A WordPress Blog-THE CHURCH MILITANT Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse. ALL CONTENT FROM HTTPS://RATHEREXPOSETHEM.BLOGSPOT.COM MOVED TO THIS NEW BLOG, MAY 2020
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
On Saturday morning, President Donald Trump shared a message commemorating the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks.
“For the great people of our country this is a very sad day,” Trump began. “September 11 represents great sorrow for our country.”
“Many things were displayed that day, including, most importantly, the bravery of our police, fire, and first responders of every kind. The job they did was truly unbelievable. We love them and we thank them.”
Trump then shifted gears to criticism of Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.
“It is also a sad time for the way our war on those that did such harm to our country ended last week,” Trump continued. “The loss of 13 great warriors and the many more who were wounded, should never have happened. Overall, two hundred and fifty people were killed in Afghanistan last week, and so many more were seriously injured.”
“We had $85 billion of the finest and most sophisticated military equipment, taken from us without even a shot being fired. The leader of our country was made to look like a fool, and that can never be allowed to happen,” Trump continued. “It was caused by bad planning, incredible weakness, and leaders who truly didn’t understand what was happening. This is the 20th year of this war, and should have been a year of victory and honor, and strength. Instead, Joe Biden and his inept administration surrendered in defeat. We will live on, but, sadly, our country will be wounded for a long period of time. We will struggle to recover from the embarrassment this incompetence has caused. Do not fear, however, America will be made great again.”
Trump is expected to visit Ground Zero later in the day.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
Chris Christie, former governor of New Jersey and an advisor to Donald Trump at one time, spoke at the shrine of resistance to the former president — the Reagan library in Simi Valley — and proceeded to savage Donald Trump as few other Republicans have.
Christie has let it be known in moderate Republican circles that he’s available to run for president in 2024. On Friday, he established his bona fides by eviscerating the former president. Not by name, of course. At the site honoring the man who invented the “11th commandment” of not speaking ill of other Republicans, it would have been considered bad form to actually use Trump’s name.
But he made it absolutely crystal clear who he was talking about. “If the requirement in today’s politics for getting your support is to say a bunch of things that aren’t true — no, thank you,” said Christie. “If it requires bending to the will of any one person rather than advocating ideas for the good of all people, then count me out. No man, no woman, no matter what office they’ve held or wealth they’ve acquired, are worthy of blind faith or obedience. That’s not who I am, and that’s not who we are as Republicans, no matter who is demanding that we tie our futures to a pile of lies. We deserve much better than to be misled by those trying to acquire or hold on to power.”
Christie kept returning to the “stolen election” claims as an anchor that is holding the party back and binding it to Trump. “We have to reject those who try to lure us down rabbit holes, into alliances with bad actors, and over to the grip of authoritarianism,” he said. “Authoritarian dictators are not strong leaders to be admired. They are bullies hoping to fool the crowd just one more time.”
Christie also harked back to the Republican Party’s struggle with the John Birch Society, a far-right movement in the 1950s that pushed conspiracy theories and labeled President Dwight D. Eisenhower as a communist sympathizer. Mainstream Republicans fought back against the John Birch Society and other radicals and successfully purged them from the GOP, which helped pave the way for more palatable conservatives like Ronald Reagan to win the presidency.
The Birchers were easily sidelined because they were small in number and were never successful in moving their ideology beyond the fringe of American politics.
This is not going to happen with Trumpism when half the Republican Party thinks the election was stolen. Republicans are not going to sideline Trump because they believe him when he claims the election was a fraud.
Christie doesn’t believe that Republicans have to change the issues they promote. He just thinks he’d be a better messenger to deliver them than Trump.
“We do not have to change our policies to win again,” he said. He talked at length about the “radical” agenda of Biden and the need to confront China, rein in spending, stand up for law and order, control migration across the southern border, fight back against liberal bias in the mainstream media and reduce the size of government.
As of today, those would be winning issues in a national election. Add to that a sputtering economy, skyrocketing prices, possible energy shortages, and a sense that Joe Biden has failed to deliver, and you have a recipe for victory.
But Christie is delusional if he believes that accusing Trump of being a liar will make any difference. Far more influential and important people have already accused Trump of being a liar and the former president is picking his teeth with their bones.
Trump’s influence on Republicans will only end when the former president is no longer on this earth.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
Speaking at a 9/11 commemoration at the Flight 93 National Memorial in Pennsylvania, former President George W. Bush, who above all people should know better, made a veiled but unmistakable equation of the January 6 incident at the Capitol with the September 11, 2001, jihad terror attacks in New York and Washington.
“The security measures incorporated into our lives are both sources of comfort” – speak for yourself, George – “and reminders of our vulnerability.” That vulnerability was apparently laid bare anew during the January 6 events that the Left has worked so very hard to portray as an unprecedented, life-threatening attack on our “democracy” (it’s actually a republic, folks) as if they cared about that, and our way of life.
Bush continues: “We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders, but from violence that gathers within.There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home, but then there’s disdain for pluralism, in their disregard for human life, in their determination to defile national symbols, they are children of the same foul spirit, and it is our continuing duty to confront them.”
If Bush had been talking about Antifa and Black Lives Matter, he would have been right. But he wasn’t. Bush was, in fact, one of the first to jump on the January 6 “insurrection” bandwagon, issuing this statement on the same day:
Laura and I are watching the scenes of mayhem unfolding at the seat of our Nation’s government in disbelief and dismay. It is a sickening and heartbreaking sight. This is how election results are disputed in a banana republic – not our democratic republic. I am appalled by the reckless behavior of some political leaders since the election and by the lack of respect shown today for our institutions, our traditions, and our law enforcement. The violent assault on the Capitol – and disruption of a Constitutionally-mandated meeting of Congress – was undertaken by people whose passions have been inflamed by falsehoods and false hopes. Insurrection could do grave damage to our Nation and reputation. In the United States of America, it is the fundamental responsibility of every patriotic citizen to support the rule of law. To those who are disappointed in the results of the election: Our country is more important than the politics of the moment. Let the officials elected by the people fulfill their duties and represent our voices in peace and safety. May God continue to bless the United States of America.
