China’s Coronavirus Cold War

The new cold war is here.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Biowarfare is as the ancients dumping corpses in each other’s wells, and by the Cold War, both sides had developed storehouses of biological weapons alongside their nuclear weapons.

Mutually Assured Destruction kept the world from dying from radiation poisoning or plague.

The deadly weapons of the Cold War stalemated each other so that neither side could use its weapons without unleashing massive destruction. Both the US and the USSR war-gamed the use of ‘low-yield’ battlefield nuclear weapons that would allow for strategic victories without triggering a full-scale nuclear war that would kill billions of people and wreck both sides.

The consensus was that any use of nuclear weapons on the battlefield would be apocalyptic.

The People’s Republic of China may have disproven that theory using not nuclear, but biological weapons, to secure a strategic victory while avoiding any retaliation for its biowarfare attack.

Instead of escalating military tensions, the PRC made itself economically indispensable to America’s elites allowing it to carry out an attack under the cover of plausible deniability. The purpose of the first biowarfare strike wasn’t mass death. The dead were collateral damage.

Communist China’s goal is economic supremacy. Its biological attack wasn’t aimed exclusively at America, but at the high-functioning economies in open societies who are its customers and enemies. And the attack succeeded in crippling the world’s top two economies while making them more dependent on China’s economic machine.

China’s image has taken a beating around the world for unleashing the virus, lying about it, and then cashing in on the disaster, but it has come out of it with more money and power than ever. Its moves against India and in the South China Sea show it would rather be feared than loved.

Most importantly, China has learned that it can unleash chaos while profiting from the disaster.

If the current coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab, the odds are that the next one will be. The past year provided the Communist regime with a blueprint for getting rich by weakening its enemies.

Now that China knows that it can unleash a virus, lie about it, and come out stronger than ever, why wouldn’t it do it again?

China has come out of the plague year stronger than ever by spreading the virus and then selling America and Europe, battered by the pandemic, lockdowns, and turmoil, the masks and base compounds to protect itself. The biological attack allowed China to not only test us, but to test its own society, using the pandemic to centralize and solidify control over its population.

The real weapon wasn’t the virus. It was chaos.

Chaos is the weapon of the insurgency, political, international, and ideological, against an open society. It’s a familiar weapon that China is currently better built to endure than we are.

When the Soviet Union kickstarted the new age of Islamic terrorism, it was betting that the chaos of bombings and airline hijackings would take a more serious toll on open societies that care about civil rights and the judicial system. Communist regimes were much better suited to suppressing terrorism and to expecting their citizens to shrug off acts of random terror.

The Russians took quite a beating in Afghanistan and Chechnya from the virus they originally unleashed, and there have been devastating acts of terrorism, most notably in Beslan, but domestic terrorism was never much of an issue until the fall of the USSR. And despite the growing Muslim population in the territories under its control, terrorism hasn’t crippled Russia to the extent that it has Europe. Nor did it make Russia spin out of control the way it did America.

The pandemic, like terrorism and online hacking, is the latest in a series of chaos weapons directed at our society. And it may be the most effective of the chaos weapons to date.

Like terrorism, the virus shuts down travel, collapses economies, and creates uncertainty and doubt. These are conditions that weaken open societies, but strengthen closed ones. Even a sizable death toll doesn’t worry a country that has spent generations struggling to roll back an excess population. The people most likely to die in a pandemic, older men or lower class male workers, are considered a burden or surplus to the new Chinese economy anyway.

The virus, from the PRC’s perspective, helps shed the dead weight of useless people.

The Chinese perspective is horrifying but not that foreign. Did the Democrat administrations, hospital systems and health care experts that forced nursing homes in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and California, among others, to accept infected patients not know what would happen? Or did they think that “the old man’s friend” would rid them of useless people?

While the pandemic and their policies have been devastating for America, they’ve been mostly helpful to Democrats from a demographic and political perspective. The people most likely to die of the virus are older, and therefore statistically more conservative. The lockdowns broke down small businesses, another conservative demographic, and shattered health care systems, accelerating the collapse of the healthcare industry, and its takeover by the government.

Before the pandemic, Democrats were going up against a 2020 incumbent with a booming economy. By Election Day, the country had turned into a very different place than it had been.

The world’s third largest economy and the second largest party of the world’s largest economy had common interests that the pandemic fulfilled. Pandemic America is more like China, more centralized, more dependent on the Big Tech oligarchy, and more willing to set aside its basic freedoms to cope with a crisis. Everything that the Left claimed was true of 9/11, but wasn’t, has proven all too true of the COVID-19 crisis which replaced civil liberties with emergency rule.

And normalized collectivism under the rule of unelected officials bolstered by mass propaganda.

All China has to do if it wants to keep turning America into an inept socialist kleptocracy with no economy to speak of, a vast underclass, and a small corrupt overclass, is keep feeding the chaos. What the Russians tried to do in their usual clunky and showy way by utilizing the inherent chaos of the internet, the Chinese did much more smoothly and cleanly with a virus.

