Indiana 5th-Grade Teacher Had Kill List of Staff and Students. Police Not Called for Four Hours.

Angelica Carrasquillo-Torres: Indiana school teacher arrested for telling fifth-grader she is on her 'kill list'



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Normally, when we hear about school violence (think about how awful that phrase sounds for just a moment), we think of either students or an outside intruder with a gun, a vendetta, and severe psychological issues. We also think of teachers as being the last line of defense between a monster and the children they teach. And indeed, there are stories of teachers who have gone above and beyond the call of educators to keep their children safe. But what happens when the potential danger is not from a current or former disturbed student or deranged person from the community? What does it mean when the possible threat is from a teacher?

Parents of students at St. Stanislaus school and other members of the East Chicago, Ind., areas are wrestling with that issue after a teacher was arrested on Thursday for having a kill list that had the names of staff members and even students on it.

Fox News reports that Angelica Carrasquillo-Torres told a fifth-grader Wednesday that she had made plans to kill herself, along with fellow staff members and students. Carrasquillo-Torres told the student that he or she was at the bottom of the list. Once the student alerted school officials, Carrasquillo-Torres was taken to the principal’s office, where she admitted to the existence of the list and that the student’s name was on it but did not produce it. For reasons unknown and particularly vexing to parents, Carrasquillo-Torres was told to leave campus and told not to return, and police were called four hours later. Carrasquillo-Torres was arrested the next day. Aside from the unexplained time lapse between the incident and the call to the police, parents were understandably furious that they were not made fully aware of the scope of the incident. One parent said that they only received an email that an “issue” had occurred in a classroom.

The Post Millennial found a message to parents on the school’s Facebook page that read in part:

It is with great sadness that we share the following statement.

On Wednesday, October 12, at approximately 12:45 p.m., the staff at St. Stanislaus School responded to a concerning report from a student regarding comments made by the student’s teacher. The teacher was removed from the classroom and escorted to the principal’s office, where she remained under supervision and had no further contact with students. The teacher was interviewed to further identify the details of the incident.

After students were safely dismissed at the end of the school day, the teacher was escorted off campus and the East Chicago police department was notified at approximately 4:45 p.m. When asked, the police assured the principal that the facility was safe and that they could proceed normally with all scheduled learning and school events for the next school day.

An investigation is underway.

On the pages of PJ Media and other sites, you can find stories of teachers pushing an LGBTQ, etc., agenda, a CRT agenda, or a socialist agenda. But a teacher with a hit list? This may be the first time such a thing has made the news. We understand that the world can be a nasty place and that schools need to be vigilant, and as a grandparent, I appreciate that. And it is entirely possible that, like many imbalanced people, Carrasquillo-Torres was able to fly under the radar until the signs of a potential disaster became evident. Unfortunately, the sign in question was a child learning that he or she was on the teacher’s “kill” list.

Schools need to be vigilant when it comes to external threats, and the “system” needs to be on the lookout for those people who may have the capacity for violence. But what needs to happen when the threat comes from the person whose job it is to protect the innocent? And what will be done to prevent another situation like this or one that goes one or more steps further from occurring in the future?

Hundreds of Muslims Shut Down School Board Meeting Over LGBTQ+ Book Controversy



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

This is the fight I’ve been waiting for. Let’s be totally honest. The only religious people the left is truly scared to offend are Muslims. Criticizing Muslims is completely off the table according to the left’s rules of engagement, so if Muslims are upset about something, the amount of twisting, back-bending, and acrobatics the left will perform in order not to offend them will be something to see.

So when hundreds of Muslim parents, upset at gay porn in the school libraries, showed up to a school board meeting in Dearborn, Mich., and it devolved into shouting and chaos with board members running away and gay protesters being chased to their cars, the fallout was absolutely hilarious. The headline in the Detroit Free Press after the event went haywire was “LGBTQ and Faith Communities Struggle for Unity.” BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Can you imagine what the headline would have been if it were a Baptist church chasing gay protesters to their cars? “Fascist White Supremacist Book Burners Bash Gay Man in Parking Lot,” or “Rabid Religious Zealots Terrorize Gay Man Defending Right to Read,” or something equally terrible. I don’t know about you, but I’m enjoying this disaster.

Enjoy this thread and all the videos in it. I know I did.

I’ll be going over this hysterical story on today’s live stream. I’m covering the Darrell Brooks trial (if I can get through it and more). Meet me there! 

Transgenderism Among Young Children Is Skyrocketing



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Long ago, in less enlightened ages, when superstitions all too easily beguiled and misled the human soul, people thought they saw their neighbors conversing with demons and flying through the air by means of witchcraft. We laugh at all that now. Now we know to Trust the Science, and the Science tells us that men can become women and women men and that children as young as toddlers can know that they’re trapped in the wrong body, but when this happens, medical professionals can fix them right up with puberty blockers and surgery that will make everyone everything he or she or xe or it ever wanted to be in a jiffy. That’s so much more enlightened, and it’s spreading: in Maryland, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) reports a 582% increase in students with gender confusion.

Isn’t it wonderful that so many children are awakening to their true selves? Or rather, is it yet another sign that this is a mind virus, a social contagion that emanates more from societal obsessions than from the confused child’s actual psyche? The answer really isn’t unclear, much as many people would wish it to be. The transgender madness is a sociocultural fad like the hula hoop or stuffing people into phone booths or swallowing goldfish or growing one’s hair long and dropping out of school to find oneself, and one day in the not-too-distant future people will look back with horror at how so many children were mutilated and their lives destroyed in service of this madness.

But right now, it’s all the rage. The Daily Caller reported Tuesday that MCPS found out about the skyrocketing numbers of transgender students “from forms school counselors fill out when students approach them to talk about gender identity issues. Because the numbers rely on self-reporting, the near-sevenfold increase from 2019 to 2022 could indicate a massive increase in the number of gender-diverse students, an environment that encourages those students to be more open with counselors or both.” It’s not just an environment that encourages transgender students to be more open with counselors. It’s an environment that encourages students who may already be lonely or depressed, alienated, directionless, or any number of other things, to think that their problems all stem from “gender dysphoria” and can all be solved by going under the knife and becoming a lifelong dependent of the pharmaceutical industry.

Related: Poll: Almost No One Wants Sexualized Smut in K-12 Classrooms

Nowadays, “coming out” as transgender can make a lonely, friendless student suddenly become the center of attention, lionized for his or her “courage,” and applauded everywhere. The literature celebrating trans madness that we keep seeing in schools is there for a reason: it sets up trans people as heroes, doing something noble and good. That’s a powerfully attractive appeal to young people, and it’s clearly working. The Caller notes that in Montgomery County, “during the 2019-2020 school year, a total of 35 students reported gender nonconformity to a counselor, including four elementary students, 19 middle school students, and 12 high schoolers. During the 2021-2022 school year the total number of students reporting gender nonconformity spiked to 239, including 18 elementary students, 129 middle schoolers, and 92 high schoolers.” Are all these people really suddenly realizing that they’re girls trapped in boys’ bodies, and vice versa? Of course not. They’re suddenly realizing that being transgender is the in thing, the quick path to becoming the school hero.

Notice how many among them are elementary and middle school students. These children don’t even have a clear idea of what it is to be a man or a woman; how can they possibly realize the implications of transitioning from one to the other, or rather, from one to a freakish facsimile of the other? Montgomery County is also not singular; the same thing is happening all over the country. Evolutionary biologist Colin Wright has pointed out that “if a girl gravitates toward trucks and cars as a child, she is considered ‘gender nonconforming’ and ‘transgender,’ even if she shows no signs of gender dysphoria.”

Then in a few years, after she is left mutilated and unable to function normally, this whole thing could end, both in her own mind and in the culture, and then what? Once the transgender mania is over, will the doctors who facilitated her destruction apologize and restore her to womanhood? It cannot be done. What is being done to these young people is nothing short of monstrous. Those who are facilitating this cultural madness are destroying the lives of human beings. By the time this is obvious to everyone, the damage will not be able to be undone.

VIRGINIA: ‘CHILDREN DON’T BELONG TO THE STATE!’ GOVERNOR Youngkin Defends Parental Rights in Schools

“Parents have a fundamental right to be engaged in their children’s lives,” Youngkin said. “And, oh, by the way, children have a right to have parents engaged in their life. And we needed to fix a wrong…children don’t belong to the state. They belong to families. And so, in these most important decisions, step one has to be to engage parents, not to the exclusion of a trusted teacher or an adviser, but to make sure that parents are involved in their children’s lives.”

