Social Media Blitz Exposes Campus Racism Triggered by Critical Race Theory

Rooting out the new racism espoused by the radical Left.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A cutting-edge social media campaign conducted in April and May by the David Horowitz Freedom Center targeted and exposed the racist and segregationist actions and programming of prestigious colleges and universities taken under the guise of “anti-racism” and Critical Race Theory. Ten prestigious institutions of higher education including Harvard University, the University of Southern California, Georgetown University, and the University of Minnesota were outed for their racist leanings and decisions.  

The universities targeted by the Freedom Center’s campaign were included among the “Most Racist” for varied reasons, but the unifying theme was their allegiance to the new philosophy of Critical Race Theory (CRT), a radical revision of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream that each American be judged “not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” While Dr. King and the leaders of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s promoted “colorblindness,” CRT pushes the opposite view, that our character and our place in society is predetermined by our skin color.

As Manhattan Institute senior fellow Christopher Rufo explained recently in an interview with The Atlantic, “Critical race theorists believe that American institutions, such as the Constitution and legal system, preach freedom and equality, but are mere ‘camouflages’ for naked racial domination. They believe that racism is a constant, universal condition: it simply becomes more subtle, sophisticated, and insidious over the course of history. In simple terms, critical race theory reformulates the old Marxist dichotomy of oppressor and oppressed, replacing the class categories of bourgeoisie and proletariat with the identity categories of White and Black. But the basic conclusions are the same: in order to liberate man, society must be fundamentally transformed through moral, economic, and political revolution.”

Guided by this ahistorical revolutionary subtext, America’s colleges and universities have increasingly promoted racially segregated classes and “anti-racist” training programs which actually endorse racist tropes and promote racial conflict.  To combat this return to Jim Crow, the Freedom Center published a report and created a new website,, exposing the Top Ten Most Racist Colleges and Universities in America. The social media campaign served to highlight this report and its conclusions and bring them to a wider audience.

Harvard University, #1 on the Freedom Center’s list of most racist universities, was sued for blatant discrimination against Asian applicants in spite of their superior academic achievements, made possible by characterizing their personalities as “lacking” and “one dimensional.”

Smith College, #2 on the Freedom Center’s list, delivered an elaborate apology to a black student who alleged racism at the hands of Smith employees. Even after the student’s narrative was proven by an independent investigation to be both malicious and false, Smith used it as an opportunity to force its white, working-class employees to undergo mandatory “anti-racism” training and attend “White accountability” sessions. The lying student received no punishment.

The University of Southern California, #3 on the list, suspended a linguistics professor from teaching a class after he used an example of a Chinese phrase that phonetically resembles the N-word.

Georgetown University, #4 on the list, immediately fired one professor and disciplined another because they dared to discuss and lament the poor academic performance of African-American law students—an actual anti-racist sentiment.

The University of Pittsburgh made the list at #5 for forcing all incoming freshmen to take a mandatory class in “Anti-Black Racism” which teaches that “color blindness” and “the myth of meritocracy” amount to microaggressions.

The University of Central Florida clocked in at #6 for conducting a witch-hunt and firing a tenured professor after he made posts on social media questioning the existence of “systemic racism” and mocking the concept of “white privilege.”

The University of Minnesota was named to the list at #7 for conducting an online class titled “Recovery from White Conditioning” which presented a “12-step program” to make white students aware of their innate “white supremacy.” 

Cornell University made the list at #8 for offering a throwback to the Jim Crow-era—a racially segregated physical education class titled “BIPOC Rock Climbing” which barred white students from entry.

Elon University earned the #9 spot on the list for urging “white-identifying” students to join a weekly “White Caucus” Zoom meeting. “White caucuses allow white-identfying [sic] allies to have these conversations in a way that does not burden or re-traumatize people of color,” an email from the university explained.

Finally, Brandeis University earned the #10 spot on the list for racially segregating students in discussions about racism. Brandeis officials attempted to justify this segregation by claiming it was an issue of safety not to allow whites and blacks to converse about racial issues until the white students have been sufficiently shamed for their innate racism.

Using eye-catching graphics and memes, the Freedom Center’s social media campaign was able to place direct evidence of these racist outrages directly into the Facebook and Instagram feeds of students, alumni, and fellow educators from each university. Reaction was swift and condemnatory.

“As a graduate of this school, I find this very disturbing,” one Elon alum commented on the social media postings targeting his alma mater. “I need more information regarding this unacceptable issue before making contribution decisions.”  His comment was “liked” by 24 others.

“This is why I will not send them a penny,” declared a Brandeis alum from the class of 1971.

“They should never [have] fired that professor,” an alum of the University of Central Florida commented on the Freedom Center’s report. “UCF has turned into a garbage pit that continues to embarrass me.”

“I’ve been ashamed of Pitt since the Buckley incidents,” an alum of the University of Pittsburgh commented. “I stopped contributing long ago and this incident confirms I made the right decision. Sad.”

“I taught Legal Research and Writing at Georgetown in ’90 and I can tell you I struggled with minority students who could barely write sentences, let alone a legal brief,” commented a former instructor in defense of the Georgetown professor who was fired for commenting on the poor performance of African-American students. “I wanted to fail a couple of students but that is ‘just not done’ for the most part at Georgetown University Law Center. The racist accusation is crazy. If anything is crazy, it’s letting in unqualified students to meet a quota.” 

During the six-week social media campaign, the Freedom Center’s ads exposing racist colleges and universities reached over 377,000 individuals across all 10 targeted campuses and garnered over 1.3 million total impressions, 20,000 clicks to view the full report on the website, and 400,000 viewings of the accompanying videos hosted on YouTube. This is an incredible reach for a campaign of this size and scope and successfully exposed the radical manifestations of Critical Race Theory in our universities to large numbers of current students and alumni. A follow-up campaign encouraged alumni to sign letters protesting these outrages to the president or chancellor of each university and remains live on the campaign website.

“Diversity Training programs are not about racial sensitivity,” explained Freedom Center founder David Horowitz. “They are about the demonization of white people and the constitutional order of individual freedom, equality and accountability the American Founders created. These campuses are openly promoting racism in the name of ‘social justice.’” 

Images of some of the Freedom Center’s Facebook ads targeting the Top Ten Most Racist Colleges & Universities may be viewed below.

SOUTH DAKOTA GOVERNOR Kristi Noem addresses North Carolina GOP

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem addresses the North Carolina Republican Party about her state's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, defending liberty and the future of Conservatism - Via Newsmax's 'America Right Now.'

Kristi Noem Vows to Fight Hateful Critical Race Theory

The 1776 Pledge to Save Our Schools takes aim at the destructive ideology.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In May, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem became the first candidate nationwide to promise to combat action civics and the un-American ideology of critical race theory by signing the 1776 Pledge to Save Our Schools, a pledge drafted by a new patriotic education nonprofit.

“Teaching our children & grandchildren to hate their own country & pitting them against one another on the basis of race or sex is shameful & must be stopped. I’m proud to be the 1st candidate in America to sign ‘The 1776 Pledge to Save Our Schools,’” Noem wrote on Twitter.

Noem’s embrace of the pro-American education pledge came as state lawmakers nationwide consider legislation banning the teaching of critical race theory (CRT), which maintains, like the New York Times’ ahistorical 1619 Project, that America is an inherently racist nation.

It also came as Democrats promote the proposed “Civics Secures Democracy Act” in Congress, which involves handing out $1 billion per year in federal grants over six years for K–12 curriculum development, teacher training, and research on the teaching of history and civics. Some of the money will go toward action civics and promoting critical race theory.

“Many establishment Republicans are slowly awakening to this being an issue that people care about, said Russ Vought, who ran the Office of Management and Budget in the Trump administration and is now president of the Center for Renewing America, which focuses on anti-CRT efforts at the grassroots and state level.

“And I would say that the grassroots cares about this and election integrity more than any other issue right now. So, if you’re a Republican, and you are not doing something to combat critical race theory, you have no idea where your people are.”

Another group, 1776 Unites, which has the support of an array of black conservatives and liberals, scholars, writers, educators, activists, journalists, and entrepreneurs, was created earlier this year, as FrontPage reported in March. The group is a project of the Woodson Center, a community transformation and empowerment organization founded in 1981 by Robert L. Woodson Sr.

The group “maintains a special focus on voices in the black community who celebrate black excellence, reject victimhood culture, and showcase the millions of black Americans who have prospered by embracing the founding ideals of America,” according to its website.

Noem, a Republican, elaborated on her tweet in an op-ed with former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.

“A great nation cannot survive if its citizens are taught to hold their own country in contempt. Our Founders knew that people are not perfect – that is why they created an ingenious constitutional system of checks and balances. But that system also requires strong civic engagement by citizens who understand and defend the values and traditions that make America special,” Noem and Carson wrote. 

“Critical race theory is a deliberate means to sow division and cripple our nation from within – one brainwashed and resentful student at a time. And while foreign adversaries like China and Russia surely work to inflame our divisions, we are doing this to ourselves.  

Whether or not we can defeat this ascendant anti-Americanism is perhaps the most important cultural challenge of our lifetime, and fortunately, a growing number of courageous parents, grandparents and teachers understand the stakes and have begun to speak out and push back.”

“By focusing on this issue, we have the opportunity to create an entirely new, diverse coalition of voters for these values – one built upon a genuine love for our nation and our children,” they wrote.

“Critics often deride our push for truthful, patriotic education by claiming that we don’t want to have ‘difficult conversations’ about troubling aspects of our history. They’re wrong. Our children and grandchildren should understand the full picture – our fundamental values, our greatest achievements, and the long struggles to overcome injustice as well.”

“In doing so, they will learn the story of a brave and vibrant people. They will learn the stories of amazing men and women of every color and background who, for almost 250 years, have together fought, argued and strived to build a more perfect union,” they wrote.

For those not up-to-speed on the latest leftist euphemisms, action civics refers to K–12 students being made to protest and lobby for political causes for course credit.

Critical race theory spreads a false and hateful narrative about American history that exacerbates racial tensions, conservatives say.

CRT supporters denounce American culture and history as “Eurocentrism” and “whiteness.” It is “a variation of critical theory applied to the American context that stresses racial divisions and sees society in terms of minority racial groups oppressed by the white majority,” according to the 1776 Commission’s report.

“Equally significant to its intellectual content is the role Critical Race Theory plays in promoting fundamental social transformation,” the report states, “to impart an oppressor-victim narrative upon generations of Americans. This work of cultural revolution has been going on for decades, and its first political reverberations can be seen in 1960s America.”

The 1776 Commission was at odds with the anti-American ideology of Joe Biden, now our illegitimate, placeholder president, so of course he disbanded it hours after he was installed banana republic-style, surrounded by thousands of soldiers.

In Executive Order 13985, Biden rescinded legitimate President Donald Trump’s Executive Order 13950, which banned critical race theory in federal training, along with Trump’s Executive Order 13958, which created the 1776 Commission that sought to move U.S. education away from a radical curriculum that unduly emphasized race-related injustices of the past.

The pledge Noem signed is promoted by 1776 Action, a new 501(c)(4) nonprofit founded by Adam Waldeck, former aide to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. Gingrich and Carson support the group.

The anti-CRT movement has made a lot of inroads in Virginia.

Glenn Youngkin, Pete Snyder, Sergio de la Peña, Amanda Chase, Peter Doran, and Kirk Cox, candidates for the Republican Party nomination for governor of Virginia in May, also signed the pledge. Youngkin, who won the race, told Fox News before his victory: “As governor, I will not allow the political agenda of critical race theory to be taught in our schools. We will replace it with a high-quality civics curriculum.”

Loudoun County, Virginia, has become “ground zero” in the fight against critical race theory-based indoctrination in schools nationwide, according to Ian Prior, executive director of Fight for Schools, a Virginia political action committee.

CRT must be obliterated because it “seeks to view everything through the lens of race and believes all institutions, traditions, language, and history of this country are systemically racist,” he said.

In May, Fight for Schools launched a petition drive to remove 6 radical, pro-CRT members of the 9-member school district board—Denise Corbo, Beth Barts, Brenda Sheridan, Atoosa Reaser, Ian Serotkin, and Leslee King, all of whom are Democrats, The Epoch Times reported.

The 1776 Action pledge itself consists of a statement signed by the candidate promising constituents that he or she “will take concrete steps” to fix K-12 public schools.

The candidate pledges to “restore honest, patriotic education that cultivates in our children a profound love for our country,” and to “promote a curriculum that teaches that all children are created equal, have equal moral value under God, our Constitution, and the law, and are members of a national community united by our founding principles.”

