
John MacArthur & Justin Peters On What Is Up With Beth Moore


“When someone claims a force entered her and wrote the book without her knowledge or mental consciousness, then forced her to put ink to paper, and then made the editing decision of when the book was finished, sounds like possession. Or Automatic Writing, which amounts to the same thing.”

““Automatic writing, also called psychography, is a claimed psychic ability allowing a person to produce written words without consciously writing. The words purportedly arise from a subconscious, spiritual, or supernatural source“. (Wikipedia)”




SEE: https://the-end-time.org/2020/10/22/is-beth-moore-possessed/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

I’ve been wondering this for a while. I have reasons for thinking it, and I mean the question with absolutely no snark, no sarcasm, and no mal-intent. Is Beth Moore possessed?

The question is sincere, but after I explore it briefly, my question also provides an opportunity to have a larger discussion about demons & possession.

I don’t cherry-pick one bad photo to make a case, either. She has looked like this for a long time, years. There are many photos you can search wherein the search results we see a seemingly half-crazed Beth with what is known as “crazy eyes”.

The Matthew 6:22 verse is speaking of a conflict between light and darkness …what you look at is what you treasure, and manifests itself in dueling interests and priorities. However when we look at people in the Bible who were possessed, it also speaks to their physical appearance before and after. For example, the Gadarene demoniac was undressed, filthy, bloody, and wild-acting. The Bible shows us that afterward he was dressed and in his right mind. Quite a contrast. When we combine the two ideas, that the Mt 6:22 verse that what you spiritually ‘look at’ your mind will follow, and if you are possessed, that your body will eventually demonstrate the interior state, you have the point. One follows the other.

This question affords a legitimate opportunity to share concepts and verses regarding spiritual possession and a Christian’s spiritual warfare. Christians shrink from this discussion but it’s important not to.

Reason #1 for my question: Beth Moore is not a Christian. How do I know? She is a rebel against God. She preaches at pulpits, she preaches a different Jesus, she accepts alleged personal direction from God in voices & whispers, she prophesies (and falsely, too), she refuses correction, she lives a feminist, un-Titus-like lifestyle, and she is unrepentant and unteachable. (1 Timothy 2:12Revelation 2:20Galatians 1:62 Corinthians 11:4Jeremiah 23:21Proverbs 5:12–13Titus 2:3-5). No one can do those and other sins for so long without repenting. No one can do those sins as a teacher and not be disqualified. The Spirit would not allow it. Remember, unsaved people are under satan’s jurisdiction as slaves to sin. (Romans 6:1619). They can be entered by him as satan did to Judas or into others by one of his demons.

Secondly and concerningly, Moore wrote in the preface to her book When Godly People do Ungodly Things, a scenario that adds up to possession. She wrote:

“Unbeknownst to me, He’s been writing each chapter on my heart for several years. When the message for this book was complete (in His estimation — not mine!), God compelled me to ink it on paper with a force of the Holy Spirit unparalleled in my experience. He whisked me to the mountains of Wyoming where I entered solitary confinement with Him, and in only a few short weeks, I wrote the last line.”

When someone claims a force entered her and wrote the book without her knowledge or mental consciousness, then forced her to put ink to paper, and then made the editing decision of when the book was finished, sounds like possession. Or Automatic Writing, which amounts to the same thing.

Automatic writing, also called psychography, is a claimed psychic ability allowing a person to produce written words without consciously writing. The words purportedly arise from a subconscious, spiritual, or supernatural source“. (Wikipedia)

It is delusion to say she wrote a book via the Holy Spirit. If she is right that it was the Holy Spirit (it wasn’t) then what He wrote is scripture. (Even the Bible writers weren’t forced, but He used their mind and personality to inspire the writing, not force it). So I personally think that between her long rebellion, increasingly frenetic demeanor, and the presence of the force that compelled her to do things, it is likely that Moore is possessed.

Whether or not you believe so, please read the following about possession. It is real and it happens today. Of course with modern knowledge about the real cases of actual mental disabilities and diseases, we should be careful to separate the medical cases from the spiritual. But the spiritually possessed exist.

In recent news we read that cases of demonic possession are rising. Even though the Catholic Church is a false church, priests ‘trained’ in exorcism have increasingly been sought out to perform their ritual in hopes of ridding the person of the suspected demon.

