
Dystopian Viral Videos Stream Out of Decaying New York City


SEE: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/athena-thorne/2022/05/31/dystopian-viral-videos-stream-out-of-decaying-new-york-city-n1602231;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

As the Big Apple rots, dystopian videos stream out of New York City almost daily. They range from disturbing to surreal, and like a bloody car crash, they are almost impossible to look away from.

A video of a man being held by one man and as others beat him on a New York subway platform has been making the rounds. But this isn’t merely your average clip of an Asian being attacked in Gotham. In a twist, the man holding the victim from behind told the videographer that his captive had attempted to sexually assault a female passenger on a subway. The videographer then called the police.

This would have been fine if the story ended there, but it didn’t. Some of NYC’s fine, upstanding citizens happened to be passing by and decided this was a great opportunity to beat on an Asian guy for fun.

First, one man takes a comically long time to wind up before finally striking the captive in the face. The man holding him, who almost qualified as a good guy for a hot second, laughs along with everyone else before tightening his grip so a second random passerby can deliver a series of one-two punches to the accused pervert’s head.

A group of men attack a man in a New York subway. The victim looks to be Asian. Asking for the public’s help in identifying the attackers and having them arrested. One man is holding the defenseless man as others punch him. New York subways are not safe. Video sent by follower. pic.twitter.com/pEsKFCrznY

– Asian Crime Report (@activeasian) May 29, 2022

According to The New York Post (which posted a slightly longer version of the video that shows the first attacker’s wind-up performance), most of the people involved were gone by the time NYPD arrived on scene. No one’s been arrested yet.

It’s bizarre to watch New Yorkers fail to react when there are shocking acts of brutality occurring just a few feet away, but I guess people can become accustomed to anything. Check out this next hair-raising horror show. A deranged woman (at least, I think it’s a woman) paces up and down a subway car, yowling, cursing, and generally terrorizing the passengers. At one point, she yells “Mother n*gger” at a seated passenger before sitting beside her. As the passenger tries to move away, the maniac grabs hold of her hair and yanks her back down into the seat. The captive passenger can be seen mouthing, “Somebody help me” at the other subway riders, but no one intercedes.

At this point, the man shooting the video can be heard chanting, “I rebuke this demon in the name of Jesus Christ.”

After a while, the psycho gets bored, commands her prisoner to “Get up!” while pulling her up by the hair, then shoves her towards the end of the subway car. Then the lunatic paces and curses some more climbs on a seat to kick at a window, and finally exits the car when the subway stops.

Just another day in New York City’s safest subway system, where innocent people are being harassed and assaulted.

But the mayor wants you to ride the subway instead of driving, to save the environment. pic.twitter.com/9FfVzfzLoC

– Joel Fischer 🇺🇸 (@realJoelFischer) May 25, 2022

Related: Bite the Big Apple; Don’t Mind The Maggots! NYC Is a War Zone, but ‘Rapper’ Who Shot Cop Goes Free

Which brings us to that timeless symbol of urban decay, the rat. Who can forget the celebrated Pizza Rat, the ambitious rodent whose efforts to bring home a slice became emblematic of the city’s decline under the despised Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Live your best life,” the videographer cheers on Pizza Rat as he struggles to drag a slice bigger than himself down a flight of stairs.

Last week, a new rat arose to challenge Gotham’s favorite furry. But alas, the newcomer was not in nearly as advantageous a situation. This rat made the near-fatal mistake of joining the cavorting canines for a romp in the local dog park. Unfortunately for him, the pampered apartment pups still had enough instincts left that they targeted the rat for destruction. Watch the urban hipsters admonish their pets to stay away from their new playmate:

Live from New York City pic.twitter.com/ziN3NZrWhR

– dinny (@dinfowars) May 24, 2022

I’m old enough to remember the deplorable condition into which the Big Apple sank in the 80s. And I saw for myself the difference after heroic Rudy Giuliani redeemed NYC from sh*thole status to a thriving, healthy, cosmopolitan destination for the entire world. Nowadays, things seem just as bad as they were before Giuliani. At least back then, the Guardian Angels arose to help protect vulnerable citizens. Today, New Yorkers have become so callous and reluctant to intervene that people are pretty much on their own. As of now, it’s a toss-up whether there remains the will, the morality, and the seriousness to save the city once again.



Christian researcher