The candidate also commits to “prohibit[ing] any curriculum that pits students against one another on the basis of race or sex,” and to “prevent[ing] schools from politicizing education by prohibiting any curriculum that requires students to protest and lobby during or after school.”

Among 1776 Action’s objectives are “supporting candidates for school boards, state boards of education, and other relevant offices who believe in teaching our children to love America,” and “defeating local and state education officials who indoctrinate our children with the false and divisive lies of the radical Left.”

The group also uses targeted messaging campaigns to pressure colleges and universities “to stop the anti-American propaganda,” and promote “pro-American alternatives to the radical version” of American history taught in so much of the country.

“1776 Action is an issue advocacy organization focused on stopping the anti-American indoctrination happening in our schools,” the group said. “Our goal is to make this a central voting issue in state and local elections where decisions over education are primarily made.”

“We’re doing that through ongoing ad campaigns, as well as the release of The 1776 Pledge to Save Our Schools to help parents evaluate relevant candidates and officials.”

“In classrooms across the country, the far Left is successfully indoctrinating children with anti-American lies and divisive theories that pit them against one another based on race and gender,” Waldeck told this writer.

“We don’t have decades to waste trying to persuade them that they are misguided, and so 1776 Action was founded to defeat them politically, culturally, institutionally and financially.”

Yale Lecturer ‘Had Fantasies of’ Shooting White People

Who is Aruna Khilanani? NYC psychiatrist 'fantasizes' about ...



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A psychiatrist lecturing at the Yale University School of Medicine’s Child Study Center may have just made the Hall of Fame of Hate with her talk on “The Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind.”

Psychiatrist Dr. Aruna Khilanani should probably take the advice, “Physician, Heal Thyself.” In a rootin’ tootin’, rip roarin’, full-throated attack on all whites as a race, Ms. Khilanani (no honorifics for this radical left-wing monster) let loose a stream-of-consciousness diatribe complete with murder fantasies, conspiracies, and the usual outraged victimhood shibboleths.

Some of her more incendiary comments, as compiled by former New York Times opinion writer and editor Bari Weiss, are difficult to read. To listen to the complete lecture, follow the link to the Bari Weiss Substack page.

  • I had fantasies of unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, burying their body, and wiping my bloody hands as I walked away relatively guiltless with a bounce in my step. Like I did the world a f***ing favor. (Time stamp: 7:17)
  • This is the cost of talking to white people at all. The cost of your own life, as they suck you dry. There are no good apples out there. White people make my blood boil. (Time stamp: 6:45)
  • We are now in a psychological predicament because white people feel that we are bullying them when we bring up race. They feel that we should be thanking them for all that they have done for us. They are confused, and so are we. We keep forgetting that directly talking about race is a waste of our breath. We are asking a demented, violent predator who thinks that they are a saint or a superhero, to accept responsibility. It ain’t gonna happen. They have five holes in their brain. It’s like banging your head against a brick wall. It’s just like sort of not a good idea. (Time stamp 17:13)
  • We need to remember that directly talking about race to white people is useless because they are at the wrong level of conversation. Addressing racism assumes that white people can see and process what we are talking about. They can’t. That’s why they sound demented. They don’t even know they have a mask on. White people think it’s their actual face. We need to get to know the mask. (Time stamp 17:54)

Recommended: NYC Principal Urges Parents to Become ‘White Traitors,’ ‘White Abolitionists’

Obviously, Ms. Khilanani has no business having anything to do with psychiatry. Indeed, with a worldview like that, the educational institutions that bestowed on her a degree — Cornell and NYU — should be investigated. Her employer should be made aware of her threats, at the very least. No doubt they know all about her. Someone like this can’t keep their mouth shut.

Is Ms. Khilanani a threat to herself or to others? Katie Herzog was given the unfortunate task of interviewing the good doctor. Note that she, like all psychopaths, continued to use the word “they” to describe her enemies and those against her.

Also, in my first year, along with another person of color, I had the most Saturday call. These things are not incidental. There was a meeting where they actually tried to take away my vacation from me.


They came up with this idea that since I hadn’t put the request on the calendar then they’re not going to give it to me. So that one I did push back on. That one I reported. It was a very chilling conversation that I had with somebody. This is how these chilling conversations go. It’s never through email. They’ll call you on the phone and say, “We need to talk to you about something,” because they never want any of this stuff documented. They’ll be like, “Since you didn’t put this on the calendar, you’re not allowed to have vacation.” And I said, “So-and-so and so-and-so didn’t put it on the calendar. Why do they get vacation?” And they’re like, “Do you really want to put yourself in the position where you’re pointing out your colleagues’ stuff?” Like they needed to make me the person who is calling out my colleagues — not that it was unfair.

The delusional paranoid misinterpreted a gentle reminder of the rules as a threat. Could anything be more revealing?

Ms. Khilanani’s lecture was part of a continuing series of talks from noted clinicians and others in the field who lecture students and faculty at Yale. The flyer announcing her talk contained this interesting disclaimer:

“It is the policy of Yale School of Medicine continuing medical education to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all its educational programs.”


Inez Stepman: How Critical Race Theory Is Being Inserted into K-12 Education

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History is being rewritten in schools across the country in line with the ideas of critical race theory. The Department of Education has proposed a rule to prioritize funding for education programs that incorporate the ideas of the New York Times’ 1619 Project and critical race theorist Ibram X. Kendi.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of a dramatic cultural shift occurring in America today—from separating kids in school based on race to the debate about transgender athletes participating in female sports. In prisons in some states, biological males who identify as female can now be housed with females.

In this episode, we sit down with Inez Stepman, a senior contributor at The Federalist and senior policy analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum, to understand our current cultural moment and how woke ideology is transforming America.

#inezstepman #criticalracetheory #woke

Inez Stepman: How Cancel Culture Conditions Society to Accept the Absurd

🔵 SUBSCRIBE to #EpochTV: 🔴 Watch the full episode: 👉👉👉 History is being rewritten in schools across the country in line with the ideas of critical race theory. The Department of Education has proposed a rule to prioritize funding for education programs that incorporate the ideas of the New York Times’ 1619 Project and critical race theorist Ibram X. Kendi. This is just the tip of the iceberg of a dramatic cultural shift occurring in America today—from separating kids in school based on race to the debate about transgender athletes participating in female sports. In prisons in some states, biological males who identify as female can now be housed with females. In this episode, we sit down with Inez Stepman, a senior contributor at The Federalist and senior policy analyst at the Independent Women’s Forum, to understand our current cultural moment and how woke ideology is transforming America.


“Wokeness Now Indoctrinating Your Kids Through Kellogg’s Breakfast Cereal”

By Olivia Cavallaro
Christianity Daily (not affiliated with Christianity Today

Just six days ago, Kellogg’s limited edution “Together with Pride” cereal hit store shelves all over the U.S. painting them purple to signify the company’s latest collaboration with GLAAD or the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation media monitoring organization.

The purple-themed breakfast cereal box comes with the tagline, “boxes are for cereal, not people,” which encourages kids and kids at heart to explore one’s identity. But not all people are happy with this new initiative.

The Western Journal, via WND, accused Kellogg of selling “moral rot and perversion” to children whose households have the brand’s products as staples. The accusation is that Kellogg’s has “sexualized its cereal box” with this new initiative that aims to “create opportunities for homes and families to have conversations about the importance of acceptance, compassion and understanding, especially when it comes to LGBTQ+ youth,” as explained by GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis in a statement. Click here to continue reading.


Letter to the Editor: “Christian” Professor Finds “Warm Welcome” at Wheaton College to Teach and Promote Critical Race Theory

Not Created Equal: Biden’s Racist Farm Loan Relief Reverses Course on Color-Blind Protections



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

State-sanctioned racism is back and undisguised. Buried in the recent $2 trillion spending package that was supposed to be about Covid relief is a $4 billion loan forgiveness program that explicitly denies eligibility to farmers and ranchers based on their race. 

The Biden administration’s American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 specifically provides automatic loan forgiveness of up to 120 percent of the loan amount for farmers and ranchers, unless they are white. The USDA also intends to allow non-white farmers to re-apply for new loans through the federal program, while specifically excluding white farmers.

Despite sixty years of progress eliminating racial discrimination by governments and court-backed mandates ensuring color-blind access under the law, the recent race-based loan forgiveness program is a blatant reemergence of state-sanctioned racism. The Washington Post reports that the payments begin in June. In its coverage, the Post acknowledges that some “argue that the relief is a form of reverse discrimination.” 

What an odd characterization. There is no “reverse discrimination.” There is only discrimination. Discrimination doesn’t travel in a direction and so it cannot go in reverse. Discrimination stays in one place and it is firmly in the neighborhood of the wrong. It will always face hostility in America, and it should.

That is why we, alongside our friends at Mountain States Legal Foundationsued on behalf of a hardworking Wyoming rancher who is ineligible purely because of her skin color. The Southeastern Legal Foundation and the MSLF filed the lawsuit in the District of Wyoming on behalf of Leisl Carpenter, a sixth-generation rancher. Her family has been ranching in Big Laramie Valley since they emigrated to the United States in 1862.

Ms. Carpenter’s sole source of income comes from ranching. She runs the ranch’s 2,400 acres, selling weaned grass hay and running 500 plus head of cattle.

Like many ranchers, the COVID-19 pandemic has financially impacted Ms. Carpenter and the Flying Heart Ranch. To help farmers and ranchers weather the pandemic, Congress decided that it was going to forgive federal farm loans – erasing the full amount of the loan and sending the forgiven debtor 20 percent of the loan’s value in cash to cover any resulting income tax liability.

But unlike other ranchers, Ms. Carpenter does not qualify for loan forgiveness because of the color of her skin.

The founding of an entire country based on a common ideology, not a racial identity, was such a blazingly radical idea that it took the entire world by storm. It was a literal “revolution, and yet Americans considered the idea so obvious that we labeled it as “self-evident” in the Declaration of Independence. All Men Are Created Equal. That’s America’s Best Idea.

We haven’t always lived up to this idea. We have always had those in our midst who think that our Best Idea cannot possibly be taken literally. That’s our Worst Idea. State-sanctioned racism has far too often been a feature of American life. The most recent iteration is the fashionable idea that equality must take a back seat to ensure equal outcomes, or “equity.”

Our Best Idea has always needed defenders. America’s horrible Civil War—a second revolution of sorts—was about reconciling the contradiction of slavery with our founding ideals. And when Jim Crow arose as a way to deny equality based on race, it necessitated a third revolution, or what we think of as the civil rights era, or Dr. King’s dream of a nation in which individuals would be judged on the basis of their character, and not the color of their skin.

State-sanctioned racism does not belong in the same land as the Declaration of Independence. Its self-evident truth is no longer revolutionary, but it still is under attack. Its ideals remain our Best Idea and are worth defending.

Woke Public Schools IMPLODING as School Choice SURGES and Homeschooling SKYROCKETS 700 Percent!!!


Woke Public Schools are IMPLODING as School Choice SURGES and Homeschooling SKYROCKETS an astonishing 700 Percent! In this video, we’re going to take a look at the extraordinary rise of school choice programs in states across the country, how homeschooling is surging at rates never imagined just months ago, and how enrollment in woke public schools continues to plummet like never before; you are NOT going to want to miss this!

Ron DeSantis Stands Up to the Woke Transgender Agenda

DeSantis Sends a Defiant Message to Woke Capitalism and the NCAA on the First Day of 'Pride Month'



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

On June 1, which LGBT activists — and President Joe Biden — celebrate as the first day of “Pride month,” Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) signed a law protecting fairness in women’s sports. He signed the bill in front of a group of female teenage athletes, including Selina Soule, one of the Connecticut female athletes who is suing to reverse unfair transgender rules that deprived them of athletic opportunities. He also vowed to stand for fairness in women’s sports, even if the NCAA takes punitive action against Florida.

“We believe, in the State of Florida, in protecting the fairness and the integrity of women’s athletics,” DeSantis declared at a press conference at Trinity Christian Academy on Tuesday morning. “I can tell you this: in Florida, girls are going to play girls’ sports and boys are going to play boys’ sports.”

“The bill that we’re doing today will ensure fairness for women athletes for years to come in the State of Florida,” the governor added. “It says that athletic teams or sports that are designated for females are open to females. We’re going to go based off biology, not based off ideology, when we’re doing sports.”

He also noted that S.B. 1028 will provide a way “to actually vindicate the rights of any women athletes who may be discriminated against” by the adoption of transgender policies.

