Trudeau Responds To Trump’s Tariffs, Enacting 25% Tariffs On $155 Billion In American Goods, China Vows ‘Countermeasures’

HANGZHOU, CHINA - SEPTEMBER 04: Chinese President Xi Jinping (right) shakes hands with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the G20 Summit on September 4, 2016 in Hangzhou, China. World leaders are gathering in Hangzhou for the 11th G20 Leaders Summit from September 4 to 5. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)
HANGZHOU, CHINA – SEPTEMBER 04: Chinese President Xi Jinping (right) shakes hands with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to the G20 Summit on September 4, 2016 in Hangzhou, China. World leaders are gathering in Hangzhou for the 11th G20 Leaders Summit from September 4 to 5. (Photo by Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)

OAN Staff Blake Wolf
11:38 AM – Sunday, February 2, 2025

Both China and Canada have recently come out and denounced President Donald Trump’s tariffs, vowing to enact retaliatory measures.

President Trump announced on Saturday that his administration “implemented a 25% Tariff on Imports from Mexico and Canada (10% on Canadian Energy) and a 10% Additional Tariff on China." This was done through the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) because of the major threat of illegal aliens and deadly drugs killing our Citizens, including fentanyl. We need to protect Americans, and it is my duty as President to ensure the safety of all. I made a promise on my Campaign to stop the flood of illegal aliens and drugs from pouring across our Borders, and Americans overwhelmingly voted in favor of it.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to Trump’s tariff policy, vowing to enact a 25% tariff on $155 billion worth of American goods, including products like alcohol and fruit.

“Unfortunately, the actions taken today by the White House only split us apart instead of bringing us together. Tonight, I am announcing that Canada will be responding to the U.S. trade action with 25% tariffs against $155 billion dollars worth of American goods,” Trudeau stated.

“Like the American tariffs, our response will also be far reaching and include everyday items such as American beer, wine, and bourbon. Fruits and fruit juices, including orange juice. Along with vegetables, perfume, clothing, and shoes. It will include major consumer products like household appliances, furniture and sports equipment. And materials like lumber and plastics, along with much, much more,” Trudeau added.

Trump responded on Sunday, stating “We pay hundreds of Billions of Dollars to SUBSIDIZE Canada. Why not? There is no reason. We don’t need anything they have. We have unlimited Energy, should make our own Cars, and have more Lumber than we can ever use. Without this massive subsidy, Canada ceases to exist as a viable country. Harsh but true! Therefore, Canada should become our Cherished 51st State. Much lower taxes, and far better military protection for the people of Canada – AND NO TARIFFS!”

Meanwhile, China’s commerce ministry stated that Trump’s tariffs “seriously violates” international trade laws.

Beijing also plans to challenge Trump’s tariffs by taking unspecified “countermeasures,” pushing back on Trump’s assertion that China needs to quell fentanyl production.

“Fentanyl is America’s problem,” China’s foreign ministry stated. “The Chinese side has carried out extensive anti-narcotics cooperation with the United States and achieved remarkable results.”

Additionally, Trump warned Americans to brace for potential short-term economic “pain,” adding that “THIS WILL BE THE GOLDEN AGE OF AMERICA!”


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New York’s Democrat Governor and Attorney General Vow to ‘Fight’ Trump

It is a pitiful display of sour grapes and pathetic threats.

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

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New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul and Attorney General Letitia James disgraced themselves the day after the American people voted overwhelmingly to elect Donald Trump to become the forty-seventh president of the United States. Still defiant after the American people had clearly spoken with their vote of confidence in Mr. Trump’s leadership and policies, Hochul and James vowed resistance to the president-elect and his incoming administration. In Governor Hochul’s words, “You try to harm New Yorkers or roll back their rights, I will fight you every step of the way.”

Shortly before the election, Hochul smeared all New Yorkers who intended to vote for Mr. Trump as “anti-American.” It turned out that she managed to insult about 3.5 million New York citizens who voted for Mr. Trump, which was 43 percent of all those who turned out to vote in New York. Hochul’s definition of a “democracy” is a one-party system that espouses one vision for America and does not tolerate any significantly opposing views.

At her post-election appearance with Attorney General James, Governor Hochul likened the election result to the “storms” that “we have weathered before,” such as “epidemics.”  She added, “We fought the first time around and we’ll fight again.”

