Rather Expose Them Christian News Blog

Methodist Emory University in Atlanta: ‘Christian’ college now giving students pronoun options

Can pick from: 'He/Him/His, She/Her/Hers, They/Them/Theirs, Xie/Hir/Hirs, and Ze/Zir/Zirs'

SEE: https://registrar.emory.edu/records-transcripts/change-of-information/preferred-student-name.html


SEE: https://www.wnd.com/2022/07/christian-college-now-giving-students-pronoun-options/;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

A Christian college, the Methodist Emory University in Atlanta, has announced a plan that gives students a choice as to the pronouns by which they are identified in school records.

The Methodist church in America is one of the traditional denominations that have come under the influence of various secular social agendas, including the LGBT agenda, and just days ago, more than 100 Florida churches filed a lawsuit to leave the United Methodist Church conference.

That follows numerous cases of individual churches fleeing the liberal agenda of the association's leadership.

Now Campus Reform is reporting that Emory officials have established a process for students to choose whether they want to be known as "He/Him/His, She/Her/Hers, They/Them/Theirs, Xie/Hir/Hirs, and Ze/Zir/Zirs."

Students will claim their preferred pronouns through the school's online system for making payments and registering for classes.

The school promises that after a student makes a choice, those pronouns will be used on class rosters and elsewhere.

Campus Reform reported the change at Emory "follows a national trend that Campus Reform has reported on in recent years."

It cited New York University as an example of schools setting up similar provisions to accommodate those social agendas.

And, "In September 2021, the University of North Dakota proposed changing its housing policy to allow students to live in dorms that matched their gender identity."

Danielle M. Bruce-Steele, of the school's office for "LGBT Life" told the Emory News Center that transition "will push the university forward to even greater inclusion of our LGBTQ community members."

The school's announcement included a statement from Christa Acampora, an official handling academic affairs.

"This change was really driven by Emory students and their desire to help us be a better community," said Acampora, "A large group of people at Emory — including staff, administrators, faculty, and students — worked to shape the policy change and enable the systems to support its implementation."

The school's online system notes that if a student's chosen pronouns are missing from the school list, there's a choice for "Pronouns not listed" to let them enter their own.

EDITOR’S NOTE: During the Biden era of rapidly metastasizing madness, the greatest madness of all may be today’s shockingly widespread campaign to indoctrinate, seduce, groom, and flat-out RECRUIT America’s children into the dark world of transgenderism. Countless LGBT activists, including many public-school teachers, have taken to proselytizing the new transgender salvation to America’s children, both on social media and within the schools themselves. Even Biden’s far-left Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra fully supports taxpayer-funded amputations of healthy body parts of these vulnerable children, declaring ghoulishly, “We should help those have the life-affirming care that they need.” The result? Untold numbers of America’s kids are being led into lives of not just unending conflict, confusion, suffering, deformity, and disability, but far too often – as multiple studies prove – suicide. The whole unbelievable story – including the underlying reasons, almost entirely unreported elsewhere, for what amounts to the most massive child sexual abuse campaign in American history – is explored as never before in the July issue of WND’s critically acclaimed Whistleblower magazine, titled “WHAT’S REALLY BEHIND THE TRANSGENDER CRAZE?”

Public Schools Brainwashing Children to Eat Bugs

Public Schools Brainwashing Children to Eat Bugs


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/public-schools-brainwashing-children-to-eat-bugs;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Following recommendations by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, governments and “education” publishers are using “public schools” to indoctrinate American children into eating bugs and weeds.   

Just last week, The Newman Report received pictures of an assignment for 5th-grade students in a Sarasota, Florida, elementary school touting the alleged benefits of consuming insects. 

The documents, sent by a concerned parent turned whistleblower, begin with a reading assignment headlined “Bugs: Food of the Future?”

According to the propaganda piece, there are “several reasons scientists support the use of insects as an important food source in the future.” These include claims that bugs are “a good source of nutrition” and have a “much smaller impact on the environment.” 

Another reading assignment for the same 10-year-old student, this one headlined “Eating Bugs and Seaweed: Americans Need to Open Their Minds,” doubled down on the creepy propaganda. 

“Eating insects is an efficient way to provide basic food needs,” the passage claimed. “If people knew the facts, they might change their minds.” 

“Americans need to get past their fears of eating unfamiliar things,” the propaganda piece decreed. “For many reasons, insects and seaweed may be the foods of the future.” 

Of course, there was no mention of the many concerns about eating insects. These include the presence of chitin in bugs, which according to a 2017 study posted at the National Institutes of Health website “provoke human innate immunity to generate a deluge of inflammatory cytokines, which injure organs (leading to asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc.), and in persistent situations lead to death (multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), cancer, etc.).” A 2019 study posted on NIH highlighted concerns about how eating insects transmit dangerous parasites to humans and animals. 

The reading assignments for impressionable school children also did not mention that in Leviticus 11:41, the Bible describes eating most types of insects as “an abomination.”

After the reading assignments, students were expected to complete a number of multiple-choice questions again celebrating the eating of creepy crawlers as an environmentally friendly, nutritious alternative to fish, beef and chicken.  

The propaganda was produced by Benchmark Education, which describes itself as “a leading provider of literacy and language programs, intervention resources, and professional teaching resources for K-12 ELA learning.” Schools nationwide use its propaganda resources, which boast of being aligned with Common Core. 

The company has previously come under fire in places like Colorado for quack reading programs that “didn’t properly cover reading basics like phonics and phonological awareness,” as one educator in Denver put it. 

The company’s website is also filled with dangerous far-left extremism such as “diversity” and “culturally responsive teaching” masquerading as “education.” 

But none of this is happening in a vacuum. This writer first exposed the UN agenda to have Westerners eat bugs almost a decade ago when the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) — currently led by a member of the Communist Party of China — put out a report calling for a massive entomophagy propaganda campaign in schools and media.  

“Western societies require tailored media communication strategies and educational programmes (sic) that address the disgust factor,” the UN FAO report declared in 2013, calling for “cooperation between all sectors of the education community.”

“Addressing the entomophagy disgust factor in Western societies might depend largely on the ability to involve the entire educational community,” the report continues. “For this reason, engaging all sectors is recommended, particularly in Western societies.”

That the UN’s highly dishonest and disgusting insects-as-food propaganda has found its way into U.S. elementary schools is hardly surprising. What is surprising is that parents continue to tolerate these outrageous abuses of their children that threaten not just their children’s well-being, but the nation itself.

This article was originally published on FreedomProject.com and is reprinted here with permission.

Teacher Defines ‘Fascist’: ‘Heterosexuals,’ ‘Christians’

In This High School, Kids Learn That Republicans and Christians Are Fascists

San Diego Teacher Caught Indoctrinating Students

English students at Madison High School in San Diego, California received a surprising lesson last week from their teacher. Instead of teaching students at Madison High School how to craft an argumentative essay...the English teacher shared his personal political ideology.


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/culture/robert-spencer/2022/09/09/in-this-high-school-kids-learn-that-republicans-and-christians-are-fascists-n1628203;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

In Gavin Newsom’s California, the kids have a leg up on those in the rest of the country, because the Golden State has the coolest, hippest teachers. In San Juan Hills High School in San Juan Capistrano, Calif., teacher Danielle “Flint” Serio has an entire “queer library” in her classroom. And down the road at Madison High School in San Diego, a teacher has defined “fascist” with words including “Trump,” “white,” “Christian,” and “heterosexual.” The Republican Party, this sage wrote on his classroom whiteboard, “is a fascist organization that no longer fits the category of a conventional Democratic Party.” It’s not just the broad-brush slander. It’s historical illiteracy. Our schools are turning out a generation of indoctrinated imbeciles. That appears to be the goal, in fact.

The Madison High teacher’s heroic efforts to turn American schoolchildren into socialist lemmings would have passed unnoticed were it not for a student in the class who took the risk of taking photos and speaking to Christopher Tremoglie of the Washington Examiner. Both the student and the teacher were kept anonymous, however, for fear of retaliation from the teacher or vengeful Leftist school officials.

The teacher’s explanation of fascism, meanwhile, is false in so many ways that it’s dizzying. Take, for example, his inclusion of “Christian” as one of its essential components. The student whistleblower said: “He just kind of put up that [Christians] are fascists, and they support a fascist government. Immediately — he didn’t even ask the class about it. He just made the assumption right away that whites and Christians automatically support a fascist government.”

Fascism did indeed arise first in a Christian country, Italy, and reached an apex of evil in another Christian country, Germany, but it was ultimately defeated in large part due to the efforts of two other Christian countries, Britain and the United States. And fascism is inherently “heterosexual”? Does this clown not realize that every human society on earth since the dawn of recorded time has been heterosexual?

It’s unlikely that the Madison High School teacher has the faintest idea of the actual meaning of “fascism” and is likely only using the word because it is the Left’s all-purpose catchall term for ideas and groups it hates. The word itself, however, is derived from the Latin fasces, which means a bundle of sticks. The idea is that the sticks are all bound together and that there is strength in unity. This was a perfect name for a movement that advocated an all-powerful central government that would not take over the means of production, as the Communists advocated, but would leave them in private hands while forcing them to coordinate their activities with the government’s demands.

Related: California Public High School Teacher Boasts About Her Classroom’s ‘Queer Library’

Sound familiar? It should. If any political movement in America today is fascist, it’s the Democrat oligarchy in its alliance with Big Tech and other woke corporations, including the corporate media. There is the idea of strength in unity in action, as all these corporations march in lockstep with the same ideology and same goals. That’s fascism, but you won’t hear about it at Madison High School.

The stupid, it gets worse. The student whistleblower recounts that the teacher went “to this board and writes ‘fascist’ on it, and this really struck me. He immediately made the comparison of the Republican Party to the Nazi Party. And that was really offensive to me. He listed the Republican Party and the Nazi Party as similar. And that’s just ridiculous, and I took offense to that. So I took a picture of it.” Here again, this teacher likely hasn’t the slightest awareness of the fact, that “Nazi” is a German abbreviation of “National Socialist,” which was the actual name of Hitler’s party. The National Socialist party platform actually called for the nationalization of German industries, although Hitler ultimately went the fascist route rather than the socialist one, and forced them to do his bidding while nominally remaining private companies instead. It also called for a massive expansion of the welfare system. Here again, that’s far closer to the Democrat, rather than the Republican, program.

The student noted that this wasn’t even a politics or social studies class: “This completely caught me off guard. This is an English class. This isn’t a political class or anything. I signed up for the class to learn how to write papers and stuff. I didn’t sign up for the class for a teacher to be trying to shove his ideology down my throat.”

Yes, but this is a public school in California, in 2022. Neither parents nor students should expect anything but the far-Left ideology shoved down their throats, all day, every day.

