“This is the day that The Swamp won”
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Donald Trump’s base of hardcore supporters is in uproar over his decision to sign a $1.3 trillion spending measure which puts more money towards walls being built in other countries than the wall that was Trump’s centerpiece campaign promise.
Despite suggesting he would veto the bill earlier in the day, Trump signed it hours later while complaining that in future he would call on Congress to, “give me a line item veto for all government spending bills.”
Trump said the $1.6 billion the bill made available for the wall along the Mexican border only equates to “short term funding, but it’s immediate.”
“We’re going to be starting work literally on Monday” on border wall projects, Trump said.
These words did little to silence the concerns of Trump’s base, which reacted with a mixture of deep disappointment and outright fury.
“March 23, 2018. This is the day that The Swamp won. Trump surrendered,” tweeted Mark Pantano.
“I will never sign another bill like this again.” Yeah, because you’ll be impeached,” chided Ann Coulter.
“ I will never sign another bill like this again”

Yeah, because you’ll be impeached.

Coulter went on to point out that the bill does more for building walls in other countries than the one Trump promised during his campaign.
“MASSIVE DEFENSE SPENDING to induct transgenders & build BIG BEAUTIFUL walls … in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Tunisia,” tweeted the conservative author.
MASSIVE DEFENSE SPENDING to induct transgenders & build BIG BEAUTIFUL walls … in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Tunisia.
“It might be my memory, or maybe I’m just getting hard of hearing, but I don’t recall chants of “dramatically increase military funding” and “protect dreamers” at Trump’s campaign events,” remarked Stefan Molyneux, who described the package as the “swamp spending bill”.
It might be my memory, or maybe I’m just getting hard of hearing, but I don’t recall chants of “dramatically increase military funding” and “protect dreamers” at Trump’s campaign events.
“If the bill is all about military funding why not just do a clean military funding bill?” asked Jack Posobiec.
If the bill is all about military funding why not just do a clean military funding bill?
“So I’m pissed off. You should be too. Enough is enough,” tweeted another popular pro-Trump account.
The negative reaction was so widespread that Trump signing the bill could turn out to be even more unpopular than his decision to strike Syria last year.
Matt Drudge summed up the mood with a black and white photo of Trump above the words “fake veto”.
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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of and Prison

President Donald Trump gives the SHOCKING reason why he did not Veto the Disastrous Spending Bill 
White House: President Trump Participates in a Bill Signing That Brings Total National Debt To $21 Trillion
Conservatives Panic As They Call For Impeachment Of Trump’s Budget Bill
Trump Based Outrage About Budget Bill; 
Planned Parenthood NOT DEFUNDED BY REPUBLICANS, Despite Their Repeated Promises
Donald Trump’s base of hardcore supporters is in uproar over his decision to sign a $1.3 trillion spending measure which puts more money towards walls being built in other countries than the wall that was Trump’s centerpiece campaign promise.
Trump Announces America’s Surrender Is Over: Watch As $50 Billion In Tariffs Are Signed Into Action
Alex Jones presents video footage of President Trump holding a press conference about US trade deals with China, and he signs into action $50 billion dollars in tariffs.
Trump Sends The Globalists A Deathblow With New Tariffs
Totalitarian China Throws The Gauntlet Down
You can thank the above the law globalist confabs for supporting a step back into the dark ages of totalitarianism. Bilderberg and Davos’ star Chinese President Xi Jingping has been given a tyrannical lifetime presidency, declared a trade war and launched a new corruption agency trampling human rights.

China hits back after US tariffs on Chinese imports

Stock markets in the US and China have plunged over fears of a trade war between the world’s two largest economies.

Beijing is hitting back at Donald Trump’s order to impose $60 biIlion worth of tariffs on Chinese imports.

China is planning $3 billion of levies on American products, including pork and steel.


Sen. Rand Paul Discusses the $1.3 Trillion 

Omnibus Spending Bill 

Oregon Gun Confiscation, Omnibus Bill and Betrayal

The Patriot Nurse Unloads Her Frustrations


 Alex Jones covers the fiery spread of Nationalist Populism in the Western world after this groundbreaking speech by the head of the Hungarian Parliament.
The March 15th, 500k strong, Freedom March in Budapest, Hungary
ends with epic Viktor Orban speech.
Speech topics: ⬇️
2:39 Hungary and Poland are natural allies
4:33 The importance of the April 2018 parliamentary election
5:55 Shall we be slaves or free?
7:28 Western Europeans are losing their homeland
9:11 National vs. globalist forces in Europe
10:30 Hungary will fight leftist globalist forces
13:00 The Kalergi Plan
15:38 Leftist political candidates financed by Soros
18:33 Hungary vs. the immoral leftist
19:53 Cowardly people have no homeland
22:33 Why Hungary has a right to exist
24:52 Young people, value having a homeland
26:41 A prayer for Hungary: Long live the homeland

