California Curriculum Leads Chant to Aztec God of Human Sacrifice

ABOVE: Tzompantli (wall of skulls) at Templo Mayor, Mexico City. Photo credit Juan Carlos Fonseca Mata, accessed via Creative Commons 4.0 license.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Next week, the California Department of Education will vote on a new ethnic studies curriculum that seeks to root out “white supremacy,” “colonization,” and the various evils of American culture. The curriculum aims to reverse Christianity’s alleged “theocide” against Native American gods by leading students in a chant to various indigenous deities, including the Aztec god of human sacrifice. This horrific chant arguably violates the First Amendment, but it also exposes the true ugliness of “woke” supremacy.

The Discovery Institute’s Christopher Rufo exposed the new curriculum in City Journal and published the full documents on his blog.

R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, the original co-chair of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, developed much of the curriculum’s material on early American history. The curriculum cites Cuauhtin’s book Rethinking Ethnic Studies, in which he argues that the United States was founded on “Eurocentric, white supremacist (racist, anti-Black, anti-Indigenous), capitalist (classist), patriarchal (sexist and misogynistic), heteropatriarchal (homophobic), and anthropocentric paradigm brought from Europe.”

The ethnic studies curriculum claims that whites began “grabbing the land,” “hatching hierarchies,” and “developing for Europe/whiteness,” which created “excess wealth” that “became the basis for the capitalist economy.” This white “hegemony” continues to the present, and it allegedly subjects minorities to “socialization, domestication, and ‘zombification.'”

Largest Child-Sacrifice Graveyard Strikes Huge Blow to Native American Innocence Myth

The curriculum singles out Christianity for particular demonization. Cuauhtin claimed that white Christians committed “theocide” by killing indigenous gods while replacing tribal cults with Christianity. White settlers established a regime of “colonially, dehumanization, and genocide,” characterized by the “explicit erasure and replacement of holistic indigeneity and humanity.”

According to the ethnic studies curriculum, the solution is to “name, speak to, resist, and transform the hegemonic Eurocentric neocolonial condition” through a posture of “transformational resistance.” This Marxist resistance aims to “decolonize” American society and establish a new regime of “counter genocide” and “counterhegemony,” to displace white Christian culture and spark a “regeneration of indigenous epistemic and cultural futurity.”

Beneath all the academic language, this entails an effective return to worship of the pagan gods of pre-Columbian America. The curriculum suggests an “ethic studies community chant” complete with invocations of indigenous American deities.

The curriculum urges teachers to lead students in a series of indigenous songs and chants, including the “In Lak Ech Affirmation,” which appeals directly to the Aztec gods. Students clap and chant to the god Tezkatlipoka—whom the Aztecs worshipped with human sacrifice and cannibalism—asking him for the power to become “warriors” for “social justice.” Then the students chant to the gods Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli, and Xipe Totek, seeking “healing epistemologies” and a “revolutionary spirit.” Huitzilopochtli was the Aztec god of war who inspired hundreds of thousands of human sacrifices.

The chant ends with a request for “liberation, transformation, decolonization,” after which students shout “Panche beh! Panche beh!” in a quest for “critical consciousness.”

As Rufo noted, the curriculum’s support for chants directly appealing to Aztec gods almost certainly violates the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause. If that clause prevents public schools from leading Christian prayers, it must certainly forbid the exact opposite.

Yet in the eyes of Marxist critical theorists, such a religious subversion of Christianity may not even seem religious at all, but merely a reversal of “oppression.”

The SPLC’s Horrifying Plan for Your Children’s Schools

Yes, Marxist critical theorists are so obsessed with throwing off the “white” Christian “oppression” that they will defend even state-sanctioned prayers to the Aztec god of human sacrifice. Never mind that there is nothing inherently “white” about Christianity — Jesus commanded His disciples to preach to all nations, and representatives of people from across the Roman Empire, including Persia and North Africa, were present at the first Pentecost.

This curriculum uses a pagan power matrix to analyze Christianity, which explicitly rejected the idea that the gods of conquering people proved their superiority through conquest. While pagan tribes and kingdoms set up hierarchies, allowing oppressed people to worship their subservient gods so long as they acknowledged the preeminence of the rulers’ god, Jewish prophets taught that the all-powerful God who created the universe allowed His people to be conquered, but that did not make the pagan gods of the conquerors superior to Him. Jesus taught that His kingdom was not of this world, and Christianity stressed inward conversion of heart, not outward conquest of land.

When I traveled to Peru last year — just before the COVID-19 pandemic shut that country down — I saw the great monuments of the Inca empire, and I felt the keen sense of loss in the fact that the Spanish destroyed much of the Incas’ architecture. Yet the Spanish also brought an end to the horrific practice of human sacrifice — which sometimes involved the ritual killing of children.

European powers did oppress indigenous people and the slaves they purchased from Africa, but before them, the indigenous empires carried out horrific oppressions of their own. The Aztecs conquered native tribes explicitly for the purpose of capturing enemy warriors for human sacrifice. Many tribes in Peru rose up against the Incas when the Spanish arrived — because they opposed Inca oppression.

Over time, Americans threw off the yokes of European powers, freed the slaves, and fought racism. Inspired in large part by Christianity and Judaism, the United States has helped create a global order and economy that has lifted people out of the grinding poverty and oppression that defined centuries of human existence. California’s ethnic studies curriculum would demonize those accomplishments in the name of centuries-old victims who themselves were perpetrators of a different kind of oppression.

This isn’t just dangerous and likely unconstitutional, it’s arguably demonic. California parents should raise a ruckus, and Americans as a whole need to oppose the threat of Marxist critical theory — the same ideology behind the destructive Black Lives Matter riots last summerthe 1619 Project, and even the condemnation of Dr. Seuss. Democrats defend critical race theory as a matter of “sensitivity training,” but this noxious ideology encourages an aimless violent revolution, false smears against American history, and now even worship of pagan gods.

Critical theory does not belong in boardrooms, universities, or the government, and it certainly belongs nowhere near America’s children.

Tyler O’Neil is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Follow him on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

Asian American Group Eviscerates Critical Race Theory: ‘A Hateful, Divisive, Manipulative Fraud’
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The Terrifying Reason Why Dr. Seuss’ Condemnation of Racism Isn’t Considered ‘Anti-Racist’ Enough
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Kentucky: “CHRISTIAN” Berea College hosting event describing ‘white citizenship’ and ‘Trumpism’ as terrorism


Frost Building, 113
CPO 2135
Academia.Edu Profile

Three stories through YAF's Campus Bias Tip Line this week exposed a Kentucky college sponsoring an event titled ‘White Citizenship as Terrorism,' UCLA's student government spending $23,000 on illegal immigrants, and an Alabama state senator's questionable vote against defunding Confucius Institutes. Share your concerns by emailing the president of Berea College, Lyle Roelofs, at or calling him at 859-985-3520.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Meanwhile, it is a 100% certainty, not 99%, but 100%, that Berea College administrators and professors would recoil in horror at the prospect of hosting an event focusing on the threat of jihad violence and Sharia oppression. In the extraordinarily unlikely off-chance that such an event was scheduled, it would be inundated with charges of “Islamophobia” and “racism” to the extent that most students would not attend, for fear of the social stigma attached to going. But this? Demonizing and smearing half the American electorate? That’s just fine. And of course, it plays right into the agenda of the political and media elites, who have embarked upon a clear initiative to defame all supporters of the former president as “extremists,” as they did previously with foes of jihad terror and Sharia injustice, and destroy them accordingly. The U.S. is entering an extremely dark period, but it has been a long time in the offing.

“Kentucky college hosting event describing ‘white citizenship’ and ‘Trumpism’ as terrorism,” by Sam Dorman, Fox News, March 12, 2021:

A Kentucky college is scheduled to host an event critical of Donald Trump and associating the former president and “white citizenship” with terrorism.

A flyer obtained by Young America’s Foundation (YAF) describes the event as a way to “resituate Trumpism and white citizenship as forms of white terrorism enacted against the majority of people living within the borders of the U.S. and beyond.”

Titled “White citizenship as terrorism: Make America Great Again, Again,” the event is set to take place on March 17 via Zoom, according to a page on Berea College’s website. The Women’s and Non-Gender Non-Conforming Center is sponsoring the session with the Law, Ethics, and Society at the college.

YAF said it obtained the flyer through its Campus Bias Tip Line. It features images of protesters carrying tiki torches at the racially charged Charlottesville, Virginia, protests at the beginning of Trump’s presidency.

The flyer also takes a critical approach to the “Make America Great Again” slogan. “Despite calls for multiculturalism and color-blindness, segments of white America mourn their so-called loss of privilege, consistently begging to return to the nostalgic past in which their esteemed value as white citizens went unquestioned,” it reads.

“Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ appears to follow suit by offering a seemingly benign promise to return America to a previously ‘great’ past. But the offer to ‘Make America Great Again, Again,’ requires we refocus on how the last four years of daily tweets and administrative actions redefine whiteness. If terrorism is defined as the use of violence and threats to create a state of fear towards particular communities and identities, then this is what ‘Trumpism’ is at its core.”

Berea defended the event in a statement to Fox News Thursday.

“To some, the provocative title of the event implies that Berea is not a welcoming place for individuals with differing political views,” a statement from the college read….

More than “implies,” you fascists.



Assumptions of the Leftist/Globalist/Woke Explain Absurd Policies

Anonymous Snitch Group to Dox ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Trump Voters



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

U.S.A. –-( To those who support the United States Constitution and the Second Amendment, many propositions put forward by the ruling class do not make any sense.

The United States is/has been the most successful, most prosperous, most powerful, most free, and least racist (with the exception of Affirmative Action) nation on the face of the earth, at least for the last thirty years.  The “poor” in the United State would be upper middle class in most of the rest of the world.

Given this reality, when appraising the proposals of the Leftist/Globalist/Woke establishment, they often seem insane and/or counterproductive.

They seem designed to destroy the United States as founded. They work directly against the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

They appear designed to make the United States disorganized, weak, dependent, fractured, and chaotic.

Here are some examples:

  • Working to disarm the U.S. population, especially of arms which would be effective militia weapons.
  • Claiming being born with a light skin color makes people racist.
  • Demanding oil pipelines, which are safer than trucks or railroads, be stopped (in the United States).
  • Insisting the United States stop using all carbon fuels, while allowing increased use of carbon fuels in China and India.
  • Demanding cities and states which have mismanaged their own economies, be bailed out with trillions of US dollars, taken from other people.
  • Demanding certain crimes not be enforced or punished for certain groups; calling for the abolition of property rights.
  • Promoting American families to have two children or less, while promoting the immigration of millions of people without allegiance to the United States.
  • Asserting there are many different sexes, each of which deserves its own affirmative action program. Sex preference is claimed to be both genetic (unalterable) and a volitional choice, changeable in days or hours. (In Western Civilization)
  • Spending trillions of dollars merely by creating more dollars with a few strokes on a keyboard.
  • Demanding colleges and corporations discriminate against Asian and White students, and in favor of Black and Hispanic students.
  • Insisting that math, reason, and merit, are all racist (in the United States).
  • Claiming that being a patriot makes a person a prime suspect as a terrorist (in the United States).

All of these proposals make sense if you consider assumptions about reality which are common on the Left and among Globalists and the Woke. Not all will share all of these assumptions, but many will share most of them.

Here are some of the assumptions:

  1. Government is an inherently good force. Limitations on government are inherently evil.
  2. Nationalism is the principal cause of war. A global government is the only way to stop war.
  3. The major obstacle to global government is a strong United States.
  4. Christianity and Judaism, especially Christianity and Judaism which place moral limits on sexual acts, are evil and limit human possibility.
  5. There are too many people on the earth. The population of the world must be reduced. (Corollary to the above two: Sex without the possibility of children is a positive. Life without children is a better life.)
  6. The use of carbon-based fuels will lead to the destruction of the Earth, as we know it.
  7. Wealth is a zero-sum game. The only reason some have more is that they took it from others who then have less.
  8. There is no such thing as human nature. Humans are nearly infinitely malleable, given enough control and power by the state.

These assumptions are in direct conflict with the assumptions which lead to the design of the American Constitution and Republic.

Consider what follows from these assumptions about the nature of reality:

Any policy which weakens the United States in comparison to the rest of the world is a positive good.


  • Economic policy to place the United States at a disadvantage with the rest of the world is good.
  • Trade policies which are advantageous to other countries, and disadvantageous to the United States, are good.
  • Immigration policy to allow unlimited immigrants, enhance Leftist power, and weaken US institutions, is good.
  • Energy policy to make the United States more vulnerable to the rest of the world is good.
  • Promotion of small families and few children by Americans is good.
  • Denigration of Christianity and Judaism and restriction of churches and synagogues which teach sexual limits, restraint, and morality, is good.
  • Promotion of racial division and sexual balkanization to divide and weaken the United States population and allegiance to the United States is good.
  • Placing trans-gender “rights” above military efficacy, as a military goal.
  • Educational policy to teach the United States is evil, other societies are “better”, in the United States, is good.
  • Educational policy to suppress excellence and merit-based outcomes, in the United States (making the United States less competitive) is good.
  • Educational policy to suppress rational thought and math… in the United States.  Same as above.
  • Educational policy to teach limitation on government power is bad, hence, the Constitution is outdated and must be ignored.
  • Educational policy to erase history. Historical examples place the above assumptions into question.

In the past, such assumptions about reality, and the policies which come from them, would have been considered absurd.

Ruling classes, in any country, had their self-interest tied to the prosperity of the country where they lived.

With a global economy, especially a global digital economy, many of the global wealthy, especially in Western Civilization, no longer feel tied to any one country. They have little restraint from weakening their country in order to gain more wealth and power, even if they owe nominal allegiance to that country.

Countries other than the United States desire the global supremacy the United States currently commands. They have a vested interest in promoting assumptions that can be used to move power and wealth from the United States. They use the desire of the U.S. ruling class for a global government and more wealth to subvert the United States from within.

The United States economy and wealth are the biggest prize on the global stage. They offer the largest opportunities for taking wealth from those who have produced it, and placing it in the hands of powerful groups and individuals who have no allegiance to the United States.

The easiest way to accomplish this transfer of wealth is to gain control of the United States government. The Constitutional structure of the American political system is an obstacle to this control.

Control of the flow of information is a viable tool to overcome that obstacle.

A difficulty with the above assumptions and programs is they directly affect the people of the United States in numerous negative ways.

Those who believe the assumptions and put forward the policies must constantly misinform and propagandize the United States population, so as to make the resulting loss of wealth and power of the United States seem positive, or at least, inevitable.

President Donald Trump presented/presents an obstacle to this transfer of wealth and power from the United States, by placing the welfare of the United States ahead of other governments and the wealthy few, as his first priority.

Policies which place the United States first are not difficult to understand, or even to implement if the political power structure is willing to act in the best interest of the United States. This is why President Trump was so wildly successful with his programs, in spite of the constant opposition from most of the ruling establishment.

President Trump acted more in the interests of the people of the United States than was considered acceptable by the current ruling class, global government enthusiasts, and ambitious other governments. Putting the United States first is directly opposed to the assumptions listed and the policies proposed as a result of those assumptions.

What sort of society is expected by the Leftist/Globalist/Woke who agree with the listed assumptions, who support the listed policies?

It is, in many respects, the society put forward in Aldous Huxley’s novel, “Brave New World”.

In that society, there is no God, but the state. The State controls all of human existence, from before “birth” to death.

The State creates humans for certain tasks. Those humans are constantly kept from critical thought through a combination of meaningless sex and unlimited access to drugs. The words “family”, “mother”, and “father” are considered obscenities.  All children are created in artificial wombs and raised entirely by the state.

Only a powerful few have access to significant resources and an understanding of how the power structure actually works.

The flow of information is carefully controlled and monitored by the state.

Ordinary humans have no control over their own lives, which are crafted, controlled, and monitored by the state.

It is an interesting dystopian vision.

It seems far from any practical reality, although the rapid rise of digital and genomic technology may alter that reality.

Historical precedent suggests the most powerful, well-organized, ruthless, and self-interested group will seize control of the apparatus of a global state, and use it for their own power, wealth, and aggrandizement. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) takeover and use of the World Health Organization (WHO) during the current pandemic comes to mind.

Such ruthlessness in a singular world government will generate opposition, resulting in longstanding uprisings, civil war, unrest, and repression.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a strong contender as the group most likely to seize control of a global government. They seem far better organized, disciplined, and ruthless than the Bilderbergs, Trilateral Commission,  Council of Foreign Relations, or similar loosely affiliated groups of wealthy individuals.

The bureaucrats in charge of the European Union do not seem nearly as organized, indoctrinated, and ruthless as the CCP.

The former Soviet Union does not have the population, organization, or economic might, to be a contender.

A unified Islamic Caliphate might be as ruthless, they might have the population; they seem far less capable of central organization and economic development.

None of the eight listed assumptions about the nature of reality need to be true, or even plausible, to be effective. They serve as much as an excuse for taking the desired action, as a rational explanation of human history.

The weakness of this approach to undercut the power and reduce the prosperity of the United States is the necessity of controlling the flow of information to the citizens of the United States.

If Citizens better understand reality, they reject weakening the United States. They reject reducing the prosperity of United State Citizens.

This is what brought about the election of President Trump.

President Trump promised to put American interests, and the American population, first. In spite of enormous opposition from much of the American ruling class, the Left, the Woke, and other countries. He delivered on his promises.

A majority of Americans no longer trust what is presented in the Old Media. Unless those who push to weaken the United States regain control of the information flow, they will need to rely on less satisfactory means to maintain control over the United States Government.

The attempt at regaining control of the flow of information is seen in the censoring, de-platforming, and de-monetizing by the Tech Oligarchs, the old media giants, and the Woke.

About half the country is refusing to follow the direction of our new Tech Overlords.

The attempt to gain permanent control over the government is the basis of the current scheme to make election fraud an even greater feature of National policy. Such policy is put forward in the proposal of HR-1, the bill to nationalize control of ballots and elections by the Left/Globalists/Woke, to duplicate the efforts done in the 2020 elections, as detailed in the bragging Time article.

While the Time article claims everything done by the anti-Trump cabal was “legal”, it would be foolish to believe all the efforts expended to make election fraud easy, cheap, and undetectable, were simply happenstance, and all of the effort to prevent any real examination of the election for fraud was done simply for the sake of appearance.

If HR-1 is defeated, and reasonably fair election reforms are implemented, it is possible a bloodless revolution of the people, such as elected President Trump, will happen in 2022. The powerful in the United States, and in much of the world, are doing everything they can to prevent such an occurrence.

In the United States, they have been in power for so long, at so little cost, they think they can bend the Chinese Communist Party to their will.

They have been so protected, so pampered, so removed from reality, they believe they are immune to economic laws, human nature, and even physical laws.

A missionary friend, who travels widely in the ‘Stans, the Middle East, and the former Soviet Union, tells me the common people there understand reality all too well. They applauded President Trump, and wished for him to be re-elected.

Their tyrannical rulers disagreed…

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

Dean Weingarten


SUPERMARKET CHAIN GIANT FOOD has begun a policy of encouraging its customers to boycott businesses that are owned by white heterosexuals

The grocery store chain, Giant Food, has begun a policy of encouraging its customers to boycott businesses that are owned by white heterosexuals. They are labeling products in their stores by the races of the business owners, with the intentional omission of all white-owned businesses. Expect for this despicable trend to spread as corporate America increasingly embraces anti-white, anti-Christian, and un-American policies. It's more evidence that whenever we find the truest racism nowadays, we find the so-called "progressives" nearby. Get reliable notification options and further information at Sarah's home site:


Emergency Alert-FEDERALIZED ELECTION TAKEOVER~Crooks Destroying Evidence~Texas Overrun!

In this emergency episode of The Silent War:
the Communists are federalizing control of the government through legalizing de facto vote-rigging in perpetuity. The Evidence on the table being openly ignored by the Supreme Court makes their complicity clear. They return No Comment on Trump's final legal challenge as Joe Biden uses executive order to fund America's enemies like his "Renegade" predecessor, Obama. And to help usher in the Communist regime's total federal takeover of the government.

Texas is being overrun and responding in defiance of Joe Biden's New Amerika.

Website Tracks Which Colleges Embrace Training in Critical Race Theory




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It takes only a few clicks to see that critical race theory is influencing hundreds of college campuses and universities across America.

A new website called Critical Race Training in Education allows users to quickly access information about more than 230 schools and the ways in which those schools are instituting critical race theory on campus. 

Critical race theory holds that whites use their social status or their legal and economic advantages to create or maintain power over people of color. 