China wants America broken, but not destroyed. We are their best customers.

From China’s perspective, the pandemic showcased the superiority of their society, their system and their culture, while highlighting the inferiority of our own. The cheering crowds in Wuhan were meant to show the superiority of the Communist regime to that of the United States.

And to remind Chinese citizens not to long for the political and cultural freedoms of Americans.

Mutually Assured Destruction was based on the idea that neither side would be willing to flirt with destruction. But China’s biowarfare attack ‘nuked’ itself, before going on to cause destruction among the economies targeted by the Communist regime. The Communist grip on power had been based on this fundamental willingness to sacrifice millions for its goals. And while the Communist regime maintained its popularity by offering social mobility and consumer gadgets, its elite remain committed to that same genocidal maoist willingness to kill millions.

China’s biowarfare lab in Wuhan infected its own city before going on to release deadlier strains of the virus in Europe. The Wuhan release tested China’s own society and demonstrated the regime’s willingness to kill its own people in unknown numbers for the sake of the greater good.

All of this makes Communist China a deadlier enemy than the Soviet Union ever was.

The challenge of this century is how America can meet an enemy that is both seductive and ruthless, capturing our economy at the source and then killing us by the hundreds of thousands.

America has faltered in the face of the chaos weapons of terrorism and internet attacks. The biowarfare attack of 2020 proved to be even more effective at bringing down our society.

The American experiment departed from previous governing philosophies by not using government to manage chaos, but trusting to the people to do their own managing. Leftist movements met such open societies by exploiting their openness to spread chaos. The Soviet and then the Chinese Communist strategy was to boost the chaos with state sponsorship.

The stakes of the virus cold war are much the same as those of previous chaos campaigns. The fundamental question is whether we can defeat chaos assaults without turning into our enemies.

The Democrats met the pandemic, as they have met other crises in the last generation, by wishing that we were more like China. But a Democrat America would be a very poor man’s China, a nationwide California run by men and women lacking China’s nationalism, solidarity, and efficiency, while adopting its totalitarian technocracy with brutal incompetence.

America can’t beat China by becoming China. No more than it could beat Russia by becoming Russia. The only meaningful American victory is one that makes us a stronger America.

Europe and America have tried responding to the pandemic with government control. And we failed. Government is not our strength. The rule of experts is not what makes us great. The power of our people has been in individual initiative, in volunteerism, innovation, and the wisdom of crowds. That is what the Communists of every generation have feared about us.

Every time we respond to chaos with government, we become more vulnerable to chaos.

American resilience lies in our individuality. The Chinese endure collectively. We innovate individually. When the government takes away our individuality, we become third-rate Communists, outsourcing our products to China and demanding government handouts, while our government leaders party in pricey restaurants. We must become Americans again.

The only way America will survive this new coronavirus cold war is to reclaim its heritage.

We can survive and thrive on chaos, not because we are obedient collectivists like the citizens of the PRC, but because we are individuals who crowdsource solutions on our initiative.

This was a nation built on chaos. Americans not only built the first true free society, but they did it out of the refugees, exiles, and leavings of Europe. This was a nation built by individualists and nonconformists who tamed the wilderness and conquered the frontier. Government did not build this nation, as Elizabeth Warren and Barack Obama falsely claimed, pioneers built it.

Government can only destroy it.

Americans can’t be better collectivists than Chinese Communists. The new Cold War can only be fought and won by a free people. Any other kind will lose.


Fascism Comes to the U.S.

Yes, it’s a woke fascism of the Left, but it’s still fascism.



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

The destruction of the freedom of speech in America today is being carried out by the Leftist establishment that dominates the political sphere, the social media giants, the establishment media, the educational system – virtually everything, really. The Left is using the Capitol riot of January 6 as its Reichstag Fire moment to criminalize, silence, and destroy utterly not just President Trump, but all Americans who still dare to oppose its sinister woke totalitarianism. In doing so, Leftists are revealing themselves, for all their rhetoric about how Trump and his supporters are fascists, to be quintessential fascists themselves.

This fact is all too often waved away by those who insist, quite correctly on one level, “They’re not fascists, they’re Communists.” The National Socialists of Germany strongly identified with Mussolini’s Fascists in Italy, and brawled on the street with the Communists. Hitler made his determination to destroy Communism in Europe a centerpiece of his agenda. So many assume that Leftists today, carrying the banner of Antifa, an organization that was born in 1920s street fights with the National Socialists, could not possibly be fascists.

Yet they can be and they are. Contrary to what many believe, being a Communist and a fascist is not a contradiction in terms, like being a Republican Democrat or an honest journalist. Communists and National Socialists were bitter enemies in Weimar Germany in large part because they were competitors in the same arena: in the late 1920s and early 1930s, they were the two major German parties that wanted to destroy the Weimar Republic and impose authoritarian rule. They just disagreed over who would be in charge.