The Full Text of Viktor Orbán’s Speech

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Earlier today we posted a video with a subtitled excerpt of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s speech on March 15. Below is the full translated text of his speech (video of the full speechoriginal source for the text):
“Salutations to you, Hungarian freedom, on this the day you are born!”
Ladies and Gentlemen, Compatriots, Hungarians around the World,
With a cockade sewn by Júlia Szendrey pinned to his chest, a volume of poems in his pocket, and the still thrilling experience of the Revolution in his head, these are the words with which the poet Sándor Petőfi welcomed the fifteenth of March in his journal. Salutations to you, Hungarian freedom, on this the day you are born! And today also, one hundred and sixty-eight years later, it is with unfettered joy, the optimism of early spring, high hopes and an elevated spirit that across the Carpathian Basin we celebrate — from Beregszász to Szabadka, from Rimaszombat to Kézdivásárhely: every Hungarian with one heart, one soul and one will.
Just as then in the decisive battles of the Freedom Fight, now also Hungarian hearts are cheered by the fact that we have with us a Polish legion. I welcome the spirited successors of General Bem: we welcome the sons of the Polish nation. As always throughout our shared thousand-year history, now, too, we are standing by you in the battle you are fighting for your country’s freedom and independence. We are with you, and we send this message to Brussels: more respect to the Polish people, more respect to Poland! Greetings to you. It is a sign of the shared fate of Poland and Hungary that another glorious revolution of ours — that of 1956 — was born between the Bem Statue and Kossuth tér in Budapest. It rose up with the unstoppable force of our glorious ancestors, and by the evening it had dragged the Soviet generalissimo out of his boots.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
By nature, Hungarians stand up for what is right when the need arises. What is more, they fight for it if needs be, but do not seek out trouble for its own sake. They know that they can often achieve more through patience than through sabre-rattling. This is why those like us are rarely given to revolutions. We have only gone down that path twice in one hundred and seventy years. When we did follow that path, we had reason to do so: we felt that our lungs would burst if we could not breathe in freedom. We threw ourselves into it, and once we had started a revolution, we did so in style. Modern European history has preserved both Hungarian revolutions among the glorious memories of the world: two blazing stars, two national uprisings bursting forth in 1848 and 1956 from Hungarian aspirations and Hungarian interests. Glory to the heroes, honour to the brave. Chroniclers have also recorded the revolution of 1918-19, but the memories of that period are not preserved on the pages of glory; indeed, not only are those memories written on different pages, but they appear in a different volume altogether. The 1918-19 revolution can be found in the volume devoted to Bolshevik anti-Hungarian subversions launched in the service of foreign interests and foreign ambitions; it features under the heading “appalling examples of intellectual and political degeneracy”. Yes, we Hungarians have two revolutionary traditions: one leads from 1848, through 1956 and the fall of communism, all the way to the Fundamental Law and the current constitutional order; the bloodline of the other tradition leads from Jacobin European ancestors, through 1919, to communism after World War II and the Soviet era in Hungary. Life in Hungary today is a creation of the spiritual heirs and offspring of the ‘48 and ‘56 revolutions. Today, as then, the heartbeat of this revolutionary tradition moves and guides the nation’s political, economic and spiritual life: equality before the law, responsible government, a national bank, the sharing of burdens, respect for human dignity and the unification of the nation. Today, as then, the ideals of ‘48 and ‘56 are the pulse driving the life force of the nation, and the intellectual and spiritual blood flow of the Hungarian people. Let us give thanks that this may be so, let us give thanks that finally the Lord of History has led us onto this path. Soli Deo gloria!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Not even the uplifting mood of a celebration day can let us forget that the tradition of 1919, too, is still with us — though fortunately its pulse is just a faint flicker. Yet at times it can make quite a noise. But without a host animal, its days are numbered. It is in need of another delivery of aid from abroad in the form of a major intellectual and political infusion; unless it receives this, then after its leaves and branches have withered, its roots will also dry up in the Hungarian motherland’s soil, which is hostile to internationalism. And this is all well and good.
A decent person who raises his children and works hard to build the course of his life does not usually end up as a revolutionary. The right-thinking person who stands on his own two feet and has control over his future knows that upheavals and the sudden upending of the ordinary course of life rarely ends well. The person of goodwill who seeks a life of serene and peaceful progress knows that trying to take two steps at once leads to your tripping over your own legs, and instead of moving forward, you will land flat on your face. And yet these right-thinking people of goodwill, these upstanding citizens of Pest instantly rallied to the call of our revolutions, marching at the front, right behind the university students. They formed the backbone of the revolutions and freedom fights, and they were to pay with their own blood for the honour of the Hungarian people. Every revolution is like the people who make it. On the committee which oversaw order during the 15 March revolution, in the shadow of the colossal figures of Petőfi and Vasvári, we find the furrier Máté Gyurkovics, and the button-maker György Molnár. Our revolutions were led by respectable citizens, military officers, lawyers, writers, doctors, engineers, honest tradespeople, farmers and workers with a sense of national duty: Hungarians who embodied the nation’s best aspects, our homeland’s very best. Hungarian revolutionaries are not warriors for hare-brained ideologies, deranged utopias or demented, unsolicited plans for world happiness; in Pest you find no traces of the illusory visions of quack philosophers or the raging resentment of failed intellectuals. The revolutionaries of 1848 did not want to salvage stones from the ruins of absolutist oppression in order to build a temple to yet another tyranny; therefore the Hungarian revolution’s songs were not written in honour of the steel blade of the guillotine or the rope of the gallows. Our songs are not sung by lynch mobs or execution-thirsty crowds; the Pest revolution is not a hymn to chaos, revenge, or butchery. The 1848 Revolution is a solemn and dignified moment in our history, when the wounds of the glorious Hungarian nation opened once again. Springing from constitutional roots, it demanded the granting and return of the rights seized from and denied to the nation. It is exhilarating, but sober; ecstatic but practical; glorious, but temperate. It is Hungarian to the core.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Three weeks before his death in battle, in his last letter to János Arany, Sándor Petőfi asked the following question: “So what are you going to do?” When we, his modern descendants, read this, it is as if he is asking us the same question. So what are you going to do? How will you make use of your inheritance? Are the Hungarian people still worthy of their ancestors’ reputation? Do you know the law of the Hungarians of old — that whatever you do should not only be measured by its utility, but also by universal standards? This is because your deeds must pass the test not only here, but also in eternity.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We have our inheritance, the Hungarian people still exist, Buda still stands, we are who we were, and we shall be who we are. Our reputation travels far and wide; clever people and intelligent peoples acknowledge the Hungarians. We adhere to the ancient law, and also measure our deeds by universal standards. We teach our children that their horizon should be eternity. Whether we shall succeed, whether finally we see the building of a homeland which is free, independent, worthy and respected the world over — one which was raised high by our forebears from 1848, and for which they sacrificed their lives — we cannot yet know. We do know, however, that the current European constellation is an unstable one, and so we have some testing times ahead. The times in which we live press us with this question, which is like a hussar’s sabre held to our chest: “Shall we live in slavery or in freedom?” The destiny of the Hungarians has become intertwined with that of Europe’s nations and has grown to be so much a part of the union that today not a single people — including the Hungarian people — can be free if Europe is not free. And today Europe is as fragile, weak and sickly as “a flower being eaten away by a hidden worm.” Today, 168 years after the great Wars of Independence of the European peoples, Europe, our common home is not free!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Europe is not free. Because freedom begins with speaking the truth. Today in Europe it is forbidden to speak the truth. Even if it is made of silk, a muzzle is a muzzle. It is forbidden to say that those arriving are not refugees, but that Europe is threatened by migration. It is forbidden to say that tens of millions are ready to set out in our direction. It is forbidden to say that immigration brings crime and terror to our countries. It is forbidden to point out that the masses arriving from other civilizations endanger our way of life, our culture, our customs and our Christian traditions. It is forbidden to point out that those who arrived earlier have have already built up their own new, separate world for themselves, with its own laws and ideals, which is forcing apart the thousand-year-old structure of Europe. It is forbidden to point out that this is not an accidental and unintentional chain of consequences, but a preplanned and orchestrated operation; a mass of people directed towards us. It is forbidden to say that in Brussels they are concocting schemes to transport foreigners here as quickly as possible and to settle them here among us. It is forbidden to point out that the purpose of settling people here is to reshape the religious and cultural landscape of Europe, and to reengineer its ethnic foundations. — thereby eliminating the last barrier to internationalism: the nation-states. It is forbidden to say that Brussels is now stealthily devouring more and more slices of our national sovereignty, and that in Brussels many are now making a plan for a United States of Europe — for which no one has ever given authorisation.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today’s enemies of freedom are cut from a different cloth than the royal and imperial rulers of old, or those who ran the Soviet system; they use a different set of tools to force us into submission. Today they do not imprison us, they do not transport us to concentration camps, and they do not send in tanks to occupy countries loyal to freedom. Today the international media’s artillery bombardments, denunciations, threats and blackmail are enough — or rather, have been enough so far. The peoples of Europe are slowly awakening, they are regrouping, and will soon regain ground. Europe’s beams that rest on the suppression of truth are creaking and cracking. The peoples of Europe may have finally understood that their future is at stake: Now not only are their prosperity, cosy lives, jobs at stake, but our very security and the peaceful order of our lives are menaced as well. At last, the peoples of Europe, who have been slumbering in abundance and prosperity, have understood that the principles of life that Europe has been built on are in mortal danger. Europe is the community of Christian, free, and independent nations; equality of men and women; fair competition and solidarity; pride and humility; justice and mercy.
This time the danger is not attacking us the way wars and natural disasters do, suddenly pulling the rug from under our feet. Mass migration is a slow stream of water persistently eroding the shores. It is masquerading as a humanitarian cause, but its true nature is the occupation of territory. And what is gaining territory for them is losing territory for us. Flocks of obsessed human rights defenders feel the overwhelming urge to reprimand us and to make allegations against us. Allegedly we are hostile xenophobes, but the truth is that the history of our nation is also one of inclusion. and the history of intertwining of cultures. Those who have sought to come here as new family members, as allies, or as displaced persons fearing for their lives have been let in to make a new home for themselves. But those who have come here with the intention of changing our country, shaping our nation in their own image, those who have come with violence and against our will, — have always been met with resistance.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
At first, they talk about only a few hundred, a thousand or two thousand relocated people. But not a single responsible European leader would dare to swear under oath that this couple of thousand will not eventually increase to tens or hundreds of thousands. If we want to halt this mass migration, first we must curb Brussels. The main danger to Europe’s future does not come from those who want to come here, but from Brussels’ fanatical internationalism. We should not allow Brussels to place itself above the law. We shall not allow it to force upon us the bitter fruit of its cosmopolitan immigration policy. We shall not import to Hungary crime, terrorism, homophobia and synagogue-burning anti-Semitism. There shall be no urban districts beyond the reach of the law, there shall be no mass disorder, No immigrant riots here, and there shall be no gangs hunting down our women and daughters. We shall not allow others to tell us whom we can let into our home and country, whom we will live alongside, and with whom we will share our country. We know how these things go. First we allow them to tell us whom we must take in, then they force us to serve foreigners in our own country. In the end we find ourselves being told to pack up and leave our own land. Therefore we reject the forced resettlement scheme, and we shall tolerate neither blackmail, nor threats.
The time has come to ring the warning bell. The time has come for opposition and resistance. The time has come to gather allies to us. The time has come to raise the flag of proud nations. The time has come to prevent the destruction of Europe, and to save the future of Europe. To this end, regardless of party affiliation, we call on every citizen of Hungary to unite, and we call on every European nation to unite. The leaders and citizens of Europe must no longer live in two separate worlds. We must restore the unity of Europe. We the peoples of Europe cannot be free individually if we are not free together. If we unite our forces, we shall succeed; if we pull in different directions, we shall fail. Together we are strength, disunited we are weakness. Either together, or not at all — today this is the law.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In 1848 it was written in the book of fate that nothing could be done against the Habsburg Empire. If we had then resigned ourselves to that outcome, our fate would have been sealed, and the German sea would have swallowed up the Hungarians. In 1956 it was written in the book of fate that we were to remain an occupied and sovietised country, until patriotism was extinguished in the very last Hungarian. If then we had resigned ourselves to that outcome, our fate would have been sealed, and the Soviet sea would have swallowed up the Hungarians. Today it is written in the book of fate that hidden, faceless world powers will eliminate everything that is unique, autonomous, age-old and national. They will blend cultures, religions and populations, until our many-faceted and proud Europe will finally become bloodless and docile. And if we resign ourselves to this outcome, our fate will be sealed, and we will be swallowed up in the enormous belly of the United States of Europe. The task which awaits the Hungarian people, the nations of Central Europe and the other European nations which have not yet lost all common sense is to defeat, rewrite and transform the fate intended for us. We Hungarians and Poles know how to do this. We have been taught that one can only look danger in the face if one is brave enough. We must therefore drag the ancient virtue of courage out from under the silt of oblivion. First of all we must put steel in our spines, and we must answer clearly, with a voice loud enough to be heard far and wide, the foremost, the single most important question determining our fate: The question upon which the future of Europe stands or falls is this: “Shall we be slaves or men set free — That is the question, answer me!”
Go for it Hungary, go for it Hungarians!

How Hungary Cut Illegal Immigration By Over 99%




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Don’t miss it!
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Company’s Chief Executive Officer defends anti-gun policy in email provided exclusively to Infowars

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Citigroup announced Thursday it’s implementing restrictions on client firearm sales, making it the first major bank to impose such gun control measures.
In an email to employees provided to Infowars, Citigroup Chief Executive Officer Mike Corbat detailed new policies applying to “small business, commercial and institutional clients, as well as credit card partners.”
The policy is ostensibly “designed to respect the rights of responsible gun owners while helping keep firearms out of the wrong hands.”
Citi’s new “US Commercial Firearms Policy” requires firearms only be sold to people age 21 or older, that gun purchasers pass a background check, and restricts sales of bump stocks or “high-capacity magazines.”
If retail clients refuse to enact Citi’s “best practices over the coming months,” they are free to part ways with the bank, Corbat wrote.
“If they opt not to, we will respect their decision and work with them to transition their business away from Citi,” reads the email to employees.
Additionally, potential clients would be screened to ensure their businesses adhere to the new policy.
Corbat, who claims to be “an avid outdoorsman and responsible gun owner,” says the new restrictions are a great compromise for Second Amendment advocates and anti-gunners.
“We don’t have the perfect solution to supporting our Constitution while keeping our children and grandchildren safe,” he writes, adding, “But we shouldn’t let that stop us from doing our part.”
The bank’s announcement comes in the wake of a massive gun control push following a school shooting in Parkland, Florida that left 17 dead and several injured.
Read Corbat’s internal email below, provided exclusively to Infowars by a Citigroup employee:


Big banks now writing their own “laws” US citizens must obey

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Citigroup is trying to force gun control on the US population outside of Congress. This must be stopped now or else you will never have a voice in government again.
We also have to stop other big corporations from doing the same. What are YOU going to do about it?