RecommendedFive States Send a Powerful Rebuke to Joe Biden’s Attack on Women’s Sports

DeSantis introduced Selina Soule, who spoke about her experience losing to biological males who identify as female.

“In 2017, Connecticut began allowing two male athletes who self-identify as girls to compete in girls’ sports. During all four years of high school, I was forced to compete against them, even though they were bigger, stronger, and faster than me, because they were male,” Soule recounted. “In just three years, these two athletes won 15 women’s championship titles and they set 17 new individual meet records, records which we girls had no hope of breaking.”

Selina Soule Ron DeSantis Transgender women's sports
Facebook video screenshot.

“Those two biological males would dominate the field, leaving us girls to compete for third place and beyond. No matter how hard we’d train, and how hard we pushed ourselves, they beat us time and time again. We elite female athletes don’t give up a normal high school experience just for participation trophies. We race to win,” she said.

“This isn’t about self-expression, this is about our right — a woman’s right — to win,” Soule declared.

“During my junior year, I was denied the chance to compete at the regional New England championships. I missed advancing to the next level of competition at the 55-meter dash by just two spots, two spots that were taken by biological males,” she recalled.

“It was frustrating, heartbreaking, and demoralizing to be sidelined in my own sport,” Soule said. She said she reviewed the bill DeSantis would sign. “All I can say, on behalf of all female athletes, is, ‘Thank you, governor.'”

After Soule’s speech, Gov. DeSantis explained that corporations and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) will not force the State of Florida to bend to the transgender agenda on sports. He noted the pressure campaigns that many activists have launched in states like South Dakota, where Gov. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.) vetoed a bill protecting women’s sports because it went too far in the eyes of the NCAA.

RecommendedNo, Kristi Noem Is Not Playing 4-D Chess on Women’s Sports. Here’s How We Know

“When this was going on, you heard different things being said about some of these corporations get all spun up. Some of these organizations say they’re not going to hold events if you do this,” DeSantis noted.

“Let me say very clearly, in Florida, we’re going to do what’s right,” the governor declared. “We’ll stand up to corporations. They are not going to dictate the policies in this state. We will stand up to groups like the NCAA who think that they should be able to dictate the policies in different states. Not here, not ever.”

“And so we won’t be cowed. We will stand strong,” DeSantis added. He declared that even if the price of defending fairness in women’s sports is “that we lose an event or two, I would choose to protect our girls every day of the week and twice on Sunday.”

By signing this bill, DeSantis has joined at least five states that have taken strides in defending women’s sports against the transgender agenda. The governors of Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee signed laws protecting fairness in women’s sports, while Noem did issue an executive order with some protections (far fewer than the bill that South Dakota’s legislature passed).

In April, the NCAA Board of Governors warned that the NCAA will only allow colleges to host championships in “locations where hosts can commit to providing an environment that is safe, healthy and free of discrimination.” The board made this warning after explicitly endorsing “a more inclusive path for transgender participation in college sports,” i.e. a path to allow biological males to compete in women’s sports and vice versa.

The NCAA argued that its approach “requires testosterone suppression treatment for transgender women to compete in women’s sports,” following the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) policies. Yet a study in The Journal of Medical Ethics concluded that the IOC’s policies allow biological males who identify as female to maintain a key advantage that constitutes “intolerable unfairness.” Even some suppression of testosterone does not erase a male’s advantages, which begin in the womb.

A study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism concluded that “even after 12 months of hormonal therapy,” a man who identifies as a woman and is taking cross-sex hormones “had an absolute advantage” over female athletes and “will still likely have performance benefits” over women.

RecommendedStudy: Olympic Guidelines Give Transgender Women an ‘Intolerable’ Advantage in Women’s Sports

DeSantis is right to take this stance, even if it proves somewhat costly. While most of the legislatures and governors standing up to the transgender agenda are Republicans, fairness in women’s sports should not be a partisan issue. It is heartening to see DeSantis not only take this stance but show the backbone to oppose the NCAA.

POLICE STATE NEW JERSEY: RUTGERS UNIVERSITY Chancellor Apologizes For Condemning Anti-Semitic Attacks~Students for Justice in Palestine Protests Condemnations of Antisemitism



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It’s George Orwell’s world and we’re only living in it.

There’s an insidious argument being advanced in the wake of the Israeli-Hamas war. It posits the notion that criticizing anti-Semitism in the United States is the same as being anti-Palestinian. How that topsy-turvy, upside-down logic made its way into the mainstream is unclear. But the argument has been embraced by the left — probably because it stifles debate on their own rabid Jew-hate.

A case in point is what happened to Chancellor Christopher Molloy of Rutgers University. Molloy issued a somewhat confusing statement, condemning anti-Semitism on Wednesday.

“We are saddened by and greatly concerned about the sharp rise in hostile sentiments and anti-Semitic violence in the United States. Recent incidents of hate directed toward Jewish members of our community again remind us of what history has to teach us. Tragically, in the last century alone, acts of prejudice and hatred left unaddressed have served as the foundation for many atrocities against targeted groups around the world.”

Of course, Molloy had to check all the boxes in condemning all hate.

“Last year’s murder of George Floyd brought into sharp focus the racial injustices that continue to plague our country, and over the past year there has been attacks on our Asian American Pacific Islander citizens, the spaces of Indigenous peoples defiled, and targeted oppression and other assaults against Hindus and Muslims.”

Ordinarily, that reference to “targeted oppression and other assaults” against Muslims might be seen as condemning anti-Palestinian hate.

But Molloy failed to condemn Israeli violence against Palestinians. This hurt the feelings of Palestinians who have worked hard to create their own status as victims and get angry when their labors aren’t recognized.

So Molloy sent out another email the next day, apologizing for his oversight and implicitly acknowledging that it was wrong to condemn anti-Semitism so prominently.

“We are writing today as a follow-up to the message sent on Wednesday, May 26th to the university community. We understand that intent and impact are two different things, and while the intent of our message was to affirm that Rutgers–New Brunswick is a place where all identities can feel validated and supported, the impact of the message fell short of that intention. In hindsight, it is clear to us that the message failed to communicate support for our Palestinian community members. We sincerely apologize for the hurt that this message has caused.”

Causing hurt to some of those who hate just isn’t part of the social justice agenda. Hate, at least against certain people and certain groups, should be allowed to grow in the breast of a social justice warrior until it bursts forth in a spasm of righteous indignation.

Or a Molotov cocktail thrown into a police station.

In his eagerness to be “inclusive” in condemning hate Molloy has beclowned himself.

David Bernstein:

If a condemnation of antisemitism in the U.S. because of a recent upsurge in violence, threats, and vandalism, combined with a condemnation of all other forms of bigotry, triggers Students for Justice in Palestine, the chancellor’s response could have taken many forms, including silence. The one response that’s completely unacceptable is to endorse SJP’s view that condemning antisemitism in the United States makes you anti-Palestinian, or indeed reflects any view on the Arab-Israeli conflict at all.

This kind of Orwellian doublethink has become the norm on the left. That you can both condemn hate while at the same time condemning calling out the haters would have been considered insane a few years ago.

Now it’s mainstream thought at a major university.

An earlier version of this article misattributed the quote above to Eugene Volokh. We apologize for the error.


Students for Justice in Palestine Protests Condemnations of Antisemitism



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The antisemitic attacks led to fewer and even weaker condemnations. And now an apology for the condemnation.

A Rutgers University chancellor and provost apologized on Thursday for a previous message that condemned recent incidents of antisemitic violence in the US after it was denounced by a pro-Palestinian campus group — with school administrators regretting that their original statement “failed to communicate support for our Palestinian community members.”

The original message, issued Wednesday by Rutgers–New Brunswick Chancellor Christopher J. Molloy and Provost Francine Conway, was titled “Speaking Out Against Acts of Antisemitism,” and expressed sadness over a rise in anti-Jewish harassment and attacks during the past several weeks.

This is exactly the argument that lefties had used against All Lives Matter only to completely embrace it when it comes to antisemitism.

There wasn’t a surge of violence against Muslims or specifically those Muslim settlers who claim to be “Palestinians”. There was one against Jews.

And yet even that condemnation had to be pulled.

The backstory is that the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) hate group is very active at Rutgers. And the college has seen a good deal of antisemitic incidents. One of which they were being investigated for during the Trump administration where campus antisemitism was being taken seriously.

SJP Rutgers was really unhappy with the condemnation of antisemitism.

The statement by the Rutgers chapters of the SJP hate group complains that the college’s statement “exclusively addressing antisemitism comes during a time when Israel’s occupation of Palestine is finally receiving widespread criticism”.

The SJP hate group chapter suggested that condemning antisemitism was an effort to “conflate antizionism with antisemitism and derail Palestinian voices and activism.”

SJP also insisted “if the Chancellor and Provost were truly committed to creating “a safe learning environment that is inclusive of difference” as claimed in their statement, they would stand in active support of the Rutgers New Brunswick Palestinian population as well as its Jewish population.”

As the media continues advocating for Emily Wilder, this is a good time to remember just how antisemitic SJP really is.


Chicago Mayor Sued Over Refusal to See White Reporters

Chicago Mayor Sued Over Refusal to See White Reporters



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) has partnered with nonprofit watchdog group Judicial Watch to sue Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) after the mayor refused an interview with DCNF reporter Thomas Catenacci, who is white. Lightfoot recently made headlines after announcing that she would only grant interviews to “black and brown” reporters and is now being sued for discrimination and for violating Catenacci’s First and Fourteenth Amendment-protected rights.

Fox News reported in mid-May that Chicago journalists were claiming that Lightfoot was deciding who would be granted interviews based on the reporter’s race, accusations that Lightfoot later confirmed. Lightfoot defended her remarkably discriminatory actions by pointing to what she contends is the “overwhelming whiteness and maleness” of the press.

“In looking at the absence of diversity across the City Hall press corps and other newsrooms, sadly it does not appear that many of the media institutions in Chicago have caught on and truly have not embraced this moment,” Lightfoot wrote in a two-page letter to the media. “I have been struck since my first day on the campaign trail back in 2018 by the overwhelming whiteness and maleness of Chicago media outlets, editorial boards, the political press corps, and yes, the City Hall press corps specifically.”

“If I as the black woman mayor, the first-ever, don’t challenge us, the collective us, to do better, to really make sure that in every institution it reflects the diversity, nuance, and texture, then shame on me,” she continued.

“This isn’t my job. It shouldn’t be,” she added. “I don’t have time for it. But as with so many festering problems, it has only gotten worse with time. So here I am, like so many other Black women before me, having to call your attention to this problem.”

No, it certainly is not Lightfoot’s job to rage against “whiteness and maleness,” especially when her city is overwhelmed with crime and skyrocketing murder rates committed by and against “black and brown” individuals. Lightfoot’s constituents should be infuriated that the mayor has made the race of the press corps a priority when the city has become nearly unlivable for many people of color under her watch.

Lightfoot also took to Twitter to defend her policy.

“Diversity and inclusion is imperative across all institutions including media. In order to progress we must change,” she tweeted. “This is exactly why I’m being intentional about prioritizing media requests from POC reporters on the occasion of the two-year anniversary of my inauguration as mayor of this great city.”

According to the DCNF lawsuit, Catenacci made several attempts to interview Lightfoot on Chicago’s efforts to vaccinate its citizens and other COVID-related topics following the mayor’s May 19 letter, but the mayor never responded.

“On May 20, 2021, Plaintiff Catenacci requested, by email, a one-on-one interview with Mayor Lightfoot,” reads the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. “Plaintiff Catenacci sent a follow-up email on May 21, 2021. He also sent a third email on May 24, 2021.”

“As of the date of this Complaint, Mayor Lightfoot’s office has not responded to Plaintiff Catenacci’s request nor has Mayor Lightfoot agreed to an interview with Plaintiff Catenacci,” the suit continues.

The lawsuit states that Lightfoot “is aware that Catenacci is ‘not a journalist of color’” and deliberately failed to respond to Catenacci’s requests as a result.

“Failing to respond in a timely manner” to the interview requests is akin to denial, the lawsuit contends.

“It’s absurd that an elected official believes she can discriminate on the basis of race,” DCNF Editor-in-Chief Ethan Barton said. “Mayor Lightfoot’s decision is clearly blocking press freedom through racial discrimination.”

Lightfoot’s policy has prompted criticism from all sides. Critics took to Twitter, with some noting that Lightfoot’s policy is likely meant to distract from her failure to address the city’s crime problem.

