
America’s Frontline Doctors: The Gestapozation of America~Get Ready for Yellow Armbands of ‘Vaccine’ Apartheid

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out- because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.

Niemöller’s poem should send shivers down the backs of every American; what fascists did in Germany ninety years ago our government is in the process of unleashing here in the United States. The same diabolical agenda is being loosened upon France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and beyond. While we are busy being distracted by politics and bickering over our differences, warped politicians on the dole of plutocrats like Bill Gates and the Rothschilds are gradually turning up the heat as they boil away our freedoms without our consent.

Just like Nazis splintered Germany using antisemitism as their preferred cudgel, Democrats and Republicans are lining up behind a plot to revive segregation in America using fear of COVID-19 as their weapon of choice. What started a year ago with mask mandates, social distancing measures and lockdowns are now morphing into outright Jim Crow schemes that aim to cleave America into a nation of jabbed or unequal. Two-thirds of Americans are seemingly signing on to this insane model of medical apartheid because they have no problem turning themselves into lab rats in this ongoing clinical trial of mRNA nostrums that have limited upsides and unlimited risks.

What about the rest of us who don’t want to go within a hundred yards of spiked-protein tainted needles? What about those of us who believe in informed consent? What about those of us who can’t get infected with these experimental “vaccines” because we have autoimmune conditions that preclude us from being subjected to Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson’s snake oils? What about the rest of us who don’t want to participate in clinical trials out of caution or religious objections?

Tough luck! Either become a gerbil or become an outcast. Public serpents who are serving their globalist masters are hell-bent on fulfilling a bigoted initiative that might as well have been lifted right out of Revelations. Last week, the ever idiotic congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene was lampooned on social media because she noted that the “vaccines” were the Mark of the Beast. The same way that Trump was leveraged to make the objectionable acceptable, Greene and anyone on the “right” who speak against this rush to jab are being used as strawmen to knock down perfectly reasonable opposition to these unscientific and untested therapeutic products.

To overcome public hesitancy or outright hostility to these “vaccines” that promise to turn human beings into Operating Systems that need technology refreshes every 6-12 months, governments are turning to coercions the same way Nazis forced Jews to wear yellow armbands. Instead of the yellow “star of David”, politicians, pundits, health professionals and opinion leaders are floating the idea of “vaccine” passports. This half-baked and full-crazed idea calls for the issuance of licenses that will allow holders to participate in public life and deny everyone else their God-given and constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Where sociopaths are steering us toward is a forced-vaccination program that was rejected nearly a hundred years ago and thrown into the dustbin of history. “Never forget” has been replaced with fuggedaboutit as Mafioso governments collude to further a global system of fabrications and intimidation meant to compel a reticent public to get jabbed by choice or by force. These are the same barbarous mandates that the Geneva Conventions and the Nuremberg Code specifically forbid, both of which included the principle of informed consent and required standards for research. Doctors who take part in this most unethical and immoral campaign should think twice before they receive the same justice doled out to Nazi doctors at the Nuremberg Trials.

What Joe Biden and his globalist ilk are attempting to do is no different than the deeds performed by Joseph Goebbels and Nazi doctors in Germany. Using science as justification and the public good as a pretext, Germany went about infecting perfectly healthy people and ailing individuals alike who were deemed “undesirable” in an effort to raise a super race. Did you know that the US government gave refuge to these same Nazi officials after WWII ended in a program called “Paper Clip”. Our government learned very well, they are well on their way to rejuvenating Nazism in America.

I wrote an open letter to all active-duty military personnel and veterans appealing to their conscience and asking them to rise up against this cancer that has beset our nation and promises to metastasize into full-blown despotism. I have given up on the idea that we the people have any recourses or have the means to seek redress; at this point, only our military can deliver us from the very tyranny that swallowed my birthland Ethiopia whole in 1974. We have a matter of months, if not weeks before America mutates into Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Only a full-blown revolution-one that is codified in the Declaration of Independence-can turn back the tide of authoritarianism that is about to wash over our land.

As for the marginalized super-majority who have been relegated into observers as politicians cater to the wealthy and strip away our rights, we too have a decision to make. We must find the courage and the wherewithal to thwart this veiled attempt to rekindle segregation by way of Jab Crow. We must put up a fight beyond hashtags and protest zones, now is the time to defy autocracy and defend our rights. If not, if we choose passivity over active resistance, we will find out very shortly how the last man standing felt in Germany once they came for him and he realized that there was no one else around to speak for him. History does not change, it just goes on a pendulum swing.

This article originally appeared in the Ghion Journal, and is reprinted with permission of the author.

Rumble – Teodrose Fikremariam interviews Dr. Metasebya Solomon and Louis Jefferson to discuss the incomplete science behind Pfizer and Biogen’s supposed “vaccine” and how these experimental “vaccines” could potentially lead to mass carnage.

Follow Teodrose at: https://www.twitter.com/teodrose_fikre
Follow Ghion Journal at: https://www.twitter.com/ghionjournal
Follow Dr. Solomon at: https://www.twitter.com/@MetasebyaPhD
Follow Louis Jefferson at: https://www.instagram.com/allrqs/

Christian researcher

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