Biden Regime Turns Up the Heat, Restricts Air Conditioning

Biden Regime Making Americans Sweat, Moves to Make Air Conditioning a Thing of the Past

Biden’s EPA orders slash in chemicals used in air-conditioning and ...

Air Conditioners Are Next for Green Energy Donkeys Targeting Your Appliances



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

This one’ll really make your blood boil: with either remarkable tone-deafness or a haughty contempt for the people it’s supposed to be serving, the Biden regime chose some of the hottest days of this summer (and if the climate propaganda is to be believed, some of the hottest days in human history) to announce plans to restrict the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are used in refrigerators and air conditioners. If the regime’s high-handedness and authoritarianism don’t already have you in a sweat, just wait.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced Tuesday that it was “issuing a final rule to implement a 40% reduction below historic levels from 2024 through 2028.” So if you’re keeping cool these days with your air conditioner set at a certain temperature, be prepared for our moral superiors to force you, on pain of who knows what, to turn it up significantly. And you won’t be sweating out just this summer alone: “The rule aligns with the bipartisan American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act’s goals to reduce the production and consumption of these climate-damaging chemicals by 85% by 2036 and help avoid up to 0.5 °C of global warming by 2100.”

Bipartisan? Well, that’s another indication of how the establishment Republican hacks in Washington have failed the American people. If anyone in 2100 remembers what the EPA did Tuesday, he or she will have abundant evidence at hand to prove that reducing the use of these “climate-damaging chemicals” by 85% didn’t do a thing to avoid up to 0.5 °C of global warming because the whole thing was a hysterical and manipulative myth. All that cutting the use of refrigerators and air conditioners is going to do is make food spoil more quickly (well, you can always enjoy a heaping helping of bugs) and make Americans hot, sweaty, and crabby. The EPA might as well say that reducing the use of hydrofluorocarbons by 85% by 2036 will help us avoid a significant influx of witches.

And this is only just the beginning. As you no doubt expect, the Biden regime has much more pain for us in store. Joe Goffman, Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator of EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation, announced happily: “This rulemaking is a critical next step in the Biden-Harris Administration’s ambitious plans to phase down climate super-pollutants and ensure the United States leads the way as countries around the world implement the Kigali Amendment.” The Kigali Amendment is an international agreement that obligates the signatory nations to work to reduce the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Goffman adds: “The U.S. HFC phasedown program, bolstered by domestic innovation to develop alternative chemicals and equipment, is paving the way for the United States to tackle climate change and strengthen global competitiveness.”

Climate change initiatives actually do nothing to “strengthen global competitiveness,” if what Goffman means by that phrase is the competitiveness of the United States worldwide. On the contrary, such pipe-dream efforts weaken and burden our economy and benefit China, which is, of course, not held to the same expectations regarding doing something about global warming.

Related: Americans Have Never Been Less Threatened by ‘Extreme Weather’

Biden’s handlers, however, continue to sell Americans a bill of goods about that, not only continuing to propagate and act upon the climate change myth but also to claim that we will all come out better if we just turn down the AC and reach for the handheld fan. Ali Zaidi, the Biden regime’s National Climate Advisor, was full of praise for Old Joe and his henchmen: “President Biden has brought together a broad coalition of American manufacturers to work on next-generation technologies across refrigeration, HVAC systems, and more — helping us cool without contributing more to global warming. With today’s final rule, this Administration is continuing to deliver win-wins for climate action and U.S. manufacturing competitiveness while ensuring that American workers reap the benefits of a growing global market for HFC alternatives.”

This kind of nonsense is designed to keep the damage at the ballot box to a minimum and keep overheated Americans who have been forbidden to turn on the air conditioning from expressing their frustration (if they can mark their ballots clearly amid all the sweat) by voting out the green hysterics. After a while, cool homes in July will be a dim memory, just as affordable homes for single-income families are now. Prosperous and comfortable America will retreat into the past, and Americans won’t have time to be nostalgic, as they’ll be too busy guarding their meager, stiflingly hot apartments from the thieves and robbers that Democrat politicians have released from prisons or never jailed in the first place. They’ll barely have time to pause for a quick lunch of grasshoppers and beetles.

