Trans Activists Called for ‘Day Of Vengeance’ Before Shooting of Christian School



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

On Monday, 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a biological woman who identified as transgender, murdered six people, including three children, at The Covenant School, a private Christian grade school in Tennessee.

This deadly attack was carried out the same week as a planned “Day of Vengeance” by transgender activists later this week.

The website of the Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN), declares, “Like the Stonewall Riots the gays and lesbians were experiencing what the trans community is facing now. This cycle of hate needs to end in fact it must. Allies, siblings we need you now more than ever. ‘I was a radical revolutionist. I still am a revolutionist…I am glad I was in the Stonewall Riot. I remember when someone threw a Molotov cocktail, I thought, ‘My god, the revolution is here. The revolution is finally here?’ —Sylvia Rivera.”

Currently, there is no known connection between the shooter and the group. On Monday, Nashville Chief of Police John Drake was asked whether Hale identifying as transgender played a role in her targeting the school, and he would not confirm this but indicated that it was a working theory and said it would be discussed at a later date.

Related: Suspect in Christian School Shooting Confirmed to Be Transgender

The primary Day of Vengeance event is scheduled for 11 a.m. on Saturday at the Supreme Court in D.C., with additional events planned for March 31. LGBTQ activists specifically targeted Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was previously the target of an assassination attempt by a far-left activist last year.

The group purports to seek revenge for what they term “trans genocide,” a conspiracy theory that claims that transgender people are systemically targeted with violence. However, an examination of FBI statistics by the Daily Wire shows no proof to corroborate this claim. In 2021, only two of the 271 recorded hate crimes against transgender individuals resulted in murder. These figures are substantially lower than those of other groups and insufficient to substantiate allegations of “trans genocide.”

According to its website, the organization’s National Recruitment Director is Bo Belotti, 22. Belotti, a biological female who identifies as a man, was profiled by her alma mater, Virginia Commonwealth University, in December.

“[She] co-founded a statewide activist collective for trans people and served as a campaign manager for a city council candidate, a field organizer for Planned Parenthood’s political action committee, and a field organizer for Terry McAuliffe in his gubernatorial run. In addition, [she] was a fellow for Del. Elizabeth Guzman and interned with former Del. Joshua Cole before being promoted to a legislative aide for Cole.”

Belotti boasted of her efforts in helping to craft HB145, which mandated the development of model transgender policies for public schools. The resulting guidelines encouraged schools to conceal the gender transition of children from their parents.

There is currently no indication that the planned “Day of Vengeance” has been canceled. However, in the wake of Monday’s shooting, various social media accounts connected to the group have been made private.

MSM Apologizes for ‘Misgendering’ Transgender School Shooter

MSM Apologizes for 'Misgendering' Transgender School Shooter



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

There was some confusion on Monday regarding the identity of the shooter who killed six people, including three children, at a private Christian school near Nashville, Tenn. Local officials identified the shooter as 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale.

Nashville Police Chief John Drake identified her during a press conference as “a 28-year-old female that lived in the Nashville area,” and later confirmed that Hale “does identify as transgender, yes.”

Drake also confirmed that Hale was a former student at the school and that she had a manifesto.

Since early reports consistently referred to Hale using feminine pronouns before her transgender identity was confirmed, mainstream media outlets, which strive to use a person’s “preferred pronouns” in reporting, were unsure if Hale was a biological female who identified as a male or a biological male who identified as a female. Once the confusion was cleared up, and they realized they’d been using the “wrong pronouns,” some outlets felt compelled to post corrections/apologies.

“There was confusion later on Monday about the gender identity of the assailant in the Nashville shooting,” the New York Times tweeted. “Officials had used ‘she’ and ‘her’ to refer to the suspect, who, according to a social media post and a LinkedIn profile, appeared to identify as a man in recent months.”

The New York Times was not alone.

“Police on Monday afternoon said that the shooter was a transgender man,” USA Today tweeted. “Officials had initially misidentified the gender of the shooter.”

