Obama Breaks Bread With Congress 

Before Allah Is Praised On House Floor 

By Muslim Imam From 

Monmouth Junction, New Jersey (Nov 15, 2014)

News Articles:

The Dirty Details on the Muslim Imam who Praised Allah on the House Floor…

House of Representatives Opens Floor With Prayer to Allah……

Muslim Leader Allowed to Openly Pray to “Allah” on the House Floo…


Washington’s National Cathedral Hosts 
First Friday Muslim Prayers:


MUSLIMS WORSHIPPING IN THE NATIONAL CATHEDRAL CHANT THAT JESUS CHRIST IS NOT THE SON OF GOD(Friday Church News Notes, December 5, 2014,www.wayoflife.orgfbns@wayoflife.org866-295-4143) – Muslims who worshipped in the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. on November 14 chanted, “There is only one God, he begets not, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His only servant and apostle. … God has no son and Jesus Christ cannot be his son” (“Muslims Chant to Remove Jesus at Washington’s National Cathedral,” Israel Today, Nov. 20, 2014). Those who say that Muslims worship the same God as Bible-believing Christians are the blind leading the blind. The National Cathedral, which is part of the Episcopal Church in America, said that allowing the Muslims to worship in its sanctuary was an act of interfaith tolerance and dialogue, but Muslims nowhere allow Christians to worship in Islamic mosques. When we have visited the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, we have been instructed by our guides that the Muslims who control the Mount do not allow any Christian or Jewish prayers. Christians and Jews are not even allowed to bow their heads. The liberal Episcopalians who own the National Cathedral go to great lengths not to offend the sensitivities of Allah-worshipped Muslims, but they care nothing about the sensitivities of Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God.

Muslims Enforce Sharia in Washington National Cathedral; 

Throw Alleged Christian Woman Out; 

US and German Women stood up for Jesus Christ 

among Muslim antichrists:


‘Brave German Woman’ Rebukes Islam’s Lie; World CBN Christian News:

Published on Feb 22, 2014

As Islam continues to grow more powerful in Germany, one Christian woman know as the “brave German woman” decided God had moved her to speak up.

Heidi Mund felt led to march into the Memorial Church of the Reformation in the Rhineland city of Speyer on November 10, 2013 to rebuke their invitation of a Muslim Imam who was giving the call to prayer.

After praying, Mund was certain she needed to act. Now, a video of her action has gone viral.

“I would call it a holy anger,” she recounted. “And then I rose with my flag and I was calling and proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord over Germany.

“My purpose was, I broke this curse because [Muslims] say, ‘Only Allah is the Lord. He is God, the only God.’ And I broke this curse in this church and I broke it over my country,” she continued.

While Mund protested, a church-goer responds, “This is a concert for peace.”

“No it’s not! Allahu Akbar is what Muslims scream while murdering people! Don’t be fooled! Don’t be fooled! This is a lie!” Mund shouted.

Mund was forcibly escorted out of the church.

“They should have thrown the imam out and not me because I am a believer in Jesus Christ, but he serves another god. This Allah is not the same god. And this is not the truth,” she said.

“Many people ask me, ‘Are you afraid of the Muslims?’ And I can only say, ‘No, I’m not afraid of them,'” Mund told CBN. “I know my God, the living God of the Bible can protect for me for as long as he wants. When my time is over I will go to him.”