They disagreed about more than that as well, of course. Marxism is based on total government control of the means of production, whereas the National Socialists, although they flirted with this idea in various ways for years before coming to power, allowed for private enterprise. However, this, too, was not as large a gap between the two as many people assume it to be. Hitler biographer Peter Longerich notes that “six months after the ‘seizure of power’ with its various upheavals, Hitler had reached a deal with German business, according to which their authority within their enterprises was increased in return for an agreement to submit to overall direction by the state.” The means of production were still privately owned, but they were wholly under the control of the National Socialist state.

This deal between Hitler and the German business titans was one of the principal reasons why his regime is called “fascist” at all. The word “fascist” comes from the Latin fasces, “bundles,” usually bundles of wooden rods. It might seem at first glance to be an odd name for a political movement, but the idea was that the disparate forces in society were bundled together in a unity of purpose and allegiance. Thus for the ancient Romans the fasces were a symbol of governmental authority, and from that Mussolini took the name of his movement. In ensuring that private businesses could remain private but had to work for the good of the state as a whole and under direction of the National Socialist government, Hitler was bundling together the titans of business, unifying them in service to his agenda.

So it is today. The social media giants and the Leftist government elites, the swamp that has reasserted its hegemony by installing Old Joe in the White House, are working in lockstep. The government doesn’t own the social media outlets, and it doesn’t have to: whether Big Tech is submitting to overall direction by the state or the state is submitting to overall direction by Big Tech, the outcome is the same: every major force in American society is marching in the same direction, while dissenters are stigmatized, demonized, framed for crimes they didn’t commit, silenced, and isolated.

Thus what we are seeing in the last few days, with the banning of the president of the United States from the main means of communication today, and the unity of purpose between the media, Big Tech, and the Democratic Party in propagating the Big Lie that Trump incited violence and attempted a coup on January 6, is fascism in action. And if the fascists aren’t stopped soon, what we have already seen will be just the beginning.

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.


Migrants chanting ‘Biden! Biden!’ attempt to rush border, force their way into El Paso, Texas



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

While Leftists continue to deny that border control is a national security issue and that it has anything to do with the global jihad, in October 2019 a Muslim migrant from Jordan named Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi was sentenced to three years in prison for sneaking at least six Yemeni Muslims into the United States across the border from Mexico. Their intentions were unlikely to have been benign. Judicial Watch reported back in 2016 that police in a New Mexico border town arrested a woman they described as an “Islamic refugee” who was “in possession of the region’s gas pipeline plans.”

This was, it said, the latest in “a number of stories in the last few years about Mexican drug traffickers smuggling Islamic terrorists into the United States through the porous southern border…. A few months ago Judicial Watch reported that members of a cell of Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the U.S. to explore targets for future attacks with the help of Mexican drug traffickers.”

But building a wall? That’s racist.

“Migrants Chanting ‘Biden! Biden!’ Attempt to Rush Border,” by Todd Bensman, Center for Immigation Studies, January 4, 2021:

Almost lost in the distractions of the holiday weekend, on the night of December 29 up to 400 mostly Cuban migrants forced their way past Mexican immigration and over payment turnstiles on the Paso del Norte Bridge from Ciudad Juarez with a desire to force their way into downtown El Paso, Texas, according to news reporting. (Some video of the attempted incursion is here and here.)

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Mobile Field Force officers met them in riot gear and used concrete blocks tipped by concertina wire to block the onslaught mid-bridge as many of the migrants chanted “Biden! Biden!” Many demanded they be let in to live in the United States while they pursue asylum claims, instead of waiting in Mexico as required under various policies of President Donald Trump.

But with Trump still presiding, the blocked migrants with Biden on their minds were forced to listen to a recorded message broadcast over loudspeakers in Spanish and English warning that any further trouble would be met by force, arrests, and prosecution. That went on until the crowd dispersed at about dawn on December 30.

A source told the Center for Immigration Studies that CBP and Mexican authorities on the international bridge to the Del Rio, Texas, port of entry broke up another, smaller migrant formation demanding U.S. entry. Otherwise, the extent to which the attempted incursions occurred elsewhere along the southern border remains unclear at this time. But a question naturally arises from these events.

Do attempted mass incursions like these foreshadow a new flash point and tactic whereby untold tens of thousands of migrants inside Mexico can quickly test the new Biden administration on its many campaign promises of a kinder and gentler approach toward them? It bears watching….



Three Things Americans Must do to Neuter the Federal Government



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

RAIR Foundation USA will be developing these ideas in the coming days and weeks. Please reach out to assist with expertise in any of the above areas or if you want to help in any way at

The current situation is dire. Without immediate intervention, America will become a socialist state. RAIR Foundation USA has compiled a list of three very important items for Americans to neuter the federal government. If citizens do not act, America is over.

The founding fathers understood that the nature of government is to expand and the nature of man is to be free. The Constitution was written with these concepts in mind. The entire point of “limited government” and “self rule” was to empower the people, not the elites. The system of checks and balances, enumerated powers in the separate branches of government and the electoral college were all written precisely to stop the government from growing and becoming tyrannical.

