California Curriculum Leads Chant to Aztec God of Human Sacrifice

ABOVE: Tzompantli (wall of skulls) at Templo Mayor, Mexico City. Photo credit Juan Carlos Fonseca Mata, accessed via Creative Commons 4.0 license.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Next week, the California Department of Education will vote on a new ethnic studies curriculum that seeks to root out “white supremacy,” “colonization,” and the various evils of American culture. The curriculum aims to reverse Christianity’s alleged “theocide” against Native American gods by leading students in a chant to various indigenous deities, including the Aztec god of human sacrifice. This horrific chant arguably violates the First Amendment, but it also exposes the true ugliness of “woke” supremacy.

The Discovery Institute’s Christopher Rufo exposed the new curriculum in City Journal and published the full documents on his blog.

R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, the original co-chair of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, developed much of the curriculum’s material on early American history. The curriculum cites Cuauhtin’s book Rethinking Ethnic Studies, in which he argues that the United States was founded on “Eurocentric, white supremacist (racist, anti-Black, anti-Indigenous), capitalist (classist), patriarchal (sexist and misogynistic), heteropatriarchal (homophobic), and anthropocentric paradigm brought from Europe.”

The ethnic studies curriculum claims that whites began “grabbing the land,” “hatching hierarchies,” and “developing for Europe/whiteness,” which created “excess wealth” that “became the basis for the capitalist economy.” This white “hegemony” continues to the present, and it allegedly subjects minorities to “socialization, domestication, and ‘zombification.'”

Largest Child-Sacrifice Graveyard Strikes Huge Blow to Native American Innocence Myth

The curriculum singles out Christianity for particular demonization. Cuauhtin claimed that white Christians committed “theocide” by killing indigenous gods while replacing tribal cults with Christianity. White settlers established a regime of “colonially, dehumanization, and genocide,” characterized by the “explicit erasure and replacement of holistic indigeneity and humanity.”

According to the ethnic studies curriculum, the solution is to “name, speak to, resist, and transform the hegemonic Eurocentric neocolonial condition” through a posture of “transformational resistance.” This Marxist resistance aims to “decolonize” American society and establish a new regime of “counter genocide” and “counterhegemony,” to displace white Christian culture and spark a “regeneration of indigenous epistemic and cultural futurity.”

Beneath all the academic language, this entails an effective return to worship of the pagan gods of pre-Columbian America. The curriculum suggests an “ethic studies community chant” complete with invocations of indigenous American deities.

The curriculum urges teachers to lead students in a series of indigenous songs and chants, including the “In Lak Ech Affirmation,” which appeals directly to the Aztec gods. Students clap and chant to the god Tezkatlipoka—whom the Aztecs worshipped with human sacrifice and cannibalism—asking him for the power to become “warriors” for “social justice.” Then the students chant to the gods Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli, and Xipe Totek, seeking “healing epistemologies” and a “revolutionary spirit.” Huitzilopochtli was the Aztec god of war who inspired hundreds of thousands of human sacrifices.

The chant ends with a request for “liberation, transformation, decolonization,” after which students shout “Panche beh! Panche beh!” in a quest for “critical consciousness.”

As Rufo noted, the curriculum’s support for chants directly appealing to Aztec gods almost certainly violates the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause. If that clause prevents public schools from leading Christian prayers, it must certainly forbid the exact opposite.

Yet in the eyes of Marxist critical theorists, such a religious subversion of Christianity may not even seem religious at all, but merely a reversal of “oppression.”

The SPLC’s Horrifying Plan for Your Children’s Schools

Yes, Marxist critical theorists are so obsessed with throwing off the “white” Christian “oppression” that they will defend even state-sanctioned prayers to the Aztec god of human sacrifice. Never mind that there is nothing inherently “white” about Christianity — Jesus commanded His disciples to preach to all nations, and representatives of people from across the Roman Empire, including Persia and North Africa, were present at the first Pentecost.

This curriculum uses a pagan power matrix to analyze Christianity, which explicitly rejected the idea that the gods of conquering people proved their superiority through conquest. While pagan tribes and kingdoms set up hierarchies, allowing oppressed people to worship their subservient gods so long as they acknowledged the preeminence of the rulers’ god, Jewish prophets taught that the all-powerful God who created the universe allowed His people to be conquered, but that did not make the pagan gods of the conquerors superior to Him. Jesus taught that His kingdom was not of this world, and Christianity stressed inward conversion of heart, not outward conquest of land.

When I traveled to Peru last year — just before the COVID-19 pandemic shut that country down — I saw the great monuments of the Inca empire, and I felt the keen sense of loss in the fact that the Spanish destroyed much of the Incas’ architecture. Yet the Spanish also brought an end to the horrific practice of human sacrifice — which sometimes involved the ritual killing of children.

European powers did oppress indigenous people and the slaves they purchased from Africa, but before them, the indigenous empires carried out horrific oppressions of their own. The Aztecs conquered native tribes explicitly for the purpose of capturing enemy warriors for human sacrifice. Many tribes in Peru rose up against the Incas when the Spanish arrived — because they opposed Inca oppression.

Over time, Americans threw off the yokes of European powers, freed the slaves, and fought racism. Inspired in large part by Christianity and Judaism, the United States has helped create a global order and economy that has lifted people out of the grinding poverty and oppression that defined centuries of human existence. California’s ethnic studies curriculum would demonize those accomplishments in the name of centuries-old victims who themselves were perpetrators of a different kind of oppression.

This isn’t just dangerous and likely unconstitutional, it’s arguably demonic. California parents should raise a ruckus, and Americans as a whole need to oppose the threat of Marxist critical theory — the same ideology behind the destructive Black Lives Matter riots last summerthe 1619 Project, and even the condemnation of Dr. Seuss. Democrats defend critical race theory as a matter of “sensitivity training,” but this noxious ideology encourages an aimless violent revolution, false smears against American history, and now even worship of pagan gods.

Critical theory does not belong in boardrooms, universities, or the government, and it certainly belongs nowhere near America’s children.

Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

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The Terrifying Reason Why Dr. Seuss’ Condemnation of Racism Isn’t Considered ‘Anti-Racist’ Enough
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Kentucky: “CHRISTIAN” Berea College hosting event describing ‘white citizenship’ and ‘Trumpism’ as terrorism


Frost Building, 113
CPO 2135
Academia.Edu Profile

Three stories through YAF's Campus Bias Tip Line this week exposed a Kentucky college sponsoring an event titled ‘White Citizenship as Terrorism,' UCLA's student government spending $23,000 on illegal immigrants, and an Alabama state senator's questionable vote against defunding Confucius Institutes. Share your concerns by emailing the president of Berea College, Lyle Roelofs, at or calling him at 859-985-3520.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Meanwhile, it is a 100% certainty, not 99%, but 100%, that Berea College administrators and professors would recoil in horror at the prospect of hosting an event focusing on the threat of jihad violence and Sharia oppression. In the extraordinarily unlikely off-chance that such an event was scheduled, it would be inundated with charges of “Islamophobia” and “racism” to the extent that most students would not attend, for fear of the social stigma attached to going. But this? Demonizing and smearing half the American electorate? That’s just fine. And of course, it plays right into the agenda of the political and media elites, who have embarked upon a clear initiative to defame all supporters of the former president as “extremists,” as they did previously with foes of jihad terror and Sharia injustice, and destroy them accordingly. The U.S. is entering an extremely dark period, but it has been a long time in the offing.

“Kentucky college hosting event describing ‘white citizenship’ and ‘Trumpism’ as terrorism,” by Sam Dorman, Fox News, March 12, 2021:

A Kentucky college is scheduled to host an event critical of Donald Trump and associating the former president and “white citizenship” with terrorism.

A flyer obtained by Young America’s Foundation (YAF) describes the event as a way to “resituate Trumpism and white citizenship as forms of white terrorism enacted against the majority of people living within the borders of the U.S. and beyond.”

Titled “White citizenship as terrorism: Make America Great Again, Again,” the event is set to take place on March 17 via Zoom, according to a page on Berea College’s website. The Women’s and Non-Gender Non-Conforming Center is sponsoring the session with the Law, Ethics, and Society at the college.

YAF said it obtained the flyer through its Campus Bias Tip Line. It features images of protesters carrying tiki torches at the racially charged Charlottesville, Virginia, protests at the beginning of Trump’s presidency.

The flyer also takes a critical approach to the “Make America Great Again” slogan. “Despite calls for multiculturalism and color-blindness, segments of white America mourn their so-called loss of privilege, consistently begging to return to the nostalgic past in which their esteemed value as white citizens went unquestioned,” it reads.

“Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ appears to follow suit by offering a seemingly benign promise to return America to a previously ‘great’ past. But the offer to ‘Make America Great Again, Again,’ requires we refocus on how the last four years of daily tweets and administrative actions redefine whiteness. If terrorism is defined as the use of violence and threats to create a state of fear towards particular communities and identities, then this is what ‘Trumpism’ is at its core.”

Berea defended the event in a statement to Fox News Thursday.

“To some, the provocative title of the event implies that Berea is not a welcoming place for individuals with differing political views,” a statement from the college read….

More than “implies,” you fascists.



Assumptions of the Leftist/Globalist/Woke Explain Absurd Policies

Anonymous Snitch Group to Dox ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Trump Voters



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

U.S.A. –-( To those who support the United States Constitution and the Second Amendment, many propositions put forward by the ruling class do not make any sense.

The United States is/has been the most successful, most prosperous, most powerful, most free, and least racist (with the exception of Affirmative Action) nation on the face of the earth, at least for the last thirty years.  The “poor” in the United State would be upper middle class in most of the rest of the world.

Given this reality, when appraising the proposals of the Leftist/Globalist/Woke establishment, they often seem insane and/or counterproductive.

