A WordPress Blog-THE CHURCH MILITANT Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse. ALL CONTENT FROM HTTPS://RATHEREXPOSETHEM.BLOGSPOT.COM MOVED TO THIS NEW BLOG, MAY 2020
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Story at-a-glance
The globalist takeover is coming at us from every possible angle. Whether we’re talking about biosecurity, finance, housing, health care, energy, transportation, or food, all the changes we’re now seeing have one goal, and that is to force compliance with a totalitarian slave system
The global food system, and protein sources, in particular, are currently under coordinated and intentional attacks to manufacture food shortages and famine
The globalist elite intend to eliminate traditional farming and livestock and replace it with indoor-grown produce and lab-created protein alternatives that they own and control
While the presence of hundreds of food brands gives the appearance of market competition, the reality is that the food industry is monopolized by fewer than a dozen companies, and all of them, in turn, are largely owned by BlackRock and Vanguard
Eventually, your ability to buy food will be tied to your digital identity and social credit score
The globalist takeover agenda is nothing if not comprehensive. They’re coming at us from every possible angle, and whether we’re talking about biosecurity, finance, housing,1 health care, energy, transportation, or food, all the changes we’re now seeing have one goal, and that is to force compliance with a totalitarian slave system.
In an April 27, 2022, blog post,2 investigative journalist Corey Lynn takes a deep dive into the new food system being put into place, and how it is geared to control you.
“‘Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.’ This famous quote by Henry Kissinger is ringing more and more true by the week,” Lynn writes.3
“The globalists already control the majority of the money, are moving ever so swiftly to convert the energy system over into systems they are all invested in, and have been taking drastic measures to control the food industry while running much of it under the radar. If they control the seeds they control the food, and if they control the food they can use the digital ID to control consumer access to the food.
While a rash of fires suddenly destroy food processing, meat, and fertilizer plants, during a time where farmers are hurting and supply chain issues are kicking in, an entire traceable food infrastructure system has already been built in multiple cities and is making its way across the globe ...
The USDA and FDA have already approved lab grown meat, genetically modified cattle, and are funding the globalists to research and develop cellular agriculture as well as indoor growers and genetics companies ...
Union Pacific is mandating railroad shipping reductions by 20% impacting CF Industries Holdings, the world’s largest fertilizer company. Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street happen to be the top shareholders of Union Pacific, and BlackRock and Vanguard are in the top three shareholders of CF Industries Holdings.
By mapping some of the largest vertical farms, it reveals the crops, grocery stores involved, locations and billions pouring in by globalist investors and shareholders. It quickly becomes evident that this is the global plan to control all produce — ingredients that go into all food products.”
The Secret Monopoly
As noted by Lynn, this monopoly has been locked into place over the course of many years. Slowly but surely, the monopoly has grown, under the radar of public consciousness, which in turn has resulted in food getting simultaneously more expensive and less accessible.4
Now, as the final pieces are being put into place, many are waking up to the realization that we’ve been massively fooled and are now at the mercy of a figurative “handful” of unelected people whose megalomania is unsurpassed in human history.
While the presence of hundreds of food brands gives the appearance of market competition, the reality is that the food industry is monopolized by fewer than a dozen companies,5 and all of them, in turn, are largely owned by BlackRock and Vanguard. The growing fake meat market is similarly dominated by a very small number of large food giants6 which, again, are owned by BlackRock and Vanguard.
BlackRock alone holds $10 trillion in assets,7 up from $6 trillion in 2017.8 Combined, the three largest investment firms in the world, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, have ownership in nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms.9
Through their investment holdings they secretly wield monopoly control over ALL industries, so the idea that there is competition anywhere in the marketplace is really just an illusion. You never learned about their ever-expanding monopoly because they also own the centralized media.
It’s hard to tell which of the two is more influential. Vanguard owns a large share of Blackrock.Owners and stockholders of Vanguard include Rothschild Investment Corp,10 Edmond De Rothschild Holding,11 the Italian Orsini family, the American Bush family, the British Royal family, the du Pont family, and the Morgan, Vanderbilt, and Rockefeller families.12,13
Blackrock, meanwhile, has been called the "fourth branch of government," as they are the only private firm that has financial agreements to lend money to the central banking system.14
Food Security Is Undermined by Patentable Food
In 2014, the U.S. Congress established the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research Act (FFAR) through the Farm Bill. After siphoning off $200 million in taxpayer funds to get the foundation started, FFAR became a nongovernmental not-for-profit organization. Bill Gates is one of its founders, and its first board of directors included deputy director Dr. Robert Horsch of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.15
The mission of FFAR is to “connect funders, researchers and farmers, through public-private partnerships to support audacious research addressing the biggest food and agriculture challenges.”16 In reality, it’s been used to undermine food security by increasing reliance on gene-edited and patentable foods.
In April 2019, FFAR launched the Precision Indoor Plants (PIP) Consortium, a public-private partnership of indoor growers, breeders, and genetics companies with the shared goal of advancing speed-breeding and altering plant chemicals responsible for flavor, nutrition, and medicinal value. Five key crops being worked on are lettuce, tomatoes, strawberries, cilantro, and blueberries.
