Biden’s Brain Fog Thicker Than Ever as He Babbles About Disarming His Advisors



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Practically every day, Old Joe Biden gives us new evidence that he should be relaxing in his taxpayer-funded, walled Delaware beach house and watching Matlock reruns – oh wait, that’s what he is doing most of the time. But nearly every day he shows the world anew that he shouldn’t be doing this while pretending to be president of the United States.

Seldom, however, has he illustrated this in a more spectacular manner than on Wednesday, when he boasted about his efforts to “help keep guns out of the hands of domestic political advisors.”

Maybe he was signaling that his political advisors are so angry and frustrated over working for him that they’re contemplating violence, and certainly it’s clear that some of these people aren’t exactly stable. Would you like to see Rachel Levine running around with a pistol? (“Dr. Levine, is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?”) But it’s more likely that Old Joe can’t read off his cue cards anymore, and that talk of continuing this comic opera past January 20, 2025, is even more insane than Leftists usually are.

The White House transcript wonks performed their usual act of walking behind the circus elephant with a dustpan, crossing out “domestic political advisors” and informing us that what the putative president really meant to say was “convicted domestic abusers,” but that just makes things even worse. To get to this particular gaffe, Biden had to change the word order and two of the three words. Sure, “abusers” could be “advisors” when you’re 80 and squinting through the fog of dementia but reading “political” for “convicted” is a real stretch – unless, of course, you’re accustomed to thinking of politicians as habitual criminals who might one day be convicted of their crimes, and not just Bad Orange Man and his imaginary crimes, either.

The disarmed domestic political advisors were just the beginning. On Thursday, the alleged chief executive spoke at a celebration of Obama’s healthcare train wreck, and in the middle of the presidential blather and blague, a baby started crying. You’d cry, too, if you had to sit through Old Joe stumbling and fumbling his way through the latest concatenation of clichés and propaganda posted on his teleprompter. Affable Lunchbucket Joe stopped to reassure the mother, who was hurrying the crying child out of the room: “That’s all right — we like babies. You don’t have to worry about it. It’s — it’s okay. It’s all right. Matter a [sic] fact, I like babies better than people.”

Biden may be excused for not thinking babies are people. After all, he is indefatigably dedicated not only to forcing every state to keep abortion legal but even to forcing pro-lifers to pay for abortions. As this barbarity rests upon the anti-science claim that the unborn child is not a human being, maybe Old Joe isn’t sure about the humanity of just-born babies, either.

Related: President Brain Fog Strikes Again! Sings Happy Birthday to…Whom?

In the same speech that set the baby wailing, the supposed leader of the free world said, according to the White House transcript: “History is made when women decide that there’s a greater risk in accepting a situation they cannot bear than steeling our spine and embracing the promise of change. You know, and no one has more in her spine and — than the greatest Speaker in the history of this country, Nancy Pelosi.” State Freedom Caucus Network communications director Greg Price heard that as “stealing our spine,” and that’s certainly understandable, although it would make a hash of the statement; it isn’t as if Joe has never mumbled incoherent gibberish before. Interpreting it as “steeling” rather than “stealing” makes the statement marginally coherent, although nevertheless strange, as “steel” is hardly commonly used as a verb.

We shouldn’t have to do this. The statements of the man who is supposed to be president of the United States shouldn’t be a jumble of unintelligibility from which we try to divine meaning. It’s time for Old Joe’s unarmed domestic political advisors to take him aside and tell him that he is well past his sell-by date, and should forget about 2024. He has carried out enough of the Left’s agenda for any man, and Americans will be trying to clean up the damage for generations to come. It’s time for him to retire the teleprompter once and for all and make a well-deserved return to the basement from which he conducted his miraculously successful and nearly nonexistent presidential campaign of 2020. He won’t be missed.

Nebraska Democrat With Transgender Son in Hysterical Rant Against Republicans Trying to Protect Children

Megan Hunt becomes the first openly LGBTQ person elected to the legislature


Freedom From Religion Foundation Co-President Dan Barker and Director of Governmental Affairs Mark Dann speak with Nebraska state Sen. Megan Hunt. Hunt is openly atheist and bisexual and was the first openly LGBTQ person elected to the Nebraska legislature.

