The Bidens’ Existential Threats to the American Rule of Law

The Bidens' Existential Threats to the American Rule of Law

BY Victor Davis Hanson


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

President Joe Biden, the Biden grifting conglomerate, the Department of Justice, and the FBI under its fourth consecutive weaponized director, are in danger of subverting the American system of law.

They are in various ways undermining the tradition of self-reported income tax computation and voluntary compliance.

Our tax institutions, of course, are based on the real deterrence of a disinterested, uncompromised Internal Revenue Service. Without it, the income revenues of the United States are existentially threatened.

So far, any negative reputation of the IRS has rested with natural complaints that it is too zealous in hounding out American taxpayers from all walks of life. Or citizens often object that the IRS must enforce a tax code that is innately unfair.

But not until now, has the IRS itself ever been under the shadow of such corruption?

Has it been in the past ever found to have applied so blatantly and deliberately one standard of tax enforcement to elites and quite another to everyday Americans?

Again, if that charge of unequal treatment in tax compliance were to prove true, then Humpy-Dumpty-like, the entire American system of revenue collection would shatter.

In other words, millions of Americans might shrug, “If Joe Biden, President of the United States, and his criminally minded son, can get away with avoiding millions of dollars in taxes, then should not I, a nobody, at least have the right to avoid hundreds of dollars in taxes?”

Related: Where’s Hunter? White House Evacuated After Cocaine Found
So the Bidens, along with Attorney General Merrick Garland and the FBI, are treading on dangerous ground in imperiling a hallowed American tradition — one vital to the very governance and operation of the United States.

The current president of the United States, despite his monotonous calls for the well-off to “pay their fair share,” has likely deliberately connived to avoid taxes on sizable amounts of unreported taxable foreign income.

In the case of his son, “likely” is an unneeded adverb.

By Hunter Biden’s recent own admissions and corroborating evidence, he seems not only to have schemed to hide millions of dollars in foreign shake-down profiteering, but to have set up all sorts of paywalls, firewalls, and phony “loans” to ensure auditors would take years to unravel his illegal schemes — until well after the expiration of the statute of limitations. And his criminality succeeded so well that he has permanently gotten off not paying thousands of dollars in overdue taxes.

President Joe Biden has serially lied that he did not know anything of his son’s business dealings.

That assertion is contrary to photographic evidence of him with Hunter Biden’s business associates, sworn statements from at least one of Hunter Biden’s former business partners, clear evidence from Hunter’s own laptop, and now recent disclosures from FBI documents and whistleblower testimonies. And yet the president continues to lie, and the media continues to shrug that dads often do such things.

It is almost beyond belief, but increasingly likely, that Hunter Biden in the past conducted his illicit business over the phone in the presence, and with the complicity, of the current president himself. And the full trove of evidence is still trickling in.

This sordid scenario is part of the larger Biden criminal landscape. Joe and Hunter may well have received $10 million from Chinese consortia for doing nothing other than monetizing Joe Biden’s vice-presidency and his apparent then trajectory to the presidency.

There is no longer any doubt that Hunter Biden received fabulous amounts of money from the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. That lucre was again based on nothing other than the willingness of his own father, now the current president, to be directed to where and how to employ his own purchased influence.

Accordingly, Joe Biden is on record boasting of his own power to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor — through personal threats of withholding congressional approved U.S. foreign aid to Ukraine.

Biden was furious that Ukrainian auditors were probing too deeply into matters that now are increasingly clear to have been central to his own family’s nefarious influence peddling.

Note well — The U.S. House of Representatives impeached a former president on two grounds: one, an allegation that former President Donald Trump used his office to threaten to delay (not to cancel) Ukrainian military aid; and, two, that Trump did so to harm a potential political rival in the next election.

Joe Biden has now trumped Trump on both counts.

One, he is involved in criminal enterprises with his entire family, whose shake-down payouts from Ukrainian moneyed interests depended on precisely the current president’s past willingness to use his then vice-presidential office to strong-arm Ukrainian officials.

Two, Biden did not so much just seek to uncover wrongdoing by his likely presidential rival, as have him indicted by his own justice department for alleged violations of presidential records statutes.

