Soros Foundation Announces It Is 'Doubling Down' On Funding “Black-led Justice Organizations”

$220 million in grants from Open Society as it declares this is “the moment we’ve been investing in for the last 25 years”.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In an interview with the The New York Times, Open Society Foundations President Patrick Gaspard announced that the organisation, headed by billionaire George Soros, is to “double down” on funding “black-led justice organizations”.

The interview was accompanied by a press release from the Open Society declaring that “The largest share of this support—$150 million—will be through a set of five-year grants to Black-led justice organizations that helped to create and now sustain the momentum towards racial equality.”

“Open Society’s response reflects our conviction that real progress requires sustained support over many years and letting leaders accountable to impacted communities shape the path forward.” the release adds.

It also notes that another $70 million will be allocated to “more immediate efforts to advance racial justice,” which include efforts  to “reimagine” policing.

Gaspard noted that the recent uprising in the US and across the world is “the moment we’ve been investing in for the last 25 years.”

“There is this call for justice in Black and brown communities, an explosion of not just sympathy but solidarity across the board,” he claimed, adding that “it’s time to double down.”

“And we understood we can place a bet on these activists — Black and white — who see this as a moment of not just incrementalism, but whole-scale reform,” Gaspard asserted.

Gaspard directly referenced the Black Lives Matter movement, staying that “we need these moments to be sustained. If we’re going to say ‘Black lives matter,’ we need to say ‘Black organizations and structures matter.’”

The Open Society’s bold admission will raise eyebrows given that just weeks ago anyone suggesting Soros’ foundations were providing financial assistance to BLM agitators was labelled a ‘conspiracy theorist’:

Indeed, Soros himself denied that his organisation was providing any funding to protests where violence occurred.





republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
July 15, 2020
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
Politics is compromising, dirty business, at best, and we aren’t flag wavers for any political party. None of them are godly, to say the least. But truth in history is important.

The Republican Party was formed largely on an anti-slavery platform. It emerged in 1854 to combat the expansion of slavery into American territories and new states. The theme was “Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men,” with “Free Soil” referring to granting western land to farmers.

“In 1865, the Republicans passed the Thirteenth Amendment banning slavery.”
The first Republican Party president was Abraham Lincoln, who led the Union’s war against the Southern Confederacy, a war that was not wholly about slavery, but slavery was a fundamental aspect.

In 1865, the Republicans passed the Thirteenth Amendment banning slavery.

In 1868, Republicans passed the Fourteenth Amendment granting citizenship to former slaves and equal protection under the law.

Under President Ulysses Grant (1868-1876), Republicans, backed by federal troops, sought to “Reconstruct” the South and enforce federal laws granting liberties to blacks. They formed “Union Leagues” and fought the Ku Klux Klan and other segregationist forces.

In 1872, the first seven black members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives were Republicans.

In 1873, Democrats won control of the House of Representatives at the federal level and formed “Redeemer” coalitions that gradually gained control over the state governments in the South.

In 1877, federal troops were removed from the Southern states and the era of Reconstruction ended. Democratic-controlled southern governments enacted segregation policies, called “Jim Crow Laws, which effectively disenfranchised blacks and segregated all aspects of society. “The region then became the Solid South, giving overwhelming majorities of its electoral votes and Congressional seats to the Democrats through 1964” (“History of the United States Republican Party,” Wikipedia).

“The timing of the agreement was prompted by the presidential election of 1876 between Democrat Samuel B. Tilden, governor of New York, and Republican Rutherford B. Hayes, governor of Ohio. When the votes were counted, Tilden led Hayes by one vote in the Electoral College. But the Republicans accused the Democrats of voter fraud, saying they intimidated African-American voters in three Southern states, Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina, and prevented them from voting, thus fraudulently handing the election to Tilden.

“Congress set up a bipartisan commission made up of five U.S. representatives, five senators and five Supreme Court justices, with a balance of eight Republicans and seven Democrats. They struck a deal: The Democrats agreed to allow Hayes to become president and to respect the political and civil rights of African-Americans if the Republicans would remove all remaining federal troops from Southern states. This effectively ended the era of Reconstruction in the South and consolidated Democratic control, which lasted until the mid-1960s, nearly a century.

“Hayes kept his side of the bargain and removed all federal troops from Southern states within two months of his inauguration. But Southern Democrats reneged on their part of the deal.

“With the federal presence gone, disenfranchisement of African-American voters in the South became widespread and Southern states passed segregationist laws governing virtually all aspects of society--called Jim Crow--that remained intact until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, passed during the administration of President Lyndon B.Johnson. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 followed a year later, finally codifying into law the promises made by Southern Democrats in the Compromise of 1877” (“The Compromise of 1877 Set the Stage for the Jim Crow Era,”

The following is excerpted a speech by Dinesh D’Souza, Stanford University, March 2019 [web reference]

The fascists [in Europe], for their part, were deriving and drawing ideas from the United States. This is not known, and I want to give a single example which I have dramatized in my movie The Death of a Nation. ...

Leading members of Nazi Germany, 1935, are in a room and they are drafting the so-called Nuremberg laws. These are the laws that make Jews into second class citizens, and they do three things: they segregate Jews into ghettos, they forbid intermarriage between Jews and other Germans, and they condone confiscation of Jewish property. In other words, state-sponsored discrimination against Jews. The Nazis are sitting there, and basically they are saying, ‘We want to make these laws, but there is no international precedent for them. Nobody has done this type of thing.’ Then one of the Nazis who had studied in the United States said, ‘Actually, gentlemen, you are wrong. Somebody has beaten us to the punch. The Democratic party in the United States has laws that do all of the three things that we want. The Jim Crow laws of the American south have segregation, anti-miscegenation laws outlawing intermarriage, and they condone state-sponsored discrimination. All we have to do is take the laws of the Democratic party, cross out the word Black, write in the word Jew, and we are home free.’ What am I saying here? I’m not saying that the Nazis got a parallel idea. I’m saying that actual Nazis had in their hands the blueprints of the Democratic laws and they used it to create the Nuremberg laws, and this fact has been completely suppressed in progressing historiography in the United States.

Now I said the Nazis were talking about the Democratic laws, and you might be thinking, ‘Democratic laws? Aren’t you talking about the southern laws?’ See, the Nazis actually knew something that we don’t know, namely, every segregation law in the United States, from the 1880s to the 1950s was passed by a Democratic legislature, signed by a Democratic governor, enforced by Democratic officials, and there is not a single exception to this rule. ... I want to pull back and say just a word about slavery. When I speak on campuses, it is not atypical to tell students that the Democratic party was the party of slavery, and I say it so matter of factly that the students are a little puzzled because they have always heard that slavery was done by the white man, or by America. And I say, Look, America didn’t do anything. Some Americans did it, and other Americans stopped them. We need to distinguish who did it, and who did it was the Democratic party in the north and the south. That’s the key. The whole idea of knocking Confederate monuments is essentially a strategic stage tactic to fool you into thinking that the slavery debate was north-south. But Abraham Lincoln knew better. When he identified the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the four bad guys of slavery, he mentioned Roger Taney, who wrote the Dred Scott decision. He was a southerner [Democrat] from Maryland. Then Lincoln mentions Franklin Pierce, the former President from New Hampshire, northern Democrat; James Buchanan from Pennsylvania, northern Democrat; and Stephen Douglas, Lincoln’s supreme antagonist, from Illinois, northern Democrat. So three of the four pro-slavery champions are northerners.

Inevitably when I tell students this, the following happens. Some professor ... stands up and says, ‘Mr. D’Souza, you are misleading the audience by pointing a finger of blame solely at one party, whereas we all know that there was plenty of blame to go around.’ Very interesting statement. First of all it retreats from the position that the Republicans are the bad guys. It now tries, sort of with a squid-like cloud of obfuscation, to spread the blame so broadly so that no one really knows what’s going on. So it is really important at this time to unfurl what I call ‘the crushing fact.’ It is the fact that settles the argument at one blow. This is the time for me to point out that in 1860, the year before the Civil War, no Republican owned a slave. Think about this for a moment. I’m not saying that no Republican leader owned a slave. I’m saying no Republican in the United States owned a slave. ... All you have to do is name one Republican who owned a slave, and I would have to take this back. And yet from the time I made this statement well over two years ago not a single valid counter-example has surfaced. Several months ago I got an email from a demographer at the University of Michigan who said, “Dinesh, I’ve been working this. I’ve got you. Ulysses S. Grant inherited a slave on his wife’s side.’ I said, Well, that is an impressive riposte. I need to point out to you that at the time this occurred, Ulysses S. Grant was a Democrat. He became a Republican later.

What am I getting at? We have a really strange phenomenon. If you look at what’s going on now, you have Democrats, on the left, pointing the finger of racism at the very people who fought racism from the beginning of this country’s history, while suppressing the fact that the actual racism came from their party. This is not just about slavery. The Democrats were the party of slavery, of segregation, of founding the Ku Klux Klan, of reviving the Ku Klux Klan, of racial terrorism, and of opposition to the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The opposition to the civil rights act of 1964, the voting rights act of 1965, the fair housing bill of 1968 came mainly from the Democratic party, and that’s a fact.

Faced with this crushing history, we have a puzzle. First of all, the very guys who have poisoned the waters are now showing up pretending to be the water commissioner. They did it! They have never admitted it. They have never apologized for it. They haven’t paid one penny of restitution for it. And yet they presume to lecture the rest of us who are completely innocent on this score of being the real culprits. This is really funny. My wife, Debby, is Latina. Her father is Venezuelan, her mother Mexican, and we were at Dartmouth: an east Indian and Latina. And a bunch of white guys were screaming at us, ‘Racist!’ What is this, Saturday Night Live! And this is an Ivy League college.

I want to address one final point. This is a very important point for the Left. It is the idea that the two parties switched sides. ... The main thrust of the argument is that racist Dixiecrats (those who voted against the civil rights acts) all became Republicans. If true, this would vindicate the idea that the Democrats may have once been the bad guys but now the bad guys have sort of moved over. The beauty of this kind of statement is the fact that it is empirical. It’s not one of those, ‘Who’s to say what’s true?’ No, all you have to do is do a web search for ‘Dixiecrat’ and then you count how many of the racist Dixiecrats became Republican. The correct answer, which I will tell you now, is two. In the House, one guy Albert Watson, and in the Senate, one guy Strom Thurmond, and all the other racist Dixiecrats lived and died in the Democratic party. They are lionized to this day. There are buildings in Washington D.C. named after them. So this notion of a party switch is a big lie.

The racists stayed in the Democratic party. Their tactics shifted over the years. Where does this leave us today? Very sadly, some of these terrible things from history--bigotry, a fascist streak--we still have it in America. But where is it coming from? People say, ‘Trump’s the fascist. He hates democracy. He won’t tolerate dissent.’ I’m thinking, ‘If Trump is a fascist and he won’t tolerate dissent, how come you are dissenting? Trump is bashed on every platform every minute of the day. He is bashed on the Emmys. Broadway shows are interrupted to bash Trump. If this was Mussolini he would send a bunch of goons and beat those guys up and that would be the end of that. That’s how dictators actually behave. I saw Cher complaining that Trump beat her up on Twitter. on Twitter! That being said, there is a streak of bullying and intimidation and intolerance. I would argue that simple empirical evidence shows that it is coming from the Left.

The previous is excerpted a speech by Dinesh D’Souza, Stanford University, March 2019 [web reference]



They “believe that it is their right and their responsibility”

Maxine Waters: Trump And Supporters Ensuring Blacks "Do Not Rise To Any Level Of Influence And Power"



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters declared Sunday that President Trump and his supporters are universally racist and believe that it is their duty to impede the progress of black people.

Appearing on MSNBC’s AM Joy, Waters pointed to the commuting of Roger Stone’s sentence by Trump, and declared that there is a “need for Trump and those who support him to want to, you know, have absolute power.”

Waters said that Trump and his base “believe that it is their right and their responsibility to ensure that blacks and people of color and others do not rise to any level of influence and power, significant that would cause them not to be in total charge of the country.”

Waters proclaimed that “This justice system is broken,” adding that “it has never really been in our favor, and it has basically been responsible for ensuring that we could never ever get beyond this suppression and this oppression that has been forced upon us for so many years.”

“So those who criticize Black Lives Matter, they can continue to do that, but I want to tell you the time has come now where we are joined by so many others who really were not there for us in the past.” Waters continued.

She argued that racism is endemic in the US, and that it is to blame for most social problems in America.

“You saw it in all of the protests where you had whites and blacks and Asians and old and young, all saying something is wrong with this country. Something is wrong with our criminal justice system. Something is wrong with our policing,” Waters asserted.

“It is racism,” she concluded.



This is what a cultural revolution looks like.

