see Christian leaders discerning the New Age nature of Roma’s message. Have any of them, such as David Jeremiah (who publicly showed his unwavering support for her in 201531), sat down to explain to Roma and Mark the vital importance of breaking away from all New Age, occultic, and unbiblical ideologies and practices? Has Jeremiah and other leaders in the evangelical church ever asked them if they 1) believe that Jesus Christ is the only provision God has made for man to go to Heaven; 2) believe that the Bible is the Word of God, not just one of many “good” religious books; 3) believe there is a real Hell and a real judgement; and 4) believe that God does not dwell in every human being, that there is a separation between man and God and not everyone will be saved?
After reading this booklet and the quotes and documentation I have provided, you may be very surprised at the list of Christian leaders below, all who gave glowing endorsements for Box of Butterflies. Incidentally, I sent a letter with the same information to several of the names mentioned below.
Jonathan Falwell, Lisa Bevere, Samuel Rodriguez, Andy Stanley, Max Lucado, Rick and Kay Warren, Matthew Barnett (founder of the Dream Center), Mark Batterson (author of The Circle Maker), Christine Caine, TBN’s Laurie Crouch, Craig Groeschel (mega-church pastor), Ronnie Floyd (president, National Day of Prayer), Jim Daly (Focus on the Family president), Jerry Johnson (president of the National Religious Broadcasters), Erwin McManus, Kevin Palau (president of the Luis Palau Association), Andy Stanley (Charles Stanley’s son), and John Hagee who encourages people to “get several copies of this stunning book.” The only thing stunning about this book is that it has fooled all these evangelical leaders into thinking it is a God-given book. That is truly stunning!32
I have listed so many names to emphasize how serious this matter is. It’s not going to affect just a few people. Put together, these leaders and pastors have millions and millions of followers whom they influence. How can these leaders exhibit this drastic lack of discernment? I see three possibilities. One, is that as one Christian media representative told me, they are “aware of the issues” but have decided to go ahead and sell their material “for the greater good”—basically putting profit before principle and truth. Or two, they were so overwhelmed with the sheer genuineness and charm of Mark and Roma that they did not even read the book before, which is a terribly irresponsible thing to do. And three, theydid read it, and they did not discern or care to discern the dangerous New Age nature of the book. I chill at the possibility that the third may be true.
In 2019, the National Religious Broadcaster’s Convention, called Proclaim 19, will take place in Anaheim, California. Some of the speakers lined up for the event are Greg Laurie, Rick and Kay Warren, Charles Stanley, John MacArthur, and Kirk Cameron—and along with those names scheduled to speak are Roma Downey and Mark Burnett.33 If this is what evangelical leadership has come to, then dark days are ahead for mainstream Christianity as it reaches deeply into this box of deceptive butterflies.
To order copies of Butterfly Illusions, click here.
Endnotes: 1. Roma Downey (Light Workers Media, LLC), Box of Butterflies (Howard Books, Simon and Schuster, 2018), p. 221, Kindle (e-pub) location 2520.* 2. Grace Gabriella Puskas, “A New Cycle” (Body, Mind Spirit magazine, Summer, 2018). 3. 4. 5. Roma Downey, Box of Butterflies, op. cit., p. 165, Kindle location 1913; citing Thomas Merton from the book Hidden Ground of Love: The Letters of Thomas Merton (edited by William Shannon), p. 116. 6. “Thomas Merton’s View of Monasticism,” a talk delivered at Calcutta, October 1968 (The Asian Journal of Thomas Merton, 1975 edition, appendix III), p. 308. 7. Thomas Merton, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander (Garden City, NY: Doubleday Publishers, 1989), pp. 157-158. 8. David Steindl-Rast, “Recollection of Thomas Merton’s Last Days in the West” (Monastic Studies, 7:10, 1969, 9. Henri Nouwen, Here and Now (New York, NY: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1997 edition), p. 22. 10. Henri Nouwen, Bread for the Journey (San Francisco, CA: Harper, 1997), Jan. 15 and Nov. 16 daily readings. 11. Henri Nouwen, Sabbatical Journey (New York, NY: Crossroad, 1998), p. 51. 12. Roma Downey, Box of Butterflies, op. cit., p. 229, Kindle location 2599. 13. Rabindranath Tagore, Sadhana: The Realization of Life (public domain Kindle copy from Amazon), Kindle location 437. For another exposé on Box of Butterflies, read Lois Putnam’s article, “To Unpack Roma Downey’s Box of Butterflies Is to Discover a Core False Teaching” at: 14. Roma Downey, Box of Butterflies, op. cit., p. 202, Kindle location 2294; citing Robert Holden from Happiness Now(Hay House, 2007), p. 100. 15. 16. 17. Roma Downey, Box of Butterflies, op. cit., p. 11, Kindle location 225. 18. Ibid., p. 205, Kindle location 2314. 19. Ibid., p. 218, Kindle location 2476; citing John Eagan from A Traveler Towards Dawn. 20. Ibid., p. 225, Kindle location 2546. 21. Ibid., p. 149, Kindle location 1725. 22. Ibid., pp. 221-222, Kindle location 2520. 23. 24. “The Illusion of Separation,” 25. Helen Schucman, A Course in Miracles, Combined Volume (Mill Valley, CA: Foundation for Inner Peace, Third Edition, 2007, Kindle edition), p. 12, Kindle location 1452. 26. Neale Donald Walsch, Friendship with God: An Uncommon Dialogue (New York, NY: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1999, p. 21). 27. CBN interview with Roma Downey, 28. Roma Downey, Box of Butterflies, p. 212, Kindle location 2413. 29. Ibid., p. 214, Kindle location 2431. 30. Ibid., p. 215, Kindle location 2441. 31. “Letter to the Editor: David Jeremiah Brings Roma Downey and Mark Burnett to Shadow Mountain Community Church,” 32. 33. *The wording in the print edition and the Kindle (e-pub) edition of Box of Butterflies may vary slightly. This booklet has taken the wording from the Kindle edition.
To order copies of Butterfly Illusions, click here.
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The article below is a few years old, but it’s worth reading in light of the fast-growing move to get mindfulness meditation into ALL public schools in America. The headline, “Mindfulness Meditation in Public Schools: Side-Stepping Supreme Court Religion Rulings”certainly drew our attention when a reader recently sent it our way, partly because the source is Huffington Post, a highly popular liberal mainstream online media source, a source we would not expect to carry an article refuting allowing mindfulness meditation in public schools.
“Mindfulness Meditation in Public Schools: Side-Stepping Supreme Court Religion Rulings”
By Cathy Gunther Brown, Ph.D.
Since the 1960s, the United States Supreme Court has found it unconstitutional for public schools to teach religious practices such as prayer. But today, mindfulness meditation—a Buddhist religious practice similar to prayer—is promoted by schools nationwide. Why aren’t the courts intervening? Because promoters assert, as the Associated Press did recently, that “Western culture has secularized” this “centuries-old” religious practice.
But what does it mean to “secularize” mindfulness? It boils down to a simple change of vocabulary. Promoters drop the terms “Buddhism” and “meditation” and add the terms “neuroscience” and “scientific research.” Meanwhile, the same practice is taught in both public schools and Buddhist basics classes.
Indeed, the Associated Press notes that the Portland, Oregon high-school mindfulness program it features, Peace in Schools, is the “brainchild” of European-American Caverly Morgan, who “trained at a Zen Buddhist monastery for eight years,” and who, according to Morgan’s personal website, remains committed to “Zen Awareness Practice” and “maintains her own spiritual practice while offering the gift of practice to others.” Click here to continue reading.
To read the Lighthouse Trails booklet on mindfulness, click here.


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Joseph Gilmore
Lighthouse Trails has known for several years that Calvin College is a contemplative-promoting institution, but it looks like that influence has seeped into a ministry of Calvin College,, an online resource that provides the lyrics and information for thousands of hymns. A Lighthouse Trails reader brought to our attention this week that on the hymn page for a hymn written in 1862 by Joseph H. Gilmore, wrote an introduction paragraph on Lectio Divina. While there is nothing in Gilmore’s hymn, He Leadeth Me, or in his biographical information, to suggest that this hymn has anything to do with contemplative prayer or that Gilmore wanted the words of the hymn repeated over and over for the intent of getting singers of the hymn to enter some sort meditative state, Calvin College and have taken the liberty of tying the hymn to the contemplative practice of Lectio Divina. On the “Leaders Notes” on the He Leadeth Me page at, it states:
Lectio Devina (sic) is a common devotional practice in which one spends a significant amount of time reflecting and meditating on one verse of Scripture, or a short passage. It is amazing what the Holy Spirit can say to us when we take time to listen and ponder, but also, like Gilmore, what we hear when we least expect it, such as when we read through as familiar a passage as Psalm 23.
Whoever wrote this and linked it with this hymn is obviously trying to promote a particular agenda – one that Calvin College is no stranger to. But we find it highly inappropriate and disrespectful to taint a hymn written over a hundred and fifty years ago in such a manner. If you aren’t sure what Lectio Divina is, please read our article that explains it very clearly. Essentially, in Lectio Divina, the practitioner finds a few words from a Scripture passage and repeats those words over and over in order to enter what contemplative mystics call “the silence.” It is in this meditative altered state that the practitioner has been told he or she can now hear the voice of God. Contemplative advocates such as Beth Moore say you cannot really know God intimately without this self-induced “stillness” or silence. Lectio Divina is kind of a “gateway drug” into full-blown contemplative meditation. And because Scripture is used to practice Lectio Divina, it gives the deceptive feeling that it must be OK. But in reality, Scripture is being misused (and abused) as a tool for meditation.
Incidentally, Calvin College also oversees the Christian Classics Ethereal Library (a subject of past Lighthouse Trails articles because of the CCEL’s strong promotion of contemplative spirituality).
While Calvin College and have the legal right to taint and even alter hymns, given that most of them are in the public domain, we can’t help wonder what the Lord thinks of taking a hymn that is about our trusting the Lord and letting Him lead us in our lives and turning it into a tool for entering altered states of consciousness similar to the meditation of the New Age and eastern religions.
We also highly doubt Joseph Gilmore would approve of his beautiful hymn being used in this damaging way. According to one hymn website:
[He Leadeth Me ] was birthed out of a particular struggle in American history. This hymn was composed in 1862 during the Civil War, a time of upheaval and insecurity. The author was preaching at First Baptist Church in Philadelphia soon after his ordination.
Another hymn website quotes Joseph Gilmore talking about He Leadeth Me:
It was the darkest hour of the Civil War. I did not refer to that fact— that is, I don’t think I did— but it may subconsciously have led me to realize that God’s leadership is the one significant fact in human experience, that it make no difference how we are led, or whither we are led, so long as we are sure God is leading us.
As with many of the hymns of old, He Leadeth Me was inspired during a time of hardship and suffering and was an exhortation to put our trust in the Lord and not in ourselves. Tragically and ironically, contemplative prayer isn’t about that at all because its roots are panentheistic and interspiritual, both which put more trust in man than in God, focusing more on what man can do for himself rather than what God did for us in the finished work on the Cross.
Below are the words of Joseph Gilmore’s hymn, He Leadeth Me:
He Leadeth Me by Joseph Gilmore
He leadeth me: O blessed thought! O words with heavenly comfort fraught! Whate’er I do, where’er I be, still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me.
Refrain: He leadeth me, he leadeth me; by his own hand he leadeth me: his faithful follower I would be, for by his hand he leadeth me.
2 Sometimes mid scenes of deepest gloom, sometimes where Eden’s flowers bloom, by waters calm, o’er troubled sea, still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me. Refrain
3 Lord, I would clasp thy hand in mine, nor ever murmur nor repine; content, whatever lot I see, since ’tis my God that leadeth me. Refrain
4 And when my task on earth is done, when, by thy grace, the victory’s won, e’en death’s cold wave I will not flee, since God through Jordan leadeth me. Refrain