Biden and the Dems Are Skipping Straight to the Final Stage of Socialism~The ravenous bureaucracy is already firmly in place.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/09/biden-and-dems-are-skipping-straight-final-stage-robert-spencer/;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

In Marxist theory, the final stage of socialism is true communism, when everyone shares his or her resources equally, the state withers away, and true justice finally dawns upon the earth. We never have seen that stage and never will, because Marxism is rancid pseudo-religious hogwash that runs directly contrary to human nature. The real final stage of socialism is what we saw in the last ten years of the Soviet Union: an entrenched, all-encompassing, corrupt and inefficient state bureaucracy nominally presided over by a succession of senescent, barely-there incompetents. With his disgraceful descent into open authoritarianism Thursday evening, Old Joe Biden and the Democrats signaled their intention to skip right to that final stage: they’ve already got the doddering figurehead and the ravenous bureaucracy firmly in place.

During the first stages of socialism in Russia right after the Bolshevik revolution, the new workers’ paradise appeared from the outside, where the gulags weren’t so easy to see, to be youthful, dynamic, and promising. The American journalist Lincoln Steffens visited Soviet Russia in 1919 and was enthusiastic, declaring: “I have seen the future, and it works.” Other American intellectuals visited the Soviet Union and were likewise enthused; the New York Times’ Walter Duranty was so enamored of the place that he willfully covered up evidence of Stalin’s Ukrainian famine so that Times readers wouldn’t get a negative view of the new Russia.

This sort of thing went on for years. Two decades later, with the U.S. on the brink of entering World War II, three young folk singers named Pete Seeger, Woody Guthrie, and Josh White, who called themselves the Almanac Singers, recorded Songs for John Doe, an album of peace songs. This was the time of the Nazi-Soviet pact, and as Seeger, Guthrie, and White were all hardcore Communists, they didn’t want the U.S. to join any war against Stalin’s ally Hitler. Hitler soon betrayed Stalin and invaded the Soviet Union, and suddenly these pacifists were passionate about the war and able to pose as patriots. For decades, Seeger, Guthrie, and multitudes of others worked tirelessly to make the Soviet Union and Marxism chic among American Leftists. It worked.

The Soviet Union itself, meanwhile, was governed first by Lenin and then by Stalin. Both were unscrupulous, inhuman, murderous thugs, and both remained in power only by ruthless reigns of terror and cults of personality that made them into gods more efficiently and comprehensively than any Roman emperor was ever deified. Even today, in post-Soviet Russia, Lenin is respected, and Stalin is revered. Lenin’s Tomb is still situated prominently in the Kremlin and gets a million visitors a year. Not far from it are the much more modest graves of most of the other Soviet leaders; Stalin’s is the only one that Russian visitors regularly decorate with flowers.

But in the last days of the Soviet Union, the ruling elite grew old and relied on the bureaucrats, who like cockroaches were always there, outlasting all the rulers, to do the real work of keeping the massive state apparatus lumbering along. It was hard to build a cult of personality around a succession of old, feeble, barely coherent figureheads, and few made more than a half-hearted attempt to do so. Leonid Brezhnev died at age 75 in 1982 and was succeeded as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the de facto head of government, by Yuri Andropov, who was a relatively young 68 but in extremely poor health. Andropov was nominally in power until he died in 1984, although it’s not at all clear that he actually did anything while he was the man in charge. The same could be said for his successor, 72-year-old Konstantin Chernenko, who acted as the man whose photo was on the wall in all the buildings and not much more until his own death thirteen months later.

If these guys were the future, it no longer worked; on the contrary, it had rheumatoid arthritis. Back in the 1980s, this succession of elderly company men was widely seen as symbolic of the sclerotic, calcified nature of the Soviet bureaucracy and Soviet society in general. And now that Joe Biden is out in the open about criminalizing his opposition and brooking no dissent, we can skip here in the United States right to the final stage of socialism. We have the entrenched deep-state bureaucracy, and we have the dementia-ridden septuagenarian puppet in charge, so we’re all set.

All we need now is a Ronald Reagan to set the whole authoritarian house of cards on a course to tumble down so that the free republic can be restored. Maybe such an individual is already on the scene.

Leftists Want You to Shut Up About the Disaster They Are Provoking

As they lead us toward an American apocalypse.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/09/leftists-want-you-shut-about-disaster-they-are-kurt-schlichter-0/;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Here’s something I bet you did not see coming either – Lindsey Graham was actually right about something, in this case when he warned the malicious morons of the left about the terrifying consequences of their desire to eliminate a political opponent by framing him in a jurisdiction that is 95% Democrat and where every juror either is, married to, or having a tacky fling with, a Biden administration Deputy Assistant Under-Secretary of Agriculture for Yam, Potato, and Brian Stelter Affairs.

Lindsey Graham – an Air Force colonel who served his country, unlike the vast majority of the Ukraine flag-waving, freshly-minted patriots of the Twitter left – told Fox News that “there literally will be riots in the street…I worry about the country” if President Donald Trump is indicted on some bull Schiff charge by the fully-fascist minions of President Kiddie Showers. Let’s leave aside that just a few months ago mostly peaceful protests were a moral imperative that even took precedence over COVID lockdowns, a sacrament of the prog establishment ranking just below infanticide. And let’s also leave aside how, suddenly, classified information – in this case, held by the guy who could declassify it on a whim – is now illegal to mishandle again. Let’s just cut to the chase – this is yet another ploy to frame Trump after multiple failed attempts to frame Trump.

We know it.

The people trying to frame him know it.

And the left cheers it.

It is all so unbelievably dangerous. 

This is a conspiracy to knock out one of Grandpa Badfinger’s political opponents, a shameless attempt to keep Americans voting on a candidate the establishment is terrified of that is accompanied by a symphony of caterwauling and croc tears about “Muh Democracy.”

Oh, it’s is about “Muh Democracy,” as in “Their Democracy.”

And the whining about Lindsey Graham pointing out the obvious, that this kind of banana republic shenanigan is destabilizing and threatens to provoke civil conflict, is designed for one purpose. That purpose is to place any discussion about the self-evidently foreseeable consequences of the regime’s litany of oppressions outside the range of permissible debate. Anyone with a glancing acquaintance with history – which excludes all the graduates of our allegedly prestigious universities (Tangent: Tax the endowments!) – understands that you cannot decide that half-the country, those “deplorables,” those “semi-fascists,” those “non-New Yorkers,” must be disenfranchised, then start doing it, and then expect them to just go along with it.

We just saw President Daddyshowers McDroolalot inform us that he’s going to set the F-15s on us uppity AR-packing patriots – right in time for the anniversary of his sorry behind getting chased out of Kabul by a much smaller number of degenerates with ancient AKs. But having him croak out this threat is part and parcel of the plan. Our garbage ruling class hates accountability and consequences for its misrule, so its solution to us pointing out the reality is to try to intimidate us into not speaking the truth about what lies down the road if they keep up doing what they are doing. Bravo Lindsey for telling it like it is despite their girlish moaning.

Pointing out the consequences of the ruling caste’s trek to tyranny is not supporting or endorsing those consequences. It’s the opposite. Lindsey Graham is not cheering on riots. He’s warning them. I had a similar experience with the invertebrate sissies of The Bulwark over my People's Republic series of conservative action novels that warn about America divorcing into red and blue nations (Kelly Turnbull returns in Book VII, INFERNO, October 15, 2022, BTW!). Those simps claimed I was in favor of ripping the country apart even though only an idiot would take that away from the novels, and my new non-fiction book We’ll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America even has a whole chapter on why a national divorce is a terrible idea (and why Father-of the-Year Joe’s ideas about how a civil war might go are as dumb as his ideas about everything else). But their point was to shut me up on behalf of their pinko masters, just like the left wanted to shut Lindsey Graham up, and just like they want to shut you up.

But we won’t shut up. We can’t. Because these idiots, these corrupt morons, are the wrecking country they inherited. Remember, they did not build this country into the greatest nation in human history – they were handed it. And like most trust fund babies, they are unworthy of their inheritance. They are a bunch of marginally cleaner-shaven Hunter Bidens squandering their legacy as they huff hits of ideological meth.

These are bad people, and stupid people, and most of these coddled popinjays have never taken or given a punch. They think that they can preserve their power, position, and prestige by leveraging the wrath of the government to threaten, imprison and even kill their fellow citizens who refuse to comply and that they can use their kept media to inflict social sanctions to keep the normal behavior. But it is an illusion. It can work for a little while, but their undermining of the system is planting the seeds of their own destruction. After all, the institutions operate because of the consent of the governed. In the absence of earned loyalty, people obey only because of inertia, and when it becomes clear to the normals that the game is rigged, the people will stop playing.

Oh, they can arrest some of us and cancel others, but this suppression of dissent is an information operation, not a kinetic one, despite Crusty’s babbling about F-15s. Its effect is solely to sow fear – logistically, they can never arrest (or worse) enough normals to prevail if we simply refuse to be afraid and obey. There are 35,000 FBI agents. There are more normals in just New Hampshire with hunting licenses. 

We are far, far away from the line where violent resistance is justifiable, but every day the garbage elite seems determined to toss away another norm or rule that keeps this kind of catastrophe distant. If you go to a bar and find a big guy just minding his own business drinking a Coors and you push him, then push him again and again, at some point he will take a swing, and out go your lights.

Does our ridiculous elite get this? They grew up in a “use your words” world. They felt the giddy thrill of their catspaws in Antifa and BLM burning down working people’s homes and businesses in 2020, but for them, violence is theory. For a lot of normals – especially the ones who fought these establishment creeps’ disastrous wars over the last two decades – it’s practice.

These clowns ought to thank Lindsey Graham for drenching them with an ice-cold bucket of common sense. But they won’t. They can’t. They are manifestly unfit to rule, and the same stupidity that is risking the consequences Lindsey Graham warned about may well keep them from stopping themselves as they slouch toward an American apocalypse.

Chicago Children’s Hospital Conspires with Schools to Promote Gender Transitions


SEE: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Male-And-Female

AND: https://www.openbible.info/topics/gender

EXCERPTS FROM LINK BELOW: "We share a deep respect for those in our community and beyond who advocate for these patients, the intersex community, and the broader LGBTQIA+ community. Historically, care for individuals with intersex traits included an emphasis on early genital surgery to make genitalia appear more typically male or female. As the medical field has advanced, and understanding has grown, we now know this approach was harmful and wrong. Ann Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and our Sex Development Clinic recognize this truth. We empathize with intersex individuals who were harmed by the treatment that they received according to the historic standard of care and we apologize and are truly sorry."