They seem designed to destroy the United States as founded. They work directly against the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

They appear designed to make the United States disorganized, weak, dependent, fractured, and chaotic.

Here are some examples:

  • Working to disarm the U.S. population, especially of arms which would be effective militia weapons.
  • Claiming being born with a light skin color makes people racist.
  • Demanding oil pipelines, which are safer than trucks or railroads, be stopped (in the United States).
  • Insisting the United States stop using all carbon fuels, while allowing increased use of carbon fuels in China and India.
  • Demanding cities and states which have mismanaged their own economies, be bailed out with trillions of US dollars, taken from other people.
  • Demanding certain crimes not be enforced or punished for certain groups; calling for the abolition of property rights.
  • Promoting American families to have two children or less, while promoting the immigration of millions of people without allegiance to the United States.
  • Asserting there are many different sexes, each of which deserves its own affirmative action program. Sex preference is claimed to be both genetic (unalterable) and a volitional choice, changeable in days or hours. (In Western Civilization)
  • Spending trillions of dollars merely by creating more dollars with a few strokes on a keyboard.
  • Demanding colleges and corporations discriminate against Asian and White students, and in favor of Black and Hispanic students.
  • Insisting that math, reason, and merit, are all racist (in the United States).
  • Claiming that being a patriot makes a person a prime suspect as a terrorist (in the United States).

All of these proposals make sense if you consider assumptions about reality which are common on the Left and among Globalists and the Woke. Not all will share all of these assumptions, but many will share most of them.

Here are some of the assumptions:

  1. Government is an inherently good force. Limitations on government are inherently evil.
  2. Nationalism is the principal cause of war. A global government is the only way to stop war.
  3. The major obstacle to global government is a strong United States.
  4. Christianity and Judaism, especially Christianity and Judaism which place moral limits on sexual acts, are evil and limit human possibility.
  5. There are too many people on the earth. The population of the world must be reduced. (Corollary to the above two: Sex without the possibility of children is a positive. Life without children is a better life.)
  6. The use of carbon-based fuels will lead to the destruction of the Earth, as we know it.
  7. Wealth is a zero-sum game. The only reason some have more is that they took it from others who then have less.
  8. There is no such thing as human nature. Humans are nearly infinitely malleable, given enough control and power by the state.

These assumptions are in direct conflict with the assumptions which lead to the design of the American Constitution and Republic.

Consider what follows from these assumptions about the nature of reality:

Any policy which weakens the United States in comparison to the rest of the world is a positive good.


  • Economic policy to place the United States at a disadvantage with the rest of the world is good.
  • Trade policies which are advantageous to other countries, and disadvantageous to the United States, are good.
  • Immigration policy to allow unlimited immigrants, enhance Leftist power, and weaken US institutions, is good.
  • Energy policy to make the United States more vulnerable to the rest of the world is good.
  • Promotion of small families and few children by Americans is good.
  • Denigration of Christianity and Judaism and restriction of churches and synagogues which teach sexual limits, restraint, and morality, is good.
  • Promotion of racial division and sexual balkanization to divide and weaken the United States population and allegiance to the United States is good.
  • Placing trans-gender “rights” above military efficacy, as a military goal.
  • Educational policy to teach the United States is evil, other societies are “better”, in the United States, is good.
  • Educational policy to suppress excellence and merit-based outcomes, in the United States (making the United States less competitive) is good.
  • Educational policy to suppress rational thought and math… in the United States.  Same as above.
  • Educational policy to teach limitation on government power is bad, hence, the Constitution is outdated and must be ignored.
  • Educational policy to erase history. Historical examples place the above assumptions into question.

In the past, such assumptions about reality, and the policies which come from them, would have been considered absurd.

Ruling classes, in any country, had their self-interest tied to the prosperity of the country where they lived.

With a global economy, especially a global digital economy, many of the global wealthy, especially in Western Civilization, no longer feel tied to any one country. They have little restraint from weakening their country in order to gain more wealth and power, even if they owe nominal allegiance to that country.

Countries other than the United States desire the global supremacy the United States currently commands. They have a vested interest in promoting assumptions that can be used to move power and wealth from the United States. They use the desire of the U.S. ruling class for a global government and more wealth to subvert the United States from within.

The United States economy and wealth are the biggest prize on the global stage. They offer the largest opportunities for taking wealth from those who have produced it, and placing it in the hands of powerful groups and individuals who have no allegiance to the United States.

The easiest way to accomplish this transfer of wealth is to gain control of the United States government. The Constitutional structure of the American political system is an obstacle to this control.

Control of the flow of information is a viable tool to overcome that obstacle.

A difficulty with the above assumptions and programs is they directly affect the people of the United States in numerous negative ways.

Those who believe the assumptions and put forward the policies must constantly misinform and propagandize the United States population, so as to make the resulting loss of wealth and power of the United States seem positive, or at least, inevitable.

President Donald Trump presented/presents an obstacle to this transfer of wealth and power from the United States, by placing the welfare of the United States ahead of other governments and the wealthy few, as his first priority.

Policies which place the United States first are not difficult to understand, or even to implement if the political power structure is willing to act in the best interest of the United States. This is why President Trump was so wildly successful with his programs, in spite of the constant opposition from most of the ruling establishment.

President Trump acted more in the interests of the people of the United States than was considered acceptable by the current ruling class, global government enthusiasts, and ambitious other governments. Putting the United States first is directly opposed to the assumptions listed and the policies proposed as a result of those assumptions.

What sort of society is expected by the Leftist/Globalist/Woke who agree with the listed assumptions, who support the listed policies?

It is, in many respects, the society put forward in Aldous Huxley’s novel, “Brave New World”.

In that society, there is no God, but the state. The State controls all of human existence, from before “birth” to death.

The State creates humans for certain tasks. Those humans are constantly kept from critical thought through a combination of meaningless sex and unlimited access to drugs. The words “family”, “mother”, and “father” are considered obscenities.  All children are created in artificial wombs and raised entirely by the state.

Only a powerful few have access to significant resources and an understanding of how the power structure actually works.

The flow of information is carefully controlled and monitored by the state.

Ordinary humans have no control over their own lives, which are crafted, controlled, and monitored by the state.

It is an interesting dystopian vision.

It seems far from any practical reality, although the rapid rise of digital and genomic technology may alter that reality.

Historical precedent suggests the most powerful, well-organized, ruthless, and self-interested group will seize control of the apparatus of a global state, and use it for their own power, wealth, and aggrandizement. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) takeover and use of the World Health Organization (WHO) during the current pandemic comes to mind.

Such ruthlessness in a singular world government will generate opposition, resulting in longstanding uprisings, civil war, unrest, and repression.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a strong contender as the group most likely to seize control of a global government. They seem far better organized, disciplined, and ruthless than the Bilderbergs, Trilateral Commission,  Council of Foreign Relations, or similar loosely affiliated groups of wealthy individuals.

The bureaucrats in charge of the European Union do not seem nearly as organized, indoctrinated, and ruthless as the CCP.

The former Soviet Union does not have the population, organization, or economic might, to be a contender.

A unified Islamic Caliphate might be as ruthless, they might have the population; they seem far less capable of central organization and economic development.

None of the eight listed assumptions about the nature of reality need to be true, or even plausible, to be effective. They serve as much as an excuse for taking the desired action, as a rational explanation of human history.

The weakness of this approach to undercut the power and reduce the prosperity of the United States is the necessity of controlling the flow of information to the citizens of the United States.

If Citizens better understand reality, they reject weakening the United States. They reject reducing the prosperity of United State Citizens.

This is what brought about the election of President Trump.

President Trump promised to put American interests, and the American population, first. In spite of enormous opposition from much of the American ruling class, the Left, the Woke, and other countries. He delivered on his promises.

A majority of Americans no longer trust what is presented in the Old Media. Unless those who push to weaken the United States regain control of the information flow, they will need to rely on less satisfactory means to maintain control over the United States Government.

The attempt at regaining control of the flow of information is seen in the censoring, de-platforming, and de-monetizing by the Tech Oligarchs, the old media giants, and the Woke.

About half the country is refusing to follow the direction of our new Tech Overlords.

The attempt to gain permanent control over the government is the basis of the current scheme to make election fraud an even greater feature of National policy. Such policy is put forward in the proposal of HR-1, the bill to nationalize control of ballots and elections by the Left/Globalists/Woke, to duplicate the efforts done in the 2020 elections, as detailed in the bragging Time article.

While the Time article claims everything done by the anti-Trump cabal was “legal”, it would be foolish to believe all the efforts expended to make election fraud easy, cheap, and undetectable, were simply happenstance, and all of the effort to prevent any real examination of the election for fraud was done simply for the sake of appearance.

If HR-1 is defeated, and reasonably fair election reforms are implemented, it is possible a bloodless revolution of the people, such as elected President Trump, will happen in 2022. The powerful in the United States, and in much of the world, are doing everything they can to prevent such an occurrence.

In the United States, they have been in power for so long, at so little cost, they think they can bend the Chinese Communist Party to their will.

They have been so protected, so pampered, so removed from reality, they believe they are immune to economic laws, human nature, and even physical laws.

A missionary friend, who travels widely in the ‘Stans, the Middle East, and the former Soviet Union, tells me the common people there understand reality all too well. They applauded President Trump, and wished for him to be re-elected.