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research 
Muslim migrants invade the Basilica of Saint-Denis, which is in a heavily Muslim area 
of France. By the end of the video, police line the doorway to the church, preventing 
the Muslim migrants from entering. This is a glimpse into the future of France. Before 
too long, anytime a church service is going on, there will have to be a squadron of 
police lining the entrances.
Far-left activists and illegal migrants invaded the Basilica of Saint-Denis on Sunday 
to protest the French government’s new asylum law before they were forcibly 
removed by police, resulting in evening mass being cancelled.
Around 80 illegal migrants and far-left activists from the group Coordination des 
Sans-Papiers (CSP 75) protested the new law holding up banners, Le Parisien reports.
After around an hour of occupying the Basilica, police were called and arrived to 
remove the protesters and illegal immigrants. The area was cleared by around 
5:30 pm but evening mass was cancelled in case the protesters returned.


When public school officials in Middleburgh, New York, called an assembly and used it to promote outrageous anti-Second Amendment propaganda demonizing American gun owners, at least one student objected. After the assembly, 17-year-old Christian Breault expressed his concerns about it to other students. In response, Breault was attacked by an indoctrinated anti-gun student who had become agitated from the propaganda pushed by the school. And when Breault defended himself from the bully, the same school officials who sought to indoctrinate the children with their agenda punished him for it.
 Student Assaulted for Pro-Second Amendment Views, Then Suspended for Defending Himself
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research 
Demonstrators raise their fists in the air during a student-led march against gun violence at the Civic Center Plaza Wednesday, March 14, 2018, in San Francisco (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
PJ Media previously reported on the story of a 17-year-old high school student from Farmington, Conn., who was originally blocked from participating in a school assembly on March 14 where she had planned to present her conservative and pro-Second Amendment views. Thanks to the attention her story received, the student, Ashley Dummit, was eventually able to participate, and gave a speech at the assembly in defense of Second Amendment rights. In fact, she ended up being the only speaker at the assembly.
Unfortunately, not all incidents involving pro-Second Amendment students have ended so well.
Another high school student, 17-year-old Christian Breault, a senior at Middleburgh Junior/Senior High School, in Middleburgh, N.Y., found himself physically attacked for standing up for the Second Amendment when his school participated in the nationwide walkout on March 14. After the school participated in the walkout, an assembly was held in the school, featuring local law enforcement and community leaders to talk to the students about school safety. Instead of safety, the assembly turned political, tensions rose, and Christian found himself targeted for defending the Second Amendment. His father, Brian Breault, spoke out about the incident on Facebook:
Today the school my son, Christian, attends participated in the National School Walkout for Gun Control and School Safety. The school held an assembly after the walkout bringing in community leaders and law enforcement to speak. Toward the end of the assembly they showed an Anti-NRA video vilifying the gun organization and its members (American citizens).
Following the dismissal of the assembly Christian engaged in a conversation with other students who felt the assembly was not handled well. Christian expressed he felt the Anti-NRA video was over the top and he found it offensive. Another student not involved in the conversation threatened him for his view on the video going as far as telling the school nurse that he would punch Christian in the face if he didn't stop defending the NRA. The nurse told the student he could not say that and no further action was taken.
The incident did not end there. Later that afternoon, Christian was assaulted by the other student while he was leaving class. Christian was punched twice in the side of the head before defending himself. The teen's father told PJ Media, “Christian defended himself, punching the kid in the jaw, causing him to fall to the floor. The kid got up and threw an object at Christian, which he deflected.” The student was suspended for three days, and Christian for a day, just for defending himself. When Mr. Breault asked why the nurse failed to report the threat of violence against his son, no explanation was given except that “they would look into it.”
Mr. Breault spoke with the principal about the incident. The principal “was very combative and condescending to my concerns of the breakdown in keeping Christian safe,” Breault said.
The video shown during the assembly was CNN’s “We Call B.S.” and features Stoneman Douglas High School senior and shooting witness Emma Gonzales giving an angry political speech attacking the NRA and members of Congress. No alternative perspectives were shown. The presentation of the video was approved by the principal. Breault, a member of the NRA, believes the video incited the violence directed against his son, and faults the school for failing to address the threat made against him that was witnessed by the school nurse.
Brian Dunn, the superintendent of the school district, later apologized for the presentation of the video:
Dear Middleburgh Central Schools community,
On Wednesday, March 14th, the Jr./Sr. High School held a school safety assembly for students. The purpose of the assembly was to give administrators and law enforcement the chance to speak with students regarding how the district handles school safety and answer any questions students may have had. During the assembly, a video was shown that changed the focus of the conversation from school safety to politics. This was not our desired outcome for the event, and we regret and sincerely apologize for that result.
Conversations are happening across America about how we can keep students safe in school. No matter where you stand on this issue, we can all agree that student safety should be our top priority.
Brian Breault told PJM he believes this incident could have been prevented—especially in the wake of the Parkland school shooting. “The warning signs were so blatant with the shooter, Nicholas Cruz, that the shooting could have been prevented,” he said. Breault believes the warning signs that the student who assaulted his son was also violent were obvious as well. “This kid comes from a troubled home and has been disciplined by the school in the past. Then a faculty member is aware that he’s made a threat, and completely drops the ball. We can’t allow our schools to take threats lightly anymore. Threats need to be taken seriously and warnings need to be recognized and addressed,” he said. After the student threatened his son, he was only told by the school nurse that he “can’t say things like that."
It’s troubling that students aren’t being taught to respect the views of others who disagree with them and instead are resorting to violence to silence them. “I don’t understand how you can protest one form of violence with another form of violence,” says Breault.
And the worst part is that Christian, a deferred entry Naval recruit, was suspended for defending himself. Christian also spoke with PJM about the incident. “I personally feel my suspension shows the failure in our society and schools. My constitutional rights were violated by this student, and I defended my rights and myself from him,” he said. The school’s response to Christian defending himself from being physically attacked could have severe consequences for his future. “This goes on my permanent record, which can hurt my career in the Navy when I go for promotions and my investigation for my Top Secret Security Clearance,” he explained. Christian believes this sends a bad message to young people. “It teaches our young that they cannot defend themselves without being punished.”
At publishing time, Christian’s suspension for defending himself still stands and will be on his permanent record.


YouTube Bans Guns From Its Platform

YouTube Announces Plans To Kill The 1st And 2nd Amendments

Tim Harmsen joins Alex Jones live via Skype to lay out his experience with YouTube censorship and the observation that law-abiding, gun enthusiasts are singled out by their new policies.

YouTube Uses New “Fact Checking” 

Service To Smear Channels They Don’t Like

Jake Lloyd discusses YouTube’s new use of Wikipedia articles to “fact-check” videos that don’t fit their narrative.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

USA – -( About 11 months ago, this is how I started the show…. Yea… at the time I fully believed that YouTube was not in fact going to come down hard on gun content creators. It seems as though I was completely wrong. As you guys may have seen by now YouTube has released a new policy about guns. I’ll break this down the best I can and then we’ll talk about what all of this means.
To my knowledge, this is the first time Youtube has actually segregated out firearms into its own category. The policy states that youtube prohibits certain kinds of content featuring firearms. OH BOY. Then they get into specifics. They don’t allow content that intends to sell firearms or firearm accessories privately or links to sites that sell guns. Even more specifically, they outline accessories that “enable a firearm to simulate automatic fire or convert a firearm to automatic fire” … like bump stocks, binary triggers, etc. They also specifically mention everyone’s favorite vague term… high capacity magazines but they actually define it as mags or belts that hold more than 30 rounds. Drum mags be damned.
It keeps going. They dont allow content that provides instructions on manufacturing a firearm, ammunition, high capacity magazines, homemade silencers, or accessories like they mentioned in the other portion. So if you show how to complete an 80% gun, say goodbye. If you show how to reload ammo, say goodbye.

And the last and quite possibly the worst part… they don’t allow content that shows users how to install any of the aforementioned accessories. HOLY ____. This is insane.

Think about it this way… someone could argue that simply inserting a magazine into a gun is showing how to install that accessory. Someone could argue that simply taking the gun apart and reassembling it would be demonstrating how to build it. No more gunsmithing videos, no more reloading videos, no more educational content about guns AT ALL. And god forbid you give a positive review. That could be argued as a marketing or sales tool and you could have your channel shut down for simply talking about a product you actually like. Someone could argue that training on how to more proficiently use your firearms would a violation as it might make you shoot faster. On top of all of this… they recommend that people report policy violations by flagging the video. What that means is that youtube is opening the door to an entire subculture of undereducated anti gun people to come in and flag every little piece of gun related content they see and shut us down across the board. THIS IS BAD.
And this goes far beyond just us content creators. They are essentially silencing an entire industry. Imagine if the main resource for gun related content suddenly disappears. The direct line to a massive number of consumers would disappear overnight and I am very skeptical of anyone’s ability to bring them to a new platform in great enough volume to effect change. And the world would keep moving forward while the gun industry remains behind.
Some might say, well what about Facebook? What about instagram? Well first those are both owned by Facebook, which in recent months has shifted its algorithm and will continue to do so and push people AWAY from business pages and in a more general term, away from firearms related content. The days of easily distributing content on Facebook and instagram as a business are behind us now. And you might think, im not a business or a content creator, why does that matter? If the gun industry disappears from a platform, and you are completely unaware of what is happening, sales will PLUMMET and the gun industry will suffer in a big way.
This is not a joke. Its not April fools. This is one of the largest controllers of internet traffic, silencing an entire law abiding industry.
Which begs the question… can this be stopped? That’s really tough to say. We were able to bring channels back from the dead like Hikock45 with a huge concentrated effort and I would like to hope that YouTube’s policies can be shifted with a similar effort. You need to let youtube know that this is NOT okay. You can send them a message directly on the gun policy page thats linked in the description, OR you can hit them on social media everywhere and let both Google and YouTube know that you will not be silenced.

