Who’s Dishonorable? Biden Wants Troops Refusing “Vaccine” DISHONORABLY Discharged


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/whos-dishonorable-biden-wants-troops-refusing-vaccine-dishonorably-discharged/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

“Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die,” wrote poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson in 1854. While the line implies that military men must do their duty and obey superiors regardless of cost, we know there are such things as illegal orders. There are also irrational, suicidal orders, such as the event inspiring Tennyson’s line: the disastrous charge of a Light Brigade during the Crimean War’s Battle of Balaclava. Yet while that tragedy resulted from innocent blunders, many wouldn’t say the same about another irrational order: the Biden administration’s directive that all American servicemen be “vaccinated” against SARS-CoV-2 despite soldiers being at greater risk of dying of suicide than COVID-19.

And now the administration wants the Pentagon to be able to court-martial any serviceman who resists.

The Daily Mail summarizes the story:

  • The House is set to vote on the NDAA, the Pentagon’s annual defense budget, this week
  • The Pentagon last month mandated that all 1.4 million service members get vaccinated
  • An amendment passed during committee markup prohibits giving service members who refuse a vaccine anything but an honorable discharge
  • White House said that ‘commanders must have the ability to give orders and take appropriate disciplinary measures,’ including enforcing the vaccine mandate
  • The White House also took issue with a section of the bill that exempts those who have had a previous Covid-19 infection from the vaccine mandate

“Since the Pentagon’s announcing of the mandate, different branches have imposed different deadlines for vaccinations,” the Mail also informs. “Active duty members of the Army will have to be vaccinated by Dec. 15, while active-duty members of the Air Force will have to get their shot by Nov. 2. Active-duty Marines and Navy sailors have to get their jab by Nov. 28, while reservists have until Dec. 28.”

“Reserve Air Force personnel have to get their shot by Dec. 2 while reserve members of the Army have until next June,” the paper continues.

Republicans generally oppose the bill, of course, with the GOP’s more patriotic and Truth-oriented Freedom Caucus ardently against it. In fact, the group “released a statement urging GOP members to vote against the NDAA to hold the Biden administration ‘accountable’ for the frenzied Afghanistan withdrawal, to fight against ‘turning our military into a progressive social experiment,’ and to protest an amendment that adds women to the draft,” the Mail further relates.

As for military members’ opposition to administration policy, obviously, discipline and obedience within the ranks are imperatives, and top brass must be able to lay down the law. It’s also true that deciding to disobey orders is always a serious matter, as a serviceman thus proceeding is stepping beyond his normal role and assessing policy.

Yet soldiers aren’t merely automatons but are rational beings with intellect and free will. As such, they can and will make moral judgments about orders.

As to this, again, there’s every indication the Light Brigade fiasco was caused by superiors operating in good faith. Yet can the same be said of the genetic-therapy agent (GTA, a.k.a. “vaccine”) mandate?

A serviceman studying the issue may know that he and his fellows are at virtually no China virus risk. The CDC essentially related this fact back in October, providing data recently confirmed by Stanford University epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannidis. In fact, the 0 to 19 age group, into which some military members fall, has a China virus survival rate of 99.997 percent. The 20 to 49 age group, which includes virtually all other servicemen, has a 99.98-percent survivability rate.    

Note that more than 600,000 of our 1.4 million active-duty military personnel are 25 or younger.

Also note that, if anything, their China virus survivability may be even greater than indicated above because servicemen are healthier than the general population.

An informed military member also may know that contrary to health authorities’ past claims, the GTAs efficacy and safety are highly questionable. In fact, stories of GTA-coincident complications and even deaths are now legion, and FDA advisory panel member Steve Kirsch recently stated that the GTAs “kill more people than they save.”

Given this, many servicemen may ask, “Did I sign up to be a guinea pig?”

Influencing this judgment are the pigs “more equal than others.” Morale won’t be high and a disobedient spirit low unless servicemen can respect their superiors. Yet in recent years they’ve been spat upon by their leadership, civilian and military. They were forced to stand down for 60 days to ferret out alleged “extremism” and were unfairly maligned as having “white supremacists” in their ranks, have had Critical Race Theory and other “woke” ideology foisted upon them, and have witnessed the military become a testing ground for sexual devolutionary social engineering.

Moreover, they’ve seen how the top brass commit transgressions with impunity. Most notable is General Mark Milley’s phone call with a Chinese general, in which he arguably descended into treason by promising to warn Beijing if the United States planned to attack. There are no signs Manchurian Milley will be punished in any way.

Would you buy a used GTA mandate from these people? Servicemen just may conclude that if “rule”-breaking is good enough for wizened and woke generals way past their sell-by date, it’s good enough for them, too.

And what of the moral aspect of defying orders? The answer is in the question. “Morality,” properly understood, implies recognition of a measure above man. Worldly authority always ends where divine law begins.

Of course, this is often a difficult judgment call. So perhaps the answer is that military members have to follow their consciences in these matters — and upper echelon superiors must follow their consciences in deciding consequences.

If only we could believe that, with the GTA mandate, it is conscience with our “leaders” and not just politics masquerading as principle.


Rumble — Real America - Dan Ball W/ Parent Advocate for ParentUnion.org, Celeste Fiehler (September 22, 2021)



As America Has Become More Secular, It Has Become Less Free~Why freedom in America is threatened as never before.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/09/america-has-become-more-secular-it-has-become-less-dennis-prager/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Here is something any honest person must acknowledge: As America has become more secular, it has become less free.

Individuals can differ as to whether these two facts are correlated, but no honest person can deny they are facts.

It seems to me indisputable that they are correlated. To deny this, one would have to argue that it is merely coincidental that free speech, the greatest of all freedoms, is more seriously threatened than at any time in American history while a smaller-than-ever percentage of Americans believe in God or regularly attend church.

The United States became the freest country in the world, the sweet land of liberty, the recipient of the Statue of Liberty, the country whose flag freedom fighters around the world have often waved. This freedom was rooted in the deeply religious nature of its founding ideals. America was founded by God-centered individuals to be a God-centered country. The claims that America's founders were mostly deists and that America was founded to be a godless secular society are not true.

Some of the Founders were not orthodox Christians, i.e., they did not believe in the Christian Trinity or in the divinity of Christ. But none of them were deists (with the possible exception of Jefferson). Deists believed in a creator God who was not only uninvolved with his creations, but he also did not even know them, let alone care about them. After creating the world, the deists' God abandoned it. The deists' God was Aristotle's "unmoved mover."

Every major Founder (again, with the possible exception of Jefferson) believed in the God of the Bible who heard prayer, acted in history, judged people in the hereafter, demanded ethical behavior, and without Whom morality did not objectively exist. Most importantly, they all believed that in order for a functioning democratic republic not to descend into tyranny, it was necessary to link freedom with God.

Whatever Jefferson's view of God was, he was as influenced by the Bible as every other Founder. He and Benjamin Franklin proposed that the great seal of the United States depict Moses leading the Jews out of Egypt: Moses raising his rod to divide the sea; Pharaoh, in his chariot, overwhelmed by the waters; and the divine pillar of fire that led the Israelites by night. The seal's proposed motto: "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." Jefferson and Franklin believed that freedom and obedience to God were synonymous. No God, no freedom.

The Founders linked freedom inextricably to God. That is why the inscription on the Liberty Bell is from the Bible: "Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof." The verse comes from Leviticus, the third book of the Bible. The Founders knew their Bible. The present adult generation of Americans is more ignorant of the Bible than any in American history. And most young people know even less. I suspect that most students at Harvard could not identify Leviticus, let alone cite any of its verses.

The bell was named "the Liberty Bell" by the abolitionists. Their opposition to slavery was based entirely on the Bible. Their motivating principle, "All men are created equal," came from the Bible. They did not get it from the ancient Greeks, who would have scoffed at such a notion.

Freedom permeates the Old Testament: The Bible begins with the story of Adam and Eve, a story about man's assertion of his God-given freedom ... freedom even to disobey God. The primary story of the Old Testament is the Exodus, a story about God liberating slaves.

For the Founders, the most obvious reason freedom was dependent on faith in God was that only if God is regarded as the source of freedom could men not rightfully take it away. If men are the source of freedom, men can rightfully retract it. This is precisely what is happening today. Freedom is being destroyed primarily by those who scorn the idea that freedom comes from God.

The rule that the end of religion means the end of freedom does not mean that secularism would not be a welcome replacement for totalitarian theocracies such as Iran. But eventually that, too — a secular Iran — would lead to tyranny. Wherever God is delinked from freedom, freedom ultimately withers. When Christianity died in Europe, it was replaced by fascism, Nazism, and communism.

Freedom is central to the Bible. This is especially apparent in America, which until now has linked its unparalleled commitment to freedom to God and the Bible. But freedom is peripheral to leftism. That is why freedom in America is threatened as never before: The foundations upon which freedom rests — God, the Bible, Judeo-Christian values — are threatened as never before.

Every American coin bears two inscriptions: "In God We Trust" and "Liberty." Every generation of Americans prior to the 1960s understood why. Most Americans today, including secular conservatives, do not.

Commentary: Has Beth Moore Inadvertently Become a Proponent of Critical Race Theory (CRT)?

SEE: https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/newsletters/2021/newsletter20210923.htm;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The CRT lie is that every white person is inherently racist (whether they know it or not) [and in] a “perpetual state of guilt and apology to people of color. . . . It doesn’t matter if they never felt or acted as if they were superior to others because they were white; they are white, and therefore, according to CRT, they are racist.”

By L. Sharp

Beth Moore Background

Beth Moore has been moving away from the Bible for a while now. Lighthouse Trails has documented over the years her becoming a proponent of contemplative prayer, “emergent” doctrine, and ecumenism (most notably with Roman Catholicism).

See link: https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?s=beth+moore

Beth Moore publicly announced on March 9, 2021 that she was “no longer a Southern Baptist”

See link: https://religionnews.com/2021/03/09/bible-teacher-beth-moore-ends-partnership-with-lifeway-i-am-no-longer-a-southern-baptist/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMInIm4-fSL8gIVwj2tBh0Sewj5EAAYASAAEgLqNvD_BwE

Recently, on Twitter (July 21, 2021), she decided to vent her frustrations, specifically aimed at the fact 6 Southern Baptist Seminary Presidents had signed a statement in Nov. 2020, declaring that Critical Race Theory (CRT) was “incompatible with the Baptist Faith & Message”.

This Nov. 2020 statement was a shift from the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) 2019 statement calling CRT “insufficient to diagnose and redress the root causes” of societal ills, but could be used as an “analytical tool to aid.” Perhaps her criticism of the SBC has escalated, after the more recent June 2021 SBC Convention, where the SBC shifted very clearly toward non-support of CRT.

BACKGROUND OF SBC’s (Southern Baptist Convention) shifting statements regarding CRT
I thought it would be helpful to give you a background of SBC’s statements the last 3 years regarding CRT.