Yet unauthorized removal of classified government records is a crime that Biden himself by his own admission also has committed — and for far longer a time, and perhaps involving far greater volumes of archival material.

Critics of the Bidens have long been puzzled about the opulent spending habits and costly acquisitions of Joe and Jill Biden, Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, and other lesser family satellites on the clan’s dole.

Such wonderment about the abyss between lifestyles led and taxes reported apparently reached the highest echelons of the IRS. Its special investigating teams recommended numerous felony indictments of Hunter Biden for conspiratorial tax fraud. It requested in vain to extend their investigations to Joe Biden himself.

We now also have good reason to believe that Biden’s Attorney General Garland, both himself and through his subordinates, used their powers unlawfully to sidetrack Justice Department attorneys from legitimately and fully investigating Joe Biden, and/or to delay and obfuscate the full prosecution of Hunter Biden.

The result is that Hunter Biden successfully used his family influence to escape taxes on hundreds of thousands of dollars of disguised income through manipulating statute-of-limitations laws.

For years, he has also escaped paying taxes, by phony claims of loans, on other known millions of dollars in income that were still likely only a portion of all his foreign quid-pro-quo revenue schemes.

Note, however, the greatest damage the Bidens have done to this nation.

Joe Biden’s own past lucrative financial dealings with suspect Chinese interests, with connections to the ruling Chinese communist party, cast a shadow over current American foreign policy itself.

The American people are bewildered over why the Biden administration is appeasing the Chinese government. It keeps insisting, contrary to evidence, that bilateral relations are in great shape — after successful and unapologetic Chinese overt espionage efforts to send a spy balloon across sensitive areas of the United States.

China has defiantly stonewalled any request to explain how and why a porous Chinese virology lab incompetently let escape a gain-of-function virus, a virtual bioweapon, that killed over a million Americans and sickened over 300 million.

Its jets now play chicken with our own in the skies above the South China Sea. And its ships do the same with our vessels in the same environs.

It threatens to escalate to nuclear weapons if the United States should protect its de facto ally Taiwan from envisioned Chinese aggression.

All the above is in addition to years of Chinese copyright infringement, patent violations, manipulation of the Chinese currency, trade dumping, and systematic espionage operations throughout sensitive areas of the U.S. military and general economy.

Again, Biden’s response is increasingly to downplay these mounting aggressions in direct proportion to their increased frequency.

The “why” of that bizarre exculpation raises the question of how exactly would it be possible so dramatically to influence, or “get to” a U.S. president. The answer may be buried in thousands of suppressed government documents and the data of now-canceled investigations.

Note again: America in vain recently spent $40 million and 22 months on a special prosecutor to pursue, on no evidence (but relying on plenty of disinformation, fraud, and criminality) the smear that Trump was a Russian puppet, and his (demonstrably tough) treatment of the Russians was supposed proof of his collusion with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In sum, every American now knows that Trump would have gone to prison for several years for even attempting, much less getting away with, the fraudulent tax avoidance schemes of Hunter Biden, who likely will never spend a single day in jail.

The IRS does not give passes for divots. The law treats the attempt or preempted scheme to violate it, almost as severely as the actuality of successfully breaking tax laws.

Again, all this will not, cannot, must not stand.

We can no longer have the United States if its president almost weekly demonstrably lies with impunity about his relationships with the Biden family’s nefarious foreign business interests.

You can no longer have an American nation if the son of the president of the United States successfully connives to rake in millions for his extended family by selling his father’s influence to foreign governments — a gambit that may currently affect the foreign policy of the United States. Adding insult to injury, Hunter Biden is now a White House fixture, as if the closer he clings to the nexus of American power and influence, the more likely he will continue to be exempted from American law.

There is no such thing as the America we once knew if the Bidens and their surrogates with impunity used the levers of the FBI and the Department of Justice to cover up and escape prosecution of, crimes that would otherwise have sent any citizen under such liability to prison for several years.

This unfolding Biden melodrama has the potential to destroy the current presidency.

It will tarnish for generations the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the IRS.

And yet it will not die because the U.S. itself will not die, and so the scandal eventually will convict Joe, Hunter, and Jim Biden of serious felonies.

Finally, unless radical changes occur, the unapologetic Biden nefariousness will discredit permanently an obsequious and biased media that knowingly chose not to report on what they equally knew were historic transgressions against their United States.