Noam (11) & Heather Talk Sex:

Stressing out about having that one big “sex talk” with your young person? You know... that one where you impart all there is to know about sexuality, gender, puberty, reproductive systems, sexual health, consent, and relationships? Well, good news, there isn’t just ONE talk! Young people are always observing, listening, and learning from you and from their world. There are so many little ways over the years that you connect and impart messages about identities, bodies, and relationships. Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago’s Potocsnak Division of Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine shows you real-life examples of adults and youth having quick meaningful conversations about navigating sexual health. We bring you Never Fear Talks! Watch our videos for inspiration and encouragement, check out our website luriechildrens.org/sexedprogram and follow us on Instagram and Facebook @lurieadolescentmed for resources to expand your knowledge! The Potocsnak Family Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine relies on philanthropic funding to enhance its programs, services, and research for adolescents and young adults.

Chicago Children's Hospital Promotes Child Transition in Alarming Video

Meet Our Providers - The Potocsnak Family Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine

SEE: https://www.luriechildrens.org/en/specialties-conditions/adolescent-medicine/trainings-education/meet-our-trainers/

SEE: https://www.luriechildrens.org/en/specialties-conditions/adolescent-medicine/

SEE: https://www.luriechildrens.org/en/specialties-conditions/sexuality-education-program/

SEE: https://www.luriechildrens.org/en/blog/intersex-care-at-lurie-childrens-and-our-sex-development-clinic/

SEE: https://www.luriechildrens.org/en/specialties-conditions/gender-development-program/

Never Fear: Jupiter & Natalia Talk Gender Conversations at Home

Alex Stein w/ Chris Elston, Children's Hospitals Exposed for Sex Change Surgeries


SEE: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/09/02/report-chicago-childrens-hospital-conspires-with-local-schools-to-promote-gender-transitions-for-children/;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

A Chicago children’s hospital is conspiring with local school districts to push gender transitions and gender theory on children.

The Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago has partnered with local schools to create training, guidance policy, and other resources aimed at promoting gender theory to children, including “kink,” “BDSM,” and “trans-friendly” sex toys.

According to documents obtained by activist Christopher Rufo, documents pushing “radical gender theory, trans activism, and sexually explicit materials” have proliferated in at least four Chicago-area school districts at the middle and high school levels.

“Beyond Binary: Gender in Schools” is one of the primary training documents for school officials which tracks closely with the queer theory promoted by academia.

“White, Western society has created an oppressive gender binary, falsely dividing the world into the categories of man and woman, that has resulted in ‘transphobia,’ ‘cissexism,’ and ‘systemic discrimination’ against racial and sexual minorities,” Rufo wrote of queer theory.

This training is conducted by Hadeis Safi, an “LGBTQ and Gender Inclusion training facilitator” for the hospital’s Potocsnak Family Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine. Safi uses the plural “they/them” pronouns and “uses their [sic] experience as a non-binary person of color to build a reference for attendees.”

The hospital’s Gender Inclusion program claims to offer care for “gender expansive” identifying children that is “gender-affirming,” such as puberty blockers. The page also offers a “related news” section with a singular link to an article arguing that “gender-affirming care is healthcare, not child abuse.”

Training for teachers and administrators includes promoting the celebration of “gender diversity” and that staff must “affirm” any declaration of gender that does not match biological reality as well as “communicate a non-binary understanding of gender” to children.

Rufo reports that one version of the training seeks a more “gender creative” world that disrupts the “entrenched [gender] norms in western society.”

The presentation also quickly begins to set the premise for hypersexualizing children starting from 18 months old.

“By 18-24mo, children develop the ability to label gender,” the slide says. “Between 2-4 years, most children recognize gender differences, used gendered pronouns.”

“By age 5 to 6 years, most children declare a gender identity of male or female,” it continues. “Exploring gender is a very typical part of human development!”

According to Rufo, at least two of the Chicago school districts were told to offer a “Binder Exchange Program,” which teaches young girls how to bind their breasts in order to appear more masculine.

Additional resources include a link to a website that has what appears to be a dialogue about kink and BDSM, which graphically describes the sexual fetishes. It also includes articles titled “Muff Diving,” “Hot Sex Without a Hard On,” and “Butt Sex 101.”

The same website sells dildos, vibrators, “anal toys,” “penis toys,” “gender gear,” toys for kink and BDSM, and even a sticker exclaiming “every hole’s a goal.”

Another resource is a “kid-friendly website for gender-affirming gear” that sells artificial penis “packers,” “trans masc [sic] pumps,” breast binders, and “stand-to-pee” devices that appear to allow girls to act like they have a penis.

A model policy provided by the hospital to schools tells teachers to take a “gender-affirming approach” to curriculums; maintain a library offering “gender-affirming children’s books”; and allow students to use the restrooms, locker rooms, and sleep in the same rooms as students of the opposite sex.

It also instructs school administrators to keep a student’s “gender transition” secret from their families, while hiring a “Gender Support Coordinator” to facilitate the transitions of children without the knowledge of their parents.

“Beyond the lurid nature of some of the content, these documents reveal a profoundly disturbing collusion between radical gender activists in the medical system and the public school bureaucracy,” Rufo wrote in conclusion. “They have laundered the promotion of queer theory, synthetic sexual identities, and child sex toys under the guise of ‘health and education,’ devoting significant resources toward building what policy analyst Leor Sapir has called a school-to-clinic pipeline.”

“The process is simple: children learn about and adopt ‘gender expansive’ identities in schools, which then direct them to gender clinics that can provide puberty blockers, hormone therapies, surgeries, and drug regimens that often add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in costs over time,” he said.


Chicago children’s hospital slammed for video of mom coaching adopted child to talk about being ‘non-binary’ - LifeSite


SEE: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/chicago-childrens-hospital-slammed-for-video-of-mom-coaching-adopted-child-to-talk-about-being-non-binary/;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

CHICAGO (LifeSiteNews) — A nationally-ranked Chicago children’s hospital is drawing backlash for a video in which an adoptive mother appeared to coach her child into discussing her adherence to radical gender ideology.

In a recently resurfaced February 2021 video published by Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago, adoptive mother Karla sat down with her adopted daughter “Tru” to “talk about gender.”

“My birth parents said that I was a girl, but they made a mistake,” Tru told Karla when asked “what is gender to you?” 

While it’s unclear what factors led the girl to allegedly adopt a divergent sexual identity, a separate video published by the hospital states that Karla herself is in a same-sex relationship.

RELATED: ‘World’s youngest transgender model’ backstory raises concerns about motives of LGBT ‘parents’

In the video, Karla told Tru that she had also initially “assumed” her daughter was a girl and asked the child to explain when she “set” her adoptive mother “straight.”

After Tru said it began when she was “at least five or six,” Karla corrected her: “It started before that.”

“You started sending out signals,” she said. “You said, ‘Sometimes I wanna be a boy. Sometimes I wanna be a girl. Something doesn’t seem right here.’”

Agreeing with her adoptive mother, Tru added that she’s not really a boy or a girl, but “nonbinary.”

“How do you feel about being nonbinary?” Karla asked.

Karla then directed Tru to say whether or not she had spoken with the children in her class about her gender, and how it made her feel to share her pronouns.

Tru responded that she told her classmates about her gender and pronouns, and it felt “really really good.”

RELATED: Mother claims son communicated being ‘transgender’ at ‘the earliest moment’ he ‘had words’

Daily Wire commentator Matt Walsh blasted the mother in the video during a Tuesday podcast episode.

“We’re supposed to buy that as some sort of organic conversation, while the child is obviously repeating what has been rehearsed,” Walsh said. 

The writer, podcaster, and father of a large Catholic family said watching the video made him think of his own boys who he said could spend hours “running down the shoreline excitedly picking up rocks.”

According to Walsh, the subjects the child in the video is discussing, or “the lines that she’s being coerced into repeating,” are entirely unknown to his own children, who he said have never heard the term “nonbinary” and who spend “zero percent of their time thinking about pronouns.” 

“No child thinks about any of this stuff or wants to think about it,” he said. “This has to be imposed from the outside. Their innocence is ripped away, and this is put in its place.”

The resurfaced video about the young girl’s alleged “nonbinary” gender identity is part of a “Never Fear” series published by Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago. 

Other videos feature such topics as “pronouns,” “LGBTQ+ affirming schools,” sex ed, and HIV/AIDs, all aimed at children and teens.

The hospital’s commitment to advancing radical gender ideology isn’t new.

In 2015, Lurie Children’s Hospital’s so-called “Gender and Sex Development Program” was featured in a FRONTLINE documentary about “transgender children” called “Growing Up Trans.”

Clinical services currently offered by the children’s hospital include puberty suppression, menstrual suppression, hormone therapy, and referrals for “gender-affirming” surgery, including “chest surgery, surgery involving reproductive organs, and surgery on facial structures.” The hospital states that it can begin transgender treatments for patients no older than 22, continuing until the patient turns 25.

The institution also promotes affording “transgender youth” the opportunity to have “a legal name or gender marker change,” and provides a link to an organization called the Transformative Justice Law Project (TJLP), which states it is “deeply committed” to “the universal right of gender self-determination,” along with a separate mission of abolishing prisons.

LifeSiteNews reached out to Lurie Children’s Hospital to inquire why the medical institution would advance a radical ideology that can cause irreparable psychological and physical harm to children. The hospital did not immediately respond to LifeSite’s request for comment.

Kari Lake responds to Biden’s dark speech, torches him for dividing the Country

Arizona gubernatorial GOP nominee Kari Lake is one of the lone Conservatives to officially hold a response speech to President Joe Biden's 'Soul of the Nation' speech. One America's Daniel Baldwin has more.


Biden is More Dangerous Than Ever

His only hope for being more than a one-termer is a civil war against Republicans.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/09/biden-more-dangerous-ever-daniel-greenfield/;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

In a tremendous surge of popularity, Biden's approval rating has shot up so much that only 56% of Democrats don't want him to run for reelection.

That's down from 75%.

Biden’s rising popularity among Democrats isn’t due to his inflation bill quadrupling the audit chances of Americans, his trillion dollar bailout of Harvard lesbian poetry studies majors, let alone taking out the defunct head of Al Qaeda, but to calling half the country “semi-fascists”.

Instead of a victory lap celebrating accomplishments like the 87,000 new IRS personnel to pay for more subsidies for Tesla owners and working families being on the hook for $2K so that Yale Law grads don’t have to pay their debts the way any other president would, he’s on a hate tour.

Biden briefly interrupted his perpetual Delaware vacation to show up at a high school gym near D.C. for his biggest rally of the year and warn that “Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans have made their choice — to go backward full of anger, violence, hate, and division. But we’ve chosen a different path forward, the future, unity, hope, and optimism.” 

Just to add to the "unity, hope, and optimism" of declaring that half the country was hateful and divisive, the failed leader who had just dispatched the FBI to raid his political opponent, claimed that Republicans pose "a threat to our very democracy.”

You can't have democracy if there's another party running.

Biden’s hopeful optimistic and unified future has no Republicans or political opponents in it. That’s hopeful and optimistic for him, not so much for most of the country which wants him out.