Nebraska Needs Comprehensive Sex Education

QUOTE: "My testimony at the State Board of Education hearing on the framework for K-12 health education in our state. The second draft of the standards was released in July and is a complete departure from what medical experts, education professionals, and decades of research clearly demonstrate is effective health education. The second draft significantly weakens the inclusion of medically accurate and age-appropriate essential elements—STD and pregnancy prevention, sexual orientation, gender identity, consent, and diverse family structures—resulting in a complete departure from what medical experts and decades of research clearly demonstrate is effective health education. By removing these topics, the second draft fails to align with not only best practices in the health education field but also the State Board of Education’s own Nondiscrimination and Equitable Educational Opportunities in Schools Position Statement, which states that all students should be “known, heard and supported.” The opposition wants us to teach values, but just their values. However, that is not the role of a public school system, and we have 304,000 children to keep safe, alive, and thriving. Research shows that medically and scientifically accurate sex education decreases the number of teen pregnancies, decreases the incidence of abortion, and delays the average age when students begin engaging in sexual activity."

Interview with Freedom From Religion Foundation

Megan Hunt: Champion of the First Amendment Awardee by FFRF

Ban Religious Indoctrination Camps! Senator Megan Hunt on the attacks on LGBTQ, Drag Queens & Trans

Ban Religious Indoctrination Camps! Senator Megan Hunt on the attacks on LGBTQ, Drag Queens & Trans Why did Nebraska State Senator Megan Hunt amend a bill to ban children from attending “religious indoctrination” camps? Amber gets the chance to ask her! You won't what to miss what she has to say on this subject. Senator Megan Hunt is a small business owner, community activist, and mother first elected to the Nebraska State Legislature in 2018 and re-elected in 2022 to represent District 8; becoming the first LGBTQ+ person ever elected to the Legislature, and the first woman ever from the district. A sixth-generation Nebraskan, Megan has lived and worked in the district for the past 18 years. Megan founded Hello Holiday, a community-facing boutique and e-commerce company in 2012. Today, she is the owner of a stationary shop in Benson. Senator Hunt currently sits on five committees in the Legislature; Business and Labor, Urban Affairs, Government, Military and Veterans Affairs, Committee on Committees, and State-Tribal Relations. The opportunity for public service through elective office opened for her in 2015 when Hunt’s public school district was considering a new comprehensive sex education curriculum to educate students about sexual health, consent, and healthy relationships. Since then, she has remained committed to uplifting the voices of the marginalized and forgotten. Megan is passionate about public education, reproductive justice and gender equity, workforce development, and reducing the brain drain in the Midwest. Since taking office, she has worked with other senators from across the state to tackle food stamp reform, tenants’ rights, access to healthcare, and affordable housing in Nebraska. Megan has introduced 45 bills and cosponsored 131 bills, 46 of which passed with bipartisan support and were signed by the Governor. Megan is the founder and Vice President of Safe Space Nebraska, a 501(c)3 working to end harassment and assault in nightlife establishments. She is a trustee of the Business Ethics Alliance and has served on the boards of Charles Drew Health Center, Friends of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, Friends of the Nebraska AIDS Project, and Omaha Area Youth Orchestras. Megan’s work and impact have been featured in dozens of publications including Forbes, INC, The Washington Post, Cosmopolitan, the Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, and others. In acknowledgment of her legislative efforts, she has been awarded the Henry Toll Fellowship, David Bohnett Leaders Fellowship, Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance Leadership Award, and CSG’s Bowhay Institute for Legislative Leadership Development Fellowship, among others. As a business owner, community leader, and parent, Megan has worked with commitment and discipline to help people from all walks of life prosper in our state. Her track record stems from her belief that the more everyday Nebraskans are empowered and supported to improve their quality of life, the easier it is for all of us to live the good life in the Cornhusker State.

Nebraska Legislature: Sen. Megan Hunt speaks about gender-affirming care

Sen. Megan Hunt addresses a would-be ban on gender-affirming care for minors in Nebraska. She revealed on the floor that her son is transgender and plans to filibuster the bill and other bills to keep it from passing.

We Cannot Codify Hate in Our State Laws

QUOTE: "LB574, introduced by Senator Kathleen Kauth, represents an extreme government intrusion into the private lives of families. Lawmakers have no place in legislating healthcare or discriminating against LGBTQ+ youth. We cannot enshrine this lack of safety into our laws which will only contribute to higher levels of suicide, substance abuse, and physical abuse."



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

Nebraska Democratic state Sen. Megan Hunt is on a crusade. And she wants everyone to know it.

Hunt has decided to filibuster the last two and a half months of the Nebraska legislative session to block the passage of a bill that would prevent “gender-affirming care” for minors. Listening to Hunt, who has a transgender “son,” you might think the GOP was planning mass murder.

The bill would ban gender surgeries and the prescription of hormones to minors. But for Hunt and other Nebraska Democrats, the bill is going to murder children.

“I will burn the session to the ground over this bill,” warned state Sen. Machaela Cavanaugh.