A Meltdown of Christianity as We Have Known It

By Roger Oakland (Understand the Times)


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Since the turn of the millennium, in particular, since September 11, 2001, when America was attacked by terrorists triggering a global-wide spiritual paradigm shift, Christianity as we have known it has experienced a major meltdown. While many are saying Christianity is on the brink of a great revival and even a “new reformation,” in reality, we are witnessing the greatest apostasy in modern-day history.

In one word, Christianity is being redefined. Scores of pastors have chosen to abandon the Bible in favor of postmodernism (that is, what they view as progressive and culturally relevant). Light has turned into darkness. What was once believed to be true is now proclaimed to be a lie. Those who once claimed to be followers of Jesus and the Bible are now following men and their philosophies, and all without question.

Rather than reaching out to the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, pastors, professors, and Bible teachers are abandoning the Bible and embracing the world. They look for ways to market what they call Christianity by incorporating sensual gimmicks that are supposed to attract the masses. Hymn books are tossed out of churches from the pews. Pews have been replaced by soft theater seats and in some cases, even include credit card terminals. Being comfortable while attending church has become the standard. Don’t mention sin or that Jesus shed His blood on the Cross to pay for our sins because that would be offensive.

The God of the Bible, who created all things according to the Book of Genesis, has been rendered to be nothing more than an ancient religious myth. The theory of evolution has become the science that proves that an explosion plus time and chance is the formula for the origin of all life.

The New Age movement has infiltrated the evangelical churches; they have been Hinduized as growing numbers of Christians think Yoga is a Christian exercise. To hear God’s voice, Christians are humming mantras, “getting centered,” or practicing the “presence of God” (i.e., eastern mystical contemplative prayers that will put your mind into a “sacred space”).

Countless Christians are overtaken with extra-biblical experiences such as getting drunk in the “Spirit” because of the “transferrable anointing.”

Have multitudes of Christians had their minds snatched by seducing demons as worldwide delusion becomes the norm? Are Christians being prepared for a great revival, or are they being seduced by another spirit?

Then there are those who are embracing the ecumenical agenda that plans to unite the Protestant church to the Roman Catholic Church and eventually unite all religions into one common body. They say the term Protestant is a word that should be retired to the past and has no significance in the church today.

Charismatic leaders claim there is no difference between the Pentecostal Jesus and the Catholic Eucharistic Christ worshiped and adored in a Roman Catholic monstrance (the container used when a priest consecrates a wafer). They have forgotten that in the past many Christians underwent torture and death over this very issue because they understood that inherent to the Eucharist is a works-based gospel offered to “another Jesus.” Or perhaps they believe these martyrs simply died for no reason at all!

And an alarming number of proclaiming Christians believe Jesus is nothing more than a cosmic “Christ” that sees all is one, and one is all. This “Jesus” is the universal Jesus of the New Age. Those who don’t believe in this “Cosmic Christ” are deemed as outdated, paranoid, intolerant, and not willing to unite with the rest of humanity to bring it into a harmonic convergence.

Then there is the charismatic bridge located on the road to ecumenical unity. It provides a connection for the gap that once existed between Roman Catholics and the separated brethren. But many of those on both sides realize that “ecumenism” to the Catholic clergy does not mean mingling but absorption; it means finding a way to get those on the Protestant side to cross over the bridge that is headed to Rome.

Some are calling for a Second Pentecost claiming that the world will turn to Christ and establish the kingdom of God here on Earth without the presence of the King. Many are on this path already, and it’s a path lined with apostles and prophets who are more than willing to point the way to go.

Further, Israel no longer has a significant place in Scripture. Jews and Israel are a problem to the “new” progressive church. Adherents of replacement theology (where the church replaces Israel) have ignored the Israel of the Bible and replaced God’s chosen people with a church that plans to establish the kingdom of God here on Earth. In other words, Christianity has been reformed, and those who refuse to accept this are standing in the way of world peace.

Bible prophesy and the warnings about apostasy are totally relegated to a museum. A one-world religion for peace is in the making. The postmodern mindset has hijacked true biblical Christianity and made God into a god of their own imagination. The Word of God has been degraded into a myth.

