‘God has helped me’: Israeli woman describes living in war with Hamas

Liran Yael Siegal is using social media to share what it is like to live in Israel amid its war with Hamas militants. Siegal joins "NewsNation Live" to describe the latest from the ground, saying, "Yes, Gaza is still being bombed, but Gaza is still bombing us too." Despite this, Siegal says her faith in God has helped her achieve a sense of peace.

Israeli Couple Went Down Fighting, But Saved Their Babies’ Lives

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/10/israeli-couple-went-down-fighting-but-saved-their-babies-lives;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

A story getting widespread attention on social media, and on television, and not only in the United States, is that of the Berdichevsky family, who lived in Kfar Aza, the tiny kibbutz where many of the worst atrocities took place. When the Hamas murderers rode into the kibbutz on motorbikes early on the morning of October 7, the young couple, Itai and Hadar Berdichevsky, sprang into action. Hadar and Itai Berdichevsky, both 30 years old, were determined that whatever happened to them, they would fight to the last, no doubt realizing that they would soon be killed. They would make sure that their twin 10-month-old baby boys would survive. The parents’ heroism and sacrifice have even been presented on CBS News. More on this story can be found here: “Israeli twin babies found hidden and unharmed at the kibbutz where Hamas killed their parents,” by Li Cohen, CBS News, October 12, 2023:

An Israeli kibbutz just miles from the Gaza Strip was the scene of a massacre on Saturday [October 7] when Hamas terrorists attacked. Amid what officials described as a “haunting” scene, they also uncovered [sic] that twin babies less than a year old had miraculously survived — because their young parents hid them just before being murdered by the militants.

They knew that if they didn’t, their children would be killed. The mother, Hadar, having put the babies into their safe room, instead of remaining in her own shelter, emerged to fill their bottles. Her body was found in the kitchen, along with the bottles she had taken to refill. It is believed that she tried to fight, in the kitchen, before being shot to death. Meanwhile, like Hadar without a weapon, her husband Itai tried with his bare hands to fight off the killers. What damage he may have inflicted, and how long he lasted before being murdered, is not known. Here is what Hadar’s brother, Dvir Rosenfeld, told 60 Minutes: “Israeli couple who were killed protecting their twin babies from Hamas gunmen ‘were heroes,’ family says,” by Norah O’Donnell, Alicia Hastey, Adam Verdugo, Justine Redman, and Carrie Rabin, CBS News, October 13, 2023:

Rosenfeld believes she [Hadar] was likely killed when she left her own shelter.

“I know for sure that is what happened,” Rosenfeld said. “She went out to bring the bottles because they [the IDF soldiers who first came on the scene] said that there were bottles on the floor. And when she did, they just got into her apartment.”

At that point, Hadar might have raced back to her safe room, but that would have led the Hamas murderers to seek her out, and then they would likely have found, as well, where the babies had been hidden, and murdered all of them. She chose instead to save the twins by remaining outside their safe room and battling furiously against the invaders. 

Hadar’s body was found in the kitchen. Her husband, Itay Berdichevsky, was found between the beds of their 10-month-old babies, who survived.

I know that Itay died trying to protect them,” Rosenfeld said. “And I can’t imagine what he has been through knowing his wife just got murdered, and his two sons are next to him, and he’s the only thing between the terrorists and the babies.”

The babies were at this point in their shelter, not in their beds. Their father was still fighting off, as best he could, the Hamas men in the house, knowing that his wife was already dead, and hoping to distract the Hamas terrorists from finding the babies. And he did. And he died.

For fourteen hours they [the twin baby boys] were alone, hungry, drenched in their own sweat and urine, crying uncontrollably, until finally found by the emergency rescue services..

The mass killing occurred at the Kfar Aza kibbutz, a community just a few miles from the Gaza border. Israeli officials previously said that when Israeli Defense Forces arrived at the kibbutz, they found “blood spread out in homes.”…

Imagine the horror,” Segev tweeted. “Two terrified parents who tried with all their might to protect their children, who are now orphans.”