The rapid embrace of critical race theory training programs for students and faculty is “very troubling,” website founder William Jacobson told The Daily Signal in a phone interview earlier this month. 

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“My greatest concern is campus free expression [which] is already [under] a very coercive and repressive atmosphere on a lot of campuses,” Jacobson said.

Jacobson is a professor at Cornell Law School and founder and publisher of Legal Insurrection, a conservative media news and commentary platform. 

Training in critical race theory likely will “exacerbate a free speech and free expression problem that already exists on campuses,” Jacobson said.  

Jacobson’s concerns about critical race theory training began to grow when he saw how rapidly Cornell was implementing the ideology on campus. 

Ibram A. Kendi, author of “How to Be an Antiracist,” is a leading advocate for training programs in critical race theory.

Kendi has delivered many lectures on anti-racism, including to teachers and leaders in Virginia’s Fairfax County school district, just outside the nation’s capital, where he charged $20,000 for a one-hour lecture in September. 

Kendi defines “anti-racism” as actively working to combat racism in all its forms, arguing that inaction is racism. 

Cornell University last year encouraged students to read Kendi’s book, calling it recommended summer reading. Cornell provided students and faculty with a link to read the book online for free, which Jacobson did. 

“I read it and was actually pretty shocked about it,” Jacobson said. 

Kendi “advocates racial discrimination as a cure for past racial discrimination, which is, of course, illegal,” he said. 

Kendi argues that all people fit into only two categories, Jacobson said: activists working to destroy systemic racism or, “if you are not an activist, … you are a racist.” 

Not allowing for any middle ground, but simply categorizing all humans as activist or racist, was troubling enough, Jacobson said. But what concerned him more was Cornell’s acceptance of the ideology. 

Cornell President Martha E. Pollack issued a letter in July embracing Kendi’s definition of anti-racism and calling on the university’s Faculty Senate to create and implement a “for-credit, educational requirement on racism, bias, and equity for all Cornell students.”

Pollock also announced that Cornell faculty would be required to participate in a lecture series focused on “equity and cultural competency,” and be evaluated on “diversity, equity, and inclusion” practices during performance reviews. 

Pollack’s announcement spurred Jacobson to research the actions of other universities. He soon discovered that Cornell was far from the only school taking steps to implement training programs in critical race theory. 

But Jacobson said his central motivation to create the web platform came when a group of several hundred Cornell students, staff, faculty, and alumni issued a list of demands to the university. The demands included “cluster hires of Black and other faculty of color,” and “recruiting of graduate students of color in clusters.” 

The list of demands, he said, “proved to me that, whatever the president [of Cornell] had intended with regard to the term ‘anti-racist,’ it was interpreted by the campus as being anti-racist in the way Kendi [defines] it and to advocate for discriminatory policies.”

Jacobson’s Critical Race Training in Education website shows that New York University has taken steps to implement anti-racist training for students and Portland State University announced the disarming of campus security. Tufts University, just outside Boston, created a new class for incoming students on civic engagement and racial equality. 

The website and interactive map are intended to be a bipartisan resource, Jacobson said. 

All of the data is information taken directly from the websites of colleges and universities. Students who would like to attend a university that requires training in critical race theory can use the site as easily as those who wish to avoid such requirements. 

“This is not a boycott list,” Jacobson said.“This is simply a database where you can go and find out, ‘Do you like what is going on or do you not like what is going on?’” 

Jacobson is personally familiar with the negative implications of far-left ideology being promoted on many college campuses. 

Last summer, some Cornell students sought to “cancel” Jacobson by encouraging other students to boycott his course after he wrote an honest history of Black Lives Matter. That boycott failed, but Jacobson’s experience opened his eyes to the “hostile atmosphere” at his own university, he told The Daily Signal in December. 

Ultimately, Jacobson said, he hopes to grow the list of schools on the Critical Race Training in Education website to provide information about such training on 500 colleges and universities. 

When asked whether students had expressed their views to him about required training in critical race theory, Jacobson said he believes students are “afraid to speak up.”

“They are afraid to speak their minds,” he said.

The promulgation of cancel culture and the quick embrace of progressive ideologies such as critical race theory, Jacobson said, have created “an ideological orthodoxy on campuses, which is the opposite of what an educational institution should have.”

Have an opinion about this article? To sound off, please email and we will consider publishing your remarks in our regular “We Hear You” feature. 

Biden’s handlers hire Qatari agent as senior adviser

During her address at the 2019 Animus Summit, Erin Pelton discusses how defying the rules unlocked her potential and shaped her life and career. A career US foreign service officer until 2014, Erin served in senior roles in the Obama Administration as communications director, spokesperson and assistant press secretary in various agencies. Erin founded Puerto Rico Live to bring the world to PR through on-stage talks with some of the most influential names in politics, media, business, culture and the arts. Erin also founded Pinpoint Strategies, a public affairs firm offering strategic counsel for crisis communications and media relations.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

How long can America survive all these post-American administrations? In addition to what is below, Qatar is a Muslim Brotherhood hub. Most major Muslim organizations in the U.S. are linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, which has the stated goal (according to a captured internal document) in America of “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house.” And those organizations own Biden as well.

“Biden Hires Qatari Agent as Senior Adviser,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, March 6, 2021:

President Joe Biden hired a new senior adviser on Friday who formerly lobbied on behalf of Qatar, the oil-rich Arab nation that has close ties to Iran and is a central hub for terrorism financing.

The White House announced on Friday evening that Erin Pelton is set to join the administration as a special assistant to Biden and a senior adviser on domestic policy issues. Pelton, a onetime foreign service officer and flak during the Obama administration, later advocated on behalf of foreign governments, including Qatar, according to public filings with the Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which mandates that Americans who are lobbying for foreign governments disclose their work.

Pelton’s work for Qatar is likely to raise questions about the revolving door between the Biden White House and lobbying firms that represent a host of foreign governments. Pelton is just the latest Biden administration official to have questionable ties to adversarial regimes. Biden’s Asia policy czar, Kurt Campbell, for instance, helped found a group that critics say is “heavily influenced by the CCP.” The administration’s potential pick to lead NASA, former senator Bill Nelson, invested in a Chinese telecom company that is blacklisted by the Pentagon.

Pelton lobbied on behalf of the Qatari embassy in 2018, when she was working for Mercury Public Affairs, a top lobbying shop in Washington, D.C., according to the Justice Department filings.

Qatar has spent billions of dollars lobbying American politicians and influencers. The country funds prominent think tanks, such as the Brookings Institution, and was alleged last year to have funded hack attacks on some 1,500 individuals, including political operatives based in Washington, D.C. A 2020 lawsuit alleged that Qatar financed terror attacks that killed Americans.

Despite its coordination with the United States on anti-terrorism operations, Qatar continues to maintain relations with Iran and is suspected of funding Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed terror group operating in Lebanon. Qatar’s terror financing has gone largely unaddressed due to Doha’s hosting of the Al Udeid military base, which houses U.S. Central Command’s regional headquarters….




20 State AGs Threaten Legal Action if H.R. 1 passes



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita drafted a letter decrying the attempted congressional overreach into state election laws represented by H.R. 1, the so-called For the People Act of 2021. After obtaining the signatures of 19 other states’ attorney generals last Wednesday, he sent the letter to Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, and Chuck Schumer, the Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate.

The 20 state AGs declared:

The Act betrays several Constitutional deficiencies and alarming mandates that, if passed, would federalize state elections….

Under … the Constitution … States have principal – and with presidential elections, exclusive – responsibility to safeguard the manner of holding elections. The Act would invert that constitutional structure … and erode faith in our elections and systems of governance.

They also provided a cram course in the U.S. Constitution for the leading Democrats:

The Electors Clause [of the United States Constitution] “convey[s] the broadest power of determination” and “leaves it to the [state] legislature exclusively to define the method” of the appointment of electors….

[That means that] Congress may not force states to permit presidential voting by mail or curbside voting, for example.

Those Democrat leaders’ intentions are clear, said the AGs:

By mandating mail-in voting, requiring states to accept late ballots, overriding state voter identification (“ID”) laws, and mandating that states conduct redistricting through unelected commissions…. Congress is not acting as a check but is instead overreaching by seizing the role of principal election regulator.

The AGs summed up the Act’s deficiencies: dismantling state voter ID laws, mandating automatic voter registration and Election Day registration, requiring states to undertake congressional redistricting through the use of so-called “independent” commissions and requiring political speakers to disclose their donor lists.

That last requirement, according to the AGs, “reflects an objective to name, shame, and blacklist those with differing or minority views. In other words, the goal is to censor those with whom the authors of the bill disagree.”

Said the AGs: “It is difficult to imagine a legislative proposal more threatening to election integrity and voter confidence.” Accordingly, “Should the Act become law, we will seek legal remedies to protect the Constitution, the sovereignty of all states, our elections, and the rights of our citizens.”

In a separate statement to Fox News Indian AG Rokita called H.R. 1 a “monstrosity”:

This monstrosity of a bill betrays the Constitution, dangerously federalizes state elections, and undermines the integrity of the ballot box.

As a former election officer, and now an Attorney General, I know [enactment of this bill] would be a disaster for election integrity and confidence in the processes what have been developed over time to instill confidence in the idea of “one person, one vote.”

Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas) went even further: H.R. 1, he wrote, “is packed full of mandates to guarantee Democrats control future elections – all under the guise of ‘election reform’”, adding:

This bill undermines protections for free speech, destroys the nonpartisan Federal Election Commission, and nationalizes elections, paying no mind to the Constitution or the 10th Amendment….

It would silence all discussion about election fraud, voting irregularities, and the countless issues that left half of the country so dissatisfied with the execution and results of the 2020 election.

Former Vice President Mike Pence told The Daily Signal that the massive 800-page bill “would increase the opportunities for election fraud, trample the First Amendment, further erode confidence in our elections, and forever dilute the votes of legally qualified eligible voters.”

He added:

HR 1 mandates the most questionable and abuse-prone election rules nationwide, while banning commonsense measures to detect, deter, and prosecute election fraud.

The bill would force states to adopt universal mail-in ballots, early voting, same-day voter registration, online voter registration, and automatic voter registration for any individual listed in state and federal government databases, such as the Department of Motor Vehicles and welfare offices, ensuring duplicate registrations and that millions of illegal immigrants are quickly registered to vote.