Professors in Connecticut Reject Parents’ Involvement in Their Children’s Education

Yet another instance of elitism and condescension in academia.



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Last month an English teacher at Southington High School in Southington, Connecticut distributed to his students materials intended to facilitate “conversations about race, gender, equality, and inclusivity.”  Among the claims students were expected to accept without question is that in America racism is “a systemic issue,” and that while “no individual is personally responsible for what white people have done or for the historical decisions of the American government, you are responsible for whether you are upholding the systems that elevate white people over people of color.”

After the materials became public, and parents in Southington made known their objections to the school board and to the superintendent of schools, 72 faculty at Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) sent a letter claiming that parents had no business objecting to their children’s education: determining what their education consists of was the sole prerogative of the school system, and any materials Southington students received in its furtherance were intended simply to spur discussions of issues in the public domain, such as “the American historical narrative and whether we are truly an individualistic meritocracy in which freedom and equality reign.”

If debate and discussion had been the objective, the stamp of approval the SCSU faculty provided would be warranted.  But what the English teacher intended – and what the SCSU faculty show they favor by supporting him — is indoctrination, not education.  Amidst the assurances in the SCSU letter that its signers favor a diversity of viewpoints in the classroom is a statement supporting “white privilege” in the curriculum as a means of helping students to “contextualize” literature.  But that would seem to suggest that white privilege in America exists, and that to question its existence is impermissible.

It is not an established fact that America today is systemically racist, favoring whites over people of other races, and that all whites, whether they know it or not, are complicit in this.  If the English teacher and his supporters on the SCSU faculty had merely done a Google Search, they would have come across incisive critiques of these claims; among the most eloquent are those of African-American scholars such as John McWhorter, Glenn Loury, and Thomas Sowell.  Moreover, if they had thought seriously about “systemic racism,” they might have realized how nonsensical it is: surely the ubiquity of Affirmative Action preferences favoring blacks and other “underrepresented” minorities in virtually every institution in America today proves its absence.  In fact, the whole notion flies in the face of simple logic: unless they were idiots or clinically insane, the white racists who supposedly control America would not install and perpetuate something so contrary to their own interests.

But what is most egregious about the SCSU letter is not its confusion of opinion for fact.  Rather, it is its condescending insinuation that since teachers should be autonomous in determining how subjects requiring special knowledge such as science, mathematics, and foreign languages should be taught, they should also be free to impose their own opinions or those of the school system on issues in history and the social sciences, on which people might fairly and legitimately disagree.  The signatories of the SCSU letter seem to consider teachers everywhere, not just in Southington, uniquely privy to The Truth, and anyone who dares to challenge their presumption of omniscience should simply shut their mouths.  To do otherwise, in the overheated language of the SCSU letter, is “to descend down the slippery slope of allowing parents to circumscribe and dictate the nature of public education.”  As if that would be the worst outcome imaginable!

The SCSU faculty who signed the letter are wrong.

No less an authority than the United Nations, Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, passed by the General Assembly in December 1948, states that “parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.”  The good parents of Southington, and parents everywhere else in America, should reclaim what is perhaps their most essential parental right and obligation, namely to guide the moral education of their children so that as adults they can act as independent and autonomous citizens in a free society, capable of resisting the imposition of any dogma by government, private organizations, school systems, or college faculties.

Jay Bergman is a Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University and serves on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Scholars.

Here’s What Happened When a Concerned Mom Dressed Like Drag Queen at a School Board Meeting



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

For years now, we’ve seen woke schools hiring drag queens to perform for young kids as some sort of exercise about tolerance and diversity. If you spoke out about it, you were a bigot.

Earlier this year, it was reported that New York City schools spent over $200,000 putting drag queen shows on for their students.

This is only part of the trend of inappropriate things happening in schools with the full knowledge and consent of woke school boards. Sexually explicit books are also being carried in school libraries and incorporated into curricula—all in the name of “tolerance.”

One school that brought in drag queens was in Ankeny, Iowa, and video from the performance was shared by Libs of TikTok.

The event sparked outrage, but one mom, Kimberly Reicks, decided to speak out about the inappropriateness of drag queens being used to entertain kids, and dressed as one of them to make her point.

“Does this outfit make you turn your head?” Reicks asked. “Does this outfit seem appropriate for anybody here to see? This is what the man dressed like in front of our kids. So if this makes your head spin — if this pisses you off in any way, shape, or form — it should. Because I’m embarrassed to stand here in the outfit that I am in today, but I have a point to prove — that this outfit should not be ever accepted in our schools anywhere.”

Reicks told The Daily Wire that the Ankeny Community School District is “notorious” for dismissing parental concerns.

“It has been over 131 days since I made our school board first aware of this event,” she explained. “We are now 32 days into the new school year and we still have no answers on what the outcome of the investigation was. Nor do we have any new policies to ensure things like this do not happen again.”

“I will do whatever measures I have to, to make sure events like this are addressed and resolved,” she added. “Even if that means wearing the exact same outfit as the 21-year-old drag queen performer to prove my point.”

Previously published footage of the drag queen event at the school showed that it wasn’t merely a performance; the drag queens were given an opportunity to groom kids with gender identity propaganda.

“When I felt like I couldn’t express myself in school, or I felt like I had to look like this at school… I could be whoever I wanted to be,” one drag queen told the students. “And I started to think, ‘What is gender?’ And I realized that no matter what pronouns you use, you are who you are… I know on the inside that I am who I am.”

The Berkeley ‘No Free Speech for Jews’ Movement



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Kenneth Marcus, who under Trump all too briefly served as Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the Department of Ed, calls the move by nine student affinity groups and organizations at Berkeley’s School of Law to ban Jewish speakers to be “Jewish-Free Zones.”

Nine different law student groups at the University of California at Berkeley’s School of Law, my own alma mater, have begun this new academic year by amending bylaws to ensure that they will never invite any speakers that support Israel or Zionism. And these are not groups that represent only a small percentage of the student population. They include Women of Berkeley Law, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association, Law Students of African Descent and the Queer Caucus. Berkeley Law’s Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, a progressive Zionist, has observed that he himself would be banned under this standard, as would 90% of his Jewish students.

Tellingly, the rationale for this was the familiar one of safe spaces.

“In the interest of protecting the safety and welfare of Palestinian students on campus,” allies of the anti-Israel accepting its antisemitic rationale, “will not invite speakers that have expressed and continued to hold views or host/sponsor/promote events in support of Zionism, the apartheid state of Israel, and the occupation of Palestine.”

Safe spaces have become judenrein spaces. Much as they’ve become conservative-free, as they’ve purged women who believe in their own existence and anyone un-woke. Safety means total ideological tribalism and eliminating those who disagree.

And the free speech movement at Berkeley has become a no-free speech for Jews movement.

Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, who had previously come out against the entire category of restricting ‘hate speech’, has offered criticisms of the move, but if a dozen organizations had effectively banned black speakers from campus by say adding a code stating that they will only accept black speakers who think that slavery was wonderful, the response would be more than criticism.

This kind of thing is a straightforward case of disparate impact. And disparate impact has been used to sue universities, including Berkeley, before. Any restriction that effectively bars Jewish students from participating in a good deal of student life and restricts their career opportunities is an actual apartheid move that should be met with serious legal actions, not mere words.

Those who know history may remember the ‘Ghetto Benches’ that Jewish students in Polish universities were subjected to before the Holocaust. Nationalist student groups demanded that Jewish students be banished to ‘ghetto benches’. When the administration didn’t give in, they rioted and assaulted Jewish students. Eventually, the administrations gave in and ghetto benches became widespread. A few courageous faculty members refused to go along, but most did. It was a preview of the Holocaust which would have as its epicenter not long thereafter the mass murder of Jews in Polish death camps.

History repeats itself.

Michigan Mother Sues Local School Board for Violating Her First Amendment Rights

A Macomb County mother is suing the Chippewa Valley School Board after members of the board emailed the department of justice and her employer complaining about her behavior at school board meetings. At the height of the pandemic, school board meetings across the state became heated and sometimes ugly. Parents dissatisfied with no in-person learning and or angry about mask policies. Sandra Hernden was one of them.



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

A Michigan police officer and mother of three children is suing the Chippewa Valley School Board over accusations that the board violated her First Amendment rights. Sandra Hernden challenged the school board on issues related to the Covid-19 pandemic and claimed that the school district was responsible for a downward academic and social spiral that one of her sons — a special needs child — experienced as a result of the district’s long-term move from in-person learning to remote learning at the beginning of the pandemic in the spring of 2020.

When the district began the fall term in 2020 still in remote learning mode, Hernden decided it was her duty to speak out against the school board’s policies. And that’s where her troubles began.