For now….

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Mob rule came very close to subverting America’s democratic constitutional republic. Fortunately for the country’s sake, enough brave members of the United States Senate faced down the mob’s intimidation tactics this time. They restored reason, justice and ordered liberty in confirming Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court after he had to endure weeks of character assassination. The unleashed mob had attempted to obstruct the whole process of Senate “advice and consent,” egged on by some irresponsible Democrat senators. Leftwing Alinskyite agitators yelled from the Senate galleries, staged disruptive demonstrations in the halls of the Senate, and stalked senators at their offices, restaurants, the airport and even at their homes.
After failing to get their way, some leftwing protesters clawed at the locked doors of the Supreme Court building as Justice Kavanaugh was being sworn in, shouting “shut it down.” Some Democrats in the House of Representatives are threatening impeachment proceedings against Justice Kavanaugh if they take control of the House. These Democrats would seek to perform their own do-over of the Senate confirmation proceedings in the House under the guise of an “impeachment” proceeding. They would be plowing over the same charges that the Senate had already decided were not sufficiently proven to prevent the one congressional body authorized by the Constitution to provide its “advice and consent” from confirming Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination. 
In short, in opposing Justice Kavanaugh, the deranged left is literally attacking the core institutions and constitutional structure of our nation’s republic that help to secure the rule of law.
The Founding Fathers recognized the threat posed by mob rule and built safeguards against it into the Constitution. James Madison wrote in Federalist No. 63 that “there are particular moments in public affairs when the people, stimulated by some irregular passion, or some illicit advantage, or misled by the artful misrepresentations of interested men, may call for measures which they themselves will afterwards be the most ready to lament and condemn. In these critical moments, how salutary will be the interference of some temperate and respectable body of citizens, in order to…suspend the blow meditated by the people against themselves, until reason, justice, and truth can regain their authority over the public mind?” The Founding Fathers viewed the Senate as one such “temperate and respectable body.” As James Madison commented at the Constitutional Convention, the “use of the Senate is to consist in its proceeding with more coolness, with more system, and with more wisdom, than the popular branch” of the Congress.
The Founding Fathers would have been appalled at the level of dysfunction wrought by the Senate Democrats’ dirty tricks, dishonesty and poisonous rhetoric during what should have been a solemn deliberative process.
In Federalist No. 71, Alexander Hamilton warned against “unqualified complaisance to every sudden breeze of passion, or to every transient impulse which the people may receive from the arts of men, who flatter their prejudices to betray their interests.” He observed that “the people commonly INTEND the PUBLIC GOOD.” (Emphasis in the original) However, Mr. Hamilton also recognized how passions of the moment can be readily manipulated against the peoples’ own better sense of their interests. For that reason, he wrote, “it is the duty of the persons whom they have appointed to be the guardians of those interests, to withstand the temporary delusion, in order to give them time and opportunity for more cool and sedate reflection.” Mr. Hamilton went on to laud the “courage” of such guardians who “saved the people from very fatal consequences of their own mistakes…at the peril of their displeasure."
Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine, pictured above) displayed such courage in resisting the passions of the mob, including intimidation, to vote for Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation. In a speech she delivered on the Senate floor the day before the final vote, Senator Collins lamented “a confirmation process that has become so dysfunctional it looks more like a caricature of a gutter-level political campaign than a solemn occasion.” She carefully laid out the reasoning underlying her decision to vote for Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation, including an analysis of his judicial record. As to the uncorroborated allegations against Justice Kavanaugh of sexual assault, Senator Collins focused her attention on the fundamental legal principles of “due process, the presumption of innocence, and fairness.”
Channeling James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, Senator Collins declared, “We must always remember that it is when passions are most inflamed that fairness is most in jeopardy.” She said that the “presumption of innocence is relevant to the advice and consent function when an accusation departs from a nominee’s otherwise exemplary record. I worry that departing from this presumption could lead to a lack of public faith in the judiciary and would be hugely damaging to the confirmation process moving forward.” While Senator Collins credited Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee as being “sincere, painful, and compelling,” Senator Collins painstakingly reviewed both the lack of corroborating evidence for Dr. Ford’s charges and several further questions raised by her own testimony. After applying the lowest burden of proof test, the “more likely than not” standard, Senator Collins concluded that Dr. Ford’s charges leveled specifically against Justice Kavanaugh did not satisfy even that low level of burden of proof.
Weeks prior to the final confirmation vote, Senator Collins’ office had reported receiving threats of rape and other acts of violence against her staff from leftist opponents of Judge Kavanaugh. After Senator Collins delivered her speech explaining her rationale for voting in favor of Judge Kavanaugh, the enemies of the newly confirmed justice did not address Senator Collins’ thoughtful arguments on the merits. Instead, they hurled ugly epithets at her. The Women’s March, for example, called Senator Collins a “rape apologist.” The radical Women’s March leader and anti-Israel, Sharia-loving activist, Linda Sarsour, accused “white woman” Senator Collins of being “a traitor to women and marginalized communities.” The senator displayed “white supremacy live on the Senate Floor,” according to Sarsour, who added, “History will not treat her kindly.”
Sarsour is a women’s rights poseur whose only place in history, if she has one at all, will be in a footnote describing her as a leader of the mob that unsuccessfully tried to prevent the confirmation of a great Supreme Court justice.
Planned Parenthood’s political arm accused Senator Collins of siding with those “who disbelieve, disrespect and even mock survivors” of sexual assault. Such polemics against Senator Collins are at complete odds with what the senator actually said in her speech about the survivors of sexual assault: “Every person—man or woman—who makes a charge of sexual assault deserves to be heard and treated with respect. The #MeToo movement is real. It matters. It is needed. And it is long overdue… We must listen to survivors, and every day we must seek to stop the criminal behavior that has hurt so many. We owe this to ourselves, our children, and generations to come.”
Is Planned Parenthood, which gave Senator Collins an award last November for her work on protecting reproductive rights, now calling the senator a liar when she says she does care about and respect the survivors of sexual assault? Does this pro-abortion group assume that one can only show such care and respect by unquestionably believing all accusations of sexual assault alleged by all women, even if they are lodged without a shred of corroborating evidence? Apparently so.
The usual Hollywood celebrities added their two cents worth on Senator Collins’ decision to vote for Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Saturday Night Live’s Trump impersonator Alec Baldwin, for example, said, “How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a female US Senator who says f*** you to all American women…” That’s rich, coming from a man with his own history of anger management issues involving women.
Actress Molly Ringwald tweeted, “Susan Collins you are a betrayer of women.” The conceit of Ms. Ringwald and her radical feminist cohorts is that they presume to speak for all women. Their treatment of women as a monolithic group with a herd mentality that leads them in only one progressive political direction is the height of sexism.
Comedian Kathy Griffin, who held up a picture of President Trump’s severed head last year, tweeted in reaction to Senator Collins’ decision: “F******* YOUUUUUU.” This progressive political “commentator” must be auditioning for a place in the leftists’ hall of fame.
Peaceful protests and expressions of dissent are protected by the First Amendment. That includes the remarks of empty-headed, self-important celebrities, who are just a side show. However, the left’s tactics of disruption, intimidation, lies, weaponization of unproven accusations and incitement to violence threaten to lead us down the road to a second civil war. If Democrats regain control of the House of Representatives and seek to fan the flames of anger over Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation by threatening to reverse the Senate's exercise of its unique constitutional "advice and consent" authority under the guise of impeachment, the Democrats will be complicit in the left’s agenda to destroy America as we know it.