Following confirmation from authorities that Hale was transgender, CNN removed all references to the suspect being a woman from its initial reports and updated its story with a paragraph blaming Nashville police for misgendering Hale.

“Police have referred to Hale as the ‘female shooter’ and at an evening press conference added that Hale was transgender. When asked for clarification, a spokesperson told CNN Hale used ‘male pronouns’ on a social media profile.”

Think about this for a minute, Audrey Hale just murdered six people, including three children, and the media’s big concern is to absolve themselves of responsibility for “misgendering” Hale by blaming local officials for identifying Hale (correctly) as a female.

Reports indicate that Hale had multiple targets intended for her attack before she was shot and killed by police.

For our VIP Subscribers: How the Trans Movement Hurts Victims of Sexual Assault

This is hardly the first time the media has kowtowed to criminals this way. Last year, when actor Ezra Miller was accused of child trafficking and sexual abuse of a minor, the media similarly went to great lengths to avoid “misgendering” him because he identifies as “non-binary.” Variety magazine even altered a victim’s testimony to replace male pronouns with gender-neutral language.

It is extremely disconcerting to see the media placate the transgender community by prioritizing the avoidance of “misgendering” criminals. This misplaced emphasis is particularly troubling, given this latest tragedy that resulted in the loss of six innocent lives.

Library Director warns staff about MassResistance activism, attacks parents


Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Library Director in Idaho warns staff about MassResistance. Claims “there’s no pornography or obscenity in the library” – despite clear evidence.

Uses the American Library Association’s dishonest talking points to defend obscene books and attack parents.

Tells staff that the parents are simply “a politically motivated vocal minority.”

(Listen to the meeting for yourself!)

March 28, 2023
At the Marshall Public Library in Pocatello, Idaho, parents have found over 300 offensive books.

Most people don’t realize that even in conservative areas, public library officials are working behind the scenes to thwart and vilify parents who object to the pornographic books available to children. And they outrageously misrepresent parents’ concerns.

Pornographic books for children

It’s not just a few books. The MassResistance parents in Pocatello, Idaho, found over 300 books for young children or teenagers with erotic, homosexual, or transgender themes in the local Marshall Public Library.

How bad are these books? One mother told us about three that she saw in the teenagers’ section of the library:

Flamer by Mike Curato
“Some boys were at scout camp and they were all in a tent and with their pants pulled down. Another boy comes in and they hand him a bottle. They tell him that they’ve all masturbated into that bottle, and if he can’t do it right now in front of them, then he has to drink it.”

All boys aren't blue by George M. Johnson
“A ten-year-old boy was raped by his older male cousin. The book describes it in very sexually explicit detail.”

Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe
“Very explicit drawings of teens having homosexual sex with each other, including a boy sucking on another boy’s penis.” [A main character is a girl trying to be a boy, so it’s transgender propaganda as well.]

By any measure, these books are pornography that no child (or anyone!) should be exposed to. But that’s not how the library staff sees it.

Library Board cancels meeting to avoid parents

In our previous post, we reported that 30 local MassResistance parents in Pocatello came to their local Library Board meeting on Jan. 17 to complain about the obscene books. But the Board canceled the meeting (by staying away, resulting in a lack of a quorum) rather than face the parents’ testimony.

The library director calls a staff meeting on dealing with the ‘problem’ of MassResistance parents

Two days after the canceled Library Board meeting, the director of the Marshall Public Library, Eric Seuss, called a staff meeting to discuss how to deal with their “problem” with parents.

Library Director Eric Seuss. [Photo: American Library Association]

That meeting (of which we’ve received a recording) was a disturbing insight into how those people think. Seuss is also a candidate for president of the American Library Association (ALA) and embodies the far-left thinking of library directors across the country.