1) 2019 Statement:

In June 2019, the SBC affirmed the following regarding CRT:
WHEREAS, Critical race theory and intersectionality alone are insufficient [emphasis mine] to diagnose and redress the root causes of the social ills that they identify, which result from sin, yet these analytical tools can aid [emphasis mine] in evaluating a variety of human experiences;

see link:

2) No 2020 Statement:

No SBC Meeting June 2020 (b/c of COVID-19)

3) 2021 Statement:

In June 2021, the SBC affirmed the following regarding “race and racial reconciliation” in the passing of Resolution #2:

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, June 15–16, 2021, affirm the sufficiency of Scripture on race and racial reconciliation; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we reaffirm our agreement with historic, biblically-faithful Southern Baptist condemnations of racism in all forms; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we reject any theory or worldview that finds the ultimate identity of human beings in ethnicity or in any other group dynamic [emphasis mine]; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we reject any theory or worldview that sees the primary problem of humanity as anything other than sin against God and the ultimate solution as anything other than redemption found only in Christ; and be it further

RESOLVED, We, therefore, reject any theory or worldview that denies that racism, oppression, or discrimination is rooted, ultimately, in anything other than sin; and be it further

RESOLVED, That, understanding we live in a fallen world, we reaffirm the 1995 Resolution On Racial Reconciliation On The 150th Anniversary Of The Southern Baptist Convention, which includes, “That we apologize to all African-Americans for condoning and/or perpetuating individual and systemic racism in our lifetime; and we genuinely repent of racism of which we have been guilty, whether consciously (Psalm 19:13) or unconsciously (Leviticus 4:27),” applying this disposition to every instance of racism; [emphasis mine]

see link:

4) Statement Beth Moore tweeted about:

On Nov.30, 2020 this statement was adopted by the Council of Seminary Presidents of the SBC:

“On this twentieth anniversary year of the Baptist Faith & Message (as revised and adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000), the Council of Seminary Presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in its annual session, hereby reaffirms with eagerness the Baptist Faith & Message as the doctrinal statement that unites and defines Southern Baptist cooperation and establishes the confessional unity of our Convention. Our six seminaries are confessional institutions, standing together in this classic statement of biblical truth. All professors must agree to teach in accordance with and not contrary to the Baptist Faith & Message. This is our sacred commitment and privilege, and every individual faculty member and trustee of our institutions shares this commitment. We are thankful for the theological commitments of the Southern Baptist Convention, standing against the tide of theological compromise and in the face of an increasingly hostile secular culture.

In light of current conversations in the Southern Baptist Convention, we stand together on historic Southern Baptist condemnations of racism in any form and we also declare that affirmation of Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and any version of Critical Theory is incompatible with the Baptist Faith & Message.” [emphasis mine]

see these 3 links:




BETH MOORE’S July 21, 2021 Tweet in response to above Nov.30, 2020 SBC Seminary Presidents’ statement—

Here is Beth Moore’s tweet in full:

“I hope to write calmly and clearly this AM. In my estimation, the handwriting was on the wall that this witch-hunt was tragically inevitable when the 6 SBC seminary presidents signed the statement declaring CRT incompatible with the Baptist Faith & Message BECAUSE 1) It wasn’t made clear to many what qualifies as CRT & what does NOT. 2) Many people aren’t going to do the homework on how to differentiate between CRT & BIBLICAL priorities of justice & BIBLICAL mandates against injustice. If you don’t think God frowns on injustices committed or blessed by people who claim to belong to him, you simply aren’t reading your Bible. I don’t have to be a seminary president to suggest reading the prophets if you want to know what kind of hell there can be to pay, when we, the people of God, deal unjustly or stand by silently in its midst. 3) Because of 1 & 2, the moment someone preaches, teaches or speaks against racism or injustice, many church congregations, Christian organizations, students & faculty members of Christian universities & seminaries are now primed to see devils behind every bush and holler “CRT!!”

"I beg you to hear me here: godly people are losing their jobs and WILL lose their jobs by the hundreds over this witch hunt for simply teaching Biblical righteousness. They are no more proponents of CRT than they are horned toads. I am not a proponent of CRT but I will not for one-second relent on stating the obvious fact that systemic injustice thrives in America. You have to have a blindfold on not to see it. Believing there is such a thing as systemic injustice does not equal CRT. Brothers and sisters, we are spreading lies and it is harmful and sinful. And there is no lie as binding as the one we are willing to tell ourselves in order to protect our positions and power structures. When the church is driven by fear and lies rather than by love & truth, it may be some kind of church, but it is not Christ’s. I write in lay-person terms.

"I’m not an academic. I’m a Bible studying Jesus freak who loves the church. I’ll inevitably have said some of this poorly. I require a lot of grace and I ask you to look to the heart of it and test the spirit. I have written these things in love and deep concern.”

Here is her July 21, 2021 Twitter thread documenting the above Tweet–


Regarding Beth Moore

1) It is not surprising that Beth Moore is angry towards SBC and their move away from support for CRT. She left SBC, so now she can freely criticize unfiltered. But, why is Beth Moore so angry at these “witch-hunter” SBC Seminary Presidents? Her anger against SBC and their recent stand of non-support of CRT, reveals her lack of understanding of CRT, and her lack of biblical discernment.

2) Lighthouse Trails explains CRT well. So, we don’t have to be confused about what it is all about.

The Lighthouse Trails booklet “Critical Race Theory” points out, on p.6:

Critical Race Theory, which was birthed in the 1980s by lawyers and social activists, has to do with seeing people from a critical perspective as belonging to specific identity groups (e.g. whites, blacks, lesbians, feminists, genders) whereby each group is categorized as either “oppressor” or “oppressed.” It is the creation of “cultural Marxism” wherein the two categories are pitted against the complete overturning of the present system.

Also, on p.7 the booklet goes on to say:

Critical Race theorists believe in institutional (or systemic) racism; that is, racism is so integrated into our American society that “the systems in place [e.g.,capitalism] . . . create and maintain racial inequality in nearly every facet of life for people of color.” Furthermore, they say that all white people, whether they think, talk, or act like it or not, are racist because they are privy to “white privilege” and should therefore be in a perpetual state of guilt and apology to people of color. . . . It doesn’t matter if they never felt or acted as if they were superior to others because they were white; they are white, and therefore, according to CRT, they are racist.

3) Beth Moore complained about the Nov.2020 SBC Seminary Presidents’ statement of CRT being “incompatible” with the Baptist Faith and Message.  She calls this the beginning of their “witch-hunt.” Merriam-Webster’s online definition of “witch-hunt” is: the searching out and deliberate harassment of those (such as political opponents) with unpopular views (see link: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/witch%20hunt)

Is the SBC on a “witch-hunt”? If so, against whom? “Godly” people who support CRT (Critical Race Theory)? In her tweet, Moore basically “warns” the SBC seminary presidents by saying: “I don’t have to be a seminary president to suggest reading the prophets if you want to know what kind of hell there can be to pay, when we, the people of God, deal unjustly or stand by silently in its midst.”

It appears that Beth Moore is accusing the SBC Seminary Presidents of “dealing unjustly” or “standing by silently in the midst” (midst of what? so-called “systemic injustice”?). And, according to Beth Moore, she accuses those men of not reading the prophets properly, because if they did, they would know “what kind of hell there can be to pay” for people like “them.”

Who are people like “them”? Does Beth Moore’s stereotyping of the SBC Seminary Presidents as “them” sound like divisive talk, pitting one group against another? For a self-proclaimed non-proponent of CRT, Beth Moore paints the SBC Seminary Presidents as “them” (the anti-CRT folks), and herself (along with “godly people”) as “us” (who see systemic injustice everywhere).

CRT is an anti-gospel/unbiblical worldview

What Beth Moore does not realize is that CRT, at its core, is an anti-gospel worldview. Why?

  1. CRT is a secular worldview, so it is inherently an anti-gospel/unbiblical worldview.
  2. CRT’s view of sin, humanity and redemption is anti-gospel.  
  3. Sin: According to CRT, humanity’s original sin is “racism”. According to the Bible, man’s original sin is disobedience to God’s command (Adam’s sin in the Garden of Eden). See Genesis 3.
  4. Humanity: According to CRT, humanity is ever trying to “better” itself. According to the Bible, humanity (individual people), can never “better” itself. Each person, because of his or her sin, can only turn to God, acknowledging his or her sin and disobedience against Him, and then God alone can restore God’s image in him or her. This is not becoming “better,” but becoming the man or woman God has created him or her to be (according to the Bible and its standard, not humanity’s standards). See Jer.17:9; Psalm 51:5; 1 John 1:10; Romans 3:23; 5:12,19; Eph.2:1-2.
  5. Redemption: According to CRT, there is no redemption. According to the Bible, there is individual, personal redemption in the cross of Jesus Christ. There is individual forgiveness and reconciliation with God (and with each other), through the death and resurrection (and shed blood) of Jesus Christ. God can redeem, and there is hope in His Son Jesus Christ alone and in believing the gospel. See Colossians 1:14; Ephesians 1:7; Heb. 9:14.

More specifically, according to CRT, there are only two groups of people: the oppressor and the oppressed; the victimizer and the victim; the haves and have-nots; the “us” and “them.” But, there is no redemption. There is no forgiveness. There is no reconciliation. There is no end to the “penance.”  The sin is not biblical sin (Romans 3:23), but the sin is “racism.”

The only solution offered by CRT is for the “oppressors” (whites) to pay perpetual “penance” for their “sin” of racism, whether conscious or unconscious, known or unknown.  CRT is an anti-gospel/unbiblical worldview that offers no hope of healing, restoration, or reconciliation (between one another, or with God).

Whether or not you agree with the SBC Seminary Presidents’ most recent statement (of Nov. 2020), they were making a statement of their stance regarding CRT. Did this statement of their beliefs start a “witch-hunt” (as Beth Moore alleges)? Even if that were true, who exactly were the SBC Seminary Presidents searching out and deliberately harassing?

Beth Moore and CRT
Beth Moore seems to be a proponent of CRT (based on her July 21, 2021 tweet), whether she knows it or not. Who is she defending? People of color? “Godly people” who are not opposed to CRT? She already is feeling guilty for America’s “systemic injustice.”  Look at the language in her tweet. She says:

I am not a proponent of CRT but I will not for one second relent on stating the obvious fact that systemic    injustice thrives in America. You have to have a blindfold on not to see it. Believing there is such a thing as systemic injustice does not equal CRT. Brothers and sisters we are spreading lies and it is harmful and sinful. And there is no lie as binding as the one we are willing to tell ourselves in order to protect our positions and power structures. When the church is driven by fear and lies rather than by love & truth, it may be some kind of church, but it is not Christ’s. I write in lay-person terms.

The most concerning statement in her tweet was her insinuation that anyone who does not support CRT is somehow “spreading lies” that are harmful and sinful. And she is accusing such Christians as telling lies, “in order to protect our positions and power structures.”  Sounds like CRT language to me.