Claims ‘rude elevator screamers’ are paid professionals

“Step Aside Immediately, Kavanaugh” 

Demands National Council of Churches


Social engineers are pushing the mob over the edge


Leftist agitators scream “white supremacist” at anyone who answers back


A compendium of stupidity

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The idiocy here is strong.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Now that Brett Kavanaugh has officially been confirmed, it is a good time to reflect upon where we are at as a nation. 
And where we are at is a nation that is rapidly moving toward a state of civil war.  At one time we were a nation that was united by shared values, a shared purpose and a shared destiny, but now all of that has been replaced by anger, frustration, bitterness, strife and discord.  The left hates the right and vice versa, and both sides are becoming increasingly radicalized.  And without a doubt we are in a life or death battle for the future of America.  Eventually one side or the other will emerge victorious, and their ideology will become dominant in this country.
Up to this point, there has been a lot of screaming, yelling and protesting, but it isn’t going to take very much to push the nation over the edge into violence.
On a daily basis the pot is being stirred by our leading politicians and the mainstream media, and it is very difficult to see any way that this story is going to end well.
Early on Sunday, the Drudge Report was being headlined by an Axios story about “the radicalization of our public lives”…
It’s going to get worse. Virtually every major American institution is being radicalized — or being reshaped by the radicalization of our public lives.
You see this most vividly in politics, where the White House and Congress are often the cause and effect of the radicalization. You now see it in the courts and the Supreme Court, in particular, where a narrow, party-line vote made Brett Kavanaugh the next justice after a nasty, personal political brawl. Already, lawyer Michael Avenatti is calling for a new Democratic litmus test: increasing the size of the court to 11 from nine.
In particular, it is on the left where we have seen the most extreme radicalization.  This is something that President Trump commented on during his most recent rally
“Just imagine the devastation they would cause if they of their obtained the power they so desperately want and crave,” Trump added. “You don’t hand matches to an arsonist and you don’t give power to an angry left-wing mob, and that’s what they have become.
Trump then used Kavanaugh’s example to illustrate why conservatives need to vote during the midterm elections in four weeks so that Democrats don’t take back the House:
“You have to vote,” Trump insisted. “On November 6 you will have the chance to stop the radical Democrats — and that’s what they have become — by electing a Republican House and a Republican Senate. We will increase our majorities. We need more Republicans. We need more Republicans.
“The Democrats have become too extreme and too dangerous to govern,” Trump continued. “Republicans believe in the rule of law not the rule of the mob.”
Of course if Hillary Clinton had won the election, there are millions upon millions of Americans that would not have been willing to be governed by her either.
We are rapidly getting to the point where America is simply going to be ungovernable.
In order for any government to function, a certain percentage of the population must be willing to recognize that government as legitimate.  For example, if everybody in the country suddenly decided to quit paying taxes there wouldn’t be too much that the federal government could do about it.  They could put some of us in prison to try to scare the rest of us back in line, but if the rest of us refused to be intimidated our system of taxation would collapse.
Every system of government depends upon the fact that most people will willingly submit to it, and we are rapidly getting to the point where a large portion of the population will not submit to being governed.
Just consider what just took place in Washington.  As Brett Kavanaugh was being sworn in, protesters were literally banging on and clawing the doors of the Supreme Court building…
But perhaps no incident better expressed the protesters’ tenuous hold on sanity than a demonstration at the Supreme Court, where protesters — mostly women — broke through a police line and barged to the Court’s chamber, where they proceeded to wail, gnash teeth, and pound at the doors while Kavanaugh was being sworn in inside.
Some of the protesters, who managed to get all the way through to the doors themselves, tried desperately to claw their way in, even though the doors were clearly locked (and look very heavy).
If you have not seen this yet, you can watch footage of this happening on Facebook right here.
And Chad Pergram is reporting that Republican senators had death threats texted to their personal phones…
Colleague Peter Doocy rpts a GOP senator says senators have had death threats texted to their person phones. Calls that “unusual.” Also says some senators who flew home after Kavanaugh vote were accompanied by police for protection
In a subsequent tweet, Pergram also reported that a gruesome beheading video was actually sent to the phone of Cory Gardner’s wife…
Amid Kavanaugh furor & threats to mbrs, Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) tells Fox that his wife received a text with a video attachment showing a gruesome beheading. Someone has has also released the names of and addresses of his family members.
Can you imagine how you would feel if that happened to you?
Many of these leftist protesters are extremely passionate about protecting abortion rights.  To be honest, I wish that those on the right were just as passionate about defending the lives of the unborn.
Because the truth is that Brett Kavanaugh has never said that he intends to overturn Roe v. Wade.  In fact, during her speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate explaining why she was voting for Kavanaugh, U.S. Senator Susan Collins admitted that Kavanaugh essentially promised her that he would not vote to overturn Roe v. Wade
Most notably, Collins said in her explanation of why she was not worried that Kavanaugh would overturn Roe that Kavanaugh had told her when they were discussing his nomination that he did not think five sitting justices—a majority of the nine member court—would be a sufficient number “to overturn long-established precedent.”
This was after he had testified, she noted, that Roe–upheld by Casey–was “precedent on precedent.”
“Finally, in his testimony, he noted repeatedly that Roe had been upheld by Planned Parenthood v. Casey, describing it as precedent on precedent,” said Collins in her floor speech. “When I asked him whether it would be sufficient to overturn a long-established precedent if five current Justices believed it was wrongly decided, he emphatically said no.”
Kavanaugh didn’t just say no.
He “emphatically said no“.
After everything that happened, the ironic thing is that Kavanaugh getting on to the Supreme Court is a loss for conservatives, but nobody on the right wants to admit this.  We got fooled by Justice Kennedy, we got fooled by Sandra Day O’Connor, we got fooled by David Souter, and now we have just been fooled again.
Kavanaugh clerked for Justice Kennedy, and he is cut from the exact same cloth as his mentor.  Kennedy was one of the key votes to uphold Roe v. Wade in the Casey decision, and he actually wrote the opinion for the case that legalized gay marriage in America.  It is rumored that Kennedy would not retire until he was assured that Kavanaugh would be nominated in his place, because he knew that Kavanaugh would be the exact same type of Supreme Court justice that he had been.
So conservatives should not be celebrating this “victory” at all.
But what this confirmation process did prove is that we are closer to chaos on the streets of America than ever before.  In fact, a recent New York Post article suggested that America “could be sleepwalking into a second civil war”…
To be clear, what we just witnessed, and what we have seen for two years, is not a case of mere political differences, which the Founders recognized as inevitable and even desirable.
Instead, we face something more akin to the combustible climate historian Christopher Clark described as the origins of World War I. In his book, “The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914,” Clark illustrates how none of the great powers wanted war, but all felt free to escalate the build-up in the certainty that the other side would back down.
Something similar is happening here, and our nation could be sleepwalking into a second civil war. Even though justice and fairness prevailed this time, the stained confirmation process must serve as a wake-up alarm.
This time around, however, it won’t be a battle between two opposing armies from two distinct geographic regions.
Instead, it will be a conflict between two very different ideologies.  So far, it has mostly been a “cold war”, but as both sides become increasingly radicalized I fear for what the future may soon bring…


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
APOPKA, Fla. –-( Representatives from Fifth Third Bank visited Spike’s Tactical, a Florida-based firearm manufacturer, last Tuesday to inform them that the bank was discreetly planning to exit the banking sector for gun-related businesses.
According to Spike’s Tactical co-owner Angela Register, the bank representative informed her and their chief financial officer that their business line of credit would not be renewed and encouraged them to find a new bank to hold their accounts, even mentioning that their commercial mortgage should be transferred or it could potentially be called early.
“This is frightening because yet again, we’re continuing to see the Second Amendment under attack in more and more places,” said Register. “It also seems completely hypocritical that institutions, which have been and continue to be protected by guns, are now attacking the very industry that is often their first line of defense.”
Fifth Third Bank, which according to Forbes is one of the largest banking institutions in the U.S., has now apparently joined a growing list of banks, which are choosing to no longer do business with firearms manufacturers.
Earlier this year, Bank of America and CitiGroup, announced they would also begin restricting their business dealings with gun-related companies.
As a result of the decision made by Fifth Third, Spike’s is now looking for a new bank to help them manage their multi-million-dollar yearly revenue.
Banking is not the only angle where firearms manufacturers and dealers have been under attack. Companies like YouTube, Facebook, Shopify, Google, Walmart and Dick’s Sporting Goods have all made recent moves to restrict or prohibit gun-related business.
“We understand that the gun industry is not a protected class and that banks and other businesses can choose to not do business with us, but we also believe that customers should know if that vendor has decided to enter the political arena and they’ve taken a stand against guns,” said Register. “Additionally, this is yet another example that the market is beginning to look highly lucrative for companies to emerge that will solely support the gun industry, which is estimated at $51 billion per year and employs more than 300,000 people in the U.S.”
About Spike’s TacticalSpike's Tactical logo
Spike’s Tactical was founded the day before 9/11 by Mike and Angela Register and is headquartered in Apopka, Florida. The family-owned business employs around 40 people and all products are made exclusively in the USA and assembled in Florida. Spike’s Tactical is regarded as one of the premier AR-15 manufacturers in the world. Their mission is to build the highest quality products and offer them at the best possible price to the consumer. Spike’s Tactical weapons are designed to military specifications for civilian, law enforcement and military use. All products manufactured by Spike’s Tactical feature a manufacturer’s lifetime warranty.


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Note how Loomer repeatedly reads from the notice advertising the event, which says it is open to everyone, and yet is still barred, and the police willingly comply with the demands of the event organizers.
“The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) was established in July 1981 by U.S-based members of the Muslim Brotherhood with a background as leaders of the Muslim Students Association (MSA). As author and terrorism expert Steven Emerson puts it, ISNA “grew out of the Muslim Students Association, which also was founded by Brotherhood members.” Indeed, Muslim Brothers would dominate ISNA’s leadership throughout the Society’s early years. Striving “to advance the cause of Islam and serve Muslims in North America so as to enable them to adopt Islam as a complete way of life,” ISNA was highly dependent upon Saudi funding during its early years.” — from Discover the Networks
“Laura Loomer Blocked From Linda Sarsour Event,” by Patrick Howley, Big League Politics, October 7, 2018:
Toronto mayoral candidate Faith Goldy and investigative journalist Laura Loomer were barred from entering the Islamic Society of North America’s conference in Toronto Sunday.
Officials guarding the event by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and its partner the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) confirmed the policy of restricting Christians and Jews from entering the event featuring Linda Sarsour, the embattled Resistance leader, and Siraj Wahhaj.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
9mm Hollow Point Ammunition Handgun Magazine