AUDIO: Library Staff Meeting (10 min 32 sec)

Here are some of the things he discussed at the meeting:

He started out talking about MassResistance. He mentioned that we had submitted a FOIA request for their collection policy and book challenging policy. He described what he read on our website about how we were founded in Massachusetts in opposition to gay marriage, and we’re now across the country, including Idaho and beyond.

He said, “They count among their successes forcing the resignation of an Idaho library director due to pressure and intimidation. What essentially they would like is the removal of books that they object to in libraries.”

He added, “Their contention is that libraries are spreading their liberal policies, in order to promote pornography, and promote obscenity, and to corrupt our children.”

He talked about the Jan. 17 Library Board meeting which was canceled when a crowd of parents showed up. Seuss said that someone had called him to say he’d be coming to testify at that meeting and said, “We’re going to surprise you.” (Thus, the library people knew something was coming. There were also social media discussions about it.) But Seuss claimed that he “didn’t know why” a majority of the Board members decided not to show up. He predicted that MassResistance parents will be at the next Board meeting.

Concerning complaints parents had with the books, he really revealed his bizarre mindset on that issue. First, he claimed that there's nothing in the library that is pornographic or obscene:

“We don’t have pornography, we don’t have obscenity. We do have things that people object to. They have gay themes that people object to and say we should remove all references to homosexuality. There are some depictions of body parts, which people object to. There are discussions of issues that people have problems with. But they’re not illegal, they’re not obscene, and they’re not pornography.”

He went on to make an outlandish argument that the library is “different from the school.” While schools push materials at children, libraries simply have materials there for the children to take. (That is misleading and dishonest. Children don’t really see a difference.) Therefore, he said, libraries “don’t have an agenda.”

He added that there are some parents who think these books “are exactly what their child should have.” He didn’t identify exactly who those parents might be, but added, “We’re not going to make that decision. It’s not legally our place.”

He said that the library has a “process” for dealing with objections from the public. He noted he would not be intimidated by “a surprise group” of parents who don’t use the process. (But as we all know, that carefully designed process will always work in the library staff’s favor.)

Seuss brought up a particular author who writes “rough stuff” for kids. The books have crude language, explicit sexual acts, and depict “actual experiences” the author says he had. The author claimed that a girl came up to him and said that it was because of his books that she didn’t kill herself. Seuss related that with some emotion.

(But in fact, this threat of “suicide” is a common tactic that the LGBT movement uses to force adults to accept their agenda on children. It has no legitimacy. In fact, the opposite is true; pushing pornography leads to horrible psychological issues throughout their lives.)

Seuss continued, “Just because you may not want your child to access something doesn’t mean it is not a perfect book for somebody else.” This is another lie by the LGBT movement that is incredibly destructive. There is no child for whom pornography is a “perfect” choice.

 “There is a difference between illegal and offensive. They are two different things,” he said. “A good library has a book to offend everybody. It’s OK to be offensive.”

He stated that parents being offended by child pornography is similar to his being offended by “the latest tell-all Princess Diana book” or someone being offended by “a Michelle Obama commentary.” (That is irrational and feeble thinking. It’s not about the parent being offended, it’s about how the child is affected.)

He talked about what might happen at the next month’s Library Board meeting. He warned his staff that a group of MassResistance parents may show up.

He then went on a rant about conservative parents who get involved. It was basically right out of the ALA talking points:

"There is a politically driven script out there that they follow at every library they’ve gone to. This is a national movement that is extremely well organized, very politically motivated and is vocal. But it is a minority.

"These folks truly believe what they’re presenting. They’ve been told that the library is corrupting their children that the library is full of pornography and obscenity and that it’s devastating to our children. And so if that’s what you believe, you’re going to fight for it."

All of this is his way of justifying the content of the toxic books described above as well as the 300 others that parents found there. It’s the same attitude we’ve seen across the country. But most parents are unaware that this extreme attitude has been adopted by most library staff.

Final thoughts

The Left hates MassResistance because we are successful in disrupting – and stopping – what these people are doing to children.

