
How to HEAL yourself and the world by embracing God’s most precious gifts~JILL BIDEN TOURS SOUTHERN REPUBLICAN STATES TO SELL VACCINES

(Natural News) Consider these questions: Why do people subject themselves to potentially deadly spike protein injections? Why do people engage in self-destructive substance abuse habits? Why do so many people who believe in “science” feel their own lives are worthless and meaningless?

The real answers to these questions, it turns out, aren’t found in the individual actions of people, but rather their core self-image.

People who think they are worthless, pointless and useless tend to pursue self-destructive habits and activities. This includes vaccine suicide, eating junk foods, and substance abuse.

On the other hand, people who have a healthy self-image and a sense of self-worth tend to pursue activities and life choices that protect and enhance their health on all levels: Physical, mental and spiritual.

Key question: What formed these core beliefs? And how can a negative self-image be reversed and transformed into a positive self-image?

How can people come to recognize they are worthy of life?

Society programs people to believe they are worthless

We live in a sick, twisted society that celebrates the mass killing of unborn babies. To any living child paying attention, the message is clear: Young human lives are worthless.

Television ads and propaganda messages encourage people to destroy their health with soda, junk foods and mind-altering prescription medications. Governments demand you submit to acting as a human guinea pig by injecting yourself with experimental spike protein “vaccines.” And so-called “science” claims that life is nothing but a random accident with no purpose.

Any person who falls for these sick, twisted beliefs and propaganda efforts will of course think their own life is meaningless and worthless. It’s not a surprise when they submit to vaccine suicide, junk food self-harm, abusive relationships or substance addictions, because these are the things they have come to believe they “deserve.”

It only takes a simple realization to recognize your very existence has a divine purpose

Despite all the negative programming and suicide messaging from a twisted society, it only takes a simple realization to flip the switch from “worthless” to “divine.” And that profound realization centers around the recognition of conscious awareness and free will, both of which are gifts from God.

Self-awareness is self-evident and requires no external evidence to validate because it is instantly and forever true in a person’s own direct experience. This is a kind of “direct proof” that consciousness is real. Since consciousness is self-awareness, the moment of recognition of one’s own self-awareness is instant proof that consciousness is real.

Free will is a natural extension of this consciousness. Since we live in a universe constructed with a preset flow of time, we are able to both observe and initiate cause-and-effect phenomena, thereby allowing us to learn about the consequences of actions pursued within the construct of free will, all inside a universe with laws that were designed to create these opportunities for gaining life experience.

Realize this: God created the cosmos, then granted us the gifts of life, consciousness and free will in order to learn, grow and expand our understanding of the universe. All of these realizations are self-evident to anyone who ponders these topics and recognizes their own conscious awareness.

The existence of all this means that none of it came into being by accident. God didn’t create the universe to be pointless and autonomous. You aren’t a puppet controlled by God, either. The fact that you have free will means God has a purpose for your life, and your life isn’t merely some random accident as described by “science.” The universe was designed with a purpose, and you were brought into this realm to discover and fulfill your divine purpose within this cosmic construct.

While society, pop culture, left-wing propaganda and “science” tells you that your life is meaningless and worthless, God gave you the ability to reject that false programming, and that the real you is here by the grace of God, with a purpose that is aligned with God’s very existence (and the existence of the entire cosmos itself).

In other words, you were granted the gift of life by the same Creator who made the stars and galaxies as well as all the laws of physics that govern cause and effect in the universe. Your existence here is, by definition, important and intelligently designed.

Discard any beliefs that attempt to lead you astray from this profound principle. Do not be swayed into self-destruction by a society dominated by satanic influences and negative energies. Explore and embrace your true purpose, and protect your body, mind and spirit from the forces of destruction that now dominate society.

Listen and learn more from my full Situation Update podcast:


US Covid-vaccinated percentage still under 50%, leaving too many Americans with guns and land that the CDC/CCP can’t kill off so easily

Far past conspiracy theories, we have entered into an age of science-backed bio-terrorism, and it’s all being committed by Americans against Americans. A war is being fought with dirty vaccines, and not one single vaccinated person can see it.

Now, the politicians at the top are working their “playbook” in plain sight, and it must be pointed out in order to save anyone left who is even slightly considering the Covid jabs. There’s one clear message for you: don’t. Jill Biden herself is proof of that. Why else would she tour all the Red states and beg conservatives to get those jabs? It’s all about depopulation, gun control, forced vaccination, and then a communist takeover. Guard your land and your guns, because they’re coming for it all, door-to-door.

Welcome to the Jill Biden Dirty Vaccine Promotion Tour

(for Red states and stolen swing states that all really voted for Trump)

Georgia: 37%

Alabama: 33%

Texas: 48%

Mississippi: 33%

Tennessee: 37%

Arizona: 43%

Florida: 46%

Missouri: 39%

West Virginia: 37%

It’s looking dismal for the Biden regime and their puppets at the top. It’s so dismal that she’s coercing high school students, the last people on Earth who need a vaccination for the Covid. Guess the Biden regime wants to get rid of those upcoming voters in Red states before the next big rigged election.

Allopathic medicine and vaccines are purposely designed in laboratories to make you sick and stupid

Hey Jill, your tour isn’t working. Go home. Weird how the “terrorists” used to be those people who flew planes into the World Trade Center. Now it’s bio-terrorists who push deadly vaccines on Americans. There’s always a “boogeyman” for the USA to hide from. Now that boogeyman is Mr. Covid and his gang of variants, and Jill Biden is on tour trying to let everyone know that she cares about you being able to hide from this evil boogeyman named Covid. Wear your mask and get your shots, everybody, especially all you Trump supporters (that’s their plan).

We already know about the mercury in flu shots that damages the brain. We already know the Covid vaccines cause blood clots and deadly heart inflammation. The vaccines sell themselves because they keep you dumb and toxic, unable to think things through and use common sense or critical thinking when it comes to disease “treatments” and viral “threats.” The Bidens are targeting high school girls now because the Covid vaccines destroy reproduction possibilities, just look at the clinical science that proves it (China Flu jabs terminate four out of every five pregnancies).

The “Covid Team” of Jill Biden will be circling back (with Strike Force military-style forced injections at gunpoint) to the Red states to see if any Conservatives are dumb enough to believe her and go get stabbed with mRNA and protein payload injections that have killed over 7,000 people already, including previously healthy adults, teens, children and babies. If, when she comes back around, you haven’t been vaccinated, be ready for armed Federal agents with FEMA goons to knock on your door “to protect you.”

Covid-19 vaccines are not safe or effective; they’re unsafe and defective. Visit if you already got a dirty jab or two and feel like you’re sick and dying. Then call an attorney. Also, check out for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming vaccine holocaust.


Christian researcher

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