“Lori Lightfoot presided over an enormous increase in homicides, almost all of them in African American or Latino communities, and she’s hoping these PR stunts get liberal America to give her a pass for failing to save people’s lives,” journalist Zaid Jilani pointed out.

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, a Pulitzer Prize finalist and contributing writer for the New Yorker magazine and the New York Times, made similar observations on Twitter, the Daily Mail reported.

“Such astonishing mastery of deflection and distraction … always hiding from her disastrous record of boldly upholding the status quo in Chicago,” Taylor, who also is a professor at Princeton University, tweeted.

Chicago Tribune journalist turned down a scheduled interview with the mayor in protest of the policy, The Hill reported.

“I am a Latino reporter @chicagotribune whose interview request was granted for today,” tweeted the Tribune’s City Hall reporter Gregory Pratt.

“However, I asked the mayor’s office to lift its condition on others and when they said no, we respectfully canceled. Politicians don’t get to choose who covers them,” Pratt added.

Carol Marin, co-director of the Center for Journalism Integrity and Excellence at DePaul University in Chicago, also criticized the policy.

“It’s a very good lesson for our journalism students to learn,” Marin tweeted. “Public officials don’t get to pick their reporters. And reporters need to stand up for fellow reporters.”

Catenacci contends all journalists and Americans are affected by the mayor’s discriminatory actions and have a vested interest in the lawsuit.

“Every journalist and every person who consumes the news should be concerned by Mayor Lightfoot’s actions,” he said in the news release. “This affects everyone. I look forward to holding the mayor accountable.”

BLM Co-founder Patrisse Cullors Resigns

BLM Co-founder Patrisse Cullors Resigns



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors is leaving after nearly six years in the top spot but insists her departure has nothing to do with the recent controversy over her real-estate purchases.

On Thursday, BLMGNF announced a “leadership transition,” saying Cullors leaves the organization in a strong position to support grassroots, art/culture work, and policy work that invests in the future of black lives. During her tenure, Cullors helped the organization reach several milestones, it is noted, such as advocating for “a future that is divested from police, prisons, and all punishment paradigms and replaces it with greater investment in justice and culture programs,” as well as “emphasizing creativity and joy in Black communities by supporting and showcasing Black artists and cultural influencers,” and financially supporting families of “victims” of “police violence,” and donating millions of dollars to black-led organizations and black families struggling during the pandemic, “especially organizers, those affected by police violence or who are LGBTQIA.”

“I’ve created the infrastructure and the support, and the necessary bones and foundation, so that I can leave,” Cullors said. “It feels like the time is right.”

BLMGNF also confirmed an appointment of two senior executives to replace Cullors. “As a strong advocate for the transformation of Black lives and the end of white supremacy, I’m eager to continue the foundation’s great work over the coming months,” said one of them, Monifa Bandele.

Earlier this year, property records showed that Cullors had purchased four homes worth $3.2 million combined, including a $1.4 million home in Topanga Canyon, a wealthy area of Los Angeles where only 1.4 percent of the population is black.

When the ritzy real estate purchases of the self-described “Marxist” Cullors became public, she defended herself, saying there is no contradiction between her socialist ideals and her getting wealthy. The way that I live my life is in direct support to black people, including my black family members,” Cullors insisted during a CNN interview.

Cullors also sent out a stream of defensive Instagram posts, insisting she did not receive a salary or benefits from BLMGNF — while mentioning nothing about her handsome remuneration for her work as one of the figureheads of the BLM movement, the healthy paychecks she has received from book and TV deals, or the speaking fees she has pocketed over the last few years. She did not attempt to deny any of the allegations regarding her profligate spending, acknowledging she had “definitely made mistakes” without explaining what those mistakes were.

Cullors insisted her splashy spending was normal for “so many black folks who are able to invest in themselves and their community,” pointing out that “they choose to invest [their earnings] in their family and that’s what I’ve chosen to do.”

Cullors claimed her departure has been in the works for some time and has nothing to do with the controversy over her recent home purchases, for which she has been widely criticized.

“Those were right-wing attacks that tried to discredit my character, and I don’t operate off of what the right thinks about me,” she said.

Left unaddressed was the criticism from BLM chapters around the United States, which have been complaining since December that even though the foundation’s funds had skyrocketed in 2020 and reached $90 million, only crumbs were doled out to the grassroots rank-and-file. 

In an open letter, 10 BLM chapters aired a range of grievances over the leadership’s lack of transparency and the exclusion of local chapters from input-giving processes. The statement, released by Politico, noted:

We became chapters of Black Lives Matter as radical Black organizers embracing a collective vision for Black people engaging in the protracted struggle for our lives against police terrorism. With a willingness to do hard work that would put us at risk, we expected that the central organizational entity, most recently referred to as the Black Lives Matter Global Network (BLMGN) Foundation, would support us chapters in our efforts to build communally. Since the establishment of BLMGN, our chapters have consistently raised concerns about financial transparency, decision making, and accountability.

Chapters also voiced their dissatisfaction with Cullors becoming BLMGN’s executive director “against the will of most chapters and without their knowledge.”

The 10 chapters encouraged BLM supporters to donate funds directly to local groups instead of the global network.

Another aspect of the BLM’s internal dissatisfaction with Cullors lies within her exploitation of black families’ real struggles.

“That is the most tragic aspect,” said the Reverend T. Sheri Dickerson, president of an Oklahoma City BLM chapter and a representative of the #BLM10, a national group of organizers that has publicly criticized the foundation over funding and transparency.

“I know some of [the families] are feeling exploited, their pain exploited, and that’s not something that I ever want to be affiliated with,” Dickerson said.

Tamika Palmer, the mother of Breonna Taylor — who was shot by the police during the investigation into drug-dealing operations, which sparked BLM protests across the nation — called BLM a fraud.

In a since-removed Facebook post, Palmer claimed the group used “dead black people to fund and empower white Democrats.”



BLM Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors Steps Down From BLM With Four Mansions, Possibly a 5th, to Pursue a Marxist Life 



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“Racism” Pays

BLM co-founder, mega-millionaire Marxist, race-baiter, and mansion-collector Patrisse Cullors is stepping down from BLM amidst a financial scandal. It seems Cullors has made enough money off the bodies of dead black men. She told AP it’s time to focus on her second book and her TV deal with Warner Brothers.

Cullors says her leaving BLM has been planned for about a year and has nothing to do with the New York Post story regarding her four mansions, all in white neighborhoods, and a fifth home she is looking at in the Bahamas, in the same luxury resort as Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods. Homes there sell for from $5 million to $20 million dollars each. Fellow Marxist Bernie Sanders must be proud. 

Cullors acquired her swanky empire while stating that the housing market is “racist” and full of “white supremacists.”

Last year, as BLM protestors were burning America, Cullors bought a “custom ranch” on 3.2 acres in rural Conyers, Ga., with a private airplane hangar, replete with a large studio apartment above it, as well as the use of a 2,500-foot paved/grass community runway that can accommodate small airplanes. Not bad for a Marxist. 

Big tech did their part to protect Cullors when the New York Post, Tucker Carlson, AND other members of BLM went on the attack. Facebook blocked links to the New York Post story. Twitter locked conservative writer Jason Whitlock out of his account after he tweeted a link to a report and mocked Cullors for buying a home in an area of Topanga Canyon, Calif., outside of Malibu, with a black population of 1.4%. As expected, she labeled the aforementioned New York Post story as “racist” and full of “white supremacy.”

The attacks on Cullors aren’t just coming from the phantom right-wing, “racists” and “white supremacists” Cullors mentions every time things don’t go her way. Hawk Newsome, the head of Black Lives Matter Greater New York City, which is not affiliated with Cullors’ Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, called for “an independent investigation” to find out how and where the global BLM network spends its money.

“If you go around calling yourself a socialist, you have to ask how much of her own personal money is going to charitable causes,” he said. “It’s really sad because it makes people doubt the validity of the movement and overlook the fact that it’s the people that carry this movement.”

Cullors responded to the threat with legal action and denied any association with Newsome. She also added that Newsome had no right to use the Black Lives Matter name.

Cullors’s last day of cashing in on the myth of systemic racism is set for May 28.

Trump’s 1776 Commission to Reassemble, Tackle Critical Race Theory in History Education

Members of the 1776 Commission, which President Joe Biden disbanded on his first day in White House, are reportedly set to meet again with a renewed focus on combating the teaching of U.S. history based on the Marxist critical race theory.

Texas Senate Passes Bill That Bans Critical Race Theory From Classrooms


DeSantis on Critical Race Theory: ‘Offensive’ to Expect Taxpayers to Pay to Teach Kids to ‘Hate Their Country’





School Superintendent: Critical Race Theory ‘Isn’t Optional Anymore’



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes: 

School districts across the country have pushed Marxist critical race theory, either by requiring teachers to take “anti-racism” trainings or by embracing the discredited “1619 Project” or by championing the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Learning for Justice” lessons. Yet rarely have superintendents blatantly stated that there is no room for dissent from the idea that America is institutionally racist.

Yet in a Zoom equity committee meeting on January 28, 2021, Dan Grotting, superintendent of the school district in Beaverton, Ore., suggested that if teachers disagree with the anti-racism movement inspired by critical race theory, they should look for work elsewhere.

“I do want the message to get out there that this [anti-racism training] isn’t optional anymore,” Grotting said in the meeting, The Daily Wire reported. “We’ve waited for the willing, and if you’re not willing then maybe this isn’t the right place for you to work” (emphasis added).

RecommendedWATCH: Teacher Rips Woke School District for ‘Racist Insanity’

“Maybe we can free up your future, because if we’re going to become an anti-racist school district, it can’t just be a few people, it needs to be everybody, to include our staff, our students, our community, eventually everyone,” the superintendent said.

This statement may violate teachers’ First Amendment protections, but Grotting’s remarks illustrate just how noxious and widespread this movement has become. Some on the Left equate any disagreement with “anti-racism” with actual racism.

The “anti-racism” movement traces back to Ibram X. Kendi’s book How To Be An Antiracist. Echoing critical race theory, Kendi claims that racial disparities are ipso facto proof of hidden racial bias or discrimination (regardless of civil rights laws explicitly forbidding such discrimination), and that people must choose sides. Those who support the status quo are “racist” while those who advocate for leftist race-based overhauls are “anti-racist.”

These ideas trace back to critical race theory (CRT), a Marxist attempt to upend society by claiming that America is systemically racist.

The Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York (CACAGNY) condemned CRT as a “hateful, divisive, manipulative fraud,” noting that CRT implies that Asians are “over-represented.”

“CRT is today’s Chinese Exclusion Act. CRT is the real ​hate crime​ against Asians” (emphasis original),” CACAGNY argued. “CRT appears in our workplaces under the cover of ​implicit bias/sensitivity​ ​training​. It infiltrates our schools pretending to be ​culturally/ethnically responsive​ ​pedagogy​, with curricula such as the New York Times’ ​1619 Project​ and Seattle’s ​ethnomathematics​.”

Even the Smithsonian briefly published a horrifying Marxist lesson on “whiteness” that “deconstructed” various aspects of American and Western culture, including capitalism, science, the nuclear family, and Christianity, as nefarious relics of white supremacy. The lesson also claimed that a work ethic, delayed gratification, being polite, and getting to meetings on time are aspects of the “whiteness” culture that must be deconstructed and rejected.

Marxist critical race theory inspired much of the destruction of the Black Lives Matter and antifa riots over the summer. While protesters rightly expressed outrage at the treatment of George Floyd, many of the protests devolved into looting, vandalism, and arson in which lawless thugs — acting in the name of fighting racism — destroyed black livesblack livelihoods, and black monuments.

The SPLC, a far-left organization best known for demonizing mainstream conservative and Christian organizations as “hate groups” and listing them alongside the Ku Klux Klan, pushes critical race theory in schools across the country through its “Learning for Justice” program. As of 2018, the SPLC claimed that over 500,000 educators nationwide use its materials. The program, long known as “Teaching Tolerance,” has pushed transgenderism for kids as young as preschool. It has encouraged teachers to teach kids about “microaggressions” in first grade.

RecommendedThe SPLC’s Horrifying Plan for Your Children’s Schools

Critical race theory and “anti-racism” have made terrifying inroads in American society and in education, in particular. Parents, teachers, and citizens need to push back on this noxious ideology.


CALGARY, Canada: First Muslim mayor of major city slams anti-maskers as ‘thinly veiled white national supremacists’



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi — the same mayor who took the liberty in his position of privilege to give mosques permission to break noise bylaws during Ramadan last year, so that they could broadcast the Islamic call to prayer over loudspeakers — has smeared Canadians who were protesting lockdowns and mask-wearing.