His equating of the 9/11 jihadis with the people who entered the Capitol on January 6 (“their determination to defile national symbols”) is nothing short of monstrous. The jihadis, though he immediately denied it, were exponents of a 1,400-year-long war against the non-Muslim world, with a clearly defined ideology and belief system calling for warfare against and subjugation of non-Muslim states. The January 6 “insurrectionists” were unarmed, killed no one, were not there in service of any ideology, but only to protest against election fraud, and were not part of any coordinated plan (or else you would already have seen some people charged with insurrection and treason; no one has been).
That Bush, a cosseted member of the establishment since birth, would repeat these lies is insidious, and indicates that the elites haven’t given up their agenda of silencing and criminalizing all opposition to their agenda by claiming it leads to “insurrection.” And he is not alone, of course.“As I stand here tonight,” Old Joe Biden said in early May, “just one day shy of the 100th day of my administration. 100 days since I took the oath of office, lifted my hand off our family Bible, and inherited a nation in crisis. The worst pandemic in a century. The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”
The idea that the entry of a group of unarmed people into the U.S. Capitol constituted the “worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War” was not just ridiculous (remember 9/11? Pearl Harbor?); it was insidious, as insidious as Bush’s remarks on September 11. The silliness and hysteria are in service of an effort to stigmatize, demonize and silence all dissent from their far-left agenda.
Robert Grenier, who served as the CIA station chief for Pakistan and Afghanistan and later as director of the CIA Counterterrorism Center, made it all clear when he declared in February: “You know, even at the seeming height of the crisis immediately after 9/11, there really weren’t that many members of al-Qaida in Afghanistan. And the thrust of our campaign there was, yes, to hunt down al-Qaida, but primarily to remove the supportive environment in which they were able to live and to flourish.”
That “supportive environment” is ordinary, unwoke Americans who don’t want to be overwhelmed by an authoritarian socialist nanny state. They provide the “political and social conditions” that the Left sees as motivating “Trumpist terrorism.” For George W. Bush, they’re “violent extremists at home.” It’s just another blot on his already dismal record.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
In the ‘first 100 days’ of the Biden Reich, you will see a federal mask mandate, sweeping lockdowns, and the systematic arrest and detaining of all those people who are hostile to the regime. Freedom as guaranteed to all Americans in the Constitution will be gone.
We are still 11 days away from the January 20th inauguration of Joe Biden, but the purge of Christians and conservatives is already well underway. Last night, as fascist Twitter took down the account of the president of United States, Donald Trump, they also began to purge millions of followers from the profiles of patriots and Christians. The NTEB Twitter account has lost 700 followers since last night, but higher profile people like actor Kevin Sorbo had 40,000 of his followers scrubbed in just hours. Welcome to the Biden Reich.
“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29:2 (KJB)
Right now in Washington DC, the Democrats are have reached a nirvana-like state of blood lust against Donald Trump, first and foremost, but they have instructed their fellow Liberals who run Apple, Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to begin silencing anyone and everyone who would dare speak against this coup. What you say in the Capitol riots on Wednesday was not the coup, that was a reaction. The coup is what is currently underway at the hands of our leaders who have taken control of our constitutional republic and are right now bringing the world thing down to the ground.
If you want to see an excellent picture of what America will look like in the Biden Reich, go watch ‘The Man In The High Castle’. Then you’ll know exactly what I’m telling you about right now.
“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” 1 Peter 4:17,18 (KJB)
The Democrats talk about ‘beginning the healing’ in the same way that Adolf Hitler talked about ‘restoring Germany’. In their warped and sin-addled brains, the ‘healing’ can only come when free speech is taken away, that process has now been initiated and will continue right up to the first day of the Biden Reich on January 21st. His ‘first 100 days’ will see a federal mask mandate, sweeping lockdowns, and the systematic arrest and detaining of all those people who are hostile to the regime. They will seek to put Donald Trump into prison as a message to all of the 73,000,000 people who voted for him that that’s what will happen to them if they don’t get in line. If you think I am exaggerating, go look at Kayleigh McEnany’s face, she looks like she’s been waterboarded, she knows what’s coming for Trump and his people.
“Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Revelation 1:3 (KJB)
My father, as a 17-year old graduating high school in 1944, joined the Army Air Force to serve during the last year of WWII to be a part of that ‘greatest generation’ that rose up to defeat fascism, Nazism, and Marxism, to preserve and protect a free society for all people. Now here in 2021, I sit here typing this warning to you as my father’s son, and telling you that the fascism his generation fought to stop is alive and well, and has taken control of Washington. They told you that a ‘dark winter’ was coming, you should have believed them, and it’s here right now.
“Thou, therefore, endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” 2 Timothy 2:3,4 (KJB)
Nancy Pelosi and her ilk are the boot currently stomping your neck, and they have the Congress, Senate and the White House. As such, they are virtually unstoppable, and the carnage that they will inflict on this nation will truly be breathtaking. This is how the Biden Reich starts, and it will only get worse when they remove trojan horse Biden and replace him with their actual choice for president, Marxist Kamala Harris.
“And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” Acts 5:41,42 (KJB)
For the bible believers who are reading this now, let me give you all a word of encouragement. What comes next is the reason why God has left you here in this place, and in this time, to not be a part of the coming patriot resistance that is currently forming as we speak, but to stand up and preach the gospel of the grace of God to this miserable and sin-cursed world. Rejoice in the coming affliction, that you will be counted worthy to suffer shame for His Name. All the apostles left the earth on this path, including our apostle Paul who boldly said that none of these things moved him or would deter him from finishing the course that God had given him. This is how we who are saved need to conduct ourselves, this is the time, the war has finally come, let’s get busy about our Father’s business.
“For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:6-8 (KJB)
The war is real, the battle hot and the time is short…to the FIGHT!!!