Churches that stress the Bible and salvation through Jesus Christ alone are being pushed to the sidelines, and the shepherds of these usually smaller churches are being pressured by anxious elder boards and congregations who want to see “success” and get with the flow. The big get bigger and the small are getting smaller. It appears that Bible-believing Christianity is on the verge of becoming next to extinct.

Scattered, Shattered, Battered, and Gathered

Nearly everyone has thought about death at some point or another. Eternity is a long time to spend in the afterlife. The Bible teaches that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), and without salvation, Hell is our destiny. A person dies when the heart no longer beats and life signs such as pulse, respiration, and brain activity have ceased.

Now another significant issue is at hand. Where will you or I spend eternity? The answer to this question is very simple, but we need to make a decision regarding Jesus the Savior, the Good Shepherd. When someone accepts the free gift of eternal life, that person will live with Him forever. When you reject who He is and what He did for you at Calvary and choose some other belief system, your works are of no value. Jesus is the One whose life was sacrificed for sin. His blood was shed as the perfect sacrifice. All that is required is a willful choice to accept Him and ask for forgiveness. “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). His Spirit then dwells within us.

Now here is the rub! Life is brief and like the passing wind. It comes and goes sometimes before we know it. In some cases, friends and relatives perish without warning. We should always be prepared for the final bell as there are no second chances.

Further, there are many complications. Sometimes people believe they have believed but instead are deceived. Jesus mentioned this on more than one occasion. It is actually possible to believe in the Savior intellectually in name only without knowing Him personally and trusting in Him as Lord and Savior.

Therefore, everyone should examine their personal lives carefully. Even people of spiritual stature can be deceived. This includes pastors, teachers, elders, and members of church boards. The Bible says . . . there will be those who think they are going to stand before Jesus as their Savior when instead He will turn out to be their judge, not because He is unmerciful but because they refused to hear the call of the Good Shepherd.

Following Men Instead of the Good Shepherd

History has revealed many common patterns over time. Often men and women are easily influenced. This is why the Bible equates humans with sheep and preachers with shepherds. For some unknown reason, humans are easily misled. Men and women who desire power often gather weak sheep into their folds and take advantage of them.

While the Bible makes it clear that strong leaders must be biblical, Satan knows the weakness of humans and provides apostate deceivers. Often, pastors, teachers, and evangelists are clever manipulators and use the Scriptures to trick the sheep into thinking they are sound when they are actually dangerous.

As the old adage by the poet Robert Burns states: “The best laid schemes of Mice and Men oft go awry and leave us nothing but grief and pain.” Simply speaking, following men will nearly always lead to a catastrophic end. Knowing this in advance and knowing the Bible is true, it would be best to ignore following men and be led instead by the Holy Spirit rather than driven by deceived men. A true shepherd will continually guide his flock with the Word of God and point them to the only Good Shepherd who is able to seek and to save. Like John the Baptist, he is willing to decrease that the Lord may increase. But too many shepherds want ownership of the flock, not realizing the awesome responsibility of the sacred trust they have been given.

Perhaps few have counted the cost of the disastrous results of following false shepherds. These are men who are really wolves in sheep’s clothing. Many have done untold damage as they have ravaged flocks of sheep that were once in folds. They are now scattered and forlorn. Comparatively speaking, they are like ships without a rudder and sailboats without a sail. They bob up and down on the waves of the ocean, wandering souls seeking help and counsel.

He Is Faithful

Many sheep have been scattered, shattered, and battered. Sheep without a shepherd are in the balance, and there are those who are willing to battle for the truth. The truth is the Word of God (John 17:17) states the Bible. Thy Word!

In these last days of time as we know it, is it possible that God will raise up a standard? Will the stones from the rubble and the burned gates be reconstructed so that the Gospel will go forward? Or is all hopeless, and the remnant will be snuffed out?

The biblical answer to these questions is simple. God has not forgotten His people! He never has. He is the Creator of the universe, the God who knows all things and who is omnipresent. He will raise up the standard, and He will continue to warn until the Day of Judgment. He is the God of Salvation. He is the God who loves us. Yes, apostasy is on the rise, just as the Bible predicts; but as the darkness gets darker, the light will shine brighter.

Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful . . . ) (Hebrews 10: 22-23)

The article above is from Roger Oakland’s book, The Good Shepherd Calls.