Biden Confuses Ukraine with Russia, Iceland with Ireland

Biden's Gaffe Machine Is in High Gear at NATO Summit

Biden's Gaffe Machine Is in High Gear at NATO Summit



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

If it’s a day of the week that ends with a y, Old Joe Biden must be making a fool of himself somewhere, while the establishment media continues acting as the man who follows behind the circus elephant with a dustpan, telling us tall tales about the incisive, tough questions this barely coherent octogenarian shoots at staffers behind closed doors. The Real Joe, as opposed to the lucid, no-nonsense leader of media myth, was on abundant display at the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania: mixed-up, inarticulate, ill-tempered, and rude. An embarrassment for the United States on the world stage? Oh, that’s putting it politely.

Fox News reported Wednesday that Old Joe “referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as ‘Vladimir,’ seemingly confusing Zelenskyy with Russian President Vladimir Putin.” To be sure, “Volodymyr” is the Ukrainian form of “Vladimir,” so Biden wasn’t all that far off — just about as far as Moscow is from Kyiv.

As if that weren’t enough, Biden later mixed up Russia with Ukraine, saying: “Russia could end this war tomorrow by withdrawing its forces from Ukraine and recognizing its international borders and ceasing its attacks – its inhumane attacks – on Russia – I mean by Russia on Ukraine.” At least his confusion didn’t get as bad as it did last month, when he crowed that Putin was “clearly losing the war in Iraq.” Clearly, Joe!

That same day, Biden displayed the ugly streak that Axios tried to use to show that the putative president was not suffering from one of the classic indications of dementia, but was on top of his game and impatient with the lesser minds who just couldn’t keep up with his remarkable intellect. As Old Joe and Zelensky fielded questions, one reporter asked the Ukrainian president: “How soon after the war would you like to join NATO?” For no clear reason at all, this angered President Dementia, who snapped back peevishly: “An hour and 20 minutes.” Then he sneered at the reporter: “You guys ask really insightful questions.” Remember: the Alzheimer’s Society observes that “as a person’s dementia progresses, they may sometimes behave in ways that are physically or verbally aggressive.”

Thursday was no better, as Old Joe referred to the prime minister of Iceland, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, as a “daughter of Ireland.” This time, the senescent corruptocrat seemed to be aware that he had gotten something mixed up, as he continued: “Daughter of Ireland? You can tell that’s a Freudian slip, I’m thinking of home.” Home? No, not his taxpayer-funded walled beach house in Delaware, or even Scranton, Pennsylvania, but Ireland, despite the fact that, as the New York Post reminds us, Biden’s “best-known Irish ancestors immigrated to the US in the 1840s and ’50s.”

All right. So maybe Joe was talking about the home of his sainted ancestors, his true home, the land that claims his deepest allegiance since that land clearly isn’t America. Whatever the case may be, he continues to seize every conceivable opportunity to demonstrate his abject unfitness to be president of the United States, and so the question inevitably arises: why is he still there? Why haven’t the Democrats already opted to have Kamala Harris break Hillary Clinton’s heart yet again by becoming the first female president of the United States? The most frequent answers to that question are Kamala’s obvious unfitness (which we saw yet again as she tried to explain AI) and the thinness of the sinister authoritarians’ bench.

Related: King Charles Leads a Confused Joe Biden Around at UK Ceremony

And of course, it may also be that Old Joe’s incapacity is not a bug, but a feature. The people who are pulling Biden’s strings want someone in the Oval Office who won’t give them any guff when they tell him what he’s going to do and when he’s going to do it. Biden, who must in some part of his clouded mind be aware that his intellectual capacities, which were never impressive, to begin with, are ebbing away, is more likely to be grateful for the help than resentful for the interference. Barack Obama said it back in 2020: “I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front-man or front-woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating.”

Is that what’s happening now? If so, Obama should get more active with his earpiece, and steer Old Joe away from confusing Ukraine with Russia and Ireland with Iceland. If we’re going to have a figurehead, it would be nice at least to have a convincing one.


New Jersey: Muslim teen admits to targeting synagogue, said ‘It’s in the context of an attack on Jews’



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The Jews in the Qur’an are called the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); they claim that Allah’s power is limited (5:64); they love to listen to lies (5:41); they disobey Allah and never observe his commands (5:13). They are disputing and quarreling (2:247); hiding the truth and misleading people (3:78); staging rebellion against the prophets and rejecting their guidance (2:55); being hypocritical (2:14, 2:44); giving preference to their own interests over the teachings of Muhammad (2:87); wishing evil for people and trying to mislead them (2:109); feeling pain when others are happy or fortunate (3:120); being arrogant about their being Allah’s beloved people (5:18); devouring people’s wealth by subterfuge (4:161); slandering the true religion and being cursed by Allah (4:46); killing the prophets (2:61); being merciless and heartless (2:74); never keeping their promises or fulfilling their words (2:100); being unrestrained in committing sins (5:79); being cowardly (59:13-14); being miserly (4:53); being transformed into apes and pigs for breaking the Sabbath (2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166); and more. They are under Allah’s curse (9:30), and Muslims should wage war against them and subjugate them under Islamic hegemony (9:29).

