Former FBI agent: “I would have rather resigned than be part of this ridiculous raid”~PA Rep. Scott Perry says FBI agents seized his cellphone~FBI AGENTS RIFLING THROUGH TRUMP’S OFFICE & MELANIA’S WARDROBE

Ben Garrison Gestapo KGB FBI

World war 2, german gestapo officers executing russian peasants, september 1943, the photo was taken by a german soldier captured by the red army.

Germany: Heinrich Himmler reviews German Gestapo Troopers.

There Has Been Bitter Acrimony Between Political Camps Before, but the Raid Is Something New.

On 'John Bachman Now', Newsmax contributor and former FBI agent Michael Grimm said Wednesday, the Trump raid has tarnished our entire justice system. "It is really a black eye on our entire justice system and this is a stain that is indelible, it's never going to be removed, and I don't think anyone is left in this country with any faith in the integrity of either the FBI or the DOJ for that matter."

PA Rep. Scott Perry (York/Cumberland) says FBI agents seized his cellphone

FROM 9AM TO 6:30PM, FBI reportedly ransacked Trump's office & Melania's wardrobe; CRACKED OPEN TRUMP'S SAFE

We the the Russia to PM ET G I TRUMP: AND LAGO RAID IS "PROSECUTORIAL NEWS MISCONDUCT" WEAPONIZATIC ON OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM" Eric Trump Says Safe Cracked Open By FBI Was Empty (VIDEO) August 8, 2022, 1020pm by Cristina Laila 1046 Comments


Biden’s Handlers Released 324 Unvetted Afghan Evacuees on Terror Watchlist Into the U.S.

It's all going according to plan.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Biden’s catastrophically botched withdrawal from Afghanistan was bad enough in itself, diminishing America’s standing in the world and projecting an image of weakness that has encouraged and emboldened enemies of our nation worldwide. The fallout from it, however, could be incalculably worse. A Defense Department (DoD) whistleblower has revealed that 324 of the Afghans whom U.S. forces brought to the United States as the disaster in Afghanistan was unfolding appeared on the department’s Biometrically Enabled Watchlist (BEWL), which includes terrorists, and yet were admitted into the country without being vetted. No one who has been watching the spreading dumpster fire that is the Biden administration could possibly be surprised.

Senators Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) and Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) have called upon the DoD to investigate. On Thursday, they wrote to DoD Acting Inspector General Sean O’Donnell about their “concern over new allegations raised by a Department of Defense (DoD) whistleblower. This information may show the Biden Administration’s failure to vet those evacuated from Afghanistan was even worse than the public was led to believe. The following allegations demand an immediate investigation by your office.” There should indeed be an investigation, but in these days of the hyper-politicization of everything and concomitant wokeification of the government bureaucracy, a genuinely illuminating investigation is about as likely to happen as Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis getting the Democrat nomination for president in 2024.  

Epoch Times reported Friday that “the BEWL identifies individuals whose biometrics have been collected and determined by analysts to be threats or potential threats to national security, including known suspected terrorists.” But instead of stopping those who appeared on this watchlist, the whistleblower contents that “White House and DoD officials instructed agency personnel to ‘cut corners' and not conduct full fingerprint tests on the evacuees at staging bases in Europe, ‘in order to promote the rushed evacuation from Afghanistan.’”

The whistleblower also charges that “Department of Homeland Security (DHS) staff were authorized to delete old biometric data at their discretion.” Really, what could possibly go wrong? Hawley and Johnson point out, with admirable understatement, that this is a “troubling development that could threaten national security and public safety.”

Yeah, it could. And as it was all initially unfolding, Joe Biden was doing what he does best: lying. Sensitive to criticism arising from the importation of unvetted Afghans into the U.S., Biden declared in September 2021 that “planes taking off from Kabul are not flying directly to the United States. They’re landing at U.S. military bases and transit centers around the world. At these sites where they are landing, we are conducting thorough scrutiny — security screenings for everyone who is not a U.S. citizen or a lawful permanent resident.” State Department spokesman Ned Price added: “Before anyone who is evacuated from Afghanistan comes to this country, they undergo a rigorous vet. Unless and until they complete that vet they will not be in a position to come to the U.S.”

