
daniel Greenfield Video: The Biden Crime Family Comes Undone~A laptop from hell sets off the downfall of a crooked clan.


SEE: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/10/greenfield-video-biden-crime-family-comes-undone-frontpagemagcom/;

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational & research purposes:

[To get the whole story on the roots of the Left’s malice and what lies behind its war of destruction on free societies, read Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror: CLICK HERE.]

Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram: @JamieGlazov, Parler: @JamieGlazov and Twitter: @JamieGlazov.

This new edition of The Glazov Gang features Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center and editor of The Point at Frontpagemag.com.

Daniel discusses The Biden Crime Family Comes Undone, revealing how a laptop from hell has set off the downfall of a crooked clan.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch Abraham Hamilton, host of The Hamilton Corner for American Family Radio, shed disturbing light on The BLM-Witchcraft-Satanism Connection, where he unveils how a Marxist movement is summoning spirits of the dead to fuel and protect its totalitarian revolution.

Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Instagram: @JamieGlazov, Parler: @JamieGlazov and Twitter: @JamieGlazov.


Christian researcher