Nenshi is the first Muslim to be mayor of a major Canadian city. Canada is hyper-sensitive, under Justin Trudeau’s government, of “offending” Muslims. To ask questions, to point out that jihad terror and other human rights abuses are sanctioned in Islamic law, earns you the dreaded “Islamophobia” label, which comes in Canada with possible punitive action. This label gained even more traction with Canada’s anti-Islamophobia motion M-103. It was backed by a 23-million-dollar funding package attached to the document entitled “TAKING ACTION AGAINST SYSTEMIC RACISM AND RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION WHICH INCLUDES ISLAMOPHOBIA.” This document included plans to “monitor citizens for compliance” and to train law enforcement to detect online and offline hate speech. Little wonder that Canada is now grappling with bill C-10, which has created backlash as debates continue about its capability to restrict the freedom of speech, as if that freedom weren’t already restricted enough in Canada.

Given the state of the freedom of speech in Canada, Nenshi has escaped virtually unscathed after his attack on Canadians who have protested against mask rules. You see, in Canada, “taking action” against racism doesn’t apply to him. He has free rein, since an act of “racism,” as far as the woke are concerned, could only be committed against a visible minority by a white person, not the other way around. Therefore it is deemed to be within the range of what is acceptable for Nenshi to malign a segment of white Canadians for no justifiable reason. However, it is unacceptable merely to point out the truth about the violent and stealth Islamic jihad, and if anyone does, Islamic supremacist groups pull out the “Islamophobia” battering ram, with full agreement from the woke.

Lorne Gunther asks: “Does Nenshi mean all ordinary Albertans who feel that way are racist?” But what about visible minorities who don’t support masks and the lockdowns? They don’t exist in Nenshi’s mind. To him, it’s about “white nationalist supremacists.”

“Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi’s remarks comparing anti-maskers to white supremacists are disgusting and ignorant,” by Lorne Gunter, Edmonton Sun, May 11, 2021:

Remarks made by Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi over the weekend on Global News’ The West Block would get him run out of office if he made them about any other group.

Speaking about people who rally against social distancing and mask wearing, Nenshi said “Those people at those anti-mask protests … are marching in thinly veiled white nationalist supremacist anti-government protests.”

Some of the participants in anti-lockdown rallies are over-the-top wrong.

Lockdowns may be a mistake and an overreaction. If that’s your purpose for protesting, that’s a legitimate point of view.

The lockdowns, though, are not socialist plots to enslave the population, as some protestors say or tweet.

Does the over-reliance on “experts” and the instinct to lockdown society come, in part, from a misplaced faith in the infallibility of government? Sure. And so does the impulse to spend hundreds of billions of dollars we don’t have “resetting” society.

But that’s not the same thing as a communist takeover.

While some of Nenshi’s anti-maskers take things to an extreme, can you imagine the reaction if a right-of-centre politician used the old soft-racist phrase “those people” to refer to Black Lives Matter or Indigenous Lives Matter protestors?

It’s wrong to make broad assumptions about people based on race, gender, immigration status or faith.

Yet that is exactly what Nenshi did. He tarred everyone who comes out to voice their discontent with government restrictions as a white nationalist.

On Monday, he even doubled down on his racist rhetoric from Sunday.

The white supremacy at protests, Nenshi upped the ante, “is not thinly veiled at all.” It’s “completely out in public.”

Calling every hardworking Alberta small-business person a closet bigot just because some are protesting the forced closure of their salons or restaurants is disgusting.

Calling every small town resident the equivalent of a Klan member, for speaking up against the shutdown of their local café is revolting.

And have no doubt, it is also racist. It was Nenshi, not the protestors, who made an issue of their race. It was Nenshi who prejudged their character based on the colour of their skin.

If I were one of the protestors, I might file a human rights complaint against the Calgary mayor (who is not seeking re-election in the municipal campaign this fall).

Nenshi, who is rightly proud of being the first Muslim to be elected mayor of a major Canadian city, would likely rail against anyone who said “those people” (meaning Muslims) are all terrorists. Yet insisting “those people” (protestors) are all white supremacists is just as wrong….

“Calgary mayor says anti-mask rallies are ‘thinly veiled white nationalist’ protests”, by Amanda Connolly, Global News, May 9, 2021:

Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi says some recent rallies billed as opposing the wearing of masks during the pandemic are really just “thinly veiled white nationalist” and “anti-government” activities.

In an interview with The West Block guest host Abigail Bimman, Nenshi expressed his frustration with the fact that people refusing to wear masks and gathering in large crowds are endangering others.

“Those people at those anti-mask protests, let’s not kid ourselves. They’re not people who [are protesting because they] need to eat. They are people who are marching in thinly veiled white nationalist supremacist anti-government protests,” he said.

He was asked specifically about comments he made during the 2013 southern Alberta floods, in which he said he was not allowed to use the words he wanted to describe people out canoeing on the volatile and flooded Bow River, and that he had been told he could not invoke “the Darwin law.”

“Here’s the problem. It’s that these folks are not just flagrantly putting themselves at risk. They are putting others at risk, he said in the interview….

The Big Lie Again: Attorney General Garland Says White Supremacists Top Terror Threat



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

My latest in PJ Media:

It could be worse: he could be on the Supreme Court. But as attorney general, Merrick Garland can do as much damage or more to our fragile and besieged republic than he could if Barack Obama had succeeded in placing him on the high court. A revealing piece in Yahoo News by “journalist” Alexander Nazaryan Wednesday revealed not only Garland’s frankly troubling agenda, but also how the establishment media runs interference and sells that program to a largely unsuspecting American public.

Garland, according to Nazaryan, “told Congress on Wednesday that violence incited by white supremacists poses ‘the most dangerous threat to our democracy.’ That assertion reflects near-universal consensus among national security experts, including those who worked for the Trump administration.”

Yeah, just like those seventeen intelligence agencies that had come to a consensus that Russia had hacked the 2016 presidential election. In both cases, they had a consensus, they just didn’t have any evidence.

But asking for evidence is likely white supremacist now as well. Nazaryan notes that “Garland’s warning came during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, which was conducted by supporters of then-President Donald Trump and incited by white supremacist groups like the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys. Five people died as a result of the attack.”

This is false and severely misleading in numerous ways: neither the Oath Keepers nor the Proud Boys are white supremacist groups, and while Nazaryan tries to create the impression that the “white supremacist Trump supporters” killed five people, that’s not what happened.

But Merrick Garland apparently thinks evidence is for the proles. He intoned sententiously: “In my career as a judge and in law enforcement, I have not seen a more dangerous threat to democracy than the invasion of the Capitol.” He said that the Capitol incident was an “attempt to interfere with a fundamental element of our democracy, the peaceful transfer of power.” Consequently, “there has to be a hierarchy of things that we prioritize. This would be the one we’d prioritize.”

Nazaryan then tells us that Garland is an old hand at hunting down and neutralizing those evil white supremacists: “In 1995, Garland investigated the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City by white supremacists, an attack that killed 168 people, including 19 children. The bombing came at a time when militants were galvanized by violent encounters with federal authorities in Waco, Texas, and Ruby Ridge, Idaho.”

That was 26 years ago, but apparently Garland hasn’t managed to completely eradicate the white supremacist threat, which now dwarfs the jihad terror threat in magnitude: “The threat of domestic terrorism receded in the public imagination after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, which were carried out by Islamic fundamentalists from Saudi Arabia and other nations. But as that threat has diminished in recent years, militant white nationalism has returned as a top concern.”

And so at the hearing, Garland declared that “the horror of domestic violent extremism is still with us” in the course of his discussion of “his work on the Oklahoma City bombing and the Unabomber case.”

As far as Nazaryan, and likely Garland as well, is concerned, the white supremacist threat is still with us all these years later because of (who else?) Donald J. Trump, who “infamously told one such group, the Proud Boys, to ‘stand back and stand by’ during a presidential debate when a moderator confronted him on the topic. But instead of taking meaningful steps to address the white supremacist threat, Trump urged officials in his administration to focus on antifa, a loosely organized network of leftist radicals that is not widely considered a threat to national security.”


Nazaryan explains it all for us yahoos: “Republicans continue to insist that antifa and Black Lives Matter are as great a threat to national security as white supremacy, though research has shown that most of last summer’s Black Lives Matter-inspired protests were peaceful. While some violence and looting did occur, intense media coverage — in particular by conservative outlets like Fox News — may have provided a distorted image of those protests.”

Yeah, that’s it. It’s all right-wing media bias. That’s it. Antifa and BLM would be positively cuddly were it not for Fox News.

The realities bear restating: the January 6 Capitol riot was not an insurrection. The protesters were unarmed. There was no plan to overthrow the government, no ringleader, no actual incitement or call to violence from Trump. Nothing. And aside from that, they have to go back to Oklahoma City, Waco, and Ruby Ridge, all of which took place over two decades ago, which in itself demonstrates that they don’t have any recent incidents of “white supremacist terrorism” to invoke. The Proud Boys are not white supremacists. They aren’t terrorists, either; if they had been responsible for any actual terrorist act, you can be sure Alexander Nazaryan would have mentioned it.

Meanwhile, there has been the Boston Marathon jihad attack, and the Orlando and Fort Hood and San Bernardino jihad massacres, and numerous others that have gotten little or no media attention, and no demonstration of concern from Merrick Garland.

So this is what we get from Yahoo News: actual violence from jihadis is not mentioned. Actual violence from leftists is dismissed as minor or unimportant amid “mostly peaceful” protests. The fact that there is virtually no violence from white supremacists is glossed over with claims that groups that aren’t white supremacist actually are, and assertions that they’re terrorist, with no evidence offered at all.

This is not just Yahoo News’ scenario; it’s clearly Garland’s and the Biden administration’s as well. This is deception and deflection at the highest level of government. The agenda of Garland and his colleagues is obvious and insidious: they’re going to find those white supremacist terrorists, and they’re going to prosecute and destroy them. If they don’t find any white supremacists in sufficient numbers, they will claim that law-abiding conservatives are white supremacists, and defame and destroy them accordingly. Garland’s spurious assessment of the domestic terror threat must be seen against the backdrop of the left’s increasingly common habit of referring to virtually anyone who opposes the hard-left, socialist agenda of Biden’s handlers and the establishment media as a white supremacist. This isn’t just a smear. It’s a smear with a definite purpose, and is heading us straight to the persecution of dissidents. That would be us.

While China Plots War, Biden’s Military Goes Woke

Electric cars, critical race theory, and defeatism.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has called for a "new vision" for the military even if no one, including him, can explain what it is. Austin has been touting something he calls "Integrated Deterrence" a buzzword that seems to involve AI, the State Department, and some sort of new way of war. But mostly it means that war is a silly idea and that no one should fight wars.

"The cornerstone of America's defense is still deterrence, ensuring that our adversaries understand the folly of outright conflict," Austin declared in his big Pearl Harbor speech.

The problem, for the last 70 years, is that Americans see war as folly, but our enemies do not. And Austin, who headed up Obama’s disastrous retooling of the Iraq War which turned over half the country to Iran and the other half to ISIS, ought to know that better than anyone else.

There's a massive gap between Patton's "Americans play to win all the time" and Austin's insistence that, "the costs and risks of aggression are out of line with any conceivable benefit."

Iran certainly doesn’t think so and Obama and Austin didn’t give it any reason to think differently. 

We end up fighting endless wars because we get into them to deter rather than to defeat the enemy. Our leaders believe wars are a terrible idea, and so they never set out to win one. Instead, they stumble into wars and wait around for our enemies to be deterred by our determination to fight them to a stalemate until we give up and go home. And then do it again.

But if the military isn’t for winning, what is it for? Austin’s "Integrated Deterrence" means the military playing second fiddle to the State Department. He argues that the “U.S. military isn’t meant to stand apart, but to buttress U.S. diplomacy” and work with other federal agencies. 

Austin already knows to defer to the State Department because he was a member of Secretary of State Blinken’s Pine Island Capital gang whose people now dominate foreign policy.

And integration means Austin serving on Biden's task force to promote labor organizing.

What does any of that have to do with the military? A better question might be what Biden and Austin’s woke new military has to do with the military. 

In his 100 days review, Austin claimed that his first priority was sexual assault. While rape and any crime in the military should be dealt with, it sends a ridiculous message to our enemies when that's the top priority of the U.S. defense chief. ”Sexual assault is a problem that plagues us. It is a readiness issue. It is a leadership issue. We're going to lead real change for real results,” Austin ranted. Somehow I doubt China’s military bosses are focusing on crime issues.