“What happens when you try to protect your special needs son? What happens when you confront the life-destroying policies that school boards passed during the pandemic?” Hernden asked rhetorically.

“I’ll tell you what happens. The school board ignores you, insults you, and attacks you.”

Upon seeing the toll that remote learning was taking on her sons, Hernden did what many parents do when they have problems with the school district. She complained and did so with vigor, to the point of showing up at school board meetings and letting the school board know exactly what their policies were doing to her children.

The board’s response, according to Hernden, was to go into attack mode, calling her comments “veiled racism,” complaining to Hernden’s employer, and even referring her conduct at school board meetings to Joe Biden’s Department of Justice for review. The school board also complained that Hernden was “harassing” board members, and further claimed that her conduct was unbecoming a police officer.

Hernden’s employer, the Hazel Park Police Department, investigated the claims and found that she hadn’t violated any department rules. She was not disciplined.

Then, on September 29, Hernden fought back, filing suit against the Chippewa Valley School Board for violating her First Amendment rights, among other things.

“For two years, I have been demoralized, humiliated, discredited, and demeaned,” Hernden said. “I can live with a lot of things and be called a lot of names, but none of this will stop me from fighting for my children. I’m bringing this case not just for my family, but for all the families like me who feel they have no voice.”

Hernden claims that she was interrupted at school board meetings and was not allowed to give her opinions, being cut off from sharing her thoughts. She cautioned the board that, perhaps, its actions against her might be illegal.

Recall that in October of last year, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland issued an infamous memo calling for the FBI to “convene meetings with federal, state, local, Tribal, and territorial leaders in each federal judicial district within 30 days of the issuance of this memorandum. These meetings will facilitate the discussion of strategies for addressing threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff, and will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment, and response.”

In effect, Garland was calling on the FBI to treat concerned parents at school board meetings as if they were terrorist suspects.

The day after that memo was made public, the school board president, Frank Bednard, allegedly sent an email to the Biden Department of Justice.

“This woman, Sandra Hernden, comes to every meeting to harass our board, administration, and community who oppose her views,” Bednard’s letter read.

The school board president accused Hernden of being part of a group of citizens whose “threats and demeanor are so intimidating, no community members who oppose their message will come to the meeting to speak because they are afraid of what this group would do to them for standing up to them.”

“Anything that could be done to curb this behavior by these people would be greatly appreciated by our board, administration, and our community,” Bednard concluded.

So, in effect, the school board “tattled” on Hernden to the Justice Department. Steve Delie, an attorney with the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation, which is representing Hernden, obviously disagreed with Bednard’s conclusion.

“No parent should have to fear for their livelihood or their liberty because they stood up for their children,” Delie said “We hope that this case empowers parents to have the courage to speak out for what they believe is best for their children.”

Shocking Jew-hatred is rampant on American campuses



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The fruit of the Left’s dominance of academia:

“WATCH: Shocking Jew-Hatred Rages on US Campuses,” United With Israel, September 29, 2022:

Jewish students experienced antisemitic attacks during Rosh Hashanah on numerous college campuses, during what is supposed to be a joyful time.

A number of college students shared some of their horrific antisemitic experiences, including disturbing run-ins with professors!…

Afghanistan: Sunni Muslim murders 100 Shi’ite Muslim children in jihad suicide attack at school



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

“Allah has bought from the believers their selves and their possessions against the gift of Paradise; they fight in the way of Allah; they kill, and are killed…” (Qur’an 9:111) 

“100 children killed in a suicide bombing at Kabul school: Report,” India Today, September 30, 2022:

At least 100 children died in a suicide bombing at an education centre in Kabul, according to reports. As per a local journalist, students, mostly Hazaras and Shias, were killed in the incident. The Hazaras are Afghanistan’s third largest ethnic group.

The blast took place at the Kaaj education centre in the Dasht-e-Barchi area in the west of the city, BBC reported.

A local journalist, Bilal Sarwary, tweeted, “We have so far counted 100 dead bodies of our students. The number of students killed is much higher. Classroom was packed. This was a mock university entrance exam, so students could prepare for the real one.”…

Dashte Barche in West Kabul have been constantly the target of deadly ISKP attacks. Hazaras and Shias murdered inside their classrooms, his tweet read further.

“Students were preparing for an exam when a suicide bomber struck at this educational centre. police spokesman Khalid Zadran had said….

Biden Scales Back Student Loan Debt Relief

Biden Scales Back Student Loan Debt Relief Because He Knows the Plan Is Illegal



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The Biden administration announced that it is narrowing the scope of its student loan debt cancelation program because they’re afraid that loans held by private companies won’t pass legal muster in the courts.

Private entities hold some student loans through a program known as the Federal Family Education Loan Program. About four million borrowers out of the 45 million Americans who have outstanding student loan debt have secured loans through a private source.

The loans are held by various private lenders, guaranty agencies, and loan servicers — any of which would have the standing to sue the administration for canceling the debts. Given that the chances are excellent they would win in court, the administration decided that they present the greatest legal threat to the debt relief plan.


Many of those companies face losses as borrowers convert their privately held federal student loans into ones that are owned directly by the Education Department — through a process known as consolidation.

Administration officials said when they announced the debt relief program in August that borrowers with federally guaranteed loans held by private lenders would be able to receive loan forgiveness by consolidating their debt into a new loan made directly by the Education Department.

The agency said Thursday that borrowers who already took those steps to receive loan forgiveness would still receive it. But the Education Department said that path is no longer available to borrowers after the new guidance.

That will teach all procrastinators a valuable lesson.

The administration had been negotiating with the private loan sources trying to secure an agreement that would allow debt cancellation on slightly different terms for student loan borrowers. But a deal proved elusive.

Top Education Department officials and industry groups had for weeks been negotiating a compromise deal in which the companies were compensated for their losses and avoid suing the administration over the issue. But those discussions have not yet produced a deal.

The Education Department said on its website Thursday it “is assessing whether there are alternative pathways to provide relief to borrowers with federal student loans not held by [the Education Department], including FFEL Program loans and Perkins Loans, and is discussing this with private lenders.”

The first lawsuit challenging the debt forgiveness plan was filed on Tuesday. Now, six Republican-led states are suing the administration over its blatantly illegal and unconstitutional effort to cancel the debt.


In the lawsuit, being filed Thursday in a federal court in Missouri, the Republican states argue that Biden’s cancellation plan is “not remotely tailored to address the effects of the pandemic on federal student loan borrowers,” as required by the 2003 federal law that the administration is using as legal justification. They point out that Biden, in an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes” this month, declared the COVID-19 pandemic over, yet is still using the ongoing health emergency to justify the wide-scale debt relief.

“It’s patently unfair to saddle hard-working Americans with the loan debt of those who chose to go to college,” Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge, who is leading the group, said in an interview.

It’s doubtful this suit will go anywhere. The Republican AGs will not be able to prove that any specific citizen in their state will suffer damage as a result of the student loan debt cancelation. They simply don’t have the legal standing to sue.

The change in the parameters of the debt cancelation program won’t materially affect any legal action going forward. But it’s just another indication that the Biden administration knows the plan is illegal and unconstitutional — but is going ahead with it anyway.

Ohio school district promotes NEA ‘LGBTQ+ resource guide’ with instructions on prostitution, abortion



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The idea here seems to be to create an unbridgeable rift between parents and children and render the children weak, pleasure-obsessed, emotionally stunted individuals who are totally dependent upon the state and ripe for conquest.

“This Ohio School District Is Promoting an ‘LGBTQ+ Resource Guide’ With Instructions on Sex Work, Abortions,” by Elizabeth Troutman, Washington Free Beacon, September 23, 2022:

Teachers in an Ohio school district are wearing name badges that students can scan with their phones to access an “LGBTQ+ resource guide,” which includes instructions on how to get abortions and “organize like a sex worker.”

Hilliard City School District participates in the National Education Association’s “I’m Here” program, which encourages teachers to wear the badge. The group says the program is supposed to educate teachers on how to respond to LGBT students. But a Washington Free Beacon review found that the QR code takes students to resources that describe abortion as the removal of “pregnancy tissue,” encourage gender transitioning without parental consent, and promote sex work….

“The badge has a QR code that once scanned takes you to a website that has extremely inappropriate information, and as a parent that crosses the line,” Hilliard City parent Lisa Chaffee said.

Hilliard City superintendent Dave Stewart said the badges only concern “adult learning,” though the website from the QR code provides resources aimed at K-12 students. After backlash from parents, the district advised teachers to cover the QR code on the back of the badge, according to a statement from Stewart….

