Calif: Huntington Beach Defies Gov. Newsom, Unanimously Votes To Become ‘Non-Sanctuary City’

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA - MARCH 28: An aerial view of Huntington Beach and its shuttered pier amid the coronavirus pandemic on March 28, 2020 in Huntington Beach, California. The city of Huntington Beach has closed its pier and parking lots along the beach in efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19 although the beach itself remains open. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
An aerial view of Huntington Beach and its shuttered pier amid the coronavirus pandemic on March 28, 2020 in Huntington Beach, California. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

OAN Staff Blake Wolf
4:11 PM – Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Huntington Beach, California, city council members unanimously voted to become a “non-sanctuary” city, defying Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom’s anticipated plans for the state during President Donald Trump’s second term.

“As the City Council Members commented, the intent of this Resolution is to deliberately sidestep the Governor’s efforts to subvert the good work of federal immigration authorities and to announce the City’s cooperation with the federal government, the Trump Administration, and Border Czar Tom Homan’s work,” the lawmakers wrote.

“This new City policy and Declaration is common sense, supports our law enforcement, and advances public safety throughout the City. What the Governor is doing does not. Neither the Governor nor the State Legislature with the passage of laws, may interfere with the City’s voluntary cooperation with federal authorities, nor cause or compel the City to violate federal laws such as Title 8 Section 1324 for the harboring of illegal immigrants,” the statement continued.

Newsom (D-Calif.) has openly vowed to “Trump-proof” the Golden State by proposing a legal defense fund of up to $50 million, paid for by California taxpayers for the state’s Department of Justice — “fighting back” against Trump’s policies on “climate change, immigration, and abortion.”

Meanwhile, social media users have argued that since Trump has already promised he would leave the abortion decision up to the states, and it is extremely unlikely that California will ever turn into a majority conservative state, the inclusion of abortion in the “anti-Trump” legal defense plan is unclear and doesn’t add up. Many Californians have also questioned whether this is a money grab ploy.

“This funding agreement cements California’s readiness to serve as a bulwark against Trump’s extremist agenda,” stated Senate Budget Chair Scott Weiner.

Huntington Beach Mayor Pat Burns introduced the resolution to “deliberately sidestep the Governor’s efforts to subvert the good work of federal immigration authorities and to announce the city’s cooperation with the federal government, the Trump Administration and Border Czar Tom Homan’s work.”

“In California in particular, fighting crime is difficult enough with the relaxed criminal laws and lack of enforcement. The State should get out of the way of local law enforcement, stop handcuffing our police officers and California’s cities, and get back to the business of protecting innocent citizens. Emphatically, the State should not take a position of violating federal immigration laws or encouraging cities to violate federal immigration laws,” added Huntington Beach City Attorney Michael Gates.

The new “non-sanctuary city” legislation took effect immediately.

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Why California Officials Shouldn’t Get a DIME of Wildfire Aid Without MAJOR Conditions

House Speaker Mike Johnson has caused some controversy by suggesting that any wildfire aid given to California MUST come with conditions. But should this be controversial … or common sense? Glenn reviews 3 reasons that the Californian government shouldn’t receive a dime from U.S. taxpayers without major restrictions. If the REAL “science deniers” like Governor Gavin Newsom can’t admit that their own policies helped fuel this disaster, Glenn argues that we can’t trust them with our money. California was warned days before the fires that conditions could cause a blaze. And there are fires in the state EVERY year. So why wasn’t California prepared?

California Mayor Says State’s One-Party Rule Is To Blame For Homeowners Losing Fire Coverage

As Angelenos reel from this apocalyptic nightmare, there are reports that thousands of Los Angeles homeowners have been dropped by their insurance companies, forcing them into the state's FAIR (Fair Access to Insurance Requirements) plan, basic coverage in high-risk areas. One America's Stella Escobedo spoke to Bill Wells, the mayor of El Cajon, who blames the state's one-party rule for the problem.