Demonstrators took a knee in memory of George Floyd and others.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Yardley Borough is a small river town in Bucks County, Pennsylvania located on the Delaware river across from Trenton, the capital of New Jersey. The town has a total area of one square mile and according to the last census has a population of 2,434 of which 2,224 are white. It is known for its beautiful historical district that includes 18th and 19th century buildings that contain homes, shops, restaurants, and offices on Main Street. It is the site of the second oldest Quaker meeting house in Pennsylvania. Quakers were significantly active in the abolition movement against slavery and Yardley was an essential station for the Underground Railroad. In the past few weeks, it has become the unlikely scene of Black Lives Matter protests.

On June 19th in the guise of a Juneteenth celebration a Black Lives Matter anti-police hate fest descended upon Main Street surrounding people at outdoor restaurants and blocking traffic. Protesters were chanting “No Justice No Peace, No Racist Police” in front of local officers whom many have known their whole lives. The protesters were predominantly high school and college students and self-loathing affluent white middle-aged women attempting to show how woke they are. Many brought their children and grandchildren who held handmade signs with popular BLM and anti-police slogans.

A previous rally was held on June 4, 2020 and over a thousand people showed up. At that protest Black Lives Matter activists led a humiliation ritual in which the white townsfolk bowed down to BLM organizers in a solemn prayer like vigil. They somberly repeated the names of black men who were described as killed by the police. They also engaged in gestures and slogans such as “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” and “Say His Name”. Thoughts of Jonestown and other cults were running through my mind as I watched men and women willingly debase themselves. Many of the white women genuinely feel guilty about their privilege because they never worked a day in their life. Kneeling in submission while reverently repeating anti-police affirmations and apologizing for being white was a form of expiation, an atonement ritual. For these spoiled hypocritical women, the BLM protest was a method for them to assuage their guilt for having black women clean their toilets and take care of their elderly parents. The largest part of the crowd were high school and college students who have been taught to hate their country, schooled in revisionist history, made to feel shame for being white and conditioned to disrespect the police.

These men, women and students are the result of years of indoctrination by academia, the media, radical Marxist and black nationalist organizations whose primary strategy is to make white people, corporations and the entire next generation feel guilty for their ‘white privilege’. BLM’s goal is power, money and a totalitarian revolution. It may be one of the biggest shake downs in American history.  

The BLM organizers stood in front of the small Yardley Borough Municipal Hall that houses the towns offices, post office, police department and public meeting room. Although the protests were along the entire length of Main Street, they chose to make their stand in front of the town Hall to symbolically challenge local government. It was there that BLM organizers led the humiliation ritual where white townsfolk kneeled before them. They seemed to take pleasure in degrading the white residents of Yardley. Who is oppressing whom? The submissive town folk bowing to them had the blissful look that all brainwashed useful idiots have right up until they realize they have been conned.

Although Yardley was a longtime Republican town it now has a largely Democrat town council with one independent. The new Council President is an activist with no roots in the community and ambitions to fundamentally transform the town that was founded in 1682. In his short time on council he introduced and passed a gun control resolution, an LGBT ordinance, took a moment of silence against police violence and recently made Juneteenth a recognized holiday. The Vice President of Council is a young millennial mom whose primary accomplishment is virtue signaling. She often publicly apologizes for her white privilege, but it is just a pretense for her political ambitions. She posted after the protest that “I weep with my black brothers and sisters for the systemic and institutional racism that has infiltrated and consumed our communities, our governments, our police forces and our very souls. Yesterday was a day of mourning in Yardley Boro for all the lives gone too soon because of racism. It was a day to reflect, as an elected official, how I can do better to be fair and compassionate, balanced and inclusive.”…… “To use the platform and privilege of our affluent town to elevate the voices of the oppressed."

After the first BLM demonstration the town council complimented each other on how the peaceful protest went, they neglected to disclose that a 12 year old girl wearing a Trump t-shirt was harassed and a small group of counter protesters were spit on. While the town council sugarcoats the anti-police hatred and racist rhetoric that occurred at the protests, they have gone out of their way to cover up anti-Semitic hate crimes in Yardley even though the only school in the small town is a private Hebrew Academy.

While the council embraced the Black Lives Matter protests Covid-19 was used as an excuse to cancel the three biggest annual events in the small community. They canceled the Memorial Day Parade, a long tradition that honors local veterans where neighbors make floats, veterans are honored, and kids ride their bikes at the end of the procession. The same day they voted to make Juneteenth a recognized Yardley Holiday the annual longtime September tradition of Harvest Day was canceled. The October 2020 Yardley Beer and Wine Fest was also canceled. The symbolism was clear we are canceling your culture, your history and your traditions and replacing them with the holidays that Black Lives Matter dictate. If the message of BLM fascism wasn’t clear enough, in front of the Memorial Plaque on the Municipal Hall that lists the names of the towns fallen soldiers someone wrote in large letters BLM and Blacks killed by Cops then wrote names including George Floyd, Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin and many more. This was an obvious mockery of the memorial to the towns fallen heroes who died in WWI and WWII.  Soon these plaques will either be vandalized or just removed by the town council who will declare them symbols of racism.

Knowing that residents were not happy after the first protest, the town council deliberately did not officially inform any of the businesses or residents of the second protest. However, the Chief of Police who understands how thin the blue line is that separates chaos and order, put into effect crowd control protocols. Almost every officer in town and over a dozen from nearby communities and a Major Incident Response Team (MIRT) were on duty for the “Juneteenth Peaceful Protest For Justice”. Fortunately, Yardley has a Chief of Police who understands how a protest can turn violent with just one brick. Unfortunately, when the Chief of Police was asked at a council meeting if any tickets were given when the BLM protesters blocked Main Street, a major State road, he said “No violations were issued, you cannot ticket a thousand people”. Not surprising since Yardley Borough Council votes on his contract which expires the end of next year.

Business owners who just reopened after the Covid 19 lock downs closed their shops and stood in front of their stores guarding them from potential looters. One restaurant owner had to cordon off his sidewalk tables with caution tape to protect his customers from the crowds. A long-time Yardley friendly couple that regularly sit on their front porch on Main Street were visibly armed as the protesters marched in front of their home. There are a lot of residents who are not happy about having an anti-police hate fest walking down Main Street blocking a state road and forcing businesses to close.

One of the saddest sights were the faces of the young people who are ashamed of their country and have been so thoroughly indoctrinated into believing that police are racist.  Ironically, Washington’s Crossing is just four miles up the road from Yardley and although they were raised here, they have no concept of their own country’s history or how men younger than them fought and died for their freedom. Their teachers, parents and community leaders have failed them by filling their hearts with hatred and lies. BLM exploits the anger they inculcated and now have an army of deluded young white activists who they are using to destroy their own futures. The few bright students that see through the lies are bullied and ridiculed into silence.  

Soon after the protests residents started taking down their American flags and putting up Black Lives Matter signs on their lawns. This is either the result of fear of being ostracized, a deterrence against looting or just virtue signaling in actual support. This is what a cultural revolution looks like, a small towns history is eradicated, town leaders sell out, useful idiots bow down, cowards acquiesce and the few patriots that are left load their weapons. In the spirit of Yardley’s original brave abolitionists local officers continue to protect our freedoms even when they are being called racists and killers.




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Just when you thought that the charismatic underworld of Bethel Church couldn’t get any crazier, there is always something else that comes along to blow your mind. From grave-sucking to performing a seance to try to raise people from the dead, witchcraft is at the core of Bethel, Redding’s theology.

Bethel Church in Redding, CA is pastored by Bill Johnson who claims to be an Apostle — that is, he claims Apostolic authority just like the twelve men during Christ’s time on Earth. Bethel Redding, like all cults, is filled with aberrant, unbiblical teachings and doctrines of demons, including false manifestations of the Holy Spirit, grave-sucking, and the Prosperity Gospel.

Now, unsurprisingly, Bethel has invoked the spirits of other religions as a method to eradicate cultural evils and placate the world in its endless pursuit of Utopia–something that cannot be achieved apart from Christ’s return. Watch as Bethel Church summons the spirits of the Lord of the Rings to end racism.


Bethel Church Casts out Demon of Racism with Wizard Staff and Incantations


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Listeners of Bethel Church’s Transformation Now series were treated with a sight not usually seen when prophetess Marlene Barrett, in a bid to end racism within Bethel and the Ekklesia movement, whipped out a wizard staff- a sure sign that some tomfoolery was afoot. There, on stage, she led Bill Johnson and others through a ritual incantation to cast out the demon of racism by prophetically reenacting a scene from Lord of The Rings. No joke.

Calling the opportunity a “very powerful and prophetic act,” Apostle Ed Silvoso, the architect of “transformational Christianity” told the audience that “faith without works is dead” and lead them in a “work” to demonstrate their faith.

With the gang all gathered up on stage and for some good old fashion binding and loosing of the spirit of racism, one of the participants bring out what can only be described as a large, weathered staff, possibly a movie prop or a replica from the film.

The prophetess recounts how she received a “prophetic vision regarding a prophetic act” saying “I’m going to ask us right to all grab a hold of this in our hand. Every single one of us…We are going to lift the staff and will command the spirit not only to leave, but he shall not pass!”

But before the spirit can be commanded, she reminds the audience:

“Apostle Silvoso said you need to oil your door. So I encourage you if you haven’t done this in the proper order, you must put oil on your door, and then go in front and repeat this act with us…so that the spirit of racism can leave your house.”

As she is set to begin she is told, “I think it’s important of you to share the vision of Gandalf.” Barrett agrees and proceeds to recounts the vision while drawing parallels to their own situation.

She speaks of her vision of Gandalf and the Hobbits (their own fellowship on stage) deep in the heart of Moria on the eastern side of the Misty Mountains, with Gandalf sensing the presence of Durin’s Bane. (i.e., the Spirit of racism) As the Fellowship flees to the Bridge of Khazad-dûm (Bethel Church), Gandalf stops and confronts the demon that was holding court. This is the same thing this band of misfits is doing as they employ “the authority of Gandalf.”

Stating that the authority can “only be released by an apostolic decree” they decree and declare that racism will end. Then, as one fellowship, they all take hold together and lift up the wizard’s staff and bang it on the podium, shouting “thou shall not pass” to the demons.

The scene sadly does not look as cool as they likely envisioned it. Watch the video. It’s an uncoordinated and awkward routine that they really should have practiced.

This is how many in the charismatic NAR movement deal with racism. Rather than going through the scriptures and employing confession and repentance to combat the sin of racism, these purveyors of the dark arts are out there seeing visions of the spirit of racism and engaging in some Grade-A level of unbiblical shenanigans. Sadly, they’re not comprehending that the bible does not command Christians to bang wooden sticks down on a podium while shouting movie lines in order to combat racism.

Also, if we’re being accurate to the metaphor, prophetess Barrett seems to forget that Gandalf fell into the black abyss to his death with the Balrog after he said those words.

If Bethel members don’t leave this false religion soon they’re going to end up in that darkness with them.





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Another manifestation of the Leftist-Islamic alliance. “Alhamdulillah” means “Thanks be to Allah” and is not usually said except by observant Muslims. Here again we see that radical Leftists have the same goal jihadis do: not just the removal of statues of Confederates, but much more. The targeting of Confederate statues is part of a larger effort to make Americans ashamed of our history as a whole, as the targeting of statues of Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, and Frederick Douglass shows. The ultimate goal is the destruction of the U.S. as a free republic, and the replacement of that republic with an authoritarian state. The nature of that authoritarian state, however, will be determined by the group that comes out on top after they turn on each other.

“‘We’re in your house… let’s go!’ Hundreds of heavily armed militia protest Confederate carving in Georgia,” by Shawn Langlois, Market Watch, July 5, 2020:

‘I don’t see no white militia, the boogie boys, the three percenters and all the rest of these scared-ass rednecks. We here, where the **** you at? We’re in your house… let’s go!’

That taunt came from one of an estimated 200 armed protesters who marched through Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park on Saturday and called for the removal of a sculpture depicting Gen. Robert E. Lee, Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Gen. Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson….

Reuters reported that the vast majority of the protesters, dressed in black and wearing face scarves, appeared to be African Americans, though various races were represented….



BLM had taken over City Hall plaza to protest and announce list of demands to city. When MassResistance came with equal numbers to counter-protest, they didn’t know what hit them! (Video below!)


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
July 6, 2020
This MassResistance activist wasn't going to let the "Black Lives Matter" demonstration silence him!

Black Lives Matter has been terrorizing cities across America with their menacing “protests” (many of which have become violent), their irrational political demands, and their intimidation of public officials. They call for de-funding or drastically weakening the local police force, changing the names of local landmarks, removing statues, and various radical changes to local government.

