Amid Disasters at Home and Abroad, Biden White House Staffers Busy Choosing ‘Magic Spirit Animals’ DERIVED FROM J.K. ROWLING’S “HARRY POTTER”

White House Spiritual Adviser Paula White Commands 'All Satanic Pregnancies to Miscarry' 



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

They call them “public servants,” although that usage is a bit quaint in this age of staggeringly corrupt, self-serving politicians, and it’s good to know that Biden White House staffers are hard at work, doing everything they can to improve the lot of Americans and protect our nation and its allies. Politico reported Tuesday that “some people in the Biden administration are huge Harry Potter fans” and are spending a lot of time choosing “magic spirit animals” for themselves. Will the magic spirit animals, or patronus, in Harry Potter terminology, of Biden’s handlers, help get the remaining Americans out of Afghanistan, end the crisis at the Southern border, or turn around the tanking economy? Politico didn’t say.

The crack Politico “journalists” have, however, been on this story for a long time. Back on January 7, they first reported that Merrick Garland, who was soon to become attorney general, was “a Harry Potter fanboy.” And not just someone who enjoyed the books and movies: Garland, according to Politico, was “such an earnest fan of the series that President Barack Obama’s aides nicknamed him ‘Dumbledore’ [although some said that was also due to his genial manner].”

Yeah, he’s a genial guy. He is a ferociously partisan hack who shows numerous signs of moving toward criminalizing political opposition in the United States under the guise of fighting “white supremacy,” but hey, he loves Harry Potter, so how bad could he be? Garland, says Politico, got Harvard to give Potter creator J.K. Rowling an honorary degree, and during his commencement speech to the 2016 graduating class of his high school alma mater, he expatiated at length on lessons from the Potter books, calling Hermione Granger “one of my favorite people” and quoting her saying, “I’m hoping to do some good in the world.” He told the graduates: “Now that doesn’t mean that you and your friends have to vanquish Lord Voldemort….But as Professor Dumbledore once told Harry Potter: It is our choices that show what we truly are, more than our abilities. So make the choice to do to some good in the world.”

Members of the Biden White House team have apparently decided to do some good in the world not by addressing the problems created by the administration’s disastrous choices in Afghanistan, or the other problems arising from Biden’s handlers’ mismanagement of the economy, but by joining Garland in Harry Potter foolery. Emilie Simons, the assistant press secretary, even has a “collage above her desk in the West Wing” featuring the magic spirit animals of her colleagues.

According to Politico, “rapid response director Mike Gwin is a bald eagle. Deputy press secretary Andrew Bates is a black stallion. Assistant press secretary Vedant Patel is an orca whale. Press assistant Natalie Austin is a Siberian husky. Deputy press secretary Chris Meagher is technically a bear but Simons changed it to be a picture of a teddy bear dressed as a wizard — wand and all.” Wait a minute: I thought they were all skunks.

In a follow-up story on Wednesday (apparently someone at Politico thinks this is as important as the White House staffers do), Politico upgraded Simons’ collage to a “mural!,” complete with an exclamation point, and informed us that Press Secretary Jen Psaki is a “wild cat — a picture of a cat is affixed to her Vogue profile shot.” Meanwhile, “press office chief of staff Amanda Finney is a lion. Press assistant Angela Perez is a capybara. Principal deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is a black mare. Press assistant Michael Kikukawa is a jackrabbit. Assistant press secretary Kevin Munoz is a deer. And Simons is an exotic, colorful bird. She thinks it’s a Bali bird of paradise but that could not be independently verified.”

Well, get on that, Politico! And while you’re at it, tell us the magic spirit animals of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Old Joe might be a possum, except they’re always playing dead, not playing at being alive. And Kamala? The mind reels. Maybe a hyena? Can hyenas be said to cackle?

In any case, the whole Politico series of three stories on the Pottermania in the Biden White House brings to mind the immortal words of the longtime far-Left White House correspondent Helen Thomas: “Everything is going down the drain.” While Biden’s handlers were choosing magic spirit animals and working on their “murals!,” the Taliban were essentially handed $85 billion worth of American weaponry and military hardware, and Americans are still trapped in the country. Maybe if Biden’s White House staff put the Harry Potter books down for a while and got to work, they might find some ways to get them out and to mitigate the catastrophe that is Biden’s Afghanistan policy. They might even figure out a way to revitalize the economy beyond raising taxes and increasing government interference.

On second thought, these are hardcore, doctrinaire Leftists. Maybe it’s better for all of us if they paid as little attention to their actual jobs as possible. Time to make another mural, folks!

Related: Harry Potter and the Transphobic Author 

Popular Worship Leader Ignites Furor For Heretical Tweet Saying ‘Buddha,’ ‘Muhammad’ And ‘You’ Are ‘Christ’

LTRJ Note: In 2012, Lighthouse Trails tried to warn the church about the contemplative-promoting band, Gungor, in our article titled Tens of Thousands Introduced to Contemplative Advocates Gungor and David Crowder at Greg Laurie’s Harvest Crusade. Our warning was ignored by Christian leaders such as Greg Laurie and certain other large Calvary Chapel churches. As for Michael Gungor, we do not find it surprising that after practicing contemplative prayer all these years, he moved into the interspiritual (i.e., all paths lead to God) camp. As Ray Yungen pointed out so succinctly, this is the “natural” course contemplative practitioners tragically take. And this is why, after nearly 20 years, Lighthouse Trails continues warning the church about occultic mystical practices such as centering prayer and contemplative spirituality.

Michael Gungor



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Thousands of people responded to a tweet by Michael Gungor, the lead singer of the famous band Gungor, on Friday, July 23. The post drew widespread criticism because it asserted that, although Jesus is the Christ, so are Buddha, Muhammad, people, and the church.

Several readers interpreted Michael Gungor's tweet as a universalist statement. The text of Gungor's tweet stated: "Jesus was Christ. Buddha was Christ. Muhammad was Christ. Christ is a word for the Universe seeing itself. You are Christ. We are the body of Christ."

Gungor expressed gratitude for the kind responses to his tweet, writing, "Thanks for all the thoughtful replies everyone."

Then, in support of what he tweeted, he suggested that everyone read Richard Rohr's book "The Universal Christ" and listen to his Liturgists podcast, where he claims they discussed the topic in depth.

His counter-argument and "freedom to question things"

 Happy that his post sparked so much discussion on what he meant by "Christ," a subject he thinks is essential, the musician went live on Instagram to dissect his tweet in more detail and answer questions from fans.

 "Christ is a word for the universe, seeing itself. You are Christ's. We are the body of Christ," he said in his Instagram Live video.

Following the "met with fury" reaction to his tweet, Gungor stated that although he was raised Christian, the "concept of Christ" and the meaning of the term "Christ" were not discussed in-depth or on a consistent basis.

Thus, he believes that the book "The Universal Christ," which he recommended people read in his tweet, is an excellent introduction to the topic.

Gungor then responded to those who claimed his tweet was "unorthodox to mainstream historical Christianity," saying he's "guilty as charged."

But he went on to clarify that those accusations relating to historical mainstream Christianity don't bother him in the least.

"For a number of reasons, historical mainstream Christianity is the force in the world that, (I'm not going to say it) doesn't have any good or that it doesn't have any worth. But it is the force in the world that is responsible for the Inquisition, Manifest Destiny, all sorts of colonialism and genocide, sexism, patriarchy, homophobia, ecology, violence, and countless other evils. I'm not too worried about being unorthodox to the power systems of Christianity, to be honest with you," he said.

He went on to say that orthodoxy caused him to feel alienated from the body of Christ, but that he quickly discovered the "freedom to question things" and began "moving away from those things."

"I'm not claiming that my take on what Christ is, is what most Christians have said," he continued. "If you are concerned about that, you should call me a heretic, and I will accept your accusation."

In response to the criticism that he was abusing the term "Christ," Gungor stated that he is more interested in the "traditional use of the word Christ as a concept" rather than as "the last name of Jesus" or as a "political flag for our team."

"I think it ought to mean something bigger. I think it ought to mean something universal for the sake, not only of individual practice. I think it makes the concept of Christ and the practice of this unity incredibly more powerful," he said.

"I think it's less violent to find the more broader universal understanding of the word Christ that doesn't leave us in the seat of colonizers of culture, of ideas of religion, of spirituality, of metaphysical land like I was saying before," he added.

As for comparing Christianity to other faiths such as Buddhism or Islam, Gungor said that he is not "flattening the important distinctions of other traditions," but rather "honoring" the "specificity of the traditions."

He emphasized the principles of loving one another, as well as the fact that "unity" in the Body of Christ does not imply "uniformity," but rather allows for some "distinctions."

Flat-out error

Prophetic minister Jennifer LeClaire, in an article in Charisma, pointed out how Michael Gungor has "become the latest Christian celebrity to denounce Christ," with his wife following him.

"Blasphemy! This is a doctrine of demons!" LeClaire wrote in response to Gungor's tweet.

LeClaire, founder of the Awakening House of Prayer (AHOP) said the worship singer is "not the first" to fall away from the faith, as a "growing number of 'visible' Christians have turned their back on Christ."

"Don't ignore the signs of the times. In His discussions on the end of the age, Jesus warned us not to let anyone deceive us (Matt. 24)," LeClaire wrote.

"If it weren't possible to get caught up in the great falling away, Jesus wouldn't have issued such a strong warning to His followers and left a record of it for you and me."

"Christ" in the orthodox Christian tradition

 According to Christian News Now, the term "Christ" is derived from the Greek word Christos, which translates as "anointed one." The Hebrew term for "anointed one" is "Mashiach," which translates as "Messiah."

Those searching for the Messiah described in Old Testament texts like as Daniel 9:25-26, Isaiah 32:1, and Isaiah 61:1 recognized Jesus as "Jesus the Messiah" or "Jesus the Anointed One."