The Gun CollectiveThe Gun Collective

As far as TGC goes, This will absolutely impact us a big way. Without knowing exactly how things will shake out, I can’t predict the exact path but this could be a big problem. You can rest assured I am on it. I’ve already contacted YouTube looking for true clarification on all of this. If you guys want to support what we do here and stay up to date on gun news AND this attack on the firearms industry you can do that on, There is a link down in description for that. Stay tuned because I will have more for you guys tomorrow. When I know something, you’ll know something.

YouTube Bans / Censors Major Gun Manufacturer Without Warning


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

Spike’s Tactical YouTube ChannelSpike’s Tactical YouTube Channel : “This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy against spam, deceptive practices, and misleading content or other Terms of Service violations.”

APOPKA, Fla. –-( On Tuesday, YouTube banned the channel belonging to Spike’s Tactical, a well-known gun and AR-15 manufacturer, without prior notice or warnings.
When thousands of Spike’s Tactical followers now attempt to visit the company’s YouTube channel, a red banner says, “This account has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy against spam, deceptive practices, and misleading content or other Terms of Service violations.”
However, according to representatives from Spike’s Tactical, they claim they have not received any prior warnings about the content of their channel and feel they are being targeted because they are a gun manufacturer and for their vocal support for conservative issues.
“This is without question an attack on free speech,” said Kit Cope, marketing director of Spike’s Tactical. “We feel strongly that after they get done going after guns, they’ll continue to ban and erase content that falls in line with conservative ideologies like they have already demonstrated with the deletion of anti-abortion videos and the like.”
While Spike’s Tactical has been known for delivering controversial marketing materials across other mediums, their YouTube page has remained nearly entirely educational and served the purpose of demonstrating their products.
“While we rarely believe in government intervention, with the recent exposure of Google, YouTube and Facebook’s power and their demonstrated manipulation of the masses, we believe something needs to be done to ensure the public is able to continue to be able to express themselves freely, even if it is something we don’t necessarily agree with, but especially when it is something that is constitutionally defined as a right,” said Cope.
In addition to this recent issue with YouTube, Facebook has continually prohibited Spike’s Tactical for paying to boost their posts because they are a gun manufacturer, representatives from the company said.
About Spike’s TacticalSpike's Tactical logo
Spike’s Tactical was founded the day before 9/11 by Mike and Angela Register and is headquartered in Apopka, Florida. The family-owned business employs around 40 people and all products are made exclusively in the USA and assembled in Florida. Spike’s Tactical is regarded as one of the premier AR-15 manufacturers in the world. Their mission is to build the highest quality products and offer them at the best possible price to the consumer. Spike’s Tactical weapons are designed to military specifications for civilian, law enforcement and military use. All products manufactured by Spike’s Tactical feature a manufacturer’s lifetime warranty.


Video platform moving against 1st and 2nd Amendment

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
YouTube is shutting down virtually all videos featuring firearms, infuriating many users.
According to YouTube’s updated restrictions, the site no longer allows content that “Intends to sell firearms or certain firearms accessories through direct sales…or links to sites that sell these items.”
The unprecedented decision is a major move against free speech, as there are thousands of gun channels on YouTube who didn’t receive any warning of the upcoming “transition.”
“As much as I appreciate that they are now defining their guidelines much more clear…they have imposed this NEW rule without talking to anyone beforehand and there is no transitional period,” saidJörg Sprave, a YouTuber who produces weapons demo videos.
“Many gun channels must now be afraid, as they might get plenty of strikes in no time for older videos and then lose their channels. They should at least get some time to clean up their videos so the new rules are kept. Again, not the way you treat ‘partners.’”
For example, YouTube has wiped out all the videos of Spike’s Tactical, a firearms company affiliated with Infowars, for “repeated or severe violations of our community guidelines.”
“The Liberal Left will slowly chip away at our freedoms and erode our rights, and the first step is to squelch our voice,” the firearms company said in a statement.
“To say we’re f*cking pissed is an understatement. However, we are not backing down from these bitches. SHALL NOT INFRINGE!”
YouTube issued a statement defending its decision.
“We routinely make updates and adjustments to our enforcement guidelines across all of our policies,” a YouTube spokeswoman said. “While we’ve long prohibited the sale of firearms, we recently notified creators of updates we will be making around content promoting the sale or manufacture of firearms and their accessories.”



“They asked me if I’d like to debate this gentleman, and I said ‘no.’ 

I said, ‘If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and 

beat the hell out of him.’”


Joe child touching, smelling and whispering condensed:

This is compiled footage from this playlist where Joe Biden is doing at best creepy things to the young girls.

Former Vice President Joe Biden took fresh jabs at President Donald Trump on Tuesday while speaking at an anti-sexual assault rally, telling students at the University of Miami that he probably would have “beat the hell out” of Trump if they’d attended school together.
“A guy who ended up becoming our national leader said, ‘I can grab a woman anywhere and she likes it,’” Biden said. “They asked me if I’d like to debate this gentleman, and I said ‘no.’ I said, ‘If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.’”
“I’ve been in a lot of locker rooms my whole life,” Biden continued. “I’m a pretty damn good athlete. Any guy that talked that way was usually the fattest, ugliest S.O.B. in the room.”
Biden made the comments Tuesday afternoon at the university’s “It’s on Us” rally, an event aiming to change on-campus culture surrounding sexual assault.

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:Former Vice President Joe Biden took fresh jabs at President Donald Trump on Tuesday while speaking at an anti-sexual assault rally, telling students at the University of Miami that he probably would have “beat the hell out” of Trump if they’d attended school together.“A guy who ended up becoming our national leader said, ‘I can grab a woman anywhere and she likes it,’” Biden said. “They asked me if I’d like to debate this gentleman, and I said ‘no.’ I said, ‘If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.’”“I’ve been in a lot of locker rooms my whole life,” Biden continued. “I’m a pretty damn good athlete. Any guy that talked that way was usually the fattest, ugliest S.O.B. in the room.”

Creepy Uncle Joe Calls For Violence Against The President, AGAIN

Alex Jones presents two video clips of Former Vice President Joe Biden calling for violence against the President on two separate occasions. Is Creepy Joe be trying to instigate violence?
 Nullify Biden’s 
 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas says the 2nd Amendment is “a disfavored right in this court (SCOTUS)”. School safety is NOT the responsibility of the President or the federal government. Joe Biden’s 1990 “Gun-Free School Act” has already been nullified by many Sheriffs and schools but some teachers are pushing back.

Monday, June 5, 2017



Friday, January 20, 2017




China has officially announced their plan to carry out a social score system that uses any and all data compiled on your activity to allow you permission for freedom through an ‘adequate’ score.

China: Model of New World Order

A Tale of Two Dictators — One the pet of the globalists, the other a pariah. Both Putin & President Xi Jinping are looking like lifelong dictators in the pattern of Stalin & Mao. But any move against China’s unfair trade practices gets heavy push back from the globalists, while any attempt to ease the Cold War tensions with Russia is just as heavily attacked. William F. Jasper joins David Knight to talk about the consolidation of authoritarian power taking place in China.

The Mark of the Beast

The mark of the beast is coming soon. Getting the mark of the beast will have eternal consequences.
Learn what the mark of the beast is, who will get it, and when they will get it.
What will happen to you if you get the mark of the beast? What if you refuse it?
Revelation 13 contains a Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled very soon. It will affect you and every other person on earth. Satan does not want you to know what the mark of the beast is. Take a few minutes to learn about this important Bible prophecy.

Don’t get the mark of the beast

If you worship the beast and receive his mark you will receive the complete wrath of God. The book of Revelation in the Bible gives us this strong warning:
“If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink of the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath.” Revelation 14:9,10
If you get the mark of the beast God’s complete wrath will be poured out on you.

Mark is required

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17
When you are required by law to get the mark of the beast and when you can’t buy or sell without it how will you live?



Facebook, Google, And Twitter Work With Communist China To Create Global Social Score

Alex Jones exposes how major American social media sites are working with Communist China to create a social score ranking system that will dictate your place in a surreal, socialist utopia.
China Banning Citizens with Low Social Credit 
from Planes & Trains

China’s Freedom-Crushing “Social Credit Score”

China Begins Mark Of The Beast Social Credit Score System In 16 Cities

Alex Jones breaks down how China has started implementing their social credit score system in 16 cities across their country, helping to fulfill the mark of the beast vision in the Book of Revelations.


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

USA – -( We have all heard the false argument that we don’t need an AR-15 to hunt deer. You don’t have to be a Constitutional Scholar to know that the purpose of the 2nd Amendment was not to protect hunting. Normally, I would argue that we should be more forceful and honest about the purpose of our right to “keep and bear arms.” However, there is good reason to take a different tack on the issue of age restrictions. Future generations will find it hard to care about protecting an instrument they don’t understand.
In recent weeks several states have managed to pass increased age restrictions on purchasing guns and ammo. Illinois even went so far as to confiscate most semi-auto long guns and handguns from those under 21. Don’t be fooled, the Left is expert at long term political strategy. This is a game of attrition.

There is much to fear if gun ownership is not a reality for an adult in the formative years between 18 and 21.