Conservative groups often respond simply by holding separate “pro-police” rallies, which have little effect. But our side never comes in equal numbers to directly confront the Black Lives Matter goons and radicals. Now, MassResistance is changing that.

El Segundo, California is a community of about 16,000 situated next to the Pacific Ocean, just south of the Los Angeles International Airport. It’s been nicknamed “Mayberry by the Sea” for its cozy small-town atmosphere. But the city has recently seen a number of left-wing movements coming in to disrupt the peace and tranquility of the town.

On June 25, a local MassResistance activist contacted us. He and others were very upset that Black Lives Matter (BLM) had announced that they’d formed a chapter in El Segundo and were planning a protest and demonstration outside City Hall on June 27 – two days away. BLM also announced they were going to present a list of demands on the city police department, the city government, and the local schools.

We decided that this needed to be confronted. Conservatives have been sitting on the sideline for too long. Our national organization director, Arthur Schaper (who’s based in the Los Angeles area) got right to work. He rallied MassResistance activists in El Segundo and the surrounding area.

Our side got there early and outnumbered them at first, until they caught up and evened up the numbers.

And what a counter-protest it was! As the local newspaper reported, MassResistance activists came and took over!

Shortly before the planned start time, there were more demonstrators in the plaza who were opposed to the cause — some holding “All Lives Matter” signs — than there were protesters in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. That changed as the demonstration got in full swing, eventually attracting about 50 people to each side … The original demonstration carried on, even as counter-protesters shouted over the speakers.

No BLM event had ever experienced that!

Thanks to our crowd, there were more American flags than anything else!
And we were not afraid to be very vocal! It completely rattled the BLM crowd.
In their faces: Someone from our group brought a "Trump 2020" truck that was parked right where the demonstration was taking place!

These “social justice warriors” are used to bullying everyone else and drowning out any other voices. But this time they were the ones often being drowned out by our people shouting and chanting “All Lives Matter,” “Blue Lives Matter,” and epithets about the corrupt, destructive, and un-American nature of their organization. 

This really seemed to steam them, for some reason. One BLM activist came up and angrily told her that no black babies are being aborted by Planned Parenthood - and tried to grab the sign!
At one point one of our people (right, in white dress) had heard enough nonsense from the BLM speaker (left, in yellow pants). She came up and screamed at her, "Why don't you care about the black lives that are being killed in Chicago by other blacks?" Of course, she got no answer.

The BLM event was clearly very well organized. But when confronted by MassResistance, it became clear that their unity of purpose is mostly a façade. Arthur and others walked up and challenged a number of them about the actual goals and objectives of Black Lives Matter (as described on its website and elsewhere) and even the meaning of signs they were holding. Most of the BLM people were clueless about their own organization’s ideas, and could barely explain why they were there. When they realized they were cornered, they would start to babble hackneyed political nonsense. A few just got angry. When Arthur pressed the two leaders of the protest to admit on video that they want to defund the town’s police, they denied it.

When Arthur asked this lady to tell him what a "sundown town" is, she didn't know. She stammered that she was holding the sign for someone else. Par for the course with these dimwitted "social justice warriors." [NOTE: Urban Dictionary says "sundown town" is "a small town (mainly in the South) where black people are beaten and sometimes kidnapped after the sun goes down." Not a fit description for El Segundo!]

Most of the Black Lives Matter demonstrators there were not black, but white liberals. (It seemed like there were more blacks and Hispanics among the MassResistance group.)

When you looked through the Black Lives Matter demonstrators (above and below) just about everyone was white. Apparently the blacks in town had better things to do that day.
They use these signs to intimidate the local residents. But it wasn't working very well this time!

As we have warned, Black Lives Matter is also devoted to pushing the LGBT agenda. It was certainly part of this event. It’s interwoven into their ideology, along with Marxism, anti-Semitism, and their own brand of racial bigotry.

Banner saying "Make America Gay Again" is displayed as local LGBT activist addresses the BLM crowd, as part of the event.
Sign says, "Black Trans Lives Matter." BLM's stated goals include promoting the transgender agenda in America.

Police ignore laws to accommodate BLM protest

A continuing outrage across the country has been that police departments allow the BLM “protesters” to show up (without a required permit) and do whatever they want, when it’s obvious that anyone else would be treated vastly differently for doing the same things.

Arthur approached the police lieutenant watching the event and confronted him about that. As you can see in our video below, the lieutenant admitted that people normally need a permit to take over the plaza with loudspeakers. He fumbled around when Arthur pressed him to explain why BLM got special treatment. It was shameful - and infuriating.

The El Segundo police lieutenant that Arthur confronted gave a pretty disgraceful answer as to why the the Marxist, thuggist BLM group's demonstration doesn't have to abide by the laws that everyone else does. It's pretty frightening to think about. But at least this time someone's standing up to it!

Watch the VIDEO!

Here’s what you haven’t seen yet anywhere else in America when Black Lives Matter comes into a town to intimidate everyone.

VIDEO: MassResistance takes on Black Lives Matter. (12 min 47 sec)

List of BLM demands to the town of El Segundo:

Here is the list of demands that they presented that day to the El Segundo officials. It’s basically a neo-Marxist “social justice” manifesto disconnected from reality, reminiscent of something out of the Chinese Communist Cultural Revolution. For example, it says El Segundo must “acknowledge and apologize” for a contrived “racist legacy” and hire schoolteachers on the basis of race, not qualifications. And of course, it includes a new wave of mandatory propaganda for the local schools on “race and diversity.”

  • Establish a citizen review board for the El Segundo Police Department;
  • Review and revise the Police Department’s “use of force” guidelines to reduce the likelihood of abuse and injury;
  • Put an end to police racial profiling through training and by publishing the racial demographics of people stopped, questioned or detained;
  • Increase police accountability by ensuring there are consequences for officers who “violate their sworn duty to serve and protect,” as well as for officers who witness civil rights violations and fail to intervene;
  • Create a service-oriented police department while demilitarizing police and evaluating impacts on students of color on having police in schools;
  • Empower the city's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Commission;
  • Issue a “proclamation for change” that “acknowledges and apologizes for El Segundo’s racist legacy” and “commits to a more diverse and inclusive future;”
  • Review the law enforcement budget to ensure resources are provided for civilian responders to address non-criminal calls and for programs to end racial bias in policing;
  • Increase diversity of faculty and students in El Segundo Unified School District by establishing enrollment and hiring goals with firm deadlines;
  • Incorporate diversity into the school district's curriculum and to allow student input into the curriculum; and
  • Include issues of social justice, inclusion and diversity into school events and to hold an assembly this fall that addresses issues of race and diversity.

Unfortunately, as in so many locales across the country, the city officials are already starting to grovel and cave in. Their statement, included in the newspaper article, talks about giving BLM “a seat at the table to work collaboratively toward meaningful outcomes.”

But we had our own statement published in the same article:

Arthur Schaper, an organization director with MassResistance, a socially conservative activism group, said he didn’t believe the Black Lives Matter movement was really about protecting Black lives.

“It’s a cultural revolution that wants to rewrite our country’s history,” he said. “America is one of the least racist countries there is.”

Bold truth is especially important at this time.

Final reflection

After this was over, MassResistance was thanked profusely by many El Segundo residents. They realize that it’s very important that good people stand up to this madness. When no one speaks out or confronts an evil cause, it gets more momentum and strength. And when even a few people stand up and fight back, others who were previously timid get a dose of courage and join in.

This needs to be happening everywhere! You will definitely be seeing more of this from MassResistance!

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republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
Photo Credit: Sanjasy/Pixabay

JACKSON, Miss. — Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves has signed into law a bill that prohibits abortion on the basis of sex, race or genetic abnormalities but does not outlaw abortion in other circumstances, such as simply not wanting the child or not being able to afford him or her. The legislation also exempts the abortive mother from punishment should the murder be committed for one of those reasons, while the abortionist will face up to 10 years in prison.

“Abortion may not be performed because of race, sex, or genetic abnormality except in a medical emergency,” House Bill 1295, also known as the Life Equality Act, reads.

“[A] person shall not perform, induce or attempt to perform or induce an abortion unless the physician who is to perform or induce the abortion has first confirmed that the abortion is not being sought because of the race or sex of the unborn human being or because of the presence or presumed presence of a genetic abnormality and documented these facts in the maternal patient’s chart, as well as in the report to be filed with the Department [of Health],” it outlines.

The abortionist must complete paperwork with each abortion, detailing the date of the procedure, the method used to kill the unborn child, whether the race, sex or any abnormalities had been detected at the time of the act, as well as a statement affirming that the abortion was not performed for one of those three reasons.

Those who knowingly violate the law may be imprisoned for up to 10 years, with a minimum sentence of a year behind bars.

However, “[a] woman upon whom an abortion is performed, induced, or attempted in violation … of this act shall not be prosecuted for conspiracy to commit any violation of … this act,” the bill expressly states.

The legislation, written by Rep. Carolyn Crawford, R-Pass Christian, says that the measure is necessary as federal civil rights law prohibits discrimination on certain characteristics, and yet “unborn human beings are often discriminated against and deprived of life.”

It contends that sex selection abortions, which are most commonly against girls, are committed in the United States, and “[a]bortions predicated on the presence or presumed presence of genetic abnormalities continue to occur despite the increasingly favorable post-natal outcomes for human beings perceived as handicapped or disabled.”

“Therefore, it is the intent of the Mississippi legislature, through this act and any regulations and policies promulgated hereunder, to prohibit the practice of nontherapeutic or elective abortion for the purpose of terminating the life of an unborn human being because of that human being’s race, sex, or the presence or presumed presence of a genetic abnormality,” the bill states.

The Mississippi House of Representatives passed the bill 91-25 on June 23 after clearing the Senate days earlier 33-11.

Read the Life Equality Act in full here.

Pro-life groups cheered the signing of the bill because it would prevent children, such as those with Down syndrome, from being aborted.

“Starting now, unborn babies in Mississippi cannot be targeted for abortion based on their sex, race, or potential disability, such as Down syndrome,” said Susan B. Anthony List State Policy Director Sue Liebel said in a statement. “Such lethal discrimination, whether inside or outside the womb, should be unacceptable anywhere in society.”

There is one abortion facility in Mississippi: Jackson Women’s Health Organization in the state capital. It offers abortions up to 16 weeks, or four months, gestation.

Owner Diane Derzis has claimed that she believes God wants her to run the abortion facility. She was featured on ABC’s “Nightline” in 2013 as she claimed to reporters that God was on her side in the abortion business.

“I know as fervently as they do that what I’m doing is moral and right,” she stated. “But if I’m wrong, that’s between the Lord and I.”

Proverbs 6:16-17 says that the Lord hates “hands that shed innocent blood.”

“When killing anyone, the murderer is guilty of taking the life which God has given, and therefore he is ‘playing God’ by saying when and how a man should die. But God doesn’t look lightly upon those who try to take His place,” explained preacher Lee Roy Shelton in “The Crimes of Our Times”.

“God has given us the Sixth Commandment as a fence about human life to preserve it, for it is sacred to Him,” he said. “Yes, the Bible declares human life to be sacred. It is a divine creation, mysterious and magnificent in its beginning and possibility, utterly beyond the control or comprehension of any human being. It is never to be taken away at the will of anyone, for how can they tell the full meaning of that life and what it will bring forth?”

“The revelation of God made to man out of His blessed Word proves that He has purposes for every individual and for the [human] race, stretching far beyond the present moment or manifestation; and to terminate a single life is to set yourselves up as wiser and superior to God. The immensity of the issues of death is so great that there can be no sin against humanity, and accordingly, against God, greater than that of taking a human life.”

Please visit Christian News Network’s Outlaw Abortion page to help us work to abolish the worldwide holocaust.



A sobering glance at who's pulling the strings.

This new Glazov Gang episode features Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center and editor of The Point at

Daniel sheds disturbing light on Behind the Mask of Black Lives Matter, offering a sobering glance at who's pulling the strings.

Don’t miss it!


Seth Dillon@SethDillon

The chief communications officer at @Awana is threatening to sue us if we don't take this down. The claim is that this article is "beyond satire" — whatever that means — and contains offensive material (an image of the president of the United States). 

Trump Shows Off Completed Awana Vest

WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Trump and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi are firing Bible photo ops back and forth, as you would expect politicians to be doing at a time like this.But Trump won the...

898 people are talking about this


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

There’s been no shortage of parachurch ministries that have gone ‘woke’ in the last several years. Most notably, organizations for young adults like Cru (formerly Campus Crusades for Christ) and InterVarsity have traded the real Gospel for the Popularity Gospel. But agonizingly, the leftists have even set their eyes on children. Awana is the latest organization to abandon its first love for ‘woke religion.’