“Middlesex County Man Admits Communicating Threats to Attack Synagogue,” Department of Justice, July 12, 2023:

TRENTON, N.J. – A Middlesex County, New Jersey, man today admitted transmitting via the internet a manifesto containing threats to attack a synagogue and Jewish people, U.S. Attorney Philip R. Sellinger announced today.

Omar Alkattoul, 19, of Sayreville, New Jersey, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Robert Kirsch in Trenton federal court to an information charging him with one count of transmitting a threat in interstate and foreign commerce on or about Nov. 1, 2022.

“This defendant admitted using social media to send a manifesto containing a threat to attack a synagogue based on his hatred of Jews. This prompted a state-wide alert and put the community on edge, ” U.S. Attorney Sellinger said. “Alkattoul will now face sentencing for his crime, and we intend to seek a sentence that will hold him accountable. No one should be targeted for violence or with acts of hate because of how they worship. Protecting our communities of faith and places of worship is at the heart of this office’s mission.”…

According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court:

On Nov. 1, 2022, Alkattoul used a social media application to send an individual a link to a document entitled “When Swords Collide” and admitted to this individual that he wrote the document. He admitted targeting a synagogue. He stated in the document: “It’s in the context of an attack on Jews.” According to a second individual, Alkattoul also sent the document to at least five other people using another social media application….

Florida: Muslim deported from Saudi Arabia for jihad activity aids ISIS, plots jihad massacre in Tampa Bay



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

“In 2018, Al-Azhari was released from prison in Saudi Arabia following a conviction and sentence for supporting terrorism in Syria, after which he was removed to the United States.”

“Removed to the United States.” The “Justice” Department doesn’t dare to say it straight out, but clearly, he was deported from Saudi Arabia, and we happily took him in, secure in the knowledge that only greasy Islamophobes think that convicted terrorists might try to wage jihad terror again.

“Judge Sentences Florida Man to 18 Years in Prison for Attempting to Provide Material Support to ISIS,” Department of Justice, July 13, 2023:

WASHINGTON – Muhammed Momtaz Al-Azhari, 26, of Tampa, Florida, was sentenced to 18 years in federal prison, followed by a lifetime of supervised release, for attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization.

According to court documents, Al-Azhari pleaded guilty to the charge in February 2023. Al-Azhari is a United States citizen who spent most of his life abroad and came to embrace dogmatic, Islamist/Salafist beliefs. In 2018, Al-Azhari was released from prison in Saudi Arabia following a conviction and sentence for supporting terrorism in Syria, after which he was removed to the United States.

Upon Al-Azhari’s arrival to the United States in or around December 2018, the FBI began investigating him for potentially providing material support to ISIS, which, at all relevant times, was designated as a foreign terrorist organization under federal law. In or around April 2020, Al-Azhari began to plan to carry out an attack in support of ISIS. Around the same time, Al-Azhari began to acquire multiple firearms. Al-Azhari also researched and scouted potential locations for an attack in the Tampa Bay area. Since at least May 2019, Al-Azhari also consumed ISIS propaganda and spoke favorably about ISIS, to which he eventually pledged his allegiance through a bay’ah (an Islamic oath of allegiance). Furthermore, Al-Azhari spoke about avenging the United States’ imprisonment of Muslims, including ISIS fighters, and the United States’ military actions in the Middle East. In addition, Al-Azhari rehearsed parts of his plans, including practicing statements that he would make during or in connection with, his intention to support ISIS.

Al-Azhari had multiple, recorded interactions with an FBI undercover employee and a confidential human source (CHS) in April and May 2020. Al-Azhari was in the process of trying to buy guns from the undercover employee, including a fully automatic rifle, when he was arrested on state charges for carrying a concealed weapon without a permit. After his release from state custody, Al-Azhari continued to try to buy firearms from the UCE. Al-Azhari also met with the CHS, attempted to “convert” the CHS to Islam, and Al-Azhari confided in the CHS about Al-Azhari’s affiliation with ISIS and his plans to provide material support to ISIS, as well as to send money to ISIS. Al-Azhari also recruited the CHS to help him in connection with his plans in support of ISIS, as well as robberies, and he asked the CHS to obtain a Glock pistol and an unregistered silencer. Agents arrested Al-Azhari when he took possession of the gun and silencer on May 24, 2020….