9mm Hollow Point Ammunition Handgun Magazine

Fairfax, VA – -( Just in case gun owners needed another reason to back Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court or to get energized ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey gave us one. On September 28, District Judge Peter G. Sheridan denied a motion for a preliminary injunction that would have enjoined enforcement of New Jersey’s 10-round magazine capacity limit.
Back on June 13, New Jersey’s anti-gun Governor Phil Murphy signed A2761 into law. The legislation altered the state definition of “large capacity ammunition magazine”from magazines that can accept more than 15 rounds down to those that can accept more than 10. Owners of the newly prohibited magazines are required to forfeit possession of their property within 180 days, or to permanently modify their magazines to accept no more than 10 rounds.
Democrat Gun Banner Phil MurphyNew Jersey’s anti-gun Governor Phil Murphy
Shortly after A2761 was signed, NRA-ILA announced that it was joining with the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs to challenge the new law. At the time, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox noted, “Magazine bans do not deter criminals or improve public safety. Instead, they irrationally burden the rights of law-abiding gun owners.”This is in line with a Department of Justice-funded study of the 1994 federal semiautomatic ban, which also restricted magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds. The study noted that “[s]hould it be renewed, the ban’s effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement.”
In his decision, Sheridan conceded that magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds are in “common use”and thus entitled to Second Amendment protection. However, Sheridan then proceeded, as other courts have done, to apply an infinitely malleable interest-balancing test standard to determine whether New Jersey’s infringement on the Second Amendment right is permissible.
In this vein, Sheridan concluded that the Garden State’s magazine ban should be subject to intermediate scrutiny, meaning that the policy must further an important government interest by a method substantially related to the interest. The court, acting as policy analyst, rejected testimony refuting the efficacy of magazine bans and adopted the state’s purported concerns over the criminal use of these items.
The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs has made clear that they intend to appeal the decision.
Ironically, Sheridan may have done some of a future Supreme Court’s analysis on magazine bans for them. In his decision, the judge stated, “[m]uch of the legal history and tradition of [large capacity magazine] restrictions in the United States is relatively recent and evolving.”In his District of Columbia v. Heller opinion, Justice Antonin Scalia did not set forth an interest-balancing test for Second Amendment cases. Instead, Scalia noted that only some “longstanding”firearms restrictions were acceptable.
As a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, Judge Kavanaugh faithfully interpreted the Hellerdecision in his dissent in Heller v. District of Columbia, or Heller II. Judge Kavanaugh explained that a court must “assess gun bans and regulations based on text, history, and tradition, not by a balancing test such as strict or intermediate scrutiny.”Sheridan’s own writing appears to acknowledge magazine bans are of relatively recent vintage, undercutting their legitimacy under the proper Heller standard.
The U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey’s decision to uphold the state’s new magazine ban underscores the important role the federal judiciary plays in protecting Americans’constitutional rights. Moreover, this stark example of the need for principled jurists on the federal bench comes at a time when Americans can make a direct impact on the courts’future. Gun rights supporters eager for a federal judiciary that respects their rights must make their support for Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination known to their Senators and vote on November 6 to ensure that President Donald Trump has a Senate that will confirm all of his pro-Second Amendment judicial nominees.
National Rifle Association Institute For Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)
About: Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit:


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In this new Jamie Glazov Moment, Jamie focuses on The Murder of Former Miss Baghdad, unveiling the real reason Sharia detests women. 
Don’t miss it!
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Meanwhile, Amazon has banned Jihad Watch, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, and other organizations that oppose jihad terror and Sharia oppression of women and others from participating in its charity funding program.
“Amazon scheme supports Islamic extremists,” by Andrew Norfolk, The Times, October 8, 2018 (thanks to Paul):
Amazon has agreed to fund a hardline British charity whose leading ideologue supports child marriage, female genital mutilation and stoning people to death for adultery.
Under its charitable programme, the internet giant will make donations to the London-based group whenever its supporters buy products.
The Muslim Research and Development Foundation (MRDF) has been described by the government’s counter-extremism commissioner, Sara Khan, as “the main Salafist organisation in the UK”.
Its founder and former chairman is Haitham al-Haddad, 52, a Saudi-born Islamic scholar whose beliefs led him to be labelled “one of the most dangerous men in Britain”…


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In this new video, I discuss a recent speech by British Prime Minister Theresa May, in which she likened me and Pamela Geller to the jihad terrorists Abu Hamza and Abu Qatada. This was a manifestation of the moral myopia that cripples Britain’s response to the jihad threat.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The German establishment, like the establishment political and media class all over the West, continues to stigmatize and demonize any and all opposition to its suicidal policies regarding mass Muslim migration.
14yr-old feminist daughter of an Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician performed an "anti-rape" poem referencing a stabbing by "refugees" Media & Libs labeled her a "Right-Wing Racist" & "Nazi" for daring to speak of attacks on women in Germany - the girls home was vandalized
“German teenage girl called ‘Nazi’ for reading poem about migrant violence – Her house vandalized as well,” Voice of Europe, October 5, 2018:
During a Poetry Slam in Speyer, Ida-Marie Müller a 14-year-old girl dared to ridicule the welcome culture of the left and denounce refugee rapists all in one.
Not only did she receive the most applause for her poem but would have won the competition because the winner was determined this way.
“From far away the man fell into the hands of traffickers, with no passport and a mobile phone. He arrived in our hallowed German land. Because he can’t get a lady, he helped himself to one with a knife.”
The left-wing organisers couldn’t have that, of course, and simply disqualified her, the winner. She was barred from the award ceremony and another competitor was awarded first prize….
One of the city officials accused her of “Spiritual arson and fuelling fears”. Even the Mayor Monika Kabs(CDU) had to share her two cents on the event and accused Müller of using the Poetry Slam as a platform for the AfD.
Facebook banned Benajmin Haupt the District Association Chairman of the AfD for posting video of her in the competition.
It didn’t stop there though. Their house was defaced by somebody spray-painting “Nazi” and “F*ck AfD” on the walls.
Instead of standing up for her freedom of speech some left-wing media like the BBC further fuelled this hatred and called her and her poem racist….


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This is what a society looks like when it is committing suicide.
“German father charged for protecting his daughter against sexual assault by migrant,” Voice of Europe, October 5, 2018:
A man protecting his 21-year-old daughter against a bottom groping African will be charged with causing bodily harm.
At the Munich Hackerbrücke train station, a drunk 28-year-old migrant from Eritrea grabbed a German woman under her skirt on Tuesday.
When her father saw the sexual assault, he punched the African man in the face to make him stop.
An employee of the German railway company Deutsche Bahn, witnessed the incident and alerted federal police.
The German police decided to file two charges: One against the migrant for sexual assault and one against the father for causing bodily harm.
Many Germans were shocked by the case against the father, believing the man acted in defence of his daughter. Comments below a Facebook post regarding the charges show that many do not understand why the father is being punished for protecting his daughter….


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Turkey is a rogue state that is in no sense an ally of the United States. Turkey should be expelled from NATO, which is configured according to outdated Cold War realities. It needs to be reconfigured in light of the realities of the global jihad.
“Turkey Airstrikes Target Iraqi Christian Villages; Activists Call for War Crimes Investigation,” by Samuel Smith, Christian Post, October 2, 2018:
The Turkish military launched airstrikes targeting Iraqi Christian villages in northern Iraq, a rights group warned.
Local sources have told International Christian Concern, a U.S.-based persecution watchdog, that seven predominantly Christian villages were targeted by Turkish airstrikes last month. September saw an increase in Turkish airstrikes in the north of Iraq.
“Turkey attempts to justify these airstrikes by claiming that these villages support or have a PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) presence,” an ICC report reads. “Turkey is occupying a significant swath of land in northern Iraq and is deepening its presence daily.”
According to ICC, Christian villages in Iraq have historically faced challenges spurred by the PKK and the Kurdish Regional Government. However, the situation for the Christians in largely agricultural northern Iraq has “worsened while the NATO member continues to gain more territorial control in Iraq’s north.”
“Human rights groups have repeatedly warned that Turkey is using the PKK’s general presence as an excuse to expand its territory and that by conducting airstrikes where there is no specific legitimate military target, Turkey is in violation of international law,” ICC asserted in its report.
In September, Human Rights Watch suggested that there were at least four Turkish military operations in northern Iraq that claimed to have targetted the PKK (recognized by the United States as a terrorist group) dating back to May 2017 that should be investigated for possible war crimes.
The PKK has been active in Iraq, with its presence near the border of Turkey, Iran and Syria. The Turkish government has actively launched operations against the PKK for over 10 years.
Turkey’s airstrikes in northern Iraq have killed at least seven non-combatants and wounded at least one more, witnesses and relatives told the human rights group.
“As Turkey steps up operations in Iraq, it should be taking all feasible precautions to avoid harming civilians there,” Lama Fakih, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch, said in a statement. “Turkey should investigate possible unlawful strikes that killed civilians, punish those responsible for wrongdoing, and compensate victims’ families.”
Over the weekend, the Turkish military claimed to have “neutralized” at least 18 PKK militants through airstrikes that targeted various regions of northern Iraq.
HWR noted that Turkish forces have extended their presence in northern Iraq by about 10 miles and has multiple outposts in rural governorates under the control of the Kurdistan Regional Government.
Concern was raised earlier this year that Turkey-backed violence targeting the Afrin region of Syria was putting the lives of Christians and other civilians in “mortal danger.”
“As the leaders of the Christian churches in North Syria, in the town of Afrin we hereby confirm that we are under attack by Turkey,” an open letter from a pastor (name omitted for security purposes) in the region to international leaders read. “The lives of our women and children are in danger. The city of Afrin is being bombarded by Turkish airstrikes. We are asking for intervention, and protection against the violent attacks which are being levied against use at the moment.”…


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
In this new video, I explain how and why Yasser Arafat and the KGB invented the “Palestinian” nationality and ethnicity in the 1960s.
Order The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS here.


iStock crazy woman Liberal Left Angry
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
New York – -( Each new generation born is in effect an invasion of civilization by little barbarians, who must be civilized before it is too late.” ~ from A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles, by Thomas Sowell, Economist and Social Theorist; Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
Make no mistake about it: The United States is on the cusp of a civil war. It is a war fought not with swords, firearms, and artillery—at least not yet—but through throngs of people chanting and screaming in the streets; in buildings; on university campuses; and in the public square; even outside private residences. These throngs are threatening, ridiculing, harassing, and assaulting Americans who do not share their views, their sensibilities. And physical altercations and clashes have occurred. More of those are on the horizon; that is certain. No one should doubt it. The outcome of this modern conflict will have as deep and lasting effect on this Nation and on its citizenry as did the American Civil War.
In the present conflict, there can be no negotiation with or compromise between the two factions, for the gulf dividing them is too vast, the chasm too deep. The outcome of the present civil war will be profound. This conflict’s outcome will determine the Nation’s social, political, economic, and legal contours for generations to come.
Americans see the clash between the two factions playing out most aggressively, of late, through the Senate confirmation process of the President’s second nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Judge Brett Kavanaugh presently sits as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. He is, by any estimate, a brilliant jurist with many years of judicial experience. No one should doubt that. No one can reasonably refute or rebut that. No matter. One faction intends to strike his nomination down.
Senate Democrats and Senate Republicans, sitting on the Judiciary Committee, pose, essentially, as proxies for the two factions in conflict. One faction supports confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the high Court and is working to see it happen. The other intends to prevent it. Few Americans remain on the sidelines. Both factions in this modern civil conflict know that the Judiciary—more so than Congress, or the Chief Executive—has power, predicated on the jurisprudential and philosophical predispositions of the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court, either to strengthen or weaken the bedrock of the Nation: its Constitution. In their individual approaches to case analysis, through the methodologies employed, one vision of the Country sees actualization.