This indicates there is only one Christ -one Messiah- and He is Jesus, the Son of God.




Francis Chan’s Dangerous Path to “Unity” and a Eucharistic Christ



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

I am writing to address two related topics:

1)    Francis Chan’s new book released 4/1/21 titled Until Unity

2)    Francis Chan’s conversation with Hank Hanegraaff and KP Yohannan regarding Chan’s changing views on the so-called “Eucharist” (Aug. 2020 video on Hank Hanegraaff’s program).

I.  Francis Chan’s website about his new book Until Unity

Francis Chan released his new book in April 2021 titled Until Unity. Why does this matter? Sadly, there is growing evidence that Chan has slowly turned away from the Bible as the source of truth and doctrine to church tradition, the opinions of men, and experiences to reformulate his theology.

Francis Chan’s own website explains his new book (see


. . . New York Times–bestselling author Francis Chan challenges us to see what keeps us from being unified as Christians across denominations and cultural differences—and why it needs to change.

. . . It’s clear from Scripture that God desires unity for His Church. Unity is what Jesus prays for, what He commands, and what He says will be the chief argument for unbelieving people coming to know God.

But if unity is that important to the heart of God, and that critical to the mission of the church, then why isn’t it something the Church fiercely fights for and passionately pursues?

We divide easily because we love shallowly.

. . . Francis Chan [says] doctrine is not at the root of most division [emphasis added].

The main problem is the shallowness or non-existence of our love for each other . . . Those who are believers will hear the call and be eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit. This will be messy and painful, but we cannot allow this to discourage us from giving everything we have to the pursuit of a unified, restored Bride.

My comments:

Chan sidesteps the issue of doctrine (in the issue of “unity”) and claims the main problem is “the shallowness or non-existence of our love for each other,” so he can base his whole argument for “unity” solely on his “love” (or lack thereof) premise. If he would admit that doctrine does divide, then in his attempt to tell us how “unity” is achieved, he would have to deal with doctrine at some level. Yet, he dismisses doctrine from the start so he can talk about “love” or lack thereof and its role in achieving or not achieving “unity” and skip discussing specific doctrines(s) altogether.

What does the Bible say about the importance of doctrine?

2 Timothy 3:16 – All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Titus 2:1 – But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:

1 John 4:1 – Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Hebrews 13:9 – Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.

Ephesians 4:14 – That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

Titus 1:9 – Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.

2 Timothy 2:15 – Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Further Comment on Chan’s new book:

The dedication of Chan’s book reads: “This book is dedicated to the followers of Jesus from various denominations who have forgiven me for my arrogance and divisiveness over the years.”

II. Francis Chan’s March 11, 2021 YouTube video about his new book Until Unity

On Francis Chan’s Mar.11, 2021 short YouTube video advertising his new book, he talks about the need for unity, and at the very end, he quotes Eph.4:11-13, but he leaves out the next 3 verses (vs.14-16), which defines what unity is!

Here is the full context of how the Bible defines “unity” in Ephesians 4:1-16:

1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,

2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;

3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;

5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.

8 Wherefore he saith, ‘When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?

10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)’

11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:

13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:

Here are the verses Francis Chan left out in his video–Vs.14-16—

14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

Here are some observations about “unity” from Eph.4:13-15 (left out by Francis Chan):

1)    According to verses 13 and 14, the goal of biblical unity is so we would “be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;”

2)    According to verse 15, biblical unity/”unity of the faith, involves “speaking the truth in love,” not just to “love” (in an experiential sense). “Speaking the truth in love,” the verse goes on, so that we may “grow up into him in all things.” Biblical unity involves “speaking the truth in love,” and by this, we grow up spiritually. Love without truth is not biblical love. And truth is about what the Bible teaches (i.e. doctrine).

III. Francis Chan, Hank Hanegraaff, KP Yohannan and the “Eucharist”

An Aug.18, 2020 video titled, “Is Christ Present in the Eucharist” reveals more of Francis Chan’s slide away from the truth of the Bible and his associations with men who have also turned away from the Bible.

At the urging of Hank Hanegraaff and KP Yohannan, Chan was challenged to reevaluate his view of church history and of communion (their meaning – Eucharist) verified in the video.

In the video, Francis Chan talks about reevaluating his view of communion, or the so-called Eucharist, and Hank Hanegraaff and KP Yohannan briefly discuss how they themselves formulated their current views about the Eucharist. Before discussing the contents of this Aug.18, 2020 video, I wanted to familiarize you with Hank Hanegraaff and KP Yohannan.

1)Hank Hanegraaff

Hank Hanegraaff is known to millions through his former radio program, “The Bible Answer Man.” He converted to Eastern Orthodoxy in April of 2017 in the Saint Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. His former radio program “The Bible Answer Man” has now been changed to “Hank Unplugged,” and in his latest book (released in 2019 by Thomas Nelson Publishers) titled Truth Matters, Life Matters More, he explains his Eastern Orthodox conversion (see link:

The list of those who endorsed Hanegraaff’s book include Catholics, Eastern Orthodox folks, and most notably, Scott Hahn, Ph.D., Chair of Biblical Theology and the New Evangelization at Franciscan University of Steubenville. [Hahn, who converted from Protestantism to Catholicism, is discussed in Roger Oakland’s book, Another Jesus: The eucharist Christ and the new evangelization.]

The buzzword: “New Evangelization” is defined by Lighthouse Trails writer Kevin Reeves as: “A program by the Catholic Church designed to win the world to Christ [the Catholic Eucharistic christ, that is], with the Eucharist as the focal point.”

Please see Lighthouse Trails booklet by Roger Oakland titled: The New Evangelization From Rome

2)KP Yohannan

He is the founder and director of Gospel for Asia (GFA). According to his own website (see link:, he has written over 200 books in Asia, and 11 in the U.S.

Lighthouse Trails has confirmed KP Yohannan’s slide into contemplative spirituality (a spiritual outlook that incorporates a New Age style mystical meditation) via his 2020 book: Never Give Up.

That book, by the way, was also endorsed by Hank Hanegraaff.

IV.  August 18, 2020 YouTube video: “Is Christ Present in the Eucharist?” With Francis Chan, Hank Hanegraaff, and KP Yohannan

The Aug.18, 2020 video “Is Christ Present in the Eucharist” reveals just how much Chan has turned away from the Bible he claims he believes in to church tradition and the opinions of men. Also, this trio together are contributing to the demonic momentum toward the movement of biblical Christians into an unbiblical view of communion (what is being called the Eucharist).

1)    “Eucharist”? Why is Francis Chan even calling the communion “the Eucharist”?

Kevin Reeves, in his booklet: C is for Catholicism, defines Eucharist as: “the sacrament of the partaking of the Communion wafer and wine consecrated by the priest during the [Catholic] Mass. Believed to impart special grace, because the recipient is said to be eating and drinking the actual body and blood of Christ.”

At the urging of Hank Hanegraaff and KP Yohannan, Chan was challenged to reevaluate his view of church history and of communion (i..e., the Eucharist).

2)What did the August 2020  video reveal?

Francis Chan on the so-called “Eucharist”

He seems to think he has misjudged folks who believe in “transubstantiation.” What is transubstantiation? Kevin Reeves defines “transubstantiation” as: “The doctrine that asserts that during the Mass, the Host (the communion wafer) and the communion wine are transformed miraculously into the literal body and blood of Christ.”

Chan ends up opening the door about his view on the Eucharist and admits: “[I] don’t know where I land yet” (23:26 minute mark). He states that he “used to” (keywords are “used to”) view those who believed in transubstantiation as “almost silly” or “heretical” (2:07-2:26 minute mark) but not anymore apparently.

*Note: on p. 101 of his new book: Until Unity, Chan states: “I am currently 90 percent sure that I have been wrong about my belief that Christ is not present in the Eucharist” [emphasis added]

3)    Final thoughts about Francis Chan, the “Eucharist” and his new book: Until Unity:

May we pray for Francis Chan, that God would open his eyes to the Enemy’s deceptions. And, may God help rescue those sheep who are following Francis Chan and being led down a deceptive path of the Enemy.

God is Faithful and True, and His Word is true,

(photo (l-r): Francis Chan, Hank Hanegraaff, K.P. Yohanon, from a 2-second video clip from YouTube; used in accordance with the U.S. Fair Use Act)

Related Information:

Catholic Priest Believes Francis Chan Heading Into Catholic Church Based on Eucharistic Sermon

False Revival Kick-Started by Francis Chan, Rodney Howard Browne, Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson, and Todd White

Francis Chan Warns Those Who Criticize Christian Leaders: “God Will Destroy You”

DRESS REHEARSAL FOR A FALSE REVIVAL? – Evangelical, Charismatic, Emerging Leaders, & Pope Francis Unite for “Together 2016” in Washington, DC


Biden Put Past Life Healer in Charge of School Reopenings

Betraying parents while working out “karma and deeply seated issues on the cellular level.”

Kelly Trautner: Mastering the Balance-Living and Leading with Purpose



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

In November, the American Federation of Teachers was touting Kelly Trautner's views on safe school reopenings. Earlier in the pandemic year, Trautner had promoted a webinar on a safe return to schools. By 2021, the AFT's Director of Healthcare, was offering her own lessons on "yoga and pranayama practices" and "meditation and mindfulness".

As a certified yoga teacher and "Registered Karuna Reiki Master" (meaning she had mastered Stage III of Holy Fire of the pseudoscience which includes "healing past life issues" and "clearing cellular memories from the DNA"), this was something Trautner was qualified to do.

But the AFT’s Director of Healthcare, occasional yoga teacher, executive coach, and master of the secret energy arts was telling the CDC under what conditions schools could be reopened.

And she was doing it with the backing of the Biden administration.

Biden had run for office promising to “listen to the science” and “follow the science” especially when it came to reopening schools. While desperate parents clamored to reopen schools and save their children from depression and suicide, he promised them that he would only allow it if the science said he could.

