Take a Look Inside a Cricket Farm…Which Is Where Your Food Will Come From Soon


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/athena-thorne/2022/08/17/take-a-look-inside-a-cricket-farmwhich-is-where-your-food-will-come-from-soon-n1621822;

Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, & research purposes.

It’s astonishing how, by the time we normal folk first hear of a new Globalist Socialist initiative, it turns out there’s already a significant amount of infrastructure in place. Take eating bugs, for example. Did you know that there are currently sizable cricket farms in many parts of the world, including Canada and the United States? Or that cricket flour is already used in some foods?

For example, Entomo Farms in Canada currently produces a weekly harvest of 50 million crickets, which it mills into 9,000 pounds of “protein.” The owners plan to triple production within a year. Some of the “cricket flour” goes into pet foods, while some is added to foods made for human consumption. And some of the insects are used intact as seasoned snack foods. The cricket producer already sells its products under the brand name Actually Foods.

Business Insider posted an informational video on Friday that gives a look into daily operations at Entomo Farms. It’s seven minutes long and fairly interesting if you’re not the kind that gets skeeved out at the sight of mounds of insects:

In all fairness, there seems to be much to recommend free-range cricket farming: farms require a fairly small footprint, crickets are fast breeders, cricket poop (“frass”) can be used as fertilizer, crickets and bugs carry very few diseases that can be transmitted to humans, and the critters have a range of uses. Crickets can be included in pet foods and treats. (I know my cat loves her some bugs.) Soy-heads can include chirpers in their diet as a protein source. And — my favorite — crickets can be fed real food like tasty fish, chickens, and turkeys.

So what’s the problem? Glo-Socs aren’t simply trying to offer people another item on the menu to choose from; they want to eventually force us to eat bugs, which they will do by abolishing the raising of livestock. We know how this goes because we’ve seen this movie before. Glo-Socs target something for abolition — DDT, incandescent bulbs, internal combustion engines — make a politicized scientific effort to create a replacement, then ban the targeted product. Never mind that the crappy replacement they came up with is inferior and that no one would choose it over the original item. What’s the point of having all that power if you’re not going to use it, amirite?

Here’s where the dystopia sets in.

In the name of saving Mother Earth from “man-made climate change,” the forces of light are targeting traditional livestock farming and replacing it with mass-produced bugs and grubs. LifeSiteNews.com reports:

Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who is considered the largest private owner of farmland in the United States and in 2019 invested $100,000 into an insect-farming start-up, has stated that “all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef.”

Likewise, George Monbiot, a British writer and environmental activist, told Irish state-funded media outlet RTE last month that agriculture destroys “habitats,” is one of the leading causes of “climate breakdown,” and pollutes the air and water.

“We need to switch toward other sources of food,” Monbiot said, arguing that “eating meat and milk and eggs is an indulgence we cannot afford.” (This especially breaks my heart, and Irish dairy is one of life’s finest pleasures.)

Once all those dastardly cows and yardbirds are gone (except for the small number on which our betters will naturally dine), hungry proles are just going to have to eat what’s on their plate. As we teach pre-schoolers, you get what you get and you don’t get upset.

Luckily, crickets take just six weeks from hatch to harvest and they’re prolific egg layers, so production can be ramped up rapidly. “Super exciting thing about insect farming is scale-up is super fast,” says Darrin Goldin, the cricket grower featured in the Business Insider video. “Each cricket lays 600 eggs or so, and so, in a crisis event, if we needed to scale up our production, we can do it really, really fast.”

Hmm, a “crisis event.” Where did he get that notion?

Related: Is the Green Agenda Being Forced Upon Us by Accident?

Crickets are already popular in Asia, our betters assure us. But then again, so are mask-wearing and communism.

I keep thinking of that pathetic scene in Soylent Green where Charlton Heston and Edward G. Robinson get hold of some actual, real food and it’s a once-in-a-lifetime event for them. I figure we’re, what, ten years out at this point?