States would be required to count every mail-in vote that arrives up to 10 days after Election Day. States must also allow ballot harvesting—where paid political operatives collect absentee ballots from places such as nursing homes—exposing our most vulnerable voters to coercion and increasing the risk that their ballots will be tampered with.

At the same time, state and local election officials would be stripped of their ability to maintain the accuracy of voter rolls, barred from verifying voter eligibility, and voter ID would be banned from coast to coast.

Congressional districts would be redrawn by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. Illegal immigrants and law-abiding American citizens would receive equal representation in Congress. Felons would be able to vote the moment they set foot out of prison.

Pence charged:

Every single proposed change in HR 1 serves one goal, and one goal only: to give leftists a permanent, unfair, and unconstitutional advantage in our political system.

A companion bill has been introduced in the Senate. If it passes, and Biden signs it into law, the AGs signing the letter will file suit, leading the issue ultimately to be resolved by the Supreme Court.

More Money in Stimulus Bill for Pension Bailouts ‘Than All the Money Combined’ for Vaccines, Congressman Says



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Unions are getting a free pass after mismanaging their multi-employer pensions for decades. In a provision not well-publicized before the stimulus bill narrowly passed by the Senate with only Democrat support, $86 billion dollars will be directed to at least185 multi-employer union pension plans that are close to collapse. According to the New York Times:

Both the House and Senate stimulus measures would give the weakest plans enough money to pay hundreds of thousands of retirees — a number that will grow in the future — their full pensions for the next 30 years. The provision does not require the plans to pay back the bailout, freeze accruals or to end the practices that led to their current distress, which means their troubles could recur. Nor does it explain what will happen when the taxpayer money runs out 30 years from now.

The pension crisis is not new and fixing it has long been a Democrat priority. Congress passed legislation in 2014 to allow insolvent pensions to pare benefits within limits to prevent bailouts by the taxpayer. However, President Obama’s Treasury Department blocked the Central States Pension Fund’s plan to use the law in 2016. The media framed this denial as an attempt to force a straight bailout, and here we are.

At the time, the responsibility to cover the fund’s projected insolvency would have fallen to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), which had its own insolvency issues. The Central States fund was paying $3.46 in benefits for every dollar it took in due to an aging former workforce and employer withdrawals:

Legislators thought they fixed this problem late in 2014 when they attached bipartisan legislation to the so-called “cromnibus” spending bill. The pensions amendment allowed trustees for financially troubled multiemployer pension plans to cut vested benefits, provided they could demonstrate to Treasury that doing so would prevent the plan from going bust. The idea was that the cuts would prevent a far worse fate — a Central States bailout by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, which would pay only pennies on the dollar (and which had solvency problems of its own). According to a recent PBGC report, “it is more likely than not that PBGC’s multiemployer fund will be exhausted by 2025.”

Joshua Gotbaum, former director of the PBGC, called the Treasury Department’s decision an “act of political cowardice” that will result in “more and deeper benefit cuts” to Central States beneficiaries.

The PBGC board of directors consists of the secretaries of Labor, Commerce, and Treasury, with the secretary of Labor as chair. It is not supposed to be funded by taxpayers and covers payments to failed employer pensions. From their website:

In fiscal year 2020, PBGC paid for monthly retirement benefits, up to a guaranteed maximum, for more than 984,000 retirees in more than 5,000 single-employer plans that cannot pay promised benefits. Including those who have not yet retired and participants in multiemployer plans receiving financial assistance, PBGC is responsible for the current and future pensions of more than 1.5 million people.

The PBGC handles multi-employer and single-employer plans through separate programs. The current legislation will provide $86 billion from general funds to be kept separate from the funds it uses for general operations. Perhaps the most disturbing facet of this is that there are no conditions placed on the pensions that will fix the underlying problem.

The legislation requires the troubled plans to keep their grant money in investment-grade bonds, and bars them from commingling it with their other resources. But beyond that, the bill would not change the funds’ investment strategies, which are widely seen as a cause of their trouble.

A proposal for structural reforms failed:

On Friday, Senator Chuck Grassley, Republican of Iowa, introduced his own legislative proposal for the failing pension plans, which he said would bring structural reforms to make them solvent over the long term. He called the measure put forth by Democrats “a blank check” and tried to have it sent back to the Senate Finance Committee for retooling.

“Not only is their plan totally unrelated to the pandemic, but it also does nothing to address the root cause of the problem,” Mr. Grassley said in a statement. His motion failed in a vote of 49 to 50.

To illustrate how large this segment of the funds provided for is, Senator Bill Haggerty (R-Tenn.) said: “Just to show you how bad this bill is, there’s more money in this to bail out union pension funds than all the money combined for vaccine distribution and testing,”

Democrats are trying to say the pandemic made the pension shortfalls worse, but that would seem to be an overstatement because stock market performance has not suffered dramatically during that time. The 10-year inflation-adjusted return for 2020 was 11.96%. The S&P 500 increased 16% in 2020 alone.

This bailout appears to be just another giveback long in the making. According to Time magazine, the coordinated plan to influence to 2020 election originated in the national office of the AFL-CIO. Multi-employer unions, such as the Teamsters and United Autoworkers, are powerful constituencies for the union leadership. One huge Teamster plan that expected to go broke in 2025 just got rescued. AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka now has a material win to offset the devastation that has already started and will likely continue in the energy industry.

Taxpayer funding of pensions was unheard of up to this point. Even those who have saved appropriately in defined contribution plans like 401(k)s will also fund their fellow citizens’ pensions through their tax dollars. This taxpayer bailout may be the first time, but given that the bill requires almost no reforms, it increases the likelihood it will not be the last.

Video: ‘Ethics’ Prof. Says Americans Will Take Vaccine In Exchange For Return Of Freedom

"If you promise people more mobility, more ability to get a job, more ability to get travel, that’s a very powerful incentive"



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

CNN provided a platform for NYU medical ‘ethics’ professor Arthur Caplan Sunday, who argued that Americans skeptical of taking the COVID vaccine will soon come around and accept it if their freedoms otherwise remain restricted.

Caplan argued that allowing people to have their freedoms returned after lockdown is the most “powerful incentive” to push the vaccine.

“If you promise people more mobility, more ability to get a job, more ability to get travel, that’s a very powerful incentive to actually achieve fuller vaccination,” Caplan told Fareed Zakaria.

The segment even began with the infamous ‘show me your papers’ scene from the movie Casablanca:

Caplan argued that Americans will “gain freedom” if a COVID certification system is enacted.

Caplan continued “Vaccine passports do require access; it’s hard to impose anything unless you are pretty sure that somebody can get a vaccine. So I think it’ll be a little while before we see this, let’s say within the U.S.”

“But there are going to be communities and areas of the country where it starts to make sense due to high availability of the vaccine to say, ‘you wanna come back to work in person? Gotta show me a vaccine certificate. You wanna go in a bar, a restaurant? Gotta show me a vaccine certificate,’” he added.

When asked about the dangers of a two-tier society, and who can get access to the vaccine, Caplan stated “I think there will be some inequality in the U.S., but hopefully it’ll wash out quickly as the supplies increase very rapidly, I think they’re going to.”

Caplan predicted that “the world won’t wait for vaccine passports” until all countries are ready, and that they will be put into place regardless of whether poorer or less equipped countries can be a part of the system.

As we reported last week, New York City has unveiled a vaccine passport system in conjunction with IBM, trialling it at two sports events so far.

Covid passport systems, which we have been covering for months now, are being rapidly adopted worldwide both domestically and for international travel, despite the fact that the immunity status of vaccinations is not yet extensively known, and despite warnings that such schemes could lead to mass discrimination against those who choose not to take the shot.

Global Plot: Left-Wing Leaders Use Migrants and Coronavirus To Seize Power (Video)

Global Plot: Left-Wing Leaders Use Migrants and Coronavirus To Seize Power (Video)



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Left-wing Western leaders continue to open their borders to mass migration while imposing harsh coronavirus lockdown measures on their own citizens. Migrants are being used by the left to dilute host cultures, ensure more votes, and consolidate power.

These leaders have chosen to impose no consequences for migrants trying to make their way to liberal-run Western nations. Once illegals break in, leaders use taxpayer money to reward them with food, clothing, shelter, healthcare, and other benefits. All asylum applications are considered and rarely refused.

As left-wing leaders implement these costly measures, their own citizens are economically struggling due to tyrannical coronavirus restrictions imposed on citizens for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel is using taxpayer money to fly hundreds of Middle Eastern migrants from the Greek Islands to Germany. Meanwhile, the left-wing leader is threatening to close Germany’s borders to European Union member states if stricter uniformed coronavirus “safety” mandates are not implemented across all EU countries.

It seems the “dangerous” virus with a microscopic infection fatality rate has not stopped the relocation of migrants to Germany’s “epidemic areas.” Sadly, migrants are being used by the left to dilute host cultures and ensure votes in order to seize more power.

Merkel is using taxpayer money to reward the illegals with flights, homes, food, and many other free benefits. As she implements these costly measures, German citizens are economically struggling due to Merkel’s tyrannical coronavirus measures.

Since April 2020, over two thousand Migrants have been flown from Greece to Germany alone. Migrants are flown by a taypayer-funded plane to Hanover from Lesbos. In the past several months, the pace of the migrants' “resettlement” has increased. Covid travel restrictions seem not to apply to them. The illegals are now arriving by plane twice a week.

The final week of February saw 277 illegals flown into Germany seeking more taxpayer help. Another 197 were flown in the following week. The majority of the people being implanted into Germany are from the Middle Eastern Islamic countries of Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq. 

The Federal Ministry of the Interior announced this week that two new groups of migrants would be arriving at Hanover Airport. One group consisting of 106 migrants made up of 26 families with 50 adults and 56 minors. Another group consisted of 91 migrants comprising 20 families with 41 adults and 50 minors. Germany has taken hundreds of sick migrant children, along with many unaccompanied minors from Greece. Although, there is some disagreement about whether they are indeed minors or not.

Merkel is distributing the illegals throughout the federal states and cities of Bavaria, Berlin, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony, and Schleswig-Holstein.


In America, newly installed Democrat President Joe Biden’s new border measures allow illegals to break into America without fear of being detained by the border patrol. Biden is already welcoming 6,000 illegals each day despite the virus. While most of the country remains on lockdown or facing harsh restrictions, illegals are moving freely across our border. As reported at RAIR, Biden is not even testing the illegals for the coronavirus or any other diseases that could harm citizens.