“I set an ambitious but achievable goal of opening most K-8 schools by the end of my first 100 days,” Biden declared. “It is also a goal we can meet if we follow the science.”

Then he redefined reopening most schools as being ‘open’ for at least one day a week.

Biden hasn’t achieved his goal because he didn’t really try. The American Federation of Teachers, the greedy and powerful union, and its local affiliates, had fought school reopenings. When CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said that schools could reopen, the Biden administration quickly claimed that she had only spoken "in her personal capacity".

Biden promised that there would be "science-based judgment" on reopening schools coming.

Emails obtained by Americans for Public Trust showed that the CDC’s “science-based judgement” was actually being shaped by the AFT and revealed an email from its Reiki Master slash lawyer slash meditation expert laying out obstacles to reopening schools.

Not only wasn’t Biden following the science, but he was following a literal pseudoscience.

The AFT not only got access to the CDC's guidance but Trautner sent an email providing "possible ways to strengthen the document" by calling for exempting teachers who “who have documented high-risk conditions or who are at increased risk for … COVID-19”, or who have a household member at "increased risk", from having to go back to work teaching students.

Based on CDC materials, the category of increased risk could potentially cover teachers over 65 or even 45 years old, minorities, anyone with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, pregnant teachers, former smokers, alcoholics, or teachers who are overweight or obese.

A 5'2 teacher who weighed 136 pounds would qualify as overweight using the BMI index.

With categories like these, it would be hard to find teachers who weren’t potentially exempt from doing their jobs.

The CDC's guidelines told schools to offer "remote work" options to teachers with "high-risk conditions that place them at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19". A possibly narrower group, but seemingly incorporating the core proposal from Trautner and the AFT.

The CDC also apparently added Trautner's line about revisiting the guidelines, “in the event of high community-transmission results from a new variant of SARS-CoV-2.”

The email from Trautner to the CDC was forwarded by Carole Johnson.

Johnson is one of Biden's three pandemic response coordinators. Forwarding Trautner’s email to the CDC made it very clear that the Biden administration wanted the “science” to be governed by the demands of the AFT through its Director of Healthcare whose medical background was in “healing past life issues” and releasing “karma and deeply seated issues on the cellular level”.

Before becoming a Biden pandemic response coordinator, Johnson had been the Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Human Services. Johnson's tenure in the scandal-plagued Murphy administration, which had forced nursing homes to accept infected coronavirus patients, and whose state-run veteran homes had become death factories, had been controversial in her own right. Before that, Johnson had been a senior health policy advisor in the Obama White House and had worked for assorted lefty non-profits and legislators. What were her scientific qualifications for any of this?

As a New Jersey briefing noted, Carole Johnson "has a Master's degree in government from the University of Virginia. She also has brought on board Andrea Katz, who is her Chief of Staff. Ms. Katz is an attorney by training, and has worked in various capacities for the democratic party."

Katz is currently the chief of staff of the New Jersey Department of Human Services.

Working in various capacities for the Democrats seems to be all the science that’s needed.

That and a law degree.

Kelly Trautner, in addition to her energy healing skills, also has a BA in political science from Marshall University and a JD from Capital University. After graduating from law school, Trautner seemed to have become the deputy executive officer of the Ohio Nurses Association. When the union affiliated with the AFT, Trautner came along for the ride.

Along the way she ran the Center for Balanced Living, practiced executive coaching, was certified in yoga and energy healing, and rose to become the director of AFT Nurses and Health Professionals even though there's no sign in her bio of being a nurse or having any kind of medical degree in anything. This year, she made the leap to Senior Director on Health Issues.

Several years earlier, Trautner had been urging followers to “send Reiki” energy "alone or in a group" because "the world needs our light."

It’s not clear what scientific or medical qualification Trautner has on health issues. It’s one thing to head up a union for medical workers, and another to give the CDC medical guidance.

The AFT could have found an actual doctor to serve as Director of Healthcare, and to negotiate with the CDC, the fact that it didn’t says everything about the legitimacy of its medical concerns.

The CDC and the Biden administration certainly knew whom it was dealing with and didn’t care.

When a Reiki master with a law degree is providing the CDC with school reopening guidance, that’s not science, it’s union politics.

A few years ago, Kelly Trautner was running a center using "trauma-informed yoga programming" to treat eating disorders. And then she was telling the CDC what to do.

Biden claimed that he was going to listen to the scientists. And then he let an energy healer with a background in healing past life issues and clearing cellular memory have more influence over reopening schools than the actual parents desperately fighting for their children.

So much for the science.

The majority of white Democrats are no longer Christian. And lefties love mocking religion, claiming that they’re rationalists who believe in science, not superstition. And then, whether it’s Hillary Clinton’s seance or the Marianne Williamson presidential campaign, they prove to be willing to believe in anything and everything except God and the Bible.

43% of liberals believe that astrology is scientific, 58% of Democrats believe in UFOs, and 69% believe in ghosts. Less than half of Democrats know that the earth revolves around the sun.

70% of Republicans believe in God. Only 45% of Democrats do. 39% believe in some ‘other’ power or spiritual force.

When that’s the base of your party, why not turn to an ancient energy healing system from 1989 which planted World Peace Crystal Grids at the poles to send peace energy all over the world?

People are entitled to believe whatever they like. What they’re not entitled to do is falsely claim that they’re the party of science when what they really believe is they’re unhappy because in a past life they were Lizzie Borden whose ghost still haunts their downstairs bathroom and that the spaceship is coming to take those with the right colored auras back to their home planet.

And they can’t claim that they’re listening to the science when they’re obstructing school reopenings when what they’re really doing is listening to energy healing union hacks.

“The science has been evolving,” AFT boss Randi Weingarten had argued. “It’s not a political calculation, it’s based on trying to make the science work.”

Evolving the science to make it work for you is what you do when you don’t like the results.

And then you can regress your DNA’s cellular memory and explain that teachers shouldn’t be expected to actually teach children until they work out their past lives as long as the American Federation of Teachers keeps funding the political ambitions of the Democrat Party.

Vatican Invites Abortion Advocate Chelsea Clinton To Talk About ‘Health’ And The ‘Soul’

Vatican Invites Abortion Advocate Chelsea Clinton To Talk About ‘Health’ And The ‘Soul’



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture is set to host Chelsea Clinton, Anthony Fauci, Deepak Chopra, and others for a May conference to explore the “mind, body, and soul” and its role in health care.

The Vatican Council for Culture and the Cura Foundation and the Science and Faith (STOQ) Foundation are partnering together to host “the world’s leading physicians, scientists, leaders of faith, ethicists, patient advocates, policymakers, philanthropists and influencers to engage in powerful conversations on the latest breakthroughs in medicine, health care delivery and prevention.”

Speakers for the virtual conference are the world’s elites. Those picked to lecture on health and the soul include CEOs of large pharmaceutical companies, including Moderna and Pfizer, and former supermodel Cindy Crawford, English primatologist Jane Goodall, Aerosmith lead guitarist Joe Perry, and CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

Speaker Chelsea Clinton is a high-profile abortion advocate, like her mother and father, Hillary and Bill Clinton. Chelsea labels the pro-life movement as an “anti-choice movement,” and is an outspoken supporter of Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the U.S.

In 2018, Chelsea spoke at a “Rise up for Roe” event in New York City, a meeting organized by the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League and Planned Parenthood to oppose Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. During her address, she glowingly credited legal abortion for adding trillions of dollars to the U.S. economy.

“American women entering the labor force from 1973 to 2009 added three and a half trillion dollars to our economy,” Clinton stated. “The net, new entrance of women — that is not disconnected from the fact that Roe became the law of the land in January of 1973.”

Chelsea is also Vice President of the Clinton Foundation, an organization riddled with controversy and corruption, and a supporter of global pro-abortion initiatives.

The Catholic Church publicly professes that life begins at conception and abortion is a case of direct killing of an innocent human being — a violation of the rights of the youngest members of our society and the human family.”

In fact, the Catholic Church has been a leading advocate for the right to life for hundreds of years. “Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law,” reads the Catholic Catechism.

There is no mention of Clinton’s anti-life stance on the Vatican’s website, she is simply identified as “vice chair, Clinton Foundation.” The Church is actively elevating Clinton, who vocally advocates for a practice that harms mothers and kills innocent children, as an authority on the “mind, body, and soul.”

The conference will take place May 6-8, and “will be moderated by renowned journalists, who will explore the role of religion, faith and spirituality, and the interplay of the mind, body, and soul – and, ultimately, search for areas of convergence between the humanities and the natural sciences.”

The “renowned” journalists include Katie Couric, Richard Lui, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Amy Robach, Robin Roberts, and Meredith Vieira.

“Together we will focus on advances in medical innovation and the creation of healthier communities and seek to catalyze new, interdisciplinary approaches and partnerships to improve health and wellbeing, as well as understand human uniqueness,” the Vatican said.

“RESURRECTION” MOVIE: Like Oprah, New Agers Roma Downey and hubby Mark Burnett now falsely claiming they’re Christians








Downey & Burnett: Living Out Your Faith in Today's Culture - Focus on the Family



Roma Downey Joins Dinesh D'Souza to Discuss Her New Film "Resurrection"

Downey & Burnett are New Agers, Oprah's friends, apostates, heretics, Catholic leaning contemplative mystics, etc. SEE: for multiple posts that prove this. Why, if D'Souza is so educated, is he so enthralled with these people, and so undiscerning? Why hasn't he researched and vetted them before recommending them to the world? Unless of course he's of like mind. In that case, we should either avoid the three and/or take what they say with a grain of salt. Very disappointed Dinesh!