With two million employees in the federal government alone, not including the post office, which has approximately 600k employees, does the federal government seem “limited” to you?

The following items are key to stopping the federal government from usurping more power, and are rarely discussed by patriots:

1.) Recall Bad Actors: Americans have a tendency to vote and go on with their lives. Subversive elected officials are free to wreak havoc on America with very little scrutiny. It is time that Americans recall bad people instead of waiting to vote them out. Conversely, pro-America elected officials are often left on their own, fighting every day without support of patriotic Americans. It is time for Americans to become engaged in supporting the good guys and active in recalling the bad guys. Right now, Marxists have infiltrated the highest levels of government. They must be recalled.

2.) States Must Stop Accepting Money from the Federal Government: The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution is so vitally important, but has all but been tossed aside. The power belongs to the states, not the federal government. “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the Federal Government, are few and defined,” said the “father of the Constitution,” James Madison in Federalist 45. But as the decades wore on, the federal government has not only usurped more and more power, they have become the “daddy” of the states by giving them funding, always with strings attached. The states are now completely dependent to the federal government. It must stop. Americans need to make sure that their states stop taking money from the federal government.

3.) All Legislation Must Include the Authors: While much has been discussed about the intent of the founding fathers, very little is discussed about the intent of legislation today. Members of congress rarely write the legislation they introduce, instead putting forward the agenda of hard left actors who write laws (and regulations) that affect all Americans. Radical groups compose legislation, then bribe elected officials with promises of phone-banking and door-knocking to help them keep their power. This is why elected officials often throw their weight behind bad legislation that Americans do not want. If Americans knew exactly who authored the laws, they would understand the intent behind those laws.

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Transcript from the UN Speech:

Freedom and democracy must be constantly guarded and protected, both abroad and from within.  We must always be skeptical of those who want conformity and control.  Even in free nations, we see alarming signs and new challenges to liberty.

A small number of social media platforms are acquiring immense power over what we can see and over what we are allowed to say.  A permanent political class is openly disdainful, dismissive, and defiant of the will of the people.  A faceless bureaucracy operates in secret and weakens democratic rule.  Media and academic institutions push flat-out assaults on our histories, traditions, and values.

In the United States, my administration has made clear to social media companies that we will uphold the right of free speech.  A free society cannot allow social media giants to silence the voices of the people, and a free people must never, ever be enlisted in the cause of silencing, coercing, canceling, or blacklisting their own neighbors.

On September 24, 2019, President Trump used part of his speech at the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly to warn of Big Tech’s expanding power and influence. The U.S. President argued that social media censorship is incompatible with a free society. He also denounced the growing and dangerous trend of “silencing, coercing, canceling, or blacklisting” citizens.

Watch the following excerpt of President Trump’s speech:



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Fast forward sixteen months, Twitter permanently suspends President Donald Trump’s account and censors the official @POTUS U.S. Government account.

The Following Action Must Be Taken

Over the past several years, Twitter, Facebook and Google, have made it a regular practice to delete selective content and entire accounts without warning or rationale, leaving users without recourse. During the 2020 U.S. presidential election the tech giants led an unprecedented censorship campaign against the President of the United States and his supporters.

Over the past week, these platforms have taken their actions to yet another level with the permanent ban of the account of the President Trump. As reported previously at RAIR Foundation USA, While every media business is certainly free to choose the content it publishes and the editorial position it advances on issues including politics, typical media businesses can be held liable for libel and slander for publishing erroneous and damaging content.

These social media behemoths, however, have successfully categorized themselves as “platforms” and not media companies that create or publish content. As “platforms,” these tech giants have successfully positioned themselves as equivalent to passive bulletin boards facilitating discussions, and not the actual creator or curator of that content. Much like a wireless carrier who is not liable for what is spoken on their phone lines, social media platforms are supposed to be the means for neutrally distributing content produced by others. As a result, the social media companies are not responsible for what is said or published on their “platforms.”

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act essentially provides an exemption to these “platforms” from the liability that all other media companies, including your local newspapers and tv stations, New York Times, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and individual bloggers, must defend themselves from every day.

Examples like the deplatforming of President Donald Trump and countless other conservatives makes it crystal clear that these social media giants have crossed the line from passive distributors of content like a wireless cell phone carrier facilitating phone calls and entrenched themselves deeply as editorial content businesses advancing political agendas.

The ability of these social media companies to become editorial content businesses is completely within their rights and totally within their discretion. BUT, if they make the decision to become editorial content businesses, as they clearly have, then the laws of the United States should treat these companies should lose their liability shield and be exposed to potential liability like all other editorial content businesses such as Associated Press, Time Magazine, Bloomberg New or the Wall Street Journal.

Ironically, back in 2015, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey tweeted “Twitter stands for the freedom of expression. We stand for speaking truth to power. And we stand for empowering dialogue.”