She states unequivocally, that it is an “obvious fact that systemic injustice thrives in America. You have to have a blindfold on not to see it.” I agree that this is not necessarily “equal to CRT,” but it is a red flag that she is being influenced by CRT. CRT includes the pre-conceived generalized assumption that “systemic injustice” is already an inherent, structural, societal problem, and categorizes people of color as the “oppressed”, and whites as the “oppressor.” One of the basic assumptions of CRT is a blind belief that “systemic injustice” in whatever form (racism, oppression towards poor, etc.) does exist in society, period. The word “systemic” is used by CRT proponents to indoctrinate people into believing that all social structures and systems in America, are, at their core, full of injustice.

Again, Beth Moore appears to be a proponent of CRT, but doesn’t realize it . . .

What About SBC?

The SBC’s most current statements regarding “race and racial reconciliation” and CRT reveal they still are believing the basic lie of CRT: specifically, they are still “repenting” and apologizing for their history of racism, whether it was conscious or unconscious, aware or unaware. The CRT lie is that every white person is inherently racist (whether they know it or not). The Lighthouse Trails booklet “Critical Race Theory” on p.7, describes this as a “perpetual state of guilt and apology to people of color. . . . It doesn’t matter if they never felt or acted as if they were superior to others because they were white; they are white, and therefore, according to CRT, they are racist.”

Final Comments

Let’s pray that CRT gets exposed as a secular, and thus anti-gospel/unbiblical, worldview.  Let’s pray that those who loyally follow Beth Moore and/or SBC have their eyes opened to CRT as a demonic deception, leading believers down a dark path.

Colossians 2:8: Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

1 John 4:1: Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

1 Thessalonians 5:21: Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Romans 12:2: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

MEDICAL MURDER: Hospitals are killing health freedom advocates by denying them life-saving treatments

Image: MEDICAL MURDER: Hospitals are killing health freedom advocates by denying them life-saving treatments


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-09-22-hospitals-killing-health-freedom-advocates-denying-treatments.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Veronica Wolski, a prominent health freedom advocate, was murdered by Catholic AMITA Health Resurrection Medical Center in Chicago after being admitted there recently for an illness.

Instead of giving Wolski ivermectin like she requested, the hospital forced her into its “covid protocols.” After realizing that these protocols would likely kill her, Wolski begged her friends and loved ones to get her out of there but that, too, was denied.

AMITA forced Wolski to stay admitted as a patient until she eventually died. Wolski probably would have lived had AMITA followed the law and granted her wishes via her power of attorney.

Wolski was perhaps best known for hanging banners from a bridge over the Kennedy expressway in Chicago encouraging people to reject mask mandates and dangerous gene therapy “vaccines” from the government.

“Her hospital stay, along with her death, inspired tremendous support by medical freedom advocates, who called for her to be given suitable treatments for recovery, but also mockery by those who charged her with ‘anti-vaccine disinformation,'” reported LifeSiteNews.

At some point around August 24 following her admission to the AMITA emergency room, Wolski was diagnosed with “covid pneumonia” even though an x-ray suggested that she had “possible chest congestion.”

Since hospitals receive large financial kickbacks for labeling patient illnesses as “covid,” AMITA clearly took advantage of this at Wolski’s expense. And after being declared a “covid patient,” Wolski essentially lost all of her health rights.

“Get me out, get me oxygen, get me medical transport, get security here if you have to, get me out,” Wolski began frantically texting Nancy Ross, her power of attorney, after realizing where things were headed at AMITA.

After Wolski’s power of attorney secured her an ivermectin prescription, AMITA’s “ethics committee” overruled it

Wolski was denied anything and everything by AMITA that could have realistically helped her live. Wolski was denied both ivermectin and IV vitamins, which greatly decreased her chances of survival.

While Ross was successful in securing an ivermectin prescription for Wolski, AMITA’s “ethics committee” ultimately overruled that prescription, leaving Wolski without the remedy she needed.

“We demanded a conference with the ethics committee,” Ross laments. “They met without us. They did not give us a chance to present what we felt was some solid case study on ivermectin and other medicines.”

Even though AMITA’s own admission documents recognize the fact that all patients have the right to refuse or request the medical treatments of their choice, Wolski was effectively denied hers by the hospital.

“We understand if we had informed consent on their position, we could refuse kindly, and say ‘Ok, but we still demand to try this. This is what she wants,’ but this right was somehow not recognized,” Ross says.

“I left the hospital and they called to tell me I was not to come back in, that they would deal directly with Veronica, that she was of sound mind and could make her own decisions, and that they would talk to me on the phone. After that, I was not allowed back in the hospital.”

It was not just ivermectin that was withheld from Wolski, though. A review by the entire medical team that looked into the matter after Wolski’s death found that she was denied “so many options” that could have improved her clinical condition.

Sadly, this type of thing is not exclusive to AMITA. All across the country, patients are reporting similar refusal by medical staff to provide their remedies of choice, including ivermectin. Many of these patients end up dead after being placed on a ventilator, which is basically a death sentence.

To keep up with the latest news about patients who are being murdered by hospitals that refuse to administer ivermectin, be sure to check out Fascism.news.

Sources for this article include:



Trick-or-treat? FDA Expected to Approve Pfizer COVID Jab for Children Ages 5 to 11 by Halloween

Trick-or-treat? FDA Expected to Approve Pfizer COVID Jab for Children Ages 5 to 11 by Halloween


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/trick-or-treat-fda-expected-to-approve-pfizer-covid-jab-for-children-ages-5-to-11-by-halloween/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who is also a current Pfizer director, predicted Sunday that the FDA will grant Pfizer’s COVID shot an approval for emergency use in children ages 5 to 11 by the end of October.

In an interview with Face the Nation, Gottlieb said that the Big Pharma company is expecting to have clinical data on its vaccines in young children before the end of September, which will then be filed “within days” with the FDA. He went on to state that the FDA said it then will be a “matter of weeks, not months” to evaluate that data, and then, per his estimates, it would take from four to six weeks for the regulators to green-light the jab for use.

“In a best-case scenario, given that timeline they’ve just laid out, you could potentially have a vaccine available to children aged 5 to 11 by Halloween,” Gottlieb said. He added: “If everything goes well, the Pfizer data package is in order, and the FDA ultimately makes a positive determination, I have confidence in Pfizer in terms of the data that they’ve collected. But this is really up to the Food and Drug Administration to make an objective determination.”

Further, Gottlieb explained that parents, who have “understandable concerns” regarding the use of this vaccine, would have to consult with their child’s pediatrician to determine how to approach the issue of vaccination. Noting that there will be “not a binary approach — do I vaccinate my child or not,” suggesting that he does not view the refusal to inoculate little ones as an option. Gottlieb described some of the details on how a child may be given an upcoming shot: “You could go with one dose for now. You could potentially wait for the lower dose vaccine to be available…. If your child has had COVID, one dose may be sufficient. You could space the doses out more. So there’s a lot of discretion that pediatricians can exercise” depending on the “child’s needs,” per Gottlieb.

Pfizer started testing its jabs on healthy 6-month to 11-year old children just in the end of March, which means that no mid-and long-term side effects of shots could possibly have been studied by now. Also, there is an almost nonexistent chance of young children dying of COVID. Yet, despite these facts, the FDA has seen an enormous amount of pressure from the politicians and a part of the medical community to swiftly approve a COVID shot for children younger than 12.

In the end of August, more than 100 House lawmakers on both sides of the aisle wrote to the FDA asking for an update on its timeline for vaccines for children, citing the current “alarming” situation. 

Around the same time, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), considered the world’s largest and most influential professional association for pediatricians, and also the largest pediatric publisher, sent a letter to the FDA urging the agency to authorize the vaccine for children under 12 “as swiftly as possible.” To those who believe in the authority of expertise and science, it would also be useful to know that the judgment of the seemingly respectable organization might be marred with a financial interest since Pfizer is a major donor — a fact the AAP tried unsuccessfully to hide.  

Last Friday, seemingly responding to the growing pressure, the FDA issued a statement that reflected that they are “eager” to see COVID jabs available for young children and “eager” to get them inoculated “as soon as possible.” Still, while reassuring the public that “the FDA is working around the clock” to get it done, the body did not provide any timeline on when the approval may be issued.

Sure enough, the FDA also stressed that the evaluation of jabs “will not cut any corners.” However, in the same statement, the regulators also said that the safety data on the possible side effects in children would be based on “at least two months” of follow-ups. Now, assuming that “at least two months” does not mean “a lot more than two months,” that certainly does not sound like no “corners” are being cut. Given the already existing concerns in COVID jabs injuring and killing thousands of people, two months of jabs’ safety data in children does not look sufficient enough to recommend it to some 28 million kids.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and President Joe Biden’s top medical advisor, said that getting children vaccinated is an important step toward achieving herd immunity. Dr. Fauci is known as a big proponent of the vaccine mandates, so as soon as the shot gets an OK from the federal regulators, it is expected that he will advocate that the schools require their youngest students to get jabbed. Last week, the Los Angeles Unified School District, the second-largest in the nation, made such a decision for their students older than 12, who are already eligible for the Pfizer shot.  

In May, the FDA expanded the emergency use authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine to include individuals from ages 12-15. And on August 23, the FDA granted full approval for Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine, which is yet to make it to the American market, for use by people over the age of 16. 

Brighteon: Nurse FIRED for Speaking Against Face Masks at School Board Meeting

A nurse specializing in cardiology in Georgia was fired from her job at a hospital after she spoke out at a school board meeting against the forced masking of children in government schools, raising serious concerns about freedom of speech and medical liberty in today's America. The nurse, Natisha Kidwell, came on Conversations That Matter and shared her incredible story with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman. In short, her effort to protect her child from a policy she considers dangerous led to her losing her job! Kidwell expressed serious concerns about the health and psychological implications of masking children. She said dozens of other parents spoke out, too. Kidwell also sounded the alarm about the COVID injections, warning viewers about what she has observed at the hospital. Finally, she noted that the corporatized, government-infused nature of the healthcare system is causing doctors and other medical professionals to remain silent out of fear--something that must stop for the sake of the American people's health and wellbeing.

Brighteon: Biden Denies Passengers Medical Exemptions for Face Masks on flights

Heather Hobbs, a pro-life activist with Save The 1 and now a field coordinator for The John Birch Society in northern Texas, was denied boarding a flight. For medical reasons, her personal doctors recommends that she not wear a face mask. Yet despite having a letter from her personal physician, a recent negative COVID test, and having flown numerous times without a face mask since the pandemic was first announced in the U.S. in January of 2020, she was denied to board her flight. Hobbs tells The New American about her nightmarish ordeal at the airport, after having checked multiple times, beforehand, with the airport, airline company, and both CDC and TSA guidelines posted on their website. She recounts how the airline employees sympathized with her but were bound by newly imposed and unannounced regulations from the Biden administration. For the full story, watch and listen to her interview.

Americans losing faith in doctors amid widespread covid deception, fraud

Image: Americans losing faith in doctors amid widespread covid deception, fraud


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-09-21-americans-losing-faith-doctors-covid-deception-fraud.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) More people than ever before are waking up to the scam of Western medicine, and we have the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic to thank for it.

An increasing number of Americans who used to trust the system are now saying to themselves, “I will never trust another doctor again.” Their reasons include the medical profession’s obvious shift away from science into a full-fledged death cult.