Brave German Woman: Why Heidi Mund Rebuked Islam:

If this brave German woman can take on Islam, you and I can too:

Brave German Woman Disrupts Muslims Rally:

HoGeSa Heidis´s Schlussrede & Segnung – Hannover 15.11.2014:

Published on Nov 16, 2014

HoGeSa Hannover, Die weltbekannte „mutige Deutsche“ Heidi Mund aus Frankfurt am Main segnete die Versammlung in Ihrer Schlussrede: “Ich bin Stolz auf Deutsche Männer, die einen Arsch in der Hose haben” 15.11.2014. Das Wunder von Köln war der Auftakt zu etwas ganz Großem. Mit dem Hannoverschen Fest, dem trotz vier Wochen linksfaschistischer Medienhetze mehr als 3.000 ernste, kluge und selbstbewusste Menschen zuströmten, hat sich heute die Gewissheit etabliert: Wir werden eine Massenbewegung! Die Wahrheit ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten, und damit ist auch die Befreiung Deutschlands nicht mehr fern. Das Dauerfeuer der Lügenmaschinengewehre von Focus bis #Spiegel hat Deutschland auch diesmal nicht erlegen können.
Sabbernd vor Hass und Missgunst wartete das linke Antideutschland heute auf eine Eskalation – die aber blieb aus. Bereits im Vorfeld verurteilten die Systemmedien alle potentiellen Teilnehmer als Nazis, was sicher viele abgeschreckt hat, sich auf den Weg nach Hannover zu machen. Wer aber kam, konnte weit und breit keine Nazis auf der Demo entdecken. Diese war vielmehr bunt und lebensbejahend. Nur rund 2.000 finstere Gegendemonstranten, die sich selbst als „bunt“ verkaufen wollten, verbreiteten heute in Hannover als rot lackierte Faschisten in beängstigend schwarzen Schlägeruniformen Angst und Schrecken. Mit ihren unheimlichen Antifa-Flaggen, gezielten Feuerwerkskörperanschlägen auf brave Polizisten und ihrem extrem gewalttätigen Versuch, durch eine Polizeisperre zur friedlichen Demonstration durchzubrechen, um sie anzugreifen, haben sich die Linksextremisten gewohnheitsmäßig als furchtbare Feinde von #Demokratie und Freiheit gezeigt und sich selbst als politische Stimme disqualifiziert. Lammfromm wie Senioren bei einem Kaffeekränzchen hingegen die Islamisierungsgegner, unter denen viele Hooligans waren, aber auch Familien mit Kindern und ein älterer Herr mit Rollator wurden gesichtet. Hools beim Picknick. “

First Muslim prayers at National Cathedral interrupted by protester:

(Friday Church News Notes, November 21, 2014,, 866-295-4143) – On November 14, 2014, the National Cathedral in Washington D.C., which is part of the Episcopal Church of America, hosted a full-fledged Islamic service. It was co-sponsored by Muslim groups with links to terrorism such as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). The Muslims were kept out of view of crosses, since they are not allowed to pray “in view of sacred symbols alien to their faith” (“National Cathedral Holds Friday Muslim Prayers,” Voice of America, Nov. 14, 2014). The liberal Episcopal Church has demonstrated that it views Muslims more favorably than traditional Episcopal congregations that hold to the inerrancy of Scripture. Larry Provost reported the following: “In Binghamton, New York the Church of the Good Shepherd broke away from the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York over the issues of Biblical inerrancy. The Church of the Good Shepherd continued to thrive despite not being able to keep the church property they had once worshiped on. After some time the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York put the church property in question up for sale. The Church of the Good Shepherd was interested in buying their old property and offered the Diocese of New York $150,000 dollars for the property. The Episcopal Church refused to sell the property to the Church of the Good Shepherd. Instead they sold it to a Muslim group. The Muslim group offered only $50,000 dollars for the property; $100,000 less than the Church of the Good Shepherd offered. The Episcopal Church was not done; a clause was added that the property could not be sold to the Church of the Good Shepherd in the future. Apparently the Bible believing Church of the Good Shepherd is more offensive to the Episcopal Church than Islam. Congregations that choose to remain with the Episcopal Church, often tied to our national soul, tend to shun the whole Bible yet have a particular fondness for accommodating Islam” (“Islamic Services in National Cathedral,”, Nov. 14, 2014). The National Cathedral also hosts “same sex marriage” ceremonies, and in June a “transgendered” Episcopal priest preached there in recognition of gay pride month.