Hunting participation is down significantly. In 2016 the US Fish & Wildlife Service revealed that hunter numbers declined by 2 million participants since 2011, a 14.8% decrease. The more telling and problematic figure is that hunting expenditures dropped 29% from $36.3 billion to $25.6 billion in the same 5-year period. In other words, hunters are less involved with the sport, spending less on themselves and those they take with them – the next generation.
Many of us remember the anticipation and excitement as youth of toting our own long gun afield. Even more exciting was the day we saved up enough money to purchase our own bang stick. After all, despite what we tell our spouses, half the fun in hunting is buying cool new toys that we “need.”
My old man grew up in a small logging town in the Northwest. He loves to recite the story of his first gun purchase. At 12 years old he asked his mother to write him a permission slip so he could purchase a rifle at the local shop. With permission in hand he rode his bicycle down the street to pick out a surplus rifle. This was the 1950’s and WWI-WWII era Springfield 1903s were easy to come by. A 12 year old purchased a literal “weapon of war” – I hope the Left doesn’t mind me borrowing their spin-doctor. He strapped it to his handlebars and peddled home. I’m sure a sizeable population of critters fell to that rifle.
I doubt my father would have purchased such a thing if he didn’t have the prospect of chasing down a Blacktail or a Mule Deer with it. Hunting is an adventurous, exciting, instructive, tough, and character building exercise. Without the allure of hunting his money likely would’ve gone to something considerably more dangerous at the time, the latest rock-n-roll record.
I have had the opportunity to convert many non-hunters into diehard sportsmen, including my wife and kids. Although I’ve had a few successes with older folks, it is far easier to get a young person to develop a passion for it. Hunting is an all or nothing proposition. Either it gets in your soul or you won’t do it at all.
The anti-gunners might convince a target shooter or casual gun owner that there’s something scary about a particular gun or caliber. Those with a passion for hunting already understand what it means to “need” a particular gun. They’re not going to fall for recent arguments that the AR-15’s projectile speed of 3000 fps poses a particular danger. Hunters understand the many issues that could arise from waiting periods and a limit on how many guns could be purchased at once. Hunters are not a homogenous group; many of them are blue-collar democrats. Thanks to hunting, even these democrats are less likely to be persuaded by deceitful anti-gun arguments. We must recruit and retain others to share in that deeper understanding and commitment.
If an 18 year old starting his career in the trades, or heading off to college, cannot purchase a rifle or shotgun to tote with him on the journey, I fear the next generation will rapidly lose their interest. In the end, this will result in the annihilation of the 2nd Amendment for current and future generations. We must bring our hunter numbers up. Other shooting sports won’t be enough to stop the hemorrhaging and keep our rights intact. If each of you introduced just one new person every couple years our numbers would sky rocket.

Clark RamseyClark Ramsey

Think about yourself at 18 through 21. You had dozens of competing interest. Among the clamor of choosing a school and a profession, dating, work, and parties did you miss some hunting seasons? How many more would you have missed if you weren’t allowed to have a gun?
I would submit to you that keeping the age at 18 to purchase all long guns is one of the good fights we should be engaged in.
About the Author Clark Ramsey
Clark Ramsey is the host of “The Ramsey Revival” on YouTube. He is a former Infantry Marine and a service-connected disabled veteran. Clark holds a Juris Doctor from Michigan State University College of Law and a Bachelor’s degree in Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness. He has thousands of hours in a variety of shooting related disciplines from hunting to tactical fieldwork. If he could, he’d spend all of his time hunting and fishing with his wife and three kids.




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research 
Gun Group Helps Students Defend Their 1st Amendment Right To Support 2nd.
Report Anti-Gun Bullying at SchoolsReport Anti-Gun Bullying at Schools
BELLEVUE, WA – -( The Second Amendment Foundation today announced a project to help students who have been harassed, intimidated or bullied for resisting peer pressure to join the wave of protests against guns and the right to keep and bear arms.
“A student’s First Amendment rights should not be violated because they support the Second Amendment,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “There have been several reports over the past couple of weeks about students who have been harassed or encountered other problems from students, teachers or administrators for not joining in the protests. If that’s happening, it isn’t right and should not be tolerated.
“Students can call the SAF toll-free hotline to obtain information about legal help and report violations of their First Amendment rights,” he added. “The foundation is prepared to take legal action if necessary.”

The SAF toll-free hotline number is 800-426-4302.

“All schools should be safe for all students,” Gottlieb observed. “We should all be on alert for harassment or intimidation of students who disagree with an uncivil mob mentality. After all, not all school age Americans agree with the current demands for more erosion of our Second Amendment rights.
“While we encourage young Americans to speak their minds and engage in productive debate and dialogue about this issue,” he said, “we cannot condone any behavior designed to silence or intimidate others with different viewpoints. That is why we are announcing this project to help students who support their constitutional rights.
“We recognize that in times of high emotion and short tempers, there is inevitably the potential for disagreement to get out of hand,” Gottlieb noted. “It is often too easy to go beyond the bounds of rational discourse and enter the realm of vindictiveness. If we are to find the common ground everyone seems to seek, we’ve got to find it together. If students are penalized for exercising their First Amendment rights to defend the Second Amendment, we want to know about it.”
Second Amendment Foundation
About Second Amendment Foundation
The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The test of whether or not this vaunted Saudi reform is real will be if they really cut off funding not only for terror groups, but for Muslim Brotherhood mosques and organizations in the United States.
“Trump tells Saudi crown prince US has ‘zero tolerance’ for terrorist funding,” by Steven Nelson, Washington Examiner, March 20, 2018 02:22 PM
President Trump told Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, on Tuesday that the U.S. has “zero tolerance” for terrorism funding, and that he was pleased to see Saudi efforts to stop donations to extremist groups.
“One thing you really have to really focus on is the terrorism threat and the funding of terrorism, whether it’s Saudi Arabia or other countries, as we know there will be no funding, we have zero tolerance for the funding of terrorists,” Trump said at the White House. “I will say Saudi Arabia has been working very hard on that.”
Trump also recalled his visit to Saudi Arabia last year for an anti-terrorism conference.
“We talked about terrorism and the funding of terrorism, and it will not be allowed. It will not be allowed. That would be the one thing that would end the relationship with any country. I think there’s a very big focus on that, the funding of terrorism, meaning it’s over,” Trump said.
Although the two countries are public allies in the fight against the Islamic State, a 2014 memo from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Saudi Arabia and neighboring Qatar “are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” using another acronym for the terror group.
Prince Salman, 32, consolidated power as the authoritarian U.S. ally’s de facto leader last year with leadership purge premised on allegations of corruption against royal rivals. The prince has pushed an agenda of economic and social reforms, including moving the kingdom to diversify its oil-based economy and allowing women to drive cars.
But Prince Salman also seen as a driving force behind an aggressive Saudi foreign policy, including the nearly three-year intervention in Yemen, where thousands of civilians died in aerial bombings or face starvation. He’s led a coalition of Arab nations to break diplomatic relations with Qatar, accusing the small gas-rich nation of funding extremist groups, with demands including the closure of the news network Al Jazeera.
During a Monday background call with reporters, senior administration officials said there would be a wide range of topics discussed between Trump and Prince Salman, whose aging father, King Salman, technically still leads the country.
Topics that Trump intended to discuss, according to officials, included the Yemeni Civil War, the Syrian Civil War, regional adversary Iran, and an ongoing diplomatic feud between Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The official also suggested there would be significant discussion about Russia’s role in the region.
“The president and the crown prince will discuss countering Iran’s destabilizing activities in the region, but also will include Russia’s role in supporting the Assad regime’s atrocities in Syria, Russia’s efforts to protect Iran from us sanctions to hold the [Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps] accountable for facilitating reckless missile attacks against Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, and also facilitating attacks on shipping in the Red Sea,” one senior official said on the Monday call previewing the visit….


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research 
Beth Moore, who is a wildly popular female Bible teacher heavily promoted in evangelical circles and aligned with the Southern Baptist Convention’s Lifeway Christian Resources, has steadily been opposing President Donald Trump since his presidential primary. She is not on record ever having opposed President Barack Obama.
Moore, who claims to hear audibly from God – going so far as writing down what she says God specifically told her – said in a tweet this week that getting political was necessary because of the “mountain of manure hitting the fan” and that for her and others it is a “fight for the faith.” As President Barack Obama was actively seeking to increase abortions nationwide, lighting up the White House in rainbow-colored flood lights and challenging the Right of Conscience for traditional family advocates, it was apparently not a giant pile of manure hitting the fan. But Trump’s policies, somehow, now must be opposed in the name of fighting for the faith.
The context of Moore’s March 12 tweet is Donald Trump. Moore has received heated criticism from the Soccer Mom contingent of Republican voters, who happen to be the very same demographic that is prone to follow Christian mommy-bloggers and read Beth Moore. 
A plethora of articles online have detailed Moore’s constant hen-pecking of Trump in social media, for which she receives accolades from some and condemnation from others. Riding a wave of virtue-signaling, wind-shifting popular public opinion, Moore has determined to err on the side of feminism and political correctness.
The problem for many isn’t that Moore has spoken out against the President’s lascivious sexual behavior or inexcusable foul speech (and shame on anyone excusing it), but the problem is that Moore was eerily quiet for eight years of the Obama administration’s war on unborn children and policies that were anti-humanity, anti-God, and anti-family. For many, that silence is actually loud (in comparison) to her squawking among the chorus of women shrieking about the President’s uncouth speech.
Cheering on her tweet was close Beth Moore associate, Jen Hatmaker – another lady preacher and mommy blogger – who recently came out in support of sodomy-based relationships. Although Lifeway (Moore’s chief patron) stopped selling Hatmaker books, Moore has continued her close affiliation with Hatmaker in spite of Hatmaker’s heretical doctrines. Even the Washington Post has noticed Beth Moore teaming up with Hatmaker to be constant co-belligerents against various conservative policies.
Hatmaker chimed in, saying, “None of us wanted to be soldiers in this battle. But how could we possibly stay silent when our neighbors and our faith’s integrity are on the line?”
Hatmaker, of course, is on the other side of this battle. She is on the side of the LGBTQXYZLMNOP lobby. Whose side is Beth Moore on?