The deplatforming of President Trump by Twitter and the countless examples of these “platforms” removing content or restricting access to their distribution channels makes it crystal clear that these social media giants have obliterated the line from passive distributors and entrenched themselves deeply as editorial content businesses advancing political agendas.

Social media companies must be treated in like manner to how all other media companies are treated with accountability through potential liability. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act must be repealed – our freedoms under the constitution are dependent upon this.

Support our work at RAIR Foundation USA! We are a grassroots activist team and we need your help! Please consider making a donation here:






republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Black Lives Matter rioter John Sullivan, who flew to D.C. from his home state of Utah to participate in the “Stop the Steal” rally, has enjoyed glowing media coverage from a local news outlet as a “civil rights activist.” This, despite his calls to “burn this sh*t down” and his declaration earlier this year to “rip Trump out of that office..” as revealed first by RAIR Foundation USA’s Amy Mek.

John Sullivan was given legitimacy by numerous mainstream outlets despite his militant and violent history. During the summer, the BLM activist was charged with “rioting, a third-degree felony; and criminal mischief, a class B misdemeanor,” as reported at Deseret News.

The mainstream media has zero problems with domestic terrorists, as Sullivan was featured on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” alongside photographer Jade Sacker discussing the events that took place at the Capitol building leading to the tragic death of Ashli Babbitt, who was killed by Capitol Police.

ABC News also glowingly interviewed the pair, who they described only as “documenting the riot”. The local news report from Utah acknowledged that Sullivan got into the Capitol building by climbing “in through a broken window.”

Still, the local news gave the anti-capitalist activist plenty of airtime and legitimacy, despite his radical and violent history.

An affidavit filed against Sullivan in July last year alleged that he “blocked vehicles from freely moving lawfully” during an unpermited protest organized by his group “Insurgence USA.”

According to their website, Insurgence USA was founded in the wake of the death of George Floyd in part “to build local powers to enable the community to intervene in violence enacted by the state and government vigilantes.” The affidavit continued to claim that “[D]uring the course of the protest, two handguns were brandished and two shots fired toward a motorist traveling to Home Depot. Vehicles were damaged by protestors as well as by John Sullivan.”

The BLM activist also “was also captured on video threatening to beat a woman in an SUV, according to the affidavit, and then kicking her door, leaving a dent.” Further, Sullivan evidently “was seen with Jesse Taggart”, who has been charged with attempted murder from events that took place at the “protest.”

UCSO Courtesy Jesse Keller Taggart
Jesse Taggart
John Earle Sullivan, who was inside the Capitol building during the siege on Wednesday, previously gave a speech in BLM Plaza in DC in August 2020 where he identifies as being part of an insurgency group & calls for a violent left-wing revolution.

John Sullivan was seen with fellow rioter Jesse Taggart “throughout the protest.” Taggart was “charged with attempted murder” after allegedly shooting a man who was trying to escape the mob, according to a report at Deseret News.

“As a protest organizer, John Sullivan is heard talking about seeing the shooting, looking at the gun and seeing smoke coming from it,” the article claimed. “John did not condemn the attempted murder nor attempt to stop it nor aide in its investigation by police,” the report continued.

It appears that John Sullivan may have also been detained by police on Thursday evening, in a developing story posted on Twitter.

Watch John Sullivans speech in July, followed by a local news report that gives legitimacy to the BLM activist:

ABOVE: John Earle Sullivan, who was inside the Capitol building during the siege on Wednesday, previously gave a speech in BLM Plaza in DC in August 2020 where he identifies as being part of an insurgency group & calls for a violent left-wing revolution.

Support our work at RAIR Foundation USA! We are a grassroots activist team and we need your help! Please consider making a donation here:



Long List of Times Stacey Abrams and Democrat Leaders Organized Insurgents to Storm State Buildings (Must See)



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

While Kamala Harris and her radical colleages advertise bail funds for Antifa thugs, and the mainstream media and big tech distort themselves into pretzels justifying violent Black Lives Matter riots, Republicans are bending over backwards to apologize for patriots who entered the Capitol building on Wednesday in their quest to demand an audit of the 2020 presidential election.

Here is a small sample of the times leftist radicals stormed state buildings, and were rewarded with praise from left-wing politicians, the media and big tech:

Takeover of Seattle’s City Hall

In June 2020, Socialist Seattle city council member Kshama Swant opened the doors to city hall, where hundreds of Black Lives Matter protestors demanded the resignation of the mayor and that the Seattle police be defunded. The move led to a six-week occupation of an area of the city referred to as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) an occupation that was glowingly reported by the mainstream media.

Watch as this USA Today report refers to CHAZ as “peaceful”:

Later named the Capitol Hill Occupation Protest (CHOP), Christopher Rufo of the City Journal reported:

Over its 24-day history, the autonomous zone saw two gun homicides and four additional shooting victims. All the identified victims were black men—precisely the demographic for whom the CHAZ had claimed to offer protection. In the absence of a legitimate police force, armed criminal gangs and untrained anarchist paramilitaries filled the void. Almost every night, gunshots rang through the streets. The first homicide victim was killed in an outburst of gang violence; the second, reportedly unarmed and joyriding in a stolen car, was gunned down by the ‘CHAZ security force.’