In August 2020, Monsanto/Bayer helped found a startup called Unfold, which develops new vegetable seed varieties specifically geared for vertical farms. According to Lynn, “GMOs already account for 75 to 80% of food Americans consume,”17 and once fresh produce is under patent, that percentage will inch closer to 100%.
The University of California is also working on plant-based mRNA vaccines. The idea there is to disseminate vaccines through the conventional food supply,18 which puts a whole new spin on the old adage to “Let thy food be thy medicine.”
“Bill Gates insists that droughts and climate change is destroying our ability to farm and that the future will consist of populations moving into metropolitan cities where indoor vertical farming is necessary to feed people.
If this is the case, why has he acquired 242,000 acres of farmland over the past decade while simultaneously investing in indoor vertical farming? Who gets to sit at the table with healthy produce served up by Gates while the rest of the population eats gene-edited produce from locked-down facilities, delivered to their local grocery store, and accessed only through a digital ID?” Lynn asks.19
“Meanwhile, the Consultative Group of International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) holds the world’s largest private seed banks consisting of 10% of the worldwide germplasm across the globe, which is controlled by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, and World Bank, managing 768,576 accessions of hijacked farmers seeds ...
[W]hat’s going to happen to the farmers when these astronomically enormous indoor vertical farm facilities have taken over every major city, locked in contracts with all major grocery store chains, and are funded by some of the same billionaire globalists who are seeking to control human beings through every industry for their fourth industrial revolution?
It’s a legitimate concern. Add ‘gene-editing,’ ‘smart,’ ‘traceable,’ and ‘net zero’ to the production of these facilities, and the fact that they are still moving full speed ahead on digital IDs and currency, and it becomes even more concerning ...
Whereas this provides a lot of explanation on the absolute intentional demolition to all of our farmers on the seed, vegetable, and produce front, people should also be aware of what’s been taking place with cattle ranchers and the globalists’ plan to take over the meat industry as well.”
Controlled Demolition of the Protein Supply Is Underway
As I explained in yesterday’s weaponized bird flu article, alleged outbreaks of bird flu and COVID-19 in food animals, along with drought and fertilizer shortages, have led to the mass culling of flocks20 and cattle herds21 around the world. So much so, that we’re now told to expect egg,22 poultry, and meat shortages.23
Add to that a global fertilizer shortage that is limiting the amount of animal feed that can be produced this year, and the curious decision to limit U.S. fertilizer shipments on trains, which restricts distribution and raises the cost of what little remains. Experts predict it may take up to three years to replenish global grain stocks,24 and in the meantime, farmers won’t have a readily available supply to feed their livestock.
Canada-based Nutrien Ltd., the world’s largest fertilizer company, recently warned the shortage is likely to extend into 2023. The price of fertilizer has also “skyrocketed to absurd heights that have never been seen before,” The Economic Collapse Blog reports.25
The U.S. and U.K. are also paying farmers to not farm all their available land, California is paying farmers to grow less, ostensibly to save water, and the U.K. is encouraging farmers to retire by offering them a lump sum of £100,000 — all while publicly predicting looming food shortages.26 On top of that, the two largest water reservoirs in California have also fallen to “critically low levels” and wildfires are devastating agricultural land across the western half of the U.S.27
Food production is being blatantly attacked and irrationally restricted on so many fronts, it’s clearly an intentional demolition of primary protein sources28 — meat, egg, and dairy.
“February 1, 2016 the Good Food Institute was launched ... with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Open Philanthropy Project, and Y Combinator, with the goal to ‘reimagine meat production,’” Lynn writes.29
“In October 2021, the Good Food Institute celebrated the USDA’s $10 million grant for the creation of the first-ever National Institute for Cellular Agriculture at Tufts University so they can back researchers in manufactured meat.
To be certain all of these goals are locked into place and the UN 2030 agenda is achieved, disrupting the fertilizer industry, food supply chain, and a rash of coincidental fires to food processing plants sure would help to seal the deal, wouldn’t it?”
The Emperor Has No Clothes
In a blatantly self-serving gesture, Gates has publicly called for the West to quit eating beef and transition to lab-grown meats, ostensibly to address climate change. He’s also railed against legislative attempts to make sure fake meats are properly labeled since labeling would slow down public acceptance.30
Not surprisingly, Gates is financially invested in several faux meat companies.31,32,33 As luck or godlike foresight would have it, he’s also invested in genetically engineered fertilizer alternatives.34 Lynn writes:35
“Bill Gates explained his love for fertilizer in 2018 while in Tanzania.36 Coincidentally, Gates-led and Rockefeller-funded Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) has been an epic fail, with a first ever evaluation report37 that came out on February 28, 2022 after a 15-year effort with bold claims to rescue Africa’s small farmers.
Their false promise to ‘double yields and incomes for 30 million farming households by 2020’ was removed from their website in June 2020 after an assessment by Tufts University revealed little evidence of progress, and in fact showed a 31% increase in hunger.