Their tyrannical rulers disagreed…

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

Dean Weingarten


SUPERMARKET CHAIN GIANT FOOD has begun a policy of encouraging its customers to boycott businesses that are owned by white heterosexuals

The grocery store chain, Giant Food, has begun a policy of encouraging its customers to boycott businesses that are owned by white heterosexuals. They are labeling products in their stores by the races of the business owners, with the intentional omission of all white-owned businesses. Expect for this despicable trend to spread as corporate America increasingly embraces anti-white, anti-Christian, and un-American policies. It's more evidence that whenever we find the truest racism nowadays, we find the so-called "progressives" nearby. Get reliable notification options and further information at Sarah's home site:

Racial Conspiracy Theorist Marcia Fudge Has Been Confirmed as HUD Secretary

A Racial Conspiracy Theorist Has Been Confirmed as HUD Secretary, and That's Not Even the Worst Part



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio), has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as Joe Biden’s secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Her nomination was controversial even before it was officially announced. In 2015, she pleaded for leniency for Lance Mason, a former Ohio state legislator, who had beaten his then-wife in front of their children. Mason got out of jail after serving nine months and later murdered his ex-wife in 2018.

In 2019, on the floor of the House of Representatives, Fudge read a letter from a constituent who called Donald Trump supporters “racist,” and “dumb.”

“It is glaringly apparent that many who support the present administration are either racist, steeped in religious beliefs, ignorant, or as my mother used to say just plain dumb,” Fudge read. “They have chosen to support a president who has a proven record of being sexually condescending to women, will not oppose the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan and other hate organizations, is indecisive, condescending to anyone who challenges him, and hides behind his Twitter account rather than dealing with the real issues in our country and around the world. To put icing on this cake, he’s a proven liar.”

Her actions received bipartisan criticism.

Fudge is also a racial conspiracy theorist with a history of spouting wacko ideas.

In April 2020, she made the ridiculous claim during a Biden campaign live stream rally that the COVID-19 pandemic proves that America is systemically racist. “Black people have always been aware of systemic and institutional racism. COVID-19 just proved to the rest of the country that it exists,” she said. “If we do not elect Joe Biden, we will not recover in my lifetime. I’m not being dramatic, I’m being honest.”

The worst thing about her confirmation is that Fudge, a radical, race-baiting conspiracist, was confirmed 66-34.

Do the math: Sixteen Republicans voted for this wacko.

And there’s more to her crazy conspiracy theories. She also claimed that the Trump administration was purposefully opening up businesses targetting lower-income America to get black people to spend their COVID relief checks. “You know, they opened the beauty salons and the barbershops and the bowling alleys and the movie theaters. When they start opening up the country clubs and the tanning spas, then I’m going to go to one,” she claimed. “Because they’re just opening up the things black people go to because they know we’ve got these checks and they want us to spend them. They don’t care about our safety. That’s why when they start opening up things they go to, then I’ll understand it’s time to start to open up some things for us.”

Kamala Harris, who was also on the live stream, nodded in agreement and said, “That’s right.”

In the wake of the death of George Floyd last spring, Fudge also seemed to encourage the violence and rioting that resulted. “George Floyd’s murder just brought to the surface generations of pain,” Fudge said during a virtual town hall hosted by the NAACP. “We have to make sure we strike when the iron is hot.”

Yet she got sixteen Republicans to support her confirmation? Excuse me?

Senator Pat Toomey was one of her vocal critics. “The confirmation of Cabinet secretaries is one of the most important constitutional functions that we have in the Senate,” Toomey said on Wednesday. He argued that cabinet secretaries must be able to “work productively with Congress” but said he is “concerned that Rep. Fudge’s past rhetoric makes clear that she lacks the temperament to cooperate with Congress… and cast doubt on whether she even wants to.”

Toomey also called out her pattern of “attacking and disparaging the motives of Republicans with whom she has policy disagreements.”

If someone like Fudge can be confirmed 66-34, then what kind of radical will Republicans put up a fight over? The same woman who pleaded for leniency for a domestic abuser said Republicans “disgrace to the nation.”


Matt Margolis is the author of Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trumpand the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter,GabFacebookMeWeHeroesRumble, and CloutHub.

Website Tracks Which Colleges Embrace Training in Critical Race Theory




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It takes only a few clicks to see that critical race theory is influencing hundreds of college campuses and universities across America.

A new website called Critical Race Training in Education allows users to quickly access information about more than 230 schools and the ways in which those schools are instituting critical race theory on campus. 

Critical race theory holds that whites use their social status or their legal and economic advantages to create or maintain power over people of color. 

The rapid embrace of critical race theory training programs for students and faculty is “very troubling,” website founder William Jacobson told The Daily Signal in a phone interview earlier this month. 

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“My greatest concern is campus free expression [which] is already [under] a very coercive and repressive atmosphere on a lot of campuses,” Jacobson said.

Jacobson is a professor at Cornell Law School and founder and publisher of Legal Insurrection, a conservative media news and commentary platform. 

Training in critical race theory likely will “exacerbate a free speech and free expression problem that already exists on campuses,” Jacobson said.  

Jacobson’s concerns about critical race theory training began to grow when he saw how rapidly Cornell was implementing the ideology on campus. 

Ibram A. Kendi, author of “How to Be an Antiracist,” is a leading advocate for training programs in critical race theory.

Kendi has delivered many lectures on anti-racism, including to teachers and leaders in Virginia’s Fairfax County school district, just outside the nation’s capital, where he charged $20,000 for a one-hour lecture in September. 

Kendi defines “anti-racism” as actively working to combat racism in all its forms, arguing that inaction is racism. 

Cornell University last year encouraged students to read Kendi’s book, calling it recommended summer reading. Cornell provided students and faculty with a link to read the book online for free, which Jacobson did. 

“I read it and was actually pretty shocked about it,” Jacobson said. 

Kendi “advocates racial discrimination as a cure for past racial discrimination, which is, of course, illegal,” he said. 

Kendi argues that all people fit into only two categories, Jacobson said: activists working to destroy systemic racism or, “if you are not an activist, … you are a racist.” 

Not allowing for any middle ground, but simply categorizing all humans as activist or racist, was troubling enough, Jacobson said. But what concerned him more was Cornell’s acceptance of the ideology. 

Cornell President Martha E. Pollack issued a letter in July embracing Kendi’s definition of anti-racism and calling on the university’s Faculty Senate to create and implement a “for-credit, educational requirement on racism, bias, and equity for all Cornell students.”

Pollock also announced that Cornell faculty would be required to participate in a lecture series focused on “equity and cultural competency,” and be evaluated on “diversity, equity, and inclusion” practices during performance reviews. 

Pollack’s announcement spurred Jacobson to research the actions of other universities. He soon discovered that Cornell was far from the only school taking steps to implement training programs in critical race theory. 

But Jacobson said his central motivation to create the web platform came when a group of several hundred Cornell students, staff, faculty, and alumni issued a list of demands to the university. The demands included “cluster hires of Black and other faculty of color,” and “recruiting of graduate students of color in clusters.” 

The list of demands, he said, “proved to me that, whatever the president [of Cornell] had intended with regard to the term ‘anti-racist,’ it was interpreted by the campus as being anti-racist in the way Kendi [defines] it and to advocate for discriminatory policies.”

Jacobson’s Critical Race Training in Education website shows that New York University has taken steps to implement anti-racist training for students and Portland State University announced the disarming of campus security. Tufts University, just outside Boston, created a new class for incoming students on civic engagement and racial equality. 

The website and interactive map are intended to be a bipartisan resource, Jacobson said. 

All of the data is information taken directly from the websites of colleges and universities. Students who would like to attend a university that requires training in critical race theory can use the site as easily as those who wish to avoid such requirements. 

“This is not a boycott list,” Jacobson said.“This is simply a database where you can go and find out, ‘Do you like what is going on or do you not like what is going on?’” 

Jacobson is personally familiar with the negative implications of far-left ideology being promoted on many college campuses. 

Last summer, some Cornell students sought to “cancel” Jacobson by encouraging other students to boycott his course after he wrote an honest history of Black Lives Matter. That boycott failed, but Jacobson’s experience opened his eyes to the “hostile atmosphere” at his own university, he told The Daily Signal in December. 

Ultimately, Jacobson said, he hopes to grow the list of schools on the Critical Race Training in Education website to provide information about such training on 500 colleges and universities. 

When asked whether students had expressed their views to him about required training in critical race theory, Jacobson said he believes students are “afraid to speak up.”

“They are afraid to speak their minds,” he said.

The promulgation of cancel culture and the quick embrace of progressive ideologies such as critical race theory, Jacobson said, have created “an ideological orthodoxy on campuses, which is the opposite of what an educational institution should have.”

Have an opinion about this article? To sound off, please email and we will consider publishing your remarks in our regular “We Hear You” feature. 

John MacArthur: The ECT Document~Critical Race Theory~Social Justice & Church Restrictions

Colossians 2:8 - Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
1 Corinthians 2:13 - Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Dr. James White: An Exegetical & Historical Examination of the Woke Church Movement

In this interview Pastor John MacArthur discusses the grave errors of those who signed the Evangelicals and Catholics together (ECT) document, the dangers of critical race theory with social justice and Church restrictions. For this full interview visit the G3 Facebook page link below:

John MacArthur's ‘Statement on Social Justice’ Is Aggravating Evangelicals 

Christians are talking past each other once again. What's going on?

John MacArthur's ‘Statement on Social Justice’ Is Aggravating Evangelicals


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Last week, John MacArthur and a dozen other Christian leaders launched a website presenting The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel. In the statement, the signatories claim that the social justice movement endangers Christians with “an onslaught of dangerous and false teachings that threaten the gospel, misrepresent Scripture, and lead people away from the grace of God in Jesus Christ.”

Over the course of 14 sections, the statement addresses cultural narratives “currently undermining Scripture in the areas of race and ethnicity, manhood and womanhood, and human sexuality” and argues that a secular threat is infiltrating the evangelical church.

At the time of this recording, the statement has received around 7,000 signatures.

The statement comes at a time when a series of blog posts and sermons attacking social justice from MacArthur, a popular California pastor and author, have sparked controversy in the evangelical community.

The harsh reaction to MacArthur’s ideas was shaped by the events of the past four years, says Washington, DC, pastor and Gospel Coalition council member Thabiti Anyabwile.

