Big Pharma Are Silencing Keto And Carnivore Doctors! – Doctor Reacts

Are doctors really being silenced about the ketogenic diet? Dr. Eric Westman reacts to a powerful video by Dr. Tony Hampton, exploring claims of censorship and the impact of keto on over 50 chronic diseases, including diabetes, Alzheimer's, and cancer. Learn how a keto diet targets root causes like insulin resistance and inflammation, and why it threatens billion-dollar industries. Watch to discover the mechanisms, the research, and the growing evidence supporting keto as a revolutionary tool for health transformation!

This Disturbing Carnivore Study Kept Hidden For 100 Years? - Doctor Reacts

Dr. Eric Westman reviews a controversial Carnivore Squad video claiming a 1929 'carnivore study' was hidden from the public. Join Dr. Westman as he breaks down the facts, debunks myths, and clarifies what the historical research tells us about the carnivore diet. Are big food and pharma really hiding the truth? Watch to find out! “Change your food, change your life!” Dr. Eric Westman and his Adapt Your Life Academy team are on a mission to empower people around the world to transform their health through the science-backed benefits of low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diets. Dr. Westman is an obesity medicine specialist and trusted expert in the therapeutic power of carbohydrate restriction and clinical research, and has treated patients using low-carb keto diets for over twenty-five years.  He makes keto SIMPLE so that YOU can LOSE weight, REVERSE chronic disease and GET the RESULTS you want.

How Doctors Are Paid to Keep Us Sick | Guest: Dr. Casey Means

Today, we interview Stanford-trained physician Dr. Casey Means about her upcoming book "Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health." Dr. Means' mission is to maximize human potential and reverse the epidemic of preventable chronic disease by empowering individuals with tech-enabled tools. She believes the underlying cause of chronic disease is metabolic dysfunction, and the cure for this dysfunction is available to every individual through smart and sustainable lifestyle choices. She shares her mother's tragic story as well as what the health care system gets wrong about our health. We also cover the dark truth about the money behind health care and where doctors' incentives could lie. Pre-order Dr. Means' book here: