Biden Gives Predictably Mixed Signals On Iran~Biden: ‘We’re Gonna Free Iran’
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.
Was Old Joe Biden signaling yet another expensive project for the already weary and overburdened American taxpayer? We’ve already forked over billions upon billions to free Ukraine, and now there’s another captive nation whose liberation we have to bankroll? And while we’re busy underwriting all this freeing of everyone else, who will free the citizens of the United States from this woke tyranny that is progressively (well, that’s what progressives do — progress — but they aren’t progressing toward anything good) growing more assertive and authoritarian? That’s a question for Tuesday. Meanwhile, on the Thursday before his midterm come-to-judgment, Biden was using Iran the way he used cancer in the past: as the basis for empty promises that he hoped would get him some votes. “Don’t worry, we’re gonna free Iran,” he declared, no doubt to the surprise of Iranians everywhere.
NBC News reported Friday that Biden said at a rally for Rep. Mike Levin (D-More Socialism) at MiraCosta College near San Diego, “Don’t worry, we’re gonna free Iran. They’re gonna free themselves pretty soon.”
Well, which is it, Joe? Are they going to free themselves, or is the United States going to free them? Unfortunately, the Sage of Wilmington, as gnomic as ever, wasn’t about to explain. NBC notes that the so-called president “did not expand on the comment or mention any specific actions the United States might take.” It added, however, that Biden’s handlers announced the day before Biden vowed to free Iran that the administration was going to “try to remove Iran from the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women over its government’s stance on women’s rights, as well as its ongoing crackdown on the weekslong protests.”
Biden’s ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, appeared to be firmly on the side of “They’re gonna free themselves pretty soon” rather than “We’re gonna free Iran,” saying, “Change in Iran should only come from within Iran. But that does not absolve the world of the obligation to stand with the Iranian people as they protest for women, for life, and for freedom.” Sure. You mean like how Barack Obama ordered the CIA not to do anything to help the Green Movement in Iran in 2009 because he wanted to court Ayatollah Khamenei and get him to agree to a nuclear deal, the same nuclear deal that Donald Trump rightly called the worst deal that any American president had ever concluded about anything?
Much more recently, on Oct. 22, 2022, the Biden team’s Iran negotiator, Robert Malley, aroused the ire of all Iranians who want to see the end of the bloody Islamic regime in Iran when he tweeted, “Marchers in Washington and cities around the world are showing their support for the Iranian people, who continue to peacefully demonstrate for their government to respect their dignity and human rights.”
Related: That Insane Obama-Biden Iran Deal Is Getting Worse All the Time
The courageous Iranian freedom fighter Masih Alinejad tweeted the following day, “Time for @USEnvoyIran [that is, Malley] to go. By continually misrepresenting Iranian’s rejection of the Islamic Republic, he is hurting the US administration's standing among the people of Iran. As I told @JakeSullivan46 Iran’s regime which killed #MahsaAmini & dozens of teenagers is beyond reform.” It was clear, however, why Malley didn’t want to acknowledge that the Iranian protestors want to see the end of the Islamic Republic: Biden’s handlers still hope to do business with the mullahs and conclude a new nuclear deal with them. They’d rather see the regime that regularly proclaims “Death to America” in power than a group of revolutionaries who would, at least initially, be an unknown quantity.
No doubt fully aware that the Biden administration has what Facebook might term a “complicated” relationship with the Islamic Republic, Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi responded acidly to Biden’s confusing remarks, saying, “Iran was freed 43 years ago and is determined not to fall into your captivity.” Biden’s “we’re gonna free Iran/they’re gonna free themselves” statement, Raisi said, was “probably due to the absent-mindedness that he suffers from.” Coming from a man who won the nickname “The Butcher,” “absent-mindedness” was an unexpectedly gentle turn of phrase.
Given the Biden administration’s previous solicitude for the mullahs, granting them concession after concession to obtain a new nuke deal, it’s unlikely that “we’re gonna free Iran.” Ultimately that deal foundered on the Iranians’ continual demands, as well as the bad optics of making a deal with the mullahs while their own people are rising up against them. If the Islamic regime survives this uprising, however, the deal will certainly reappear, which will make it abundantly clear that when the garrulous old liar in the White House said “we’re gonna free Iran,” he meant “we’re not gonna free Iran.”