It’s a haunting scene: the young parents fighting desperately, unarmed, against killers, and trying to distract them from finding where their babies had been hidden. May that haunt many people in the Western world, and stiffen their resolve to support Israel unreservedly, when they are being deluged with sickening claims that Israel is to blame, Israel is a “settler colonial” and “apartheid” state, and even, among those completely demented by antisemitism, that Israel is “no better than Hamas.”

Nearly Half of Democrat Men Already Think Israel Has Gone Too Far

Henry Kissinger’s Volte-Face: He Now Warns of Muslim Migrant Danger

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/10/henry-kissingers-volte-face-he-now-warns-of-muslim-migrant-danger;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The scales have fallen from the eyes of Henry Kissinger. He was a signatory in 2015 to a letter that urged Congress to pass legislation allowing more Muslims from Syria and Iraq — claiming to be refugees — to be admitted to the United States. Now he looks at Europe, where millions of Muslims have been allowed to settle, where they batten on the benefits provided by those generous welfare states, and sees how they have spread the virus of antisemitism that they brought with them when they arrived. Kissinger was shaken by the murderous antisemitism that was on display this week in the pro-Hamas demonstrations that Muslims and their willing collaborators took part in in many European cities. More on Kissinger’s new understanding of the Muslim threat can be found here: “Europe Let in Too Many Foreigners, Says Henry Kissinger in Wake of Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Across Continent,” by Oliver JJ Lane, Breitbart, October 13, 2023:

Pro-Hamas demonstrations show European nations, including Germany, made a “grave mistake,” and the continent should be concerned about future hostage-taking raids against its own people if the idea [sic] isn’t defeated quickly, Henry Kissinger warns.

“Europe is subject to internal pressure by groups of people “of totally different culture and religion” because of the “grave mistake” of admitting too many foreigners, Henry Kissinger said of the phenomenon of demonstrations across Europe in support of Hamas terrorists this week.

Kissinger spoke of groups of people now in Europe “of totally different culture and religion.” He didn’t use the word “Muslim,” but it is obvious whom he was speaking about, and now he admits that it was a “grave mistake” to admit so many of them; there are now tens of millions of Muslims spread across Europe. Their violent demonstrations in support of Hamas terrorists have put on full display the moral abyss between Muslims and Europeans, It’s not only antisemitism that Kissinger worries about, but the anti-Infidel worldview that already has made life so difficult for the indigenous non-Muslims in Europe, now forced to share their towns and cities with those — Muslim migrants — who hate and despise them almost as much as they do Jews.

Speaking to Politico in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on Saturday, longtime kingpin of the globalist movement Henry Kissinger walked back his previous position on the importance of keeping Western nations open to refugee flows and said the events of recent days showed nations had gone too far. He told the publication observing celebrations in German cities in support of Hamas is “painful” to watch.

Kissinger said: “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that.”.[i.e., promotes Islam]

Europe should give “unconditional political support for Israeli action” now the terrorist attack has happened, Kissinger continued, and not least because in his view European states have a vested interest in making sure no precedent is set for raids and mass taking of hostages from Western nations is set. He concluded: “Israel must vindicate its sovereignty in that area, and that it cannot permit Gaza to return to a state where it could emerge, take thousands or a large number hostage, kill thousands, and then live in that condition side-by-side with Israel.

I would say every European nation has the same interest because the same attitude might erupt in the direction of Europe.”

Kissinger has finally realized that the war against Israel is not one over borders, but rather, over the very existence of the Jewish state. And he now grasps that the same jihadist impulse can be found, though it has not yet reached Hamas-like violence and depravity, among the Muslim populations in Europe. As Kissinger says, Israel has to “vindicate [make absolutely clear] its sovereignty” and to ensure that Hamas is crushed, so that in Gaza there will be no possibility of returning to the status quo ante bellum. Israel in Gaza is battling the same Jihadist annihilationist threat that the rest of the West will face in the future from its own population of Muslim migrants; Western solidarity with Israel in its war should now be firmly expressed.

While hostage-taking raids on Europe may seem far-fetched, they are not without ample historical precedent and match other warnings about the very high-consequence risk of the tactic coming to Europe’s shores.

Kissinger’s comments on the “grave mistake” and danger presented by mass migration creating alien power structures within Western nations are a considerable shift from his previous positions, which he long acknowledged were influenced by his own experience as a refugee from Nazi Germany going to America in the 1930s….