(Friday Church News Notes, March 16, 2018,, 866-295-4143) – 
The following is excerpted from “Elsa Coming Out as a Lesbian?”, Mar. 1, 2018: “A sequel to the hit-film [Frozen] is set to release in November 2019, and now an interview with the film’s writer and co-director, Jennifer Lee, in the Huffington Post raises the possibility that Elsa could be getting a girlfriend. The movement started when fans and LGBTQ activists grabbed a hold of the film’s hit song ‘Let It Go’ as their ‘coming out anthem’ — and once a sequel was announced, social media became flooded with the hashtag ‘GiveElsaAGirlfriend.’ Petitions even circulated to give the character a female love interest. When Lee was asked about whether or not she was going to officially inaugurate Elsa into the LGBTQ community, she said the film’s team has been discussing the possibility. ‘I love everything people are saying and people are thinking about with our film,’ she told the Post. ‘That it’s creating dialogue, that Elsa is this wonderful character that speaks to so many people.’ Disney added an openly gay tween to the hit seriesAndi Mack, and the Disney series Doc McStuffins targeted preschoolers with a pro-lesbian message in the ‘2 Moms” episode.’”


Trump Speaking
Official White House Fact Sheet
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research 
President Trump Announces Immediate Actions To Secure American
USA – -( “Every child deserves to grow up in a safe community surrounded by a loving family and to have a future filled with opportunity and with hope.” ~ President Donald J. Trump
HARDENING OUR SCHOOLS: President Donald J. Trump is making sure our schools are safe and secure, just like our airports, stadiums, and government buildings.
  • President Trump’s Administration will assist States to train specially qualified school personnel on a voluntary basis.
    • Department of Justice (DOJ) assistance programs will be leveraged to enable schools to partner with State and local law enforcement to provide firearms training for school personnel.
    • The Administration will support the transition of military veterans and retired law enforcement into new careers in education.
  • The Administration will encourage States’ Attorneys General to audit school district compliance with State emergency preparedness activities.
  • Federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, will partner with States and localities to support a public awareness campaign modeled on “See Something, Say Something” to encourage awareness and reporting of suspicious activity.
STRENGTHENING BACKGROUND CHECKS AND PREVENTION: President Trump supports legislation and reforms to strengthen background checks and law enforcement operations.
  • President Trump’s Administration is calling on every State to adopt Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs).
    • The President is directing the Department of Justice to provide technical assistance to States, at their request, on establishing and implementing ERPOs.
    • ERPOs allow law enforcement, with approval from a court, to remove firearms from individuals who are a demonstrated threat to themselves or others and temporarily to prevent individuals from purchasing new firearms.
    • ERPOs should be carefully tailored to ensure the due process rights of law-abiding citizens are protected.
  • President Trump supports improving the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). The President supports the legislative framework introduced by Senators Cornyn and Murphy that will help improve the accuracy and effectiveness of NICS.
    • The Cornyn-Murphy bill will hold Federal agencies more accountable for reporting information to NICS and will incentivize States to improve their reporting to the system.
  • The President supports the framework of the STOP School Violence Act, which provides for State-based grants to implement evidence-based violence prevention programs.
    • Grants will provide States with funds for training, technology, and technical assistance to help schools identify and prevent violent acts.
  • The Administration requests that Congress provide funding in 2018 to jump start implementation of this evidence-based program in middle and high schools nationwide.
  • The President’s Administration will audit and make accountability improvements to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) tip line, and will promote its use.
  • DOJ will provide emergency and crisis training for local law enforcement.
MENTAL HEALTH REFORM: President Trump is proposing an expansion and reform of mental health programs, including those that help identify and treat individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others.
  • The President is proposing increased integration of mental health, primary care, and family services, as well as support for programs that utilize court-ordered treatment.
  • The President is calling for a review of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and other statutory and regulatory privacy protections.
    • Reviews will determine if any changes or clarifications are needed to improve coordination between mental health and other healthcare professionals, school officials, and law enforcement personnel.
INVESTIGATION: In addition to these immediate actions, President Trump is establishing a Federal Commission on School Safety chaired by Secretary Betsy DeVos and will recommend policy and funding proposals for school violence prevention.
  • President Trump’s Administration will establish a Federal commission, chaired by Secretary DeVos, to address school safety and the culture of violence.
  • While the Administration is taking immediate action on school safety, the Federal commission will develop a process to evaluate and make recommendations on school safety.
  • The commission will study and make recommendations on the following areas of focus:
    • Age restrictions for certain firearm purchases.
    • Existing entertainment rating systems and youth consumption of violent entertainment.
    • Strategies to advance the science and practice of character development in youth and a culture of connectedness.
    • Effects of press coverage of mass shootings.
    • Repeal of the Obama Administration’s “Rethink School Discipline” policies.
    • Best practices for school buildings and campus security from Federal Government components, including the Department of State’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, and also from other State, local, and private sector sources.
    • A plan for integration and coordination of Federal resources focused on prevention and mitigation of active shooter incidents at schools.
    • Opportunities to improve access to mental health treatment, including through efforts that raise awareness about mental illness and the effectiveness of treatment, reduce barriers to the recruitment of mental health professionals, and provide training related to violence prevention.
    • Best practices for school-based threat assessment and violence prevention strategies.
    • The effectiveness and appropriateness of psychotropic medication for treatment of troubled youth.
    • Ensuring that findings are sufficiently supported by existing and additional Federal, State, and local funding sources.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research 
The UK public is enraged over Muslim rape gangs brutalizing their young girls wantonly, while police and social workers were all found to be covering up the rape gang activity for fear of being called “racist.” Even after this became a scandal that rocked Britain, the attacks on girls have not stopped, but continue to spread, as public anger rightly continues to grow.
The number of sexual offences committed against children in Sadiq Khan’s London has soared to 1,200 in the last year, new figures show.
The situation in London is grim, not only because of the surge in this abuse of children, but also because London’s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan has done everything he could to downplay the proliferation of violent crime in London, which is correlated to Muslim migration. Instead, Khan has allocated exorbitant amounts to police forces, not to combat crime, but to hunt down anyone who engages in so-called “offensive communication” against Islam.
Londoners could have seen this coming, but Khan’s unsavoury ties to jihadis and Islamic supremacists did not stop him from being elected.
“Child Sex Crimes Soar by 30 Per Cent in Sadiq Khan’s London as Public Anger Over Grooming Grows,” by Virginia Hale, Breitbart, March 17, 2018:
The number of sexual offences committed against children in Sadiq Khan’s London has soared to 1,200 in the last year, new figures show.
Statistics show the number of child sexual exploitation cases in 2017 had risen by 30 per cent on the previous year, the Evening Standard reports.
The figures were released on Friday, when the Metropolitan Police co-hosted a conference to raise awareness of the problem with children’s charity Barnardo’s, which has launched a pilot scheme to help child victims of rape and sexual exploitation.
“Children who have been sexually exploited can feel completely powerless, and being raped or sexually assaulted often causes debilitating levels of trauma,” said Jessica Juon, assistant director of children’s services at Barnardo’s London, explaining it is important to help victims feel safe.”….
The Metropolitan Police claimed it had seen no evidence London was facing similar scandals to towns like Telford and Rotherham, where ‘politically correct’ police and authorities failed to act as hundreds of girls were raped, beaten and trafficked…….

UK: Muslim grandfather ran pedophile rape house in Telford, police neglected evidence

White hating, Muslim gang rape rampage of terror 

in Rotherham

'Easy Meat.' Britain's Muslim Rape Gang Cover-Up

How Muslim rape gangs blackmail British girls into prostitution

Tommy Robinson confronts Muslim rape gang


 In this new video, I explain why Christian communities that have existed in the Middle East since the time of Christ have in recent years been attacked, and in many cases obliterated, by Islamic jihadis. Why are the jihadis attacking the Christians now? I reveal here the shocking reason.

Robert Spencer from DHFC on Vimeo.
David Horowitz Freedom Center 2018


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research 
The haters who supposedly police “hate” are persecuting her, and the police are on the side of the haters. Freedom of speech no longer exists in Sweden, which is completely sold out now to the agenda of its growing and aggressive population of Muslim migrants. Sweden, like Britain, is finished as a free society.
“65-Year-Old Swedish Woman On Trial For ‘Hate Crime’ Describes Intensive Harassment from Police,” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, March 18, 2018:
A 65-year-old woman in Sweden, who is facing either a fine or prison sentence if found guilty of ‘hate crime’, released her side of the story in a YouTube video describing a large-scale investigation and harassment from police
65-year-old Christina, who faces eight charges of hate speech for claiming on social media that mass Muslim migration would lower the general IQ of the country, said that police had forced her into six separate interrogations and raided her home.
In court, Christina denied the hate speech charges, according to local newspaper Jönköpings-Posten, which said she refused to comment on specific statements.
The paper also expanded on more of the statements allegedly made by the 65-year-old, who is said to have written that immigrants were parasites and that they, “scream, they stink, they kill, they rape, they burn cars and more. How do I/we get rid of them? I’ve had enough.”
In her YouTube video, Christina claimed that she had spoken the truth about mass migration and Islam. She said that she had been subjected to six interrogations which lasted several hours each, and that police had seized several of her belongings including a new iPad.
She also said police had a 150-page file on her activities that were being monitored by the anti-hate speech group Näthatsgranskaren since 2016….
Christina also claimed that in 2016 she had been the victim of an assault by “refugee children” and although she reported the incident to the police, no one was ever charged. She said that after the attack she suffered from memory-loss issues….
Since speaking out against mass migration Christina also said her children had abandoned her and that she had no one to turn to for help….


Tommy Robinson arrives at Speaker’s Corner in London

The moment Tommy arrived at Speakers Corner amid much controversy like a prize fighter. Huge support and no sign of Antifa who bottled it. Huge victory for free speech and two fingers up to the establishment and Islam.
Speakers Corner with Tommy Robinson 

and free speech supporters

Day of Victory…amazing day that shows that is still hope for UK.

Tommy Robinson Full Speech – Speakers Corner 

MARCH 18, 2018



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research 

The bannings of Martin Sellner, Brittany Pettibone, Lauren Southern and now Lutz Bachmann are just the latest of many, many examples of how the British government bans foes of jihad terror while admitting its proponents.