The covid agenda has really amplified this, showing that so-called “doctors” are now practicing medicine based on what the White House, Big Media, and Big Pharma tell them to do. Science, meanwhile, has been tossed out the window.

“In private conversations with people they trust, American citizens are heaping contempt on doctors for forcing a narrative on us that had no basis in science,” writes Randi Pinkerton for American Thinker.

“Many of us, perhaps even the majority, immediately recognized this virus for what it is: a common flu virus maybe engineered to be more contagious if not more fatal but hardly differing substantially from other influenza strains.”

Deep down, most people, including those who on the surface seem to be buying into the plandemic hoax, probably know this. Since they foolishly went along with wearing a mask and getting jabbed, though, they are now too prideful and embarrassed to fess up to their mistake.

Some of them, however, are speaking up. Those who previously believed, or at least wanted to believe, what the television and social media were saying can now see that they were lied to – and they are not happy about it.

“It seems that our doctors went along with the hoax to a large degree because it put them in the spotlight,” Pinkerton further explains why so many doctors went along with the ruse.

“Amazingly, almost none of them questioned the lies. They abandoned everything they’d learned in Virology 101 and went full ‘cry wolf.’ It worked out well for them. Suddenly, they were the focus of attention, and their words were hung on breathlessly.”

The chickens are coming home to roost for the plandemic deceivers

The honeymoon would not last forever, though. After basking in all that attention and loving it, these same doctors are finally starting to get some pushback even from their loyal followers who trusted them.

As more evidence continues to emerge showing that face masks are unsafe and ineffective and that the same is true about the “vaccines,” those who fell for these ritualistic behaviors want answers.

Why did the medical profession as a whole capitulate to these lies when it was obvious to many right from the beginning that plandemic “safety” protocols were all contrived? Why were hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin restricted from being prescribed when they could have put a swift end to the lockdowns and other restrictions?

Every person who comes to the realization that he or she was lied to by what was supposed to be a “trusted” profession, medicine, now wants to know why “do no harm” was completely done away with in favor of full-scale medical fascism? And what happened to my body, my choice?

“Does the medical community understand that it has sacrificed the trust of Americans, possibly forever?” Pinkerton asks. “Does it even acknowledge the self-inflicted wounds that will now affect the relationship between doctors and their patients going forward?”

“How do doctors and nurses reclaim the trust of patients? Is that even possible now? Because in the cold light of day, it looks as if they were either stupid or malevolent. Given that they’re supposed to be educated people, malevolent appears to be the more likely.”

The latest news about public backlash against Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at Collapse.news.

Sources for this article include:



D.C. officials begin scapegoating the unvaccinated, claiming they’re more dangerous than terrorists

Image: D.C. officials begin scapegoating the unvaccinated, claiming they’re more dangerous than terrorists


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-09-21-dc-scapegoating-unvaccinated-more-dangerous-than-terrorists.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) In lockstep with fake “president” Joe Biden’s ongoing efforts to inject every last American with a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine,” officials in the District of Columbia are doing their part to try to get more needles into arms by roving local neighborhoods in search for the “unvaccinated.”

Elissa Silverman, a D.C. Council Member, spoke at a recent meeting about how she is personally very upset about the fact that not everyone in the area has agreed to roll up their sleeves for an “Operation Warp Speed” shot.

“I want to understand our city’s strategy regarding the unvaccinated because that’s, like, the big deal here,” Silverman whined. “If I’m looking at the data correctly, almost all of our unvaccinated residents 12 and older are insured by Medicaid. That’s like the entire universe.”

Because Silverman feels as though everyone should be forced to get injected against their will – this is also known as medical fascism – she is calling on D.C. officials who are higher up on the food chain than herself to take swift and immediate action to get everyone jabbed.

Another council member by the name of Mary Cheh further complained about how she witnessed students at Wilson High School sitting close to one another at lunch – gasp! These same students were also not wearing face masks, which upset Cheh even more.

To try to get their way, these two women are attempting to launch a crusade against the unvaccinated and other “non-compliant” people, including public school students who refuse to wear a mask and stay socially distanced from one another at all times.

They are joined by Patrick Ashley of D.C. Health, who announced that his department has unleashed an “outreach program” that involves going door to door to get more needles into arms.

“And as a reminder, we knock on doors until we actually get someone to talk to us,” Ashley announced. “And so, they’ll go back to a house four or five, six times, if necessary, multiple times of the day.”

To the Branch Covidians, what you do with your body is THEIR choice

Unlike the two women, Ashley stated that he agrees with the Constitution that Americans have the freedom and liberty to reject Fauci Flu shots if they so choose, which really upset Silverman.

“The president is saying it’s not a choice anymore!” Silverman interrupted and shouted at Ashley as he was stating that Wuhan Flu shots are “a choice of theirs to make.”

“The biggest threat to our city right now” is unvaccinated residents, Silverman further bellowed in a manner similar to Veruca Salt from “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory:”

Needless to say, Silverman is a “bad egg.” Until she gets put in her place, however, Silverman will more than like continue to try to impose her Cult of Covidism religious beliefs on others by making other people’s bodies her choice.

Silverman brought up the recent move by the Los Angeles Board of Education that aims to force all public school students 12 years of age and older to be medically raped with Trump Vaccines as an example for D.C. public schools to follow.

Ashley responded to Silverman with a bit more dignity than she showed him by saying that he looks forward to any “other suggestions” she might have for how to “make more strides in those communities” where compliance with Operation Warp Speed is currently lacking.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, meanwhile, has decided to try to force all government employees in the district to take a Fauci Shot or three.

More related news about the Branch Covidians and their obsession with trying to medically rape America can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

Sources for this article include:



Washington State government stealth edits job posting to remove “strike team” from covid quarantine camp ad


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-09-21-washington-state-government-stealth-edits-job-posting-to-remove-strike-team-from-covid-quarantine-camp-ad.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) The government of Washington State has stealth edited a public job listing that called for hiring “strike team consultants” for an isolation and quarantine facility located in Centralia, WA (see link below). After news about the job listing went viral, the job listing was altered to remove the term “strike team” from the job title as well as the “duties” section of the job description.

The original URL of the job posting also contained the “strike team” term, but it was replaced by a new URL lacking the term. You can see the original URL in this link.

We are also showing screenshots of the original listing below.

As part of the stealth editing, the Washington government also removed “strike team” from the following duties description:

Maintaining the readiness of the isolation and quarantine strike team, facilities, and equipment.

After the job listing was edited, that duty description at first read:

Maintaining the readiness of the facilities and equipment.

Notice that this duty description removed the terms “strike team” as well as “isolation and quarantine.”

That duty description line was later edited yet again to include comments about doing laundry and making beds. So now they want us to believe that a job listing for “strike teams” actually means people who will make beds and do laundry.

Maintaining the readiness of the facility and equipment which includes ensuring contractors have cleaned the facility adequately.  Staff may also be responsible for making beds, doing laundry, and restocking supplies.

Really? They want us to believe this? (Gee, I thought I was joining a kick-ass strike force assault team, and all they have me doing is the f##king laundry!)

See the original job listing screenshots below:

“Strike team” refers to an armed government assault force that uses violence to achieve its goals of medical kidnapping

When governments use the term “strike team,” they are of course referring to a heavily armed assault team that uses violence (or the threat of violence) to achieve its goals. In this case, their goal is obviously medical kidnapping.

The purpose of the “strike team” is to raid the homes of unvaccinated people and force them into quarantine/death camps at gunpoint, after which many will likely be exterminated. Their deaths, of course, will be blamed on “covid.”

Nowhere in the history of any government, anywhere in the world, have “strike teams” sat around folding laundry and making beds, which is the current (laughable) cover story now appearing in the edited job listing. Do they really think we will swallow that one? “Hurry, go get more pillowcases… send in the strike team!”

The fact that government goons in Washington State first posted the job description as a “strike team” ad, and then later tried to surreptitiously remove the term from the listings in order to hide it, reveals a shocking level of deception.

The informed American people already know that governors like Inslee, by interfering with ivermectin and other lifesaving, low-cost medications that could be saving lives right now, are culpable in the deliberate mass deaths of “covid” victims, most of whom are actually victims of the spike protein bioweapons jabs that are falsely labeled “vaccines.”

It’s clear that rogue governments in Australia, New Zealand, France, the UK, and other countries are gearing up for the planned mass extermination of their own populations, with covid death camps under construction and being celebrated as a kind of “final solution” to the pandemic.

In Australia, covid quarantine camp prisoners are threatened with being “gassed” by the police enforcers there:

In the United States, the CDC’s “quarantine stations” map reveals a nationwide network of death camps already in existence. The CDC’s “green zones” document that describes the operating goals of such camps has no plans for any healthy person to leave such facilities while explaining the CDC plans to meet “minimum humanitarian standards” for the operations of such camps.

It’s also clear from that same document that the CDC plans to separate families by force, using strike force teams to remove people from their homes, rip them from their families, and force them into covid death camps against their will.

Adding to the red alert situation for all this, fake president Joe Biden — an illegal imposter waging war against America — recently signed an executive order adding measles to the list of diseases for which a person can be medically kidnapped and thrown into a quarantine death camp.

This means, of course, that the criminal government plans to “diagnose” people with measles — no doubt using fraudulent PCR tests that can fake any infection — in order to kidnap them and throw them into quarantine death camps. There’s little question that political dissidents will suddenly be diagnosed with measles so that this can all be swept under the canopy of “public health.”

Washington Gov. Inslee is a war criminal waging war against the people of Washington, just like Fauci, Biden, Walensky, and others are war criminals waging war against the entire population of the United States. Now all the signs are readily apparent that they are gearing up for mass medical arrests across the country, followed by mass executions and mass graves. There’s little doubt they will also attempt to target unvaccinated people since those are the ones most likely to survive the spike protein culling attempt and very likely engage in resistance against the global government genocide agenda that’s now underway.

Today’s Situation Update podcast tells the whole story, via Brighteon.com:


Discover new interviews and podcasts each day at:


School District Pulls Book That Included Sodomy Scene. Furious Mom Hits School Board


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/school-district-pulls-book-that-included-sodomy-scene-furious-mom-hits-school-board/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

No sooner did the public-school board in Hudson, Ohio, pull a textbook that the mayor said promoted kiddie porn, than a school board in Austin, Texas, pulled one for about the same reason.

In the latest case, the book contained at least one scene involving anal sodomy. That didn’t much please an angry mom who read a passage to the Lake Travis School Board on September 15.

Shortly thereafter, the school board pulled the book from two middle-school libraries. The board is reviewing Out of Darkness, is about a love affair between a black boy and a Mexican girl, and uses a school explosion in 1937 in New London as historical background.

“Material of a Pornographic Nature”

Board members undoubtedly received a shock when Kara Bell marched up the podium during the time allowed for public comment and read an unsavory passage.

“Take her out back, we boys figured, then hands on the t***ies,” Bell read verbatim. “Put it in her coin box, put it in her cornhole, grab a hold of that braid, rub that Calico.”

Cornhole is a popular beanbag game, but Bell told the board she had to Google the sexual meaning of the term. She wasn’t happy, of course, when she learned it’s slang for the anus.