AWANA was founded in 1941 and its name is an acronym for “approved workmen are not ashamed,” taken from 2 Timothy 2:15. With its central focus being the memorization of Scripture verses and a rewards system with badges, swag, and “Awana cash” to purchase toys and candy from the club’s store, Awana has grown to the largest children’s ministry in the world and is in 61 thousand churches in more than 120 nations.

Awana, in fact, has been used in my own church for over a decade. But no more.

It’s hard to mess up a mission as simple as teaching kids Scripture memorization. The mission is so pure and simple it’s hard to go wrong. Like the Gideons, who give out Bibles, or Wycliffe, which translates Scripture, one wonders how it could possibly be messed up. How can these simple missions become controversial?

Well, in the plainest of terms, Woke Religion ruins everything. And I do mean, everything.

Awana first got people’s attention when it tweeted out a pandering, virtue-signaling and entirely unnecessary Facebook post about a topic irrelevant to their mission (see below).

The post from Awana made some broad assumptions about several of the Woke Religion’s sacred martyrs, including the names of both Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. In both cases, the “victims” were determined by courts and juries to be the victimizers. Trayvon Martin used the sidewalk as a weapon, as he bashed in George Zimmerman’s head into it, earning himself a taste of Florida’s Stand Your Ground law. Michael Brown was a violent criminal who was attacking police officers.

Why would Awana not accept the decision of courts and juries? Why would Awana side against law enforcement when fair trials didn’t not convict them? Why would Awana lump all of the names of dead black people together – most, but not all of whom, died committing criminal acts – and presume they were killed by “racist roots” in our culture?

For Awana, it seems that all that is required to prove “racism” in these incidents is that a black person lay dead, irrespective of how they got there.

But then, just a few days later, Awana forgot that 1 Corinthians 6:1-8 was one of their memory verses and threatened to sue the Christians over at Babylon Bee. What was the offense that would cause one Christian organization to threaten a lawsuit against another? The Babylon Bee posted a clearly photoshopped and satirical image depicting President Donald Trump in an Awana vest.

Awana didn’t want any association with the Commander in Chief, even if it was clearly satirical. Not only did Awana prove themselves to be without a sense of humor, but their freak-out over President Trump donning a Sparkies vest betrayed their political leanings. They acted as though it was Adolf Hitler who was wearing their colors.

Later, Awana told the Christian Post they weren’t planning to pursue a lawsuit. Apparently, the legal threat was just idle intimidation.

But a closer look at Awana’s material demonstrates that they’ve been on the Woke Religion bandwagon for some time.

In 2019, Awana posted an article on “How to talk with your kids about racial equality.” Unsurprisingly, it lauded Dr. Martin Luther King as a role model for kids, despite the fact he was a whoremongering Communist, sex-trafficker, and serial adulterer (not to mention he denied the deity of Christ and inspiration of Scripture).

The article then makes some claims about the United States that are dubious at best and not substantiated by empirical data…

Racism is alive and well in the United States of America. All too often this evil takes the form of hate and violence, but more often racism is invisible, undergirding social inequalities all the way to our foundations. From income levels to education, to housing, to health care, to our justice system, whether you are white, brown, or black can significantly impact your access, power, and privilege.

Awana’s article mirrors the language of Critical Race Theory, alleging that racism is “invisible” and can’t be documented or quantified but still ever-so-present in things called “micro-aggressions.”

Awana’s article presumes matter-of-factly that racism is the reason for disparities in education, housing, health care, and presumably incarceration. No attempt was made whatsoever to take into consideration that lots of variables factor in well before racism including general godlessness, illegitimate births, fatherlessness, and social programs that reward laziness rather than work ethic. No, sir. For Awana, the cause of these disparities is a secret, unobservable, invisible “racism.”

Awana provides for us a demonstration of what Woke Religion does; it steals the profoundly simple mission of the church – making disciples and spreading the Gospel – and replaces it with leftist political rhetoric cloaked in a clerical collar. Woke Religion creates such unbelievable mission drift in the organizations that embrace it that in short order they rarely stay on target and keep to the tasks originally set before them.

If your church is planning on doing Awana this Fall, parents and church leaders need to very carefully comb through their material to find and mark the very subtle aspects of Woke Religion propaganda that will no doubt be hidden there.







republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Two days after a black man, Rayshard Brooks, was shot and killed by an Atlanta police officer while being arrested for public drunkenness, the CEO of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, said that white Christians need to repent of their racism. Speaking at Passion City Church in Atlanta on Sunday, Cathy said that to show black people that white Christians are serious about that repentance, they should shine the shoes of black people as way of expressing their “shame.”

During the 70-minute roundtable discussion with Louie Giglio, the pastor, and a black rapper, Lecrae, at the church, Cathy explained, “Most of us white people, we’re out-of-sight-out-of-mind oblivious to it,” speaking of injustice to black Americans. “We cannot let this moment pass.”

The church described the session as “an open and honest conversation around how racism has plagued our city for generations, and the steps we call all take to confront it head-on in our church, our neighborhoods, and our hearts.”

Actually, what was billed as a “conversation” was, of course, more of a lecture from Cathy and the others on the stage. After telling a story about a church service in Texas in which a young man was “gripped with conviction about the racism that was happening,” the young man kneeled down before an old black man and shined his shoes. “The tears began to flow in that service,” Cathy said.

Then, Cathy got up and knelt down before Lecrae with a shoe brush and said, “So I invite folks to just put some words to action here. If we need to find somebody that needs to have their shoes shined, we just need to go right on over and shine their shoes and whether they got tennis shoes on or not, maybe they got sandals on, it really doesn’t matter. But there’s a time at which we need to have, you know, some personal action here. Maybe we need to give them a hug, too.”

After finishing his act of contrition with Lecrae, Cathy told the crowd, “I bought about 1,500 of these and I gave them to all of our Chick-fil-A operators and staff a number of years ago and so any expressions of a contrite heart, a sense of humility, a sense of shame, a sense of embarrassment, but yet with an apologetic heart, I think that’s what our world needs to hear today.”

Cathy noted that “about a dozen Chick-fil-A restaurants” were “vandalized in the last week, but my plea would be for the white people, rather than point fingers at that kind of criminal effort, would be to see the level of frustration and exasperation and almost the sense of hopelessness that exists on some of those activists within the African-American community.”

Chick-fil-A has taken a sharp turn to the left recently after years of building a reputation as a Christian-oriented company. Defying conventional wisdom that a restaurant needs to be open on Sunday to capture profits on the day when most church services are held, Cathy’s father opted to close on Sundays. Anyone who drives by a Chick-fil-A during the other six days a week is amazed at the steady stream of cars in the drive-through and the full parking lots — the company clearly makes enough money without opening on Sundays.

A few years ago, Cathy was asked about the push for same-sex marriage, and he responded that he favored the biblical view of marriage — that is, between one man and one woman. That, plus his contributions to organizations that share that view, such as the Salvation Army, led gay-rights activists to launch a boycott of the restaurant. The boycott backfired miserably, as loyal customers swarmed Chick-fil-A to support the company’s Christian values.

Across the country, some colleges have refused to allow the restaurant space in their campus food courts for Chick-fil-A because of the company’s alleged “homophobia.”

But now, Chick-fil-A’s leadership is clearly taking a different approach. They have dropped their support for groups that might offend the LGBT community, essentially betraying not only those customers who loyally supported them during the LGBT boycotts, but also their franchisees, most of whom supported the Christian image of the company.

Insofar as Cathy’s latest comments go, he now seems to be abandoning the traditional Christian view that sin is something that an individual commits and is responsible for. White Christians are no more responsible for someone else’s racism than a black Christian is responsible for another person burning down a building, or looting.

Rather than helping race relations, Cathy’s remarks are more likely to exacerbate racial tensions. Instead of judging someone by his own actions, a person is now to be judged by the actions of others who just happen to share the same skin color. Nothing could be more racist than that.

Implying that every time a white person does something wrong, or at least is thought to have done something wrong, to a black person that the entire white “race” should repent for it only adds to the continuance of judging individuals not by the content of their character, but by the color of their skin.



We either fix this or lose the Republic



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Santa Barbara, CA Unified School District Board met the evening of June 9, 2020 to consider demands for mandatory ethnic studies courses at the local high school level. Those demands are coming largely from the children of the Santa Barbara Unified school district, who overall have racked up some fairly abysmal scores in basic academic achievement: their test scores for the 2018-2019 school year show a mere 54% are proficient in reading and only 45% are proficient in math. Minority students – Hispanic and African American – lag badly behind both Asian and white students as well as the proficiency standards themselves.

Instead of implementing a more rigorous academic study program with a focus on the reading, writing, and math skills so fundamental to academic as well as later professional success, however, the Santa Barbara, CA Unified School District decided to focus on the clamoring of the failing students to learn more about nonexistent “systemic racism” – which they apparently have been “learning about” on social media. Even more absurdly, the June 9, 2020 School Board meeting featured a clash between board members who wanted to declare a week in February annually as “Black Lives Matter in School Week” and the students. It seems that the children – the ones who can’t read, write, or calculate at a basic level – thought that the special Black Lives Matter Week initiative didn’t capitulate fully enough to the entire list of their demands.

That list of demands, which had been put forth during a June 7, 2020 student-led protest march to the Santa Barbara Unified School District headquarters and the Santa Barbara Police Department, includes defunding school contracts with local law enforcement and declaring “racism as a public-health emergency.” A number of school district officials, including high school principals, stood meekly in shorts and T-shirts to accept the student demands. Police Chief Lori Luhnow submissively took a knee to convey the utter capitulation of Santa Barbara officials to the student mob.

The methods on display in Santa Barbara are eerily reminiscent of communist/Marxist tactics openly laid out at the 1950s “House on Un-American Activities” (HUAC) hearings, in the 1958 book, “The Naked Communist,” by former FBI agent W. Cleon Skousen, and perhaps most alarming of all, in the rantings of Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground (see especially “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism”). The “45 Goals of Communism Today,” as enumerated in Chapter 13 of Clousen’s book and derived from Congressional testimony by former Communists, are both explicit and apropos. For example, there is number 17: “Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of the teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.”

Is this not precisely what’s on display in the Santa Barbara Unified School District more than fifty years on? Too many Americans either refused to believe what the much-maligned Sen. Joseph McCarthy and HUAC colleagues revealed or were lulled into inattention after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, thinking perhaps that communism was as OBE as the USSR itself. But in fact, it was the Soviet empire that collapsed, not communism/Marxism.

The rampaging thugs on American streets, looting, rioting, and declaring their own “Autonomous Zone” in the middle of Seattle, Washington have their ideological origins in Soviet Comintern operations that brought Antifa to the U.S. in the 1930s. The implausible popularity of the viciously anti-American, anti-Constitutional, antisemitic, and anti-law enforcement Black Lives Matter movement ignores its documented origins in the Marxist/Leninist/Maoist Freedom Road Socialist Organization and its Liberation Road off-shoot. Youthful mobs issuing demands to Defund The Police not only can’t pass grade-level reading and math tests, but obviously have never been taught about the trail of death and destruction left in every place across history and the world where socialist-Marxist-communist policies have been allowed a foothold. 

And yet, on the agenda of the Santa Barbara Unified School District at their recent meeting was a proposal to adopt “A Young People's History of the United States: Columbus to the War on Terror” by Howard Zinn for use at the middle-high school level. Zinn, a self-avowed Marxist/progressive, believed by the FBI and contemporaries to have been at least a Communist Party supporter if not member, promotes a “class warfare” interpretation of American history that rejects free market capitalism and presents the American saga as one long unremitting litany of wrongdoing.

If we want to know how the underperforming students of Santa Barbara came to reject their own heritage and our cherished Constitutional principles, and the supposed “adults” in the room to capitulate to their childish demands, we need look no further than textbooks like this one and the decades-long penetration of communist/Marxist influence into American academia. We either fix this or lose the Republic.

Clare M. Lopez is the Founder/President of Lopez Liberty LLC and a career national security expert.





republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

ATLANTA — During a recorded discussion this week, Dan Cathy, president of the Atlanta-based chicken chain Chick-fil-A, joined Louie Giglio of Passion City Church and award-winning CCM rapper Lecrae to discuss what they perceive to be racism, but more specifically what is often now being referred to as “systemic racism” in society, brought to the forefront by recent incidents, including Friday’s fatal shooting of a drunk man who fought Atlanta police officers in resisting arrest and pointing a taser at an officer before being shot. The matter has resulted in riots in the city where Chick-fil-A is headquartered.

The men did not specify what actions they believed to be racially-motivated, but Cathy generally opined that Caucasians should have a “period of contrition” in understanding how African Americans sense racism in the city of Atlanta and should empathize with the pain that the rioters are feeling over ongoing racial injustice.