Philadelphia: Fired teacher files complaint against Islamic school, alleging ‘overt’ anti-black racism

Anti-Black Racism at a Muslim School in Philadelphia



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Hugh Fitzgerald summed it up in a 2020 article:

The late Anwar Shaikh, a scholar of Islam who lived in the West, argued in his Islam: The Arab National Religion that Islam has always been a “vehicle for Arab supremacism.” It’s not hard to see how he came to that conclusion. The Qur’an, after all, was delivered to an Arab, and in his language. The Qur’an ideally should be read, recited, and memorized, in the original Arabic. Muslims prostrate themselves in prayer five times a day, always turned toward Mecca, in Arabia. If they can afford it, Muslims should at least once in their lives make the hajj to that same Arabian city of Mecca. So great is the prestige of the Arabs in Islam that non-Arab Muslims, especially converts, frequently adopt Arab names. Many Muslims, too, especially in Pakistan, add the honorific “Sayid,” indicating — falsely — that they are descended from the Quraysh, the tribe of the Prophet.

“Lawsuit Filed against Philadelphia Islamist School, Alleging ‘Overt’ Anti-Black Racism,” by Sam Westrop, Focus On Western Islamism, July 10, 2023:

A teacher fired from Philadelphia’s Al-Aqsa Islamic Academy has filed a civil suit against the school and its principal, alleging extraordinary anti-black racism at the school.

Arslan Shaikh served as a “general studies” teacher with Al-Aqsa Islamic Academy from August 2020 to April 28, 2023. In his filed complaint, he alleges, throughout his time at the school, he observed “disproportionate allocation of discipline and removal of black children relative to their non-black counterparts.”

Moreover, Shaikh claims that a report he wrote, documenting racist comments aimed at black students by other students, was “edited … to omit [mention of] the overt racism.”

He also alleges that “non-black children were given privileges denied to black children. On one occasion, several non-black students received failing grades. These grades were then changed to ‘passing’ by Defendants. In the three years that Plaintiff taught at Al-Aqsa, he never saw this benefit conferred to black children.”

On April 27, 2023, Shaikh claims that during a conversation with the school principal, Shireen Hammoudeh, he was informed of a complaint lodged against him by students. Principal Hammoudeh reportedly told Shaikh that the complaint was only filed because “they’re black and are trying to manufacture a lawsuit.” She allegedly promised to “find a reason to get rid of [the black students].”

Shaikh informed other administration members at the school about the “display of overt racism,” only to be fired a few hours later.

The school’s 2019 “parent-student handbook” declares that Western culture is “toxic to Muslims.” And the uniform guides for the school require that female students be completely covered….

Parents halt lurid Drag Queen invasion in their town

Illinois MassResistance parents halt months-long lurid “Drag Queen” invasion in their town. Overcame pressure from Governor, State Rep, and ACLU.

Parents also faced cowardly and dishonest local officials.

The power of regular people who didn’t give up!

July 14, 2023
The pro-LGBT UpRising bakery in Lake of the Hills, IL decided to become a Drag Queen emporium with children. It didn't last long!

Lake of the Hills, Illinois is a fairly quiet and relatively conservative village located northwest of Chicago. As we have reported previously, the LGBT movement has begun going into those towns to subvert the area’s local culture by publicly “normalizing” the homosexual and transgender sexual agenda.

A woman who describes herself as a “queer activist” had opened a bakery named “Uprising Bakery” in a strip mall in the town. In June 2022, she began advertising that her bakery would be hosting Drag Queen shows in the evenings for the public to attend beginning July 23 – and children specifically were welcomed. “Get your dollar bills ready!” was part of the advertisement – and that clearly implied lewd adult entertainment.

Parents in Lake of the Hills were outraged and upset. They began protesting every day near the strip mall entrance. Their message was simple: They demanded that there be no “Drag Queen” events involving children.

Parents protesting outside the "Drag Show" bakery. People in town got the message!

The leaders of the group contacted MassResistance, and their group soon became an Illinois MassResistance chapter.