“I’ve never had anal sex, I don’t want to have anal sex,” Bell fumed. “I don’t want my kids having anal sex. I want you to start focusing on education and not public health.”

Bell lost a race for the school board in May.

KXAN, the NBC affiliate in Austin, reported that someone phoned the board to say a pornographic book was in a middle school library, after which the school removed it from two schools.

A spokesman told the station that a district has “significant discretion to determine the content of its school libraries,” but must “exercise its discretion in a manner consistent with the First Amendment.”

Although the schools can’t “remove materials from a library for the purpose of denying students access to ideas with which the district disagrees,” they can purge materials that are “pervasively vulgar or based solely upon the educational suitability of the books in question.”

The district is reviewing the book, the affiliate reported. That must leave parents wondering whether books should be reviewed before they are chosen for the schools.

That aside, the pitch from Amazon is this:

Naomi Vargas and Wash Fuller know about the lines in East Texas as well as anyone. They know the signs that mark them. They know the people who enforce them. But sometimes the attraction between two people is so powerful it breaks through even the most entrenched color lines. And the consequences can be explosive.

That’s pretty bland, considering what’s inside the covers.

The station found the usual leftist to explain why kids should read about anal sex.

“I think to pretend books that deal explicitly with sex or sexual assault are in some way a threat to young people are doing them a disservice,” Jonathan Friedman of Pen America told the station.

Friedman, who wears two earrings, is the group’s free-speech expert: 

This is about having access for young people to a wide variety of literature that people from different backgrounds are reflected in.

You have a small contingent in many cases of parents who decide that they disagree, and that they must know better than those who are in the classroom.

Sex List

A lot of parents “know better than those who are in the classroom,” as the school board in Hudson, Ohio, found last week. 

Such was the material in a writing-class text titled 642 Things to Write About that Mayor Craig Shubert told the members to quit or be arrested for peddling child porn.

The book contained assignments such as writing a “a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom,” and describing “a time when you wanted to orgasm but couldn’t.”

One parent, also a cop, said teachers should be monitored like those in his profession who must wear body cameras. Cameras, he said, should be installed in classrooms so parents can monitor what teachers are imparting to kids.

The board didn’t quit, but it did remove the book. Members admitted they didn’t know the schools were using it and that the review process for the book had failed.

Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t”

SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/kevindowneyjr/2021/09/21/bombshell-project-veritas-strikes-again-as-hospital-staffer-claims-vaccine-is-full-of-sht-n1480346


Project Veritas released the first of a series of undercover videos showing federally-employed doctors and nurses ranting about the dangers of the vaccination and the lack of reporting when it comes to dangerous adverse events.

“The government doesn’t want to show that the darn vaccine is full of sh*t,” said Dr. Maria Gonzalez, an ER doctor with the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.

Jodi O’Malley, who works as a registered nurse at the federal “Phoenix Indian Medical Center,”  surreptitiously recorded hospital staff complaining about the vaccine and the lack of reporting in regards to reported adverse events. They also talked about a co-work who got sick after being forced to take the vaccine, despite her attempt at getting a religious exemption.

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe interviewed O’Malley in Part One of the multi-part bombshell expose. He asked O’Malley why she is endangering her career to get the news out. She said she is not afraid because her faith lies in God, not in man. “At the end of the day, it’s about your health, and you can never get that back — and about your freedom, and about living in a peaceful society, and I’m like, ‘no.’ No. This is the hill that I will die on,” she said.

O’Malley claims the FDA and the CDC are at fault, and, as a federal employee, she fully expects retribution. Her son has set up a donation campaign to help the likely-to-be-fired O’Malley. The site has brought her $198,751 in donations in under 24 hours.

Other people are turning to social media to share their stories of COVID vaccinations gone bad.


My Conversation with HHS Whistleblower Jodi O'Malley and James O'Keefe


ALLIE BETH STUCKEY: These COVID Lies Are Killing People

Today we're going over more of the COVID hypocrisy that's coming from the government and media. Whether it's the Biden administration denying monoclonal antibody treatments to the states that need them in the name of "equity" or local pharmacies refusing to fill prescriptions for ivermectin for political reasons, the ideological callousness from the left is just going to hurt more people in addition to whatever COVID would do on its own. Some people have become completely devoid of reason, with face masks becoming more a symbol of loyalty to the progressive cult than a measure against viral spread.

BIOWARFARE BATTLEFIELD: CDC, DoD running black ops missions to RELEASE pathogens across America, specifically targeting health freedom advocates


SEE: https://naturalnews.com/2021-09-20-cdc-dod-running-black-ops-missions-to-release-pathogens-across-america.html#;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) We now have yet more evidence pointing to the ongoing CDC / DoD black ops “pathogen release” warfare activities that were responsible for not only the deliberate spread of measles at Disney Land (to push SB 277 in California) but now are targeting health freedom speakers, advocates, and their family members in order to suppress the truth and terrorize those who speak it.

Today’s Situation Update podcast (below) brings you the shocking true story of a man arrested in 2018 who told police he was running a “secret mission involving a virus.” The man carried a DoD weapons permit and owns a company (which I shall not name here) whose name is a thinly-veiled word that means protein engineering. That company had posted customer lists and credentials involving the CDC, FDA, DoD, and DHS, among others. Disney was also listed as one of the clients, via a separate Wikileaks document (mentioned below).

The person in question, who I shall not name here because I don’t want to flag automated text search spiders, claims to have worked on the Barack Obama presidential campaign and later served as an FDA consultant on PCR technology, which became the basis for the covid pandemic fraud. In addition, this person was named in a Wikileaks document release as a known government intelligence operative with deep ties to a long list of secret projects that I also shall not name here, because they would set off numerous, dangerous red flags. But if you recall the name of the mystical seeing stones in Lord of the Rings, then you know the name of one of the deep state projects I’m referring to. (Pippin tried to hold it, but it burned him…)

The arrest of this person was covered by the Boston Globe, Vice, Heavy.com, and other publishers, but none of them were able to connect it to the much larger story taking place now. The man was arrested with multiple rifles, six laptops, comms gear, tactical vests, a grenade launcher, and a DoD weapons badge, all in a hotel room where he somehow had video surveillance of the room in question. (The story gets very bizarre.)

The trail of that arrest goes cold in 2019, by the way. Since then, not a peep.

Chad Chaddington posted a video about all this on Brighteon last week. This is how I first became aware of this story:


The CDC runs “vaccine deep state” operatives who are deploying biological weapons against health freedom speakers

Fast forward to 2020 / 2021. We now have health freedom speakers and their family members being targeted with what are believed to be aerosolized bioweapons — perhaps spike protein nanoparticles — which are sickening many people at certain public events. I’m not going to list the names here (listen to the podcast below for the full details), but a long list of speakers and their family members have been targeted and sickened.

In fact, I was hit by this weapon when I spoke in Tulsa earlier this year, along with many other speakers who were also severely sickened. I self-treated the sudden onset of aggressive symptoms with chlorine dioxide — and I shared this publicly on my podcasts at the time — which resolved the symptoms literally overnight. I am personally aware of another person who was sickened at the event and nearly died, taking about 3 weeks to recover. (See the site TheUniversalAntidote.com for details on chlorine dioxide and why flooding your body with oxygen produces such dramatic effects.)

Just recently, many attendees of other health freedom events have been targeted and sickened. Note that I am in no way attempting to tell healthy people not to attend these events, but rather to protect yourself with powerful natural medicine before you attend any such events, as it’s clear these events are being targeted by CDC / DoD black ops teams which are deliberately releasing pathogens.

In other words, the government and the CDC are waging biowarfare attacks on the American people right now, right here on our own soil. DARPA originated the bioweapon as MERS, then Fauci funded the weapon’s gain of function via Wuhan, then China perfected the ACE2 affinity of the spike protein which was separately produced in large quantities. Vaccine deep state operators likely released spike protein nanoparticles on New York City in February / March of 2020, setting off the pandemic hysteria and media campaign that led to the push for mass vaccinations, while Big Pharma made sure the toxic spike protein nanoparticles were inserted into the vaccines and called “antigen targets.”

The result is that now, the biological weapons are in the vaccines. Perhaps this is why vaccines are now confirmed to be killing TWO people for every ONE person they “save.”

Or as James Howard Kunstler explains:

Contrary to the behavior and statements of public health officials and politicians, the news is out that the spike proteins produced by the vax’s mRNA genetic reprogramming are toxic agents that create disorder in the major organs and blood vessels. The news is also out, despite strenuous suppression, that early treatment of Covid-19 with a kit of cheap drugs defeats the disease. People must conclude that there is a malevolent purpose behind the suppression of early treatment. They may also conclude that the vaxes are poison.

The same poison inserted into the vaccines is apparently being released to target speakers at some health freedom events

We fully support health freedom events and encourage all Americans to peacefully rise up and resist the covid tyranny. At the same time, we want people to be on the lookout for the black ops “vaccine deep state” perpetrators who are pulling this off. Sadly, it is extremely easy for them to accomplish this since spike protein nanoparticles are invisible to the naked eye.

People attending these events should be on the lookout for perpetrators who are using handheld spray bottles or atomizers to spray others, perhaps with such bottles disguised as antibacterial hand sprayers.

Furthermore, if you are a speaker at one of these events, I strongly suggest you bring your own food and do not trust any food coming out of hotel kitchens or nearby restaurants, as the vaccine deep state might easily lace incoming food supplies with bioweapons. The same is true with water supplies. Bring your own food and water. (I often travel with a commercial blender so I can blend up smoothies and drink those all day.)

Be sure to record videos at public events. If people are sickened, forensic video analysis may be able to identify perpetrators who weren’t previously obvious.

Most importantly, protect your health with nutrition and emergency remedies. Personally, I don’t travel without chlorine dioxide, colloidal silver, black cumin seed oil, oregano oil, iodine, and other essentials which can cover a variety of health support needs. I have even begun to carry a supply of prescription ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, too. I’m also beginning to recommend people investigate sources of shikimic acid such as star anise herb, certain types of pine needles, and fennel seeds (which can be chewed raw to release their shikimic acid).

I am also urging prominent people in the health freedom movement to warn and prepare your spouses or family members who may attend such events. They are being targeted, too, and more than one health freedom advocate has already lost an elderly relative to the spike protein death agenda (via hospital homicide, typically).

As much as I fully support health freedom events, knowing what I know now, I feel obliged to publicly state that immunocompromised individuals may be wise to avoid such events for the time being. That would include people who are very frail, or who have compromised immune response due to other types of pre-existing illnesses such as severe respiratory disorders. Make your own decision, of course, but be aware that what I’m sharing here is very real.

Listen to my full Situation Update podcast below for more details on this rapidly unfolding threat to the people of America

And yes, your government is waging war against you, deploying weapons of mass destruction against truth-tellers across America. If you live in America, you are living in a Bioware battlefield, and the enemy running the bioweapons is the CDC and rogue elements of the DoD itself, both of which are funded by taxpayer dollars. In other words, this rogue government is taking your dollars, using them to build biological weapons of mass destruction, then deploying those weapons against you in order to cover up its own agenda of mass genocide.