“We are in a very special moment right now. The answer is not just for this to go off the radar screen, to go back to COVID-19, to talk about world peace, [the] environment — whatever else,” Cathy said. “If believe if we miss this moment, we have failed our generation.”

“Every generation has to take responsibility, and the generation of Martin Luther King, of Ivan Allen, Jr., who was the mayor at that time, of Robert Woodruff from the business community with Tom Cousins — every generation, someone had to pick up the baton of responsibility for the situation that we’re in right now,” he continued. “We don’t need to let this moment miss us. It has to hurt us.”

Last Friday night, 27-year-old Rayshard Brooks was discovered sleeping in his vehicle in the drive-through lane of a Wendy’s restaurant. Police were called to the scene, and Brooks was asked to move to a regular parking space. He was given a sobriety test as it was perceived that he was inebriated, and as he failed, officers sought to take him into custody for drunk driving.

“I think you’ve had too much to drink for you to be driving,” one officer states. “Put your hands behind your back for me.”

But when the officer went to handcuff Brooks, he resisted and a tussle ensued on the ground.

“Stop fighting,” the officers ordered Brooks. “You’re going to get tased!”

Brooks soon pulled the taser out of the hand of one officer and broke free, running across the parking lot. One of the officers seeks to stop him. Seconds after pointing the taser in the direction of the officers who were chasing after him — and apparently discharging it, he was shot twice in the back.

Brooks died of his injuries at a nearby hospital following surgery.

View dashcam footage released by the Atlanta Police Department here.

On Monday, Giglio called the Atlanta shooting a “new iteration of the injustice that is right before our eyes.”

“Everywhere you look in the world right now [people are talking about the issue of racial injustice],” he said. “It’s not a little side issue today. It’s what the entire world is talking about right now.”

Rapper Lecrae noted that some may wonder what the incidents in Minneapolis and Atlanta have to do with race and that some are seemingly “just arbitrarily bringing race into the picture.”

“History always informs the perspectives that we’re looking at,” he said, stating that African Americans have a “cultural collective sense” when a situation involves a person of color.

Lecrae said that when a crime happens involving a white person, it is not usually highlighted by Caucasians, but African Americans pay more attention to what is going on within their race.

“When one of our people from our people group is killed, we don’t just see this individual’s life being taken down. We see a historical narrative of this happening again and again and again and again,” he outlined.

“What we are seeing is, one, an issue of injustice of people’s lives being cut down, but then, two, part of a narrative that keeps being exposed to us on a consistent basis,” Lecrae reiterated.

He stated during the discussion that he believes the Church has turned a blind eye to racism, treating it like a “ghost in the room” and “old factory fatigue” from being accustomed to breathing bad gas.

“The injustices, or the way that a lot of things are being flushed out for my white brothers and sisters [is that] these are isolated events or political agendas,” Lecrae said. “[But] for my black brothers and sisters, these are evidences of a crock pot that has been boiling for years, a gas in the air that people are tired of breathing.”

Cathy advised that he has asked others in recent weeks if they have personally experienced injustice and how it feels. He stated that one staff member in the Chick-fil-A corporate office “pointed to subtleties” that she noticed at work.

“As a safe place as that is, we still have, whether it’s conscious or unconscious biases, that she felt she was not treated with honor, dignity and respect,” he lamented.

Cathy then asked Lecrae to share personal experiences where he felt he was treated unfairly because of his skin color.

Lecrae said that a police officer shot at him when he was 13, and he was put on a gang list at 14 because he was caught skipping school.

He stated that he was pulled over once and his seats were torn out because police thought there were drugs in the vehicle and that he was recently pulled over three times in Texas and chastised for “something small.”

He explained that such experiences “inform our relationship with law enforcement and help shape the way we’re perceiving everything that’s going on right now.”

“I can only imagine the emotional indignity,” Cathy remarked in response. “These are the questions that have not been asked [and] I believe that it’s led to a sense of apathy, indifference, [and the attitude that] it’s somebody’s else’s deal, this is about police shooting people. It’s much more than that. It’s about the grind of that kind of indignity and other expressions of it.”

Giglio opined that whites have difficulty understanding the feelings of African Americans because “none of us have lived a day of being black in America,” and many dismiss the issue of racism because they are not racist themselves.

Lecrae said that the Church should address the issues and consider “where we need to repent and where we need to listen.”

Cathy similarly stated that Caucasians should get involved as inaction is the reason why Atlanta is still struggling with racism.

“Until we, as Caucasians, until we’re willing to just pick up the baton and fight for our black, African American brothers and sisters, which they are as one human race, we’re shameful. We’re just adding to it,” he said. “Our silence is so huge at this time. We cannot be silent. Somebody has to fight. And God has so blessed our city, but it’s shameful how we let things get so out of whack.”

He advised that many African Americans in Atlanta struggle with poverty, are high school dropouts, are involved in homicides or suffer with HIV/AIDS.

Cathy said that Christians need to empathize with African Americans, comparing the matter to the story of Nehemiah, who was stirred by the plundering of Jerusalem but pondered and prayed about the matter before rising to build. He said that there should even be empathy for rioters who loot and commit acts of arson.

“I would say that we need a period of contrition and a broken heart in the city of Atlanta, and a sense of real identity, not just criticizing people who [were] burning down that restaurant last night,” he opined. “We’ve got a heart for the Rayshard Brooks and the others that you’ve mentioned.”

“We’ve got to have a sense of empathy to what led to this,” Cathy continued. “This is a tip of the iceberg of incredible amounts of frustration and pain that the whole spectrum of [the] African American community in some way or another can quickly illustrate … that most of us white people are just out of sight, out of mind. We’re oblivious to it.”

He repeated later, “My plea would be, for the white people, rather than point fingers at that kind of criminal effort, would be to see the level of frustration and exasperation and almost a sense of hopelessness that exists among some of these activists among the African American community. … There’s got to be some emotional response of understanding how exasperated and how hopeless people are feeling at this point.”

The three agreed that there needs to be a brokenness over what they see as an ongoing problem with racism in the country.

“Any expression of a contrite heart, a sense of humility, a sense of shame, a sense of embarrassment, begin with an apologetic heart,” Cathy said. “I think that’s what our world needs to hear today.”

Near the end of the discussion, he shined Lecrae’s shoes with a brush after telling a story about repentance.

“Our city needs to change,” Giglio stated. “Racism needs to die. And then the streets need to come alive with the songs of Jesus.”

Atlanta Police Officers Garrett Rolfe and Devin Brosnan were taken into custody this week. Rolfe was charged with murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Public opinion over the matter has been mixed as some believe the incident cannot be compared to the George Floyd situation since Brooks fought with the officers and stole a taser.

“[N]ot every white officer who shoots an African American man is motivated by racism, and not every police shooting is a crime,” opined former Los Angeles and Detroit prosecutor Michael Stern in a column published by USA Today on Thursday.

“[P]eople should watch the video,” he said. “Then they should make their own assessments as to whether the officer was motivated by racism, or whether he was just a cop who was terrified and who tried to protect himself after being shot at with a taser that was stolen in an attack seconds earlier.”





republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“At a Friday, June 5, 2020 sermon at the Islamic Association of Raleigh, NC, Imam Oliver S. Muhammad said that the root of injustice and of white supremacy is the image of a white Jesus, which he said is a subliminal message that causes white supremacists to believe that they are better than everybody else.”

Yet supremacism is the root of Islamic doctrine, and does not appear in Christian doctrine. While the imam Muhammad slams a distorted view of Christianity, the Qur’an slams all infidels (including Christians) as inferiors, and Christian persecution by Muslims is at genocidal proportions.

“Raleigh N.C. Imam Oliver S. Muhammad: The Image Of A White Jesus Is A Subliminal Message That Feeds White Supremacy, Injustice All Over The World”, MEMRI, June 5, 2020:

At a Friday, June 5, 2020 sermon at the Islamic Association of Raleigh, NC, Imam Oliver S. Muhammad said that the root of injustice and of white supremacy is the image of a white Jesus, which he said is a subliminal message that causes white supremacists to believe that they are better than everybody else. He said that the effect of this image can be seen in the context of economic oppression, slavery, and colonization. He then stated that as long as this image of Jesus continues to exist, white supremacists will have something that feeds their sense of superiority. The Islamic Association of Raleigh is a regular participant in local interfaith events.

Oliver S. Muhammad: “We have to understand the root of the injustices that we see in this world.”


“White supremacy has its roots in – what? – in the misrepresentation of Allah, in this picture they have all around the world, on every continent that they say is ‘issa as issa salam.’ It’s not him, but it’s the image of a white person. And the white supremacist thinkers, they say ‘well, that’s my image, so it makes me better than everybody because that’s the most Supreme Being.'”


“Whether it is economic oppression or slavery, whether it is politics, whether it is colonization, wherever this image is projected, you can see that those societies, or the people that come under that influence, are subject. They have been influenced by this imagery of white supremacists. It’s a subliminal message.”…





republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

I am no longer a Nazarene.  I have primarily shifted my focus on pastoring my church and taking care of my family. So it’s been a while that I posted.  But when I saw the latest statement by an official Nazarene group, I was outraged and could not let it go.

My outrage is at the Church of the Nazarene leadership, and their continuing deviation from emphasizing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to a capitulation to divisive social justice politics, and now divisive racial politics. Instead of seeking to unite the church behind the Gospel of Jesus Christ, leaders in the church are bringing it further into chaos and confusion by choosing a stark political viewpoint based on skin color. The following Nazarene statement was written by the ‘Black Strategic Readiness Team’ of USA/Canada Region.  I was never aware that such a group existed!  Is there a ‘White Strategic Readiness Team’? In a church that serves the Lord Jesus Christ, and that preaches holiness, is there really a need for such polarization?

In the statement by this group (which probably does not even represent a majority of Nazarenes), assumptions are made which are insulting and condescending. Proposals are made which, ironically, are actually racist, as I will point out. Their statement as a whole is racially divisive, and will serve no purpose other than to further create a schism in the denomination that has been adrift for years now. No Christian denomination should be creating racial division, and yet this is what exactly has been done here.

You be the judge for yourself after reading the statement.  And we are not simply calling out this group, because surely this is with full approval of the General Superintendents.  Here are just a few of the disturbing issues I have summarized:

  1. The group recommends hiring on a National level a Chief Diversity Officer, and of course, the person must be “of color.” And he/she will have the authority to implement hiring quotas, based on… race!  This is racism.
  2. They also want to create a list of candidates for District Superintendent- based only on the color of their skin! Apparently the content of a pastor’s character will matter far less than the color of his skin. This is clearly racism.  Absolutely outrageous.
  3. From their document: “As a denomination, the Church of the Nazarene heralds a message of holiness and transformation but tends to remain comfortable with the status quo as the calls for racial justice ring through our congregations and communities.” This is such a polarizing statement. How do these folks come to the conclusion that the church is “comfortable with the status quo”?  And what is the status quo?
  4. They recommend that on the District level, “cultural sensitivity training” for all pastors and leaders be done. And… it must be led by a person of color!  Racism again! And what an insult to the many pastors who have faithfully served the Lord without a single bit of racism in their body and mind, to now ask them to be “re-trained?”.  What is the purpose? To make sure that all white Nazarenes are singing along with the same chorus of Black Lives Matter?
  5. They “affirm the significance of black lives”. They “affirm black lives matter.” They may not like this, but all lives matter! They are focusing on racial division. It will not go well.
  6. From their document: “…unjust and systematically unheard stories of unarmed Black and Brown people at the hands of those who are tasked to “protect and serve.” As many others are doing, they are seemingly lumping all law enforcement officers as being problematic, which would be a lie. It is a disrespect of those who work so hard to defend their very lives.These are just a few of the disturbing things in this document. But to summarize again, these people do not speak for the vast majority of honest, loving and totally non-racist Christians in the church.  They have bought into an idea which they feel is the only correct one, and that is that there is systemic racism in the country and in the church.  It is a lie, and there are countless blacks and other people of color who would disagree almost completely with this document. Many will say that they will not play the victim card, and that it is time to stop the racial division now in the church.

    So why is this racial division being exercised?  I believe these Nazarenes mean well, but they have made a huge mistake.  They have bought into the Marxist ideology of a hateful and terroristic organization (Black Lives Matter).  They have been duped by a tool of Satan. Instead of bringing the church together, they have helped further sow the seeds of division by emphasizing the color of one’s skin.

    A Phony Outrage

    Has this group ever expressed their concern for the thousands of blacks who die at the hands of other blacks in Chicago and other war-torn cities?  Has this group expressed their outrage at 1,000 black innocent babies that day on a daily basis? Has this group, or the church leaders, expressed outrage at the killing of police officers as a result of these protests and riots? Have they expressed outrage at the many blacks whose livelihoods have been destroyed- by other blacks! Has this group, and the General Superintendents, ever expressed outrage at ALL racism, including black on white racism?  Have they called out Black Lives Matter, a totally racist organization led by people who promote an unbiblical and Marist agenda?  No.  Instead, they shamefully stand with them. Sadly, I don’t see any evidence that they truly care about racial justice for all. 