Biden is also not allowing the virus to slow down his plans to welcome 700% more “refugees” from terrorist hot spots around the world through his agenda-driven Refugee Admissions Program. This controversial program to import more Democrat voters was the brainchild of then-Senator Joe Biden. Meanwhile, President Trump lowered the cap for refugee admissions each year of his presidency, dropping them to a record low of 15,000 for 2021.

Just recently at CPAC, President Trump explained how Biden’s open borders policies have triggered a massive flood of illegal immigration into our country”:

European Union

The day Joe Biden was sworn into office as America’s new president Swedish European Union (EU) Commissioner Ylva Johansson delivered a speech celebrating their new open borders alliance. While the Commissioner is forcing member states to accept migrants, she is ramping up coronavirus restrictions for travelers within the bloc of 27 member states.

During the pandemic, Johansson continues to force European Union member states to accept all migrants applications despite their country’s overwhelmed and financially depleted systems:

“Rejections are illegal. Not everyone has the right to asylum, but everyone has the right to be treated in line with our values. When people apply for asylum in the EU, they appeal to European values. And we must honour that appeal”

Johansson told Swedish news agency TT she does not believe closing countries’ border helps secure a nation, but nations should instead enhance their “digital security”:

I do not believe that either the security threats or the pandemic threats today can be met in any effective way with closed borders. Rather, it is about the need to better protect ourselves digitally. This is where we can be incredibly much more efficient within the EU.

Johansson and the European political elite have gone to great lengths to conceal the devastating effects of their suicidal immigration policies that are transforming Europe. From arresting migration critics to lying and concealing the links between migration and crime/terrorism, to labeling those concerned about the financial effects of millions of migrants as right-wing extremists or racist and “xenophobic”.


In Spain, the socialist-led government has imposed strict lockdown measures as it is mandating coronavirus “vaccinations” in one region and registers the name of citizens who refuse the injection. Spain has reported they will share the list of vaccine refusers with all EU member states. Meanwhile, the arrival of illegals to Spain, many who are infected with the coronavirus, has skyrocketed over the past year. The migrants are regularly escaping quarantine or are confined for a short period by the government and then released into the Spanish public.


In Lampedusa, Italy, throughout the pandemic, landings of illegal migrants have reached epidemic proportions – many infected with the Chinese coronavirus. Hundreds of illegal immigrants mainly from Bangladesh, Tunisia, Morocco, and the Ivory Coast, arrived day after day.

Residents in Lampedusa express their fear and people are exasperated, “We are afraid” declared a community member. “It is like this every day, the risk of contracting Covid-19” is once again a threat because of the arrival of the illegal migrants. Despite the community’s cries for help, the government continued to allow their shores to be invaded by criminals while only imposing stricter lockdown measures on citizens of Italy.

Meanwhile, Italy served as the launch-pad for tyrannical coronavirus mandates. The coronavirus crisis is offering Italy’s leaders a convenient pretext to silence critics and consolidate power. Any doctor or critic who has gotten in their way and refuses to fall in line is being canceled.

CanadaFranceBelgiumBosnia and HerzegovinaNetherlands, and many other left-wing-run nations are imposing tyrannical lockdown measures and regulations on their own citizens while flooding their countries with illegals during the pandemic.

Western leaders have capitalized on the pandemic to seize more power and control. Instead of closing their countries’ borders, these leaders have rewarded human traffickers, NGO’s and migrants. Their illegal behavior in the Mediterranean and across Central America goes unabated. Meanwhile, they have kept citizens locked in their homes like criminals and used taxpayer money to import left-wing voters.

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WARNING: Radical with Communist Ties Nominated for Secretary of the Interior BY BIDEN

WARNING: Radical with Communist Ties Nominated for Secretary of the Interior



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The installed puppet Joe Biden’s nominee for Secretary of the Interior is a militant left-wing radical with deep communist ties. The establishment media, however, is bending over backward to convince Americans that Rep. Deb Haaland’s radical views mirror those of the populace.

Author and expert on subversive movements Trevor Loudon told RAIR Foundation USA that Deb Haaland’s nomination “was completely orchestrated by the Communist Party of the United States.” He questioned why the Communists were pushing for control of the Department of the Interior, which oversees a huge percentage of the land in America.

Literally, three days ago, Communist Party leader John Bachtell wrote a gushing piece about Haaland in the Communist Party USA publication People’s World.

“As a co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Haaland has been an outspoken advocate for addressing the climate crisis. She was an early supporter of the Green New Deal, opposed the Dakota Access pipeline, and participated in the Standing Rock protest,” the Communist leader gushed.

The article quoted prominent communist Judith LeBlanc:

“This nomination gives such grassroots pride about the fact that one of our people is being nominated. I’m an elder. I’m 69. I’ve never seen anything like this. We are being rewritten back into history.”

The Accountability Initiative, a new project that focuses on “individuals appointed to positions in the Biden administration or nominated for such positions” posted a definitive article about Deb Haaland’s radical background, posted verbatim with permission:

New Mexico Congresswoman Deb Haaland has been nominated by President Joe Biden to serve as Secretary of the Interior. If confirmed Haaland will oversee the management and conservation of most federal land and natural resources, leading such agencies as the Bureau of Land Management, the United States Geological Survey, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the National Park Service.

How did an obscure second term representative with little executive experience so rapidly become the leading contender for such an important position?

How does a politician so extreme that she is willing to carry signs for the ANSWER Coalition (a front group for the North Korea and China-aligned Party for Socialism and Liberation) merit consideration for ANY US Government position?

Deb Haaland
Deb Haaland, February 2018
Deb Haaland with Party for Socialism and Liberation June 2018
Deb Haaland with Party for Socialism and Liberation June 2018

Much of the credit for this remarkable achievement goes to Judith LeBlanc, a leading member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) – which is currently one the Communist Party of China’s most important American cheerleaders. 

Judith LeBlanc, Deb Haaland July 2019
Judith LeBlanc, Deb Haaland July 2019

LeBlanc has served as a CPUSA vice-chair and has been a decades-long member of the party’s governing body, the National Committee. 

As a one-time chair of the CPUSA’s Peace and Solidarity Commission, LeBlanc has travelled to Australia, Japan, Israel, Lebanon and “Palestine” for meetings with foreign communist, “peace” and terrorist organizations.

Judith LeBlanc, 2014 Chicago
Judith LeBlanc, 2014 Chicago

These trips included a 2002 trip to the Middle East meeting with Palestinian terror leader and known Soviet KGB agent Yasser Arafat.

Judith LeBlanc with Yasser Arafat, 2002
Judith LeBlanc with Yasser Arafat, 2002

In recent years LeBlanc, (an enrolled member of the Caddo tribe of Oklahoma) has served as the United Nations representative for the Indigenous World Association.

She has also headed a US-based Native-American activist group the Native Organizers Alliance – through which she apparently established a relationship with fellow Native American Deb Haaland.

This work included a training role in the 2016 protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline on the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota. In mid-September 2016, LeBlanc led a “four-day training at Standing Rock with tribal officials, native-led on-profits, and local community and political leaders on power mapping, strategic campaign planning, and direct action…”

Judith LeBlanc tweet
Judith LeBlanc tweet

In 2019/20 LeBlanc worked to build on the energy and unity generated at Standing Rock to ensure that large numbers of traditionally low turn-out, yet Democratic-leaning Native American voters went to the polls in 2020.

Working in partnership with the South Dakota-based, Rosebud Sioux-affiliated voter registration organization Four Directions, Inc., LeBlanc’s Native Organizers Alliance hosted the Frank LaMere Native American Presidential Forum on August 19 and 20, 2020 in Sioux City, Iowa.

The whole effort was strategically designed to help the Biden/Harris ticket win the 2020 presidential election.

LeBlanc also told Liberation Road-aligned website Organizing Upgrade:

“Four Directions, our sister organization, did research and found there are seven states where the Indian vote would be decisive in determining the outcome of 77 electoral votes. These 7 states include critical Senate races. From that scientific basis, Native Organizers Alliance and Four Directions began to organize traditionally, to reach out to the community groups that we have relationships within those seven states.”

“We’re also turning our attention to working in those seven states where the Native vote will be decisive. Native Organizers Alliance is working with groups in Wisconsin, Arizona, Minnesota, Michigan, and Nevada. We’ll be doing the kind of voter registration, education and mobilization that ensures that our grassroots groups and tribal entities expand their organized base. The day after the elections, we will be ready with a stronger organized, politically empowered grassroots base. …

Through this period Judith LeBlanc and fellow CPUSA leader Libero Della Piana worked and socialized with Deb Haaland.

Judith LeBlanc, Deb Haaland October 2019
Judith LeBlanc, Deb Haaland October 2019
Deb Haaland left, Libero Della Piana third from right, Judith LeBlanc second from right. July 2019
Deb Haaland left, Libero Della Piana third from right, Judith LeBlanc second from right. July 2019

Right after the 2020 election, Judith LeBlanc and Native Organizers Alliance mounted a serious campaign to secure Deb Haaland the Interior Secretary nomination.

The organization endorsed Haaland and joined with environmental group  in launching a petition to encourage President Biden to pick Deb Haaland for his Cabinet.

Judith LeBlanc separately joined the second effort called “Women United Deb for Interior.”

Besides LeBlanc, other leader of this group include celebrities such as Jane Fonda, Cher,  Chelsea Handler, Alyssa Milano, Sarah Silverman Ai-jen Poo of the left-leaning National Domestic Workers Alliance and Gloria Steinem of the North Korea friendly  protest group “Women Across the DMZ”.

Judith LeBlanc, front second from left
Judith LeBlanc, front second from left

This video confirms that Judith LeBlanc is the main organizer of the Deb for the Interior campaign. It is also clear that the campaign’s goal is to empower Deb Haaland to enact out a far-left agenda as Secretary of the Interior

When President Biden did indeed choose Deb Haaland as his Interior Secretary nominee, Judith LeBlanc told USA Today:

“What you’re hearing across Indian Country is a huge sigh of relief…We just made history. “For the first time, we will have a person sitting in the leadership of the Department of the Interior who understands the responsibility of our ancestors. She understands the sacred, the inherent and the legal right that Indians have to be caretakers of Mother Earth.”

December 17, 2020, the day President Biden formally nominated Deb Haaland for Secretary of the Interior, Judith LeBlanc posted this gloating picture on her Facebook page with the caption:

Just saying…my gals and I hung out with the next Secretary of the Interior!

