
WHO-Policy Division-America’s Frontline Doctors

World Health Assembly to vote on IHR amendments in unprecedented WHO power grab

“. . . the upshot of these amendments is to surrender sovereignty to the WHO regarding very broadly defined public health crises subject to the whim of the WHO Director-General.”




SEE: https://americasfrontlinenews.com/post/world-health-assembly-to-vote-on-ihr-amendments-in-unprecedented-who-power-grab;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Next week, May 22-28, the World Health Assembly, the governing body of the World Health Organization (WHO), will meet to vote on amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).  The amendments can be seen here.  The IHR and the new amendments if passed are legally binding on the United States and on all United Nations member states as a matter of international law. 

According to Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin in their report on this issue, “These amendments will empower WHO’s Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and to do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation. The Director-General will be able to declare these health crises based merely on his personal opinion or consideration that there is a potential or possible threat to other nations.” The amendments eliminate the requirement to consult with the affected member state.

In addition, the WHO will be empowered to collaborate with other nations to deal with a declared health crisis even against the wishes of the affected nation. 

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) position statement on these amendments puts it this way, “The WHO would have the power to decide what constitutes a ‘pandemic’ and to decide quarantine measures on a global scale. WHO would control the development and safety of new treatments and would decide vaccine mandates for each country! . . . the proposed amendments empower the corrupt Director-General to unilaterally declare a health emergency in any nation even against the opinion of that nation for any illness that is widespread.”

Incredibly, the Biden administration proposed the amendments.  According to AFLDS’ position paper, “This amendment . . . will serve to give away our country’s healthcare system, national sovereignty, and personal freedoms to the WHO on a silver platter.  America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) strongly opposes the creation and implementation of any treaty or international instrument that governs world pandemic preparedness and response.”

Succinctly put, the upshot of these amendments is to surrender sovereignty to the WHO regarding very broadly defined public health crises subject to the whim of the WHO Director-General.  The current Director-General is not even a physician and is wholly unqualified.  Even if he were qualified there is no scenario in which this ends well.

According to Peter Hoekstra former Chairman and Ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee and more recently US ambassador to the Netherlands during the Trump administration, “. . . this ‘next pandemic’ is neither far off nor a hypothetical ‘conspiracy theory’. According to multiple credible reports from the U.S. Department of State, to the executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Peter Jennings, China has been preparing for bio-warfare using pathogens for more than six years.” It is no surprise that one of the amendments requires transferring genetic sequence data to the WHO.

In fact, the Trump administration pulled out of the WHO primarily because of its “mistakes” at the beginning of the COVID pandemic, including its deferential approach towards China.  According to Hoekstra, “Tedros, the first non-physician director-general of WHO, is an extremely controversial Marxist activist and politician from Ethiopia installed by the Chinese Communist Party.”

Placing our health policies in the hands of this man in particular who is beholden to the Chinese Communists is terrifying indeed.

We must do everything in our power to stop these amendments from being ratified.


SEE: https://aflds.org/policy-division/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Issue Brief: WHO Pandemic Treaty

An AFLDS Issue Brief for Citizens and Policymakers


During what some have called “the eye of the storm” in terms of the global pandemic crisis, the governing body of the World Health Organization, the World Health Assembly, is quietly planning to vote on an amendment to WHO’s International Health Regulations in just a few days, on May 22-28, 2022. This amendment, proposed by officials from the Biden Administration, will serve to give away our country’s healthcare system, national sovereignty, and personal freedoms to the WHO on a silver platter. America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) strongly oppose the creation and implementation of any treaty or international instrument that governs world pandemic preparedness and response.


Our own U.S. government has thrown us to the wolves once again. On January 18, 2022, the United States of America through the Biden administration and Loyce Pace of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, quietly submitted proposed amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulation (IHR).The proposed amendments are on the agenda for the World Health Assembly (WHA), the governing legislative body for WHO, to be held May 22-28, 2022.[1] The proposed amendments were not made known to the public until Sunday, April 10, 2022, whereupon WHO acted stealthily with a virtually nonexistent public participation process. The WHO invited video and written submissions which were due by 5:00 p.m. on April 13, 2022. Unless We The People activate, these amendments will be enacted at the World Health Assembly between May 22-28, 2022. If the proposed amendments are allowed to pass, there is a six-month grace period following amendment approval during which countries may withdraw their approval. However, it is highly unlikely that withdrawal of these amendments will occur during this grace period. Just as countries never return the power they take; this global power will likely come to fruition at the end of this grace period. The WHO’s plan is for these amendments to go into effect during the World Health Assembly in 2024.


The World Health Organization was founded on April 7, 1948, and is a specialized agency of the United Nations. The WHO claims that they are a global organization, made up of over 8,000 professionals including the “world’s leading health experts”.