John MacArthur recounts a case where he and an elder helped a young woman who was obviously and chillingly possessed. Her strength seemed superhuman and exceeded the elder’s, who had been a boxer in the Navy. They gave her the Gospel and she repented. She was immediately calm afterward.

Is demonic possession real?

In the New Testament, Satan and his demons had the power to enter and possess people; this is what the Bible shows happened to Judas (Luke 22:3Luke 8:30–32). Many other people were possessed, too. (Mark 9:17-29Matthew 12:43-45Luke 11:14Acts 16:16-18). The Bible is true. If it records incidences of demon possession, exorcisms, and casting out of demons, it happened.

Does possession happen today? Wasn’t that just in Bible times?

As we learn from the Bible, there is a wicked force of evil spirits in the world called demons. Originally they were created by God as holy angels. Their home was heaven and they served and worshiped God. But through pride and rebellion they became evil. Their leader, Lucifer, became known as Satan the devil, he was able to lead one third of those holy angels in his prideful rebellion.  As a result of their rebellion and pride, they were cast out of heaven by God Himself. They number in the millions. They are eternal. Created by God originally they will live forever. In the future, they will be thrown into a lake of fire where they will be tormented forever. They cannot be redeemed, they cannot be forgiven, nor will they or can they repent. They are forever wicked. They operate in the world today to achieve the purposes of Satan and thwart the purposes of God. They are behind the world’s complex system of evil and they are the dominating powers in the lives of all people who do not belong to God through faith in Jesus Christ. The whole of humanity is in the grip of this force of evil spirits. They are real, they are personal, and they are wicked.


Can a Christian be possessed?

No. Plainly, no. Christians are sealed with the guarantee of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. A demon can’t enter what is sealed and protected by God. If a demon entered a believer where the Holy Spirit dwells, would the Spirit cede His authority to a demon and allow the demon to direct that person into sin? No.

A Christian can certainly be tempted externally by the invisible influence of a demon, but not possessed bodily. GotQuestions explains, “Demon possession involves a demon having complete control over the thoughts and/or actions of a person. (Luke 4:33-35).” (Remember Beth Moore’s experience of being overtaken in thought so that a force could write a book through her). GotQ explains that James 4:7 says for believers to resist the devil, it doesn’t instruct us to cast him out. Ephesians 6:10-18 never gives instructions for the believer in his spiritual warfare to cast out a demon.

We don’t look for satan or one of his minions under every rock. We have been released from bondage and we look to Christ. But we don’t ignore or underemphasize the real danger to the unbeliever for him to be possessed by an evil spirit or the believer to be harassed. Paul was harassed by a demon for years. He thrice asked the Lord to take it away. We know from the Bible that false teachers have entered into the church in order to pollute the doctrines of God and draw believers away. (Galatians 2:4). It stands to reason some of those spies and false teachers are not only under the influence of satan but possessed by one of his demons.

We know and understand that in ongoing warfare among nations, there are sleeper cells that operate secretly waiting for an opportune time try to undermine national security, and there are active double agents who try to do the same. These kinds of activities also exist in spiritual warfare, too. That a teacher such as Beth Moore who we know is false, meaning she is under heavy influence from satan to perpetrate false doctrine among believers, might also be internally possessed, is not impossible to believe. Her words, behavior, long-term falsity and those eyes, tell us the story.

From a covert warfare point of view, what better position to have than to possess a person so firmly planted on the inside? A person with millions of followers, who has become nearly untouchable in terms of criticism and heavy protection from influencers and officers of the faith? He is the most crafty creature in the garden. (Genesis 3:1).

Spiritual warfare includes occasional demonic possession even in this day and age. Christians are hesitant to discuss this fact because it makes us look crazy. Possession is not an everyday occurrence but it exists. We should be aware and we should be forthright about its existence. In John MacArthur’s experience he said when dealing with the young lady who was possessed, we have no authority over the kingdom of darkness. We can’t cast out or drive away or beat a demon at his own game. The Gospel is the authority. The Gospel via the blood of Christ will overcome, in His timing, any demonic activity going on. So effectively, we do the same as we always do. Stand for Christ, give the Gospel, know our Bible, and ask people to repent.

**Updated to delete the Matthew 6:22 verse which even with my explanation I could not make clear my thinking on it. Rather than let it be a stumbling block detracting from the main message, I cut it out. The post was long, anyway, lol. (and to change the ‘plead the blood’ phraseology that people seem to object to. )


Christian researcher

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