“They land in the midst of an evangelical movement that is already fraying and fracturing under the weight of the last five years, if I’m dating this back to the Mike Brown shooting and the fallout,” said Anyabwile. “Evangelicalism as a movement splintered instantly as to how they understood that issue and different quarters circled one another in suspicion and sometimes outright attack.”

Further, the statement’s specific attacks on particular nomenclature have been troublesome because its drafters haven’t defined their terms, says Anyabwile.

“They’re so imprecise in the terms that are used and defining those terms. What exactly is meant by social justice?” he said. “What are we talking about when we talking about reconciliation or intersectionality or critical race theory? These are things that are thrown out there that are red meat for one-quarter of evangelicalism and might be acceptable parlance, depending on how you define it, in other quarters.”

Anyabwile joined associate digital producer Morgan Lee and theology editor Caleb Lindgren to offer context about MacArthur’s remarks, explain how intersectionality shows up in the Bible, and what church unity (not uniformity) should look like.

This episode of Quick to Listen is brought to you in part by the ADF Church Alliance. To learn more about the ADF Church Alliance, visit


QUOTE FROM WEBSITE BELOW: "WE DENY that Christian belief, character, or conduct can be dictated by any other authority, and we deny that the postmodern ideologies derived from intersectionality, radical feminism, and critical race theory are consistent with biblical teaching. We further deny that competency to teach on any biblical issue comes from any qualification for spiritual people other than clear understanding and simple communication of what is revealed in Scripture."


By What Standard? God’s World…God’s Rules~The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel

In this important CINEDOC produced by Founders Ministries, many of the problems related to the social justice agenda within the Southern Baptist Convention are put under an intense spotlight.

Resolution 9 which was passed at the 2019 SBC in Birmingham can be accessed here.




EXCERPT: "The National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC) and the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC) are committed to social justice and equality and ending racism and discrimination. We will strive to achieve these objectives in our own work by providing improved training and education. We will also deeply engage with law enforcement and other first responders to improve the relationships they form with the communities they serve. These goals are essential to peace, safety, security, prosperity, and resilience of our nation." 

"This program was supported by Cooperative Agreement Number EMW-2016-CA-0097, administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Preparedness Directorate, National Training & Education Division."


mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa! | Impressions




Voddie Baucham and John MacArthur Provide answers for David Platt's "Racialization" Chaos

In this episode I made a commentary on David Platt's sermon on racialization and incorporate answers from Voddie Baucham and John MacArthur on the issue of social justice and critical race theory. Support the channel on Patreon: Voddie Baucham Full Sermon may be found here: John MacArthur's Interview with Josh Buice may be found here: David Platt's Full Sermon may be found here:

Praying and Working for Justice: Racialization



Biden: “Indian-Descent Americans Are Taking Over”

(Image: News18 Creative)

(Image: News18 Creative)

(Image: News18 Creative)

(Image: News18 Creative)



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It’s been 44 days since President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was inaugurated, and he has yet to hold a press briefing. Apparently, this is some sort of record, but Biden needn’t worry because his enablers in the press are scrambling to come up with excuses for him. It’s a “new media strategy in a new media environment” or something. Or, no, wait, ol’ Joe is just too busy with the pandemic! Yeah, that’s the ticket.

If you’ve paid any attention to Biden at any point in his half-century in public life, though, you know the real reason he can’t be trusted to field a bunch of questions from reporters he hasn’t rehearsed with: He’s a big dummy and he says lots of dumb things when he has to speak extemporaneously. That’s been true for decades, and it’s even worse now that he’s pushing 80 and his brain is turning into tapioca pudding. His aides want to differentiate him from the gaffe master he replaced, so they’re keeping him under wraps as much as possible.

But there’s only so much they can do. He’s the president and he has to make public appearances from time to time, or else people will start to wonder if he’s still alive. And his bumbling staffers can’t script everything he says. So we can look forward to more Biden gaffes, like the one you’re about to hear, for the next four years or until Kamala takes over.

Steven Nelson, NY Post:

President Biden on Thursday made one of his most head-turning comments since being sworn in when he told an Indian American aerospace engineer that immigrants from the subcontinent are “taking over” the US.

“It’s amazing. Indian-descent Americans are taking over the country — you, my vice president, my speechwriter,” Biden told Swati Mohan, NASA’s guidance and controls operations lead for the Mars Perseverance rover landing.

This isn’t Biden’s first cringeworthy remark about Indian-Americans. There was this classic from the ’08 campaign trail:

“In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

Well, Obama obviously didn’t mind.

Is this stuff racist? I dunno. It doesn’t seem racist to me, no matter who’s saying it. I don’t think Joe Biden has hate in his heart when he says these stupid, stupid things. He thinks he’s relating to people by saying this crap about them. He’s not racist, he’s just old.

(And hey, didja know his VP is half-Indian? That’s the half all the Dems use when they get tired of calling you racist against black people. Like Kamala did. To Biden. At a debate.)

But we live in a society where Dr. Seuss’s books are getting banned because 80 years ago he drew a Chinese kid holding chopsticks. Everywhere you look, somebody’s getting fired for saying something that somebody, somewhere, interpreted as racist. Hell, Hank Azaria was pressured to quit playing Apu on The Simpsons after 30 years, because suddenly it’s racist for a white person to be funny playing a person of a different race.

Can you even imagine if the previous president had said this out loud into a microphone? You’d have to peel Brian Stelter off the ceiling.

Hell, last week Biden blurted out what sounded a lot like the N-word, and all the libs pretended it never happened because they just don’t want to deal with it.

Fortunately for Joe, he’s a Democrat who managed to get elected president, so those rules don’t apply to him. He gets the benefit of the doubt because they’re stuck with him. Congrats, Dems, you got the guy you wanted!

Biden on Potential Disagreement With Kamala: ‘I’ll Develop Some Disease and Say I Have to Resign’
VIP: The Biden Backlash Is Already Brewing
Concrete Proof Joe Biden Is a Gaffe-Prone Nonsense-Spewing Machine, in Case the Media ‘Forgot’

The Case Against Reparations

Repudiating false narratives.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Last week, I testified before the House Committee on the Judiciary's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties regarding H.R. 40: Examining the Path to Reparative Justice in America. In other words, reparations. This is the first part of the statement I submitted:

"Reparations is the extraction of money from people who were never slave owners to be given to people who were never slaves."

It is also interesting that we are having this hearing at a time when racism as a barrier to success has never been so insignificant. In 1991, Black Democrat and Harvard sociologist Orlando Patterson said: "The sociological truths are that America, while still flawed in its race relations and its stubborn refusal to institute a rational, universal welfare system, is now the least racist white-majority society in the world; has a better record of legal protection of minorities than any other society, white or Black; offers more opportunities to a greater number of Black persons than any other society, including all those of Africa."

In 1997, Time/CNN did a broad survey of Black and white teens. Asked whether racism is a major problem in America, both said yes. But, when Black teens were asked whether racism was a big problem, small problem or no problem in their own daily lives, 89% said small or no problem. In fact, nearly twice as many Black teens, compared to white teens, agreed that "failure to take advantage of available opportunities" was a bigger problem than racism.

During the 2008 race for the presidency, the major contenders were Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton; and Republicans Mitt Romney, a Mormon, and Sen. John McCain, who would have been 72 by the time he entered office, if elected. A 2007 Gallup poll found fewer Americans would refuse to vote for a Black person (5%); than would refuse to vote for a woman (11%); than would refuse to vote for a Mormon (24%); than would refuse to vote for someone who would be 72 upon entering office (42%).

In 2007, the year before he was elected president, Obama spoke at a Black church on the anniversary of Bloody Sunday. He said: "The previous generation, the Moses generation (the generation of Martin Luther King Jr.), pointed the way. They took us 90% of the way there, but we still got that 10% in order to cross over to the other side."

I thought that 10% remaining "to cross over to the other side" was a fair assessment. After all, a 2002 Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll found that 8% of Americans believed that Elvis Presley was still alive — or that at least there was "a chance." So, as to Obama's 10% remaining, I'm not sure how much more wiggle room we have left before running into the Elvis factor.

The reparations argument is based, in part, on the belief that but for slavery, America would not have become the prosperous nation it is today.

To the contrary, conservative scholar Michael Medved notes:

"It's not true that the U.S. became a wealthy nation through the abuse of slave labor: The most prosperous states in the country were those that first freed their slaves. ...

"At the time of the Constitution, Virginia constituted the most populous and wealthiest state in the Union, but by the time of the War Between the States the Old Dominion had fallen far behind a half-dozen northern states that had outlawed slavery two generations earlier."

About the difference in wealth between the North and the South, Frederick Douglass, after escaping from a plantation in Maryland to freedom in Massachusetts, wrote: "But the most astonishing as well as the most interesting thing to me was the condition of the colored people, a great many of whom, like myself, had escaped thither as a refuge from the hunters of men. I found many, who had not been seven years out of their chains, living in finer houses, and evidently enjoying more of the comforts of life, than the average of slaveholders in Maryland."

To be continued next week.

CPAC 2021: Rep. Jim Jordan on Potential Trump 2024 Run; ‘Equality’ Act; Fighting Cancel Culture

Rumble — At the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference, we sit down with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) to discuss a potential Trump 2024 run, why he believes the Equality Act threatens religious liberty, and how he thinks people should combat cancel culture.

#jimjordan #trump #CPAC2021

‘Crack-Smoking’ Hunter Biden Cries Racism To Deflect From His Swedish Sex Scandal



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Hunter Biden has generated a huge scandal in Scandinavian media after details were leaked concerning his sordid sex affairs in the House of Sweden, in Washington, DC. The scandal-ridden American presidential son has accused the Swedish Government-owned property of “racism” to deflect from his latest wrongdoings.