The State of the Church: An Interview with John MacArthur

The #1 Reason I Believe the Enneagram is Deceptive

Ah yes… the Enneagram… how have I not made a video about this before? I want to briefly share 3 reasons with you why this popular personality trend isn’t what you think it is. When things like this come up I usually wait and learn as much as I can I thought it first before I give an educated opinion. Sometimes I see Christians making a bigger deal out of things than they need to be, and other times they were spot on. I believe it takes wisdom, time, and discernment to come to a solid conclusion. Though I'm still learning about this topic, I've come to a point where, indeed, this is a major issue within the Christian community. In this video, I share why. Timestamps: #1: False History- 3:12 #2: Richard Rohr- 3:46 #3: My Main Issue- 5:32 * *(This was actually a point brought up by Jeremiah Roberts in their Cultish Podcast with Marcia Montenegro. You can listen to that here: ) The Book, "Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret": Book Website: Marcia Montenegro's Website: http://www.christiananswersforthenewa... Joy and Don Veniot's Website: More Resources: My Testimony: Sharing Truth in Love: What is the Gospel?: Scriptures Showing why Universalism, Mysticism, Oneness, Law of Attraction are not Biblical: What is Progressive Christianity?: Top 5 New Age Teachings in the Church: Breaking Down Scriptures that seem to support Word of faith and new Age teachings with Mike Winger: Bethel Church embracing the New Age and the book Physics of Heaven: Why the Law of Attraction is garbage: What is Word of faith, and why is it important?: My Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: @melissadougherty77 If you are led, please consider donating:

California Curriculum Leads Chant to Aztec God of Human Sacrifice

ABOVE: Tzompantli (wall of skulls) at Templo Mayor, Mexico City. Photo credit Juan Carlos Fonseca Mata, accessed via Creative Commons 4.0 license.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Next week, the California Department of Education will vote on a new ethnic studies curriculum that seeks to root out “white supremacy,” “colonization,” and the various evils of American culture. The curriculum aims to reverse Christianity’s alleged “theocide” against Native American gods by leading students in a chant to various indigenous deities, including the Aztec god of human sacrifice. This horrific chant arguably violates the First Amendment, but it also exposes the true ugliness of “woke” supremacy.

The Discovery Institute’s Christopher Rufo exposed the new curriculum in City Journal and published the full documents on his blog.

R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, the original co-chair of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, developed much of the curriculum’s material on early American history. The curriculum cites Cuauhtin’s book Rethinking Ethnic Studies, in which he argues that the United States was founded on “Eurocentric, white supremacist (racist, anti-Black, anti-Indigenous), capitalist (classist), patriarchal (sexist and misogynistic), heteropatriarchal (homophobic), and anthropocentric paradigm brought from Europe.”

The ethnic studies curriculum claims that whites began “grabbing the land,” “hatching hierarchies,” and “developing for Europe/whiteness,” which created “excess wealth” that “became the basis for the capitalist economy.” This white “hegemony” continues to the present, and it allegedly subjects minorities to “socialization, domestication, and ‘zombification.'”

Largest Child-Sacrifice Graveyard Strikes Huge Blow to Native American Innocence Myth

The curriculum singles out Christianity for particular demonization. Cuauhtin claimed that white Christians committed “theocide” by killing indigenous gods while replacing tribal cults with Christianity. White settlers established a regime of “colonially, dehumanization, and genocide,” characterized by the “explicit erasure and replacement of holistic indigeneity and humanity.”

According to the ethnic studies curriculum, the solution is to “name, speak to, resist, and transform the hegemonic Eurocentric neocolonial condition” through a posture of “transformational resistance.” This Marxist resistance aims to “decolonize” American society and establish a new regime of “counter genocide” and “counterhegemony,” to displace white Christian culture and spark a “regeneration of indigenous epistemic and cultural futurity.”

Beneath all the academic language, this entails an effective return to worship of the pagan gods of pre-Columbian America. The curriculum suggests an “ethic studies community chant” complete with invocations of indigenous American deities.

The curriculum urges teachers to lead students in a series of indigenous songs and chants, including the “In Lak Ech Affirmation,” which appeals directly to the Aztec gods. Students clap and chant to the god Tezkatlipoka—whom the Aztecs worshipped with human sacrifice and cannibalism—asking him for the power to become “warriors” for “social justice.” Then the students chant to the gods Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli, and Xipe Totek, seeking “healing epistemologies” and a “revolutionary spirit.” Huitzilopochtli was the Aztec god of war who inspired hundreds of thousands of human sacrifices.

The chant ends with a request for “liberation, transformation, decolonization,” after which students shout “Panche beh! Panche beh!” in a quest for “critical consciousness.”

As Rufo noted, the curriculum’s support for chants directly appealing to Aztec gods almost certainly violates the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause. If that clause prevents public schools from leading Christian prayers, it must certainly forbid the exact opposite.

Yet in the eyes of Marxist critical theorists, such a religious subversion of Christianity may not even seem religious at all, but merely a reversal of “oppression.”

The SPLC’s Horrifying Plan for Your Children’s Schools

Yes, Marxist critical theorists are so obsessed with throwing off the “white” Christian “oppression” that they will defend even state-sanctioned prayers to the Aztec god of human sacrifice. Never mind that there is nothing inherently “white” about Christianity — Jesus commanded His disciples to preach to all nations, and representatives of people from across the Roman Empire, including Persia and North Africa, were present at the first Pentecost.

This curriculum uses a pagan power matrix to analyze Christianity, which explicitly rejected the idea that the gods of conquering people proved their superiority through conquest. While pagan tribes and kingdoms set up hierarchies, allowing oppressed people to worship their subservient gods so long as they acknowledged the preeminence of the rulers’ god, Jewish prophets taught that the all-powerful God who created the universe allowed His people to be conquered, but that did not make the pagan gods of the conquerors superior to Him. Jesus taught that His kingdom was not of this world, and Christianity stressed inward conversion of heart, not outward conquest of land.

When I traveled to Peru last year — just before the COVID-19 pandemic shut that country down — I saw the great monuments of the Inca empire, and I felt the keen sense of loss in the fact that the Spanish destroyed much of the Incas’ architecture. Yet the Spanish also brought an end to the horrific practice of human sacrifice — which sometimes involved the ritual killing of children.

European powers did oppress indigenous people and the slaves they purchased from Africa, but before them, the indigenous empires carried out horrific oppressions of their own. The Aztecs conquered native tribes explicitly for the purpose of capturing enemy warriors for human sacrifice. Many tribes in Peru rose up against the Incas when the Spanish arrived — because they opposed Inca oppression.

Over time, Americans threw off the yokes of European powers, freed the slaves, and fought racism. Inspired in large part by Christianity and Judaism, the United States has helped create a global order and economy that has lifted people out of the grinding poverty and oppression that defined centuries of human existence. California’s ethnic studies curriculum would demonize those accomplishments in the name of centuries-old victims who themselves were perpetrators of a different kind of oppression.

This isn’t just dangerous and likely unconstitutional, it’s arguably demonic. California parents should raise a ruckus, and Americans as a whole need to oppose the threat of Marxist critical theory — the same ideology behind the destructive Black Lives Matter riots last summerthe 1619 Project, and even the condemnation of Dr. Seuss. Democrats defend critical race theory as a matter of “sensitivity training,” but this noxious ideology encourages an aimless violent revolution, false smears against American history, and now even worship of pagan gods.

Critical theory does not belong in boardrooms, universities, or the government, and it certainly belongs nowhere near America’s children.

Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

Asian American Group Eviscerates Critical Race Theory: ‘A Hateful, Divisive, Manipulative Fraud’
1619 Project Backlash Is Building in Statehouses Across the Country
The Terrifying Reason Why Dr. Seuss’ Condemnation of Racism Isn’t Considered ‘Anti-Racist’ Enough
School Board Member Compares School Reopening to Slavery, ‘White Supremacist Ideology’

MELISSA DOUGHERTY: Update on My Research of Bethel’s “Sozo” Deliverance Ministry

This is a brief video update on my ongoing research on Sozo, a deliverance ministry that is done through Bethel Church. Anything out of Bethel I'm suspect of, and this has been a ministry that I've been wanting to look into for about a year now. The research is prayerfully ongoing, and I ask that you not only pray for me as I research this but pray for hearts at Bethel to be softened to listen to another perspective on this.

Scriptures Showing why Universalism, Mysticism, Oneness, Law of Attraction are not Biblical:

Top 5 New Age Teachings in the Church:

Breaking Down Scriptures that seem to support Word of faith and new Age teachings with Mike Winger:

Bethel Church embracing the New Age and the book Physics of Heaven:

Why the Law of Attraction is garbage:





InterVarsity’s “2030 Calling” – Raising Up Young Evangelicals to Be the Mystics of Tomorrow


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

For many years, Lighthouse Trails has tried to warn the church about evangelical publishing houses that are releasing countless materials which promote and teach contemplative spirituality. One of the publishing companies that is at the forefront of this effort to bring the New Age/new spirituality practice of contemplative prayer into the church is InterVarsity Press which has a particular focus on young evangelicals. In light of this, our concerns have only heightened upon learning of InterVarsity’s “2030 Calling,” especially when we consider how contemplative spirituality is one of the most robust vehicles that lead young evangelicals into an anti-biblical, anti-moral, “progressive,” pro-emergent outlook.

What is Contemplative Prayer?

For those unfamiliar with the term “contemplative prayer,” it is a mystical prayer practice which uses repetition of a word or phrase to enter the “silence,” “stillness,” or so-called “sacred space” in order to, supposedly, hear the voice of God. In fact, contemplative proponents like Beth Moore say you cannot even be close to God without this inner stillness. However, as author and researcher Ray Yungen points out, it is a great deception for Christians to believe this is a safe and legitimate method of communing with God, and nowhere in Scripture are we admonished to do this. In actuality, though one’s intent may be to seek the Lord, practicing something that is virtually identical in method to eastern meditation practices such as Transcendental Meditation is dangerous and will get the same result as TM practitioners—and that is to reach a spiritually demonic realm. And as Yungen explains, the “fruit” of practicing contemplative prayer is interspirituality (all paths lead to God), panentheism (God is in all), and universalism (all are saved).