Glenn Beck: LA Mayor’s Ties to VIOLENT RADICALS Exposed After California Fires

Many liberal Californians, including Hollywood elites, are turning on Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass after she stayed in Ghana instead of immediately heading home once wildfires destroyed the Palisades. But should the people of Los Angeles be surprised? Glenn reviews Mayor Bass’ radical history, as laid out in a short documentary by Errol Weber. She visited Cuba multiple times during the reign of Fidel Castro as part of the Venceremos Brigade, a Marxist training program that taught insurgency and guerilla warfare. She praised Castro, even after he died. Her government has defunded firefighters to fund NGOs. "Once again," Glenn says, "who you vote for matters."

The BIGGEST LESSON From the California Wildfires

The California wildfires that have ripped through the Palisades and other parts of the Los Angeles area have been unbelievably devastating. Many have lost their homes, including famous celebrities. But was this tragedy avoidable? While Glenn doesn’t want to make this about politics, he says we must note that “California has been playing with fire, literally, for a long time.” The state has neglected its forests for decades thanks to bureaucracy, politics, and “eggheads” from the cities. Glenn also explains how the region’s water infrastructure has also been neglected, which has led to fire hydrants running dry. Finally, Glenn addresses what is likely the biggest lesson for California: “How you vote matters.”

Hamas Loyalist Professor: Rabab Abdulhadi at San Francisco State University

“No innocent bystanders here. Demand Immediate accountability for #IsraeliCrimes.”

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

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Editor’s note: American campuses are awash in a crisis of Jew hatred. Ineffectual college administrators have taken tentative steps to try and rein in the proponents of terror on their campuses, but they have yet to confront the most obvious source of this poisonous Jew hatred—their own radical faculty who have not only called for an end to Israel but have outright celebrated the barbaric bloodshed of the terror group Hamas.

The Freedom Center is exposing these radical, pro-terror faculty as the Top Ten Hamas Loyalist Professors. We will be publishing one school per day as a series on Frontpage. Rabab Abdulhadi, a professor of ethnic studies at San Francisco State University, is #1 on our list.

#1: Rabab Abdulhadi, San Francisco State University

Amongst the litany of Jew-hating faculty currently teaching at American universities, one name rises above all the rest—that of San Francisco State University professor of Ethnic Studies Rabab Abdulhadi, who is also the founding director of SFSU’s Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative (AMED), an academic program which flouts its anti-Semitism by openly declaring Zionism to be racist and Israel to be the occupier of Palestine. AMED is known for sponsoring events that feature posters reading, “My Heroes Have Always Killed Colonizers,” referring to Israel’s Jews.

In October 7th 2023, following Hamas’s massacre, mutilation, and rape of over 1200 innocent Israelis, and the taking of hundreds more as hostages, Professor Abdulhadi quote-tweeted Rep. Ilhan Omar—who has her own long record of anti-Semitism—not to agree with the Congresswoman’s remarks but to chastise her for condemning Hamas’s actions. “Seriously @IlhanMN? ‘Senseless’ #PalestineUnderAttack are merely defending themselves. Are you saying that #Palestinians should be exceptionalized from the right to defend themselves against colonial & racist violence? Check your facts! #FreePalestine #IsraeliCrimes” Abdulhadi tweeted. Apparently one of the House of Representatives leading anti-Semites isn’t extreme enough for the SFSU professor.

Also on October 7th, Abdulhadi tweeted, “It’s worth remembering how vicious colonists act when the colonized dare #breakTheirChains from #Palestine, #Algeria #Vietnam … to #TurtleIsland. No innocent bystanders here. Demand immediate accountability for #IsraeliCrimes. #BDS.”  Abdulhadi’s clear support for Hamas and their paratroopers of terror is undeniable, as is her belief that none of the 1200-plus victims of Hamas’s barbaric violence—including children and babies who were beheaded and burned alive—can be seen as “innocent bystanders.”

Professor Abdulhadi’s comments promoting Hamas and their regime of terror should not come as a surprise to anyone who has followed her academic career over the past two decades. Abdulhadi has repeatedly glorified anti-Israel terrorism in public talks.

letter sent by a coalition of concerned Jewish groups to SFSU President Leslie Wong in 2014 describes in chilling detail how an Ethnic Studies Department event organized by Abdulhadi featured “wild inaccuracies, monstrous distortions, and blatant lies — all intended to demonize and delegitimize the Jewish state and promote a boycott that would hasten its demise.”