Attorney General James declared: “My office has been preparing for a potential second Trump Administration, and I am ready to do everything in my power to ensure our state and nation do not go backward…We are ready to fight back again.” James warned, “We’re ready to respond to any attempts to cut or eliminate any funding to the great state of New York. We will continue to stand tall in the face of injustice, revenge, or retribution.”

Ms. James’ Trump Derangement Syndrome led her to abuse her office in a vendetta of injustice, revenge, and retribution aimed at Mr. Trump. To keep Trump tied down in court and strip him of the financial resources to mount another presidential campaign, Mr. James tried to bankrupt Mr. Trump with a bogus civil lawsuit that has already drawn skepticism from appellate judges. Now she is doubling down on her pledge “to fight back again.” What she is vowing to fight back against once again is the American people’s decision to elect Donald Trump as our president once again.

President-elect Trump has promised to begin mass deportation of illegal immigrants, beginning with criminal gang members who have been preying on innocent people, as his top priority upon taking office. The majority of the American people support mass deportation and view illegal immigration as one of their main concerns. But not Hochul and James. They prioritize preserving New York as a sanctuary state and protecting the so-called “rights” of illegal immigrants over the rights of law-abiding Americans to live in a secure, safe environment.

As part of her resistance battle plan to fight “policy and regulatory threats” that may emerge from the new Trump administration, Governor Hochul announced the formation of an “Empire State Freedom Initiative.” Among the alleged “threats from a Trump administration” is immigration, which the taxpayer-funded Empire State Freedom Initiative is tasked with addressing.

Thus, we can expect that one of the first battles that Governor Hochul and Attorney General James will launch against the Trump administration will focus on actions the new administration will take to strictly enforce the nation’s immigration laws. The administration is likely to cut federal funding to sanctuary states and cities. Hochul and James will likely howl and try to obtain a court injunction to stop the cutoff of funding. If that is the way they plan to proceed, the Supreme Court may ultimately have to decide the case. The Constitution’s federal Supremacy Clause and grant of exclusive power to enforce the nation’s immigration laws to the federal government should allow the Trump administration to cut federal funding to a state whose sanctuary policies undermine federal law enforcement.

The Trump administration is also likely to unleash Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to root out illegal immigrants residing in shelters and hotels, including those housed in New York City at taxpayers’ expense. State and local officials who try to stop ICE agents from doing their job to capture and detain illegal immigrants should be charged with impeding federal law enforcement.

Progressive Democrats like Kathy Hochul and Letitia James cannot accept the fact that the American people chose Donald Trump as the forty-seventh president because they agreed with his policies on the economy, immigration, and national security. Many Americans are tired of being labeled “garbage,” “misogynist,” “racist,” “bigoted,” “xenophobic,” etc. To have their thoughts about the state of the country under the Biden-Harris administration’s leadership that differ from the leftist elite’s orthodoxy. The American people voted for President-elect Trump as a change agent to steady what they fear is a sinking ship.

Instead of vowing to fight President-elect Trump and his incoming administration, Governor Hochul and Attorney General James should do some self-reflection along with their party to understand why they are so out of step with most Americans.

Report: Speaker Johnson Vows Revenge Against GOP House Members with Rep Andy Biggs

Speaker Johnson vowed to retaliate against House Republicans who don't go along with his Democratic coalition agenda, but will he get ousted? And Chris Cuomo flips on the shots and admits anti-vaxxers were right. Plus we'll find out how American small business owners feel about Biden's America, spoiler alert, it's not good. And the establishment push to leverage AI to improve its economic and social progress continues.

UK Methodists Drop ‘Husband and Wife’ From Marriage Vows

AP Photo/The Idaho Statesman, Kyle Green
Earlier today, Kevin wrote a piece about his friends and fellow comedians who had banished him to the outer darkness over politics. These people will continue to support Biden or whoever takes his place, no matter how desperate things become. They would rather see the nation descend into a post-apocalyptic hellscape, complete with Mad Max-style car chases and cannibalistic, radioactive mutants lurking in underground bunkers than cast a vote for Donald Trump. Kevin titled the column, "Leftists Would Rather Send Their Kids to War Than Vote for 'Orange Man Bad.'"

