The Left’s constant incitement bears tragic fruit:
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a woman claiming to be a man, murdered six people at Covenant School, a Christian school in Nashville, thereby highlighting just how dangerous our society-wide coddling of mental illness really is. It is also quite possible that Hale was incited to violence: the Virginia chapter of the Trans Radical Activist Network on Jan. 30 called for a “Trans Day of Vengeance,” involving a march in Washington, D.C. on April Fools Day to “Stop Trans Genocide.” Lying to people and telling people they’re the victims of genocide when they aren’t may end up breeding paranoia and rage that could all too easily boil over. In that and in all manner of other ways, Audrey Elizabeth Hale looks to have been a product of what contemporary Leftism can do to a human being.
Turning Point USA’s Benny Johnson put it succinctly, tweeting on Monday: “The Colorado Springs shooter identified as non-binary. The Denver shooter was identified as trans. The Aberdeen shooter was identified as trans. The Nashville shooter was identified as trans. One thing is VERY clear: the modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists.”
There certainly does seem to be a pattern. On Nov. 19, 2022, a young man named Anderson Aldrich murdered five people and wounded 18 others at a gay nightclub, Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Leftists quickly blamed Republicans for not going along with the entirety of their radical LGBTQ+ agenda. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colorado) tweeted that “the victims & their families are in my prayers, and New York Times reporter Benjamin Ryan immediately asserted that “Lauren Boebert is one of the nation’s leading tweeters of anti-#LGBTQ slurs.” His evidence was a number of tweets in which Boebert referred to groomers; Ryan and other Leftists continue to ignore steadfastly the grooming of children that is becoming all too common.
Ryan was not alone; on The View, Whoopi Goldberg sneered at Boebert: “They don’t really need your prayers and thoughts. They needed your votes. That’s what they need. This is what rhetoric brings. Words matter. Words matter. And people like Lauren Boebert, who, you know, has been in the forefront of dissing LGBTQ+ people is now saying her prayers and thoughts go with the families.”
All this blew up on the Left, however, when Anderson Aldrich declared that he was non-binary and demanded to be referred to with the pronouns “they/them,” as if he were plural. Leftist activists insisted that he was just trolling, and that could indeed be the case, as apparently, he has used “homophobic slurs” in the past. But Aldrich is not the only one.
On May 7, 2019, two young men, Devon Erickson, and Alec McKinney, murdered one person and injured eight others at STEM School Highlands Ranch in Douglas County, Colorado. CBS News referred to McKinney as “a trans boy.” The attack appears to have been motivated by rage at opponents of the transgender delusion: CBS added that “McKinney testified that Erickson told him ‘many stories’ about how certain students disliked transgenders. ‘Typically I don’t care, but I felt [Erickson’s] anger was my own,’ McKinney testified.”
Before that, On September 20, 2018, four people were murdered outside a Rite Aid distribution center in Aberdeen, Maryland. The Daily Caller reported that the shooter was “a 26-year-old woman named Snochia Moseley. While both the police and court documents identified Moseley, who worked at the distribution center, as biologically female, Troi Coley, a high school friend of the shooter, revealed that she identified as transgender in as early as 2016.”
Moseley reportedly said in December 2016: “I just started talking about [being transgender]. “My sister is totally supportive, my brothers already had an idea, my mom I haven’t gotten around to admitting it to yet. but she’s heard about it somehow.” She spoke with Coley “about starting hormone treatment.” Coley stated after the murders: “She wasn’t a monster, wasn’t an angry person. I just believe this was emotional distress. If she did this, it was her last straw.”
Could it be that transgender individuals are suffering that emotional distress and getting to that last straw point because of activists such as the Trans Radical Activist Network constantly feeding their sense of grievance and victimhood by telling them they’re liable to become victims of genocide? Could the Left’s overheated rhetoric and massive projection about how patriots and adherents of traditional values want to kill their opponents be boiling over now into genuine acts of violence from the other side? It wouldn’t be the first time. And it will certainly cause no introspection or change of course among Leftists.
Trans Activists Call for More Blood After Nashville Shooting
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
Following the mass shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville on Monday, there were concerns regarding a possible connection between the shooter and the Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN), which had called for a “Day of Vengeance” this Saturday. Though at the moment, there is no known link between the shooter and the group.
Some had speculated that TRAN might tone down their rhetoric or even cancel their planned “Day of Vengeance” in light of the tragic events. But instead, the group is escalating their calls for violence and expressing support for the shooter, Audrey Hale.
In a statement for the media released Monday, the group neither confirmed nor denied knowing Audrey Hale, but suggested she was driven to commit her crimes because of an existential threat against transgender people, the so-called “trans genocide.”
“We do not claim to know the individual or have access to their inner thoughts and feelings,” the group’s statement read. “We do know that life for transgender people is very difficult, and made more difficult in the preceding months by a virtual avalanche of anti-trans legislation, and public callouts by Right Wing personalities and political figures for nothing less than the genocidal eradication of trans people from society.”
Related: Trans Activists Called for ‘Day Of Vengeance’ Before Shooting of Christian School
“Trans genocide” is a conspiracy theory perpetuated by LGBTQ allies and the radical left that insists transgender people are systemically targeted with violence. However, this is easily disproved by FBI statistics.
The statement continues:
Many transgender people deal with anxiety, depression, thoughts of suicide, and PTSD from the near-constant drum beat of anti-trans hate, lack of acceptance from family members and certain religious institutions, denial of our existence, and calls for de-transition and forced conversion.
All of these factors contribute to a population that is medically under-served and who often face anti- trans bias while accessing care leading to significant physical and mental health disparities. Hate has consequences.