The “racism” smears came after authorities threatened to evict Biden after he was caught illegally smuggling a stripper and a homeless black woman in the exclusive building that houses the Swedish and Icelandic embassies.

Hunter Biden secretly smuggled the women into the Swedish government-owned building through a backdoor entrance. Since 2017, when Hunter first moved into his $400,000 a month office, he has repeatedly refused to follow the building’s proper security checks. The safety rules state that all visitors must pass the main entrance and the metal detectors.

Furthermore, Biden, who is under investigation for his business contacts with China, also asked the House of Sweden for an extra key to his suite for a Chinese businessman accused of corruption.

The stripper Lunden Roberts was one of the guests that Biden smuggled into the premises without permission.

“Hunter Biden smuggled strippers into House of Sweden premises”, by Fria Tider, February 23, 2021.

“Hunter Biden, the scandal-ridden son of the American president, accused the National Property Board of racism. This after the Swedish Board threatened to evict him after he smuggled a stripper and a homeless black woman into the House of Sweden in Washington.

Dagens Nyheter [newspaper] has published an email from the National Property Board. The Board administers the exclusive office building House of Sweden, in Washington DC, where among others, the Swedish embassy is located.

Hunter Biden, the son of the current president of the USA, rented suite 507 in the House of Sweden in 2017, but quickly found himself in conflict with the National Property Board.

The crack-smoking son of the president had specifically smuggled people into the building through a back entrance despite the fact that all visitors must go through the main entrance and pass through a metal detector.

Among these guests, there was a stripper, with whom Hunter Biden one year later had a child, whom the stripper forced Biden to acknowledge as his. He also invited in a homeless black woman.

When the House of Sweden contacted Biden about this and asked him to stop the behavior, he responded with an accusation of racism.

“If NN has a problem with my guests’ race or clothing, I think we should all sit down and talk about it with a lawyer present,” wrote Hunter Biden in an email, according to DN.

Biden announced a few weeks later that he wanted to terminate the lease in advance. But after that, he stopped answering emails from the National Property Board, which eventually threatened him with eviction.

In the end, the rent was paid through the outstanding security deposit, and Biden moved out.

Hunter Biden, who is under investigation for his business contacts with China, had also asked House of Sweden for an extra key to his suite for a Chinese businessman accused of corruption.”

Read original article at: Fria Tider

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DAN BONGINO: The Equality Act is a Trojan Horse For More Tyranny

OANN: Equality Act with Angela Morabito

After Hours catches up with Angela Morabito – spokesperson for Campus Reform and the former press secretary for the Trump administration's department of education – to discuss the equality act, women’s rights and religious liberty.

In Focus: Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) on Problems with the So-Called 'Equality Act'

Critical Race Theory ‘Is the Real Hate Crime Against Asians’

Asian American Group Eviscerates Critical Race Theory:

'A Hateful, Divisive, Manipulative Fraud'



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Backlash is rising against the Marxist critical race theory (CRT) behind The New York Times‘ “1619 Project” and other efforts to indoctrinate Americans with the idea that American society is fundamentally or “structurally” racist. This week, the Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York (CACAGNY) issued a powerful statement condemning critical race theory and urging Chinese Americans to oppose it.

“Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a hateful, divisive, manipulative fraud,” CACAGNY declared. “One way or another, CRT wants to get rid of ​too many Asians​ in good schools. Asians are over-represented.​ CRT is today’s Chinese Exclusion Act. CRT is the real ​hate crime​ against Asians” (emphasis original).

Critical race theory teaches that any racial disparities must ipso facto be proof of some hidden racial bias or discrimination, regardless of civil rights laws explicitly forbidding such discrimination. Since Americans of Asian ancestry are overrepresented in colleges, universities, and certain high-income professions, CRT effectively teaches that American society is structurally biased in favor of Asians.

“CRT appears in our workplaces under the cover of ​implicit bias/sensitivity​ ​training​. It infiltrates our schools pretending to be ​culturally/ethnically responsive​ ​pedagogy​, with curricula such as the New York Times’ ​1619 Project​ and Seattle’s ​ethnomathematics​,” CACAGNY argued. “From its very roots, CRT is racist, repressive, discriminatory, and divisive.”

1619 Project Backlash Is Building in Statehouses Across the Country

The Chinese American group laid out the main “dogmas” of critical race theory, including (emphasis original):

  • You are not a person. You are only your ​race,​ and ​by your race alone you will be judged​.
  • Justice is about equal ​rights​, but ​Social​ Justice, or ​equity,​ is about equal ​outcomes​. Only Social​ Justice matters; Justice does not. To achieve equal outcomes, ​forget equal rights​.
  • All unequal outcomes by race — ​inequity​ for short — are the result of racial ​oppression​.
  • All Blacks are oppressed and all Whites are oppressors. This is ​systemic​:​ never ask ​whether oppression occurred, only ​how it occurred. Everyone and everything White is ​complicit​.
  • If you are White and won’t admit you are racist, you are racist by ​implicit bias​. To reduce implicit bias, you must self-criticize, confess to ​privilege​, apologize to the oppressed race.
  • Whiteness​ is belief in, among others: ​achievement​, ​delayed gratification​, ​progress,​ schedules​ and ​deadlines​, ​meritocracy​, ​race-blindness​, the ​written word​, ​facts​ and ​objectivity (they deny​ lived experience)​ , ​logic​ and ​reason (​they deny​ empathy​), ​mathematics​ and science ​(until they are ​de-colonized and ​humanized​).
  • CRT suppresses dissent with ​cancel culture​: publications withdrawn, college admissions rescinded, online presence wiped out, business relationships ended, jobs terminated.

The Chinese American group presented three instances of CRT at work. In June 2020, Seattle ran an “anti-racism” training that began with the claim that all White people have a natural sense of racial superiority. The session required participants to confess their complicity in “white supremacy” become “less white,” and become accountable to black people in their every thought.

In August 2017, Nevada high school senior William Clark took a mandatory class in which the curriculum told students that white people are racists who enjoy the privileges of oppression. Classmates, teachers, and administrators allegedly began harassing Clark merely because he was identified as white.

In January 2021, a teacher in Cupertino, Calif., told an elementary school math class that students lived in a dominant culture of white, cisgender, educated Christians, and that the culture was created to hoard power. As CACAGNY explained, “a Chinese parent found out about this and organized parents to stop it. It reminded them of Mao’s bloody Cultural Revolution.”

NYC Principal Urges Parents to Become ‘White Traitors,’ ‘White Abolitionists’

Although Chinese Americans “are people of color and therefore start from the oppressed side of CRT’s binary,” CACAGNY explained that “as we overcome discrimination and achieve upward mobility, we are now White by adjacency” (emphasis original). The Chinese American group claimed that Black Lives Matter rioters with CRT signs assaulted a CACAGNY rally supporting merit-based education.

CACAGNY condemned various forms of sleight-of-hand that allow universities like Harvard and top high schools to select “lower-qualified Blacks” over “better-qualified Asians.”

CACAGNY called on Asian Americans to loudly denounce critical race theory and to fight back.

“We need to recognize CRT through its fraudulent packaging, call it out, ​resist​. Parents need to watch for CRT in schools, talk to each other, and organize, like the Cupertino Chinese parents,” the group argued. “Regardless, parents need to speak with their kids to ​anti-indoctrinate​ (or ​un-doctrinate​) them at home. This needs to start early because CRT indoctrination also starts early. Don’t trust schools and teachers blindly.”

CACAGNY acknowledged former President Donald Trump’s executive order to ban CRT on the federal level but noted that President Joe Biden rescinded that order upon taking office. That means state and local efforts provide the most promise.

Republicans in various states have filed legislation to ensure that schools do not indoctrinate kids with the 1619 Project. These efforts are likely to grow.

CACAGNY made powerful arguments against Marxist critical race theory without mentioning that this ideology inspired much of the destruction of the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots over the summer. While protesters rightly expressed outrage at the treatment of George Floyd, many of the protests devolved into looting, vandalism, and arson in which lawless thugs — acting in the name of fighting racism — destroyed black livesblack livelihoods, and black monuments.

When vandals toppled a statue of George Washington in Portland, they spray-painted “1619” on the statue. When Claremont’s Charles Kesler wrote in The New York Post, “Call them the 1619 riots,” Hannah-Jones responded (in a since-deleted tweet) that “it would be an honor” to claim responsibility for the destructive riots.

Parents of all races should oppose this dangerous and divisive ideology. Critical race theory pits Americans against one another on the basis of skin color, teaches children a basic distrust of the social elements that make America great and inspired violent and deadly riots.

Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

VIP: Megyn Kelly Shares a Horrifying Episode of Critical Race Theory in Schools
Black Pastors Demand Nike Drop the ‘Anti-Christian’ Marxist Black Lives Matter Movement
The SPLC’s Horrifying Plan for Your Children’s Schools
The New York Times Just Gave Definitive Proof the ‘1619 Project’ Is a Fraud
Black Chicagoans Eviscerate Black Lives Matter Narrative, Booting Activists From Their Neighborhood



Prager U Video: What Are Your Kids Learning in School? A window into our children’s classes during lockdown.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Has the leftist indoctrination so prevalent in college reached down into our elementary and high schools, too? If so, what can concerned parents do about it? Jill Simonian, Director of Outreach for PragerU Resources for Educators and Parents, has answers. Don't miss it!

New Discourses: Maintaining and Expanding the Ban on Critical Race Theory

Maintaining and Expanding the Ban on Critical Race Theory



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It’s virtually certain that a Biden administration will not maintain President Trump’s executive order that was issued in response to using Critical Race Theory in employee training circumstances in federal agencies and contractors (“Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping”). I think that, if anything, can be assumed with very high confidence. There are a number of important points to make about this issue, then. I want to list four important points about the order, the ideas it contains, and the environment we find ourselves in around it.