“LGBTQIA+ students should be respected, affirmed, and protected in Texas schools, even if they do not have the full support of their parents or guardians,” says “Free to Be Me: A Toolkit to Protect LGBTQIA+ Students’ Rights.”

Another link in the guide takes students to a post called “Organize Like a Sex Worker: Learning from Worker and Organizer Kate Adamo.” The post says recognizing that “sex work is work” is “critical to ensuring the reproductive and sexual liberation of everyone.” Kate Adamo, the “sex worker” interviewed in the post, compared “transphobia or homophobia, being anti-abortion, or anti-sex work” to eugenics.

Sex workers “face stigma, judgment, and pushback from both the Christian right, and sex work exclusionary feminists (SWERFs) on the left,” Adamo said.

Another link promotes a project from Planned Parenthood Toronto with videos like “Are you queer enough to be here? Spoiler Alert: YES!” and “Sex acts that don’t get enough play.”…

The resource guide also provides a handbook to help minors understand their gender identities, which says “sex assignment does not take into account one’s true gender identity.”

“Your true gender may be different than the gender that a doctor assigned you, which is perfectly normal, valid, and wonderful,” the handbook reads.

The Hilliard City School District did not respond to a request for comment.

Tampons in Boys’ Bathrooms?: Dan Ball WITH Christina & Faith; Dan Attends Daughters’ School Board Meeting, 9/21/22

Teachers Urged to “Transition” Children Behind Parents’ Backs



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

State “education” authorities in Michigan are under fire nationwide after getting caught red-handed encouraging teachers to, among other absurdities and crimes, “transition” children to new “genders” without the consent or even knowledge of their parents. The training is almost too outrageous to believe, and yet officials are publicly defending it all.

The growing scandal, which was first exposed by prominent anti-woke activist Christopher Rufo with the Manhattan Institute, has government “school” officials scrambling to perform damage control. But parental outrage over the abuse is growing nationwide as even liberal-media polls show the public has overwhelmingly turned against this sort of brainwashing in school.  

The Michigan Department of Education program in question urges government-school “educators” to “facilitate the sexual transition of minors without parental consent,” as Rufo put it in his exposé posted on social media. The trainers also claim the notion that gender is “binary” is a “system of oppression” created by the West that must be dismantled.  

There is proof, too, as documents and footage emerge. One leaked training video for teachers features a self-styled “Black, masculine-identified, cis-gendered lesbian baby boomer” instructor named “Amorie Robinson.” During the training session, she urges teachers to familiarize themselves with the “terminology” such as “gender fluid,” “genderqueer,” or “gender non-conforming.” 

According to Robinson, children may “identify” as “asexual, lesbian, straight, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning, demisexual, demiromantic, aromantic, and skoliosexual.” Teachers should “Google on those” because “we ain’t got time today” to examine all the sexual and gender “identities” children might adopt, she said. 

Another trainer urges teachers to hide children’s sexual and gender “identities” from parents, even if discussing the child’s desire to commit suicide. “I would one-thousand percent recommend working with the student to let them guide that process,” says the trainer, Phillips-Knope, after recommending teachers refer to children as “earthlings” instead of boys and girls.  

When it became a toxic political hot-potato when blasted by GOP gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon, even far-left Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer was forced to condemn it. Her office sent a mild rebuke to the Department of Education and urged it to “review your training to ensure they comply with all applicable regulations, maintain department guidelines, and are reflective of best practices.”  

In an op-ed published by establishment propaganda organs, Michigan Superintendent of Public Schools Michael Rice defended the abusive “training.” In fact, he referred to them as “professional development” to “build the capacity of educators to provide safe, supportive, and inclusive school climates where all students can thrive — especially students who identify as LGBTQ+.”  

“Our local educators and support staff care deeply about their students and seek to better understand how to reach students and help them feel accepted, safe, and supported,” Rice continued, adding that anyone who calls out the madness is attempting to “bully” school staff. “Children deserve safe and inclusive environments to minimize their fears and anxieties.”  

After falsely denying that teachers were taught to keep parents in the dark, Rice went on to admit that it’s true—but it’s “for the children,” supposedly. “In a situation in which the student is concerned about abuse, neglect, or homelessness if parents are told, educators may be cautious about sharing issues of sexual orientation and gender identity with parents,” he said. 

Teachers “have a responsibility not to put children in harm’s way, even inadvertently,” Rice continued, as if government was now in charge of protecting children from their own parents and families—the very people who love them more than anyone else on the planet. “Such decisions are not made lightly and are ultimately about safeguarding the health, safety, and wellbeing of students.” 

This is a similar attitude to the one adopted by the Biden administration. As The Newman Report documented earlier this year, the U.S. departments of Justice, Education, and Health and Human Services released a video encouraging children to file federal complaints against their own families and communities if they were not “affirmed” in their chosen sexual proclivities or gender fantasies.

This is collective madness — and it is beyond evil. Adults must stop encouraging and normalizing the madness, for the same reason it would be irresponsible to talk to a schizophrenic’s imaginary friends or encourage an anorexic girl to have liposuction. This dangerous abuse of children should be prosecuted. But as has always been the case, the only true protector of a child will be his or her parents.

Teacher Defines “Fascist” for Students as “Republican” & “Christian”



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

A government-school teacher in California is under fire after being exposed for teaching his child victims to associate fascism with Christianity, the Republican Party, European ancestry, heterosexuality, and other characteristics or identities.

The scandalous tax-funded indoctrination, first exposed by the Washington Examiner based on photos and testimony from a student in the class, took place in San Diego’s Madison High School. Critics expressed concerns that the propaganda could lead to radicalization and even violent extremism. 

In a picture taken by the student whistleblower, the word fascism appears underlined at the top of the board. Underneath that, the English teacher put down terms such as “Trump,” “heterosexual,” “White,” “Christian,” and more. 

“He goes on to insult white people and Christian people, automatically putting them under … that they’re automatically fascist,” the student was quoted as saying by the Examiner, which withheld his identity over concerns of retaliation by the teacher or school. 

“He just kind of put up that they’re fascists, and they support a fascist government,” continued the student. “Immediately — he didn’t even ask the class about it. He just made the assumption right away that whites and Christians automatically support a fascist government.”

The GOP, too, was targeted, alongside the National Socialist (Nazi) party of Adolf Hitler. “As it is currently constituted, the Republican party is now a fascist organization that no longer fits the category of a conventional Democratic party,” the teacher wrote on the board, photographs show.

According to the student, who took the photos that were published in the media, the incendiary and hateful propaganda was dished out in an English class on August 29 of this year. It happened during a lesson on how to write an “argumentative essay.” 

“This completely caught me off guard,” the student was quoted as saying. “This is an English class. This isn’t a political class or anything. I signed up for the class to learn how to write papers and stuff … I didn’t sign up for the class for a teacher to be trying to shove his ideology down my throat.”

The division of Americans by race and other characteristics is a hallmark of Critical Race Theory, a Marxist tool to divide and conquer the nation similar to how class divisions were used in other nations. The addition of Christians and heterosexuals to the “oppressor” class was easy to predict.

In Communist China, Mao’s mass-murdering butchers divided Chinese people into black and red camps. Black class members—business owners, landowners, Christians, and others—were painted as the oppressors. The Red class, meanwhile, was composed of “oppressed” peasants and workers. 

Ironically, National Socialism, better known as Nazism, has much in common with the totalitarian beliefs of the progressive movement in America. From an all-powerful state and government partnership with business to the war on free speech, the parallels are clear and ominous.

Similar propaganda is being fiendishly pumped into the minds and hearts of impressionable young Americans from coast to coast — and has been for generations. As the nation implodes amid hate and ignorance, the fruit is now becoming obvious. America will not survive another generation of this.

Behind Closed Doors: American School Counselor Association Conference Exposed

Activist School Counselors w/ Courage Is A Habit's Alvin Lui



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The group Courage is a Habit is making waves. Alvin Lui, founder of the movement to educate parents on the threats to children from woke cultists, bought a ticket to the American School Counselor Association conference this year and recorded the whole thing. And it’s a good thing he did.

What he uncovered is a boiling cauldron of dangerous ideologies that are causing racial division and hatred, a gender crisis, anxiety disorders, increased suicidality, and an unbelievable admission that school counselors have taken children to get birth control against the wishes of their parents.

This clip of the retiring president of ASCA, Dr. Carolyn Stone, shows her telling the crowd of school counselors, who parents think are employed to help kids get into college, a story about an ethical dilemma that will terrify you. “I get that a lot,” she said about school counselors saying her talks on ethics worry them. Stone relayed a story where a new school counselor approached her with a shocking confession.