InterVarsity Press—A History of Promoting CP

Lighthouse Trails began tracking the contemplative propensities of InterVarsity Press (IVP) about 15 years ago.

In 2006, we examined the connection IVP had developed with the now-defunct Conversations Journal (a “Forum for Authentic Transformation”). The Journal, founded by three contemplative advocates (Larry Crabb, Gary Moon, and David Benner) and promoted by many contemplative emergents such as Dallas Willard, John Ortberg, Richard Foster and Catholic mystic Basil Pennington, hoped to “transform” Christian believers into Christian mystics through contemplative prayer.

Also in 2006, we wrote an article that listed some of the books contemplative publishers had recently (at that time) published. InterVarsity’s list contained The Garden of the Soul by Keri Wyatt Kent, Sacred Companions by David Benner, Invitation to Solitude and Silence by Ruth Haley Barton, Meditative Prayer by Richard Foster, and Solitude and Silence by Jan Johnson. These authors are some of the major heavyweights in the contemplative prayer (aka Spiritual Formation) movement, and IVP was right in the middle of this all-out effort to transform the church.

Over the next 14 years, Lighthouse Trails often included InterVarsity Press in articles and reports on contemplative spirituality in the church as IVP consistently continued publishing these materials. Today, Meditative Prayer by Foster and Invitation to Solitude and Silence by Barton are still on IVP’s book list. The following is from our booklet Is Your Church Doing Spiritual Formation? just to give a small snapshot of what contemplative figures in the church today teach:

[In his book] Meditative Prayer, Foster says that the purpose of meditative prayer is to create a “spiritual space” or “inner sanctuary” through “specific meditation exercises” (p.9). Foster references several mystics in the book who can point the way to these exercises: Madame Guyon, Teresa of Avila, Francis de Sales, Henri Nouwen, and Thomas Merton. Foster breaks the contemplative process down into three steps. He says:

“The first step [into meditative prayer] is sometimes called “centering down.” Others have used the term re-collection; that is, a re-collecting of ourselves until we are unified or whole. The idea is to let go of all competing distractions until we are truly centered, until we are truly present where we are.”(p.9)

Foster suggests that practicing visualization methods helps us center down. In the second step of meditation, Foster suggests that mystic Richard Rolle experienced “physical sensations” (p.17) (kundalini) during meditation which perhaps we may or may not experience as well. (p.18) Step three of meditation, Foster says, is that of “listening” to God. Once the meditative exercises have been implemented and the “spiritual ecstasy” is reached, this entered realm is where the voice of God can be heard. (p.23) However, as any New Age meditator knows, this ecstatic state is an altered state of consciousness where everything is supposed to be unified and one with God. Foster acknowledges the interspiritual attribute linked to contemplative prayer when he states: “[Jesus] showed us God’s yearning for the gathering of an all-inclusive community of loving persons.” (p.5) Foster defines more of what he means by “all-inclusive” in his book Streams of Living Water when he says this “all-inclusive community” includes everything from a “Catholic monk” to a “Baptist evangelist.” (p.12)

InterVarsity Press Today

Today, you will find that InterVarsity Press has not just continued on the contemplative publishing path, it has embraced it wholeheartedly to the nth degree. IVP books feature everything from Enneagrams to labyrinths to many forms of meditation practices, and as is the “natural” course for those practicing contemplative prayer, IVP also includes a growing number of books and authors that promote social justice and all that goes with it including Critical Race Theory.

Thus, when we read about IVP’s goal for the year 2030 (“2030 Calling”), knowing that the main target is young evangelicals, we shudder. Here is the description of “2030 Calling”:

Longing for revival, we catalyze movements that call every corner of every campus to follow Jesus [the mystical contemplative “Jesus”] For over 75 years, InterVarsity has worked to establish witnessing communities on almost 700 campuses. But did you know that of the 2,500 US college campuses (with 1,000+ students), more than half have no known campus ministry presence? God has given InterVarsity the 2030 Calling, to reach all 2,500 campuses by the year 2030. To do this, we will start ministries on new campuses, mobilize millions to pray, and partner with other ministries and churches. (source, emphasis added)

The Mystics of Tomorrow

Catholic mystic and panentheist Richard Rohr (who is praised on the IVP website) said once that one of his publishers told him his biggest audience is young evangelical men. That would suggest that the future pastors, fathers, and leaders of the “Christian church” are going to be mystical meditators! So mystic Karl Rahner was right (as Ray Yungen often pointed out) when Rahner said, “The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will be nothing.” Did we mention that one of IVP’s authors, Ron Highfield wrote a book titled Great is the Lord: Theology for the Praise of GodBarth and [Karl] Rahner: Toward an Ecumenical Understanding of Sin and EvilGod, Freedom & Human Dignity?

In the last chapter of Ray Yungen’s book, A Time of Departing titled “The Christian of the Future,” Yungen states:

Within the evangelical world, contemplative prayer is increasingly being promoted and accepted. As a result, it is losing its esoteric aspect and is now seen by many as the wave of the future. . . .

Contemplative advocates propose that there has been something vital and important missing from the church for centuries. The insinuation is that Christians have been lacking something necessary for their spiritual vitality; but that would mean the Holy Spirit has not been fully effective for hundreds of years and only now the secret key has been found that unlocks God’s full power to know Him. These proponents believe that Christianity has been seriously crippled without this extra ingredient. This kind of thinking leads one to believe that traditional, biblical Christianity is merely a philosophy without the contemplative prayer element. Contemplatives are making a distinction between studying and meditating on the Word of God versus experiencing Him, suggesting that we cannot hear Him or really know Him simply by studying His Word or even through normal prayer—we must be contemplative to accomplish this. But the Bible makes it clear that the Word of God is living and active, and has always been that way, and it is in filling our minds with it that we come to love Him, not through a mystical practice of stopping the flow of thought (the stillness) that is never once mentioned in the Bible, except in warnings against vain repetitions. . . .

Mysticism neutralizes doctrinal differences by sacrificing the truth of Scripture for a mystical experience. Mysticism offers a common ground, and supposedly that commonality is divinity in all. But we know from Scripture “there is one God; and there is none other but he” (Mark 12:32).

In one book that is sold on IVP’s website (of which they are distributors, not the publishers) titled The Teenage Prayer Experiment Notebook by Miranda Threlfall-Holmes, it states, “Each chapter of the book introduces a prayer practice, eg using labyrinths, Lego Bible modeling, prayer beads, prayer walking.” The book also includes a chapter titled “Breathing Meditations” and one on the meditative prayer exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola (founder of the Jesuits).

As InterVarsity Press races to reach millions and millions of young people by 2030 with its mystical message, please do what you can to educate and equip your children and grandchildren before they pick up an IVP book or attend an IVP meeting in college and have their lives and their spirituality turned upside down.

Evangelical Deep State Misleading Christians

In an interview with The New American magazine's Senior Editor Alex Newman, prominent Southern Baptist evangelist Thomas Littleton exposes the "Evangelical Deep State" and its nefarious efforts to mislead the Church and corrupt even conservative denominations. Among other concerns, he points to the normalization of homosexuality, the spread of support for "social justice" heresies, the joining together with the Marxist "Black Lives Matter" movement, and more. But people are waking up, he said. 🇺🇸 The New American:

Kari Jobe, Hillsong, Bethel Music Steeped in Pagan Idolatry


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

There was something peculiar about the old hymns that churches would embrace and sing together on Sunday mornings. For the most part, they were rich in doctrine — they actually communicated something to the congregation. They were exegetical, they told us who God is and about what He has done. It was in response to this rich theology and the knowledge of God that the congregation responded in praise and worship.

It was reverent and orderly — it was not a chaotic mess. That is, until, the charismatic movement began to grow. The charismatic movement has influenced the worship in the vast majority of churches in the world today. Charismatic worship focuses much less on biblical doctrine and much more on garnering an emotional response from the worshiper.

Charismatic worship music draws its foundations from the modern culture — and that culture is a mixture of Western technological advances in music coupled with Eastern mysticism. That is, through modern musical styles, often an emotional trance-like state can be achieved through repetitive beats and choruses. With a lack of concern for the words itself, in a sense, one is “under the influence” of the music, increasing suggestibility.

This is one of the hallmarks of the charismatic movement. Their focus is much more on the Holy Spirit — what they believe to be the Holy Spirit — than it is on sound doctrine. Consider what one of the pioneers of modern charismatic worship, Jack Hayford, states in his bookWorship His Majesty,

There is an unholy propensity in human nature to secure itself in history rather than open itself to simplicity–the simple touch of God, the summoning voice of the Spirit. Just as with the Reformation, ecclesiastical and theological resistance sustains its posturing against the new, the fresh and the childlike. The effort to “keep control” breeds the forging of new instruments of doctrinaire domination over the church…

The idea is that doctrine enslaves people to an inferior form of worship and does not allow one to “experience” the Holy Spirit through their emotions. In the same chapter, Hayford, writing about the effects of the Protestant Reformation says, “the shackles of emotional, intellectual, and spiritual slavery were cast aside and a renaissance of learning and social advancement was realized.” Of course, that isn’t exactly true. It is true that Christians were set free from the spiritual bondage of the Roman Catholic Church, which is a false church filled with false doctrine. However, as the New Testament teaches, being set free from the bondage of corruption actually enslaves us to Christ Himself, which, in turn, enslaves us to good doctrine. Hayford, however, continues, “I believe a new Reformation in worship will accomplish the same thing.”