These are:

  1. it offers no protection at the state level (or local), which is needed;
  2. it is incomplete in one important regard—neglecting other factors of identity besides race and sex;
  3. we’ve been systematically misled, if not lied to, about it ever since it was issued; and
  4. those who wish to overturn it—including university presidents, provosts, and departments, prominent journalists, and many Democratic politicians, plausibly to include Joe Biden and his administration relatively soon—must be held to account for this desire in the terms of the executive order itself, not in made-up terms that don’t apply to the situation.

Awareness and action are required on all four of these domains.

State-Level Protection

Whether or not the Biden administration maintains this executive order or not, its protections apply only to federal-level agencies and contractors and therefore do not apply to state agencies and contractors. Indeed, I’ve been asked about this repeatedly since the order was issued in September 2020: “I work for the state of [say, California]; does President Trump’s order apply for my job?” The answer is usually “no.” This is an obvious problem.

Regardless of what is happening at the federal level, our state (and city) employees need the same protection that our federal employees gained from the order, which protects from being forced into workplace training sessions that teach a number of “divisive concepts” (discussed below) and the attendant abuses we’re all becoming familiar with as these wrongheaded, unevidenced trainings have become standard throughout our society. Obviously, this protection is needed even more if Biden’s administration overturns the order at the federal level, both to offer it somewhere and to create the kind of pressure that can make the federal government think a bit harder about its top-down manipulations of employees whose salaries are paid for by taxpayers who may have different positions of conscience on the relevant issues.

Our governors (obviously, mostly Republican) and state legislatures can make up for this pair of problems quite directly—as can our mayors and city councils. Governors can issue their own executive orders mirroring the original federal order, applicable at the state level, and state legislatures can do one better and make the contents of the orders into state law, thus protecting their citizens in an important way. I call upon them directly to do so as soon as possible. If they do, I also recommend they read at least the next section (below) to patch a hole in the existing federal order.

Filling a Hole

The relevant federal executive order is, as will be made clear below, something of a masterpiece in the way it is written, but it presents a significant hole (that I already know is proving troublesome for people who have to deal with the encroaching Critical Theory ideology): race and sex aren’t the only dimensions of “identity” that the Critical Theory activists make use of. That list is quite exhaustive (and exhausting—the famous queer Theorist Judith Butler even referred to it as “that exasperated et cetera” that has to be added to every list of identity factors within the intersecting ideologies of Critical Social Justice Theory), but at the very least, a properly patched order must include gender, sexuality, and disability status in addition to race and sex.

My recommendation would be that any similar orders issued should tackle the issue of “factors of identity” in a way that covers a wider gamut of possible factors than just race and sex—at the least explicitly naming all of gender, sexuality, and disability status—as off-limits for discrimination, stereotyping, scapegoating, or otherwise applying what the executive order refers to as “divisive concepts” in the context of a mandated workplace training or educational setting that treats the ideas as uncontested facts (rather than the conclusions of a particular theoretical approach).

We’ve Been Lied To

Almost every critical article or statement that has been made about the federal executive order has been misleading in at least one significant way, and the record needs to be set straight. We hear nearly ubiquitously that President Trump issued an executive order that bans “diversity training” or “racial sensitivity training.” We hear from universities that President Trump banned the teaching of Critical Race Theory, which allegedly violates academic freedom, and significant challenges against the order have been issued by a large number of universities and university departments consistent with this claim against it—many openly calling to defy the order (possibly legally, as will be clarified momentarily, making this a publicity stunt).

These statements aren’t just misleading; they’re flatly wrong—they’re lies, at least from anyone who actually bothered to read Section 10 of the order. Since that very pertinent section seems to have been missed, I’ll quote the two relevant subsections here:

Sec. 10. General Provisions. (a) This order does not prevent agencies, the United States Uniformed Services, or contractors from promoting racial, cultural, or ethnic diversity or inclusiveness, provided such efforts are consistent with the requirements of this order.

(b) Nothing in this order shall be construed to prohibit discussing, as part of a larger course of academic instruction, the divisive concepts listed in section 2(a) of this order in an objective manner and without endorsement. (emphasis added)

It is impossible to have read this section of the order and reached the conclusion that it prohibits or bans “diversity training” or “racial sensitivity training.” It only prohibits that subset of those trainings that rely upon the “divisive concepts” outlined in Section 2(a) of the order (discussed further below). As it was recently reported that (Democratic leaders claim that) the executive order put a stop to nearly all federal-level diversity training, the conclusion is that nearly all diversity training is not genuinely “diversity training” but instead something based in the divisive concepts that—I hope we can all agree once we actually look at them (below)—should be banned. We should be asking journalists and (mostly Democratic) politicians who misreported this why they did so, and also (as we’ll discuss in the next section) why they would want these “divisive concepts” being part of responsible diversity and inclusion training in the first place.

We can also see that the “academics” who have claimed that the order violates their academic freedom are misinformed, at best, or lying, as Section 10(b) of the order explicitly says that’s not the case. It is still perfectly permissible under this order to teach the various Critical Theories, including Critical Race Theory, as academic theories, but that must be done “in an objective manner and without endorsement,” i.e., not as though they are statements of uncontested facts or undisputed “truths” about the world. It’s frankly shocking that our academics would be this confused about such a plain and clear statement that maintains their academic freedom unless it’s that they just failed to do their basic due diligence in reading the order that they’re so vigorously condemning in terms that don’t even apply.

The relevant executive order—and spin-off orders issued or passed into law at the state or local level—does not limit academic freedom or the ability to conduct diversity and inclusion activities (including training). It has been a gross abnegation of duty on the part of our journalists, academics, and (mostly Democratic) politicians to have said, plainly and repeatedly, otherwise. They should be asked why, and they should be pressed further on why they would want to challenge the order, or ones like it, in the first place.

Proponents Must Want Division

Again, as I have read the executive order several times, I’m perplexed as to why any American or reasonable and decent human being living in the twenty-first century would want it overturned. Since many do, since presumably a Biden administration will as well, and since I try not to assume people are as evil as they often sound in ignorance, I have to assume the executive order has not been widely or properly read. Nevertheless, as we can see from Section 10 above, the order only prohibits applying the “divisive concepts” listed in Section 2(a) and then only in particular ways. It’s therefore important for us to look at these concepts directly from the order and evaluate them.

Before listing them, with commentary, I want to stress why we need to be familiar with what the executive order says. It’s very simple. Anyone who wants to overturn this executive order or resist creating copycat orders at the state (or city) level must want to leave room to engage in at least one of the behaviors it prohibits. The questions are “which ones?” and “why?”

Here is the list of prohibited “divisive concepts” given in Section 2(a) of the executive order, with my own commentary added in italics in square brackets added to most of them:

(1) one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex [outright bigotry or supremacy—note that this also prohibits white supremacy, patriarchy, (homophobia, ableism, exasperated, etc.)];

(2) the United States is fundamentally racist or sexist [i.e., “systemic” bigotry/oppression];

(3) an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously [even by “complicity,” like “white complicity” or “brown complicity];

(4) an individual should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment solely or partly because of his or her race or sex;

(5) members of one race or sex cannot and should not attempt to treat others without respect to race or sex [this is a repudiation of identity-blindness, e.g., colorblindness, and seeks to make identity, like race, relevant and central to all interactions and phenomena];

(6) an individual’s moral character is necessarily determined by his or her race or sex [direct rejection of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” perspective];

(7) an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex [a kind of identity-based “sins of the father” and guilt by association];

(8) any individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex [believe it or not, this kind of thing is advocated under Critical Theories of identity (Critical Social Justice) under models like “the pedagogy of discomfort”)]; or

(9) meritocracy or traits such as a hard work ethic are racist or sexist or were created by a particular race to oppress another race [this ideology rejects meritocracy].

The term “divisive concepts” also includes any other form of race or sex-stereotyping or any other form of race or sex scapegoating.

Anyone who is calling for this order to be overturned or who is arguing against passing it into law, both on the federal level or, hopefully, on the state levels, must be held to account on this point: they must want to leave room to engage in at least one of the eleven things listed above. We have to ask them which ones and why.

If you find someone who is against this order or similar, ask them what it is they disagree with. Have them be specific—which “divisive tenets” do you want to engage in and why? Ask them:

Do you want to claim that certain identities are inherently superior to others? If so, why?

Do you want to claim that the United States is fundamentally bigoted? If so, why?

Do you want to claim that certain individuals—because of who they happen to be in terms of identity factors like race, sex, (gender, sexuality, disability, exasperated, etc.)—are intrinsically bigoted or complicit in bigotry? If so, why?

Do you think that people should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment because of factors of identity? If so, why?

Do you think that people should have to treat people according to their identities instead of as equals? If so, why?

Do you believe that people’s moral character is in some way determined by who they happen to be? If so, why?

Do you believe that people should be held morally responsible for things that were done by other people who happen to have the same identity factors that they do? If so, why?

Do you think that people should be made to feel uncomfortable (or in anguish!) over factors of their identity? If so, why?

Do you want to say that merit was not a significant, if not the, determining factor in how people came to occupy the professional positions they occupy? If so, why?

Do you wish to engage in identity-based stereotyping of some other kind? If so, why?

Do you wish to engage in identity-based scapegoating of some other kind? If so, why?

These questions must be asked clearly and repeatedly of anyone who condemns this executive order, calls to have it overturned, or resists attempts to bring it fully legislatively into law at the federal or, via copycat orders and legislation, state (or local) levels. They must want to leave room for at least one of these, and they should be able to articulate which ones and why, and they must be held to account on the point every single time it comes up. Should they only want to engage in a small number of these and repudiate the others—as they definitely should—they should be pressured to support the passage of similar or amended orders or legislation that offer the maximal amount of protection against the mainlining of these “divisive concepts” in our taxpayer-funded workplaces.