The most chilling aspect of this statement is the phrase “Hate has consequences.” Make no mistake about it, these radical left-wing domestic terrorists believe that their actions are justified. This is similar to when pro-abortion activists target pro-life pregnancy centers and churches; they believe they hold the moral high ground, which justifies their efforts to destroy and kill.
Related: Trans Resistance Network Claims Trans Murderer Was Tragic Victim of Bigotry
Just look at a few examples on social media of how the rhetoric from the transgender cult and its allies has become increasingly violent:
These trans activists and leftists have been indoctrinated with a narrative that portrays them as victims who must strike their “enemies” on their own terms to avoid falling victim to a non-existent genocide. They are convinced that their actions are justifiable, and they genuinely believe that they are in the right.
It is important to understand that the violence we witnessed on Monday won’t be an isolated incident. These individuals are likely to continue their violent tactics, given their fervent belief in the righteousness of their cause.
'Transgender-Affirming Care' Leads to Murder of 3 Kids in Church School
Audrey set out to destroy women and girls - just as she had destroyed her own femininity.
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
Female mass shooters are extremely rare.
Audrey Hale’s massacre of children and teachers at the Covenant church school in Nashville, Tennessee, makes her one of only three female mass rampage killers in America.
But Audrey had wanted to be a man. Audrey Elizabeth Hale changed her name to Aiden, cut her hair short, covered it with a red cap, put on camo pants, and began killing children.
“Unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood,” a maddened Lady Macbeth rants. Audrey had unsexed herself to carry out the kind of rampage that traditionally only a man would have been ready to conduct. The multiple weapons, the manifesto, and the facility plans reflect the kind of attacks that young male mass shooters have carried out in the past. Audrey could never change her ‘sex’, but like Lady Macbeth, she could commit traditionally male crimes by using cruelty to ‘unsex’ herself. Much like men who pretend to be women become insulting caricatures, all high heels, lipstick, and shrill giggles, Audrey’s Lady Macbeth became a horrifying caricature of a man, brutal, violent, and insane.
The majority of Audrey’s six victims were women and little girls. That is likely no coincidence.
Hating her own sex, Audrey set out to destroy women and girls as she had destroyed her own femininity. Transgender serial killers like Douglas/Donna Perry, Jeffrey Gorton, and Hadden Clark have often targeted women and girls, but Audrey was not a man who wanted to be a woman. She was a woman who had been taught to hate being a woman with the same ultimate results written in blood on the carpeted floors of a church school until it was ended by real men.
Women and little girls died in Nashville because a woman had been taught to hate being a girl.
It’s unclear what medications Audrey might have taken, but the use of testosterone by women to suppress their biology for transgender purposes has been found in studies to cause aggression. (Expect these studies to disappear, be condemned, or be withdrawn after the Nashville shooting on account of being politically inconvenient.)
One of the transgender uses of testosterone by women is to eliminate their menstrual cycles. A disturbing result in one study found that women “whose menstrual bleeding continued despite hormone treatment were more likely to feel and express anger in an uncontrolled way.” The pursuit of a masculine identity is not about a journey toward, but an escape from femininity.
Unable to become Aiden and no longer the Audrey she remembered, the latest casualty of the transgender movement may have lashed out at the women and girls who reminded her of what she was and was not.
We don’t know all the details of Audrey’s descent into madness, but suicidal ideation among people who suffer from transgender ideation can be over 80% and as many as half reportedly attempt suicide. Audrey’s messages show that she was trying to kill herself. That’s what many mass shooters set out to do. It’s impossible to detach Audrey’s crimes from the suicide rates caused by transgender ideation. And the role of “gender-affirming care” in propping them up.
Rather than treating the underlying mental problems and root causes, the rise of “gender-affirming care” has focused on enabling the destructive delusions of those like Audrey.
The transgender pandemic has spread among teenage girls through social media, identity politics virtue signaling, and aggressive advertising campaigns from plastic surgeons. Audrey, with her artistic interests, would have fit the profile of the sort of teenage girl who might have felt depressed and socially isolated while turning to online communities as an outlet. Changing her gender would have initially seemed like a solution to her problems, but like any form of self-medication, would have just created new problems without resolving the old ones.
The transgender movement is just another leftist cause that radicalizes new members. New recruits are quickly indoctrinated to believe that their family members are the enemy and that the larger society wants to ‘genocide’ them. On April 1st, a “Trans Day of Vengeance” will be held outside the Supreme Court to stop what it calls “trans genocide”. The Trans Resistance Network in Massachusetts issued a statement arguing that Audrey felt she had no “had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the life of others” and that life for “transgender people is very difficult” due to “anti-trans legislation” and “right-wing personalities”.
Had Audrey participated in transgender activism, she would have very quickly been taught to see most normal people as the enemy. Did this hatred running through the transgender movement play a role in Audrey’s killing spree at a church school in Nashville?
It’s unknown what “gender-affirming care” Audrey was getting, but all of society has become one great “gender-affirming care” machine that celebrates transgenderism and punishes deviation. It is impossible to be within range of society and not receive messages affirming destructive psychological problems of the kind that Audrey has decided to express by trying and failing to become a man. Audrey was in some way a victim of “gender-affirming care”. So were the dead.
School shootings often lie at the intersection of mental illness, including depression, among young people, combined with heavy doses of medication that influence the brain, and toxic internet subcultures that encourage extremism and violence. Audrey was likely affected by all three. And yet, unlike most school shooters, the internet subculture that likely drove her further into dysfunction and violence is one that is supported by corporations and governments.
Biden recently claimed that Florida’s efforts to protect children from “gender-affirming care” were “close to sinful”. At the Covenant School, Biden’s sin ended in death.