As a refugee from the Nazis, Kissinger was reflexively favorable to all those wanting to be admitted to the U.S. as refugees or, rather, all those who claimed to be refugees. This was a colossal error on his part, based on his ignorance of Islam and his dreamy belief that all refugees were essentially equal in their ability, and willingness, to assimilate. He did not distinguish between a Muslim coming from Syria or Iraq and a Christian coming from Mexico or the Philippines. It has taken him many decades to grasp the nature of Islam, and the threat posed by Muslims.

Kissinger in 2015 urged Congress to take in more Muslim migrants because, in his tortured logic, that would show that the United States had nothing against Muslims and, so he dreamily believed, this would lessen the appeal of ISIS. But ISIS’s appeal was unaffected by how Infidels treated Muslims. ISIS didn’t care if Infidel states treated Muslims well or ill; its goal was to destroy all of them and to create a world where Islam everywhere dominates, and Muslims rule, everywhere. Kissinger wanted to admit Muslims into the U.S. so as to head off a  “war between Islam and the West.” He failed so singularly to understand that nothing the West can do will win permanent Muslim favor; if the West were to allow the Muslims to destroy Israel, that would merely whet, not sate, Muslim appetites for still more Islamic victories over Infidels. That war, or jihad, has been waged by Muslims against the world’s non-Muslims for the past 1400 years. When the Western world admits Muslims into its midst, that does not change the Muslim imperative to conquer, by demography or by war, the Infidel lands and peoples. Allowing more Muslim migrants into our countries simply swells the size of a dangerous fifth column.

Kissinger, who has always fancied himself a master of geopolitical realpolitik, was innocent about the texts and teachings of Islam, unaware that waging jihad is a permanent duty for all Muslims. Now he seems, at the age of 100, to recognize that he was wrong on the subject of Muslim migrants and that the Western world, too, was wrong, in admitting Muslims who for the most part do not wish to, and are unable to, integrate peacefully into the societies of Infidels who are, Muslims are taught, “the most vile of created beings.”

Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, on the matter of Muslim migrants, signals Henry Kissinger at long last. He has a lot to answer for, as do all those other cosseted soi-disant “brilliant thinkers” in their chanceries and think tanks and consultancies — the people belonging to the political elites of Europe who ignored Islamic history and theology, and admitted into their midst tens of millions of Muslims who may yet be the agents of the civilized Western world’s destruction.

Hamas-Linked CAIR Shows its Affinity with Hamas Terror on TV

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/10/hamas-linked-cair-shows-its-affinity-with-hamas-terror-on-tv;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

As you watch these video clips of local TV newscasts, notice how no spokesperson for the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) will condemn Hamas for the 10/7 atrocities. Although the TV station might do it for them, you will never hear CAIR representatives say that they condemn Hamas.

They show no interest in the hostages and blame everything on the “occupation” and Israel. Their solution to the conflict is to give the killers what they want.

There is no doubt that CAIR is the lobby for Hamas in this country.

CAIR is the American branch of Hamas.

New York imam: ‘We are with the Palestinian resistance 100%, no equivocations, no apologies, no condemnations’

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/10/new-york-imam-we-are-with-the-palestinian-resistance-100-no-equivocations-no-apologies-no-condemnations;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Hamas’ savagery doesn’t trouble him at all. After all, the unbelievers are just animals:

“Indeed, the worst of animals in Allah’s sight are the ungrateful who will not believe.” (Qur’an 8:55)

“Already we have created many of the jinn and mankind for Gehenna, having hearts with which they do not understand, and having eyes with which they do not see, and having ears with which they do not hear. They are like cattle, no, they are worse. These are neglectful.” (Qur’an 7:179)

Original video:

MEMRI video:

“American Imam Tom Facchine: We Support the Palestinian Resistance – No Ifs, No Ands, No Buts, No Apologies, No Condemnation – You Don’t Criticize the Table Manners of a Starving Man,” MEMRI, October 10, 2023:

A video of New York State Imam Tom Facchine was posted on the YouTube account of UTICA Masjid on October 10, 2023 in which he expressed his support for Palestinian “resistance.” He said: “We are with the Palestinian resistance 100%, no ifs no ands, no buts, no equivocations, no apologies, no condemnations.” Facchine said that “you don’t criticize the table manners of a starving person.” During the attack on southern Israel 1200 Israelis were murdered and more than 100 were kidnapped, most of whom were civilians including children and the elderly. According to reports, victims were raped, dismembered, and decapitated.