At the bakery’s Drag Queen shows

Some parents attended a few of the Drag Queen shows at the bakery. What they saw was ghastly: a celebration of a sexual fetish. The Drag Queens were weird men in women’s clothes prancing around and dancing suggestively, using a lot of four-letter words and other profane language. There were strange-looking adults and innocent-looking children in attendance.

The parents took photos and videos, which they posted on social media and sent to the village public officials. In one of the videos, a little boy can be heard saying, “I don’t think I should be here.”

Liquor was also being served. The bakery had somehow gotten a liquor license, and according to one of the parents, was cited at one point for serving liquor to a minor.

These two men were part of that evening's show.
How would a child react to this man?
A child hands this man a dollar bill while another child (face blocked) sits nearby.

The problems were not only inside the bakery but also outside. There were very strange people walking through the parking lot area.

This was probably a man.

A “violent hate crime” – and the Governor gets involved

The night before the first Drag Queen show, someone came and broke some of the windows at the Uprising Bakery and sprayed “hateful messages” on the wall. A man was soon arrested. The man had driven to Lake of the Hills from a suburb south of Chicago and allegedly had “Proud Boys” literature openly in his car. None of the parents had any idea who he was. It’s widely suspected to be a “false-flag” operation conducted by the Left – a frequently deployed tactic.

But this ignited the “anti-LGBT hate crime” hysteria. A few days later, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker and the region’s State Representative visited the bakery and made speeches about “the rising tide of hate against our LGBTQ+ neighbors and friends.”

Illinois Gov. Pritzker does a photo-op at the board covering the broken window. This photo appeared in several newspapers.

Violation of zoning laws – and the ACLU

In most places, the local zoning laws do not allow a bakery in a strip mall to have adult entertainment.

The Lake in the Hills officials immediately realized that problem. On July 30, the village sent out a press release and notified the bakery owner that her business is “conducting activities that it is not permitted to conduct” under the zoning laws.

But later that same day, the Chicago chapter of the far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sent a letter to the Village accusing them of “unconstitutional retaliation against Uprising Bakery,” claiming that the Drag shows are not “entertainment events” and not a violation of the zoning laws.

The village officials were clearly rattled by that. This led to a Zoom meeting between the ACLU lawyers and the local officials with their legal counsel. Basically, the Lake of the Woods officials completely backed down and came up with a shameful, contorted line of reasoning of how the bakery was actually in compliance with the law. Basically, they stated that the Drag shows were not “entertainment” and were not “adult-oriented” but instead were “family-friendly.”

Outrage at their elected officials

The village officials’ reasoning defied normal observation and logic, and the people were fuming that their officials were acting so cowardly and dishonestly. They filled the village board meetings, but the officials just continued to repeat their talking points – or else just ignore the parents.

The village officials were certainly not used to seeing this many angry constituents pack into their meeting!

The parents even found a lawyer who would file a zoning complaint for free against the town. But they needed a business owner or resident who lived within a few blocks of the bakery to join in the suit. The parents went door to door but no one would do it. They were all afraid of retribution by LGBT activists.

The bakery gives up on Drag Queen shows

The parents continued their daily protests outside the strip mall. And people in the community continued to voice their outrage against a bakery whose real purpose seemed to be to push perversion on the community, including innocent children.

Finally, the bakery gave up. The owner announced that their Dec. 24 Drag Queen show would be for adults only, no children allowed. At that point, the parents stopped their protests. But the Dec. 24 show got moved to Dec. 31, 2022. There was a small turnout. And it was the last Drag Queen event they held. The parents won!

Goes out of business

As 2023 began, the Uprising Bakery was struggling. A big problem was that they really hadn’t been a serious bakery. Their products were sub-par – even according to their pro-LGBT friends. They also had trouble keeping staff. And many in the community continued boycotting them.

The owner turned to GoFundMe for help paying the bills. She would rant on social media about “hate” and “violence” being generated against her business, though there was no actual proof. She raised over $50,000 from across the country. But that was not enough. On May 31, the Uprising Bakery closed for good.


Final thoughts

This is a story about parents who refused to give up. Some people might say, “Who cares what a private business does? Just forget about it.” That’s what the Left wants you to think. But this affected the community in a very bad way.

As everyone knows, when a private business is doing something pro-family that the Left doesn’t approve of, they react with unrestrained viciousness. (Just ask Mike Lindell!) Compare that to our side, which reacts firmly and on principle – but remains reasonable and civilized.