As a former Leftist, I see today's progressivism, which is still managing to hold on despite the chaos and rubble the Biden administration is creating, like my first Ralph Lauren polo shirt. When I was a kid, we were never broke, although we did stray close to the poverty line a few times. And once, through a bit of luck, I found myself in possession of a genuine Ralph Lauren polo shirt. This was a big thing for someone whose family shopped in the bargain bins more often than not. I looked good, and I felt confident. After all, it was quite the step up. 

And so I wore it, and wore it, and wore it. I wore it until the navy blue was a sickly shade of gray. I wore it until there were holes in the armpits and the collar and sleeves were frayed. I wore it until the polo player resembled an obese, inebriated golfer. And I continued to wear it after that. Why? Because it was Ralph Lauren. The whole episode would have made for T.S. Eliot's poem: "The Wardrobe of J. Alfred Prufrock." Leftists today continue to wear the same threadbare, tattered, and moth-eaten garments of progressivism because the label is just too chic. 

Take churches, for example. Look at any mainline Protestant denomination. Chances are that on any given Sunday, you will see a small knot of people, many of them well along in years, mumbling prayers and rasping hymns among rainbow candles and a smattering of abortion pamphlets. Once-great church buildings are becoming mausoleums and charnel houses simply because the remnants of their congregations decided to don the trappings of progressivism. 

The UK, of course, is much further along the road to ruin than the U.S., having gained about a twenty-year headstart. But we in the States are doing our best to keep up. Back in my radio days, the Brits were issuing dire warnings to us that "as we are now, so shall you be."  

The latest development in progressive madness from across the pond comes from the Methodist Church of England. According to The Christian Institute, the leadership has told its ministers to avoid using the words "husband" and "wife." Not every marriage is between a husband and wife these days, you know. And who is to say that congregants or engaged couples even consider themselves to be men or women? 

Better to stick to inclusive language, lest someone, somewhere, become aggrieved and demand apologies amidst great wailing and gnashing of teeth. On the other hand, a person wailing in the nave because they have been misgendered would present a wonderful opportunity for virtue signaling, so perhaps the leadership has not thought this issue completely through. 

Instead of "husband" and "wife" or "brothers and sisters,"  the church suggests using words like  “parent,” “partner,” and “child.” From the article:

It added: “Language such as ‘brothers and sisters’, while intended to be inclusive and friendly, doesn’t take into account our non-binary friends”.

Members of the church are encouraged to share their own pronouns in conversations and to consult Stonewall or GLAAD if there are further questions.

The new set of instructions came in the latest edition of the church's "Inclusive Language Guide" which is updated every six months. Every six months? What minister, even in the most woke of congregations, would be able to keep up with those mandates? These poor pastors will spend all of their time rewriting sermons and their liturgies so they can successfully complete another round of the Gender Hokey Pokey. It's a veritable recipe for a church-wide mental breakdown among the ordinands. At this rate, church services will start to sound like meetings of the United Federation of Planets. 

On his Substack, Fr. Calvin Robinson noted that the latest genuflection to the Holy Gender Unicorn is another step toward Marxism:

Liberalism teaches that heteronormativity is an option among other options. Marxism, via the Critical Theories, teaches that heteronormativity must be destroyed. The phrase ‘smash heteronormativity’ is often used by proponents of Queer Theory, Gender Theory, and even Critical Race Theory.

When the Methodist Church says ministers should no longer use the terms husband and wife, it is showing support for Marxism by partaking in the smashing of heteronormativity. To replace God’s order with the devil’s disorder. At the very least, the Methodist Church is saying it is more afraid of the world than it is of God.

The problem is clear. It is not possible to be both a communist and a Christian.

Furthermore, God may love someone unconditionally, but that is not to say He will leave that person as He found them. The stories of Christ with the woman at the well and the woman accused of adultery bear that out. If God requires nothing of us and wishes to leave us as we are, then there is no need for a savior, and Christianity is no longer Christianity.

We may be witnessing some form of ecclesiastical Darwinism. The denominations that are set on maintaining the "approved narrative" as opposed to preaching the Gospel will become less and less relevant, and will eventually disappear. They value their social status above all else, and they find their tar pits comfortable, even as they sink up to their necks. And that may have been the point of the progressive movement all along