Wife of Palestinian president calls Israel terrorist regime~wait, that’s the wife of Scotland’s First Minister

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/10/wife-of-palestinian-president-calls-israel-terrorist-regime-wait-thats-the-wife-of-scotlands-first-minister;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes

Nadia El Nakla at Justice for Palestine Festival 2012 Dundee Scotland

The great thing about Muslim migrants moving to Europe is that it’s just like home.

Nadia El-Nakla

Nadia Maged El-Nakla (born 1984) is a Scottish psychotherapistpolitical activist and politician. She has served as a councillor on Dundee City Council since 2022, representing the west end of Dundee.[1] She is a member of the Scottish National Party (SNP). She is married to Humza Yousaffirst minister of Scotland and leader of the SNP.

Early life[edit]

El-Nakla was born in Dundee to a Palestinian father and Dundonian mother.[2][3][4] She gained a MSc in Counselling from Abertay University.[5]


El-Nakla is a qualified psychotherapist counsellor and has experience working with addiction, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, eating disorders, bereavement and suicidal ideation. She is a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.[5]

She worked as a case worker for Shona Robison, the member of the Scottish Parliament for the Dundee City East constituency.[6]

In the 2022 Scottish local elections, El-Nakla ran as an SNP candidate in the Dundee City Council's west end ward 3.[7] She was successful in her election bid and currently sits as a councillor, serving as the equalities spokesperson.[8][9]

Personal life[edit]

El-Nakla with her husband, Humza Yousaf, and her mother-in-law at the Court of Session, March 2023

El-Nakla was previously married to Fariad Umar, an IT expert, and they had one daughter together.[10] In November 2015, Umar discovered racist text messages sent to El-Nakla by Craig Melville, an SNP councillor, with whom she was having a sexual affair, after using software to recover messages sent to her phone. The couple eventually filed for divorce.[11]

In 2019, El-Nakla married Humza Yousaf, the current first minister of Scotland and leader of the SNP.[12] She later gave birth to her second daughter, the first of Yousaf's, and the family lived in Broughty Ferry, a suburb a few miles east of the city of Dundee.[13]

She has disclosed that she has had five miscarriages.[14]

In 2021, El-Nakla made a complaint of discrimination against a Dundee children's nursery that did not offer a place to her daughter.[15] The complaint was upheld by the Care Inspectorate who found that the nursery "did not promote fairness, equality and respect" in terms of its admission policy.[16] She later terminated the legal action.[17]

In October 2023 her parents, Maged and Elizabeth El-Nakla, became trapped in the Gaza Strip during the Israel–Hamas war after travelling to the area to visit a sick relative.[18]


Scotland’s First Minister Says They Are Ready To Welcome Gaza Refugees 

Scotland's First Minister Humza Yousaf reacts after delivering a speech on stage during the Scottish National Party (SNP) annual conference, in Aberdeen, on October 17, 2023. (Photo by ANDY BUCHANAN / AFP) (Photo by ANDY BUCHANAN/AFP via Getty Images)

OAN’s Abril Elfi 
5:57 PM – Wednesday, October 18, 2023

SEE: https://www.oann.com/newsroom/scotlands-first-minister-says-they-are-ready-to-welcome-gaza-refugees/;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf has announced that the country is welcoming refugees from Gaza amid the war between Israel and Hamas. 

Yusaf announced on Wednesday that Scotland is ready to offer asylum to the people of Gaza who have been displaced in the ongoing conflict.

He made the announcement on X (Twitter) emphasizing that they are willing to be a place of sanctuary for displaced victims. 

“The people of Gaza are a proud people. Many don’t want to leave, and shouldn’t have to. But for those displaced, who want to leave, there should be a worldwide refugee scheme. Scotland is willing to be a place of sanctuary and be the first country to take those refugees,” he said.