Right now, NTEB is in the process of being scrubbed from all social media, our followers are falling by the hundreds per hour, soon the accounts themselves will be gone. When that happens, everyone who counts on NTEB needs to come directly to the website every day. The Lord has called me to this fight, and by His grace, I will man my post here at the forefront of this end-times fight for as long as He allows me to do so. Now more than ever, I need your prayers, your financial support, and the sharing of our articles with everyone you know. I need everyone who needs a King James Bible to email me and we will send them out as fast as we can.
The battle has begun, Flight #777 will soon depart, let’s get something done before takeoff. Are you ready for what comes next? Only one life, t’will soon be past, and only what’s done for Jesus Christ will last.
This Is The Coming Biden Reich
“There is no privacy. Rooms are bugged, phones are tapped, and surveillance cameras are everywhere”. Sound familiar?
Now The End Begins is your front line defense against the rising tide of darkness in the last Days before the Rapture of the Church
When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out at no charge. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. Even all the way to South Africa. We even restarted our weekly radio Bible study on Sunday nights again, thanks to your generous donations. All this is possible because YOU pray for us, YOU support us, and YOU give so we can continue growing.
But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Time is short and we need your help right now. If every one of the 15,860+ people on our daily mailing list gave $4.50, we would reach our goal immediately. If every one of our 150,000+ followers on Facebook gave $1.00 each, we would reach 300% of our goal. The same goes for our 15,900 followers on Twitter. But sadly, many will not give, so we need the ones who can and who will give to be generous. As generous as possible.
“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJV)
“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
They call them “public servants,” although that usage is a bit quaint in this age of staggeringly corrupt, self-serving politicians, and it’s good to know that Biden White House staffers are hard at work, doing everything they can to improve the lot of Americans and protect our nation and its allies. Politico reported Tuesday that “some people in the Biden administration are huge Harry Potter fans” and are spending a lot of time choosing “magic spirit animals” for themselves. Will the magic spirit animals, or patronus, in Harry Potter terminology, of Biden’s handlers, help get the remaining Americans out of Afghanistan, end the crisis at the Southern border, or turn around the tanking economy? Politico didn’t say.
The crack Politico “journalists” have, however, been on this story for a long time. Back on January 7, they first reported that Merrick Garland, who was soon to become attorney general, was “a Harry Potter fanboy.” And not just someone who enjoyed the books and movies: Garland, according to Politico, was “such an earnest fan of the series that President Barack Obama’s aides nicknamed him ‘Dumbledore’ [although some said that was also due to his genial manner].”
Yeah, he’s a genial guy. He is a ferociously partisan hack who shows numerous signs of moving toward criminalizing political opposition in the United States under the guise of fighting “white supremacy,” but hey, he loves Harry Potter, so how bad could he be? Garland, says Politico, got Harvard to give Potter creator J.K. Rowling an honorary degree, and during his commencement speech to the 2016 graduating class of his high school alma mater, he expatiated at length on lessons from the Potter books, calling Hermione Granger “one of my favorite people” and quoting her saying, “I’m hoping to do some good in the world.” He told the graduates: “Now that doesn’t mean that you and your friends have to vanquish Lord Voldemort….But as Professor Dumbledore once told Harry Potter: It is our choices that show what we truly are, more than our abilities. So make the choice to do to some good in the world.”
Members of the Biden White House team have apparently decided to do some good in the world not by addressing the problems created by the administration’s disastrous choices in Afghanistan, or the other problems arising from Biden’s handlers’ mismanagement of the economy, but by joining Garland in Harry Potter foolery. Emilie Simons, the assistant press secretary, even has a “collage above her desk in the West Wing” featuring the magic spirit animals of her colleagues.
According to Politico, “rapid response director Mike Gwin is a bald eagle. Deputy press secretary Andrew Bates is a black stallion. Assistant press secretary Vedant Patel is an orca whale. Press assistant Natalie Austinis a Siberian husky. Deputy press secretary Chris Meagher is technically a bear but Simons changed it to be a picture of a teddy bear dressed as a wizard — wand and all.” Wait a minute: I thought they were all skunks.
In a follow-up story on Wednesday (apparently someone at Politico thinks this is as important as the White House staffers do), Politico upgraded Simons’ collage to a “mural!,” complete with an exclamation point, and informed us that Press Secretary Jen Psaki is a “wild cat — a picture of a cat is affixed to her Vogue profile shot.” Meanwhile, “press office chief of staff Amanda Finney is a lion. Press assistant Angela Perezis a capybara. Principal deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is a black mare. Press assistant Michael Kikukawais a jackrabbit. Assistant press secretary Kevin Munoz is a deer. And Simons is an exotic, colorful bird. She thinks it’s a Bali bird of paradise but that could not be independently verified.”
Well, get on that, Politico! And while you’re at it, tell us the magic spirit animals of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Old Joe might be a possum, except they’re always playing dead, not playing at being alive. And Kamala? The mind reels. Maybe a hyena? Can hyenas be said to cackle?
In any case, the whole Politico series of three stories on the Pottermania in the Biden White House brings to mind the immortal words of the longtime far-Left White House correspondent Helen Thomas: “Everything is going down the drain.” While Biden’s handlers were choosing magic spirit animals and working on their “murals!,” the Taliban were essentially handed $85 billion worth of American weaponry and military hardware, and Americans are still trapped in the country. Maybe if Biden’s White House staff put the Harry Potter books down for a while and got to work, they might find some ways to get them out and to mitigate the catastrophe that is Biden’s Afghanistan policy. They might even figure out a way to revitalize the economy beyond raising taxes and increasing government interference.
On second thought, these are hardcore, doctrinaire Leftists. Maybe it’s better for all of us if they paid as little attention to their actual jobs as possible. Time to make another mural, folks!
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
(Natural News) Japanese researchers have confirmed that chlorine dioxide, also known as Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS, is a safe and effective remedy for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
A paper published in the journal Annals of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutics explains how MMS blocks the spike proteins associated with SARS-CoV-2 that are said to bind with human receptors such as Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2), allowing disease to form.
“Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a powerful disinfectant that is known to inactivate both viruses and bacteria,” the study’s abstract reveals.
The stated purpose of the study was to see if chlorine dioxide directly inhibits the binding of the Chinese Virus Spike protein (S protein) to ACE2 receptors. The team conducted in vitro experiments with the British and South African “variants” of the Fauci Flu.
“Spike protein-coated onto a microtiter plate was treated with chlorine dioxide aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide spray solution,” the study explains.
In the end, what they found is that MMS does, in fact, inactivate the binding of covid variant spike proteins to the human ACE2 receptor protein, “indicating that this strategy may be useful in blocking the transmission of variant SARS-CoV-2 viruses.”
Can chlorine dioxide protect your cells against a spike protein invasion?
Since we now know that the variants are being spread by the “vaccines,” and thus also by the “vaccinated,” chlorine dioxide could help the “unvaccinated” to protect themselves against infection.
It may also be useful in helping the vaccinated and those who test “positive” for the China Virus to rid themselves of spike proteins by preventing them from attaching to ACE2 receptors.
Much more study is likely needed to determine whether or not this applies to people who took the mRNA injections (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna), as these shots program human cells to continue producing spike proteins constantly.
For everyone else, taking MMS could provide a shield of protection against the type of spike protein damage that is causing some people to suffer cardiovascular events or worse.
“The powerful disinfection action of CD (chlorine dioxide) against microbes is due to its strong oxidizing activity against proteins,” the study explains. “Moreover, safe and permissible concentrations of CD have been well documented.”
Covid spike proteins do not like chlorine dioxide, which blocks them from damaging the body
For their experiments, the team sprayed a 50 ?L aliquot of chlorine dioxide or chlorine dioxide spray solution diluted to the appropriate concentration onto microtiter plates containing purified Receptor-Binding Domain (RBD) spike proteins. The solutions were then incubated at 25ºC for 5 minutes.
Next, a 20 ?L aliquot of 10 mmol/L sodium thiosulfate in Blocking Buffer 2 was added to terminate the reaction of chlorine dioxide with the spike proteins. This rapidly converted the chlorine dioxide to ClO2-, causing it to become unreactive.
Then, a 35 ?L aliquot of biotin-labeled ACE2 diluted to 1.5 ?g/mL by Blocking Buffer 2 was added to the solution, while a biotin-labeled ACE2 was bound to streptavidin-labeled horseradish peroxidase and detected using a substrate of horseradish peroxidase.
After one minute, a luminometer was used to measure the chemiluminescence signal emitted from the solution, which was assayed in four different wells due to the intensity fluctuation of the chemiluminescence.
Upon analysis, it was determined that the intensity of the binding of human ACE2 protein to covid spike RBD decreased as a result of chlorine dioxide. The higher the concentration of chlorine dioxide, the fewer spike protein binding events were observed.
Put more simply, coronavirus spike proteins do not like chlorine dioxide. And since chlorine dioxide has been proven to be a safe and effective remedy for a variety of ailments, there is no reason why it should not at least be considered as a potential option in the fight against covid.
Just like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, the government does not want you using chlorine dioxide to protect yourself against covid
Dr. Manuel Aparicio told The New American in an interview back in the summer all about chlorine dioxide and its potential use as a treatment for the Chinese Virus.
Back during the early days of the plandemic, the Sacramento Regional Transit District was using chlorine dioxide to clean its buses, further demonstrating its external use as a weapon against the Wuhan Flu.
For many years, chlorine dioxide has also been used as a treatment for autism. Kerri Rivera, a homeopathic doctor, has seen noteworthy success using it as a biomedical protocol to help autistic children regain normalcy in their lives.
“I started researching and [found that] it destroys viruses, bacteria, candida, parasites, reduces overall body inflammation, and neutralizes heavy metals, so I’m all in, [because] that’s what autism is,” Rivera told the Health Ranger in an interview.
There are so many beneficial uses for MMS that it would be a crime not to allow people to have access to it. Thankfully, it is not a prescription-only drug-like hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin, so it remains easily accessible as a dietary supplement.
Check it out for yourself to see if chlorine dioxide might be a helpful addition to your health arsenal. And be sure to tell others about it so they, too, can keep themselves protected against covid spike proteins, especially now that the “fully vaccinated” spike protein “factories” are potentially spreading them all around us.
For more helpful information about how to keep you and your loved ones safe and protected against Chinese Germs, be sure to visit Cures.news.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
(Natural News) A new study brings further clarity as to the effects of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” spike proteins on the human cardiovascular system.
According to science, vaccine-induced spike proteins change heart cells, disrupting their function. This was observed specifically in the small blood vessel cells that surround the heart, although it was also found to occur elsewhere.
A pre-print of the study was presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress, demonstrating that vaccine-induced spike proteins bind to cells known as pericytes. This binding causes pericytes to begin releasing a chemical that causes heart inflammation. (RELATED: Learn more about how covid vaccines are causing heart attacks.)
Vaccine-induced spike proteins are like cancer that eventually overtakes the body
For their research, the team took small vessel cells from the heart and directly exposed them to spike proteins that are found in (Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca) or produced by (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) Chinese Virus injections. After this, they watched as the spike proteins merged with the cell membranes, releasing their genetic material.
Upon completion of this process, it was observed that the spike proteins essentially hijacked the cellular machinery, causing it to replicate the virus before eventually bursting out and spreading to other cells like cancer.
“This mechanism has the potential to spread cellular and organ injury beyond the infection sites and may have important clinical implications,” the scientists wrote.
“For instance, in patients with disrupted endothelial barrier and increased vascular permeability due to underlying diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, and severe obesity, S protein molecules could easily spread to the PC compartment and cause, or exacerbate, microvascular injury.”