“She explained that she had just taken a child to get contraceptives at a clinic because her mother wouldn’t let her have them. She said, ‘what do I do?'” Then Stone asked the crowd of school counselors to tell her what to do in that situation. “Solve this for me. Do you, one, do you tell her to go back and convince the student to tell her parent, or do you tell her, two, call the girl’s mother and confess, or do you tell her, three, ‘hold your breath and pray’? Turn to your neighbor and tell them what you’re going to tell her.”

The entire crowd of school counselors shouted out, “Three!” Dr. Stone approvingly replied, “See? You’re all ready to be a part of the ethics committee! Sign up!”

PJ Media reached out to Dr. Stone, who repeatedly denied that school counselors actually do this.

“Part of the context was, it was supposed to be taking a look at the journey of twenty years and I picked out the most absurd, unbelievable, can’t really wrap our heads around an ethical dilemma that came up. It was about the absolute outlandishness of it, not about anything that is something we actually do,” she said. “This was a brand new counselor and she hadn’t been advised. And that’s why we have these conferences… we don’t want counselors doing something this outlandish. You never help a child out with anything to do with reproduction, abortion counseling, contraceptives, none of that.”

PJ Media watched the entire speech by Stone to get the context and found that at no time did she announce that the story was “absurd” or “outrageous” in any way. She also did not correct the crowd after they said they would choose the option to “hold your breath and pray” parents don’t find out about the trip for contraceptives. Instead, Stone simply moved on to the topic of equity. Her full remarks can be seen in the video linked at the bottom of this article.

“How that was misinterpreted, I never could have guessed,” she told PJ Media. “We don’t do it in the first place! It was just a tongue-in-cheek that followed. There is no way that school counselors should put a child in their car in the first place… everyone in that room can identify that it’s so absurd. I was talking to an audience that understood the context,” she insisted.

When PJ Media pressed Stone to tell us about the school counselor who told her this story and asked her to describe what advice she gave her, Stone dodged the question. “This was somebody who had said to me following a presentation I did and, you know, you just —the deer-in-the-headlights brand new school counselor—this is why we have these conferences. This is why we put this in our writing. If you want to know our stance on this, it’s all through our writing that we don’t help kids with reproduction. This is just beyond the neutral box. We have a neutral box around us, and with all the workshops we’ve done on this kind of thing, it’s all about parental rights. Parents should be the guiding voice in their children’s lives.”

But in a 2017 newsletter to school counselors, Stone wrote, ” It is acceptable behavior for school counselors in certain schools and communities to refer pregnant students to Planned Parenthood, but in many other communities, this action would be considered a serious breach of ethics and infringing on family values and parents’ rights to be the guiding voice in their children’s lives.” Stone told PJ Media that school counselors “don’t” help students with reproduction, but in her own writing, she contradicted that claim.

RELATEDIt’s On! Groomer School in Massachusetts Sued for Hiding ‘Gender Identity’ From Parents

Stone was asked several times to divulge what advice she gave the counselor who took a child for birth control without parental notification or consent, but she avoided answering that every time, insisting it doesn’t happen, even though her own account says it did.

When PJ Media showed Stone several news articles about school counselors taking a child for an abortion, or birth control, or keeping a student’s gender identity a secret from parents, she insisted that those incidents are “outliers” and not consistent with ASCA training.

But Lui published documents and slides from ASCA training on his website, and it tells a different story—and that story isn’t at all “neutral.” Here’s a training slide about how “White folks” are bad.

Stone insisted that she wants parents to read ASCA materials, but shortly after that material was posted online, Lui received a notice from his website hosting company that ASCA had sent them a cease-and-desist order based on a copyright violation, and they removed the Google Drive link from Courage Is a Habit’s website.

Two days later, Google contacted Lui to inform him they deleted his Google doc under pressure from ASCA.


Google has been notified, according to the terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), that some of your materials allegedly infringe upon the copyrights of others. The details of the allegedly infringing materials may be found at the end of this message. …Please note that repeated violations of our Terms of Service may result in further remedial action taken against your Google account or associated accounts, including suspension or termination.

The claim that the material Lui republished was copyrighted is thin. Fair use laws demand that journalists be able to publish documents like this for informational and educational purposes. These materials are being used on students in public schools. They should therefore be in the public domain. And if the ASCA isn’t doing anything wrong, why are they trying to scrub their own training materials from the internet?

RELATEDSharing Stories of Trauma on ‘Detransition Awareness Day’

During her interview with PJ Media, Stone pleaded with people to read ASCA materials so we understand what it is they actually do. But now ASCA is frantically trying to get rid of those materials so you can’t read them. Here are some of the worst things Lui found that ASCA doesn’t want you to see.

The conference, ironically named “No Limits,” put a heavy focus on the controversial gender theory that is leading to the mutilation of healthy kids by money-hungry surgeons. Many of these kids are left with a lifetime of suffering from botched procedures and the crippling effects of puberty blockers, like bone deterioration and stunted growth. ASCA is going full steam ahead, training counselors to affirm the cult of the gender theologists. One slide gives definitions of the gender cult’s preferred language, which is being shoved down children’s throats in schools.

This slide below is particularly disturbing. It defines children who are uncomfortable with opposite-sex students in bathrooms or locker rooms as “bullies.” This is deeply misogynistic and a direct attack on the safety and privacy of girls.

The agenda for the “No Limits” conference was full of far-left programming, including “anti-racism” (which is code for encouraging racism against whites and instituting a hierarchy based on skin color), becoming an “LGBTQ-inclusive school,” “equity in action through systemic change,” “support [for] transgender and gender-expansive students,” and more. Notice there isn’t one event here geared toward respecting the First Amendment rights of students to be free from compelled speech or assaults on their religious beliefs. That seems to be something ASCA doesn’t care about at all.

The next slide, attributed to the Human Rights Campaign, really rankles:

Could a counselor decide to be an ally to Catholic students by being visibly pro-Catholic with statues of Mary in her office and signs on the door that say “safe space for Catholics” and repeatedly attempt to normalize the use of rosaries? Obviously, that’s a ridiculous supposition. No one would allow that in a public school. But why do they allow the counselors to be “visible allies” to LGBTQ+ students? Why are they “normalizing pronoun use” and pushing these fringe beliefs on all students?

These are cult beliefs that only a small minority of people believe (and almost all of them are on TikTok). Most people do not believe that there is an infinite number of genders or that humans can change their sex. So why is this allowed to be treated as if it is universally accepted?

The slide below is extremely disconcerting. It claims that the way to support trans youth is for counselors to help them “[take] steps toward transition.” Dr. Stone insisted that ASCA counselors don’t do this. But their own materials belie that claim. What’s shocking about this slide is how school counselors are being encouraged to advocate for medical procedures like puberty blockers, hormone therapies, and surgery. None of these people went to medical school. Should they be telling minors that these medical interventions are safe and even good for them? It’s absurd, and the liability should be high enough that their lawyers tell them to stop. Anyone who does this to someone else’s child should be sued into bankruptcy.

Speaking of lawsuits, ASCA provides its members with up to $2 million in legal assistance. They provide protection for their counselors who do these things! Luckily, there are organizations out there willing to assist parents in filing lawsuits against groomers who would seek to sever the constitutional right to be a parent and direct their child’s education.

Despite Stone’s repeated insistence that ASCA is not indoctrinating children, the evidence from their own materials is clear. They are doing it, they know you don’t like it, they are trying to hide it, and they’ll lie to your face if confronted about it.

Don’t forget to sign up t be a VIP member if you haven’t already. My podcast this week is on this topic, and you can hear parts of the explosive phone call between Dr. Stone and me. It’s illuminating.

Also, check out the live stream I did on this topic with Alvin Lui below. In it, I play the unedited remarks from Dr. Stone so you can hear the context for yourself. Perhaps the most telling part is the woman who introduces Stone, who says Stone “encouraged us all to learn the rules, so we know how to break them properly.”




Jill Biden Thinks It’s Un-American To Oppose Porn in School Libraries




Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Schools nationwide contain inappropriate and sometimes pornographic materials in their libraries, often under the guise of “inclusivity.” Thankfully, states like Florida are empowering parents to have more input over materials and curricula, and parents are starting to fight back against subversive and obscene materials being made available to their children.

And First Lady Jill Biden doesn’t like it one bit. In an interview with NBC News correspondent Sheinelle Jones, she argued that parents shouldn’t be able to exclude any books from school libraries.