Democratic Party proxies, frantic and frenetic, fearing imminent confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the high Court, have lost all sense of decorum, all reason, all self-restraint. They have been unable to shoot holes in Brett Kavanaugh’s legal methodology; in his understanding of the law. That much is clear.

Democrats, and the public at large that tuned to the Confirmation Hearing, know that Bret Kavanaugh has a keen analytical mind; that he is legally astute; that his years of experience as a lawyer and as a jurist make him eminently qualified to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. Democrats and the public at large know that Judge Kavanaugh has a deep, abiding respect for the Nation’s system of laws; for its Constitution; and for the Nation’s massive body of jurisprudence, accumulated over two centuries.
Democrats, and the lay public also know that Kavanaugh’s methodology for analyzing cases reflects respect for case law precedent; and for the plain meaning of statutes; and for adherence to “original intent,” when applying the U.S. Constitution to the facts of a case. And, as for the latter two points, there’s the rub. For, one faction seeks a jurist to sit on the high Court who has no qualms about legislating from the Bench: someone like Judge Merrick Garland,* a Judge, whose jurisprudential methodology and jurisprudential philosophy just happen to coincide with the political and social agenda championed by the previous U.S. President, Barack Obama, who nominated him to sit on the high Court—a jurist who would also be championed by the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton who failed to get elected. Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s jurisprudential approach to case analysis and jurisprudential and ethical philosophies are antithetical to those of Judge Merrick Garland.
Knowing what is at stake, Democrats have become frantic, desperate. At the last minute, in a last ditch effort to delay, with the aim of ultimately derailing the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats have sought the last refuge of the hopeless: character assassination. As they could not successfully attack the man’s principles, his ability, his experience, they launched a vicious, audacious, reprehensible, despicable attack on the man himself.
Each side, in this conflict, knows full well that the very soul and psyche of this Nation and its people is at stake. The outcome of the present conflict will, then, from that perspective, be far-reaching—conceivably more so than that of the previous conflict, devastating as that conflict was and as far-reaching in its consequences that it was for the Confederacy; and for the Nation; and for all Americans.
Before we explain how the very soul and psyche of the Nation is at stake and what, precisely, we mean by that and why we say that the outcome of the present conflict may very well have consequences that are, potentially, more far-reaching than the consequences of the American Civil War, let us, for the moment, consider what resulted from the South’s defeat in that conflict. We see that:
  • The secession of the Confederate States from the Union was withdrawn, and the Nation reunited.
  • The Confederacy was placed under military rule.
  • The Federal Government gained supremacy over the States (all States) and State Governments (all State Governments), clearly and unequivocally. In that regard, the diminution of the power of the States has negatively impacted the “Union” States as much as it has the States of the Confederacy. This “Federalism” pervades to the present day.
  • Slavery was de facto eliminated. This led to de jure elimination of slavery with the passage of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The loss of State power to the Federal Government is, arguably, the most significant outcome of the American Civil War; and the Federal Government’s accumulation of power at the expense of the States has grown exponentially in the years and decades since the American Civil War ended.
Now, suppose for a moment, that the Confederacy prevailed; this Nation would likely have formed a  confederation of two sovereign independent Nation States, comprising States of their own. But, the concept of ‘Sovereign Nation States’the USA and CSA—not beholding to or subordinated to foreign Nations or to political entities of one sort or another, unlike those Nations comprising the EU, was never at stake. Secondly, preservation of the fundamental, unalienable, natural rights and liberties of the people, as codified in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, was never questioned during the American Civil War, either. With the conclusion of the American Civil War, the United States remained a Sovereign, independent Nation State, albeit as one Sovereign Nation State, rather than two.
We, American citizens, must keep these two points uppermost in mind, because the notion of ‘Nation State’ and the notion of natural rights pre-existent in the individual—will either be preserved and strengthened, or they will not, depending on which faction prevails in this modern civil war.
[We continue with this article in the next installment].
*Under Article 2, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution the President nominates a person to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court. But, the President shall do so only with the “advice and consent” of the Senate. The “advice and consent” of the Senate operates as a condition precedent to actual appointment. But, there is nothing in the Constitution that requires the Senate to give its advice and consent. And the Senate did not do so, here. Those Democrats and Leftists, of all stripes, who wanted and had expected the Senate to provide a Hearing and Roll-Call vote on Merrick Garland were apoplectic. Merrick Garland, who would, have been Barack Obama’s third appointment to the high Court, would have given the liberal-wing of the Court a clear majority, sufficient to move the left-wing agenda along. Leftists conclude that Republicans have stolen a seat on the high Court that belongs to them. That helps, in part, to explain , but certainly does not justify the outrageous, reprehensible smear campaign Senate Democrats launched against President Trump’s nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, in a late hour effort to defeat his confirmation to the high Court.
Arbalest Quarrel
About The Arbalest Quarrel:
Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel’ website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.
For more information, visit:


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:

This post was written by Thomas Littleton and has been reposted here with permission. The original can be found here.

Note: This author is focused on the church and the serious infiltration of the remaining Biblical conservative denominations and groups. This article is a departure from that singular focus in light of the grave influence that political operatives like Russell Moore and Tim Keller are having. A redefining of the role of Christians in the culture including in politics and policy is underway. Motives and goals of the very people who condemn evangelicals for supporting the election of Donald Trump in 2016 or GOP candidates going forward have become more glaringly progressive and left than ever. Their perversion of the Gospel into social justice, contracting with grant funding and big business, inclusive, and affirming, open borders, weakening of pro-life and family values metrics are doing great harm to religious freedom, domestic and foreign missions and the Biblical worldview of our youth. These self-righteous efforts masked as a theological movement provide some of the greatest threats to the future of our churches and our children’s faith that we have known in our lifetime.  These agents of BETRAYAL must be exposed and stopped.