National approval of Biden is down to 38%.

Democrat approval of Biden is rising though as he calls his political enemies “semi-fascist” in between sending the FBI to raid their homes and taunting them that he has F-15 jets and they don’t. Telling your political opponents that you can use the Air Force to go after them the way you can the FBI isn’t “semi-fascism”: it’s a full-on unfiltered torchlight parade in stadium fascism.

And Democrats love it enough so that only half, instead of three-quarters, want Biden gone.

Biden understands that his party’s radical base cares a lot less about policy and legislative victories than the culture war. They’ll demand and take more government money, but what they really want in a teleprompter figurehead is a fascist who will justify fascist suppression of political opponents by shouting about fascism. Rage and hate are all that move them.

He might be a senile egomaniac, but Biden is under few illusions about his electability.

Given a choice between a small turtle, a pack of cigarettes, a 1989 faded copy of Sports Illustrated, and Joe Biden, nobody would vote for him. The only reason anyone who isn’t directly related to or profiting from Biden has ever voted for him is to vote against somebody else.

Biden survived the primaries by hiding out among a roster of radicals, incompetents, and unlikeables. Democrats didn’t so much vote for him, as they voted to stop Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, and Michael Bloomberg. Given a choice between Bernie, Warren, Bloomberg, and having to listen to 40 candidates wrangle on three stages, the guy who was the second banana under Obama seemed like a reasonable compromise in a bad election.

In the general election, Biden hid out while the media and leftist groups did their dirty work. However many votes he got, no one actually voted for him, they voted against Trump.

Any wonder that Biden’s midterm and expected ‘24 strategy, should his last remaining brain cells carry him that far, is to run against Trump? He can’t run on his own popularity, his electability or anything except what he’s not. The trouble is that enough Americans have found out what he is that they’re less likely to vote for an empty space to stave off something else.

But it’s all Biden has.

Never has there been a presidential candidate more hopeless than Biden. But that also makes him the most dangerous of candidates. Politically, Biden has nothing to lose. His own people keep telling him that he’s unelectable and shouldn’t even consider trying to run again. He’s a lame duck whose only hope for survival is to wage a civil war against Republicans.

And that’s exactly what he’s doing.

Biden can only be a viable candidate if he runs against Trump or rather the idea of Trump: the crazed demon lurking in the heads of his base and the paranoid pinata in the culture war. Get people angry and frightened enough and they may stop thinking entirely and vote for anyone.

Even a guy with a 38% approval rating whose big accomplishment is less food and more audits.

The Democrats and their media keep dropping buzzwords like “authoritarianism” and “threat to democracy”. Biden accuses Republicans of “semi-fascism” and being filled with “anger, violence, hate, and division”, but his political tactics are those of totalitarian regimes which manufacture domestic political threats to divert attention from the government’s failures.

Like every Latin American dictator, Biden wants to change the subject from the economy (the top concern for everyone except Democrats whose priorities are still abortion and solar panels, and finding ways to power abortions with solar panels) to purging his political opponents. Unlike Xi, he can’t invade Taiwan and unlike Putin, he can’t invade Ukraine. Americans aren’t up for a war and Biden, who opposed getting Bin Laden, is too much of a coward to fight someone who can fight back.

That just leaves a civil war. And that polls much better with his base than any other kind of war.

Biden understands what his base wants. Electric cars, equity, killing babies, and free college courses on how electrocuting babies with electric cars can bring about equity matter less than the raw seething hatred that the party’s demented base feels for the other half of the country.

Leftist accusations are always projections. When Biden states that Republicans are full of “anger, violence, hate, and division”, he’s accurately describing his own political movement which will be satisfied with nothing less than locking up or shooting everyone who doesn’t share their beliefs.

That, more than anything else, is wokeness. Everything else is a shibboleth.

Obama and Biden were both pretending to be something they’re not. Obama was pretending that he wasn’t a racist radical to fool moderates. Biden is pretending that he is to fool the radicals. That makes Biden more dangerous than Obama. Obama didn’t need to prove himself to the extremist base: Biden does. And the only way to prove himself is to fight even harder.

2020 was a unique time when the country was either shut down or in the middle of race riots, caught in a massive crime wave and catastrophic panic. People were encouraged to turn on each other over racism or masks. The aftermath of the election had Biden being sworn into office while surrounded by thousands of troops in a militarized city. Biden’s only hope for being more than a one-term footnote is to break the country just as badly all over again.

This is the beginning.

Contrary to media propaganda, there’s no economic comeback. The policy victories are destructive but limited. Biden’s comeback consists of openly going to war on Republicans. From the Mar-a-Lago raid to denouncing half the country as “semi-fascists” and threatening them with F-15s, Biden is using the rhetoric of civil war to stay in power.

Biden, a corrupt senile nothing, has clung to various forms of government power since 1971 because it paid better than managing a swimming pool. Even barely able to assemble a sentence, he’s not about to abandon that 50-year legacy without a fight. Unable and unwilling to save America, he’s ready to destroy it and unleash a civil war if it will keep him in power.

History makes us think of dictators as big men, but they were often little men in big costumes. Their hunger for power came from inferiority complexes, chips on their shoulders, and a creeping sense of inadequacy. The only reason people stopped thinking of them as comical is because they wielded absolute power and unleashed a bloody tide of destruction.

And then no one was laughing anymore.

The difference between pathetic and evil lies in the successful use of power. School shooters are pathetic until they manage to kill a dozen kids. The underwear bomber was a joke, but if he had taken down a passenger jet, no one would be laughing. People have been laughing at Biden his entire life. And his inflated ego is tired of it. He may not have much of a brain left, but when you’re already the president, you don’t need much of one to destroy America.

Trump’s First Rally Since Mar-a-Lago Raid Is a Grand Slam, Especially Compared to Biden’s Desperate, Painful Hate-Mongering


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/kevindowneyjr/2022/09/03/trumps-first-rally-since-mar-a-lago-raid-is-a-grand-slam-especially-compared-to-bidens-desperate-painful-hate-mongering-n1626789;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

As a veteran of Trump rallies, I can assure you that Trump was ON FIRE Saturday night in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.

Trump’s first rally since the FBI’s dubious raid on his home in Florida was gangbusters. He entertained a sold-out crowd of 12,000 people indoors and thousands more outside in the rain.

My favorite parts of Trump’s speech were:

  • Trump calling Adam Schiff a “watermelon head”
  • Trump calling Democrat Senate candidate John Fetterman a “freak show”
  • Trump pushing full steam ahead on MAGA even after Gropey Joe declared war on Trump and his MAGA supporters

For the record, John Fetterman looks like a serial killer. I bet his picture is up in every rest stop across I-80. I saw his creepy mug a million times before I knew who he was and wondered how he even got into politics. Now he wants to represent Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate.

“Are you a size 14?”

John Fetterman
AP Photo/Marc Levy

Trump’s first point was to endorse Dr. Oz and Doug Mastriano, the latter of whom has been an out-loud and proud Trump supporter and leading the fight in Pennsylvania against 2020 election corruption. He is running to be the next governor of Pennsylvania.

Trump then pounced on Biden’s fear-laced, Stalin-like declaration of war on Trump and his 75 million-plus MAGA supporters, reminding his crowd that they are all “enemies of the state” before stating, “He’s [Biden] an enemy of the state, you want to know the truth. The enemy of the state is him and the group that controls him.”

He lambasted Biden’s speech as “hatred and anger” and then joked that Biden woke up the next morning and “forgot what he said.”

FACT-O-RAMA! Conservative politicians are WAY funnier than libtards.

Trump then called on Biden to stop vilifying half of America and work on Philly’s brutal murder rate. He also re-defined MAGA for Biden, “because I don’t think he knows what it meant—Make America Great Again.”

Trump attacked those involved in the raid on Mar-a-Lago, saying that the FBI even searched the bedroom of his 16-year-old son, Barron.

Trump stated, “They are trying to silence me and even more importantly they are trying to silence you. But we will not be silenced, right?” The crowd erupted into a “USA, USA” chant.

Trump hammered the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI for allowing Hillary to flush 33,000 emails. The crowd exploded yet again.

FACT-O-RAMA! If I were a borderline dictator who couldn’t draw flies to an outhouse while wearing a poop-suit (like Biden), I’d fear Trump’s power, influence, and message too. But I wouldn’t attack the MAGA crowd, I’d recognize that I am a dinosaur and it’s time for me to jump into a tar pit and pray for a meteor to take out my commie carcass.

Trump suggested the FBI’s recent skullduggery will produce a backlash “the likes of which nobody has ever seen before.”

FACT-O-RAMA! Trump can easily bang out a two-hour speech compared to Biden’s 26 minutes of Philly propaganda, and to a much larger crowd.

Trump’s next quote was a delicious f*** you to Biden and his lickspittles: “The MAGA movement is the greatest in the history of our country. And maybe in the history of the world.”

Trump then followed up with: “We WILL make America great again. I will never turn my back on you and you will never turn your back on me because we love our nation and we will save our nation from people who are trying to destroy it.”

Contrast in speeches: 

Trump’s speech was full of hope and patriotism. Biden’s was a panic-fueled attack on patriots in MAGA hats. Trump spoke of the luxuries we enjoyed under Trump’s presidency and how we can once again (hint, hint) live a life of peace and prosperity. Biden attacked your elderly neighbor for wearing a MAGA cap and declared her an “enemy of the state.”


Trump pushed Dr. Oz over the creepster John Fetterman in the Pennsylvania Senate race. Oz needs the boost because the crime-loving, commie Fetterman seems to be polling well (if you still believe polls) despite having had a stroke and not being able to pull on big-boy pants long enough to debate Oz.

Doug Mastriano is a Pennsylvania patriot. He is MAGA and anti-commie. He is the future of  Pennsylvania and the U.S.A. The crowd erupted every time Trump mentioned his name. He paid homage to Trump while speaking. MAGA is taking over the country. Do NOT be afraid to wear your red MAGA cap.

We can talk for DAYS about whether or not Trump was cheated in the 2020 election, but this much is clear: things HAD to go this way. We HAD to see just how much of the Democrat Party has been infiltrated by commies and globalists. We HAD to learn just how spineless the RINOs genuinely are. We needed four years for king-maker Trump to set the table, the deep table, with patriots in political positions around the country.

Trump began his wrap-up by saying he is being persecuted because the commies want to keep him from running again (hint, hint). He then continued by claiming that “we” (hint, hint) would right the wrongs the Democrats have foisted upon us.

RELATED: The President Who (Allegedly) Showered With His Daughter Called MAGA Americans ‘Extremists’

Trump’s powerful rally ended with the song he always closes with, “Hold on, I’m Coming” (hint, hint) by Sam and Dave. If you don’t think Trump is running in 2024 I’d like to sell you my invisible leprechaun “Patty” who will paint your house for free.