Again, this isn’t a mere think-piece. It is a call to action. While it would be ideal that this order is maintained at the federal level until it can be passed into law by Congress (which would merely strengthen the Civil Rights Acts), these protections are needed just as explicitly at the state (and even local) level as well. Our state governors, state legislatures, and even mayors and city councils should take action on this immediately and should be vigorously held to account, as noted above if they resist or refuse. When they do, they should patch the hole in the federal order by including other factors of identity, at the least including gender, sexuality, and disability status. Meanwhile, we should be holding our professionals—academics, journalists, and politicians (especially Democratic ones)—to account for why we have been and are still being misled about this order. We deserve answers about why they have got this issue so wrong (laziness or malfeasance?), and we have to start asking for them as often as necessary.


SOUTHERN BAPTIST PRESIDENT JD Greear Says He’d Rather Unite With Those Who Pervert the Gospel Than Those Who Defend It


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In case you missed it, JD Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention addressed the Southern Baptist Executive Committee last night with a sermon decrying “white supremacy” and all those who oppose Critical Race Theory. If you can stomach it, the sermon can be watched here and begins around the 51-minute mark.

During the sermon, Greear decried his critics who accused him of being liberal and then gave a rundown of his conservative credentials; he said that he believes homosexuality is a sin and that homosexuals left a packet on his doorstep of pamphlets of people who have committed suicide because of his anti-homosexuality position. Yet, in 2019, Greear preached a sermon on Romans 1 and concluded that God believes other sins — such as boasting — are more egregious than homosexuality.

Greear then went into a tirade against people who believe that Critical Race Theory, a secular Marxist ideology that is opposed to the gospel, and labeled them as “pharisees” and called them “demonic.”

“We should mourn when closet racists and neo-Confederates feel more at home in our churches than do many of our people of color,” he said. “The reality is that if we in the SBC had shown as much sorrow for the painful legacy that racism and discrimination has left in our country as we have the passion to decry CRT, we probably wouldn’t be in this mess.”

Of course, those “neo-Confederates” he is referring to would be the most vocal anti-Marxist critics in the denomination. Those would include men like Tom Ascol and Tom Buck, even Voddie Baucham. And, of course, it would include the countless journalists out there covering the stories including Reformation Charlotte, Capstone Report, Worldview Conversations, and Protestia, among many others.

If Greear were after unity, he’d denounce the heresy that is swarming the denomination and call for unity around the truth. Instead, Greear labels those who defend biblical doctrine as “pharisees” and calls on the denomination to repudiate them.

“Brothers and sisters, in the 1980s, we repudiated the leaven of the liberals, a leaven that threatened to poison the gospel,” he said. “Are we now going to repudiate the leaven of the Pharisees, which can choke out the gospel just as easily?”

Greear also demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of Jesus’ issue with the pharisees when said that the pharisees in the New Testament had correct doctrine, but that their problem was that they opposed Jesus. The Scriptures, however, do not teach that the pharisees had correct doctrine — Jesus’ problem with them is that they were false teachers, just like those who push Critical Race Theory.

Critical Race Theory Costs Staffer at Smith College Her Job



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A staff member at Smith College, Jody Shaw, resigned her position as a student support coordinator because of the “hostile atmosphere” at the college. It appears that Ms. Shaw ran afoul of critical race theory fanatics who forced her to “participate in racially prejudicial behavior as a condition” of her employment.

Shaw, being a normal, intelligent, woman rebelled. She blew the whistle on the racialists at Smith College in a scathing video she posted to YouTube.

Bari Weiss is also covering this disturbing story.

“I ask that Smith College stop reducing my personhood to a racial category. Stop telling me what I must think and feel about myself,” she said. “Stop presuming to know who I am or what my culture is based upon my skin color. Stop asking me to project stereotypes and assumptions onto others based on their skin color.”

This is the essence of critical race theory. In order to make “progress” in “combatting racism,” everyone is reduced to a stick figure. It’s so much easier to define individuals when you identify them as members of a specific group, with specific beliefs, biases, prejudices,

In her resignation letter to the university president, she didn’t pull any punches.

Every day, I watch my colleagues manage student conflict through the lens of race, projecting rigid assumptions and stereotypes on students, thereby reducing them to the color of their skin. I am asked to do the same, as well as to support a curriculum for students that teaches them to project those same stereotypes and assumptions onto themselves and others. I believe such a curriculum is dehumanizing, prevents authentic connection, and undermines the moral agency of young people who are just beginning to find their way in the world.

Ms. Weiss catalogs the damage this ideology/theology is doing to people in all walks of life, of all colors.

We all know that something morally grotesque is swallowing liberal America. Almost no one wants to risk talking about it out loud.

Every day I get phone calls from anxious Americans complaining about an ideology that wants to pull all of us into the past.

I get calls from parents telling me about the damaging things being taught in schools: so-called antiracist programs that urge children to obsess on the color of their skin.

I get calls from people working in corporate America forced to go to trainings in which they learn that they carry collective, race-based guilt — or benefit from collective, race-based virtue.

I get calls from young people just launching their careers telling me that they feel they have no choice but to profess fealty to this ideology in order to keep their jobs.

Almost no one who calls me is willing to go public. And I understand why. To go public with what’s happening is to risk their jobs and their reputations.

We need more Jodi Shaws in the world. The problem is that it takes otherworldly courage to speak out, to demand change. I daresay Ms. Shaw’s life will never be the same. And given her stand was made on a college campus, any career she was hoping for in higher education is probably ruined. She’s probably lost some friends over her stand. Her life has been changed forever.

It’s important that we realize that this didn’t have to happen. Small-minded, even ignorant people see salvation in controlling the minds and lives of others. Is it a mass delusion that they believe they are actually “fighting racism,” that they’re doing this for white people’s own good? Or are these the same efforts at control that have been around since humans created civilizations?

It’s a contagion that no one seems capable of stopping. Perhaps it’s good enough now that enough of us speak out and fight for what we know in our bones is right.

False ‘Progressive’ Church in Nashville Says Bible Isn’t ‘the Word of God; Inerrant or Infallible’

  • "Nothing more than a social club of individuals bent on usurping the authority of Scripture in order to hold themselves up as the moral authority and arbiters of good and evil, right and wrong," one commenter wrote. "You may get away with this momentarily in this lifetime, but when you stand before God, that will come to a screeching halt. Settle with the King while you have time. Turn to Christ and live."
  • "This is so profoundly sad," another commenter observed.
  • "The Great Apostasy is in full force," another commenter said before adding text from 2 Timothy 4: "For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts."



"I think we definitely have a tendency to treat the Bible almost as an idol," Scott — who grew up a Southern Baptist — told the Post.



The Bible-What Is Progressive Christianity?



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A so-called progressive ‘church’ in Nashville has drawn opposition after posting a message on social media stating that the Bible isn’t “the Word of God … inerrant or infallible.”

The organization, calling itself “GracePointe Church,” led by false teacher Josh Scott posted the disturbing message on Facebook on Sunday, February 7. The post related to a message he delivered on YouTube called “What Is Progressive Christianity?” as a part of GracePointe’s online service.

“As Progressive Christians, we’re open to the tensions and inconsistencies in the Bible. We know that it can’t live up to impossible, modern standards. We strive to more clearly articulate what Scripture is and isn’t,” the organization posted before citing what they claim the Bible isn’t and is.

“The Bible isn’t: the Word of God, self-interpreting, a science book, an answer/rule book, inerrant or infallible,” it listed. “The Bible is a product of community, a library of texts, multi-vocal, a human response to God, living and dynamic,” it continued.

The Bible warns in 2 Timothy 4:3-4: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”



Bill Gates Bankrolling Educational Organization That Says Math is Racist


Pathway group says minorities getting answers wrong is because of "white supremacy."




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is bankrolling an activist educational group that believes math is racist and that arriving at an objective answer is an example of “white supremacy.”

Yes, really.

A conglomerate of 25 educational organizations called A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction asserts that asking students to find the correct answer is an “inherently racist practice.”

The organization’s website lists the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as its only donor.

“In fact, over the past decade, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded over of $140 million to a variety of groups associated with Pathway. Their “antiracist resources” are at the epicenter of a new training course for teachers offered by the Oregon Department of Education throughout the state,” reports National File.

“Three of the most prominent organizations receiving grant money from the Gates’ are The Education Trust, Teach Plus, and WestEd, all non-profit 501c organizations.”

Teachers are instructed to blame non-white students getting answers wrong on “white supremacist practices,” which are truly to blame for the “underachievement” of minorities.

As we have previously highlighted, following on from universities, schools have now become breeding grounds for this kind of intersectional insanity.

Earlier this week, we reported on how the principal of East Side Community School in New York sent white parents a manifesto that calls on them to become “white traitors” and advocate for full “white abolition.”

Last year, we revealed how children at an elementary school in Virginia are being taught that traits such as “objectivity” and “perfectionism” are ‘racist’ characteristics of “white supremacy.”

Meanwhile, school districts across America are eliminating grading standards in order to “combat racism”.

The move was announced in San Diego after it was revealed that just 7% of D or F grades are handed out to white students, while 23% went to Native Americans, 23% of failing grades went to Hispanics and 20% went to black students.

As Allie Beth Stuckley notes, “I don’t know. Maybe the people who don’t want black and brown kids to learn math correctly are the *actual* white supremacists.”

Marxism Advances In America, Race Division & Hypocrisy. Zuckerberg Fears Vaccine. Bans you for it.