    What a shame, and what an insult to God’s word. I am no longer a Nazarene, but as many others like me, I cry in my heart as this holiness denomination is becoming a tool of the radical leftist agendas, just as it has been captured by the emergent church ideology already. But there are no watchmen anymore at the top of the leadership, and so it’s up to the people in the pews to do something about it.

    And as Dr. Everett Piper stated recently regarding Black Lives Matter:

    “How can you stand with an organization that mocks God, denies the Bible, belittles men, demeans women and subjugates generations of black children to the dysfunction of fatherless families?  What is wrong with you?”  (Evangelical Pastors Pander to Black Lives Matter)

    —————-Here is the link to the full statement:

     Statement Toward Racial Justice and Righteousness Black Strategic Readiness Team – Church of the Nazarene USA/Canada June 5, 2020

    We, the Black Strategic Readiness Team of the Church of the Nazarene – USA/Canada Region, long to see our denomination better connect with and support Black communities, churches, and leaders throughout the United States and Canada. Be it known to all that we stand against racial injustice. We are personally affected and also caring for many who are affected by the recent deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. We acknowledge that their deaths represent many similar unjust and systematically unheard stories of unarmed Black and Brown people at the hands of those who are tasked to “protect and serve.” Words cannot adequately express our heartbreak for families, churches, communities, and all of humanity in this season of communal grief and urgency.

    A national outrage ensued that has rapidly spread across the nation and many parts of the world. “Enough is enough!” is the wearied outcry reverberating through the streets of our cities as protesters and allies call for change, not only against another incidence of racial injustice, but against the structures and systems that have historically and continuously devalued and marginalized the lives of Black and Brown people. Indeed, the historical sin of racism is very much a present reality and challenge for the church to address. We are seeking more than a statement.

    The complex issues of racism are deeply ingrained in the fabric of our nation, and a mere statement does not alleviate the constant searing anguish Black families and communities continue to endure. As a denomination, the Church of the Nazarene heralds a message of holiness and transformation but tends to remain comfortable with the status quo as the calls for racial justice ring through our congregations and communities. We acknowledge those who recognize and empathize with our raw pain, and we recognize our denomination’s Manual statement against racial “discrimination.” However, this is a crucial moment for the Church of the Nazarene to make commitments toward real change. We sense the need to move toward prayerful, thoughtful, and expeditious action.

    Our denomination’s growth in righteousness and justice must not be separated. Let us take seriously the Word of the Lord spoken through the prophet Isaiah: Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? (Isaiah 58:6) We ask leaders and congregations in the Church of the Nazarene to commit to breaking the chains of racial injustice. Join us in both lament and advocacy: We lament. We lament that racism continues to narrate the nation and negatively affect Christians’ imagination of what is possible. With the Psalmist, we cry out, “How long, O Lord?” We plead for the Holy Spirit to open calloused hearts and closed minds. We plead for the Holy Spirit to make the truth plain to those accustomed to finding their away around the Way of Jesus.

    Amidst this lament, we recognize that God has given human beings agency to participate in the Way forward and has empowered the church to bear witness to the kingdom of God here and now.

    We stand. We stand with every church and pastor who continues to trumpet the call for true justice and peace. We stand in alignment with God’s heart for justice to set the oppressed free (Luke 4:18)

    We affirm. We affirm God’s call to holiness of heart and life, which necessarily includes a commitment to racial justice. God chose the oppressed Hebrew community. God also identified with the oppressed people of Nazareth. We are called to illuminate the lives of people who have been systematically devalued in the United States. Affirming the significance of black lives is an essential way of resisting the evil fist of an unjust and prejudiced system that capitalizes on the suffering and death of Black people. We affirm that Black lives matter.

    We call. We call on the church to welcome and support courageous conversations about race and take bold action against racism in America and the Church of the Nazarene. This includes reflection upon the way racial injustice may be linked to other forms of injustice and will take commitment and intentionality from all levels of our denomination.

    We seek. We seek unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. We seek the peace of our communities. We seek shalom for all, recognizing that we can no longer settle for false notions of amity and

    reconciliation. True peacebuilding requires the uncomfortable work of unmasking and naming oppressive power structures as well as embracing the diligent work of change.

    We, hereby, recommend the following immediate action steps as we engage in longer-term planning:

    Action Steps on the National Level

    1. The General Board should facilitate an honest conversation with church leaders at every level about systemic racism in the Church of the Nazarene.
    2. The General Church (GMC) should hire a Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) of color for the USA/Canada region. He/she must be a member of the senior leadership team and be given full authority/power to enact hiring practices and recommendations and to ensure their implementation. He/she must also work with District leaders on developing objectives to ensure that districts reflect the diversity of their locality at every level.
    3. The General Superintendents should include and recommend on their short list qualified persons of color to fill District Superintendent vacancies in the USA/Canada region.

    Action Steps on the District Level

    1. District Superintendents and DAB (District Advisory Board) should conduct ongoing cultural sensitivity & diversity training for all local pastors and leaders. This training should be led by someone of color, preferably from outside the district.
    2. During pastoral assessments, District superintendents should openly engage the local church board/congregation about racial injustice in their congregation.
    3. The (DAB) should reflect the cultural diversity of the district that it serves.
    4. District Superintendents and DAB’s should develop relevant action steps aimed at increasing the presence of Black leaders and churches of color.

    Action Steps on the Local Level

    1. Pastors should intentionally address the challenges that people of color face.
    2. Pastors/church boards should promote and encourage intercultural activities.
    3. Pastors should seek opportunities to exchange pulpits with ministers of color who are in harmony with the Wesleyan doctrine of holiness.
    4. The local church and leadership should develop a plan for the church to reflect the diversity of the community at large and provide resources and support to its constituency.
    5. Churches should promote and provide a platform for open dialogues on racism with children, youth and young adults.

    Action Steps for Black Pastors and Leaders

    1. Pastors should encourage their parishioners to exercise their right to vote.
    2. Pastors should seek opportunities to exchange pulpits with Anglo pastors and ministers who are in harmony with the Wesleyan doctrine of holiness.
    3. Pastors should seek opportunities to preach about racial harmony, justice and a proper response to unjust treatment (e.g. nonviolent direct action, voting, participation in police merit boards, etc.…)
    4. Pastors/churches should open their doors to community forums that address their community’s racial disparities (i.e. health, economic, education, etc.)
    5. Pastors, church leaders, and parishioners should participate in District and General church activities throughout the year. May we move together toward racial justice and righteousness as we seek to bear witness to the kingdom of God here and now. May we move with faithfulness and urgency.

    Grace and peace, Dr. Charles A. Tillman, Facilitator Rev. John Wright Rev. David Solomon Dr. Sidney Mitchell Dr. Montague Williams Rev. Dianne Bonner Rev. Althea Taylor Min. Cassandra Trotman




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A violent Marxist-Leninist group at its core. Its goals are ultimately destructive to blacks.

A magnet for radicals, shallow white liberals, angry blacks, corrupt politicians, and sleazy corporations.

June 11, 2020

An early Black Lives Matter riot in Oakland, CA. Note the words "Kill Cops" spray painted at upper left.

When “Black Lives Matter” was born in the ashes of the riots in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014, they were rightly considered a fringe group by most Americans. Violence has always been part of their mantra. Particularly repulsive was their call in public marches for the murder of police officers (“Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon!” and “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now!”) They are loudly and unapologetically racist. All of this was quite out in the open.

The BLM activists do not try to hide their beliefs.

But they were embraced early on by the Obama administration. BLM people visited the White House numerous times. They began to receive enormous funding from corporations, left-wing foundations, and likely government sources. In 2017, the National Football League announced they were donating $100 million to “social justice organizations.” Much of that money appears to have gone directly to BLM or its front groups.

Enormous money buys huge organizing power. Soon BLM clubs or programs were in public schools across America and promoted by the National Education Association. The group has become prominent in left-wing churches everywhere.

A liberal church in a very white town in suburban Boston.

They do not hide their anti-family and anti-Christian goals. This is from the “What We Believe” page on the Black Lives Matters website:

We are unapologetically Black in our positioning….

We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location.

We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead.

We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women [men] who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence….

We make our spaces family-friendly and enable parents to fully participate with their children. We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).

It says nothing about freeing black people from the social pathologies that truly keep them down: unwed motherhood, fatherless homes, dependence on government, horrible inner-city schools, gangs, drug-infested neighborhoods, black-on-black crime, and massive abortion rates.

Their real concerns are all destructive.

That’s because the BLM leaders don’t truly care about the welfare of blacks. As David Horowitz has documented, Black Lives Matter is basically a Marxist-Leninist organization, founded by self-styled communists, that uses black suffering as a prop for its larger goals. The group was formed from a staged riot meant to destroy the physical and economic community, and inflame racist hysteria, and continue along that path.

Their violence, disruption, and intimidation tactics are reminiscent of the Nazi Brownshirts, the true original fascists. And they have vast legal resources to litigate government entities that get in their way and defend the criminal actions of their activists.

Nazi brownshirts destroying Jewish shops.
... burning buildings they don't like ...
... and other public intimidation techniques that BLM activists have learned from.

Black Lives Matter has many similarities to the national LGBT movement: The LGBT movement also uses false narratives (homosexuality is genetic, so-called “LGBT kids” are extremely unsafe at school, etc.) to push their larger agenda. They require allegiance from everyone. They use anger, threats, and intimidation to keep people in line (including getting people fired from their jobs). They do not tolerate any actual critical debate on their dogma. And, of course, their agenda is very obviously destructive to society at large. So it’s not surprising that BLM and LGBT activists are strongly allied.


Today’s widespread support of Black Lives Matter across America

Over the past few weeks, large numbers of people have gathered in public (ignoring COVID-19 health directives) to wave signs, shout, and declare their personal bond with Black Lives Matter. It seems maniacal, even satanic.

And that’s just the start. Public officials have declared their allegiance to BLM. Police departments have joined in the support of BLM by kneeling at the feet of the BLM protesters. Corporations large and small have broadcast their support, promised donations, and fired employees who have not shown sufficient homage to the BLM movement.

Former Republican presidential candidate and current US Senator Mitt Romney marches with radicals in Washington DC Black Lives Matter parade.

Yet, at the same time, millions of Americans are not doing this and are shocked and outraged at those who are. And it frightens them. It reminds people of the Nazi era in Europe and the Cultural Revolution in China.

A Red Guard youth forces a public official to humiliate himself during the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. It's already starting to happen here.

What is going on?

There is a tendency to believe that the people doing this, particularly students and young adults, are simply misguided victims of too much liberal propaganda. They just need to hear the facts properly. After all, they seem like normal people otherwise.

But that is a dangerous assumption. Our experience over the last few decades dealing with the flood of rabid “LGBT allies” across America belies that.

Let’s start with a different premise. If you follow bad ideas and take action to support them, you are guilty of a crime against your fellow citizens.

The Nuremberg Trials after World War II, which prosecuted the murderous perpetrators of the Nazi death camps, established a definitive standard of human behavior. Simply put, people who do things that are obviously bad are bad people and are criminally guilty. They have no justification. They cannot claim that in participating in clearly heinous activities they were “just following orders” or were caught up in the frenzy, or were lured in by deceptive ideas. There may be some individual mitigating circumstances. But the Nuremberg principles set an important standard for all civilization. Bad deeds themselves demand a guilty sentence.

Anyone who gets involved with “Black Lives Matter” in any way is exposed to a range of things that BLM is quite open about: The BLM arguments are wildly irrational and are at odds with observable fact (e.g., all white people are racist). Their core ideas (see above) are very radical and socially destructive. They have no problem with violence. They are relentlessly angry. They never talk about the things that would actually help black people. All one has to do is read their website, which clearly lists their hideous goals.

White liberals and others willfully choose to ignore these things. They want to feel good and appear “virtuous” to those around them. If you try to discuss with them the obvious problems with Black Lives Matter, they get very angry, tune you out, and direct their hostility against you. We saw the same thing with the liberal LGBT “allies.” It’s perplexing because it’s not how normal people react. They are helping the BLM thugs tear apart America, but they’re too caught up in their own self-centered emotions to care about that.

How to deal with it?

Unfortunately, most of the conservative movement, and particularly the Republican Party, has no stomach to personally confront this, besides writing exhaustive commentaries and podcasts. When not simply milquetoast “analysis” pieces, these can be valuable in educating our side, which would otherwise be at the mercy of the mainstream media for information and perspective.