In reality, however, there appeared to be a concerted effort to bring unvetted Afghans into the United States. At least 82,000 Afghans were brought to the U.S. without being vetted. In October 2021, Senate Republicans noted in a memo, according to the Washington Examiner, “senior officials across the departments of Homeland Security, Defense, State, and Justice described a disastrous screening and vetting process.” Immigration officials accepted uncritically what Afghans said about who they were, without making any effort to check their stories. According to the Examiner, “the large majority of people, approximately 75%, evacuated were not American citizens, green card holders, Afghan Special Immigrant Visa holders, or applicants for the visa.”

Special Immigrant Visas (SIV) had been given to Afghans who aided U.S. forces in Afghanistan. In September 2021, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas revealed that “of the 60,000 Afghans who have entered the U.S., nearly 8,000 are either U.S. citizens or residents, while about 1,800 are SIV holders, having obtained visas after assisting the U.S. military.” That meant that 52,000 of the 60,000 Afghans who had come into the country were not U.S. citizens or SIV holders. In November 2021, Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) stated that only 700 of the 82,000 Afghans now in the U.S. were SIV holders.

The Examiner noted that Biden’s reception of these Afghans “violated long-standing U.S. government policies for handling refugees.” This was a deliberate decision: “Refugees are to be screened and vetted before being admitted to the U.S. through an extensive process that includes multiple interrogations. Rather than follow the protocol, the Biden administration instructed federal law enforcement and military officials handling the evacuations and processing to adhere to less stringent standards.”

Hawley confronted FBI director Christopher Wray about all this Thursday. According to Epoch Times, “Wray wasn’t able to give a clear answer about the FBI’s efforts to track down and interview the 324 Afghan evacuees.” Once again, no one should be surprised. Clearly, this is all going the way the Leftist elites want it to go.


Families Fleeing WCASD Over LGBTQ Curriculum, Dresses for Boys

1060 Wilmington Pike, West Chester, PA 19382
Phone: 484-266-2700 Fax: 484-266-2799

Mrs. Puchalla

Mrs. Mary Kay Puchalla
8th Grade Administrator


Mr. James DeWitt
Assistant Principal
7th Grade Administrator

g a stetson middle school - DriverLayer Search Engine


"Two families removed their children from a school district in West Chester, Pennsylvania, due to “woke indoctrination,” according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Stetson Middle School in West Chester, Pennsylvania, posted photos of drag queens and LGBTQ activists on the walls of classrooms for 7th graders as a part of Pride Month, according to documents obtained by the DCNF. Jim Jacobs, a father of an 11-year-old at the school, and Jacobs’ brother have removed their children from the school after learning of the pride month activities, Jacobs told the DCNF."

Addison Smith talked to Jim Jacobs, a Pennsylvania father who took his son out of Stetson Middle School following an onslaught of

"raunchy" contents displayed at the school.

Families Fleeing WCASD Over LGBTQ Curriculum, Dresses for Boys



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

At least two families have decided to remove their children from Stetson Middle School after over-the-top gay pride celebrations this year.

Jim Jacobs said he and his brother have decided to send their children to different schools because of what he believes is cultural indoctrination instead of education occurring in the West Chester Area School District.

“The last thing I wanted to do was to transfer my son for his 8th-grade year, but enough is enough,” said Jacobs. “At Stetson, there is no freedom of speech but freedom of ‘woke’ speech. The tolerance promoted by Diversity/Equity/Inclusion is not practiced towards those who have disagreements with or dare to question the ‘woke’ agenda.”

During the gay pride celebrations, boys were encouraged to wear dresses during Gay Pride Month and a male teacher taught in high heels. However, Jacobs’ son was pulled out of class for wearing Uggs that officials deemed slippers, although the youth had worn Uggs the previous year without incident.

“So my son gets disciplined for wearing Uggs (which are said to not adhere to the dress code), but boys are encouraged to wear dresses and male teachers can teach in stilettoes! Really?” Jacobs said. “I called Assistant Principal (James) DeWitt to ask if that was true. He verified it and told me that ‘boys dressing as girls and a male teacher wearing high heels is perfectly acceptable and not in violation of the dress code.’”

And DeWitt also told Jacobs, “This teacher has worn high heels on multiple occasions and that if the teacher is comfortable wearing them, then the school supports him.”

“My son told me that the same teacher who wears high heels would wave the gay pride flag and march it through the cafeteria at lunch and that this was completely accepted and encouraged,” said Jacobs. “How are these not clear-cut examples of indoctrination and the promotion of a specific social agenda?”

“The final straw was the fact that students were encouraged to wear ‘gay pride’ flags for Gay Pride Week. My son’s friends were wearing American flags, and he wanted to wear a Blue Lives Matter flag. I saw nothing wrong with that since if students are allowed to wear Gay Pride flags, others should be allowed to wear an American flag, right?