Biden Takes More Than Just His Backdrop From the Nazis

Okay, Biden is Literally Hitler Now


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2022/09/02/okay-biden-is-literally-hitler-now-n1626520;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Back on March 23, 1933, before he became the world’s universal symbol for the embodiment of evil, German Chancellor Adolf Hitler spoke before the Reichstag, urging it to pass an Enabling Act that would give him dictatorial powers. He said that this was urgently needed in light of an imminent threat to the nation. Hitler claimed that in 1918, Marxist organizations had seized power in Germany, leading to “a time of boundless misfortune for Germany, that is to say, the working German Volk [people].” But he assured the Reichstag deputies that “the German Volk itself has increasingly turned away from concepts, parties, and associations which, in its eyes, are responsible for these conditions.” Does this sound familiar? It should. These are the same rhetorical notes Old Joe Biden sounded during his ominous Thursday night speech branding Donald Trump and his supporters as enemies of the state.

Probably more out of historical illiteracy than historical awareness, Biden’s handlers chose September 1 for Biden’s profoundly disturbing and un-American speech. That’s right, it was the 83rd anniversary of Hitler’s invasion of Poland when Old Joe stood before an ominous red and black backdrop and recalled Hitler’s demonization of his opposition, declaring that “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

Of course, Joe hastened to assure us that he didn’t want to pitch every Republican into the gulag just yet: “Now, I want to be very clear — very clear up front: Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans.  Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology. I know because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans. But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country.”

That suggests what the next step will be. Will Biden and his henchmen try to force Republicans to join up with the uniparty pseudo-Republicans who allow the Democrats to implement their full hard-Left agenda, Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney and Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski and Adam Kinzinger and all the rest, and to denounce and repudiate Trump and any idea of making America great again? If so, what will happen to those who do not? Will they be prevented from taking any Congressional seats to which they’re elected, and even arrested as enemies of “our democracy”?

Related: I Am a ‘Clear and Present Danger’ to the Biden Regime (And So Are You)

That’s what Hitler did with the Communists he blamed for Germany’s woes. In his Enabling Act speech, Hitler accused the Communists of “pillaging, arson, raids on the railway, assassination attempts, and so on–all these things are morally sanctioned by Communist theory.” He also declared that the German people were already in the process of defeating these great enemies. He spoke of “the necessity of thoroughly rejecting the ideas, organizations, and men in which one gradually and rightly began to recognize the underlying causes of our decay.” He added: “Filled with the conviction that the causes of this collapse lie in internal damage to the body of our Volk, the Government of the National Revolution aims to eliminate the afflictions from our völkisch life which would, in future, continue to foil any real recovery.”

Biden sounded the same notes, here again, declaring that the nation was bouncing back despite the best efforts of these internal enemies to destroy it: “American manufacturing has come alive across the Heartland, and the future will be made in America — no matter what the white supremacists and the extremists say,” as if America-First patriots, whom Biden was busy smearing as white supremacists and extremists, were against American manufacturing. “I made a bet on you, the American people,” Biden continued, “and that bet is paying off. Proving that from darkness — the darkness of Charlottesville, of COVID, of gun violence, of insurrection — we can see the light. Light is now visible.”

These resonances are real and ominous. For the first time ever in over two hundred years of American history, a president has declared that his primary political opposition stands outside the bounds of acceptable political discourse. The logical next step is the one Hitler took: he blamed one of his strongest adversaries, the Communist Party, for the Reichstag Fire, and outlawed it accordingly. With the Communist deputies barred from being present, the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act, and Germany’s unfortunate fourteen-year experiment with a representative republic was over.

But that couldn’t possibly happen here, could it? It would be as outlandish and frankly inconceivable as the prospect of a president of the United States standing in front of a couple of Marines and a strongly Naziesque backdrop and denouncing his legitimate political opposition as enemies of the state. Simply could not happen! Not in “our democracy”!



HITLER SPEECH ON ENABLING ACT 1933-http://www.worldfuturefund.org/Reports2013/hitlerenablingact.htm

The Enabling Act-Holocaust Encyclopedia-https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-enabling-act

Hitler Enabling Act Photo in Color: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=895e49fa0d&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-a:r-6122458314400576216&th=1830858495e09b82&view=fimg&fur=ip&sz=s0-l75-ft&attbid=ANGjdJ9aK3QWPftZ4M6EoROSPVEl37JSd_X83a3wsYQgv1wc-UL7is35IZUpsNTPzw3X9T9gEm1caHVX5lZV4cyEGkCji6LD38mwZEkZraW8_b51xXB-jyPIkv3S5sI&disp=emb&realattid=ii_l7n9xt2v0




Biden’s Speech Was so Political That the Major TV Networks Refused to Carry It


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/uncategorized/rick-moran/2022/09/03/bidens-speech-was-so-political-that-the-major-tv-networks-refused-to-carry-it-n1626655;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The three major broadcast TV networks — ABC, NBC, and CBS — refused to carry Joe Biden’s prime-time speech to the nation on the threat to democracy by “MAGA Republicans” because it was deemed too “political.”

Instead, NBC broadcast a rerun of Law and Order, CBS skipped the speech to show a rerun of Young Sheldon, and ABC aired the game show Press Your Luck.

Since the advent of live national television broadcasts in the early 1950s, presidents have requested and demanded time for live TV broadcasts during national emergencies or on matters of great urgency. And while the networks have usually complied, there have been exceptions, including in 1988 when the networks rejected Ronald Reagan’s address on funding for the Nicaraguan Contras because there was “nothing new” in it.

One might have said the same thing about Biden’s Thursday night address on the “danger to democracy” posed by MAGA Republicans. Instead, according to the Washington Post, the three networks passed on giving up an hour of profitable prime time so that Joe Biden can repeat Democratic talking points about Trump and Republicans.

People involved in negotiations over Thursday’s address said the networks deemed Biden’s remarks as “political” in nature and therefore decided not to televise it. These people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive discussions, cited the speech’s criticism of Trump — Biden’s possible political opponent in 2024 — and its timing two months before the midterm elections.

White House officials had earlier tried to counter the impression of partisanship, with one telling NBC News that it was “not a speech about a particular politician or even about a particular political party.”

Liar. Biden mentioned Trump by name and indicated several times that the threat was coming from MAGA Republicans.

The networks apparently don’t agree with our hair-on-fire president’s description of what’s happening in America. Or they probably also recognized that Biden was not offering any new information about the “MAGA threat,” nor was he saying anything he and the Democrats haven’t been saying about Trump and his 74 million supporters for months.

Some commentators criticized the networks for declining to air the speech. “The networks refusing to cover Biden’s speech (presumably because it was going to be critical of Trump and/or not newsworthy enough) is precisely the problem” confronting democracy, tweeted Dartmouth University political scientist Brendan Nyhan, in one of a number of tweets calling attention to the networks’ decision.

But George Washington University professor Frank Sesno, a former CNN anchor, said in an interview that the speech “was framed in very partisan, political terms, and though that may reflect reality, in strictly editorial terms it makes this a close call as to whether networks should interrupt regular programming and provide the White House 30 minutes of airtime.”

While the live audience for Biden’s speech may have been smaller without the broadcast networks airing it, the echo chamber on cable and the internet made sure the message was disseminated far and wide. Perhaps that’s why the major networks refused to take a hit financially simply to hear the same, tired political charges against Trump and the Republicans that Democrats have made for months.

BIDEN NAMED “PEDO-HITLER”-BLINDSIDED When Americans Give Him New Nickname after Primetime Speech


On Twitter, many people took issue not only with Joe Biden’s hateful rhetoric towards Republicans but the scene in which Biden spoke. In response to his speech, Twitter users gave Biden the nickname, Pedo Hitler, which trended on Twitter Friday morning.

Trump Goes in for the KILL Shot After Biden Launches WAR on MAGA Republicans

According to the Daily Wire, Throughout his speech, Biden coughed and cleared his throat repeatedly as he claimed that those who are MAGA Republicans are extremists and a threat to our country.

Top Republicans FIRE BACK After Biden Declares War on Americans

As noted by the Daily Wire, McCarthy also explained what the true soul of America looks like, since Biden’s speech was focused on “restoring the soul of the country.” Unsurprisingly, an apology from Biden to Republican voters was not the first thing that came out of his mouth during his primetime speech.

Who Are You Calling a Fascist, Mr. President?~Here’s What Biden’s Speech Tells Us About His Sinister Plans for Next Year~Biden’s Hitler-Esque Speech Was Even Too Much for CNN~I Am a ‘Clear and Present Danger’ to the Biden Regime (And So Are You)


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/columns/davidhasanyi/2022/09/02/who-are-you-calling-a-fascist-mr-president-n1626239;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The other day, President Joe Biden accused voters of the opposition party of turning to “semi-fascism.” This is probably the first time in American history a president has openly attacked the opposing party’s constituents in this way. 

Then again, Biden, who once alleged that the chaste Mitt Romney was harboring a desire to bring back chattel slavery, is prone to stupid hyperbole. And it’s true that most people who throw around the word “fascist” fail to do so with much precision. These days, the word “democracy,” like “fascism,” has lost all meaning. According to Democrats, asking someone to show ID before voting is an attack on “democracy,” but so is the Supreme Court’s handing back power to voters on the abortion issue. When you have no limiting principles of governance, anything that inhibits your exertion of power is seen as anti-“democracy.” If students have loans to be paid, “forgive” them. If you can’t pass a bill, the executive branch should do it by fiat. If the court stops it, pack it. Power is only to be limited when the opposition holds it. 

A microcosm of this confused thinking can be found in the recent spate of hysterical media pieces about alleged Republican “book banning.” The use of “ban” by the media is more than a category error; it’s an effort to paint parents who use the very same exact democratic powers the left has relied on for decades as book burners. Public school curricula and book selection are political questions decided by school and library boards. Neither have a duty to carry every single volume on racial identitarianism or sexually explicit material simply demanded by some busybody at the American Library Association. 

Henry Olsen of the Ethics and Public Policy Center notes that fascists “believed that multiparty democracy weakened the nation and that competitive capitalism was wasteful and exploitative. Their alternative was a one-party state that guided the economy through regulation and sector-based accords between labor and business.”

Well, is it not the left that champions government intervention in the economy, with never-ending regulations, subsidies, and mandates that effectively allow for controlling the means of production? Leftists — some incrementally, some less so — are the proponents of nationalizing the health care system, the energy sector, and education. Again, if progressives have any limiting principles when it comes to intervention in our economic lives, I’d love to hear about them.