LeBlanc Facebook December 17 2020. LeBlanc left, Haaland right.
LeBlanc Facebook December 17 2020. LeBlanc left, Haaland right.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union the CPUSA began looking for a new sponsor. It is now strongly in the Communist Party of China camp.

Is the Haaland nomination payoff for CPUSA support with the Native American vote?

Why would pro-China communists put so much energy into catapulting an obscure leftist Congressmember into the Biden Cabinet?

Should any friend of a friend of the Chinese Communist Party be given access to the highly sensitive discussions of the US government leadership?

The Accountability Project calls on President Biden to withdraw Deb Haaland’s nomination for this extremely important post.

If President Biden fails to act appropriately, the US Senate must reject Representative Haaland’s nomination on national security grounds.

If pro-Chinese communists support Deb Haaland for Secretary of the Interior we need to question why.

Support our work at RAIR Foundation USA! We are a grassroots activist team and we need your help! Please consider making a donation here:

CPAC 2021: James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, Ryan Hartwig & Zach Vorhies on Blowing the Whistle on Big Tech

“Even if we are removed from these platforms, we still have to be talked about on these platforms. That means the stories have to be strong enough where we force them to talk about it,” says James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, which was recently removed from Twitter. At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), we sat down with O’Keefe as well as two whistleblowers from Facebook and Google to talk about big tech bias. Ryan Hartwig used to be a third-party content moderator for Facebook. Zach Vorhies is a former Google engineer who leaked nearly a thousand pages of internal Google documents last year.

France: Nearly 70% say ‘Islamo-Leftism’ is a major problem



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It’s not a problem just in France, but all over Europe and North America: a massive coalition of two groups that hate the West, hate Judeo-Christian civilization, hate free societies. How long can the free West last in the face of this relentless onslaught?

“Nearly 7 in 10 French Say ‘Islamo-Leftism’ a Major Problem,” by Chris Tomlinson, Breitbart, February 28, 2021:

A poll has revealed 69 per cent of French, nearly 7 in 10, say that there is a problem with an ideology of “Islamo-Leftism” in the country.

The Odoxa-Backbone consulting poll found that a comfortable majority of respondents believed there was a problem with leftist groups, political parties, and personalities refusing to take hard positions against radical Islamic extremism for fear of “stigmatising” Muslims as a whole.

When the results are divided by political affiliation, the survey showed that 82 per cent of the supporter of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally believed the issue to be a problem, while 83 per cent of the centre-right Republicans held the same views, Franceinfo reports.

Supporters of Emmanuel Macron’s Republicans on the March (LREM) party agreed with the proposition 80 per cent of the time.

Among the far-left France Insoumise supporters, just 46 per cent agreed the Islamo-Leftism was a problem, however, 63 per cent of the Socialist Party supports saw the concept as a problem….

Terrell: ‘Cancel Culture Is Going To Backfire Because It Denies History


Biden CANCELS Dr. Seuss: President bucks predecessors and omits author from his Read Across America Day proclamation after Virginia school system's drops iconic children's books because of 'racial undertones'

  • President Joe Biden did not mention Dr. Seuss during his proclamation for Read Across America day bucking a more than 20 year trend 
  • Presidents Clinton, Obama and Trump have all mentioned Seuss in conjunction with the day designed to encourage school children to read more 
  • Biden's omission comes as a Virginia school district dropped author from its list 
  • Loudoun schools say they have 'shifted the emphasis' of the March 2nd day 
  • District claim 'Research in recent years has revealed strong racial undertones'
  • It came following a 2019 report called 'The Cat is Out of the Bag: Orientalism, Anti-Blackness, and White Supremacy in Dr. Seuss's Children's Books' 
  • Read Across America Day had traditionally focused on Seuss books
  • But since 2017 the focus has shifted to 'Celebrating a Nation of Diverse Readers' 


Here Are Some Books the Woke Left Would Replace Dr. Seuss With



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

As you likely have heard, the latest casualty of cancel culture is Dr. Seuss. And because nature abhors a vacuum, the woke left has a list of books as ready replacements it would prefer that children read instead.

The late children’s author Dr. Seuss, aka Theodor Seuss Geisel, has come under fire for drawing a few racially insensitive and anachronistic cartoons in his books in the mid-20th century. 

His estate has already announced it’s removing six of his books from further publication, but it goes well beyond that. A Virginia school district announced it would no longer emphasize Dr. Seuss during its annual Read Across America Day, an event sponsored by the National Education Association teachers union, even though it takes place every year on Geisel’s birthday, March 2. 

But here’s where it gets interesting: Left-wing activists aren’t just canceling Dr. Seuss. They’re also recommending woke books for children that are more about indoctrination than education or enjoyment. 

The National Education Association’s website includes a Read Across America section called “Find your book.” 

Almost every title on the list are books about race, gender identity, and various other left-wing causes. It’s not just a few woke books included; they make up practically the entire list.

One such book is “Julian Is a Mermaid,” about a little boy who sees women dressed as mermaids and wants to dress just like them.

Another, following the gender-bending theme, is “The Prince and the Dressmaker,” about a prince who secretly wears dresses at night.

Then there is “Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card,” about an illegal immigrant from Iran.

“We Are Here to Stay: Voices of Undocumented Young Adults” is also about illegal immigrants.

“This Is Our Constitution: Discover America with a Gold Star Father” is a book by the Gold Star father who spoke at the 2016 Democratic National Convention and criticized then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You” is an adaptation from the introduction to a book by “anti-racist” activist Ibram X. Kendi.

There are other books recommended that aren’t inherently left-wing activism, but it’s undeniably the slant of the list.

The teachers union’s recommendations aside, the anti-Dr. Seuss movement is real.

The efforts to disappear the beloved author of children’s books didn’t just touch a single school district. President Joe Biden this week left Dr. Seuss out of his Read Across America message entirely, despite his having been mentioned in the annual messages from Biden’s predecessors, Trump and Barack Obama.

Obama even told a group of White House interns in 2015 that “pretty much all the stuff you need to know is in Dr. Seuss.” That same year, first lady Michelle Obama also had high praise for Dr. Seuss: “We love Dr. Seuss in this house.”

Oops, it looks like the Obamas were spreading racism, white supremacy, or something.

On issues of race, Dr. Seuss—a liberal and New Deal Democrat who preached tolerance—is hopelessly retrograde for the woke left. The new ethos requires a redefinition of racism, in which intent is meaningless and racial identity is the essential aspect of who you are. In the cultural revolution, Dr. Seuss has to go.

Many on the left and those in denial about the reality of our current culture war argue that Dr. Seuss isn’t really being canceled. It’s only his estate removing six “offensive” books and a shifting focus in education. What’s the big deal? And if your culture is racist, it deserves to be canceled anyway.

It’s true that, so far at least, not every work of Dr. Seuss has been scrubbed. His books are certainly a hot item on Amazon right now, though don’t count on the online retail giant to keep selling material that offends perpetually aggrieved woke activists.

If you’ve been paying any attention to what’s been happening in recent years, it’s likely that this is merely a prelude to Dr. Seuss being wiped entirely from public forums.

Universal Orlando announced it is “evaluating” its Dr. Seuss-themed attractions. Media outlets are running reports on the Dr. Seuss racial “reckoning” being a long time in coming.

Does this slide to oblivion for Dr. Seuss really have to be explained? We went from canceling Robert E. Lee to canceling Abraham Lincoln in just a few short years. Dr. Seuss doesn’t have long for this world.

Still, why are these woke activists deleting an endless array of once-beloved figures from our history?

As increasingly ludicrous as their crusade has become, there is a hidden agenda, which was described by freelance writer Sean Collins:

The woke warriors seek to tear up existing culture, root and branch, because they believe it is irredeemably racist. And Dr Seuss has, in fact, played an important role in our culture: His books are part of childhood and family life.

They bind generations together, as parents read to kids, who grow up to read to their kids. Dr. Seuss and his books thus have become a common reference within our culture, something we share warm feelings about with people close to us.

They certainly are that.

Dr. Seuss’ “The Cat in The Hat” was the first book I was able to read cover to cover as a child.

I’ve read a few books since that time, so I don’t need woke activists, professors, a teachers union, or the president to tell me what to think of Geisel’s work.

Nevertheless, that’s the point in disappearing Dr. Seuss and so many others. The goal is to reprogram the way people think, to strip young Americans of previously significant cultural and historical points of reference, and to reshape the American mind to embrace the revolution.

Tearing down Dr. Seuss, as activists have done with innumerable other figures in our history, is a way for woke activists to clean the slate of American civilization—effectively, to begin again at year zero.

That was the larger point I made in my 2019 book “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.”

The movement to tear down historical figures—both figuratively and literally—is not simple nihilism or idiocy, though there’s certainly a lot of both at work here. It’s also not a straightforward debate about the details of any particular historical figure’s legacy.

If anything, the humanity of the past is a problem for the woke in a world that has never conformed to their worldview.

The purge is, in fact, the point.

Have an opinion about this article? To sound off, please email and we will consider publishing your remarks in our regular “We Hear You” feature. 


Ebay Just NUKED Dr. Seuss Books As OFFENSIVE, RSBN Gets Nuked By Youtube As Censorship Escalates


Ebay Just NUKED Dr. Seuss Books As OFFENSIVE, RSBN Gets Nuked By Youtube As Censorship Escalates. While it may be silly to complain about Dr. Seuss Enterprises canceling some books, it is extremely concerning when Ebay bans the private sale of those books from third parties. The latest act of censorship is beyond anything we have seen in a while. Silicon Valley Democrats and leftists are defending removing certain books from society even among private individuals. But the censorship goes beyond just Dr. Seuss fans, many of whom are not even conservative. Censorship of conservatives is reaching news media and even the Supreme court as a documentary on Clarence Thomas was also banned from Amazon.

Pope Francis Warns of Another Great Flood Due to Global Warming


The Pope Has Totally Lost His Mind and Gone Full Political



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Pope Francis is warning that the Earth could be facing a second great flood — similar to the one that Noah and his family faced — should planetary leaders not quickly address “injustice” and the scourge of anthropogenic global warming. The pontiff made the remarks in a new book titled Of Vices and Virtues by Don Marco Pozza, the chaplain of the Padua prison.

The book — basically a book-length interview with Pope Francis — was released on March 2 in Italian by Rizzoli Publishers. An excerpt was published on Sunday in Corriere Della Sera, an Italian newspaper.

“A great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of the glaciers: what will happen now if we continue on the same path,” Pope Francis said.