In this episode of The Silent War, CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg is caught admitting concerns around the vaccine, yet bans others for the same. Biden's Marxist Government prepares to push anti white racist policies and redistributing wealth from whites to blacks. A Deadly attack on an American Base in Iraq. And Biden: 'who cares if China commits genocide and's their culture' Even the big ETF's that manipulate the price of Silver and Gold are warning, the game is nearly up - physical is almost out. All of this and much more

Universities Demonize and Disavow Christian Self-Sacrifice and Altruism

AKA, “the Crusades



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

The Indiana-based University of Valparaiso is scrapping its Crusader mascot, nickname, and logos—because they convey “hate”  and are not “inclusive” enough.  According to the university’s Feb. 11, 2021 statement:

Interim President Colette Irwin-Knott of Valparaiso University (“Valpo”) announced today that it will retire its existing mascot, the Crusader.…  The Crusader imagery related to the Crusades has been embraced and displayed by hate groups including the Ku Klux Klan.  “The negative connotation and violence associated with the Crusader imagery are not reflective of Valpo’s mission and values, which promote a welcoming and inclusive community,” Irwin-Knott said, … [adding] “Valpo is and always has been a faith-based institution, and we want to make sure our symbolism is in alignment with our beliefs and speaks to the core values of the Lutheran ethos.”

In the coming month, a committee will be established “to engage the campus community in considering and adopting a new mascot.”

The statement further justifies its action by adding a reminder that Valpo is only doing what schools and other institutions all throughout America are doing:

Valpo’s decision is in line with athletic teams across all levels – from interscholastic to professional sports programs – that are replacing offensive mascots with less divisive symbols. With this decision, the university is following the same course as virtually all other universities that carried the Crusader as their mascot or a symbol for their school.

To be sure, this sort of betrayal of the West’s heritage is not without precedent and is hardly limited to college campuses, AKA, hotbeds of political correctness, and Western guilt/self-hatred. In November 2019, the owners of a famous New Zealand rugby team scrapped their longtime logo—a Crusader—to show how “woke” they were vis-à-vis Muslims.

Nor is it just “militant” expressions of Christianity (vis-à-vis Islam) that are being flushed down the memory hole to appease Muslims, but mere expressions of Christianity.  As one memorable example, in 2004, “Spanish football giant Real Madrid … dropped the Christian cross affixed at the top of its official crest after signing a sponsorship deal with the National Bank of Abu Dhabi.”

Meanwhile, Muslim nations, such as the home of Islam itself, Saudi Arabia (AKA “US friend and ally”™), proudly depict scimitars on their national flags, with the words, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger”—words that have gotten countless people, past and present, slaughtered for not reciting.  No non-Muslim seems to be offended or concerned by that, but Westerners are rushing over themselves to change the logos and flags of, not nations, but schools or teams of men who play with balls—lest they appear too militant, too “mean.”

That, in a nutshell, sums up how the West and Islam see themselves and respond to one another.  While Islam venerates its violent, jihadi past—and, wherever possible, seeks to relive it—the West is constantly disavowing its Crusader heritage.

And what exactly were the Crusades?  They were a militant, no-nonsense response to more than four centuries of jihadi aggression against and conquests of Christian and European territory.  The particular Muslim invasions (between 1071 and1095) that occasioned the First Crusade saw hundreds of thousands of Eastern Christians (Armenians, Syriacs, and Greeks) slaughtered or enslaved by Muslim Turks acting in the name of jihad.  As the contemporary Byzantine princess, Anna Komnenos wrote,  “cities were obliterated, lands were plundered, and the whole of Rhomaioi [Anatolia] was stained with Christian blood.”

Emperor Alexios I Komnenos (r.1081 to 1118), Anna’s father, recounted his people’s travails in a letter addressed to his friend, the “Count of Flanders and to all the princes of the whole kingdom, lovers of the Christian faith.”  In it, he lamented how the Turks “pillaged daily and constantly raided, with Christians being murdered and mocked in various indescribable ways.”  Not only did the Muslim invaders “defile the holy places in innumerable ways, [and] destroy them,” but they would “circumcise Christian boys and youths above Christian baptismal fonts, pour the blood from the circumcision into the fonts in mockery of Christ, force them to urinate on it, and then drag them around the church and force them to blaspheme the name and faith of the Holy Trinity.  Those who refuse are subjected to various punishments and eventually killed.” As for Christian women, the Muslim invaders

took virgins and made them public prostitutes....  Mothers were violated in the presence of their daughters, raped over and over again by different men, while their daughters were compelled, not only to watch but to sing obscene songs and to dance. Then they changed places, and the suffering, which is painful and shameful to speak of, was inflicted upon the daughters, while the filthy activity was adorned by the obscene songs of the unfortunate mothers….  When the female sex was not spared (an action which might be excused since it is at least in accord with nature), they became worse than animals, breaking all human laws by turning on men. Their lust overflowed to the point that the execrable and profoundly intolerable crime of sodomy, which they committed against men of middle or low station, they also committed against a certain bishop, killing him.

It was this—concern for fellow Christians—that prompted the First Crusade when it did; and it is this that is making contemporary Western Christians fall over themselves to disavow anything associated with the Crusades.

After describing some of the aforementioned atrocities at the Council of Clermont in France on November 27, 1095, Pope Urban II cried out, “Who is to revenge all this—who is to repair this damage, if you do not do it?”  The Christians present cried “God wills it!” and the First Crusade was born. 

Soon they would set off to provide succor to their Eastern coreligionists while sacrificing much in the process: rather than gain anything from the First Crusade, most who took the cross lost—and expected to lose—everything, from their estates in Europe to their lives in battle against Muslims.

This is ironic in light of the university’s recent statement. In it, Irwin-Knott declares that “At Valpo, we strive to seek truth, serve generously and cultivate hope. We do not believe having the Crusader as our mascot portrays these values.”

Actually, it was the First Crusaders who lived up to “these values.”  They did “strive to seek the truth” by ascertaining—and accepting and acting on—what Islam was doing to Christians in the East, and they did “serve generously and cultivate hope” for those same Christians: The sources contain numerous accounts of Armenians and other Eastern Christians falling on their knees and tearfully thanking their Western coreligionists for liberating them from the Islamic yoke.

Such are the contradictions that we are regularly expected to swallow nowadays.  For, and contrary to all the glib talk of “Valpo” and its interim president, it is in fact Western universities that do not “strive to seek truth”—especially those truths that stray from the “official” narrative—nor do they “serve generously and cultivate hope” for the billions who suffer from politically incorrect causes around the world, chief among them those many millions who suffer under Islam.

Note: Historical quotes in this article were sourced from and are documented in the author’s book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West






Tubman to Replace Old Hickory. Hard Left Agenda Moves Ahead

Tubman to Replace Old Hickory. Liberal Agenda Moves Ahead



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It was a significant story that went unremarked because of the Biden regime’s assault on everything normal, and the Democrats’ paranoid delusions about former President Trump and the “insurrection” he supposedly led.

In late January, the regime announced plans to adorn the $20 bill with the image of Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad leader who did not, as popularly believed, lead hundreds of slaves out of the Deep South to freedom.

Still, the $20 must feature Tubman, not Andrew Jackson, a dusty relic of the old Republic.

Writing at, conservative scribe Scott Greer, formerly of the Daily Caller, helpfully reminded readers on Thursday that Biden’s Treasury workers will proceed with the plan that President Trump is accused of delaying.

“The Treasury Department is taking steps to resume efforts to put Harriet Tubman on the front of the new $20 notes,” Biden mouthpiece Jen Psaki said. “It’s important that our money reflect the history and diversity of our country.”

That isn’t, of course, the main reason Jackson has to go, as Greer explained, noting a screeching one-sentence indictment in the Washington Post:

Jackson was a notorious racist, a slaver who as president was responsible, among other things, for the Trail of Tears, in which thousands of Native Americans died as they were forcibly pushed west. Tubman, on the other hand, is one of the greatest heroes America has produced.

As Greer explained, the Postie who penned the piece didn’t bother telling readers why Tubman “is one of the greatest heroes America has produced.”

Greer directs readers to the real history of Tubman from historian James McPherson, author of Battle Cry of Freedomwho reviewed four books about Tubman for the New York Review of Books in 2004.

McPherson’s conclusion about the main “conductor” on the Underground Railroad — the network of secret meeting places and stash houses that escaping slaves followed from the South to freedom in the North — is this: Because Tubman’s story is largely based off oral histories, it is difficult to know the facts of her life, which has left her story open to embellishment as it was passed down over the years.

Tubman led perhaps five or six dozen slaves to freedom, a notable achievement, but others did more.

Tubman biographer Milton Sernett buried another myth, Greer wrote:

One of the most popular legends about Tubman is that she commanded a black regiment’s raid in South Carolina that destroyed Confederate outposts and freed hundreds of slaves. This would’ve made her the first female to command such an expedition in American history. The problem is that it’s “wishful thinking,” [Sernett says]. Sernett acknowledges she served as a nurse and scout for the Union, but was not a military commander. Sernett also argues that many of the famous quotes attributed to Tubman were not said by her. The retired historian says his thorough research led him to question much of what we claim to know about Tubman.

Not surprisingly, Greer reported, his remark that Tubman should not replace Jackson on the $20 bill invited the usual farrago of leftist hate.

Why Tubman Must Replace Jackson

As for Old Hickory, the Treasury Department didn’t put him on the $20 bill for no reason. He was a founding-generation American who fought in the War for Independence and was captured by the British at age 13. Because of Jackson’s courageous war on the money power that controlled the Second Bank of the United States — which precipitated an unsuccessful assassination attempt — the United States broke the shackles of central banking, at least until 1913 and the establishment of the Federal Reserve System. During these years without a central bank, Americans experienced unprecedented economic growth.

But he was also a white man, a slave-owner, and waged war against the Indians. And so a very real if imperfect American hero and symbol must be attacked and replaced, American history rewritten, to fit the new narrative.

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