Hunt and her colleagues were just getting warmed up.

“If this bill passes, all your bills are on the chopping block, and the bridge is burned,” Hunt warned the chamber.

“We have made it clear that this is the line in the sand,” Hunt said to lawmakers on Thursday.

“People have said, ‘What if we go after your bills? What if we put a bunch of bills introduced by progressives up on the agenda? Are you going to filibuster those, too?’ Yes, because we’re not like you,” Hunt explained. “We have a principle and a value that actually matters that much to us that we’re willing to stand up for.”

Related: Rachel Levine Says That Medically Changing Children’s Gender Will Soon Be Normalized

Are we allowed to look at such nobility, such greatness in the eye? Perhaps we should have the Republicans in the Nebraska legislature knee-walk into the chamber while averting their gaze?

Apparently not.

“Don’t say hi to me in the hall, don’t ask me how my weekend was, don’t walk by my desk and ask me anything. Don’t send me Christmas cards ― take me off the list,” Hunt warned. “No one in the world holds a grudge like me, and no one in the world cares less about being petty than me. I don’t care. I don’t like you.”

Oh, sure. I’ll take her name off my Christmas card list right away, you bet.

The topper may have come when another Democratic female legislator broke down in tears after reading a letter from a psychologist.


On Wednesday, Day cried in the chamber while reading a letter from a psychologist who said the bill “will result in the deaths of transgender and gender diverse adolescents, likely before the end of the school year.”

“I want all of you to go into the rotunda and look into the eyes of those parents and tell them that you’re voting for this bill knowing that it could potentially kill their child,” Day said with tears.

Sen. John Fredrickson, the first openly gay man elected to the Nebraska Legislature, also cried in the chamber before reading a letter from a constituent who said that without gender-affirming care, her son would likely have taken his own life as a teenager.

Just as an aside: there is no evidence that “gender-affirming care” improves the mental health of children. Teens are usually suffering from comorbidities unrelated to gender dysphoria and are still at risk even if they receive treatment.

But inconvenient facts like that can be ignored in service to the greater good. The fact is, Megan Hunt is a new kind of radical nutcase. A small-minded, bitter, closed-off white woman. If I were the Nebraska child services, I would investigate her to determine how much she influenced her “son’s” gender dysphoria.

This is a woman looking for a cause, and she has apparently found it.

Biden Blasted for Weak Response to Iran Attacks on Americans in Syria



Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

The response by President Joe Biden to drone and rocket attacks in Syria that resulted in the death of a U.S. contractor and injuries to six other Americans was criticized by Republicans as being too little too late.

On Thursday, Biden ordered retaliatory airstrikes in response to the fatal drone attack in Syria on a coalition base. Republicans criticized his response, citing his weaknesses as a president towards other world leaders. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) accused Biden of letting Americans down again and placed the blame squarely on him. Furthermore, a day after the retaliatory airstrikes, Iran-backed proxy forces launched rockets at a U.S. base in northeast Syria, highlighting the escalating tensions in the region.

“I fear General Milley and Secretary of Defense Austin are not proving to be up to the task of providing the deterrence America needs to remain safe. However, the ultimate blame for the failing foreign policy and military situation we find ourselves in lies with President Biden,” Graham tweeted on Friday. “President Biden owes it to those Americans fighting radical Islam to respond vigorously to any attack on them and their position by Iranian proxies. The weak, uncertain response to the initial attack obviously did not work.”

“America has only one path available when attacked – respond swiftly and vigorously with overwhelming, punishing force designed to make enemies wary of engaging with the United States,” he added. “Being strong is the best deterrence against future attacks.”

Related: Joe Biden Is All the Worst Things About Obama and More

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) also criticized President Biden’s retaliatory strikes as coming too late, claiming that American lives could have been saved if Biden had responded forcefully to the dozens of earlier Iranian attacks. Cotton tweeted that Secretary of Defense Austin should explain why more isn’t being done to deter Iran.

Similarly, Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) faulted Biden for not imposing sanctions on Iran and for his “flawed” nuclear agreement. She pointed out that Iranian proxies have attacked U.S. servicemembers nearly 80 times, and criticized the Biden administration’s “doctrine of appeasement,” which, Ernst pointed out, has “emboldened our adversaries” and cost American lives.

Of course, Biden, whose leniency and advocacy of Iran mirrors that of his former boss, Barack Obama, justified his response by insisting he doesn’t want to provoke the terrorist-sponsoring country. “Make no mistake, the United States does not, does not, I emphasize, seek conflict with Iran,” Biden said Friday. “But be prepared for us to act forcefully to protect our people.”

I’ll believe it when I see it.