Related: The Left Should Be Happy With Biden 

Are the most vociferous defenders of “democracy” not the ones who sound suspiciously like they want a one-party state? Modern Democrats have stopped debating policy or accepting the legitimacy of anyone who stands in their way. They will pass massive, generational reforms using parliamentary tricks, without any input from the minority. And they don’t merely champion their work as beneficial; they claim these bills are needed for the survival of “democracy” and “civilization” — nay, the survival of the planet. Anyone who opposes saving Mother Earth is surely an authoritarian. There is nothing to debate. The villainization of political opponents isn’t new, but we are breaking new ground. 

Some may find it a bit fascist-y that the FBI feels free to instruct giant rent-seeking corporations to censor news to help elect their preferred candidate, as it did with Facebook. Or that the White House is in the business of “flagging” “problematic posts” and threatening corporations to “root out” “misleading” speech or be held accountable. One wouldn’t be off base seeing a “Disinformation Governance Board” that sifts through speech the administration dislikes or a Justice Department that treats those protesting authoritarian school boards as “domestic terrorists” as “semi-fascist.” 

It is curious, as well, that the same people who control basically all major institutions in American life — academia, media, unions, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, trade associations, public schools, publishing, the entire D.C. bureaucracy, Hollywood, Madison Avenue, not to mention the presidency and Congress — claim to be victims of budding authoritarianism. The only major institution free of progressives’ grip right now is the Supreme Court. And the left is engaged in a systematic effort to delegitimize the Court for doing its job and limiting the state’s power.

None of this is to say that the right is innocent. I often find myself debating the populist right on issues ranging from the free markets and the role of the state. Abuses of the Constitution should be called out no matter who engages in them. However, progressivism’s crusade to destroy the separation of powers, its attacks on religious freedom and free speech, its undermining of civil society, its binding of the economy to the state, and its fostering of perpetual dependency and victimhood are far bigger long-term threats to the republic than Trumpism — and far closer to the definition of “semi-fascism” than the Republican agenda.



SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2022/09/02/heres-what-bidens-speech-tells-us-about-his-sinister-plans-for-next-year-n1626405;



SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2022/09/02/bidens-hitler-esque-speech-was-even-too-much-for-cnn-n1626394

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

I must admit that I’m still trying to wrap my head around Biden’s primetime speech on Thursday evening. Who thought this was a good idea?

Biden’s message was bad enough—his political opponents are fascists, and if you don’t support him and the Democrats, you’re a fascist, too—but the staging felt like something from 1933 Germany, and the ominous red lighting in the background didn’t help.

The optics were so bad that even some at CNN were alarmed by the spectacle.

The use of the Marines behind Biden for such a blatantly political speech was criticized by the network’s chief national affairs correspondent, Jeff Zeleny.

“There’s nothing unusual or wrong with a President delivering a political speech — it’s inherent in the job description,” Zeleny tweeted. “But doing it against a backdrop of two Marines standing at attention and the Marine Band is a break with White House traditions.”

CNN’s Brianna Keilar agreed, saying it “flies in the face” of the notion that the American military is “supposed to be apolitical.”

“Whatever you think of this speech the military is supposed to be apolitical,” Keilar tweeted. “Positioning Marines in uniform behind President Biden for a political speech flies in the face of that. It’s wrong when Democrats do it. It’s wrong when Republicans do it.”

The overtly partisan nature of the speech also didn’t sit well with CNN contributor Scott Jennings. “This was a very, very partisan speech. His core message to me was if you don’t vote Democrat, we don’t have a democracy anymore, so that’s not going to land very well at all with any Republican voter, no matter what kind of Republican they consider [themselves to be].”

Of course, not everyone on the network had the same response.

CNN correspondent Eva McKend, for example, dubbed the speech “very, very patriotic.”

“And something else that really stuck out to me is that he almost seemed to be reclaiming patriotism. Often you hear Republicans argue that they are the pro-America party. The Democrats are not patriotic enough. But what was more pro-USA than this speech?” she asked. “And I think this is exactly what Democratic voters wanted to hear. We honor the will of the people, right? A nod to our democracy but also a nod to preserving reproductive rights. He is the president of all America. We are still at our core a democracy. I mean all of these things, it was a very, very patriotic speech, and I think that that is a lot of what Democratic voters across the country—they want to be patriotic, too. They want to be part of the American story, too. I think he spoke to that.”



SEE: https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2022/09/02/i-am-a-clear-and-present-danger-to-the-biden-regime-and-so-are-you-n1626390;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

“Clear and present danger” aren’t words any president should use lightly because that’s when the big guns used to come out against the First Amendment — and might again.

Set aside for a few minutes the vaguely Nurembergesque optics of Thursday night’s historically divisive speech by Presidentish Joe Biden so we can concentrate on the content.

“MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger,” Biden angrily declared. “They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow lies together.”

“That’s why respected conservatives, like Federal Circuit Court Judge Michael Luttig, has called Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans, quote, a ‘clear and present danger to our democracy.”

Ben Shapiro called it “the most demagogic, outrageous, and divisive speech” he’s ever seen from an American president because Biden “essentially declared all those who oppose him and his agenda enemies of the republic.”

Biden’s speech came just two days after he not-so-implicitly threatened [VIP link] millions of law-abiding Americans with military action. “For those brave right-wing Americans,” he sneered, “if you want to fight against the country, you need an F-15. You need something little more than a gun.”

Ricochet’s Jon Gabriel said that Biden’s word choice was as “deliberate as it was divisive,” reminding readers that the C&PD doctrine was “created by the Woodrow Wilson-era Supreme Court to curtail the free speech of Americans.”

Biden, warned Gabriel, “floated a legal pretext to silence Republicans heading into the midterm elections.”

Already, social media giants like Facebook and Twitter have been revealed as willing stooges for government end-runs around the First Amendment, as our own Stacey Lennox noted just today:

On the heels of shocking comments by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg about the FBI’s role in censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story, initial e-mails related to a lawsuit filed by Schmitt and Landry show even more evidence that the Biden administration is using Big Tech to do what it is not, allowed to do according to the Constitution.

Lennox wrote that “Further disclosures could demonstrate that Big Tech and the government are conspiring to censor information related to any number of issues.”

But back to Thursday night’s demagoguery.

MSNBC’s Eugene Robinson approvingly described Biden’s speech as an “urgent, wartime address.”

Recommended: Finger-Pointing Federal Reserve Admits They Can’t Tame Inflation, Blames Congress

Well, with whom is Biden at war?

Biden has met the enemy, and he is us.

Many on the Right, including my friend and colleague Stephen Kruiser, believe that Biden’s speech was a display of weakness, “the panic and flop sweat of every Washington power player inside the Beltway.” I don’t necessarily disagree, but let's at least consider that it might have been something else: A display of dangerously hubristic overconfidence in the administration’s own power.

Their power not to govern but to rule.

What else is there to call it when the Biden regime goes from surreptitiously silencing critics via social media back channels to openly floating a Wilson-era pretext for jailing us?

If this scheming mediocrity believes he can use his signature to transfer up to a trillion dollars from blue-collar Americans into the wallets of lawyers, doctors, and Trans Deconstructive Lit Theory majors and call it “debt relief,” why wouldn’t he think he can use the coercive power of the state to silence his critics?

I’ve been writing for PJ Media for over 15 years, but this is the first time I ever felt like the company, all of these voices, might not be here tomorrow.

I don’t know if the Swamp cabal running the White House will get away with it, but I’m sure as hell not going to be quiet about it — and neither will anyone else on any of the Townhall websites.

If you’d like to help keep us speaking up and speaking out on behalf of you and 72 million other clear and present dangers to this regime, I’d sure appreciate your VIP membership.

You can become a member right here, and don’t forget that VODKAPUNDIT promo code for a 25% discount here on PJ and all six Townhall sites.

If, for whatever reason, you can’t join us, at least please help share this message with your friends and family.

Forget “democracy” — our republic might depend upon it.




Biden Attacks Trump and His Supporters in “Non-political” Speech


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/biden-viciously-attacks-trump-and-his-supporters-in-non-political-speech/;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Biden Attacks Trump and His Supporters in “Non-political” Speech

In a speech billed as “non-political” by the White House, Joe Biden seized the opportunity in Philadelphia last night to reveal his true colors. His 24-minute speech was filled with what many see as outrageous misstatements, falsehoods, innuendoes, and hatred of traditional Americans and traditional America

.Below we quote extensively from the White House transcript of the screed:

Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic….

But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country….

MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people.

They refuse to accept the results of a free election. And they’re working right now, as I speak, in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.

MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards — backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love.

They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.

They look at the mob that stormed the United States Capitol on January 6th — brutally attacking law enforcement — not as insurrectionists who placed a dagger to the throat of our democracy, but they look at them as patriots.

And they see their MAGA failure to stop a peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 election as preparation for the 2022 and 2024 elections.

They tried everything last time to nullify the votes of 81 million people. This time, they’re determined to succeed in thwarting the will of the people.

That’s why respected conservatives, like Federal Circuit Court Judge Michael Luttig, has called Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans, quote, a “clear and present danger” to our democracy….

And now America must choose to move forward or to move backwards. To build the future or obsess about the past. To be a nation of hope and unity and optimism, or a nation of fear, division, and of darkness.

MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies….

Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans: We must be stronger, more determined, and more committed to saving American democracy than MAGA Republicans are to — to destroying American democracy….

Democracy cannot survive when one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election: either they win or they were cheated. And that’s where MAGA Republicans are today….

MAGA Republicans look at America and see carnage and darkness and despair. They spread fear and lies — lies told for profit and power….

The MAGA Republicans believe that for them to succeed, everyone else has to fail.

The speech was interrupted frequently by avid Biden supporters when he reiterated a statement with which they agreed.

Very few people actually watched the speech. That was likely because of a local college football game going on simultaneously, and because only CNN among the major networks covered it from start to finish. Other networks, including ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox News didn’t cover it live.

There was a very clear ominous militaristic theme to the speech, with Marines standing behind Biden, backlighted in 1930’s Hitler-style red. Erick Erickson called the presentation reminiscent of Hitler’s Third Reich, with Biden “flanked by Marines and backlit by mid-1930s German red mood lighting.”

In addition, Biden revealed either his ignorance or his deliberate misunderstanding of the word “democracy,” which he used dozens of times to describe what the Founders actually created: a constitutional republic. Those Founders knew the dangers of democracy as being just one short step toward mobocracy and then tyranny.

This follows Lenin’s instruction, “First confuse the vocabulary.” As Founding Father James Madison wrote in The Federalist, No. 10:

Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death.

Biden implied the use of force to correct the errors of his enemies:

I have come to this place … to speak as plainly as I can … about the power we have in our own hands to meet these threats….

Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic….

There is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country….

It is within our power, it’s in our hands — yours and mine — to stop the assault on American democracy.

He said nothing about the FBI raid on Trump’s private residence. He didn’t have to. There, in full public view, is precisely how Biden will use agencies such as the FBI to “stop the assault on American democracy.”