After sexual assault there was extremism and vaccine rates: all of which are political priorities.

But Austin came into office defining the coronavirus as our greatest national security challenge. And then declaring global warming to be an “existential threat” that he intended to meet by “electrifying our own vehicle fleets." Because what the military really needs is electric cars that won’t function when the temperature drops or the charging stations are too far away.

While the Pentagon is focusing on leftist politics, Afghanistan is heating up with some of the worst fighting in a while and the Taliban are being hit with the hardest air strikes in years even as Biden preps for an alleged withdrawal. The Taliban have been making gains and the Biden administration would like to avoid a humiliating retreat under fire. But that may be unavoidable.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley was assuring the troops that whether you're "male or female, gay or straight or trans or something in between", it's all good.

While all the identity politics is making headlines, the big questions about China and Islamic terrorism aren’t. Even the question of whether we’re withdrawing from Afghanistan is still on the table despite Biden’s announcement and all the media buzz. Obama had already announced a withdrawal from Afghanistan and Austin oversaw Obama’s equally fake withdrawal from Iraq.

The official word is that the troop numbers are going to zero. But it all depends on how you define numbers and troops. Or as Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby put it, there won't be a "U.S. military footprint on the ground in Afghanistan, with the exception of what's going to be required to support the diplomatic mission there."

And some sort of unstated counterterrorism capabilities. 

While China preps for what looks like an invasion of Taiwan and Iran races forward to a nuclear bomb, the Secretary of Defense is delivering speeches full of environmentalist buzzwords like a "shared commitment" to a "resilient” and sustainable future", declaring, "we share this planet." 

But that’s what integrated defense means. Instead of expanding the capabilities of the military, its existing capabilities are integrated into whatever woke policy priorities are hot right now.

Austin isn’t overseeing a military machine, but a political organization being used to support whatever the New York, San Francisco, and D.C. economic, cultural, and political elites want. 

Democrats are defining everything as a war, from global warming to equity, as wars, except for actual wars. And the military is being used to fight every political war with no clue about how to fight the actual wars over the horizon. The new visions just means that the men on the ground will still be dealing with conflicts the same way that they have with no new lessons learned.

Withdrawing from Afghanistan doesn’t mean that we’ve learned anything, just that it’s unpopular. And we’re likely to be back in Afghanistan or Iraq using the same flawed approach because the military leadership is too busy spewing woke talking points to actually lead.

That’s bad enough when it comes to Islamic terrorists, but far worse if we fight China.

The People’s Republic of China hasn’t spent the last two decades focusing on vision statements and global warming. Its form of identity politics, unlike ours, is militantly nationalistic and convinced of its own superiority. Meanwhile, America is convinced of its own inferiority.

And our military is run by men and women who are obsessed with indoctrinating the troops with their own brand of leftist politics, organizing them politically, but not militarily. 

That doesn’t mean that we won’t stumble into a war. 

It only takes one side to start a war as we learned painfully on December 7, 1941, and September 11, 2001. China, unlike Secretary of Defense Austin, doesn’t believe in sharing the planet and isn’t focused on sexual assault tribunals or electric cars. It intends to win.

Austin’s Pearl Harbor speech is rich in unintentional ironies. Pearl Harbor was supposed to show off our deterrence even while the FDR administration imposed an embargo on Japan. 

Democrats love economic sanctions, but they don’t tend to work, and instead of folding to the embargo, Japan went on the offensive. As China prepares its own campaign of expansionism and the Biden administration, which likes to compare itself to the FDR administration, uses sanctions to avoid making the difficult decision whether to engage or disengage, history could repeat itself all over again. But this time when the planes come, they won’t catch sailors ashore, instead they’ll be listening to critical race theory and feminist lectures while charging electric cars.

Critical Race Theory at School is Weaponizing Kids Against America

Rumble — In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman explores the Marxist weapon known as "Critical Race Theory" and how it is being used to weaponize America's children against their own families and nation. The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution, Newman explains. And that includes this "Race" and "Racism" issue. Do not let your children be brainwashed to believe these lies.

🇺🇸 The New American:

The Debate Over Critical Race Theory Accelerates; Which States Will Prevail?

The Debate Over Critical Race Theory Accelerates; Which States Will Prevail?



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“Antiracism,” at first glance, suggests a noble idea challenging any form of racial supremacy. Yet as an ideology, it’s a highly effective weapon in the Left’s armory. But do Americans truly understand the core beliefs and values associated with the concept? Or how it works as a powerful tool to indoctrinate our children and young adults? Or how it’s used to convince people that it’s a righteous, responsible ideal we should not only embrace but celebrate?

A pervasive term in progressive dogma, “antiracism” demands that an “oppressor class,” i.e., white, straight, Christian males, must atone for its “power and privilege.” And today, “antiracism,” as an orthodoxy, is becoming increasingly prevalent and elevated in public schools and government institutions, as well as the corporate workplace and even some religious communities.

Originating from 19th-century revolutionary ideals drawn from Marxist principles — which sought to overthrow capitalist governments and replace them with socialist ones, no matter the human cost — “antiracism” embodies the Orwellian idea of “ending racism by seeing it everywhere,” as proposed by James Lindsay and Helen Pluckrose in their book Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything About Race, Gender, and Identity — And Why This Harms Everyone.

People cannot simply describe themselves as “not racist,” says antiracist expert Ibram X. Kendi, director of the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University. “In order to be truly antiracist, you also have to be truly anti-capitalist.”

In Kendi’s America, “identity is the means and Marxism is the end,” explains documentary filmmaker and author Christopher Rufo in his essay, “Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It.” Under this worldview, capitalism is overthrown by (racial or sexual) identity- and equity-based politics, resulting in “An equity-based form of government [that] would mean the end of not only private property, but also of individual rights, equality under the law, federalism, and freedom of speech. These would be replaced by race-based redistribution of wealth, group-based rights, active discrimination, and omnipotent bureaucratic authority,” writes Rufo.

An idea infiltrating our institutions through a methodology known as critical race theory (CRT), which holds that “race is a social construct that was created by white privilege and white supremacy,” according to Lindsay and Pluckrose, is the notion that all white people contribute to racism, and thus must conform to “antiracism.”

For decades, budding leftists have worked stealthily and subtly to transform and undermine the American education system and basic American freedoms. While Americans were sleeping, “woke” college professors have indoctrinated millions of millennials, who have strayed from family values and norms and entered a workforce prizing “diversity, equity, and inclusion” as defined by a singular worldview.

In September 2020, when President Trump banned CRT training in federal government agencies, the Left bore down even harder, with President Biden reversing Trump’s order and dissolving the 1776 Project, which sought to reinstate patriotic curriculum in the schools.

From “Common Core” to “Culturally Responsive”

Today, Democrat-led states, such as Illinois, Washington, Oregon, New York, and California, require educators to abide by rigorous new rules, including Culturally Responsive Teaching and Leading Standards (CRTL Standards), which demand teachers become “culturally responsive” to a host of social and political issues, and “create curriculum content to include a counter-narrative to dominant culture,” among other mandates.

These new regulations are setting a strong precedence, to be incorporated into all teacher trainings and certification requirements. Moreover, teachers who refuse to comply could face disciplinary action or termination.

Just this week, Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, a Democrat, signed into law Senate Bill 5044, ensuring K-12 educators will “continue the important work of dismantling institutional racism in public schools and recognize the importance of increasing equity, diversity, inclusion, antiracism, and cultural competency training throughout the entire public school system by providing training programs for classified staff, certificated instructional staff, certificated administrative staff, superintendents, and school directors.”

Per this bill, as illustrated in a report by the state Senate Committee on Early Learning and K-12 Education, teachers will adopt “updated cultural competency standards” comprised of “anti-racism standards, an equity framework, and culturally responsive instruction.”

Additionally, educators must demonstrate knowledge of the following concepts:

  • cultural competency, or “awareness of student cultural histories and contexts, as well as family norms and values in different cultures”
  • diversity, “the presence of similarities and differences within a given setting, collective, or group based on multiple factors including race and ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, age, etc.”
  • equity, “developing, strengthening, and supporting procedural and outcome fairness in systems, procedures, and resource distribution mechanisms to create equitable opportunities for all individuals.”
  • inclusion, “describes intentional efforts and consistent sets of actions to create and sustain a sense of respect, belonging, safety, and attention to individual needs and backgrounds.”

Long gone are the three Rs, as none of the foundational concepts of reading, writing, and arithmetic are mentioned in the new standards. Moreover, using taxpayer funds, the Washington state school district will require educators to complete several days of professional learning during the school year, focusing on one or more of the topics of cultural competency, diversity, equity, or inclusion.

In a recent presentation, Alex Newman, education writer and executive director of Public School Exit, likened government schools to a burning building from which parents must get their children out. “Do not let your children be brainwashed to believe these lies,” said Newman, who encourages homeschooling as the primary solution to pushing back on a system that increasingly divides children into “oppressed” and “oppressor groups” and claims that “white teachers are guilty of spirit murdering black children.”

Rufo, who is spearheading the movement to abolish critical race theory indoctrination in America’s public institutions, has been tracking introduced legislation in states across the country, including ArizonaArkansasIdahoIowa, and Louisiana, among others, that are banning the promotion of “race essentialism, collective guilt, and state-sanctioned racism.”

These Republican-controlled states are prohibiting “divisive” and “dangerous” bills that demand children identify their race, gender (at this point in time there are more than 60 terms for gender identities), and sexual orientation based on alleged notions of “oppression,” “white privilege,” and “systemic racism,” for the purpose of advancing social activism.

House bills in TexasTennessee, and Missouri, for example, bar “the teaching of ‘divisive concepts’ in state agencies and public schools, including universities.” Other states, such as Iowa, have initiated House and Senate bills that prohibit “race stereotyping and divisive concepts in state agencies, including schools; restrict funding to public schools, including universities, for teaching 1619 Project curriculum materials; and offer First Amendment protections, prohibiting race and sex stereotyping and divisive concepts in public institutions.”

The debate must move from the academic to the political realm, as Rufo suggests, and we are beginning to see that happen, which is a step in the right direction.

Since 2010, when Common Core ushered in a cornucopia of government-issued standards of education, far-left ideologues have been rewriting the roles of educators. The CRTL standards are also game-changing and will alter public education for a generation of children. Teachers and parents nationwide must be made aware of the proposed revisions, as the impact of these states’ decision to embrace critical race theory will be lifelong.

“When they see what is happening, Americans are naturally outraged,” writes Rufo. “Critical race theory promotes three ideas — race essentialism, collective guilt, and neo-segregation — which violate the basic principles of liberty and justice…. We must have courage — the fundamental virtue required in our time…. Truth and justice are on our side. If we can muster the courage, we will win.”

Leak Shows Disney Employees to Undergo Critical Race Theory Training

Disney EXPOSED For Disgusting Racial Training For Employees 

"Reimagine Tomorrow" Woke Propaganda

Racial training for Disney employees has leaked, and it exposes the absolutely disgusting ideology and woke culture that is embraced at this company.

Disney's anti-racism training program 'Reimagine Tomorrow' has been leaked, and it's going to go over as well with the general public as Coke's "be less white" training slide. On top of sorting employees into "houses" based on race, part of what Disney employees had to do was fill out a survey to find out how "privileged" they actually were. Equity over equality, and other socialist talking points are also presented as goals of The Walt Disney Company. This isn't going to go over well with a lot of investors...

a word salad showing woke, cancel culture, and activist agenda words

BY Nick Koutsobinas  


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Disney's critical race theory training docs for employees were revealed by whistleblower Chris Rufo, a conservative activist and documentary filmmaker.

"I've obtained internal documents that will shock you," Rufo wrote on Threadreader.

Pictures of a handbook titled "Reimagine Tomorrow" appear on one of Rufo's Twitter posts with the accompanying message:

"According to a trove of whistleblower materials, Disney has launched a 'diversity and inclusion' program, called 'Reimagine Tomorrow,' which includes trainings on 'systemic racism,' 'white privilege,' 'white fragility,' 'white saviors,' 'microaggressions,' and 'antiracism.'"

Disney, the now owner of such franchises as ESPN, Lucasfilm, Marvel, and ABC, states in their handbook America has a "long history of systemic racism and transphobia" and states its employees should "take ownership of educating yourself about structural anti-Black racism" and "not rely on your Black colleagues to educate you."

The handbook states white colleagues should "work through feelings of guilt, shame, and defensiveness to understand what is beneath them and what needs to be healed."