Professor Abdulhadi’s husband, Jaime Veve, a union activist, also spoke at the 2014 event she organized to exalt anti-Semitic terrorists and murderers.  The letter to President Wong describes how Veve “insisted that Palestinians who had injured or murdered Jews were not terrorists but rather ‘heroes or heroines’ who had ‘committed political acts of defiance and resistance,’ and he justified Palestinian terrorism by calling it ‘the cry of a baby calling for the attention of the world.’”

During her tenure at SFSU, Abdulhadi has sought to build relationships with anti-Israel terrorists. While attending a university-sponsored trip to Israel in 2014, she met with anti-Israel terrorists Leila Khaled and Sheikh Raed Salah. Abdulhadi has praised Khaled, a notorious airplane hijacker, as “an icon of the liberation movements and…an icon of women’s liberation.” Salah served a prison sentence in Israel for aiding the terrorist group Hamas. He has also been charged with incitement to violence for giving a public speech in which he accused Jews of using the blood of Palestinian children to bake their bread.  Despite this, Abdulhadi has insisted that he does not have terrorist ties.

In September 2020, Abdulhadi and AMED held an event featuring Khaled. Abdulhadi had planned to stream the event on Zoom, but the platform canceled its coverage, citing Khaled’s terrorist record.

Abdulhadi also attempted to open a formal collaboration between SFSU and An-Najah National University in Nablus, Palestine. An-Najah University has been described by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as “known for its advocacy of anti-Israel violence and its recruitment of Palestinian college students into terrorist groups.”

The notorious professor has not hesitated to use her privileged position as a professor at SFSU to promote her anti-Israel agenda. Abdulhadi is a founding member of the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI), which also supports the wider Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against Israel, an anti-Semitic, Hamas-funded campaign to isolate and weaken the Jewish state. She frequently promotes BDS at university-sponsored events and forums.

In March 2019, she shared a live video and statement on the official Facebook page for the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Initiative (AMED). The statement demonized Israel and invoked anti-Semitic conspiracy tropes by accusing the SFSU administration of “collaborat[ing] with Zionist designs to silence us… staff, faculty and community who view Israel (as I do) as a colonial, racist and occupying power…” and labeled the administration’s conduct as “the weaponization of free speech in the service of Nazis, Zionists and other white supremacists…” In July 2019, she shared an image of a large banner exhorting “Zionism = Racism, Silence = Death, Palestine is a Queer Issue – Boycott! Divest! Sanctions!”

Abdulhadi has repeatedly propagated anti-Semitic tropes, accusing Jews of conspiring to orchestrate world affairs and of possessing dual loyalties—a slur implying that Jews have more loyalty to Israel than to America or other nations. In September 2020, the professor said on Facebook: “I think we need to go to [then U.S. vice presidential candidate] Kamala Harris and tell her: ‘…It’s not okay that some of our representatives have dual Israeli-U.S. passports. That’s not okay! That’s not okay!…”

In a February 2019 interview with Arab Talk, Abdulhadi denigrated pro-Israel groups in America, saying [00:07:09]: “These groups are bullies…they push around in Congress and they bribe them, and they give them money, they twist their arms and so on, they are used to basically silencing everybody and crushing everybody.”

While Abdulhadi uses the public resources of San Francisco State to promote her Jew hatred, she is notably less tolerant toward pro-Israel views. When SFSU President Leslie Wong was forced to clarify that he welcomes Zionists to the University, Abdulhadi responded by equating Zionists with the KKK: “I’m waiting for him to say, white supremacists are welcome, KKK is welcome, David Horowitz is welcome, Richard Spenser is welcome, neo-Nazis are welcome, homophobes are welcome, misogynists are welcome, why stop at Zionists? Welcome them all. I mean bring the…whole club. Bring everybody who is right wing and racist, bring them to campus, why only stop at Zionists.”

It is the same toxic ethos that is now spouted by rabid Jew-haters and Hamas supporters on campuses across the nation—and Professor Abdulhadi was one of its earliest adherents and promoters.