“However, a gay student opposed the American flags being worn, so Mrs. Heather Selgrath, the 8th-grade counselor, told students who were wearing American flags and Blue Lives Matter flags (my son) that they had to take them off and put them away in their lockers,” said Jacobs.

“It’s selective enforcement of the dress code,” Jacobs said. “It’s ridiculous.”

Also, Jacobs said his 12-year-old niece had to do a book report this semester, but her only option was to do one on a Black or transgendered person.

“Why?” he asked.

“My brother is flipping out,” Jacobs said. “They had his daughter wearing all this make-up and posing with another girl because that’s what they’re encouraging.”

Both Jacobs and his brother are sending their children to Catholic schools in the fall.

“Students were encouraged to take pictures with same-sex students in front of the gay pride flag at school,” he said. There were also pictures on the wall for students to pose with. “When the LBTGQ display by the pride flag is examined closely, pictures of various individuals on the school wall can be seen,” he said.

“Googling two of their names gave extremely disturbing results,” he said. One was Frida Kahlo, “who was a Communist artist ‘regarded as an icon for Chicanos, the feminism movement, and the LGBTQ+ movement,’” he said. “And another was Bianca Del Rio, who is a drag queen comedian, ‘whose YouTube videos contain off-color raunchy, comedy routines and discuss heroin usage and men’s penises.’ One has to question the academic value of displaying these pictures in a middle school for 11 to 13-year-old children.”

“These activities and displays are unquestionable distractions and liabilities to academic learning, which should be the primary purpose of our public schools,” Jacobs continued. “Promotion of political and social agendas should be verboten. Unfortunately, freedom of speech doesn’t exist anymore in public schools such as in the WCASD…there is only freedom of ‘woke’ speech and selective enforcement of dress codes. Taxpayers should not be required to fund this nonsense.”

“This is unbelievable, crazy stuff,” Jacobs said about the school’s emphasis on LGBTQ issues. “It’s not enough to be gay. You have to be flamboyantly gay.”

Elana Fishbein, a Lower Merion resident and founder of No Left Turn in Education said, “Our schools have been completely derailed by woke people who call themselves ‘educators.’ These woke mobsters hijacked the schools and are suffocating and sexualizing our children with their perverted ideology. For them, furthering an ideology is their mission, not imparting knowledge and skill building. And while religion was chased out of school halls long ago, this ideology has become, ironically, not only a new religion but a cult. Today, they are the true schoolyard bullies.”

A spokeswoman for WASD did not respond to a request for comment.

Judge Who Approved Raid Was Obama Donor, Epstein Lawyer~Trump was already cooperating with National Archives, so why the dramatic, unprecedented raid?~Biden regime wages lawless TERROR CRUSADE against Trump’s America

Judge Who Signed FBI Raid On Trump Linked To EPSTEIN In SHOCKING Development, Civil War Trending

Judge Who Authorized Trump Raid Defended Epstein Women, Donated To Obama, Jeb Bush


Judge Who Approved Raid Was Obama Donor, Epstein Lawyer


New Trump Video Nails What Every Patriot Feels This Morning


Bongino: ‘This Is Some Third World Bull S--t Right Here’; The FBI Has Shredded Any Credibility They Had Left

LEVIN ON MAR-A-LAGO RAID: “This is the worst attack on this Republic in Modern History”

Newt Gingrich: FBI’s Mar-A-Lago Raid ‘Is a Very Scary Step Towards a Police State Eliminating the Constitution as a Real Document’



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

It is peculiar that Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence was dramatically raided at this particular time, in a stunningly unprecedented act by the FBI, when National Archives had already inventoried the contents of Trump’s boxes back in February. The National Archives was quoted as stating in February that it was “in the process of inventorying the contents of the boxes,” and also insisted that the process was “part of a MUTUAL ongoing effort to retrieve presidential documents, not a raid.”

Most of the mainstream media were quick to report last night that Eric Trump told Fox News that the FBI raid was conducted over documents sought by National Archives, but they left out the most important part of Eric’s statement: Donald Trump’s full cooperation, as well as Eric’s. 