Target, Kohl’s, Girl Scouts Team up with Child Corrupter GLSEN



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The betrayal of Target gets more horrifying the closer you look. The growing movement to boycott the retailer is justified by its sale of offensive “pride” items to adults as well as children. And then there’s Target’s partnership with an avowed satanist designer.

But at the top of my long list of Target sins is the company’s proud support of one of the most radical groups existing in America today.

Target has been a generous donor to the tune of over $2 million to the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, GLSEN, and a senior brand manager at Target also serves on the GLSEN board as treasurer.

What’s the problem with GLSEN? The group’s three- decade goal has been to insert the homosexual and gender distortion agenda into K -12 schools through a variety of actions and I would say that the word “target” absolutely describes what GLSEN has been doing to other people’s children.

But Target is not alone in linking arms with pawns of the devil. Kohl’s also donates to this group. And now the Girl Scouts award a “pride” badge after Scouts complete a number of questionable activities. They can report on the “contributions” of homosexual outlaws such as Harvey Milk (a known pederast) or learn “key concepts and terms” (i.e., the phony “pride” lexicon) from GLSEN. And to complete the seduction of wide-eyed innocents, Girl Scouts may consult GLSEN’s book recommendations.

Why not just send Girl Scouts directly to porn sites? Because that’s what these books contain. More on that later.

Allow me to share for a moment the reasons I have tracked and reported on the actions of GLSEN for over twenty years. It grieves my heart to think about impressionable children and teens being exploited by this organization, its activities and its teacher members.

Often the children most attracted to exploring “LGBTQ” identities and behaviors are those who are lonely and lost, neglected at home, given little supervision about online garbage they may encounter (including porn), and usually unchurched. They may have been molested somewhere along the way. They crave a sense of belonging and are easy to manipulate. At the most pivotal and vulnerable time of adolescence, here comes the ice cream truck selling rainbow-and -“love”- adorned poison.

Poor, deceived kids!! Where is the church of Jesus Christ in calling out to stop the evil actions of GLSEN and other groups like them? I wrote an article several years back urging people to pray for GLSEN and other groups. And we absolutely should.

But until these folks turn to the Lord, the damage they are doing needs to be stopped-- in a civil way, of course, using our votes, our voices and our wallets.

GLSEN’s first mission was to establish high school homosexual clubs, called “gay-straight alliances.” Current clubs are often called “gender and sexuality alliances“ to include all the many genders these extremists sadly persuade children they can be. After high school clubs, GLSEN pushed middle school clubs and now even a few elementary schools offer this blatant corruption to children.

Then, GLSEN also had an early goal to promote homosexual-themed books for adolescents featuring a “Book Link” that listed the group’s recommendations.

I spent some time reading those early books. After I stopped crying (and then screaming) about the deviant content, I was determined to do what I could to expose GLSEN’s vile  “outreach” to youth.

The content of those early GLSEN books is uniformly pro-homosexual and pro-gender distortion. They subtly or overtly mock and twist Christianity with unflattering portrayals of believers. There’s no balance, no “inclusion” of the sweet fellowship of the body of Christ, of the beauty of sexual virtue as God designed, and the positive impact Christ’s followers have on communities and America.

And even in 2002, GLSEN chose books with graphic sex scenes between homosexual teens, including hook-ups. Several titles featured adults reminiscing about their first sexual experiences as teens, encounters which involved adult partners.

In other words, GLSEN was giving tacit approval through these narratives for sex between adults and minors.

After several years of publicizing GLSEN’s predatory “Book Link,” I noticed that the link was no longer available. But that didn’t mean GLSEN was quitting. No, in more recent years, GLSEN’s determination to reach children morphed into its book collections that companies like Target and other donors can sponsor. These are then donated, unfortunately, to schools.

The reality is that there are now hundreds of books for kids with “LGBTQ” themes, many more than existed when GLSEN began this project. Virtually all of them include twisted “woke” sexual and gender ideology and many also feature XXX- rated material. Consider just one, for instance—a book called George by Alex Gino, which appears on both the middle and high school recommendations. “Age inappropriate” does not begin to cover the problems with this book.