Abdulhadi has also dedicated herself to encouraging the next generation of Jew haters. For several years she served as faculty advisor to SFSU’s chapter of the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS), an SJP surrogate group. During her tenure as faculty advisor, organization president Mohammad G. Hammad was exposed as having written a number of threatening social media posts describing his wish to attack students, teachers and Israeli soldiers and to ally himself with anti-Israel terrorists, including the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Hammad’s posts included a photo of himself holding a large knife with the caption, “I seriously cannot get over how much I love this blade. It is the sharpest thing I own and cuts through everything like butter and just holding it makes me want to stab an Israeli soldier…” Hammad was investigated for terrorism by the FBI.

Despite her atrocious record, Abdulhadi is still being lauded as a leader in her field. In January 2023, the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) awarded its 2022 Jerome L. Bacharach Service Award to Abdulhadi—a dubious honor given MESA’s own record of anti-Semitism and extreme hostility toward Israel.

As one of the most extreme proponents of Hamas and other anti-Israel terrorist groups in academia, Professor Abdulhadi deserves to be first on the list of Hamas Loyalist Professors.

Previous Articles in the Series:

#2: Hamas Loyalist Professor: Hatem Bazian at the University of California-Berkeley.

#3: Hamas Loyalist Professor: Russell Rickford at Cornell University.

#4: Hamas Loyalist Professor: Huda Fakhreddine at the University of Pennsylvania.

#5: Hamas Loyalist Professor: Joseph Massad at Columbia University.

#6: Hamas Loyalist Professor: Samer Al-Alatout at UW-Madison.

#7: Hamas Loyalist Professor: Steven Thrasher at Northwestern University.

#8: Hamas Loyalist Professor: Noura Erakat at Rutgers University.

#9: Hamas Loyalist Professor: Jairo Fúnez-Flores at Texas Tech University.

#10: Hamas Loyalist Professor: Jeffrey McCully at Moraine Valley Community College.

Help Is NOT On The Way! Oakland, CA Woman Brutally Attacked ~ VIDEO

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

“Disappointment results from the removal of illusion” ~ Chogyam Trungpa.

Help is not on the way!

A “gang of youths” exited their vehicles and executed a coordinated, vicious attack on an innocent woman in Oakland, CA, last Friday evening.

The victim was savagely beaten.

Follow the silence:

Local media carefully avoids mentioning the ethnicity of attackers and victims. Yet, attackers yelled, “Die fat bitch,” but that was not reported on most “news” outlets.

No one witnessing the attack stepped in to assist the victim. No surprise there!

Bystanders who do try to help in these kinds of instances are promptly pilloried as “vigilantes” by our self-righteous media and then, without delay, victimized themselves by leftist politicians.

Look at the local hero Daniel Penny’s current plight in NYC!

A police investigator told this victim (while she was subsequently confined to her hospital bed) that her case is #15 in the queue and added, “… and this kind of violence is common in Oakland.”

I’m sure that was a great source of comfort!

This appears to be a “hate crime,” but it was carried out by members of a “protected class” against a white female, who apparently lacks membership in such a “protected class” but rather finds herself a hapless denizen of an “abandoned class.”

This is a logical consequence of “identity politics,” but of course, I’m a “racist” for even saying that!

There have been no arrests so far. When arrests are made, charges are promptly reduced to misdemeanors, so these violent but “protected” felons have little to fear from the CA judicial system, and they know it.

The victim did respond by biting one of her assailants in “through his calf,” as she was on the pavement being stomped. That single act seems to have cooled things down, maybe saving her life.

So much for all that “expert” advice to “never fight back” and just give the bad guys what they want, even when “what they want” is to beat you to death.

We’re on our own!

“… the ‘Right of Self-Defense’ is the foundation of both individual and national rights.

By contrast, for liberals, ‘grievance-based violence’ (which they promote and of which they approve) opens the door to the progressive tyranny they long for” ~ Dan Greenfield.


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As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit:

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John Farnam

SHOCKING: “Several boats a week” dropping off UNVETTED illegals on California beaches

The Biden-Harris administration claims that illegal immigration is down, but San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond joins Glenn to expose the reality in southern California. Between September 2023 and June 2024, Border Patrol dropped off 155,000 illegal immigrants in the county, he argues. But although this suspiciously stopped right before the election heated up, Desmond says that tons of illegals are still being shipped out of the city every day by bus to Arizona and every week by plane to Texas. And to make matters worse, “several boats a week” have been dropping off UNVETTED illegal immigrants into San Diego County for months. "We have no idea who these people are," he argues, "and thanks to California’s sanctuary state laws, local law enforcement can’t do anything about it."