“Parents and politicians are now weighing in on what books should be in our school libraries, and what their kids are being taught,” Jones began “Where’s the line, in your opinion, with how much of a say parents have when it comes to what their kids are learning in school? Is there a balance between, you know, ‘This book should be in the library, this book is under review—”

Related: Um…Did Hunter Biden Send Joe Biden Porn Links? 

“All books should be in the library,” Jill said, cutting off Jones before she could finish her question. “All books. This is America. We don’t ban books.”

Either Jill Biden is ignorant of what kind of materials are being made available to young children, or she doesn’t care. We’ve previously covered the kind of pornographic materials that have been put in school libraries, some of which promote the sexual activity of minors. But, Dr. Jill thinks it’s un-American to want to make sure children aren’t exposed to sexually graphic materials that groom them for pedophiles. Those damn un-American prudes who don’t want porn in schools!


Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser: The Worst Racist in America



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

This is the story of racism alive and well in America. Not just any racism — really deep racism. Shocking racism. Racism so bad it is unimaginable.

This is the story of a black liberal politician who clearly hates black children.

But the great news is: I know how to stop this. More on that in a moment. First, here is the incredible story of horrible black-on-black racism.

Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser is black, yet she recently demanded that the black schoolchildren of Washington either take the experimental, emergency-use-only COVID-19 vaccine (against their will) or be denied an education.

Can you imagine if any white politician, let alone a white Republican, gave black children an ultimatum, for any reason, that might result in them being banned from an education? What would they call that white politician? “Racist. KKK. Extremist. White supremacist. Nazi.”

But this isn’t just “any reason” for banning a black child’s education. The black mayor of D.C. is demanding black schoolchildren choose between their life and their education. At this point in time, we know two things about this experimental COVID-19 jab:

No. 1: Data from across the world suggests it is killing and injuring people at a rate never seen by any vaccine in world history.

No. 2: The same data from around the world shows that no child needs the vaccine. Some studies have shown children have a 0% risk of dying from COVID-19. Studies have also shown the risk of serious illness from the COVID-19 vaccine is dramatically higher than from COVID-19 itself — perhaps up to 100 times higher.

The latest study was out just days ago. The study, funded interestingly by pro-vaccine interests, shows that at least 22,000 young adults must get the COVID-19 booster jab just to prevent one hospitalization.

Once boosted, that same study found young adults can suffer up to 98 serious adverse effects from the COVID-19 jab, versus each hospitalization from COVID-19. In other words, the jab is far worse for young people than COVID-19 itself — as much as almost 100 times worse. Bowser is playing Russian roulette with the lives of Washington’s black schoolchildren.

One more interesting fact: The U.K. just banned COVID-19 jabs for children under age 12. Yet in D.C. the mayor is demanding children take it.

Remember “The Negro College Fund”? Their famous saying was, “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste.” Here we are decades later, and a black mayor is denying black children an education. At the same time, she’s forcing them to take an experimental jab that could kill or severely injure them. Sounds a lot like the “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.”

Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling over in his grave.

So, how do we defeat this terrible racism? The old-fashioned way: with lawsuits. It’s time for a massive class action lawsuit by black parents in Washington, D.C., who don’t want their children persecuted for private health care decisions — and who don’t want their children to have to choose between risking their lives and getting an education.

Secondly, King believed in civil disobedience, such as strikes, boycotts, and protests. Where are the black parents of Washington, D.C.? Where is the Rev. Jesse Jackson, the Rev. Al Sharpton, or former President Barack Obama? Don’t black children’s lives matter? Doesn’t black children’s education matter?

It’s time for a strike. Every black parent in D.C. should keep their children home from school for a day to protest the forced jab.

And it’s time for a “Million Parent March” of black parents in front of the D.C. mayor’s office to tell Bowser no tyrant has a right to deny a black child an education.

Now there’s a “Black Lives” march that conservatives can get behind. I’m certain thousands of white conservatives would gladly march side by side in that mass protest of forced vaccines.

Sixth Graders Protect Fellow Students From a Creepy Teacher



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

What do you do when your teacher is a pervert and no one will listen? You take matters into your own hands.

According to a report in The Boston Globe, sixth-graders, no less, at Davisville Middle School in Rhode Island had had enough of their teacher not only being cruel to the boys but also with the way he treated the girls. He leered at them, gave them pet names, and asked them to dance. He even allegedly asked one girl to take off her shoes and show him her toes. The unnamed teacher, who was also a coach, told the kids he had dealt with parents’ complaints before and was not worried. The boys went to adults, who essentially blew them off. The flirting and innuendo made the girls uncomfortable. Some would laugh, while others just stayed in their seats and endured it.

In January of last year, a group of boys decided enough was enough. They took to Discord and created a channel named after the teacher, and also referred to it as the “Pedo Database.” There, they documented the teacher’s activities. Then during the COVID-19 quarantine, they had the Discord channel on a split screen with the teacher and logged incidents as they happened. The Globe has some of the quotes:

“You all love me so choose love.”

“You gotta stand up and dance now.”

Everyone “in bathing suits tomorrow.”

They also told incoming students about the Discord board so more evidence could be collected. The hard work and patience paid off, and in April of this year, the teacher was escorted off the premises. Allegations were finally made that this teacher had stalked a pre-teen girl he was coaching and been inappropriate with other students. The students’ parents had complained before, but the teacher continued to coach until he was hit with a restraining order in North Kingston. He had held two other coaching jobs, and other parents had noted that he singled out female students for special attention. When the fecal matter collided with the oscillating ventilator, authorities wanted people to come forward with more information. And the boys were right there with their database. According to the Globe, the database is now in the hands of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the state Department of Children, Youth, and Families, the state Department of Education, and the lawyer who is heading up the investigation for the school district.

Related: In This High School, Kids Learn That Republicans and Christians Are Fascists

Two things stand out here.

First, the boys had gone to the people whose job it was to protect students, and no one cared. They had to take matters into their own hands. Let’s forget about pronouns, gender, and CRT for just a minute. The Left can’t figure out why parents want to know what’s going on in their children’s classrooms.

This. This is why. Pre-teen girls were being harassed and essentially exploited by a person in a position of trust, and nothing was done. How long did this go on? How many students had to suffer this humiliation? How many times was this issue shunted to one side or buried? One of the boys was quoted as saying, “I don’t think there was a single adult who would ever — like their parents, my mom, like anybody in the school — who had ever really taken the whole thing seriously before.” The boys were being treated shabbily, and the girls were being sexually harassed. Tell me again how what goes on in a school it isn’t any business of the parent. A parent should be able to walk in at any moment, sit down in a classroom, and find out exactly what is happening with their children. In fact, that might go a long way to detecting and preventing this kind of thing in the future. If a school district expects parents to trust it, it needs to be very comfortable with total transparency.

Second, let us have no more of this treating boys as second-class citizens. Let us dispense with the “Boys Are Dumb, Throw Rocks at Them” t-shirts. It is time to stop discouraging or excluding them from STEM and other activities. It is time to stop relegating boys to video games and the back of the classroom. These boys did exactly what a man should do. They stood up for the girls in their class against a horrible man who had found a way to wedge himself into the system like a diseased mollusk. And when the people who were charged with keeping them safe did not care, they did what they could do on their own. Every father who reads this should sit down with his son tonight and say, “This is who I want you to be.”


Sending Your Child to a Christian College?-Look Out for Words You Thought You Would Never Hear!


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Two years ago, Lighthouse Trails posted an article titled “Christian Colleges and Seminaries in More Trouble Than Ever as Many Plunge Into Emergent Spirituality.” As Christian parents are preparing to send their high-school graduate kids to Christian colleges and universities this coming fall, we hope that the article (posted below) will provide a desperately needed warning. And in fact, now that contemplative schools have turned “woke” and progressive, that warning is more needed than ever. You may send your sweet child of faith to one of these schools only to watch in horror as his or her faith is turned upside down in a short period of time, and he or she may come home during a semester break and tell you the words you never thought you would hear, “Hey Mom and Dad, I am now an atheist, and I don’t believe what the Bible says anymore!”

The article:

For nearly 18 years, Lighthouse Trails has been reporting on the slide that evangelical colleges, universities, and seminaries have been taking into the contemplative/emergent/ecumenical river. It would be great if we could say there’s been a real turnaround and things at these colleges are getting better. It would be great if we could say that your college-age child is safe in most Christian colleges today. And it would be great if we could say that these schools have realized the error of their ways and have made dramatic efforts to get back on the biblical course. Unfortunately, we cannot say any of these things because they simply are not true.