The Pope made the remark while speaking on the much broader topic of God’s wrath against evil and injustice.

“God’s wrath is against injustice, against Satan. It is directed against evil, not that which derives from human weakness, but evil of Satanic inspiration: the corruption generated by Satan, behind which single men, single women, entire societies go. God’s wrath is meant to bring justice, ‘clean up,’” the 84-year-old Francis said.

“The flood is a result of God’s wrath,” the Pope continued. “He is a figure of God’s wrath, who according to the Bible has seen too many bad things and decides to obliterate humanity. The biblical [flood], according to experts, is a mythical tale. (Now I hope someone doesn’t argue that the Pope said the Bible is a myth!) But myth is a form of knowledge. The flood is a historical tale, archaeologists say, because they found traces of a flood in their excavations.”

“The story of Noah shows that God’s wrath is also a savior,” Francis concluded.

The excerpt also included Francis’s thoughts on prudence in government, saying that “prudence is an essential virtue for those who govern.” The Pope also spoke about faith and doubt in the lives of Christians.

The release of these papal remarks comes in advance of the Pope’s visit to Iraq this week. It is the first papal visit to any country since the COVID-19 pandemic began and is believed to be the first visit by any pope to a Middle Eastern country besides Israel.

It is hoped that the visit will bolster the Christian population of the region, which had suffered so terribly under ISIS rule. Christians still find themselves under attack by Islamic extremists in the region.

The trip will include a meeting between Francis and the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the spiritual leader of Iraqi Shia Muslims. Open Doors, which maintains a world watchlist of Christian persecution, currently lists Iraq as the 11th most dangerous country for Christians.

Hopefully, the Pope can use his influence to make some inroads in Iraq about the treatment of Christians there.

But he may wish to study the Great Flood a little more.

Pope Francis describes the evil events preceding the flood accurately enough. Genesis 6:5 says, “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil continually.”

We all know the story. Noah alone was found righteous by God; the ark was built and the flood destroyed everything but Noah, his family, and the animals on the Ark. God’s wrath fulfilled, just as Francis described.

But there was more to it than that. After the flood receded and Noah and his family got to work rebuilding the world, God made a covenant with Noah and his descendants. Among God’s promises: “And I will establish my covenant with you, neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there be any more a flood to destroy the earth.” — Genesis 9:11.

Is Pope Francis calling God a liar? Doesn’t the leader of the Catholic Church believe that God will keep His word?

In times past, the question, “Is the Pope Catholic?” has been a sarcastic reply to a question for which the answer is an obvious “yes.” However, Pope Francis’ many unorthodox views and expressions of support for “progressive” policies that are at variance with Catholic teaching — on communism, socialism, capitalism, Islam, immigration, radical environmentalism, “gay marriage,” divorce, pagan worship, etc. — have many conservative and traditional Catholics seriously asking, “Is the Pope Catholic?”

American Thought Leaders: ‘They Want to Cancel God”~GOYA Foods Owner Robert Unanue AT CPAC 2021

At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), we sit down with the owner of GOYA Foods, Robert Unanue, to discuss cancel culture, the boycott and “buy-cott” of GOYA products, and what he sees as the attack on God, family, and work.

“President” Kamala HARRIS Protects Antifa

Biden's handlers have begun eliminating the prosecutors who criminally charged Antifa's violent militants throughout the year of 2020. Those Antifa militants have been the Democrat revolutionaries (storm troopers) who kept judges and entire legislatures in line, via a fear of them getting terrorized in their own neighborhoods. Get reliable notification options and further information at Sarah's home site:

CPAC 2021: Rep. Jim Jordan on Potential Trump 2024 Run; ‘Equality’ Act; Fighting Cancel Culture

Rumble — At the 2021 Conservative Political Action Conference, we sit down with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) to discuss a potential Trump 2024 run, why he believes the Equality Act threatens religious liberty, and how he thinks people should combat cancel culture.

#jimjordan #trump #CPAC2021

Biden’s Memo on LGBTQ Policies Abroad Is Ideological Colonialism

LGBTQI Biden Memo



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Earlier this month, President Joe Biden issued an executive order, “Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Persons Around the World,” directing U.S. government entities to “pursue an end to violence and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex characteristics.”

When we talk about human rights, it’s important to remember that every individual is entitled to his or her rights to life, freedom of belief, speech, and conscience. These are inalienable human rights.

These rights are universal, precisely because they stem from our inherent human dignity, and are not a result of one’s membership in any particular group. Setting these rights on any foundation other than our shared humanity weakens the exercise of those rights rather than strengthens them.

In fact, that is what Biden’s new memorandum threatens to do. The administration’s directive for eradicating violence and discrimination is fraught with peril for the free exercise of religious belief, conscience, and speech. It illustrates the left’s prejudice against faith and tradition.

This new executive order will have a substantial impact on our foreign aid and diplomacy. It will have potentially far-reaching consequences for religious liberty and freedom of conscience for American faith-based organizations that operate around the world and for religious believers of all different creeds in other countries.

To be clear, targeted violence on the basis of any characteristic is repellant and wrong. And the U.S. government should advocate for the protection of human rights and defend the victims of human rights abuses wherever and whenever possible.

But this memo goes far beyond that.

For example, it directs U.S. government agencies to expand efforts to combat “intolerance” and “discrimination” on the basis of LGBTQI+ status or conduct. These are expansive terms that beg definition.

One primary target of these terms is the marriage laws of other countries. These laws are often influenced domestically by the prevailing religious traditions or cultural norms, and reflective of the democratic will of the people in those countries.

American efforts to bully these countries—whether with a carrot of additional aid or a stick of withholding aid—into liberalizing their laws on marriage or other issues of sexual morality will surely cause friction with proponents of national sovereignty and religious believers alike, especially in Muslim- or Christian-majority countries.

The distinction between disagreement and discrimination here is an important one. Take a familiar example from the United States: Individuals from a variety of faiths, or no faith at all, can disagree about the meaning or purpose of marriage, or about the government’s proper role in encouraging marriage. These disagreements can and often do stem from different religious beliefs.

The Supreme Court has addressed these conflicts between religious liberty and policies based on sexual orientation and gender identity in multiple cases now, confirming that disagreement—particularly disagreement rooted in religious belief—over whether two men or two women can or should marry is not the same as discrimination.

As Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in his majority opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges, “the First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths … ”

He went on to state that individuals with conflicting beliefs about marriage “may engage those who disagree with their view in an open and searching debate.”

Then what is discrimination? Certainly targeting, beating, or imprisoning somebody simply because he or she is gay or transgender is discrimination, just as it would be discrimination if someone was similarly abused on account of his or her race or religion or biological sex.

However, is it discriminatory to set boundaries around the definition of marriage? No. There is no universal human right to the redefinition of marriage.

Under the guise of promoting human rights, with this new executive memorandum, the United States will instead be promoting an ideology about gender identity and sexual orientation that conflicts with internationally recognized rights.

While Americans can look to the First Amendment to protect their religious freedom, so too can people around the world find similar religious freedom protections in both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which explicitly protect the freedom to manifest one’s beliefs in private and in public, individually, or in community.

Regardless of popular opinion among liberal elites, human rights activists, or United Nation bureaucrats, the right to manifest one’s beliefs must also apply to those who maintain traditional beliefs about the creation of men and women, the definition and purpose of marriage, and the sanctity of life.

Furthermore, the Charter of the United Nations commits to protecting “human rights and fundamental freedoms” for everyone “without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.”

But applying nondiscrimination standards on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity promotes the liberty and preferences of some at the expense of the freedom of religion, conscience, and expression of others.

Biden also calls for the U.S. to continue building coalition groups made up of members from like-minded nations, such as the U.N. LGBTI Core Group, and to engage international organizations to advance LGBTQI+ policies.

This call to action will further embolden elements within the U.N. human rights bureaucracy that have been operating outside their mandates.

These bureaucrats have been reading rights based on sexual orientation and gender identity into “gender” language in human rights treaties and creating new rights that U.N. member states have not agreed to and that remain sensitive and controversial.

As Li-ann Thio, professor of law and former member of parliament from Singapore, recently wrote in a comprehensive report on equality and nondiscrimination in international human rights law:

[W]hile equality and non-discrimination may be a foundational human rights principle, a controversial interpretation of it involving discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation does not command universal consensus that it enjoys legal status. A global examination of national approaches demonstrates widespread dissent both within and between states and between inter-governmental organizations.

The LGBTQI+ agenda and policies are not universally popular around the world. Many countries and religions, particularly in the developing world, view “gender ideology” as a form of ideological or cultural colonialism that specifically threatens their religious values.

Yes, the U.S. can and should stand up for everyone’s human rights. But existing legal instruments are in place to do that, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. What the U.S. should not do is violate the internationally protected rights to freedom of religion or belief.

Cardinal Robert Sarah of Guinea has warned that “the violence against Christians is not just physical, it is also political, ideological, and cultural.”

During President Barack Obama’s 2015 visit to Kenya, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta publicly repudiated American efforts to impose Western values on Africa, saying:

Kenya and the United States share so many values; our common love for democracy, entrepreneurship and value for families … [but] there are other things that we do not share; our cultures, our societies do not accept. It is very difficult to impose on people that which they themselves do not accept.

Finally, the memorandum requires all U.S. agencies engaged abroad—specifically, but not limited to, the departments of State, Treasury, Defense, Justice, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security; the U.S. Agency for International Development; the Development Finance Corp.; the Millennium Challenge Corp.; the Export-Import Bank; and the Office of the United States Trade Representative—to compile and submit reports annually on their progress in advancing initiatives on behalf of LGBTQI+ rights.

These government progress reports will likely catalog a number of examples of censorship and violations of conscience rights of those with earnestly held religious beliefs.

Religious belief motivates an enormous amount of charitable and humanitarian work here in the U.S. and abroad. Faith-based organizations are leaders in the nonprofit sector around the globe and often partner with USAID or other government entities to deliver aid.

For example, groups as diverse as Catholic Relief Services, Islamic Relief USA, and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee have operations that serve communities across the developing world. All of them adhere to religious codes that reject many elements of the progressive LGBTQI+ agenda.

Nevertheless, these and other faith-based organizations are known for serving individuals of different creeds or no faith at all, and they deliver much-needed assistance all over the world.

It’s not hard to imagine that a frequent result of this executive memorandum will be that these sorts of faith-based organizations will lose out on contracts with the U.S. government if they fail to repudiate their religious beliefs about marriage or sexuality.