Mask Mandates Return to California With Fines and Prison for Violations

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Mask Mandates Return to California With Fines and Prison for Violations

Mask mandates have been reinstated in California’s San Francisco Bay area and, depending upon the county, will include health care workers in medical settings, patients and visitors with fines and prison time for violations. Beginning on Nov. 1, 2024 and through the spring of next year, masks will be required in health care settings, including but not limited to, hospitals, dialysis centers, infusion centers and skilled nursing facilities. Santa Clara, Alameda, Napa, San Mateo and Contra Costa counties have issued the mask mandate.

While the mandate only applies to health care workers, Santa Clara and San Mateo counties will require visitors to wear masks, and Santa Clara will also require patients to wear masks. Santa Clara will exclude children under the age of two and those with certain medical conditions from the mask mandate.1

All other counties will require all people, including very young children and those with medical conditions, to wear masks. California’s initial mask mandate which extended until March 2024, was the third longest in the country.2

Health officials who ordered the mask mandates claim the mandates are intended to halt the spread of influenza, SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory viruses. Alameda County’s health order reads:

The fall and winter of 2023-2024 saw substantial waves of RSV, flu and COVID-19, and a similar pattern is expected this year.3

The order added that any violation of the order “constitutes an imminent threat and menace to public health, constitutes a public nuisance, and is punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both.”4

Other Counties Across America May Mandate Masking If CDC Issues Warnings

Currently, California counties are the only areas in the country to set mask mandates at this time. Other states, however, may follow suit should the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issue warnings that COVID cases are rising. In August 2024, counties in Massachusetts and Arizona issued mask mandates due to rising cases of the disease.5

According to the CDC:

Generally, masks can help act as a filter to reduce the number of germs you breathe in or out. Their effectiveness can vary against different viruses, for example, based on the size of the virus. When worn by a person with a virus, masks can reduce the chances they spread it to others.6

Critics of mask mandates argue that mask wearers may be more likely to infect themselves with the SARS-CoV-2 virus by transferring infectious material from their hands to their face when adjusting their mask.7

A 2023 study by the independent non-profit organization Cochrane, which reviewed 78 studies, concluded that there was “little to no” evidence that SARS-CoV-2 infections were reduced by masking at the population level and that there was “uncertainty about the effects of face masks.”8

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Click here to view References:

1 Pandolfo, C. Mask mandates return for health care facilities in deep blue states. Fox News, Oct. 13, 2024.
2 Schrupp K. Limited healthcare mask mandates return to California’s Bay Area. Washington Examiner, Oct. 12, 2024.
3 Philips J. Mask mandates set to return in several California areas. Signal Oct. 15, 2024.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
6 Higham A. Mask Mandate Map Shows Where They Are Coming Back. Newsweek, Oct. 15, 2024.
7 Anderson JH. Masks Still Don’t Work. City Journal, August . 8, 2022 p.m.
8 Tayag, Y. A New Turn in the Fight Over Masks. The Atlantic, Feb. 13, 2023.

LAPD Seizes Over $4M Worth Of Fentanyl And Heroin, Enough Fentanyl To Kill Every L.A. County Resident

Glassine pouches of confirmed fentanyl are displayed at the Drug Enforcement Administration Northeast Regional Laboratory October 8, 2019 in New York. According to US government data, about 32,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses in 2018. That accounts for 46 percent of all fatal overdoses. Fentanyl, a powerful painkiller approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for a range of conditions, has been central to the American opioid crisis which began in the late 1990s. (Photo by Don EMMERT / AFP) (Photo by DON EMMERT/AFP via Getty Images)
Glassine pouches of confirmed fentanyl are displayed at the Drug Enforcement Administration's Northeast Regional Laboratory October (Photo by DON EMMERT/AFP via Getty Images)

OAN Staff Blake Wolf
12:21 PM – Monday, October 21, 2024

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

The Los Angeles Police Department seized over 50 pounds of fentanyl, as well as nine pounds of black tar heroin and $14,500 in south Los Angeles this week, equating to over 4 million dollars in worth, the police announced.