We were once again reminded of how far off the track evangelical schools have gone when earlier this month we received an e-blast from Christianity Today announcing 50%-off tuition special for qualifying students to Seattle Pacific University. That will sound very enticing to parents who are looking for Christian education for their college-age children at affordable rates. But let’s take a glance at what these children will be introduced to if they attend Seattle Pacific University:

At SPU’s Center for Biblical and Theological Education, students will be introduced to various forms of contemplative spirituality, and faculty members are being trained to pass them on. For instance, in a 2019 faculty retreat syllabus, the list of activities at the retreat includes Lectio divina, praying with icons, sabbath keeping, Ignatian Spirituality, and Prayer of Examen. At the upcoming 2020 Winter Discernment Weekend, prospective students will be introduced to “Guided Prayer” and Lectio Divina. “Spiritual Formation” and contemplative spirituality are integrated throughout the spiritual infrastructure of SPU. Faculty Staff Bulletins are peppered with recommendations and accolades for Thomas Merton, Henri Nouwen, and numerous other hard-core mystics and panentheists.

In addition to the heavily contemplative element at SPU, you will find promotion for all things emergent such as “critical race theory” (a Marxist-leaning ideology) and the so-called “social-justice gospel” (with recommendations for social justice leaders such as Shane Claiborne and SoJourners).

For anyone who understands contemplative spirituality, these things we are sharing won’t come as a surprise because contemplative prayer is the gateway ‘drug,” so to speak, to all things emergent, socialist, Marxist, New Age, and anti-morality. And if there is one thing we hope to get across in this article, it is this: A very large number of Christian higher education institutions are now exhibiting signs that they are being influenced and directed by emergent ideologies, and many of these same schools are the ones we warned about years ago as they started down the contemplative path; the inevitable “fruit” of contemplative prayer is a drastic change in spiritual outlook (i.e., no longer resembling biblical Christianity; i.e., now emergent).

Lancaster Bible College in PA, one of the schools that have been on the Lighthouse Trails Contemplative College List for several years, continues down the contemplative path going deeper and deeper into the emergent world. For a convincing example, their Formational Leadership Master of Arts Degree program is taught by contemplative/emergent/Replacement Theology/New Missiology leader Wayne Cordiero. (More information on this program).

Northwest Nazarene University in Idaho continues incorporating emergent beliefs into the lives of its students. Some of our readers may remember our 2010 story titled “Buddhist/Universalist Sympathizer Woos Nazarene Students at NNU.” Most Nazarene universities had already been seduced by Catholic contemplative mystic Brennan Manning by then, and so bringing in a Buddhist/universalist sympathizer to NNU was just following contemplative protocol, which they have continued to do.

A few examples of NNU’s current status are the following: In the THEO4900 Religion Capstone course, The Living Reminder by Catholic mystic Henri Nouwen is one of two required textbooks. A graduate course titled COUN6594A Mindfulness Approaches uses Mindfulness and Psychotherapy for its textbook. Another graduate course (YCFM6730 Missional Ministry) uses these four textbooks— Celtic Way of Evangelism, Future Faith, Kingdom Come, and Creating a Missional Culture. In Creating a Missional Culture, the author introduces the reader to Jurgen Moltmann, Karl Barth, Marcus Borg, and several others of the same caliber (these three men are heroes of the emergent movement). In these NNU textbooks, you find the path to emergent, “progressive,” socialist, New Age “Christianity”—something that has become the hallmark for Nazarene universities today. If you attend a Nazarene church, and that church is looking for a new pastor, it would be a good idea to find out how much of his seminary/university training rubbed off on him because you can be sure, he’ll be bringing it to your church.

In 2013, we released our special report titled An Epidemic of Apostasy – How Christian Seminaries Must Incorporate “Spiritual Formation” to Become Accredited, documenting how contemplative spirituality was entering Christian colleges at an alarming rate. Fast forward to today, and many of these schools are hardly recognizable from where they were just seven years ago.

In this relatively short article, we have provided examples of just three schools. But we could give countless more other schools that began opening their doors to the contemplative element, and now are becoming full-fledged emergent schools.

When we started warning about the contemplative movement entering the church through the evangelical colleges, seminaries, and universities back in the early part of this present millennium, our warnings were brushed off and dismissed by many Christian leaders. Today, some of these same leaders are being vocal against the left-leaning, anti-God, socialistic condition of this country. But they either don’t realize or don’t care that the early contemplative pioneers that they embraced twenty-plus years ago brought that very same mindset into the church through contemplative prayer. And now, as older pastors are retiring or passing away, the new younger pastors, trained in the colleges and seminaries, have become evangelists for this anti-Gospel, anti-biblical worldview.

The Calvinist Factor

For the editors at Lighthouse Trails, and for many of our readers, we are not surprised that this paradigm shift has occurred. We have witnessed the terrible apathy and indifference by Christian leaders and many pastors for nearly 18 years. Not only has there been apathy and indifference, but there has been hostility and anger. Just last week, a pastor in Oregon who had been placed on our Christian leaders and pastors' booklet mailing list (at the request of one of our readers) called and told us to remove him from the list. He then proceeded to list off about a dozen adjectives to describe us including pugnacious, slanderous, and hateful.

We were curious about this pastor’s church and checked it out on the Internet. It was a Calvinist-promoting church. One reason we have experienced a new level of anger by some pastors and leaders is because of the book we published in 2018 warning about Calvinism (Calvinism: None Dare Call it Heresy). And this brings us to something that needs to be said in this article with regard to the direction evangelical colleges, universities, and seminaries have headed: Many Christian colleges and universities are now embracing or are in the process of embracing Calvinism and Reformed Theology.

This presents a different set of serious problems, in one respect. But as we have stated in other articles, and wholeheartedly believe based on what we have observed, many young people trained in or drawn into Calvinism end up emergent or leaving the faith altogether (such as in the case of the recent departure from the faith by I Kissed Dating Goodbye author Josh Harris).

Aside from the colleges that have historically been Calvinist and Reformed (e.g., The Master’s Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Calvin College), new ones are continually getting on board with Calvinism. A perfect example of this is Bob Jones University (historically the antithesis of a Calvinist school), which now has a Calvinist president. And then there is the Southern Baptist Convention. We estimate that as many as half of the Southern Baptist colleges and universities are now Calvinist leaning. One caller, who is a longstanding SBC member that has been in leadership positions, told us that almost all the SBC universities are now Calvinist or Calvinist influenced. A 2007 Christian Post article titled “Calvinism on the Rise” stated: “Nearly 30 percent of recent SBC seminary graduates now serving as church pastors indicate they are Calvinists.” This statistic was based on data presented at the 2006 SBC “Building Bridges: Southern Baptists and Calvinism” conference. We believe that percentage is much higher today because of the increase in Calvinism in schools. And if our theory is right that many young Calvinists will eventually become emergent or defect the faith (sometimes because they cannot handle the dismal beliefs of John Calvin and Calvinism and sometimes because they haven’t found a personal relationship with Christ through Calvinism), then the outcome is going to be disastrous.


Either way, you look at it, Christian/evangelical colleges, universities, and seminaries are in trouble. And if they are in trouble, then so are our churches because the schools are producing today’s and tomorrow’s pastors and leaders.

Our exhortation to parents and grandparents is to carefully and prayerfully choose the schools your children and grandchildren will attend. The pickings are getting slimmer every day, but your choices can potentially have eternal consequences or eternal blessings. Please don’t take it lightly.

Editor’s Note: If you know of a young person who attends or who plans to attend a Christian college, university, or seminary, please consider asking him or her to read Castles in the Sand or A Time of Departing. If you cannot afford to get one of these books, write to us at, and we will send a free copy for you to give to that college-age person. If you are wondering why we have so much concern about this, read an article we wrote in 2013 titled “Want Your Child to Become an Atheist? – Send Him to LeTourneau University in Texas (or Any Other Contemplative/Emergent School For That Matter).” It’s a true story, and tragically, it is happening too often.

2022 Note: Since writing the above article in 2020, we have posted several letters to the editor from parents and grandparents regarding their personal experiences with children attending Christian schools:

Letter to the Editor: Liberty University Taking Students on “Spiritual Journey” With Contemplative/Emergent Leader Richard Foster

Letter to the Editor: To All Parents of Students Considering Attending Gordon College

Letter to the Editor: “Christian” Professor Finds “Warm Welcome” at Wheaton College to Teach and Promote Critical Race Theory

A Parent’s Summary of the Spread of Critical Race Theory At Gordon College

Letter to the Editor: I Discovered the Christian College I Was Attending Was “Woke”!