WHO IS WHO’s fearless leader? Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. And, while one would think a corporation designed to be the nation’s leader in public health would be headed by a physician, Tedros has a Ph.D. in philosophy. He is the former Chief Minister of Health of Ethiopia and was tightly aligned with a left-wing organization that was classified as a terrorist organization in his home country. He was promoted and supported by China. China was embarrassed in 2003 by the WHO exposing its role in the SARS pandemic. In 2020 Tedros delivered for the Chinese government, praising China for its “new standard for outbreak control.” We highly suggest you review more concerning details about Tedros in an article by the Observer Research Foundation entitled Dr. Cover-up: Tedros Adhanom’s controversial journey to the WHO.[2]

The WHO is funded in two ways. First, funds come through hefty, yearly fees paid by the countries that partner with the WHO. The United States is one of the WHO’s top donors, contributing $730 million in 2021. Secondly, funds come through private donors. One of the biggest donors to the WHO will surely ring a bell… Bill Gates. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the second-largest donor to the WHO with donations of nearly $780 million in 2021.[3] Surely, this should bring us all pause about the real objectives of this organization.


The proposed amendments stand to change everything, and we lose a lot if we remain complacent. Essentially, the proposed amendments give power to the Director-General of WHO (Tedros) which would give him the right to declare health emergencies at will and act on his own. The WHO would have the power to decide what constitutes a “pandemic” and to decide quarantine measures on a global scale. WHO would control the development and safety of new treatments and would decide vaccine mandates for each country! The WHO has already stealthily changed the definition of a pandemic from a disease that causes a lot of death worldwide to a disease that occurs in many countries worldwide. Just so we are clear, the proposed amendments empower the corrupt Director-General to unilaterally declare a health emergency in any nation even against the opinion of that nation for any illness that is widespread. And keep in mind that the WHO preamble defines its area of concern so broadly it easily encompasses war, child development, education, racial justice, etc.


It is the position of America’s Frontline Doctors that the World Health Organization (WHO) should be nothing more than a debating society with no authority to make or enforce its recommendations. As AFLDS has advocated for nearly two years that medical advice should be individual, between a trusted healthcare provider and the patient. Healthcare is far too complicated to be handled at any level other than that of the provider and patient. It most certainly should not be governed on a global scale by a private organization of industry leaders in big pharma, public health experts, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. No single organization should be granted this kind of power, ever.

First and foremost, any rules governing health should require the enactment of legislation in each individual country. No small group can serve as the mind of an entire profession. No group of patients can serve as a representative group of all patients. The WHO should never be granted the power to do anything other than making reports and recommendations to be considered by individual governments for the enactment of legislation.

Peter Breggin, MD, and Ginger Ross Breggin authored a comprehensive report on May 4, 2022, entitled Biden Handing Over U.S. Sovereignty to WHO.[4]

In the conclusion of his report, Dr. Breggin eloquently stated what must be done to prevent the WHA from approving the proposed amendments:

We must immediately mount an international campaign, especially focused within America, to force the U.S. to withdraw these amendments before they come to a vote. Otherwise, America and the nations of the world will take a giant stride toward forfeiting national sovereignty to WHO and the U.N. In reality; they will be forfeiting their sovereign powers to the global predators who rule the U.N. and WHO, including the Chinese Communist Party and supporters of the Great Reset, like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and giant foundations and corporations – all of whom benefit from weakening or destroying the sovereignty of the Western nations. Western civilization, and mainly the United States, is all that stands in strong opposition to the globalist takeover of the world, called the New World Order or the Great Reset. (Id.)


Despite all that we have been through in the last two years, there has never been a more pressing issue. The World Health Organization is gearing up to extend its power for the “next pandemic.” Remember, we are in the eye of the storm. The powers at being are working harder than ever to achieve totalitarian control of you and your family. The time to act is NOW.

In the history of humankind, no pathogen has ever wiped out the human race. The fear that has been so carefully cultivated is being utilized to justify this move. We do not need an emergency action on pathogens. An international instrument that governs world pandemic preparedness and response is not necessary. The WHO conveniently skipped the question of whether or not the amendments are needed, and jumped directly to addressing what the amendments should include.

AFLDS is sounding the alarm for immediate action. We The People must immediately bombard the White House and all federal legislators. Please contact your legislators IN WASHINGTON now and pressure them concerning the dire consequences of this amendment. Remember to include your name with the city and state you reside in. Information for YOUR legislator can be found at this link: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials/

Please also submit written comments to the HHS Office of Global Affairs at the World Council for Health link here: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/campaigns/stop-the-who/2022/05/24-hours-leftcomment-at-the-stakeholder-listening-session-for-75th-world-healthassembly/74090/#written-comment

Please be advised and on notice that AFLDS will publicly oppose any legislator that does not take action to block the proposed amendments and stop this dire threat to the Constitution of the United States of America.















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