So GLSEN is a purveyor and promoter of pornography. Target, Kohl’s and Girl Scouts, by promoting GLSEN, are helping to distribute obscene material to children throughout the country.

GLSEN also conducts an online survey with invalid results, its “School Climate Survey.” Sadly, this survey is often used in legislative testimony to advocate for elements of the “LGBTQ” agenda. The survey is a sham. I know of conservative adults who have taken the “Climate Survey” posing as “LGBTQ” teens, just to see if they could. It worked. Which means that this survey’s results can be manipulated by faux participants to achieve whatever findings GLSEN wants. Anyone can log in, pose as an adolescent, and claim to be misunderstood or “unsafe.”

This is GLSEN’s term for being around people who object to homosexuality and gender distortion, and physical violence is not the issue. That’s already punished under every school conduct code. Kids who have been persuaded to identify as “LGBTQ” are told they are only “safe” around those who verbally approve. Disapproval is not allowed. This is “inclusion,” GLSEN believes. GLSEN produces  “Safe Space” posters so that teacher/counselor supporters can mark their territory (and thereby exclude those without the right viewpoint).

Then there’s GLSEN’s recent support of excluding parents from the lives of children. Many schools have adopted secret “transgender support plans” that allow for teachers and staff to accommodate a child’s gender confusion during the school day while concealing that action from parents. GLSEN has a model policy that has sadly been adopted by many school districts.

And to round out its anti-parent, child corruption reputation, the GLSEN web site recently added escape instructions for kids. “Leave this site safely“” appears on a pop-up screen at the initial site visit, apparently for kids who want to conceal their visit from parents.

So GLSEN is not a friend to parents. But Target, Kohl’s and the Girl Scouts love them.

Just one more reason, friends, to boycott all of them. And also, while we’re at it, to eject GLSEN from every school in America.

Pakistan: Muslim murders Christian widow on her way home from work for refusing to convert to Islam



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

In yet another incident in Pakistan of a Christian woman murdered for refusing to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim man. The torture of Shazia Imran was particularly brutal as the primary suspect got three other Muslims to join him in gang raping Shazia and slashing her throat — as the Qur’an directs to be done to infidels (Qur’an 47:4) — and then dousing her with acid. Yet Westerners continue to go along with the “Islamophobia” canard.

“Then, when the sacred months have passed, kill the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them, and besiege them, and prepare for them every ambush. But if they repent and establish prayer and give alms, then leave their way free. Indeed, Allah is forgiving, merciful.” (Qur’an 9:5)

“Muslim in Pakistan Confesses to Killing Christian Woman,” by Emmanuel Adil Ghouri, Morning Star News, July 3, 2023:

LAHORE, Pakistan (Morning Star News) – A Christian family in Lahore, Pakistan is seeking justice and protection after four Muslims abducted, gang-raped and killed a widow for refusing to convert to Islam and marry the primary suspect, sources said.

In the killing of 40-year-old Shazia Imran last month, the assailants slashed her neck and doused her with acid, her brother said, though it was not known if the acid burns came before or after her death. The primary suspect has confessed to the killing, according to police.

Shazia Imran’s husband also was killed a year and a half ago, and the family has seen no justice in that case either as police cast it as an accident, said her brother, Zafar Masih.

Shazia Masih, who began working as a nanny at a daycare center at the Lahore University of Management Sciences after her husband’s death, left her rented home in Lahore’s Mehar Town for work on June 6 but did not return, Zafar Masih said. He said that the primary suspect, Noman (known as Mani) Gujjar, was a notorious area criminal and had been pressuring her to convert to Islam along with her children and marry him.

“Shazia did not share this with us due to fears for our security, but three days before her abduction, she told [another relative] that Gujjar had threatened to kill her if she did not surrender to his demand,” Zafar Masih told Morning Star News.

After Shazia Masih’s oldest son, 16, informed Zafar Masih that she had not returned home, he and other relatives began searching for her. Unable to find her, they informed police of her disappearance on June 7.

“Later in the day we received a call from the Hyer police station that they had found a body from a plot that matched Shazia’s description,” Zafar Masih said. “We immediately went to the police station, but when we saw the body, we could not believe our eyes. Shazia’s jugular vein had been slit with a sharp object, and her body had been badly burnt by acid.”….