As Kunstler writes:

Is Dr. Fauci desperate or just plain crazy? The question may be moot, because it looks like he’s out of running-room on his whole crusade, Covid-19, vaxes, authoritative bullshit, and all. The story has fallen apart. It looks an awful lot like the government is trying to harm people health-wise, while it destroys jobs and small businesses and ruins households financially, and that counter-story is spreading faster now than Covid-19. It’s fair to ask whether all that has destroyed the legitimacy of the people in charge — but that is only one of several issues converging to detonate the people’s faith in their own government.

It’s not even that “China attacked America” with covid, you see. The real story is that America built the weapon to begin with, laundered it through China with Fauci NIH funding, then the US government deployed the weapon against its own people. The enemy here isn’t merely China. It’s the criminals in your own rogue, illegitimate government that’s run by crooks, fraudsters, and anti-human genocidal maniacs. (Oh, and don’t forget all the satan worshippers, too…)

Get the full details in today’s podcast:


Biden regime cuts red states off from COVID-19 therapies, engineering deliberate medication scarcity that will cost lives

Image: Biden regime cuts red states off from COVID-19 therapies, engineering deliberate medication scarcity that will cost lives


SEE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-09-20-biden-regime-cuts-red-states-off-covid-19-therapies-medication-scarcity.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) The Biden regime is continuing its war on red states over their refusal to buckle under his demands to re-impose pointless, needless COVID-19 restrictions, this time by ‘taking over’ distribution of the highly effective medication ivermectin, and then refusing to send it to them.

One of the states Biden’s regime really resents is Florida, where liberty-minded GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis has pushed back hard on the White House and its health hacks like Dr. Tony Fauci and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, and of course, it was one of the first red states denied ivermectin.

But because he’s one of the best governors in the country, DeSantis has already figured out a workaround, which will also, most likely, anger the regime.

“Just last week on September 9th, President Joe Biden said that his administration would be increasing shipments of monoclonal antibodies in September by 50 percent, and yet on September 13th, HHS announced that it was seizing control of the monoclonal antibody supply and that it would control distribution,” DeSantis said during a press conference last week.

“Then on September 14th, the announcement was more than 50 percent of the monoclonal antibodies that had been used in Florida were going to be reduced,” he added.

The governor said that Biden’s “dramatic reduction’ is “doubly problematic” because “what Shane Strum and folks in Tampa General and these other hospital systems that have been doing this, they’re not getting it from the state.”

“What the HHS and the Biden administration is now doing is they’re saying that all of the reduced amount will go to the state, and we’re responsible not only for sourcing our sites, which we’re happy to do, but any infusion center,” the governor continued to explain. “Any provider, any hospital will have to come through the state, and to just spring this on us starting next week, we’re going to have to do that. There’s going to be a huge disruption and patients are going to suffer as a result of this,” DeSantis said, pointing out that the regime is actually not harming him, it is harming Floridians — over a political disagreement.But again, DeSantis has found a workaround, as The Post Millennial reports:DeSantis said he received a call Wednesday from GlaxoSmithKline executives on possibly ordering their monoclonal antibody to avoid Biden’s restriction on the life-saving treatment.

A DeSantis aide told Philip Webmann of Real Clear News that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has not yet bothered to tell Florida officials why the ivermectin cut was implemented.

“They had a vague statement about ‘equity,’ but sorry, that doesn’t cut it. No explanation of how the allocation was determined. No explanation of why it’s only Florida and a few other red states being restricted. No warning,” the aide told the outlet. HHS announced Sept. 13 that the agency would begin taking over control and distribution of the treatment, which told political opponents like DeSantis what was coming.

Later the same day, the Florida Department of Health told HHS it needed 36,000 doses per week to supply 25 state-run sites, but the federal health agency did not say that a shortage was forthcoming, “just that they were monitoring more closely,” the aide said.

But then the following day, Sept. 14, HHS sent an email to the state health agency that their allocation of treatments for the week would  be “3,100 doses of BAM/ETE and 27,850 doses of REGN-COV.”

“Contradicting recent and previous guidance from HHS, this was the first and only indication that Florida would receive a decreased supply and would be responsible for allocating among facilities,” according to a timeline issued by the state. “I will fight like hell to overcome Biden’s cruel decision to drastically reduce life-saving monoclonal antibody treatments for Floridians. We’ve seen steep reductions in hospital admissions due to early treatment efforts. It’s wrong to penalize Florida for his partisan bitterness,” DeSantis vowed.
The latest news about COVID-19 can be found at Pandemic.news.

Sources include:


Viral Video of Toddler Being Forced to Wear Mask Sparks Outrage Over NY Mask Mandate

Viral Video of Toddler Being Forced to Wear Mask Sparks Outrage Over NY Mask Mandate


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/child-abuse-viral-video-of-toddler-being-forced-to-wear-a-mask-sparks-outrage-over-ny-mask-mandate/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Mask-wearing, as a measure presumably aimed at protecting oneself and others from COVID-19, is not just useless, it harms the wearers’ health, according to some. In fact, facemasks may even facilitate the spread of COVID! The New American has covered the issue extensively, citing hard-hitting evidence and warning against COVID mandates that are destructive on so many levels. Yet, the establishment chooses to ignore the science it claims to use as its only guidance, and force near-universal masking on anyone and everyone who can breathe.

The issue becomes especially sensitive and problematic when it comes to masking children. The health risks escalate dramatically in this case, as children suffer both physical and psychological harm, being depleted from oxygen by the bacteria-infested piece of cloth on their faces.

As a manifestation of a pure madness behind the mask mandates for children over the age of two, a sane part of American social media erupted in fury over a video showing a crying little boy being literally forced to wear a mask in one a New York City childcare center.

The video, which scored three million views in just one day, depicts a toddler sitting on the floor and struggling to take a mask off his face as a caregiver at the center repeatedly tries to put it back on despite the energetic protests of the child. While the boy is desperately crying and not giving up, the women, whose voices are heard in the clip, are insisting he must put his mask on because it is going to “keep him safe,” but the toddler evidently chose freedom over safety. At one point he even seems to weep, “No! That’s not right!”

The clip ends with a toddler, mask hanging on the elastic bands around his neck, crying and going into a tantrum, his gaze is seemingly absent, and up. Religious viewers may assume the boy is looking up to try to find an answer to the injustice being done to him: “Why, Heavenly Father, why?”

Reportedly, the boy’s mother, Ann Walker, has uploaded a video on Facebook video and captioned it:

This is my poor kid at daycare today so I can work. #breaksmyheart #governorhochulthiswontwork #whyarewepunishingbabies Point of clarification I’m not upset with his daycare they are attempting to comply with the mandate. I love where he is. I’m pissed at our governor and OCFS who think mandating two year old to wear a mask 7-10 hours a day is at all necessary. #unmaskourbabies.

The video, reposted on Twitter by another New York mother who goes by the name Science Mom, has drawn a heated reaction from both regular users and high-profile conservatives.

“It’s as though they’re just trying to break us at this point. Don’t let them,” tweeted Donald Trump Jr.

Conservative commentator Jack Posobiec simply said of the video, “Demonic.”

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) implied, “This is not science. It’s political virtue signaling. And really cruel to kids.”

Online outlet Conservative Fighters has gathered some more of the blue-tick responses here.  

Democratic New York Governor Kathy Hochul expanded the state mask mandate for all children in childcare and daycare two years old and up, and for all staff and visitors, on September 15. When announcing the measure, Hochul stated:

For children under 12 who are not yet eligible to be vaccinated, masks are the best line of defense against COVID-19 infection. This new mask requirement ensures that children in our child care facilities receive the same protection as children in our schools.  

The mandate aligns with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guideline that recommends “universal indoor masking for anyone age two and older who has not been vaccinated against COVID-19 and is medically able to wear a mask.”

It is unclear why the CDC has decided that the appropriate age to start wearing a mask is two, and which developmental milestones the CDC had considered when setting a minimum age requirement. Back in April, a group of the GOP lawmakers wrote a letter to the CDC asking it to explain in detail, along with providing the studies it examined, as to how it came to such a recommendation. A response was never received.

Notably, America has set the world’s lowest age for mask-mearing. For example, in Switzerland, children under the age of 12 do not have to wear masks. In France and the U.K., children under the age of 11 are exempt. In Italy, the exemption applies to those under the age of six. Even the World Health Organization does not recommend children younger than five to mask up, since they are unable to put them on without help. Those between the age of five to 11 may need to wear a mask in certain conditions, such as in COVID hot spots, says the WHO.

At the same time, as we previously reported, a growing body of evidence supports the conclusion that masking children is as absurd, illogical, nonsensical, and potentially dangerous as trying to stop “every case of COVID” or “stopping COVID at all costs.” Masks are not needed for children, owing to a near-zero risk of them dying from COVID, according to the CDC’s own data. This includes the Delta variant, which indeed may be more infectious, but notably much less lethal than the original strain.

On a separate note, it is worth remarking that masking children may soon seem like a secondary problem since Governor Hochul stated that she is keeping the option of a vaccine mandate for young people “on the table,” citing the “highly contagious” Delta variant.

GOP Letter: Defense Secretary Must Probe Milley. Phone Calls to Chinese General Were “Treason”

GOP Letter: Defense Secretary Must Probe Milley. Phone Calls to Chinese General Were “Treason”


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/gop-letter-defense-secretary-must-probe-milley-phone-calls-to-chinese-general-were-treason;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

More than two dozen GOP congressmen have demanded that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin open a special investigation into General Mark Milley’s secret phone calls with his Communist Chinese counterpart.

The 27 congressmen, led by Representative Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, a retired Army general, accused Milley of treason in a letter to Austin dated September 16. Milley is chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff,

During the phone call, as The New American reported earlier this week, Milley promised General Li Zuocheng advance warning of any attack should the nations go to war. The revelation appears in a new book, Peril, by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa of the Washington Post.

The Calls

Milley rang up the Red Chinese general because of what he perceived to be President Trump’s irrational tilt toward war with the nation. That claim, of course, makes it appear as Milley did the right thing.

“In a pair of secret phone calls, Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, assured his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army, that the United States would not strike,” the Washington Post reported about the book.

The first call was prompted by Milley’s review of intelligence suggesting the Chinese believed the United States was preparing to attack. That belief, the authors write, was based on tensions over military exercises in the South China Sea, and deepened by Trump’s belligerent rhetoric toward China.

Woodward and Costa provide two damning quotes from Milley.

  • “General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be okay,” Milley told him. “We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you.”
  • “General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.”

Milley also discussed seizing control of the nation’s nuclear weapons with leftist House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The hate-Trump leftist called Milley after the mostly peaceful protest in Washington, D.C., on January 6 to say Trump was “crazy.” Milley agreed.

Milley also reminded his underlings that he would have to sign off on any nuclear attack.

President Trump called the Milley’s conversations treason, and said he had no intention of attacking China.

 The GOP Letter

After citing the two calls, the letter from the GOP congressmen accuses Milley of treason.