Pamela Geller and I are banned from entering the country for the crime of telling the truth about Islam and jihad. According to Breitbart, “Sellner, who described the detention centre as looking akin to a typical American prison, said he was told by authorities that his speaking at Hyde Park could cause violence and disrupt community cohesion.” That’s just what they claimed about Pamela Geller and me: that our visit could cause violence and disrupt community cohesion. But we, of course, have never advocated or approved of any violence. The UK Home Office meant that our visit could cause violence from Muslims. They were bowing to jihadist intimidation.
Meanwhile, Britain has a steadily lengthening record of admitting jihad preachers without a moment of hesitation.
Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri’s preaching of hatred and jihad violence was so hardline that he was banned from preaching in Pakistan, but the UK Home Office welcomed him into Britain.
The UK Home Office also admitted Shaykh Hamza Sodagar into the country, despite the fact that he has said: “If there’s homosexual men, the punishment is one of five things. One – the easiest one maybe – chop their head off, that’s the easiest. Second – burn them to death. Third – throw ’em off a cliff. Fourth – tear down a wall on them so they die under that. Fifth – a combination of the above.”
Theresa May’s relentlessly appeasement-minded government also admitted two jihad preachers who had praised the murderer of a foe of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. One of them was welcomed by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Nor does the UK admit only preachers of jihad terror. It admits jihad terrorists as well, even when it knows they are jihad terrorists. The Muslim migrant teen who bombed the London Tube told border officials that he was trained by ISIS, but was admitted anyway.
Meanwhile, the UK banned three bishops from areas of Iraq and Syria where Christians are persecuted from entering the country.
“PEGIDA Founder Lutz Bachmann Banned from UK After Officials Find Speakers’ Corner Speech in Baggage,” by Jack Montgomery, Breitbart, March 18, 2018:
PEGIDA founder Lutz Bachmann has been prevented from entering Britain to deliver a speech at Speakers’ Corner, partly on the grounds that he “knows” identitarian activist Martin Sellner.
Bachmann had planned on delivering a speech written by the Generation Identity leader, who was recently detained along with YouTube political pundit Brittany Pettibone and then ejected from the country, partly on the grounds that GI is “viewed in the UK as a right wing organization” and partly on the grounds that Pettibone intended to “interview Tommy Robinson — a far right leader whose materials and speeches incite racial hatred”, according to seemingly official documents.
Bachmann also shared a picture of a document which he claims is from the officials who stopped him, which asserts that PEGIDA is “involved in the promotion and incitement of racial hatred and division of communities” and notes that “[by] your own admission during interview you have known [Sellner] well for some years” as grounds for denying his Free Movement rights.
“A speech was discovered during a baggage search which you have stated you are intending to deliver to the general public at speakers corner, Hyde Park,” the poorly written document states.
“This speech relates to your organization “Pediga” [sic] which is devoted to “combating the threat of Islam”, the activities of this organization have been involved in the promotion and incitement of racial hatred and division of communities. Furthermore this speech appears to have been written and it is believed should have been delivered by Martin Sellner an individual who is a member of an Austrian group which also promotes racial hatred and works against community cohesion and who according to your own admission during interview you have known very well for some years.
“According to Home Office records Mr Martin Sellner was recently refused admission to the UK on the grounds of public policy which he refers to in his speech which you intend to deliver.”…


US government “Fusion Centers” harassing patriots concerned about Islam

SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
This is ominous: a free citizen being harassed by the West Virginia State Police over her concerns about a mosque with ties to the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). This shows how successfully such groups have manipulated government and law enforcement officials with their spurious claims of being victims of “racism” and “Islamophobia.” These Fusion Centers are extremely insidious. The Trump Administration needs to act to protect patriotic American citizens, and close them.
“Deep state attacks: Gov’t ‘Fusion Centers’ spying on patriots concerned about Islam,” by Leo Hohmann, March 6, 2018 (thanks to M.S.):
Brenda Arthur received an unexpected visit on March 8 that, one week later, leaves her feeling more than a little uneasy.
At her door that day was an officer with the West Virginia State Police. He wanted to know about her involvement in a Freedom of Information request regarding a local mosque.
Arthur, who will turn 67 this summer, serves as leader of the West Virginia chapter of ACT For America, whose mission is to educate Americans about the advancement of Islamic principles in Western societies.
As a Jewish American, she was concerned about a major expansion of the Islamic Association of West Virginia in her hometown of South Charleston. This mosque has hosted an openly anti-Semitic preacher in the past, and so she went to city hall in late January to have a look at its construction permits and site plans, something that is within the right of every American citizen under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and state open-records laws.
She had no idea that this perfectly legal activity, performed every day by citizen watchdogs across the U.S., would prompt a visit from the state police.
Arthur was not available to answer the door when Sgt. R.C. Workman came knocking, but Workman left his business card with a hand-written note on the back:
“Brenda, please contact me at: 304-573-6190.”
Workman’s unit is part of the West Virginia Intelligence Exchange, a secretive outfit that works closely with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s “intelligence fusion center” in West Virginia.
All 50 states have at least one DHS fusion center, and the story of Brenda Arthur lends credence to the views of civil libertarians that these centers, whatever their stated purpose, have been weaponized against law-abiding American citizens.
Fusion centers were established a few years after the 9/11 terror attacks by the George W. Bush administration and expanded under Barack Obama.
The West Virginia Fusion Center website says its mission is to “Embrace proactive intelligence efforts. Those efforts are key to inhibiting criminal networks, whether those groups are terrorists, drug-related groups, organized crime, or other criminal enterprises.”
Fusion centers work with “non-traditional sources,” including corporate America, to build threat assessments on people.
But what is it about Brenda Arthur that could garner the attention of this specialized police unit? She seems like an unlikely candidate to be involved in terrorism or organized crime.
Arthur is a senior citizen who’s never broken a law in her life. She is a professional insurance broker, a great-aunt to six children, one of whom she helps with financial support for a private education at a Montessori school.
But fusion centers know no boundaries, including the U.S. Constitution, says constitutional attorney and civil liberties advocate John Whitehead.
“The word mosque, it’s key words like that. If you don’t like mosques, they’re gonna be after you, they’re watching you, because everything is determined by algorithms,” said Whitehead, founder of the Charlottesville, Va.-based Rutherford Institute.
Being an “activist” also draws the attention of the fusion centers, he said.
‘Do not talk to them’
Whitehead has strict advice for any law-abiding citizen who is approached by law enforcement asking questions about their personal activities.
“If they come to your door, do not talk to them. If they call you on the phone, do not talk to them.”
Whitehead said the intimidation tactics used by fusion centers are similar to the East German Stasi and other secret-police agencies.
“They’re copying the tactics of former totalitarian regimes and the slightest mistake can get you in trouble,” he said. “That’s why you shouldn’t talk to them. The threat assessments are very dangerous. Don’t talk to them. Call someone like us, let us issue one of our letters and that usually shuts them up, and also puts them on record.”
“Once you’re in their system,” Whitehead added, “you cannot get out.”
Arthur was typical in that she was caught off guard by the visit.
“So I called him at the number he gave me and asked ‘what’s this about?’”
Sgt. Workman did not beat around the bush.
“We came by your house and wanted to talk to you.”
“Yes sir, what about?” Arthur asked.
“It’s about that FOIA request you made about the building plans for the mosque,” he told her.
It did not immediately dawn on her that she was actually not the one whose name was on the Freedom of Information Act request.
“I hadn’t filed it, a friend of mine did. Within seconds it occurred to me, but I didn’t want the other lady to be brought into it so I just acknowledged it and said ‘you know I file a lot of FIOAs, I filed one with the Health and Human Resources, with the auditor’s office, with Bureau for Medical Services, and more.”
“Yes, but those FOIAs are within the normal course of things,” said the stern voice on the other end of the phone line.
Why is it that this particular request, for information on a mosque project, was considered abnormal? And who decides what is NORMAL in a search of public-record documents?
She explained that she is an upstanding citizen activist and member ACT For America.
“I explained we are an organization with 750,000 members, we support the Constitution, American liberty, American values, and we fight terrorism and the concepts of Sharia law, which are antithetical to the U.S. Constitution.”
In the course of the 10-minute phone conversation, Arthur did a lot of explaining.
She explained that she was perusing the website of the local mosque when she came across a photo that caught her attention. It was of a man standing in the middle of the mosque speaking to the congregation. That man was Nihad Awad, executive director of Council on American-Islamic Relations or CAIR.
“He’s a terrorist supporter, he finances terror, and is part of a terrorist-tied organization,” Arthur told the sergeant.
That prompted Sgt. Workman to hint at the real reason for his inquiry.
“Well, we have a good relationship with that mosque and when he came here they notified us he was coming,” he told Arthur.
That sparked something in Arthur’s memory.
When she and a friend had gone to city hall on Jan. 31 to inspect the documents, the city manager and another city official stood over their shoulders the entire time. They made a point of telling the two women, “We have a good relationship with the mosque.”
Who’s the snitch?
The West Virginia Fusion Center’s website encourages Americans to report “suspicious activity” by filing a SAR or Suspicious Activity Report on a fellow resident.
A SAR is defined as “the sharing of information concerning activity, incident, or behavior that the reporting individual considers to be outside of normal parameters,” the website states.
Inquiring about a mosque was not NORMAL activity. Arthur had been flagged for suspicious activity, probably by a city official who has a good relationship with the mosque, or someone at the mosque itself.
In West Virginia, the fusion center operates under the supervision of the West Virginia Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety [DMAPS].
I called DMAPS Tuesday and asked what could possibly be suspicious about a 66-year-old insurance broker with no criminal record going to city hall and inspecting public-record documents.
Lawrence Messina, director of communications for West Virginia DMAPS, said he would ask that question of his superiors and get back with me.
He sent the following email at 2:09 p.m. on March 13:
“I have consulted with my colleagues here at the Office of the Secretary as well as with the W.Va. Intelligence Fusion Center and the W.Va. State Police (the latter is also part of this department). We decline to comment on this matter.”
Arthur, as a Jewish American, has every reason to be concerned that an anti-Semite like Awad would be invited to speak in her community. He is a supporter of Hamas, which is on the U.S. State Department’s list of designated foreign terrorist organizations, and he rejects the right of Israel to exist. [See Discover the Networks for documentation of Awad’s long history of radical statements, activities and affiliations.]….