They need to "listen with empathy [to] Black colleagues" but "not question or debate Black colleagues' lived experience."

One such image in the handbook shows a kid in a wheelchair who cannot see over the fence alongside a person who is standing up looking over the fence watching a soccer game. This image was labeled "equality." It is juxtaposed with another picture of the same kid in a wheelchair with a ramp to see the soccer game. That image is labeled "equity."

Disney states employees must reject "equality" and strive for "equity" or, put another way, "equality of outcome." In so doing, employees are urged to reflect on America's "racist infrastructure" and "think carefully about whether or not wealth" comes from racist means.

Disney suggests its employees should read into "75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice," which lists groups or activities such as "defund the police," "participate in reparations," "decolonize your bookshelf," and "find and join a local 'white space.'"

Disney has launched several what it calls "affinity groups" that appear loosely defined as a business advocacy group for minorities. Its Latin group is called "Hola," its Asian group is called "Compass," and its Black group is called "Wakanda."


Mickey Mouse Goes Woke and Customers Don't Like It



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Walt Disney Corporation has ordered all headquarters employees to attend seminars that inject critical race theory, “systemic racism,” “white privilege,” and “white fragility” into their training. The way that City Journal’s Christopher Rufo describes what’s contained in the whistleblower documents he received from several Disney employees suggests the training regimen is designed to elicit guilt and shame from white employees while falsifying history.

In truth, it’s beyond belief. Disney’s theme parks may be known as “The Happiest Place on Earth”, but you have to wonder for how long.

The core of Disney’s racial program is a series of training modules on “antiracism.” In one, called “Allyship for Race Consciousness,” the company tells employees that they must “take ownership of educating [themselves] about structural anti-Black racism” and that they should “not rely on [their] Black colleagues to educate [them],” because it is “emotionally taxing.” The United States, the document claims, has a “long history of systemic racism and transphobia,” and white employees, in particular, must “work through feelings of guilt, shame, and defensiveness to understand what is beneath them and what needs to be healed.” Disney recommends that employees atone by “challeng[ing] colorblind ideologies and rhetoric” such as “All Lives Matter” and “I don’t see color”; they must “listen with empathy [to] Black colleagues” and must “not question or debate Black colleagues’ lived experience.”

“Challeng[ing] colorblind ideologies and rhetoric” is only part of the healing process.

In another module, called “What Can I Do About Racism?,” Disney tells employees that they should reject “equality,” with a focus on “equal treatment and access to opportunities,” and instead strive for “equity,” with a focus on “the equality of outcome.” The training also includes a series of lessons on “implicit biases,” “microaggressions,” and “becoming an antiracist.” The company tells employees that they must “reflect” on America’s “racist infrastructure” and “think carefully about whether or not your wealth, income, treatment by the criminal justice system, employment, access to housing, health care, political power, and education might be different if you were of a different race.” (Author’s emphasis )

Not very subtle, are they? In 18th century America, they were known as “levelers” — those who didn’t care what it took to achieve “equality of outcomes.” The French revolutionaries were great levelers. They used the guillotine to prove how good they were.

Now Disney — whose gigantic impact on American culture cannot be dismissed — wants to poison the minds of employees with this rot. Sadly, the wokeness is bound to seep down into the rest of the corporate culture and ruin the Disney experience for young and old alike.

Orlando Sentinel:

Recently, Disney announced that cast members are now permitted to display tattoos, wear inclusive uniforms and display inclusive haircuts. Disney did all of this in the name of allowing cast members to express themselves.

The problem is, I’m not traveling across the country and paying thousands of dollars to watch someone I do not know express themselves. I am there for the immersion and the fantasy, not the reality of a stranger’s self-expression. I do not begrudge these people their individuality and I wish them well in their personal lives, but I do not get to express my individuality at my place of business.

What’s next, is Disney going to end the rule barring on stage cellphone use by cast members as an infringement on self-expression.

Indeed, this self-described “out-of-touch white American dad” bemoans the loss of Disney’s most valuable resource: the human imagination.

Disney is in the process of taking the woke scalpel to the Jungle Cruise. Trader Sam is out because he might offend certain people. Every grown-up in the room realizes that Trader Sam is not a representation of reality and is meant as a funny and silly caricature. It is no more based in racism than every Disney caricature of an out-of-touch white American dad.

The next time I ride Jungle Cruise I will not be thinking about the gloriously entertaining puns of the skippers, I will be thinking about Disney’s political agenda. That’s a mood killer.

“You will be forced to care,” wrote Eric Erickson about the left’s assault on values. There’s no hiding from them. There is no “escape” with your family — even to Disneyland or Disney World. We are being overwhelmed by propaganda that looks to be as effective as propaganda from Kim Jong-Un’s North Korea. Conformity, “equity,” “equality of outcomes” — the groundwork for ending freedom of thought has already been laid in our schools and even where we work, where we worship, and where we play.

And even our icons like Mickey Mouse will become slaves in service to this ideology.


Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Glenn Youngkin Blasts State’s “Woke” Culture in Education

Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Glenn Youngkin Blasts State’s “Woke” Culture in Education



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A multi-millionaire, former chief executive of a private equity group, who has never held political office, is emerging as a top candidate for Virginia governor, as state Republicans prepare to nominate their candidate in the coming November election. Fifty-four-year-old Glenn Youngkin is one of seven Republicans hoping to secure the nomination during the state’s “drive-through” convention, which will take place at 37 locations throughout the state on May 8.

Youngkin hopes to be the GOP candidate to replace the current governor, the controversial Ralph Northam, a Democrat. His likely opponent from the Democrat side looks to be former Virginia governor and longtime Bill and Hillary Clinton associate Terry McAuliffe.

In Virginia, the governor is not allowed to serve consecutive terms, which is why Northam will definitely be out next January.

Youngkin had some harsh words for educators in the state who wish to bow to “woke” elements and remove accelerated and remedial math courses from the state’s schools, as well as teach critical race theory to students.

Speaking to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Tuesday, Youngkin lamented the direction that the Virginia Department of Education and some school districts in the state have taken in terms of teaching children.

“What they’re next onto is actually not awarding advanced diplomas to kids who have earned them in high school; to taking the Pledge of Allegiance and the Fourth of July out of the curriculum of things that actually bind us together, unite us as Americans and Virginians. And it just seems that Terry McAuliffe and the left, liberal Democrats here want to take our education policy from having everybody in the fast lane to putting everybody in the broken down lane,” Youngkin said.

“In education, they want to teach our kids what to think,” Youngkin said. “They want to teach them critical race theory and they want to take accelerated math out of the curriculum. “I want to teach our kids how to think, and not have critical race theory in the curriculum and, actually yes, teach accelerated math.”

The Virginia Mathematics Pathway Initiative (VMPI) — a joint project between the Virginia Department of Education, the State Council of Higher Education and the Virginia Community College System — is a proposal to “modernize” the state’s math curriculum. Among the proposals for “modernizing” the math curriculum is to do away with labels such as algebra and geometry and instead blend those courses “into a seamless progression of connected learning.” Instead of the labels for certain types of math, the schools would simply refer to them all as “essential concepts.”

Although state officials have denied that the proposal does away with the various levels of math, many parents in the state are still concerned about much of the language in the VMPI’s proposal.

As for critical race theory being taught, nowhere is that concept more in the news than the Loudon County School District, where teachers have been told to “disrupt and dismantle this systemic racism,” that allegedly occurs throughout America.

According to Youngkin, the reason he quit his high-paying job at private equity giant the Carlyle Group — which reportedly earned him $254 million over the years — and decided to run for governor was that he “could not recognize his home state of Virginia,” after ten years of Democrat rule.

“This is exactly what we’re seeing from the Democrats and particularly Terry McAuliffe is that they’re on the wrong side of every issue.”

“I’m homegrown and I love the commonwealth of Virginia,” Youngkin said. “I was so frustrated with the Republican Party because the Republican Party had not mounted a winning campaign in over ten years. So I left my job and prepared to run for governor.”

While seven GOP candidates are in the running for the nomination on Saturday, election observers believe that it’s really a four-person race with Youngkin, State Senator Amanda Chase, State Representative Kirk Cox, and entrepreneur Pete Snyder.

Chase is actively courting Trump supporters, calling herself “Trump in heels.” Cox appears to be the favorite of the GOP establishment, and Snyder, who is portraying himself as a political outsider, has been endorsed by former Trump officials Sarah Sanders and Ken Cuccinelli. Youngkin, who just snagged an endorsement from prominent GOP Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), is also running as a political outsider, despite being a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the establishment powerhouse that has exercised extraordinary influence over government policy for generations.

Anti-BLM Parent: America Won’t “Survive Teaching Our Children to Hate Their Country and Their History”

Anti-BLM Parent: America Won’t “Survive Teaching Our Children to Hate Their Country and Their History”



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

George Santayana’s famous saying “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” requires some delineation:

  • Those who cannot remember the triumphs of the past are likely condemned not to repeat them, and
  • Those who are told the mistakes of the past were triumphs will repeat them.

New York City parent Andrew Gutmann understands this well. Gutmann, who attracted national attention by issuing a now-viral letter addressed to Brearley School parents warning of the institution’s fatal race obsession, has sounded another alarm.

“We already do a horrific job in this country teaching history, and now we’re going to make that 10 times worse, we’re going to eradicate that,” the father told Fox News in a new interview.

“Our country doesn’t survive not teaching history and civics, and it sure as hell doesn’t survive teaching our children to hate their country and their history.” 

Gutmann is correct: What he warned of regarding posh private school Brearly, which he pulled his daughter from recently after seven years’ attendance, is a nationwide phenomenon.

Moreover, the Critical Race Theory obsession now sweeping academia — which teaches hatred of whites, America, and Western culture — is just the latest iteration of the Howard Zinn-aided, Gramscian march through the institutions that began many, many decades ago.

Gutmann said in his interview that Brearly parents — who pay $54,000-yearly tuition for the indoctrination — and their children were pressured by the school to become Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists.

This is despite BLM being a neo-Marxist organization whose members once chanted that they want “dead cops.” The group also demands the abolition of police; the “repeal of all immigration restrictions”; “the legalization of sex work”; “the destruction of the Western-prescribed nuclear family”; and, according to a report last year by commentator Tucker Carlson, “the forced reallocation of farmland” (à la Zimbabwe).

Tellingly, some of these toxic positions were featured on BLM’s website — until the group gained greater institutional acceptance and removed its older “Guiding Principles” page so it could masquerade as palatable. (The original page can still be found via an archiving service here.)

Yet many American schools are now taking a leaf from BLM’s book. As for Brearly, Gutmann says that the school “made it sound like they’re going to integrate this racial curriculum, this anti-racism curriculum, into everything — every class, into math, into gym, P.E.; it was shocking that they were taking that degree of integrating it into everything.”

Note that this is a hallmark of “ideological nations,” where the official state ideology is “pervasive,” to use a word Gutmann did when describing BLM racialism’s dominance at Brearly.

The father also mentioned that the Left’s new “Silence is violence” mentality reigns at the school. If “you just stay silent, you’re racist,” he lamented. “You have to be an activist for that. If you’re not an activist for an anti-racism initiative, for Black Lives Matter, for example, you are racist, you are a bad person, you are an oppressor, you are not doing the right thing.”

You can watch clips of Gutmann’s interview here. His original letter, which is quite compelling, was related in the video below.

One of the most striking things about the Critical Race Theory phenomenon is how unintellectual its embrace is. It basically originated last Tuesday (figuratively speaking), but “educators” coast to coast behave as if it’s enlightening, timeless brilliance from on high.

It’s a fad, and its popularity reflects a deeper problem: The prevalence of “changeist,” immature moderns who treasure the spirit of the age over the ageless, who prefer “Thursday over Wednesday because it is Thursday,” as G.K. Chesterton put it. Detached from and not believing in Truth, they’ll embrace a lie as long as it’s the latest thing on the cocktail-party circuit.

Today’s anti-American racialist lie is a destructive one, too. Author George Orwell once noted that the “most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” This is now a fait accompli in America.

When I worked with kids, I once asked a small group of them who the “Father of America” was. Their answer wasn’t George Washington — it was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. These were upper-class white children, too.

Then there was the 14-year-old I was instructing in religious education who, I discovered, hadn’t heard of Adolf Hitler. Both these incidents occurred 15 to 20 years ago, too, do note.

Now, question: If you don’t know much about American history’s arguably most important figure or are ignorant of the 20th-century’s most notorious one, what of historical importance do you know?