He said nothing about the failures of his administration: inflation, invasion, military disaster, and loss of respect abroad. Instead, he claimed that his policies are working to improve the economy, while the economy itself is poised on the brink of recession.

Biden is guilty, after all is said and done, of projecting onto his enemies the very charges that are rightly applied to him and his administration. By offending the 70-plus million people who voted for Donald Trump in 2020, Biden has sown the seeds of his own demise.


Some History of Biden’s Semi-fascism

Some History on Biden’s Semi-fascism


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/some-history-on-bidens-semi-fascism/;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Hello, all you semi-fascists!  Apparently, if you believe in limited government and protection of the Americanist system of government as devised by the Founding Fathers, that makes you a semi-fascist, according to President Biden.

We’ll look into this irresponsibility with some historical and truthful perspective and offer a solution on how you can best protect American liberty, freedom, and independence.

Please be sure to take the recommended actions in the video description and of course, to like, subscribe, and share this information with others on your social media platforms.

While he was at a Democratic party fundraiser at a private home, most of the establishment media, including NBC News, reported that President Biden said, “What we’re seeing now is the beginning of the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the — I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism.”

NBC suggested that this means “the ‘Make America Great Again’ philosophy central to Donald Trump’s presidency, [is] like semi-fascism.”

Then perhaps by extension, all those who support the philosophy are semi-fascists. And what exactly is fascism? It seems we should know that in order to know semi-fascism. 

According to Webster’s New World Dictionary and Thesaurus, fascism is “a system of government characterized by dictatorship, belligerent nationalism and racism, militarism, etc.: first instituted in Italy, (1922-43).”

In the November 1964 issue of The John Birch Society’s American Opinion monthly journal, our editorial staff wrote, “I regard Communism, Nazism and Fascism as having one underlying principle — dictatorship — the theory that Government should have the right to control the lives, the fortunes, the happiness, the beliefs, and every detail of life of the human being, and that man is a pawn of the Government, rather than the American conception that Government is created for the benefit of mankind.”

In its May 1963 issue, American Opinion staff wrote that Karl Marx, who paved the way for Lenin, should be known as the godfather of European fascism, as fascism did not come into being until after the Leninist revolution, and its best-known leaders were Mussolini (a Socialist) and Adolf Hitler (a National Socialist).

There are also some that point to the political right as where fascists belong. However, as our organization has presented for decades, the political spectrum indicates that total government control as brought about by dictatorship through Communism, Nazism, fascism, etc., is properly found on the left side. The American Republic as established under the Constitution is found in the center, where some amount of government is needed to protect God-given rights, but not too much to interfere with our practice of those rights.

In an economic sense, fascism deals with the amount of government ownership and control. This is covered very well in our video Overview of America. Let’s listen as narrator Mr. John McManus explains: 

Now, we can get into a deeper discussion about how federal subsidies, regulations, and government mandates play into moving the free market away from its foundations. But for the sake of argument, let’s assume that the president is not suggesting moving closer to fascism. So why would the president use this to label his political opposition? Is he ignorant of its true meaning? Did his political handlers inject that as a talking point? Or is there more to it?

In his 1965 book Slightly to the Right!, H.L. “Bill” Richardson, who would go on to serve several terms in the California State legislature and to found Gun Owners of America, suggested, “Confusing the meaning of words is an age-old art. It is now a studied science, used by Communists to confuse large segments of the world population, while at the same time relaying specific instructions to the party faithful. They refer to it as Aesopian or ‘sectarian’ Language. It is quite simply — semantic weaponry.”

We would be naïve to think that this tool is not employed today.

Continuing in his book, Mr. Richardson wrote, “The Communists build strong emotional feelings toward certain [trigger] words. They then use these words as ‘scare symbols’ to activate people in specified directions.… Communists also like to build words into effective trigger weapons which bring about feelings of disgust.”

One of these words is indeed “fascism” or “fascist.”

As Mr. Richardson pointed out, “One tactic that is a favorite of the Communists is to take their strongest opposition, destroy or disgrace it, and thus all of the lesser opposing forces will readily fall. A good example of this is the John Birch Society. The Senate Internal Security Sub-committee released its document, ‘The New Drive Against the Anti-Communist Programs’ in 1961, which spoke directly about the Communists’ concern over the awakening anti-Communist forces in this Nation. The Senate Committee report showed how the John Birch Society was singled out by the Communists as an organization to disgrace. The report stated:

Never, since the most virulent days of Goebbels’ “hate” propaganda, has anything appeared in the United States comparable to a 47-page booklet, dated June, 1961, put out by the Communist Party of the United States in connection with its drive to smother the expanding anti-Communist movement in this country.

The 35-cent booklet is entitled, “The Fascist Revival,” and purports to tell “the inside story of the John Birch Society.” The author is Mike Newberry, another Worker-specialist in unbridled smear.’”

By Worker-specialist, they were referring to the Worker, the official communist newspaper in America.

Not surprisingly, “The Fascist Revival” makes no effort to define fascism, yet uses various smear tactics throughout to get the reader to be triggered against JBS and its supporters.

A directive issued by the Communist Party helps to explain this tactic. In the 1953 Handbook on Propaganda, Oliver Carlson published this directive, which stated,

When certain obstructionists [to Communism] become too irritating, label them, after suitable build-ups, as Fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic, and use the prestige of anti-Fascist and tolerance organizations to discredit them.

In the public mind constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell…. The association will, after enough repetition, become “fact” in the public mind.… Members and front organization must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. Accuse them of being traitors to the war effort, fascists, Red-baiters, peace-destroyers, Quislings, labor-baiters and anti-Semites.

As Mr. Richardson concluded, “The public has been conditioned to react against conservatives but not against communists.… Certain words can and do trigger emotions. These emotional reactions can trigger people into acting without thinking. When a person becomes emotionally involved he may lose his ability to reason.”

So when you hear Biden the Great Uniter falsely label millions of Americans as semi-fascists, know that the historical company he keeps isn’t too impressive when it comes to freedom and Americanism. It appears he’d rather hitch his wagon to Marx. And as he continues to iterate, he’d much rather have America devolve into mob rule, otherwise known as democracy, which as you can see from the political spectrum is just a step away from total government. It is mob rule. Therefore, you will not find the word democracy in the Constitution or any of the 50 state constitutions. We do not stand and pledge allegiance to the Flag and the democracy for which it stands, but to the Republic for which it stands.

Perhaps Biden did get something right. He said in his fundraising speech, “The MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal rights and economic security, they’re a threat to our very democracy.”

There is also a darker reason for doing what Biden did. Perhaps he’s hoping Antifa will see this as an invitation to smash fascists. Time will tell.

Again, confusing the meaning of words is a tactic of communists, and those advocating for democracy, knowing full well the Founding Fathers were adamantly against it, have certainly made a trigger out of it. Thus, there must be some agenda behind it.

The Handbook on Propaganda summarizes the main objectives of communist propaganda as:

1. To make use of any and all existing discontents … to direct them into channels for undermining both the symbols as well as the practices of the established order.

2. To foment strife and suspicion among and between all other political, social, economic, and religious groups and associations to the end that they will not unite against the Communists.

3. To create and organize a host of false “front” organizations with seemingly limited and legitimate objectives.

Remember, communist propaganda doesn’t have to be uttered by a card-carrying member. Sometimes it’s best to use what Stalin described as useful idiots and JBS Founder Robert Welch called “comsymps” (communist sympathizers).

As political campaign rhetoric heats up, know that Biden is just continuing the communist, globalist agenda many before him have begun, and those that stand up against it are going to be the ones who catch the most flak, as The John Birch Society can attest from being in the communist crosshairs since at least 1961.

To best fight, an attack on America is to first recognize that there is an organized attack. This has been handily demonstrated over the last three years. When governments around the world act in lockstep with the tactics of communist countries, the agenda of control through world government has never been more apparent.

What other patriotic organization recognizes this and then works to counter-act it? The John Birch Society is a unique organization that works toward less government, more responsibility, and — with God’s help — a better world.

Our main tactic is to use education to alert fellow concerned Americans. It’s a similar tactic to what the Founding Fathers used to prepare the country for independence. Let’s work together to get back to their vision for freedom for all by placing government back into its limited role, as prescribed by the Founders.


Project Veritas Exposes More Left-wing Indoctrination in Education at Prestigious NYC Private School

PART 3: New York City Assistant Principal Exposed For Discriminatory Hiring Practices Against Conservatives

NYC Assistant Principal Becomes Second School Official to Reveal Discriminatory Hiring Practices, Child Indoctrination Strategy … If Candidates Answer ‘Diversity-Equity-Inclusion Question’ Incorrectly ‘They Are Just an Automatic Not Hire’

NEW YORK POST Trinity School staffer admits to sneaking political 'agenda' into NYC classroom, video shows By Emily Crane September 1, 2022 II I Updated Trinity School NYC Director of Stu. PART 2

Project Veritas Exposes More Left-wing Indoctrination in Education at Prestigious NYC Private School


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/project-veritas-exposes-more-left-wing-indoctrination-in-education-at-prestigious-private-nyc-school/;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Project Veritas, the watchdog organization specializing in undercover videos exposing nefarious actors in politics and culture, dropped the second video this week exposing left-wing indoctrination in education. On Thursday, the prestigious Trinity School NYC and its director of student activities, Jennifer Norris, were targeted as Norris was caught on camera bragging about peddling her left-wing activism to students in the name of “education.”

Previously this week, Project Veritas highlighted discriminatory hiring practices in the Greenwich, Connecticut, school district, when they featured administrator Jeremy Boland admitting on camera that, among other things, he would not hire Catholics at the school.

In Thursday’s video, Norris bragged about using her position of authority at the Trinity School to advance her left-wing ideologies.

“I just keep trying to disrupt wherever I can,” the administrator said. “And now that I’m in this position, I have so many opportunities to do that.”

“I don’t hide how I feel, but I can’t pretend I’m [not] promoting an agenda even though I clearly am with all the stuff I’m doing,” Norris was caught saying.

Like much of New York City, Norris confirmed that Trinity School is not a place where conservatives are welcome.

“I mean, we [the school] are not as left as I am, for sure. But it’s definitely a school where conservatives would not feel comfortable.”

Norris also bragged that, in her capacity in booking speakers for the school, conservatives were persona non grata.

“Two days a week, I bring in speakers from outside. So, that’s been a huge opportunity for me to just bring things — any social justice issues or just people with experiences,” Norris said.

Asked specifically if she would ever consider a Republican speaker, Norris replied simply, “I won’t.”

“I’m in charge as far as they [the administration] are concerned. So, if they want to do that [bring Republican speakers], then somebody else has to do it. Because — not on my watch, I guess,” Norris explained.

Norris openly admitted to having a racist and sexist point of view regarding some of her students.