Recall, for example, the recent case of the evangelical organization Samaritan’s Purse that set up field hospitals in Central Park last year to treat patients at the height of the coronavirus pandemic in New York.

It welcomed everyone in need, and yet the organization was still pilloried as homophobic because of its adherence to traditional views of marriage.

The United States can and should champion the human rights of individuals who identify as LGBTQI+ by adhering to our American principles, honoring existing international treaties, and encouraging other countries to do the same without penalizing them for rejecting an ideological agenda.

An executive action designed to advance the special interests of a particular group under the guise of human rights will unnecessarily risk religious freedom at home and abroad.

Editor’s Note: This article has been updated to correct Justice Anthony Kennedy’s name.

Have an opinion about this article? To sound off, please email and we will consider publishing your remarks in our regular “We Hear You” feature.

Becerra Threatens Lifesaving Pregnancy Centers Nationwide

Appointment of Xavier Becerra Threatens Lifesaving Pregnancy Centers Nationwide




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It hasn’t taken President Joe Biden long to demonstrate that he is the most pro-abortion president in history. His appointment of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra to be secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services is proof.

Becerra’s track record as California’s attorney general indicates his bias against the pro-life movement—particularly against the work of pro-life pregnancy centers.

This nationwide, life-affirming network includes over 2,500 pro-life centers and medical clinics. Each agency provides hope, counsel, medical services, material resources, housing referrals, and much more to mothers considering abortion.

Primary among these is the procedure of ultrasound, which is medically necessary to confirm an intrauterine pregnancy. Statistics show more than 80% of mothers considering abortion choose life after seeing an ultrasound image of their unborn child.

All of these services are free of charge. The staff of these centers and clinics are comprised of medical health care professionals, as well as hundreds of thousands of volunteers committed to making a difference in the lives of mothers, families, and the unborn.

A 2020 study from the Charlotte Lozier Institute in Washington, D.C., shows the impressive outreach and impact of this national network. According to this study, the work of pregnancy centers:

 Provided ultrasound confirmations of pregnancy, at no cost, to 486,213 mothers.

 Provided sexually transmitted infections testing and treatment, at no cost, to 160,201 patients.

 Provided mothers and families with material resources, such as housing referrals, diapers, and baby clothes, etc., at no cost.

 Provided total services, both medical and nonmedical, worth $266,764,916. Such services do not cost taxpayers one dime.

One would think that the work of these faith-based, charitable organizations would be supported by all who care about human life, regardless of political views. Not so for Becerra and the Biden administration. If Becerra had his way at the Supreme Court, these centers would have been forced to promote abortion.

Even worse, the government could have fined them out of existence. Where would that leave the hundreds of thousands of mothers, fathers, families, and babies that depend on the essential resources pregnancy centers provide?

It has long been the narrative of the pro-abortion crowd that pro-life pregnancy centers are deceptive and fraudulent. Why? Because they are pro-life and do not perform or refer for abortion.

Yet, these centers are absolutely upfront about their pro-life viewpoint and their operational standards require that it be disclosed to every patient. Regardless, the abortion lobby, led by Planned Parenthood, has for years demonized these charities, attempting to target their operations through hostile legislation.

In 2015, California passed its so-called Reproductive FACT Act mandating that pro-life centers promote abortion by posting a sign with large fonts in their waiting areas. The sign was required to advise patients at the centers: 1) that they have a right to a state-funded abortion, and 2) of the existence of an 800 number to call to get the abortion process started. 

This law was co-sponsored by California’s then-attorney general, Kamala Harris, and supported by her successor, Becerra. Becerra vowed to aggressively enforce the law and make sure that pro-life centers use the walls of their waiting areas to promote abortion. This mandate destroys the pro-life mission of these centers to promote life.

Can the government force Alcoholics Anonymous to post a sign promoting the sale of liquor to its adherents? Can the government force the American Cancer Society to promote cigarettes? If this law had prevailed, then the answer to these questions would have been “yes.” 

The law was struck down in 2018 by the United States Supreme Court in the landmark case of NIFLA v. Becerra. The court declared that the law violated the free speech rights of pro-life centers. In doing so, the court handed Becerra, Harris, and allies a humiliating defeat.

If confirmed, Becerra has a national platform to attack pro-life centers. As secretary of HHS, he will be uniquely positioned to pass regulations that impact operations of such centers—particularly those that are licensed medical clinics.

Becerra is joined in the new administration by Harris, who partnered with him to destroy the work of these life-affirming agencies. What mischief can we expect to see from these two in their new positions of power? This should be concerning to all who care about providing abortion alternatives to mothers.

Biden came into office using hollow words about “unity.” His actions so far indicate that such talk is empty. When it comes to unity, millions of workers, medical professionals, and volunteers at pro-life pregnancy centers are left out in the cold. So are millions of Americans who care about the life issue.

Editor’s note: Becerra’s title has been corrected.

The Daily Signal publishes a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Heritage Foundation.

Have an opinion about this article? To sound off, please email and we will consider publishing your remarks in our regular “We Hear You” feature.

NAZI-STYLE National Gun Registry to Be Introduced in Congress Next Month AT THE PROMPTING OF CORRUPT BIDEN


Gun Control in the Third Reich: Disarming the Jews and "Enemies of the State" by [Stephen P. Halbrook]

Joe Biden is already instructing Congress to erode gun rights and prevent Americans from defending themselves. This time, even pistol ownership is included in the upcoming infringements, so they are going for total disarmament. Unsurprisingly, Biden's plan is identical to the wish list of his supposed Vice President, Kamala Harris. Get reliable notification options and further information at Sarah's home site:



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Idaho – -( It’s open season on gun owners in America!

As we learned from his press release last weekend, Joe Biden is 100% committed to banning the possession of the AR-15 and hundreds of similar rifles in America, as well as the magazines that are needed to run them.

But he’s also determined to create a list of every single gun owner in America, using ‘Universal Background Checks’ as the foil to get it done.

In fact, multiple sources are telling the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance that Nancy Pelosi and Congressional Democrats will be rolling out their ‘Universal Background Check’ legislation in the next few weeks!

What’s more, we’re being told that the legislation that will be unveiled will be a mirror image of H.R. 8, that gun registration bill that passed Congress in 2019. That’s especially dangerous, because almost a DOZEN Republicans supported that bill!

We can’t sit back and wait until this bill is filed to start taking action; gun owners need to be FLOODING Senators Crapo and Risch (along with your Congressman) with calls and emails against this legislation NOW!

Nancy Pelosi and her allies are counting on gun owners like you and me to sit this one out, to believe the lie that ‘most gun owners support this legislation.’

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is, I don’t know a single gun owner in Idaho who is ok with the idea of giving Joe Biden and his Department of Justice a list of every gun owner in America — and that’s exactly what this bill would do!

There is only one reason why Joe Biden and the radical left could want this data, and we all know what that is, they intend to use it down the road to confiscate our guns!

There was a time when people would scoff at that, claim that we were creating a crisis to get people riled up. But those days are gone. Beto O’Rourke was the first one to say it publicly, but these America-hating socialists have ALWAYS planned to confiscate our guns.

But they can’t confiscate what they can’t find. They know that, and that’s why passing this national gun registry is their top priority!

Understand that if you don’t fall for the first trap (that every gun owner supports this legislation already) than Pelosi and her allies in the FAKE NEWS media are going to try another.

“You have to support ‘Universal Background Checks,’” they’ll say, “it’s the only way we can prevent violent criminals from accessing firearms.”

Don’t fall for this, it’s a complete lie! Background checks simply don’t stop criminals! Don’t take our word for it, look it up for yourself!

  • The Parkland, Fl killer passed a background check and then killed 17 people in 2018;
  • The Sutherland Springs, TX killer passed a background check and then killed 26 people in 2017;
  • The Las Vegas, NV killer passed a background check and then killed 60 people in 2017;
  • The Orlando, Fl killer passed a background check and then killed 58 people in 2016;
  • The San Bernardino, CA killers passed a background check and then killed 14 people in 2015.

I could go on and on. The Charleston, SC church killer, both Fort Hood, TX killers, the Washington Navy Yard killer, the Oak Creek, WI church killer — every single one of these monsters passed a background check and then went on a murder spree!

But for gun owners who haven’t fallen for their earlier tricks, Biden and Pelosi are hoping that the ‘grandfather clause’ will lull you back into comfortable complacency.

You see, this legislation will apply to all future sales. It does not apply to the guns you currently own. What’s more, there’s a carve-out for transfers between immediate family members.

But this language is a trap. You see, Joe Biden and the radical left are playing the long game. They know there is no way to just swoop in and register every gun in America. But if they can’t register yours, they are more than happy to register the next generation’s guns.

And, in reality, those carve-outs would disappear too, the minute there is another mass shooter after the implementation of this law. Either way, the grandfather clause is a clear trap.

We must stand up and hold the line! For ourselves, for our kids, for America! So send your email to Congress today!

The time for hoping for the best is over. Our enemies are very publicly saying that they are here to register our guns and disarm as many of us as they can, so they can turn our beloved country into a socialist disaster.

The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is already preparing radio and TV ads, in anticipation of the floor action that will be coming very soon.

Either way, send your emails immediately, that’s critical.

For Idaho,

Greg Pruett
Idaho Second Amendment Alliance

P. S. Insiders are reporting that Joe Biden will have his Congressional allies introduce a national ‘Universal Background Check’ bill in as little as two weeks!

This legislation won’t stop a single criminal but will give the radical left what they have always dreamed of, a list of every gun and gun owner in America!

About Idaho Second Amendment Alliance:

Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms through an aggressive grassroots program designed to mobilize public opposition to the anti-gun legislation.

Our website can be located at Second Amendment Alliance




An Update from Erin Coates – Wife of Jailed Canadian Pastor

Today on The Sword and The Trowel, Tom Ascol and Jared Longshore talk with Erin Coates, wife of arrested Canadian pastor James Coates. They discuss the latest update on James' situation, specific ways to pray for the Coates family and Grace Life Church, and issue a challenge for other Christians to be strong and courageous. Grace Life Church: James Coates Sermon | Directing Government to its Duty: Become a part of the F.A.M. | The Institute of Public Theology: Strong and Courageous: Following Jesus Amid the Rise of America's New Religion | Watch #WieldTheSword | The Sword & The Trowel: Follow Founders Ministries: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

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