Antifa Takes Over Minnesota Capitol

In March, 2017, Senator Tim Kaine’s son “Linwood” stormed a Pro-Trump rally with his Antifa friends at the Minnesota Capitol rotunda. He was charged with rioting but got off with probation and a $236 fine. A local news report revealed that a smoke bomb hurled by one of the thugs “allegedly struck a 61-year-old woman.”

Leftist Lunatics During the Kavanaugh Hearings

Democrats stormed the steps and doors of the U.S. Supreme Court building as Judge Brett Kavanaugh is sworn in as an Associate Justice of the court inside on Capitol Hill in Washington on Oct. 6, 2018. U.S. Capitol Police said a total of 164 people were arrested during the protests for “crowding, obstructing, or incommoding.” Democrats groups paid the bail for their comrades who were arrested on their behalf.

CNN sympathizes with the Democrat occupiers and those arrested:

Stacey Abrams Praises ADAPT

In 2017 Democrat agitator Stacey Abrams tweeted her praise of the radical leftist group ADAPT for “shutting down the Capitol”. Police had to forcibly remove the demonstrators, and a total of 43 Democrats were arrested, according to Capitol Police.

Democrats Illegally occupy the Capitol and are arrested outside Republican Sen. McConnell’s office. The mainstream media, of course, portrayed the activists as victims.


Hart Building Protests

In January 2020, Indivisible organized a series of illegal “sit-ins at the Hart building, called ‘Swarm the Senate.'” One article explained that the group was protesting “President Donald Trump and the prospect of war in Iran.” While “active protests are prohibited in the Senate office buildings,” the leftist lunatics did it anyway.

Protesters participate in the "Swarm the Senate" rally in the Hart Senate Office Building urging action to "impeach, remove, indict and jail" President Trump on Monday. (Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call)
January 2020

The Women’s March and others protested a government shutdown, which is probably the very best thing for America:

Democrats Illegally Occupy the Capitol and Demand Socialized Medicine

Socialist activist RoseAnn DeMoro is the former executive director of the Democratic Socialists of America-controlled National Nurses United and the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee and a former national vice president and executive board member of the AFL-CIO. Demoro is an activist for Socialist Bernie Sanders.

Support our work at RAIR Foundation USA! We are a grassroots activist team and we need your help! Please consider making a donation here:


The Capitol Riot is the Left’s Reichstag Fire



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

No one can point to any statement from President Trump calling upon his supporters to storm the Capitol, much less to stage a coup against the U.S. government, but it doesn’t matter anymore. The establishment media and the social media giants are insisting that he incited the attack on the Capitol and was trying to install himself as a dictator by means of a guy with a buffalo horn hat and some other dopes and wingnuts, and if you don’t believe it, you’re a racist, bigoted, MAGA-hat-wearing fascist who deserves to be silenced along with the president, and soon will be. But it’s clear who the real fascists are, and they are exploiting their Reichstag Fire moment to the fullest.

On February 27, 1933, four weeks after Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, the Reichstag, the German parliament building in Berlin, caught fire. The culprit was a Dutch Communist, Marinus van der Lubbe, who apparently had acted alone. Hitler, however, insisted that the Communist Party, which was a considerable force within the Reichstag, had set the fire, and pressed German President Paul von Hindenburg to approve of an emergency law suspending civil liberties. Communist leaders, including the Communist members of the Reichstag, were hunted down and arrested.

Without their presence in the Reichstag, the National Socialists and their coalition partners had a majority. That enabled the Nazis to pass a further law, the Enabling Act, on March 23, 1933, giving Hitler dictatorial powers and removing any obstacle to his absolute supremacy.

While some people have always maintained that the whole thing was a false flag, most historians believe than van der Lubbe really did set the fire. Nonetheless, the advantages it gave to the Nazis were clear, and so it was no surprise when, at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II ended, German General Franz Halder declared that he had heard one of the most prominent and influential Nazis, Hermann Göring, boast that he himself had set the fire.  When confronted with Halder’s statement, Göring denied having had anything to do with the fire, but there is no doubt that its chief beneficiary was Germany’s new National Socialist regime. The Reichstag fire enabled the National Socialists to declare their political opponents enemies of the state and accordingly silence them and outlaw their activity, and opened the door to World War II and the Holocaust.

The All-Out Assault on Conservative Thought Has Just Begun

The parallels to what is happening today are obvious. In the wake of the January 6 riot at the Capitol, the Democrats are trying to criminalize opposition to their program, painting all support of President Trump and his America-First program as incitement to violence and tantamount to sedition. He has been shut out of the major social media networks that exercise near-total control over the means of communication today. And as Trump himself has pointed out repeatedly, for all the demonic frenzy of their desire to destroy him utterly, he is really not the target. We are.