But we believe that all good people need to do more. They need to stand against this in whatever way they can. This is especially important at a time like now when it seems like much of America is losing its mind, and the attacks on normal society are escalating by the day.

ALT TEXT MassResistance parents in California face off against an LGBT mob that wants to push sexual perversion into the local library.

MassResistance is dedicated to continuing our role as the only national conservative activist group that is willing to fearlessly not only confront the Left but aggressively push back, no matter how many hundreds of millions of dollars our opponents have. If you haven’t already, we invite you to join with us!




University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) professor Gordon Klein has been suspended after refusing to postpone black students' exams, 'in light of recent traumas' many have faced following George Floyd's death and anti-racist protests.

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) accounting professor has been suspended and placed under police protection for refusing to make his final exams easier for black students in light of the death of George Floyd.

According to Inside Higher Ed, a group of students e-mailed Anderson School of Management professor Gordon Klein with a request “for a ‘no-harm’ final exam that could only benefit students’ grades, and for shortened exams and extended deadlines for final assignments and projects.” The students wrote that they were not asking Klein to cancel finals for non-black students, just to “exercise compassion and leniency with black students in our major.”

Klein declined to bow to the students’ demands. “Thanks for your suggestion … that I give black students special treatment, given the tragedy in Minnesota,” he replied. “Do you know the names of the classmates that are black? How can I identify them since we’ve been having online classes only? Are there any students that may be of mixed parentage, such as half black-half Asian? What do you suggest I do with respect to them? A full concession or just half?”

While Klein may have been employing a little sarcasm, his points are well-taken. After all, were he to request photographs of all his students and then decide which ones should get which breaks based on physical characteristics, he would no doubt be called a racist.

“Also,” continued Klein, “do you have any idea if any students are from Minneapolis? I assume that they probably are especially devastated as well. I am thinking that a white student from there might be possibly even more devastated by this, especially because some might think that they’re racist even if they are not.”

Klein then asked the quite reasonable question of how he could possibly make the final exam a “no-harm” test when it was the sole determinant of a student’s grade for the course.

“Remember that [Martin Luther King, Jr.] famously said that people should not be evaluated based on the ‘color of their skin.,’” Klein added. “Do you think that your request would run afoul of MLK’s admonition?”

Unfortunately for Klein, King’s vision is hopelessly out of date among today’s “woke” crowd, who view racial colorblindness as “a form of racism” and prefer to treat each person not as an individual but as a representative of a particular group with its own claims to preferential treatment, usually based on physical characteristics (except, of course, in matters of gender).

In a follow-up e-mail obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, Klein tried to inject some hard-headed realism into the discussion, pointing out that people often have to fulfill responsibilities despite personal hardships and traumas. “He pointed to his daughter, who suffered a severe illness and lost close friends to suicide during her time at UCLA. Those personal hardships did not interfere with fulfilling her course work, according to the professor,” the Free Beacon reported.

Klein also indicated that university rules prohibited him from modifying the course requirements at this time. An e-mail from Anderson School diversity committee chairman Judson Caskey, in fact, “urged professors to avoid changing final exam plans in the face of student demands,” wrote the Free Beacon.

Angered by Klein’s initial response, one student posted it on Twitter, and another started a petition to have Klein fired “for his extremely insensitive, dismissive, and woefully racist response to his students’ request for empathy and compassion during a time of civil unrest.” The petition has garnered over 20,000 signatures. Students also “doxxed” Klein, according to the Free Beacon.

Following the outcry, UCLA suspended Klein for three weeks beginning June 25 and launched an investigation into his “troubling” behavior, Anderson School dean Antonio Bernardo told students in an apologetic e-mail. In addition, the Malibu Police Department “increased police presence near the educator’s home after Klein received multiple threats,” a department spokesman told the Free Beacon.

Whether Klein has a future at UCLA remains to be seen, but his treatment by both students and administrators does not bode well for the future of higher education. And given that the students of today are the leaders of tomorrow, it casts doubt on the future of the nation, too.





republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Civil rights: CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR officials have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim “Honest Ibe” Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements about how Islamic law should be imposed in the U.S. (Ahmad denies this, but the original reporter stands by her story.) CAIR chapters frequently distribute pamphlets telling Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement. CAIR has opposed virtually every anti-terror measure that has been proposed or implemented and has been declared a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates. CAIR’s Hussam Ayloush in 2017 called for the overthrow of the U.S. government. CAIR’s national outreach manager is an open supporter of Hamas.

Awad himself has said that he supports Hamas. Nonetheless, this honor is among many he has received, and no one will utter a murmur of protest. But imagine the uproar if USA Today named a foe of jihad terror one of “the most influential civil rights leaders of today.” There would be petitions, protests, whining about how Muslims felt endangered, and probably the paper would apologize and boot the foe of jihad terror from its list.

“From Esmeralda Simmons to Laverne Cox, here are 19 of the most influential civil rights leaders of today,” by Hristina Byrnes and John Harrington, USA Today, June 7, 2020:

8. Nihad Awad

• Occupation: Co-founder and CEO of the Council on American-Islamic Relations

• Location: Washington, D.C.

• Cause: Muslim civil liberties

Nihad Awad, who leads the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the country’s largest Islamic advocacy organization, has been one of America’s foremost Muslim voices after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The group monitors hate crimes and discrimination against Muslim Americans. The organization also counsels and advocates for people who have experienced religious discrimination. In 2017, Nihad was the recipient of the Phillips Brooks House Association’s Robert Coles “Call of Service” Lecture and Award, which is meant to “bring a significant leader in public service to Harvard each fall.”



The Left’s radical agenda takes a twisted -- but expected -- turn.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Twitter: @JamieGlazov.

This new Glazov Gang episode features Brandon Straka, the Campaign Founder for #WalkAway.

Brandon focuses on: Should Whites Kneel Down and Beg Black People for Forgiveness?, shedding disturbing light on: The Left’s Radical Agenda Takes a Twisted -- But Expected -- Turn.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch Will Johnson, the Founder of, discuss Where Are the Protests for David Dorn?, where he sheds a disturbing light on When Back Lives Don’t Matter — to Black Lives Matter.

Follow us on Twitter: @JamieGlazov.



Candace Owens' GoFundMe account was recently suspended and the fund-raising campaign she was running was terminated. Over $200,000 was raised and it will all get delivered to Parkside Cafe but... (CONTINUE READING / SOURCES: ––––––––––––––––––––––– 🌐 MY WEBSITE:



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Raleigh, North Carolina is home to Summit Church, which is subsequently home to the Southern Baptist Convention’s current president, JD Greear. For those of you who don’t know who Greear is, he is the symptom of a massive influx of leftism in the denomination.

Greear is now promoting an initiative by one of his underling pastors, Michael Georges Jr. who is leading a team from Summit Church to join with militant anarchy groups like the pro-LGBTQ Black Lives Matter and domestic terrorist group, ANTIFA to protest the government. While we support the Constitutional right to peacefully assemble, this protest has clearly devolved into anything but peaceful and has accomplished nothing but more chaos, destruction, vandalism, and even death — clearly something the Church has no business being involved in. Yet, for woke social justice warriors like Greear, their pet cause of social justice has once again overshadowed the mission of the Church by officially supporting from the Church platform an organized protest against the civil government.

The call to “protest and pray” while “lamenting” can be reduced to effeminate white people virtue-signaling while getting down on their knees and apologizing for their “white privilege” — a concept heavily promoted by Greear and the vast majority of his colleagues in the denomination. After the killing of Ahmaud Arbery, JD Greear had a pro-abortion feminist and a Sunday School teacher at his church write up a statement lamenting “white privilege” and several hundred Summit church members signed the statement. Let that sink in.

All Christians believe in justice and all Christians should speak up for the injustice of those who don’t receive it. But the Southern Baptist Convention has proven to be nothing more than a Democrat social activist platform and they are using the tragic deaths of these people to advance an ideology that has no business in the Church.





republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
June 8, 2020
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061
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The demonstrations and rioting following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minnesota policeman represent a diverse group of people, but Antifa and Black Lives Matter are front and center.

Black Lives Matter (BLM), a social media creation by three women in 2013, has grown into “an international human rights movement that campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people.” Observe that they are against, but not for. Black Lives Matter claims that “virulent anti-Black racism permeates out society,” that America “continues to thrive on the brutal exploitation of people of color,” that “structural oppression prevents so many from realizing their dreams.” They claim that blacks are routinely “de-humanized” and rendered “powerless at the hands of the state” and targeted for “extrajudicial killings ... by police and vigilantes.” They claim that America is a “white supremacist system.” Black Lives Matter is closely aligned with Marxist-Leninist and anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian organizations.

Antifa stands for “anti-fascist,” but it acts like textbook fascism. Merriam-Webster defines fascism as “a political philosophy, movement, or regime that EXALTS NATION AND OFTEN RACE above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and FORCIBLE SUPPRESSION OF OPPOSITION.” That does not describe America, but it describes Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Just try to oppose them in any way and see what happens. Originating in Germany, Antifa’s red and black flag represents anarchism and communism. Anarchy is “the absence of government, a state of lawlessness,” “political disorder and confusion,” “chaos,” “a group of people that totally rejects a set hierarchy,” “ruthless self-help,” “war as normal,” “a situation in which there is no organization and no control.” Antifa’s web site vaguely speaks of “organizing against racial and economic injustice.” Again, they are against but not for, tearing down but not building up. Antifa’s supporters “subscribe to a range of left-wing ideologies such as anarchism, communism, Marxism, social democracy and socialism” (“Antifa,” Wikipedia).

These ill-defined organizations are getting support from high-placed politicians, international corporations, even Christian leaders. Former President Barack Obama has spoken in favor of Black Lives Matter. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer marched with Black Lives Matter in Detroit. Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a knee at a Black Lives Matter rally in Ottawa. Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser had Black Lives Matter painted onto a street near the White House. Apple replaced its home page with a black screen and a link to a message by CEO Tim Cook, insinuating that America is a racist nation and blaming the problems of the black communities on systemic racism. Joel Osteen, pastor (so-called) of America’s largest church (so-called), marched with Black Lives Matter in Houston. Southern Baptist leader Ed Stetzer, Director of the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College, marched with Black Lives Matter in Chicago. Hillsong pastor Carl Lentz proudly posted a video of his daughter screaming rage at police at a Black Lives Matter demonstration in New York City.

Do Cook and Trudeau and Whitmer and Osteen and Stetzer and Lentz, et al, know what these people want? Property valued at many millions of dollars has been destroyed. People have been beaten, murdered. Police have been assassinated. They have been forced to stand by while mayhem is committed on communities. Their hands have been tied from effective policing. Violence in black communities has increased.


Antifa and Black Lives Matter, what exactly have you done to build up the black communities? What have you done to stop black people from murdering black people at an unprecedented rate? What have you done to stop Planned Parenthood from murdering 91,000 black babies every year? What have you done to eliminate the drug culture that is devouring black lives like an insatiable monster? What have you done to help single black mothers raise their children? What have you done to build up black families so they don’t continue to produce generation after generation of delinquents? What have you done to stop hate and to help people love one another? What have you done to stop the victimization mentality that has enslaved generations? What have you done to help create order and peace? What have you done to communicate with the police to create better understanding and a better environment for everyone? What have you done to stop violent gangs that prey upon black people? What have you done to lift up the economic prosperity of black communities? How many jobs have you created?

Other than criticize and spew out cursing and bitterness and create mayhem and cause division, what have you done to contribute to man’s plight? You have proven that you can tear down, but what have you built? America’s founding fathers did the hard work of nation building. What nations have you built? What just cities and communities have you built? Where is the showcase community that Antifa and Black Lives Matter have built?


Why are you lying about America? Why do you charge America with a systemic racism that clearly doesn’t exist? From its inception, a large percentage of Americans were opposed to slavery. Eventually, America fought a terrible civil war to grant the black man his freedom, and he was granted freedom. England and America were at the forefront of destroying the slave trade and liberating black slaves in an era when it was almost universally accepted. America has passed unprecedented Civil Rights legislation. America has black governors and black congressmen and black judges and black supreme court justices and black mayors and black sheriffs and black police captains and black police by the thousands. America has had a black president who won two terms. American blacks have more than $1 trillion in buying power ( America is not the white supremacist nation that you claim. It is a myth. It is a lie. To make such a claim is ridiculous on its very face. There is irrefutable evidence that the vast, vast majority of America’s police forces and courts are not populated by racists who hate black people and are daily itching to oppress them. Why are you lying? Why are slandering America? What is your real agenda?