Evaluators stated there were many deficiencies and AGRA’s reporting and monitoring data was weak. Even the German government is considering pulling funding from AGRA over their pesticide use, which is ironic because Gates claims we need to remove pesticides in the U.S. and move to indoor vertical farming ...
One of AGRA’s biggest achievements was their participation in 72 agricultural policy reforms in 11 African countries, pertaining to seed, fertilizer and market access. Laws were created to protect intellectual property rights for ‘certified’ seeds, as penalties were created for open-source seed sharing.
Imagine being a farmer, homesteader or gardener and having to share and trade seeds on the black market so you don’t get penalized. Anyone who believes they won’t try this in the U.S. is kidding themselves, especially since the globalists hold the largest private seeds banks, and invest in the largest commercial seed companies ...
On March 17, 2022, a notice was published38to the U.S. Federal Register seeking comments by May 16, 2022 on Competition and Intellectual Property System: Seeds and Other Agricultural Inputs. Remember to read through the proper lens when reviewing this notice that derived from an executive order signed by Biden in July, 2021 on promoting competition in the American economy.
Their ultimate goal — every human being, every piece of food, resource, and product on this planet will be tracked and traced via blockchain. This isn’t a theory — it is their goal. In July, 2021, the FDA released their ‘New Era of Smarter Food Safety’ which consists of using tech-enabled traceability for a digital, traceable food system, from farm to plate using blockchain.
A digital identity to grant access to establishments, control financial spending, and trace everyone’s moves has been rolling out on multiple fronts, including the vaccine ID passport. Eventually they will try to move toward a chip, as it will be easier with biometrics being installed everywhere ...
There is no way to sugarcoat this system they are implementing. Whereas vertical farming is brilliant in many ways, and could be beneficial on a smaller scale in communities, the fact that this is the global agenda to remove farms and control all produce by the globalists themselves, makes is incredibly concerning ...
We must work together to find a way forward and continue to say no to the digital ID they are creating to control our access and spending, while building self sufficiency and security together.”
For solutions to this rapidly approaching dystopian future, review my previous article, “Why Food Prices Are Expected to Skyrocket,” and Lynn’s article “Finding Sources of Fresh Food.”39
Part of the answer is to grow your own food, to the best of your ability. Another part is to support local growers by buying their products, or else they’ll get pushed out. Starting local co-ops and community gardens can also go a long way toward creating food security in the long term.
At the same time, we also have to reject globalist solutions like fake meat, gene-edited beef, GMO foods, and all the rest of it. It’s time to recognize that none of their solutions are for our benefit. They’re for our detriment. The World Economic Forum has declared that by 2030, you will own nothing. They mean it. They will take everything from us, including the right to grow our own food, if we let them.
Nina Jankowicz, Executive Director of the Department of Homeland Security's Disinformation Governance Board, resignedafter the board's activities were suspended. Should we trust the government to decide what is and what isn't "disinformation"? Are the fact-checkers biased? David Wood discusses the issue (with some help from Sheikh Yasir Qadhi and PolitiFact!).
Elon Musk DITCHES DEMS as Disinformation Board IMPLODES!!!
Elon Musk has officially abandoned the Democrat Party all as Biden’s Ministry of Truth IMPLODES! We’re going to look at Musk’s latest tweets saying that he is now all in with the new patriot Republican Party, we’re going to see how Biden’s joke of a Disinformation Board has collapsed, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll show you how all of this indicates that the days of the woke left are indeed coming to an end; you are NOT going to want to miss this!
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
The following article is sponsored by Dave McCormick for U.S. Senate
We’re closing in on the Pennsylvania Senate Primary, and all eyes are on this race as Joe Biden and the extreme Democrats and Washington continue to cause crisis after crisis in our country.
Pennsylvania will determine who controls the Senate, so you have a critical choice to make on Primary Day. Elect battle-tested and Pennsylvania always conservative, Dave McCormick, or allow the Democrats to continue to destroy our country.
Dave McCormick recently joined Bannon’s War Room to explain why he is the Republican’s only chance of defeating the Democrats’ radical nominee and getting our country back on track.
In his interview, Dave McCormick discussed Joe Biden and the Democrats’ lack of accountability for their economic failures and the inflation crisis that’s hurting Pennsylvania workers and businesses. Dave knows this crisis is a “direct result of Biden’s policies, socialist policies, and extreme spending.”
Our country is slipping away from us, and electing Dave McCormick is the only way we can ensure America gets back on track.
Dave has promised to be a part of the NEW generation of conservative leaders we need to restore conservative values and an America First agenda in Washington. He doesn’t have allegiances to anyone except the people of Pennsylvania. He will be a part of the new generation of leaders in our Republican Party and in the Senate.
Dave is a BATTLE-TESTED conservative with the knowledge and experience to get the job done. Unlike his opponents, he won’t need on-the-job training when he gets to Washington. He’ll get right to work for YOU if elected to the U.S. Senate.