From this, the team was able to deduce, at least speculatively, that blocking what is known as the CD147 receptor could potentially help to protect the vasculature of injected patients from infection, not to mention the collateral damage caused by the S protein.
Even uninfected cells can be damaged by vaccine-induced spike proteins
In actual tests, though, the team found that blocking CD147 receptors did not prevent all inflammation. All it did was slightly reduce the effect of the vaccine-induced spike proteins on pericytes.
“Pericytes are found all over the body, including the brain and central nervous system,” reports GreatGameIndia.
It was discovered in a related study that the mRNA jabs from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna also induce prion-based disease in the brain, causing it to degenerate. This often manifests as some form of dementia, which is why many are now warning that taking these injections could lead to Alzheimer’s disease or some other form of neurodegeneration.
“The spike protein outer shell of the coronavirus contains ‘prion-like regions’ that give the virus very high adhesion to ACE2 receptors in the human body,” explains GreatGameIndia.
It never would have been possible for any of this to happen, it is important to clarify, had Tony Fauci not illegally funded the gain-of-function research that allowed the China Virus to cross-species from animal to human in the first place.
“This special relationship between the S protein and ACE2 receptor is the key to cross-species infection which made it possible for the coronavirus to make a jump from animals to humans,” GreatGameIndia further reveals.
“However, this cross-species jump was not natural and was achieved by the team led by the Batwoman of China, Shi Zhengli.”
This is all spelled out even further in the latest dump of more than 900 pages’ worth of “top secret” documents about the plandemic, revealing for the first time the complex web of lies and deception that brought us to this point in history.
Fauci, Zhengli, Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance, and many others in the United States Government are all complicit and have yet to face justice for their crimes against humanity. You can be sure they will, though – if not in this life, then certainly in the next.
Since each new day seems to bring fresh new revelations about the situation, perhaps we will not have to wait that long. Maybe a time will come when enough people are aware of the truth that something finally gets done now and justice gets served.
“If people don’t see what’s going on, then it’s on them,” wrote one commenter at GreatGameIndia.
“We are going through a Vaxdemic and it’s those who took the toxic jab that are transmitting either Graphene Oxide or Synthetic Spike Proteins to children. That’s the reason they are also getting sick, not to mention having to wear a face mask.”
Another pointed to a video from Dr. David Martin and Reiner Fuellmich explaining how the so-called “Delta variant” does not even exist – unless, of course, it is just a vaccine-induced disease under a different name.
“My father got jabbed in March; he had a heart attack (no prior history of heart problems) last month,” a Natural News commenter added with a personal anecdote confirming the latest research.
To keep up with the latest news about injuries and deaths caused by Fauci Flu shots, be sure to check out ChemicalViolence.com.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
Moderna has announced that it is developing a single-dose vaccine that will combine a two-in-one booster shot that protects against both COVID and flu.
Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said, “Our number one priority as a company right now is to bring to market a pan-respiratory annual booster vaccine, which we plan to always customize and upgrade.” Bancel added, “We believe this is just the beginning of a new age of information-based medicines.”
While the company didn’t say when trials for its new hybrid vaccine would start, following the announcement, Moderna’s stock price rose by 7.81%.
According to the reports, some medical professionals fear the flu season could begin earlier this year and cause more severe illness because people haven’t “been able to build up their natural immune defenses,” presumably because of the lockdowns that took a toll on people’s health. Since COVID is likely to develop into an endemic disease, meaning it will keep spreading throughout communities without major outbreaks, but with annual wintertime peaks, like the flu and common cold, COVID vaccination will likely become a yearly routine, per the vaccine manufacturers.
How does the Moderna vaccine operate, precisely? The company believes the messenger RNA technology that is used in the vaccine and which Moderna calls “software of life” is the ultimate mechanism to addressing all future disease challenges.
Dr. Tal Zaks, Moderna’s chief medical officer, explained in 2017 that mRNA vaccines, inspired by the advancements of what he called a “digital scientific revolution,” basically “hack the software of life”:
In every cell there’s this thing called messenger RNA […] that transmits the critical information from the DNA in our genes to the protein, which is really the stuff we’re all made out of. This is the critical information that determines what the cell will do. So we think about it as an operating system.
So if you could change that, if you could introduce a line of code, or change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for everything, from the flu to cancer.
Dr. Zaks went on to say that instead of giving the patient the protein of a virus, mRNA vaccines give the body instructions on how to make the protein, or “make its own vaccine.”
Notably, Moderna, a 10-year-old biotech company, has been developing its mRNA-based vaccines for years, but it only began administering them to humans for the first time with the COVID pandemic.
The Moderna vaccine is currently administered in the U.S. under the Emergency Use Authorization(EUA) received from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). According to Moderna’s fact sheet for recipients and caregivers, it is intended for use in individuals 18 years of age and older and is given as a two-dose series, one month apart. Also, it is noted that it “may prevent you from getting COVID-19” and “may not protect everyone.” It is unclear why it can’t, given the company’s advertisement of the mRNA technology that is presumably so advanced and effective.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recently started recommending that people with moderately to severely compromised immune systems receive an additional dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine at least 28 days after a second dose of their Pfizer or Moderna jabs.
Last month, the White House announced a plan to begin offering the third dose of Moderna and Pfizer to the general population the week of September 20, and eight months after an individual’s second dose. However, the FDA, which is supposed to green-light the rollout, said Moderna’s boosters likely won’t meet the September 20 deadline.
While the CDC only lists a handful of side effects associated with Moderna shot, such as local reactions in the injection site — including pain, redness, and swelling — and chills, fever, nausea, and tiredness through the rest of the body, it reassures the recipients that those symptoms will only last for a day or two and are “normal.”
In reality, though, Moderna has come under scrutiny in Japan, which suspended 1.6 million doses of the shot following reports of contaminated vials at the end of August. Moderna confirmed that the vials contained stainless steel, which, the company said jointly with the local vaccine provider, did not pose any health risks. Still, this week, Japan has launched an investigation into the deaths of three persons who died after receiving vaccines from a batch that was later recalled.