Who is to blame for the single mom, absentee father culture, the wife abuse culture, the drug culture, the gang culture, the rape culture, the murder culture, the abortion culture? Black Lives Matter calls for more government spending. Since Lyndon Johnson announced his socialistic “war on poverty” in 1964, America has spent about $45 trillion on welfare, and the largest part of that has gone into black communities. In 2020 alone more than $8 trillion will be spent on welfare ( It is never enough. The problems have increased with the spending. Even when the majority of a city or community government is black, the buck never stops there.


A great many blacks don’t support your agenda, but they are viciously slandered by you. You try to censor and shout down their voices. If Black Lives Matter, why don’t black voices matter? Why are you against freedom of belief and freedom of speech for black people? Why do you support the ridiculous principle that if you don’t vote Democrat you aren’t really black? Why does everyone have to march to your tune?

Chicago Pastor Corey Brooks says the recent violence has set his black community back decades. “We worked tirelessly to turn around the city's most violent neighborhood, only to see it burned and looted. All of the CVS and Walgreens buildings were looted. The result is that we no longer have a pharmacy in our neighborhood. The grocery stores were also looted, leaving us without options to purchase local food. The question lingers on many of our minds: Will these stores and pharmacies—so essential for daily living here—ever come back? ... Liberal politicians in Illinois and across the country have fanned the flames of anger over the past several years. Their policies and worldview emphasize government as the solution to all problems, except, paradoxically, when we need police. Our mayor, Lori Lightfoot, has been unable or unwilling to put a stop to the violence in the streets of our home city, in part because she has been unable to offer a strong defense for good law enforcement agents doing the necessary work of making our neighborhoods livable. Lost in the liberal messaging is the reality that the foundation of our society is the rule of law. The tragic killing of George Floyd reminds us that we need better training and screening for police officers. But the vast majority of the law enforcement agents in our nation advance racial equality, and help black Americans participate in the American dream. ... Violence is rampant in Chicago, and it has nothing to do with isolated incidents of police brutality. Over Memorial Day weekend, ten African-Americans were shot and killed in drive-by shootings. ... We need justice in the George Floyd case, and we need assurances that these hateful acts will not take place again. At the same time, we need partnerships with the police so they will help us re-establish law and order in our neighborhoods. Democrats, however, cling to wrongheaded rhetoric that does nothing to stop the destruction of our homes. It is no coincidence that the most violent looting and destruction took place this past week in cities heavily controlled by Democrats” (“Chicago Pastor,” The American Conservative, June 4, 2020).


Antifa and Black Lives Matter, what do you want? Do you want no police forces? Black Lives Matters’ web site calls for defunding the police. What exactly does this mean? How do you propose to make people safe in their personal lives, their homes, their businesses? Will Black Lives Matter and Antifa protect them? Will social workers and welfare administrators protect them? Do you want no laws, no courts? Do you want the liberty to commit mayhem without consequence? If you want laws, exactly what laws? Do you believe in the U.S. Constitution? The Bill of Rights? If not, with what would you replace them?


You demand a perfectly just nation from people who are inherently selfish and morally corrupt. The Bible is right when it says, “There is none righteous, no, not one,” and, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:1023). That is the man of color and the man of no color. “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). That’s every man’s heart.

What nation in ancient history was better than America? The Egyptians? the Babylonians? the Hittites? the Phoenicians, the ancient Chinese? the Greeks? the Assyrians? the Olmecs? the Mayas? the Aztecs? Vedic India? the Bantus or Noks or Yorubas? the Mongols? the Delhi Sultanate? the Mughals? the Persians? the Romans? the Sasanians? the Byzantines? the Berbers? the Umayyad Caliphate? Al-Andalus? the Franks? the Vikings? the Ottomans? Tutor England? the French? the Spanish? Imperial Germany? the Russian Empire? Where in history is that wonderful nation that you are demanding where everyone is treated with perfect justice and equality and the government provides everything for everyone? In most of the ancient nations we have listed, half and more of the inhabitants were pure slaves with zero rights. Their masters could treat them however they pleased, even unto death.

What nation of more recent history is greater than America? If America is so terrible, why have millions upon millions of people flocked there from the far-flung regions of the earth? Why haven’t they flocked to Zimbabwe? Sudan? the Barbary Coast? Ethiopia? Nicaragua? Brazil? Mexico? Denmark? Japan? Egypt? India? the Soviet Union?

How about China? That is a pure socialist nation. It should be an Antifa/BLM hog’s heaven. What about social justice in China? Internet access and social media are strictly censored. Christians and Muslims are oppressed. There is no freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press. Legal rights are non-existent in practice. How does China treat its minorities? Their abuse of the Uighurs is so wretched that it has been labeled genocide. How does China treat the opposition? Do they have plenty of rights? Are they coddled? No, they can be tortured and summarily “disappeared.” Chinese people have only one right, and that is the right to do whatever the government says and to believe whatever the government demands. Do the Chinese police and military treat demonstrators with kid gloves? No, they run over demonstrators with tanks and machine gun them. Estimates of the death toll of the Tiananmen Square Massacre run from several hundred to several thousand, with thousands more wounded and imprisoned. Is there economic equality in China? No, it is a land of the grossest inequality. China has 2.3 million millionaires, but 600 million Chinese live on $35 a week (“China’s Premier Acknowledges Serious Economic Crisis,” The Epoch Times, May 30, 2020). Why doesn’t Antifa/BLM have offices in China?

America is deeply imperfect, but what nation is greater in liberty, opportunity, economic prosperity, and justice? I’ve lived half of my 70 years overseas, traveled to 40 nations, and I haven’t found a better one than America. They all have deep problems, because the inhabitants are all sinners like the Bible says.

Millions upon millions of Americans, including millions of blacks, are working hard to make America better. They aren’t crying victimization. They aren’t killing policemen and laughing about it. They aren’t tearing down, they are building up. They are building businesses, manufacturing things, transporting, farming, creating jobs, parenting, grand-parenting, operating America’s great health care system, saving unborn babies, feeding the hungry, working to liberate those in bondage to drugs and alcohol, doing the work of science and invention, working with troubled youth, aiding troubled marriages, helping single moms, adopting orphans, active in politics, educating, governing, manning the courts, policing, protecting the people from thieves, charlatans, rapists, arsonists, and murderers, maintaining safety on the highways, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching God’s Word.

Why are people marching with Antifa and Black Lives Matter and “taking a knee” with them without clear answers to such questions?






"A Fordham alumna, Urooj Rahman, Fordham College at Lincoln Center ’11 and Fordham Law ’15, was arrested in New York City on May 30 for allegedly throwing a Molotov cocktail, a type of homemade firebomb, at an unoccupied New York City Police Department (NYPD) cruiser during the Black Lives Matter protests."

"Since Rahman is a resident of Brooklyn, where the attack occurred, she did not travel across state lines to incite violence, which is a federal crime. Rahman was born in Pakistan but grew up in Bay Ridge and has been working for Bronx Legal Services for almost a year. Her friend Salmah Rizvi told Gothamist, “She’s never promoted violence and she’d never harm another human being.”" 

Mugshot of Rahman after arrest wearing a black shirt with a red graphic of a raised fist reading "The Struggle Continues Regardless"



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

All the forces arrayed against free society are coming together in these riots.

The Soros Fellowship is here. And here yet again, note that the New York Post refers to Hamas-linked CAIR as “an organization that critics call anti-Israel and supportive of terrorism but which describes itself as “America’s largest Muslim civil liberties organization.” That’s much better than most establishment media coverage, which usually goes only with how CAIR describes itself. But the Post’s Bob Frederick misleads when he suggests that CAIR’s unsavory ties are only allegations of its “critics.” CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named not by “critics,” but by the Justice Department. CAIR officials have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim “Honest Ibe” Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements about how Islamic law should be imposed in the U.S. (Ahmad denies this, but the original reporter stands by her story.) CAIR chapters frequently distribute pamphlets telling Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement. CAIR has opposed virtually every anti-terror measure that has been proposed or implemented and has been declared a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates. CAIR’s Hussam Ayloush in 2017 called for the overthrow of the U.S. government. CAIR’s national outreach manager is an open supporter of Hamas.

Why the silence on all that, Mr. Fredericks?

“Ex-analyst under Obama guarantees bail for alleged bomb-throwing lawyer,” by Bob Fredericks, New York Post, June 4, 2020:

A former intelligence analyst who worked in both the State and Defense departments during the Obama administration guaranteed bail for a New York lawyer who allegedly firebombed an NYPD vehicle — calling her “my best friend.”

Salmah Rizvi, an NYU Law grad who now works for the prestigious DC firm Ropes & Gray, helped secure the release of fellow lawyer Urooj Rahman by agreeing to be a suretor for her bail during a bail hearing in Brooklyn federal court Monday, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

“Urooj Rahman is my best friend and I am an associate at the law firm Ropes & Gray in Washington, DC. I earn $255,000 a year,” Rivzi told the judge, who sprang Rahman over prosecutors’ objections.

Rizvi’s intelligence work for the feds involved “focusing primarily on sanctioned finance operations,” according to her bio on Ropes & Gray’s website, which also touts her pro bono legal work.

She “maintains an active civil rights and human rights pro bono practice, focused on prison reform, LGBTQ equality, and immigration. She represents asylum seekers at various stages of litigation,” it says.

Her LinkedIn page says she worked for the feds from May 2008 to August 2013.

She also worked as a legal intern for the NYCLU from September 2014 to May 2015, and for the US Attorney’s Office in Manhattan from September 2015 to January 2016, according to the page.

Her bio at the Islamic Scholarship Fund added that “her high-value work would often inform the President’s Daily Briefs.”

The group gave Rizvi a law school scholarship sponsored by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an organization that critics call anti-Israel and supportive of terrorism but which describes itself as “America’s largest Muslim civil liberties organization.”

Colinford Mattis and Rahman are accused of driving around near the 88th Precinct stationhouse in Fort Greene on Friday night and early Saturday and trying to pass out Molotov cocktails to crowds protesting the death of George Floyd who were clashing with police.

Shortly before 1 a.m., Rahman allegedly got out of the minivan that Mattis was driving and tossed one of the firebombs into an empty cop car near the stationhouse.

They were arrested nearby and charged federally with causing damage with fire and explosives to a cop car.

Prosecutors decried Rahman’s release during Monday’s hearing.

“We don’t believe this is the time to be releasing a bomb-thrower like the defendant into the community,” argued federal prosecutor Ian Richardson….








republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It is significant that jihadist Iran would come out in solidarity with Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Friendship between Leftists and Islamic supremacists (the red-green axis) is an alliance of mutual convenience. Their accord is really about their mutual goal to destroy America by subversion. Back in 2017, Ayatollah Khamenei hailed Black Lives Matter, and in July 2016 Arab social media gloated over the slaughter of policemen in Dallas. Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan also called for the murder of police in the name of Islam, and he invoked the Quran. The communist-rooted Black Lives Matter states on its own website:

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.  We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).

What better group for jihadists to ally with in trying to tear down America? Yet racism against blacks is endemic in the Arab world; black slavery persists in Libya, Mauritania, Sudan and Algeria. Women are also deemed to be inferiors in Islam, and under Islamic law, homosexuals are to be murdered. All of these causes — gay rights, women’s rights, black rights — Leftists merely pretend to care about, either for votes or for more nefarious reasons.

“Iran’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement of support to violent rioters burning down homes and businesses throughout the United States” and declares “the world is standing with you.”

Not according to Nestride Yumga, an American citizen originally from Africa who said this about BLM: “Black Lives Matter is a joke. You are the racists.

“Iran Tells Leftist Rioters: ‘The World Is Standing with You,’” by Frances Martel, Breitbart, June 1, 2020:

Iran’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement of support to violent rioters burning down homes and businesses throughout the United States this weekend, asserting on Monday, “the world is standing with you.”

“The world has got heard your outcry over the state oppression,” ministry spokesman Seyed Abbas Mousavi said at his regular briefing on Monday. “The world is standing with you. The American regime is pursuing violence and bullying at home and abroad.”

“We are greatly regretful to see, along with people across the world, the violent scenes the U.S. police have recently unfolded. We deeply regret to see the American people, who peacefully seek respect and no more violence, are suppressed indiscriminately and met with utmost violence,” Mousavi continued, demanding police “stop violence against your people and let them breathe.”

Elsewhere, the Iranian Foreign Ministry posted a statement online claiming falsely that “vicious dogs” were attacking peaceful Americans on city streets, citing a remark by President Donald Trump claiming that said dogs would greet anyone breaching the White House fencing. There is no evidence of widespread use of police dogs during the current round of arson and looting this weekend.

“Failed [sic] to keep its promise of stopping wasting money [sic] on foreign adventurism and embattled in a Covid-19 [Chinese coronavirus] crisis of its own making, U.S. regime now employs army, vicious dogs and ominous weapons to intimidate protesters,” the ministry said, adding the U.S. should “listen to its people and change its bankrupt policies.”….

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