The “Reformation in worship” to which Hayford points is the watered-down charismatic emotionally-driven worship we see in our churches today. When you walk into any modern Evangelical church, the airwaves are filled with the sounds of electric guitars, drums, and a multitude of instrumental riffs that tickle the ears of hundreds, even thousands of people who stand with their hands in the air swaying back and forth. Sadly, for the most part, it isn’t God that they are worshiping, but the music. Often there is no choir, and often, the music is led by one lead singer. The focus is often on that lead singer and rather than congregational, reverent worship, it’s an entertainment show that is designed to garner an emotional state to prepare one to hear and receive whatever it is the pastor, who follows the worship service, has to say. It’s, for lack of a better way of putting it, hypnosis.

And this is exactly how the Eastern mystics have worked throughout the ages, and now repackaged with a modern snare into the New-Age movement. Entrance your audience, indoctrinate them into your religion through seduction, and keep them through their emotions. The charismatic worship movement is simply New-Age mysticism enveloped with a veneer of Christianity.






Hillsong Music is a Gateway Drug to Apostasy, Your Church is Dealing it to You


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Last year, we watched a string of high-profile apostasies take place, including Marty Sampson, one of the most prominent Hillsong music artists over the years. Sampson is not the only one, though. Hillsong Church is not a church, but a breeding ground for false converts — and is filled with false teachers. Hillsong has practically merged with the Roman Catholic Church and has even held Catholic Masses at its conferences and it has completely embraced the Word of Faith heresy.

This is an updated article that seeks to explain why your church shouldn’t be feeding you this drug.

It is the bounden duty of every Christian to pray against Antichrist and as to what Antichrist is no sane man ought to raise a question. If it be not the Popery in the Church of Rome, there is nothing in the world that can be called by that name. . .It wounds Christ, because it robs Christ of His glory, because it puts sacramental efficacy in the place of His atonement and lifts a piece of bread into the place of the Savior and a few drops of water into the place of the Holy Spirit and puts a mere fallible man like ourselves up as the Vicar of Christ on earth. If we pray against it, because it is against Him, we shall love the persons though we hate their errors; we shall love their souls though we loathe and detest their dogmas. And so the breath of our prayers will be sweetened because we turn our faces toward Christ when we pray.

– Charles H. Spurgeon

By far, the greatest evil in the church are the works of darkness that creep in unaware to dilute the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, while building a false church that serves the interest of man. One of the major players in these days of iniquitous works is the world-wide organization known as Hillsong Church. Hillsong has fed much to the evangelical church in the way of wickedness through its many programs, especially its music production program. Hillsong’s music is played in nearly every evangelical church in the world, as well as many Roman Catholic churches. The purchase of every piece of “worshipful art” from them goes to support their works and pays homage to their apostasy.

Does your church worship service include Hillsong’s music?

Hillsong church is a breeding ground for false converts. Some of their New York campus’ flagship products include the homosexual couple, Reed Kelly and Josh Canfield, in which Canfield volunteers as a choir director 2 and Justin Bieber, who has continual run-ins with the law.

Hillsong Australia’s former worship pastrix, Darlene Zschech, has taken the apostate nature of Hillsong’s artisanship to the highest level.

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. – Eph 5:11

Zschech has chosen instead to bear false witness to the world, blaspheming the Holy Spirit by attributing evil deeds to Him that he did not do. In a recent blog post, she wrote,

I am writing this mid-air on my way home from Singapore after an amazing time away speaking, leading worship, writing songs, being with dear friends. It has been wonderful. And, to see what the Holy Spirit is doing around the earth is completely breathtaking. Even in all the expressions that make us different as God’s colourful church, its incredible to me that when the Holy Spirit draws near, His role in our experience of following Jesus makes us so very similar.

What is she referring to? Her recent capitulation to Rome–the Vatican, at an ecumenical worship event lead by the Roman Catholic Church. Don Moen, an American “worship leader” with close ties to Zschech and Hillsong, who also participated in the event was quoted as saying in an article at Christianity Today,

This ecumenical event brings Protestants, Catholics, and Jews together as we pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are being martyred and persecuted all over the world today.

I find it extremely difficult to reconcile this mindset, the acceptance that contradictory beliefs can all be from the same God, as a work of the Holy Spirit. She refers to it as “different characteristics, faces, tastes, and giftings.. yet a DNA running through our veins that draw us together.” In Philippians 2:2, Paul teaches us to be “of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” True Christians can only be united around the truth because God is truth.  She goes on to say,

A few months ago a very interesting email turned up in my office inviting me to sing at a beautiful event called the ‘Catholic charismatic renewal’ at St Peters Square, to actually lead songs of worship with others as the Pope called people to prayer and unity…Most invites I receive, I am unable to say yes to, but when Mark and I feel a peace about it, I go…This invite to Rome was about many different denominations coming together to pray for the world…

The Holy Spirit does not lead Christians into an ecumenical, multi-god “praise and worship” event put on by the ancient enemy of the Gospel, the Roman Catholic Church. It’s quite the opposite. The Holy Spirit leads people out of Rome, and out of apostasy (Revelation 18:4). The Holy Spirit finds what Zschech claims she was led to do by Him as totally unacceptable (Eph 5:11).

Zschech has been deceived, as many from Hillsong have, that doctrine is of no importance in the Christian life, and that all who name the name of Christ–Roman Catholics, homosexuals, unrepentant sinners–as long as you name Christ, we are all united in that confession. She goes on to say,

I was not there to judge, I was not there to become a Catholic, I was not there to sightsee. But I WAS there to lift up the name of Jesus.. without any hesitation or compromise.. for as I have learned over many years, that once Jesus is the centre.. anything can happen.

Right Darlene, let’s not judge, let’s just jump on the bandwagon of feel-good music, man-centered pep talks, and motivational speaking, all while we judge those who truly want to hold to sound doctrine and see people come to a true saving faith in Jesus Christ. “Once Jesus is the center, anything can happen,” she says. The center of what? Your blasphemous, idolatrous event that mocks who he is, and what he has done? Jesus will not be mocked (Gal 6:7). You can rest assured that the Jesus of the Bible was not the center of that event–rather he was looking down at you, calling you to repent. You have more than compromised his name, you have outright denied him.

Nonetheless, she believes that the Holy Spirit has brought her together with the Pope, the Roman Catholic Church, to lead thousands of lost people in an ecumenical worship service, united under a false Gospel, and a false Jesus. But this isn’t surprising considering apostasy coming out of the church she was brought up in. Hillsong has focused on a works-based gospel–a social gospel, nearly identical to that of Rome. She continues,

A message was preached about the power of the Holy Spirit at work in our midst, and about the great grace of God which we are all dependent. Pope Francis asked the crowd to declare loudly,’Jesus is Lord’ three times and each time it grew in confidence and intention. Worship was lifted up which had the many thousands of people who attended all singing in free-flowing moments which to be honest, was reminiscent of a time I sang on a John Wimber crusade in New Zealand many years ago.

So the Pope asks the crowd to repeat a mantra, and their “confidence and intention” grew with each repetition? Strangely, this sounds a lot closer to Eastern Mysticism than to Christianity. Besides the fact that vain repetitions are forbidden in Scripture (Matthew 6:7), we are taught to humble ourselves before the Lord. We don’t use him as a wishing well. However, this practice is nonetheless rooted in the heretical Word of Faith movement that teaches that our words have the power to speak things into being. Proponents of this heresy, such as Kenneth Copeland, have argued that since God was able to speak things into existence, that man has been endowed with the ability to do the same, equating faith to a “creative force.”

She closes her blog with some very troubling statements–statements that are indicative of the lost state of her soul, as well as many others. She says:

It all comes down to a seeking heart. And a God, who is seeking us, is NOT defined or intimidated by denomination, liturgy, age or preferences… the TRUTH of our hearts toward Him is what He is after. Not controlled or manufactured, outside in expressions of lives trying to present a Holy life. Jesus, only Jesus is the answer. He takes us as He finds us. He works with us every day, from the inside out, patient and kind in His love for us and His ultimate work in our lives, leading us daily in our life’s purpose.

She’s right that Jesus is the only answer, but which Jesus? The Jesus of the Roman Catholic Church is not the same Jesus of the Bible. The Roman Catholic Jesus is a Jesus who is summoned by a priest and dwells within the body of a wafer during his repeated sacrifice on the altar of the Satanic temple daily.

So yes, I did meet Pope Francis. And yes, I did witness something truly miraculous…Change is happening all over the planet. There is a hunger for the truth of being a Christ follower, and so Christ followers need to be found EVERYWHERE.. that we will be a witness BY OUR LOVE.

Change is certainly happening all over the planet, but it’s not for the truth. The Bible teaches there will be a great falling away, a rebellion against God in the last days (2 Thes 2:3), and we see it happening right in front of our eyes. The apostate church of Rome is leading the way, and Zschech and Hillsong are right behind them. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 says that people like Zschech are “false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan, disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.” Zschech is following a false path and teaching a false Gospel. Her ends will correspond to her deeds.

Finally, she has this to say,

C’mon church. Isaiah 60 says to ARISE SHINE Thy light has come that even as the earth grows darker, Christ’s light in us shines brighter. Let’s not be dulled down by a lack of understanding, or a judgmental attitude. I had to continually remind myself that I was there to announce and declare the Kingdom of God and not to fault find but to be aware and awake to something very precious. And so on we go, hearts and hands ready for all God is calling us into.

Folks, this lady is totally, and completely lost. She has absolutely no idea who Jesus Christ is, what he has done, or why he has done it. Yet, her music is played in solid churches and listened to by faithful people all around the world. Why do our churches continue to promote and support the rank heresy that comes out of Hillsong Church? Is it because we don’t any better? Arguably, most evangelical churches are on the same page as Zschech, but some would openly reject this false doctrine, and preach it back to the pits of Hell where it belongs, yet they are completely blind to the fact that they are supporting it, and feeding it, by purchasing the rights to this music to lead their faithful congregations in worship of the one true God. Can we not see the absolute hypocrisy here? Why?