“Milley called the Indo-Pacific Commander and instructed him to call off all military exercises in the South China Sea, following up by assembling senior officers and mandating that any order to launch a nuclear weapon must include GEN Milley’s involvement,” the congressmen wrote. He also established a “parallel chain of command” with regard to launching nuclear weapons:

To conspire with a communist, malfeasant, hostile, and genocidal government regarding our intentions — or lack thereof — with utter disregard to the implications of said “promise” on our national security or our Service Members, is nothing short of craven (at best) and treasonous.

Mainstream media reports this story as if America were rendered a great service by Gen. Milley, as if he simply were trying to ward off the supposedly unpredictable behavior of the elected President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. To be clear, however, if Mr. Woodward’s account is true, Gen. Milley’s pledge to China is nothing less than outright treason.

Later on 8 January 2021, Speaker Pelosi reportedly contacted Gen. Milley, with the latter allegedly pledging that “the nuclear triggers are secure and we’re not going to do — we’re not going to allow anything crazy, illegal, immoral, or unethical to happen.” 

The conversation with Pelosi, the congressmen wrote, attempted to make national security a partisan issue.

The congressmen thus demanded a formal AR 15-6 investigation of the rogue general, and the results by October 6, and want his security clearance suspended.

Most AR 15-6 probes are informal and deal with minor incidents. One officer handles the probe. A formal investigation deals with serious matters and involves hearings before a panel of officers.

Federal Judge Denies DOJ Demand to Halt Texas’ Heartbeat Law


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/federal-judge-denies-doj-demand-to-halt-texass-heartbeat-law;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Federal District Court Judge Robert Pitman on Thursday denied the federal government’s demand for a restraining order against Texas’s Heartbeat Law. He wrote that “this case presents complex, important questions of law that merit a full opportunity for the parties to present their positions to the court.”

Texas has until September 29 to present its case. The Department of Justice will have until October 1, two days later, to respond.

The demand from the DOJ was presented on Tuesday, claiming that the Texas law, which became effective on September 1, “prevent[s] women from exercising their constitutional rights,” and that the temporary injunction against that law is “necessary to protect the constitutional rights of women in Texas.”

Nothing was mentioned about the “constitutional rights” of the unborn and defenseless child whose life is at stake. The way the law stands now is untenable: 30 seconds before giving birth a mother may choose to have an abortionist kill her child. She will be deemed to be a hero, exercising her “constitutional rights.”

If she kills the child after birth, she is a murderer.

It’s not the life of the child that motivates the DOJ and the Attorney General of the United States, Merrick Garland, but politics. He said:

This kind of scheme to nullify the Constitution of the United States is one that all Americans, whatever their politics or party, should fear.

If it prevails, if may become a model for action in other areas, by other states and with respect to other constitutional rights and judicial precedents.

That’s already happening. The Texas Heartbeat Law follows similar “heartbeat laws” passed by more than a dozen states. But it is the first one that liberal courts haven’t been able to quash.

By October 1 Texas’ Heartbeat Law will have been in effect for a month. That means it is already saving the lives of unborn children who otherwise would have been murdered in their mothers’ wombs. As the Texas Tribune noted, Texas abortion clinics “stopped offering abortions that were still allowed under the law for fear of being sued.”

However the judge rules, there is sure to be an appeal to the Supreme Court. As The New American noted, “Roe didn’t uncover a right of a woman to kill her unborn child. The court created the right out of whole cloth — and political ideology.”

That is the dirty little secret behind Roe v. Wade and its sister case decided years later, Planned Parenthood v. Casey: The emperor has no clothes. There is no such “right” anywhere in the Constitution. As one of abortion’s most liberal supporters, legal scholar Laurence Tribe, noted: “One of the most curious things about Roe is that, behind its own verbal smokescreen, the substantive judgment on which [the decision] rests is nowhere to be found.”

There is an increasing chance that the entire effort to quash the Texas law before it goes national will backfire. The high court could take the appeal under review, and decide that it made a horrendous error in Roe back in 1973, and compounded it in Casey in 1992. The high court has overturned previous decisions more than 300 times. Those who believe that life, a gift from God, begins at conception, would celebrate such a reversal. It would be one more step towards that joyful day when all courts, state and federal, rule that abortion, at any time, is murder.

Prior to 1973, abortion was murder. It still is.

Related articles:

Texas’ Pro-Life Law Infuriates the Left, Satanists, and Portland, Oregon

Biden Administration Sues Texas Over “Heartbeat Law”

Fla. Governor DESANTIS to Order COVID Antibody Treatments Directly From Manufacturer to Avoid Biden Restrictions

Fla. Governor to Order COVID Antibody Treatments Directly From Manufacturer to Avoid Biden Restrictions

Rumble — This video is part of a larger article at RAIR Foundation USA:


Source: https://youtu.be/uUzXNEFaU0o


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/fla-governor-to-order-covid-antibody-treatments-directly-from-manufacturer-to-avoid-biden-restrictions;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has announced that his administration will purchase monoclonal antibody treatments directly from the manufacturer to circumvent President Biden’s tyrannical efforts to restrict their distribution.

DeSantis has been an outspoken proponent of the monoclonal antibodies, which have shown significant promise in reducing the effectives of COVID-19 and preventing hospitalization when the drugs are administered early in the onset of the virus. According to the Tampa Bay Times, high-risk patients who are given the treatment were “a third as likely to be hospitalized as similar patients given a placebo.”

Regeneron was the first manufacturer to get FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization to administer its antibody treatment. In the final days of the Trump administration, the company agreed to sell its entire stock of the monoclonal antibody treatments to the federal government, empowering the government to decide how the treatments are supplied. The Biden administration has announced it would be restricting supplies to the states who have been ordering large quantities of the treatments.

DeSantis set a goal of opening 15 to 20 monoclonal antibody sites across the state to serve up to 300 patients per day. But Biden’s newly announced policy to allot the drugs based on usage numbers and case rates will make that even more difficult.

“Just last week on September 9th, President Joe Biden said that his administration would be increasing shipments of monoclonal antibodies in September by 50%, and yet on September 13th, HHS announced that it was seizing control of the monoclonal antibody supply and that it would control distribution, and then on September 14th, the announcement was more than 50% of the monoclonal antibodies that had been used in Florida were going to be reduced,” DeSantis said.

“What the HHS and the Biden administration is now doing is they’re saying that all of the reduced amount will go to the state, and we’re responsible not only for sourcing our sites, which we’re happy to do, but any infusion center, any provider, any hospital will have to come through the state, and to just spring this on us starting next week, we’re going to have to do that,” DeSantis continued. “There’s going to be a huge disruption and patients are going to suffer as a result of this.”

Other states have also voiced concerns about Biden’s restrictions. Forbes reported that the Medical Association of the State of Alabama said it was “very concerned” about the federal government limiting the treatment supply, asserting in a statement that the government should be looking to “provide more of this treatment, not less” when Alabama’s hospitals are already under enormous strain.

“Many patients who receive monoclonal antibody treatment report feeling better within 24 to 48 hours,” Alabama Medical Association President Dr. Aruna Arora said in the statement. “Monoclonal antibody treatment is not a substitute for COVID vaccinations. However, if someone does test positive for COVID-19, they should immediately talk to a physician and see if they qualify for monoclonal antibody treatment. It can be a life-saver.” 

In Tennessee, patients are being turned away “due to lack of clarity on when treatment will be available,” the state’s Department of Health said.

Critics of Biden’s move contend he is doing so to punish states that oppose his administration’s mandates.

“Antibody treatments aren’t a substitute for vaccines But they have prevented thousands of hospitalizations including in breakthrough cases,” Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) posted on Twitter. “Now in a move that reeks of partisan payback against states like Florida, the Biden administration is rationing these treatments.”

HHS said states with low vaccination rates that have been placing large orders of the antibody treatments must reduce their orders by 30 percent. The announcement prompted Kentucky’s Democratic Governor Andy Beshear to warn “vaccine hesitant” residents that they should not rely on the availability of the monoclonal antibody treatments.

“What this shortage ought to tell you is that if you’re unvaccinated and you get really sick, not only might there not be a bed in the hospital for you because they are so full, but that monoclonal antibody treatment might not be there for you either,” Beshear said. 

These are exactly the fear tactics Democrats have been using to force their vaccine agenda on Americans. The federal government is cutting the supply seemingly to push more Americans to get the vaccine. Biden admitted as much this week when he said, regarding the vaccines, “The governors of Florida and Texas are doing everything they can to undermine the life-saving requirement that I proposed.” It’s no coincidence that those are two of the seven states affected by the new restrictions. And it is despicable.

Fortunately, as other manufacturers have since developed similar monoclonal antibodies, Governor DeSantis hopes to work directly with them to circumvent the Biden administration’s restrictions. DeSantis said his office will “work like hell to make sure” that Florida can “overcome the obstacles that the HHS and the Biden administration” are imposing on the state. He said he will be ordering the monoclonal antibody directly from GlaxoSmithKline.

According to Tom Hladish, research scientist at the University of Florida’s Department of Biology and the Emerging Pathogens Institute, DeSantis’ widespread treatment campaign would make tremendous strides in reducing the pressure on state hospitals.

”That’s not trivial,” Hladish said. “Every bed that you free up in an ICU when you’re close to capacity, you’re saving people who are injured in car accidents.”

Constitution Day

Constitution Day


SEE: https://thenewamerican.com/constitution-day-2009;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

September 17, 2021 marks the 234th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution of the United States. The Constitution forged a government unique in a world of tyrants and oppressive regimes. Because of it our country has enjoyed more than two centuries of freedom, and we have the bravery and foresight of a mere handful of individuals to thank for it.

Our Founding Fathers knew the problems in their native countries had to do not with imperfect government, but with too much of it. So they sought to limit interference in the lives of the people. They humbly acknowledged that God, not government, gives rights, and that the proper role of government is to protect those rights. This is the philosophical basis of the Constitution. Its strength lies in its simplicity. Government exists to protect citizens (i.e. “provide for the common defense”) and, otherwise, to leave them alone (i.e. “promote the general Welfare”)!

Before our Constitution was ratified, the Articles of Confederation were the law of the land. They established limited government but provided no power to tax for national defense and no means to settle disputes between States. So the Founding Fathers met in Philadelphia and debated through the hot summer months of 1787. The result was a stronger central government but one with limited powers. The document they wrote governed the government, not the people. It established unambiguous boundaries of governmental power. Just to make sure the limits were clear, they added the Bill of Rights, or the first ten amendments to the Constitution. The first nine limit the government from infringing on specific individual and States’ rights, and the tenth basically says, “If we forgot anything, you can’t do that either.”

Congress soon ratified the new law, and we still benefit from it today. Many now believe we live under a democracy. But even a cursory reading of the Constitution reveals differently. The word democracy does not appear even once. The Founding Fathers knew that democracies are too volatile. They are governed by the majority, by popular opinion. That sounds great until you consider that popular opinion has erroneously held such beliefs as the earth is flat, or a man named Hitler had some great ideas, or a certain innocent Man should be brutally crucified.