US President Barack Obama (L) talks to Dr. Russell Moore, Southern Baptist Convention, Nashville, TN, and Suzii Paynter, Executive Coordinator, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Atlanta, GA, during a meeting with faith leaders in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, DC on April 15, 2014. AFP PHOTO/YURI GRIPAS (Photo credit should read YURI GRIPAS/AFP/Getty Images)
The Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission President Russell Moore, pictured on the right, is a primary operative in the evangelical betrayal and remains one of the more shameless infiltrators totally insulated from accountability.
A deeply divided climate remains in the American cultural and political landscape as we approach the horizon of the midterm elections. To the shock of many conservative voters, the leaders of the evangelical right have continued to live and work in the echo chamber they created by their “Never Trump” mantras during the 2016 Presidential season. Vocal leaders like Russell Moore and Albert Mohler of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and high stakes global operator, Timothy Keller of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) and co-founder of progressive emergent movement among pastors called The Gospel Coalition, have proven to be well-endowed “agents of change” embedded deep within the conservative Christian right. Moore and Keller fill our headlines with progressive verbiage to shame and convict conservative Christian voters for Trump and other conservative candidates. The new gospel they pitch has progressive social justice equality replacing once solidified evangelical values like pro-life, pro-family and pro-America policy. Second tier players like Ed Stetzer who spent years at Lifeway Research and writing for TGC and Christianity Today along with a stable of authors with coordinated messages working with TGC under the directive of editors like Joe Carter and gay Priest Sam Allberry have primed the church for the dulling of Biblical clarity and conviction translating into salt and light in the public square. Collectively this group have overwhelmed most conversations and have further spread the leaven of leftist progressivism masked in a historic theological packaging. Sad to say trusted outlets like World Magazine have become more often echoes of Social Justice than alternative news outlets for Christians. One of the new arrivals on the scene in the SBC is Nate Collins of the Revoice organization /conference advocating for “LGBTQUI+ flourishing in historic Christian tradition” such as Southern Baptist and conservative Presbyterians churches. Unthinkable yet true – this is where the wave of false teaching by key leaders has brought to the conservative church today.
Meanwhile, the churches of the once reliably conservative SBC and PCA are being transformed through the compromise of such conservative seminary heads as Albert Mohler. Living on the reputation he garnered in 1993 as the new leader of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (flagship of the SBC) in Louisville KY, Mohler and others have filled their institutions with the false gospels of social justice calling for “Racial Reconciliation,” “Egalitarian Equality,” “Revoicing the Church on LGBTQUI+,” and “Immigration Reform.” Pro-Life is being watered down and broadened to include elder, refugee, and immigrant care.
A primary example of the change in motion is J D Greear, the Moore, Keller and Mohler disciple who now heads the SBC denomination. J.D. Greear is a mega-church pastor of Summit Church in Raleigh North Carolina. He is young, well-liked, and to the casual observer, appears to be the hope of a denomination. Yet Greear’s own church members did not even know their denominational identity and affiliations as he accepted the nomination for its presidency in early Summer 2018. Greear’s youthful appearance and hopeful demeanor actually hold an ominous and looming air of doom for the conservative movements reliant on the Christian base. Greear was trained in Mohler/Keller associate Danny Akin’s South Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary and has been steeped in their rhetoric of Social Justice, Progressive Politics, LGBTQUI+, and American Psychological Association-driven ideology. Greear’s landscape is awash in the Soros-funded pro-Muslim immigration work of the SBC’s revamped missions organizations and World Relief.
Greear embraces the radical ideology espoused on LGBTQUI+ and the Evangelical church from Mark Yarhouse and the 2010 whitepaper Yarhouse promoted for TGC as a gold standard for “Christian Sexual Ethic. It is both Biblically baseless and APA compliant. Greear boasts that he “can no longer tell where Timothy Keller’s mind ends and his own begins.” There are many others like Greear coming into leadership in our denominations, proving that the decades-long push for change at the top of the SBC and PCA through organizations like Keller’s The Gospel Coalition has created a tinderbox of progressive politics soaked in 200 proof bootleg funding awaiting ignition. The conservative movement is about to be decimated from within.
After the Trump victory over 16 primary rivals and Hillary to capture of the White House in 2016, Russell Moore and Tim Keller continue to efforts to undermine the conservative Christian base through article after article. Meanwhile, as they have ramped up the rhetoric, Moore/Keller have doubled down criticism of conservative voters to hopefully spark a sudden flash point among American conservatism. Young pastors and disciples of these agents of change appear to be theological conservatives but prove social liberals with no problem embracing the redefinition of marriage, pro-choice, legalizing drugs and think little of the American Dream, the Constitution, and national sovereignty. These relentless long-term efforts to undermine our foundations if successful, could mean the setback of Trump’s election may be a temporary one.
Examples of the relentless attacks of Russell Moore and Tim Keller aimed at Christian conservatives 
Moore with World Magazine
Moore has a history of faking stories, such as claiming in 2000 that he was bullied, harassed and threatened by an unnamed missionary at a Cooperative (liberal) Baptist meeting while Moore was a reporter for the Baptist Press and finishing his Doctorate at Mohler’s SBTS. This occurred just prior to Moore’s ascent as a Mohler protégé’ and then on to head the ERLC in 2013. That same year the great SBC shift began in earnest to disown the old conservative branding and rewrite the narrative to favor every progressive agenda in the Social Justice victim narrative playbook. Readers may recall Moore’s now notorious Wall Street Journal interview in Oct 2013. Complete with messianic pose in his D.C. offices, Moore struck a new tone for Evangelicals and Baptists in particular, declaring the Culture War LOST and “we must change the tone and love our gay and lesbian neighbors.”
The recently scandalous and radical Revoice brand to push “Queer Culture, Queer Literature, and Queer Theory” into PCA/ SBC churches by 2018 was actually incubated at SBTS and promoted by ERLC fellows and Associates. By 2014, Mohler and Moore held their ERLC conference on “Homosexuality and the Future of Marriage” in which Mohler apologized for being wrong about Homosexual Orientation and began to toss Reparative Therapy and the call for Repentance out the Evangelical window and under the proverbial bus. Again, this was driven by the associations of these leaders with The Gospel Coalition and APA-compliant psychologist, Mark Yarhouse, to bring the Church into step with their secular LGBTQUI+ counseling narrative while promoting the normalization and acceptance of the Marriage, Sexuality, Gender revolution.
Tim Keller has his own camp of change agents as well as his partnership through TGC to a broader camp of compromised Evangelical leaders. In 2012, Tim Keller went with two younger associates – Gabe Lyons of Q Ideas Forum (a progressive TED talks for Christians) and David Kinnaman who now runs Barna – on a visit to the Whitehouse where they met with then president Barack Obama. This meeting is outlined in their book “Good Faith…” where, under the pretext of concerns about religious freedom, this trio and another straggler or two offered to lead the Church into classic Leftist “Third Way” political compromise on the great cultural issues of our day. President Obama seemed little impressed with these self-appointed agents of change and even less came from their meeting.  However what Keller and friends placed on the table is telling indeed. They assume and assert that Christians are a small minority in the US now and must operate with “Principled Pluralism” and Civility. We must go the Third Way path to assure the broader “human flourishing “and “thriving community” of which Keller is now an avid proponent. Keller is a globalist wearing a gospel mask who has shown little care for the theological roots of his PCA associations.
In 2015, he signed the Civilitas Group document advocating deep compromise with the LGBTQUI+ community, racial identity politics, immigration and other politicized social issues. Keller and other ministers including SBC leading globalist Rick Warren and three Christian Education institutions – Wheaton College, Biola University, and Fuller Seminary – all agreed to engage “The Civilitas Theory of Social Change” designed to sway the Evangelical Church, again toward “Third Way” politics and social engagement. The document asserts that “incivility is the greatest danger faced by society” ignoring the conservative understanding of threats like open borders, redefining marriage, undermining the Constitution, and globalism in general, pose to personal, religious, and economic freedoms. Civilitas was developed in part by two Ivy League sociology departments and the University of Virginia’s Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, which boasts of its ideological and intellectual inspiration from the Frankfurt School. Keller’s work with the Civilitas Group reveals he still holds his longtime leanings toward Cultural Marxism.
Civilitas Document has been removed but can be found here. Frankfurt School Marxist roots are boasted of plainly by the contributing developers at UVAs IASC .
Keller is an agent of change in the conservative Presbyterian movement of D James Kennedy and Francis Schaeffer. His TGC message is in fact theologically Emergent (a mingled new age Christianity) cloaked in traditional Reformed Theology. TGC boast that it is a non-political gospel movement yet advocating for human flourishing for “the Common Good.” In other words, classic Christian Socialism’s false gospel. The new narrative is old school Cultural Marxism and is being shamelessly used to replace conservative values. Keller is also responsible for bringing the narrative of gay priest from the United Kingdom and the Church of England into TGC including Sam Allberry and Ed Shaw who now dare to introduce a “Church Inclusion Audit “ into both UK and US churches making demands to police private thoughts conversations, our pulpits  and force the hiring of LGBTQUI+ staff members and even advocate the requirement of couples “sharing children “ with those of other backgrounds and lifestyles in the church. This horrendous movement is becoming a part of Tim Keller and his TGC heritage /legacy in and to the church who has trusted him and others like Russell Moore .
Keller’s organization and other associated media have flooded the airways with the one-sided narrative, but the greater point of entry is provided by the near saturation of our SEMINARIES. Reformed Theological Seminary, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Covenant Seminary, Beeson Divinity School (in this writer’s city) and many more – once considered steadfast conservative and Reformed institutions – are now deeply infiltrated by the 2013 introduction of a Social Justice / Anti -Poverty / Works Driven curriculum. The young hearts and minds of our present and future pastors are being leavened as they are moved into our pulpits to destroy our church’s influence as “salt and light” in culture, elections and policy. Albert Mohler, while less open about his affiliations with such ideology, its funding and compromise is, in fact, a more effective and dangerous agent of change because of his status as a trusted conservative theological leader for decades. Mohler engages his battle through his disciple Russell Moore who now seems to love his progressive lightening rod status in the SBC.  These trusted men, Mohler / Moore / Keller and others like them privately devour our own young, sell out our collective future into a sterile and failed Christian Socialism where our children’s nation and lives and opportunity will bear little or no resemblance to our own.
If we continue to entrust the future of our churches, children and politics to the present Evangelical machinery and its leaders…we are done .We must expel  this alien social justice, neo-Marxist dogma from our seminaries before it devours our churches. The LGBTQUI+ activist have no place in the household of faith to redefine family, sexual norms and Christian Faith to fit their whims. If these things are not purged from the SBC PCA  and conservative churches  then they will turn evangelicalism  into a leftist wilderness barren of the Gospel and life giving power. Religious Freedom, Personal Freedoms, the Constitution, and Life as we know it – are gone. Why sit we here until we die? Arise! and be heard in the company of the Lord’s host.
You can read more and find documentation in great detail of these issues in the articles below.
About the Evangelical Deep State and Social Justice Curriculum
On LGBTQUI+ Telling Compromise in the Church
Collapsing Conservative America ( provides more detail and documentation of the above article)
The Emergent Church's War on the Word
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
It was, of course, inevitable that the Emergent Church would begin to have babies that were even more unbiblical than itself. Andy Stanley is one of those spiritual offspring of a departure from biblical faith and adoption by experiential religious deception. In 2016, he told a group of pastors at the Southern Baptist Convention that they needed to get the spotlight off the Bible (August 2016 “Onward” conference). Now his spiritual "children" are following suit.
Sometimes, I just get a gut feeling about something before I know exactly what is wrong with it. Such has been my experience on a new newsfeed called, “Hello Christian” which sounds so spiritual but is basically clickbait with increasingly poisonous spiritual bait articles. I’ve commented on some, ignored others. But this recently, I received one of their e-mails with an article I just couldn’t let pass.
You see, the Bible means everything to me. I was taken out of the occult and the New Age at the very young age of 15 when I had already been studying – and had been brainwashed by – those worlds since I was about 8. One of the consistent features of those worlds was the denigration of or commonizing of the Bible as if it was man-made, as if it was just like any other religious book. It was a damnable lie, one that nearly sent me to an eternal hell.
So, when I came to Jesus, the first thing God had to do was to deliver me from that spiritual madness, that utter nonsense dispensed by demons who hated and despised every word of the holy Scriptures. And after that was done, I began to devour every single word of it like a man who was starving to death. It healed me. It delivered me. It restored my sanity.
And yes, I became one of “those guys.” God said it; I believe it; that settles it.
In fact, I almost quoted that very sturdy old phrase last week while speaking at a church and trying to tell people why the Jesus movement of the 1960s-1970s was so powerful. It was owed in part to a bunch of innocent hippie kids getting saved, picking up the Bible, and daring to say, “I believe every word of this book, and I am going to live it!” And thus, the Holy Spirit had a generation of people who would carry His Word to their generation in power and authority.
It’s been a slow, slick slide down Emergent Road since then, and now all the little compromises in the church, all the seeker-friendly doors we’ve opened to welcome the world and its ways into our midst, all the strange fires we have begun to place on God’s Holy altar are revealing themselves—becoming bolder all the time because no one is manning the outposts anymore. The watchmen are asleep, and the pastors have been seduced by worldly ways and promises of empires and prosperous ease in the name of ministry.
So, I suppose I was not terribly shocked to read in the article I received by John Pavlovitz an attack on the very phrase I just mentioned.
I want to reiterate one thing and clearly proclaim another before I go any further. I want to reemphasize that the denigrating, humanizing, and commonizing of the Scriptures has always been a favorite faith destroyer of the demonic world and every false religion. Whenever you hear people saying things like (and I have heard it for years, so Mr. Pavlovitz is not original) “You shouldn’t worship the Bible,” I point out that (1) I don’t, and that (2) God thinks so highly of His Word that He says He places His Word above all His Name (Psalm 138:2). I would guess if the Creator of all things places His own Word in such high regard, we probably shouldn’t spend our feeble and misled efforts trying to get others to “get the spotlight” off it.
Pavlovitz (a pastor and author) has entered the scene to write a vague, confusing article that is sure to reassure the emergent crowd that the Bible is something to be discussed, to be unsure of, and to be generally devalued lest we “worship it.” After all, Pavlovitz reminds us, the Bible is our “mysterious ancient text.” Pavlovitz appears to be the spiritual progeny of off-the-reservation apostate Rob Bell, who helped begin this “journey” by getting us to “have a conversation” about the “shared, ancient stories of our ancient ancestors.” (As if that negates its content somehow; you know, if we can kind of imagine a group of neanderthals sitting around a fire saying, “Ug, Grog, me think God real,” then we can interpret their ancient neanderthal-like writings through our more enlightened luciferian minds. Um . . . I meant learned minds.)
As to one of my favorite expressions, “God said it, I believe it, that settles it,” Pavlovitz says:
[I]t’s an odd little religious mantra [funny how phrases like “odd little” help devalue the claim of the statement] that perfectly captures the strange, often paradoxical relationship we modern Christians have with our mysterious ancient text.
Perhaps if Pavlovitz encountered the Jesus of the Word, His Word would not seem strange and often paradoxical. Disclaimer: I don’t understand it all. I likely never will in this life. I, however, would never attempt to denigrate the findings of nuclear physicists because they are “strange and paradoxical.”
“Many of us have made The Bible the central pillar of our faith,” Pavlovitz continues,” while not really knowing what it actually says. (especially not the earlier, weirder stuff.)”
He then goes on to say that we claim without question that it is "filled with the words not 
He continues:
At this point, I must say to Mr. Pavlovitz: Stop with the allusions to earlier weirder stuff that you use to sound cool and mysterious and like you know something we don’t because you are superior in your understanding and shouldn’t have to explain what you mean (similar to Leonard Sweet’s “more magnificent way”). The only mysterious thing here is what you are saying. And I have no interest to understand you because I know where you’re taking us, and I’ve been there and done that—
You insist that the Bible “is an incredibly complex library of writings, culled from thousands of years and multiple, very human writers.” Yet the Scriptures themselves tell us that “all scripture is given by inspiration of God [God-breathed] and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16) and that “knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:20-21). That doesn’t sound like it was merely, as you implied, a product of “very human writers.” It was so much more than that. Don’t you see, you have attempted to lower it to the level of your “very carnal understanding.”
“[F]inding the irreducible core and practical application of any given passage,” you insist, “is a monumental challenge.” To this I must respond with  . . . Really? “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” How complex is that? I think Pavlovitz has missed the part about if you’re going to enter the Kingdom, you must be as a little child—not a seminary-trained mouthpiece for higher and lower criticism.
“Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” It’s simple, really.
What those like Pavlovitz are trying to do is convince people not to take the Bible that seriously because it’s too hard to understand. As I recall, that’s what Catholic priests have told their people, that they shouldn't read it because it’s just too mysterious and complex and only they can interpret it.
Pavlovitz says that rather than admit and wrestle with the obvious challenges we face in historical context writing style and author intent, too many of us simply hide behind some incendiary, line-drawing, black and white, all or nothing rhetoric. We either believe it or we don’t. Well, Mr. Pavlovitz, I am guilty as charged. Except it has nothing to do with writing style or author intent (there he goes again, ascribing human frailties to the Bible so we won’t take it that seriously.)
I’m sorry that the Bible is so vague to the emergents, but I would suggest it is they who are hiding behind the shadows of their own illusions that the Bible is vague, human written, and allows all the compromises that a book with no absolutes would afford someone.
Pavlovitz says that for “so many believers," the Bible has become a fourth addition to the Trinity, something to be blindly worshipped. This is absurd! I have been a believer for almost 50 years and have never met these many believers nor have I ever seen anyone “blindly worship” the Bible. Revere, love, count on, act on, stake their lives on, yes. But never worship. That’s just a silly and nonexistent scenario.
Pavlovitz also claims that for the earliest believers, it was simply essential reading material on the way to the Promised Land. Well, they had far more respect for the Torah than these emergents certainly do. Jesus quoted it constantly. And He didn’t say, “Let’s discuss this . . . . see what we think it might mean, see if we can come to some kind of consensus.” And as to His own words, He said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away” (Matthew 24:35).
Pavlovitz carefully preps his readers for the grand finale and the raison d’etre of his article by saying things like, “we don’t all agree on what it says or what it is and that’s okay” (spoken like a true Freudian 70s renaissance man – ‘I’m OK, you’re OK, and that’s OK!’) and, “[the Bible] is not, as we so often mischaracterize it, ‘the Word of God.’ Jesus is.” Um, yes, He is, but yes, IT is. READ.THE.BOOK. Specifically, Pavlovitz and other Word-rejecting Emergents might start with Psalm 119 which tells us exactly that. The Word of God is a lamp, is a light, etc. One can say Jesus is the Word but it is simply not biblical truth to say the Bible is not the Word of God, which is what Pavlovitz finally was bold enough to say. The Scriptures have always, and will always, testify to themselves.
It took Rob Bell hundreds of pages in Velvet Elvis to finally out with it. Pavlovitz came more quickly to the point in saying:
So says every false prophet in history. I am glad for this: At least, Pavlovitz finally came out with it: The Bible is whatever you think it is, and whatever else you “hear” or “feel” is also God’s Word. And this is how a generation opens itself up to signs and lying wonders, and eventually, the one coming who will deceive the whole world.
I do not understand all of the Scriptures. And I do not think it is right that people argue over small differences to the point of almost violence. But the problem has never been with God or His Word but rather with our pride, our human flesh. The Word itself stands on its own.
I will say again without any hesitation: God said It, I believe it, that settles it.
To all the Pavlovitzes, Bells, Sweets, and Stanleys, I will reiterate: the Scriptures say of God, “Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all thy name.” That’s as clear as it gets. Take it or leave it. You either believe it, as you say, or you don’t.
In this last day of abounding lies, may God give us the discernment to reject such hell-forged theses as have been presented by these so-called “progressive,” New Spirituality, emerging Christians and to hold firmly to the truth of His Holy Word, whose AUTHOR is the object of our worship.
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Toronto: Migrants Housed in Hotel 'Slaughtered Goats' in Public Bathrooms
Trudeau’s ‘Refugee Hotel’ Exposed!  