In addition to that, Moderna shots are being investigated by the European Union’s top medicine watchdog, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), for allegedly causing such side effects as dermatologic, urinary, and menstrual disorders.
It was previously reported that one of the most potentially tragic side effects of the mRNA vaccines is their interaction with cancer cells. According to a study at New York City-based Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the mRNA tends to deactivate tumor-suppressing proteins, suggesting it can promote the growth of already-existing cancer cells.
Dr. Robert Malone, an inventor of mRNA technology used by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, has warned that mRNA vaccines remain “biologically active,” i.e., get bio-distributed throughout the body, and the spike protein that they cause the body to produce is not “harmless,” as the CDC claims, but “cytotoxic,” i.e., it can damage cells.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
(Natural News) Ripping a page right out of Adolf Hitler’s playbook, fake president Joe Biden last night declared himself a medical dictator over America, claiming he alone has absolute power to bypass states’ rights, nullify state governors and force the American people to take deadly, experimental “vaccines” that are actually biological weapons designed to exterminate human life.
We should be celebrating this moment of clarity, for Biden’s audacious actions have just turned half of America into a powerful new vaccine resistance movement. As the following map shows, state leaders in about half the states have openly declared their resistance against Biden’s authoritarian power grab. Many states have announced their intent to file lawsuits, and Texas Governor Abbott has already issued an executive order protecting medical choice for Texans.
All the following states have announced their intent to sue the Biden regime over these vaccine mandates:
Alaska, West Virginia, Kansas, Ohio, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Iowa, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, and Arizona.
Joe Biden just declared war on 80 million Americans and threatened to REMOVE governors from power… this is treason!
As part of his dictatorial decree, fake president Joe Biden declared that he would remove governors from power if they don’t comply with his vaccine mandates. This is, of course, an act of treason and war against the United States of America, and it opens the window for the white hats in the US military to remove Biden from office and declare his “rule” to be an unconstitutional occupation.
From Biden: “If they’ll not help — if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as President to get them out of the way.”
Of course, “get them out of the way” means Biden plans to try to arrest and remove the governors, then rule America as a dictatorial tyrant. In essence, Biden just initiated the civil war in America and proved why he must be removed from power (and why Democrats, in general, can never be trusted with any political power whatsoever).
Governors, state legislators, AGs, and other officials pushed back hard. Check out these statements from state officials, courtesy of The New American:
Tate Reeves, Mississippi: “The President has no authority to require that Americans inject themselves because of their employment at a private business. The vaccine itself is life-saving, but this unconstitutional move is terrifying. This is still America, and we still believe in freedom from tyrants.”
Brian Kemp, Georgia: “I will pursue every legal option available to the state of Georgia to stop this blatantly unlawful overreach by the Biden administration.”
Kristi Noem, South Dakota: “My legal team is standing by ready to file our lawsuit the minute @joebiden files his unconstitutional rule. This gross example of federal intrusion will not stand.”
Henry McMaster, South Carolina: “The American Dream has turned into a nightmare under President Biden and the radical Democrats. They have declared war against capitalism, thumbed their noses at the Constitution, and empowered our enemies abroad. Rest assured, we will fight them to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of every South Carolinian.”
Doug Ducey, Arizona: “This is exactly the kind of big government overreach we have tried so hard to prevent in Arizona — now the Biden-Harris administration is hammering down on private businesses and individual freedoms in an unprecedented and dangerous way. This will never stand up in court. This dictatorial approach is wrong, un-American, and will do far more harm than good. How many workers will be displaced? How many kids kept out of classrooms? How many businesses fined? The vaccine is and should be a choice. We must and will push back.”
Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas: “I fully support continued efforts to increase vaccination rates across our nation, but the federal government mandates on private businesses are not the right answer. I have been consistent in the freedom of businesses to require their employees to be vaccinated, and I have opposed the government from saying businesses cannot exercise that freedom. The same principle should protect the private sector from government overreach that requires them to vaccinate all employees.”
Kim Reynolds, Iowa: “President Biden is taking dangerous and unprecedented steps to insert the federal government even further into our lives while dismissing the ability of Iowans and Americans to make healthcare decisions for themselves. Biden’s plan will only worsen our workforce shortage and further limit our economic recovery. As I’ve said all along, I believe and trust in Iowans to make the best health decisions for themselves and their families. It’s time for President Biden to do the same. Enough.”
Greg Gianforte, Montana: “President Biden’s vaccination mandate is unlawful and un-American. We are committed to protecting Montanans’ freedoms and liberties against this gross federal overreach.”
Kevin Stitt, Oklahoma: “It is not the government’s role to dictate to private businesses what to do. Once again President Biden is demonstrating his complete disregard for individual freedoms and states’ rights. As long as I am governor, there will be no government vaccine mandates in Oklahoma. My administration will continue to defend Oklahoma values and fight back against the Biden administration’s federal overreach.” Kay Ivey, Alabama: “Once again, President Biden has missed the mark. His outrageous, overreaching mandates will no doubt be challenged in the courts. Placing more burdens on both employers and employees during a pandemic with the rising inflation rates and lingering labor shortages is totally unacceptable. Alabamians have stepped up by rolling up their sleeves to get the covid-19 vaccine, increasing our doses administered significantly in recent weeks. We have done so without mandates from Washington D.C. or Montgomery. I’ve made it abundantly clear: I support the science and encourage folks to take the vaccine. However, I am absolutely against a government mandate on the vaccine, which is why I signed the vaccine passport ban into law here in Alabama. This is not the role of the government. I continue encouraging any Alabamian who can, to get the covid-19 vaccine. We have a safe and effective tool at our fingertips, so, let’s roll up our sleeves and get this thing beat.”
Greg Abbott, Texas: “Biden’s vaccine mandate is an assault on private businesses. I issued an Executive Order protecting Texans’ right to choose whether they get the COVID vaccine & added it to the special session agenda. Texas is already working to halt this power grab.”