Letter to the Editor: Diana Butler Bass and Westmont College Steered Daughter Away From the Faith

Letter to the Editor: Christian Colleges Destroyed Children’s Faith While Those Who Chose Other Career Training Still Walking With the Lord

“‘Christian’College Now Giving Students Pronoun Options”

(Photo from; used with permission; design by Lighthouse Trails)

Minnesota: Public elementary school offers ‘school spirit hijabs’ to students as young as kindergarten


school spirit hijabs

Minnesota School Offers ‘School Spirit Hijabs’ to Elementary Students



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The idea of the hijab in Islamic theology is to prevent men from being tempted to sin by the appearance of women. So putting a hijab on a kindergartener is tantamount to saying that she is a legitimate object of sexual desire. Celebrate diversity! All who oppose this are racist, bigoted “Islamophobes”!

“Minnesota School Offers ‘School Spirit Hijabs’ to Elementary Students,” by Frankie Stockes, National File, September 8, 2022:

A Minnesota elementary school is offering “school spirit hijabs” for sale to its students, claiming that donning the symbol of the Sharia Law oppression of women is a wonderful sign of diversity.

Burnsville, Minnesota’s Byrne Elementary School is offering “school spirit hijabs” to its students under the guidance of the school’s “Somali cultural liaison,” who has been brought in to cater to the area’s burgeoning migrant population. The hijab, which is forcibly worn by Muslim women oftentimes under the penalty of death in Islamic countries like Somalia, has been a much-promoted item of “diversity” for the left in the United States and the Western World….

According to a local news broadcast celebrating the school spirit hijab program, the Islamic headgear will be offered by the public school for $6 a piece through its parent-teacher program and are produced in school colors. They also don the school’s “Buster the Bulldog” mascot logo.

In addition to being sold at school events, the school spirit hijabs are being offered online, through the school’s Parent Teacher Organization website.

“Every student deserves the opportunity to express their school identity and have that feeling of belonging,” parent volunteer Carla Valadez told the local news. Offering the school spirit hijabs, Valadez says, “really makes this work meaningful.”

Interestingly, Minnesota news reports have neglected to mention anything regarding the “separation of church and state” as it relates to the school-sanctioned hijab sales, something that becomes a frequent left-wing talking point whenever a Bible or public Christian prayer is held in or around a school – or any other government property for that matter….

whopping 15% of Burnsville schoolchildren reportedly speak Somali – not English – at home. While just a couple of decades ago the district educated a supermajority of White American students, now, two-thirds of the district’s pupils identify as “people of color.” Those students descend largely from foreign migrant backgrounds….

Methodist Emory University in Atlanta: ‘Christian’ college now giving students pronoun options

Can pick from: 'He/Him/His, She/Her/Hers, They/Them/Theirs, Xie/Hir/Hirs, and Ze/Zir/Zirs'




Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

A Christian college, the Methodist Emory University in Atlanta, has announced a plan that gives students a choice as to the pronouns by which they are identified in school records.

The Methodist church in America is one of the traditional denominations that have come under the influence of various secular social agendas, including the LGBT agenda, and just days ago, more than 100 Florida churches filed a lawsuit to leave the United Methodist Church conference.

That follows numerous cases of individual churches fleeing the liberal agenda of the association's leadership.

Now Campus Reform is reporting that Emory officials have established a process for students to choose whether they want to be known as "He/Him/His, She/Her/Hers, They/Them/Theirs, Xie/Hir/Hirs, and Ze/Zir/Zirs."

Students will claim their preferred pronouns through the school's online system for making payments and registering for classes.

The school promises that after a student makes a choice, those pronouns will be used on class rosters and elsewhere.

Campus Reform reported the change at Emory "follows a national trend that Campus Reform has reported on in recent years."

It cited New York University as an example of schools setting up similar provisions to accommodate those social agendas.

And, "In September 2021, the University of North Dakota proposed changing its housing policy to allow students to live in dorms that matched their gender identity."

Danielle M. Bruce-Steele, of the school's office for "LGBT Life" told the Emory News Center that transition "will push the university forward to even greater inclusion of our LGBTQ community members."

The school's announcement included a statement from Christa Acampora, an official handling academic affairs.

"This change was really driven by Emory students and their desire to help us be a better community," said Acampora, "A large group of people at Emory — including staff, administrators, faculty, and students — worked to shape the policy change and enable the systems to support its implementation."

The school's online system notes that if a student's chosen pronouns are missing from the school list, there's a choice for "Pronouns not listed" to let them enter their own.

EDITOR’S NOTE: During the Biden era of rapidly metastasizing madness, the greatest madness of all may be today’s shockingly widespread campaign to indoctrinate, seduce, groom, and flat-out RECRUIT America’s children into the dark world of transgenderism. Countless LGBT activists, including many public-school teachers, have taken to proselytizing the new transgender salvation to America’s children, both on social media and within the schools themselves. Even Biden’s far-left Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra fully supports taxpayer-funded amputations of healthy body parts of these vulnerable children, declaring ghoulishly, “We should help those have the life-affirming care that they need.” The result? Untold numbers of America’s kids are being led into lives of not just unending conflict, confusion, suffering, deformity, and disability, but far too often – as multiple studies prove – suicide. The whole unbelievable story – including the underlying reasons, almost entirely unreported elsewhere, for what amounts to the most massive child sexual abuse campaign in American history – is explored as never before in the July issue of WND’s critically acclaimed Whistleblower magazine, titled “WHAT’S REALLY BEHIND THE TRANSGENDER CRAZE?”

Public Schools Brainwashing Children to Eat Bugs

Public Schools Brainwashing Children to Eat Bugs



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Following recommendations by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, governments and “education” publishers are using “public schools” to indoctrinate American children into eating bugs and weeds.   

Just last week, The Newman Report received pictures of an assignment for 5th-grade students in a Sarasota, Florida, elementary school touting the alleged benefits of consuming insects. 

The documents, sent by a concerned parent turned whistleblower, begin with a reading assignment headlined “Bugs: Food of the Future?”

According to the propaganda piece, there are “several reasons scientists support the use of insects as an important food source in the future.” These include claims that bugs are “a good source of nutrition” and have a “much smaller impact on the environment.” 

Another reading assignment for the same 10-year-old student, this one headlined “Eating Bugs and Seaweed: Americans Need to Open Their Minds,” doubled down on the creepy propaganda. 

“Eating insects is an efficient way to provide basic food needs,” the passage claimed. “If people knew the facts, they might change their minds.” 

“Americans need to get past their fears of eating unfamiliar things,” the propaganda piece decreed. “For many reasons, insects and seaweed may be the foods of the future.” 

Of course, there was no mention of the many concerns about eating insects. These include the presence of chitin in bugs, which according to a 2017 study posted at the National Institutes of Health website “provoke human innate immunity to generate a deluge of inflammatory cytokines, which injure organs (leading to asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc.), and in persistent situations lead to death (multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), cancer, etc.).” A 2019 study posted on NIH highlighted concerns about how eating insects transmit dangerous parasites to humans and animals. 

The reading assignments for impressionable school children also did not mention that in Leviticus 11:41, the Bible describes eating most types of insects as “an abomination.”

After the reading assignments, students were expected to complete a number of multiple-choice questions again celebrating the eating of creepy crawlers as an environmentally friendly, nutritious alternative to fish, beef and chicken.  

The propaganda was produced by Benchmark Education, which describes itself as “a leading provider of literacy and language programs, intervention resources, and professional teaching resources for K-12 ELA learning.” Schools nationwide use its propaganda resources, which boast of being aligned with Common Core. 

The company has previously come under fire in places like Colorado for quack reading programs that “didn’t properly cover reading basics like phonics and phonological awareness,” as one educator in Denver put it. 

The company’s website is also filled with dangerous far-left extremism such as “diversity” and “culturally responsive teaching” masquerading as “education.” 

But none of this is happening in a vacuum. This writer first exposed the UN agenda to have Westerners eat bugs almost a decade ago when the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) — currently led by a member of the Communist Party of China — put out a report calling for a massive entomophagy propaganda campaign in schools and media.  

“Western societies require tailored media communication strategies and educational programmes (sic) that address the disgust factor,” the UN FAO report declared in 2013, calling for “cooperation between all sectors of the education community.”

“Addressing the entomophagy disgust factor in Western societies might depend largely on the ability to involve the entire educational community,” the report continues. “For this reason, engaging all sectors is recommended, particularly in Western societies.”

That the UN’s highly dishonest and disgusting insects-as-food propaganda has found its way into U.S. elementary schools is hardly surprising. What is surprising is that parents continue to tolerate these outrageous abuses of their children that threaten not just their children’s well-being, but the nation itself.

This article was originally published on and is reprinted here with permission.

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