The drug bust took place on October 16th, involving the LAPD’s Narcotics and Gang Impact Team.

A 28-year-old man named Jose Alberto Soto was arrested on suspicion of selling fentanyl, which led officers to obtain a search warrant, where they discovered the massive amount of fentanyl he was hiding.

Following the seizure, the LAPD released a statement recounting the events.

“the Los Angeles Police Department’s Central Area Narcotics Enforcement Detail 9NED), assisted by Rampart Area Narcotics Enforcement Detail and the Central Area Gang Impact Team (GIT), conducted an undercover narcotics investigation near Downtown Los Angeles which resulted in the arrest of one Los Angeles resident for Sales of Fentanyl,” the statement began.

The search warrant prompted officers to arrive at the 7500 block of Central Avenue in South Los Angeles, where they discovered massive amounts of fentanyl, in addition to heroin and cash. The confiscated drugs and cash was estimated to be $4 million in street value, according to the Drug Enforcement Agency.

Authorities highlighted that only 2 milligrams of fentanyl could be a potentially lethal dose, meaning the 50 pounds of seized fentanyl could kill over 11 million people, or nearly three times the population of Los Angeles.

“According to current Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) estimates for the Los Angeles Area, this seizure represents over $4,000,000 in street value. Assuming a 2mg lethal dose, this seized fentanyl could potentially kill over 11,000,000 people,” the statement continued.

According to jail records, Soto remains in custody without the opportunity for bail.

According to the Centers For Disease Control’s (CDC) national statistics, there were 107,543 deaths resulting from a drug overdose in 2023, with the “vast majority of those” deaths attributed to fentanyl specifically.

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Armed Man Arrested Outside Coachella Rally, Sheriff Believes Possible Third Trump Assassination Attempt

Republican presidential nominee, former U.S. President Donald Trump gestures as he walks offstage after speaking at a campaign rally on October 12, 2024 in Coachella, California. With 24 days to go until election day, former President Donald Trump is detouring from swing states to hold the rally in Democratic presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris' home state. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
Republican presidential nominee, former U.S. President Donald Trump gestures as he walks offstage after speaking at a campaign rally on October 12, 2024 in Coachella, California. With 24 days to go until Election Day, former President Donald Trump is detouring from swing states to hold a rally in Democratic presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris’ home state. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

OAN Staff Abril Elfi
2:20 PM – Sunday, October 13, 2024

SEE:; republished below in full, unedited, for informational, educational, & research purposes:

A man has been arrested outside of Donald Trump’s Coachella Valley rally in what sheriffs have described as a possible third assassination attempt against the former president.

On Saturday, local sheriffs arrested a suspect, identified as Vem Miller, who was caught about a mile from the rally venue with a fake entry pass to the rally. 

According to police, Miller was also carrying a loaded shotgun, handgun and high-capacity magazine.

“We probably stopped another assassination attempt,” Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said.

Miller was stopped by police about a half-mile from the rally entrance carrying homemade VIP passes. 

“They were different enough to cause the deputies alarm,” Bianco said, according to the Riverside Press-Enterprise.

Bianco has stated that Miller was allegedly planning to assassinate Trump and was a part of a right-wing anti-government group. 

Miller was booked for possessing a loaded firearm and a high-capacity magazine. He was released after posting a $5,000 bail.

This is a breaking story. Please check back for updates.

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US police release details on third Trump assassination attempt

Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco has released details on the third assassination attempt on former US president Donald Trump, saying it was not something they were taking “lightly”. “We had a very detailed plan in place on how we were going to keep not only the former president safe, but all of the participants … of the rally safe,” Mr Bianco said during a press conference. “We had a larger outside perimeter and then an inside perimeter that was completely controlled by us.”

Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco on Sunday revealed new details about the man who was arrested near former President Donald Trump's rally in Coachella over the weekend.

Who is Vem Miller? What we know about suspect arrested near Trump rally

A man who was arrested outside former President Donald Trump's rally in Coachella over the weekend had multiple firearms, boxes of ammunition, and passports with different names in his possession, Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco said. FOX 5 NY's Robert Moses has the details.