“Unfortunately, it’s the white boys who feel very entitled to express their opposite opinions and just push back,” Norris explained. “There’s a huge contingent of them that are just horrible. And you’re like, ‘Are you always going to be horrible, or are you just going to be horrible right now?’ Don’t know.”

Is Norris really saying that the students she describes should not be “entitled” to voice their opinions?

The administrator especially disdained white students with wealthy parents, calling them “awful people.” Those students who come from money likely make up a large portion of the student body, as tuition for the school costs more than $58,000 per student. The school houses grades K-12.

“I don’t know. I think they need to go. I think they’re really awful people. That’s kind of what I’m afraid of with my white students that are rich. I’m like — do you ever have to deal with this? They’re so protected by capitalism. It makes me sad,” Norris said.

Norris had some draconian ideas for removing such students from the school.

“We need to find some, like, Dexter, sort of like a vigilante, taking people out,” Norris joked. Dexter was a television series about a serial killer.

“We just need some vigilante, Dexters. Like, ‘Here’s your community of targets,’ Norris said.

According to Norris, even detention at the school is used as an opportunity to spread the gospel of social justice.

“I give them [students] all the art supplies. They can make posters together. We have people that go to every march,” Norris explained. “So, it’s like the punishment of detention, but it’s not punishment at all.”

When the Project Veritas undercover journalist brought up the idea of having a drag queen story hour for the school children, Norris was enthusiastic.

“Sure!” Norris said. “I think it would be awesome.”

Trinity School doesn’t appear to want to talk about or hear comments about the Project Veritas expose. As of this writing, the school’s Twitter page has been deleted and its Facebook account reports that “content isn’t available right now.”

Of course, this new Project Veritas series highlighting left-wing corruption in education isn’t telling readers of The New American anything new — it’s just more fuel for the fire. Parents are, often unwittingly, sending their most precious possessions — their children — into school systems that have no regard for faith, traditional values, or American ideals. And the more such indoctrination can be exposed, the better.

Principal Reveals in Undercover Video How Schools ‘Get Away With’ Sneaking in Woke Agenda, Anti-Catholic Bigotry

UPDATE: 9/12/22

James O’Keefe’s SAVAGE Response to Connecticut Attorney General’s Threat to Subpoena Veritas 

JAMES O'KEEFE: Connecticut Public School Asst. Principal Admits Discrimination Against Catholic Candidates

Police Threaten to Arrest O'Keefe When Questioning Asst. Principal Boland on Discriminatory Comments

Fox and Friends Covers #TheSecretCurriculum



SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/gregbyrnes/2022/08/31/undercover-video-reveals-how-conn-schools-sneak-in-woke-agenda-anti-catholic-bigotry-n1625551;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Is it true that Catholics need not apply at one Greenwich, Conn., public school? Are evangelicals on the same do-not-hire list? And if you are a teacher over the age of 30, is there a chance you are not woke enough to be hired?

In the first video of its new Education Series, Project Veritas lowered the boom on Jeremy Boland, assistant principal of the Cos Cob Elementary School. “Believe it or not, the open-minded, more progressive teachers are actually more savvy about delivering a Democratic message without really ever having to mention politics,” he said. “So, it’s subtle. They [teachers I hire] will never say, ‘Oh, this is [a] liberal or a Democratic way of doing this.’ They’ll just make that the norm—and this is how we handle things. It’s subtle…That’s how you get away with it.”

He said his goal is for the students to eventually vote Democrat.

But there is more than political indoctrination at play in this traditionally Republican town. There seems to be outright anti-Catholic bigotry.

“Protestants in this area [of Connecticut] are probably the most liberal. But if they’re Catholic—conservative—you don’t hire them,” he said in the undercover video. “If someone is raised hardcore Catholic, it’s like, they’re brainwashed—you can never change their mindset.”

He also discussed how the school quietly discriminates in its hiring practices. “For one position, I think we had 30 applicants. So out of all those applicants, I don’t think I interviewed anybody over the [age] of 30… the older you get, the more set in your ways, the more conservative you get.”

Such is the fifth column of woke bigotry that seems to have infected a school in one of the wealthiest towns in America. Republican First Selectman (the New England equivalent of mayor) Fred Camillo says he does not doubt the veracity of Project Veritas’s undercover videos: “The Veritas video just released, and I see no reason to suspect it is not accurate. It is shameful and needs a full investigation into not only this administrator but the damage caused to applicants, past and present. Our kids deserve better. Our schools deserve better. Our town deserves better.”

Related: What Can You Do to Counter the Wave of Woke Books in Our Schools?

As a graduate of the school in this traditionally Italian-American neighborhood and a former teacher himself, Camillo said, “To think that Roman Catholic applicants may have applied for teaching positions and not received proper consideration due to their religion seems like something from a bygone era, not 2022. According to this assistant principal, conservatives, older applicants, and others deemed not progressive were not given an opportunity afforded to others. We are entrusted with the task of educating students and encouraging critical thinking. Brainwashing and indoctrination have no place in halls of learning, or anywhere else, for that matter.”

Because of the widespread unpopularity of the Woke agenda, the educator in this case, and probably in other school districts around the country, opted to secretly implement the progressive agenda in what looks like a violation of state law and common fairness. While parents are busy earning a living, some so-called educators here and around the country are using parents’ tax dollars to work against their role in raising and educating their children. Rather than backing up parents, who by right are the primary educators, they are undermining them.

In the video, Boland makes clear he is not there to back up the parents and that he makes a point of never hiring teachers who will back up parents. “Do we work for the parents or do we work for the kid?” he asked. “We work for the kid.” In his view, schools are there to replace parents in the chain of influence on their children.

A number of years ago, in this same school system, a group of parents formed a coalition to oppose a school program. When the leader of the meeting asked those in the hall how many of them were told they were the only ones to complain, more than half the people raised their hands. Modern public education can be a hall of smoke and mirrors where things are not as they seem. Truth can be the first casualty and parental involvement is not always welcomed.

One response in Connecticut has been to allow parents to instruct their children to opt-out of surveys in public schools. The Family Institute of Connecticut and other groups believe these sometimes intimate surveys of students—the results of which may or may not be shared with parents—are being used to target students regarding their sexuality and other equity agenda goals, if not outright grooming. A complete reform of transparency in education is needed if public education is to live up to the public part of its name.

Ryan Girdusky’s 1776 PAC  has made some substantial headway in replacing woke school boards in Miami and Broward counties in Florida, and other school district elections across the country. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has also focused his attention on local school board contests. Perhaps the simplest solution is to allow public education dollars to follow the students to whatever school they choose to attend. Given the lack of transparency, as demonstrated by Project Veritas in the Greenwich Public Schools, parents need direct financial leverage to ensure schools do not undermine their values or promote a secret social or political agenda.

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Wave of lawsuits coming against psychiatrists and doctors who rubber-stamped transgender mutilations and surgeries

Image: Wave of lawsuits coming against psychiatrists and doctors who rubber-stamped transgender mutilations and surgeries


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-26-lawsuits-coming-doctors-rubber-stamp-transgender-mutilations.html;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

(Natural News) Medical professionals who rubber stamp cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers in children will be held accountable for child abuse and medical malpractice. Medical professionals who push transgender surgeries and genital mutilations on their patients will soon see a wave of lawsuits.

Take for instance 19-year-old Jay Langadinos. Back in May of 2010, this Australian woman sought professional help from a psychiatrist named Dr. Patrick Toohey. After a single meeting, the psychiatrist scheduled Jay for hormone treatment and two major surgeries to remove her breasts and uterus. Jay’s endocrinologist, Professor Ann Conway, was concerned that Jay was “very young” and therefore needed “a thorough psychiatric work-up before embarking on hormone treatment.”

But psychiatrist Dr. Patrick Toohey did not provide a thorough psychiatric evaluation and did not take the time to listen to his patient. After just one meeting, he prescribed synthetic hormones, forcing Jay to develop secondary male sex characteristics. The mutilation surgeries followed soon thereafter, starting with a double mastectomy. When Jay was just 22 years old, her psychiatrist signed off on a hysterectomy, writing that there was no “psychiatric contraindication to proceeding with hysterectomy as part of gender transition.”

A decade later, Jay does not identify as a male, an assumption that was forced on her at a young age. Today, she is suing the psychiatrist for professional negligence.

Youth who were maimed into transgenderism are beginning to de-transition back to their true selves

Back when she was nineteen years old, Jay says she told the doctor that she suffered from social phobia, but this issue was ignored. If psychiatrists took a little time and got down to the root of the problem, then hormone therapy and gender-contorting surgeries would not even be considered. The hormones and procedures that Jay underwent ultimately caused early menopause, impaired psychological functioning, deep anxiety, and depression. She ultimately wanted to have children but could not. Now, she holds the doctor accountable for not recommending she get a second opinion before the hysterectomy was conducted.

The feelings, urges and thoughts of youth are complex and fleeting, but none of it has to define them for life — unless it gets taken too far. Birth gender is sacred and should be preserved and affirmed first. Jay remembers being confused about her sexuality and gender after going online and learning about gender dysphoria.

“Because of the definition of dysphoria, I thought, ‘That’s what I have.’ I decided that I must be transgender because of the discomfort that I had in my body,” said Langadinos. But after coming to an incorrect conclusion about her identity, she was not guided in the right direction. When she sought psychiatric help, she was affirmed in her confusion and further persuaded to accept an identity that wasn’t truly hers. As the hormone treatment took effect, it made her even more unhappy, and she sought further changes to “fix” herself and find some sort of happiness inside.

“As my unhappiness grew, I felt the cause of my unhappiness was because I was not male, so the answer was to change my body even more,” said Langadinos. “I had a breakdown, and couldn’t function for an entire year. I couldn’t get out of bed. I wish at the time I know how much I was hurting and why.”

Medical professionals beginning to speak out about gender-bending child abuse, genital mutilation

Victims of gender transition are rising up and telling their stories. These first-hand experiences are motivating more medical professionals to stand up for children who are preyed on by trans-activism, gender delusions, synthetic hormones, and genital mutilation. Dr. Quentin Van Meter, president of the American College of Pediatricians, called puberty blockers “child abuse” in an interview with LifeSiteNews.

“If you are interrupting that with clearly the intent of never having it go the direction that nature intended, with biological males ending up as adult males and biological females ending up as adult females, if you interrupt that, you are basically setting up a disease state,” Van Meter stated. “And then on top of that, the purpose is clear in the vast majority of kids that get on puberty blockers, they will not be allowed to go through their own natural puberty. They will be held back and then given cross-sex hormones.”

Dr. Van Meter said that puberty blockers are a gateway to surgical mutilation of healthy body parts and they have many short- and long-term side effects. “So it’s a conveyor belt. And once that patient is placed on the conveyor belt of puberty blockers, they are carried down the assembly line to cross-sex hormones. And then at the end, have an option to do surgery to mutilate their bodies to appear like the opposite sex.”

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