Two Marvelous Truths Help Me Say No 

to Sexual Sin

“As a same-sex-attracted woman married to a man, I was struggling to ward off temptation on my own power. Then God showed me I didn’t have to.”
“I have learned that this is common for women who experience same-sex attraction, that an emotionally strong connection creates context for sexual sin. That this hadn’t been my experience didn’t exempt me from experiencing it. This friendship was rich in the Lord and joyful, and nothing at the beginning warned me. As we grew closer, the enjoyment I took in her started ever so slightly to turn at the edges.”
 Two Marvelous Truths Help Me Say No to Sexual Sin
SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Frankly, I don’t know why The ‘Gospel’ Coalition lets women write for their blog who don’t seem qualified to operate from behind the curtain in a children church’s puppet ministry. I assume it has something to do with their bleeding-heart, kinder, gentler, limp-wristed form of “sophisticated” Christianity that probably insists on a gender inclusion quota. Nonetheless, it seems that when 
The ‘Gospel’ Coalition wants to show their soft underbelly toward the LGBTQXYZ community, they break out Cru theological development director, Rachel Gilson. She previously had written for TGC why and how the church could become a “safe space” for homosexuals (link) and how Same Sex Attraction and Christianity are perfectly compatible (link).
Traditional Christianity has – oh, I don’t know – from the beginning argued that sexual desire oriented away from the male-female marital union was sin in and of itself. Jesus clearly taught that sinful desires are still innately sinful – even if not acted upon – in his Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:27-30). Jesus was teaching nothing new. God gave the Tenth Commandment (Exodus 20:17) at Sinai, which prohibited sinful lusts, as much as sinful behavior. This is where The ‘Gospel’ Coalition has been departing from a Biblical sexual ethic (with no shortage of help from Russell Moore and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, which has gradually merged with TGC into a singular organization, practically speaking).
Conservative evangelicals – particularly those who fancy themselves Calvinists – simply cannot be seen by their constituency (that is, those who pay them and patronize their parachurch ministries) as “going soft” on homosexuality. They must maintain the pretense of not compromising on the subject of sexuality. Although groups like TGC and the ERLC are widely in the business of appealing to a broad stream of evangelicals and marginal Christians who share their articles, promote their material, and attend their conferences, their revenue streams come from a relatively narrow branch of extremely conservative believers (with a small trickle of funding from George Soros, which is not widely reported on). The mainstream, middle-of-the-road organizations like TGC and ERLC have to appease their fan base (which is strongly to the left) and their financial supporters (strongly to the right). Therefore, an interesting strategy has developed to appease both, which you can see frequently with your own eyes at The ‘Gospel’ Coalition blog. Their solution has been simple but deceptive; de-sin homosexual desire while remaining relatively quiet on homosexual behavior, celebrating those with homosexual desire but resisting homosexual behavior as spiritual role models and moral champions, and apologize repeatedly for not being inclusive enough to the LGBT “community.”
This strategy is a clear departure from two thousand years of Christian Orthodoxy, but the progressives at The ‘Gospel’ Coalition are savvy enough at cloaking it with religious language and making it sound “Gospel Centered” that it’s hard to pick up on at first. Their leftist-fruity articles come across as maybe a rogue “how did that slip by the editors?” article, which is accompanied by shrugged shoulders and rolled eyes. 
A clearer survey of TGC website, however, reveals a concerted strategy to not only de-sin Same Sex Attraction (SSA) but to celebrate those in the church who sin in this way.
In today’s article at TGC, Gilson writes a glowing review for Daniel Mattson’s book, “Why I Don’t Call Myself Gay.” Mattson’s book is standard fare for the last four or five years of this concealed-compromised position. Chiefly, he argues that he’s made peace with how God has made him, that he struggles with wanting to commit sodomy, but he refuses to identify himself as “gay,” not letting his sin define him. While the latter half of that is good – sin should never define us – it is not alright to make peace with sin. It is not alright to act as though SSA isn’t a sin. It is not alright to rip the Tenth Commandment and the Sermon on the Mount out of the Scripture. That’s not okay.

Of course, Gilson loves the book because it fits into the light-in-the-loafers approach to homosexuality of The Gospel Coalition and the progressive strategy. However, this isn’t my chiefest (or newest) concern with the article.
Mattson is a Roman Catholic. Gilson admits as much earlier in the article. She writes:
As a Roman Catholic who experiences same-sex attraction, [the author, Mattson] adds to the growing discussion within the church about labels for people like Mattson and me, and more importantly, the identities those labels imply.
Here, Gilson courageously shamelessly outs herself as desirous of unnatural affection. In fact, she begins the article by writing, “I’m a Christian woman who experiences same-sex attraction. Should I call myself a lesbian?”
First, my answer is “No, you should not call yourself a lesbian.” My second answer is something along the lines of, “You also should not be directing the theological direction of Cru or writing columns for Christian publications until that aspect of your sin nature is completely and totally mortified.”
Consider this: If someone began an article for a Christian publication by writing, “I am deeply desirous to sleep with my neighbor’s wife” or “I struggle with sexual feelings for children,” would the article ever be published? If someone acknowledged unnatural affections for their dog would they be championed as a self-disciplined, albeit flawed, individual? Or would we call their pastors and have some serious spiritual meetings, putting them under deep watch-care and showering them with grace and ministry instead of making them into a teacher or minister to others?
For those who believe that this line of thinking is no real threat, consider that all of the mainstream denominations that now ordain practicing homosexuals started out 30 years ago by embracing celibate homosexuals. This is absolutely no different from what the “conservative evangelicals” at TGC and the SBC’s Ethics and Religous Liberty Commission are now doing.
To make a long article shorter, Gilson goes on to write of Mattson’s book:
This is a full-blooded vision of Christianity that takes seriously the call to die, and doesn’t for a moment consider chastity a gift that costs too much, though it can feel at times like it costs all one has. Here he becomes not aloof, but relatable, as he describes how he won this vision through years of pain.
No, lesbian Cru theological development coordinator. No, a Roman Catholic does not present a “full-blooded vision of Christianity.” No, we will not let you give the Gospel the shaft in order to say some nice words about a fellow sodomite and ooze your words with political correctness. No ma’am. We are Reformers. We are Protestants. Roman Catholicism is not Christianity, even if you’ve happened to find a rare homosexual Catholic who’s not molesting children. I don’t care. Catholicism is not Christianity, and who at TGC is responsible for editorial control? This is sacrilege.
In the paragraph preceding the one in which Gilson affirmed a Roman Catholic as presenting a “full-blooded vision of Christianity” (whatever that is), she described what very clearly is promoting an idealized form of gay monkery and a Romanist version of ascetism. And then she calls this full-blooded Christianity, as though she’s either a Romanist herself or has no idea what it is she’s reading. This brings to mind the question of exactly what it takes to write for TGC other than a commitment to progressive, leftist-Christianity.
It seems that being a homosexual-in-the-heart and being a lady campus ministry leader isn’t cutting it. Why is this woman writing for TGC at all? The answer is, she struggles with homosexuality. That’s what makes her an asset to TGC. That’s her one contribution; her sin. This is a case-in-point of the problem.


SEE: below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
A very small Romanist website called InfoVaticana in Madrid, Spain, recently received a notice from a rabidly pro-homosexual law firm, Baker and McKenzie, to transfer their domain directly to the Vatican or else. The Pope’s headquarters claimed that only they could use the word, “Vatican.” They claimed that the Vatican alone possesses exclusive property rights over the name and that the small website needed to transfer its domain to the Vatican Secretariat of State immediately or face punitive consequences. The website, InfoVaticana, was launched in 2013 and has happily and freely been offering journalistic reporting on all things Roman Catholic, without any previous interruption from the Papacy.
InfoVaticana’s goal was to be “a free and independent media that has the vocation to serve the Catholic Church and society.” They have done so, since 2013, without any interruption from the Vatican. The problem has arisen since InfoVaticana has published articles critical of the homosexual lobby’s influence on the Vatican, the infamous Amoris Laetitia (the Pope’s statement which was seen as “heresy” by many Roman Catholics, softening the church’s teaching on traditional marriage and divorce) and criticizing the Vatican’s handling of the scandals relating to the Order of Malta. It is then – and only then – that the Romanist Church claimed that their domain name was infringing upon what essentially amounts to a copyright on the term “Vatican.”
In 2017, after the site began to criticize Francis’ leftist leanings, InfoVaticana requested to trademark their name, along with the seal of the Vatican. When they discovered that they couldn’t trademark the national seal (even though it was a part of their logo associated with their domain name), they instead settled on making their logo two keys, interlocked. However, the Vatican claimed that the two keys represented Christ giving the keys of Heaven and Hell to Peter, and because the Pope is the Bishop of Peter’s throne, only the Pope could use that imagery.
As the Lepanto Institute reports…
In August of 2017, InfoVaticana received a second letter from Baker & McKenzie, this time demanding that in addition to no longer using the crossed keys with the name InfoVaticana, InfoVaticana actually cease using the name “InfoVaticana” at all and turn the website domain over to the Secretary of State.  The letter argues that the crossed keys used in InfoVaticana’s application for its trademarked logo is a violation of the Vatican’s intellectual property in the form of “State Symbols.”  Such argumentation would imply that any portion of the formal symbols representing Vatican City (the Cross, the keys, a tassel, a gold and white flag) are prohibited from use by any entity without express permission from the Vatican.
Baker and McKenzie, the law firm retained by the Vatican to threaten the critical Romanist website, is also the counsel for Planned Parenthood.

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