Dave McCormick needs your vote next Tuesday. We’re so close to the finish line, and momentum is on our side, so we hope you’ll make the right decisions for Pennsylvania and America by VOTING DAVE MCCORMICK.
World Health Assembly to vote on IHR amendments in unprecedented WHO power grab
". . . the upshot of these amendments is to surrender sovereignty to the WHO regarding very broadly defined public health crises subject to the whim of the WHO Director-General."
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
Next week, May 22-28, the World Health Assembly, the governing body of the World Health Organization (WHO), will meet to vote on amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). The amendments can be seenhere. The IHR and the new amendments if passed are legally binding on the United States and on all United Nations member states as a matter of international law.
According to Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin in their report on this issue, “These amendments will empower WHO’s Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and to do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation. The Director-General will be able to declare these health crises based merely on his personal opinion or consideration that there is a potential or possible threat to other nations.” The amendments eliminate the requirement to consult with the affected member state.
In addition, the WHO will be empowered to collaborate with other nations to deal with a declared health crisis even against the wishes of the affected nation.
America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) position statement on these amendments puts it this way, “The WHO would have the power to decide what constitutes a ‘pandemic’ and to decide quarantine measures on a global scale. WHO would control the development and safety of new treatments and would decide vaccine mandates for each country! . . . the proposed amendments empower the corrupt Director-General to unilaterally declare a health emergency in any nation even against the opinion of that nation for any illness that is widespread.”
Incredibly, the Biden administration proposed the amendments. According to AFLDS’ position paper, “This amendment . . . will serve to give away our country’s healthcare system, national sovereignty, and personal freedoms to the WHO on a silver platter. America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) strongly opposes the creation and implementation of any treaty or international instrument that governs world pandemic preparedness and response.”
Succinctly put, the upshot of these amendments is to surrender sovereignty to the WHO regarding very broadly defined public health crises subject to the whim of the WHO Director-General. The current Director-General is not even a physician and is wholly unqualified. Even if he were qualified there is no scenario in which this ends well.
According to Peter Hoekstra former Chairman and Ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee and more recently US ambassador to the Netherlands during the Trump administration, “. . . this ‘next pandemic’ is neither far off nor a hypothetical ‘conspiracy theory’. According to multiple credible reports from the U.S. Department of State, to the executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Peter Jennings, China has been preparing for bio-warfare using pathogens for more than six years.” It is no surprise that one of the amendments requires transferring genetic sequence data to the WHO.
In fact, the Trump administration pulled out of the WHO primarily because of its “mistakes” at the beginning of the COVID pandemic, including its deferential approach towards China. According to Hoekstra, “Tedros, the first non-physician director-general of WHO, is an extremely controversial Marxist activist and politician from Ethiopia installed by the Chinese Communist Party.”
Placing our health policies in the hands of this man in particular who is beholden to the Chinese Communists is terrifying indeed.
We must do everything in our power to stop these amendments from being ratified.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
Issue Brief: WHO Pandemic Treaty
An AFLDS Issue Brief for Citizens and Policymakers
During what some have called “the eye of the storm” in terms of the global pandemic crisis, the governing body of the World Health Organization, the World Health Assembly, is quietly planning to vote on an amendment to WHO’s International Health Regulations in just a few days, on May 22-28, 2022. This amendment, proposed by officials from the Biden Administration, will serve to give away our country’s healthcare system, national sovereignty, and personal freedoms to the WHO on a silver platter. America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) strongly oppose the creation and implementation of any treaty or international instrument that governs world pandemic preparedness and response.
Our own U.S. government has thrown us to the wolves once again. On January 18, 2022, the United States of America through the Biden administration and Loyce Pace of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, quietly submitted proposed amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulation (IHR).The proposed amendments are on the agenda for the World Health Assembly (WHA), the governing legislative body for WHO, to be held May 22-28, 2022.[1] The proposed amendments were not made known to the public until Sunday, April 10, 2022, whereupon WHO acted stealthily with a virtually nonexistent public participation process. The WHO invited video and written submissions which were due by 5:00 p.m. on April 13, 2022. Unless We The People activate, these amendments will be enacted at the World Health Assembly between May 22-28, 2022. If the proposed amendments are allowed to pass, there is a six-month grace period following amendment approval during which countries may withdraw their approval. However, it is highly unlikely that withdrawal of these amendments will occur during this grace period. Just as countries never return the power they take; this global power will likely come to fruition at the end of this grace period. The WHO’s plan is for these amendments to go into effect during the World Health Assembly in 2024.
The World Health Organization was founded on April 7, 1948, and is a specialized agency of the United Nations. The WHO claims that they are a global organization, made up of over 8,000 professionals including the “world’s leading health experts”.