The National Socialists used the Reichstag fire to destroy all political opposition in Germany and assert total control over the lives of every German citizen. They used it to give themselves official, pseudo-legal permission to break every moral law and ethical code ever known to mankind, and ultimately to murder tens of millions of people, including six million Jews (the particular target of their hatred), and lay waste to the entire European continent.

The American Left of today has followed the Nazis’ Reichstag Fire playbook to a T thus far. What is to prevent them from attempting to implement the whole thing? The one thing saving us from woke totalitarianism at this point may be the fact that the sinister authoritarians of the Democratic Party, the social media corporations, and the establishment media may already have overreached. America in 2020, even after fifty years of woke indoctrination in our schools, is not like Germany of 1933. We have a strong tradition of freedom, notably the freedom of speech. In attempting to impose their totalitarian woke straitjacket upon the American people, the Left is going to encounter considerably more opposition than the Nazis did in Germany, where the Weimar Republic was the nation’s first attempt at representative government and never enjoyed great support among the people.

These are indeed, however, as Tom Paine said so long ago, the times that try men’s souls. The way forward is unclear. The avenues that are even available to us to continue to dissent from the Left are being systematically closed down – witness the fact that after banning Trump, the social media giants began to make war on their much smaller competitor, Parler.

The Left is reveling in its Reichstag Fire moment. This is their hour and the power of darkness. But the light of freedom still burns in so many American’s hearts that it is safe to say: this isn’t over.

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

Doubling Down on Division: Joe Biden Uses Capitol Riot to Demonize Trump’s Entire Presidency
Pelosi Threatens to Do Something Drastic if Pence Does Not Remove Trump Under 25th Amendment
6 Other Times People Broke Into the U.S. Capitol
AOC Tried to Blame Ted Cruz for the Capitol Riots. It Didn’t Go Well.

Rush Limbaugh: The Swamp is Really Scared of Trump



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Rush Limbaugh addressed the craziness of the past few days on his show on Friday and concluded something I think most of us have come to realize: the swamp is scared.

While discussing Nancy Pelosi’s latest absurd push for impeachment, Rush pointed out that there’s not enough time for Democrats to boot Trump out of office and/or prevent him from seeking the presidency again.

“So they gotta do this in 11 days. So they’ve gotta call the House together, then they got to get the Senate to go ahead and convict for this. And then they want a proviso that Trump cannot seek the presidency ever again,” Rush said.

“I swear. The entire Washington establishment is poised. They are recoiling in fear. They are cowering in fear in the corners. They are scared to death of Donald Trump. They are scared to death of you.”

Rush then addressed Pelosi’s bizarre suggestion that she has the military on standby in case Trump wants to launch a nuclear attack. “Who are we gonna nuke?” Trump asked. “The little pot-bellied dictator, Kim Jong-un?”

Pelosi is obviously not afraid Trump will launch a nuclear attack. So what are they afraid of? According to Rush, “They’re terrified that Trump is gonna unleash classified documents. You know, he’s got a bevy of ’em, folks. He’s got classified documents about the hoax, the four-year coup […] the four-year effort to get the election results of 2016 overturned. There are all kinds of people who broke the law, all kinds of people who are quaking in their boots. They’re worried silly that Trump is gonna unleash some of these classified documents.”

Rush also says they’re terrified Trump will pardon people “dangerous to the establishment.”

“Why did they want to stop Trump in the first place? Because they didn’t want what they have been up to (which is no good) for years to ever come out.”

“They didn’t want Trump to discover it and release it,” Rush continued. “They remain petrified for the next 12 days that Trump is going to release — somehow, someway — what he knows about these people. In other words, they’re worried to death that he’s got a card or two to play here yet, including the pardon power. They’ve got a lot of stuff to keep covered up.”

Matt Margolis is the author of Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trumpand the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter @MattMargolis

The All-Out Assault on Conservative Thought Has Just Begun
Pelosi Threatens to Do Something Drastic if Pence Does Not Remove Trump Under 25th Amendment
Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats’ Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial
Doubling Down on Division: Joe Biden Uses Capitol Riot to Demonize Trump’s Entire Presidency

American Democracy Died on Capitol Hill



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:
‘New Window of Hope’: Chinese Communist Party Hopes Joe Biden Will ‘Restore Normalcy’
6 Other Times People Broke Into the U.S. Capitol
Doubling Down on Division: Joe Biden Uses Capitol Riot to Demonize Trump’s Entire Presidency
The All-Out Assault on Conservative Thought Has Just Begun

Mozilla CEO Says Deplatforming President Trump Isn’t Enough




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

Winifred Mitchell Baker, the executive chairwoman and CEO of Mozilla, says that deplatforming President Donald Trump “isn’t enough” and has made suggestions for social media and other platforms to crack down on the entire conservative movement.

“There is no question that social media played a role in the siege and take-over of the US Capitol on January 6,” Baker writes in a company blog post. “Since then there has been significant focus on the deplatforming of President Donald Trump. By all means the question of when to deplatform a head of state is a critical one, among many that must be addressed. When should platforms make these decisions? Is that decision-making power theirs alone?”