The content of these books sickens the average person, and the thought of impressionable children and teenagers reading them is beyond horrible. It’s well documented that this material can emotionally disrupt children for life.

But the library employees and people who run for library board seats actually believe that these books are good for children. They want children to grow up with the anything-goes sexual attitude that they hold. Furthermore, they use devious and dishonest strategies – much of it given to them by the far-left American Library Association – to actively sabotage and demonize parents who work against this. These are clearly very dysfunctional people.

The obscene Pocatello books are a problem. But the greater issue is the people who put them on the library shelves. Those people need to be removed!

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Ron DeSantis Notches Another Huge Win

Ron DeSantis Notches Another Huge Win



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The anti-progressive pathogen known as universal school choice spread to Florida today, as Gov. Ron DeSantis put his signature on the state’s House Bill 1.

DeSantis said at the signing that the new law represents “the largest expansion of education choice not just in the history of this state, but in the history of these United States.” Florida is generally ranked well in education, “despite” — please notice the scare quotes — spending less per pupil than almost any other state.

The new law ensures “eligibility of the state’s Florida Tax Credit Scholarship and Family Empowerment Scholarship to any resident of Florida” eligible for K-12 public education, according to Click Orlando.

“At the end of the day,” DeSantis also said, “we fundamentally believe that the money should follow the student and it should be directed based on what the parent thinks is the most appropriate education program for their child.”

Under the law, new Education Savings Accounts will give families up to $8,000 to spend on education outside the public school system. The amount is based on need, with families of four earning under $51,000 (or 186% of the poverty line) getting dibs on voucher dollars. The second tier of funds goes to families whose incomes do not exceed 400% of the poverty line.

DeSantis was on a roll against critics of universal school choice: “There were some that said, ‘Oh, you know, parents… don’t know what they’re doing. They shouldn’t be involved.’ You hear these crazy arguments, but I can tell you if you talk to most teachers if a parent is engaged in the student’s education, the student is going to do much better.”

Florida is now the sixth state — all led by Republicans –to fund universal school choice, starting with Arizona in 2022. While the GOP has been smart on public education policy, it remains to be seen whether they can make it a winning issue with urban voters whose kids are often trapped in utterly failed public schools.

Believe it or not, the signing wasn’t the only big reform win today for DeSantis.

DeSantis and the Republican-led legislature also made real the “biggest legal reform bill in decades,” with HB 837, according to the Institute for Legal Reform. The new law “protects Florida consumers and businesses from abusive billboard trial lawyer tactics” by protecting small businesses from massive damages when they are not primarily at fault, among other reforms.

NORTH DAKOTA: Another Train Carrying Hazardous Materials Derails

Another Train Carrying Hazardous Materials Derails. What's Going On?



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Move over “died suddenly,” because “train carrying hazardous materials derails” is quickly becoming the most common story to pop up in our news feeds.

As per local reports, a train belonging to Canadian Pacific, consisting of 70 cars transporting hazardous materials, derailed late Sunday night in North Dakota, approximately one-mile southeast of Wyndmere in Richland County at around 11:15 p.m.  According to the report, 31 of the 70 cars derailed, and some were found to be leaking petroleum used in the production of asphalt. No injuries have been reported.

Officials said crews will wait for the cold weather to solidify the leaked material, which is expected to transform into a gel.

Related: Three Train Derailments and a Developing Bio-Disaster — Where Are the Eco-Harpies?

As worries about railroad safety persist in the United States, the recent incident in North Dakota is the latest in a string of train derailments.

In February, a significant event occurred in East Palestine, Ohio, where around 50 cars derailed, resulting in the spillage of hazardous materials and the evacuation of residents. The Biden administration was widely criticized for its feeble response to the disaster. Similarly, a few weeks later, a train carrying hazardous materials derailed in Gothenburg, Neb.

There are suggestions that these recent train derailments are happening more frequently than usual, but it’s possible that the heightened attention is due to the East Palestine disaster. Similarly, concerns were raised last year about the frequency of fires occurring at food processing plants, which added to the supply chain crisis that was already problematic.