Yousaf also urged countries in the Middle East, Asia, Europe, the United Kingdom, and the U.S. to welcome Gaza refugees.

“Let’s say that Scotland will be a place of sanctuary for them as we have shown kindness and compassion for others. Let us show it once again and this time for the people of Gaza,” Yousaf said. “And Scotland is willing to be the first country in the U.K. to take those refugees.” 

In another video that Yousaf posted to X, he said that Scotland’s hospitals would care for people in Gaza who have been injured in the war. 

The first minister asserted that he is now calling on the U.K. government to “begin work on the creation of a refugee resettlement scheme for those in Gaza who want to, and of course are able to, leave.”

He also mentioned that some of his own relatives were stranded in Gaza while expressing his country’s willingness to welcome Palestinian refugees.

Yousaf went on to say that Israel has the right to defend itself, but that it is inflicting collective punishment in Gaza, which is illegal under international law. 

Several Democrat legislators have recently urged President Biden to push Israel into protecting innocent Gaza residents following a recent explosion in a Gaza hospital that killed hundreds.

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Germany: Supporters of Hamas jihad massacre paint Star of David on Jewish homes in Berlin

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/10/germany-supporters-of-hamas-jihad-massacre-paint-star-of-david-on-jewish-homes-in-berlin;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Germany has been here before. It didn’t end well. But this new resurgence of violent Jew hatred in the country is their own doing. Angela Merkel opened the doors to a flood of Muslim migrants. Now Germany is celebrating diversity.

“Star of David is graffitied on Jewish homes in Berlin after Hamas attacks on Israel – in chilling echo of anti-Semitic persecution of the Jews under the Nazis,” by Elena Salvoni, Daily Mail, October 15, 2023:

The Star of David has been graffitied on the doors of homes in Berlin, in a chilling echo of anti-Semitic persecution of Jewish people under the Nazis.

Pictures circulating online show the symbol was drawn on several buildings, with four cases reported to German police in recent days.

Jewish people living in the German capital have reported a rise in abuse following Hamas’s bloody attack on Israel last week.

Among those targeted by vandalism was a young Jewish woman, who said she was shocked when she returned to her apartment on Thursday evening to find a star marked on her door.

The woman, who has a mezuzah – a Jewish house blessing – outside her flat, said that the incident was a ‘huge shock’ and left her ‘scared’.

‘I speak Hebrew, talk on the phone in Hebrew, and wear a Star of David… I really thought about whether I should stay at home,’ the woman told Bild.

Police said they are now investigating ‘whether the other houses have a Jewish resident and whether the incidents are connected.’

The incidents amount to a crime under German law, and seem to be an imitation of the persecution of Jews during the 1930s.

During the Holocaust, Nazi brownshirts painted the Star of David in white on the doors of Jewish businesses to discourage non-Jewish Germans from going into them.

It comes as a German intelligence chief claimed that ‘some Palestinians are openly and blatantly calling for a kind of Kristallnacht 2.0,’ in reference to the Nazis’ violent coordinated attacks on Jewish homes and businesses in 1938….

Virginia: Pro-jihad school board member opposes honoring victims of Hamas jihad massacre

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/10/virginia-pro-jihad-school-board-member-opposes-honoring-victims-of-hamas-jihad-massacre;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Abrar Omeish represents her constituents in what has been dubbed “Northern Virginiastan.” Celebrate diversity!

“Pro-Palestinian school board member opposes honoring Hamas attack victims: ‘Ignores the root of the violence,'” by Gabriel Hays, Fox News, October 13, 2023:

A pro-Palestinian Fairfax County school board member scolded fellow board members Thursday for giving a statement and holding a moment of silence for the victims of Hamas’ recent deadly attack against Israel.

During the meeting, Abrar Omeish rebuked the board for their “sneak attack” of inserting a moment of silence for victims of Saturday’s surprise terrorist attack and Israel’s ensuing war against Hamas into the meeting’s agenda….

Airing her grievances with how the memorial was conducted, she said, “I wasn’t expecting what seemed to be a sneak attack after we had discussed making sure we represent all children in the ways that we speak and when we speak. So it’s disappointing that my colleagues would do that behind my back after conversations that I had with them in saying that the statement represents everybody’s views.”…

“Many are thinking about the incredible devastation and human suffering unfolding today in Israel and Palestine. And we mourn the loss of hundreds of innocent civilians killed and homes destroyed this week alone and the thousands over the decades,” Omeish said.