What did the Founding Fathers give us instead? Benjamin Franklin answered that question: “A republic … if you can keep it.” Republics are not governed by whims of the people but by law. A republic holds in check anyone who would infringe on rights, including the government. America’s founders could have given us any form of government. (Indeed, there was a movement in the colonies advocating a monarchy under George Washington.) But these selfless men sacrificed short-term personal gain for, well … you. You are now free to make your living without the government dictating what you can and can’t do. You can keep the fruits of your labor without worrying about the threat of government confiscation.

This Constitution Day, please take 30 minutes to watch this video from The John Birch Society presenting, clearly and consisely, the principles of good government that made our country a land of freedom and opportunity, and a beacon of hope for the entire world.

And please take time to thank God, the Giver of your rights, for our Founding Fathers and their brilliant document, the Constitution of the United States. God bless America.

This article is adapted from an article originally posted on September 17, 2009.

Related article:

24 Constitutional Questions Every American Should be Able to Answer

Local citizens confront County Commission on pornographic children’s books in public library. But library director, LGBT activists come to defend the books. The battle is on!

Battle in Wyoming over graphic children's library books

SEE: https://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen4/21c/WY-MR-CCMtg-070721/index.html;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Parents and citizens give direct and unflinching testimony.

But they're up against lies, deception, and twisted logic from the other side.

September 17, 2021
The County Commission wasn't ready for all these people to come in and confront them over this.

In Gillette, Wyoming, the battle against pornographic library books for youth didn’t take long to ignite. The lies, deception, and twisted logic that the supporters and library officials use to defend their policies, however, are almost as disturbing as the books themselves. But the Wyoming MassResistance group is not backing down!

Earlier this summer, as we recently reported, local citizens in Gillette, WY, began to notice that a lot of lurid pornographic and graphic homosexual and transgender books had appeared in the children’s and teen sections of their local branch of the Campbell County Public Library. Apparently, the books originally showed up around “Gay Pride Month” this past June, which the library prominently celebrated.

From the Campbell County Public Library website.

Compounding the problem of the pornographic and LGBT books, there are virtually no books in the children’s sections with a Christian worldview. But there seem to be many books promoting Satanism (some in a grisly manner) or other anti-Christian themes.

How can they deal with this situation?

Campbell County has a Library Board that oversees the operation of the county’s library. And clearly, the Board wasn’t doing its job. But the Library Board members are appointed (and can be dismissed) by the County Commission.

So, the local citizens decided to attend the July 7, 2021 meeting of the County Commission to demand that something be done about this.

The “public comments” from parents and citizens are very direct!

The parents and citizens came and filled most of the room at the July 7 meeting. About a dozen of them gave testimony. They were very well-prepared, articulate, and passionate. The video of the July 7 public comments section is posted here (starts at 3:59).

They described in detail the books that were in the children’s and teen sections. They brought copies of several of them. They also talked about what LGBT propaganda does to confused and impressionable teenagers. Some spoke from their own experiences as teenagers and a few were teachers who described their observations. One parent talked about a local 12-year girl who now insists that she is “poly-sexual.”

One local teacher explained that kids are searching for truth and meaning, and are looking for role models. But these books steer them in a very destructive direction. Others who testified agreed that the LGBT influence causes unhealthy and ruinous behaviors in young people, ultimately turning some of them suicidal.

This couple has a friend whose 12-year-old daughter has decided that she's "poly-sexual." Where does she get these ideas? From the radical propaganda being given to children in schools and libraries.
This woman held up one of the books in the public library for young people: "All Out: The No Longer Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages."
This local teacher told the Commissioners that things are going in the wrong direction, it's causing a lot of problems with kids, and they need to do something about the Library Board because it has not been representing the community.

The supporters of those library books also spoke up

Somehow the word must have gotten out that the parents were coming. By coincidence, the Library Director also came to speak, along with the adult leader of the local chapter of PFLAG – a well-funded national organization that “supports” LGBT children, teenagers, and their families.

These LGBT advocates are passionate about making those graphic materials readily available to the children in the community. They use the well-crafted rhetoric and twisted logic that the LGBT movement has honed over the years to deal with so-called “bigots” who disagree with them.

The president of PFLAG Gillette got up to speak. She said:

I am the president of PFLAG Gillette. PFLAG is a support, education, and advocacy group for the LGBT community. I have a diverse family. I have children that identify as LGBTQ. We feel there is a great need in this community for more education.

The people who identify as LGBTQ are not child predators. They are my children. All of you probably know someone who identifies as gay. There’s not a gay agenda. There’s not a wish for recruiting others. You’re born that way – it may take a while to identify that way.

I think the answer to a lot of what has been talked about is more education. So if the library does have books on the LGBTQ experience that’s a good thing. I have read some of the books there and they give a fuller [sic] picture, a more human side to the experience of parents like myself. This is a country where we pride ourselves on the ability to access materials and free speech. So I would support the library in their book collection and thank them for having the courage to put that information and those books out there.

The president of the PFLAG chapter in Gillette.

This is well-crafted nonsense. No one is claiming that her children are child predators. But they are claiming that the library staff are very dysfunctional and malicious and that presenting sexually graphic books to teens will encourage experimentation. There is a “gay agenda” and we’ve all seen its effects on society (“same-sex marriage,” the transgender craze, the rapidly growing numbers of youth identifying as LGBT, etc). No one is “born that way.”

Like many parents of “gay” children, her solution is to “educate” everyone else’s children. It is obvious that giving children “more education” about perverse and unnatural homosexual and transgender behaviors only leads to experimentation, confusion, and emotional problems.

But most offensive is her comment about having “free access” to materials. That applies to adults, not children. The LGBT movement uses this as an excuse to push their agenda on vulnerable youth.

A pro-family mother then came up to speak

A pro-family mother then got up to speak. Regarding PFLAG, she said that she led a youth group in the community for years. She said that several of the kids also went to PFLAG meetings and told her that “none of them believe it; they just go for the free pizza.” (But many are drawn in nevertheless.) One boy told her that PFLAG told them to “bring in the lonely kids” – which she finds extremely disturbing.

The mother then described to the Commission members what she recently saw in the library:

I encourage all of you to go to the library and look at the Teen Room. I went in yesterday. I’ve never seen anything darker. I saw topics using words such as witchcraft, spells, dark, shadows, covens, blood, and curses. There’s also a book on surgically removing male genitals. They also have a large Black Lives Matter section, which we all know is Marxist in its roots. There’s no evidence in the Teen section of the kinds of books I grew up with, or you grew up with. It was all dark.

Even the toddler’s section has books such as one with a grandmother who’s mean and evil, who keeps a girl as a prisoner in her house, and drinks blood in a ritualistic manner – and on one of the pages, there’s blood everywhere! [She held up the book and showed the pages.] There’s something very wrong at the library.

Holding up a page showing blood everywhere - from a gruesome book in the toddler's section.

The Executive Director of the library then spoke. Here is how she answered the mother’s comments (and the other parents’ comments) about the books in the library:

We have a collection development policy that requires us to vet everything that we bring into our library. There are many journals that we use, a school library journal for example. We go through a rigorous process. There’s also a process that our items can be challenged, that our Library Board can ultimately become involved in.

The mission of the library is to provide the first cultural opportunities for reading, learning, and entertainment to all citizens of our community. So there are going to be a wide range of diverse opinions, a wide range of things that people are going to want to get from the library. We consider ourselves neutral. We don’t consider ourselves political. We just try to provide a collection and programs that speak to what people in this community want. That’s what we do.

I really respect and appreciate everyone’s opinion who spoke today. I think though that there are a lot of opinions out there that might be alternative. We can’t take sides. We are a neutral place.

The Executive Director of the Campbell County Public Library.

To put it bluntly, these are well-crafted lies and twisted logic. You cannot be “neutral” when it comes to harming children, especially with pornography and sexual material. And when she says “we can’t take sides” who does she think she’s fooling? Anyone who looks honestly at the library sees a monolithic left-wing and LGBT social agenda. There are virtually no books or other materials that counter that. Moreover, there is no “rigorous vetting program” of books – at least not by anyone with any common sense.

An underlying message was that the parents are out to “ban books” – a well-worn distortion promoted by the American Library Association meant to shame parents. There’s a major difference between “banning” what adults read – which the parents are not doing – and protecting vulnerable children from harmful material.

After that, a pro-LGBT lady came up to speak. She said that her grown goddaughter is “gay.” She claimed that the parents speaking today were showing animus against “gay” adults, and that angered her. “They’re not perverse, they’re just choosing to live this lifestyle,” she said. That’s a common strategy: to deflect the argument from the horrible content in the books and any true portrayal of LGBT behavior. Instead, there’s an attempt to shame the people who speak up by accusing them of “animus” or ill-feeling towards particular individuals.

What do the parents want?

At the end, the mother who spoke earlier got up again and addressed what the parents wanted the County Commission to do. She was very direct:

Our Library Board has lost all credibility. It’s not just a lapse in judgment. They’ve betrayed the children and community. They all need to be removed. We can no longer trust them.

She might have added that the Library Director – and probably others on the staff – also need to be shown the door. Normal people do not do these things to children. These people should not be employed by a public library where they can affect what is presented to youth.

Where will this lead?

Gillette is a small city, and the Commissioners clearly know several of these citizens fairly well. At least a few of the Commissioners seemed quite shocked. One of them grilled the Library Director a bit about why there are no “heterosexual” library promotions. But the majority of the Commission didn’t appear motivated to take any action – or even challenge the Library Director. At least not right now.

This is a city that voted 86% Republican in the recent election. But there’s obviously still a lot of work to do. And these Wyoming MassResistance parents and citizens are willing to do it! Their approach that day was refreshingly honest, direct, and fearless.


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Veronica Wolski: A medical freedom horror story


EXCERPTS FROM: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/doctor/:

In providing insight into what was happening behind the scenes of this story, Ross began explaining how Wolski had been admitted to the Catholic AMITA Health Resurrection Medical Center somewhere around August 24 and diagnosed with “’COVID pneumonia,’ although her x-ray showed it was possible chest congestion.” 

Very soon after, Ross, a native of Chicago who now lives in South Carolina, explained, “I started receiving [text] messages” from Veronica begging for help to be moved from this hospital: ‘Get me out, get me oxygen, get me medical transport, get security here if you have to, get me out.’”  

In addition, after investigating the treatments Wolski was receiving, Ross observed “even something as simple as IV vitamins… were denied to her. She wanted her Ivermectin. That was denied to her. She wanted so many things that were not part of the hospital’s protocol. So, we began this fight [and] this advocacy [on her behalf].”  

Catholic hospital ‘ethics committee’ revokes prescription for Ivermectin, bars Ross from premises 

Rumble — From lockdowns to vaccine mandates, COVID-19 has not only attacked public health but has also wreaked havoc on civil liberties. One America’s chief White House correspondent Chanel Rion has more from Washington.

Popular QAnon Supporter, Right-To-Try Advocate, Was Denied Ivermectin, Now Dead In Hospital Custody

SEE ALSO: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-09-22-hospitals-killing-health-freedom-advocates-denying-treatments.html

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