The motive of the FBI is clearly evident in the invasion of Trump’s residence. The raid was agenda-driven with midterm elections in mind, to soup up the Democrat and legacy media narrative, which will include plenty of spin and further lies, this time about what will likely be presented as the discovery of what was in Trump’s files. Trump issued a statement:

These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate. It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024…

From Adam Schiff’s flat-out lies against Trump in a big, expensive Russian collusion hoax to a refusal to investigate the corrupt Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton (including her long history of mishandling and hiding classified documents), America is now under a two-tier system of justice: one for Democrats and another for Republicans, especially Donald Trump.

The New York Times reported in April on Joe Biden’s determination to ruin Trump:

Mr. Biden confided to his inner circle that he believed former President Donald J. Trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted, according to two people familiar with his comments. And while the president has never communicated his frustrations directly to Mr. Garland, he has said privately that he wanted Mr. Garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor…

A federal judge had to sign off on the Mar-a-Lago raid, although the identity of the judge has not been revealed as of this writing. Meanwhile, the White House denies any prior knowledge of the FBI plans, if you can trust what comes out of the Biden White House. The weaponization of the justice system and security state has risen to a new level. Democrat tactics match the levels of corruption expected in countries such as Venezuela, where the rule of law hardly exists anymore. As Lara Trump stated on Fox News last night: “if they are doing this to a past President, what will they do to you?” She is right. They are unscrupulous and will come after anyone who challenges the deep state and its woke ideologies, which they are pushing on children in primary schools.

The desperation of the corrupt Democrat establishment is evident in the invasion of Mar-a-Lago. It shows their fear of the consequences they know they would face in the event of a Trump election win. The DOJ and FBI now bear an incredible burden of proof. Trump wasn’t even anywhere near Mar-a-Lago when the FBI invasion was launched, so there was no valid concern about him possibly destroying evidence. It was rather, a stunt.

Now, all mainstream media attention is back to savaging Trump, justifying the indefensible while Democrat sharks and their cronies trample upon American due process. Attention will now be shifted away from the decrepit Joe Biden and the mess he’s made of the country domestically and abroad, just in time for the mid-terms. As Churchill once said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” This has become the Democrat mission statement in the many crises they create in order to win by the dirtiest means possible. Let’s hope the Mar-a-Lago stunt backfires.



Victor Davis Hanson Goes SCORCHED EARTH on the FBI!!!

Biden regime wages lawless TERROR CRUSADE against Trump’s America



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

(Natural News) Beyond the obvious analysis of the FBI / DOJ / Biden terror crusade against President Trump and We the People, what I’ve pointed out in the Situation Update podcast below are three critical points to understand:

  1. One of the goals of the raid on Mar-A-Lago is to try to provoke an armed civil war uprising among the American people so that the DOJ and FBI can label all Trump supporters as violent extremists.
  2. The brazen nature of the raid on Trump’s private residence is strong evidence that the deep state plans a major disruption or false flag that would suspend the mid-term elections. It’s clear they are not afraid to violate the rule of law and anger the American people, since they believe they will never again have to answer to the people anyway.
  3. The Democrats now believe they have so much power that they no longer need to even pretend to be the good guys. Now, they are just brazenly carrying out acts of terrorism against the American people, with no regard for any blowback because, as stated above, they do not believe they will ever have to answer voters ever again (because there will never be fair and free elections in America as long as they remain in power).

So we are now living under a lawless, tyrannical terrorism regime that’s pretending to be a legitimately elected “democratic” government but is nothing of the kind.

Essentially, this means that no state, no state governor, and no American is obliged to recognize the authority of any branch of the federal government under this regime, as the regime is utterly lawless and despotic and has abandoned every mechanism of due process and the rule of law. This regime now rules by force and coercion, not by the consent of the governed. Thus, America has transitioned from a nation of goodwill and a reasonable social contract of governance to an authoritarian regime that wields its political power as a weapon to destroy the political opposition, media opposition, and election integrity.

The Biden regime is now actively engaged in straight-up treason against the United States of America, and the American people are slowly waking up to this horrifying fact.

They no longer care what you think, since your vote and opinions no longer matter to the tyrants in charge

The intention of this regime is to cancel or control all elections, online speech, media publications, and all three branches of government from this day forward, establishing a unipolar political monstrosity that eliminates all opposition from any sector of society. They are very close to having achieved this outcome following the rigging of the 2020 election and the cooperation with communist China to weaponize SARS-CoV-2 and unleash a biological weapon against the American people in order to destroy the economy and control the masses. Even now, 70% of US adults have taken at least one dose of a covid-19 vaccine, according to the CDC and reported by Reuters. This means that nearly three out of four Americans have been injected with a depopulation death jab, and a significant percentage of those people will be dead from the vaccine before the end of 2030.