Mike Parsons, Missouri: “The Biden Administration’s recent announcement seeking to dictate personal freedom and private business decisions is an insult to our American principles of individual liberty and free enterprise. This heavy-handed action by the federal government is unwelcome in our state and has potentially dangerous consequences for working families. Vaccination protects us from serious illness, but the decision to get vaccinated is a private health care decision that should remain as such. My administration will always fight back against federal power grabs and government overreach that threatens to limit our freedoms.”
Joe Biden just formed a “fascist pharma corporate state” that’s targeting humanity for extermination
As Connor Mortell from Mises.org correctly states in response to all this, fake president Biden has just declared a “fascist pharma corporate state” that he hopes will rule over America:
Never in my lifetime has something occurred that was so egregiously opposed to Misesian concepts of liberalism and freedom. In fact, this is directly in line with perhaps the most opposite ideology to liberalism: fascism. Benito Mussolini said himself that “Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” In today’s political discourse, people abuse the word fascism and sometimes even cite this definition of corporatism while stretching it somewhat from the truth. However, the state requiring that businesses require the vaccine from one of three large corporations that were propped up by the state is undoubtedly the merger of state and corporate power that Mussolini dreamed of.
Jordan Schachtel writes on Substack.com that, “The Biden Admin is losing its unwinnable War On COVID, so they’re scapegoating ‘unvaccinated’ Americans:”
On Thursday, our newfound Dear Leader, Joe Biden, gave one of the most tyrannical speeches in American history. For 30 minutes, he declared that the federal government would be imposing one totalitarian action after another, entirely dismissing our Constitutional system in the process of announcing his edicts.
I sense a panicked regime, very unsure of its legitimacy with the people, and one that is desperately searching for a more permissible excuse for its failures.
The Biden Administration is losing its unwinnable “War on COVID,” and as its ratings go down in flames, it has backed itself into a corner. Instead of being honest about their failures with the American people, Biden officials are choosing to triple and quadruple down on these broken policy measures. They’re purposely pitting Americans against each other, and labeling the “unvaccinated” as the ultimate scapegoat for their failures.
Mass civil disobedience is now the only answer against outrageous medical tyranny
We have now arrived at the moment where mass civil disobedience is necessary to end this overt medical tyranny. As JD Vance is now openly calling for, the American people must peacefully rise up and resist this tyranny.
Children’s Health Defense has just announced that next week will be “Walk Out Week” where all Americans who are ordered to take mandatory vaccines should walk out of their places of employment and say NO to the medical tyranny.
Democrats who once chanted, “My body, my choice!” are now screaming, “Your body, OUR orders!” This just proves, of course, that they never believed in “my body, my choice” in the first place. (They simply wanted to murder more babies as part of their demonic human sacrifice rituals.)
Get full details on all this (and more) in today’s Situation Update podcast:
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
“President Biden and his Administration will continue to use every tool necessary to protect the American people from Covid-19,” the White House announced Thursday in a blizzard of executive orders, some of which claim presidential powers unheard of in American history, far beyond those claimed by U.S. presidents during wartime and depressions.
According to the White House press release, Biden is “implementing a six-pronged, comprehensive national strategy that employs the same science-based approach that was used to successfully combat previous variants of COVID-19 earlier this year.”
The “six-pronged approach” includes the following:
Vaccinating the Unvaccinated
Further Protecting the Vaccinated
Keeping Schools Safely Open
Increasing Testing & Requiring Masking
Protecting Our Economic Recovery
Improving Care for those with COVID-19
As the White House release said, the various COVID vaccines have been available to every individual age 16 and older since April 19 and to those age 12 or older since May. Some companies, such as Tyson Foods and United Airlines, are being praised by the White House for forcing their employees to get vaccinated. All of this has resulted in more than 175 million Americans being “fully vaccinated.” Still, nearly 80 million Americans who are eligible to be vaccinated have not even gotten one shot.
One can logically guess that, as easily available as the vaccine has been to get, if any American has not yet gotten the vaccine, it means that individual has opted not to get the vaccine for whatever reason. But the White House vows to change that and “reduce the number of unvaccinated Americans by using regulatory powers and other actions to substantially increase the number of Americans covered by vaccination requirements.” (Emphasis added.) In other words, using the direct or indirect pressure of the federal government, more Americans will be compelled to get a shot, to the point that “these requirements will become dominant in the workplace.”
How? President Biden is issuing an executive order requiring all private employers who have more than 100 employees to ensure that their workers are vaccinated or tested weekly.
Clearly, this is unprecedented. There is no provision in the U.S. Constitution giving the federal government the legal authority to require businesses to require their employees to get a vaccine. And, if even there were, this would be a legislative or law-making function, a power that the president does not have. Certainly, a president can issue executive orders to members of the executive branch to implement a law, but executive orders cannot be used to make law.
If Biden, or any other president, can simply make law via executive order, telling individual citizens or business owners what to do, with not even a figment of Constitutional authority or executing a law passed by Congress, exactly what can a president not do?
Biden also is requiring vaccinations for all federal workers. While Biden does have some authority to issue orders to those who are in the employ of the federal government, that authority is limited to the execution of laws passed by Congress. Under the reasoning that the president can order federal employees to get a vaccination, simply because they work for the federal government, this would allow a president to, for example, order the government’s employees to exercise a certain amount each day. Some might argue that this is a poor analogy because the vaccine is designed to protect others, rather than primarily to protect the person getting the shot. But if that is the criteria, could the president also order federal workers not to drink alcohol, because if they drank too much and then drove an automobile, they might kill a fellow American in an automobile accident? Perhaps the president could order an individual American citizen to refrain from supporting certain candidates for public office, because, in his opinion, those politicians might be dangerous to others in U.S. society. Or — as it has been put in totalitarian societies — because they are “enemies of the people.”
In a related order, Biden is going to require that millions of contractors who do business with the federal government also get vaccinated.