WHO IS WHO’s fearless leader? Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. And, while one would think a corporation designed to be the nation’s leader in public health would be headed by a physician, Tedros has a Ph.D. in philosophy. He is the former Chief Minister of Health of Ethiopia and was tightly aligned with a left-wing organization that was classified as a terrorist organization in his home country. He was promoted and supported by China. China was embarrassed in 2003 by the WHO exposing its role in the SARS pandemic. In 2020 Tedros delivered for the Chinese government, praising China for its “new standard for outbreak control.” We highly suggest you review more concerning details about Tedros in an article by the Observer Research Foundation entitled Dr. Cover-up: Tedros Adhanom’s controversial journey to the WHO.[2]
The WHO is funded in two ways. First, funds come through hefty, yearly fees paid by the countries that partner with the WHO. The United States is one of the WHO’s top donors, contributing $730 million in 2021. Secondly, funds come through private donors. One of the biggest donors to the WHO will surely ring a bell… Bill Gates. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the second-largest donor to the WHO with donations of nearly $780 million in 2021.[3] Surely, this should bring us all pause about the real objectives of this organization.
The proposed amendments stand to change everything, and we lose a lot if we remain complacent. Essentially, the proposed amendments give power to the Director-General of WHO (Tedros) which would give him the right to declare health emergencies at will and act on his own. The WHO would have the power to decide what constitutes a “pandemic” and to decide quarantine measures on a global scale. WHO would control the development and safety of new treatments and would decide vaccine mandates for each country! The WHO has already stealthily changed the definition of a pandemic from a disease that causes a lot of death worldwide to a disease that occurs in many countries worldwide. Just so we are clear, the proposed amendments empower the corrupt Director-General to unilaterally declare a health emergency in any nation even against the opinion of that nation for any illness that is widespread. And keep in mind that the WHO preamble defines its area of concern so broadly it easily encompasses war, child development, education, racial justice, etc.
It is the position of America’s Frontline Doctors that the World Health Organization (WHO) should be nothing more than a debating society with no authority to make or enforce its recommendations. As AFLDS has advocated for nearly two years that medical advice should be individual, between a trusted healthcare provider and the patient. Healthcare is far too complicated to be handled at any level other than that of the provider and patient. It most certainly should not be governed on a global scale by a private organization of industry leaders in big pharma, public health experts, and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. No single organization should be granted this kind of power, ever.
First and foremost, any rules governing health should require the enactment of legislation in each individual country. No small group can serve as the mind of an entire profession. No group of patients can serve as a representative group of all patients. The WHO should never be granted the power to do anything other than making reports and recommendations to be considered by individual governments for the enactment of legislation.
Peter Breggin, MD, and Ginger Ross Breggin authored a comprehensive report on May 4, 2022, entitled Biden Handing Over U.S. Sovereignty to WHO.[4]
In the conclusion of his report, Dr. Breggin eloquently stated what must be done to prevent the WHA from approving the proposed amendments:
We must immediately mount an international campaign, especially focused within America, to force the U.S. to withdraw these amendments before they come to a vote. Otherwise, America and the nations of the world will take a giant stride toward forfeiting national sovereignty to WHO and the U.N. In reality; they will be forfeiting their sovereign powers to the global predators who rule the U.N. and WHO, including the Chinese Communist Party and supporters of the Great Reset, like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and giant foundations and corporations — all of whom benefit from weakening or destroying the sovereignty of the Western nations. Western civilization, and mainly the United States, is all that stands in strong opposition to the globalist takeover of the world, called the New World Order or the Great Reset. (Id.)
Despite all that we have been through in the last two years, there has never been a more pressing issue. The World Health Organization is gearing up to extend its power for the “next pandemic.” Remember, we are in the eye of the storm. The powers at being are working harder than ever to achieve totalitarian control of you and your family. The time to act is NOW.
In the history of humankind, no pathogen has ever wiped out the human race. The fear that has been so carefully cultivated is being utilized to justify this move. We do not need an emergency action on pathogens. An international instrument that governs world pandemic preparedness and response is not necessary. The WHO conveniently skipped the question of whether or not the amendments are needed, and jumped directly to addressing what the amendments should include.
AFLDS is sounding the alarm for immediate action. We The People must immediately bombard the White House and all federal legislators. Please contact your legislators IN WASHINGTON now and pressure them concerning the dire consequences of this amendment. Remember to include your name with the city and state you reside in. Information for YOUR legislator can be found at this link: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials/
Please be advised and on notice that AFLDS will publicly oppose any legislator that does not take action to block the proposed amendments and stop this dire threat to the Constitution of the United States of America.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
The U.S. Army has come a long, long way from “Be All That You Can Be” — an odd and unsettling new recruitment video that touts Army psyops, proclaims “All the world’s a stage,” and asks, “Who’s pulling the strings?” Apparently, if this video is to be believed, shadowy forces in the Army are. But it’s not at all clear what exactly the video is intended to accomplish, or what point it is trying to make.
The video, which is entitled “Ghosts in the Machine",is apparently a production of Fort Bragg’s 4th Psychological Operations Group-Airborne, which posted it on YouTube. It starts out like a movie trailer (actually, it is very much like a movie trailer throughout), leading off with a quote from Sun Tzu in white type on a black field: “If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.”