Technically, that’s over 231 million Americans who have been injected with a deadly shot. If just 20% of those die in the next decade, that’s 46 million Americans who will be victims in this vaccine holocaust pushed by both Trump and Biden. (Yes, Trump started it and handed the baton to Biden in a tag-team effort.) Are you beginning to see the bigger picture yet?

Violence is what the regime wants… and that’s why we must not resort to violence

The truth is, the American people have been targeted for extermination by the regime. And if the people rise up, they will be deemed “extremists” and subjected to a domestic military response, likely coupled with a nationwide gun confiscation effort and a declared emergency that will attempt to suspend all elections. This is why it is crucial that the American people do not resort to a violent uprising to escape this tyranny. Peaceful methods must be employed so that the authoritarian regime isn’t handed a justification to increase their level of violence and tyranny against the American people. Furthermore, we must not give the regime an excuse to declare a state of emergency before the mid-term elections.

As we get closer to the elections in November, we fully expect the regime to become increasingly desperate, and we believe they are likely to do something truly extreme such as setting off a dirty bomb, detonating a nuclear bomb in a US city, taking down the power grid and blaming Russia, freezing the banking system with an engineered liquidity freeze, launching an EMP weapon against the US to blame China or North Korea, igniting World War III with China or Russia, unleashing a hemorrhagic fever virus against the population or igniting a civil war in some region of the country. There is nothing the regime won’t do to stay in power and terrorize the American people.

Do not be suckered into violence. That’s what the regime wants.

At the same time, do not give in to tyranny. Support pro-America candidates like Kari Lake and Blake Masters. Continue your preparedness efforts to survive after the chaos is unleashed. Have backup comms, food, emergency medicine, and systems of off-grid money such as precious metals or barter items. Voice your opinions to your representatives in Congress, and demand they take action to investigate the regime for its tyranny and lawlessness. Contact your state governor and demand they nullify the FBI, DOJ, ATF, and IRS. It is now perfectly clear that America is going to be plunged into a horrific scenario of strife and collapse, and only those who are prepared and determined will survive the onslaught.

Learn more in today’s Situation Update podcast via (note – Brighteon is still not properly counting video views due to a caching issue that emerged after our recent platform migration, so video views are only showing about 1/20th of actual, and this bug applies to ALL video views since Monday of this week)

Washington State’s Tyrant: Bob Ferguson

The process is the punishment.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Bob Ferguson serves as Washington State’s Attorney General. He was elected in 2012 and came to national media attention in 2017 when he successfully blocked the Trump administration from implementing the Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States act (Executive order 13769), forcing the administration to repeal and rework the order (EO 13780 and Presidential Proclamation 9645) before it passed Supreme Court scrutiny. Ferguson, however, proceeded to sue the Trump administration 96 more times and was named one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people of 2017 for his efforts.

Back in the day, Washington state business owners proudly hung signs which stated: “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.” Under Bob Ferguson’s leadership, however, business owners in Washington State no longer have that right. He successfully argued the case against a Christian florist, Arlene's Flowers, who declined to make floral arrangements for same-sex weddings. For maximum effect, he argued before the State Supreme Court in an open setting at Bellevue College’s auditorium. What a show! This further burnished Ferguson’s bona fides as one of the political left’s favorite prosecutors and he was elected for a third term in 2020.

With his power and reputation growing as a star prosecutor for Left-wing causes, AG Ferguson was nevertheless plagued by a conservative political gadfly by the name of Tim Eyman who has been a thorn in the side of the liberal establishment in Washington state for the past 22 years. Mr. Eyman’s strategy is simple: go over the heads of the politicians and appeal directly to the people through various tax-reducing ballot initiatives. Eyman estimates his initiatives have saved taxpayers over $54.864 billion and this, of course, is deeply resented by the ruling establishment.

Ferguson, in his role as defender of the elite, set to work using his office of more than 600 attorneys targeting Eyman. As the head of Stalin’s secret police (the NKVD), Lavrentiy Beria, once said: “Show me the man and I will show you the crime.” Ferguson has used the full power and force of the state judicial system to bring down this man, even vowing never to settle the case. The state previously did, however, reach a plea deal with the Green River killer in which he avoided the death penalty for 48 murders. Tim Eyman must be bad, very bad indeed. However, according to Eyman’s attorney, the case boils down to:

[W]hether two transactions…needed to be included on 2012’s campaign reports. The Attorney General believes they should, we do not.