Other guests complain of threats, sexual harassment & piles of garbage

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
An American visitor who stayed at a hotel in Toronto where hundreds of “refugees” are being housed claims that animal services had to be called because migrants were slaughtering goats in the public bathrooms.
The claim appears in a Toronto Sun article entitled ‘Irregular’ migrants continue to flock into Toronto.
With Toronto’s migrant shelters full and 18-20 mostly Nigerian “refugees” arriving in the city every day, the government is having to pay for hotels to accommodate the newcomers, despite having already spent $64.5 million on housing migrants over the last 11 months alone.
A total of “1,719 irregular (illegal) migrants/refugees/asylum seekers” are being housed in Toronto hotels, “including 577 housed at the Radisson Toronto East hotel in 146 rooms.”
According to paying guests, the hotel has been turned into a complete hellhole.
“The reputable Tripadvisor website has been inundated in the past few weeks with scathing reviews of the hotel, calling it a “zoo, filthy, noisy and dangerous” with the lobby full of loitering refugees and halls containing graffiti and garbage,” states the article, adding that paying customers did not know 61% of the hotel was occupied by migrants.
“On Tuesday, one visitor from Virginia —calling the three-star hotel a “disgrace” —claimed that animal services needed to be called on the second night he was there because “some goats were being slaughtered” in the public bathrooms. The visitor said gunfire was also heard outside the hotel that same night.”
A series of posts from Tripadvisor also shows visitors complaining about the hotel being turned into a de facto migrant camp.
“My daughter kept getting harassed by full grown men/refugees….do not bring your kids or wife!” said one post.
“The staff should have told us it was a refugee camp,” said another.
“I have stayed at this hotel off and on, for over 16 years. It used to be a great hotel. All that has changed since it has become a refugee holding center,” said another visitor.
“My female colleagues were followed to their room by a group of men saying vulgar and sexual things….if you want to visit a third world country without leaving Toronto stay here,” said another review posted to Google.
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What is really happening at the Radisson Hotel East in ?Toronto? Hotel tourist reviews do not paint a positive picture of their brief stays at this hotel, which they refer to as being used as refugee camp by Canadian government.
Other reviews are replete with people complaining about “rude” and loud “refugees” loitering outside the building and making them feel unsafe, with bitter objections about why the hotel is still being advertised for tourists and business travelers.
Tripadvisor responded to the complaints by suspending new reviews of the hotel.
“Due to a recent event that has attracted media attention and has caused an influx of review submissions that do not describe a first-hand experience, we have temporarily suspended publishing new reviews for this listing,” states a message on the hotel’s Tripadvisor page.
One wonders how many of the visitors who complained about the behavior of the migrants staying in the hotel are also supporters of mass immigration and why they wouldn’t see an inconsistency in taking both these positions.
Refugees are also being housed in hotels in other major western cities, including in Berlin, where the government announced it would spend €600 million euros housing migrants in upmarket hotels at a cost of €18,000 per “refugee,” while the city’s 10,000 homeless population would remain on the streets.
But as Justin Trudeau has made clear on numerous occasions, all this is surely a price worth paying in order not to be thought of as racist; After all, diversity is our strength.
To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength


Tim Cook Slams New 'Religious Freedom' Laws: 'Very ...