“So, industrial accidents happen, of course,” Fox News’s Tucker Carlson observed last year, “but this is a lot of industrial accidents at food processing facilities at the same time the president is warning us about food shortages.”

“Obviously, when something happens every so often, you obviously hope that there is no significant damage and certainly that no one gets hurt, but you kind of write it off, it’s not that big of a deal, accidents happen,” noted Carlson. “But when you’ve got well over a dozen food processing plants and warehouses getting destroyed or seriously damaged over just the last few weeks at a time when the food supply is already vulnerable, it’s obviously going to be suspicious, and it could lead to serious food shortages.”

Following the East Palestine derailment, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg defended the administration’s response by citing statistics that suggest there are approximately 1,000 train derailments per year or around 2.7 per day. However, it is likely that the majority of these are minor incidents, such as wheel slippage, that do not result in a train crashing to the ground.

Multiple Fatalities in Shooting at Nashville Christian Elementary School

BREAKING: Multiple Fatalities in Shooting at Nashville Christian Elementary

Nashville school shooting video released by police

Latest: Nashville Christian school shooter, Audrey Hale, a former student, identifies as transgender

Eerie text messages from Nashville shooter revealed: 'Planning to die today'

Expert examines potential ‘seeds of grievance’ for Nashville school shooter

Mother of Audrey Hale SPEAKS! Norma Hale



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Multiple people are dead following a shooting incident at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. Original reports from Fox News said that at least three children and two adults had died. That number rose to seven as more information became available. One officer sustained an injury in the incident. The Covenant School is a private Christian institution for children up to the sixth grade. The three students and three adults were taken by ambulance to the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt. The victims were pronounced dead at the hospital.

Originally, it was not clear if one of the deceased was the shooter, although a later report from Nashville Metro Police confirmed that the shooter had been engaged by officers and was killed.

“Officers went to the gunfire. When they got to the second floor and saw the shooter, a female. There was a five-member unit that was on the second floor at the time,” MNPD spokesperson Don Aaron said. “We know at this point that this shooter is a female. Her identification isn’t confirmed. She had two assault rifles and a handgun. She entered the school through a side entrance and went from the first school to the second floor. By 10:27 a.m., the shooter was dead.”

It is not known if the female shooter had any connection to the school. NewsChannel 5 reports that the shooter is a 28-year-old Nashville resident. Her name has not yet been released.

The police department said that other schools in the Green Hills area were placed on lockdown or lockout as a precaution and that parents were notified of the situation. Area roads have been closed during the response to the incident. According to WKRN, ATF Nashville, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have responded to assist with the incident.

News Channel 5 had statements from officials and Tennessee’s congressional delegation:

Mayor John Cooper:

In a tragic morning, Nashville joined the dreaded, long list of communities to experience a school shooting. My heart goes out to the families of the victims. Our entire city stands with you. As facts continue to emerge, I thank our first responders and medical professionals.

Gov. Bill Lee:

I am closely monitoring the tragic situation at Covenant, & the @TNDeptofSafety & @TNHighwayPatrol are assisting local law enforcement & first responders at the scene. As we continue to respond, please join us in praying for the school, congregation & Nashville community.

Sen. Bill Hagerty:

Devastated and heartbroken about the tragic news at Covenant School. I’m grateful to law enforcement and first responders for their heroic actions. I am monitoring the situation closely, and my office is in contact with local officials & available to anyone needing assistance.

Tennessee Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton:

No harm should ever come to any child. At some point today, please take a moment to pray for the families impacted by this tragedy. As we continue learning more details, we appreciate law enforcement and first responders for their quick response neutralizing the threat

The House Democratic Caucus:

The House Democratic Caucus is praying for the children and their families who were shooting victims at the Covenant School. Caucus Chairman John Ray Clemmons says, “Our thoughts are with the families of the entire school community and surrounding neighborhood.”