On the hypocrisy front, the democratic party in Washington state has played fast and loose with election laws for decades and has done so with little or no consequences. Glen Morgan explains:

[W]hen I forced the AG’s office to sue former Speaker of the House Democrat Frank Chopp for breaking the law, there was a quiet settlement with neutral press language.  The same outcome occurred when Democrat State Senator Sam Hunt was sued, Democrat Senator Morris, and many others.  All quiet at the AG’s office.  When I forced the AG to sue the Pierce County Democratic Party for their campaign finance violations, Ferguson’s office created a payment plan for the minor judgment (the first time in state history this had ever been done).  When forced to sue the Spokane County Democratic Party, Kittitas County Democratic Party, Thurston County Democratic Party, King County Democratic Party, and San Juan Democratic Party, among others (all political supporters of Ferguson) – the AG was largely quiet about the settlements. Ferguson created generous payment terms, avoided most motion practices, didn’t ask many questions, and conducted almost no formal discovery.  These were friendly lawsuits with patty cake litigation among friends.

In contrast, during one of many press conferences about the Eyman case, Ferguson spoke with emotion about “silencing Tim Eyman” and “removing” Eyman from the political process.  He is clearly on a crusade to crush Mr. Eyman in the belief that he would be removing an obstacle to the political left’s agenda. Ferguson is pressing forward regardless of the constitutionality of his actions. Ironically, Ferguson fundraises off the publicity of his prosecution of Eyman for his own campaigns.

As Tim Eyman continues to fight, the absurdity of the case continues to grow. Glen Morgan wrote in February:

For the first time in American history, as far as I know, a person has been defined by the state as a walking, talking Political Action Committee.  Not an activist, not an officer of a PAC, but a PAC itself.  This was just one part of a very disturbing ruling by Thurston County Superior Court Judge Dixon which reads like a rubber-stamped, cut-and-paste ruling written by Attorney General Bob Ferguson himself.  The judge’s signature was just the afterthought and formality of the event.  The ruling can be found linked here.  While former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious legal flaws and logical problems with this prosecution (see video of Sander’s closing argument here), one would never know a defense was even made looking at the final ruling.  Judge Dixon did exactly what AG Ferguson told him to do, and Judge Dixon dutifully ignored everything the State told him to ignore.  Fortunately for Mr. Eyman, the State didn’t ask for Eyman’s public execution, because Dixon would have granted that as well. After reading the ruling, it is hard to pretend anyone involved in drafting this document is aware the 1st Amendment or Free Speech actually exists in Washington State at all, even if only as a theory rather than a right. 

As it stands now, Mr. Eyman has been fined $5.4 million and received a lifetime ban on future political activity. His attorney, former Supreme Court justice Richard Sanders, is working diligently and aggressively to appeal this absurd ruling which will certainly take years, during which time Mr. Eyman must abide by its laundry list of First Amendment restrictions.

We have seen this kind of judicial abuse play out on the national level after corruption at the FBI falsely instigated the Mueller investigation of President Trump and his campaign, and we have witnessed the unfair treatment of the January 6th defendants, but how many cases are there at the state level which are also being used to grind the Left’s political opponents into the dirt?

Mr. Eyman has been forced into bankruptcy, lost his house, and even lost his wife (who is still being targeted by Ferguson's office which is trying to confiscate her IRA account). He's been drained dry: the AG's 10 years of litigation has cost Mr. Eyman every dollar he's ever earned in his lifetime. The AG harassed and deposed some of Mr. Eyman's top supporters and even targeted his sister-in-law as she allows Mr. Eyman to rent her condo. Shockingly, Ferguson has spent over three million dollars in taxpayer money on this one case -- that's more than all other cases over the last ten years combined!

Still, Tim Eyman refuses to lie down and die as Ferguson clearly hopes he will. Mr. Eyman is currently working on ballot initiatives for election integrity in several swing states (he recently traveled to Michigan) and continues to qualify ballot initiatives in his own state. He is truly a happy warrior and indeed there must be freedom in knowing the state has thrown everything at him and yet, he has not backed down.

AG Ferguson will be up for re-election in 2024. Whether he runs for Attorney General again or opts to run for an even higher office, it is hoped that his abuse of power and process at the AGs office will be spotlighted by the opposition and that voters take note.

To donate to the Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund to help Tim and his family fight back against this AG, go to