Is that some reference to the weakest president in U.S. history, Old Joe Biden, and to his opponent in the Kremlin? Are we supposed to be reassured that Biden’s manifest weakness is all part of some elaborate psy-op designed to lull America’s enemies into complacency? Your guess is as good as mine. The whole video is gnomic, elusive, and determinedly obscure as if the Army were trying to appeal to millennial dweebs who spend their time reading dark graphic novels and figuring out ways to hack into corporate computer systems.
And maybe they are. The Charlotte Observerpoints out that “the video, posted May 2, starts innocently, with benign clips of cartoons and images of empty city streets and subways. But the vibe grows increasingly disturbing, with footage of a shadowy man, anxious stares at dark skies, violent riot scenes, and soldiers being deployed. ‘Have you ever wondered who’s pulling the strings?’ the video asks. ‘You’ll find us in the shadows at the tip of the spear. … Anything we touch is a weapon. We can deceive, persuade, change, influence, and inspire. We come in many forms. We are everywhere.’” So is the Army now boasting about lying to the American people and spreading propaganda in order to influence people into changing their views? Is that really a good look in this age of the Disinformation Governance Board and overwhelming media manipulation?
The video certainly gives the impression that the Army is proud of its power to “deceive, persuade, change, influence, inspire.” The Observer notes that “the 4th Psychological Operations Group, also known as PSYOP, defines itself as ‘Masters of Influence’ and practitioners of ‘information warfare,’ according to its website. That means the mere act of people debating its video is a sign of success.” The Group states: “We conduct influence activities to target psychological vulnerabilities and create or intensify fissures, confusion, and doubt in adversary organizations. We use all available means of dissemination – from sensitive and high tech to low-tech to no-tech, and methods from overt, to clandestine, to deception.”
But why is the 4th Psychological Operations Group telling us all this? If it really does all this, isn’t it more effective if it remains in the shadows? Why is it coming out now and boasting about its alleged activities and powers in front of the world? In a lengthy attempt to decipher all the symbolism in the video and discern its actual point, The Pipeline noted: “Here’s the odd thing — clandestine Army units like this DON’T make recruiting material, because that material brings unwanted attention. Have you ever seen an official Delta Force recruiting video? Exactly.”
But if it isn’t really a recruitment video, then what is it? It is certainly an announcement of this group’s presence, and a warning, as if we needed another at this point, that we cannot uncritically accept all that is reported and presented as fact.
That much is axiomatic, and then adding to the oddity of the whole thing is the fact that Col. Chris Stangle, who is the commander of the 4th Psychological Operations Group, on Friday gave the military website Task & Purpose a full explanation. He said that “the video was created in-house, both as a recruitment effort but also to literally show people what they can do — part of psychological operations is creating persuasive media. Stangle said that the artist behind the video tailored it a bit after the iconic horror film JAWS, where the filmmakers showed restraint in actually showing the shark. Instead, viewers knew it was lurking just below the surface.”
Stangle added: “Drawing on this approach, we kind of sought to create a piece that doesn’t show what a PSYOP soldier does necessarily because it’s so complicated and there’s so much about it — quite honestly. It’s just not incredibly sexy — but what it feels like to do our craft when we’re successful. And we think that kind of allows the audience to immerse into what our world is, and what our craft is.” Okay, but that’s still about as clear as mud as to what the video is all about and why the psyops unit was trying to say it. As the video says, “Anything we touch is a weapon.” Duly noted.
While the mainstream media is trying to focus on Ukraine and abortion rights, Democrats are hoping Americans won’t notice how destructive their policies have been to the nation. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.
On Sunday, May 22 the sovereignty of America will be up for a vote at the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland. One America's Pearson Sharp has more.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
FAKED CONSENSUS: Elon Musk suggests up to 90% of Twitter users are BOTS, not humans
(Natural News) His plan to buy Twitter is now on hold after billionaire Elon Musk came to the conclusion that most of Twitter is just artificial intelligence (AI) robots posing as human users.
Based on his team’s assessment, Musk believes that up to 90 percent of Twitter’s entire platform is fake. The vast majority of its “daily users,” it appears, are automated spam bots that the tech giant uses to induce the mass formation of psychosis and other forms of brainwashing.
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is likely behind the AI bot front on Twitter. These same spam bots are also likely present on other social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram as well.
“After all, it’s no secret that the powers that be are conducting military-grade psy-ops on the public,” writes Vince Quill for WeLoveTrump.com. (Related: Conservatives have reportedly been celebrating the news that Musk is planning to buy Twitter.)
“All of us have at one point or another encountered bots, sometimes it was obvious, other times not so much, but 90% of the users being bots is just beyond the pale.”
Twitter’s bot check sample size is only 100 users, Musk reveals
What this means, of course, is that Twitter itself, along with the rest of Big Tech, is little more than a social engineering tool to manipulate and brainwash the masses into believing the scripted reality that psychopaths are using for control.
If Musk can prove that Twitter is mostly fake, he will likely be able to purchase the company for a much smaller amount than his initial bid. The revelations that come out of all this will also likely expose Twitter for the fraud that it has long been.