“But as reprehensible as the actions of Donald Trump are, the rampant use of the internet to foment violence and hate, and reinforce white supremacy is about more than any one personality,” she claims. “Donald Trump is certainly not the first politician to exploit the architecture of the internet in this way, and he won’t be the last. We need solutions that don’t start after untold damage has been done.”

Baker argues that “temporary silencing or permanent removal of bad actors from social media platforms” isn’t enough, and suggests the following actions be taken:

Reveal who is paying for advertisements, how much they are paying and who is being targeted.

Commit to meaningful transparency of platform algorithms so we know how and what content is being amplified, to whom, and the associated impact.

Turn on by default the tools to amplify factual voices over disinformation.

Work with independent researchers to facilitate in-depth studies of the platforms’ impact on people and our societies, and what we can do to improve things.

In other words, Baker is calling for an all-out assault against Trump and his supporters in the name of “transparency.” President Trump has endured bogus allegations of racism, white supremacy, xenophobia, etc., etc. for years, now, the Left is unified in claiming Trump “incited” an “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol, and is using that bogus claim as a pretext for Orwellian measures to silence Trump and his supporters, as well as efforts to identify, harass, and demonetize those they see as his enablers.

Does this sound familiar to you? I can’t decide whether this is like Oceania in 1984 or Germany in 1933. The Left, with the help of the mainstream media, Hollywood, and Big Tech, has waged a propaganda campaign designed to demonize the political Right, and thus justify the erosion of their freedoms. According to the radical Left, conservatives have no right to be heard and no right to make a living.

In other news, I’ve deleted Firefox, a browser created by Mozilla, from my computer.

Margolis is the author of Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trumpand the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter @MattMargolis

The All-Out Assault on Conservative Thought Has Just Begun
Pelosi Threatens to Do Something Drastic if Pence Does Not Remove Trump Under 25th Amendment
Mitch McConnell Destroys Democrats’ Hopes for a Senate Impeachment Trial
Doubling Down on Division: Joe Biden Uses Capitol Riot to Demonize Trump’s Entire Presidency






republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

In the wake of the final suspension of US President Donald Trump by Twitter, left-wing Mozilla – developer of the Firefox browser – wants to go even further than deplatformimg. In a blog post published on January 8, 2021, the company argues that more needs to be done to eliminate “hate” from the Internet. 

“There is no question that social media played a role in the siege and take-over of the US Capitol on January 6.” Mozilla slammed the “reprehensible actions of Donald Trump” who they claim exploited the “architecture of the internet” to “foment violence and hate, and reinforce white supremacy”.

“We need solutions that don’t start after untold damage. Changing these dangerous dynamics requires more than the simple act of de-platforming, or the permanent removal of bad actors from social networks, ”says the foundation.

“We need solutions that don’t start after untold damage. Changing these dangerous dynamics requires more than the simple act of de-platforming, or the permanent removal of bad actors from social networks, ” states Mozilla.

In order to protect the Internet from conservative voices that it considers dangerous, the organization proposes the following heavy-handed actions,

Reveal who is paying for advertisements, how much they are paying and who is being targeted.

Commit to meaningful transparency of platform algorithms so we know how and what content is being amplified, to whom, and the associated impact.

Turn on by default the tools to amplify factual voices over disinformation.

Work with independent researchers to facilitate in-depth studies of the platforms’ impact on people and our societies, and what we can do to improve things.


Left-wing Mozilla’s use of countering hate as a justification for the removal of 1st amendment rights for anyone with whom the left disagrees, is the most recent example of authoritarian regimes across history and in the world today. The Nazis claimed all materials they banned to be “degenerate” or of Jewish nature or origin. In the Soviet Union, anything pre-revolutionary was subject to censorship and was deemed “politically incorrect”.  Islamic regimes censor everything from the time before the “Prophet” Muhammad as “Jahiliyyah”, the time of ignorance. Communist China has enacted a National Security Law which bans Western media and social media sites, in what is sometimes referred to as the “Great Firewall of China”.

Mozilla has joined the ranks of authoritarian regimes who will censor anything they deem “politically incorrect”, and target the creator.

Mozilla’s History of Cancel Culture

On April 3, 2014, the CEO of Mozilla, Brendan Eich, was deplatformed and pushed out of the position for making a donation to a “politically incorrect” side of proposition 8 in California. Eich was not only the co-founder of Mozilla but the inventor of Javascript, a code that most web browsers need to operate.

Militant LGBT activists led a campaign to cancel Eich after donating $1000.00 to support a proposition that would maintain the definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman.

Eich was one of the earliest people to be doxxed and deplatformed for his failure to submit to left-wing opinions.

The de-platforming of Mozilla’s CEO was one of the early examples set for corporate leaders in terms of what happens when they do not submit to left-wing opinions. It’s quite likely the template for the Silicon Valley companies dismantling the first amendment today.

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