Studies indicate that American youth don’t know much. This matters because, harking back to my opening lines, history is essentially a record of a series of man’s social experiments. And it’s as with a scientist: He remains mindful of his field’s record of experiments so that he can say, “Oh, we tried that before and it didn’t work” or “Yes, that bore fruit; we should now build upon it.”

Of course, though, if children know nothing of history, you can easily feed them a revisionist version of it and make them think that good was bad and bad, good. And now you know part of the reason why a 2020 poll found that “70 percent of Millennials say they are likely to vote for a socialist while one in three view communism favorably,” as Campus Reform reported last year.  

Moreover, “22 percent of millennials believe ‘society would be better if all private property was abolished,’” the site also related.

And this is what happens when good history and virtue are abolished. But what needs to be abolished is any curriculum reflecting so-called “leftism” and any educator advocating it. Unless there’s a patriotic march through the institutions that tramples Gramsci’s ghost, what remains of the American spirit will be relegated to the grave.   

SARAH CORRIHER: Parents Defeat Anti-White Propaganda

In Southlake, Texas, a group of parents banded together to fight leftist indoctrination that would have taught white students to be ashamed of their race, culture, and heritage. The parents won, in what should be a lesson for the silent majority around the country. Get reliable notification options and further information at Sarah's home site:

200 Fascist Simon & Schuster Employees Demand Publisher Drop Books They Disagree With



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Proving once again that inside every “progressive” is a totalitarian screaming to get out. My latest in FrontPage:

Over 200 employees of Simon & Schuster have gone full fascist, signing a petition calling on the publishing giant to stop providing a platform for everyone except fellow leftist fascists. The haters of the freedom of speech made three demands:

1. Cancel the two-book deal with Mike Pence and do not sign any more book deals with former members of the Trump administration.
2. End Simon & Schuster’s distribution deal with Post Hill Press [which publishes conservative books].
3. Commit to ongoing reevaluations of all clients, authors, distribution deals, and all other financial commitments that promote white supremacist content and/or harm the aforementioned marginalized communities.

The fascists claimed that “when S&S chose to sign Mike Pence, we broke the public’s trust in our editorial process, and blatantly contradicted previous public claims in support of Black and other lives made vulnerable by structural oppression. Simon & Schuster has chosen complicity in perpetuating white supremacy by publishing Mike Pence and continuing to distribute books for Post Hill Press, including predator Matt Gaetz’s FIREBRAND. By choosing to publish Mike Pence, Simon & Schuster is generating wealth for a central figure of a presidency that unequivocally advocated for racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, anti-Blackness, xenophobia, misogyny, ableism, islamophobia, antisemitism, and violence. This is not a difference of opinions; this is legitimizing bigotry.”

Of course. No dissent from the left is a legitimate “difference of opinions,” because leftists see the world in a way that religious fanatics throughout history would find familiar: they alone have the vision of what is good and just, and since all those outside the fold are ignorant and evil, they have no rights that the arbiters of what constitutes acceptable opinion are bound to respect.

So far, however, Simon & Schuster’s chief executive Jonathan Karp has shown himself to be among the unredeemed. Karp reminded the fascists in his employ that the job of a publishing house was to allow for “a diversity of voices and perspectives.”Diversity! Karp’s choice of words must have driven the petitioners up the wall because like all leftists, they are no doubt extremely proud of their commitment to “diversity” in all forms except, of course, a genuine diversity of thought. Black and brown and queer and trans voices and all the rest are welcome among them, as long as they all think the same way and say the same thing. But here was Karp gently making it clear that the petitioners weren’t really in favor of diversity in any meaningful way. “We come to work each day to publish, not cancel,” he said, “which is the most extreme decision a publisher can make.”

For that he will likely be canceled himself before too long.

The American left long ago embraced authoritarianism and fascism and is increasingly intolerant of any point of view other than its own. Note that the petitioners included in its laundry list of denunciations the spurious propaganda neologism “Islamophobia.” “Islamophobia” is an illegitimate conflation of two distinct phenomena: crimes against innocent Muslims, which are never justified, and honest analysis of the motivating ideology of jihad terror, which is always necessary. It is inconceivable that anyone would want to publish a book calling for attacks on innocent Muslims or any innocent people, but there are many books discussing the motivating ideology of jihad terrorism.

Islamic advocacy groups and their leftist allies have been insisting for years that such books, too, constituted “Islamophobia.” Such analyses are what these fascists at Simon & Schuster want to stamp out. If the left succeeds in consolidating power, it will be impossible to publish, and likely illegal to enunciate publicly, any opposition to jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women and others, for there is no example of any such opposition not being considered “Islamophobic.”

The fascist employees also demanded that Simon & Schuster cut ties with my publisher, Post Hill Press (my last six books have been or are in the process of being published under Post Hill’s imprint, Bombardier Books), with which Simon & Schuster has a distribution arrangement. The petition libelously asserts that Post Hill “openly supports and normalizes violence against minors, Black women, and all Black people by individuals and the state.” This is, of course, not remotely true. It is how left-fascists lie in order to demonize and destroy their opponents. Although Karp has rejected this petition, expect to see much more of this sort of thing. We have not yet reached the high tide of left-fascism in America today.

The Left’s Systemic Exploitation of Race

And how to counter its false and destructive narrative.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

When I occasionally complain about the left politicizing race, fellow conservatives often say to me, "Don't worry about this. They've lost all credibility on the issue, trivializing it by overuse. They're getting no traction with it." Oh?

You'd have to be blind and deaf to deny that this tactic is working for the left politically and that it has caused great harm. Democrats and the left bring up race every five minutes to demonize Republicans and profit politically. It is nothing more than a raw power grab.


Indeed, if you want to talk about shameful behavior on race, look no further than the liberal politicians and the media who smear half the country as racists daily because of their views on economic, political and cultural issues. If you champion American sovereignty, advocate border control, support the indispensability of law enforcement, promote our free-market economy and cherish America's founding principles — and if your skin happens to be white (unless you're a progressive) — you are presumptively racist.

The baseless racism allegation is particularly despicable considering there are few more damning charges that can be leveled against a person and that the persistent hammering of this issue does incalculable damage to race relations and overall societal goodwill. And don't think for a second it isn't leading to violence. People are dying in the streets not just because of certain incidents of police brutality but because way too many people have been deceived into believing that non-minorities hate them based on their skin color.

Those who pooh-pooh the threat posed by the left's relentless exploitation of race don't factor in several important things: When you repeat a lie often enough, it is eventually believed. When you control academia, the mainstream media, Hollywood and the fascist digital oligarchy, you can exert mind control on not just young, impressionable people but adults who are bullied and shamed into silence and ultimately surrender. (There may be a growing outrage among the millions of victims of these libels, but as of yet, they are not fighting back with even a modicum of energy and coordination.)

Many of you probably didn't realize that the seeds of the infernal ideas of critical race theory, white supremacy and systemic racism began as rogue ideas in university faculty lounges, academic literature and, ultimately, the classrooms of America's indoctrination laboratories, otherwise known as our hallowed universities.

These cockeyed ideas on gender and race populated all kinds of university textbooks and classrooms, which were more committed to agitating students than providing them a classical education, but for several decades, they were relegated to the academic fringe. Now, as the left has become more and more emboldened, this insanity has proliferated into the mainstream of our culture and politics.

Democratic politicians and their media cohorts routinely make flagrantly ludicrous comments about race that intellectually honest people should reject out of hand. Instead, these views are being treated seriously, and people who know better are legitimizing this poison. The mostly fabricated racism issue is dominating everything, to the point that we can't even focus on real problems facing society — and minorities in particular.

One of the greatest ironies surrounding all of this malicious nonsense is that the bizarre notions of critical race theory, white supremacy and systemic racism are themselves racist. They vilify people as a group based on their race, not their individual hearts, character or conduct. They judge people as intrinsically irredeemable solely by virtue of their skin color.

Racism is not systemic in America today. What is systemic is the left's dishonest stigmatizing of people as racists. There is a strong spiritual component at work here. God created each and every human being in His image. We are individuals, accountable to Him for our behavior; we are not to be judged based on what others do. This spurious, categorical condemnation of people robs them of their individuality and dehumanizes them. At the same time, the victimization of minorities for crass political gain diminishes their individuality and accountability. Everyone loses except the political shysters who benefit from this acrimony.

Sadly, this wicked duplicity will not stop until responsible people of good faith of all races and political parties stand up against the corrosive, engineered pandemic of racial disharmony and truly preach that we are all called to love one another irrespective of skin color. It certainly won't stop through the proposed remedies of endless wealth redistribution, reparations, police reform and the self-flagellation of people copping to a sin of which they don't believe they're guilty. The Civil War and civil rights movement apparently count for nothing. The left has an insatiable lust for keeping this issue on the front burner at the highest heat, and things will not improve until the left is no longer rewarded for fomenting racial disharmony.

What we need in this country is a religious revival — another Great Awakening — but until that time, people need to get on offense and fight back against this false and evil narrative.

David Limbaugh is a writer, author and attorney.

White Farmers Sue USDA Over Race-based Loan Forgiveness

White Farmers Sue USDA Over Race-based Loan Forgiveness



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Five white farmers have sued the Biden administration because it plans to administer an anti-white, openly discriminatory loan-forgiveness program.

The lawsuit argues that the U.S. Department of Agriculture and its Farm Service Agency (FSA), which lends money to farmers and ranchers, are discriminating against white farmers in offering debt forgiveness via the recently passed, $2 trillion American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Only minorities can apply, the FSA openly says, because it must help repair the damage from years of “systemic discrimination” in lending.

In other words, whites need not apply.

The Program

FSA chief Zach Ducheneaux explained the racially discriminatory policy at USDA websites.

“USDA recognizes that socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers have faced systemic discrimination with cumulative effects that have, among other consequences, led to a substantial loss in the number of socially disadvantaged producers, reduced the amount of farmland they control, and contributed to a cycle of debt that was exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic,” he wrote on March 26:

During the pandemic, socially disadvantaged communities saw a disproportionate amount of COVID-19 infection rates, loss of property, hospitalizations, death, and economic hurt.

To address these systemic challenges, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provides historic debt relief to socially disadvantaged producers including Black/African American, American Indian or Alaskan native, Hispanic or Latino, and Asian American or Pacific Islander.

On April 16, he explained that the USDA ARPA will “pay up to 120% of loan balances, as of January 1, 2021” for FSA loans. “If you are a Black, Native American/Alaskan Native, Asian American or Pacific Islander, or are of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity, with one of the loans listed above, you are eligible for the loan payment.”

Citing testimony from Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilsach, the lawsuit says the agency will forgive up to 15,000 loans and more than $4 billion debt for “non-white farmers.”

The plaintiffs are Adam P. Faust and Christopher C. Baird of Wisconsin, Jonathan P. Stevens of Minnesota, Jay T. Slaba of South Dakota, and Joseph W. Schmitz of Ohio. Each is a farmer, the lawsuit avers, who would “otherwise be eligible for the loan forgiveness provisions of Section 1005 of ARPA, except that he is white.”

“In March 2021, the United States retreated from the principle of equality under the law by enacting a race-based loan-forgiveness program” in ARPA, the lawsuit argues, because it excludes whites. 

It’s Illegal

Such discrimination is illegal unless the defendants, Ducheneaux and Vilsack, can “prove that its discriminatory benefit is narrowly tailored and serves a compelling government interest,” the lawsuit argues:

While Defendants’ public statements about ARPA describe their generalized goal of ending “systemic racism,” such broad goals do not override the constitutional ban on race discrimination. In fact, the Supreme Court has “rejected the interest in remedying societal discrimination because it had no logical stopping point.… In short, “[t]he way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.”

Previous case law and the U.S. Constitution, the lawsuit argues, ban the open racial discrimination the program involves. 

“The liberty protected by the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause contains within it the prohibition against denying to any person the equal protection of the laws,” the lawsuit avers. “The racial classifications under Section 1005 of ARPA are unconstitutional because they violate the Equal Protection guarantee in the United States Constitution.”

Nor do they serve a compelling government interest, the lawsuit argues.

The lawsuit asks the court to declare the program unconstitutional and stop the USDA from “applying racial classifications when determining eligibility” for the programs.

The lawsuit has not deterred the USDA, the Green Bay Press Gazette reported. While the agency reviews the complaint with the Justice Department, it will continue to implement the program, a spokesman said.

“There should absolutely be no federal dollars going anywhere just based on race,” Faust told the newspaper. “The economic impact from COVID-19 didn’t hurt any race more than another as far as agriculture goes.”


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