On May 13, Musk tweeted that he was going to take a random sampling of users to try to come up with an estimate for the number of bots on Twitter. The sample size he used was 100, which is apparently what Twitter uses internally for metrics
“Twitter legal just called to complain that I violated their NDA (non-disclosure agreement) by revealing the bot check sample size is 100!” Musk wrote. “This actually happened.”
According to Twitter, less than 5 percent of its platform is bots, but Musk believes otherwise. Who is correct? And more importantly, will the full truth ever be revealed, leading to justice on the matter?
So far, Twitter has failed to produce any actual evidence to back its claim that less than 5 percent of the platform is fake. And Musk still wants to know: Where’s the evidence?
Former President Donald Trump sent a message to his followers about the issue, stating that Musk will be paying too much for Twitter if he goes with his original bid because Twitter “is a company largely based on BOTS or Spam Accounts,” Trump wrote.
“Fake anyone?” he added. “By the time you get rid of them, if that can even be done, what do you have? Not much? If it weren’t for the ridiculous Billion Dollar breakup fee, Elon would have already been long gone.”
“Just my opinion,” Trump added, proceeding to plug his own platform, “but Truth Social is MUCH better than Twitter and is absolutely exploding, incredible engagement!”
In the comment section at WeLoveTrump.com, someone wrote that he was suspended from Twitter for tweeting about how ivermectin is a safe and effective remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
“Twitter is another DARPA creation,” wrote another. “It is controlled by the government for the government. We are given the illusion of freedom and fair and open markets which is not true by a long shot.”
More related news coverage about Musk, Twitter, and Big Tech can be found at
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
MERIDIAN, IDAHO — Kleiner Park is an all-American, family-friendly gathering place west of Boise with 60 acres of greenery, trails, ponds, outdoor performance facilities, picnic shelters, and children’s swings and slides. Two weeks ago, I enjoyed a visit there with several hundred freedom activists gathered to support GOP Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin’s gubernatorial bid. The sun shone brightly. Toddlers romped on the lawn. A sea of unmasked faces roared the Pledge of Allegiance in joyful unison.
But all is not and never will be back to “normal” in America. Never forget that citizens across this country still face tyrannical persecution and prosecution for defying COVID-19 tyranny just two short years ago. At the publicly-owned Kleiner Park, I met and embraced a mom of four Sara Brady, whom I recognized instantly from the worldwide viral video of her arrest in April 2020. “Whatever happened to your case?” I asked. This un-American nightmare, it turns out, has yet to end.
On April 21, 2020, Sara and other families had been enjoying fresh air and sunshine (God’s natural immunity and mental health boosters) amid a statewide shutdown of schools. She and other moms opposed a city order that playground equipment in a public park be wrapped in what amounted to crime tape. (That apocalyptic scene had been replicated all over this nation, including in my own neighborhood park.) Sara simply questioned aloud the junk-science rationale for punishing healthy children — while cops and park officials violated their own social-distancing rules and mask protocols.
For her crimes of constitutionally protected peaceable assembly, petition for a redress of grievances, and lawful dissent, Sara was shackled, placed in a patrol car, booked into Ada County jail, and charged with misdemeanor trespassing by a grandstanding Republican state attorney general.
“I’m a mother of four children and married to a (Boise) police officer,” Sara told me this week. “Our lives are so busy and chaotic simply trying to manage a household of six, let alone attempting to defend myself against the State of Idaho for literally taking my kids to a play date. It’s very daunting. I didn’t go back to ‘normal’ after that day.”
Indeed, more than two years later, after dozens of online status hearings, two suspended trial dates, four different attorneys and nearly $30,000 in legal fees, Sara now awaits a May 31 hearing on her motion to dismiss the single criminal misdemeanor charge on constitutional grounds. Sara’s attorney, Jeremy Litster, argues in his filing this week that the trespass law is unconstitutionally vague; the arresting officer exercised “unbridled authority” to “arbitrarily persecute dissenters” while others who breached the playground equipment went free; and Sara’s “expressive conduct” in the playground area of a public park “was content-based (and viewpoint-based) speech” in a “traditional public forum” that is “protected by the First Amendment.”
Since that revolutionary maternal act in 2020 on behalf of her children and other families, Sara has been an ongoing target of both prosecution and persecution. “I had people track me down, take videos, and post them in a hate group (this group still exists, but Facebook won’t take it down). I was reported to CPS multiple times. I’ve had letters and mail come that I’ve been scared to open.… Many days, I’ve wondered if I could keep going. It’s affected my mental state. There isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not dealing with it to some degree.”
But Sara has no regrets about that fateful day in Kleiner Park. In fact, she told me, “I’m hoping that I can blaze a trail and others here in Idaho can use the legal briefs I’ve paid for to stop the state from doing the same thing to them.” (You can contribute to her crowdfund campaign at https://www.givesendgo.com/supportsarabrady.) She and her family have paid another high price — doxxing by left-wing vigilantes, threats, and harassment, and smears by character assassins in the media who are allergic to sovereignty-defending mothers. Buzzfeed, for example, attacked Sara for challenging her son’s school over unlawful vaccine exemption documentation. The school backed down.