ALISA CHILDERS INTERVIEWS ALLIE BETH STUCKEY: How to Escape the Cult of Self-Affirmation

In this podcast, Allie Beth Stuckey joins us to analyze the popular ideas promoted by self-help gurus like Jen Hatmaker, Glennon Doyle, Rachel Hollis, and Brene Brown. We discuss questions like, am I enough? Do I have to love myself before I can love others? What is the cult of self-affirmation? What is "meology," and why is it such a popular way to interpret the Bible? Allie also tells us about her new book, You're Not Enough and That's Okay, and its message that runs contrary to some of these other popular teachers. To order Alisa’s book, “Another Gospel”: This video is not sponsored. Product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission. To order Allie Beth's book, "You Are Not Enough, and that's OK": For all links to Alisa’s recommended reading, podcast studio gear and other items, visit the Alisa Childers Amazon Store at



Brené Brown and the Lie of the Divine Self

Kat Kerr Says 1,000 ‘Special Ops Angels’ Have Been Dispatched to Ensure Trump’s Reelection

Kat Kerr 2019 British Isles Cruise

Look what Kat Kerr "Prophesied" about Donald Trump:


Kat Kerr

Kat Kerr Says 1000s of Angels Wearing Red White and Blue Robes Told Her Trump is Going to Win the Election


EXCERPT: "Kat Kerr — who you may remember last year falsely predicted that she was going to “crush” Hurricane Dorian and, instead, Dorian took many lives — is one of the most well-known prophets in the New Apostolic Reformation. The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a loose coalition of false prophets and apostles — founded by the late C. Peter Wagner — who band together to promote each other’s fake signs and wonders, sell each other’s books, and defraud people for money."


As Mark Dever Defends Democrats, Trump Appointee Defends Mark Dever’s Church’s Right to Worship


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

A federal judge recently ruled in favor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C. as he slapped down Mayor Muriel Bowser’s church shutdown order as unconstitutional.

In his rebuke of the mayor’s Draconian lockdown targeting churches while allowing riots and protests to continue unabated, the judge correctly cited Hebrews 10:25 as part of the Church’s deeply-held religious beliefs to assemble regularly.

“…not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

It has been a historic practice of the Church to assemble — in person, regularly — for corporate worship, prayer, and service. The practice has been observed for centuries, however, Pagan-run governments around the world have never ceased in their efforts to stifle religious freedom. For centuries, the politically-motivated Roman Catholic Church held the most power over the true Church — even killing millions of those worshipers over the years who dared to abandon their first loyalty to her.

Now, during a time of epic crisis in the United States and around the world, tyrants have continued to reach for more power while trying to dismantle and neuter the Church.

In D.C., the mayor’s order would allow churches to meet outside the District, conduct services by radio, or limit the number of people who could attend to no more than 100. However, according to the Washington Times, District Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee, said none of those met the church’s deeply held religious need to meet as a whole congregation, which numbered nearly 1,000 people before the pandemic meant.

The judge stated, according to The Washington Times, that “officials may think their alternatives are good enough but that’s not up to them to dictate. The church has a sincerely held belief about the centrality of a full communal gathering, and the city is hindering that.”

“It is for the church, not the District or this court, to define for itself the meaning of ‘not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,’” Judge McFadden wrote, citing the scriptural passage from the New Testament’s Epistle to the Hebrews.

Interestingly, Capitol Hill Baptist Church has been one of the politically-progressive churches that have opposed Donald Trump over the last four years. Dever has advanced the leftist narrative that white cops are out to kill black people, and he doesn’t believe that Democrat-sanctioned abortion is as bad as Hitler’s Germany. The church’s pastor, Mark Dever, has repeatedly argued that it is acceptable for church members to support pro-choice, anti-religious freedom Democrat candidates. However, had Democrats been in charge and leftists judges been appointed, Dever could have kissed his religious freedom good bye.






Alisa Childers, the author of “Another Gospel,” warns that Progressive Christianity is so far removed from biblical Christianity that its followers may not be saved. Alisa explains the similarities between the new age and Progressive Christianity. You can preorder her book and receive bonus gifts, including admission into a private Facebook group by signing up at Please watch the American Gospel films. You can learn more about them at



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman, Midwest Christian Outreach chief Don Veinot explains that occultism is invading homeschool materials and is even being peddled by well-known Christian publishers. In particular, the occult Enneagram is being marketed as a tool to help Christians get closer to God. And yet, the evidence proves this is a dangerous scheme that was received using "automatic writing," Veinot explains, offering video proof. Veinot says it is important for Christians and homeschoolers to be on the lookout for this sort of infiltration.




Caitlin Englebert was a “holy yoga” instructor, who tried to blend her Christian faith with yoga. This is her dramatic testimony of her terrifying spiritual warfare and sleep paralysis that happened when she began yoga, and her realization that yoga poses are worship of pagan deities. Wait until you hear her tell the truth about warrior pose! You can follow Caitlin on Her YouTube channel with non-yoga stretches is at: The article about yoga and demon worship is at: Jessica Smith’s website is:




Are Affirmations Biblical? My Thoughts.


I Am Worthy of making more money. I am full of positive love and positive energy. I am loved, loving, and loveable. I am becoming the best version of myself . I am enough. These are only some of the affirmations I made when I practiced the Law of Attraction as a new ager. What’s wrong with these statements? Are self-affirmations like this really new age? Why? Is it wrong to say or think positive things about myself now? Am I supposed to walk around thinking what a terrible person I am because saying positive things about myself is ‘new age’? These are some of the common questions I asked myself when I left the new age, and many have asked me similar questions. Honestly, many ex new agers struggle with this. In this video, I’m going to share Three main ideas that will help illustrate this and give biblical support to show you what I mean. **FYI- I did have some audio/visual issues while filming this video. Towards the middle of the video, you'll notice a slight lag. I always strive to put out the best quality image and audio I can for you guys. I was a little frustrated while editing it because it was difficult to fix and debated not posting the video at all. But I thought the content was good and fixed what I could, and overall, I think it came together okay. Further research: Talking about the Word of Faith Movement on Cultish: How the New age Movement Misuses Bible Verses: My Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: @melissadougherty77 If you are led, please consider contributing:





Steven Bancarz explains how ideas such as astrology, spiritual energy, universalism, psychics, aliens, reincarnation, and self-love are all impacting the church and society as a whole today. He also walks us through his journey from enjoying success as a New Age teacher to transforming into a born-again Christian. Part one of a two-part, jam-packed episode of Relatable. ---------- Steven Bancarz's Website:
How is New Age spirituality affecting the church today? Yoga, word of faith, karma, enneagrams and self-love are becoming accepted practices, increasingly, every day. Steven Bancarz and Allie break down how the "god of self" has no comparison to the salvation of Jesus Christ. ---------- Steven Bancarz's Website:



Doreen Virtue tried to blend new age with Christianity for decades, and the results were disastrous as she explains in this video why they are polar opposites that can never blend. Doreen discusses yoga, the enneagram, essential oil blends, eastern meditation, and crystals. She warns parents about new age marketing toward children, and warns Christians about new age infiltrating into the Church.

This video originally aired on Engage Truth at and on Engage Apologetics on Facebook.

Doreen's blog on the topic is at:

For more information on Doreen's new book, please visit:

Please also visit her on social media at: Virtue

Parler: DoreenVirtue




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

I am no longer a Nazarene.  I have primarily shifted my focus on pastoring my church and taking care of my family. So it’s been a while that I posted.  But when I saw the latest statement by an official Nazarene group, I was outraged and could not let it go.

My outrage is at the Church of the Nazarene leadership, and their continuing deviation from emphasizing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to a capitulation to divisive social justice politics, and now divisive racial politics. Instead of seeking to unite the church behind the Gospel of Jesus Christ, leaders in the church are bringing it further into chaos and confusion by choosing a stark political viewpoint based on skin color. The following Nazarene statement was written by the ‘Black Strategic Readiness Team’ of USA/Canada Region.  I was never aware that such a group existed!  Is there a ‘White Strategic Readiness Team’? In a church that serves the Lord Jesus Christ, and that preaches holiness, is there really a need for such polarization?

In the statement by this group (which probably does not even represent a majority of Nazarenes), assumptions are made which are insulting and condescending. Proposals are made which, ironically, are actually racist, as I will point out. Their statement as a whole is racially divisive, and will serve no purpose other than to further create a schism in the denomination that has been adrift for years now. No Christian denomination should be creating racial division, and yet this is what exactly has been done here.

You be the judge for yourself after reading the statement.  And we are not simply calling out this group, because surely this is with full approval of the General Superintendents.  Here are just a few of the disturbing issues I have summarized:

  1. The group recommends hiring on a National level a Chief Diversity Officer, and of course, the person must be “of color.” And he/she will have the authority to implement hiring quotas, based on… race!  This is racism.
  2. They also want to create a list of candidates for District Superintendent- based only on the color of their skin! Apparently the content of a pastor’s character will matter far less than the color of his skin. This is clearly racism.  Absolutely outrageous.
  3. From their document: “As a denomination, the Church of the Nazarene heralds a message of holiness and transformation but tends to remain comfortable with the status quo as the calls for racial justice ring through our congregations and communities.” This is such a polarizing statement. How do these folks come to the conclusion that the church is “comfortable with the status quo”?  And what is the status quo?
  4. They recommend that on the District level, “cultural sensitivity training” for all pastors and leaders be done. And… it must be led by a person of color!  Racism again! And what an insult to the many pastors who have faithfully served the Lord without a single bit of racism in their body and mind, to now ask them to be “re-trained?”.  What is the purpose? To make sure that all white Nazarenes are singing along with the same chorus of Black Lives Matter?
  5. They “affirm the significance of black lives”. They “affirm black lives matter.” They may not like this, but all lives matter! They are focusing on racial division. It will not go well.
  6. From their document: “…unjust and systematically unheard stories of unarmed Black and Brown people at the hands of those who are tasked to “protect and serve.” As many others are doing, they are seemingly lumping all law enforcement officers as being problematic, which would be a lie. It is a disrespect of those who work so hard to defend their very lives.These are just a few of the disturbing things in this document. But to summarize again, these people do not speak for the vast majority of honest, loving and totally non-racist Christians in the church.  They have bought into an idea which they feel is the only correct one, and that is that there is systemic racism in the country and in the church.  It is a lie, and there are countless blacks and other people of color who would disagree almost completely with this document. Many will say that they will not play the victim card, and that it is time to stop the racial division now in the church.

