Biden’s Banking Regulator Wants to Destroy the US Economy~Nominee Wants to Starve, Bankrupt America’s Oil and Gas Industry

Biden’s Marxist Nominee for Banking Chief Wants Oil, Gas, and Coal Industries to Go Bankrupt



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Saule Omarova, Biden’s handlers’ nominee for comptroller of the currency, the government’s top bank regulator, is a self-proclaimed “radical,” as Stephen Green has noted. Just how radical became clear in a video clip that surfaced Tuesday, in which Omarova calls matter-of-factly for the destruction of the oil, gas, and coal industries. Well, we can’t say that we haven’t been warned.

In the clip, Omarova, who was born in the Soviet Union and is not a native English speaker, is seen discussing “troubled industries and firms that are in transitioning.” She continues: “And here what I’m thinking about is primarily coal industry and oil and gas industry. A lot of the smaller players in that industry are, uh, going to probably, uh, go bankrupt in, in, in short order, at least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change, right?”

Wrong. The idea of climate change that is caused by human beings and can be ended by human action rests on assumptions that are dubious at best. And the entire climate change hysteria that the Western political and media elites are relentlessly ginning up is not taken seriously in the People’s Republic of China, which stands to benefit the most from the West’s economic self-sacrifice to appease Gaia.

Indeed, while Saule Omarova is calling for the bankrupting of the oil, gas, and coal industries, the People’s Republic mouthpiece Global Times published a bland piece on Monday proclaiming that “China’s coal output hit a multi-year high, will help ensure warm winter.” The article reports happily: “China’s daily coal output has reached 11.93 million tons, the highest level in recent years, and increasing coal supplies have laid a good foundation to ensure energy supply security and residential heating during the winter, the nation’s top economic planner said on Monday, as many parts of the country were hit by a severe coal [sic] wave over the weekend.”

Nary a word about shutting down the industry to fight the chimera of climate change. You might almost get the impression that Chinese authorities aren’t being kept awake nights by nightmares of Obama’s and Biden’s luxury beach houses being swept away by rising sea levels, nor eaten away with regret about how it all could have been prevented if only they had gutted their economy. And you’d be right.

This radical and destructive rhetoric was to be expected from Omarova, who, as Stephen Green pointed out, “graduated from the Soviet Union’s Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship.” Omarova was apparently such a convinced Marxist in the late 1980s that she wrote her thesis on Karl Marx’s thought and tellingly has refused to release that thesis now.

In October, Senator Pat Toomey (R-Sanity) wrote to her asking for a copy: “I write today seeking a copy of your thesis, ‘Karl Marx’s Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution in The Capital,’ which you wrote as a student at Moscow State University on the V.I. Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship. While it appears that you have deleted any reference to your thesis in the version of your curriculum vitae (CV) that is currently available on the Cornell Law School website, the paper appeared on your CV as recently as April 2017.” There is no indication that Omarova turned over the thesis in response to this appeal.

Why the secrecy about it? If it represents views she no longer holds, she could release it and take the opportunity to explain that. If, however, she still holds the views it espouses, she may have every reason to conceal it. And here we are.

Related: Terrifying: Biden Is Nominating Soviet-trained Radicals Now

The UK’s Daily Mail called Omarova an “expert in Marxist-Leninism” and reported her account of how she came to be in the United States: “There was at the very end of the Gorbachev era an exchange program between Moscow State and University of Wisconsin Madison. I got lucky against all odds, and I came for that one semester in 1991 to Madison, Wisconsin. While I was there in December of 1991, the Soviet Union fell apart. So there I was a student without anywhere to go back. I was very worried about what was going to happen. So I stayed to do my Ph.D. in political science, but frankly, I’m just…To this day, I feel guilty for having left the country at such a momentous time, because obviously, they couldn’t hold it together without me.” Ah, if only Saule Omarova had stayed home, the Soviet Union would still exist today!

Unfortunately for all of us, she came here instead. And now, in Saule Omarova’s perfect world, massive sectors of the American economy will go bankrupt, destroying the jobs of tens of thousands of Americans and making them wards of the increasingly intrusive and all-pervasive state. Meanwhile, in the People’s Republic of China (a state based on the theories of Karl Marx that Omarova has studied so closely), the coal industry, as well as the other industries, will keep chugging along. This is the absurd and self-defeating America of Joe Biden’s handlers.


Biden Nominee Wants to Starve, Bankrupt America’s Oil and Gas Industry



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Saule Omarova, the communist Cornell law professor whom Biden has nominated as Comptroller of the Currency, has big plans not only for banks and private bank accounts but for oil and gas companies as well.

Thanks to research done by the American Accountability Foundation (AAF), a conservative group that does deep research into nominees such as Omarova, Democrat senators on the bubble over her nomination now have additional proof of her disqualifications for the position.

The AAF found a virtual seminar that occurred in March where Omarova held forth on the topic of America’s oil and gas industry. Speaking at the Jain Family Institute’s “Social Wealth Seminar” in March, she said:

Here’s what I’m thinking about … primarily the coal and oil and gas industry. A lot of smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt in short order.

At least, we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change, right?

Presumably, there was abundant applause from her audience supporting the institute. It bills itself as “an applied research organization in the social sciences … including research in … guaranteed income.”

AAF found another treasure: In speaking at another Jain Family function in May, Omarova said, “So, the way we basically get rid of those carbon financiers is, we starve them of their sources of capital.”

Under her plan for the banks, all capital would be controlled, allocated, and dispersed according to a national plan. The plan, of course, would eliminate financing for any industry that doesn’t fit into the green agenda. Viola! The U.S. would have completely clean air and become a complete financial communist dictatorship in the process.

The Wall Street Journal dismembered her nomination: “Omarova thinks … prices, pay scales [and] capital and credit should be dictated by the federal government.” The Journal excoriated her positions, which would “effectively end banking as we know it,” putting every checking and savings account held privately in the country into the Federal Reserve. After all, it would avoid all the messiness of having to deal with that friendly but highly inefficient bank around the corner.

That’s the communist premise: The federal government runs everything, for the good of everybody, based on decisions made by unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats.

Thomas Jones, the co-founder of the AAF, said the evidence now available proves that she is an outright communist: “Saule Omarova has a classical Marxist view [she graduated from Moscow State University on a Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship; her thesis is entitled “Karl Marx’s Economic Analysis and the Theory of Revolution”] where she wants the government to run all sectors of the economy and part of that is implementing the Green New Deal. And you can only do that by destroying the oil and gas industry.”

Democrat senators on the Senate Banking Committee are having second thoughts. Senators Jon Tester (D-Mont.), Krysten Simena (D-Ariz.), and Mark Warner (D-Va.) each have major constituencies in the energy industry in their state. It will take just one of them to deep-six Omarova’s nomination, as not a single Republican supports it.

Related article:

Biden Pick for Comptroller Likes Soviet Financial Planning. Wants to End “Banking as We Know It”