The silver lining of this entire ordeal, Sara reflects, is that her viral moment helped “wake up” countless parents who had been sleeping and galvanized her own activism. “It’s really appalling how the government came in to ‘save’ everyone and then made such a huge mess, and now everyone is acting like it never happened — except for those of us that are being so harshly punished for daring to push back. I’ve learned how corrupt our government is and how fragile our freedoms are. I feel like I’ve been ‘awake’ to things going on for several years now, but these last two years have really shown me the evil we have in our country.”
Sara’s courageous battle is a light in the darkness. “Being an example to your child to stand up against tyranny is one of the most powerful messages you can give,” she told me. “Freedom is the most important gift given to us. I would rather be handcuffed and taken away from you than bow down to the state.”
Michelle Malkin’s email address is MichelleMalkinInvestigates@protonmail.com. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
American regulators authorized a single Pfizer-BioNTech Covid booster shot for healthy five- to 11-year-olds in a bid to enhance their protection against the infection and severe disease. The additional dose, like the initial vaccination series for young Americans, is covered by the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), which means that it remains “investigational,” e.g., experimental.
According to the Tuesday press release of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the said age group could take a third dose at least five months after completion of a primary series with the Pfizer-BioNTech shots.
Claiming that vaccination “continues to be the most effective way to prevent COVID-19 and its severe consequences, and it is safe,” FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf said that children have been getting infected and hospitalized at a higher rate with the arrival of Omicron. He added that children “may also experience the long term effects, even following initially mild disease,”and urged parents and caregivers to vaccinate their children.
Conversely, Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, did not mention that the vaccination protects against infection — because it does not — and instead claimed that it is “effective in helping to prevent the most severe consequences of COVID-19.”
But there’s a caveat: “Since authorizing the vaccine for children down to 5 years of age in October 2021, emerging data suggest that vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 wanes after the second dose of the vaccine in all authorized populations,” noted Marks. He then concluded that the agency determined that the “known and potential benefits” of a booster dose for children outweigh its “known and potential risks.”
The decision was made without holding a traditional meeting of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), which evaluates vaccines’ safety, efficacy, and appropriate use by reviewing and verifying the data provided by the vaccine’s manufacturer.
The meeting was skipped, explained the FDA, because “the agency previously convened the committee for extensive discussions regarding the use of booster doses of COVID-19 vaccines and, after review of Pfizer’s EUA request, the FDA concluded that the request did not raise questions that would benefit from additional discussion by committee members.
In other words, the federal body did not identify any information that should have been discussed in more detail by the experts on additional doses of the experimental biological product for children that started being used in humans only last year.
While the FDA said that it would post the documents it used to conclude that the booster was “safe and effective” later, the decision left many wondering if the third dose is indeed necessary for children.
For example, is there a “medical emergency?” As appears on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, Covid deaths in the age groups of 5-11 and 12-17 are not even reflected in its Covid tracker “due to low numbers.”
While that alone should be enough to end the discussion on experimental gene therapeutics for children, the media and non-establishment experts point to efficacy and safety concerns.
It appears that the overwhelming majority of American children may not need any Covid shots, let alone additional doses, since they have already recovered from Covid.
Adding to public confusion, the CDC estimates 3 out of every 4 U.S. children of all ages have been infected with the coronavirus since the pandemic’s start — many of them during the winter omicron wave. Still, health authorities urge vaccination even in people who’ve previously had COVID-19, to strengthen their protection.
Is natural immunity, which one acquires after recovering from an infection, worse than “vaccine immunity”? Eighty-one research studies published in reputable medical journals confirm that natural immunity to Covid is equal or superior to any immunity provided by the shots due to the fact that the latter do not form mycotic immunity, which is crucially important to guard off the respiratory infection.
But the matters get even worse since the efficacy of shots turns negative over time.
The CDC recently the CDC recently reported higher COVID-19 case rates have been recorded among fully vaccinated children than unvaccinated in the age group 5-11 since February 2022. That’s the first time CDC recorded a higher case rate among fully vaccinated young children since data was first collected in December 2021.
That means that vaccinated children are more likely to get infected with Covid than their unvaccinated peers.
How about the “safety” part? Apparently, it is extremely disturbing. What is even more disturbing is that America’s top regulatory body is informed on the data.
While the FDA says that it had “no questions” in regard to Pfizer documents, Pfizer — and the FDA — is fully aware that the shot is associated with significantly elevated death rates in the vaccinated trial participants compared to those who received a placebo.
Calling the vaccination of children “child sacrifice,” Malone notes,
Research shows that there is no benefit to children receiving a COVID shot, and in fact, the shots can cause potentialharm, adverse effects and death. According to Pfizer’s own study trial data, the chance of death in children from the shot is 107 times higher than death from COVID.
The deadly ramifications of the Pfizer shots were also observed by the Office for National Statistics, which revealed that children are up to 52 times more likely to die following the Covid injection than children who have not received it, added the doctor.
The final decision on recommending children aged five to 11 to get a third dose of Pfizer shot will be made by the CDC on Thursday.