‘Tim Cook is a clear and present danger to free societies and free people everywhere’

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Alex Jones delivers his message to Tim Cook and a warning to the world.
“Tim Cook is a clear and present danger to free societies and free people everywhere.”
Alex Jones’ Message To Tim Cook



Kate Brown was ‘shady as f**k,’ 

says former campaign manager

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Project Veritas has released undercover video showing a former campaign manager of Oregon Governor Kate Brown admitting widespread mismanagement and violations of campaign law by her office.
Michael Kolenc, who managed Brown’s 2016 campaign, revealed that Brown likely violated campaign laws by coordinating her government office to work on her campaign activities, which is forbidden by Oregon law.
Kolenc: “Well, yeah, the government side can’t direct the campaign side, which is what was happening.”
Project Veritas Journalist: “How so?”
Kolenc: “Well, the [Governor’s] chief of staff is the one who got me fired.”
Additionally, Kolenc elaborated on “low-level graft, low-level corruption” by Brown — conflicts of interest, quid-pro-quo deals, and use of government funds for campaign purposes.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Under the leadership of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the U.S. State Department has continued the Obama-era policy of forcing the militant LGBT agenda down the throats of foreign nations and peoples. From openly celebrating homosexual “pride” month and flying rainbow flags at U.S. embassies around the world to brazenly smearing biblical views on homosexuality as “bigotry” or a “phobia,” Pompeo's State Department has been haranguing governments worldwide to embrace the LGBT movement. The department has also vowed to fight alleged “discrimination” against homosexuals and those confused about their biological sex all over the planet. But critics of the increasingly radical policy pointed out that Pompeo and the U.S. government have no public mandate to force the radical homosexual agenda on foreign countries — and no constitutional authority to do so, either.  
The acronym LGBT, which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender, has become a banner used by an aggressive, well-financed and truly international movement. With help from the Obama administration and other left-wing Western governments, it has already largely hijacked the apparatus of the United Nations, even though most of its member states never consented. And apparently, operatives of the LGBT movement have been able to hijack the U.S. State Department as well, regardless of which party is in power. That means nations and peoples all over the world are facing a multi-pronged and historically unprecedented assault on their national sovereignty, self-government, traditions, beliefs, cultures, and religious views that threaten to overturn the very foundations of human civilization. Employees of the State Department are being forced into LGBT re-education programs. And U.S. taxpayers are paying for it all — to this day.    
In May, Pompeo issued a bizarre statement in honor of what he called the “International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia.” Critics noted, first of all, that Pompeo had adopted the exact language of the radical LGBT movement. This movement holds that Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and all others who reject homosexual behavior as sinful or disordered must somehow have a “phobia” — defined as an irrational fear — of homosexuals and people confused about their biological reality. “Fear and bigotry are enshrined in laws that criminalize LGBTI status or conduct in more than 70 countries,” Pompeo complained in the statement, without noting that sodomy was still a crime even in many parts of America less than two decades ago, when the Supreme Court usurped the authority to strike down centuries-old state laws banning the practice in Lawrence v. Texas.
Adding insult to injury, Pompeo even implied that the principles upon which the United States was founded somehow imply that homosexual acts and obscene pride parades in public are a fundamental “human right.” In reality, homosexual activity was a crime for virtually all of U.S. history, including in many states throughout most of Pompeo’s life. “The United States firmly opposes criminalization, violence and serious acts of discrimination such as in housing, employment and government services, directed against LGBTI persons,” Pompeo said, sounding a lot like the Obama administration and conflating rejection of the LGBT agenda with violence. “We use public and private diplomacy to raise human rights concerns, provide emergency assistance to people at risk, and impose visa restrictions and economic sanctions against those who persecute them.”
Pompeo also firmly aligned the State Department with the most radical and extreme elements of the LGBT movement — including those who demonize billions of Christians, Muslims, Jews, and others around the world as “hateful,” “intolerant,” “bigoted,” and “homophobic” for rejecting homosexuality as sinful or disordered. “On the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, the United States stands with people around the world in affirming the dignity and equality of all people regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex characteristics,” he said. “Human rights are universal, and LGBTI people are entitled to the same respect, freedoms, and protections as everyone else.” The I stands for “Intersex.”
On June 1, Secretary of State Pompeo again put out a pro-LGBT official statement in honor of what he dubbed “LGBTI Pride Month.” “The United States joins people around the world in celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) Pride Month, and reaffirms its commitment to protecting and defending the human rights of all, including LGBTI persons,” Pompeo said, without explaining when homosexual activity or “sex changes” involving genital mutilation became a “human right” or by what authority. The secretary also expressed concern that homosexuals in some parts of the world have not been free to march down the streets expressing pride in what virtually every culture and society throughout human history has regarded as sin and perversion. Indeed, the U.S. State Department has been openly supporting these “Pride” marches around the world.  
“In many parts of the world, LGBTI individuals and their supporters continue to face violence, arrest, harassment and intimidation for standing up for their human rights, participating in peaceful marches and rallies, expressing their views, and simply being who they are,” Pompeo continued. “LGBTI persons — like all persons — must be free to enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, and association, without fear of reprisal. As Americans, we place a high value on these rights and freedoms, which all persons deserve to enjoy fully and equally. The United States stands firmly with you as you exercise your human rights and fundamental freedoms. We wish you a safe and happy Pride Month.”
Of course, anyone who has ever attended an LGBT “Pride” parade or witnessed one on television knows that this is not merely a matter of “free speech” or “free expression.” Walking down the street almost naked whipping a leashed person in a leather dog costume, for example, is not a legitimate example of free speech, nor is riding on a float wearing a thong pretending to have sex with another person. In many nations around the world, such behavior is regarded as an obscenity at best — especially when children are exposed to it, something that is inevitable when these marches take place in public streets. When the U.S. government began equating obscene LGBT “Pride” parades with free speech and freedom of expression was not made clear.   
But of course, the American people never agreed to this. So controversial is the LGBT agenda that Barack Obama admitted that he lied to Americans about his views on the question when running for president. When given the opportunity to vote on homosexual “marriage,” even voters in far-left “progressive” states such as California voted to defend marriage from the LGBT movement. In some states, such as Alabama, more than eight in 10 voters rejected homosexual “marriage” at the polls. And yet Pompeo, who claims to be a conservative, is brazenly pushing this agenda on Christian and Muslim nations around the world, as if there were some objective truth to the extreme LGBT-advanced dogma that marriage and family must all be redefined to satisfy a fringe minority that hates faithful Christians, Muslims, and Jews and even the notion of objective morality.
This is probably just the beginning, though. First, the movement simply claimed it wanted to end criminal laws and mental-health labels aimed at homosexual activity. Next, it sought to put children in the hands of homosexuals via adoption. Then it sought to redefine — or undefine — marriage to include homosexual couples. And now, the movement aims to silence all criticism and opposition to the LGBT agenda, using the force of government and other forms of terror against those who defy its increasingly radical dogma. In some Western nations, it has already succeeded, criminalizing any dissent against LGBT orthodoxy. Even pastors have been jailed for preaching from the Bible. But jail for critics will not be the end point. One Western government even investigated the Bible´s verses on homosexuality and concluded that they represented a violation of “hate speech” laws.     
Writing for the pro-family organization Mass Resistance, Amy Contrada said Pompeo´s embrace of LGBT extremism was a major disappointment to conservatives — and that may be an understatement. Blasting Pompeo’s “name-calling” against Christians and Jews, Contrada argued that the secretary’s pro-LGBT statements were giving “credence to the radical ideology deeming all forms of sexual and ‘gender’ expression ‘human rights’ and that any disagreement is irrational or hateful.” Contrada also took issue with some of Pompeo’s claims and what she described as exaggerations, for instance the notion that homosexuals and gender-confused individuals are facing dangerous persecution all over the world and are in urgent need of U.S. government assistance. The reality is far less bleak for homosexuals, even in nations where sexual crimes such as adultery, rape, incest, and sodomy can theoretically be punishable by death.   
She also called out the secretary´s supposed concern for “human dignity” in all this. “How is it affirming ‘human dignity’ to define persons by their sexual proclivities, or their denial of their own biological reality?” Contrada asked. “Is it dignified to publicly celebrate one’s engagement in sodomy? Is it dignified to impersonate the opposite sex and demand access to opposite-sex facilities? Is it dignified to seek one’s own chemical and surgical castration? Is it irrational ‘homophobia’ or ‘trans-phobia’ to be concerned about these issues? Yet Pompeo apparently believes the State Department is promoting ‘human dignity’ when it officially supports vulgar LGBT pride events and flies the rainbow flag at our embassies.”  
After highlighting Pompeo’s stated concern for religious freedom, she also wondered whether Pompeo was unaware of the escalating attacks on religious freedom in America by LGBT radicals. “So-called ‘LGBT rights’ roll over anything in their path: bringing lawsuits against conservative believers over refusals to bake ‘gay’ or ‘trans’ wedding cakes; demanding transgender persons’ acceptance in public accommodations; catechizing school children on the LGBT creed against parental beliefs; censoring the serious health risks accompanying LGBT lifestyle choices, etc,” she continued. “The celebration of all things LGBT has become totalitarian. Sexual radicals now have the power to shut down websites, silence university researchers, and yank payment platforms from conservative groups. They silence debate with charges of ‘hate speech.’ They push people to self-censor.” In other Western nations, it is even worse, with pastors literally thrown in prison for publicly expressing a biblical view on sexuality.
The United Nations has also taken up the mantle, but only very recently. In fact, all of this “LGBT” extremism only came out of the closet in recent years. “Only recently have ‘LGBT rights’ — i.e., all forms of sexual and ‘gender’ expression — been declared ‘human rights’ by radical activists. So, it’s a stretch to claim that the 72 countries criminalizing ‘same-sex acts’ are violating ‘human rights,’” concluded Contrada at Mass Resistance. “Why is it acceptable for Pompeo’s State Department to attempt to force acceptance of this new ‘LGBT rights’ ideology on the majority of countries around the world that dissent? Why does LGBT cultural imperialism get a pass?... Pompeo’s incendiary vocabulary (homophobia, transphobia, biphobia) smears a majority of American citizens as irrational, deplorable bigots.… We thought we were done with this radicalism when Obama left office. Obviously not.”
While the U.S. government continues to promote the normalization of homosexuality and the advance of the radical LGBT agenda worldwide, Christians are still being massacred by the millions all over the world, often as a direct result of U.S. “foreign policy.” In Iraq, Syria, Libya, the Ivory Coast, Egypt, Afghanistan, and more, the federal government’s scheming has contributed directly to what many experts have referred to as a genocide against ancient Christian communities. Instead of using all those resources to protect homosexuals from alleged “discrimination” and laws the U.S. government does not like, perhaps that money could be better spent paying restitution to the many millions of Christians and others around the world whose lives have been totally destroyed — if not ended — by the U.S. government’s lawless interventionism.    
Rather than forcing the militant LGBT agenda on the world through tax-funded cultural imperialism, the Trump administration should clean out the radical sexual revolutionaries from their perches within the State Department and other bureaucracies. In his latest speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Trump vowed repeatedly that America would not go around the world telling other countries what to do. “I honor the right of every nation in this room to pursue its own customs, beliefs, and traditions,” he told the UN General Assembly. “The United States will not tell you how to live or work or worship.” That is what the American people voted for. It is time for Congress and the entire Trump administration to obey the Constitution and make good on that pledge.
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