Imagine taking your perfectly healthy baby to the pediatrician for a “well-baby visit.” You allow the doctor to give your baby all the scheduled vaccines and, within an hour, your healthy baby is dead. Considering that your baby was administered 7-8 vaccines—one right after the other, you naturally assume the vaccines may have had something to do with your child’s death. The medical staff, however, assures you that the death could not possibly have been caused by the vaccines because they had observed the baby for 20 minutes post-vaccination and there were no apparent problems. Besides, they say, other babies have been given the same vaccines and they did fine.
This story, along with the questionable medical logic, has been repeated many times in the United States and around the world for decades. Most often, they are not publicized, and so the general public assumes such cases are rare. But they’re not that rare, particularly in India, where the pentavalent (5 vaccines in one shot) vaccine is given to infants, along with several other vaccines during the first year of life.
The vaccines infants in India routinely receive include the BCG (Bacillus Calmette–Guérin) vaccine; IPV (injectable or “inactivated” polio vaccine); OPV (oral polio vaccine); PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine), and rotavirus vaccine (RVV). The pentavalent vaccine contains one dose each of diphtheria vaccine, pertussis vaccine, tetanus vaccine, hepatitis B (HepB) vaccine, and Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) vaccine.1 2
Just last week, The Times of India published an article about a 45-day-old baby girl in Rajanna Sircilla, India who was administered the pentavalent, HepB, and IPV shots. Since the HepB vaccine is already in the pentavalent vaccine, the reporter likely meant either the OPV, PCV, or RVV—or a total of seven vaccines. The parents of the child took her to a primary health center to receive the required vaccinations on Feb. 5, 2025.3 According to the article:
After receiving the shots, the parents stayed at the hospital for 30 minutes before returning home. About 30 minutes later, they noticed the baby was unresponsive and rushed her to a private hospital, where she was declared dead.3
The family of the child protested and alleged negligence on the part of the hospital staff as the cause of death. The staff said that they had observed the baby for 20 minutes after she was vaccinated and she appeared fine, and that another baby was vaccinated at about the same time and responded well to the shots. The local medical officer confirmed that the baby’s death was not caused by any complications related to the vaccines but rather by milk aspiration—”a condition where milk enters the lungs instead of the stomach.”3
Deaths of Babies Soon After Vaccination Usually Attributed to Something Else
Death by aspiration following the death of a baby shortly after a series of vaccinations seems to be a common refrain in India. In the case of one-month-old Aradhika Tripath, who died within two hours of being given seven vaccines, including pentavalent, Indian health officials alleged the child may have died from inhaling food or liquid into the trachea and lungs and accused the family of negligence when feeding her.4
In another case reported by The Times of India last September, a six-week-old infant in Chhattisgarh, India died after developing breathing difficulties soon after the baby was administered nine vaccines, including the pentavalent, IPV, OPV, PCV, and RVV shots. The article noted it was the third case of a baby dying in Chhattisgarh shortly after receiving the vaccinations that week.5
Vaccine Reaction has reported on at least a dozen cases of babies in India dying within hours after getting the pentavalent and other vaccines at the same time. Obviously, this is not remotely close to a complete list of such cases in this country where infants die shortly after receiving multiple vaccines. What is interesting is that in none of these cases were the deaths of the children attributed to the vaccinations just given, and there always seems to be a perfunctory rationale for dismissing a possible connection.
Consider the case of a five-month-old baby boy who died on Feb. 12-13, 2020 within hours of receiving the pentavalent vaccine. The medical officer who read a copy of the child’s post-mortem attributed the death to respiratory distress.4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 The rationale? The medical officer stated:
The same batch of vaccines were given to several hundred children. In the same [public health center], the nurse has given the vaccine to eight other infants. There were no adverse reports.6
The same rationale was reportedly given following the four-and-a-half-month-old girl shortly after a pentavalent vaccination…
The health officers said that the other children who were vaccinated did not show any adverse symptoms.15
Even in cases where a baby in India died hours after receiving the pentavalent vaccine and many other babies given the same vaccine at the same health center developed a fever and became seriously ill, health officials have been reluctant to entertain the possibility of a link to the vaccinations. In 2019, two babies, aged six and eight weeks, died within 24 hours of getting the pentavalent vaccine at a primary health center in Hyderabad. Another 32 children who received the vaccine came down with fever and at least four of them developed “serious complications.” Health officials concluded the deaths and adverse reactions were caused by doctors having given the babies the analgesic opioid drug Tramadol by mistake. In other words, “medical error.”12
Perhaps the most common explanation for Indian babies dying hours after getting half a dozen or more vaccines at one time is, “It was a coincidence.”
While reports abound of many other infant deaths occurring after vaccination in India, health officials in that country continue to express doubt as to whether the deaths are truly attributable to vaccination. As one Indian health official noted:
Infant deaths after immunization are usually coincidental. These deaths have other co-factors linked to them, other than vaccination. … Such incidental deaths during vaccination are extremely unfortunate.15
Widespread Reluctance of Health Care Pros in India to Blame Vaccines for Any Sudden Death of a Healthy Child
There have been countless cases in India and around the world of babies and older children dying within hours or days of getting a vaccine or two. The reluctance of doctors and health officials to blame the shot in these cases has been consistent. This reluctance does not appear to be affected by the number of vaccines administered. In India, giving babies 7-8 vaccines, including the “5-in-1” pentavalent, is considered safe, despite reports of deaths soon after their administration.
You would think that, at some point, doctors and health officials would intuitively sense that an unknown number of babies and children cannot tolerate multiple vaccines administered simultaneously. But, for the most part, this does not appear to be happening.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) assures parents that “getting multiple vaccines at the same time has been shown to be safe” and that the “scientific data show that getting several vaccines at the same time does not cause any chronic health problems.” This belief is promoted by many doctors and other health care professionals.16
“Theoretically, there’s no maximum number of vaccines you can get at the same time if you’re willing to have sore arms. You can get four or five together,” said Sten Vermund, MD, PhD, a professor of public health, an infectious disease epidemiologist, and a pediatrician at the Yale School of Public Health in New Haven, Connecticut. “We have no reservations from a medical standpoint. There’s no upper limit to how many you can get at one time,” says Ana Weill, MD, MPH, a researcher and infectious disease specialist with University of Washington Medicine in Seattle.17
Then, of course, there’s my personal favorite from pediatrician Paul Offit, MD, a vaccine developer and patent holder at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia… ”
“A more practical way to determine the diversity of the immune response would be to estimate the number of vaccines to which a child could respond at one time… Infants have the “theoretical capacity to respond to about 10,000 vaccines at any one time.”18
With this kind of thinking, it’s no wonder that so many doctors and other health care professionals remain stuck in this “denial at all costs” mindset. After all, if the “experts” believe that giving children dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of vaccines at one time is safe, then giving just a few at a time must certainly be safe. Consequently, any death temporally associated with recently administered vaccines must unquestionably be caused by something else.
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