Omeish continued by declaring that seeing Israel’s retaliation against an aggressor as a black-and-white issue is insufficient, stating, “It might seem simple – aggressors attacking families in a state seeking vengeance – but we often sympathize with and humanize the side that we relate to and the side that looks more like us, or that our biases guide us towards.”

“But doing so ignores the root of the violence,” she said. Appearing to lessen the moral culpability of Hamas in its terrorism on Saturday, Omeish added, “Centuries of human history teach us that escalations happen when problems are ignored, realities are denied, and voices are censored. When one narrative dominates from the world stage all the way to our classrooms.”

She then uttered the social justice quote, “No justice, no peace,” and slammed Israel for building an apartheid state and murdering Palestinians….

NYC teacher cheers Hamas murders of Israelis, claims “to support ‘Israel’ is to support white supremacist terror”

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/10/nyc-teacher-cheers-hamas-murders-of-israelis-claims-to-support-israel-is-to-support-white-supremacist-terror;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Hamas jihadis paraglided into a music festival in Israel and massacred people wholesale there. Many women were kidnapped and taken away to become jihadi sex slaves in accordance with Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, and 70:30. Mohammad Jehad Ahmad, however, retails Leftist tropes about “racism” and “white supremacism,” and thereby manipulates low-intelligence Leftists into supporting this savage jihad. Meanwhile, he will no doubt go on his merry way indoctrinating his hapless students with these demonic lies, while if another teacher in a New York City public school began teaching about the justice of Israel’s cause, he or she would be reprimanded and likely fired.


Police State N.J. Lawmaker Attempts Closing Down Pro-Life Pregnancy Clinics

Rep. Gottheimer Discusses New Holocaust Education Bill
WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 27: Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) listens during a press conference on new legislation to support Holocaust education nationwide at the U.S. Capitol Building on January 27, 2023 in Washington, DC. A bipartisan group of House Members held the press conference to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day and share their stories about their Jewish family members or Jewish constituents in their district. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

OAN’s Abril Elfi 
4:10 PM – Sunday, October 15, 2023

SEE: https://www.oann.com/newsroom/n-j-lawmaker-attempts-closing-down-pro-life-pregnancy-clinics/;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Representative Josh Gottheimer has asserted that pro-life pregnancy centers are “brainwashing cult clinics” and he is now requesting to shut them all down. 

Gottheimer (D-N.J.) posted a press release alleging that pro-life organizations engage in misleading activities. He also claimed that they promote harmful medical information, fail to provide prenatal care, and seek to “brainwash” women. 

“Women go to these healthcare hoax clinics thinking they will get real medical help, but instead they are greeted by people with no medical background whose goal is to brainwash women with their own ideological agenda,” Gottheimer said. “We need to do everything we can to shut down these brainwashing cult clinics. We need to stop the fake programming they’re pushing.” 

Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center and the New Jersey Consortium of Pregnancy Centers have come out with a joint statement in response to the representative’s comments, expressing that they are “outraged by the inflammatory, false comments made against them.” 

Debbie Provencher, executive director of Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center in New Jersey, told reporters that they provide essential support for women and couples facing unexpected pregnancies. 

“For four decades, Lighthouse has provided free, confidential services in Northern New Jersey to women and couples facing unexpected pregnancies, and essential support to underserved parents caring for newborns,” Provencher said. “As I observed the press conference held by U.S. Rep. Gottheimer, it was evident that he was supplied with inaccurate and misleading information, we are saddened that the beautiful generosity and sacrificial service of Lighthouse supporters – constituents of the congressman’s district who donate time and money to assist parents they will never meet – were so mischaracterized.” 

The NJ Consortium of Pregnancy Centers also provides free consultations, medical confirmation of pregnancy, services by qualified medical experts, and parental preparation with assistance to women suffering unexpected pregnancies. 

Provencher maintained that she would “welcome” the chance to speak with Gottheimer in order to answer any questions or concerns he may have regarding the centers.  

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