Sen. Marsha Blackburn:

Chuck and I are heartbroken to hear about the shooting at Covenant School in Nashville. My office is in contact with federal, state, & local officials, and we stand ready to assist. Thank you to the first responders working on site. Please join us in prayer for those affected.

This is a developing story. PJ Media will have more information as it becomes available.


Biden Swiftly Exploits Nashville Shooting to Push Gun Ban Demand



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Joe Biden moved quickly to exploit the Nashville school shooting and call once again for a ban on so-called “assault weapons.”

President Joe Biden wasted no time Monday to use the murders of six people at a private Christian grade school in Nashville, allegedly by a 28-year-old woman reportedly armed with two semiautomatic rifles and a handgun, to push his gun ban agenda.

She was killed by responding Nashville police officers. One NBC report identified the suspect as Audrey Hale.

Biden has been calling for a ban on so-called “assault rifles” for many years and used it as part of his presidential campaign three years ago.

The victims in Monday’s murderous rampage included three students and three staff members, according to Fox News. The killer apparently gained entry through a side door at the Covenant School. There were conflicting reports the female suspect may have once been a student at the school, but Nashville Police Chief John Drake was not certain what years she may have attended the private school.

The shooting comes at a time when Congress and state legislatures are battling over proposals to ban so-called “assault weapons.” Monday’s incident can only add fuel to that political fire. In one report, CNN noted that Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) also declared his support for banning semi-auto rifles and closing alleged gaps in the background check system.

All of these remarks were made even before police were able to find out much about the shooter or what her motive might have been.

In a separate report, Fox News confirmed Biden—speaking to a group of small business owners at a White House event—called on Congress to renew the ban “just like he helped pass in 1994.” Passage of that ten-year ban helped bring gun voters to the polls that year in huge numbers, throwing out more than 50 Democrat members of Congress and costing the party control of Capitol Hill for more than a decade.

Monday afternoon, police were only saying the female shooter was a resident of Nashville, but they were still not naming her.

By all accounts, police responded within minutes to the first call, and two of the first five officers on the scene engaged and killed the woman. She had made it all the way to the second floor of the school building after apparently entering through a side door.

Mass shootings by women are considered rare events. Typical mass shooters are male.

Not so rare, however, are efforts to exploit the shooting. In one strange event, reported by The Hill, a woman identified as Ashbey Beasley “took over a Fox News live stream” Monday, claiming to be a survivor of the mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois.

USA Today noted that “Biden’s push to reenact a ban…has gained no traction in the Republican-led House and even faces an uphill climb in the Democratic-controlled Senate despite a series of gun shootings nationally.”

Nearly two years ago, the White House released Biden’s “comprehensive strategy” to “prevent and respond” to gun-related crime and “ensure public safety.” The high points of that package remain online today:

  • Stem the flow of firearms used to commit violence, including by holding rogue firearms dealers accountable for violating federal laws;
  • Support local law enforcement with federal tools and resources to help address summer violent crime;
  • Invest in evidence-based community violence interventions;
  • Expanding summer programming, employment opportunities, and other services and supports for teenagers and young adults; and
  • Help formerly incarcerated individuals successfully reenter their communities.

There does not appear to be a single thing in this plan about locking up armed criminals, nor does there appear to be anything in these points that might have prevented the Nashville shooting. Police have not yet said whether the suspect got the guns legally.

Writing at USA Today, columnist Rex Huppke declared, “Hang your Second Amendment.” He wraps up his column by declaring, “It’s the guns. It has always been the guns. And until we treat them like the deadly tools we know they are, it will always be the guns.”

So, the “blame the guns” chorus has already begun tuning up. Various messages on social media reflect this approach, while others want to spend more on mental health efforts.

Perhaps before blaming the gun, the suspect ought to be blamed. In this case, however, the suspect is already dead.

About Dave Workman

Dave Workman is a senior editor at and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.

Dave Workman