    So why is this racial division being exercised?  I believe these Nazarenes mean well, but they have made a huge mistake.  They have bought into the Marxist ideology of a hateful and terroristic organization (Black Lives Matter).  They have been duped by a tool of Satan. Instead of bringing the church together, they have helped further sow the seeds of division by emphasizing the color of one’s skin.

    A Phony Outrage

    Has this group ever expressed their concern for the thousands of blacks who die at the hands of other blacks in Chicago and other war-torn cities?  Has this group expressed their outrage at 1,000 black innocent babies that day on a daily basis? Has this group, or the church leaders, expressed outrage at the killing of police officers as a result of these protests and riots? Have they expressed outrage at the many blacks whose livelihoods have been destroyed- by other blacks! Has this group, and the General Superintendents, ever expressed outrage at ALL racism, including black on white racism?  Have they called out Black Lives Matter, a totally racist organization led by people who promote an unbiblical and Marist agenda?  No.  Instead, they shamefully stand with them. Sadly, I don’t see any evidence that they truly care about racial justice for all. 

    What a shame, and what an insult to God’s word. I am no longer a Nazarene, but as many others like me, I cry in my heart as this holiness denomination is becoming a tool of the radical leftist agendas, just as it has been captured by the emergent church ideology already. But there are no watchmen anymore at the top of the leadership, and so it’s up to the people in the pews to do something about it.

    And as Dr. Everett Piper stated recently regarding Black Lives Matter:

    “How can you stand with an organization that mocks God, denies the Bible, belittles men, demeans women and subjugates generations of black children to the dysfunction of fatherless families?  What is wrong with you?”  (Evangelical Pastors Pander to Black Lives Matter)

    —————-Here is the link to the full statement:

     Statement Toward Racial Justice and Righteousness Black Strategic Readiness Team – Church of the Nazarene USA/Canada June 5, 2020

    We, the Black Strategic Readiness Team of the Church of the Nazarene – USA/Canada Region, long to see our denomination better connect with and support Black communities, churches, and leaders throughout the United States and Canada. Be it known to all that we stand against racial injustice. We are personally affected and also caring for many who are affected by the recent deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd. We acknowledge that their deaths represent many similar unjust and systematically unheard stories of unarmed Black and Brown people at the hands of those who are tasked to “protect and serve.” Words cannot adequately express our heartbreak for families, churches, communities, and all of humanity in this season of communal grief and urgency.

    A national outrage ensued that has rapidly spread across the nation and many parts of the world. “Enough is enough!” is the wearied outcry reverberating through the streets of our cities as protesters and allies call for change, not only against another incidence of racial injustice, but against the structures and systems that have historically and continuously devalued and marginalized the lives of Black and Brown people. Indeed, the historical sin of racism is very much a present reality and challenge for the church to address. We are seeking more than a statement.

    The complex issues of racism are deeply ingrained in the fabric of our nation, and a mere statement does not alleviate the constant searing anguish Black families and communities continue to endure. As a denomination, the Church of the Nazarene heralds a message of holiness and transformation but tends to remain comfortable with the status quo as the calls for racial justice ring through our congregations and communities. We acknowledge those who recognize and empathize with our raw pain, and we recognize our denomination’s Manual statement against racial “discrimination.” However, this is a crucial moment for the Church of the Nazarene to make commitments toward real change. We sense the need to move toward prayerful, thoughtful, and expeditious action.

    Our denomination’s growth in righteousness and justice must not be separated. Let us take seriously the Word of the Lord spoken through the prophet Isaiah: Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? (Isaiah 58:6) We ask leaders and congregations in the Church of the Nazarene to commit to breaking the chains of racial injustice. Join us in both lament and advocacy: We lament. We lament that racism continues to narrate the nation and negatively affect Christians’ imagination of what is possible. With the Psalmist, we cry out, “How long, O Lord?” We plead for the Holy Spirit to open calloused hearts and closed minds. We plead for the Holy Spirit to make the truth plain to those accustomed to finding their away around the Way of Jesus.

    Amidst this lament, we recognize that God has given human beings agency to participate in the Way forward and has empowered the church to bear witness to the kingdom of God here and now.

    We stand. We stand with every church and pastor who continues to trumpet the call for true justice and peace. We stand in alignment with God’s heart for justice to set the oppressed free (Luke 4:18)

    We affirm. We affirm God’s call to holiness of heart and life, which necessarily includes a commitment to racial justice. God chose the oppressed Hebrew community. God also identified with the oppressed people of Nazareth. We are called to illuminate the lives of people who have been systematically devalued in the United States. Affirming the significance of black lives is an essential way of resisting the evil fist of an unjust and prejudiced system that capitalizes on the suffering and death of Black people. We affirm that Black lives matter.

    We call. We call on the church to welcome and support courageous conversations about race and take bold action against racism in America and the Church of the Nazarene. This includes reflection upon the way racial injustice may be linked to other forms of injustice and will take commitment and intentionality from all levels of our denomination.

    We seek. We seek unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. We seek the peace of our communities. We seek shalom for all, recognizing that we can no longer settle for false notions of amity and

    reconciliation. True peacebuilding requires the uncomfortable work of unmasking and naming oppressive power structures as well as embracing the diligent work of change.

    We, hereby, recommend the following immediate action steps as we engage in longer-term planning:

    Action Steps on the National Level

    1. The General Board should facilitate an honest conversation with church leaders at every level about systemic racism in the Church of the Nazarene.
    2. The General Church (GMC) should hire a Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) of color for the USA/Canada region. He/she must be a member of the senior leadership team and be given full authority/power to enact hiring practices and recommendations and to ensure their implementation. He/she must also work with District leaders on developing objectives to ensure that districts reflect the diversity of their locality at every level.
    3. The General Superintendents should include and recommend on their short list qualified persons of color to fill District Superintendent vacancies in the USA/Canada region.

    Action Steps on the District Level

    1. District Superintendents and DAB (District Advisory Board) should conduct ongoing cultural sensitivity & diversity training for all local pastors and leaders. This training should be led by someone of color, preferably from outside the district.
    2. During pastoral assessments, District superintendents should openly engage the local church board/congregation about racial injustice in their congregation.
    3. The (DAB) should reflect the cultural diversity of the district that it serves.
    4. District Superintendents and DAB’s should develop relevant action steps aimed at increasing the presence of Black leaders and churches of color.

    Action Steps on the Local Level

    1. Pastors should intentionally address the challenges that people of color face.
    2. Pastors/church boards should promote and encourage intercultural activities.
    3. Pastors should seek opportunities to exchange pulpits with ministers of color who are in harmony with the Wesleyan doctrine of holiness.
    4. The local church and leadership should develop a plan for the church to reflect the diversity of the community at large and provide resources and support to its constituency.
    5. Churches should promote and provide a platform for open dialogues on racism with children, youth and young adults.

    Action Steps for Black Pastors and Leaders

    1. Pastors should encourage their parishioners to exercise their right to vote.
    2. Pastors should seek opportunities to exchange pulpits with Anglo pastors and ministers who are in harmony with the Wesleyan doctrine of holiness.
    3. Pastors should seek opportunities to preach about racial harmony, justice and a proper response to unjust treatment (e.g. nonviolent direct action, voting, participation in police merit boards, etc.…)
    4. Pastors/churches should open their doors to community forums that address their community’s racial disparities (i.e. health, economic, education, etc.)
    5. Pastors, church leaders, and parishioners should participate in District and General church activities throughout the year. May we move together toward racial justice and righteousness as we seek to bear witness to the kingdom of God here and now. May we move with faithfulness and urgency.

    Grace and peace, Dr. Charles A. Tillman, Facilitator Rev. John Wright Rev. David Solomon Dr. Sidney Mitchell Dr. Montague Williams Rev. Dianne Bonner Rev. Althea Taylor Min. Cassandra Trotman






republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
The promotional poster for the Enneagram documentary by Zondervan; used in accordance with the U.S. Fair Use Act for the purpose of critique, analysis, and review.

LTRP Note: The news release below regarding the Christian publisher, Zondervan, is posted for informational and research purposes. Lighthouse Trails warned about the Enneagram in our booklet, The Enneagram—An Enlightening Tool or an Enticing Deception? (written by Lois Putnam), which we released last Fall. Obviously, when one of the largest evangelical publishers releases a film (their first film ever) on the Enneagram, it’s clear this is a fast-growing trend within evangelicalism. We believe the Enneagram (as is Lectio Divina) is a gateway “tool” to further integrate the occultic contemplative prayer movement into the church, a movement that has so significantly influenced millions of Christians.

News Release from Zondervan Publishers

Zondervan announces the first-ever Enneagram film, NINE: THE ENNEAGRAM DOCUMENTARY, will debut in North American theaters fall 2020, featuring internationally renowned Enneagram expert and bestselling author Christopher L. Heuertz.

The documentary, produced in association with Sandoval Studios, marks Zondervan’s first foray in producing a film. Zondervan sees film as a way to broaden key messages from its authors to reach a wider audience and is actively exploring this format. Click here to continue reading.


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