COVID vaccinations will be required for the 17 million healthcare workers at hospitals that receive Medicare and Medicaid patients; in other words, virtually all American hospitals. This well illustrates that the acceptance of federal funds, in any form, can lead to federal control in ways not even dreamed of when those programs were first created. One can not imagine President Lyndon Johnson trying to sell the passage of Medicare in 1965 by adding that any hospital that received payment through the program would then have to take orders from the president on what shots their doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other staff would have to get. It is hard to imagine even the Caesars issuing such decrees.
“A top priority for the Biden Administration since Day One has been to reopen schools safely and keep them open,” the White House statement adds. How is this to be accomplished? The White House statement suggests “getting all staff and eligible students vaccinated, implementing universal indoor masking, maintaining physical distancing,” and “performing regular screening for students and school staff.”
To make sure this happens, the Biden orders will use the “full legal authority” of the federal Department of Education to protect students’ access to in-person instruction. No doubt this will include threats to withhold federal funds from school districts and states that refuse to comply. Again, this illustrates that with the acceptance of federal dollars comes federal control.
As it will “take time” for the newly vaccinated to get protection from the virus, the White House argues, testing and masking will be required.
And, of course, implementation of the executive orders will be accomplished with federal money — extracted from taxpayers either immediately, or by borrowing money that taxpayers will have to pay back later, with interest.
Will Americans simply accept these new dictates from Joe Biden, or will this be the bridge too far for his tenure as president?
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
On Thursday evening, President Joe Biden told unvaccinated Americans he was losing patience with them, and it was their fault other Americans are dying. Then he announced wide-ranging executive action to force public employees and employees of federal contractors to get vaccinated. He added that OSHA would issue an emergency rule requiring private employers with more than 100 employees to require vaccination or at least weekly testing.
His speech was very confusing for a few reasons. First, he said, “We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers.” Most Americans who received the vaccine thought protecting themselves from people who might be ill was the whole point—way to ding vaccine confidence.
Then Biden went on to reassure vaccinated Americans that their risk of a breakthrough infection was extremely low. With the current number of fully vaccinated Americans, if the 1:5000 statistic he quoted is accurate, 35,486 vaccinated Americans may experience a COVID-19 infection. Biden admitted that these types of infections are not generally serious, yet, somehow he thinks this is going to devastate the economy.
While there is a definite mismatch between the scope of the problem and the response, it serves one distinct purpose. This time last week, Biden was under bipartisan scrutiny for his mismanagement of the Afghanistan withdrawal. His approval rating was in freefall, with independents and Democrats abandoning him. So, he turned to COVID, although cases and deaths are declining nationally, and broke the country in half again.
The reaction from Republicans and right-leaning organizations was immediate resistance. Biden called out red-state governors when he said, “If these governors won’t help beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.” Those governors had some thoughts. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem told President Biden she would see him in court. Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order to preserve patient choice and added the issue to the legislative special session agenda. After committing to taking legal action to fight the vaccine mandates on his official account, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp tweeted from his personal account:
The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) already defends individuals from vaccine mandates and other COVID-19 regulations imposed by executive decree, such as the eviction moratoriums. Commenting on Biden’s actions, NCLA Executive director and general counsel Mark Chenoweth said, “By not exempting those who have naturally acquired immunity to COVID-19, the President’s plan is no more grounded in science or reason than the vast majority of state and local mandates that ignore the crucial role this type of immunity plays. The New Civil Liberties Alliance will not stand idly by while the federal government runs roughshod over Americans’ constitutional rights and civil liberties.”
Litigation counsel Jenin Younes from the NCLA added, “The Biden administration’s ill-conceived ‘Path out of the Pandemic’ plan vastly exceeds the powers the United States Constitution allows the executive branch. The federal government has no police power, and likewise no authority to force private employers of any size to mandate vaccines. It seems like the White House is trying to usurp legislative power that it does not have.”
Attorney and conservative commentator Ben Shapiro weighed in during an appearance on “Fox and Friends.” He confirmed Daily Wire CEO Jeremy Boreing’s statement indicating the company would not enforce a vaccine mandate. Both Shapiro and Boreing have consistently promoted the vaccines as safe and effective. They have both taken it as well, but the company will still not enforce a mandate.
Shapiro said the provisions that Biden will cite under OSHA are wildly overbroad. He added, ” And frankly, I think he’s made a huge tactical legal blunder here. I think there is every possibility that something like this goes to the Supreme Court level. And suddenly, we see a complete rewriting of the administrative state because Joe Biden couldn’t get his act in order. So, he decided to issue a tyrannical and authoritarian order here.”
Civil rights attorney Harmeet Dillion agrees. She said she would be taking clients to file a lawsuit as soon as OSHA finalizes the regulations. Appearing on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” with Jesse Waters, she indicated that COVID-19 might not meet the definition of an emergency under OSHA regulations. “OSHA is a very weird way to go about this. OSHA has an original set of regulations that were passed at the beginning of OSHA decades ago. Then it has some additional regulations that were passed after notice and comment,” Dillon said.
She added, “What he’s trying to do here is announce them under this very rarely used emergency provision. The emergency provision provides there has to be some kind of immediate, shocking, unusual threat to the workplace that’s dire, and there isn’t time to go through the normal process to do this. That’s obviously not the case here. We’ve been living with COVID for 18 months now. It’s not even a pandemic anymore. It’s endemic. It’s something that we are living with.”
The pushback to Biden’s authoritarian and divisive speech was immediate and fierce. The Biden administration designed the orders to eclipse Afghanistan in the news cycle. Their strategy appears to be working—the brief flare of unity around getting Americans home from the terrorist nation will evaporate. It is difficult to believe that dividing Americans again was not entirely intentional.
WATCH Daily Wire CEO Jeremy Boreing’s complete statement on Biden’s mandate:
Rumble — A new study involving tens of thousands of patients reveals fully vaccinated people are 27 times more likely to end up with COVID symptoms than those who have never had a vaccine. One America's Pearson Sharp has more.